Re: [cas-user] Simple MFA to Surrogate bypasses surrogate selection

2023-07-25 Thread Anthony Oslund
Really appreciate the quick responses.

Currently using 
(script contents same as previous message)

Oddly the adminuser+surrogate approach does not work at all.  It won't 
authenticate.  That has not presented much of an issue as we have so many 
potential surrogates that we use the +adminuser/password approach followed 
by the drop down selection of the surrogate.

MFA within our context is in regards to the original +adminuser, not in 
regards to MFA for the surrogate themselves ( so intent is for MFA to 
occur and then surrogate selection).

Correct in assuming that the what appears to be the failure is the bypass 
of the surrogate drop down selection when using the +adminuser approach if 
the groovy script returns "mfa-simple".  If the groovy script returns null 
then surrogate drop down selection works correctly with +adminuser/password.

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 3:49:50 PM UTC-5 John wrote:

> We use mfa-simple for database auths as well, which groovy mfa are you 
> using? cas.authn.mfa.core.provider-selector-groovy-script OR 
> cas.authn.mfa.groovy-script 
> which is what we use,
> On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 3:41:02 PM UTC-5 Ray Bon wrote:
>> Anthony,
>> Does surrogate+username / password approach work, or is it only the 
>> surrogate selection that does not work?
>> If I use surrogate+ with a service that requires MFA, it goes through the 
>> mfa flow for username and then to service as surrogate. But I do not have 
>> any groovy scripts running.
>> Ray
>> On Tue, 2023-07-25 at 10:31 -0700, Anthony Oslund wrote:
>> Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria 
>> email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.
>> Start by stating current deployment uses 6.6.6 with DBMS authentication, 
>> not LDAP.
>> Deployment uses the groovy approach for triggering simple MFA.  
>> Based on much testing and researching of this archive determined that if 
>> simple MFA is activated through groovy script that CAS will bypass 
>> surrogate selection.  From researching this archive others have run into 
>> the same limitation (at least for 6.6.6 and earlier, not sure about later 
>> versions).
>> For surrogate logging in using the +username / pass approach and then 
>> selecting surrogate from drop down.
>> Surrogate process functions correctly, but only if MFA not selected by 
>> the groovy script.  This is true even if MFA not required in that exact 
>> login instance, having been satisfied by recent/previous login/MFA.  For 
>> example, groovy script determines that MFA is required for +username... 
>> system examines recent MFA cache... regardless if MFA required/not required 
>> at this moment surrogate process bypassed and authenticated/released 
>> parameters are for original +username.
>> Current deployment's security requirements restrict surrogate to internal 
>> use only, while only requiring MFA externally so at this time not an issue 
>> as both MFA and surrogate are working within their separate 
>> external/internal scopes.  Future requirements may likely require MFA 
>> internally as well, which with current deployment would conflict with 
>> internal scope surrogate process.
>> Looking at attached groovy scripts from other posts it appears they are 
>> potentially using other MFA ("mfa-gauth", "mfa-webauthn").  Perhaps issue 
>> with our deployment is a default web flow issue specific to simple MFA.
>> Simple MFA currently works in all instances, but does not flow to 
>> surrogate.  If groovy script below returns null for MFA then flow to 
>> surrogate selection works as intended.
>> import java.util.*
>> class SampleGroovyProviderSelection {
>> def String run(final Object... args) {
>> def service = args[0]
>> def authentication = args[2]
>> def request = args[3]
>> def logger = args[4]
>> def mfa = null
>> def email = authentication.principal.attributes['email']
>> def phone = authentication.principal.attributes['phone']
>> def mfaMode = authentication.principal.attributes['mfa_mode']
>>'Groovy script for mfa')
>> /* 
>>If user lacks both email and phone then bypass MFA 
>>If plan is to prevent the user from authenticating if
>>they cannot use MFA, that should be handled further upstream
>>through the DBMS view.  It can simply prevent them from
>>ever authenticating (if that is the desired outcome), in 
>>which case they will never even get to this point
>> */
>> if (mfaMode && (email || phone)) {
>>   if (mfaMode.contains("Y")) {
>>  mfa = ["mfa-simple"]
>>   }

[cas-user] MFA expiration with couchDb

2023-07-25 Thread Anthony Oslund
CAS 6.6.6

Have Simple MFA expiration working in production with couchDb, but had 
noticed an issue.

No matter how configured, the expiration of the MFA couchDb record is 
always written at 100 years from record creation date.

Only work around I could find for this was to add a "by_not_processed " 
view to couchDb that finds newly created MFA cache entries in order modify 
them with a nightly process to the correct the expiration (to for instance 
7 days out).  This does work very nicely in conjunction with multi-device 

Either the timed CAS cleanup, or querying the expired record will cause it 
to be removed which then triggers the need for the user to re-MFA.

Sharing the following in case others run into this issue, and in the case 
they also discover the auto-create is not working with couchDb MFA caching.

Added the by_not_processed view, as well as the index (2nd definition)

Combed through every setting I could find from both the documents and the 
master property lists.  Nothing seemed to affect the expiration.  Perhaps I 
missed a setting, or there is an undocumented setting, or a problem crept 
in.  In any case this is a functional work around.

  "_id": "_design/CouchDbMultifactorAuthenticationTrustRecord",
  "_rev": "10-f5c3b2d1d2d76830b88fe50965fbbd0c",
  "views": {
"all": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.recordKey && doc.principal && 
doc.deviceFingerprint && doc.recordDate) { emit(doc._id, doc) } }"
"by_recordKey": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.principal && doc.deviceFingerprint && 
doc.recordDate) { emit(doc.recordKey, doc) } }"
"by_recordDate": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.principal && doc.deviceFingerprint && 
doc.recordDate) { emit(doc.recordDate, doc) } }"
"by_expirationDate": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.principal && doc.deviceFingerprint && 
doc.expirationDate) { emit(doc.expirationDate, doc) } }"
"by_principal": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.principal && doc.deviceFingerprint && 
doc.recordDate) { emit(doc.principal, doc) } }"
"by_id": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.principal && doc.deviceFingerprint && 
doc.recordDate) { emit(, doc) } }"
"by_principal_date": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.recordKey && doc.principal && 
doc.deviceFingerprint && doc.recordDate) { emit([doc.principal, 
doc.recordDate], doc) } }"
"by_all": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.recordKey) { emit([doc.recordKey], 
doc) } }"
"by_not_processed": {
  "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.recordKey && !doc.processed) { 
emit([doc.recordKey], doc) } }"
  "lists": {},
  "shows": {},
  "language": "javascript",
  "filters": {}

  "_id": "_design/531fa4a2dcce623b3bf528d83ef5a85e0cafffe4",
  "_rev": "3-14798c189251a398d868ae55b8ea2e33",
  "language": "query",
  "views": {
"processed-json-index": {
  "map": {
"fields": {
  "processed": "asc"
"partial_filter_selector": {}
  "reduce": "_count",
  "options": {
"def": {
  "fields": [

In batch java job have something like the following to update the 
expiration date.

List mfaList = 

if ((mfaList != null) && (mfaList.size() > 0)) {

  for (CasMfaCache mfa : mfaList) {

  sample recordDate, and expirationDates with expected format in 

  "recordDate": "2023-06-17T19:49:39Z",
  "expirationDate": "2123-06-17T19:49:39.000+00:00"

LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse(mfa.getRecordDate().substring(0, 
10), dateFormatter).plusDays(expireInXDays);
String expirationDate = ld.format(dateFormatter) + 
mfa.getRecordDate().substring(10, 19) + ".000+00:00";




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[cas-user] Re: Errors when Upgrading from 6.4 to 6.5

2023-07-25 Thread Pablo Vidaurri
Try adding to your build.gradle ... 

implementation "org.springframework:spring-context-indexer:5.3.28"
annotationProcessor "org.springframework:spring-context-indexer:5.3.28"

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 3:20:45 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> When I upgrade CAS from 6.4 to 6.5 I am getting the error:
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | ***
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | APPLICATION FAILED TO START
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | ***
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Description:
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Parameter 0 of method 
> defaultCasWebflowAuthenticationExceptionHandler in 
> org.apereo.cas.web.flow.config.CasCoreWebflowConfiguration$CasCoreWebflowExceptionHandlingConfiguration
> required a bean of type 
> 'org.apereo.cas.web.flow.authentication.CasWebflowExceptionCatalog' that 
> could not be found.
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Action:
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Consider defining a bean of type 
> 'org.apereo.cas.web.flow.authentication.CasWebflowExceptionCatalog' in your 
> configuration.
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | >
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | 25-Jul-2023 18:30:42.347 SEVERE [main] 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Error deploying web 
> application directory [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/cas]
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |java.lang.IllegalStateException: 
> Error starting child
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig$
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> java.base/
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> java.base/java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectories(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.fireLifecycleEvent(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setStateInternal(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setState(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.startInternal(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> java.base/
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> java.base/java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(
> cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(
> cas_6x_overlay

Re: [cas-user] Simple MFA to Surrogate bypasses surrogate selection

2023-07-25 Thread John
We use mfa-simple for database auths as well, which groovy mfa are you 
using? cas.authn.mfa.core.provider-selector-groovy-script OR 
which is what we use,

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 3:41:02 PM UTC-5 Ray Bon wrote:

> Anthony,
> Does surrogate+username / password approach work, or is it only the 
> surrogate selection that does not work?
> If I use surrogate+ with a service that requires MFA, it goes through the 
> mfa flow for username and then to service as surrogate. But I do not have 
> any groovy scripts running.
> Ray
> On Tue, 2023-07-25 at 10:31 -0700, Anthony Oslund wrote:
> Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria 
> email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.
> Start by stating current deployment uses 6.6.6 with DBMS authentication, 
> not LDAP.
> Deployment uses the groovy approach for triggering simple MFA.  
> Based on much testing and researching of this archive determined that if 
> simple MFA is activated through groovy script that CAS will bypass 
> surrogate selection.  From researching this archive others have run into 
> the same limitation (at least for 6.6.6 and earlier, not sure about later 
> versions).
> For surrogate logging in using the +username / pass approach and then 
> selecting surrogate from drop down.
> Surrogate process functions correctly, but only if MFA not selected by the 
> groovy script.  This is true even if MFA not required in that exact login 
> instance, having been satisfied by recent/previous login/MFA.  For example, 
> groovy script determines that MFA is required for +username... system 
> examines recent MFA cache... regardless if MFA required/not required at 
> this moment surrogate process bypassed and authenticated/released 
> parameters are for original +username.
> Current deployment's security requirements restrict surrogate to internal 
> use only, while only requiring MFA externally so at this time not an issue 
> as both MFA and surrogate are working within their separate 
> external/internal scopes.  Future requirements may likely require MFA 
> internally as well, which with current deployment would conflict with 
> internal scope surrogate process.
> Looking at attached groovy scripts from other posts it appears they are 
> potentially using other MFA ("mfa-gauth", "mfa-webauthn").  Perhaps issue 
> with our deployment is a default web flow issue specific to simple MFA.
> Simple MFA currently works in all instances, but does not flow to 
> surrogate.  If groovy script below returns null for MFA then flow to 
> surrogate selection works as intended.
> import java.util.*
> class SampleGroovyProviderSelection {
> def String run(final Object... args) {
> def service = args[0]
> def authentication = args[2]
> def request = args[3]
> def logger = args[4]
> def mfa = null
> def email = authentication.principal.attributes['email']
> def phone = authentication.principal.attributes['phone']
> def mfaMode = authentication.principal.attributes['mfa_mode']
>'Groovy script for mfa')
> /* 
>If user lacks both email and phone then bypass MFA 
>If plan is to prevent the user from authenticating if
>they cannot use MFA, that should be handled further upstream
>through the DBMS view.  It can simply prevent them from
>ever authenticating (if that is the desired outcome), in 
>which case they will never even get to this point
> */
> if (mfaMode && (email || phone)) {
>   if (mfaMode.contains("Y")) {
>  mfa = ["mfa-simple"]
>   }
> }
> return mfa
> }
> }

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Re: [cas-user] Simple MFA to Surrogate bypasses surrogate selection

2023-07-25 Thread Ray Bon

Does surrogate+username / password approach work, or is it only the surrogate 
selection that does not work?

If I use surrogate+ with a service that requires MFA, it goes through the mfa 
flow for username and then to service as surrogate. But I do not have any 
groovy scripts running.


On Tue, 2023-07-25 at 10:31 -0700, Anthony Oslund wrote:
Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email 
system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.

Start by stating current deployment uses 6.6.6 with DBMS authentication, not 

Deployment uses the groovy approach for triggering simple MFA.

Based on much testing and researching of this archive determined that if simple 
MFA is activated through groovy script that CAS will bypass surrogate 
selection.  From researching this archive others have run into the same 
limitation (at least for 6.6.6 and earlier, not sure about later versions).

For surrogate logging in using the +username / pass approach and then selecting 
surrogate from drop down.

Surrogate process functions correctly, but only if MFA not selected by the 
groovy script.  This is true even if MFA not required in that exact login 
instance, having been satisfied by recent/previous login/MFA.  For example, 
groovy script determines that MFA is required for +username... system examines 
recent MFA cache... regardless if MFA required/not required at this moment 
surrogate process bypassed and authenticated/released parameters are for 
original +username.

Current deployment's security requirements restrict surrogate to internal use 
only, while only requiring MFA externally so at this time not an issue as both 
MFA and surrogate are working within their separate external/internal scopes.  
Future requirements may likely require MFA internally as well, which with 
current deployment would conflict with internal scope surrogate process.

Looking at attached groovy scripts from other posts it appears they are 
potentially using other MFA ("mfa-gauth", "mfa-webauthn").  Perhaps issue with 
our deployment is a default web flow issue specific to simple MFA.

Simple MFA currently works in all instances, but does not flow to surrogate.  
If groovy script below returns null for MFA then flow to surrogate selection 
works as intended.

import java.util.*

class SampleGroovyProviderSelection {

def String run(final Object... args) {
def service = args[0]
def authentication = args[2]
def request = args[3]
def logger = args[4]

def mfa = null

def email = authentication.principal.attributes['email']
def phone = authentication.principal.attributes['phone']
def mfaMode = authentication.principal.attributes['mfa_mode']'Groovy script for mfa')

   If user lacks both email and phone then bypass MFA

   If plan is to prevent the user from authenticating if
   they cannot use MFA, that should be handled further upstream
   through the DBMS view.  It can simply prevent them from
   ever authenticating (if that is the desired outcome), in
   which case they will never even get to this point
if (mfaMode && (email || phone)) {
  if (mfaMode.contains("Y")) {
 mfa = ["mfa-simple"]
return mfa

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[cas-user] Errors when Upgrading from 6.4 to 6.5

2023-07-25 Thread Neil Bhadsavle
When I upgrade CAS from 6.4 to 6.5 I am getting the error:

cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | ***
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | APPLICATION FAILED TO START
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | ***
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Description:
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Parameter 0 of method 
defaultCasWebflowAuthenticationExceptionHandler in 
required a bean of type 
'org.apereo.cas.web.flow.authentication.CasWebflowExceptionCatalog' that 
could not be found.
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Action:
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | Consider defining a bean of type 
'org.apereo.cas.web.flow.authentication.CasWebflowExceptionCatalog' in your 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | >
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  | 25-Jul-2023 18:30:42.347 SEVERE [main] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Error deploying web 
application directory [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/cas]
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |java.lang.IllegalStateException: 
Error starting child
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |at 
cas_6x_overlay-casuseradmin-1  |  

[cas-user] Simple MFA to Surrogate bypasses surrogate selection

2023-07-25 Thread Anthony Oslund
Start by stating current deployment uses 6.6.6 with DBMS authentication, 
not LDAP.

Deployment uses the groovy approach for triggering simple MFA.  

Based on much testing and researching of this archive determined that if 
simple MFA is activated through groovy script that CAS will bypass 
surrogate selection.  From researching this archive others have run into 
the same limitation (at least for 6.6.6 and earlier, not sure about later 

For surrogate logging in using the +username / pass approach and then 
selecting surrogate from drop down. 

Surrogate process functions correctly, but only if MFA not selected by the 
groovy script.  This is true even if MFA not required in that exact login 
instance, having been satisfied by recent/previous login/MFA.  For example, 
groovy script determines that MFA is required for +username... system 
examines recent MFA cache... regardless if MFA required/not required at 
this moment surrogate process bypassed and authenticated/released 
parameters are for original +username.

Current deployment's security requirements restrict surrogate to internal 
use only, while only requiring MFA externally so at this time not an issue 
as both MFA and surrogate are working within their separate 
external/internal scopes.  Future requirements may likely require MFA 
internally as well, which with current deployment would conflict with 
internal scope surrogate process. 

Looking at attached groovy scripts from other posts it appears they are 
potentially using other MFA ("mfa-gauth", "mfa-webauthn").  Perhaps issue 
with our deployment is a default web flow issue specific to simple MFA.

Simple MFA currently works in all instances, but does not flow to 
surrogate.  If groovy script below returns null for MFA then flow to 
surrogate selection works as intended.

import java.util.*
class SampleGroovyProviderSelection {

def String run(final Object... args) {
def service = args[0]
def authentication = args[2]
def request = args[3]
def logger = args[4]

def mfa = null

def email = authentication.principal.attributes['email']
def phone = authentication.principal.attributes['phone']
def mfaMode = authentication.principal.attributes['mfa_mode']'Groovy script for mfa')

   If user lacks both email and phone then bypass MFA 
   If plan is to prevent the user from authenticating if
   they cannot use MFA, that should be handled further upstream
   through the DBMS view.  It can simply prevent them from
   ever authenticating (if that is the desired outcome), in 
   which case they will never even get to this point
if (mfaMode && (email || phone)) {
  if (mfaMode.contains("Y")) {
 mfa = ["mfa-simple"]
return mfa

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "CAS 
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Re: ~Re: [cas-user] [CAS 6.6.8] Custom MFA triggers

2023-07-25 Thread John
Maybe Misagh could put in his thoughts on this, but I would argue the 
opposite is more true in fact, having custom java code and having to 
register, etc.. rely's on way MORE base code in cas then the groovy 
methods. If you take a look at the way groovy scripts are written in cas it 
is mainly a simple execute groovy method passing the parameters and just 
reading the results. That code itself doesn't change much, we had thousands 
of lines of custom java code before the 6.x days, for all kinds of things. 
Now we maintain 2 individual java class files and working to get those 
changes pushed into cas, just need to write the test cases and scenarios.

One of the benefits to using groovy is the no compile time, they don't need 
to be compiled with your overlay! most if not all groovy scripts are 
reloaded on demand, when changed and take affect immediately with no 
restarts which makes a huge difference.

Not sure why the other posters simple-mfa wouldnt work but works no problem 
for us, it could be the trigger type being used, there is the 
and what we use,  cas.authn.mfa.groovy-script and we have some 
vendors/external services that use database auth and mfa is fine, we also 
use surrogate and in our groovy we have parts written to either 
bypass/force for surrogate situations.

We have been using CAS since the 3.x days and when groovy webflow came 
along, it was a blessing!! It is s much easier to maintain then custom 
java code. See the attached, this is one of about 4 different flow 
modifiers, using the "properties" in a service definition, we utilize this 
flow to inject custom post fields for services that require a POST response 
instead of REDIRECT.

I think, in my opinion, groovy is way more sustainable to maintain then the 


On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 7:18:07 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply.
> From what I have read in the recommendations in the docs, scripting is ok 
> but coding is better and more sustainable (build time vs run time I guess).
> So I am trying to understand how to implement something like what is 
> described here : 
> But so far I don't even know where to put the code, how to even have a 
> single debug log line.
> Thanks for this example (I think I saw it a couple of monthes ago),if will 
> follow this way if it's the right one too.
> But I can't forget I have to replicate an old "login-webflow.xml", which 
> seems to be done programmatically only in current version.
> Regards
> Le 21-Jul-2023 20:00:53 +0200, a écrit:
> This may provide some direction 
> There may be other posts on this site that can help.
> Ray
> On Fri, 2023-07-21 at 08:49 +0200, via CAS Community wrote:
> Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria 
> email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.
> Hi,
> I would like to implement some conditional MFA scenarios (using a 
> different provider depending on the network is the first one), but reading
> does not provide a lot of help.
> Is there some code snippet available somewhere I could use as an example ?
> Regards
> --
> FreeMail powered by 
> --
> FreeMail powered by 

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if (webflow.containsFlowState(loginFlow, 
logger.debug("Webflow: Found state that modifys the 

def state = webflow.getState(loginFlow, 
CasWebflowConstants.STATE_ID_GENERATE_SERVICE_TICKET, ActionState.class)
logger.debug("Webflow: State id is {}",;

state.getExitActionList().add({ requestContext ->
def flowScope = requestContext.flowScope
def httpRequest = 
def requestScope = requestContext.getRequestScope();
def authentication = WebUtils.getAuthentication(requestContext) as 
def principal = authentication.getPrincipal() as Princ

Re: [cas-user] [CAS 6.6.8] Custom MFA triggers

2023-07-25 Thread via CAS Community
Hi, Thansk for your file, I will have a look at it. And I think I will have to 
study the whole code in fact, I don't know who is triggering what and how for 
now. Regards 

Le 21-Jul-2023 20:33:38 +0200, a crit: 
 This is slimmed down using the groovy script trigger, 
cas.authn.mfa.groovy-script.location from here,
 . I left in the bits pertaining basically to your case, gets the clients ip 
address and compares against a cidr list using springs IpAddressMatcher 
function. There is a little more in it, we also modified the groovy trigger to 
accept an array, and not just mfa-composite. If you want to see the change, its 
a single file change, easy. Just need to get it better and submit pull request. 

  On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 1:58:27 AM UTC-5 wrote: 
 Hi, I would like to implement some conditional MFA scenarios (using a 
different provider depending on the network is the first one), but reading
 does not provide a lot of help. Is there some code snippet available somewhere 
I could use as an example ? Regards 

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~Re: [cas-user] [CAS 6.6.8] Custom MFA triggers

2023-07-25 Thread via CAS Community
Hi, Thanks for your reply. From what I have read in the recommendations in the 
docs, scripting is ok but coding is better and more sustainable (build time vs 
run time I guess). So I am trying to understand how to implement something like 
what is described here :
 But so far I don't even know where to put the code, how to even have a single 
debug log line. Thanks for this example (I think I saw it a couple of monthes 
ago),if will follow this way if it's the right one too. But I can't forget I 
have to replicate an old "login-webflow.xml", which seems to be done 
programmatically only in current version. Regards 

Le 21-Jul-2023 20:00:53 +0200, a crit: 
 This may provide some direction There may be other posts on 
this site that can help.   Ray   On Fri, 2023-07-21 at 08:49 +0200, 
via CAS Community wrote: 
 Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email 
system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.Hi, I would 
like to implement some conditional MFA scenarios (using a different provider 
depending on the network is the first one), but 
 does not provide a lot of help. Is there some code snippet available somewhere 
I could use as an example ? Regards 

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Re: [cas-user] [CAS 6.6.8] Custom MFA triggers

2023-07-25 Thread via CAS Community
Hi, Thanks for your answer. So far we don't rely on surrogate, just using a 
simple LDAP backend. But it's nice to now there are some constraints and 
bypasses. Yes, injecting some parameters to make service names more dynamic is 
a good idea. Regards 

Le 22-Jul-2023 06:34:41 +0200, a crit: 

Recently deployed a solution that segregates traffic originating externally 
versus internally. The deployment is also using MFA. 

In this case authenticating name/pass against DBMS.  

External/Internal each handled by its own service with a different pool of 
users allowed to authenticate for each service. Each pool has an extra property 
that denotes "internal" vs "external". Possible to examine this internal vs 
external property within groovy script to trigger use of different MFA 
providers, or in our case to only trigger it for external.   

Found 2 workable solutions for segregating external vs external traffic in 
regards to services. Both make use of regex in relation to the service id. This 
is a relatively straightforward setup if using distinct domains for internal vs 
external traffic. Also possible (but more difficult) with single domain name 
using proxy pre-detection of internal vs external traffic and embedding extra 
parameter for external (public) traffic within service parameter In either 
case, External vs Internal service is selected based on serviceid regex 
approach. Both are possible, but due to legacy requirements we used the second 
option. Def recommend the first option if that is a fit for your environment. 
Much more straightforward. 

Note that if also planning on using simple DBMS surrogate that it is not 
compatible with simple MFA. Activation of simple MFA through groovy will not 
chain to surrogate process and will currently bypass surrogate process. For our 
purposes use MFA externally and only allow surrogates internally so was not an 

Went the route above for MFA, rather than detecting internal/external in groovy 
MFA script, as needed to apply internal/external concept to areas other than 
just MFA. 


FROM:  on behalf of John 
DATE: Friday, July 21, 2023 at 1:34 PM
TO: CAS Community 
SUBJECT: [cas-user] Re: [CAS 6.6.8] Custom MFA triggers  

EXTERNAL SENDER - This email is coming from an external sender outside of 

This is slimmed down using the groovy script trigger, 
cas.authn.mfa.groovy-script.location from here,
 . I left in the bits pertaining basically to your case, gets the clients ip 
address and compares against a cidr list using springs IpAddressMatcher 
function. There is a little more in it, we also modified the groovy trigger to 
accept an array, and not just mfa-composite. If you want to see the change, its 
a single file change, easy. Just need to get it better and submit pull request. 

On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 1:58:27 AM UTC-5 wrote:  


I would like to implement some conditional MFA scenarios (using a different 
provider depending on the network is the first one), but reading
 does not provide a lot of help.   

Is there some code snippet available somewhere I could use as an example ?   



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[cas-user] TicketRegistryCleaner Exception - CAS 7.0.0-RC6

2023-07-25 Thread 'Char Lin' via CAS Community
Hi, all.

I used the delegation identity provider whit github, it run ok, and 
authorized my account in cas success. 

But the console log occured a problem as below(tikets registry into redis)

2023-07-25 16:30:00,815 ERROR 
[org.apereo.cas.util.serialization.AbstractJacksonBackedStringSerializer] - 
2023-07-25 16:30:00,815 ERROR 
[org.apereo.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistryCleaner] - 

How to fix it , although it doesn't seem to have much impact so far.

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