Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-26 Thread Boris Shulman
What will be the implications of the fact that cassandra can't keep up
with the write? Will the memtables be queued in memory until they are

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 Are you swapping?

 otherwise there's something wrong w/ your vm (?), disk i/o doesn't
 block incoming writes in cassandra

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 I don't think it is gc related issue. There is no correlation between
 gc times and the freeze times. More over I don't see any gc activity
 that lasts for omre than o.03 sec. But there is a correlation between
 disk flushing operations. I've noticed that the system freezes each
 time when my commit log reaches 1.1G. I have 1024M memtable size so I
 assume this is when the data flushing occurs.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 Then you should check GC timing with -Xverbose:gc option (see: for how to modify
 jvm options) for a correlation.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 In these tests I perform only write operations, no reads.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 The only kind of freeze that makes sense there is your reads are i/o
 bound and the extra disk activity is killing you.  In that case the
 fix is to add more RAM, or give less to the JVM so the OS can use more
 for buffer cache.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 In my case the cassandra node freezes while memtable flush operation
 is performed or compactation operation is performed. How can I
 optimize the cassandra configuration in order to avoid this behavior?
 I've tried both using large memtable size (1G) and small (128M) but in
 every case I have some sort of freezes when the data is flushed to the

 Please advice.

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-25 Thread Jonathan Ellis
The only kind of freeze that makes sense there is your reads are i/o
bound and the extra disk activity is killing you.  In that case the
fix is to add more RAM, or give less to the JVM so the OS can use more
for buffer cache.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 In my case the cassandra node freezes while memtable flush operation
 is performed or compactation operation is performed. How can I
 optimize the cassandra configuration in order to avoid this behavior?
 I've tried both using large memtable size (1G) and small (128M) but in
 every case I have some sort of freezes when the data is flushed to the

 Please advice.

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-25 Thread Jonathan Ellis
Then you should check GC timing with -Xverbose:gc option (see: for how to modify
jvm options) for a correlation.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 In these tests I perform only write operations, no reads.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 The only kind of freeze that makes sense there is your reads are i/o
 bound and the extra disk activity is killing you.  In that case the
 fix is to add more RAM, or give less to the JVM so the OS can use more
 for buffer cache.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 In my case the cassandra node freezes while memtable flush operation
 is performed or compactation operation is performed. How can I
 optimize the cassandra configuration in order to avoid this behavior?
 I've tried both using large memtable size (1G) and small (128M) but in
 every case I have some sort of freezes when the data is flushed to the

 Please advice.

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-25 Thread Boris Shulman
I don't think it is gc related issue. There is no correlation between
gc times and the freeze times. More over I don't see any gc activity
that lasts for omre than o.03 sec. But there is a correlation between
disk flushing operations. I've noticed that the system freezes each
time when my commit log reaches 1.1G. I have 1024M memtable size so I
assume this is when the data flushing occurs.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 Then you should check GC timing with -Xverbose:gc option (see: for how to modify
 jvm options) for a correlation.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 In these tests I perform only write operations, no reads.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 The only kind of freeze that makes sense there is your reads are i/o
 bound and the extra disk activity is killing you.  In that case the
 fix is to add more RAM, or give less to the JVM so the OS can use more
 for buffer cache.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 In my case the cassandra node freezes while memtable flush operation
 is performed or compactation operation is performed. How can I
 optimize the cassandra configuration in order to avoid this behavior?
 I've tried both using large memtable size (1G) and small (128M) but in
 every case I have some sort of freezes when the data is flushed to the

 Please advice.

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-25 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 08:56:25 -0600 Jonathan Ellis wrote: 

JE Are you swapping?

JE otherwise there's something wrong w/ your vm (?), disk i/o doesn't
JE block incoming writes in cassandra

If the user has enough memory, can tmpfs (/tmp for example) be used for
the data and commitlog to produce results without disk I/O (so it can be
determined if disk I/O is the problem)?  I've done this with other
applications but don't know if it would work with Cassandra.


Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-24 Thread Jonathan Ellis
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Santal Li wrote:
 BTW: Somebody in my team told me, that if the cassandra managed data was too
 huge( 15x than heap space) , will cause performance issues, is this true?

It really has more to do with what your hot data set is, than absolute size.

Once any system becomes i/o bound because the hot set can't be cached
in os buffers, you're going to be in trouble, there's nothing magic
about that. :)


Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-20 Thread Simon Smith
I'm still in the experimentation stage so perhaps forgive this hypothetical
question/idea.  I am planning to load balance by putting haproxy in front of
the cassandra cluster.  First of all, is that a bad idea?

Secondly, if I have high enough replication and # of nodes, is it possible
and a good idea to proactively cause GCing to happen?  (I.e. take a node out
of the haproxy LB pool, somehow cause it to gc, and then put the node back
in... repeat at intervals for each node?)

Simon Smith

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-20 Thread Jonathan Ellis
haproxy should be fine.

normal GCs aren't a problem, you don't need to worry about that.  what
is a problem is when you shove more requests into cassandra than it
can handle, so it tries to GC to get enough memory to handle that,
then you shove even more requests, so it GC's again, and it spirals
out of control and freezes. will address this
by not allowing more requests than it can handle.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Simon Smith wrote:
 I'm still in the experimentation stage so perhaps forgive this hypothetical
 question/idea.  I am planning to load balance by putting haproxy in front of
 the cassandra cluster.  First of all, is that a bad idea?

 Secondly, if I have high enough replication and # of nodes, is it possible
 and a good idea to proactively cause GCing to happen?  (I.e. take a node out
 of the haproxy LB pool, somehow cause it to gc, and then put the node back
 in... repeat at intervals for each node?)

 Simon Smith

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-20 Thread Tatu Saloranta
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Santal Li wrote:
 I meet almost same thing as you. When I do some benchmarks write test, some
 times one Cassandra will freeze and other node will consider it was shutdown
 and up after 30+ second. I am using 5 node, each node 8G mem for java heap.

 From my investigate, it was caused by GC thread, because I start the
 JConsole and monitor with the memory heap usage, each time when the GC
 happend, heap usage will drop down from 6G to 1G, and check the casandra
 log, I found the freeze happend at exactly same times.

With such a big heap, old generation GCs can definitely take a while.
With just 1.5 gig heap, and with somewhat efficient parallel
collection (on multi-core machine), we had trouble keeping collections
below 5 seconds. But this depends a lot on survival ratio -- less
garbage there is (and more live objects), slower things are. And
relationship is super-linear too, so processing 6 gig (or whatever
part of that is old generation space) can take a long time.

It is certainly worth keeping in mind that more memory generally means
longer gc collection time.

But Jonathan is probably right in that this alone would not cause
appearance of freeze -- rather, overload of GC blocking processing AND
accumulation of new requests sounds more plausible.
It is still good to consider both parts of the puzzle; preventing
overflow that can turn bad situation into catastrophe, and trying to
reduce impact of GC.

 So I think when using huge memory(2G), maybe need using some different GC
 stratege other than the default one provide by Cassandra lunch script.
 Dose't anyone meet this situation, can you please provide some guide?

There are many ways to change GC settings, and specifically trying to
reduce impact of old gen collections (young generation ones are less
often problematic, although they can be tuned as well).
Often there is a trade-off between frequency and impact of GC: to
simplify, less often you configure it to occur (like increase heap),
more impact it usually has when it does occur.
Concurrent collectors (like traditional CMS) are good for steady
state, and can keep oldgen GC from occuring maybe for hours (doing
incremental concurrent partial collections). But can also lead to
GC-from-hell when it must do full GC (since it's stop-the-world) kind.

There is tons of information on how to deal with GC settings, but
unfortunately it is bit of black arts and very dependant on your
specific use case. There being dozens (more than a hundred I think)
different switches makes it actually trickier, since you also need to
learn which ones matter, and in what combinations.

One somewhat counter-intuitive suggestion is to reduce size of heap at
least with respect to caching. So mostly try to just keep live working
set in memory, and not do caching inside Java process. Operating
systems are pretty good at caching disk pages; and if storage engine
is out of process (like native BDB), this can significantly reduce GC.
In-process caches can be really bad for GC activity, because their
contents are potentially long-living, yet relatively transient (that
is, neither mostly live, nor mostly garbage, making GC optimizer try
in vain to compact things).
But once again, this may or may not help, and needs to be experimented with.

Not sure if above helps, but I hope it gives at least some ideas,

-+ Tatu +-

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ellis
are you using the old deb package?  because that had broken gc settings.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:40 PM, Santal Li wrote:
 I meet almost same thing as you. When I do some benchmarks write test, some
 times one Cassandra will freeze and other node will consider it was shutdown
 and up after 30+ second. I am using 5 node, each node 8G mem for java heap.

 From my investigate, it was caused by GC thread, because I start the
 JConsole and monitor with the memory heap usage, each time when the GC
 happend, heap usage will drop down from 6G to 1G, and check the casandra
 log, I found the freeze happend at exactly same times.

 So I think when using huge memory(2G), maybe need using some different GC
 stratege other than the default one provide by Cassandra lunch script.
 Dose't anyone meet this situation, can you please provide some guide?


 2010/2/17 Tatu Saloranta

 On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
  Hello, I'm running some benchmarks on 2 cassandra nodes each running
  on 8 cores machine with 16G RAM, 10G for Java heap. I've noticed that
  during benchmarks with numerous writes cassandra just freeze for
  several minutes (in those benchmarks I'm writing batches of 10 columns
  with 1K data each for every key in a single CF). Usually after
  performing 50K writes I'm getting a TimeOutException and cassandra
  just freezes. What configuration changes can I make in order to
  prevent this? Is it possible that my setup just can't handle the load?
  How can I calculate the number of casandra nodes for a desired load?

 One thing that can cause seeming lockups is garbage collector. So
 enabling GC debug output would be heplful, to see GC activity. Some
 collector (CMS specifically) can stop the system for very long time,
 up to minutes. This is not necessarily the root cause, but is easy to
 rule out.
 Beyond this, getting a stack trace during lockup would make sense.
 That can pinpoint what threads are doing, or what they are blocked on
 in case there is a deadlock or heavy contention on some shared

 -+ Tatu +-

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-19 Thread Santal Li
the GC options as bellow:

-ea \
-Xms2G \
-Xmx8G \
-XX:SurvivorRatio=8 \
-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 \
-XX:+AggressiveOpts \
-XX:+UseParNewGC \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled \
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError \
-XX:SurvivorRatio=128 \
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0 \ \ \


2010/2/20 Jonathan Ellis

 are you using the old deb package?  because that had broken gc settings.

 On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:40 PM, Santal Li wrote:
  I meet almost same thing as you. When I do some benchmarks write test,
  times one Cassandra will freeze and other node will consider it was
  and up after 30+ second. I am using 5 node, each node 8G mem for java
  From my investigate, it was caused by GC thread, because I start the
  JConsole and monitor with the memory heap usage, each time when the GC
  happend, heap usage will drop down from 6G to 1G, and check the casandra
  log, I found the freeze happend at exactly same times.
  So I think when using huge memory(2G), maybe need using some different
  stratege other than the default one provide by Cassandra lunch script.
  Dose't anyone meet this situation, can you please provide some guide?
  2010/2/17 Tatu Saloranta
  On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Boris Shulman
   Hello, I'm running some benchmarks on 2 cassandra nodes each running
   on 8 cores machine with 16G RAM, 10G for Java heap. I've noticed that
   during benchmarks with numerous writes cassandra just freeze for
   several minutes (in those benchmarks I'm writing batches of 10 columns
   with 1K data each for every key in a single CF). Usually after
   performing 50K writes I'm getting a TimeOutException and cassandra
   just freezes. What configuration changes can I make in order to
   prevent this? Is it possible that my setup just can't handle the load?
   How can I calculate the number of casandra nodes for a desired load?
  One thing that can cause seeming lockups is garbage collector. So
  enabling GC debug output would be heplful, to see GC activity. Some
  collector (CMS specifically) can stop the system for very long time,
  up to minutes. This is not necessarily the root cause, but is easy to
  rule out.
  Beyond this, getting a stack trace during lockup would make sense.
  That can pinpoint what threads are doing, or what they are blocked on
  in case there is a deadlock or heavy contention on some shared
  -+ Tatu +-

Re: cassandra freezes

2010-02-16 Thread Tatu Saloranta
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Boris Shulman wrote:
 Hello, I'm running some benchmarks on 2 cassandra nodes each running
 on 8 cores machine with 16G RAM, 10G for Java heap. I've noticed that
 during benchmarks with numerous writes cassandra just freeze for
 several minutes (in those benchmarks I'm writing batches of 10 columns
 with 1K data each for every key in a single CF). Usually after
 performing 50K writes I'm getting a TimeOutException and cassandra
 just freezes. What configuration changes can I make in order to
 prevent this? Is it possible that my setup just can't handle the load?
 How can I calculate the number of casandra nodes for a desired load?

One thing that can cause seeming lockups is garbage collector. So
enabling GC debug output would be heplful, to see GC activity. Some
collector (CMS specifically) can stop the system for very long time,
up to minutes. This is not necessarily the root cause, but is easy to
rule out.
Beyond this, getting a stack trace during lockup would make sense.
That can pinpoint what threads are doing, or what they are blocked on
in case there is a deadlock or heavy contention on some shared

-+ Tatu +-