[cayugabirds-l] Barred Owl

2013-04-07 Thread Gary G. Kohlenberg
It was a little breezy last night for owling, but Ann and I decided to 
try and continue a fantastic day of birding into the dark. The first two stops 
on Irish Settlement Rd. didn't produce a single hoot. We drove back on Ellis 
Hollow Creek Road and were surprised by a spontaneously calling Barred Owl out 
over Cascadilla Creek. It was like birding desert; we didn't really need it, 
but it sure was good. 



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[cayugabirds-l] Purple Finch at feeders; and maple-sap popsicles for birds

2013-04-07 Thread Nari Mistry
This morning we were visited by a lone male Purple Finch at our feeders. No 

In early spring, with freezing nights and warm days, we get some large 
maple-sap icicles on one red maple. From our kitchen we get to see the amusing 
spectacle of chickadees & titmouse(s) fluttering, hovering and sipping the 
drips from these popsicles. I should have been smart enough to photograph this 
a few days ago, now the nights are too warm.

Nari Mistry,
Ellis Hollow Rd.

Nari B. Mistry,
Ithaca, New York
For my paintings, see http://www.artbynari.com


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[cayugabirds-l] Sapsucker Woods, Sun 4/7

2013-04-07 Thread Mark Chao
Tilden and I went to the Wilson Trail North in Sapsucker Woods on Sunday,
hoping to find migrants seeking shelter from the wind.  After much patient
effort, we saw three FOX SPARROWS making short dashes across the trail.
Listening for a rising call note helped us to locate these birds.  We also
found three RUSTY BLACKBIRDS (2 M, 1 F) perching together and one TREE
SWALLOW prospecting nest boxes.  


Then on the way home, we saw a wind-driven MERLIN slashing across the sky
above Warren and Uptown Roads, heading northeast.  Maybe this was the same
bird that Meena and her group saw yesterday.


Mark Chao


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[cayugabirds-l] Field Sparrow

2013-04-07 Thread W. Larry Hymes
We had our first of the season FIELD SPARROW at our feeders today.  
Beautiful little bird with its pink bill and bright white eye ring.  
(I've never really taken particular note of the eye ring before.)  Hope 
it sings for us before it moves on.  We also had a single REDPOLL.



W. Larry Hymes
120 Vine Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
(H) 607-277-0759, w...@cornell.edu


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[cayugabirds-l] Pileated nest - FLT

2013-04-07 Thread Geo Kloppel
I happened to see a Pileated Woodpecker enter a neat round hole in a sycamore 
this morning. I sat down and watched from a distance for five or ten minutes, 
to see what might happen. The woodpecker remained inside the entire time, only 
peeping out occasionally. Looks like a nest hole. Nice to catch one so early in 
the season!

The Finger Lakes Trail passes directly under the tree, but of course 
observation is much better from some distance off to the side. Since the tree 
is in a campground in Lower Robert Treman Park, I might as well share 
directions that will permit observation from a distance.

Park in the FLT / Lick Brook/ fishing access parking area on the east side of 
rte 13 along the south bank of Enfield Creek. Follow the FLT west under the 
highway. Fifty yards beyond, the trail reaches the campground lane. Walk west 
on the lane about 100 yards, until you reach campsite #71. Make yourself 
comfortable at the conveniently situated picnic table, and look south across 
the lane into the open woods. At the back, you'll easily spot the sycamore, 
which has an old fissure in its trunk, maybe 16' above the ground, and just a 
short distance above the fissure, the woodpecker hole.


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[cayugabirds-l] Chipper

2013-04-07 Thread Regi Teasley

Just now I saw a Chipping Sparrow eating millet on our patio.
A few moments ago we had a YB Sapsucker on a nearby tree.
Meanwhile, two Robins are working our wood chip path for lunch items.
Happy Spring,

West Hill in city


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[cayugabirds-l] FYO Hermit Thrush

2013-04-07 Thread bob mcguire
The "local" SFO trip this morning ended it's short odyssey with a walk  
through the Renwick Sanctuary, hoping against hope to spot a Great- 
horned Owl. No owl, but we did run across a Hermit Thrush (SE corner)  
as well as two Golden-crowned Kinglets.

Bob McGuire


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[cayugabirds-l] Myers and Stewart: Caspian Tern, Lesser Black-backed Gulls

2013-04-07 Thread Jay McGowan
Livia and I watched from Myers Point for a couple of hours this late
morning. We saw less than we had hoped: no Bonaparte's Gulls or Common
Terns and not many waterfowl moving either. Highlights were a NORTHERN
ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW that stopped by the point briefly, a CASPIAN TERN that
was headed north over the marina after I had all but given up on seeing any
terns, and at least 7 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS. Five of these were adults
that dropped in together in a little flock, and a couple of younger birds
were around as well. Most of the Aythya were off of Ladoga, still lots of
Redhead and Ring-necked Ducks but fewer scaup. We checked Stewart Park as
well around midday and found three NORTHERN SHOVELERS along the shore, as
well as a transitional HORNED GREBE in with scaup and Bufflehead offshore.
Also of note here were at least 8 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS on the red
lighthouse jetty, six approximately adult birds and two that looked like
1st or 2nd cycles. Perhaps these were some of the same ones as at Myers?
Only a couple of the 7+ I had there were there for long, but I couldn't
tell which direction they went, although my impression was north.

Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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[cayugabirds-l] Long Point Lakewatch

2013-04-07 Thread Kenneth V. Rosenberg
Given the weather and the winds I decided to do a Lakewatch from Long Point 
State Par, arriving around 8 am. It was almost too windy to stand and look 
through a scope but I was able to huddle on the lee side of the small 
lighthouse on the point. 

I did have two small groups of BONAPARTE'S GULLS but they were streaming up the 
far shore and almost in invisible in the heat shimmer. Almost nothing else came 
by in 2 hours and like Jay I was disappointed. 3 scattered COMMON LOONS Nd a 
group of 3 male RED BREASTED MERGANSERS. the most tantalizing sighting though 
was distant flock of 5 Cormorants flying fairly high up the middle of the lake. 
All were adults but the lead bird was 30% larger than the rest- both in bulk 
and in wingspan. I had the
 In my scope for about 20 seconds. It it was pretty bouncy and I could not make 
out any white or other field marks. It's hard to see how that wouldn't be a 
Great Cormorant, though. 

Up in the cedars above Long Point I saw a flock of 12 GOLDEN CROWNED KINGLETS 
and a very red FOX SPARROW. 


Sent from my iPhone


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[cayugabirds-l] Treman Osprey nest building

2013-04-07 Thread Gary G. Kohlenberg
I spent some time at Stewart Park and Treman Marina this morning. There wasn't 
anything too unusual. I did see the Northern Shovelers , but missed the Horned 
Grebe Jay saw. I was happy to see the Osprey pair actively adding to their nest 
in Treman Marina. 


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[cayugabirds-l] SFO trip yesterday

2013-04-07 Thread Ann Mitchell
I forgot to mention a highlight. At Mudlock, we looked at the eagle's nest. I 
noticed the adult standing on the side of the nest looking down. Soon two fuzzy 
heads appeared!
Good birding,

Ann Mitchell
Sent from my IPhone

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[cayugabirds-l] CBC field trip today

2013-04-07 Thread Paul Anderson
I led a group of four on a Cayuga Bird Club field trip today: Caroline, 
Judy, Lee-Ann and Becky. Given the very strong South winds, I was 
hopeful that something interesting had arrived, but no luck. The 
starlings in the trees teased us with their imitations of Meadowlarks, 
Towhees and Red-tailed Hawks, but there were few real birds of interest 
among those trees other than an Eastern Phoebe. Looking out on the lake 
we saw the usual three gulls, Mallards, Common Mergansers, Bufflehead, 
Canada Geese, and a single Common Loon. To the East were flocks of 
Coots, Scaup (both), three Ruddy Ducks. If there had been Shovelers and 
Lesser Black-backed Gulls around then, I think we would have found them, 
so they must have arrived later. An adult Bald Eagle flew over as we 
were scoping, a female Belted Kingfisher strafed the surface, and a few 
Tree Swallows flew around the mouth of the inlet. Further in the inlet 
were Wood Ducks, more Bufflehead, more Common Mergansers, several Hooded 
Mergansers, and a Pied-billed Grebe.

We then headed into Renwick in the hope of finding the Great-horned Owl. 
No luck. There were many more Wood Ducks though, at one point a flock of 
about eight males flew over above the treetops. We found a female 
perched high in a tree.

The possibility of Bohemian Waxwings was too good to pass up, so we then 
headed to Drake Road. No luck on those, but we did add a few more 
species: Red-bellied Woodpecker, and Flicker.

We then stopped at Myers, and picked up three Killdeer, a small flock of 
Redhead and another Common Loon.

Finally we went to Sapsucker Woods, starting with the field beyond the 
far parking lot. There we found about half a dozen Golden-crowned 
Kinglets that were very cooperative. A single American Tree Sparrow was 
mixing with the Song Sparrows. We then walked along the first stretch of 
the Wilson Trail hoping to find a Fox Sparrow or two. No luck there 
either, but we did find a couple of White-throated Sparrows.

Despite missing our target species and that fierce wind, it was still a 
great day to be out.


Paul Anderson, VP of Engineering, GrammaTech, Inc.
531 Esty St., Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607 273-7340 x118; http://www.grammatech.com


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[cayugabirds-l] SFO Montezuma Day II

2013-04-07 Thread Suan Yong
To help plan our trip around the forecast strong south winds with possible 
rain, I checked the satellite last night and found the entire national map 
aglow with migration - actually, starting south of the PA boundary - and by 
this morning it seemed that a new crew had arrived.

We started the day at Howland Island, greeted by at least a dozen 
golden-crowned kinglets, getting good close looks at brown creepers, and at one 
corner getting good comparative looks at four american tree sparrows with a 
song sparrow and a brightly ruddy swamp sparrow. There was a sharp-shinned hawk 
fly-by, and from the various ponds were flushed many wood ducks and american 
wigeons. I'm starting to think that for viewing of shyer species like wood 
ducks and hooded mergansers, you can't beat a place like Stewart Park where 
they're at least partially tolerant of human presence - in a "wild"-feeling 
place like Howland island, it was hard to get within binocular distance without 
triggering a reaction -- especially when you're in a group of 8.

For the rest of the morning we were hard pressed to find any good birding spots 
that wasn't facing into the strong south wind - I think the south end of the 
lake was the place to be this morning. We drove across the new bridge at 
Carncross Road to the parking lot at the end where a large flock of red-winged 
blackbirds and grackles were foraging and flying about together - when they 
flew, I thought to detect one, perhaps two, female RWBBs. Back on "the 
mainland" we struggled to scope in the strong wind the few yellowlegs foraging 
in the muck - I heard at least one greater tew-tew-tew call, and was otherwise 
too teary-eyed to ID their greater/lesser-ness. Some distance away was a lone 
snow goose accompanying a flock of about 8 Canada geese, and when a juvenile 
bald eagle arrived they flushed and flew about for a good bit giving us good 
looks, then away downwind as the lone snow started to lag behind; moments later 
the snow goose returned alone to the original spot, its left wing with a few 
missing primaries noticeably less proficient in its flight.

At the MAC Frank pointed out a great horned owl nest distantly visible from the 
center, and our group now combined with Meena's took a walk down to get a 
closer look at one parent with prominent "horns" and at least one white 
puffball next to it.

For our final stop our group crossed to the marsh opposite the MAC to add a 
distant trumpeter swan to our list, and with the sun suddenly shining and the 
weather pleasant we decided to go through our checklists there, under the 
shadow of a new communication tower with an osprey nest atop. As we went 
through the list, an osprey caught a bright orange fish and flew about in a 
strange soap opera we couldn't understand - it hovered and whistled while a 
second osprey soared nearby, and the two slowly veered away; then the osprey 
with the gold fish landed on a snag right below the nest, and momentarily 
another osprey swooped by and shooed it away. We could never figure out how 
many ospreys were involved, which were the owners of the nest, which if any was 
an intruder...


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Long Point Lakewatch

2013-04-07 Thread nutter . dave
Driving south on NYS-89 this afternoon, coming home from the SFO Montezuma overnight, we saw a single CORMORANT, SP in  the water close to shore north of Ernsberger Road, but we did not stop to ID it, which was probably dumb. If anyone wants to track it down, it may still be there and there may be time to double check it before sunset. --Dave NutterOn Apr 07, 2013, at 04:16 PM, "Kenneth V. Rosenberg"  wrote:Given the weather and the winds I decided to do a Lakewatch from Long Point State Par, arriving around 8 am. It was almost too windy to stand and look through a scope but I was able to huddle on the lee side of the small lighthouse on the point.   the most tantalizing sighting though was distant flock of 5 Cormorants flying fairly high up the middle of the lake. All were adults but the lead bird was 30% larger than the rest- both in bulk and in wingspan. I had the In my scope for about 20 seconds. It it was pretty bouncy and I could not make out any white or other field marks. It's hard to see how that wouldn't be a Great Cormorant, though.  
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[cayugabirds-l] egrets yesterday

2013-04-07 Thread Candace Cornell
Yesterday, while scanning the lake from the Wells College Boathouse, I saw
two white egrets flying south, down the lake. Unfortunately, they were too
far away for me to get an ID, although I suspect they were Great Egrets.
Has anyone seen any egrets in the basin this year?


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[cayugabirds-l] Bluegrass Lane Vesper Sparrow

2013-04-07 Thread Brad Walker
Hi all, 

On a walk around Bluegrass Lane with my housemate, I found a lone VESPER 
SPARROW on the north side of the large oval horse enclosure on the south side 
of the woodlot. The bird flew up from the base of a fencepost as our dog ran by 
and perched on the fence for a minute before the dog scared it off to the wood 

Brad Walker


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Bluegrass Lane Vesper Sparrow

2013-04-07 Thread Jay McGowan
Livia and I walked around Bluegrass Lane and across to Freese Road this
evening as well. We missed the Vesper Sparrow, although we were looking for
them, but we did find a pair each of AMERICAN WIGEON, GREEN-WINGED TEAL,
and RING-NECKED DUCK on the pond by Liddell Lab, 2 WILSON'S SNIPE in the
wet areas around the pond (both landed in the dry cornfield to the west of
the pond), 2 SAVANNAH SPARROWS just north of the pond, and a calling BROWN
THRASHER in the hedgerow on the south side of the garden plots.


On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Brad Walker wrote:

>  Hi all,
> On a walk around Bluegrass Lane with my housemate, I found a lone VESPER
> SPARROW on the north side of the large oval horse enclosure on the south
> side of the woodlot. The bird flew up from the base of a fencepost as our
> dog ran by and perched on the fence for a minute before the dog scared it
> off to the wood edge.
> --
> Brad Walker
> --
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> --

Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Bluegrass Lane Vesper Sparrow

2013-04-07 Thread Kenneth V. Rosenberg
Yet another Bluegrass lane experience this evening as my dog and I flushed 8 
SNIPE and 10 KILLDEER from the wet field to the west of Bluegrass. We did not 
go In far enough to see the Vesper Sp. but I did see the pair of AM WIGEON and 
GREEN-w TEAL that Jay must have flushed.

A sky watch on the late afternoon in my yard produced 2 high and fast-flying 


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 7, 2013, at 6:32 PM, "Jay McGowan" 
mailto:jw...@cornell.edu>> wrote:

Livia and I walked around Bluegrass Lane and across to Freese Road this evening 
as well. We missed the Vesper Sparrow, although we were looking for them, but 
we did find a pair each of AMERICAN WIGEON, GREEN-WINGED TEAL, and RING-NECKED 
DUCK on the pond by Liddell Lab, 2 WILSON'S SNIPE in the wet areas around the 
pond (both landed in the dry cornfield to the west of the pond), 2 SAVANNAH 
SPARROWS just north of the pond, and a calling BROWN THRASHER in the hedgerow 
on the south side of the garden plots.


On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Brad Walker 
mailto:edgarallenhoo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

On a walk around Bluegrass Lane with my housemate, I found a lone VESPER 
SPARROW on the north side of the large oval horse enclosure on the south side 
of the woodlot. The bird flew up from the base of a fencepost as our dog ran by 
and perched on the fence for a minute before the dog scared it off to the wood 

Brad Walker

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Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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RE: [cayugabirds-l] Long Point Lakewatch

2013-04-07 Thread Meena Madhav Haribal
Yesterday,  when we were on 89 somewhere north of Union Springs, I saw one 
Cormorant and another one was on main drive, but did not have enough time to 
alert to others as they were busy looking at something else.

Our group also encountered  a singing Brown Creeper and a few Golden Crowned 

South wind were killers in the morning. If I had let loose myself to fly, I 
think I could have flown easily. I had to consciously keep my feet to ground. 
No doubt birds were also doing the same.

Today, watching Great Horned owl on the nest reminded me of two childhood 
stories- one of Mahabharata and second Birbal-Akbar stories.

As Suan mentioned in his post all of us watched the Great Horned Owl adult 
through the scope as we were looking "for" the adult until I saw through the 
scope fourth time and found the fuzzy white ball of a baby.

One story was about if teacher asks to focus on a subject how sharp students 
can focus on one subject alone and ignore the surroundings and the second was 
about trust in teachers. I know now why these kinds of stories are told to 
kids! Same was true for noticing or not noticing American Goldfinches and House 
Sparrows during the trip, which were ubiquitous at some locations.



Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY 14850

From: bounce-79964342-3493...@list.cornell.edu 
[bounce-79964342-3493...@list.cornell.edu] on behalf of nutter.d...@me.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 5:44 PM
To: Kenneth V. Rosenberg
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Long Point Lakewatch

Driving south on NYS-89 this afternoon, coming home from the SFO Montezuma 
overnight, we saw a single CORMORANT, SP in  the water close to shore north of 
Ernsberger Road, but we did not stop to ID it, which was probably dumb. If 
anyone wants to track it down, it may still be there and there may be time to 
double check it before sunset.

--Dave Nutter

On Apr 07, 2013, at 04:16 PM, "Kenneth V. Rosenberg"  wrote:

Given the weather and the winds I decided to do a Lakewatch from Long Point 
State Par, arriving around 8 am. It was almost too windy to stand and look 
through a scope but I was able to huddle on the lee side of the small 
lighthouse on the point.

 the most tantalizing sighting though was distant flock of 5 Cormorants flying 
fairly high up the middle of the lake. All were adults but the lead bird was 
30% larger than the rest- both in bulk and in wingspan. I had the
In my scope for about 20 seconds. It it was pretty bouncy and I could not make 
out any white or other field marks. It's hard to see how that wouldn't be a 
Great Cormorant, though.

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