Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Dale Tronrud

   I know this question has been answered and Dirk has waved off further
discussion but...  I have an answer from a different than usual perspective
that I've been dieing to try out on someone.

   Assume you have a one dimensional crystal with a 10 Angstrom repeat.
Someone has told you the value of the electron density at 10 equally
spaced points in this little unit cell, but you know nothing about the
value of the function between those points.  I could spend all night
with a crayon drawing different functions that exactly hit all 10 points -
They are infinite in number and each one has a different set of Fourier
coefficients.  How can I control this chaos and come up with a simple
description, particularly of the reciprocal space view of these 10

   The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem simply means that if we assume
that all Fourier coefficient of wave length shorter than 2 Angstrom/cycle
(twice our sampling rate) are defined equal to zero we get only one
function that will hit all ten points exactly.  If we say that the 2 A/cycle
reflection has to be zero as well, there are no functions that hit all ten
points (except for special cases) but if we allow the next reflection (the
h=6 or 1.67 A/cycle wave) to be non-zero we are back to an infinite number
of solutions.

   That's all it is - If you assume that all the Fourier coefficients of
higher resolution than twice your sampling rate are zero you are guaranteed
one, and only one, set of Fourier coefficients that hit the points and the
Discrete Fourier Transform (probably via a FFT) will calculate that set for

   As usual, if your assumption is wrong you will not get the right answer.
If you have a function that really has a non-zero 1.67 A/cycle Fourier
coefficient but you sample your function at 10 points and calculate a
FFT you will get a set of coefficients that hit the 10 points exactly
(when back transformed) but they will not be equal to "true" values.

   The overlapping spheres that Gerard Bricogne described are simply the
way of calculating the manor in which the coefficients are distorted by
this bad assumption.  Ten Eyck, L. F. (1977). Acta Cryst. A33, 486-492
has an excellent description.

   If you are certain that your function has no Fourier components higher
than your sampling rate can support then the FFT is your friend.  If your
function has high resolution components and you don't sample it finely
enough then the FFT will give you an answer, but it won't be the correct
answer.  The answer will exactly fit the points you sampled but it will
not correctly predict the function's behavior between the points.

   The principal situations where this is a problem are:

Calculating structure factors (Fcalc) from a model electron density map.
Calculating gradients using the Agarwal method.
Phase extension via ncs map averaging (including cross-crystal averaging).
Phase extension via solvent flattening (depending on how you do it).

Thank you for your time,
Dale Tronrud

On 4/15/2011 6:34 AM, Dirk Kostrewa wrote:

Dear colleagues of the CCP4BB,

many thanks for all your replies - I really got lost in the trees (or wood?) 
and you helped me out with all your kind responses!

I should really leave for the weekend ...

Have a nice weekend, too!

Best regards,


Am 15.04.11 13:20, schrieb Dirk Kostrewa:

Dear colleagues,

I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me in 
crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also
interesting for you.

The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous molecular 
Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice
sufficient to get the desired information at a given resolution?

From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has been 
theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument,
anymore. I looked into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find 
the answer in any of those. Maybe, you can help me out.

Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the 1-dimensional 
crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired
information at resolution d.

According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection (n=1) is:

1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda

with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|, which 

1/d = |S|

In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform at 
discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the
von Laue condition, S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the 
unit cell with length a is subdivided into h evenly
spaced crystallographic planes with distance d = a/h.

Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 1x the 
resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon
sampling theorem in Fourier transformation, in order to get a desired 
information at a given frequency, we would need a discrete
sampling frequency of *twice* that frequency (the Nyquist frequency).

In crystallography, this 

Re: [ccp4bb] OT: Covalent modification of Cys by reducing agents?

2011-04-15 Thread Kendall Nettles
We see BME adducts in all of our estrogen receptor structures, though we don't 
always put them in the models. Sometimes we only see one or two atoms of the 
adduct, and in others it is completely ordered. We only see it on the solvent 
accessible cysteines. We do it on purpose. We used to treat the protein with 
iodoacetic acid to generate uniform modification of the cysteines, but then we 
realized we could get then same homogeneity with 20-50mM BME. 

Kendall Nettles 

On Apr 15, 2011, at 4:09 PM, "Michael Thompson"  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not it is possible for reducing 
> agents with thiol groups, such as DTT or beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), to form 
> covalent S-S bonds with Cys residues, particularly solvent-exposed Cys? I 
> have some puzzling biochemical results, and in the absence of a structure 
> (thus far), I was wondering if this might be something to try to control for. 
> I have never heard of this happening (or seen a structure where there was 
> density for this type of adduct), but I can't really think of a good reason 
> for why this wouldn't happen. Especially for something like BME, where the 
> molecule is very much like the Cys sidechain and seems to me like it should 
> have similar reactivity. The only thing I can think of is if there is a 
> kinetic effect taking place. Perhaps the rate of diffusion of these small 
> molecules is much faster that the formation of the S-S bond?
> Does anyone know whether or not this is possible, and why it does or does not 
> happen?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -- 
> Michael C. Thompson
> Graduate Student
> Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Division
> Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
> University of California, Los Angeles

Re: [ccp4bb] OT: Covalent modification of Cys by reducing agents?

2011-04-15 Thread Artem Evdokimov
I've seen BME adducts many times both in structures and via MS. DTT adducts
are somewhat less common (due to intramolecular disproportionation into
oxidized DTT and free SH) but still observable:

So - not only is this possible, but practically commonplace, especially with
BME. In general if something is chemically possible -- it's almost certainly
going to be found in biological world. That's not very remarkable since
biological systemsplay by the same exact rules as chemical ones. What's
perhaps much more remarkable is that biological systems routinely perform
chemistries that most synthetic chemists would find to be nearly impossible,
or entirely impossible in aqueous environment. This just goes to show that
billions of years of molecular (and other) evolution are hard to beat.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Michael Thompson wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not it is possible for reducing
> agents with thiol groups, such as DTT or beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), to form
> covalent S-S bonds with Cys residues, particularly solvent-exposed Cys? I
> have some puzzling biochemical results, and in the absence of a structure
> (thus far), I was wondering if this might be something to try to control
> for. I have never heard of this happening (or seen a structure where there
> was density for this type of adduct), but I can't really think of a good
> reason for why this wouldn't happen. Especially for something like BME,
> where the molecule is very much like the Cys sidechain and seems to me like
> it should have similar reactivity. The only thing I can think of is if there
> is a kinetic effect taking place. Perhaps the rate of diffusion of these
> small molecules is much faster that the formation of the S-S bond?
> Does anyone know whether or not this is possible, and why it does or does
> not happen?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> --
> Michael C. Thompson
> Graduate Student
> Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Division
> Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
> University of California, Los Angeles

[ccp4bb] William Nunn Lipscomb Jr "The Colonel"

2011-04-15 Thread Charles W. Carter, Jr
For some reason this news affects me deeply. I did not know Bill Lipscomb well, 
but I interacted closely with James when he was in the UNC Computer Science 
Department long ago, and members of the Colonel's scientific family have 
impacted me positively any number of times. So, I share the sorrow of others in 
this news. The apocryphal stories abound; moving a rotating anode by open-sided 
sling from one window to another, only to have the weight shift (tragically) in 
medias res, dropping the Elliot half way into the ground. At one time I equated 
such stories with Harvard. Today, I can acknowledge that the Colonel's flair 
played something of a role, too. 

At the 1971 Cold Spring Harbor Symposium (the only one ever devoted to 
structural biology - not, as Watson pointedly noted in his opening remarks, 
because it was important, but because otherwise so many of his friends might 
die), Lipscomb's group was represented by George Reeke and Don Wiley. Wiley 
sported a lab T-shirt announcing that there was no law saying... and on the 
back side a labyrinth with no obvious path into the goal, which was clearly a 
structure for ATCase ... that there must be a solution. The ATCase structure 
was eventually solved, and by several others - among them Eric Gouaux and my 
colleague Hengming Ke. Don's group populated the world with many gifted 
crystallographers, including grandchildren Ian Wilson and Ed Collins among 
those I know well and many others I cannot summon. One of his early disciples, 
Martha Ludwig, passed away recently, leaving many progeny, including I believe, 
Mark Saper. The Nobel to Tom Steitz renders mention of him superfluous, except 
that Tom, in turn, has turned out almost countless very gifted protégées while 
revealing the central dogma, one step at a time. 

Reviewing this list, as I have been wont to do on many previous occasions, 
constitutes an open and shut case that the Colonel spawned, if not the first 
family of US crystallographers, (that might be A.L. Patterson) certainly the 
most prominent and prolific. As is also true of J.D. Watson, and with apologies 
for the numerous omissions outside my immediate sphere, at such a moment we all 
can celebrate what training with the Colonel brought to our community. 


On Apr 15, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Peter Moody wrote:

> Nobel Laureate William Lipscomb Dies at 91
> Published: April 15, 2011 at 2:01 PM ET
> I have had this forwarded to me,  besides getting a Nobel prize for his 
> discovery of the bent bonds in boron hydrides, the Colonel was a pioneer in 
> PX, with work on the role of Zn in carboxypeptidase and the allosteric 
> mechanism of ATCase perhaps being the best known.  Peter
> BOSTON (AP) -- A Harvard University professor who won the Nobel chemistry 
> prize in 1976 for work on chemical bonding has died. William Nunn Lipscomb 
> Jr. was 91.
> His son, James Lipscomb, said Friday that Lipscomb died Thursday night at a 
> Cambridge, Mass., hospital of pneumonia and complications from a fall.
> Several of his students also have won Nobels. Yale University professor 
> Thomas Steitz, who shared the 2009 chemistry prize, says Lipscomb was an 
> inspiring teacher who encouraged creative thinking.
> The Ohio native grew up in Lexington, Ky., and students affectionately 
> referred to him as "Colonel" in reference to his upbringing. He graduated 
> from the University of Kentucky and got a doctorate at the California 
> Institute of Technology under Nobel laureate Linus Pauling.
> Lipscomb is survived by his wife and three children.

Re: [ccp4bb] OT: Covalent modification of Cys by reducing agents?

2011-04-15 Thread Joshua-Tor, Leemor
We had a case with a BME adduct clearly seen in the structure.


On 4/15/11 4:09 PM, "Michael Thompson"  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not it is possible for reducing
> agents with thiol groups, such as DTT or beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), to form
> covalent S-S bonds with Cys residues, particularly solvent-exposed Cys? I have
> some puzzling biochemical results, and in the absence of a structure (thus
> far), I was wondering if this might be something to try to control for. I have
> never heard of this happening (or seen a structure where there was density for
> this type of adduct), but I can't really think of a good reason for why this
> wouldn't happen. Especially for something like BME, where the molecule is very
> much like the Cys sidechain and seems to me like it should have similar
> reactivity. The only thing I can think of is if there is a kinetic effect
> taking place. Perhaps the rate of diffusion of these small molecules is much
> faster that the formation of the S-S bond?
> Does anyone know whether or not this is possible, and why it does or does not
> happen?
> Thanks,
> Mike

[ccp4bb] OT: Covalent modification of Cys by reducing agents?

2011-04-15 Thread Michael Thompson
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not it is possible for reducing 
agents with thiol groups, such as DTT or beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), to form 
covalent S-S bonds with Cys residues, particularly solvent-exposed Cys? I have 
some puzzling biochemical results, and in the absence of a structure (thus 
far), I was wondering if this might be something to try to control for. I have 
never heard of this happening (or seen a structure where there was density for 
this type of adduct), but I can't really think of a good reason for why this 
wouldn't happen. Especially for something like BME, where the molecule is very 
much like the Cys sidechain and seems to me like it should have similar 
reactivity. The only thing I can think of is if there is a kinetic effect 
taking place. Perhaps the rate of diffusion of these small molecules is much 
faster that the formation of the S-S bond?

Does anyone know whether or not this is possible, and why it does or does not 



Michael C. Thompson

Graduate Student

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Division

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

University of California, Los Angeles

[ccp4bb] William Nunn Lipscomb Jr "The Colonel"

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Moody
Nobel Laureate William Lipscomb Dies at 91
Published: April 15, 2011 at 2:01 PM ET

I have had this forwarded to me,  besides getting a Nobel prize for his
discovery of the bent bonds in boron hydrides, the Colonel was a pioneer in
PX, with work on the role of Zn in carboxypeptidase and the allosteric
mechanism of ATCase perhaps being the best known.  Peter

BOSTON (AP) -- A Harvard University professor who won the Nobel chemistry
prize in 1976 for work on chemical bonding has died. William Nunn Lipscomb
Jr. was 91.

His son, James Lipscomb, said Friday that Lipscomb died Thursday night at a
Cambridge, Mass., hospital of pneumonia and complications from a fall.

Several of his students also have won Nobels. Yale University professor
Thomas Steitz, who shared the 2009 chemistry prize, says Lipscomb was an
inspiring teacher who encouraged creative thinking.

The Ohio native grew up in Lexington, Ky., and students affectionately
referred to him as "Colonel" in reference to his upbringing. He graduated
from the University of Kentucky and got a doctorate at the California
Institute of Technology under Nobel laureate Linus Pauling.

Lipscomb is survived by his wife and three children.

Re: [ccp4bb] Searching for very radiation sensitive crystals

2011-04-15 Thread David Waterman
Hi Robert,

If you don't mind the crystals being rather small, then polyhedra crystals
might be what you're after (in fact, many microcrystals satisfy your
criteria). There is a mini review here:

These articles should also help.

Ji, X.; Sutton, G.; Evans, G.; Axford, D.; Owen, R.; Stuart, D.I. How
Baculovirus Polyhedra
Fit Square Pegs into Round Holes to Robustly Package Viruses. EMBO J. 2010,
29 (2),

Coulibaly, F.; Chiu, E.; Ikeda, K.; Gutmann, S.; Haebel, P.W.;
Schulze-Briese, C.; Mori, H.;
Metcalf, P. The Molecular Organization of Cypovirus Polyhedra. Nature 2007,
446 (7131),


-- David

On 12 April 2011 03:06, Robert Thorne  wrote:

> Dear CCP4 Community,
> We are trying to find protein or virus crystals that diffract to reasonably
> high resolution (2.5 Angstroms or better) and that are very radiation
> sensitive at room temperature.  "Very radiation sensitive" in this case
> means that the diffraction dies after a few frames, for crystals that don't
> contain heavy atoms.  (If you're calculating doses, the diffraction should
> die after 0.1 MGy or less).
> Typically, these crystals have high solvent contents (80% or more) and weak
> packing interactions.
> So, we would be very interested in collaborating if  you have:
> - crystals that you know are very radiation sensitive at room temperature;
> and/or
> - crystals with solvent contents >80%.
> Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated!
> Rob
> --
> Robert E. Thorne
> Professor of Physics
> 529A Clark Hall
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY 14853
> phone: (607) 255 6487
> fax: (607) 697 0400

Re: [ccp4bb] Question about BALBES R(free) fraction

2011-04-15 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Gregory,
You need a sufficient number "n" of free reflections to get a
statistically valid Rfree value. 500 should be ok. I normally select 5%
free reflections. However, I always hate it when programs decide that
they know better than the user. Nobody prevents you from using your
original mtz, which was used as an input for BALBES, for further
refinement and ignore the mtz produced by BALBES. The only result from
molecular replacement you really need is the positioned and oriented pdb
file. You may have to set the space group in your mz to the space group
found by BALBES.
Good luck!

From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
Behalf Of Gregory T Costakes
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 4:20 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Question about BALBES R(free) fraction

My name is Greg Costakes and I am a graduate student for Cynthia
Stauffacher at Purdue University. I am attempting to solve the structure
of an 18kDa protein domain using molecular replacement to obtain proper
phasing (44% identical / 78% homologous to an existing structure).
Crystals diffracted to roughly 2 angstroms and are in the space group
P212121. There are 10,200 unique reflections with 5.7 fold redundancy. I
chose to make an R(free) set containing 10% of the reflections so that I
will have just over 1000 in the set.

After failing to obtain a valid solution from Phaser and Molrep,
I turned to BALBES which was able to successfully perform the molecular
replacement and give me final R/R(free) values of 0.3/0.34. However, I
noticed the MTZ file that BALBES gave me contained an R(free) set of 5%
containing only 500 reflections. I was wondering why BALBES changed the
percentage of reflections pegged for the R(free) set. Is there a way to
prevent BALBES from changing your R(free) fraction size? Also, is 500
reflections enough for an R(free) set? I had previously been told that
R(free) should contain between 1000-1500 reflections. Please let me
know. Thank you.

Greg Costakes
PhD Candidate
Department of Structural Biology
Purdue University
Hockmeyer Hall, Room 320
240 S. Martin Jischke Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Colin Nave
Another way of looking at it 
See slide 7 in

 sampling interval 1/W (Bragg sampling) is Shannon sampling if complex 
Fraunhofer wavefield of object with width W is recorded.

If only Fraunhofer intensity of object with width W is recorded, then the FT of 
the intensity is the autocorrelation with width 2W and the correct (Shannon) 
sampling interval is 1/2W.

Additional issues are present for 2D and 3D but the above gives the basic idea.

> the sampling of the continuous molecular transform imposed by the crystal 
> lattice is sufficient to get the desired information at a given resolution?
Yes, if you have phased amplitudes

> -Original Message-
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
> Dirk Kostrewa
> Sent: 15 April 2011 12:20
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?
> Dear colleagues,
> I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me
> in
> crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for
> you.
> The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous
> molecular Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient
> to
> get the desired information at a given resolution?
>  From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has
> been theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I
> looked into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the
> answer in any of those. Maybe, you can help me out.
> Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the
> 1-dimensional crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired
> information at resolution d.
> According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection
> (n=1) is:
> 1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda
> with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|,
> which gives:
> 1/d = |S|
> In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular
> transform at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von
> Laue condition, S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words,
> the
> unit cell with length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced
> crystallographic planes with distance d = a/h.
> Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only
> 1x
> the resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in
> Fourier transformation, in order to get a desired information at a
> given
> frequency, we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that
> frequency (the Nyquist frequency).
> In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance,
> in the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where
> the grid spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be
> <= d/2. For calculating that electron density map by Fourier
> transformation, all coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which
> gives twice the number of Fourier coefficients, but the underlying
> sampling of the unit cell along a with maximum index |h| is still only
> a/h!
> This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von
> Laue conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a
> 1x
> sampling a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, I
> would need a 2x sampling a/(2h).
> So what is the argument again, that the sampling of the continuous
> molecular transform imposed by the crystal lattice is sufficient to get
> the desired information at a given resolution?
> I would be very grateful for your help!
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> --
> ***
> Dirk Kostrewa
> Gene Center Munich, A5.07
> Department of Biochemistry
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
> Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
> D-81377 Munich
> Germany
> Phone:+49-89-2180-76845
> Fax:  +49-89-2180-76999
> E-mail:
> WWW:
> ***

[ccp4bb] Question about BALBES R(free) fraction

2011-04-15 Thread Gregory T Costakes
My name is Greg Costakes and I am a graduate student for Cynthia Stauffacher at 
Purdue University. I am attempting to solve the structure of an 18kDa protein 
domain using molecular replacement to obtain proper phasing (44% identical / 
78% homologous to an existing structure). Crystals diffracted to roughly 2 
angstroms and are in the space group P212121. There are 10,200 unique 
reflections with 5.7 fold redundancy. I chose to make an R(free) set containing 
10% of the reflections so that I will have just over 1000 in the set. 

After failing to obtain a valid solution from Phaser and Molrep, I turned to 
BALBES which was able to successfully perform the molecular replacement and 
give me final R/R(free) values of 0.3/0.34. However, I noticed the MTZ file 
that BALBES gave me contained an R(free) set of 5% containing only 500 
reflections. I was wondering why BALBES changed the percentage of reflections 
pegged for the R(free) set. Is there a way to prevent BALBES from changing your 
R(free) fraction size? Also, is 500 reflections enough for an R(free) set? I 
had previously been told that R(free) should contain between 1000-1500 
reflections. Please let me know. Thank you. 

Greg Costakes 
PhD Candidate 
Department of Structural Biology 
Purdue University 
Hockmeyer Hall, Room 320 
240 S. Martin Jischke Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 


Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Brett Kroncke
Hi Dirk,

My interpretation of your question is what is the impact of resolution given
by the individual diffraction spots from the electron density sampling and
the Nyquist theorem. My explanation would be that the Nyquist theorem gives
an upper limit to the frequency information that can be obtained, in the
case of crystallography, the highest resolution spot that is possible.
Everything with lower resolution, or smaller index, is at a lower
"frequency" than the nyquist limit. The nyquist limit would come from the
sampling done in the fourier transform of the frequency domain, which in
this case is the transform of reciprocal space to real space. The sampling
that is done in real space is limited by the interaction of the X-rays with
the electron density of the individual molecules in the lattice. That
interaction is nearly continuous across a molecule, leading to a very
"high/fast" sampling rate. The limit of this interaction would be due to the
wavelength (~lambda/2) which would result in the diffraction limit in
reciprocal space (limiting the largest index that is observable).
This my understanding, but I too would like to have a more intuitive
understanding of this fundamental limitation.


2011/4/15 Dirk Kostrewa 

> Dear Ian,
> oh, yes, thank you - you are absolutely right! I really confused the
> sampling of the molecular transform with the sampling of the electron
> density in the unit cell! Sometimes I don't see the wood for the trees!
> Let me then shift my question from the sampling of the molecular transform
> to the sampling of the electron density within the unit cell. For the
> 1-dimensional case, this is discretely sampled at a/h for resolution d,
> which is still 1x sampling and not 2x sampling, as required according to
> Nyquist-Shannon. Where is my error in reasoning, here?
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> Am 15.04.11 14:25, schrieb Ian Tickle:
>  Hi Dirk
>> I think you're confusing the sampling of the molecular transform with
>> the sampling of the electron density.  You say "In the 1-dimensional
>> crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform at discrete
>> reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition, S*a =
>> h".  In fact the sampling of the molecular transform has nothing to do
>> with h, it's sampled at points separated by a* = 1/a in the 1-D case.
>> Cheers
>> -- Ian
>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Dirk Kostrewa
>>   wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me in
>>> crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for you.
>>> The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous
>>> molecular
>>> Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient to get the
>>> desired information at a given resolution?
>>>  From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has been
>>> theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I looked
>>> into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the answer in
>>> any
>>> of those. Maybe, you can help me out.
>>> Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the
>>> 1-dimensional
>>> crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired information at
>>> resolution
>>> d.
>>> According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection
>>> (n=1)
>>> is:
>>> 1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda
>>> with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|,
>>> which gives:
>>> 1/d = |S|
>>> In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular
>>> transform
>>> at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue
>>> condition,
>>> S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the unit cell with
>>> length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced crystallographic planes with
>>> distance d = a/h.
>>> Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 1x
>>> the
>>> resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in
>>> Fourier
>>> transformation, in order to get a desired information at a given
>>> frequency,
>>> we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that frequency
>>> (the
>>> Nyquist frequency).
>>> In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance, in
>>> the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where the
>>> grid
>>> spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be<= d/2. For
>>> calculating that electron density map by Fourier transformation, all
>>> coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which gives twice the number of
>>> Fourier coefficients, but the underlying sampling of the unit cell along
>>> a
>>> with maximum index |h| is still only a/h!
>>> This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von
>>> Laue
>>> conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 1x
>>> sampling
>>> a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shann

Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Dirk Kostrewa

Dear colleagues of the CCP4BB,

many thanks for all your replies - I really got lost in the trees (or 
wood?) and you helped me out with all your kind responses!

I should really leave for the weekend ...

Have a nice weekend, too!

Best regards,


Am 15.04.11 13:20, schrieb Dirk Kostrewa:

Dear colleagues,

I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me 
in crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for 

The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous 
molecular Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient 
to get the desired information at a given resolution?

From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has 
been theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I 
looked into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the 
answer in any of those. Maybe, you can help me out.

Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the 
1-dimensional crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired 
information at resolution d.

According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection 
(n=1) is:

1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda

with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector 
|S|, which gives:

1/d = |S|

In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular 
transform at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von 
Laue condition, S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, 
the unit cell with length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced 
crystallographic planes with distance d = a/h.

Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 
1x the resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem 
in Fourier transformation, in order to get a desired information at a 
given frequency, we would need a discrete sampling frequency of 
*twice* that frequency (the Nyquist frequency).

In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance, 
in the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where 
the grid spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be 
<= d/2. For calculating that electron density map by Fourier 
transformation, all coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which 
gives twice the number of Fourier coefficients, but the underlying 
sampling of the unit cell along a with maximum index |h| is still only 

This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von 
Laue conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 
1x sampling a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, 
I would need a 2x sampling a/(2h).

So what is the argument again, that the sampling of the continuous 
molecular transform imposed by the crystal lattice is sufficient to 
get the desired information at a given resolution?

I would be very grateful for your help!

Best regards,



Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich, A5.07
Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845

Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Joseph Cockburn
Dear Dirk,
You are getting confused about where the sampling occurs, and this is
perhaps because we usually learn about the Shannon criterion from a
certain way around (sampling in real/time space -> periodicity of the
signal transform in frequency/reciprocal space). To see the Shannon
criterion in crystallography, you have to look at it the other way around
(sampling of the molecular transform in reciprocal space -> periodicity of
the electron density in space). "Twice the signal bandwidth" becomes the
physical width of the unique portion of your 1D electron density, which is
equal to the unit cell repeat by definition. Hence, you are sampling the
fourier transform at double the Shannon frequency.

Sampling of the electron density makes the sampled molecular transform
periodic in reciprocal space, with interval 1/q, where q is your
real-space sampling interval. If d is the minimum Bragg spacing, then your
molecular transform lies between +/- 1/d in reciprocal space, i.e. has a
full-width of 2/d. Thus, in order for the "ghost" copies of the molecular
transform to not overlap, you must have q such that

1/q >= 2/d.


q <= d/2.

Hope that helps,

> Dear Ian,
> oh, yes, thank you - you are absolutely right! I really confused the
> sampling of the molecular transform with the sampling of the electron
> density in the unit cell! Sometimes I don't see the wood for the trees!
> Let me then shift my question from the sampling of the molecular
> transform to the sampling of the electron density within the unit cell.
> For the 1-dimensional case, this is discretely sampled at a/h for
> resolution d, which is still 1x sampling and not 2x sampling, as
> required according to Nyquist-Shannon. Where is my error in reasoning,
> here?
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> Am 15.04.11 14:25, schrieb Ian Tickle:
>> Hi Dirk
>> I think you're confusing the sampling of the molecular transform with
>> the sampling of the electron density.  You say "In the 1-dimensional
>> crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform at discrete
>> reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition, S*a =
>> h".  In fact the sampling of the molecular transform has nothing to do
>> with h, it's sampled at points separated by a* = 1/a in the 1-D case.
>> Cheers
>> -- Ian
>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Dirk Kostrewa
>>   wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me
>>> in
>>> crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for
>>> you.
>>> The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous
>>> molecular
>>> Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient to get the
>>> desired information at a given resolution?
>>>  From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has
>>> been
>>> theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I
>>> looked
>>> into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the answer
>>> in any
>>> of those. Maybe, you can help me out.
>>> Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the
>>> 1-dimensional
>>> crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired information at
>>> resolution
>>> d.
>>> According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection
>>> (n=1)
>>> is:
>>> 1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda
>>> with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|,
>>> which gives:
>>> 1/d = |S|
>>> In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular
>>> transform
>>> at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue
>>> condition,
>>> S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the unit cell with
>>> length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced crystallographic planes
>>> with
>>> distance d = a/h.
>>> Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only
>>> 1x the
>>> resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in
>>> Fourier
>>> transformation, in order to get a desired information at a given
>>> frequency,
>>> we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that frequency
>>> (the
>>> Nyquist frequency).
>>> In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance,
>>> in
>>> the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where the
>>> grid
>>> spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be<= d/2.
>>> For
>>> calculating that electron density map by Fourier transformation, all
>>> coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which gives twice the number
>>> of
>>> Fourier coefficients, but the underlying sampling of the unit cell
>>> along a
>>> with maximum index |h| is still only a/h!
>>> This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von
>>> Laue
>>> conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 1x
>>> sampling
>>> a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, I would need
>>> a 2x

Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Gerard Bricogne
Dear Dirk,

 The factor of 2 comes from the fact that the diameter of a sphere is
twice its radius. The radius of the limiting sphere for data to a certain
resolution in reciprocal space is d_star_max. If you sample the electron
density at points distant by delta from each other, you periodise the
transform of the continuous density at that resolution by a reciprocal
lattice of size 1/delta. If you want to avoid aliasing, i.e. corruption of
one copy of your data in its sphere of radius d_star_max by the data in a
translate of that sphere by 1/delta, you must ensure that 1/delta is larger
than 2*d_star_max (the diameter of the limiting sphere. In other words,
delta must be less than (1/2)*(1/d_star_max), which is your Shannon/Nyquist
criterion, since 1/d_star_max is your d_min or "resolution".

 With best wishes,

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 03:11:41PM +0200, Dirk Kostrewa wrote:
> Dear Ian,
> oh, yes, thank you - you are absolutely right! I really confused the 
> sampling of the molecular transform with the sampling of the electron 
> density in the unit cell! Sometimes I don't see the wood for the trees!
> Let me then shift my question from the sampling of the molecular transform 
> to the sampling of the electron density within the unit cell. For the 
> 1-dimensional case, this is discretely sampled at a/h for resolution d, 
> which is still 1x sampling and not 2x sampling, as required according to 
> Nyquist-Shannon. Where is my error in reasoning, here?
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> Am 15.04.11 14:25, schrieb Ian Tickle:
>> Hi Dirk
>> I think you're confusing the sampling of the molecular transform with
>> the sampling of the electron density.  You say "In the 1-dimensional
>> crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform at discrete
>> reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition, S*a =
>> h".  In fact the sampling of the molecular transform has nothing to do
>> with h, it's sampled at points separated by a* = 1/a in the 1-D case.
>> Cheers
>> -- Ian
>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Dirk Kostrewa
>>   wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me in
>>> crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for you.
>>> The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous 
>>> molecular
>>> Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient to get the
>>> desired information at a given resolution?
>>>  From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has been
>>> theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I looked
>>> into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the answer in 
>>> any
>>> of those. Maybe, you can help me out.
>>> Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the 
>>> 1-dimensional
>>> crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired information at 
>>> resolution
>>> d.
>>> According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection 
>>> (n=1)
>>> is:
>>> 1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda
>>> with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|,
>>> which gives:
>>> 1/d = |S|
>>> In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular 
>>> transform
>>> at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue 
>>> condition,
>>> S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the unit cell with
>>> length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced crystallographic planes with
>>> distance d = a/h.
>>> Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 1x 
>>> the
>>> resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in 
>>> Fourier
>>> transformation, in order to get a desired information at a given 
>>> frequency,
>>> we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that frequency 
>>> (the
>>> Nyquist frequency).
>>> In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance, in
>>> the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where the 
>>> grid
>>> spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be<= d/2. For
>>> calculating that electron density map by Fourier transformation, all
>>> coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which gives twice the number of
>>> Fourier coefficients, but the underlying sampling of the unit cell along 
>>> a
>>> with maximum index |h| is still only a/h!
>>> This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von 
>>> Laue
>>> conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 1x 
>>> sampling
>>> a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, I would need a 
>>> 2x
>>> sampling a/(2h).
>>> So what is the argument again, that the sampling of the continuous 
>>> molecular
>>> transform imposed by the crystal lattice is sufficient to get the desired
>>> information at a given resolution?
>>> I would be very grateful for yo

Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Dirk Kostrewa

Dear Ian,

oh, yes, thank you - you are absolutely right! I really confused the 
sampling of the molecular transform with the sampling of the electron 
density in the unit cell! Sometimes I don't see the wood for the trees!

Let me then shift my question from the sampling of the molecular 
transform to the sampling of the electron density within the unit cell. 
For the 1-dimensional case, this is discretely sampled at a/h for 
resolution d, which is still 1x sampling and not 2x sampling, as 
required according to Nyquist-Shannon. Where is my error in reasoning, 

Best regards,


Am 15.04.11 14:25, schrieb Ian Tickle:

Hi Dirk

I think you're confusing the sampling of the molecular transform with
the sampling of the electron density.  You say "In the 1-dimensional
crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform at discrete
reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition, S*a =
h".  In fact the sampling of the molecular transform has nothing to do
with h, it's sampled at points separated by a* = 1/a in the 1-D case.


-- Ian

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Dirk Kostrewa

Dear colleagues,

I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me in
crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for you.

The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous molecular
Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient to get the
desired information at a given resolution?

 From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has been
theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I looked
into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the answer in any
of those. Maybe, you can help me out.

Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the 1-dimensional
crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired information at resolution

According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection (n=1)

1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda

with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|,
which gives:

1/d = |S|

In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform
at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition,
S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the unit cell with
length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced crystallographic planes with
distance d = a/h.

Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 1x the
resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in Fourier
transformation, in order to get a desired information at a given frequency,
we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that frequency (the
Nyquist frequency).

In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance, in
the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where the grid
spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be<= d/2. For
calculating that electron density map by Fourier transformation, all
coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which gives twice the number of
Fourier coefficients, but the underlying sampling of the unit cell along a
with maximum index |h| is still only a/h!

This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von Laue
conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 1x sampling
a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, I would need a 2x
sampling a/(2h).

So what is the argument again, that the sampling of the continuous molecular
transform imposed by the crystal lattice is sufficient to get the desired
information at a given resolution?

I would be very grateful for your help!

Best regards,



Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich, A5.07
Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845


Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich, A5.07
Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845

[ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Adam Ralph

Hi Dirk,

If you have a N points of a 1D real discrete function, there will be Fourier 
coefficients indexed h=0,1,2,...,N-1. Taking N as odd, there will be 
int(N/2)+1 independent Fourier coefficients but your h(max) will in fact 
be 'N-1'. In crystallography we write h(N-1) as h(-1) etc and tend to 
ignore these Freidel mates. If cell length is then 'a' the sampling 
distance is a/N which is related to h(max) but you need to be careful
how to defined h(max)


Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Jacob Keller
Is the simplest answer that we indeed do not get all of the
information, and are accordingly missing phases? My understanding is
that if we were able to sample with higher frequency, we could get
phases too. For example, a lone protein in a huge unit cell would
enable phase determination. Taken further, I believe the
single-particle-FEL-people were envisioning phasing by using direct
methods on the continuous transform seen on the detector (or rather
the 3D reconstruction of such by combination of many images)


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Dirk Kostrewa
> Dear colleagues,
> I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me in
> crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for you.
> The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous molecular
> Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient to get the
> desired information at a given resolution?
> From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has been
> theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I looked
> into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the answer in any
> of those. Maybe, you can help me out.
> Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the 1-dimensional
> crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired information at resolution
> d.
> According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection (n=1)
> is:
> 1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda
> with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|,
> which gives:
> 1/d = |S|
> In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform
> at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition,
> S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the unit cell with
> length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced crystallographic planes with
> distance d = a/h.
> Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 1x the
> resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in Fourier
> transformation, in order to get a desired information at a given frequency,
> we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that frequency (the
> Nyquist frequency).
> In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance, in
> the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where the grid
> spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be <= d/2. For
> calculating that electron density map by Fourier transformation, all
> coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which gives twice the number of
> Fourier coefficients, but the underlying sampling of the unit cell along a
> with maximum index |h| is still only a/h!
> This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von Laue
> conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 1x sampling
> a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, I would need a 2x
> sampling a/(2h).
> So what is the argument again, that the sampling of the continuous molecular
> transform imposed by the crystal lattice is sufficient to get the desired
> information at a given resolution?
> I would be very grateful for your help!
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> --
> ***
> Dirk Kostrewa
> Gene Center Munich, A5.07
> Department of Biochemistry
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
> Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
> D-81377 Munich
> Germany
> Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
> Fax:    +49-89-2180-76999
> E-mail:
> WWW:
> ***

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
cel: 773.608.9185

Re: [ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi Dirk

I think you're confusing the sampling of the molecular transform with
the sampling of the electron density.  You say "In the 1-dimensional
crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform at discrete
reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition, S*a =
h".  In fact the sampling of the molecular transform has nothing to do
with h, it's sampled at points separated by a* = 1/a in the 1-D case.


-- Ian

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Dirk Kostrewa
> Dear colleagues,
> I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me in
> crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for you.
> The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous molecular
> Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient to get the
> desired information at a given resolution?
> From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has been
> theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I looked
> into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the answer in any
> of those. Maybe, you can help me out.
> Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the 1-dimensional
> crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired information at resolution
> d.
> According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection (n=1)
> is:
> 1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda
> with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|,
> which gives:
> 1/d = |S|
> In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular transform
> at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von Laue condition,
> S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the unit cell with
> length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced crystallographic planes with
> distance d = a/h.
> Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 1x the
> resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in Fourier
> transformation, in order to get a desired information at a given frequency,
> we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that frequency (the
> Nyquist frequency).
> In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance, in
> the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where the grid
> spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be <= d/2. For
> calculating that electron density map by Fourier transformation, all
> coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which gives twice the number of
> Fourier coefficients, but the underlying sampling of the unit cell along a
> with maximum index |h| is still only a/h!
> This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von Laue
> conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 1x sampling
> a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, I would need a 2x
> sampling a/(2h).
> So what is the argument again, that the sampling of the continuous molecular
> transform imposed by the crystal lattice is sufficient to get the desired
> information at a given resolution?
> I would be very grateful for your help!
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> --
> ***
> Dirk Kostrewa
> Gene Center Munich, A5.07
> Department of Biochemistry
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
> Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
> D-81377 Munich
> Germany
> Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
> Fax:    +49-89-2180-76999
> E-mail:
> WWW:
> ***

[ccp4bb] Lattice sampling and resolution - a seeming paradox?

2011-04-15 Thread Dirk Kostrewa

Dear colleagues,

I just stumbled across a simple question and a seeming paradox for me in 
crystallography, that puzzles me. Maybe, it is also interesting for you.

The simple question is: is the discrete sampling of the continuous 
molecular Fourier transform imposed by the crystal lattice sufficient to 
get the desired information at a given resolution?

From my old lectures in Biophysics at the University, I know it has 
been theoretically proven, but I don't recall the argument, anymore. I 
looked into a couple of crystallography books and I couldn't find the 
answer in any of those. Maybe, you can help me out.

Let's do a simple gedankenexperiment/thought experiment in the 
1-dimensional crystal case with unit cell length a, and desired 
information at resolution d.

According to Braggs law, the resolution for a first order reflection 
(n=1) is:

1/d = 2*sin(theta)/lambda

with 2*sin(theta)/lambda being the length of the scattering vector |S|, 
which gives:

1/d = |S|

In the 1-dimensional crystal, we sample the continuous molecular 
transform at discrete reciprocal lattice points according to the von 
Laue condition, S*a = h, which gives |S| = h/a here. In other words, the 
unit cell with length a is subdivided into h evenly spaced 
crystallographic planes with distance d = a/h.

Now, the discrete sampling by the crystallographic planes a/h is only 1x 
the resolution d. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem in 
Fourier transformation, in order to get a desired information at a given 
frequency, we would need a discrete sampling frequency of *twice* that 
frequency (the Nyquist frequency).

In crystallography, this Nyquist frequency is also used, for instance, 
in the calculation of electron density maps on a discrete grid, where 
the grid spacing for an electron density map at resolution d should be 
<= d/2. For calculating that electron density map by Fourier 
transformation, all coefficients from -h to +h would be used, which 
gives twice the number of Fourier coefficients, but the underlying 
sampling of the unit cell along a with maximum index |h| is still only a/h!

This leads to my seeming paradox: according to Braggs law and the von 
Laue conditions, I get the information at resolution d already with a 1x 
sampling a/h, but according to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory, I 
would need a 2x sampling a/(2h).

So what is the argument again, that the sampling of the continuous 
molecular transform imposed by the crystal lattice is sufficient to get 
the desired information at a given resolution?

I would be very grateful for your help!

Best regards,



Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich, A5.07
Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845

Re: [ccp4bb] XXII IUCr Congress and General Assembly - Madrid (Spain)

2011-04-15 Thread Harry Powell
Hi Gerard

Sorry - what Royal Wedding?

On 15 Apr 2011, at 11:48, Gerard Bricogne wrote:

> Dear Harry,
> Thank you for the reminder. Upon connecting to the URL given in
> Martin's e-mail, however, one immediately gets a pop-up saying:
>   "New deadline fo abstract submission: April 28"
> (no doubt to enable everyone to work until the last minute prior to the
> royal wedding ...). Can you confirm?
> With best wishes,
>  Gerard.
> --
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:39:14AM +0100, Harry Powell wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> today is the last day to get your abstract in!
>> On 7 Apr 2011, at 14:24, Martin M. Ripoll wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> This is just to remind you that the “XXII Congress and General Assembly” of 
>>> the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography) will be held in Madrid 
>>> (Spain) from 22-30 August 2011 and that your Spanish colleagues kindly 
>>> invite you to participate not only in the most important crystallographic 
>>> event until 2014, but also to enjoy a fruitful meeting in a sunny and full 
>>> of life city!
>>> All information is to be found in:
>>> although two important dates to remember are:
>>> April 15, 2011: Deadline for abstracts submission
>>> May 15,  2011: Deadline for "Early bird" registration
>>> All the best and see you in Madrid!
>>> On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
>>> Martin (Vice-Chairman)
>>> Dr. Martin Martinez-Ripoll
>>> Research Professor
>>> Department of Crystallography & Structural Biology
>>> Telf.: +34 917459550
>>> Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
>>> Spanish National Research Council
>> Harry
>> --
>> Dr Harry Powell 
>> Chairman ECA SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing) 
>> Acting Chairman IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing 
> -- 
> ===
> * *
> * Gerard Bricogne  *
> * *
> * Global Phasing Ltd. *
> * Sheraton House, Castle Park Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
> * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK   Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
> * *
> ===

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, 
Cambridge, CB2 0QH

Re: [ccp4bb] XXII IUCr Congress and General Assembly - Madrid (Spain)


Dear Gerard,  

you are right, the abstract submission has been extended. 

Best regards, 


Quoting Gerard Bricogne:

> Dear Harry,
>  Thank you for the reminder. Upon connecting to the URL given in
> Martin's e-mail, however, one immediately gets a pop-up saying:
>"New deadline fo abstract submission: April 28"
> (no doubt to enable everyone to work until the last minute prior to the
> royal wedding ...). Can you confirm?
>  With best wishes,
>   Gerard.
> --
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:39:14AM +0100, Harry Powell wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> today is the last day to get your abstract in!
>> On 7 Apr 2011, at 14:24, Martin M. Ripoll wrote:
>> > Dear colleagues,
>> >
>> > This is just to remind you that the “XXII Congress and General 
>> Assembly” of the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography) will 
>> be held in Madrid (Spain) from 22-30 August 2011 and that your 
>> Spanish colleagues kindly invite you to participate not only in the 
>> most important crystallographic event until 2014, but also to enjoy 
>> a fruitful meeting in a sunny and full of life city!
>> >
>> > All information is to be found in:
>> >
>> > although two important dates to remember are:
>> > April 15, 2011: Deadline for abstracts submission
>> > May 15,  2011: Deadline for "Early bird" registration
>> >
>> > All the best and see you in Madrid!
>> >
>> > On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
>> >
>> > Martin (Vice-Chairman)
>> > 
>> > Dr. Martin Martinez-Ripoll
>> > Research Professor
>> >
>> > Department of Crystallography & Structural Biology
>> >
>> > Telf.: +34 917459550
>> > Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
>> > Spanish National Research Council
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> Harry
>> --
>> Dr Harry Powell
>> Chairman ECA SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing)
>> Acting Chairman IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing
> --
>  ===
>  * *
>  * Gerard Bricogne  *
>  * *
>  * Global Phasing Ltd. *
>  * Sheraton House, Castle Park Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
>  * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK   Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
>  * *
>  ===

Re: [ccp4bb] XXII IUCr Congress and General Assembly - Madrid (Spain)

2011-04-15 Thread Gerard Bricogne
Dear Harry,

 Thank you for the reminder. Upon connecting to the URL given in
Martin's e-mail, however, one immediately gets a pop-up saying:

   "New deadline fo abstract submission: April 28"

(no doubt to enable everyone to work until the last minute prior to the
royal wedding ...). Can you confirm?

 With best wishes,

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:39:14AM +0100, Harry Powell wrote:
> Hi folks
> today is the last day to get your abstract in!
> On 7 Apr 2011, at 14:24, Martin M. Ripoll wrote:
> > Dear colleagues,
> >  
> > This is just to remind you that the “XXII Congress and General Assembly” of 
> > the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography) will be held in Madrid 
> > (Spain) from 22-30 August 2011 and that your Spanish colleagues kindly 
> > invite you to participate not only in the most important crystallographic 
> > event until 2014, but also to enjoy a fruitful meeting in a sunny and full 
> > of life city!
> >  
> > All information is to be found in:
> >
> > although two important dates to remember are:
> > April 15, 2011: Deadline for abstracts submission
> > May 15,  2011: Deadline for "Early bird" registration
> >  
> > All the best and see you in Madrid!
> >  
> > On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
> >  
> > Martin (Vice-Chairman)
> > 
> > Dr. Martin Martinez-Ripoll
> > Research Professor
> >
> > Department of Crystallography & Structural Biology
> >
> > Telf.: +34 917459550
> > Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
> > Spanish National Research Council
> >
> > 
> >  
> Harry
> --
> Dr Harry Powell 
> Chairman ECA SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing) 
> Acting Chairman IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing 


 * *
 * Gerard Bricogne  *
 * *
 * Global Phasing Ltd. *
 * Sheraton House, Castle Park Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
 * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK   Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
 * *

Re: [ccp4bb] XXII IUCr Congress and General Assembly - Madrid (Spain)

2011-04-15 Thread Harry Powell
Hi folks

today is the last day to get your abstract in!

On 7 Apr 2011, at 14:24, Martin M. Ripoll wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> This is just to remind you that the “XXII Congress and General Assembly” of 
> the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography) will be held in Madrid 
> (Spain) from 22-30 August 2011 and that your Spanish colleagues kindly invite 
> you to participate not only in the most important crystallographic event 
> until 2014, but also to enjoy a fruitful meeting in a sunny and full of life 
> city!
> All information is to be found in:
> although two important dates to remember are:
> April 15, 2011: Deadline for abstracts submission
> May 15,  2011: Deadline for "Early bird" registration
> All the best and see you in Madrid!
> On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
> Martin (Vice-Chairman)
> Dr. Martin Martinez-Ripoll
> Research Professor
> Department of Crystallography & Structural Biology
> Telf.: +34 917459550
> Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
> Spanish National Research Council

Dr Harry Powell 
Chairman ECA SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing) 
Acting Chairman IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing