Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-17 Thread James Holton
If there are no other noise sources, then then final signal to noise of 
measuring the photons you describe is always EXACTLY the same.  This is 
why photon-counting is such a useful error currency: doesn't matter 
how you slice them up or lump them together.  Photons are photons, and 
the square root of their count is the error.  Think of a detector that 
not only counts them one at a time, but stores them in individual 
files.  You get a lot of files, but if you add them all together into 
one or into a million the signal-to-noise is the same.

In reality, however, there is ALWAYS another source of error, and if 
that error changes up with each acquisition, then yes, you do average 
over the extra error with multiplicity.  Examples of such error are 
shutter jitter, beam flicker, sample vibration, and read-out noise.  
Detector calibration is also one of these errors, provided you never use 
the same pixel twice.  That's the nature of systematic errors, you can 
turn them into random errors if you can find a way to keep changing 
their source.  But if you use the same pixels over and over again to 
measure the same thing you might be only fooling yourself into thinking 
you are reducing your total error.

The number of photons sets a lower limit on the total error.  You can't 
do anything about that.  Profile fitting allows you to reduce the error 
incurred from not clearly knowing the boundary of a spot, but there is 
no way to get around shot noise (aka photon counting error).

But yes, in reality multiplicity is definitely your friend.  The trick 
is making it true multiplicity, where all sources of error have been 
changed up.  Personally, since there is so much contention about using 
the term multiplicity or redundancy, I think it should be called 
multiplicity when you are actually averaging over errors, but 
redundancy when you are not.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 1/15/2015 4:14 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:

I think a summary is that:

Background levels and errors thereof can be estimated very precisely as a 
percentage of the level, but as an absolute number, it nevertheless swamps out 
the signal contained in a Bragg peak. For example, if background = 10^6 photons 
+/- 1000 (very good estimate as a percentage--0.1%), that still adds an 
absolute number of +/- 1000 photons to a Bragg peak which might represent 1000 
photons or so, so this noise is a big problem. One would, however, gain a lot 
by having many pixels in each spot and profile-fitting them, as you mentioned, 
as this would improve sampling and reduce error.

What about this comparison, though: either measure a photon count of 10^6 once 
on a background of 10^7 or measure the same reflection 1000 times independently 
at 10^3 photons on a background of 10^4. Assuming no readout noise or other 
noise source, wouldn't the latter obviously be better? In a sense, each pixel 
in the Bragg peak in the first case would really be 1000 pixels in the second, 
and the noise from the background could be cancelled much more effectively? 
Admittedly this is an orthogonal issue to the background subtraction one, since 
obviously as you demonstrated the background makes I/sig worse, but this does 
make background subtraction markedly better, maybe even enough to warrant 
always erring on the side of too much non-crystal stuff?

And definitely always arguing to measure data at low intensities multiple times 
rather than once at high intensity, for a given total dose!


-Original Message-
From: James Holton []
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does 
rad dam travel?)


Background subtraction is unfortunately not as forgiving as you think it is.  
You can subtract the background, but you can't subtract the noise.
This is because noise (by definition) is never the same twice. Yes, the average or 
true background under a spot may be flat, but any given observation of it will be 
noisy, and there is no way to separate the noise that came from the Bragg-scattered photons from 
the background-scattered photons that hit the same pixel.  Each photon is an independent event, 
after all.

Consider an example: if you see 4 photons in an isolated spot after 1 second and there is zero 
background then sigma(I) = sqrt(I) = sqrt(4) = 2, and your I/sigma is most likely 2.  I write 
most likely because the true photon arrival rate (the thing that is 
proportional to F^2) doesn't have to be 4 photons/s just because you counted four in one 
observation.  The long-term average could easily be something else, such as 3 photons/s, 5 
photons/s or even 3.2 photons/s (on average).
Observing 4 photons is not unlikely in all these scenarios.  However, if you consider all possible 
true rates, simulate millions of trials and isolate all the instances where you counted 
4 photons you will find

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-15 Thread James Holton
 10 micron crystal is embedded in a block of vitrified water, for 
the same dose to the crystal (photons/area) you will still get 16 Bragg 
photons but 192 background photons in the spot area pixels, reducing 
your I/sigma to 1.1.  Most people would rather not do that.

So, yes, smaller beams are better if your crystal is actually small, and 
it is surrounded by stuff of similar thickness, density and elemental 
composition.  You also need to bear in mind the stuff that is in the 
beam path before and after your crystal because this is part of the 
illuminated volume too.  Ideally, you want your crystal sticking out 
into the air, then any beam size is more or less equivalent because 
air/N2 scatters 1000x less than the solid stuff in the loop.  The only 
problem with that is a lot of crystals hate surface tension.  This is 
why I recommend having surrounding stuff, but no too much.  A factor 
of 2 in volume is a good compromise.

Yes, there is such a thing as big crystals with a sweet spot that can 
only be accessed with a small beam and there is definitely a lot of 
excitement about that.  What I keep wondering is: what went wrong in the 
rest of that crystal?

  Brighter beams are better for getting your experiment over more 
quickly, but if you're attenuating then those extra photons are going to 
waste.  Faster detectors can help with this, but if they are too fast 
they will start picking up high-frequency noise in the beam.  This is a 
problem for anomalous, but not for resolution.  5% error when you are 
only counting 4 photons is a minor consideration.  Background is the 
primary enemy of resolution.  After disorder, of course!

As for where to put resources, I try not to think about which aspect of 
structural biology should be cut in favor of some other part because I 
think structural biology as a whole is important! Especially when you 
consider how much money is wasted on insert random political statement 

Detectors can always be better, but at the moment low-end noise levels 
and speed are not limiting factors.  The challenges are either 1) 
detecting weak spots (aka resolution) or 2) accurately measuring small 
differences between strong spots (aka anomalous differences).  1) is 
limited by pixel count and 2) by calibration.  I say pixel count because 
larger active areas are always better for background reduction (inverse 
square law), but only if your spots take up more than a few pixels.  If 
your spots are all smaller than a pixel then your pixels are too big.  
Colin Nave (JSR, 2014) has calculated that the ideal MX detector would 
have about 1e9 pixels in it.  Only problem with that is the going rate 
for a pixel these days is ~$0.25 each.  For anomalous, the biggest 
problem with detectors is calibration, which is a lot harder to deal 
with than you might think.  The best evidence of this fact is that if 
you simulate data with every kind of noise you can think of you still 
get low-resolution R-meas values of ~0.5% (Holton et al, FEBS 2014, 
Diederichs, 2009).  I have never seen a real dataset like that.  
Nevertheless, if you count 1,000,000 photons, the sigma of that count is 
1000, or 0.1% error.  Something else is getting in the way.  Unfortunate 
really, because if we could routinely get R-meas = 0.1% we would never 
need to make metal derivatives again.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 1/8/2015 9:47 AM, Keller, Jacob wrote:

Yes, this is great info and thoughts. What I still do not understand, however, 
is why the noise from air/loop scattering is so bad--why not make sure only the 
top of the Gaussian is engulfing the crystal, and the tails can hit air or 
loop? Isn't the air scattering noise easily subtractable, being essentially 
flat over time, whereas uneven illumination of the crystal is highly difficult 
to correct?

Also, in light of these considerations, it would seem to me a much better use 
of resources not to make brighter and smaller beams but instead concentrate on 
making better low-intensity big beam profiles (top-hats?) and lower-noise, 
faster detectors (like Pilatus and the new ADSC).


-Original Message-
From: James Holton []
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?

Yes, bigger is okay, and perhaps a little better if you consider the effects of 
beam/crystal vibration and two sharp-edged boundaries dancing over each other.  But 
bigger is better only to a point.  That point is when the illuminated area of 
non-good-stuff is about equal to the area of the good stuff.  This is because the total 
background noise is equal to the square root of the number of photons and equal volumes 
of any given stuff (good or non-good) yield about the same number of 
background-scattered photons.  So, since you're taking the square root, completely 
eliminating the non-good-stuff only buys you a gain of 40% in total noise.  Given

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-15 Thread Dom Bellini
Dear Jacob,

To add one more thing to the many ones from James, despite air scattering noise 
being flat and easily subtractable over time, that noise wont be the same if 
you take images with and without the sample. Since some of the photons will be 
absorbed and diffracted by the crystal, the air noise will be different from 
what you recorded without the sample (with or without the loop/stuff) and you 
would like to subtract.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of James 
Sent: 15 January 2015 17:00
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does 
rad dam travel?)


Background subtraction is unfortunately not as forgiving as you think it is.  
You can subtract the background, but you can't subtract the noise.  
This is because noise (by definition) is never the same twice. Yes, the 
average or true background under a spot may be flat, but any given 
observation of it will be noisy, and there is no way to separate the noise that 
came from the Bragg-scattered photons from the background-scattered photons 
that hit the same pixel.  Each photon is an independent event, after all.

   Consider an example: if you see 4 photons in an isolated spot after 1 second 
and there is zero background then sigma(I) = sqrt(I) = sqrt(4) = 2, and your 
I/sigma is most likely 2.  I write most likely because the true photon 
arrival rate (the thing that is proportional to F^2) doesn't have to be 4 
photons/s just because you counted four in one observation.  The long-term 
average could easily be something else, such as 3 photons/s, 5 photons/s or 
even 3.2 photons/s (on average).  
Observing 4 photons is not unlikely in all these scenarios.  However, if you 
consider all possible true rates, simulate millions of trials and isolate all 
the instances where you counted 4 photons you will find that the true rate of 
4.0 photons/s turns up more often than any other, so that's your best guess.

Nevertheless, if your true rate really is 4.0 photons/s, then the probability 
of actually seeing 4 photons is only ~20%!  The other 80% of the time you will 
see something else.  20% of the time you will count 3, there is a 15% chance 
you will only see 2, and a ~2% chance you will see zero.  There is also a 2% 
chance of seeing 11 photons in 1 second when the true rate is really 4. You 
just don't know.  Of course, with more observations you can narrow it down.  If 
you do 100 trials and see an average of 4.0, then you are obviously a lot more 
confident in the true rate of 4 photons/s.  But this isn't observing 4 
photons, this is observing 400 photons and dividing that number by 100.  
Because the error in counting 400 photons is sqrt(400)=20, your signal-to-noise 
400/sqrt(400) = 20!  This is why multiplicity is a good thing.  However, if all 
you have is one sample of 4 photons your best guess is I = 4 and
sigma(I) = 2.

Now consider the case where there is background.  Say the true rate 
for the background is 10 photons/pixel/s, and for simplicity lets say your 4 
photon/s spot lies entirely within one pixel. What is your signal-to-noise now? 
 Well, if you take 100 pixels in the neighborhood around your spot you will 
count ~1000 photons, giving you an excellent estimate of the true background 
rate: 10 photons/pixel/s with a sigma of sqrt(1000)/100 = 0.3, or a 
signal-to-noise of 31.6 for the estimate of the background level.  Looking at 
the one pixel containing your spot, let's say you saw 14 photons in it, that 
means you have a sigma of 2 from the 4 spot photons and a sigma of 0.3 
from the background photons for a total sigma of sqrt(2^2+0.3^2) = 2.02 and 
I/sigma = 1.97, right?  Wrong.

The reality of the situation is the 14 photons that landed in your spot pixel 
were independent events from all the photons that landed in the nearby 
background pixels.  Yes, you know that there should be 10, but the 
probability of actually getting 10 exactly is only 12.4%.  You are just as 
likely to see 11 or 9, and there is a 5% chance of 14 background photons 
hitting the spot area.  In that case the Bragg intensity could easily be zero, 
and the 14 photons you saw were just a random fluctuation from the average of 
10.  You just don't know!  And your error bars should reflect that.  The 
correct value for sigma(I) turns out to be the square root of the TOTAL number 
of photons that hit the spot area: sqrt(14) = 3.7 and the I/sigma of your 
4-photon spot is now 1.07. With 100 background photons/pixel, your I/sigma = 
0.4.  This is how background degrades your resolution limit.

The bright side of it is that the degradation of I/sigma rises only with the 
square root of the background level, not the background level itself.  As a 
general rule: it takes 3x the Bragg photons to cut I/sigma in half, 15x the 
Bragg photons to cut it to 1/4, etc.  So, a factor of 2 in background is at 
worst a 40% hit in I/sigma

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-15 Thread Keller, Jacob
-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Dom 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does 
rad dam travel?)

Dear Jacob,

To add one more thing to the many ones from James, despite air scattering noise 
being flat and easily subtractable over time, that noise wont be the same if 
you take images with and without the sample. Since some of the photons will be 
absorbed and diffracted by the crystal, the air noise will be different from 
what you recorded without the sample (with or without the loop/stuff) and you 
would like to subtract.

Right--I meant to extrapolate the background from non-spot pixels on the 
detector. I am still processing James's message, however (always a good idea to 
consider them well). 

BTW, I should add that many of these statistical discussions on CCP4BB have 
informed a lot of (all?) other research I have been doing, so thanks very much 
everyone for the enlightenment!


Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-15 Thread Keller, Jacob
I think a summary is that:

Background levels and errors thereof can be estimated very precisely as a 
percentage of the level, but as an absolute number, it nevertheless swamps out 
the signal contained in a Bragg peak. For example, if background = 10^6 photons 
+/- 1000 (very good estimate as a percentage--0.1%), that still adds an 
absolute number of +/- 1000 photons to a Bragg peak which might represent 1000 
photons or so, so this noise is a big problem. One would, however, gain a lot 
by having many pixels in each spot and profile-fitting them, as you mentioned, 
as this would improve sampling and reduce error.

What about this comparison, though: either measure a photon count of 10^6 once 
on a background of 10^7 or measure the same reflection 1000 times independently 
at 10^3 photons on a background of 10^4. Assuming no readout noise or other 
noise source, wouldn't the latter obviously be better? In a sense, each pixel 
in the Bragg peak in the first case would really be 1000 pixels in the second, 
and the noise from the background could be cancelled much more effectively? 
Admittedly this is an orthogonal issue to the background subtraction one, since 
obviously as you demonstrated the background makes I/sig worse, but this does 
make background subtraction markedly better, maybe even enough to warrant 
always erring on the side of too much non-crystal stuff?

And definitely always arguing to measure data at low intensities multiple times 
rather than once at high intensity, for a given total dose!


-Original Message-
From: James Holton [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:00 PM
To: Keller, Jacob; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does 
rad dam travel?)


Background subtraction is unfortunately not as forgiving as you think it is.  
You can subtract the background, but you can't subtract the noise.  
This is because noise (by definition) is never the same twice. Yes, the 
average or true background under a spot may be flat, but any given 
observation of it will be noisy, and there is no way to separate the noise that 
came from the Bragg-scattered photons from the background-scattered photons 
that hit the same pixel.  Each photon is an independent event, after all.

   Consider an example: if you see 4 photons in an isolated spot after 1 second 
and there is zero background then sigma(I) = sqrt(I) = sqrt(4) = 2, and your 
I/sigma is most likely 2.  I write most likely because the true photon 
arrival rate (the thing that is proportional to F^2) doesn't have to be 4 
photons/s just because you counted four in one observation.  The long-term 
average could easily be something else, such as 3 photons/s, 5 photons/s or 
even 3.2 photons/s (on average).  
Observing 4 photons is not unlikely in all these scenarios.  However, if you 
consider all possible true rates, simulate millions of trials and isolate all 
the instances where you counted 4 photons you will find that the true rate of 
4.0 photons/s turns up more often than any other, so that's your best guess.

Nevertheless, if your true rate really is 4.0 photons/s, then the probability 
of actually seeing 4 photons is only ~20%!  The other 80% of the time you will 
see something else.  20% of the time you will count 3, there is a 15% chance 
you will only see 2, and a ~2% chance you will see zero.  There is also a 2% 
chance of seeing 11 photons in 1 second when the true rate is really 4. You 
just don't know.  Of course, with more observations you can narrow it down.  If 
you do 100 trials and see an average of 4.0, then you are obviously a lot more 
confident in the true rate of 4 photons/s.  But this isn't observing 4 
photons, this is observing 400 photons and dividing that number by 100.  
Because the error in counting 400 photons is sqrt(400)=20, your signal-to-noise 
400/sqrt(400) = 20!  This is why multiplicity is a good thing.  However, if all 
you have is one sample of 4 photons your best guess is I = 4 and
sigma(I) = 2.

Now consider the case where there is background.  Say the true rate 
for the background is 10 photons/pixel/s, and for simplicity lets say your 4 
photon/s spot lies entirely within one pixel. What is your signal-to-noise now? 
 Well, if you take 100 pixels in the neighborhood around your spot you will 
count ~1000 photons, giving you an excellent estimate of the true background 
rate: 10 photons/pixel/s with a sigma of sqrt(1000)/100 = 0.3, or a 
signal-to-noise of 31.6 for the estimate of the background level.  Looking at 
the one pixel containing your spot, let's say you saw 14 photons in it, that 
means you have a sigma of 2 from the 4 spot photons and a sigma of 0.3 
from the background photons for a total sigma of sqrt(2^2+0.3^2) = 2.02 and 
I/sigma = 1.97, right?  Wrong.

The reality of the situation is the 14 photons that landed in your spot pixel 
were independent events from all

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-14 Thread Tim Gruene
Hash: SHA1

Hi Jacob,

both George Sheldrick and Andrew Leslie explained to me that the
machine I had in mind - a sealed tube generator with a graphite
monochromator - is not really state of the art and merely a technology
from 20 years ago. Hence my comment about the top hat profile of
inhouse machines adding to the high quality data they produce was
inappropriate. Modern inhouse machines usually don't show a top hat

The quote from Bruker I referred to addressed a project to check
crystals before collecting neutron data, where such a machine is
indeed appropriate. However, most of us hardly ever see crystals with
a volume in the mm^3 region.

Sorry if I caused any confusion - I felt I should set this straight
for everyone to know.


On 01/12/2015 11:32 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
 at the beginning of my experience of S-SAD about 10 years ago, it
 was not too difficult to do S-SAD phasing with inhouse data
 provided the resolution was better than 2.0A, while it did not
 always work with synchrotron data. Purely personal experience.
 I assume that the synchrotron data were collected at similarly-low
 However, the inhouse machines I am familiar with have three
 circles, so that you get much better real redundancy with
 equivalent reflections recorded at different settings. This
 reduces systematic errors, I think.
 The most sophisticated synchrotron beamline I have been to offered
 a mini-kappa with 30degree range - that's not much compared to
 10-20 different settings with varying phi- omega- and distance
 Yes, I haven't seen much about people collecting multiple
 orientations of the same crystal, since I think people generally
 roast their crystals really fast to see higher-resolution spots. I
 am thinking recently that the best option might really be home
 sources with pixel-array detectors...
 The top-hat comes from a quote I received from Bruker, and I have
 no reason to believe the person acted purely with a salesperson's
 Pretty interesting--wonder what's the best way to confirm this for
 our home source...?
 Best, Tim
 On 01/12/2015 09:05 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
 the top-hat profile is one of the reasons why inhouse machines
 produce better quality data than synchrotrons. However, the
 often much increased resolution you achieve at the synchrotron
 is generally worth more than the quality of the data at
 restricted resolution.
 Cheers, Tim
 Several surprises to me:
 -Data from in-house sources is better? I have not heard of
 this--is there any systematic examination of this? I saw nothing
 about this in a very brief Google foray.
 -In-house beam profiles are top-hats? Is there a place which
 shows such measurements? Does not pop out of Google for me, but I
 would love to be shown that this is true.
 -Resolution at the synchrotron is better? This does not really
 seem right to me theoretically, although in practice it does seem
 to happen. I think it is just a question of waiting for enough
 exposure time, as the CCP4BB response quoted at bottom
 Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:04:05 -0700 From: James Holton Re: Re: Lousy diffraction at home but
 fantastic at the synchrotron? There are a few things that
 synchrotron beamlines generally do better than home sources,
 but the most important are flux, collimation and absorption. Flux
 is in photons/s and simply scales down the amount of time it
 takes to get a given amount of photons onto the crystal. Contrary
 to popular belief, there is nothing magical about having more
 photons/s: it does not somehow make your protein molecules
 behave and line up in a more ordered way. However, it does
 allow you to do the equivalent of a 24-hour exposure in a few
 seconds (depending on which beamline and which home source you
 are comparing), so it can be hard to get your brain around the
 comparison. Collimation, in a nutshell, is putting all the
 incident photons through the crystal, preferably in a straight
 line. Illuminating anything that isn't the crystal generates
 background, and background buries weak diffraction spots (also
 known as high-resolution spots). Now, when I say crystal I mean
 the thing you want to shoot, so this includes the best part of
 a bent, cracked or otherwise inhomogeneous crystal. The amount
 of background goes as the square of the beam size, so a 0.5 mm
 beam can produce up to 25 times more background than a 0.1 mm
 beam (for a fixed spot intensity). Also, if the beam has high
 divergence (the range of incidence angles onto the crystal),
 then the spots on the detector will be more spread out than if
 the beam had low divergence, and the more spread-out the spots
 are the easier it is for them to fade into the background. Now,
 even at home sources, one can cut down the beam to have very low
 divergence and a very small size at the sample 

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-13 Thread Andrew Leslie
Hi Tim, Jacob,

 I must admit that I was very surprised by the 
suggestion of a top-hat profile for a in-house rotating anode. We have a Rigaku 
Fr-E generator, and Rigaku provided a plot of the beam profile for that (with 
VariMax-HR Optic) and it is very far from being top hat, much more 
Gaussian-like, which really is what I would have expected for this type of 
source and optic. 

Without significantly truncating the full profile (i.e. by selecting the very 
central part of a Gaussian, which results in a significant loss of flux) I 
don't know how they would achieve a top hat profile, but perhaps someone from 
Bruker could respond to this ? I guess my point is that certainly not all in 
house generators provide a beam with a top hat profile.

Best wishes,


On 12 Jan 2015, at 21:38, Tim Gruene wrote:

 Hi Jacob,
 at the beginning of my experience of S-SAD about 10 years ago, it was
 not too difficult to do S-SAD phasing with inhouse data provided the
 resolution was better than 2.0A, while it did not always work with
 synchrotron data. Purely personal experience.
 However, the inhouse machines I am familiar with have three circles, so
 that you get much better real redundancy with equivalent reflections
 recorded at different settings. This reduces systematic errors, I think.
 The most sophisticated synchrotron beamline I have been to offered a
 mini-kappa with 30degree range - that's not much compared to 10-20
 different settings with varying phi- omega- and distance settings.
 The top-hat comes from a quote I received from Bruker, and I have no
 reason to believe the person acted purely with a salesperson's intent.
 On 01/12/2015 09:05 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
 the top-hat profile is one of the reasons why inhouse machines produce 
 better quality data than synchrotrons. However, the often much increased 
 resolution you achieve at the synchrotron is generally worth more than the 
 quality of the data at restricted resolution.
 Several surprises to me:
 -Data from in-house sources is better?
  I have not heard of this--is there any systematic examination of this? 
 I saw nothing about this in a very brief Google foray.
 -In-house beam profiles are top-hats?
  Is there a place which shows such measurements? Does not pop out of 
 Google for me, but I would love to be shown that this is true.
 -Resolution at the synchrotron is better?
  This does not really seem right to me theoretically, although in 
 practice it does seem to happen. I think it is just a question of waiting 
 for enough exposure time, as the CCP4BB response quoted at bottom describes.
 Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:04:05 -0700
 From: James Holton
 Re: Re: Lousy diffraction at home but fantastic at the synchrotron?
 There are a few things that synchrotron beamlines generally do better than 
 home sources, but the most important are flux, collimation and absorption.
 Flux is in photons/s and simply scales down the amount of time it takes to 
 get a given amount of photons onto the crystal. Contrary to popular belief, 
 there is nothing magical about having more photons/s: it does not somehow 
 make your protein molecules behave and line up in a more ordered way. 
 However, it does allow you to do the equivalent of a 24-hour exposure in a 
 few seconds (depending on which beamline and which home source you are 
 comparing), so it can be hard to get your brain around the comparison.
 Collimation, in a nutshell, is putting all the incident photons through the 
 crystal, preferably in a straight line. Illuminating anything that isn't the 
 crystal generates background, and background buries weak diffraction spots 
 (also known as high-resolution spots). Now, when I say crystal I mean the 
 thing you want to shoot, so this includes the best part of a bent, cracked 
 or otherwise inhomogeneous crystal. The amount of background goes as the 
 square of the beam size, so a 0.5 mm beam can produce up to 25 times more 
 background than a 0.1 mm beam (for a fixed spot intensity).
 Also, if the beam has high divergence (the range of incidence angles onto 
 the crystal), then the spots on the detector will be more spread out than if 
 the beam had low divergence, and the more spread-out the spots are the 
 easier it is for them to fade into the background. Now, even at home 
 sources, one can cut down the beam to have very low divergence and a very 
 small size at the sample position, but this comes at the expense of flux.
 Another tenant of collimation (in my book) is the DEPTH of non-crystal 
 stuff in the primary x-ray beam that can be seen by the detector. This 
 includes the air space between the collimator and the beam stop. One 
 millimeter of air generates about as much background as 1 micron of crystal, 
 water, or plastic. Some home sources have ridiculously large air 

[ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-12 Thread Keller, Jacob
the top-hat profile is one of the reasons why inhouse machines produce better 
quality data than synchrotrons. However, the often much increased resolution 
you achieve at the synchrotron is generally worth more than the quality of the 
data at restricted resolution.


Several surprises to me:

-Data from in-house sources is better?
I have not heard of this--is there any systematic examination of this? 
I saw nothing about this in a very brief Google foray.

-In-house beam profiles are top-hats?
Is there a place which shows such measurements? Does not pop out of 
Google for me, but I would love to be shown that this is true.

-Resolution at the synchrotron is better?
This does not really seem right to me theoretically, although in 
practice it does seem to happen. I think it is just a question of waiting for 
enough exposure time, as the CCP4BB response quoted at bottom describes.



Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:04:05 -0700
From: James Holton
Re: Re: Lousy diffraction at home but fantastic at the synchrotron?
There are a few things that synchrotron beamlines generally do better than 
home sources, but the most important are flux, collimation and absorption.
Flux is in photons/s and simply scales down the amount of time it takes to get 
a given amount of photons onto the crystal. Contrary to popular belief, there 
is nothing magical about having more photons/s: it does not somehow make your 
protein molecules behave and line up in a more ordered way. However, it does 
allow you to do the equivalent of a 24-hour exposure in a few seconds 
(depending on which beamline and which home source you are comparing), so it 
can be hard to get your brain around the comparison.
Collimation, in a nutshell, is putting all the incident photons through the 
crystal, preferably in a straight line. Illuminating anything that isn't the 
crystal generates background, and background buries weak diffraction spots 
(also known as high-resolution spots). Now, when I say crystal I mean the 
thing you want to shoot, so this includes the best part of a bent, cracked or 
otherwise inhomogeneous crystal. The amount of background goes as the square 
of the beam size, so a 0.5 mm beam can produce up to 25 times more background 
than a 0.1 mm beam (for a fixed spot intensity).
Also, if the beam has high divergence (the range of incidence angles onto the 
crystal), then the spots on the detector will be more spread out than if the 
beam had low divergence, and the more spread-out the spots are the easier it is 
for them to fade into the background. Now, even at home sources, one can cut 
down the beam to have very low divergence and a very small size at the sample 
position, but this comes at the expense of flux.
Another tenant of collimation (in my book) is the DEPTH of non-crystal stuff 
in the primary x-ray beam that can be seen by the detector. This includes the 
air space between the collimator and the beam stop. One millimeter of air 
generates about as much background as 1 micron of crystal, water, or plastic. 
Some home sources have ridiculously large air paths (like putting the backstop 
on the detector surface), and that can give you a lot of background. As a rule 
of thumb, you want you air path in mm to be less than or equal to your crystal 
size in microns. In this situation, the crystal itself is generating at least 
as much background as the air, and so further reducing the air path has 
diminishing returns. For example, going from 100 mm air and 100 um crystal to 
completely eliminating air will only get you about a 40% reduction in 
background noise (it goes as the square root).
Now, this rule of thumb also goes for the support material around your 
crystal: one micron of cryoprotectant generates about as much background as one 
micron of crystal. So, if you have a 10 micron crystal mounted in a 1 mm thick 
drop, and manage to hit the crystal with a 10 micron beam, you still have 100 
times more background coming from the drop than you do from the crystal. This 
is why in-situ diffraction is so difficult: it is hard to come by a crystal 
tray that is the same thickness as the crystals.
Absorption differences between home and beamline are generally because 
beamlines operate at around 1 A, where a 200 um thick crystal or a 200 mm air 
path absorbs only about 4% of the x-rays, and home sources generally operate at 
CuKa, where the same amount of crystal or air absorbs ~20%. The absorption 
correction due to different paths taken through the sample must always be less 
than the total absorption, so you can imagine the relative difficulty of trying 
to measure a ~3% anomalous difference.
Lower absorption also accentuates the benefits of putting the detector further 
away. By the way, there IS a good reason why we spend so much money on 
large-area detectors. Background falls off with the square of distance, but the 
spots don't (assuming good 

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-12 Thread Tim Gruene
Hi Jacob,

at the beginning of my experience of S-SAD about 10 years ago, it was
not too difficult to do S-SAD phasing with inhouse data provided the
resolution was better than 2.0A, while it did not always work with
synchrotron data. Purely personal experience.

However, the inhouse machines I am familiar with have three circles, so
that you get much better real redundancy with equivalent reflections
recorded at different settings. This reduces systematic errors, I think.
The most sophisticated synchrotron beamline I have been to offered a
mini-kappa with 30degree range - that's not much compared to 10-20
different settings with varying phi- omega- and distance settings.

The top-hat comes from a quote I received from Bruker, and I have no
reason to believe the person acted purely with a salesperson's intent.


On 01/12/2015 09:05 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
 the top-hat profile is one of the reasons why inhouse machines produce 
 better quality data than synchrotrons. However, the often much increased 
 resolution you achieve at the synchrotron is generally worth more than the 
 quality of the data at restricted resolution.

 Several surprises to me:
 -Data from in-house sources is better?
   I have not heard of this--is there any systematic examination of this? 
 I saw nothing about this in a very brief Google foray.
 -In-house beam profiles are top-hats?
   Is there a place which shows such measurements? Does not pop out of 
 Google for me, but I would love to be shown that this is true.
 -Resolution at the synchrotron is better?
   This does not really seem right to me theoretically, although in 
 practice it does seem to happen. I think it is just a question of waiting for 
 enough exposure time, as the CCP4BB response quoted at bottom describes.
 Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:04:05 -0700
 From: James Holton
 Re: Re: Lousy diffraction at home but fantastic at the synchrotron?
 There are a few things that synchrotron beamlines generally do better than 
 home sources, but the most important are flux, collimation and absorption.
 Flux is in photons/s and simply scales down the amount of time it takes to 
 get a given amount of photons onto the crystal. Contrary to popular belief, 
 there is nothing magical about having more photons/s: it does not somehow 
 make your protein molecules behave and line up in a more ordered way. 
 However, it does allow you to do the equivalent of a 24-hour exposure in a 
 few seconds (depending on which beamline and which home source you are 
 comparing), so it can be hard to get your brain around the comparison.
 Collimation, in a nutshell, is putting all the incident photons through the 
 crystal, preferably in a straight line. Illuminating anything that isn't the 
 crystal generates background, and background buries weak diffraction spots 
 (also known as high-resolution spots). Now, when I say crystal I mean the 
 thing you want to shoot, so this includes the best part of a bent, cracked 
 or otherwise inhomogeneous crystal. The amount of background goes as the 
 square of the beam size, so a 0.5 mm beam can produce up to 25 times more 
 background than a 0.1 mm beam (for a fixed spot intensity).
 Also, if the beam has high divergence (the range of incidence angles onto 
 the crystal), then the spots on the detector will be more spread out than if 
 the beam had low divergence, and the more spread-out the spots are the easier 
 it is for them to fade into the background. Now, even at home sources, one 
 can cut down the beam to have very low divergence and a very small size at 
 the sample position, but this comes at the expense of flux.
 Another tenant of collimation (in my book) is the DEPTH of non-crystal 
 stuff in the primary x-ray beam that can be seen by the detector. This 
 includes the air space between the collimator and the beam stop. One 
 millimeter of air generates about as much background as 1 micron of crystal, 
 water, or plastic. Some home sources have ridiculously large air paths (like 
 putting the backstop on the detector surface), and that can give you a lot of 
 background. As a rule of thumb, you want you air path in mm to be less than 
 or equal to your crystal size in microns. In this situation, the crystal 
 itself is generating at least as much background as the air, and so further 
 reducing the air path has diminishing returns. For example, going from 100 mm 
 air and 100 um crystal to completely eliminating air will only get you about 
 a 40% reduction in background noise (it goes as the square root).
 Now, this rule of thumb also goes for the support material around your 
 crystal: one micron of cryoprotectant generates about as much background as 
 one micron of crystal. So, if you have a 10 micron crystal mounted in a 1 mm 
 thick drop, and manage to hit the crystal with a 10 micron beam, you still 
 have 100 times more background 

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray Source Differences (WAS: RE: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?)

2015-01-12 Thread Keller, Jacob
at the beginning of my experience of S-SAD about 10 years ago, it was not too 
difficult to do S-SAD phasing with inhouse data provided the resolution was 
better than 2.0A, while it did not always work with synchrotron data. Purely 
personal experience.

I assume that the synchrotron data were collected at similarly-low energy?

However, the inhouse machines I am familiar with have three circles, so that 
you get much better real redundancy with equivalent reflections recorded at 
different settings. This reduces systematic errors, I think.
The most sophisticated synchrotron beamline I have been to offered a mini-kappa 
with 30degree range - that's not much compared to 10-20 different settings with 
varying phi- omega- and distance settings.

Yes, I haven't seen much about people collecting multiple orientations of the 
same crystal, since I think people generally roast their crystals really fast 
to see higher-resolution spots. I am thinking recently that the best option 
might really be home sources with pixel-array detectors...

The top-hat comes from a quote I received from Bruker, and I have no reason to 
believe the person acted purely with a salesperson's intent.

Pretty interesting--wonder what's the best way to confirm this for our home 



On 01/12/2015 09:05 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
 the top-hat profile is one of the reasons why inhouse machines produce 
 better quality data than synchrotrons. However, the often much increased 
 resolution you achieve at the synchrotron is generally worth more than the 
 quality of the data at restricted resolution.

 Several surprises to me:
 -Data from in-house sources is better?
   I have not heard of this--is there any systematic examination of this? 
 I saw nothing about this in a very brief Google foray.
 -In-house beam profiles are top-hats?
   Is there a place which shows such measurements? Does not pop out of 
 Google for me, but I would love to be shown that this is true.
 -Resolution at the synchrotron is better?
   This does not really seem right to me theoretically, although in 
 practice it does seem to happen. I think it is just a question of waiting for 
 enough exposure time, as the CCP4BB response quoted at bottom describes.
 Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:04:05 -0700
 From: James Holton
 Re: Re: Lousy diffraction at home but fantastic at the synchrotron?
 There are a few things that synchrotron beamlines generally do better than 
 home sources, but the most important are flux, collimation and absorption.
 Flux is in photons/s and simply scales down the amount of time it takes to 
 get a given amount of photons onto the crystal. Contrary to popular belief, 
 there is nothing magical about having more photons/s: it does not somehow 
 make your protein molecules behave and line up in a more ordered way. 
 However, it does allow you to do the equivalent of a 24-hour exposure in a 
 few seconds (depending on which beamline and which home source you are 
 comparing), so it can be hard to get your brain around the comparison.
 Collimation, in a nutshell, is putting all the incident photons through the 
 crystal, preferably in a straight line. Illuminating anything that isn't the 
 crystal generates background, and background buries weak diffraction spots 
 (also known as high-resolution spots). Now, when I say crystal I mean the 
 thing you want to shoot, so this includes the best part of a bent, cracked 
 or otherwise inhomogeneous crystal. The amount of background goes as the 
 square of the beam size, so a 0.5 mm beam can produce up to 25 times more 
 background than a 0.1 mm beam (for a fixed spot intensity).
 Also, if the beam has high divergence (the range of incidence angles onto 
 the crystal), then the spots on the detector will be more spread out than if 
 the beam had low divergence, and the more spread-out the spots are the easier 
 it is for them to fade into the background. Now, even at home sources, one 
 can cut down the beam to have very low divergence and a very small size at 
 the sample position, but this comes at the expense of flux.
 Another tenant of collimation (in my book) is the DEPTH of non-crystal 
 stuff in the primary x-ray beam that can be seen by the detector. This 
 includes the air space between the collimator and the beam stop. One 
 millimeter of air generates about as much background as 1 micron of crystal, 
 water, or plastic. Some home sources have ridiculously large air paths (like 
 putting the backstop on the detector surface), and that can give you a lot of 
 background. As a rule of thumb, you want you air path in mm to be less than 
 or equal to your crystal size in microns. In this situation, the crystal 
 itself is generating at least as much background as the air, and so further 
 reducing the air path has diminishing returns. For example, going from 100 mm 
 air and 100 um crystal 

Re: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?

2015-01-08 Thread Keller, Jacob
Yes, this is great info and thoughts. What I still do not understand, however, 
is why the noise from air/loop scattering is so bad--why not make sure only the 
top of the Gaussian is engulfing the crystal, and the tails can hit air or 
loop? Isn't the air scattering noise easily subtractable, being essentially 
flat over time, whereas uneven illumination of the crystal is highly difficult 
to correct?

Also, in light of these considerations, it would seem to me a much better use 
of resources not to make brighter and smaller beams but instead concentrate on 
making better low-intensity big beam profiles (top-hats?) and lower-noise, 
faster detectors (like Pilatus and the new ADSC). 


-Original Message-
From: James Holton [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 3:57 PM
To: Keller, Jacob; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?

Yes, bigger is okay, and perhaps a little better if you consider the effects of 
beam/crystal vibration and two sharp-edged boundaries dancing over each other.  
But bigger is better only to a point.  That point is when the illuminated area 
of non-good-stuff is about equal to the area of the good stuff.  This is 
because the total background noise is equal to the square root of the number of 
photons and equal volumes of any given stuff (good or non-good) yield about 
the same number of background-scattered photons.  So, since you're taking the 
square root, completely eliminating the non-good-stuff only buys you a gain of 
40% in total noise.  Given that other sources of noise come into play when the 
beam and crystal are exactly matched (flicker), 40% is a reasonable compromise. 
 This is why I recommend loop sizes that are about 40% bigger than the crystal 
itself.  Much less risk of surface-tension injury, and the air around the loop 
scatters 1000x less than the non-crystal stuff in the loop: effectively 
defining the beam size.

As for what beam profiles look like at different beamlines, there are some 
sobering mug-shots in this paper:

Some interesting quirks in a few of them, but in general optimally focused 
beams are Gaussian.  Almost by definition! (central limit theorem and all 
that).  It is when you de-focus that things get really embarrassing.  X-ray 
mirrors all have a fingerprint in the de-focused region that leads to 
striations and other distortions.  The technology is improving, but good 
solutions for de focusing are still not widely available.  Perhaps because 
they are hard to fund.

Genuine top-hat beams are rare, but there are a few of them. Petra-III is 
particularly proud of theirs.  But top-hats are usually defined by collimation 
of a Gaussian and the more x-rays you have hitting the back of the aperture the 
more difficult it is to control the background generated by the collimator.  If 
you can see the shadow of your pin on the detector, then you know there is a 
significant amount of background that is coming from upstream of your 
crystal!  My solution is to collimate at roughly the FWHM.  This chops off the 
tails and gives you a tolerably flat beam in the middle.

How much more intense is the peak than the tails?  Well, at the FWHM, the 
intensity is, well, half of that at the center.  At twice that distance from 
the center, you are down to 6.2%.  The equation is
exp(-log(16)*(x/hwhm)**2) where hwhm is 1/2 of the FHWM.


-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 12/30/2014 12:10 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
 Yes, it gets complicated, doesn't it?  This is why I generally 
 trying to use a beam that matches your crystal size.

 ...or is bigger, right? Diffuse scattering, yes, but more even illumination 
 might be worth it?

 Generally, James, I have a question: what is the nature of the intensity 
 cross-sections at most beamlines--are they usually Gaussian, or are some 
 flatter? Or I guess, if Gaussian, how much more intense is the peak than the 


Re: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?

2014-12-30 Thread James Holton
Translate it by 13 microns.  And use enough attenuation to get 180 
degrees at each position.

The track length of photoelectrons from 1 A X-rays in water, protein, 
plastic, and other materials with density close to 1 g/cm^3 and atomic 
numbers close to 7 is about 3 microns (Cole, Rad. Res. 1969).  This 
defines the effective maximum range of the radiolytic chemistry.  So, 
10+3 = 13 microns from center-to-center if you want to avoid the damage 
of the last shot.

That said, if you blast the living daylights out of one spot you will 
eventually be able to see it grow in size, and the uneven expansion 
produces stress that can propagate into the unilluminated areas of your 
sample.  It stands to reason that stress is not good for diffraction, so 
you could consider this dose contrast effect as a mechanism of damage 
spreading. Nevertheless, it has been shown that at moderate doses 
(spots fading noticeably, but not disappearing entirely) properly 
accounting for the dose to the illuminated volume under different dose 
contrast situations leads to similar decay curves (Zeldin et al 2013), 
indicating that dose itself is a lot more important than dose contrast.

Perhaps the main reason why damage spreading is still not all that 
well understood is because it is really really hard to produce an X-ray 
beam with edges sharp enough to study it!  This is because all X-ray 
beams have some divergence (aka crossfire), and it is generally unwise 
to put a collimator inside the cryo stream.  At 1 cm from the sample, 
even with the relatively low divergence of 100 microRadian (0.006 deg) 
the X-ray beam will be 1 micron bigger at the sample than it was at the 
collimator, blurring at the edges.  You can reduce the divergence, but 
that will cost you flux.  Balancing all these considerations for making 
a small beam generally results in a Gaussian shape, so I'm willing to 
bet your 10 micron beam is Gaussian.  For any Gaussian beam half of the 
incident photons fall outside the full-width-at-half-max (FWHM) contour 
level generally quoted to define the size of the beam.  No doubt a lot 
of people who think they are seeing damage spreading into regions 
outside the beam-box are actually seeing nothing more than damage caused 
by the tails of the main beam itself.  Without collimation, these tails 
formally extend to infinity, so the question of how far to translate 
becomes not one of how to completely avoid damage, but how much damage 
you are willing to put up with.  Is 10% okay? 5%?  20%?  Remember, that 
even your first shot on a fresh part of the crystal is not going to be 
damage-free because damage is going on during each exposure, including 
the first one! (unless, of course, you are using an XFEL).

You can do a lot of math trying to optimize diffracted photons vs damage 
(see Zeldin et al. 2013), but at the end of it all you find that the 
best way to utilize a given volume of good scattering matter is to use 
a beam that evenly illuminates that volume.  This is because any bit of 
good stuff that never sees beam is wasted, and over-exposing one bit 
over another doesn't gain you anything. You also don't want to shoot 
things that are not good stuff because that corrupts your data with 
background and/or unwanted spots.  Unfortunately, adjusting beam size to 
match each crystal shape exactly is a major engineering challenge and 
even if you could do this the sample has to rotate, making avoiding at 
least some unwanted material impossible.  So, in reality, your beam 
size tends to be fixed and you must paint with it on the canvas of 
your large, rotating crystal.  You can run simulations of such 
strategies at, and there are some tricks like 
off-setting the beam from the rotation axis to better approach even 
illumination, but in the end you cannot escape the even-illumination 
optimum.  To that end, a train of Gaussian profiles separated by their 
FWHM forms a profile that is flat on top to within 10%.  So, once 
again, since the damage from a 10 micron beam is 16 microns wide, a 
translation of 13 microns per wedge is a decent compromise.  Hence my 
recommendation above.

The next, question, of course, is how many shots you can get per 
wedge.  I have written a web jiffy for answering questions like this:

Since you mention metals in your crystal, I'm going to assume this is a 
metalloprotein, and metalloprotein active sites can be particularly 
dose-sensitive.  For example the water-splitting complex in 
Photosystem-II has been shown to decay with a half dose of 500 kGy 
(Yano, 2004), but the standing world-record is myoglobin, reducing half 
its iron with only 20 kGy (Denisov, 2007).  Taking 500 kGy as your dose 
limit, and assuming you are using 1 A X-rays, I can type in the 
parameters you describe into the above web page and I get ... an error 
message.  This is because the beam you are using delivers 5 MGy/s, so 
your first 0.1 s 

Re: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?

2014-12-30 Thread Keller, Jacob

Yes, it gets complicated, doesn't it?  This is why I generally recommend 
trying to use a beam that matches your crystal size.

...or is bigger, right? Diffuse scattering, yes, but more even illumination 
might be worth it?

Generally, James, I have a question: what is the nature of the intensity 
cross-sections at most beamlines--are they usually Gaussian, or are some 
flatter? Or I guess, if Gaussian, how much more intense is the peak than the 


Re: [ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?

2014-12-30 Thread James Holton
Yes, bigger is okay, and perhaps a little better if you consider the 
effects of beam/crystal vibration and two sharp-edged boundaries dancing 
over each other.  But bigger is better only to a point.  That point is 
when the illuminated area of non-good-stuff is about equal to the area 
of the good stuff.  This is because the total background noise is equal 
to the square root of the number of photons and equal volumes of any 
given stuff (good or non-good) yield about the same number of 
background-scattered photons.  So, since you're taking the square root, 
completely eliminating the non-good-stuff only buys you a gain of 40% in 
total noise.  Given that other sources of noise come into play when the 
beam and crystal are exactly matched (flicker), 40% is a reasonable 
compromise.  This is why I recommend loop sizes that are about 40% 
bigger than the crystal itself.  Much less risk of surface-tension 
injury, and the air around the loop scatters 1000x less than the 
non-crystal stuff in the loop: effectively defining the beam size.

As for what beam profiles look like at different beamlines, there are 
some sobering mug-shots in this paper:

Some interesting quirks in a few of them, but in general optimally 
focused beams are Gaussian.  Almost by definition! (central limit 
theorem and all that).  It is when you de-focus that things get really 
embarrassing.  X-ray mirrors all have a fingerprint in the de-focused 
region that leads to striations and other distortions.  The technology 
is improving, but good solutions for de focusing are still not widely 
available.  Perhaps because they are hard to fund.

Genuine top-hat beams are rare, but there are a few of them. Petra-III 
is particularly proud of theirs.  But top-hats are usually defined by 
collimation of a Gaussian and the more x-rays you have hitting the back 
of the aperture the more difficult it is to control the background 
generated by the collimator.  If you can see the shadow of your pin on 
the detector, then you know there is a significant amount of 
background that is coming from upstream of your crystal!  My solution 
is to collimate at roughly the FWHM.  This chops off the tails and gives 
you a tolerably flat beam in the middle.

How much more intense is the peak than the tails?  Well, at the FWHM, 
the intensity is, well, half of that at the center.  At twice that 
distance from the center, you are down to 6.2%.  The equation is 
exp(-log(16)*(x/hwhm)**2) where hwhm is 1/2 of the FHWM.


-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 12/30/2014 12:10 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:

Yes, it gets complicated, doesn't it?  This is why I generally recommend

trying to use a beam that matches your crystal size.

...or is bigger, right? Diffuse scattering, yes, but more even illumination 
might be worth it?

Generally, James, I have a question: what is the nature of the intensity 
cross-sections at most beamlines--are they usually Gaussian, or are some 
flatter? Or I guess, if Gaussian, how much more intense is the peak than the 


[ccp4bb] How far does rad dam travel?

2014-12-29 Thread Mohamed Noor
Dear all

In a metal-containing crystal of (say) 200 um x 200 um, and a beam size of 10 
um x 10 um, how far will I need to move away from an irradiated part to a fresh 
part to obtain an undamaged dataset?

Exposure conditions: 100 % transmission at 10^12 ph/s, 0.1 s exposure, fine 
sliced at 0.1 degree/frame with a total 180 degrees.

Obviously it will be crystal dependent but I would like to have a rule of 
thumb. I could use fresh crystals altogether, but not all crystals diffract 
well unfortunately.
