Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-05 Thread Yarrow Madrona

Thank you for your help.

I appreciate the very thorough explanation. I have never heard of noise
although I have produced a 'kicked' map in phenix and refined the
structure using those maps..though I guess this is different. I will try
it. Thanks.


 Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures with
 different average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the
 low-B structure until the average B factor is the same in both
 structures.  Then you can compare apples to apples as it were.  The
 extra B being added is equivalent to blurring the more well-ordered
 map to make it match the less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from
 the less-ordered structure is sharpening, and the reason why you
 shouldn't do that here is because you'd be assuming that a sharpened map
 has just as much structural information as the better diffracting
 crystal, and that's obviously no true (not as many spots).   In reality,
 your comparison will always be limited by the worst-resolution data you

 Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B
 factors are not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is
 more disordered than B=25, but is it twice as disordered? That
 depends on what you mean by disorder, but no matter how you look at
 it, the answer is generally no.

 One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept out by
 the atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies from cell to
 cell).  This is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2
 power of the B factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of B, is
 proportional to the SQUARE of the width of the probability distribution
 of the nucleus, so to get the volume of space swept out by it you have
 to take the square root to get something proportional the the width and
 then you take the 3rd power to get something proportional to the volume.

 An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which
 is what x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which you can only
 see if you are a neutron person), then you have to add a B factor of
 about 8 to every atom to account for the intrinsic width of the electron
 cloud.  Formally, the B factor is convoluted with the intrinsic atomic
 form factor, but a native B factor of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.

 For those of you who are interested in something more exact than
 proportional the equation for the nuclear probability distribution
 generated by a given B factor is:
 kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^2)
 where r is the distance from the average position (aka the x-y-z
 coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this distribution
 of atomic positions is not really an error bar, it is a range.
 There's a difference between an atom actually being located in a variety
 of places vs not knowing the centroid of all these locations.  Remember,
 you're averaging over trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a
 different dataset from a similar crystal and re-refine the structure the
 final x-y-z coordinate assigned to the atom will not change all that much.

The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B distribution is:
   fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
 and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is
 actually only about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus half the
 time is about 1.3 times wider, or:
 r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)

 That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its average
 position 50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas for B=50, it is
 within 1.22 A 50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note that although B=50 is
 twice as big as B=25, the half-occupancy radius 0.87 A is not half as
 big as 1.22 A, nor are the volumes 2.7 and 7.7 A^3 related by a factor
 of two.

 Why is this important for comparing two structures?   Since the B factor
 is non-linear with disorder, it is important to have a common reference
 point when comparing them.  If the low-B structure has two atoms with
 B=10 and B=15 with average overall B=12, that might seem to be
 significant (almost a factor of two in the half-occupancy volume) but
 if the other structure has an average B factor of 80, then suddenly 78
 vs 83 doesn't seem all that different (only a 10% change).  Basically, a
 difference that would be significant in a high-resolution structure is
 washed out by the overall crystallographic B factor of the
 low-resolution structure in this case.

 Whether or not a 10% difference is significant depends on how accurate
 you think your B factors are.  If you kick your coordinates (aka using
 noise in PDBSET) and re-refine, how much do the final B factors change?

 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist

 On 2/25/2013 12:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:

 Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures?
 would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

 For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can
 show that this 

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-04 Thread James Holton
Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures with 
different average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the 
low-B structure until the average B factor is the same in both 
structures.  Then you can compare apples to apples as it were.  The 
extra B being added is equivalent to blurring the more well-ordered 
map to make it match the less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from 
the less-ordered structure is sharpening, and the reason why you 
shouldn't do that here is because you'd be assuming that a sharpened map 
has just as much structural information as the better diffracting 
crystal, and that's obviously no true (not as many spots).   In reality, 
your comparison will always be limited by the worst-resolution data you 

Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B 
factors are not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is 
more disordered than B=25, but is it twice as disordered? That 
depends on what you mean by disorder, but no matter how you look at 
it, the answer is generally no.

One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept out by 
the atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies from cell to 
cell).  This is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2 
power of the B factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of B, is 
proportional to the SQUARE of the width of the probability distribution 
of the nucleus, so to get the volume of space swept out by it you have 
to take the square root to get something proportional the the width and 
then you take the 3rd power to get something proportional to the volume.

An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which 
is what x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which you can only 
see if you are a neutron person), then you have to add a B factor of 
about 8 to every atom to account for the intrinsic width of the electron 
cloud.  Formally, the B factor is convoluted with the intrinsic atomic 
form factor, but a native B factor of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.

For those of you who are interested in something more exact than 
proportional the equation for the nuclear probability distribution 
generated by a given B factor is:

kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^2)
where r is the distance from the average position (aka the x-y-z 
coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this distribution 
of atomic positions is not really an error bar, it is a range.  
There's a difference between an atom actually being located in a variety 
of places vs not knowing the centroid of all these locations.  Remember, 
you're averaging over trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a 
different dataset from a similar crystal and re-refine the structure the 
final x-y-z coordinate assigned to the atom will not change all that much.

  The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B distribution is:
 fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is 
actually only about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus half the 
time is about 1.3 times wider, or:

r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)

That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its average 
position 50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas for B=50, it is 
within 1.22 A 50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note that although B=50 is 
twice as big as B=25, the half-occupancy radius 0.87 A is not half as 
big as 1.22 A, nor are the volumes 2.7 and 7.7 A^3 related by a factor 
of two.

Why is this important for comparing two structures?   Since the B factor 
is non-linear with disorder, it is important to have a common reference 
point when comparing them.  If the low-B structure has two atoms with 
B=10 and B=15 with average overall B=12, that might seem to be 
significant (almost a factor of two in the half-occupancy volume) but 
if the other structure has an average B factor of 80, then suddenly 78 
vs 83 doesn't seem all that different (only a 10% change).  Basically, a 
difference that would be significant in a high-resolution structure is 
washed out by the overall crystallographic B factor of the 
low-resolution structure in this case.

Whether or not a 10% difference is significant depends on how accurate 
you think your B factors are.  If you kick your coordinates (aka using 
noise in PDBSET) and re-refine, how much do the final B factors change?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 2/25/2013 12:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:


Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures? I
would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can I
show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also higher?
Thank you for your help.

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-04 Thread Jacob Keller
You only entertain addition+subtraction--why not use
multiplication/division to normalize the b-factors?


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:04 PM, James Holton wrote:

 Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures with
 different average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the low-B
 structure until the average B factor is the same in both structures.  Then
 you can compare apples to apples as it were.  The extra B being added
 is equivalent to blurring the more well-ordered map to make it match the
 less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from the less-ordered structure is
 sharpening, and the reason why you shouldn't do that here is because
 you'd be assuming that a sharpened map has just as much structural
 information as the better diffracting crystal, and that's obviously no true
 (not as many spots).   In reality, your comparison will always be limited
 by the worst-resolution data you have.

 Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B factors
 are not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is more
 disordered than B=25, but is it twice as disordered? That depends on
 what you mean by disorder, but no matter how you look at it, the answer
 is generally no.

 One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept out by the
 atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies from cell to cell).
  This is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2 power of the
 B factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of B, is proportional to the
 SQUARE of the width of the probability distribution of the nucleus, so to
 get the volume of space swept out by it you have to take the square root to
 get something proportional the the width and then you take the 3rd power to
 get something proportional to the volume.

 An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which is
 what x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which you can only see if
 you are a neutron person), then you have to add a B factor of about 8 to
 every atom to account for the intrinsic width of the electron cloud.
  Formally, the B factor is convoluted with the intrinsic atomic form
 factor, but a native B factor of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.

 For those of you who are interested in something more exact than
 proportional the equation for the nuclear probability distribution
 generated by a given B factor is:
 kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^**2)
 where r is the distance from the average position (aka the x-y-z
 coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this distribution of
 atomic positions is not really an error bar, it is a range.  There's a
 difference between an atom actually being located in a variety of places vs
 not knowing the centroid of all these locations.  Remember, you're
 averaging over trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a different dataset
 from a similar crystal and re-refine the structure the final x-y-z
 coordinate assigned to the atom will not change all that much.

   The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B distribution is:
  fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
 and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is actually
 only about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus half the time is
 about 1.3 times wider, or:
 r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)

 That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its average
 position 50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas for B=50, it is
 within 1.22 A 50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note that although B=50 is twice
 as big as B=25, the half-occupancy radius 0.87 A is not half as big as 1.22
 A, nor are the volumes 2.7 and 7.7 A^3 related by a factor of two.

 Why is this important for comparing two structures?   Since the B factor
 is non-linear with disorder, it is important to have a common reference
 point when comparing them.  If the low-B structure has two atoms with B=10
 and B=15 with average overall B=12, that might seem to be significant
 (almost a factor of two in the half-occupancy volume) but if the other
 structure has an average B factor of 80, then suddenly 78 vs 83 doesn't
 seem all that different (only a 10% change).  Basically, a difference that
 would be significant in a high-resolution structure is washed out by
 the overall crystallographic B factor of the low-resolution structure in
 this case.

 Whether or not a 10% difference is significant depends on how accurate
 you think your B factors are.  If you kick your coordinates (aka using
 noise in PDBSET) and re-refine, how much do the final B factors change?

 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist

 On 2/25/2013 12:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:


 Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures? I
 would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

 For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can I
 show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also higher?
 Thank you for your help.


Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-04 Thread Bosch, Juergen
Yep, I agree calculate the average B per structure and divide each B by this 
value, then multiply it by any value that is reasonable so you can visualize 
color differences :-)

On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:

You only entertain addition+subtraction--why not use multiplication/division to 
normalize the b-factors?


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:04 PM, James Holton wrote:
Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures with different 
average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the low-B structure 
until the average B factor is the same in both structures.  Then you can 
compare apples to apples as it were.  The extra B being added is equivalent 
to blurring the more well-ordered map to make it match the less-ordered one. 
Subtracting a B factor from the less-ordered structure is sharpening, and the 
reason why you shouldn't do that here is because you'd be assuming that a 
sharpened map has just as much structural information as the better diffracting 
crystal, and that's obviously no true (not as many spots).   In reality, your 
comparison will always be limited by the worst-resolution data you have.

Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B factors are 
not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is more disordered 
than B=25, but is it twice as disordered? That depends on what you mean by 
disorder, but no matter how you look at it, the answer is generally no.

One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept out by the 
atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies from cell to cell).  This 
is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2 power of the B factor.  
 Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of B, is proportional to the SQUARE of the width 
of the probability distribution of the nucleus, so to get the volume of space 
swept out by it you have to take the square root to get something proportional 
the the width and then you take the 3rd power to get something proportional to 
the volume.

An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which is what 
x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which you can only see if you are a 
neutron person), then you have to add a B factor of about 8 to every atom to 
account for the intrinsic width of the electron cloud.  Formally, the B factor 
is convoluted with the intrinsic atomic form factor, but a native B factor 
of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.

For those of you who are interested in something more exact than proportional 
the equation for the nuclear probability distribution generated by a given B 
factor is:
kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^2)
where r is the distance from the average position (aka the x-y-z 
coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this distribution of 
atomic positions is not really an error bar, it is a range.  There's a 
difference between an atom actually being located in a variety of places vs not 
knowing the centroid of all these locations.  Remember, you're averaging over 
trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a different dataset from a similar 
crystal and re-refine the structure the final x-y-z coordinate assigned to the 
atom will not change all that much.

  The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B distribution is:
 fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is actually only 
about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus half the time is about 1.3 
times wider, or:
r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)

That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its average position 
50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas for B=50, it is within 1.22 A 
50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note that although B=50 is twice as big as B=25, 
the half-occupancy radius 0.87 A is not half as big as 1.22 A, nor are the 
volumes 2.7 and 7.7 A^3 related by a factor of two.

Why is this important for comparing two structures?   Since the B factor is 
non-linear with disorder, it is important to have a common reference point when 
comparing them.  If the low-B structure has two atoms with B=10 and B=15 with 
average overall B=12, that might seem to be significant (almost a factor of 
two in the half-occupancy volume) but if the other structure has an average B 
factor of 80, then suddenly 78 vs 83 doesn't seem all that different (only a 
10% change).  Basically, a difference that would be significant in a 
high-resolution structure is washed out by the overall crystallographic B 
factor of the low-resolution structure in this case.

Whether or not a 10% difference is significant depends on how accurate you 
think your B factors are.  If you kick your coordinates (aka using noise in 
PDBSET) and re-refine, how much do the final B factors change?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 2/25/2013 12:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:

Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures? I

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-04 Thread Filip Van Petegem
Good point;  I've tested this (n=1) in the past with a high-resolution
dataset (synchrotron data) and low-resolution dataset (in-house) of
crystals of the same protein grown in the same drop.  Same space group,
same unit cell. B-factors for the low-resolution dataset were higher.
 After dividing every individual B-factor by the average B-factor of each,
the normalized-B-factor-versus-residue plot was identical for both
structures.  Adding or subtracting a constant value didn't do that.

As I pointed out, this is only n=1, but comparing the high-and
low-resolution structures of the same condition should give the answer as
to which B-factor normalization is the most appropriate.

Filip Van Petegem

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Jacob Keller wrote:

 You only entertain addition+subtraction--why not use
 multiplication/division to normalize the b-factors?


 On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:04 PM, James Holton wrote:

 Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures with
 different average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the low-B
 structure until the average B factor is the same in both structures.  Then
 you can compare apples to apples as it were.  The extra B being added
 is equivalent to blurring the more well-ordered map to make it match the
 less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from the less-ordered structure is
 sharpening, and the reason why you shouldn't do that here is because
 you'd be assuming that a sharpened map has just as much structural
 information as the better diffracting crystal, and that's obviously no true
 (not as many spots).   In reality, your comparison will always be limited
 by the worst-resolution data you have.

 Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B
 factors are not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is more
 disordered than B=25, but is it twice as disordered? That depends on
 what you mean by disorder, but no matter how you look at it, the answer
 is generally no.

 One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept out by the
 atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies from cell to cell).
  This is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2 power of the
 B factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of B, is proportional to the
 SQUARE of the width of the probability distribution of the nucleus, so to
 get the volume of space swept out by it you have to take the square root to
 get something proportional the the width and then you take the 3rd power to
 get something proportional to the volume.

 An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which
 is what x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which you can only see
 if you are a neutron person), then you have to add a B factor of about 8
 to every atom to account for the intrinsic width of the electron cloud.
  Formally, the B factor is convoluted with the intrinsic atomic form
 factor, but a native B factor of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.

 For those of you who are interested in something more exact than
 proportional the equation for the nuclear probability distribution
 generated by a given B factor is:
 kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^**2)
 where r is the distance from the average position (aka the x-y-z
 coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this distribution of
 atomic positions is not really an error bar, it is a range.  There's a
 difference between an atom actually being located in a variety of places vs
 not knowing the centroid of all these locations.  Remember, you're
 averaging over trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a different dataset
 from a similar crystal and re-refine the structure the final x-y-z
 coordinate assigned to the atom will not change all that much.

   The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B distribution is:
  fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
 and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is actually
 only about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus half the time is
 about 1.3 times wider, or:
 r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)

 That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its average
 position 50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas for B=50, it is
 within 1.22 A 50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note that although B=50 is twice
 as big as B=25, the half-occupancy radius 0.87 A is not half as big as 1.22
 A, nor are the volumes 2.7 and 7.7 A^3 related by a factor of two.

 Why is this important for comparing two structures?   Since the B factor
 is non-linear with disorder, it is important to have a common reference
 point when comparing them.  If the low-B structure has two atoms with B=10
 and B=15 with average overall B=12, that might seem to be significant
 (almost a factor of two in the half-occupancy volume) but if the other
 structure has an average B factor of 80, then suddenly 78 vs 83 doesn't
 seem all that different (only a 10% change).  

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-04 Thread James Holton

No, you can only add and subtract B values because that is 
mathematically equivalent to multiplication in reciprocal space (which 
is equivalent to convolution in real space):

exp(-B1*s^2) * exp(-B2*s^2) = exp(-(B1+B2)*s^2)

Multiplying and dividing B values is mathematically equivalent to 
applying fractional power-law or fractional root functions in reciprocal 
space (and I don't even want to think about what that does in real space).

exp(-B1*B2*s^2) = ???

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 3/4/2013 11:19 AM, Bosch, Juergen wrote:
Yep, I agree calculate the average B per structure and divide each B 
by this value, then multiply it by any value that is reasonable so you 
can visualize color differences :-)


On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:

You only entertain addition+subtraction--why not use 
multiplication/division to normalize the b-factors?


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:04 PM, James Holton wrote:

Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures
with different average B is to add a constant to all the B
factors in the low-B structure until the average B factor is the
same in both structures.  Then you can compare apples to apples
as it were.  The extra B being added is equivalent to
blurring the more well-ordered map to make it match the
less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from the less-ordered
structure is sharpening, and the reason why you shouldn't do
that here is because you'd be assuming that a sharpened map has
just as much structural information as the better diffracting
crystal, and that's obviously no true (not as many spots).   In
reality, your comparison will always be limited by the
worst-resolution data you have.

Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because
B factors are not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes,
B=50 is more disordered than B=25, but is it twice as
disordered? That depends on what you mean by disorder, but no
matter how you look at it, the answer is generally no.

One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept
out by the atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies
from cell to cell).  This is NOT proportional to the B-factor,
but rather the 3/2 power of the B factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The
value of B, is proportional to the SQUARE of the width of the
probability distribution of the nucleus, so to get the volume of
space swept out by it you have to take the square root to get
something proportional the the width and then you take the 3rd
power to get something proportional to the volume.

An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud
(which is what x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which
you can only see if you are a neutron person), then you have to
add a B factor of about 8 to every atom to account for the
intrinsic width of the electron cloud.  Formally, the B factor is
convoluted with the intrinsic atomic form factor, but a
native B factor of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.

For those of you who are interested in something more exact than
proportional the equation for the nuclear probability
distribution generated by a given B factor is:
kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^2)
where r is the distance from the average position (aka the
x-y-z coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this
distribution of atomic positions is not really an error bar, it
is a range.  There's a difference between an atom actually
being located in a variety of places vs not knowing the centroid
of all these locations.  Remember, you're averaging over
trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a different dataset from
a similar crystal and re-refine the structure the final x-y-z
coordinate assigned to the atom will not change all that much.

  The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B
distribution is:
 fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is
actually only about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus
half the time is about 1.3 times wider, or:
r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)

That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its
average position 50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas
for B=50, it is within 1.22 A 50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note
that although B=50 is twice as big as B=25, the half-occupancy
radius 0.87 A is not half as big as 1.22 A, nor are the volumes
2.7 and 7.7 A^3 related by a factor of two.

Why is this important for comparing two structures? Since the B
factor is non-linear with disorder, it is important to have a
common reference point when comparing them.  If the low-B
structure has two atoms with B=10 and B=15 with average overall
B=12, that might seem to be 

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-04 Thread John Fisher
I believe this specific forum has become quicksand rather than a useful tool. 
Normalization based simply on ratios of one struct to the other should allow 
normalization. Correct?, or have I just simply lost my mind here?

John Fisher, M.D./PhD
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Department of Oncology
Department of Structural Biology
W: 901-595-6193
C: 901-409-5699

On Mar 4, 2013, at 1:26 PM, James Holton wrote:

 No, you can only add and subtract B values because that is mathematically 
 equivalent to multiplication in reciprocal space (which is equivalent to 
 convolution in real space):
 exp(-B1*s^2) * exp(-B2*s^2) = exp(-(B1+B2)*s^2)
 Multiplying and dividing B values is mathematically equivalent to applying 
 fractional power-law or fractional root functions in reciprocal space (and I 
 don't even want to think about what that does in real space).
 exp(-B1*B2*s^2) = ???
 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist
 On 3/4/2013 11:19 AM, Bosch, Juergen wrote:
 Yep, I agree calculate the average B per structure and divide each B by this 
 value, then multiply it by any value that is reasonable so you can visualize 
 color differences :-)
 On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:
 You only entertain addition+subtraction--why not use 
 multiplication/division to normalize the b-factors?
 On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:04 PM, James Holton wrote:
 Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures with 
 different average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the low-B 
 structure until the average B factor is the same in both structures.  Then 
 you can   compare apples to apples as it were.  The 
 extra B being added is equivalent to blurring the more well-ordered 
 map to make it match the less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from the 
 less-ordered structure is sharpening, and the reason why you shouldn't 
 do that here is because you'd be assuming that a sharpened map has just as 
 much structural information as the better diffracting crystal, and that's 
 obviously no true (not as many spots).   In reality, your comparison will 
 always be limited by the worst-resolution data you have.
 Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B factors 
 are not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is more 
 disordered than B=25, but is it twice as disordered? That depends on 
 what you mean by disorder, but no matter how you look at it, the answer 
 is generally no.
 One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept out by the 
 atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies from cell to cell).  
 This is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2 power of the 
 B factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of B, is proportional to the 
 SQUARE of the width of the probability distribution of the nucleus, so to 
 get the volume of space swept out by it you have to take the square root 
 to get something proportional the the width and then you take the 3rd 
 power to get something proportional to the volume.
 An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which is 
 what x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which you can only see if 
 you are a neutron person), then you have to add a B factor of about 8 to 
 every atom to account for the intrinsic width of the electron cloud.  
 Formally, the B factor is convoluted with the intrinsic atomic form 
 factor, but a native B factor of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.
 For those of you who are interested in something more exact than 
 proportional the equation for the nuclear probability distribution 
 generated by a given B factor is:
 kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^2)
 where r is the distance from the average position (aka the x-y-z 
 coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this distribution of 
 atomic positions is not really an error bar, it is a range.  There's a 
 difference between an atom actually being located in a variety of places 
 vs not knowing the centroid of all these locations.  Remember, you're 
 averaging over trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a different 
 dataset from a similar crystal and re-refine the structure the final x-y-z 
 coordinate assigned to the atom will not change all that much.
   The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B distribution is:
  fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
 and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is actually 
 only about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus half the time is 
 about 1.3 times wider, or:
 r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)
 That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its average 
 position 50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas for B=50, it is 
 within 1.22 A 50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note that although B=50 is twice 
 as big as B=25, the half-occupancy radius 0.87 A is not half as big as 
 1.22 A, nor are the volumes 2.7 and 7.7 

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-03-04 Thread James Holton
Perhaps I was a bit gruff, but what I was trying to do was throw out a
voice of caution.  In crystallography, it is very tempting to
normalize everything by setting the mean to zero and the RMS
deviation to one, but this is a linear transformation, and linear
transformations only work when the things you are comparing are
linear.  True, everything is linear to a first-order approximation,
and you may well be okay comparing B factors between two crystals
that are not all that different in average B, but the assumption of
linearity with something fundamentally non-linear like B factors
will break down at some point.  I'm not really sure where, but I would
suspect that normalizing B factors from a 5 A structure to those of
a 2.0 A structure might be ill advised.

My opinion is that multiplying and dividing B factors makes no
physical sense.  If you must normalize something, I'd suggest
normalizing the half-occupancy volume (proportional to sqrt(B)^3),
or the width of the half-occupancy volume (proportional to sqrt(B)).
If you want to try to make a leap to entropy, then if you assume the
half-occupancy volume contains an ideal gas, then the entropy should
be proportional to log(B).  But B itself is proportional to the
surface area of the half-occupancy volume, and I can't think of too
many physical-chemical properties that would be proportional to

Nevertheless, purely on theory, I predict you will much more easily
hit pitfalls (or quicksand) by trying to normalize B directly
instead of first converting it into something more tangible (like a

That's all I'm sayin'

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:31 PM, John Fisher wrote:
 I believe this specific forum has become quicksand rather than a useful
 tool. Normalization based simply on ratios of one struct to the other should
 allow normalization. Correct?, or have I just simply lost my mind here?

 John Fisher, M.D./PhD
 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
 Department of Oncology
 Department of Structural Biology
 W: 901-595-6193
 C: 901-409-5699

 On Mar 4, 2013, at 1:26 PM, James Holton wrote:

 No, you can only add and subtract B values because that is mathematically
 equivalent to multiplication in reciprocal space (which is equivalent to
 convolution in real space):

 exp(-B1*s^2) * exp(-B2*s^2) = exp(-(B1+B2)*s^2)

 Multiplying and dividing B values is mathematically equivalent to applying
 fractional power-law or fractional root functions in reciprocal space (and I
 don't even want to think about what that does in real space).

 exp(-B1*B2*s^2) = ???

 -James Holton
 MAD Scientist

 On 3/4/2013 11:19 AM, Bosch, Juergen wrote:

 Yep, I agree calculate the average B per structure and divide each B by this
 value, then multiply it by any value that is reasonable so you can visualize
 color differences :-)

 On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:

 You only entertain addition+subtraction--why not use multiplication/division
 to normalize the b-factors?


 On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:04 PM, James Holton wrote:

 Formally, the best way to compare B factors in two structures with
 different average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the low-B
 structure until the average B factor is the same in both structures.  Then
 you can compare apples to apples as it were.  The extra B being added is
 equivalent to blurring the more well-ordered map to make it match the
 less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from the less-ordered structure is
 sharpening, and the reason why you shouldn't do that here is because you'd
 be assuming that a sharpened map has just as much structural information as
 the better diffracting crystal, and that's obviously no true (not as many
 spots).   In reality, your comparison will always be limited by the
 worst-resolution data you have.

 Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B factors
 are not really linear with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is more
 disordered than B=25, but is it twice as disordered? That depends on what
 you mean by disorder, but no matter how you look at it, the answer is
 generally no.

 One way to define the degree of disorder is the volume swept out by the
 atom's nucleus as it vibrates (or otherwise varies from cell to cell).
 This is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2 power of the B
 factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of B, is proportional to the SQUARE
 of the width of the probability distribution of the nucleus, so to get the
 volume of space swept out by it you have to take the square root to get
 something proportional the the width and then you take the 3rd power to get
 something proportional to the volume.

 An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which is
 what x-rays see) and not the nuclear position (which you can only see if
 you are a neutron person), then you have to add a B factor of 

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-02-25 Thread Yarrow Madrona

Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures? I
would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can I
show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also higher?
Thank you for your help.

Yarrow Madrona

Graduate Student
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.
University of California, Irvine
Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403
Irvine, CA 92697

Yarrow Madrona

Graduate Student
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.
University of California, Irvine
Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403
Irvine, CA 92697

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-02-25 Thread Jacob Keller
Why not normalize each to its average b-factor? And...maybe they are not
significantly different in the first place?


On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:


 Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures? I
 would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

 For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can I
 show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also higher?
 Thank you for your help.

 Yarrow Madrona

 Graduate Student
 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.
 University of California, Irvine
 Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403
 Irvine, CA 92697

Jacob Pearson Keller, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate
HHMI Janelia Farms Research Campus

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-02-25 Thread Yarrow Madrona
Thanks Nat,

I was planning on plotting B-factors vs. residue anyway, so maybe this
will save me time. I will take a look.


 Not a CCP4 solution, but the structure comparison program in the
 Phenix GUI will plot B-factors for different structures of the same
 protein.  (I am happy to make additions or modifications to this, but
 so far I haven't received much feedback.)


 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:

 Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures?
 would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

 For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can
 show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also higher?
 Thank you for your help.

 Yarrow Madrona

 Graduate Student
 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.
 University of California, Irvine
 Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403
 Irvine, CA 92697

Yarrow Madrona

Graduate Student
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.
University of California, Irvine
Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403
Irvine, CA 92697

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-02-25 Thread Yarrow Madrona
Thank you Manfred,

To be honest I have tried to understand the Pearson linear CC since
reading the nature crystallography methods paper by Karplus and
diederichs, but I am having trouble. I do not clearly understand what it
represents. Do you know any good resources that could help me out?


 If you have two sets of numbers which correspond ideally,
 you should calculate a correlation coefficient, to be precise
 a Pearson linear CC. This is independent of scaling.

 If you want to compare mutant vs native, you probably
 have to calculate residue average B-factors, because
 you won't have the exact same number of atoms.

 Best, Manfred

 On 25.02.2013 21:08, Yarrow Madrona wrote:

 Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures?
 would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

 For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can
 show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also higher?
 Thank you for your help.

 Dr. Manfred. S. Weiss
 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
 Macromolecular Crystallography (HZB-MX)
 Albert-Einstein-Str. 15
 D-12489 Berlin
 Fon:   +49-30-806213149
 Fax:   +49-30-806214975


 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH

 Mitglied der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher
 Forschungszentren e.V.

 Aufsichtsrat: Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Joachim Treusch, stv.
 Vorsitzende Dr. Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph
 Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Anke Rita Kaysser-Pyzalla, Thomas Frederking

 Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, 89 HRB 5583

 Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
 D-14109 Berlin

Yarrow Madrona

Graduate Student
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.
University of California, Irvine
Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403
Irvine, CA 92697

Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

2013-02-25 Thread Francisco Hernandez-Guzman
Hi Yarrow,

I'm sure other visualizing tools can do this, but I just wanted to share that 
our free Discovery Studio 
 can do this quite easily.

Contact me off the list and we can set up a time when I can show you how to do 
this. I could also send you some instructions as well.



Sr. Product Manager

Accelrys Software, Inc

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Yarrow 
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] How to compare B-factors between structures?

Thanks Nat,

I was planning on plotting B-factors vs. residue anyway, so maybe this will 
save me time. I will take a look.


 Not a CCP4 solution, but the structure comparison program in the

 Phenix GUI will plot B-factors for different structures of the same

 protein.  (I am happy to make additions or modifications to this, but

 so far I haven't received much feedback.)


 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:


 Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures?


 would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.

 For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how

 can I show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also


 Thank you for your help.


 Yarrow Madrona

 Graduate Student

 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.

 University of California, Irvine

 Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403

 Irvine, CA 92697


Yarrow Madrona

Graduate Student

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept.

University of California, Irvine

Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403

Irvine, CA 92697