DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-04 Thread Florian Lindauer
Here is my tale of woe regarding DVD burning with Linux
over the last months. Perhaps someone can remember similar 
experiences and give some hints.

I use a current Linux installation (2.4.20) and the
most current versions of all the dvd burning programs.
Using ide-scsi (scd0->hdc). i865-Board (ICH5).

I have a NEC 1300, that burns plus and minus. If the medium 
suits it. NEC releases a firmware update sometimes, but only
with Windows installer. Thank god there is a guy named
herrie that hacks and extracts the fw for DOS installer.
But thats nothing specific with Linux. As is the case
(I hope so) with the bad quality of my plus-media (Platinum).
One is perfectly readable, the next with identical content,
burned subsequent to the first is not (or the other way 'round).
Same effects even with a Verbatim (recommended by NEC).
So I tend to go for minus, where I never had any (burn
quality related) readability problem so far.

Burning of plus-media with cdrecord-proDVD works, as
well as with growisofs. Only problem, apart from that
speed=4 is ignored completely (set to 2), with proDVD
the system clock runs at half speed..

But I wanted to go for minus: 
- cdrecord-proDVD does not work with minus-media,
  not for me and my NEC (while showing the ATIP works)
- Using dvdrecord, when it comes to fixation, it hangs
  forever. There is a scsi timeout in messages, after
  some time a bus reset takes place. I can read the
  medium without a problem with Windows (XP), but not
  with Linux (it is not fixated).
  Trying a new, manual/minimal configured 2.4.22, it is
  even worse: the bus hangs forever, I can not even
  get the disc out before I reset the machine.
  Any command regarding the drive (like eject, mount)
  hangs forever, with no kill -9 able to do anything.
  Independent of this, dvdrecord too showed the
  clock speed issue, but not if all of DMA+32bit+unmasqirq
  are set.
- Finally trying dvd+rwTools/growisofs to burn minus:
  there is no hang on fixation, but similar (but other)
  SCSI error messages in the log. The growisofs-error
  is something like "cannot close session".
  Now, such media I can read(mount) under Linux.
  But guess: I cannot read them with Windows.

So all in all you will not be surprised that I feel some
kind of spoofed, or in other words: DVD burning with
Linux is a big mess at the moment, at least for me and
my device.

Is it all because of the NEC? Can anyone confirm my problems
and/or recommend another device that is known to work well
under Linux? Perhaps one of the new 8x?

Is there any device that has a Linux firmware update-tool?

Do all DVD recorders only accept media that they know of?
(Sure, this is a measure of quality assurance, but well..)

Questions, questions..

Thanks for any help,
Florian Lindauer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-04 Thread Florian Lindauer
x00 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  2 18:51:49 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 66177) timed out -
Nov  2 18:51:49 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.
Nov  2 18:51:49 lxMedia kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
66177, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 0x00 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 66177) timed out -
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.
Nov  2 18:51:53 lxMedia kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
This was kernel 2.4.20.

** the log messages after dvdrecord timeout while fixating
   (after that the result cannot be mounted under Linux, but
reading with Windows is no problem - now compare with
the situation above :)

Nov  4 01:33:15 lxMedia kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
42515, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
42515, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 42515) timed out -
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 42515)
timed out - trying harder
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.

Nothing more ever - bus totally hangs after this, no eject, no
mount, any such process not killable (with -9).
This was with kernel 2.4.22. Under 2.4.20, it came back to life
after about a minute (with log messages like above for growisofs).

OK, thats it. Abandon all hope?

Looks like the close session / close disk command leads to this
when a dash-medium is inside.
But is it the drive, the Linux IDE driver, the recording app?

Still I would be interested in
- Do all recorders only accept media they know?
  And if yes, and you say NEC has poor support, do all the others
  have very frequent firmware updates?
- Are there drives with Linux-firmware-flashing-tools?

Thanks for caring,
Florian Lindauer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-04 Thread Florian Lindauer
Hello Volker,

>The NEC1300 burner is not capable of burning DVD+ at 4x, only 2.4x. It
>may do DVD- at 4x. Never believe anything marketroids say

The latter certainly is true, but I really dont believe it cant
burn + at 4x - after all, the NEC has evolved from its predecessor,
the 1100, which was a pure plus-device. And our c't magazine here
did lots of tests with the drive and 4x-media.
Problem with me probably is that none of my plus-media is
certified 4x. 

>> the system clock runs at half speed..
>Been there, done that. You must turn on DMA for the burner (always a
>good idea), this is even neceaary on P4-2.4G machines.

It definitely had DMA (-d1) enabled. And unmaskirq. Looks like
additional 32bit (-c1) did the trick. And all needs to be
set anew after one of my nice timeouts / bus resets.

>the fact that hardware manufacturers couldn't care less about Linux
>(but you still have to pay the Nero tax anyway).

Well, I got mine as bulk without Nero. At least one good thing :)

>Pioneer seems to be fine, at least my 106 goes well with
>cdrecord-prodvd and growisofs (both for both DVD+ and DVD-). 

Sounds promising. After all the wasted time and with prices
in free fall I should consider a change.. only want to be
sure that it is not some other problem that will persist
with another drive - anyone using a NEC1300 successfully here?

>".. and then NEC told me it was not their responsibility to make sure the
>burner works with all the media media-makers come up with all the time..."

I remember that, but at least they seem to have partly
reconsidered, there were two updates in August and October
that support additional media. And then, as mentioned in my
first mail, there is Herrie: http://herrie.rpc1.org/

Florian Lindauer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-05 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Sounds like hardware problem with your unit. As if laser power was not
> enough at the end... 

Something like this, yes :(

> I didn't mean mediainfo for a blank media of some particular brand, but
> that that particular *recorded* disk which you could access under Linux,
> but not under Windows.

Ah, now.. I will supply that, but maybe not before tomorrow evening.
> BTW, what does "with Windows" mean? Does it mean that you rebooted
> Windows on same computer or did you test it on *another* DVD unit

The latter - the DVD-recorder is in a Multimedia-VDR-box, the
desktop with DVD-ROM runs WinXP.

> The final conclusion is therefore that it's the unit
> which effectively crashes at the end of recording and it's hardly kernel
> or application software problem.

One thing against the faulty-drive-theory is that before I put the
NEC into the Linux-Box, for some days it was running with WinXP+Nero,
where I successfully recorded dash-media. So at the end it might
be the IDE-hardware, which is i865-based (Shuttle XPC). But no, I
won't install XP on that box to try it out :)

> growisofs records in Incremental mode, others - in DAO. I mean your
> interoperability problem might have more to do with recording mode, than
> with the way recording process crashes... A.

In theory both should be usable with both OS. So if growisofs crashes at
the end (of course the drive crashes), the result is a problem for Windows,
and if dvdrecord hangs fixating, the result is a problem for Linux.
There do not happen to exist special linux tools that try to read
media even if some part is not standards-conform, unlike mount?
Need to try if I can open the raw device and read..

>Well, they might not have to... At least the idea behind latest
>depelopments was to pre-record some laser calibration data on blanks, so
>that firmware can use it instead of MediaID table...

Sounds like a good idea, lets see how long until this is implemented
in drives and with media.
But until then, something like automatic power calibration,
if they want in connection with a warning "at your own risk",
could at least give a chance to the user instead of leaving him
out in the rain.. we all know buying media while knowing what
really is in the box is not possible, except for some big brands.

Florian Lindauer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-05 Thread Florian Lindauer
** Here is the status of the Linux-mountable dash-medium, that
   cannot be read by Windows:

dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/scd0
INQUIRY:[_NEC][DVD_RW ND-1300A ][1.08]
 Mounted Media: 11h, DVD-R Sequential
 MediaID:   VDSPMSAB 01
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Legacy lead-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Last border-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Disc status:   complete
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: complete
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   complete incremental
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:1*2KB
 Last Recorded Address: 4294770688*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Tail of proDVD-atip with this recorded medium:

Manufacturer:   'VDSPMSAB 01'
rzone number:   1
border number:  1
damage: 0
reserved:   0 blank: 0 incremental: 1
nwa valid:  0
rzone start:0
next wr addr:   0
free blocks:0
blocking factor:16
rzone size: 1
last recorded addr: -196608
WARNING: Phys disk size 2298496 differs from rzone size 0! Prerecorded disk?
WARNING: Phys start: 196608 Phys end 2495103

** And here the output of proDVD if I try to record to
   a blank dash-medium:

Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 2 in real TAO mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting real write0 seconds. Operation starts.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
BURN-Free is ON.
Turning BURN-Free off
./cdrecord-ProDVD: VTrack 0 has unknown length.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot open next track.
Writing  time:0.033s
Fixating time:0.000s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo had 64 puts and 0 gets.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was100%.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-06 Thread Florian Lindauer
> >  Track Size:1*2KB
> >  Last Recorded Address: 4294770688*2KB
> Note "Track size" [and "Last Recorded Address"]. Looks bad, huh?

> OSes might be treating TOC differently, e.g. Linux uses
> READ CAPACITY (see lead-/border-out values in dvd+rw-mediainfo output),
> while Windows might be using Track Sizes...

This theory seems not bad, but also the tracksize in the following 
output for a dvdrecord-made medium that Win likes and Linux doesnt
like shows:

 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Last border-out at:0*2KB=0
 Track State:   complete
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:4294967295*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> readcd.

Ah, yes. When choosing 17 in menu, says:
readcd: Input/output error. read_cd: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  BE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 63 FA 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 02 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 30 02 00 00
Sense Key: 0x2 Not Ready, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x30 Qual 0x02 (cannot read medium - incompatible format) Fru
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.001s timeout 40s
readcd: Input/output error. Cannot read source disk
readcd: Retrying from sector 0.
readcd: Input/output error. Error on sector 0 not corrected. Total of 1

And less -f /dev/scd0: read error

Finally, one of the plus-media with readability problems:
mediainfo looks perfectly sane, but even recorder itself
has problems to read:
kernel: scsi0: ERROR on channel 0, id 0, lun 0, CDB:
Request Sense 00 00 00 40 00
kernel: Info fld=0x1b6840, Current sd0b:00: sensekey Medium Error
kernel: Additional sense indicates Unrecovered readerror
kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 7184640 

After all of this, probably I have no other choice than
to try another drive sooner or later.

Florian Lindauer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-15 Thread Florian Lindauer
I'm back with season two and a new recorder: now, the Plextor
708 is where the NEC 1300 used to be. All problems vanished?
No way..

Using growisofs for DVD+R-media works well, at speed 2.4 or speed
8x (Ricoh-4x, Verbatim-4x only work with 4x).

But trying to use cdrecord-proDVD now results in an error when
fixating (see messages -1- below), the medium is not recognized
by any system (see medium status -2-, -3- below).

Going to DVD-R media, I am totally unable to burn any of them.
cdrecord-proDVD says the same as with the NEC (see -4-), but
also dvdrecord and growisofs now refuse to work (-5-, -6-).

Summary: Cannot record to DVD-R, can record to DVD+R only with
growisofs. At least, the latter seems to work quite well.

Again, am thankful for any ideas, will try out one or another thing,
especially regarding DVD-R media. 

Florian Lindauer

--- error messages:

*** 1 *** cdrecord-prodvd / +R:
Max brk space used 7204
2026096 extents written (3957 Mb)
Track 01: 3957 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  88%]   8.1x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 4149444608/4149444608 (2026096 sectors).
Writing  time:  408.814s
Min drive buffer fill was 51%
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  5B 01 01 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x26 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in parameter list) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.002s timeout 1000s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  5B 01 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 72 04 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x72 Qual 0x04 (empty or partially written reserved track) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 1000s
Fixating time:0.100s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo had 65359 puts and 65359 gets.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo was 0 times empty and 12752 times full, min fill was70%

*** 2 *** status plusdvd:
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+R driver (mmc_dvdplusr).
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P RAW/R96R
cpm: 0
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Input/output error. read dvd structure: scsi sendcmd: noerror
CDB:  AD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x24 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in cdb) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.514s timeout 240s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot read DVD structure.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot get disk type.

*** 3 *** status dvd+rw-mediainfo:
INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #0:8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #1:4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #2:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
- [unable to READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 (52400)]
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   partial
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:3163741*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*** 4 *** cdrecord-plusdvd / -R:

Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
BURN-Free is ON.
Turning BURN-Free off
./cdrecord-ProDVD: VTrack 0 has unknown length.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot open next track.
Writing  time:0.006s

*** 5 *** dvdrecord / -R:

Performing OPC...
Sending CUE sheet...
Starting new track at sector: 166
Track 01:   0 MB written.dvdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: scsi
no error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 00 A6 00 00 1F 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 21 02 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x21 Qual 0x02 (logical block address out of range) [No matching
lifier] Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 200s

write track data: error after 0 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Writing  time:5.010s
Fixating time:0.000s
dvdrecord: fifo had 64 puts and 1 gets.
dvdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%.

*** 6 *** growisofs / -R:

/dev/scd0: "Current Write Speed" is 4.0x1385KBps.
:-[ LBA=0h, SENSE KEY=5h/ASC=21h/ASCQ=02h ]
:-( write failed: Input/o

Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-16 Thread Florian Lindauer
> > Going to DVD-R media, I am totally unable to burn any of them.
> Do try more media brands...

With the NEC and unsupported media, an error message indicating
that fact (no support for medium in drive) showed up - as you
can see, this time no such error is shown. And at least one
of the media I tried even is listed explicitly at the Plextor
compatible media compilation. Or in other words - I do not think
the problem is that the drive does not like the disc.
Does the following not tell you anything?
 :-[ LBA=0h, SENSE KEY=5h/ASC=21h/ASCQ=02h ]

Additionally tried Princo now - here, the drive gets locked up
showing status with 
  scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid .. scsi0, channel 0
id 0, lun 0 Start/Stop Unit 00 00 00 03 00
  hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
Princo also is listed as compatible..

Will try some quality brand in the future. 

> "ruined media"? What kind of media? Must be DVD+R, but I
> don't want to assume *anything*. "just at the beginning"? "just" is way
> too subjective...

Just at the beginning means that I hit Ctrl-C as soon as I saw
the "current write speed = 4x" line (maybe 2s after that - silly
action, no doubt). 
It then took quite some time until I got back the prompt, and
the disc had already been written to in some way: 

INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #0:8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #1:4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #2:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
- [unable to READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 (52400)]
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   partial
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:1*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

By the way, I do not get any medium atip info for DVD+R
(unlike for DVD-R, where something like NANYA is shown).
mediainfo-output looks identical for blank disc in all
Am not quite sure if this was the same with the NEC.

All in all, Plextor does not seem to be any better when it
comes to Linux. They link to Joerg Schillings pxupdate, but
this does not recognize the drive. And the firmware is 
packed into an exe. Shame on you, Mr. Bu.. aeh, Plextor,
shame on you..


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-18 Thread Florian Lindauer
> > Or in other words - I do not think
> > the problem is that the drive does not like the disc. 
> And I don't think it's an application or kernel problem:-)

Well, and we both somehow were right, see below..
> access." Timeout means that the unit failed to figure out what to do
> with media within reasonable time... Does it mean that media is
> supported?

Certainly not. The Princo are totally unusable on the drive.
> Next update will show media manufacturer id even for DVD+media.

Sounds promising.

Now: More insights:

The problems with DVD-R vanished (except Princo), and I was able to
reproduce how they emerged: In my experiments I always first tried
cdrecord-proDVD, then dvdrecord, then growisofs.
While proDVD does not work but also does not seem to harm status,
dvdrecord left the system (drive? bus?) in an invalid state.
mediainfo (as well as proDVD-atip) showed values other than for
a blank disk, and growisofs failed with the message I posted earlier.
mediainfo see below.
Just ejecting and reloading disc leads to a status reset, and the
medium again is recognized as blank and can be recorded with growisofs.

So, now with growisofs (and only with this) I can record + and - as
it seems. You might suppose I'm a happy guy now? Guess what happened
next: with a new DVD+R brand (Imation), the disc recorded at 4x with
growisofs until 100%, and then failed on closing session. Details
see below. Yeah. Any chance for recovery this time?

Fun, suspense, adventure, and something to play with -> DVD recording
in general and especially with Linux (you dont happen to know the
German Ueberraschungsei advertisement..)

Thinking positive, its a progress. Thanks for growisofs, the
Plex708 would seem to be worthless for Linux without it at
the moment.


*** mediainfo after dvdrecord fails at beginning
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Legacy lead-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  2
 Track State:   reserved incremental
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:0*2KB
 Track State:   invisible incremental
 Track Start Address:   16*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 16*2KB
 Free Blocks:   2298480*2KB
 Track Size:2298480*2KB

*** mediainfo after disc reload (back to normal)
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Legacy lead-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Disc status:   blank
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: empty
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   invisible incremental
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   2297888*2KB
 Track Size:2297888*2KB

*** DVD+R Imation endgame
/dev/scd0: flushing cache
/dev/scd0: closing track
/dev/scd0: closing session
:-( unable to CLOSE SESSION (Fh/FFh/FFh): Input/output error
- [unable to TEST UNIT READY]: Input/output error

*** corresponding log messages
kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ...
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: DMA disabled
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ...
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 385051) timed out - resetting
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 385051) timed out - trying harder
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset timed-out, status=0x80
kernel: ide1: reset: master: ECC circuitry error
kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ...
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 385052) timed out - resetting
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 385052) timed out - trying harder

*** resulting coaster (not recognized by any system)
INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #0:8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #1:4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #2:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
- [unable to READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 (52400)]
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  2
 Track Sta

Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-19 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Can I suggest a bad IDE cable as a possible cause? Noise on the 
> cable might lead to ECC errors I'd say.

Thanks for the hint. I also came to think there might be something wrong
with my IDE. And now that you mention the cable: the box is a Shuttle
barebone, and the cable is a special cable (split into several parts
to make it narrower) designed for that case. That does mean, I cannot
try another cable, and probably it is not even defect, but the design
may hold higher risk of bus errors. Now that all sounds reasonable.
But - all errors so far have been quite deterministic / reproducable.
And that certainly speaks against above theory, does it?

I will test more of the same media (perhaps it really was by accident
this one time) as well as Andy's one-time-tool (Thank you!), 
probably tomorrow.


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Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-19 Thread Florian Lindauer
> USB<->IDE gadget which caused the trouble (user confirmed this in
> private mail). No, I'm not saying that you have USB<->IDE gadget too,

Indeed I have a standard IDE interface on a i865-based board.

> './close /dev/dvd'

Trying the close-utility, the about same thing happened as when
the first session close was carried out:

kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ..
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: DMA disabled
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: scsi0 channel 0 : resetting for second half of retries.
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: hdc: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: drive not ready for command
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: lost interrupt

and a bit later about 80 times within a few seconds:
kernel: ide-scsi: CoD != 0 in idescsi_pc_intr
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete

And the medium now changed to status (after reload):
INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   2.4x1385=3324KB/s
 Write Speed #0:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
 Media Book Type:   A1h, DVD+R book [revision 1]
 Legacy lead-out at:2295104*2KB=4700372992
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:2
 State of Last Session: empty
 "Next" Track:  2
 Number of Tracks:  2
 Track State:   partial
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:1984640*2KB
 Track State:   blank
 Track Start Address:   1986688*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 1986688*2KB
 Free Blocks:   308416*2KB
 Track Size:308416*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I tried another medium from the same box. It recorded with 8x (4x yesterday,
only difference was that yesterday I recorded some DVD-R before), but when
it came to session close, the same thing happened - result is unusable.

There really might be some IDE problem. But why does it only occur with
certain media, and in a very reproducable way (no random errors)?
Somehow there must be a big bad thing somewhere in the system.
After all, there seem to be people that do not encounter that kind
of problems constantly.

Tired of this for the moment,
Thanks for trying to help.

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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-19 Thread Florian Lindauer
> There is a firware update to 1.03 for the Plextor 708A. I applied it on mine
> and it's Ok so far.
> -Dyson

I know of this, but according to what I read about it it did not
add too many new media. I would update if I did not have to
use DOS/Win for this. How did you do it? If you used a Linux
tool, I would be very interested in the details..


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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-20 Thread Florian Lindauer
> I just asked Plextor for the neexed info. Let"s see what happens...

Pleased to hear that :)

I just sent a mail (see below) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maybe some more people reading this list can send similar requests?
Not all of you have a Plextor, but you can duplicate and send to
other manufacturers too. Perhaps also to info@ addresses as "potential
customers" (that did not already buy, but would "if Linux is supported"..)
OK, that probably wont change much, but at least we have to try :)


--- support request

Hello Plextor,

I purchased your DVD recorder model 708. I want to run it
with Linux. You link to some resources on your website
at page http://www.plextor.be/English/technical/linux.html

CDrecord does not at all work with the 708. I know this is
not primarily your responsibility, but I want to express my
request that you do everything to support the author.

There is another project named dvd+rw-tools, that currently
works in many cases with the drive:
Perhaps you can add it to the Linux-page?

Another chapter is firmware updates. The author of cdrecord
also maintains a Linux flash utility, but it also does not
know the 708 yet. Again, please supply the author with all
necessary information or hardware as soon as possible.
The firmware itself is packed into an .exe - why dont you
use a standard format like zip? At least alternatively.

I am sure there are more users interested in recording on
Linux - please reconsider to increase your commitment
regarding Linux. If Plextor becomes the brand of choice
for Linux users, this is a target group that may be more
valuable than its pure number suggests. Maybe Plextor already
is better for Linux than many other brands - but it sure is
far from "real good"..
One thing is sure: the Linux community is growing. Multimedia
with Linux is gaining ground (mplayer, VDR). Lots of people
build their own HD+DVD-videorecorders on this basis.

Thanks for reading.
Your hopeful customer..

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-26 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Why do you believe that the drive does not work at all with cdrecord?
> I could use it with my tests...

Well, just read my threads in the list for details.
In short: when I had the NEC before, I used proDVD for recording
DVD+R without problems - but DVD-R did not work (find a lot of
details/logs in the thread "DVD recording adventures", started
somewhere at beginning of November, cant check as archive seems to
be down currently).
Now with the Plextor, DVD-R does not work in the same way.
My try with DVD+R recorded up to 100%, but got stuck when closing
track/session. See thread "DVD recording adventures continued",
well, this one :) I only can use the Plextor successfully with
growisofs, but not with a certain medium brand (DVD+R Imation).
Verbatim, Ricoh and cheap Platinum worked (+R), and cheap -R
from Sky and Intenso.
Perhaps you can tell something when looking at the proDVD-output.

Btw. here is what I got back from Plextor:
 Dear Sir,
 I will forward this information to our engineering department since they
 decide on the information available on this webpage.
 Kind regards,..

Hope you had better luck. Or maybe engineering will really..


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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-26 Thread Florian Lindauer
[List seems to be down!?
 At least Debian-archive, and mail-archive did not get
 updated since Friday..

> I used windows to upgrade the firmware to 1.03.  Once you go past 1.01 
> to 1.02 or 1.03 you can't flash it back to 1.01.  You can flash back to 
> 1.02 from 1.03.

I know that. Am still at 1.02 and want to wait until I can
flash using pxupdate/Linux. It is a network-attached box 
without display/keyboard. Probably 1.03 does not improve 
so very much.

> I have not tried cdrecord at all yet except for cd-r media so I can't 
> say whether I also exhibit any problems.
> If you let me know what circumstances you have a problem I can try to 
> duplicate here.

All that you can find within this thread.
cdrecord-proDVD does not work with DVD-R (does not start 
recording) and got stuck on session close with DVD+R.
growisofs works for most media, but not with Imation DVD+R
(again, stuck when closing session).
The latter is a bit special for you to reproduce, but if
you are willing to risk a coaster, just record to some DVD+R
medium using proDVD - I used an original Ricoh medium.


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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-26 Thread Florian Lindauer
[List seems to be down!?
 At least Debian-archive, and mail-archive did not get
 updated since Friday..

> It is a known fact that the firmware in the 708 is not what I would expect.
> If you insert a medium that it doesn"t like, then it behaves as if the drive
> is broken. People who don't know cdrecord well enough could even believe that
> cdrecord was broken.

I do not doubt there are problems of that kind, but in my case,
the original Ricoh-medium that could not get closed with proDVD
is certainly beyond suspicion of not being supported by the drive.
And with growisofs, it worked perfectly.

> Did you ever test with several different media? NOte that there are reports
> that even the media that are listet on Plextor"s site may not work.

I could not test DVD-R media (as you know), and I did not test other
DVD+R (as my coaster count gets a bit high, higher than it ever was
with CDs many years ago). But as stated above, the original Ricoh
simply is guaranteed to be OK.
> The NEC is known not to work with all media. This is the behavior
> intended by NEC! They don't like the drive to work with unknown media.
> Instead they seem to only write to well known (what they tested) media.

Thats another topic.. I thought it was about the same with all
DVD recorders: that they only accept media they know. But the NEC
is history (or to be exact: works OK in a Desktop with XP).
> The PIoneer drives in contrast will try to write to any medium but they
> will use a specific slow write strategy in this case. 

Interesting. Sounds much more customer-friendly. And the Plextor?
> There is another problem with DVD+, it seems that all DVD+ drives not made by
> Ricoh don't follow the SCSI standards. 

> As you may have noticed, I was a bit disappointed by some DVD experiences
> in the first half of this year. I spend a lot of time with Linux kernel bugs
> that are only present because the Linux Polit office kernel development model
> creates more and more problems for making Linux ready for the future.
> Linus Torvalds is one of the biggest problems for Linux :-( 

Not a thing I presume judgement. Just am thankful for what both
of you contribute to Linux / application software :)

> implemented. I intended to do this before starting again with cdrecord, but
> it seems that I will start again with cdrecord earlier

Sounds good :)
> The Close DVD+R problem is known and I am going to fix this soon

Sounds even better..

> For DVD-R problems with the 708, I would need information.

Well, I cannot give you more than what I already posted in these
threads (same for NEC and Plextor):
 Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
 BURN-Free is ON.
 Turning BURN-Free off
 ./cdrecord-ProDVD: VTrack 0 has unknown length.
 ./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot open next track.
 Writing  time:0.006s 

Did not find log-messages when this happens. So, what kind of
additional info could I get you?
Would be glad to support you with some tests, as far as time allows.
Just send me a note if there is some new version or patch I can test 
(if it is supposed to solve some of my problems). Or what I can do
to provide you with additional debugging info.
(Will not be able to get hands on the drive before next week though).


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Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-27 Thread Florian Lindauer
> I just bought Imation 2.4x DVD+R and it works fine w/ growisofs.

Now that I call dedication - Thanks :) But I should have mentioned
mine are 4x (what do you want with a 708 that can do 8x and
media for 2.4?)
Anyways, it is quite strange, as my Imation have the identical
ATIP (RICOHJPN/R01) like the original Ricoh (checked this with
DVD Identifier / XP with the old NEC) - and yet the Ricoh worked 
while the Imation did not. 


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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-28 Thread Florian Lindauer
> You did not follow the man page for cdrecord and the README in
>   ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ProDVD/
> This is definitely wrong usage.

OK. Have to admit it's somewhat embarrassing I overread that
section flagged "important notice"..
But to be honest, things could still be put more clearly, especially
for people not so deep into all of this.
Before I will be able to test it next week, probably Monday evening,
I now came to the following "theory":

"Cdrecord currently only supports SAO mode. Cdrecord-ProDVD-1.11a35 
and later allow to specify -dao for correctness. Later versions of 
cdrecord will only write DVDs if -dao is specified"
-> it could be a good idea to specify -dao for DVD-R
   even if it may be just "for correctness"

> cdrecord writes in SAO mode so it needs to know the sizes.

-> Currently using the pipe-scheme "mkisofs | cdrecord" I would
   have to specify tsize, which I cannot do. So I cannot use the
   pipe but have to create an image, the filesize of which will
   be what is needed.


I read the other post regarding pxupdate. I would try that as
well on Monday, but as you already stated there is no firmware
binary supplied by Plextor. I had the hope it could be somehow
extracted using Windows, but indeed I was not able to do that.

As for the "secret firmware" - is it a new version 1.04, or only
the 1.03 as pure flash-image? In the latter case, if Plextor calls
that "secret", I wouldnt know how to call that.. perhaps "strange"..
And being on that topic, just being curious: are you under some
kind of NDA with Plextor here? After all, proDVD and pxupdate
are only available as binary as far as I can tell, would it be
a problem for Plextor if that was Open Source? (So just 
trying to find out if Plextor behaves like SD card consortium
or similar proprietary..)


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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-12-01 Thread Florian Lindauer
> NO, read the documentation to learn how to use tsize= if you write
> from a pipe

OK, so I can do it even when using a pipe, mkisofs with -print-size.
But using an image instead of the pipe would do too..
Will try soon.
> Something I did learn friday night by studying the Win32 binaries using
> strings on my Solaris machine...
> If you look close enough at the binaries you should be able to extract
> the firmware yourself.

Well. I know strings. But not much about windows executables or
typical compression format headers or (if uncompressed) the
beginning of a Plextor flash image or whatever. Maybe I could
figure out, but then the idea of doing something wrong and
flashing a broken image to my drive.. No.
Is this an intelligence test? 
You really fear consequences if you would just tell me (or
even the world on this list) what you found out? Or even
provide the pure 1.03 image? After all its out in the public.
Just in an unusable form.

> Well I could tell you but then I have to shoot you ;-)

Ah.. sure, agent one :)
And what I asked below, NDA and such, is even more sensible in
this way, I see.. but now if it's not you that makes things
more mysterious than they are, then I can only conclude that
Plextor really does not have a very open way of handling
that kind of thing.. could'nt you tell them that a "leaked
firmware" would be sign of importance for a company and will attract
a lot of curious customers ;) Putting it on their website seems 
to be too hard for them. Guess I'll have to send some more
mails to customer service..

Thanks for you work on this.


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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-12-01 Thread Florian Lindauer
[currently my mailhost has problems delivering to fokus, sorry]

> If you don't have a correct image, the program doesn't accept it.

That sure is a good idea..
> BTW: I just received a mail from another person who
> succeeded in extracting the firmare from the win32 installshield file.

So this is not only an intelligence test, but also a contest,
a tournament ;)
OK, found the %spftw.. and the unpacked Opal_103.bin in the
Win-user's LocalSettings temp dir. Now, have I proven worthy :) 

[But seriously, wouldnt that be something for a readme for
pxupdate - there is absolutely no reason to keep this a secret!?]

Flashed it with pxupdate-1.34 - worked.

Recorded a DVD-R successfully using the following 2liner:
 TSIZE=`mkisofs -R -J -f -print-size $1 $2 $3 2>&1 | tail -1`
 mkisofs -R -J -f $1 $2 $3 2>/dev/null | cdrecord-proDVD dev=0,0,0 speed=8 
tsize=${TSIZE}s -dao -v -

Did not try DVD+R: you said the session close problem is known
and planned to be fixed, so will have to wait for some 2.01a13.

Finally tried another one of the Imation (according to ATIP Ricoh)
media DVD+R using growisofs (which worked for all other media I
tried) to check if fw 1.03 helped. And voila - it did not get
stuck on session close. Am not 100% sure if that might not be
random behaviour, but the first two Imation I tried (with old fw)
got stuck, while non of the other DVD+R did.

So finally, things look quite OK at the moment: cdrecord-proDVD
works for DVD-R (and maybe soon DVD+R), growisofs works for +/-.
pxupdate allows flashing the drive.
This may be the beginning of the end of this thread ;)


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Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-12-02 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Why don't you do all Plextor users a favour, and post how to extract
> the firmware binary file from the supplied .exe on Linux, i.e. not
> using windows. Including file names, file sizes, versions and byte
> offsets, and some distinct strings to look for.

Hey, it was someone else not telling much, what I posted is
quite a full description. Yes, I used Windows. The image is much
bigger than the executable, so it must be compressed. And I wouldnt be
so sure that data starts after that "Opal"-string. No idea how to
extract it without Windows.
Using Windows, just start the exe and note that for a very short time
you see an extract display. Then, leave the program running and look
where it was temporarily unpacked. You will find it under the
DocumentsAndSetting//LocalSettings/temp in some newly created
subdir. Thats it. At least under XP. With other Win-flavours, the
temp may be located somewhere else - but you just need to search
for a file named "Opal*".


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DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-04 Thread Florian Lindauer
Here is my tale of woe regarding DVD burning with Linux
over the last months. Perhaps someone can remember similar 
experiences and give some hints.

I use a current Linux installation (2.4.20) and the
most current versions of all the dvd burning programs.
Using ide-scsi (scd0->hdc). i865-Board (ICH5).

I have a NEC 1300, that burns plus and minus. If the medium 
suits it. NEC releases a firmware update sometimes, but only
with Windows installer. Thank god there is a guy named
herrie that hacks and extracts the fw for DOS installer.
But thats nothing specific with Linux. As is the case
(I hope so) with the bad quality of my plus-media (Platinum).
One is perfectly readable, the next with identical content,
burned subsequent to the first is not (or the other way 'round).
Same effects even with a Verbatim (recommended by NEC).
So I tend to go for minus, where I never had any (burn
quality related) readability problem so far.

Burning of plus-media with cdrecord-proDVD works, as
well as with growisofs. Only problem, apart from that
speed=4 is ignored completely (set to 2), with proDVD
the system clock runs at half speed..

But I wanted to go for minus: 
- cdrecord-proDVD does not work with minus-media,
  not for me and my NEC (while showing the ATIP works)
- Using dvdrecord, when it comes to fixation, it hangs
  forever. There is a scsi timeout in messages, after
  some time a bus reset takes place. I can read the
  medium without a problem with Windows (XP), but not
  with Linux (it is not fixated).
  Trying a new, manual/minimal configured 2.4.22, it is
  even worse: the bus hangs forever, I can not even
  get the disc out before I reset the machine.
  Any command regarding the drive (like eject, mount)
  hangs forever, with no kill -9 able to do anything.
  Independent of this, dvdrecord too showed the
  clock speed issue, but not if all of DMA+32bit+unmasqirq
  are set.
- Finally trying dvd+rwTools/growisofs to burn minus:
  there is no hang on fixation, but similar (but other)
  SCSI error messages in the log. The growisofs-error
  is something like "cannot close session".
  Now, such media I can read(mount) under Linux.
  But guess: I cannot read them with Windows.

So all in all you will not be surprised that I feel some
kind of spoofed, or in other words: DVD burning with
Linux is a big mess at the moment, at least for me and
my device.

Is it all because of the NEC? Can anyone confirm my problems
and/or recommend another device that is known to work well
under Linux? Perhaps one of the new 8x?

Is there any device that has a Linux firmware update-tool?

Do all DVD recorders only accept media that they know of?
(Sure, this is a measure of quality assurance, but well..)

Questions, questions..

Thanks for any help,
Florian Lindauer

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-04 Thread Florian Lindauer
x00 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  2 18:51:49 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 66177) timed out -
Nov  2 18:51:49 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.
Nov  2 18:51:49 lxMedia kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
66177, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 0x00 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 66177) timed out -
Nov  2 18:51:51 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.
Nov  2 18:51:53 lxMedia kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
This was kernel 2.4.20.

** the log messages after dvdrecord timeout while fixating
   (after that the result cannot be mounted under Linux, but
reading with Windows is no problem - now compare with
the situation above :)

Nov  4 01:33:15 lxMedia kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
42515, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
42515, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 42515) timed out -
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 42515)
timed out - trying harder
Nov  4 01:33:25 lxMedia kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel0.

Nothing more ever - bus totally hangs after this, no eject, no
mount, any such process not killable (with -9).
This was with kernel 2.4.22. Under 2.4.20, it came back to life
after about a minute (with log messages like above for growisofs).

OK, thats it. Abandon all hope?

Looks like the close session / close disk command leads to this
when a dash-medium is inside.
But is it the drive, the Linux IDE driver, the recording app?

Still I would be interested in
- Do all recorders only accept media they know?
  And if yes, and you say NEC has poor support, do all the others
  have very frequent firmware updates?
- Are there drives with Linux-firmware-flashing-tools?

Thanks for caring,
Florian Lindauer

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-04 Thread Florian Lindauer
Hello Volker,

>The NEC1300 burner is not capable of burning DVD+ at 4x, only 2.4x. It
>may do DVD- at 4x. Never believe anything marketroids say

The latter certainly is true, but I really dont believe it cant
burn + at 4x - after all, the NEC has evolved from its predecessor,
the 1100, which was a pure plus-device. And our c't magazine here
did lots of tests with the drive and 4x-media.
Problem with me probably is that none of my plus-media is
certified 4x. 

>> the system clock runs at half speed..
>Been there, done that. You must turn on DMA for the burner (always a
>good idea), this is even neceaary on P4-2.4G machines.

It definitely had DMA (-d1) enabled. And unmaskirq. Looks like
additional 32bit (-c1) did the trick. And all needs to be
set anew after one of my nice timeouts / bus resets.

>the fact that hardware manufacturers couldn't care less about Linux
>(but you still have to pay the Nero tax anyway).

Well, I got mine as bulk without Nero. At least one good thing :)

>Pioneer seems to be fine, at least my 106 goes well with
>cdrecord-prodvd and growisofs (both for both DVD+ and DVD-). 

Sounds promising. After all the wasted time and with prices
in free fall I should consider a change.. only want to be
sure that it is not some other problem that will persist
with another drive - anyone using a NEC1300 successfully here?

>".. and then NEC told me it was not their responsibility to make sure the
>burner works with all the media media-makers come up with all the time..."

I remember that, but at least they seem to have partly
reconsidered, there were two updates in August and October
that support additional media. And then, as mentioned in my
first mail, there is Herrie: http://herrie.rpc1.org/

Florian Lindauer

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-05 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Sounds like hardware problem with your unit. As if laser power was not
> enough at the end... 

Something like this, yes :(

> I didn't mean mediainfo for a blank media of some particular brand, but
> that that particular *recorded* disk which you could access under Linux,
> but not under Windows.

Ah, now.. I will supply that, but maybe not before tomorrow evening.
> BTW, what does "with Windows" mean? Does it mean that you rebooted
> Windows on same computer or did you test it on *another* DVD unit

The latter - the DVD-recorder is in a Multimedia-VDR-box, the
desktop with DVD-ROM runs WinXP.

> The final conclusion is therefore that it's the unit
> which effectively crashes at the end of recording and it's hardly kernel
> or application software problem.

One thing against the faulty-drive-theory is that before I put the
NEC into the Linux-Box, for some days it was running with WinXP+Nero,
where I successfully recorded dash-media. So at the end it might
be the IDE-hardware, which is i865-based (Shuttle XPC). But no, I
won't install XP on that box to try it out :)

> growisofs records in Incremental mode, others - in DAO. I mean your
> interoperability problem might have more to do with recording mode, than
> with the way recording process crashes... A.

In theory both should be usable with both OS. So if growisofs crashes at
the end (of course the drive crashes), the result is a problem for Windows,
and if dvdrecord hangs fixating, the result is a problem for Linux.
There do not happen to exist special linux tools that try to read
media even if some part is not standards-conform, unlike mount?
Need to try if I can open the raw device and read..

>Well, they might not have to... At least the idea behind latest
>depelopments was to pre-record some laser calibration data on blanks, so
>that firmware can use it instead of MediaID table...

Sounds like a good idea, lets see how long until this is implemented
in drives and with media.
But until then, something like automatic power calibration,
if they want in connection with a warning "at your own risk",
could at least give a chance to the user instead of leaving him
out in the rain.. we all know buying media while knowing what
really is in the box is not possible, except for some big brands.

Florian Lindauer

Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-05 Thread Florian Lindauer
** Here is the status of the Linux-mountable dash-medium, that
   cannot be read by Windows:

dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/scd0
INQUIRY:[_NEC][DVD_RW ND-1300A ][1.08]
 Mounted Media: 11h, DVD-R Sequential
 MediaID:   VDSPMSAB 01
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Legacy lead-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Last border-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Disc status:   complete
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: complete
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   complete incremental
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:1*2KB
 Last Recorded Address: 4294770688*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Tail of proDVD-atip with this recorded medium:

Manufacturer:   'VDSPMSAB 01'
rzone number:   1
border number:  1
damage: 0
reserved:   0 blank: 0 incremental: 1
nwa valid:  0
rzone start:0
next wr addr:   0
free blocks:0
blocking factor:16
rzone size: 1
last recorded addr: -196608
WARNING: Phys disk size 2298496 differs from rzone size 0! Prerecorded disk?
WARNING: Phys start: 196608 Phys end 2495103

** And here the output of proDVD if I try to record to
   a blank dash-medium:

Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 2 in real TAO mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting real write0 seconds. Operation starts.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
BURN-Free is ON.
Turning BURN-Free off
./cdrecord-ProDVD: VTrack 0 has unknown length.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot open next track.
Writing  time:0.033s
Fixating time:0.000s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo had 64 puts and 0 gets.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was100%.


Re: DVD recording adventures..

2003-11-06 Thread Florian Lindauer
> >  Track Size:1*2KB
> >  Last Recorded Address: 4294770688*2KB
> Note "Track size" [and "Last Recorded Address"]. Looks bad, huh?

> OSes might be treating TOC differently, e.g. Linux uses
> READ CAPACITY (see lead-/border-out values in dvd+rw-mediainfo output),
> while Windows might be using Track Sizes...

This theory seems not bad, but also the tracksize in the following 
output for a dvdrecord-made medium that Win likes and Linux doesnt
like shows:

 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Last border-out at:0*2KB=0
 Track State:   complete
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:4294967295*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> readcd.

Ah, yes. When choosing 17 in menu, says:
readcd: Input/output error. read_cd: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  BE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 63 FA 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 02 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 30 02 00 00
Sense Key: 0x2 Not Ready, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x30 Qual 0x02 (cannot read medium - incompatible format) Fru
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.001s timeout 40s
readcd: Input/output error. Cannot read source disk
readcd: Retrying from sector 0.
readcd: Input/output error. Error on sector 0 not corrected. Total of 1

And less -f /dev/scd0: read error

Finally, one of the plus-media with readability problems:
mediainfo looks perfectly sane, but even recorder itself
has problems to read:
kernel: scsi0: ERROR on channel 0, id 0, lun 0, CDB:
Request Sense 00 00 00 40 00
kernel: Info fld=0x1b6840, Current sd0b:00: sensekey Medium Error
kernel: Additional sense indicates Unrecovered readerror
kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 7184640 

After all of this, probably I have no other choice than
to try another drive sooner or later.

Florian Lindauer

DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-15 Thread Florian Lindauer
I'm back with season two and a new recorder: now, the Plextor
708 is where the NEC 1300 used to be. All problems vanished?
No way..

Using growisofs for DVD+R-media works well, at speed 2.4 or speed
8x (Ricoh-4x, Verbatim-4x only work with 4x).

But trying to use cdrecord-proDVD now results in an error when
fixating (see messages -1- below), the medium is not recognized
by any system (see medium status -2-, -3- below).

Going to DVD-R media, I am totally unable to burn any of them.
cdrecord-proDVD says the same as with the NEC (see -4-), but
also dvdrecord and growisofs now refuse to work (-5-, -6-).

Summary: Cannot record to DVD-R, can record to DVD+R only with
growisofs. At least, the latter seems to work quite well.

Again, am thankful for any ideas, will try out one or another thing,
especially regarding DVD-R media. 

Florian Lindauer

--- error messages:

*** 1 *** cdrecord-prodvd / +R:
Max brk space used 7204
2026096 extents written (3957 Mb)
Track 01: 3957 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  88%]   8.1x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 4149444608/4149444608 (2026096 sectors).
Writing  time:  408.814s
Min drive buffer fill was 51%
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: no 
CDB:  5B 01 01 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x26 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in parameter list) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.002s timeout 1000s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: no 
CDB:  5B 01 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 72 04 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x72 Qual 0x04 (empty or partially written reserved track) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 1000s
Fixating time:0.100s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo had 65359 puts and 65359 gets.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: fifo was 0 times empty and 12752 times full, min fill was70%

*** 2 *** status plusdvd:
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+R driver (mmc_dvdplusr).
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P RAW/R96R
cpm: 0
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Input/output error. read dvd structure: scsi sendcmd: noerror
CDB:  AD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x24 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in cdb) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.514s timeout 240s
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot read DVD structure.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot get disk type.

*** 3 *** status dvd+rw-mediainfo:
INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #0:8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #1:4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #2:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
- [unable to READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 (52400)]
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   partial
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:3163741*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*** 4 *** cdrecord-plusdvd / -R:

Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
BURN-Free is ON.
Turning BURN-Free off
./cdrecord-ProDVD: VTrack 0 has unknown length.
./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot open next track.
Writing  time:0.006s

*** 5 *** dvdrecord / -R:

Performing OPC...
Sending CUE sheet...
Starting new track at sector: 166
Track 01:   0 MB written.dvdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: scsi
no error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 00 A6 00 00 1F 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 21 02 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x21 Qual 0x02 (logical block address out of range) [No matching
lifier] Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 200s

write track data: error after 0 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Writing  time:5.010s
Fixating time:0.000s
dvdrecord: fifo had 64 puts and 1 gets.
dvdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%.

*** 6 *** growisofs / -R:

/dev/scd0: "Current Write Speed" is 4.0x1385KBps.
:-[ LBA=0h, SENSE KEY=5h/ASC=21h/ASCQ=02h ]
:-( write failed: Input/o

Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-16 Thread Florian Lindauer
> > Going to DVD-R media, I am totally unable to burn any of them.
> Do try more media brands...

With the NEC and unsupported media, an error message indicating
that fact (no support for medium in drive) showed up - as you
can see, this time no such error is shown. And at least one
of the media I tried even is listed explicitly at the Plextor
compatible media compilation. Or in other words - I do not think
the problem is that the drive does not like the disc.
Does the following not tell you anything?
 :-[ LBA=0h, SENSE KEY=5h/ASC=21h/ASCQ=02h ]

Additionally tried Princo now - here, the drive gets locked up
showing status with 
  scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid .. scsi0, channel 0
id 0, lun 0 Start/Stop Unit 00 00 00 03 00
  hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
Princo also is listed as compatible..

Will try some quality brand in the future. 

> "ruined media"? What kind of media? Must be DVD+R, but I
> don't want to assume *anything*. "just at the beginning"? "just" is way
> too subjective...

Just at the beginning means that I hit Ctrl-C as soon as I saw
the "current write speed = 4x" line (maybe 2s after that - silly
action, no doubt). 
It then took quite some time until I got back the prompt, and
the disc had already been written to in some way: 

INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #0:8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #1:4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #2:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
- [unable to READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 (52400)]
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   partial
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:1*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

By the way, I do not get any medium atip info for DVD+R
(unlike for DVD-R, where something like NANYA is shown).
mediainfo-output looks identical for blank disc in all
Am not quite sure if this was the same with the NEC.

All in all, Plextor does not seem to be any better when it
comes to Linux. They link to Joerg Schillings pxupdate, but
this does not recognize the drive. And the firmware is 
packed into an exe. Shame on you, Mr. Bu.. aeh, Plextor,
shame on you..


Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-18 Thread Florian Lindauer
> > Or in other words - I do not think
> > the problem is that the drive does not like the disc. 
> And I don't think it's an application or kernel problem:-)

Well, and we both somehow were right, see below..
> access." Timeout means that the unit failed to figure out what to do
> with media within reasonable time... Does it mean that media is
> supported?

Certainly not. The Princo are totally unusable on the drive.
> Next update will show media manufacturer id even for DVD+media.

Sounds promising.

Now: More insights:

The problems with DVD-R vanished (except Princo), and I was able to
reproduce how they emerged: In my experiments I always first tried
cdrecord-proDVD, then dvdrecord, then growisofs.
While proDVD does not work but also does not seem to harm status,
dvdrecord left the system (drive? bus?) in an invalid state.
mediainfo (as well as proDVD-atip) showed values other than for
a blank disk, and growisofs failed with the message I posted earlier.
mediainfo see below.
Just ejecting and reloading disc leads to a status reset, and the
medium again is recognized as blank and can be recorded with growisofs.

So, now with growisofs (and only with this) I can record + and - as
it seems. You might suppose I'm a happy guy now? Guess what happened
next: with a new DVD+R brand (Imation), the disc recorded at 4x with
growisofs until 100%, and then failed on closing session. Details
see below. Yeah. Any chance for recovery this time?

Fun, suspense, adventure, and something to play with -> DVD recording
in general and especially with Linux (you dont happen to know the
German Ueberraschungsei advertisement..)

Thinking positive, its a progress. Thanks for growisofs, the
Plex708 would seem to be worthless for Linux without it at
the moment.


*** mediainfo after dvdrecord fails at beginning
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Legacy lead-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  2
 Track State:   reserved incremental
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:0*2KB
 Track State:   invisible incremental
 Track Start Address:   16*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 16*2KB
 Free Blocks:   2298480*2KB
 Track Size:2298480*2KB

*** mediainfo after disc reload (back to normal)
 Media Book Type:   25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Legacy lead-out at:2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Disc status:   blank
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: empty
 Number of Tracks:  1
 Track State:   invisible incremental
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   2297888*2KB
 Track Size:2297888*2KB

*** DVD+R Imation endgame
/dev/scd0: flushing cache
/dev/scd0: closing track
/dev/scd0: closing session
:-( unable to CLOSE SESSION (Fh/FFh/FFh): Input/output error
- [unable to TEST UNIT READY]: Input/output error

*** corresponding log messages
kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ...
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: DMA disabled
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ...
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 385051) timed out - resetting
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 385051) timed out - trying harder
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset timed-out, status=0x80
kernel: ide1: reset: master: ECC circuitry error
kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ...
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 385052) timed out - resetting
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 385052) timed out - trying harder

*** resulting coaster (not recognized by any system)
INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #0:8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #1:4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Speed #2:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
- [unable to READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 (52400)]
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:1
 State of Last Session: incomplete
 "Next" Track:  1
 Number of Tracks:  2
 Track Sta

Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-19 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Can I suggest a bad IDE cable as a possible cause? Noise on the 
> cable might lead to ECC errors I'd say.

Thanks for the hint. I also came to think there might be something wrong
with my IDE. And now that you mention the cable: the box is a Shuttle
barebone, and the cable is a special cable (split into several parts
to make it narrower) designed for that case. That does mean, I cannot
try another cable, and probably it is not even defect, but the design
may hold higher risk of bus errors. Now that all sounds reasonable.
But - all errors so far have been quite deterministic / reproducable.
And that certainly speaks against above theory, does it?

I will test more of the same media (perhaps it really was by accident
this one time) as well as Andy's one-time-tool (Thank you!), 
probably tomorrow.


Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-19 Thread Florian Lindauer
> USB<->IDE gadget which caused the trouble (user confirmed this in
> private mail). No, I'm not saying that you have USB<->IDE gadget too,

Indeed I have a standard IDE interface on a i865-based board.

> './close /dev/dvd'

Trying the close-utility, the about same thing happened as when
the first session close was carried out:

kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid ..
 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: DMA disabled
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: scsi0 channel 0 : resetting for second half of retries.
kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
kernel: hdc: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
kernel: hdc: drive not ready for command
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
kernel: hdc: lost interrupt

and a bit later about 80 times within a few seconds:
kernel: ide-scsi: CoD != 0 in idescsi_pc_intr
kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete

And the medium now changed to status (after reload):
INQUIRY:[PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.02]
 Mounted Media: 1Bh, DVD+R
 Current Write Speed:   2.4x1385=3324KB/s
 Write Speed #0:2.4x1385=3324KB/s
 Media Book Type:   A1h, DVD+R book [revision 1]
 Legacy lead-out at:2295104*2KB=4700372992
 Disc status:   appendable
 Number of Sessions:2
 State of Last Session: empty
 "Next" Track:  2
 Number of Tracks:  2
 Track State:   partial
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Free Blocks:   0*2KB
 Track Size:1984640*2KB
 Track State:   blank
 Track Start Address:   1986688*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 1986688*2KB
 Free Blocks:   308416*2KB
 Track Size:308416*2KB
 Multi-session Info:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I tried another medium from the same box. It recorded with 8x (4x yesterday,
only difference was that yesterday I recorded some DVD-R before), but when
it came to session close, the same thing happened - result is unusable.

There really might be some IDE problem. But why does it only occur with
certain media, and in a very reproducable way (no random errors)?
Somehow there must be a big bad thing somewhere in the system.
After all, there seem to be people that do not encounter that kind
of problems constantly.

Tired of this for the moment,
Thanks for trying to help.

Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-19 Thread Florian Lindauer
> There is a firware update to 1.03 for the Plextor 708A. I applied it on mine
> and it's Ok so far.
> -Dyson

I know of this, but according to what I read about it it did not
add too many new media. I would update if I did not have to
use DOS/Win for this. How did you do it? If you used a Linux
tool, I would be very interested in the details..


Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-20 Thread Florian Lindauer
> I just asked Plextor for the neexed info. Let"s see what happens...

Pleased to hear that :)

I just sent a mail (see below) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maybe some more people reading this list can send similar requests?
Not all of you have a Plextor, but you can duplicate and send to
other manufacturers too. Perhaps also to info@ addresses as "potential
customers" (that did not already buy, but would "if Linux is supported"..)
OK, that probably wont change much, but at least we have to try :)


--- support request

Hello Plextor,

I purchased your DVD recorder model 708. I want to run it
with Linux. You link to some resources on your website
at page http://www.plextor.be/English/technical/linux.html

CDrecord does not at all work with the 708. I know this is
not primarily your responsibility, but I want to express my
request that you do everything to support the author.

There is another project named dvd+rw-tools, that currently
works in many cases with the drive:
Perhaps you can add it to the Linux-page?

Another chapter is firmware updates. The author of cdrecord
also maintains a Linux flash utility, but it also does not
know the 708 yet. Again, please supply the author with all
necessary information or hardware as soon as possible.
The firmware itself is packed into an .exe - why dont you
use a standard format like zip? At least alternatively.

I am sure there are more users interested in recording on
Linux - please reconsider to increase your commitment
regarding Linux. If Plextor becomes the brand of choice
for Linux users, this is a target group that may be more
valuable than its pure number suggests. Maybe Plextor already
is better for Linux than many other brands - but it sure is
far from "real good"..
One thing is sure: the Linux community is growing. Multimedia
with Linux is gaining ground (mplayer, VDR). Lots of people
build their own HD+DVD-videorecorders on this basis.

Thanks for reading.
Your hopeful customer..

Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-26 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Why do you believe that the drive does not work at all with cdrecord?
> I could use it with my tests...

Well, just read my threads in the list for details.
In short: when I had the NEC before, I used proDVD for recording
DVD+R without problems - but DVD-R did not work (find a lot of
details/logs in the thread "DVD recording adventures", started
somewhere at beginning of November, cant check as archive seems to
be down currently).
Now with the Plextor, DVD-R does not work in the same way.
My try with DVD+R recorded up to 100%, but got stuck when closing
track/session. See thread "DVD recording adventures continued",
well, this one :) I only can use the Plextor successfully with
growisofs, but not with a certain medium brand (DVD+R Imation).
Verbatim, Ricoh and cheap Platinum worked (+R), and cheap -R
from Sky and Intenso.
Perhaps you can tell something when looking at the proDVD-output.

Btw. here is what I got back from Plextor:
 Dear Sir,
 I will forward this information to our engineering department since they
 decide on the information available on this webpage.
 Kind regards,..

Hope you had better luck. Or maybe engineering will really..


Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-26 Thread Florian Lindauer
[List seems to be down!?
 At least Debian-archive, and mail-archive did not get
 updated since Friday..

> I used windows to upgrade the firmware to 1.03.  Once you go past 1.01 
> to 1.02 or 1.03 you can't flash it back to 1.01.  You can flash back to 
> 1.02 from 1.03.

I know that. Am still at 1.02 and want to wait until I can
flash using pxupdate/Linux. It is a network-attached box 
without display/keyboard. Probably 1.03 does not improve 
so very much.

> I have not tried cdrecord at all yet except for cd-r media so I can't 
> say whether I also exhibit any problems.
> If you let me know what circumstances you have a problem I can try to 
> duplicate here.

All that you can find within this thread.
cdrecord-proDVD does not work with DVD-R (does not start 
recording) and got stuck on session close with DVD+R.
growisofs works for most media, but not with Imation DVD+R
(again, stuck when closing session).
The latter is a bit special for you to reproduce, but if
you are willing to risk a coaster, just record to some DVD+R
medium using proDVD - I used an original Ricoh medium.


Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-26 Thread Florian Lindauer
[List seems to be down!?
 At least Debian-archive, and mail-archive did not get
 updated since Friday..

> It is a known fact that the firmware in the 708 is not what I would expect.
> If you insert a medium that it doesn"t like, then it behaves as if the drive
> is broken. People who don't know cdrecord well enough could even believe that
> cdrecord was broken.

I do not doubt there are problems of that kind, but in my case,
the original Ricoh-medium that could not get closed with proDVD
is certainly beyond suspicion of not being supported by the drive.
And with growisofs, it worked perfectly.

> Did you ever test with several different media? NOte that there are reports
> that even the media that are listet on Plextor"s site may not work.

I could not test DVD-R media (as you know), and I did not test other
DVD+R (as my coaster count gets a bit high, higher than it ever was
with CDs many years ago). But as stated above, the original Ricoh
simply is guaranteed to be OK.
> The NEC is known not to work with all media. This is the behavior
> intended by NEC! They don't like the drive to work with unknown media.
> Instead they seem to only write to well known (what they tested) media.

Thats another topic.. I thought it was about the same with all
DVD recorders: that they only accept media they know. But the NEC
is history (or to be exact: works OK in a Desktop with XP).
> The PIoneer drives in contrast will try to write to any medium but they
> will use a specific slow write strategy in this case. 

Interesting. Sounds much more customer-friendly. And the Plextor?
> There is another problem with DVD+, it seems that all DVD+ drives not made by
> Ricoh don't follow the SCSI standards. 

> As you may have noticed, I was a bit disappointed by some DVD experiences
> in the first half of this year. I spend a lot of time with Linux kernel bugs
> that are only present because the Linux Polit office kernel development model
> creates more and more problems for making Linux ready for the future.
> Linus Torvalds is one of the biggest problems for Linux :-( 

Not a thing I presume judgement. Just am thankful for what both
of you contribute to Linux / application software :)

> implemented. I intended to do this before starting again with cdrecord, but
> it seems that I will start again with cdrecord earlier

Sounds good :)
> The Close DVD+R problem is known and I am going to fix this soon

Sounds even better..

> For DVD-R problems with the 708, I would need information.

Well, I cannot give you more than what I already posted in these
threads (same for NEC and Plextor):
 Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
 BURN-Free is ON.
 Turning BURN-Free off
 ./cdrecord-ProDVD: VTrack 0 has unknown length.
 ./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot open next track.
 Writing  time:0.006s 

Did not find log-messages when this happens. So, what kind of
additional info could I get you?
Would be glad to support you with some tests, as far as time allows.
Just send me a note if there is some new version or patch I can test 
(if it is supposed to solve some of my problems). Or what I can do
to provide you with additional debugging info.
(Will not be able to get hands on the drive before next week though).


Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-27 Thread Florian Lindauer
> I just bought Imation 2.4x DVD+R and it works fine w/ growisofs.

Now that I call dedication - Thanks :) But I should have mentioned
mine are 4x (what do you want with a 708 that can do 8x and
media for 2.4?)
Anyways, it is quite strange, as my Imation have the identical
ATIP (RICOHJPN/R01) like the original Ricoh (checked this with
DVD Identifier / XP with the old NEC) - and yet the Ricoh worked 
while the Imation did not. 


Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-11-28 Thread Florian Lindauer
> You did not follow the man page for cdrecord and the README in
>   ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ProDVD/
> This is definitely wrong usage.

OK. Have to admit it's somewhat embarrassing I overread that
section flagged "important notice"..
But to be honest, things could still be put more clearly, especially
for people not so deep into all of this.
Before I will be able to test it next week, probably Monday evening,
I now came to the following "theory":

"Cdrecord currently only supports SAO mode. Cdrecord-ProDVD-1.11a35 
and later allow to specify -dao for correctness. Later versions of 
cdrecord will only write DVDs if -dao is specified"
-> it could be a good idea to specify -dao for DVD-R
   even if it may be just "for correctness"

> cdrecord writes in SAO mode so it needs to know the sizes.

-> Currently using the pipe-scheme "mkisofs | cdrecord" I would
   have to specify tsize, which I cannot do. So I cannot use the
   pipe but have to create an image, the filesize of which will
   be what is needed.


I read the other post regarding pxupdate. I would try that as
well on Monday, but as you already stated there is no firmware
binary supplied by Plextor. I had the hope it could be somehow
extracted using Windows, but indeed I was not able to do that.

As for the "secret firmware" - is it a new version 1.04, or only
the 1.03 as pure flash-image? In the latter case, if Plextor calls
that "secret", I wouldnt know how to call that.. perhaps "strange"..
And being on that topic, just being curious: are you under some
kind of NDA with Plextor here? After all, proDVD and pxupdate
are only available as binary as far as I can tell, would it be
a problem for Plextor if that was Open Source? (So just 
trying to find out if Plextor behaves like SD card consortium
or similar proprietary..)


Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-12-01 Thread Florian Lindauer
> NO, read the documentation to learn how to use tsize= if you write
> from a pipe

OK, so I can do it even when using a pipe, mkisofs with -print-size.
But using an image instead of the pipe would do too..
Will try soon.
> Something I did learn friday night by studying the Win32 binaries using
> strings on my Solaris machine...
> If you look close enough at the binaries you should be able to extract
> the firmware yourself.

Well. I know strings. But not much about windows executables or
typical compression format headers or (if uncompressed) the
beginning of a Plextor flash image or whatever. Maybe I could
figure out, but then the idea of doing something wrong and
flashing a broken image to my drive.. No.
Is this an intelligence test? 
You really fear consequences if you would just tell me (or
even the world on this list) what you found out? Or even
provide the pure 1.03 image? After all its out in the public.
Just in an unusable form.

> Well I could tell you but then I have to shoot you ;-)

Ah.. sure, agent one :)
And what I asked below, NDA and such, is even more sensible in
this way, I see.. but now if it's not you that makes things
more mysterious than they are, then I can only conclude that
Plextor really does not have a very open way of handling
that kind of thing.. could'nt you tell them that a "leaked
firmware" would be sign of importance for a company and will attract
a lot of curious customers ;) Putting it on their website seems 
to be too hard for them. Guess I'll have to send some more
mails to customer service..

Thanks for you work on this.


Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-12-01 Thread Florian Lindauer
[currently my mailhost has problems delivering to fokus, sorry]

> If you don't have a correct image, the program doesn't accept it.

That sure is a good idea..
> BTW: I just received a mail from another person who
> succeeded in extracting the firmare from the win32 installshield file.

So this is not only an intelligence test, but also a contest,
a tournament ;)
OK, found the %spftw.. and the unpacked Opal_103.bin in the
Win-user's LocalSettings temp dir. Now, have I proven worthy :) 

[But seriously, wouldnt that be something for a readme for
pxupdate - there is absolutely no reason to keep this a secret!?]

Flashed it with pxupdate-1.34 - worked.

Recorded a DVD-R successfully using the following 2liner:
 TSIZE=`mkisofs -R -J -f -print-size $1 $2 $3 2>&1 | tail -1`
 mkisofs -R -J -f $1 $2 $3 2>/dev/null | cdrecord-proDVD dev=0,0,0 speed=8 
tsize=${TSIZE}s -dao -v -

Did not try DVD+R: you said the session close problem is known
and planned to be fixed, so will have to wait for some 2.01a13.

Finally tried another one of the Imation (according to ATIP Ricoh)
media DVD+R using growisofs (which worked for all other media I
tried) to check if fw 1.03 helped. And voila - it did not get
stuck on session close. Am not 100% sure if that might not be
random behaviour, but the first two Imation I tried (with old fw)
got stuck, while non of the other DVD+R did.

So finally, things look quite OK at the moment: cdrecord-proDVD
works for DVD-R (and maybe soon DVD+R), growisofs works for +/-.
pxupdate allows flashing the drive.
This may be the beginning of the end of this thread ;)


Re: Re: DVD recording adventures continued

2003-12-02 Thread Florian Lindauer
> Why don't you do all Plextor users a favour, and post how to extract
> the firmware binary file from the supplied .exe on Linux, i.e. not
> using windows. Including file names, file sizes, versions and byte
> offsets, and some distinct strings to look for.

Hey, it was someone else not telling much, what I posted is
quite a full description. Yes, I used Windows. The image is much
bigger than the executable, so it must be compressed. And I wouldnt be
so sure that data starts after that "Opal"-string. No idea how to
extract it without Windows.
Using Windows, just start the exe and note that for a very short time
you see an extract display. Then, leave the program running and look
where it was temporarily unpacked. You will find it under the
DocumentsAndSetting//LocalSettings/temp in some newly created
subdir. Thats it. At least under XP. With other Win-flavours, the
temp may be located somewhere else - but you just need to search
for a file named "Opal*".