Re: [CentOS-docs] MoinMoin TableOfContents

2007-11-30 Thread Dag Wieers
On Fri, 30 Nov 2007, Ralph Angenendt wrote:

 Tim Verhoeven wrote:
  The start the TOC on a lower level add this to the page : #pragma
  section-numbers 2

 Okay, so it was your fix :)

 Dag: Disregard what I tried above ...

Thanks both :)

I think the TableOfContents(x, y) is a newer patch than the MoinMoin we
are using. Still, I think we are misusing the first level-1 title as some
sort of page title ?

Because it makes no sense that we can have more than one 1 page title,
while you can have more than 1 level-1 title :-(

There must be something I am overlooking, but being mostly wiki-ignorant I
hope someone else can make me understand :)

--   dag wieers,  [EMAIL PROTECTED],   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] MoinMoin TableOfContents

2007-11-30 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Dag Wieers wrote:
 I found with Google that there is a syntax like:
 instead of

Try [[TableOfContents(2,3)]] (from depth to depth). But thanks for
pointing that out.

 Probably I am using it wrong, can some one help me with:

Done :)



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CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] MoinMoin TableOfContents

2007-11-30 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Tim Verhoeven wrote:
 The start the TOC on a lower level add this to the page : #pragma
 section-numbers 2

Okay, so it was your fix :)

Dag: Disregard what I tried above ...



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CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-announce] CESA-2007:1084 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 seamonkey - security update

2007-11-30 Thread Pasi Pirhonen
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2007:1084

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors:


Pasi Pirhonen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Top-postings silently ignored

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CentOS-announce mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Montar server en CentOS 4.5

2007-11-30 Thread jmorales
hpla te recomiendo que uses lvm 

Mensaje citado por Camilo Sperberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Nov 30, 2007 11:25 AM, Luis Alejandro Aguilera Pascual 
  Tengo una maquina con placa Asuss P5LD2-VM/S, Micro P4 *Genuino* a 3.0Ghz,
 512 de  Ram y un SATA de 120 Gb.
 un poco difícil veo que se copie un procesador :P
  En ella quiero montar uno de los server de mi empresa, la cual solo cuenta
  con 2 server, uno bajo Linux y otro bajo Windows.
  Las politicas de la empresa me exigen que todos los servicios de red
  corran bajo Linux, el Windows solo se utiliza para realizar las salvas de
  las BD del software economico con que trabaja la empresa el cual esta
  a derechos de autor y es software propietario y exige salvar en servidores
  SQL de Microsoft.
 es una pena ... supieran lo poderoso que es PostGreSQL :D
  Les pido opiones del particionamiento del SATA en cuanto a los servicios
  que quiero brindar y a la vez escucho opiniones sobre que servicios de los
  que menciono abajo se me pudieran quedar dentro de los basicos, es que soy
  nuevo en el mundo de la administracion de sistemas.
 Personalmente, prefiero el esquema viejo: ese donde uno mismo se hacía las
 particiones :D
 En fin, te recomiendo (y en este orden) :
 1GB swap (también puede ser 1.5GB si le vas a poner más ram después, aunque
 dudo que se ocupe mucho)
 4GB /
 12GB /var
 12GB /usr
 1GB /etc
 el-restoGB /home -- incluido /home/www que es donde irá toda la parte web
  Web(varios sitios)
  FTP(mas o menos cargado)
  PDC(alrededor de 100 usuariosy 50 estaciones de trabajo)
  LAMP(para los sites)
 Personalmente, creo que es muy poca máquina para el uso que se le va a
 Yo dejaría repartida la carga entre los 2 pc's que ya tienes...
 lamentablemente no das las características del otro servidor, pero
 supongamos que se trata de un tarro similar:
 Mensajería, y PDC lo dejaría en un tarro
 LAMP y FTP lo dejaría en el otro ... (LAMP incluye web -- Linux Apache
 MySQL PHP/Perl)
 Si alguno de los datos necesite ser de dominio común ... pues monta el /home
 en el otro pc como unidad de red ;)
  Desde ya Gracias
 De nada, espero haber servido en algo ;)
  CentOS-es mailing list
 Saludos !!
 Mailed by:
 UnReAl4U - unreal4u
 ICQ #: 54472056

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Este Correo ha sido revisado por servidor de antivirus de ZOFRI S.A.
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Problema al instalar CentOS x86_64 No se inician las X, la pantalla se queda en negro!!!

2007-11-30 Thread Pedro Jose

Las novedades son las siguientes. Si arranco directamente desde grub
en init 3, me aparece un kernel panic. Si arranco en modo single y
después cambio a init 3, va perfecto. Y me deja arrancar las X
estupendamente con todos los servicios arrancados. Pero al cerrar
sesión, se sigue quedando la pantalla en negro y tengo que reiniciar a
botón. Por otra parte, la tarjeta de red no me la detecta. ¿Alguien
sabe qué puedo hacer?

El 29/11/07, Jose Antonio kerjo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 --- Pedro Jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  No puedos mostraros el modprobe.conf porque no sé
  cómo hacer para
  mostrarlo, puesto que mi windows no detecta las
  particiones linux, y
  cuando instalo el ext2fs, no las reconoce con
  formato e intenta

 Si usas LVM, ext2fs no trabaja adecuadamente. LVM se usa en la
  instalación por defecto de CentOS.

 No conozco ninguna opción para poder trabajar con LVM desde windows. La única 
 solución que se me ocurre y no he usado, es utilizar virtualización. Con 
 VMWARE server puedes
 hacer que una máquina virtual tenga una o varias particiones del disco duro 

 Es más, si tienes mucha prisa por usar CentOS, puedes usar VMWARE para 
 instalarlo sin ningún problema de drivers etc... en tanto solucionas tu 
 problema. Eso si, perderás un poco de rendimiento. Yo lo tengo así para ir 
 probando configuraciones etc...

 Un saludo, y suerte.
 Jose Antonio Kerjo.

 ¿Chef por primera vez?
 Sé un mejor Cocinillas.
 CentOS-es mailing list


CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Montar server en CentOS 4.5

2007-11-30 Thread Luis Alejandro Aguilera Pascual
El día 30/11/07, Camilo Sperberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 On Nov 30, 2007 11:25 AM, Luis Alejandro Aguilera Pascual 

  Tengo una maquina con placa Asuss P5LD2-VM/S, Micro P4 *Genuino* a 3.0Ghz, 
  512 de  Ram y un SATA de 120 Gb.

 un poco difícil veo que se copie un procesador :P

No entiendo lo que dices

En ella quiero montar uno de los server de mi empresa, la cual solo cuenta
  con 2 server, uno bajo Linux y otro bajo Windows.
  Las politicas de la empresa me exigen que todos los servicios de red
  corran bajo Linux, el Windows solo se utiliza para realizar las salvas de
  las BD del software economico con que trabaja la empresa el cual esta sujeto
  a derechos de autor y es software propietario y exige salvar en servidores
  SQL de Microsoft.

 es una pena ... supieran lo poderoso que es PostGreSQL :D

  Les pido opiones del particionamiento del SATA en cuanto a los servicios
  que quiero brindar y a la vez escucho opiniones sobre que servicios de los
  que menciono abajo se me pudieran quedar dentro de los basicos, es que soy
  nuevo en el mundo de la administracion de sistemas.

 Personalmente, prefiero el esquema viejo: ese donde uno mismo se hacía las
 particiones :D
 En fin, te recomiendo (y en este orden) :

 1GB swap (también puede ser 1.5GB si le vas a poner más ram después,
 aunque dudo que se ocupe mucho)
 4GB /
 12GB /var
 12GB /usr
 1GB /etc
 el-restoGB /home -- incluido /home/www que es donde irá toda la parte web

hasta donde yo se en /home es donde estan los perfiles del sistema y en /var
es donde esta el ftp y la web(/www)

  Web(varios sitios)
  FTP(mas o menos cargado)
  PDC(alrededor de 100 usuariosy 50 estaciones de trabajo)
  LAMP(para los sites)

 Personalmente, creo que es muy poca máquina para el uso que se le va a
 Yo dejaría repartida la carga entre los 2 pc's que ya tienes...
 lamentablemente no das las características del otro servidor, pero
 supongamos que se trata de un tarro similar:
 Mensajería, y PDC lo dejaría en un tarro
 LAMP y FTP lo dejaría en el otro ... (LAMP incluye web -- Linux Apache
 MySQL PHP/Perl)

El otro tarro es igual pero recuerda que tiene que estar sobre Windows por
las salvas de la BD, tambien ten en cuenta que tengo solo 100 usuarios y 50
estaciones de trabajo y estamos hablando de una subred de la empresa, creo
que esto no lo mencione antes, perdon.

Si alguno de los datos necesite ser de dominio común ... pues monta el /home
 en el otro pc como unidad de red ;)

  Desde ya Gracias

 De nada, espero haber servido en algo ;)

no tengo que montar otros servicios???

  CentOS-es mailing list
 Saludos !!

 Mailed by:
 UnReAl4U - unreal4u
 ICQ #: 54472056
 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Re: Ayuda con VSFTPD

2007-11-30 Thread Jose Sabastizagal

 Message: 3
 Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:00:41 -0600 (CST)
 From: Freddy Angulo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [CentOS-es] Ayuda con VSFTPD
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 hola listeros:

 amigos necesito de su ayuda, tengo un server ftp en VSFTPD, el cual acepta
 conexiones pasivas y activas. Este servico esta funcionando sin
 inconveniente. El problema es q se hay un cliente q desea conectarse de
 manera pasiva al server desde aun aplicacion en Oracle. El problema  es q
 cuando se conecta manualmente desde el oracle se establece la conexion y
 transfiere la data sin problemas, el problema es cuando se intenta conectar
 automaticamente desde la aplicacion ftp de oracle, la conexion no se
 establese a pesar de q esta de manera pasiva porq es la conexion que debe de
 aceptar el servere ftp, el log que se genera en el momento de la conexion es
 el siguiente:

 23/11/2007 08:13:58.424667000 .Preparando para transferir el archivo ...
 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,226,108,132)
 23/11/2007 08:17:08.287021000 .Error: -29260 - ORA-29260: network error:
 TNS peration timed out
 23/11/2007 08:17:08.889754000 .Se ha desconectado del FTP
 23/11/2007 08:17:08.890566000 .Se han cerrado todas las conexiones TCP

 pense q era el firewall por lo q opte por bajar e servicio del firewall y
 el inconveniente aun continua.

 si alguna sabe si tenbgo q correr algun modulo o habilitar alguna linea q
 este comentada en el vsftpd para q se puedan conectar desde oracle se los
 agradecere mucho.

 Gracias por su ayuda.


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Hola, quizas te sirva de ayuda en algo, hace algún tiempo tuve un problema
similar solo que era con powerbuilde y Sql Server 7.0. Si utilizaba un
cliente de FTP o me conectaba desde la pc que deseaba hacer la transmisión
vía FTP lo hacia sin problemas, pero cuando utilizaba el programa para
transmitir la data  me mostraba un mensaje similar al tuyo indicando que el
tiempo de conexión había expirado.

Después de mucho buscar encontre que esto sucedia cuando se intentaba hacer
la transmisión  desde un cliente el cual tenía que pasar por un proxy o
firewall para poder salir a internet. La solución en mi caso fue argegar las
lineas modprobe ip_nat_ftp y modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp. Agregue esas 2
lineas al firewall y ya no tengo problemas para transmitir o recibir data
mediante FTP


José A. Sabastizagal Orellana
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Como migrar un pdc samba en centos 5 a otro centos 5

2007-11-30 Thread César Sepúlveda
 Hola Amigos de la lista.
 Bueno mi consulta es si puedo migrar un pdc samba en centos 5,
 a otro con centos 5 pero con distinto hardware 
bastara con solo copiar el los archivos de la
 carpeta /etc/samba, y el passwd, shadow y gshadow 
   reemplazarlos, re-iniciar el servicio.?
  O hay que hacer algo mas
  he estado leyendo pero estoy algo confundido entre MACHINE.SID Y
  por favor si fueran tan amables de guiarme. 
 Mario Ganga Castro.

Hola, yo cuando mudo cualquier linux de una maquina a otra, copio el
disco duro de un equipo a otro sin mayores problemas, no reinstalo y
luego muevo archivos, solamente copio el disco completo. 

Si te encuentras con cualquier problema del tipo la tarjeta de red se
muestra como eth2 o eth1 y no como eth0 o cosas de ese estilo, revisas
los archivos de /etc/udev/rules.d y fin de los problemas, puedes borrar
incluso lso archivos de esa carpeta, los cuales se crearan
automaticamente al reiniciar la maquina.

César Sepúlveda B.

CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] spamassassin con mysql

2007-11-30 Thread Sergio Villalba Moreno
Hola buenos días,

alguien tiene implementado spamassassin con Mysql??

este es el error que me aparece cuando arranco spamassassin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] src]# /etc/init.d/spamassassin start
Iniciando spamd: [32459] info: config: failed to parse line, skipping, in 
/etc/mail/spamassassin/ username = '$GLOBAL' OR username = 
   [  OK  ]

cat /etc/mail/spamassassin/

user_scores_dsn DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost
user_scores_sql_custom_query SELECT preference, value FROM _TABLE_ WHERE 
username = _USERNAME_ OR
 username = '$GLOBAL' OR username = 

me imagino que tengo que cambiar la consulta SQL, ¿alguien tiene algún ejemplo?.

lo estoy probando para activarlo, ya que squirrelmail tiene un pluggins para 
que cada usuario modifique su propiedades de filtrado spamassassin 
(sasql-3.2.0.tar.gz)parace interesante.

Gracias por todo.
Un saludo.

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Problema al instalar CentOS x86_64 No se inician las X, la pantalla se queda en negro!!!

2007-11-30 Thread Roger Peña

--- Pedro Jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Las novedades son las siguientes. Si arranco
 directamente desde grub
 en init 3, me aparece un kernel panic. Si arranco en
puede ser porque no lo especificas bien, y el kernel
cree que quieres ejecutar un comando init que se llama

la forma es diferente entre el centos4 y el centos5
en centos4 se arranca en un nivel en especifico
agregando: init N siendo N el runlevel
pero en centos5 solo tienes que agregar el runlevel,
por ejemplo: 3

 modo single y
 después cambio a init 3, va perfecto. Y me deja
 arrancar las X
 estupendamente con todos los servicios arrancados.

como las arrancas? con startx ?

 Pero al cerrar
 sesión, se sigue quedando la pantalla en negro y
 tengo que reiniciar a
 botón. Por otra parte, la tarjeta de red no me la
como terminas ?
siguiendo el procedimiento
start+terminar_sesion+logout ?
o de otro modo?

prueba pulsando las teclas crtl+shift+del , es el
equivalente del crtl+alt+del pero solo para el

PD: este es el ultimo mensaje que te respondo si
insistes en hacer top-posting, lo siento.
PD2: cada cual es libre de hacer los emails como
quiera pero tambien cada cual es libre de leer y
responder los mensajes que quiera ;-) ; solo que si yo
quiero que alguien me lea un correo trataría de
escribirlo como más le place, digo yo, es lo que me
dicta el sentido comun :-)

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CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Announcing the CentOS on Laptops initiative

2007-11-30 Thread Dag Wieers
On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Shawn O'Shea wrote:

 I think it is cool to see this effort undertaken, thanks Dag! :) I may need to
 install C5 on my Fujitsu that currently has Ubuntu on it.

 Speaking of which, those guys have been maintaining both official and user
 submitted laptop reports for awhile so you might want to take a look over
 there and possibly borrow some cues or ideas for this project.

That's an interesting read. The aim however seems to be different.
Although I am in favor of doing consistent Laptop tests as well, I prefer
listing solutions for common problems (most problems are not
model-specific) first and if this becomes a success, go one step further.

We also cannot fix most problems that are in the Ubuntu Test template
because we cannot change a lot of the packages from upstream. So we are by
design limited to providing documentation and providing drivers/tools to
make the user experience better.

However if we do have a problem with upstream provided packages, we should
definitely report them upstream.

Now my initial goal is to have more information regarding CentOS on
Laptops because that information is hard to find and because there is this
misconception that Enterprise Linux belongs on servers (or are unfit for

--   dag wieers,  [EMAIL PROTECTED],   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sharing Partitions between Linux and Windows

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, MHR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 29, 2007 9:39 AM, Akemi Yagi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can access (read/write) NTFS partitions from Linux:

 You can also build the NTFS module that comes with the kernel and
 modprobe it, or you can rebuild the kernel with the configuration
 changed to allow write access to NTFS file systems and install that.

The NTFS driver included in the kernel is considered unreliable in its
support for NTFS writing.
The de-facto standard is NTFS-3G, which is developed as a FUSE module
(i.e. not a kernel module).
I would advise against using the kernel module as it is recognized as
not supporting NTFS writing reliably.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] what's the equivalent to sendmail's Timeout.queuewarn in POSTFIX

2007-11-30 Thread Indunil Jayasooriya

I am ruunig postfix and MailScanner as a Mailgw  on Centos 4.5.  I want to
know what is default  warntime  in Postfix?

I.e -  *what's the equivalent to sendmail's Timeout.queuewarn in POSTFIX ?


Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread John R Pierce

Matt Shields wrote:

With a GUI that actually makes it more difficult to manage.  Learn to
use the command line tools and config files, it's so much easier.


then why in Gaea's name did they make the heartbeat config files XML

while XML -can- be human read, its a freekin' mess to read and edit and
maintain sanity.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 30, 2007 3:57 PM, John R Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Matt Shields wrote:
   Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.
  isn't that heartbeat and stuff repackaged?

 With a GUI that actually makes it more difficult to manage.  Learn to
 use the command line tools and config files, it's so much easier.

So it uses the same heartbeat as the one which comes in the
heartbeat CentOS 5 package?
I was hoping they implement their own thing.
The last thing I need now is glossy interface which hides the little
details that might help me understand what's wrong.

Unless that interface can magically configure heartbeat in a way that
it'll actually start running without core-dump'ing some of the
programs it comes with.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LVS is a group of tools that do a lot of different things, the two
 that you are interested in are:

 - heartbeat - provides failover if you have two nodes (active/active
 or active/passive)
 - ipvsadm/ldirectord - provides load balancing (ie. http(s) load
 balancer in front of multiple web servers)

 As stated in a previous post we have a number of these setup in our
 network and we handle a lot of traffic.  Some we're using for http(s)
 traffic, others smtp/pop/imap, others mysql (read only queries off
 replicas).  There's no end to what what you could use heartbeat or
 ipvsadm/ldirectord or both for.  Both packages can be installed from
 dag's repo.


What platform are you using? Mine is CentOS 5 on x86_64. It runs as a
Xen DomU but from what I read on the linux-ha users mailing list this
shouldn't be the issue. The production system will run on the bare
metal (not under Xen).

My experience with LVS at a previous workplace (a very large ISP) was
also excellent - they had a couple of LVS servers in front of hundreds
of mini-clusters (each such cluster service its own web or other
network application, sometimes sharing disks using DRBD).

The difference, I suspect, is that I'm trying this now with version
2.1.2 on CentOS 5 and x86_64, as opposed to possibly older version of
everything (RedHat version, LVS, hardware (i386)).

Thanks for your input,

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, John R Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Matt Shields wrote:

  With a GUI that actually makes it more difficult to manage. Learn to
 use the command line tools and config files, it's so much easier.

  then why in Gaea's name did they make the heartbeat config files XML ??

  while XML -can- be human read, its a freekin' mess to read and edit and
 maintain sanity.

I wish THAT was my problem :).

While I'm not fond of manually manipulating XML (XML is usually meant
to be touched by programs, not humans), I can cope with it if the f***
programs executed properly.

As it is now, even the BasicSanityCheck fails.

I'm trying to run the system-config-cluster thing and see what happens.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Shields
On Nov 30, 2007 6:53 PM, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Take Xen out of the picture until you learn how heartbeat and
  ipvsadm/ldirectord actually work.  You could be having network issues
  because you are hosting it on a virtual server instead of on a real
  server.  So it's kinda hard to troubleshoot if you don't even know if
  your configs are broken.  Get two crappy boxes that you can load
  everything up on, configure them with heartbeat, get that working

 Thanks for your suggestion. The reason I use Xen (beyond the huge
 convenience) is that I don't have spare hardware to play with.

  where it will failover an IP.  then add some other service like
  ipvsadm/ldirectord, and take things one step at a time.  Don't try to
  setup everything all at once, it makes it harder to try to debug

 That's exactly what (I think) I did - just stuck to instructions from
 someone who seems to have been in exactly the same position and got it

 As for network issues - I see the packets coming and going all right.
 But I also see programs just crash and burn - I've just executed
 BasicSanityCheck on the primary node which appeared to be working
 relatively fine a couple of minutes ago (at least it got more
 processes running after three minutes than the other node) and that
 failed too with core dumps.

  I'm using CentOS4 and RHEL4 using dag'd rpms on a few of the CentOS
  and RHEL boxes and built from source on some of the other ones.  I
  haven't had a chance to try out a CentOS 5 system yet.  But as to your
  stability questions, we've been using LVS for about 3 or 4 years now
  and never, ever had stability problems.

 So maybe I should try to get packages from dag, even though there are
 ones included in CentOS?

 Which exact version of hearbeat are you using right now? From reading
 the history of Linux-HA it appears there was a huge change between 1.x
 and 2.x


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Conexant fax/modem not faxing with sendfax

2007-11-30 Thread Kingsly John
+++ MHR [2007-11-30 01:25:09]:

 I finally picked up a real modem (not a winmodem) and put it in my machine. 
 I pulled down the hsfmodem driver from the source, got a license and installed
 the driver at full power.

What you have isn't a real modem .. it's just a winmodem that is usable
under linux. real modems don't need drivers to work.

11/30 00:31:52 dem   mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
11/30 00:31:52 dem   mdm_command: string 'ERROR' - ERROR

11/30 00:31:52 dem   mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2'
11/30 00:31:52 dem   mdm_command: string 'ERROR' - ERROR

Your modem (rather the driver) doesn't support Class2 or Class2.0 fax command 


 Kingsly At Users Dot SourceForge Dot Net  --
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Take Xen out of the picture until you learn how heartbeat and
 ipvsadm/ldirectord actually work.  You could be having network issues
 because you are hosting it on a virtual server instead of on a real
 server.  So it's kinda hard to troubleshoot if you don't even know if
 your configs are broken.  Get two crappy boxes that you can load
 everything up on, configure them with heartbeat, get that working

Thanks for your suggestion. The reason I use Xen (beyond the huge
convenience) is that I don't have spare hardware to play with.

 where it will failover an IP.  then add some other service like
 ipvsadm/ldirectord, and take things one step at a time.  Don't try to
 setup everything all at once, it makes it harder to try to debug

That's exactly what (I think) I did - just stuck to instructions from
someone who seems to have been in exactly the same position and got it

As for network issues - I see the packets coming and going all right.
But I also see programs just crash and burn - I've just executed
BasicSanityCheck on the primary node which appeared to be working
relatively fine a couple of minutes ago (at least it got more
processes running after three minutes than the other node) and that
failed too with core dumps.

 I'm using CentOS4 and RHEL4 using dag'd rpms on a few of the CentOS
 and RHEL boxes and built from source on some of the other ones.  I
 haven't had a chance to try out a CentOS 5 system yet.  But as to your
 stability questions, we've been using LVS for about 3 or 4 years now
 and never, ever had stability problems.

So maybe I should try to get packages from dag, even though there are
ones included in CentOS?

Which exact version of hearbeat are you using right now? From reading
the history of Linux-HA it appears there was a huge change between 1.x
and 2.x


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Filesystem for Maildir

2007-11-30 Thread Heitor A. M. Cardozo


A draft with results of my benchmark based on fsbench is available in

The methodology and the conclusion i will publish later, however, it 
shows that the XFS obtained better performance and EXT3 had results that 
can now compete in this environment.


Heitor A.M. Cardozo

Christopher Chan wrote:

What does fsbench say? It has the best writing performance too?!?

No, according to the fsbench results, ReiserFS wins on Read 
Performance, but XFS is, approximately, four times more faster on write.

I said that the ReiserFS have the best performance based on my 
read/write server statics, where read requests are 70% of total I/O 

Ah. Too bad reiserfs is not stable enough for you.

In production, with ReiserFS, the server load average was around 30% 
lower than XFS.

I guess Hans got something right with his reiserfs.

Please post your findings. :-)

I'm doing new tests with ReiserFS, XFS, EXT3 and JFS in CentOS 5. I 
will post soon as possible.

Thank you very much in advance.

And sorry for my english...

No need to be and it is not bad at all.
CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, Alfredo Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Furthermore, this question is for the list

 I have a Centos 5 server running sshd
 for me to signon and check my emails.

 I use denyhosts to protect port 22.

 Is there anyother software you people use
 to protect your servers.

There are a few such programs floating around. Do you confine yourself
to CentOS packages?

denyhosts is apparently a good one.

Personally, I don't use any - once I moved to a non-standard port I've
never seen anyone knocking on my SSH server's door.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA2TH / WQFK-894
 By any chances, have you ran 'ps ax' from root and looked
 to see what does not look like it should be there??

 IF you are willing, paste your 'ps' output for us to
 help you find the program that is running and sending out
 the emails.

 also review your sendmail rule set.
 Next, to help lock down your server a little more
 make sure you have set a password on your VNC.

Tunnel your VNC over SSH (or SSL?).
about how insecure is the VNC protocol.

 I had and Italian 17 year old poking around one
 of my Amateur Radio boxes via VNC, simply cause I
 forgot to set a vnc password, so it was wide open
 like a windoz server box without a login screen,
 you know, the good old I AM OPEN FOR YOUR PLEASURES...

 Also change your sshd, the port it is on, and do a rule
 set that only allows a specific ip to access it.

That's a good advise. I have yet to see my non-standard sshd server
scanned since I changed  it over 3-4 years ago. Same with a private
http server.

 I think I am correct saying you can do that as well with VNC.

See above - the VNC protocol is not secure on its own, but you can
tunnel it over secure protocols.

 The other option would be to stop the service all together
 IF your not needing it.

Of course. That's up in the top ten commandments - stop any service
(and remove any package, I would add) that you don't need on the

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Shields
On Nov 30, 2007 6:28 PM, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  LVS is a group of tools that do a lot of different things, the two
  that you are interested in are:
  - heartbeat - provides failover if you have two nodes (active/active
  or active/passive)
  - ipvsadm/ldirectord - provides load balancing (ie. http(s) load
  balancer in front of multiple web servers)
  As stated in a previous post we have a number of these setup in our
  network and we handle a lot of traffic.  Some we're using for http(s)
  traffic, others smtp/pop/imap, others mysql (read only queries off
  replicas).  There's no end to what what you could use heartbeat or
  ipvsadm/ldirectord or both for.  Both packages can be installed from
  dag's repo.


 What platform are you using? Mine is CentOS 5 on x86_64. It runs as a
 Xen DomU but from what I read on the linux-ha users mailing list this
 shouldn't be the issue. The production system will run on the bare
 metal (not under Xen).

 My experience with LVS at a previous workplace (a very large ISP) was
 also excellent - they had a couple of LVS servers in front of hundreds
 of mini-clusters (each such cluster service its own web or other
 network application, sometimes sharing disks using DRBD).

 The difference, I suspect, is that I'm trying this now with version
 2.1.2 on CentOS 5 and x86_64, as opposed to possibly older version of
 everything (RedHat version, LVS, hardware (i386)).

 Thanks for your input,

Take Xen out of the picture until you learn how heartbeat and
ipvsadm/ldirectord actually work.  You could be having network issues
because you are hosting it on a virtual server instead of on a real
server.  So it's kinda hard to troubleshoot if you don't even know if
your configs are broken.  Get two crappy boxes that you can load
everything up on, configure them with heartbeat, get that working
where it will failover an IP.  then add some other service like
ipvsadm/ldirectord, and take things one step at a time.  Don't try to
setup everything all at once, it makes it harder to try to debug

I'm using CentOS4 and RHEL4 using dag'd rpms on a few of the CentOS
and RHEL boxes and built from source on some of the other ones.  I
haven't had a chance to try out a CentOS 5 system yet.  But as to your
stability questions, we've been using LVS for about 3 or 4 years now
and never, ever had stability problems.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yup.  We use LVS for all types of failover senarios.  We use it for
 redundant firewall/vpn servers which use heartbeat for failing over

So you are using the same heartbeat that doesn't work for me? Or are
you refering to another package which provides a similar

 the virtual IPs and services.  We also use LVS with ldirectord as
 redundant load balancers.  Read the docs, they explain how to set up a
 service to be started/stopped on failover

I've been digging the web for over a week now but it just doesn't work
the way it's supposed to, whatever I try.

Any other hints?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] unstable libdg error when ./configure Perfparse on Nagios 2.x / CentOS 4.x

2007-11-30 Thread Garrick Staples
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 12:45:47PM -0800, Rogelio alleged:
 I'm trying to ./compile Perfparse on my Nagios CentOS 4.x box, but am
 having this error. (And am hoping someone here might point me in the
 right direction)

I just downloaded and tried it.  Turns our you need the gd-progs package
installed to get the gdlib-config script (necessary to satisfy perfparse's

After installing gd-progs, everything built fine.

So verify the following on your machine (make sure they are genuine centos
packages and not from a 3rd party repo):

$ rpm -q --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}.%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n' gd gd-devel gd-progs 
glib glib-devel

Then start over with a clean build and try configure and make again.

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to delete mails in the mailq in ONE DAY -- POSTFIX

2007-11-30 Thread mouss
Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
 I am runnig posfix on Centos 4.4 as a Mailgateway. It only accepts mails for
 domains and then forwards mails to Lotus domino Server.
 All clients sends outgoing mails to that Lotus domino Server. Then , That
 Lotus Domino Server sends mails to Postfix mailgateway. This postfix
 mailgateway sends mails to all the destinations. But, This Postfix
 mailgateway has about 150 messages in the mailq. Some are unwanted mails. I
 think they keep trying until 5 days old. I want decrease it to ONE DAY.

do not accept mail to inexistent addresses. implement proper recipient
validation. if you can't share the list of users with postfix, then use
reject_unverified_recipient (only for recipients of your domains).

accept then bounce (backscatter) is no more acceptable.

 In Sendmail, this can be done by editing  as below.
 (`confTO_QUEUERETURN', `5d')dnl
 changing above line to below line
 (`confTO_QUEUERETURN', `1d')dnl
 How Can I do it in Postfix?
 O Timeout.queuereturn=5d
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos remote installation

2007-11-30 Thread mouss
Centos wrote:
 I am installing Centos from remote location and have no problem if I
 upgrade Centos,
 however if I will have problem if I go through fresh installation,
 because once the fresh
 installation finished,at next reboot Centos will ask to define another
 user name with its pasword
 and that will be the time I will not see the console messages, so I
 should automate that part.
 Is there any easy way to do this or I should go all the way through
 Kickstart procedures ?

you can define the password in your kickstart config file. Make sure to
protect it enough (and better yet, change it once you are connected).
CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Robert - elists

then why in Gaea's name . snip




whoa nellie, I got first dibs on preaching Jesus here




Get in line.




-  rh


CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Ross S. W. Walker
John R Pierce wrote:
 Matt Shields wrote:
  Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.
 isn't that heartbeat and stuff repackaged?

Visiting the web site it appears to be a load-balancer, not that that
wouldn't be useful in some scenarios, but it isn't really clustering
software that is to have an application run in active/passive or
active/active between multiple nodes cooperatively, with fencing and
shared storage, locking and all that goes with that.


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dell Wireless WLAN Card Utility - mini-pci wireless card 1390

2007-11-30 Thread Akemi Yagi
 I've now upgraded the kernel to CentOS 2.6.18-8.1.15.e15, so assume my
 OS is now effectively CentOS 5.1. However, I'm afraid I'm still at a bit
 of a loss as to how it supports my Dell laptop wireless card (bcm43xx
 card?), as it's still not listed in the list of supported adapters in
 Network Config. Can anybody please suggest where I go from here?

That kernel is still 5.0.  5.1 is not out yet.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread John R Pierce

Matt Shields wrote:

Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.

isn't that heartbeat and stuff repackaged?

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Ross S. W. Walker
Amos Shapira wrote:
 I'm beginning to give up on making Linux-HA's heartbeat work 
 for my environment (CentOS x86_64) and am wondering what 
 other option have I got to help me:
 1. Use IPVS to maintain a cluster of virtual servers, either 
 master/slave or load-balanced. 
 2. Use DRBD in master/slave fashion to keep a home-grown 
 application highly-available.
 The first thing I stumbled upon is RedHat Cluster Suite (
 ntos_cluster_configuration_and_management/ ), from which I 
 also saw some packages on my CentOS servers.
 I've never heard of it before and am just starting to dig its 
 docs, but if someone here can confirm/deny that this is a 
 possible route to take it might save me some time or doubts. 

What isn't working with heartbeat?

It may be just that some help getting heartbeat working properly
is all you need?

If after working with it fully configured properly it still
doesn't work the way you need it then I'd look at another
clustering solution.


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distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto,
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,
please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete the
original and any copy or printout thereof.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira
On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.
 You won't have a gui, but it will be better in the long run.  We're
 using that for quite a few clusters and handling about 30MBit/s on
 each of the clusters, I think it's around 10k concurrent connections.

I also need to fail-over DRBD (i.e. so if the primary goes down the
secondary will notice this, mount that DRBD partition and start the
server which uses the files on it) - will LVS give me that by itself
or will I need something else on top of it to do that?
I got the impression that this what Linux-HA's heartbeat adds to the
plain LVS but it doesn't work for me.

I'm really not concerned about GUI's - I'd rather edit config files
manually if they are documented well enough.

CentOS mailing list

Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for developersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Garrick Staples
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 11:58:51AM -0800, Robert - elists alleged:
  Garrick moaned:
  Please keep the preaching out of a secular maillist.  Thanks.
 Oh sorry Garrick my bad...

Apology accepted!

 Did they ban Jesus or His Name at USC or other supposed institutions higher
 education and learning?

Not that I'm aware of.  There is a church on the USC campus.  But I don't speak
for USC and nor does USC speak for me, so I don't know why this would be

 Should I put it in a .signature instead? Is that protocol?

How about we just stay on-topic?  CentOS and Linux stuff, ok?

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for developersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Garrick Staples
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 02:51:45PM -0500, Ross S. W. Walker alleged:
 Did you mean non-secular?
 Otherwise what sect is it?

No, I mean secular.

Secular refers to worldly, reality, fact-based things.

Non-secular would refer to religion and the supernatural.

 -Original Message-
 To: CentOS mailing list
 Sent: Fri Nov 30 14:22:04 2007
 Subject: Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for 
 developersboxon centos 5]
 On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 09:39:01AM -0800, Robert - elists alleged:
  Cheers everyone, and remember, Jesus is the reason for everything.
 Please keep the preaching out of a secular maillist.  Thanks.
 This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by
 the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged
 and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient
 of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
 distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto,
 is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,
 please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete the
 original and any copy or printout thereof.

 CentOS mailing list

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

RE: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for developersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Robert - elists
 Garrick moaned:
 Please keep the preaching out of a secular maillist.  Thanks.

Oh sorry Garrick my bad...

Did they ban Jesus or His Name at USC or other supposed institutions higher
education and learning?

Should I put it in a .signature instead? Is that protocol?

 - rh

CentOS mailing list

Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for developersbox on centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Garrick Staples
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 09:39:01AM -0800, Robert - elists alleged:
 Cheers everyone, and remember, Jesus is the reason for everything.


Please keep the preaching out of a secular maillist.  Thanks.

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Kernel panic - where to go from here?

2007-11-30 Thread Bart Schaefer
On Nov 30, 2007 10:07 AM, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Bart Schaefer wrote:
  Reboot with memtest86 (should be on the centos install media) and look
  for test failures.

 That was it!  Replaced the failing memory, now OpenVPN has been up for ~16

Glad to hear it.  I sometimes wonder, given how often I've seen memory
failures occur only under load, whether unused RAM is more likely to
go bad than RAM that's kept busy all the time.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Kernel panic - where to go from here?

2007-11-30 Thread Mike

On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Bart Schaefer wrote:

On Nov 28, 2007 11:27 AM, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I googled unable to handle kernel paging request and didn't really find
anything useful (to me).

In my experience this probably means that you have some RAM going bad
and you only manage to tickle the problem when the machine becomes
loaded enough to need that part of the address space.

Reboot with memtest86 (should be on the centos install media) and look
for test failures.

That was it!  Replaced the failing memory, now OpenVPN has been up for ~16 

-- Thanks, Mike

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] centos remote installation

2007-11-30 Thread Centos


I am installing Centos from remote location and have no problem if I 
upgrade Centos,
however if I will have problem if I go through fresh installation, 
because once the fresh
installation finished,at next reboot Centos will ask to define another 
user name with its pasword
and that will be the time I will not see the console messages, so I 
should automate that part.

Is there any easy way to do this or I should go all the way through 
Kickstart procedures ?


CentOS mailing list

RE: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for developersbox on centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Robert - elists
 RH has shared already.
 Fedora is released on an ~6 month cycle [1].
 RHEL is released on an 18/24 month cycle [2].
 18/6=3 and 24/6=4
 EL5 branched off from FC6 during the testing stage, so EL6 should
 presumably be derived from Fedora 9 or 10.
 For more info google:
   fedora enterprise


I guess some of us people in the trenches need to get out a bit more into
the bleeding edge documentations eh?

Of course I knew the fuzzy general basics of all this yet I suppose I needed
a solid reminder... 

And I thank you for that. Good lookin' out.

CentOS is so rock solid that our installs have been running since CentOS
first came on the scene, was tested, and immediately provisioned and

Good thing we are essentially done scrambling (read working like intelligent
chicken with head cut off) for the 2007 year and now it is just time for
cleanup  getting organized to bed this year and birth a new one.

Cheers everyone, and remember, Jesus is the reason for everything.

 - rh

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

2007-11-30 Thread Alfredo Perez
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 10:04:19AM -0600, B.J. McClure wrote:
 On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 09:36 -0500, Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA2TH /
 WQFK-894 wrote:
  By any chances, have you ran 'ps ax' from root and looked
  to see what does not look like it should be there??
 The box is already down and replaced by a backup.  Implemented some of your 
 suggestions on it. 
 Issue was unauthorized web site.I have bash_history logs for all the users 
 created by hacker so 
 I know commands run including starting httpd.  When I get back from an 11 day 
 business trip I will 
 set those drives on a slow as molasses test machine and see what I can figure 
 out...for educational purposes.
  IF you are willing, paste your 'ps' output for us to
  help you find the program that is running and sending out
  the emails.
  also review your sendmail rule set.
  Next, to help lock down your server a little more
  make sure you have set a password on your VNC.
  I had and Italian 17 year old poking around one
  of my Amateur Radio boxes via VNC, simply cause I
  forgot to set a vnc password, so it was wide open
  like a windoz server box without a login screen,
  you know, the good old I AM OPEN FOR YOUR PLEASURES...
  Also change your sshd, the port it is on, and do a rule
  set that only allows a specific ip to access it.
  I think I am correct saying you can do that as well with VNC.
  The other option would be to stop the service all together
  IF your not needing it.
  Good Luck.
  Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM/AFA2TH/WQFK-894
  -Original Message-
  Of Alfredo Perez
  Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 7:40 AM
  To: CentOS mailing list
  Subject: Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h
  On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 04:43:44PM -0600, B.J. McClure wrote:
   Sad to say one of my file servers was exploited and used to run a 
   Phishing scam.  Have identified subject virus amongst other things.  
   It appears twice in a virus scan; /sbin/z (which I assume can just be
   deleted) and /sys/bus/serio/drivers/atkbd/description.  The latter 
   file is also present in identical uninfected machines.  I have been 
   unable to open the file, even with root privileges, although it 
   appears to be a text file.  Any suggestions on how to proceed 
   appreciated.  Guess I could delete it and copy over the file from an
  identical machine.
   Thanks in advance,
   CentOS 5.0, Linux 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5 x86_64 16:26:48 up 10:46, 1 user, 
   load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.04
  Hi Can you tell me which virus scan you are using?
Can you share your findings with us?

Furthermore, this question is for the list

I have a Centos 5 server running sshd
for me to signon and check my emails.

I use denyhosts to protect port 22.

Is there anyother software you people use
to protect your servers.

Thanks in advance

Alfredo - The sauce

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

2007-11-30 Thread B.J. McClure
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 12:22 -0500, Alfredo Perez wrote:

   Hi Can you tell me which virus scan you are using?
 Can you share your findings with us?

Yes, however this thread will be dead from my end for the next 2 weeks due to 
I am taking some files from the compromised machine and hope to be able to 
spend a little time with them.


 Furthermore, this question is for the list
 I have a Centos 5 server running sshd
 for me to signon and check my emails.
 I use denyhosts to protect port 22.
 Is there anyother software you people use
 to protect your servers.
 Thanks in advance
 Alfredo - The sauce
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS 5.0, Linux 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5 x86_64 11:33:51 up 1 day, 5:53, 1
user, load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.00
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] network interface activation order

2007-11-30 Thread Nicolas Thierry-Mieg

Matt Hyclak wrote:

On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 08:51:50AM -0800, John R Pierce enlightened us:

Graham Johnston wrote:

I am using CentOS as a firewall/router.  I am using bonded interfaces,
vlan interfaces, and bridge interfaces.  My problem currently is that on
boot the system is attempting to activate the bridge interface before
it's bonded-vlan members have been created.  What this means is that the
bridge is created but not activated.

Is there anyway for me to influence the activation order and have bridge
interfaces dealt with last?
there's probably a better way to do this, but what I've done in the past 
is to create special firewall related kinda stuff like your'e describing 
in my own script thats run quite late in the init sequence, usually from 
rc2.d/S99myfirewall  or even from /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Yes, there is probably a better way. My initial thought was to set ONBOOT=no
for the bridge interfaces and then bring them up in an initscript or
rc.local later.

Looking at the network startup script (/etc/init.d/network), though, it
looks like you can probably achieve the same effect simply by renaming the
ifcfg-brX files to something like ifcfg-zbrX.

There is a loop to bring up interfaces that looks like:

# bring up all other interfaces configured to come up at boot time
for i in $interfaces; do

and $interfaces is set just above by listing all files starting with ifcfg
and snagging the end part (e.g. eth0 or br0).

The loop figures out what kind of configuration it needs by reading the
file, so I don't think it cares what it is named, as long as it is
ifcfg-something. By renaming bridges to ifcfg-zbrX, it will come after
ifcfg-vlanX and I think solve your problem.

That was work, time for lunch :-)


I don't think so

the initial loop is not activating bridge and vlan:

if [ $TYPE = Bridge ]; then
bridgeinterfaces=$bridgeinterfaces $i

if [ ${DEVICE%%.*} != $DEVICE ] ; then
vlaninterfaces=$vlaninterfaces $i

Then later:
for i in $vlaninterfaces $bridgeinterfaces ...
snip a few lines
action $Bringing up interface $i:  ./ifup $i boot

So, it should be bringing up your vlan interfaces before the bridges

do you have
in your bridge ifcfg file?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: CentOS /boot kernel files removed after rpm upgrades

2007-11-30 Thread Dave

   Thanks for your reply. I believe your right, it's fine, detecting 
everything. But in the below i'm seeing hda1 has different uuid than the 
other raid elements. How do i correct this as this appears to be the heart 
of the trouble?


Loading raid1.ko module
md: raid1 personality registered for level 1
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
md: autorun ...
md: considering hdb5 ...
md:  adding hdb5 ...
md: hdb3 has different UUID to hdb5
md: hdb2 has different UUID to hdb5
md: hdb1 has different UUID to hdb5
md:  adding hda5 ...
md: hda3 has different UUID to hdb5
md: hda2 has different UUID to hdb5
md: hda1 has different UUID to hdb5
md: created md3
md: bindhda5
md: bindhdb5
md: running: hdb5hda5
raid1: raid set md3 active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
md: considering hdb3 ...
md:  adding hdb3 ...
md: hdb2 has different UUID to hdb3
md: hdb1 has different UUID to hdb3
md:  adding hda3 ...
md: hda2 has different UUID to hdb3
md: hda1 has different UUID to hdb3
md: created md0
md: bindhda3
md: bindhdb3
md: running: hdb3hda3
raid1: raid set md0 active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
md: considering hdb2 ...
md:  adding hdb2 ...
md: hdb1 has different UUID to hdb2
md:  adding hda2 ...
md: hda1 has different UUID to hdb2
md: created md2
md: bindhda2
md: bindhdb2
md: running: hdb2hda2
raid1: raid set md2 active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
md: considering hdb1 ...
md:  adding hdb1 ...
md:  adding hda1 ...
md: created md1
md: bindhda1
md: bindhdb1
md: running: hdb1hda1
raid1: raid set md1 active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
md: ... autorun DONE.
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
md: autorun ...
md: ... autorun DONE.
Trying to resume from /dev/md0
No suspend signature on swap, not resuming.
Creating root device.
Mounting root filesystem.
mount: could notKernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
find filesystem  '/dev/root'
Setting up other filesystems.
Setting up new root fs
setuproot: moving /dev failed: No such file or directory
no fstab.sys, mounting internal defaults
setuproot: error mounting /proc: No such file or directory
setuproot: error mounting /sys: No such file or directory
Switching to new root and running init.
unmounting old /dev
unmounting old /proc
unmounting old /sys
switchroot: mount failed: No such file or directory

- Original Message - 
From: Scott Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 5:52 PM
Subject: [CentOS] Re: CentOS /boot kernel files removed after rpm upgrades

on 11/28/2007 2:46 PM Dave spake the following:

   The error is in my original posting, md the raid arrays are not 
   Checking /proc/mdstat output is below, doesn't look to me like 


Personalities : [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md1 : active raid1 hdb1[1] hda1[0]
 102208 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md3 : active raid1 hdb5[1] hda5[0]
 1036096 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md0 : active raid1 hdb3[1] hda3[0]
 522048 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md2 : active raid1 hdb2[1] hda2[0]
 8337664 blocks [2/2] [UU]

unused devices: none
That looks perfectly fine. Maybe on boot the arrays weren't sync'd, but 
have since caught up.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

CentOS mailing list 

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] network interface activation order

2007-11-30 Thread Graham Johnston
I am using CentOS as a firewall/router.  I am using bonded interfaces,
vlan interfaces, and bridge interfaces.  My problem currently is that on
boot the system is attempting to activate the bridge interface before
it's bonded-vlan members have been created.  What this means is that the
bridge is created but not activated.

Is there anyway for me to influence the activation order and have bridge
interfaces dealt with last?

Graham Johnston
Manager, Network Services
Westman Communications Group
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Shields
On Nov 30, 2007 4:12 PM, Ross S. W. Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John R Pierce wrote:
  Matt Shields wrote:
   Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.
  isn't that heartbeat and stuff repackaged?

 Visiting the web site it appears to be a load-balancer, not that that
 wouldn't be useful in some scenarios, but it isn't really clustering
 software that is to have an application run in active/passive or
 active/active between multiple nodes cooperatively, with fencing and
 shared storage, locking and all that goes with that.


LVS is a group of tools that do a lot of different things, the two
that you are interested in are:

- heartbeat - provides failover if you have two nodes (active/active
or active/passive)
- ipvsadm/ldirectord - provides load balancing (ie. http(s) load
balancer in front of multiple web servers)

As stated in a previous post we have a number of these setup in our
network and we handle a lot of traffic.  Some we're using for http(s)
traffic, others smtp/pop/imap, others mysql (read only queries off
replicas).  There's no end to what what you could use heartbeat or
ipvsadm/ldirectord or both for.  Both packages can be installed from
dag's repo.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Release Cycles [was RE: special tricks fordevelopersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Steven Vishoot
When did Centos become a religious mailing list? 
Yes I did top post on purpose to show how upset I am
about this thread turning into what it has. (because i
know the ones that are promoting the direction of this
portion of the thread do not like top posting)


--- Scott Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on 11/30/2007 12:12 PM Ross S. W. Walker spake the
  Garrick Staples wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 02:51:45PM -0500, Ross S.
 W. Walker alleged:
  Did you mean non-secular?
  Otherwise what sect is it?
  No, I mean secular.
  Secular refers to worldly, reality, fact-based
  Non-secular would refer to religion and the
  My bad, I had the definition reversed in my mind.
  You learn more on this list then just CentOS!
 I lost my virginity on this list... or was it my
 veracity?  8-D
 MailScanner is like deodorant...
 You hope everybody uses it, and
 you notice quickly if they don't
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Release Cycles [was RE: special tricks fordevelopersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Scott Silva

on 11/30/2007 12:12 PM Ross S. W. Walker spake the following:

Garrick Staples wrote:

On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 02:51:45PM -0500, Ross S. W. Walker alleged:

Did you mean non-secular?

Otherwise what sect is it?

No, I mean secular.

Secular refers to worldly, reality, fact-based things.

Non-secular would refer to religion and the supernatural.

My bad, I had the definition reversed in my mind.

You learn more on this list then just CentOS!



I lost my virginity on this list... or was it my veracity?  8-D

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

CentOS mailing list

RE: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks fordevelopersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Ross S. W. Walker
Garrick Staples wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 02:51:45PM -0500, Ross S. W. Walker alleged:
  Did you mean non-secular?
  Otherwise what sect is it?
 No, I mean secular.
 Secular refers to worldly, reality, fact-based things.
 Non-secular would refer to religion and the supernatural.

My bad, I had the definition reversed in my mind.

You learn more on this list then just CentOS!



This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by
the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged
and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient
of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto,
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,
please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete the
original and any copy or printout thereof.

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

2007-11-30 Thread Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA2TH / WQFK-894
By any chances, have you ran 'ps ax' from root and looked
to see what does not look like it should be there??

IF you are willing, paste your 'ps' output for us to
help you find the program that is running and sending out
the emails.

also review your sendmail rule set.
Next, to help lock down your server a little more
make sure you have set a password on your VNC.
I had and Italian 17 year old poking around one
of my Amateur Radio boxes via VNC, simply cause I
forgot to set a vnc password, so it was wide open
like a windoz server box without a login screen,
you know, the good old I AM OPEN FOR YOUR PLEASURES...

Also change your sshd, the port it is on, and do a rule
set that only allows a specific ip to access it.
I think I am correct saying you can do that as well with VNC.

The other option would be to stop the service all together
IF your not needing it.

Good Luck.

Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM/AFA2TH/WQFK-894


-Original Message-
Of Alfredo Perez
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 7:40 AM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 04:43:44PM -0600, B.J. McClure wrote:
 Sad to say one of my file servers was exploited and used to run a 
 Phishing scam.  Have identified subject virus amongst other things.  
 It appears twice in a virus scan; /sbin/z (which I assume can just be
 deleted) and /sys/bus/serio/drivers/atkbd/description.  The latter 
 file is also present in identical uninfected machines.  I have been 
 unable to open the file, even with root privileges, although it 
 appears to be a text file.  Any suggestions on how to proceed 
 appreciated.  Guess I could delete it and copy over the file from an
identical machine.
 Thanks in advance,
 CentOS 5.0, Linux 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5 x86_64 16:26:48 up 10:46, 1 user, 
 load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.04

Hi Can you tell me which virus scan you are using?


CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Good evening to all

2007-11-30 Thread Phil Schaffner
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 18:21 +0530, Silambarasan.R wrote:
 Could u help me to re-install the centos 4 without affecting existing
 data...? is it possible? if so pl let me know...

You did not give enough information to get good advice.  Provide output
of df -h and fdisk -l as a start.  One could always use an
additional disk, if that is an option.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what's the equivalent to sendmail's Timeout.queuewarn in POSTFIX

2007-11-30 Thread Barry Brimer

I am ruunig postfix and MailScanner as a Mailgw  on Centos 4.5.  I want to
know what is default  warntime  in Postfix?

I.e -  *what's the equivalent to sendmail's Timeout.queuewarn in POSTFIX ?


I think it is delay_warning_time .. so to work like sendmail which sends a 
warning after 4 hours of failed delivery would be:


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Good evening to all

2007-11-30 Thread Silambarasan.R


Could u help me to re-install the centos 4 without affecting existing
data...? is it possible? if so pl let me know...

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Robert Slade
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 09:30 +, Amos Shapira wrote:
 I'm beginning to give up on making Linux-HA's heartbeat work for my
 environment (CentOS x86_64) and am wondering what other option have I
 got to help me:
 1. Use IPVS to maintain a cluster of virtual servers, either
 master/slave or load-balanced. 
 2. Use DRBD in master/slave fashion to keep a home-grown application
 The first thing I stumbled upon is RedHat Cluster Suite
  from which I also saw some packages on my CentOS servers.
 I've never heard of it before and am just starting to dig its docs,
 but if someone here can confirm/deny that this is a possible route to
 take it might save me some time or doubts. 

Perhaps you should read the CentOS docs - see - cluster suite overview and admin


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

2007-11-30 Thread Alfredo Perez
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 04:43:44PM -0600, B.J. McClure wrote:
 Sad to say one of my file servers was exploited and used to run a
 Phishing scam.  Have identified subject virus amongst other things.  It
 appears twice in a virus scan; /sbin/z (which I assume can just be
 deleted) and /sys/bus/serio/drivers/atkbd/description.  The latter file
 is also present in identical uninfected machines.  I have been unable to
 open the file, even with root privileges, although it appears to be a
 text file.  Any suggestions on how to proceed appreciated.  Guess I
 could delete it and copy over the file from an identical machine.
 Thanks in advance,
 CentOS 5.0, Linux 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5 x86_64 16:26:48 up 10:46, 1 user,
 load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.04

Hi Can you tell me which virus scan you are using?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what's the equivalent to sendmail's Timeout.queuewarn in POSTFIX

2007-11-30 Thread Alain Spineux
On Nov 30, 2007 11:04 AM, Indunil Jayasooriya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am ruunig postfix and MailScanner as a Mailgw  on Centos 4.5.  I want to
 know what is default  warntime  in Postfix?

 I.e -  what's the equivalent to sendmail's Timeout.queuewarn in POSTFIX ?

I dont know the sendmail nomenclature, but look for  delay_warning_time
and maybe you will be happy to know maximal_queue_lifetime




 Thank you
 Indunil Jayasooriya

 CentOS mailing list

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 33, Issue 15

2007-11-30 Thread centos-announce-request
Send CentOS-announce mailing list submissions to

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of CentOS-announce digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. CESA-2007:1084 Critical CentOS 3 i386 seamonkey - security
  update (Tru Huynh)
   2. CESA-2007:1084 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 seamonkey - security
  update (Tru Huynh)
   3. CESA-2007:1082 Critical CentOS 3 i386 firefox -   security
  update (CENTOSPLUS only) (Tru Huynh)
   4. CESA-2007:1082 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 firefox - security
  update (CENTOSPLUS only) (Tru Huynh)
   5. CESA-2007:1084 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x)  seamonkey - security
  update (Pasi Pirhonen)
   6. CESA-2007:1063 Important CentOS 3 ia64 pcre - security update
  (Pasi Pirhonen)
   7. CESA-2007:1063 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) pcre -  security
  update (Pasi Pirhonen)
   8. CESA-2007:1068 Important CentOS 4 ia64 pcre - security update
  (Pasi Pirhonen)
   9. CESA-2007:1063 Important CentOS 3 i386 pcre - security update
  (Tru Huynh)
  10. CESA-2007:1063 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 pcre -   security
  update (Tru Huynh)
  11. CESA-2007:1068 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) pcre -  security
  update (Pasi Pirhonen)
  12. CESA-2007:1084-01: Critical CentOS 2 i386 seamonkey security
  update (John Newbigin)
  13. CESA-2007:1065-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 pcresecurity
  update (John Newbigin)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:04:23 +0100
Subject: [CentOS-announce] CESA-2007:1084 Critical CentOS 3 i386
seamonkey - security update
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2007:1084

seamonkey security update for CentOS 3 i386:

The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to
the mirrors:



You may update your CentOS-3 i386 installations by running the command:

yum update seamonkey

Tru Huynh (CentOS-3 i386/x86_64 Package Maintenance)
-- next part --
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 189 bytes
Desc: not available
Url :


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:05:28 +0100
Subject: [CentOS-announce] CESA-2007:1084 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64
seamonkey   - security update
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2007:1084

seamonkey security update for CentOS 3 x86_64:

The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to
the mirrors:


[CentOS] Persist perms on devices after reboots

2007-11-30 Thread Tom Brown


Dumb question i think but how can i make devices permissions persist 
after a reboot. I dont think i have come across this issue before but i 
have some SAN disks that need to be oracle:dba as their perms but after 
a reboot they reset back to

brw---  1 root root 120, 49 Nov 30 10:40 /dev/emcpowerd1

any thoughts?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] kernel-2.6.9-55.0.12.EL not booting (lvm? 3ware?)

2007-11-30 Thread James Pearson

Ugo Bellavance wrote:


Here's he setup.

Original Kernel:

kernel-smp-2.6.9-42.EL, booting fine.

Error with kernel-2.6.9-55.0.12.EL (and kernel-2.6.9-55.0.12.ELsmp)

No volume groups found

Volume group VolGroup00 not found.

ERROR: /bin/lvm exited abnormally!

The system has a

3ware 9000 Storage Controller
Model: 9500S-4LP
Firmware FE9X, BIOS BE9X, Ports: 4.

Anyone seen this?

Does your 2.6.9-55.0.12 initrd image(s) contain the module for this 

James Pearson
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Amos Shapira

I'm beginning to give up on making Linux-HA's heartbeat work for my
environment (CentOS x86_64) and am wondering what other option have I got to
help me:
1. Use IPVS to maintain a cluster of virtual servers, either master/slave or
2. Use DRBD in master/slave fashion to keep a home-grown application

The first thing I stumbled upon is RedHat Cluster Suite (,
from which I also saw some packages on my CentOS servers.

I've never heard of it before and am just starting to dig its docs, but if
someone here can confirm/deny that this is a possible route to take it might
save me some time or doubts.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sharing Partitions between Linux and Windows

2007-11-30 Thread MHR
On Nov 29, 2007 9:39 AM, Akemi Yagi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can access (read/write) NTFS partitions from Linux:

You can also build the NTFS module that comes with the kernel and
modprobe it, or you can rebuild the kernel with the configuration
changed to allow write access to NTFS file systems and install that.

To build the module, look here for guidance:

To build the kernel, see here:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Shields
On Nov 30, 2007 6:40 PM, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 30, 2007 6:28 PM, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   LVS is a group of tools that do a lot of different things, the two
   that you are interested in are:
   - heartbeat - provides failover if you have two nodes (active/active
   or active/passive)
   - ipvsadm/ldirectord - provides load balancing (ie. http(s) load
   balancer in front of multiple web servers)
   As stated in a previous post we have a number of these setup in our
   network and we handle a lot of traffic.  Some we're using for http(s)
   traffic, others smtp/pop/imap, others mysql (read only queries off
   replicas).  There's no end to what what you could use heartbeat or
   ipvsadm/ldirectord or both for.  Both packages can be installed from
   dag's repo.
  What platform are you using? Mine is CentOS 5 on x86_64. It runs as a
  Xen DomU but from what I read on the linux-ha users mailing list this
  shouldn't be the issue. The production system will run on the bare
  metal (not under Xen).
  My experience with LVS at a previous workplace (a very large ISP) was
  also excellent - they had a couple of LVS servers in front of hundreds
  of mini-clusters (each such cluster service its own web or other
  network application, sometimes sharing disks using DRBD).
  The difference, I suspect, is that I'm trying this now with version
  2.1.2 on CentOS 5 and x86_64, as opposed to possibly older version of
  everything (RedHat version, LVS, hardware (i386)).
  Thanks for your input,

 Take Xen out of the picture until you learn how heartbeat and
 ipvsadm/ldirectord actually work.  You could be having network issues
 because you are hosting it on a virtual server instead of on a real
 server.  So it's kinda hard to troubleshoot if you don't even know if
 your configs are broken.  Get two crappy boxes that you can load
 everything up on, configure them with heartbeat, get that working
 where it will failover an IP.  then add some other service like
 ipvsadm/ldirectord, and take things one step at a time.  Don't try to
 setup everything all at once, it makes it harder to try to debug

 I'm using CentOS4 and RHEL4 using dag'd rpms on a few of the CentOS
 and RHEL boxes and built from source on some of the other ones.  I
 haven't had a chance to try out a CentOS 5 system yet.  But as to your
 stability questions, we've been using LVS for about 3 or 4 years now
 and never, ever had stability problems.

Also, we're on a mix of i386 and x86_64 systems.  But for each cluster
the pair of nodes is identicle.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] network interface activation order

2007-11-30 Thread Graham Johnston
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 18:20 +0100, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
 Matt Hyclak wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 08:51:50AM -0800, John R Pierce enlightened us:
  Graham Johnston wrote:
  I am using CentOS as a firewall/router.  I am using bonded interfaces,
  vlan interfaces, and bridge interfaces.  My problem currently is that on
  boot the system is attempting to activate the bridge interface before
  it's bonded-vlan members have been created.  What this means is that the
  bridge is created but not activated.
  Is there anyway for me to influence the activation order and have bridge
  interfaces dealt with last?
  there's probably a better way to do this, but what I've done in the past 
  is to create special firewall related kinda stuff like your'e describing 
  in my own script thats run quite late in the init sequence, usually from 
  rc2.d/S99myfirewall  or even from /etc/rc.d/rc.local
  Yes, there is probably a better way. My initial thought was to set ONBOOT=no
  for the bridge interfaces and then bring them up in an initscript or
  rc.local later.
  Looking at the network startup script (/etc/init.d/network), though, it
  looks like you can probably achieve the same effect simply by renaming the
  ifcfg-brX files to something like ifcfg-zbrX.
  There is a loop to bring up interfaces that looks like:
  # bring up all other interfaces configured to come up at boot time
  for i in $interfaces; do
  and $interfaces is set just above by listing all files starting with ifcfg
  and snagging the end part (e.g. eth0 or br0).
  The loop figures out what kind of configuration it needs by reading the
  file, so I don't think it cares what it is named, as long as it is
  ifcfg-something. By renaming bridges to ifcfg-zbrX, it will come after
  ifcfg-vlanX and I think solve your problem.
  That was work, time for lunch :-)
 I don't think so
 the initial loop is not activating bridge and vlan:
   if [ $TYPE = Bridge ]; then
   bridgeinterfaces=$bridgeinterfaces $i
   if [ ${DEVICE%%.*} != $DEVICE ] ; then
   vlaninterfaces=$vlaninterfaces $i
 Then later:
   for i in $vlaninterfaces $bridgeinterfaces ...
   snip a few lines
   action $Bringing up interface $i:  ./ifup $i boot
 So, it should be bringing up your vlan interfaces before the bridges
 do you have
 in your bridge ifcfg file?

I had TYPE=bridge, and it very much so wants TYPE=Bridge.

thanks everyone for your help, it's working now.

Graham Johnston
Manager, Network Services
Westman Communications Group
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] network interface activation order

2007-11-30 Thread Graham Johnston
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 12:03 -0500, Matt Hyclak wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 08:51:50AM -0800, John R Pierce enlightened us:
  Graham Johnston wrote:
  I am using CentOS as a firewall/router.  I am using bonded interfaces,
  vlan interfaces, and bridge interfaces.  My problem currently is that on
  boot the system is attempting to activate the bridge interface before
  it's bonded-vlan members have been created.  What this means is that the
  bridge is created but not activated.
  Is there anyway for me to influence the activation order and have bridge
  interfaces dealt with last?

  there's probably a better way to do this, but what I've done in the past 
  is to create special firewall related kinda stuff like your'e describing 
  in my own script thats run quite late in the init sequence, usually from 
  rc2.d/S99myfirewall  or even from /etc/rc.d/rc.local
 Yes, there is probably a better way. My initial thought was to set ONBOOT=no
 for the bridge interfaces and then bring them up in an initscript or
 rc.local later.
 Looking at the network startup script (/etc/init.d/network), though, it
 looks like you can probably achieve the same effect simply by renaming the
 ifcfg-brX files to something like ifcfg-zbrX.
 There is a loop to bring up interfaces that looks like:
 # bring up all other interfaces configured to come up at boot time
 for i in $interfaces; do
 and $interfaces is set just above by listing all files starting with ifcfg
 and snagging the end part (e.g. eth0 or br0).
 The loop figures out what kind of configuration it needs by reading the
 file, so I don't think it cares what it is named, as long as it is
 ifcfg-something. By renaming bridges to ifcfg-zbrX, it will come after
 ifcfg-vlanX and I think solve your problem.
 That was work, time for lunch :-)

I have already attempted naming it ifcfg-xBrVoice with no success. For
me the interfaces load in the following order, where the bridge members
are bond0.198 and bond0.199.


Graham Johnston
Manager, Network Services
Westman Communications Group
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] network interface activation order

2007-11-30 Thread John R Pierce

Graham Johnston wrote:

I am using CentOS as a firewall/router.  I am using bonded interfaces,
vlan interfaces, and bridge interfaces.  My problem currently is that on
boot the system is attempting to activate the bridge interface before
it's bonded-vlan members have been created.  What this means is that the
bridge is created but not activated.

Is there anyway for me to influence the activation order and have bridge
interfaces dealt with last?

there's probably a better way to do this, but what I've done in the past 
is to create special firewall related kinda stuff like your'e describing 
in my own script thats run quite late in the init sequence, usually from 
rc2.d/S99myfirewall  or even from /etc/rc.d/rc.local

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Persist perms on devices after reboots

2007-11-30 Thread James Pearson

Tom Brown wrote:


Dumb question i think but how can i make devices permissions persist 
after a reboot. I dont think i have come across this issue before but i 
have some SAN disks that need to be oracle:dba as their perms but after 
a reboot they reset back to

brw---  1 root root 120, 49 Nov 30 10:40 /dev/emcpowerd1

any thoughts?

man udev

You probably need to create a suitable config file in 

James Pearson
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: How to delete mails in the mailq in ONE DAY -- POSTFIX

2007-11-30 Thread Ugo Bellavance

Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:

I am runnig posfix on Centos 4.4 as a Mailgateway. It only accepts mails 
for domains and then forwards mails to Lotus domino Server.


All clients sends outgoing mails to that Lotus domino Server. Then , 
That Lotus Domino Server sends mails to Postfix mailgateway. This 
postfix mailgateway sends mails to all the destinations. But, This 
Postfix mailgateway has about 150 messages in the mailq. Some are 
unwanted mails. I think they keep trying until 5 days old. I want 
decrease it to ONE DAY.

These messages are not harmfull, and you should keep your setting to 5 
days.  You'll thank you when your domino server stops accepting messages 
for some reasons for 25 hours or more... it can happen...


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Good evening to all

2007-11-30 Thread Ugo Bellavance

Silambarasan.R wrote:


Could u help me to re-install the centos 4 without affecting existing
data...? is it possible? if so pl let me know...


Depends on your partition scheme.  If you used only one big / partition, 
probably not, but if you used a separate /home partition, you could save 
this one.

Why do you need to re-install?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Shields
On Nov 30, 2007 4:30 AM, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm beginning to give up on making Linux-HA's heartbeat work for my
 environment (CentOS x86_64) and am wondering what other option have I got to
 help me:
 1. Use IPVS to maintain a cluster of virtual servers, either master/slave or
 2. Use DRBD in master/slave fashion to keep a home-grown application

 The first thing I stumbled upon is RedHat Cluster Suite (,
 from which I also saw some packages on my CentOS servers.

 I've never heard of it before and am just starting to dig its docs, but if
 someone here can confirm/deny that this is a possible route to take it might
 save me some time or doubts.

Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.
You won't have a gui, but it will be better in the long run.  We're
using that for quite a few clusters and handling about 30MBit/s on
each of the clusters, I think it's around 10k concurrent connections.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CleanLog.h

2007-11-30 Thread B.J. McClure
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 07:40 -0500, Alfredo Perez wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 04:43:44PM -0600, B.J. McClure wrote:
  Sad to say one of my file servers was exploited and used to run a
  Phishing scam.  Have identified subject virus amongst other things.  It
  appears twice in a virus scan; /sbin/z (which I assume can just be
  deleted) and /sys/bus/serio/drivers/atkbd/description.  The latter file
  is also present in identical uninfected machines.  I have been unable to
  open the file, even with root privileges, although it appears to be a
  text file.  Any suggestions on how to proceed appreciated.  Guess I
  could delete it and copy over the file from an identical machine.
  Thanks in advance,
  CentOS 5.0, Linux 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5 x86_64 16:26:48 up 10:46, 1 user,
  load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.04
 Hi Can you tell me which virus scan you are using?


CentOS 5.0, Linux 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5 x86_64 07:26:34 up 1 day, 1:45, 1
user, load average: 0.30, 0.13, 0.09
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread John R Pierce

Amos Shapira wrote:


I'm beginning to give up on making Linux-HA's heartbeat work for my 
environment (CentOS x86_64) and am wondering what other option have I 
got to help me:
1. Use IPVS to maintain a cluster of virtual servers, either 
master/slave or load-balanced.
2. Use DRBD in master/slave fashion to keep a home-grown application 

The first thing I stumbled upon is RedHat Cluster Suite (, 
from which I also saw some packages on my CentOS servers.

I've never heard of it before and am just starting to dig its docs, 
but if someone here can confirm/deny that this is a possible route to 
take it might save me some time or doubts.

AFAIK, RHCS has at its core a spin of heartbeat.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Load-Balancing Virtualized Guests

2007-11-30 Thread Alvin Chang
Hi everyone:

According to Automated failover and recovery of virtualized guests in
Advanced Platform, one can easily migrate virtualized guests around
different hosts. However, is it currently possible for CentOS 5 with
VirtualizationClustering Suite to migrate guests dynamically
according to loads on different hosts?


Alvin Chang Yu-Ming
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] network interface activation order

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Hyclak
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 08:51:50AM -0800, John R Pierce enlightened us:
 Graham Johnston wrote:
 I am using CentOS as a firewall/router.  I am using bonded interfaces,
 vlan interfaces, and bridge interfaces.  My problem currently is that on
 boot the system is attempting to activate the bridge interface before
 it's bonded-vlan members have been created.  What this means is that the
 bridge is created but not activated.
 Is there anyway for me to influence the activation order and have bridge
 interfaces dealt with last?
 there's probably a better way to do this, but what I've done in the past 
 is to create special firewall related kinda stuff like your'e describing 
 in my own script thats run quite late in the init sequence, usually from 
 rc2.d/S99myfirewall  or even from /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Yes, there is probably a better way. My initial thought was to set ONBOOT=no
for the bridge interfaces and then bring them up in an initscript or
rc.local later.

Looking at the network startup script (/etc/init.d/network), though, it
looks like you can probably achieve the same effect simply by renaming the
ifcfg-brX files to something like ifcfg-zbrX.

There is a loop to bring up interfaces that looks like:

# bring up all other interfaces configured to come up at boot time
for i in $interfaces; do

and $interfaces is set just above by listing all files starting with ifcfg
and snagging the end part (e.g. eth0 or br0).

The loop figures out what kind of configuration it needs by reading the
file, so I don't think it cares what it is named, as long as it is
ifcfg-something. By renaming bridges to ifcfg-zbrX, it will come after
ifcfg-vlanX and I think solve your problem.

That was work, time for lunch :-)


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263
CentOS mailing list

Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for developersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread Ross S. W. Walker

Did you mean non-secular?

Otherwise what sect is it?

-Original Message-
To: CentOS mailing list
Sent: Fri Nov 30 14:22:04 2007
Subject: Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for 
developersboxon centos 5]

On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 09:39:01AM -0800, Robert - elists alleged:
 Cheers everyone, and remember, Jesus is the reason for everything.


Please keep the preaching out of a secular maillist.  Thanks.

This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by
the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged
and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient
of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto,
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,
please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete the
original and any copy or printout thereof.

CentOS mailing list

Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks for developersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread centos
On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:51:45 -0500
Ross S. W. Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you mean non-secular?
 Otherwise what sect is it?

Miriam-Webster dictionary:

Main Entry: sec·u·lar
Function:  adjective 

1 a: of or relating to the worldly or temporal secular concerns 
1 b: not overtly or specifically religious secular music 
1 c: not ecclesiastical or clerical secular courts secular landowners

2: not bound by monastic vows or rules; specifically : of, relating to, 
or forming clergy not belonging to a religious order or congregation a secular 

3 a: occurring once in an age or a century 
3 b: existing or continuing through ages or centuries 
3 c: of or relating to a long term of indefinite duration secular inflation

When the network has to work
CentOS mailing list

RE: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks fordevelopersboxon centos 5]

2007-11-30 Thread James N. Smith
Can we change the subject line to Off Topic Rant if this is going to be
drawn out?  Just trying to keep the inbox sorted.

Yeah, I know it's a top post.

Have a great weekend!

James N. Smith, MBA, MCSE

Information Systems Manager / Network Engineer

L.E. Schwartz  Son, Inc.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 3:02 PM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: Release Cycles [was RE: [CentOS] special tricks
fordevelopersboxon centos 5]

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:51:45 -0500
Ross S. W. Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you mean non-secular?
 Otherwise what sect is it?

Miriam-Webster dictionary:

Main Entry: sec.u.lar
Function:  adjective 

1 a: of or relating to the worldly or temporal secular concerns 
1 b: not overtly or specifically religious secular music 
1 c: not ecclesiastical or clerical secular courts secular landowners

2: not bound by monastic vows or rules; specifically : of, relating to, 
or forming clergy not belonging to a religious order or congregation a
secular priest

3 a: occurring once in an age or a century 
3 b: existing or continuing through ages or centuries 
3 c: of or relating to a long term of indefinite duration secular

When the network has to work
CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Shields
On Nov 30, 2007 3:21 PM, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.
  You won't have a gui, but it will be better in the long run.  We're
  using that for quite a few clusters and handling about 30MBit/s on
  each of the clusters, I think it's around 10k concurrent connections.

 I also need to fail-over DRBD (i.e. so if the primary goes down the
 secondary will notice this, mount that DRBD partition and start the
 server which uses the files on it) - will LVS give me that by itself
 or will I need something else on top of it to do that?
 I got the impression that this what Linux-HA's heartbeat adds to the
 plain LVS but it doesn't work for me.

 I'm really not concerned about GUI's - I'd rather edit config files
 manually if they are documented well enough.


Yup.  We use LVS for all types of failover senarios.  We use it for
redundant firewall/vpn servers which use heartbeat for failing over
the virtual IPs and services.  We also use LVS with ldirectord as
redundant load balancers.  Read the docs, they explain how to set up a
service to be started/stopped on failover

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dell Wireless WLAN Card Utility - mini-pci wireless card 1390

2007-11-30 Thread Andrew Allen
On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 15:52 -0600, Barry Brimer wrote:
 Quoting Andrew Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 19:41 -0600, Barry Brimer wrote:
   I have a Dell laptop that I believe has the same card.  The CentOS 5
   kernel did not appear to support it, but the RHEL 5.1 (and subsequently
   upon its release) the CentOS 5.1 kernel does support it.  You will need to
   drop the firmware into /lib/firmware .. I believe this is a bcm43xx card.
  Thanks Barry,
  In view of what you say about CentOS 5.1 supporting this card, I think
  I'm going to wait until it's released - hope that won't be too long. Any
  other possible solutions (eg like using ndiswrapper) look far too
  complicated for a linux newbie like me!  I hope that I'll be able to
  update the kernel without having to do a complete re-install. In the
  meantime I'm just going to have to use MS Windows XP (I have dual-boot
  on this laptop) for any wireless networking.
 I was using ndiswrapper for this card until RHEL 5.1's kernel picked it up.  I
 noticed that it now found an 'eth1' interface that didn't exist before. 
 ndiswrapper does work, but has somewhat occasional crashes most likely due to
 RHEL's 4k stack size that is not really compatible with ndiswrapper.  I agree,
 you should wait until the CentOS 5.1 kernel comes out because assuming you and
 I have the same card, all you need is the firmware .. and it will work without
 further issue.
I've now upgraded the kernel to CentOS 2.6.18-8.1.15.e15, so assume my
OS is now effectively CentOS 5.1. However, I'm afraid I'm still at a bit
of a loss as to how it supports my Dell laptop wireless card (bcm43xx
card?), as it's still not listed in the list of supported adapters in
Network Config. Can anybody please suggest where I go from here?

 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacement for Linux-HA (heartbeat) - RedHat cluster?

2007-11-30 Thread Matt Shields
On Nov 30, 2007 3:57 PM, John R Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matt Shields wrote:
  Dump the cluste suite and use the packages.

 isn't that heartbeat and stuff repackaged?

With a GUI that actually makes it more difficult to manage.  Learn to
use the command line tools and config files, it's so much easier.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dell Wireless WLAN Card Utility - mini-pci wireless card 1390

2007-11-30 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Andrew Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 15:52 -0600, Barry Brimer wrote:
  Quoting Andrew Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 19:41 -0600, Barry Brimer wrote:
I have a Dell laptop that I believe has the same card.  The CentOS 5
kernel did not appear to support it, but the RHEL 5.1 (and subsequently
upon its release) the CentOS 5.1 kernel does support it.  You will need
drop the firmware into /lib/firmware .. I believe this is a bcm43xx
   Thanks Barry,
   In view of what you say about CentOS 5.1 supporting this card, I think
   I'm going to wait until it's released - hope that won't be too long. Any
   other possible solutions (eg like using ndiswrapper) look far too
   complicated for a linux newbie like me!  I hope that I'll be able to
   update the kernel without having to do a complete re-install. In the
   meantime I'm just going to have to use MS Windows XP (I have dual-boot
   on this laptop) for any wireless networking.
  I was using ndiswrapper for this card until RHEL 5.1's kernel picked it up.
  noticed that it now found an 'eth1' interface that didn't exist before.
  ndiswrapper does work, but has somewhat occasional crashes most likely due
  RHEL's 4k stack size that is not really compatible with ndiswrapper.  I
  you should wait until the CentOS 5.1 kernel comes out because assuming you
  I have the same card, all you need is the firmware .. and it will work
  further issue.
 I've now upgraded the kernel to CentOS 2.6.18-8.1.15.e15, so assume my
 OS is now effectively CentOS 5.1. However, I'm afraid I'm still at a bit
 of a loss as to how it supports my Dell laptop wireless card (bcm43xx
 card?), as it's still not listed in the list of supported adapters in
 Network Config. Can anybody please suggest where I go from here?


You are still on the CentOS 5 kernel, not the CentOS 5.1 kernel.  The base RHEL
5 kernel is kernel-2.6.18-53.el5 and the most recent is
kernel-2.6.18-53.1.4.el5.  I don't believe CentOS 5.1 is out yet, but I've not
checked today.

CentOS mailing list