RE: fix cflogin cache

2003-12-01 Thread Simon Horwith
I also recommend using J2EE Sessions unless you have a compelling reason not
to.They're more secure (for several reasons).


Simon Horwith
CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Instructor
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
Certified Flash MX Developer
CFDJList - List Administrator

-Original Message-
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 December 2003 04:32
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: fix cflogin cache

What cflogin cache thing? You mean it not ending when you close the
If so, try changing to the session scope storage if you are running 6.1.
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Re: Resolved: Re:CFMX and Fedora

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Sunday 30 Nov 2003 17:38 pm, Brandon Harper wrote:
  The only thing I have noticed that seems odd about the system right now
  is that sendmail takes almost 10 minutes to start since installing

is the localhost / entry from /etc/hosts missing ?
Also check you can resolve your hostname.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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Re: CFMX and Fedora

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Saturday 29 Nov 2003 01:51 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Actually, here is what is showing up straight from the CF Exception log.

 Error,main,11/27/03,23:45:58,,/opt/coldfusionmx/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or
 directory java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:

Does this file actualy exist ?
If not, you need the libstdc compat rpm packages, I think.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Re:Access 97 with CFMX 6.0 unacceptably slow

2003-12-01 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Don said:

 * Unicode ODBC driver is not available for CFMX 6.0 Prof. for

But it is for 6.1.

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RE: fix cflogin cache

2003-12-01 Thread Raymond Camden
Check what Simon said below. If you can't use that setting, then use the old
trick to make sessions die on browser closing.
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2003-12-01 Thread Trevor Holm-Laursen
I was just reading Ben's Blog this morning and seen his regex's for postal and zip codes.Now I've used regex's in perl but how do you actually use them in CF?Code examples anyone?
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Re: Regex

2003-12-01 Thread Massimo Foti
 I was just reading Ben's Blog this morning and seen his regex's for postal
 and zip codes.Now I've used regex's in perl but how do you actually use
 them in CF?Code examples anyone?

Massimo Foti
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer

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RE: Regex

2003-12-01 Thread Ben Forta
CFML functions:

And you can also pass _javascript_ regular expressions to CFINPUT.

--- Ben

-Original Message-
From: Trevor Holm-Laursen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 7:12 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Regex

I was just reading Ben's Blog this morning and seen his regex's for
postal and zip codes.Now I've used regex's in perl but how do you
actually use them in CF?Code examples anyone? 
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Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

2003-12-01 Thread CF Lists
I tried this on windows and just get -1 for height and width. (CF 6.1 
Ent.) Any ideas?
cffunction name=ImageSize returnType=struct access=public
cfargument name=FileLoc type=string required=Yes
cfset ImageInfo = StructNew()
cfset ImageObject = 
cfset ImageInfo.ImgWidth = ImageObject.getIconWidth()
cfset ImageInfo.ImgHeight = ImageObject.getIconHeight()
cfreturn ImageInfo

cfset x = ImageSize('clock150.jpg')
ImageInfo.ImgWidth #ImageInfo.ImgWidth#br
ImageInfo.ImgHeight #ImageInfo.ImgHeight#br

From: Bryan Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 16:20:46 -0800

Hey All,

Below is a CFFUNCTION to check an image's size:

cffunction name=ImageSize returnType=struct access=public

cfargument name=FileLoc type=string required=Yes
cfset ImageInfo = StructNew()
cfset ImageObject =

cfset ImageInfo.ImgWidth = ImageObject.getIconWidth()
cfset ImageInfo.ImgHeight = ImageObject.getIconHeight()

cfreturn ImageInfo


It works fine on Windows but bails on Linux RedHat 9.0 with CFMX 6.1
Enterprise installed.There error is below.It appears to be having an
issue instantiating the object abovebut I'm unsure as to whyany

 Detail An exception occurred when instantiating a java object. The
cause of this exception was that: .
 Message Object Instantiation Exception.
 RootCause struct
 Cause struct
 Message [empty string]
 StackTrace java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at
java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at
java.lang.Class.forName( at
java.awt.Toolkit$ at Method) at
java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit( at
javax.swing.ImageIcon.init( at
javax.swing.ImageIcon.init( at
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAcces at
sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstruc at
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at at at
coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke( at
fc:53) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at
coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke( at
250) at
at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain( at
coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at
coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke( at
coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke( at
coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke( at
coldfusion.tagext.lang.InvokeTag.doEndTag( at
coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag( at
hoto_maint.cfm:62) at
coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at
coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at
coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag( at
cfindex2ecfm1722994938.runPage(/var/www/html/secure/index.cfm:48) at
coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at
coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at
coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke( at
coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke( at
at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke( at
coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke( at
coldfusion.filter.BrowserDebugFilter.invoke( at
coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke(ClientScopePersistence at
coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke( at
coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke( at
coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke( at
coldfusion.CfmServlet.service( at
coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service( at
jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke( at
jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext( at

RE: Verity on Red Hat 9

2003-12-01 Thread Yves Arsenault
I thought there were issues posted on the MM site about Verity and RedHat
7.3 +.
To quote the site:  Verity does not support RedHat Linux 7.3, 8.0, and 9. 

There is a work around. In the DRK3, MM has included a verity tool based on
It's called Lindex.

Check it out.

Yves Arsenault
-Original Message-
From: Terry Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 novembre 2003 22:55
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Verity on Red Hat 9

Hey folks,

Just wondering if anyone has experience with Red Hat 9 Verity problems
CF6.1.Right now CFMX crashes within hours with a log file (hs_err_*)
CFSEARCHes are executed.Some of the searches work.Some of them
cause a crash.Haven't noticed any patterns yet.

Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x4037FAC7

Current Java thread:
 at coldfusion.tagext.NativeCfx.processRequest(Native Method)
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag(

It did not do this on Linux 7.2.So it appears that CFSEARCH is just
dying in a
RH 9 specific manner.Any ideas on what I ought to consider patching or
to get Verity to work would be much appreciated.

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Re: Regex

2003-12-01 Thread Ubqtous

On 12/1/2003 at 07:11, you wrote:

THL I was just reading Ben's Blog this morning and seen his regex's
THL for postal and zip codes.Now I've used regex's in perl but how
THL do you actually use them in CF? Code examples anyone?

I use the following (snippet from a UDF):

// Validate zip code (12345 or 12345-6789)
if(not (refindnocase(^[0-9]{5}$|^[0-9]{5}\-[0-9]{4}$,string))){isvalid=false;}

~ Ubqtous ~
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Re:Problems using JRUN4 and CFMX together.

2003-12-01 Thread Jeremy Brodie

This situation occurs when one tries to add additional classpaths within the JRUN management console (such as thin Oracle drivers or applications having additional classpaths). The server argurments within the jre.config are switched preventing the JRUN default server from restarting (and by correlarry the any other applications)

This only occures when attempting to run Cold Fusion as an application within JRUN. (The second install option). This error does not occur when using Cold Fusion in Websphere, Weblogic, Tomcat or through the fist install option where Cold Fusion is run with an embedded JRUN server (in fact this in not a Cold Fusion error, it is an error within JRUN!). Unless one adds classpaths to JRUN for additional functionality, one will one get this senerio.

I have also included a reference from the Macromedia forums from others having the same issue and Macromedia QA noting that this is a bug within JRUN!


Jeremy Brodie 
an Edgewater Technology Solutions Company 

phone:(703) 815-2500 
nasdaq symbol: EDGE 

Huh?What class-path issues with CFMX on JRun?I've run in this
configuration on several computers (as well as with WebLogic) and haven't
had any classpath issues.



-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Brodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 2:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Problems using JRUN4 and CFMX together.


You'll still have the problems with the classpaths issue- this happens while
Cold Fusion is run as an application within JRUN (since this is an issue
within JRUN). The issue goes away if you blast the flie into Tomacat or
other J2EE sever engine.

Jeremy Brodie

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Referring URL LinkPoint Central?

2003-12-01 Thread Dwayne Cole
I am trying to implement credit card processing via LinkPoint Central.On the invoice page there is submit button that sends the shopper to a secure LinkPoint sight where the shopper enters the credit card number and blah, blah, blah.

Here's the problem.LinkPoint will not accept the shopper if they are coming from a page that has ? or  in the referring url.My invoice page has a URL that looks like this.


In past, Has anyone on this list figured out a work around? 

Dwayne Cole, MS in MIS, MBA
Florida AM University
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
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Re: OT:

2003-12-01 Thread Candace Cottrell
I'm going to try them out once they get MX. They said they'd have it by January. I'll let you know what I find out.

In the meantime, I've had a pretty good experience with

Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer 
The Children's Medical Center 
One Children's Plaza 
Dayton, OH 45404 


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/28/2003 6:14:52 AM 

I have just stumbled across and they have
some fantastic prices on CF hosting plans, maybe too good to be true?

Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with them? Good? Bad?
Ugly? :)

If not can anyone recommend current hosts which are preferably MX
enabled, a reasonable price  have msSQL.


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RE: connectString workaround?

2003-12-01 Thread Richard Castrios

I have a couple of questions re: my initial question...

Is the MERANT text driver included with CFMX or has it been removed also?
All of the text files we are accessing require this driver.

There's a really straightforward solution that gives you full power of
dynamic connection strings in CFMX.

I looked into the threads on this discussion and it appears that this is
being addressed by using MSAccess as a proxy connection. My concern with
this is historically Access tends to be leaky with large files and many of
the files being accessed are large (up to 500MB). So we are trying to avoid
this method.

The text files are also have fixed length fields (no delimiter) which are
defined in the QETXT.ini file found in the directory.

Thanks for any help.


-Original Message-
From: Samuel R. Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 9:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: connectString workaround?


Please search the archives.This question comes up a lot and in fact
examples were just posted within the last two days, along with a large
discussion.There's a really straightforward solution that gives you full
power of dynamic connection strings in CFMX.

Good luck,



 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Castrios [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:23 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: connectString workaround?
 Could you give an example of how to approach this using 
 dynamic data sources?
 -Original Message-
 From: Ben Forta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:41 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: connectString workaround?
 If you have text files then you should still be able to use 
 the ODBC text driver, specify the directory, and use the 
 JDBC-ODBC connector to use it in CF. The table is the file 
 name. I have not tried this with CFMX, but I think it should work.
 --- Ben
 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Castrios [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:25 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: connectString workaround?
 I am trying to find a workaround for the (deprecated from 
 CFMX) connectString attribute in CFQUERY. Has anyone been 
 able to get around this new limitation. We were previously 
 using the MERANT text driver in ver.
 that allowed us to read a .txt file into a query while 
 getting the schema information from the QETxt.ini file in the 
 same directory. We need the dsn'less connection because we 
 have hundreds of potential text files that can be accessed 
 dynamically from the client. See code sample below.
 connectstring=DRIVER={MERANT 3.70 ColdFusion OEM 32-BIT 
 TextFile (*.*)}; SERVER=local); 
 SELECT '#trim(Col_desc_NameArray[iCol])#' as CountBy, 
 count(distinct #trim(arrColNames[iCol])#) as CountD,
 count(#trim(arrColNames[iCol])#) as CountResult FROM #myfile# 

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Still problems with CFChart

2003-12-01 Thread Hassan Arteaga Rodriguez
Hi all:

I posted this email 2 times, about CFChart problems. When i try to see
the HTML code the img tag not apear in case i use chart format as jpg
neither in a flash format. However in the C:\CFusionMX\charting\cache
dir apear all files (jpg or flash)

Another data when i run the charting examples in CF MX instalation works

MSc. Hassan Arteaga Rodrguez
Microsoft Certified System Engineer.
DIGI- Grupo de Desarrollo
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Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

2003-12-01 Thread Ubqtous

On 12/1/2003 at 08:37, you wrote:

It works fine on Windows but bails on Linux RedHat 9.0 with CFMX 6.1
Enterprise installed.There error is below.It appears to be
having an issue instantiating the object abovebut I'm unsure as
to whyany thoughts??

Side question:

I also have a RH9/MX6.1 installation, but it doesn't look like 'javax'
is installed by default.

How do you get the necessary Java libraries for reading image
properties? By installing a Java SDK?

If it's in the SDK, will its installation have a negative effect on
MX's Java installation, or will they coexist harmoniously?


~ Ubqtous ~
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Date format in access

2003-12-01 Thread Shahzad.Butt

Can someone tell the date format to use in CFQuery in select/insert
statement for an access DB?


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Re: Date format in access

2003-12-01 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Shahzad.Butt said:

 Can someone tell the date format to use in CFQuery in select/insert
 statement for an access DB?

cfqueryparam + a date object.

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RE: Date format in access

2003-12-01 Thread John Beynon

-Original Message-
From: Shahzad.Butt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2003 15:19
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Date format in access


Can someone tell the date format to use in CFQuery in select/insert
statement for an access DB?


Ph:+44 (0) 1992 701 722
Fax: +44 (0) 1992 701 604
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Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Mickael
Hello All,

I have a question that hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.I have read that the use of application.cfm is not needed any more with fusebox and that all my information should be in a fbx_settings.cfm.Firstly I was wondering if this is correct not to use application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the cf_application tag?

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ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Tony Weeg
to all mac people,

what editor do you use for cfmx work?



tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.
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Re: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Ryan Mitchell
Dreamweaver and BBEditLite

On 1/12/03 3:34 pm, Tony Weeg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 to all mac people,
 what editor do you use for cfmx work?
 tony weeg
 senior web applications architect
 navtrak, inc.

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Re: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Jim Campbell

- Jim

Tony Weeg wrote:

 to all mac people,

 what editor do you use for cfmx work?



 tony weeg
 senior web applications architect
 navtrak, inc.

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Re:Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread David Adams
Just to clarify, your question is a Fusebox 3 question and not Fusebox 4.
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RE: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Tony Weeg
no homesite availability im sure? 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:43 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ot: mac cf programming software


- Jim

Tony Weeg wrote:

 to all mac people,

 what editor do you use for cfmx work?



 tony weeg
 senior web applications architect
 navtrak, inc.

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Re: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Matt Liotta

Matt Liotta
President  CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
(888) 408-0900 x901
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Re: Date format in access

2003-12-01 Thread Dan Farmer
cfset AccessDate = #CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#


Can someone tell the date format to use in CFQuery in select/insert
statement for an access DB?


Ph:+44 (0) 1992 701 722
Fax: +44 (0) 1992 701 604

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RE: Regex

2003-12-01 Thread Larry Juncker
This is how you could use this in CF...


cfparam name=zipStr default=50501-1334
cfparam name=isValid default = true
Validate zip code #zipStr#brbr
cfif (refindnocase(^[0-9]{5}$|^[0-9]{5}\-[0-9]{4}$,zipStr))
	cfset isValidUSZip = true
	cfset isValidUSZip = false



-Original Message-
From: Ubqtous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 8:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Regex


On 12/1/2003 at 07:11, you wrote:

THL I was just reading Ben's Blog this morning and seen his regex's
THL for postal and zip codes.Now I've used regex's in perl but how
THL do you actually use them in CF? Code examples anyone?

I use the following (snippet from a UDF):

// Validate zip code (12345 or 12345-6789)

~ Ubqtous ~
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Re: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Patricia G. L. Hall
Mostly Dreamweaver, though I have BBEdit on my system (wish I could have
Homesite+ too).


 to all mac people,

 what editor do you use for cfmx work?



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RE: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Patricia G. L. Hall
 no homesite availability im sure?


Nope.Not now.Probably not ever.

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Re: Re:Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Mickael
Sorry this is a Fusebox 3 question, I am still just reading about FB4.Do you recommend it?
- Original Message - 
From: David Adams 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: Re:Application.cfm and Fusebox

Just to clarify, your question is a Fusebox 3 question and not Fusebox 4.
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Re: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Larry C. Lyons
Tony Weeg wrote:
 to all mac people,
 what editor do you use for cfmx work?


Look at BBEdit. There's a BBEdit library set somewhere (not at home now) 
that has all the CF tags and functions. But since CF pages are straight 
ascii text, you can use almost any sort of a text editor.

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RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread John Beynon
You'll find that most people will use application.cfm to catch direct access
to files other than index.cfm and redirect them to index.cfm in that event.

You can still can use cfapplication in the fbx_settings file though...


-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2003 15:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Application.cfm and Fusebox

Hello All,

I have a question that hopefully someone can point me in the right
direction.I have read that the use of application.cfm is not needed any
more with fusebox and that all my information should be in a
fbx_settings.cfm.Firstly I was wondering if this is correct not to use
application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the cf_application

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RE: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Tony Weeg
ok cool, im thinkin about a powerbook g4, and wanna do my research before I
make this INCREDIBLE leap. 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ot: mac cf programming software

Tony Weeg wrote:
 to all mac people,
 what editor do you use for cfmx work?


Look at BBEdit. There's a BBEdit library set somewhere (not at home now)
that has all the CF tags and functions. But since CF pages are straight
ascii text, you can use almost any sort of a text editor.

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RE: Problems using JRUN4 and CFMX together.

2003-12-01 Thread Samuel Neff

Thanks for pointing that out.I never changed the heap size through JMC,
always edited jvm.config.Advocating moving from JRun to another server due
to this bug seems a really radical step when you can just make changes to
jvm.config instead of using the JMC.

Besides, if you use the JMC you can only have one jvm.config which is
global.You need to do it manually to use separate jvm.config files for
each server instance (which is a JRun limitation in my opinion).

Best regards,



-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Brodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 8:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Problems using JRUN4 and CFMX together.


This situation occurs when one tries to add additional classpaths within the
JRUN management console (such as thin Oracle drivers or applications having
additional classpaths). The server argurments within the jre.config are
switched preventing the JRUN default server from restarting (and by
correlarry the any other applications)

This only occures when attempting to run Cold Fusion as an application
within JRUN. (The second install option). This error does not occur when
using Cold Fusion in Websphere, Weblogic, Tomcat or through the fist install
option where Cold Fusion is run with an embedded JRUN server (in fact this
in not a Cold Fusion error, it is an error within JRUN!). Unless one adds
classpaths to JRUN for additional functionality, one will one get this

I have also included a reference from the Macromedia forums from others
having the same issue and Macromedia QA noting that this is a bug within


Jeremy Brodie
an Edgewater Technology Solutions Company

phone:(703) 815-2500
nasdaq symbol: EDGE

Huh?What class-path issues with CFMX on JRun?I've run in this
configuration on several computers (as well as with WebLogic) and haven't
had any classpath issues.


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RE: Date format in access

2003-12-01 Thread Mike Townend
afaik Now() is already in this format, so you should be able to write

 INSERT INTO foo (dtWhatever)
 VALUES (#Now()#)

 INSERT INTO foo (dtWhatever)
or maybe even the inbuild access object (for Now() anyway) which i beleve is

 INSERT INTO foo (dtWhatever) 


-Original Message-
From: Dan Farmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 1, 2003 15:46
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Date format in access

cfset AccessDate = #CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#


Can someone tell the date format to use in CFQuery in select/insert
statement for an access DB?


Ph:+44 (0) 1992 701 722
Fax: +44 (0) 1992 701 604

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RE: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Ricky Fritzsching
Come back to the DARK SIDE TONY!


From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ot: mac cf programming software

ok cool, im thinkin about a powerbook g4, and wanna do my research before I
make this INCREDIBLE leap. 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ot: mac cf programming software

Tony Weeg wrote:
 to all mac people,
 what editor do you use for cfmx work?


Look at BBEdit. There's a BBEdit library set somewhere (not at home now)
that has all the CF tags and functions. But since CF pages are straight
ascii text, you can use almost any sort of a text editor.

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Re: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Mickael
Thanks John,

This was initiated by me trying to securing certain circuits and access to them, I have not been able to successfully secure only one circuit only the whole app.Can you point me in the right direction on that?

Thanks again
- Original Message - 
From: John Beynon 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

You'll find that most people will use application.cfm to catch direct access
to files other than index.cfm and redirect them to index.cfm in that event.

You can still can use cfapplication in the fbx_settings file though...


-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2003 15:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Application.cfm and Fusebox

Hello All,

I have a question that hopefully someone can point me in the right
direction.I have read that the use of application.cfm is not needed any
more with fusebox and that all my information should be in a
fbx_settings.cfm.Firstly I was wondering if this is correct not to use
application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the cf_application

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RE: ot: mac cf programming software

2003-12-01 Thread Tony Weeg
back? ive never been there before, well, I think a bit in 3rd grade, but
that was a macintosh ii? 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Ricky Fritzsching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:06 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ot: mac cf programming software

Come back to the DARK SIDE TONY!


From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ot: mac cf programming software

ok cool, im thinkin about a powerbook g4, and wanna do my research before I
make this INCREDIBLE leap. 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ot: mac cf programming software

Tony Weeg wrote:
 to all mac people,
 what editor do you use for cfmx work?


Look at BBEdit. There's a BBEdit library set somewhere (not at home now)
that has all the CF tags and functions. But since CF pages are straight
ascii text, you can use almost any sort of a text editor.

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Re: Regex

2003-12-01 Thread Michael Dinowitz
This is an old presentation on RegEx that should help out (along with the other
links provided). In addition, there is a mailing list on House of Fusion
dedicated to RegEx if that's of specific interest to you (it is to me).

Michael Dinowitz
Finding technical solutions to the problems you didn't know you had yet
- Original Message - 
From: Trevor Holm-Laursen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 7:11 AM
Subject: Regex

 I was just reading Ben's Blog this morning and seen his regex's for postal and
zip codes.Now I've used regex's in perl but how do you actually use them in
CF?Code examples anyone?

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RE: ot: mac cf programming software (THANKS)

2003-12-01 Thread Tony Weeg
thanks for the answers...


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:20 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ot: mac cf programming software

back? ive never been there before, well, I think a bit in 3rd grade, but
that was a macintosh ii? 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Ricky Fritzsching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:06 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ot: mac cf programming software

Come back to the DARK SIDE TONY!


From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ot: mac cf programming software

ok cool, im thinkin about a powerbook g4, and wanna do my research before I
make this INCREDIBLE leap. 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ot: mac cf programming software

Tony Weeg wrote:
 to all mac people,
 what editor do you use for cfmx work?


Look at BBEdit. There's a BBEdit library set somewhere (not at home now)
that has all the CF tags and functions. But since CF pages are straight
ascii text, you can use almost any sort of a text editor.

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RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread John Beynon
If you need to secure individual circuits you'll need to place some
authorisation code in the individual circuits fbx_settings.cfm.

Most of my apps have a single line application.cfm in the app root which
checks that the file being called is index.cfm and then in child circuits I
secure each circuit (within fbx_settings.cfm) using a bespoke
user/group/user2group model. There are basic 'secure' tags out there that
can help you, cf_secure from is a good start,


-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2003 16:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Application.cfm and Fusebox

Thanks John,

This was initiated by me trying to securing certain circuits and access to
them, I have not been able to successfully secure only one circuit only the
whole app.Can you point me in the right direction on that?

Thanks again
- Original Message - 
From: John Beynon 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

You'll find that most people will use application.cfm to catch direct
to files other than index.cfm and redirect them to index.cfm in that

You can still can use cfapplication in the fbx_settings file though...


-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2003 15:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Application.cfm and Fusebox

Hello All,

I have a question that hopefully someone can point me in the right
direction.I have read that the use of application.cfm is not needed any
more with fusebox and that all my information should be in a
fbx_settings.cfm.Firstly I was wondering if this is correct not to use
application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the

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RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC)
Either place your security invocation only in the fbx_settings of the circuit(s) you want to protect, or place conditional logic in the root fbx_settings looking at the fusebox.circuit variable, invoking if the final target circuit is one you want to protect.

Matthew P. Smith 
Web Developer, Object Oriented 
Naval Education  Training Professional 
Development  Technology Center 
(850)452-1001 ext. 1245 

-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Application.cfm and Fusebox

Thanks John,

This was initiated by me trying to securing certain circuits and access to them, I have not been able to successfully secure only one circuit only the whole app.Can you point me in the right direction on that?

Thanks again
- Original Message - 
From: John Beynon 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

You'll find that most people will use application.cfm to catch direct access
to files other than index.cfm and redirect them to index.cfm in that event.

You can still can use cfapplication in the fbx_settings file though...


-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2003 15:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Application.cfm and Fusebox

Hello All,

I have a question that hopefully someone can point me in the right
direction.I have read that the use of application.cfm is not needed any
more with fusebox and that all my information should be in a
fbx_settings.cfm.Firstly I was wondering if this is correct not to use
application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the cf_application

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Re:Problems using JRUN4 and CFMX together.

2003-12-01 Thread Jeremy Brodie
Actually I'm not advocating moving away from JRUN (the benifits outweigh this issue). In my experiance, I was installing a CF and another application requiring to add classpaths to the JMC to run my application sucessfuly.

In the case mentioned above the person was going to use JRUN to run an existing JSP programs-- somthing that probally need to have additional classpaths to access beans. If this person were to use the JMC instead of editing the file JRE.config file manually then there could be unexpected results (such as the default server refusing to start from within the JMC). In my case, I needed to uninstall/reinstal JRUN to unlock the server.

My point is that in the 5% of instalations that will require adding classpaths to the JMC in this configuation to go the file and bypass the JMC completlya much different message than don't use JRUNwhen using CF in a J2EE setting.

Jeremy Brodie
an Edgewater Technology Solutions Company

phone:(703) 815-2500
nasdaq symbol: EDGE


Thanks for pointing that out.I never changed the heap size through JMC,
always edited jvm.config.Advocating moving from JRun to another server due
to this bug seems a really radical step when you can just make changes to
jvm.config instead of using the JMC.

Besides, if you use the JMC you can only have one jvm.config which is
global.You need to do it manually to use separate jvm.config files for
each server instance (which is a JRun limitation in my opinion).

Best regards,



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RE: Date format in access

2003-12-01 Thread Hassan Arteaga Rodriguez
In my understanding the dateparam in access u should use #
Ie: select id_invoice, name where invoice_date=#2003-12-02# 

MSc. Hassan Arteaga Rodrguez
Microsoft Certified System Engineer.
DIGI- Grupo de Desarrollo

-Original Message-
From: Jochem van [Hassan Arteaga Rodriguez] Dieten
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 09:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Date format in access

Shahzad.Butt said:

 Can someone tell the date format to use in CFQuery in select/insert
 statement for an access DB?

cfqueryparam + a date object.

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Re: Verity on Red Hat 9

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Monday 01 Dec 2003 13:46 pm, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 I thought there were issues posted on the MM site about Verity and RedHat
 7.3 +.
 To quote the site:  Verity does not support RedHat Linux 7.3, 8.0, and 9.

Does not support is not the same as Can't be made to run as many people 
will testify :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread ksuh
 application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the 

It is a common misperception that the cfapplication tag only works in Application.cfm.In fact, you can use it anywhere.
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Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Dwayne Cole
 application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the 

It is a common misperception that the cfapplication tag only works in Application.cfm.In fact, you can use it anywhere.

Does CF still look for an application.cfm page to process?
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RE: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Tony Weeg


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Dwayne Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 12:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

 application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the 

It is a common misperception that the cfapplication tag only works in
Application.cfm.In fact, you can use it anywhere.

Does CF still look for an application.cfm page to process?
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CF-debugging underpowered?

2003-12-01 Thread Marlon Moyer
This article puts a different slant on the fact that we don't have a 
powerful cf debugger.

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RE: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Tangorre, Michael
Always... all the way up to the root of your drive.

-Original Message-
From: Dwayne Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 12:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

 application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the 

It is a common misperception that the cfapplication tag only works in
Application.cfm.In fact, you can use it anywhere.

Does CF still look for an application.cfm page to process? 
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RE: Verity on Red Hat 9

2003-12-01 Thread Yves Arsenault
You have a point.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 1 dcembre 2003 12:55
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Verity on Red Hat 9

On Monday 01 Dec 2003 13:46 pm, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 I thought there were issues posted on the MM site about Verity and
 7.3 +.
 To quote the site:  Verity does not support RedHat Linux 7.3, 8.0, and

Does not support is not the same as Can't be made to run as many
will testify :-)

Tom Chiverton
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread Charlie Griefer
 From: Dwayne Cole 
 To: CF-Talk 
 Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox
 application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the 

It is a common misperception that the cfapplication tag only works in Application.cfm.In fact, you can use it anywhere.

Just out of curiousity...when/where/why would one use a cfapplication tag anyplace other than in an Application.cfm template?
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SQL Help on Join

2003-12-01 Thread Mickael
Hello All,

I am not getting the results that I am looking for may query.

Here is my sql

Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts, Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT, Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
from Client_debt
Left outer join Client_pmt on client_debt.debt_id = client_pmt.debt_id

The client_debt table is a list of account numbers that have an original balance and a current balance, then the client_pmt table has payments that were made to these accounts.The issue is that when a person makes more that one payment for a particular account, this causes my totals from my first table to rise and the number of records in the count as well.

How is this supposed to be done?


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Re: CF-debugging underpowered?

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Monday 01 Dec 2003 17:15 pm, Marlon Moyer wrote:

test driven development is hard in the CF world.
And no amount of unit test's are helpful when you get a bug on a deployed 
system, and need to see how the various variables are manipulated as they are 
passed through the various stages of the request.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
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public networks.***
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DevNet Professional

2003-12-01 Thread Phillip B.
I was checking out the upgrade to Studio MX 2004 and saw that I could 
upgrade to DevNet Pro for the same price.$599 Is that right?

Thanks for the input!

Phillip B.
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Re:Access 97 with CFMX 6.0 unacceptably slow

2003-12-01 Thread Don
Thanks for the note but I would be reluctant to upgrade to 6.1 based on past experience.

Don said:

 * Unicode ODBC driver is not available for CFMX 6.0 Prof. for

But it is for 6.1.


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The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Ian Skinner
Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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delete any copies of this message.
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Re: SQL Help on Join

2003-12-01 Thread Scott Weikert
Mickael writes:
 Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts, Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT, Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
 from Client_debt
 Left outer join Client_pmt on client_debt.debt_id = client_pmt.debt_id

You're specifying the table names of the fields in your JOIN but not in your 
SELECT. Should be, for example, SUM(tablename.Orig_atm), etc.
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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread John Burns
You could strip out the first 25 characters and do a reverse on the
resulting string and then just do a find for the first space.Then subtract
that number from the 25 (or the variable you use) and get the location of
the white space.You may have to add or subtract 1 to account for the
reversal and such, but it would be consistant.

John Burns

-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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delete any copies of this message.

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CFMX Server and Flash Remoting

2003-12-01 Thread Brook Davies
I can't get flash remoting to work on my server. I get a 404 when I go to:

I tried the technote at

With no success. Anyone else in this boat? Any suggestions?

Brook Davies
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Re: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Ubqtous

On 12/1/2003 at 13:02, you wrote:

IS Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of
IS the last white space character before an arbitrary limit?

IS In the following example, I want the position of the last white
IS space before the 25th character.

IS The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

IS So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which
IS is the 20th character.This is the last white space before the
IS 25th character with is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break
IS the string into:

IS The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is
IS included. -- jumped over a lazy dog.

Not the homemade solution you're looking for, but MX6.1's wrap()
function supposedly does 'smart' wrapping automatically:

~ Ubqtous ~
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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey
I'm sure there's more than one way to solve this particular issue, my
thought would be to turn the string into a list using the space as a
delimiter, then add the length of the list element plus one (for the
space) until you reach or break your cutoff level.

Not very pretty but it'd get the job done.


-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included.
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has
given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Hagan, Ryan Mr (Contractor ACI)
There's a UDF (wrap) at that should do this for you.You can view
the code there too: 

-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Ian Skinner
I had thought of the reversal angle as I was typing my original post.I
would need to reverse the entire string, because I may need to find
multiples of the arbitrary value 25th,50th,75th character for example, if
the original string was that long.The purpose of this is to break a long
string into an array of sub strings each less then the arbitrary value in
length, but always broke at a white space.I can't simple break the the
string that the require length at will.

There is not any kind of reversal function in CF?I don't recall any or see
any in the help that would do it.I'll have to build my own, correct. (or
find one already built someplace else.)

Well, I'm going to start giving this a try.Reverse the entire string, then
find the first space starting at the position (len(string)-limit).Remove
this piece restore to the correct order and store.Repeat if necessary.

I'm very open to any ideas that may be simpler or cleaner.

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: John Burns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:12 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The Last Space.

You could strip out the first 25 characters and do a reverse on the
resulting string and then just do a find for the first space.Then subtract
that number from the 25 (or the variable you use) and get the location of
the white space.You may have to add or subtract 1 to account for the
reversal and such, but it would be consistant.

John Burns

-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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Re: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Michael Dinowitz
 //yes, 2 ofs to make the space the 25th
 string = this is a test of of the emergency broadcast system. It is only a
 sLastSpace=REFind('.{1,24}( )', string, 1, 1);
 if (arraylen(sLastSpace.Pos) EQ 2)

this says get 1 to 24 characters followed by a space. This space can be the 25th
character or earlier. It will capture the space location in the structure/array
sLastSpace.Pos[2] is the numeric location of that last space.

 Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
 white space character before an arbitrary limit?

 In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
 the 25th character.

 The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

 So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
 20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
 is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

 The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
 jumped over a lazy dog.

 I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
 lots of trouble.


 Ian Skinner
 Web Programmer
 Sacramento, CA

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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread DURETTE, STEVEN J (AIT)

This code uses more than one line, but it does work.

cfset myString = The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.
cfif right(left(myString, 25), 1) neq  
 cfset useList = 25 - len(listLast(left(myString, 25),  ))
 cfset useList = 25



-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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Re: SQL Help on Join

2003-12-01 Thread Mickael
how do I specify the tablename with the Count(*)?
- Original Message - 
From: Scott Weikert 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Help on Join

Mickael writes:
 Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts, Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT, Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
 from Client_debt
 Left outer join Client_pmt on client_debt.debt_id = client_pmt.debt_id

You're specifying the table names of the fields in your JOIN but not in your 
SELECT. Should be, for example, SUM(tablename.Orig_atm), etc.
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Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

2003-12-01 Thread Bryan Stevenson
You got mebut it looks like you may have explained my issue (i.e. the javax library not being installed) ;-)

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder  Director
- Original Message - 
From: Ubqtous 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??


On 12/1/2003 at 08:37, you wrote:

It works fine on Windows but bails on Linux RedHat 9.0 with CFMX 6.1
Enterprise installed.There error is below.It appears to be
having an issue instantiating the object abovebut I'm unsure as
to whyany thoughts??

Side question:

I also have a RH9/MX6.1 installation, but it doesn't look like 'javax'
is installed by default.

How do you get the necessary Java libraries for reading image
properties? By installing a Java SDK?

If it's in the SDK, will its installation have a negative effect on
MX's Java installation, or will they coexist harmoniously?


~ Ubqtous ~
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Re: CFMX Server and Flash Remoting FIXED

2003-12-01 Thread Brook Davies
Well, I finally got it to work. This post 

I had to add an ISAPI filter called JRunConnectorFilter that pointed to 
the Jrun DLL.I guess this is only needed for remoting then? Because its 
not listed under IIS's master properties or any of my other sites and yet 
they still server cfm pages fine.


At 10:16 AM 12/1/2003, you wrote:
I can't get flash remoting to work on my server. I get a 404 when I go to:

I tried the technote at

With no success. Anyone else in this boat? Any suggestions?

Brook Davies

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Re: SQL Help on Join

2003-12-01 Thread Mickael
Hey Scott,

I am still getting the two records for an account, if there are the records in the client_pmt table,How does distinct work?
- Original Message - 
From: Scott Weikert 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Help on Join

Mickael writes:
 Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts, Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT, Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
 from Client_debt
 Left outer join Client_pmt on client_debt.debt_id = client_pmt.debt_id

You're specifying the table names of the fields in your JOIN but not in your 
SELECT. Should be, for example, SUM(tablename.Orig_atm), etc.
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Re: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Michael Dinowitz
As a side note, I've never seen a single wrap() function work 100% correctly.
Not the one built into CF, not any of the UDFs. All of them break on something.
Even the one I use on the HoF reply page is not 100% as it will break a long url
into pieces to make it fit properly.

 Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
 white space character before an arbitrary limit?

 In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
 the 25th character.

 The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

 So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
 20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
 is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

 The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
 jumped over a lazy dog.

 I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
 lots of trouble.


 Ian Skinner
 Web Programmer
 Sacramento, CA

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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Ian Skinner
Thanks, but this isn't for display purposes, it's to break long strings into
multiple sub strings witch will each be inserted into a database.I have to
live with size limits on the fields, but you can have multiple fields per
text.Go figure, but I have no control over database design, so I have to
live with the limitation.

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: Ubqtous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The Last Space.


On 12/1/2003 at 13:02, you wrote:

IS Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of
IS the last white space character before an arbitrary limit?

IS In the following example, I want the position of the last white
IS space before the 25th character.

IS The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

IS So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which
IS is the 20th character.This is the last white space before the
IS 25th character with is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break
IS the string into:

IS The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is
IS included. -- jumped over a lazy dog.

Not the homemade solution you're looking for, but MX6.1's wrap()
function supposedly does 'smart' wrapping automatically: 

~ Ubqtous ~ 
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Re: Date format in access

2003-12-01 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Hassan Arteaga Rodriguez wrote:

 In my understanding the dateparam in access u should use #
 Ie: select id_invoice, name where invoice_date=#2003-12-02# 

That is not necessary. And using cfqueryparam is a best practice.


Who needs virtual reality
if you can just dream?
- Loesje
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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Ian Skinner
I hadn't thought of this approach, I see merit here, I'll look into it.

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:13 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The Last Space.

I'm sure there's more than one way to solve this particular issue, my
thought would be to turn the string into a list using the space as a
delimiter, then add the length of the list element plus one (for the
space) until you reach or break your cutoff level.

Not very pretty but it'd get the job done.


-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included.
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has
given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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RE: SQL Help on Join

2003-12-01 Thread cf-talk
Typically you don't count *

But you would do it this way... count(tablename.*)


-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Help on Join

how do I specify the tablename with the Count(*)?
- Original Message - 
From: Scott Weikert 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Help on Join

Mickael writes:
 Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts, Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT,
Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
 from Client_debt
 Left outer join Client_pmt on client_debt.debt_id =

You're specifying the table names of the fields in your JOIN but not
in your 
SELECT. Should be, for example, SUM(tablename.Orig_atm), etc. 
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Re: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Charlie Griefer
question...let's say you're looking to break at the space before the 25th character...but the string you're working with is greater than 50 characters...

what i'm getting at you want a break at the space before each 25th char (25, 50, 75, etc)?


- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:19 AM
Subject: RE: The Last Space.


This code uses more than one line, but it does work.

cfset myString = The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.
cfif right(left(myString, 25), 1) neq  
cfset useList = 25 - len(listLast(left(myString, 25),  ))
cfset useList = 25



-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the last
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space before
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is the
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character with
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included. --
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

2003-12-01 Thread ksuh
In Fusebox 3, the cfapplication tag is normally placed in the fbx_settings file.

- Original Message -
From: Charlie Griefer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 1, 2003 10:24 am
Subject: Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox

  From: Dwayne Cole 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:11 AM
  Subject: Re: RE: Application.cfm and Fusebox
  application.cfm.And does that mean that I can still use the 
 It is a common misperception that the cfapplication tag only 
 works in Application.cfm.In fact, you can use it anywhere.
 Just out of curiousity...when/where/why would one use a 
 cfapplication tag anyplace other than in an Application.cfm template?

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Re: SQL Help on Join

2003-12-01 Thread Deanna Schneider
You probably want to do a sub-query to get the payments. I can never
remember the syntax for that when you're using the left outer join syntax.
In Oracle, it would be something like this:

Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts,
Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT,
Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal,
from Client_debt, (SELECT debt_id, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt from client_pmt
group by debt_id) AS sub
WHERE client_debt.debt_id = sub.debt_id (+)

- Original Message - 
From: Scott Weikert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Help on Join

 Mickael writes:
  Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts, Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT,
Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
  from Client_debt
  Left outer join Client_pmt on client_debt.debt_id = client_pmt.debt_id

 You're specifying the table names of the fields in your JOIN but not in
 SELECT. Should be, for example, SUM(tablename.Orig_atm), etc.

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Re: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Michael Dinowitz
 string = this is a test of of the emergency broadcast system. It is only a
test. If you expect this to go on and on, you are correct.;
 cut=REReplace(string, '(.{1,24} )', '\1|','all');
Your string is now cut up into a list. Each list element (delimited by a pipe)
is at most 25 characters long and ends in a space. Using a loop over the list
will allow you to put each slice into the DB.
Is this basically what you wanted?

 Thanks, but this isn't for display purposes, it's to break long strings into
 multiple sub strings witch will each be inserted into a database.I have to
 live with size limits on the fields, but you can have multiple fields per
 text.Go figure, but I have no control over database design, so I have to
 live with the limitation.

 Ian Skinner
 Web Programmer
 Sacramento, CA

 -Original Message-
 From: Ubqtous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:15 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: The Last Space.


 On 12/1/2003 at 13:02, you wrote:

 IS Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of
 IS the last white space character before an arbitrary limit?

 IS In the following example, I want the position of the last white
 IS space before the 25th character.

 IS The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

 IS So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which
 IS is the 20th character.This is the last white space before the
 IS 25th character with is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break
 IS the string into:

 IS The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is
 IS included. -- jumped over a lazy dog.

 Not the homemade solution you're looking for, but MX6.1's wrap()
 function supposedly does 'smart' wrapping automatically:

 ~ Ubqtous ~

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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread DURETTE, STEVEN J (AIT)

See if this does the trick for you.It returns an array.

cffunction name=seperateToArray returntype=array
 cfargument name=myString required=yes type=string
 cfargument name=maxLength required=yes type=numeric
 cfset var myArray = arrayNew(1)
 cfset var spcPos = 0
 cfset var myTmpStr = 
 cfset var myTmpAry = false

 cfif len(myString) GT maxLength
cfset spcPos = maxLength - len(listLast(left(myString, maxLength),  ))
cfset myTmpStr = left(myString, spcPos)
cfset myArray = seperateToArray(right(myString, len(myString) - spcPos),
cfset myTmpStr = myString

 cfset myTmpAry = arrayPrepend(myArray, myTmpStr)

 cfreturn myArray


-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The Last Space.

I hadn't thought of this approach, I see merit here, I'll look into it.

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:13 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The Last Space.

I'm sure there's more than one way to solve this particular issue, my
thought would be to turn the string into a list using the space as a
delimiter, then add the length of the list element plus one (for the
space) until you reach or break your cutoff level.

Not very pretty but it'd get the job done.


-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The Last Space.

Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of the
white space character before an arbitrary limit? 

In the following example, I want the position of the last white space
the 25th character.

The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which is
20th character.This is the last white space before the 25th character
is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break the string into:

The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is included.
jumped over a lazy dog.

I don't think this should be that hard, but for some reason, it has
given me
lots of trouble.


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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Re: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Charlie Griefer
damn but that is sweet.i've been sitting here for about an hour tweaking a UDF that's well over 20 lines (so far).and it's still not done.

MUST MUST MUST learn regexp...

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dinowitz 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: The Last Space.

string = this is a test of of the emergency broadcast system. It is only a
test. If you expect this to go on and on, you are correct.;
cut=REReplace(string, '(.{1,24} )', '\1|','all');
Your string is now cut up into a list. Each list element (delimited by a pipe)
is at most 25 characters long and ends in a space. Using a loop over the list
will allow you to put each slice into the DB.
Is this basically what you wanted?

 Thanks, but this isn't for display purposes, it's to break long strings into
 multiple sub strings witch will each be inserted into a database.I have to
 live with size limits on the fields, but you can have multiple fields per
 text.Go figure, but I have no control over database design, so I have to
 live with the limitation.

 Ian Skinner
 Web Programmer
 Sacramento, CA

 -Original Message-
 From: Ubqtous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:15 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: The Last Space.


 On 12/1/2003 at 13:02, you wrote:

 IS Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of
 IS the last white space character before an arbitrary limit?

 IS In the following example, I want the position of the last white
 IS space before the 25th character.

 IS The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

 IS So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which
 IS is the 20th character.This is the last white space before the
 IS 25th character with is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break
 IS the string into:

 IS The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is
 IS included. -- jumped over a lazy dog.

 Not the homemade solution you're looking for, but MX6.1's wrap()
 function supposedly does 'smart' wrapping automatically:

 ~ Ubqtous ~

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Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

2003-12-01 Thread Bryan Stevenson
Massimo you are da man!!

Great CFC BTWI cannibalized it for the bits I needed and it works great on Windows and Linux (at least for grabbing image dimensions).I'll try out your thumbnailing code soon as well.

Thanks alot because I was starting to wonder if I could pull this off ;-)


Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder  Director
- Original Message - 
From: Massimo, Tiziana e Federica 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

Try this CFC:"">

I never tested it on Linux, but it use the javax.imageio.ImageIO classes
instead of Swing.

I guess your problem are related to this:

Massimo Foti
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer

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Optimal CF Server settings w/SQL Server Cluster

2003-12-01 Thread Peter Amiri
I have a few questions regarding server settings in the following environement:

CF 5.0 cluster with 5 servers in the farm
MS SQL Server cluster - Raid 10 array connected to both servers with hot fail over
The application gets about 7 million page impressions per day 

I want to what the optimal settings should be for data sources settings. In particular Maintain Connections and Timeout settings. Currently maintain connections is set to yes and timeout is set to 5 minutes. But when the SQL server locks up for whatever reason and fails over to the backup server the CF queries just start to queue up. In other words it apears that maintaining connections open by CF some how does not get updated to the newly live box. Before resorting to turing off maintain connections I wanted to know if anyone has had much success with CF and SQL clusters.

-Peter Amiri
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Looking Up Issues on MM Site

2003-12-01 Thread Chris Montgomery

Tuesday, October 28, 2003, 2:17:51 PM, Jochem van Dieten wrote:

 Don't forget to fill out the wishform on the Macromedia website.
 mmdd has been the ISO standard way of writing a short date since
 before ColdFusion existed, and it is about time that that standard is
 supported. issue #49751

How the heck does one look up issues on Macromedia's site? I tried
searching for the above issue number and got no hits. Is there a search
form just for looking up issues? Thanks.

Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales
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RE: Optimal CF Server settings w/SQL Server Cluster

2003-12-01 Thread Stacy Young
I'm no expert in this area but if by chance you have switching
capabilities in your topology (Alteon or what-not)...create a vlan for
the database cluster and expose that to the CF servers via a single
network address. That way CF is always bound to a static virtual server matter which database cluster member is operating behind
the scenes.



From: Peter Amiri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: December 1, 2003 2:30 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Optimal CF Server settings w/SQL Server Cluster

I have a few questions regarding server settings in the following

CF 5.0 cluster with 5 servers in the farm
MS SQL Server cluster - Raid 10 array connected to both servers with hot
fail over
The application gets about 7 million page impressions per day 

I want to what the optimal settings should be for data sources settings.
In particular Maintain Connections and Timeout settings. Currently
maintain connections is set to yes and timeout is set to 5 minutes. But
when the SQL server locks up for whatever reason and fails over to the
backup server the CF queries just start to queue up. In other words it
apears that maintaining connections open by CF some how does not get
updated to the newly live box. Before resorting to turing off maintain
connections I wanted to know if anyone has had much success with CF and
SQL clusters.

-Peter Amiri

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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Ian Skinner
Yes, that is very close to what I'm looking for.In fact, it is close
enough that I could probably live with it, if I had too.

But as you know, we programmer types can spend too much time trying for
perfection.The only problem (that, again, I could probably live with) is
if there where a pipe | character in the string being processed.This
would result in an extra record, since the list functions would read one
list element as two.In and of itself, not really that big deal.But,
there are users who view this data I'm inserting in an old fashioned VT102
applications.They see each record on one line, so the broken up line may
look incorrect to them.

Now, my gut feeling is that there is probably less then a one percent chance
that the type of users who would be entering the string would use a pipe, so
this my not be worth exploring.But it would be nice, if this could be put
into an array or structure.

This is what I have come up with, but I would love to know if this could be

start = 1;
LFsubStr = now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their
while (start LT len(LFsubStr))
// yes, 2 ofs to make the space the 15th
sLastSpace = REFind('.{'  start  ','  start+13  '}(\s)', LFsubStr, 1,
if (arraylen(sLastSpace.Pos) EQ 2)
 subString = mid(LFsubStr,start,sLastSpace.Pos[2]-start);
 start = sLastSpace.Pos[2];
 substring = right(LFsubStr,len(LFsubStr)-start);
 start = len(LFsubStr);

subStringAry[element] = subString;
element = element + 1;


Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA

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RE: Optimal CF Server settings w/SQL Server Cluster

2003-12-01 Thread Peter Amiri

It's my understanding the the MS SQL Server cluster does this for you. Althought each of the individual servers have their own set of IP addresses. A virtual SQL Server is also created with it's own ip. All the CF Servers are pointed to the virtual SQL Server. When a SQL Server fail over occurs the CF Servers continue to communicate to the database through the same ip addresss. So therefore a seperate VLAN to achive the same thing shouldn't be needed. I may be wrong though? I suspect if I wait for the five minute timeout to occur the old connections will get killed and new ones will be created which would then work without a hitch. I can't afford the 5 minutes of dead time though. I am wondering how much of a savings Maintain Connections provides and whether we should just nix that options which should solve the problem.

-Peter Amiri 

-Original Message-
From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:35 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Optimal CF Server settings w/SQL Server Cluster

I'm no expert in this area but if by chance you have switching
capabilities in your topology (Alteon or what-not)...create a vlan for
the database cluster and expose that to the CF servers via a single
network address. That way CF is always bound to a static virtual server matter which database cluster member is operating behind
the scenes.



From: Peter Amiri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: December 1, 2003 2:30 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Optimal CF Server settings w/SQL Server Cluster

I have a few questions regarding server settings in the following

CF 5.0 cluster with 5 servers in the farm
MS SQL Server cluster - Raid 10 array connected to both servers with hot
fail over
The application gets about 7 million page impressions per day 

I want to what the optimal settings should be for data sources settings.
In particular Maintain Connections and Timeout settings. Currently
maintain connections is set to yes and timeout is set to 5 minutes. But
when the SQL server locks up for whatever reason and fails over to the
backup server the CF queries just start to queue up. In other words it
apears that maintaining connections open by CF some how does not get
updated to the newly live box. Before resorting to turing off maintain
connections I wanted to know if anyone has had much success with CF and
SQL clusters.

-Peter Amiri

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Re: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Add in another line or two of code to address Ian's issue of the potential of a
pipe being in the string and then it'll be perfect. Either that or do a loop
over the RegEx and mid() the results directly into the DB rather than create a
list. Lots of potential avenues.

 damn but that is sweet.i've been sitting here for about an hour tweaking a
UDF that's well over 20 lines (so far).and it's still not done.

 MUST MUST MUST learn regexp...

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dinowitz
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: The Last Space.

 string = this is a test of of the emergency broadcast system. It is
only a
test. If you expect this to go on and on, you are correct.;
 cut=REReplace(string, '(.{1,24} )', '\1|','all');
Your string is now cut up into a list. Each list element (delimited by a
is at most 25 characters long and ends in a space. Using a loop over the
will allow you to put each slice into the DB.
Is this basically what you wanted?

 Thanks, but this isn't for display purposes, it's to break long strings
 multiple sub strings witch will each be inserted into a database.I have
 live with size limits on the fields, but you can have multiple fields per
 text.Go figure, but I have no control over database design, so I have to
 live with the limitation.

 Ian Skinner
 Web Programmer
 Sacramento, CA

 -Original Message-
 From: Ubqtous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:15 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: The Last Space.


 On 12/1/2003 at 13:02, you wrote:

 IS Anybody know a trick (regex or otherwise) to find the position of
 IS the last white space character before an arbitrary limit?

 IS In the following example, I want the position of the last white
 IS space before the 25th character.

 IS The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.

 IS So I would want the position of the white space after 'fox', which
 IS is the 20th character.This is the last white space before the
 IS 25th character with is the 'e' in 'jumped'.Allowing me to break
 IS the string into:

 IS The quick brown fox  !-- note: trailing white space is
 IS included. -- jumped over a lazy dog.

 Not the homemade solution you're looking for, but MX6.1's wrap()
 function supposedly does 'smart' wrapping automatically:

 ~ Ubqtous ~

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RE: CFMX Server and Flash Remoting FIXED

2003-12-01 Thread Dave Watts
 I had to add an ISAPI filter called JRunConnectorFilter 
 that pointed to the Jrun DLL. I guess this is only needed 
 for remoting then? Because its not listed under IIS's master 
 properties or any of my other sites and yet they still serve 
 cfm pages fine.

JRun provides a single DLL that can be configured as an ISAPI filter, an
ISAPI extension, or both. It's my understanding that, by default, when you
run the JRun web server configuration tool (wsconfig), that it configures
IIS to use the DLL as both a filter and an extension.

However, all that's needed to serve standard .cfm pages is the ISAPI
extension, I think.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: The Last Space.

2003-12-01 Thread DURETTE, STEVEN J (AIT)

Did you try the function I sent?Well if you did, there was an error in it.

Here it is (corrected) in cfscript form in case you are not on MX.

 function seperateToArray(myString, maxLength) {
var myArray = arrayNew(1);
var spcPos = 0;
var myTmpStr = ;
var myTmpAry = false;

if(len(myString) GT maxLength) {
if(right(left(myString, maxLength), 1) NEQ  )
 spcPos = maxLength - len(listLast(left(myString, maxLength),  ));
 spcPos = maxLength;
myTmpStr = left(myString, spcPos);
myArray = seperateToArray(right(myString, len(myString) - spcPos),
} else {
myTmpStr = myString;

myTmpAry = arrayPrepend(myArray, myTmpStr);

return myArray;


-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 2:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The Last Space.

Yes, that is very close to what I'm looking for.In fact, it is close
enough that I could probably live with it, if I had too.

But as you know, we programmer types can spend too much time trying for
perfection.The only problem (that, again, I could probably live with) is
if there where a pipe | character in the string being processed.This
would result in an extra record, since the list functions would read one
list element as two.In and of itself, not really that big deal.But,
there are users who view this data I'm inserting in an old fashioned VT102
applications.They see each record on one line, so the broken up line may
look incorrect to them.

Now, my gut feeling is that there is probably less then a one percent chance
that the type of users who would be entering the string would use a pipe, so
this my not be worth exploring.But it would be nice, if this could be put
into an array or structure.

This is what I have come up with, but I would love to know if this could be

start = 1;
LFsubStr = now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their
while (start LT len(LFsubStr))
// yes, 2 ofs to make the space the 15th
sLastSpace = REFind('.{'  start  ','  start+13  '}(\s)', LFsubStr, 1,
if (arraylen(sLastSpace.Pos) EQ 2)
 subString = mid(LFsubStr,start,sLastSpace.Pos[2]-start);
 start = sLastSpace.Pos[2];
 substring = right(LFsubStr,len(LFsubStr)-start);
 start = len(LFsubStr);

subStringAry[element] = subString;
element = element + 1;


Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA

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Re: CFMX Server and Flash Remoting

2003-12-01 Thread Kevin Pompei
and see if it has been configured for the built-in web server.

I had trouble when I upgraded a demo install to a licensed copy.I was never able to get remoting working on the IIS instance.I had to do a complete reinstall.(This was on MX 6.0, I haven't had any problems with 6.1.)

-- Original Message --
From: Brook Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Mon, 01 Dec 2003 10:16:04 -0800

I can't get flash remoting to work on my server. I get a 404 when I go to:

I tried the technote at

With no success. Anyone else in this boat? Any suggestions?

Brook Davies

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Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

2003-12-01 Thread Massimo, Tiziana e Federica
Glad to hear it helps, and thanks for testing under Linux :-)

I am not 100% happy about the image's quality of the thumbnails it produce,
I have to dig and see if I find a better solution. Unfortunately I am not a
Java expert and many APIs that cover image manipulation are hidden into
areas of the JDK I never explored...

The good thing about this CFC is that it provides a simple solution that
works out of the box on JRE 1.4, without the need to install additional Java

Massimo Foti
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer

- Original Message -
From: Bryan Stevenson
Newsgroups: cf-talk
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

Massimo you are da man!!

Great CFC BTWI cannibalized it for the bits I needed and it works great
on Windows and Linux (at least for grabbing image dimensions).I'll try out
your thumbnailing code soon as well.

Thanks alot because I was starting to wonder if I could pull this off ;-)


Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
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Re: SQL Help on Join

2003-12-01 Thread Mickael
Hi Deanna

I guess I would have to do a sub-queryI always heard that a sub-query was not very efficient and that doing a join was always better.

- Original Message - 
From: Deanna Schneider 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Help on Join

You probably want to do a sub-query to get the payments. I can never
remember the syntax for that when you're using the left outer join syntax.
In Oracle, it would be something like this:

Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts,
Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT,
Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal,
from Client_debt, (SELECT debt_id, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt from client_pmt
group by debt_id) AS sub
WHERE client_debt.debt_id = sub.debt_id (+)

- Original Message - 
From: Scott Weikert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Help on Join

 Mickael writes:
  Select Count(*) as TotalAccounts, Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrig_AMT,
Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal, Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
  from Client_debt
  Left outer join Client_pmt on client_debt.debt_id = client_pmt.debt_id

 You're specifying the table names of the fields in your JOIN but not in
 SELECT. Should be, for example, SUM(tablename.Orig_atm), etc.

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Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

2003-12-01 Thread Ubqtous

On 12/1/2003 at 14:18, you wrote:

BS Great CFC BTWI cannibalized it for the bits I needed and it
BS works great on Windows and Linux (at least for grabbing image
BS dimensions).

Did this CFC require you to install anything extra (i.e. Java SDK or
JRE) on your RH9 machine? I had tried this particular CFC before,
which is when I discovered I was missing the javax library altogether.

~ Ubqtous ~
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RE: Optimal CF Server settings w/SQL Server Cluster

2003-12-01 Thread Dave Watts
 It's my understanding the the MS SQL Server cluster does this 
 for you. Althought each of the individual servers have their 
 own set of IP addresses. A virtual SQL Server is also created 
 with it's own ip. All the CF Servers are pointed to the 
 virtual SQL Server. When a SQL Server fail over occurs the CF 
 Servers continue to communicate to the database through the 
 same ip addresss. So therefore a seperate VLAN to achive the 
 same thing shouldn't be needed. I may be wrong though?

No, I think you're right, if your SQL Server cluster is set up as
active-active. You should be addressing the cluster itself, not any
individual server in the cluster.

 I suspect if I wait for the five minute timeout to occur the 
 old connections will get killed and new ones will be created 
 which would then work without a hitch. I can't afford the 5 
 minutes of dead time though. I am wondering how much of a 
 savings Maintain Connections provides and whether we should 
 just nix that options which should solve the problem.

You might consider shortening the time a database connection is maintained.
Maintaining connections does make a pretty big difference with SQL Server,
in my experience. I'd also be concerned if one of your database cluster
members is failing frequently, though - I think that SQL Server's clustering
ability is more useful for load-balancing than it is for failover.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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CFMX mappings through BEA plugin

2003-12-01 Thread cathy
Our environment is all Solaris 8 and 9. We're using iPlanet 4.1 as the web server and the BEA netscape plugin to proxy requests for J2EE and CFMX through to the BEA Weblogic 8.1 server.

If we go into the CFMX administrator directly (using the port on the WLS), we can go to the mappings section and browse the server. However, if we access it using the plugin from the web server, it throws the following java error (shows up as an IO error in the applet):

Uncaught exception.IFC release: IFC 1.1

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Connection

	at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

	at java.lang.Integer.init(Unknown Source)

	at allaire.cfide.CFNetRouter.processRPC(Unknown Source)

	at allaire.cfide.CFNetRouter.callRPC(Unknown Source)

	at allaire.cfide.CFDirectoryTree.initialLoad(Unknown Source)

	at allaire.cfide.CFDirectoryTree.performCommand(Unknown Source)

	at netscape.application.CommandEvent.processEvent(

	at netscape.application.EventLoop.processEvent(




	at Source)

Restarting EventLoop.

Any ideas? I'm just concerned that someone may code something like an upload or CFFILE that may not work either. Admittedly, we haven't tested that yet. We only have CFMX in development currently.

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value cannot convert to number

2003-12-01 Thread Sam Fisher
Hi Everyone,
Can someone tell be why I get a string convert error.I have tried setting up ID to Val(ID) and even IncrementValue(Val(ID)), but all it ever returns is either 0 or 1, respectively.Apparently ID is not getting converted.I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!What is wrong with converting a string to a number, especially when the string is just a concatenation of numbers?

Many thanks,

The value  cannot be converted to a number
156 : 	CFSET ID=ID + 1
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Re: CFFUNCTION - Any thoughts??

2003-12-01 Thread Ubqtous

On 12/1/2003 at 15:06, you wrote:

MTeF The good thing about this CFC is that it provides a simple
MTeF solution that works out of the box on JRE 1.4, without the need
MTeF to install additional Java stuff

I am very new to Java, but I am pretty sure I don't have JRE 1.4 on my
RH9/MX6.1 server. Is this what needs to be installed:

Download J2SE v 1.4.2_02  Linux RPM (or bin)  JRE

And is there anything I need to do to make sure the JRE doesn't
interfere with CF's Java components?


~ Ubqtous ~
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