Re: OT - Anyone know of a WEB spider that stores data in MSSQL Database

2009-11-24 Thread cf user

Might have a [partial] CF-based solution.
Contact me: this_ip_address at yahoo dot com.

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Re: SOT: New IE8 Cross Scripting vulnerability

2009-11-24 Thread cold.fusion

No, it's one more reason why developers should do what we can, in our
development processes, to protect our applications (cfqueryparam,
server-side variable validation, etc).

Noscript add on? Can you view, or do, anything on the web? ;)

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"

Andrew Grosset wrote:

  another reason why I browse with firefox with the noscript add on.

Apparently, IE8 has "protection" that rewrites pages to protect from XSS
attacks and there seems to be an issue with it that can actually introduce
XSS attacks. 

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Re: SOT: New IE8 Cross Scripting vulnerability

2009-11-24 Thread Andrew Grosset

another reason why I browse with firefox with the noscript add on.

>Apparently, IE8 has "protection" that rewrites pages to protect from XSS
>attacks and there seems to be an issue with it that can actually introduce
>XSS attacks.

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SOT: New IE8 Cross Scripting vulnerability

2009-11-24 Thread Sandra Clark

Apparently, IE8 has "protection" that rewrites pages to protect from XSS
attacks and there seems to be an issue with it that can actually introduce
XSS attacks.



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OT - Anyone know of a WEB spider that stores data in MSSQL Database

2009-11-24 Thread UXB Internet

Good day,

We have a client that has a requirement for indexing about 2-3 million pages
of web pages (industry specific sites) to make them searchable within their
existing website. The requirement is for this data to co-exist with existing
data in their existing MSSQL server to make it searchable using MSSQL's
free-text search functionality alongside existing searches.  

I am hoping that someone might have run across a windows based web spider
that has this functionality.  They are willing to purchase something if
reasonable.  I have looked at a couple of web spiders like Innerprise and
some "shareware" items but all seem to either no longer be supported or
don't interfacing with MSSQL.  The open source spiders/search packages I
have looked at all have their own indexing/searching engine or use MySQL as
a data source.

So can anyone direct me to a web spider that stores data into a MSSQL
database.  To make this (almost) on topic we are using CF for the existing
site and new features :)


Dennis Powers
UXB Internet - A Website Design & Hosting Company

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Re: Working out yes/no possibilities

2009-11-24 Thread Gerald Guido

> I feel like I'm in the middle of a
> dotcom startup. :)  During those times, I know a guy who's job was to
> keep all the clocks in the place (and they had a bunch for different
> timezones) accurate to the second.  Not that the company actually
> needed to have that sort of accuracy, but the boss thought it was a cool
> idea.
Now, that is an excellent use of resources. Dilbert indeed lives. Sounds to
me more like they might need someone to keep things from blinking 12:00.

At one place I worked "12 o'clock blinker" was a code word for the, how
would you say... the "technologically challenged". As in, "everything in the
place was blinking twelve o'clock"


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Thane Sherrington <> wrote:

> At 12:15 PM 24/11/2009, wrote:
Gerald Guido

"Wait. We can't stop here. This is bat country."
-- HST

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Re: Working out yes/no possibilities

2009-11-24 Thread Judah McAuley

Make sure you have a simple page with the task labeled on it and then
a big fat Print button. I'd be curious to see how much paper it takes
to print out those 4 million combinations.


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Thane Sherrington
> At 12:15 PM 24/11/2009, wrote:
>>Sorry, did I just say that out loud.  *snicker*.  You should ask you
>>boss how may possible combinations he thinks a test of 22 questions can
>>have.  I'd LOVE to hear how good his math skills are.  Here's a thought,
>>perhaps he simple wanted you to take the test TWICE.  Once with all true
>>and once with all false.  Then you would have hit every possible
>>answer-- just not in every possible combination.  If at all possible,
>>can you grab a pic of his face on your camera phone when you tell him
>>there are over 4 million ways to take your test.  Just wait, in a couple
>>months he'll be wanting you to test the 50 question multiple choice
>>quiz.  Not to worry, there's only
>>1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 possible ways to take that
>>one.  You'll have it done in no time.
>>*Sorry, I just had to have some fun with this one*
> LOL!  You're absolutely right.  I feel like I'm in the middle of a
> dotcom startup. :)  During those times, I know a guy who's job was to
> keep all the clocks in the place (and they had a bunch for different
> timezones) accurate to the second.  Not that the company actually
> needed to have that sort of accuracy, but the boss thought it was a cool idea.
> T

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RE: Working out yes/no possibilities

2009-11-24 Thread Thane Sherrington

At 12:15 PM 24/11/2009, wrote:

>Sorry, did I just say that out loud.  *snicker*.  You should ask you
>boss how may possible combinations he thinks a test of 22 questions can
>have.  I'd LOVE to hear how good his math skills are.  Here's a thought,
>perhaps he simple wanted you to take the test TWICE.  Once with all true
>and once with all false.  Then you would have hit every possible
>answer-- just not in every possible combination.  If at all possible,
>can you grab a pic of his face on your camera phone when you tell him
>there are over 4 million ways to take your test.  Just wait, in a couple
>months he'll be wanting you to test the 50 question multiple choice
>quiz.  Not to worry, there's only
>1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 possible ways to take that
>one.  You'll have it done in no time.
>*Sorry, I just had to have some fun with this one*

LOL!  You're absolutely right.  I feel like I'm in the middle of a 
dotcom startup. :)  During those times, I know a guy who's job was to 
keep all the clocks in the place (and they had a bunch for different 
timezones) accurate to the second.  Not that the company actually 
needed to have that sort of accuracy, but the boss thought it was a cool idea.


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RE: CFStoredProc.StatusCode makes stored proc public

2009-11-24 Thread Chad Gray

Just a guess, but do you have to declare the stored procedure and result?

> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Phelan []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 12:57 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: CFStoredProc.StatusCode makes stored proc public
> All,
> I have written a central monitor app in flex that uses CF remote objects
> to call CF web services for data retrieval.  One of the functions in the
> web service calls a stored function that will return success or failure.
> The issue is that I am trying to keep everything local to the function,
> but as soon as I set ReturnCode to true, cfstoredproc becomes a public
> variable.  I have tried using cfprocresult, but it never gets populated.
> I have tried setting the return variable, but cfstoredproc still goes
> public.  The result variable stays local, so I guess if I never reference
> cfstoredproc.* I'll be OK, but I'd like to be able to keep it local.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> I am using Flex 3 for the UI, CF 8 for the date retrieval and
> manipulation, win 2k3 server with IIS, and Intersystems Cache2k8 as the
> backend.
> David Phelan
> Sr. CF Developer
> LifePoint Informatics
> 201-447-9991 Ext 318

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CFStoredProc.StatusCode makes stored proc public

2009-11-24 Thread Dave Phelan


I have written a central monitor app in flex that uses CF remote objects to 
call CF web services for data retrieval.  One of the functions in the web 
service calls a stored function that will return success or failure.  The issue 
is that I am trying to keep everything local to the function, but as soon as I 
set ReturnCode to true, cfstoredproc becomes a public variable.  I have tried 
using cfprocresult, but it never gets populated.  I have tried setting the 
return variable, but cfstoredproc still goes public.  The result variable stays 
local, so I guess if I never reference cfstoredproc.* I'll be OK, but I'd like 
to be able to keep it local.  Anyone have any suggestions?

I am using Flex 3 for the UI, CF 8 for the date retrieval and manipulation, win 
2k3 server with IIS, and Intersystems Cache2k8 as the backend.

David Phelan
Sr. CF Developer
LifePoint Informatics
201-447-9991 Ext 318

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Re: Working out yes/no possibilities

2009-11-24 Thread Robert Bell

Ahh, me knee-jerk reactions is that he is looking for
cheating patterns ??

>>May I ask why on earth you are doing this? :)
>Thanks for this Brad, I'll give it a shot. As to the why, my boss 
>wants us to generate every possible answer in the questionnaire for 
>testing purposes - I know that makes no sense at all, but mine is not 
>to wonder why, mine is but to do and die and all that. :)
>Sorry, did I just say that out loud.  *snicker*.  You should ask you
>boss how may possible combinations he thinks a test of 22 questions can
>have.  I'd LOVE to hear how good his math skills are.  Here's a thought,
>perhaps he simple wanted you to take the test TWICE.  Once with all true
>and once with all false.  Then you would have hit every possible
>answer-- just not in every possible combination.  If at all possible,
>can you grab a pic of his face on your camera phone when you tell him
>there are over 4 million ways to take your test.  Just wait, in a couple
>months he'll be wanting you to test the 50 question multiple choice
>quiz.  Not to worry, there's only
>1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 possible ways to take that
>one.  You'll have it done in no time.
>*Sorry, I just had to have some fun with this one* 

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Re: remote FTP directly from client browser

2009-11-24 Thread Ian Skinner

Robert Schimmel wrote:
> I am not sure about AIR availability on the network. 

All that needs to be available is recent version of Flash players on 
users system to run the Air downloadable that you create, compile and 
deliver from a web page.

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Re: remote FTP directly from client browser

2009-11-24 Thread Robert Schimmel

I am not sure about AIR availability on the network. It is something I will 
definitely look into though. Would solve the problem.


>Just to throw an idea out there that I have little idea how difficult it 
>would be to implement nor if it would pass what ever concerns your 
>clients are worried about.  But could an AIR application solve something?
>Theoretically it allows you to use your HTML, CFML, JavaScript, 
>ActionScript and MXML? (Flex) code skills to be used to write a client 
>interface that is delivered to the user. 

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RE: Working out yes/no possibilities

2009-11-24 Thread brad

>May I ask why on earth you are doing this? :)

Thanks for this Brad, I'll give it a shot. As to the why, my boss 
wants us to generate every possible answer in the questionnaire for 
testing purposes - I know that makes no sense at all, but mine is not 
to wonder why, mine is but to do and die and all that. :)



Sorry, did I just say that out loud.  *snicker*.  You should ask you
boss how may possible combinations he thinks a test of 22 questions can
have.  I'd LOVE to hear how good his math skills are.  Here's a thought,
perhaps he simple wanted you to take the test TWICE.  Once with all true
and once with all false.  Then you would have hit every possible
answer-- just not in every possible combination.  If at all possible,
can you grab a pic of his face on your camera phone when you tell him
there are over 4 million ways to take your test.  Just wait, in a couple
months he'll be wanting you to test the 50 question multiple choice
quiz.  Not to worry, there's only
1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 possible ways to take that
one.  You'll have it done in no time.

*Sorry, I just had to have some fun with this one*

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RE: Working out yes/no possibilities

2009-11-24 Thread Thane Sherrington

At 12:18 AM 24/11/2009, wrote:

>So, one possible output for example would be 1010101010101010101010
>where each odd numbered question was marked true, and each even numbered
>question was marked false.
>It may take a while to churn out all 4 million combinations, but it will
>May I ask why on earth you are doing this?  :)

Thanks for this Brad, I'll give it a shot.  As to the why, my boss 
wants us to generate every possible answer in the questionnaire for 
testing purposes - I know that makes no sense at all, but mine is not 
to wonder why, mine is but to do and die and all that. :)


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