Re: Round to the nearest .5 value

2009-11-25 Thread Allen Souliere

#Round(3.21/0.5) *0.5#
#Round(3.31/0.5) *0.5#
#Round(3.61/0.5) *0.5#
#Round(3.91/0.5) *0.5#
#Round(4.24/0.5) *0.5#
#Round(4.49/0.5) *0.5#
#Round(4.50/0.5) *0.5#




Che Vilnonis wrote:
 I'm trying to create a ratings system that shows 1/2 values. Quick
 question, what would be the easiest way to round a value to the nearest .5
 of a number? I'm trying to avoid multiple if/elses.

 i.e. 3.21 would round to 3
 i.e. 3.31 would round to 3.5
 i.e. 3.61 would round to 3.5
 i.e. 3.91 would round to 4

 Thanks, Che


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Question about CF8 on Win 2003 Server

2009-11-25 Thread Allen Souliere

Hey there,

I was wondering if anyone has had any experiences with this situation:

I have a Windows Server 2003 server.  I need to install CF8 (Standard 
installation) on it, but I know for a fact that in the next little 
while, that machine will undergo a machine name change.

Does CF8 care what the name of the machine is?  Has anyone changed the 
machine name when there is a running CF8 installation on it?  I am 
trying to determine if it is better for me to just wait until the 
server's machine name changes.


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Re: Education

2009-10-26 Thread Allen Souliere

Billy Cox wrote:
 I'm a musician as well. scary!!

 Rick Faircloth wrote:
 I think you're right, Mark.

 Music, especially theory, is very logical and an lot
 like programming...just a different medium.

*raises up guitar, and keyboard and rests them on the desk by his keyboard*

*officially creepy now*


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Re: Education

2009-10-26 Thread Allen Souliere

Bryan Stevenson wrote:
 Speaking as a non-musician.

Poppycock, you picked up my guitar when I brought it in the office and 
played it.
 Actually I think I really am onejust never had the time to keep
 playing ;-)


I believe that that while you can phrase computer science as a science, 
there is much more art than science to it.  There is artistry in seeing 
all of the parts and guiding them into the whole.  It really makes sense 
that musicians and programmer/analysts tend to go hand in hand.


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Re: Getting last inserted record from database

2009-10-26 Thread Allen Souliere

You may also want to consider the use of sequences instead of an 
identity column (a la Oracle and others).  I don't know if that is an 
option for you though.


Alan Rother wrote:
 Here are the help docs for your database type. the same CFQUERY
 as your insert do a select and follow the syntax indicated on that help
 page. You also need to specify a name for your query so it can return the
 resulting ID.

 Keep in mind, in a high transaction environment, this may not always return
 the ID of the row you just inserted, it could return another query's ID.

 If you are going to have a high volume of transactions you may want to use
 a separate query that looks for the data you just inserted



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Re: Education

2009-10-23 Thread Allen Souliere

To buck the overall trend, Computer Systems Technology at Camosun 
College.  I have seen professionals in our field ranging from Computer 
Science trained, to those with Doctorates in Paleontology.  Its funny 
how most of the instructors (something like 75%) did not have degrees in 
either computer science or education.

 From a practical standpoint, experience does count the most.  I think, 
though, that a lot of companies use 'must have a a degree' as a 
brainless filter to try and weed out a large number of applicants.  Its 
an attitude that has always been there.

I personally believe that experience over education is what should 
really be considered when staffing.  That, and communication skills.  
I've seen computer science people with Masters degrees who were terrible 
programmers, I've seen people with no computer science background being 
terrific programmers, and everything in between.

I wouldn't even want to apply for a company that _requires_ a degree 
over experience, because if they are looking at the wrong criteria right 
off the bat, can you imagine what their attitudes towards doing business 
are like?

Allen Souliere

Phillip Vector wrote:
 Just curious..

 I've seen allot of jobs require lately BA/BS and not accept experience
 in it's place. What in your estimation is the percent of coldfusion
 people who have these and do you have one yourself?

 For me, I don't have any college experience and I would guess that
 about 5% of the coldfusion community actually have a BA/BS.

 Has your experience been different?


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Re: Free Database Enginer for ColdFusion

2009-10-06 Thread Allen Souliere

Oracle XE may not exceed 4 GB.  If this is a limitation, then it is not 
suitable.  Also, I believe it requires full installation.  Derby runs 
out of the box quite easily and has a very small footprint.


I. Addoum. wrote:
 best choice would be Oracle XE (it's free)


 From: Arsalan Tariq Keen
 To: cf-talk
 Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 7:49:56 AM
 Subject: Free Database Enginer for ColdFusion

 Hi fellows,

 does anyone know of a lightweight free database engine that I can bundle with 
 my applications for small and medium size businesses?



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Re: reading text from images

2009-10-02 Thread Allen Souliere

For handwritten forms, you generally must use data entry to make them 
electronic.  There is too much variance in handwriting to ever make it 
suitable for OCR.   You should consider either having them all typed in, 
or store them electronically and just create a database with enough 
meta-information about the documents to allow searching.  I guess it 
depends on what the company needs to be able to search by.


Richard White wrote:
 Thanks for the link jason, we will try this out

 i also should have mentioned that the scanned writing is handwritten. 

 a company is just becoming computerised and therefore wants all previous 
 handwritten forms to be transferred to digital. 

 we are sure many of you have faced the same problem before so would 
 appreciate any advice on how you tackled this issue

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Re: reading text from images

2009-10-02 Thread Allen Souliere

Jason Fisher wrote:
 Agree with Alan here.  If you need ancient handwritten docs to be databased 
 and/or search-ready, I would recommend finding a couple college types to do 
 some data entry for you at $10 / hour and get it done that way.  OCR can't 
 pick up the possible variations among various handwriting forms. 


I would consider, though, finding a company that does double data 
entry.  The cost is generally quite acceptable, and the accuracy of 
using a professional data entry firm is well worth it.  They can also 
handle very large volumes very quickly. 

Years ago, I actually worked in Data Entry, doing birth certificates, 
death certificates, hunting entries, school marks, etc.  I've seen some 
_truly_ terrible writing, and in the long run I think data entry firms 
catch much more of those mistakes than most people would.

Best of Luck,

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Re: Best approach

2009-09-16 Thread Allen Souliere

I have a great approach to this, assuming java can run on the tablet 
PC.  It is possible to make a bundle with OpenBlueDragon (with some .bat 
files to handle the startup) capable of running on the Tablet PC.  It 
can run locally with no network required, allow you to leverage your 
CFML skills to do the processing of the checklist.  Once done, the local 
CFML web application can then send the data (once connected) via web 
services (or whatever upload mechanism you decide upon) to the main 
server over the internet.

It is also possible through the admin api to set up a datasource from 
the tablet to the master server programmatically in OpenBD, and insert 
directly into your database, but you may prefer to expose the database 
in a different way (ie Web Services, etc.) instead.

I have done a standalone server in this manner before.

Otherwise, you may be looking at writing a native app on the tablet PC 
to do this.


Randy Adkins wrote:
 Looking for the best approach to the following task:

 allow users to download a checklist to a tablet pc, do some security
 checks with the tablet pc in hand (not connected to the web).

 Upon completing the checks, connect to the Internet and upload the
 results. Then I can parse and add to the master database.


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Re: Can somebody translate this to coldfusion?

2009-09-14 Thread Allen Souliere

  Rick T wrote: 
  #define STX 0x02
  #define ETX 0x03
 it is a function of type integer called calculate_lrc. There is an 
 input pointer to a string called packet.
  short int calculate_lrc(char *packet)
 define variables
  char *lrc_ptr;
  short int lrc = 0;
 assign the lrc_ptr (pointer) to the first character of the packet 
  lrc_ptr = packet;
 If the first character is a STX (start transmission x02, return with a 
 failure value of -1
  if( ! (lrc_ptr = strchr (lrc_ptr, STX )) )
  return (-1);
The strchr function in ANSI C does this:

The  strchr() function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the
   character c in the string s.

So, I take this to mean that if STX does not occur anywhere within the string 
pointed to by lrc_ptr, then the condition is met and -1 is returned.

 Add one to the pointer
 start a do while loop
  do {
 assign the lrc variable to the current pointer address plus one 
  lrc ^= *lrc_ptr++;

This statement is actually doing this:

lrc is assigned the value of 
(lrc   BitwiseXOR   whatever is stored at the _current_ address of lrc_ptr).  

Because the ++ is after lrc_ptr, it is a post-increment.

So, the ++ increments the pointer _after_ it is referenced in the statment.  
You could break that statement into 2 parts to see what is really happening:

lrc ^= *lrc_ptr;
lrc_ptr ++;

 check to see if the next character is the end of transmission 
 character ETX (x03)
  } while (*lrc_ptr != ETX);
 drop out the do while loop when the current character pointed to by 
 the lrc_ptr is ETX
 assign the lrc variable (perhaps last received character with the 
 pointed to by the current pointer position

I think this is actually performing a Longitudinal Redundancy check (see  It states:

Set LRC = 0
   For each character c in the string
   Set LRC = LRC XOR c
   end do

An 8-bit LRC such as this is equivalent to a cyclic redundancy check using the 
polynomial x8+1, but the independence of the bit streams is less clear when 
looked at that way.

Many protocols use such an XOR-based longitudinal redundancy check character, 
including the IEC 62056-21 standard for electrical meter reading, and the 
ACCESS.bus protocol.

  lrc ^= *lrc_ptr;

Once again, ^= means lrc = (lrc   BitwiseXOR   whatever is stored at the 
_current_ address of lrc_ptr).  

 return the character
  return lrc;
 So my guess after 25+ years of fooling with this sort of thing is 
 that this function takes a string from the comm port (or other 
 UART device), lops off the control codes, and sends the last 
 character in the string to the caller. I am rusty at this and without 
 context, it is tricky to give you an exact answer.

It took me a while to step through this too.  I miss C, I haven't been able to 
use it in a project in ages.

 Of course, I could be completely out to lunch too. No pun intended 
 as I swallow my burger.
 I miss the old days are reading teletype and paper tape codes. I 
 remember writing C code to do something like this when I was 
 with a teletype device back when microcomputers came out. It was like 
 Got any COBOL you want translated. ;) Good luck, Roger
 -- Home of the Clean/Dirty Magnet ColdFusion Conference in North Carolina Oct 17-18

Best of luck too.  I started pumping out my CF example, but I won't have time 
to doublecheck it for accuracy yet.

One caveat to this whole thing is that in the code above, the C code is 
treating each character as a char (1 byte).  I have _no_ idea what CF will 
treat that character in the string as1 byte, 2 bytes, etc.

Are you able to say what application you will be using this for?

Allen Souliere 

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Re: warm stand by for a coldfusion application

2009-09-14 Thread Allen Souliere

 When my cf application server goes down, I want a backup machine (warm 
 backup I guess) to take over. Should be a simple IP switch from one 
 machien to another if possible.
 Can someone who have worked on failover scenarios suggest some options 
 for me? I do not want my application to die due to machine crash. 

Several years ago I had the experience of using the commercial product Central 
Dispatch from Resonate (sucked up by Sun I believe).

It was an end to end fail-over and load balancing solution, and at the time it 
ran on Linux.  I believe that they removed support for Linux circa 2000, 2001.  
It was a really bang-on product though.


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