RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-19 Thread Bryan S


The Cron Job is running the URL on a remote Linux Server. The browser
settings on my PC would have no affect on it.


-Original Message-
From: denstar [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 7:31 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Bryan S wrote:

 There is only one cfhttp call in the whole app and no cflocation calls.

Maybe it's something with cookies, is all I can think of.

What happens if you turn off cookies and whatnot in your browser, and
then hit the URL?


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Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-17 Thread Bryan S

I am now getting the same behavior running Event1 from a Linux Cron Job with
the Cold Fusion Scheduled Tasks turned off.

I have added new code to Event2.that prevents the undesired reports from

This does not solve the mystery, however, and it could lead to other
problems so I would like to figure out the cause. Here is a summary based on
my updated knowledge of the issue. My application has extensive logging
which helps me piece this together.

This happens if I run Event1 as a Cold Fusion Scheduled Task or as a Linux
Cron Job. It DOES NOT happen if I run Event1 manually from a browser.

Minute1 - Event1 checks if it should run a report and determines it should
and fires Event2 which starts a report.
Minute2 - Event1 checks if it should run a report and determines it should
NOT and does nothing but log
Minute3 - ''
Minute4 - ''

Minute5 - 'Event1 checks if it should run a report and determines it should
NOT and does nothing but log
Minute5 - Somehow a url identical to the one fired at Minute1 which runs
Event2 fires (Now that I've put code in Event2 to stop it no report runs but
the URL does fire and I have no idea how or why)

Once the second URL fires no URLs fire until the report that started at
Minute1 is complete. Then the process starts all over again.

This happens whether I run Event1 once a minute, once every 10 minutes, or
once every 7 minutes.

If the report that started at Minute1 completes at Minute3 a report will
properly start at Minute4. In this case no URL fires at Minute5. Instead it
waits until Minute9 which is five minutes after the currently running report

Thanks for your help so far. I think I've got it surrounded but I just don't
know what is causing that Phantom URL to fire.

There is only one cfhttp call in the whole app and no cflocation calls.


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Dorioo wrote:

 Not having full control is definitely going to impede your testing.

 Although it's plausible that you could run railo on your personal
 computer, schedule the URL that you're testing, see if it runs twice 5
 minutes later, and delete railo. You'd at least know then if CF7 is
 the problem.

 - Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan S

I changed the interval on the Scheduled Task from 10 minutes to 7 minutes.
The second identical URL still fires exactly 5 minutes after the first.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 5:36 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Something to test: I'd change the scheduled task to run at something
other than 10 minutes and see if it affects that 5 minute timeframe.
Then you'd at least know that the second one is definitely tied into
the first one as the 5 minute window changes when you changed the 10
minute window.

- Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan S

I disabled all of the existing Scheduled Tasks relating to this application.

I then deleted all of the existing Scheduled Tasks relating to this

I created a new Scheduled Task with a new name and an interval of 6 minutes
instead of 10 or 7.

The test results were identical.

The scheduled task fires and correctly determines it should run a report so
it fires a URL calling the event that starts a report.

Exactly 5 minutes later another identical URL fires and starts another
report. There is no indication in the Cold Fusion Scheduled Task log or in
my application logs that another Cold Fusion Scheduled Task fires. There is
an indication in my application log that a URL calling the event that starts
a report is fired again.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Faircloth [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:36 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks


Have you tried deleting your scheduled tasks and then re-entering them?
Might clear the cobwebs...


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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan S


configNumber is an identifier I put on the URL called by the scheduled task.
I pass it all the way through for logging purposes.

This is the contents of the file for the report I want to run:
3/12/2010 9:49 AM
{ts '2010-03-12 09:49:05'} The following scheduledId was just executed: 2914
- arguments.configNumber = 1 - local.uuidForReport =

This is the contents of the file for the report I DO NOT want to run:
3/12/2010 9:54 AM
{ts '2010-03-12 09:54:07'} The following scheduledId was just executed: 2920
- arguments.configNumber = 1 - local.uuidForReport =


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 8:08 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Another test comes to mind. I'd change the call to run a report to do
something else like write a text file that's named using a UUID. Does
that file get written again 5 minutes later?

Testing to see if the main task runs twice for everything or if
there's some relationship between running twice and making a CFHTTP

- Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan S


Yes it does write another file five minutes later. Sorry, that is why I
included the time stamps to demonstrate that.

I haven't experienced this with other scheduled tasks but none of the other
scheduled tasks redirect to another URL either.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 10:08 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

So it wrote the file again 5 minutes later? Do any of your other
scheduled tasks behave like this one?

- Gabriel

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Bryan S wrote:


 configNumber is an identifier I put on the URL called by the scheduled
 I pass it all the way through for logging purposes.

 This is the contents of the file for the report I want to run:
 \uuidTest52D99D5B-0C5F-3CA2-303F0CF77BC50955\d100312.txt        167
 3/12/2010 9:49 AM
 {ts '2010-03-12 09:49:05'} The following scheduledId was just executed:
 - arguments.configNumber = 1 - local.uuidForReport =

 This is the contents of the file for the report I DO NOT want to run:
 \uuidTest52DE3980-C6AB-230F-FB79BCC2FA5D67E8\d100312.txt        167
 3/12/2010 9:54 AM
 {ts '2010-03-12 09:54:07'} The following scheduledId was just executed:
 - arguments.configNumber = 1 - local.uuidForReport =

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan S


I did a global search of the application and cfschedule appears no where.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 10:26 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks


You don't by any chance have a cfschedule tag in any of your code?  Maybe
something is hitting code with a cfschedule tag to automatically recall the
page in 5 minutes.

That might explain why the second hit is always exactly 5 minutes after the
original call no matter what the time frame is.


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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan S

I can't even get our server guys to respond with an answer if the latest
updater is installed. Therefore, I am not optimistic about my chances of
them installing another application for my testing purposes.

One option that has been presented that I may have to explore is to have a
then create a cron job fire the URL on the Linux server.

I've tried to avoid that since it makes me more dependent on our server guys
which compromises my development productivity.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 10:42 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

I saw the timestamp but was wondering if your code was _only_ creating
the files or if it was still calling the CFHTTP call _and_ creating
the files. In other words, is it the CFHTTP call that triggers it?

Regardless, if it's not your code, that 5 minute timeframe is freaky
and could be something internal to CF.

1. The updater notes for CF7 include a fix for scheduled tasks running
twice. Updater notes are never that detailed so this may be related to
that. Running the updater is at least an option if not already done.

2. If you've already updated and it's still occurring, I know updating
from CF7 is not an option but how about running an instance of Railo
and using it as a glorified scheduled task manager?  It's free, open
source, and newer than CF7. And you wouldn't even have to change your
code as you'd be using it simply for your scheduled tasks.

At a minimum, you could run an instance of it to test if the same
behavior occurs through scheduled tasks created in Railo. That would
help you determine if it's internal to CF7 and its scheduled tasks.

- Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-11 Thread Bryan S

The data are the same for both the desired call and the unexplained call to
the URL exactly five minutes later.

The five minute interval is very puzzling as is the fact that it only
happens when Event1 is run *from the Cold Fusion 7 scheduler*. If I run
event1 in a browser the second URL call does not occur.


-Original Message-
From: Bryan S [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 4:19 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks


Thanks very much. I've added those to my code and will run another series of
tests to see if anything useful shows up.

The logging that I'm doing only works with string so I can't just dump the
whole cgi form and url scopes to a file without specifying each one and then
the log gets kind of unwieldy with all of that in there.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 3:33 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks


I normally save all of CGI/Form/URL.
The main CGI ones to look at though are:
Cgi.http_referer, cgi.http_user_agent, cgi.remote_addr,
cgi.request_method, cgi.script_name

If cgi.remote_addr is the ip of the server then the server made the
call. User agent helps to see if it was the scheduler or not.
Script_name ensures that it isn't some old version (name_old.cfm) laying
around that is getting called somehow. Request method helps if this
comes from a form, if the method is get, then something looped around
and called it.


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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-11 Thread Bryan S

Gabriel and Steve

There is no indication in the Cold Fusion Scheduled Task log that the
Scheduled Tasks are activating twice.

There is no indication in the Cold Fusion Scheduled Task log that the
Scheduled Tasks are running twice.

There is no indication in my application logs that Event1 which is run by
the scheduled task is running twice.

There *is* indication in my application log that Event2 that is fired by
Event1 when appropriate is being run twice via the fired URL.

One Scheduled Task, two URLs fired. One five minutes after the other.

Thanks for your continued efforts to help.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:23 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

After restarting the server, the scheduled tasks are activated twice. ??

- Gabriel

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:33 AM, DURETTE, STEVEN J (ATTASIAIT) wrote:

 Is the CF7 server fully patched?  I seem to remember a fix for scheduled
 jobs running twice. I could be remembering incorrectly though.


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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-11 Thread Bryan S

The scheduled task is scheduled to run every 10 minutes. There is no
indication in the Cold Fusion Scheduled Task log that a Scheduled Task fires
when it isn't scheduled to.

I will check with our server administrators if the latest updater is
installed. I would be surprised if it were not. I have been in regular
contact with them about this issue.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:31 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Is your scheduled task scheduled to run every 5 minutes? Do you have
the latest updater for CF7 installed? Or original CF7?

- Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-11 Thread Bryan S


Yes I have looked at that on numerous occasions. In addition there is
logging in my application that would indicate if that were happening.

Thanks for trying to help.


-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:54 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

I have not followed this thread to know if this has been asked.

But have you confirmed that there is not another ColdFusion server 
(development, testing, cluster, something) calling that URL as another 
scheduled taks on that system.

I've seen that in the past where somebody sets a schedule task on the 
development for testing then moves it to production but leaves the 
development one running and somehow or the other they both actually call 
the same URL.

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S

Well, I think I know why I didn't use that originally. It is not working. I
am probably doing something dumb but I haven't been able to Google this
problem away.

It tried two things. Neither of them worked.

In my .cfm view I replaced
cflocation url=#local.desiredEvent# addToken=Yes /
Which works with
cfhttp method=get url=#local.desiredEvent#
Which does not work

I also tried adding this to my .cfc bypassing the .cfm entirely
cfhttp method=get url=#local.desiredEventValues.desiredEvent#

With these code changes nothing happens. There is no indication that the URL
is being called.

So what am I doing wrong? And thanks for the help.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:11 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Cflocation within a scheduled task would be the first thing I'd toss
while testing. Doesn't sit well with me.

I'd replace it with a CFHTTP call (you're generating a url already)
and if I really wanted to decouple the two I may put it in a CFTHREAD.
Just some testing ideas.

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S

-The good news...

The cfhttp call is working now. When I tried it in the .cfc I disabled the
.cfm view. When that didn't work I put the cfhttp call in the .cfm but
forgot to reenable the view.

-The bad news...

The cfhttp call did not fix the problem.
Cold Fusion Scheduled Task calls Event1
Event1 calls Event2
Five minutes exactly passes and Event2 gets fired again

Event1 does not get called again
No Cold Fusion Scheduled Task can be found to fire Event2. In any event how
would it know to fire five minutes after Event1 is called.

-The weird news...

This code failed to stop and let me look at the values in cfhttp.

cfhttp method=get url=#local.desiredEvent#

cfhttp = cfdump var=#cfhttp# var=cfhttp
cfabort /

This problem is killing me.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 9:32 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Dump cfhttp after the call and it will show you useful information
(run the page in the browser so you can see the dump).

Look at the status values and response for clues as to what's going.

- Gabriel

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Bryan S wrote:

 Well, I think I know why I didn't use that originally. It is not working.
 am probably doing something dumb but I haven't been able to Google this
 problem away.

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S


O.K. I fixed the problem with the cfdump having two vars and no label but
prior to reading your post showing my oversight I tried to do some file
logging as shown below. The results of the top call to logEntry show in the
file but the results of the second call do not. This occurred with
cflocation as well. Once it gets to that line it doesn't go past it in the

cfset local.logEntry =
local.desiredEvent /
logEntry(flexcomm-schedule-results,specialDebugging,local.logEntry) /

cfhttp method=get url=#local.desiredEvent#

cfset local.logEntry = specialDebugging-AFTER
CFHTTP-from-redirect-scheduled-task.cfm= /
logEntry(flexcomm-schedule-results,specialDebugging,local.logEntry) /

cfhttp = cfdump var=#cfhttp# label=cfhttp
cfabort /


Did you declare var twice in your cfdump like posted? I'd remove the
second var as it may not like that.

- Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S

Thanks for trying John but this won't help me. There are only certain
conditions when I don't want another report to start. When the server has
sufficient resources to process another report I want multiple reports to
run simultaneously. Event1 checks if those conditions exist.


-Original Message-
From: John Drake [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 12:53 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Its a bit of a kludge - but could you add some cfif code to check the time
and if it didn't meet the criteria it wouldn't process?

I.e. if the task is supposed to fire every 12 minutes - check the time when
running the task and if it isn't :12, :24, :36, :48, or :00 - then don't

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S


We are running Cold Fusion 7 and there is no indication that is going to
change any time soon.

Thanks very much for trying to help.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 2:00 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Also, what version of CF are you running?

- Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S

I have code that dumps any exception to a file. Previously I put a cfthrow
in Event2 just after it started the report. This dumped the stack trace to a
file. There was nothing before the call to Event2 besides the normal Mach-II
event handling stuff.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1:54 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

In event 2, put in something that saves off all the CGI/form/url
variables to a file before it does any other processing.  Then you can
look at the file for the second run and see what kicked it off.

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S


I already have logging code in there and it is storing the cgi.remote-addr
the logged in user and information about the report it just started. As
mentioned previously, I know what the stack trace is.

It will be easy for me to add other variables but I can't think of any that
would be useful in debugging this.

Which variables do you think will help in this situation? I will add them to
my existing logging.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 2:35 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks


I'm just talking about a simple file with this information.  Have it
save for every call not just exceptions.  Then you can see things like
the browser used.  If it is the cf scheduler that is somehow kicking it
off then cfscheduler will be listed as the browser (or something
similar).  If it's a cflocation from another page, then it should show
the http-referrer of the page.

Just starting with the basics to make sure that it isn't something
simple that would *NEVER* happen.  You know those things that bite you
in the A** because every time you thought well it's not that. (Happens
to me quite often)


-Original Message-
From: Bryan S [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 2:15 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

I have code that dumps any exception to a file. Previously I put a
in Event2 just after it started the report. This dumped the stack trace
to a
file. There was nothing before the call to Event2 besides the normal
event handling stuff.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1:54 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

In event 2, put in something that saves off all the CGI/form/url
variables to a file before it does any other processing.  Then you can
look at the file for the second run and see what kicked it off.

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan S


Thanks very much. I've added those to my code and will run another series of
tests to see if anything useful shows up.

The logging that I'm doing only works with string so I can't just dump the
whole cgi form and url scopes to a file without specifying each one and then
the log gets kind of unwieldy with all of that in there.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 3:33 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks


I normally save all of CGI/Form/URL.
The main CGI ones to look at though are:
Cgi.http_referer, cgi.http_user_agent, cgi.remote_addr,
cgi.request_method, cgi.script_name

If cgi.remote_addr is the ip of the server then the server made the
call. User agent helps to see if it was the scheduler or not.
Script_name ensures that it isn't some old version (name_old.cfm) laying
around that is getting called somehow. Request method helps if this
comes from a form, if the method is get, then something looped around
and called it.


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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-09 Thread Bryan S

I have a lot of new information now but I'd really appreciate some help on
this because I still have the problem.


I've never had much luck getting response to my questions on this forum. If
I am doing something wrong please let me know.


I'm going to *try* to keep this as simple as possible. I am able to simplify
it because of all the testing I have done in the last few weeks.


I have a Cold Fusion Scheduled Task the purpose of which is to start a
report if no other report is running at that time.


The scheduled task fires Event1 which checks if  a report is running and if
there is no report running it fires Event2 which starts a report. I have
separate logging in Event1 and Event2 so I can tell when each one fires.


Event1 finds no report running and fires Event2 which starts ReportA. One
minute later it checks and finds ReportA running so it does not fire Event2.
This continues until five minutes after ReportA started.


Five minutes after ReportA starts my logging confirms that Event1 fires and
correctly determines that ReportA is not running and therefore does not call
Event2. HOWEVER, my logging also indicates that Event2 does get fired and as
a result ReportB is started. This results in an undesirable circumstance
because these are very large reports and when run concurrently they use up
all available memory on the server.


To debug this problem I turned off all Scheduled Tasks except 1 and found
that both calls to Event2 are coming from the original call to Event1.


If I turn off all Scheduled Tasks no reports ever get fired so it can not be
a Cold Fusion Scheduled Task call on another server somewhere.


The really odd thing is that once two reports are running no other reports
start until both reports finish. Once both reports finish the cycle repeats.
A report starts, then five minutes later another one starts. Never four
minutes or six minutes, always five.


I assure you I did not code anything that does this. I am checking if a
report is running but not when it started.


To further add to the puzzle if I manually run the event called by the Cold
Fusion Scheduled Task this problem does not occur. It then correctly waits
until ReportA finishes before starting ReportB. Nothing happens at the five
minute mark.


Any thoughts on what could be happening would be greatly appreciated.






From: Bryan S [] 
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 2:11 PM
Subject: Phantom Scheduled Tasks


I have a scheduled task that starts a report every 12 minutes. Sometimes a
report is started 5 minutes after the scheduled report starts. There is no
evidence anywhere of the scheduled task being fired. There is no manual
process starting the report.

I have discovered long ago that modifying a scheduled task while it is
running creates a phantom hidden task that can only be exorcised by
rebooting the server.

To allow reconfiguration of the task without worrying about this problem I
wrote a process that can be configured. The scheduled task calls the process
and acts according to its configuration.

The scheduled task in question is set to fire a report process every twelve
minutes. The process of the report can be followed in an application log.
The desired report starts and is logged. At seemingly random times a report
starts five minutes later. It is always five minutes never four or six etc.

Again, there is no manual process starting this. There is no evidence of the
scheduled task firing. There is no loop in the application that could start
multiple reports with one url firing. 

What could be starting the report.

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-09 Thread Bryan S

Thanks a lot for the reply. I simplified my explanation to get right to the
point. There are times when I want multiple reports to run at once. Event1
actually checks if a large memory hogging report is running. If not it fires
Event2 even if another report is running.


-Original Message-
From: Dorioo [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 8:41 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

Can't speak to the cause from afar. But to prevent reports from
running concurrently, maybe you can put a named CFLOCK around all of
the report generation events. If they all shared the same name, only
one would ever have the lock and, if a second started to run while the
first was running, it would simply time out and not do anything.
Something like this post:

It's not a fix but it would mitigate multiple report events running

- Gabriel

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RE: Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-03-09 Thread Bryan S

So today's work narrows things down even further.

The Cold Fusion Scheduled Task calls Event1.

Event1 constructs a URL and passes it to a .cfm which uses a cflocation to
fire the URL.

The fired URL calls Event2 that starts a report.

I pass an identifier through from the the URL called by the Cold Fusion
Scheduled Task (Event1) all the way through to the URL fired by the
cflocation (Event2).

Five minutes later the exact same URL is fired again. There is not a second
call to Event1. The Cold Fusion Scheduled Task (Event1) does not get called

Nothing happens until both reports are finished and then the process is


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Phantom Scheduled Tasks

2010-02-15 Thread Bryan S

I have a scheduled task that starts a report every 12 minutes. Sometimes a
report is started 5 minutes after the scheduled report starts. There is no
evidence anywhere of the scheduled task being fired. There is no manual
process starting the report.

I have discovered long ago that modifying a scheduled task while it is
running creates a phantom hidden task that can only be exorcised by
rebooting the server.

To allow reconfiguration of the task without worrying about this problem I
wrote a process that can be configured. The scheduled task calls the process
and acts according to its configuration.

The scheduled task in question is set to fire a report process every twelve
minutes. The process of the report can be followed in an application log.
The desired report starts and is logged. At seemingly random times a report
starts five minutes later. It is always five minutes never four or six etc.

Again, there is no manual process starting this. There is no evidence of the
scheduled task firing. There is no loop in the application that could start
multiple reports with one url firing.

What could be starting the report.

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Re: How to speed up Hard Refresh

2008-09-09 Thread Bryan S
Sorry about the delay in my response. Something came up at work that
distracted me from this project.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Brian Kotek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Because of the nature of dependencies in a large OO application, reloading
 one component can be difficult or impossible.

As I have discovered. Thanks for letting me not feel like a moron for not
being able to come up with a way.

   You can try updating your JVM to Java 1.6.10, which is in release
and which fixes the bugs in the previous versions regarding the class
loader. This speeds up CFC creation greatly.

Thanks for this helpful suggestion. Is this something I could easily undo if
it created unexpected problems?

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How to speed up Hard Refresh

2008-09-03 Thread Bryan S
I'm surprised I wasn't able to find more on this with google.

I have a large app and I am doing a lot of repetitive work in one CFC. Each
time I make a change I have to wait for the whole app to refresh. I can't
pull it out into an app of its own because the cfc depends on a lot of other
objects in the app.

Is there a way to tell just the one cfc to to refresh and leave the rest of
them alone?

If not any other suggestions to speed up this process?


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Re: How to speed up Hard Refresh

2008-09-03 Thread Bryan S
Sorry. I am using MachII 1.5.

My cfc is calling functions in a number of other cfc's in the app.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Azadi Saryev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is it some framework you are using or is your cfc laced in the
 application scope or rely on app scope variables? how exactly does your
 cfc depend so much on other objects in the application?

 Azadi Saryev

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Re: same line number keeps showing with cftrace

2007-12-19 Thread Bryan S
I still haven't solved this problem but I have some new info that might help
someone help me.

On my local installation cftrace reports the actual line number where the
cftrace tag is placed as designed.

On our Unix or Solaris servers it always reports the same path

What I believe to be a relative difference is that the non-local servers
have a J2EE installation and my local installation does not.

A file with the name trace.cfm does not exist on my local machine but does
exist on the Unix and Solaris servers. I opened this file and it is machine
code. The second line of this file has the text
C:\blackstone_final\cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags\trace.cfm in it. I am
assuming this is why it is reporting that as the line where the code is but
I don't know why.

Does anyone have any ideas about this?

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Re: same line number keeps showing with cftrace

2007-11-27 Thread Bryan S
Now that everyone is back from the Holiday I'd like to try again.

When I use cftrace on my local IIS or Apache Cold Fusion server the line
number and file that the function was called from is displayed.

When I do the same thing on our UNIX development server it always displays
cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags\trace.cfm @ line: 86

Does anyone know how I can fix this?


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Re: same line number keeps showing with cftrace

2007-11-20 Thread Bryan S
Hi Tom

Enable Robust Exception Information is checked on both servers in CFIDE


On Nov 20, 2007 11:52 AM, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 19 Nov 2007, Bryan S wrote:
  It works great when developing locally, however, when I use it on our
  UNIX development server it always returns the same line number.

 Could robust exceptions be set to something different on the other box ?

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same line number keeps showing with cftrace

2007-11-19 Thread Bryan S
Hi. This is my first post here.

I recently discovered the hidden gem of cftrace.

It works great when developing locally, however, when I use it on our
UNIX development server it always returns the same line number.
cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags\trace.cfm @ line: 86

How do I get it to display the line number that the function call is on?

Thanks for any help.

Bryan S

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