RE: OT Requirements software

2004-10-27 Thread d.a.collie
You could look at FLiP for this I think... 

There is a good spiel from Helms & Peters about FLiP in MP3 format that
has got me rethinking a lot of things...

There are loads of software packages for this discussed in the MP3's :)


Purchase from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support the CF 

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RE: the best way?

2004-10-27 Thread d.a.collie
>> Tango?

Mark... If you're asking I'm dancing :)


Purchase from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support the CF 

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RE: the best way?

2004-10-27 Thread d.a.collie
>> is there any such thing as "the best way?"

err.. what do you want to do?


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RE: returning JS to CF call

2004-10-26 Thread d.a.collie
Cheers Greg, just wanted to see what you meant and how you solved it :)


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RE: returning JS to CF call

2004-10-26 Thread d.a.collie
>> I have JS function to get the screen available width.
>> I need to either put that in a CF variable

Possibly without any testing but will get you in the right direction.

...Some content...

var screenWdith = getScreenWidth
document.getElementById("resizeme").width = screenWidth;

You may need to check up on the syntax but without more info in what you
want to exactly do (ie use value on same page or on next page), that
looks like what you are trying to do


>> nevermind..I got it.. I guess I've finally woke up.

Care to share?


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RE: Reporting

2004-10-21 Thread d.a.collie
All I would say and it's pretty obvious but wasn't for me a year ago or

Cache the crunched report data and the presentation separate... got an
app now that I would love to change the fact that I cached the HTML page
generated (mixing the data with the presentation)

Would have helped me when my equivalent of your head exec wanted to
change the color of the background of the report arrghhh... well we
live and learn :)


Purchase from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support the CF 

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Re: Submit after Page loads

2004-10-21 Thread d.a.collie
try that again without the hyphens :)...

I did this a while and had the following in pseudo code which is a bit
diff from the other suggestions:

var hasLoadedFrameA = false;
var hasLoadedFrameB = false;

function isReady() {
if (hasLoadedFrameA ++ hasLoadedFrameB  {
return true;
} else {
return false;

function isLoadedFrameA() {
hasLoadedFrameA = true;

function isLoadedFrameA() {
hasLoadedFrameB = true;

(frame A)


Then just do all checking on top.isReady() for your onSubmit for the

Was a while ago and it does all seem a little verbose compared to
the others now...


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RE: Submit after Page loads

2004-10-21 Thread d.a.collie
I did this a while and had the following in pseudo code which is a bit
diff from the other suggestions:


Purchase from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support the CF 

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RE: Field Naming

2004-10-19 Thread d.a.collie
As said there is no definitive but here's my two pennies worth.

>> After all, we are talking about sets here, and it's natural to
pluralise them.

My old database teacher would have a fit with that... but each to their
own :)  

We use two words to describe (and name) each table

An example here would be


The column name is collapsed two a two letter prefix, not actually came
across a time when their was a duplicate prefix within a schema but I'm
sure if it happened you could use a different



The annual ColdFusion User Conference is being held Sat 6/26 - Sun 6/27/04 8am-5pm in 
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RE: page creation times

2004-10-18 Thread d.a.collie
>>  1) I am browsing around a site to try to find something.  I don't
know where  >> it is, exactly, so I have to try a bunch of different
options.  If all of  >> the options along the way are a bit slow (let's
say 2-5 seconds each), my  >> brain starts to smoke and I go elsewhere
if possible.  >> 
 >> 2) I browse around a site with quick loading pages, and then get to
the tool  >> that is clearly what I want.  Let's say it searches some
database for hat  >> sizes of celebrities.  Perfect!  I want to know
what size hat to buy John  >> Cleese for his birthday.  I enter John in
the first name field, Cleese in  >> the last name field, and wait 43
seconds for the query to load.  My brain  >> does not start to smoke.

The theory in that is a very very good answer... finally a pretty
balanced point... altho you may want to cache that 43 second query
somehow so that it isn't that long the next time round :)

I'll agree with that though...

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RE: Execute Query string w CFQUERYPARAM

2004-10-18 Thread d.a.collie
I don't think you can build up a string with cfqueryparam and execute it
inside a cfquery tag (check the archives for a definitive answer)

you would need to build some sort of udf's (custom tag pre-cfmx) that
would carry out this sort of thing AFAIK  

(I think Issac's onTap does something like this from what has been
talked about in previous discussions but you would need to check)

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RE: FLiP Methodology.....

2004-10-13 Thread d.a.collie
>  > Does anyone on this list use the FLiP Methodology. I was
>  > wondering exactly
>  > what this is and what the benefits are of using it.

Just finished first listen of Helms and Peters talking about
Fusebox/FLiP in general and was pretty enlightening

 It's about an hour and a half of MP3 and well recommended for a


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RE: CF Certified Print Logos?

2004-10-12 Thread d.a.collie
>> All have the extension .bin and NOT .eps or .tiff

Stab in the dark, are there equivalent .cue files (ie CD image files

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RE: OT-MySql Newbiee

2004-10-04 Thread d.a.collie
sure there's a cfmyadmin tool out there as well...

You'll still find it easier running the winmysqladmin.exe to configure
the mysql server tho

if not, good luck with the command line there's plenty of docs about
it on the mysql website.

me, I'm a windows baby unfortunately

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RE: OT-MySql Newbiee

2004-10-04 Thread d.a.collie
>> I just installed MSql 4.0 on my Win2K machine. I started it from the
command line and opened another DOS window and did some querying. 

i did this at the weekend and found these steps useful.

install php
install phpmyadmin

use the winmysqladmin.exe in the bin dir of mysql to configure your

make sure you change your root password after setting up phpmyadmin to
something other than blank (strange cause it always defaulted to blank
for me)

I was up and running in an hour or so...

dunno if that helps

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RE: Dynamically naming FORM variables?

2004-09-26 Thread d.a.collie
Not sure understood exactly what you are trying to do but I think this
may do it

I made a few assumptions 
    - DataSetDtl.DsHdrID is not the primary key of the DataSetDtl table,
but a FK to a parent table

 FROM DataSetDtl
 WHERE DataSetDtl.DsHdrID = #URL.DsHdrID#

value="#GetPoints.PRIMARYKEY#" />
value="" />


   Reading = 

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RE: Tag Problem

2004-09-23 Thread d.a.collie
May this have something to do with it?

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RE: Web Application Development using Cold Fusion in a Team Environment (Draft)

2004-09-21 Thread d.a.collie
Hi Don

I wasn't been cheeky, just pointing to the resources that I have seen
that seemed to fit in with your question.  You should have a look at the
book and the coding guidelines, I got a lot from them anyway :)

A few times I've found it heartening that what I kinda taught myself has
been what the pro's on the list advocate (still, it's a small drop in
the ocean compared to the new stuff I've learned :)

Anyways, cheers and good luck with the doc

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RE: Are my posts hitting the cf-talk lists ???

2004-09-21 Thread d.a.collie
I'm getting you here Brant.  Sometimes you do get answers, sometimes you
don't :-/

I'm sure most folks try and help out everyone as much as they can.  Keep
asking tho :)

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RE: Web Application Development using Cold Fusion in a Team Environment (Draft)

2004-09-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> Each of these would be discussed in some detail below.

That list kinda looks like the index of Ben's Cold Fusion MX
Certification book :)

And the Macromedia Coding Guidelines

And a bit of teamwork psychology thrown in... how about Belbin or Myers
Briggs :)  

(On a side note somebody called me 'empire building' in my last Belbin
and I was a blue surprisingly in Myers Briggs... hehehehe)

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CFC/MVC - Where to put data validation

2004-09-15 Thread d.a.collie

I'm been trying to use CFC's in a more OO way using a sort of MVC
methodology.  I'm getting my head round most of the concepts but I'm
kinda stumped at one question in my head,  Could anybody provide any
pointers?   When considering user input data from the View layer, should
data validation happen in the Controller or in the Model layer?

My own initial thinking was that the Model should just ensure basic
validation and throw an error if it encounters a value that is incorrect
(i.e. as long as it's numerical, then that's okay, if it's a string,
then throw an error, not interested in whether it's a number within a
certain range).  The controller has the main data validation and calls
the object only after all data has been validated.

I'm now seeing a lot of problems in my head with using this technique
and was hoping some of the OO crowd could give me some pointers in this


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RE: Pass query result to a different page

2004-09-01 Thread d.a.collie
run the query again...

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RE: Second Pair Of Eyes

2004-09-01 Thread d.a.collie
dc said...
 > >> Arguments is an array rather than a structure

dave watts said...
 > > If I recall correctly, the Arguments "object" is exposed
 > > as both an array
 > > and a structure.

s. isaac dealey said...
 >  On MX you're right, although the original question was on CF5. 

OK... run this code then


function testArgs() {
 writeoutput("Args is Structure = " & isStruct(arguments) & "");
 writeoutput("Args is Array = " & isArray(arguments) & "");
testArgs("test1", "test2", "test3", "test4");

.output is..
Args is Structure = NO
Args is Array = YES 

Therefore does that not mean that 'Arguments is an array rather than a

I _am_ running it in CF5... don't know about CFMX.

Am I doing something wrong? 

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RE: SOT : Keeping JS Count

2004-08-31 Thread d.a.collie
Yeah, count from zero by looping thro the form and totalling every time
that there is an onclick.  Then just write that total out in the
apprpriate place.  

Means that you don't need to bother about keeping track of the state of
the form, means that you are only worried about the current state of the
form when the click happens (as long as that fits into your application)

You'd pretty much worked that out in your second email :)

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RE: SOT : Keeping JS Count

2004-08-31 Thread d.a.collie
i would do a full total count on every refresh so you never need to

remember and do server side validation tho :)

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RE: Second Pair Of Eyes

2004-08-31 Thread d.a.collie
This works on CF5



function formValue(formName, defaultValue) {
  if (structKeyExists(FORM, formName) ) {
   return HTMLEditFormat(FORM[formName]);
  } else {
   return HTMLEditFormat(defaultValue);



Arguments is an array rather than a structure

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RE: Use CF to delete directory and files in it?

2004-08-26 Thread d.a.collie
dependant on platform and if you have access, you could cfexecute a
batch file

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RE: Gmail Accounts

2004-08-26 Thread d.a.collie

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Mannion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 August 2004 15:13
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Gmail Accounts

Who wants one? I have 4. 

First 4 to respond get them. 
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RE: Both Plain Text and HTML in cfmail

2004-08-26 Thread d.a.collie  ... does that work?

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RE: Javascript delete confirmation

2004-08-26 Thread d.a.collie
var answer = confirm('Do you want to delete');
if (answer) {
    //do delete action

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RE: Both Plain Text and HTML in cfmail

2004-08-26 Thread d.a.collie
Any help?

=3&threadid=875453> &threadid=875453

Watch for the wrap.

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RE: Transmenus and form elements

2004-08-24 Thread d.a.collie
without code all I could say was it's CSS with the layer positioning
needing set?

wrap in div's and set the z-index to try forcing on top?

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RE: form validation problems

2004-08-19 Thread d.a.collie
>> Then you don't desagree, you agree ;-)

I do agree with the more client side the better... I know it's pretty
bad, but it's usually my deadlines that define how much client side
validation I get to put in.

Cheers Claude :)

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RE: form validation problems

2004-08-19 Thread d.a.collie
>> But most of the validation can be and SHOULD be done client side on
the contrary.

Must disagree... the more client side validation, the better for the end
user and a better app you will build... 

But the most important validation is on the server... 

You can build something with only server side validation and it will be
more robust than one built with loads of client side validation...  Of
course the users'll hate it cos it'll be a PITA to use :)

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RE: CFC troulbe

2004-08-19 Thread d.a.collie
>> CFC's aren't used directly by your browser, but by your .CFM files.

I use them as my controller's... my form submit calls the CFC
directly or is this just bad?

(Based on  which I

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RE: form validation problems

2004-08-19 Thread d.a.collie
>> Why dont you use JS and let the client do all the validation?

Cos a user may have _javascript_ turned off... never trust the client
(well you know what I mean)

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RE: CFC troulbe

2004-08-19 Thread d.a.collie
>> Error Occurred While Processing Request  
>> File not found: /CFIDE/componentutils/cfcexplorer.cfc  

I'm a noob to CFC's but I got the exact same when I called a controller
CFC via HTTP post and I didn't relocate anywhere after it... it seemed
to redirect to the cfc explorer without the redirect to the view layer

dunno if that helps  (doesn't explain the error of not finding the
cfcexplorer but heh :)

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RE: escaping apostrphee in a select statement

2004-08-19 Thread d.a.collie
Your original post wasn't very informative was it?

It looks like you have

-- page one -
var myText = "Show's some example code please";
window.location.href = ''#URL.text#')

I'm guessing here... but you then get the error message that you have
quoted cos the apostrophe is in the (escaped) _javascript_ url

Here's what _javascript_ escape does ...

And you will probably find URLDecode or something or other a help

If you gave us the actual code we could help further. as Micha was
trying to.  Well I better get back to my own work.

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RE: Session swapping

2004-08-17 Thread d.a.collie
>> The main page can open several popup windows. The problems is that
the popup windows
>> *sometimes* have a different session than the opener page. The result
is that customers 
>> see data from other customers.

If it's an intranet situation, one possibility is network storage of
profile space and if a few users are sitting at multiple PC's that are
all logged in as 'guest01', they are all overwriting the network storage
space of 'guest01' and get to see everybody's info as the cookie storage
get's all mixed up one for the heads up anyway as it hit us at an
enrolment situation a few years ago.

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RE: cfc ?

2004-08-17 Thread d.a.collie
call it once and assign the return var to a variable.  

then just call returnvar.functionName


myWidget = createObject("component", myComponentPath);
stockCode = myWidget.getStockCode();

I think... I'm a noob to the wonders that is CFMX being still stuck on
CF5 in work :(

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RE: CF Shutting down regularly

2004-08-12 Thread d.a.collie
Sorry if I'm stating the obvious but have you tried the Macromedia
Installation support forum? or
something or other

It may be worth asking there if you haven't already.

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RE: Output in 2 columns

2004-08-09 Thread d.a.collie
nice one greg... :D

I like that :) 

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RE: Output in 2 columns

2004-08-09 Thread d.a.collie
I wouldn't argue with you over it tho Pascal... principal is the same
and can be modded to make it do what was required :)

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RE: Output in 2 columns

2004-08-09 Thread d.a.collie
>> Simplified:

nicely refined Pascal...

got the -verbose switch on all the time on my command line ;)

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RE: Getting an image.. before display

2004-08-09 Thread d.a.collie
>> I get a lot of broken images and some not. How would I go about
>> checking that the image is there first and if so displaying
>> otherwise... just go along my merry way?


convert the URL to the path and use file exists... only work for local

-- dc
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RE: Output in 2 columns

2004-08-09 Thread d.a.collie
>> How to "divide" that news in 2 columns, like this:

Again, if I understanding you right (not tested this code but it's










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RE: looping over dates?

2004-08-09 Thread d.a.collie
>> I want to programmatically create a consecutive list of months/dates
>> starting from a certain month, eg

Set your intial date, set your max date, loop round incrementing the
month by one using dateAdd


   startDate = createDate(2003, 03, 01);
   endDate = now();
   thisDate = startDate;

    while (dateCompare(thisDate, endDate, "m") lt 1) {
writeoutput(MonthAsString(Month(thisDate)) & " " &
Year(thisDate) & "");
thisDate = dateAdd("m", 1, thisDate); //Increment month

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RE: Output in 2 columns

2004-08-09 Thread d.a.collie
>> how to output my 10 news in 2 columns(CSS div style)?

If I'm understanding you right the basics are:


    #news-left { float: left; }
    #news-right {float: right; }
    News 1 News 2 News 3 News 4         News 5 News 6 News 7 News 8     Cheers -- dc [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

RE: Quick Address/Postcode Lookup

2004-08-05 Thread d.a.collie
>> We are looking to integrate some address lookup software (Quick
address Pro
>> into our application.  

We use QuickAddress but it was implemented before my time... a few of
the other developers have easily integrated it with other applications.

It's implemented using a JS pop up and then the details of it are passed
back in a string which is then parsed and JS to fill in the original
form. I'm sure you could do it other ways but this is the way it's done

Could dig out some sample code if you require

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RE: Quick Address/Postcode Lookup

2004-08-05 Thread d.a.collie
>> We are looking to integrate some address lookup software (Quick
address Pro
>> into our application.  

Oh forgot to mention that our version uses a COM object on the popup

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RE: get refering url

2004-08-05 Thread d.a.collie
> cgi.HTTP_REFERER does not seem to pick up domain names outside of the 
> web site it runs from.

I've found that it isn't set when it is a _javascript_ redirect... the
HTTP_REFERER dissappears
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setEncoding and cfparam - order of usage issue

2004-08-05 Thread d.a.collie

I was mucking about with CFMX at home (still CF5 in work) and came
across something I couldn't explain.  Whenever I used URL querystring
parameters, any URL parameters I had created with cfparam disappeared.  

I tracked it down to the following sequence of code which demonstrates
the issue.  I only recently downloaded a copy of CFMX from MM so AFAIK
it's the latest version.

Can anybody recreate this?  Am I using the setEncoding function
incorrectly?   Am I doing something stupid?

Following code demonstrates what I was seeing on my home setup.

--- url-test.cfm ---

--- url-test.cfm ---

Then make two calls

1.	url-test.cfm
2.	url-test.cfm?testing=true

On the first call, the URL parameters set by the cfparams are shown
On the second call, they disappear and only the 'testing' URL parameter
is shown.  Should the cfparam's not still be there?

I've looked in the archives and googled for a while but couldn't find
any reference to this behaviour.  Thanks in advance.

David Collie
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RE: cf-based discussion board

2004-08-02 Thread d.a.collie
>> Change the profile to set the number of messages per page to 
>> something else as 0.

nice un Jochem... my mistake as usual :)

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RE: cf-based discussion board

2004-08-02 Thread d.a.collie
You got a little hiccup in there  Getting a lot of division by zero
errors when trying to view a topic

Tried to add it to the bug forum but getting the errors as well

Looks cool tho 


-Original Message-
From: Ewok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 August 2004 17:00
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: cf-based discussion board

I wouldnt mind a few opinions on my board if anyone feels like being
critical today :)

It started out as a site-specific board but friends begged me to turn it
into a portable app so I've been working on that whenever I can.
Accounts must use a valid email address to sign up since a verification
link is emailed to you to confim your account registration.

I have also created an account for tests

Pword: tester

The posts are rather choppy since I went through deleteing a lot of them
but I left enough so the paging links could be used.

(still working on private messaging system and a search tool)

- Original Message - 
  From: Claude Schneegans 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 10:05 AM
  Subject: Re: cf-based discussion board

  >>Not the greatest forums package in the world

  Much better than the system in use today anyway.

  REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
  (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
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RE: Referencing components in a distributed app?

2004-08-02 Thread d.a.collie
I've found Benoit's site to be quite an eyeopener if you haven't already
encountered it

Covers most of your points.

I guess there will be lot's of other ways to do it anyway :)

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RE: OT Have I got a virus or what?

2004-07-28 Thread d.a.collie
>> Yesterday I started getting problems with my PC. The symptoms are
that the
>> web server never responds to a request for a cfm page.

Have you got the new Zone Alarm installed and using IIS?

I had this prob at home and it turns out the new Zone Alarm mucks about
with IIS, no fix as yet, you just need to stop and restart Zone Alarm if
that is your issue

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RE: Kill window Kill session

2004-07-22 Thread d.a.collie
> The problem i am having is when users 'X' out of the
> application rather than using the logout function.  The
> session get destroyed, but the directory and the files in
> it will not be deleted.

keeping it simple keep a note of when folders were created and last
accessed in an application structure and run a scheduled task deleting
the ones over X minutes old and not accessed in session timeout from
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RE: ColdFusion and MVC model...

2004-07-19 Thread d.a.collie
Hey Sam, I like the Benorama approach too.  Just done some small fry
stuff on it though.

Mach-ii kinda scares me tho :-/  I found it a little hard to get into
and kinda gave up as got limited R&D time at the moment.  

Should I persist with it?

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RE: Problem with SQL WHERE clause and CF ???

2004-07-16 Thread d.a.collie
I'm coming in late but would something like this work?  


   courseoutline.coursetitle, courseoutline.coursesummary,
   iteccourse.coursestart, iteccourse.duration, iteccourse.availability
   (to_char(coursestart, "") || to_char(coursestart, "MM")) AS
   count(courseoutline.coursetitle) AS noofcourses
   courseoutline, iteccourse
 WHERE = iteccourse.courseoutlineid
   AND iteccourse.courseoutlineid ='1'
   courseoutline.coursetitle, courseoutline.coursesummary,
   iteccourse.coursestart, iteccourse.duration, iteccourse.availability,

   (to_char(coursestart, "") || to_char(coursestart, "MM"))

concantenating the year and month will give you something to group on

I'm guessing would bring back every course in the month then you can do

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RE: Problem with SQL WHERE clause and CF ???

2004-07-16 Thread d.a.collie
soz, should have said that inner join syntax (before anyone jumps down
my throat)

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RE: Problem with SQL WHERE clause and CF ???

2004-07-16 Thread d.a.collie
>> User INNER JOIN  Cant stand that awful syntax for joins..:-)

Unless your DB doesn't support Inner Joins ;-)

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RE: CFForm, CFInput, etc not xhtml compatible!

2004-07-14 Thread d.a.collie
> Just curious, what's the big advantage of XHTML compatible?

You can perform XSLT on xhtml pages... which according to the XSLT
cookbook (O'Reilly) for more details on how this is going to be very
handy in the future

Some examples off the top of my head
- XSL template to change specific XHTML elements
- Prefilling XHTML forms without server side intervention
- Will make future programming tasks easier

Can't do any of it myself yet, but trying though ;-)

David Collie
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RE: Need Serious Help - query broken

2004-07-06 Thread d.a.collie
how many records you taking about in the tables... 100's, 1000's,

doesn't look like you are joining between either 

tblemsterclients and tblbillingaddress 
tbllegaladdr and tblbillingaddress 

without one of the joins above you would get a cartesian join. and
it could just be that you are getting millions or rows of data back :-/

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RE: Share the ASP session

2004-06-30 Thread d.a.collie
> Is there any way to share the ASP session.

Pretty sure you cannot do this apart from writing the ASP session vars
to a cookie or doing an elaborate cfhttp to get the ASP  session  ID
from the page header  and then using CF to call an ASP web service with
said cookie ID which could then give CF the values.

The ASP session vars live in a very different place from CF ones and
shouldn't be contained in the headers of an ASP page called over CF HTTP

> also if I include the asp file in my cfm its just importing the whole 
> codes, is there any other way that I can include the execute type 
> thing coldfusion template? 

Again, as far as i know, no... you could use some sort of frame within
your CF page to include it as an executed ASP file (ie a frame or an

resolveurl="yes" useragent="#CGI.HTTP_User_Agent#"> 

#cfhttp.responseHeader.Location# NEQ ""> 

The CFHTTP call is calling a page but you would need to know the ASP
session ID and pass it with your CFHTTP to get access to the ASP session
vars on the ASP page.

It is always redirecting because thro the CFHTTP call, you are no longer
the user but just a random HTTP call to it. i think!

I'd look at cfhttpparam but never used it myself and as said, you'll
need to get the ASP session ID from a cookie or something to make that
work... never done anything like that so guessing off the top of my

Dunno if that helps any Anybody else know better?

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RE: getting all form fields?

2004-06-09 Thread d.a.collie
>> Like HTTP_FORM_FIELDS or something like that


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RE: QofQ problem -closing in on the problem..

2004-06-07 Thread d.a.collie
I'll put money on it that it's the Excel that's causing the problem

Once had to do an app that was to use the client's existing Excel based
inventory control (don't ask).  Thing was, when I connected to the
spreadsheet via a datasource it would randomly chuck away data and also
had horrible problems with datatypes and database insertion.  In end had
to build an Access inventory control database for him to upload onto web

Have you tried doing it without the Excel in the equation?

Also, forcing all Postcodes to be Strings (even through CF's meant to be
a typeless language)

I'll bet you have tried all these before tho. soz, not got any more


-Original Message-
From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 June 2004 16:12
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: QofQ problem -closing in on the problem.. 

Thanks for your input Peter.  This is not an input problem.   Yes, they
to do better data validation and that's another task I'm going to
suggest they need to do, but this is about queries not  input.

I have 3 queries on SQLServer tables, and one on a Excel spreadsheet,
each containing a field called "Postcode" which is a varchar field in
the SQLServer, and has mostly numbers and some letters in the

I am combining the four queries by looping over them and writing the
to a query built by CFMX.   Then I'm doing a query of a query to
de-duplicate the records, and sort them.    That's where the application
gives an error when it encounters a postcode field with non-numeric
content. I can't see why that should matter. I'm not doing math on the
field, I'm not sorting on it.  It's just a field, like name, suburb,
country, email address .. all the others.  I cant see why it matters
whether the contents of the
Postcode field are numbers or letters or dancing pigeons.    

At the point where it throws the error, it's not trying to insert into a
database, or perform arithmetic, just SELECT in the Query of a  Query.
if there's a postcode field containing "NA" the whole thing hiccups.



Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Peter Tilbrook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 June 2004 12:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: QofQ problem -closing in on the problem.. 

Mike, if using CF use the 
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RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

2004-06-07 Thread d.a.collie
Have you tried...

		 email, Newsletter
		Newsletter = 1

We're on CF5 and QoQ and AFAIK it always chokes unless you explicity use
all the columns that you reference. just a thought :-/

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RE: prevent refresh w/session

2004-06-04 Thread d.a.collie

	 Run Code 

This will mean the code will only be ran once per session *not*
refresh is that what you are trying to achieve?

Probs want to lock it as well

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RE: Replication/Synchronization across servers not on the same network

2004-06-03 Thread d.a.collie
>> Replication/Synchronization across servers not on the same network

Coming in late as usual.

I cannot vouch for this... not sure about the security, reliability etc,
but it's on my list of things to check out!

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RE: self varible..

2004-05-26 Thread d.a.collie
>> Is there a self varible in coldfusion?  much like $PHP_SELF if your 



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RE: "LDAP server is unwilling to perform"

2004-05-26 Thread d.a.collie
>> message of "LDAP server is unwilling to perform"

How busy is the traffic to the LDAP?  Ours refuses connections after a
certain limit over a defined period of time, presumably to stop hack

Might be a similar issue.

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RE: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-24 Thread d.a.collie
Nate wrote:
>> Check out the following link for what is probably the best, simplest,
most painless method to 
>> use the :focus pseudo-class in IE.

Thanks Nate, it's a third party application done in Uniface which I know
nothing about and it's going through a ISAPI filter so Dean Edwards IE7
behaviours are playing hard to get with me!

I'll give your recommendation a twirl :-)


David Collie
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Re: Ignoring duplicates in

2004-05-21 Thread d.a.collie
Oops as Philip said it would need to be

#sValNoComma#  Folio: #sDisp##spacer1#

was more concerned with what was going on in the loop rats :-)

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RE: Ignoring duplicates in

2004-05-21 Thread d.a.collie
You are looping over an array, you will need to set your values within
the loop, it would be something like this

#sValNoComma#  Folio: #sDisp##spacer1#

I haven't ran it but it _should_ work.

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RE: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> IE6 doesn't support focus in CSS.  However Dean Edwards Beta of IE7
(Internet Extensions) 

Cheers, will look into it... users wanting the input boxes to change
color and you know how it goes, gotta get it working for them

Cheers everyone :-)

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RE: Ignoring duplicates in

2004-05-21 Thread d.a.collie
>In which case, keep a list of items as you write them out, and before 
>you do the next one, check that it's not in the list

Jumping in here so ignore if this does help you


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RE: Homesite Resource Window

2004-05-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> My resource window in homesite became undocked somehow.. anyone know
how to dock it?

Double clicking the title bar works in CF Studio if you undock any of
tabs, if that helps

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OT: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-20 Thread d.a.collie

I've been looking at and the
pseudo-class 'focus'

When I've got 

.input { background: #CC; color: #00; }
.input:focus { background: #FF; color: #FF; }
It works in Firebird 0.8 ok... but not in IE 6... anybody know a hack to achieve it keeping it all in the CSS for IE 6?  Or do we need to wait for IE 7? I've had a root about google but can't see anything that would help me. (it's a external development done in UNIFACE so got no control over the generation of the HTML code of the input elements) Cheers if anyone can help. -- David Collie [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

RE: Interesting Problem !!

2004-05-19 Thread d.a.collie
>> I want to detect the resolution of the monitor and use thise values
in CF ? 
>> How do i do that ?

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RE: Spam and Viruses

2004-05-18 Thread d.a.collie
>>  I get TONS of spam and viruses in my mailbox on a daily
much that
>>   I am thinking of changing my email address.

If you're using Outlook, SpamBeyes is working well for me after training
it up

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RE: Uneditable textarea box

2004-04-23 Thread d.a.collie
>> Uneditable textarea box

possible could use an iframe or use the onfocus event to blur it every
time on the textarea tag

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RE: xslt beginners guide?

2004-04-22 Thread d.a.collie
thanks all :-)

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RE: AOL email/spam handling...

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> .poor SOBs.

I am one of them :-)... I don't grumble with a pretty good broadband
connection that stays up forever.

Serious question tho...  One benefit is that I can at least test my apps
on an AOL browser... how do you do that if you are not a member of AOL?
Is there another way of doing this?

Anyway, haven't used the AOL client for months (other than testing) and
just connect directly through a DUN but from memory you can recieve
emails from anyone... (up to AOL 9 anyways)

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RE: xslt beginners guide?

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> It does?! Nah, I had no idea ... hitting book store tonight ...

Yeah... mentions the commercial ones then gives a nod to yours... I
could dig out the page no if needed :-)

Cheers for the link to the list... looks like exactly what I was looking
for.  Thanks for your help.

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RE: xslt beginners guide?

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> I wouldn't say the book makes XSLT exactly easy to understand, but I
think that's because XSLT just isn't very easy to understand ;-)

That's exactly what I'm running into... just don't know enough to make
the leaps required at the moment... but ah'll keep trying :-)


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RE: xslt beginners guide?

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
Thanks for getting back to me... sorry, I don't think I've worded it
very well

I've went through the simple tutorials on w3schools, also on
I've got a grasp of the really basic stuff with the basic examples

I'm at the stage where I've got a XML schema and I wanna be able to do
what does so I don't need to care what platform the user is
coming to the pages on... but I've hit a brick wall...

Guess I was looking for the XSLT version of this list :-)

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ot: xslt beginners guide?

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
Well... over on cf-ot I posted this on Saturday (I know, need to get a
life) so I'll post here in the hope of getting a response :-)

Anybody recommend any good forums for XSL/XSLT beginners? 

Books and all recommendations welcome. 

Got a loan of the XSLT Cookbook from Or'Reilly*** and that proving to be
a help (Well good 

Also is proving invaluable. 


*** Rob of the Rohanclan.. you know your Treebeard project gets a nod in
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RE: CFMX for sale

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> Probably hanging out on the cf-community list waiting for everyone to
continue the discussion over there like Mike D requested. 

:-)  Nice one!  Over and out from me

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RE: CFMX for sale

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
>> If said winner used the server to develop

where is the said winner, haven't heard a peep since started this
thread... do you think she was scared off?


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RE: Users getting wrong information

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
>>  use cookies to keep track of the users. There is one 
> company that when people from there login, they are seeing other 
> peoples information from that company.

I know you said that they are all using their own computers... but we
had issues where the network storage of profiles was getting mixed up
and people were overwriting each others cookies (was a line of public
access computers that helpdesk had set up to all use the same network
account) thus CF was serving the session vars to the wrong people...

dunno if it's any help tho :-/

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RE: Locking Records!

2004-04-21 Thread d.a.collie
another method I seen on the list

better to use some sort of username rather than just a bit column to
indicate a lock... also a timestamp that the record was last modified

then you can do a scan every twenty minutes and if it has not been
updated in 20 minutes you can assume that the user is no longer looking
at the record and you can unlock it for others to use 

[ also let's you inform your user's who has actually locked the record ]


-Original Message-
From: Taco Fleur 
Sent: 21 April 2004 12:29
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Locking Records!

just add another column to the table, call it "locked" of type BIT and 1
is locked and 0 is unlocked

Taco Fleur

Tell me and I will forget
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RE: CF and Virtual Directories.

2004-04-15 Thread d.a.collie
yikes... should read the post first some shared server spaces allow
you to define a custom 404, my ASP one does anyway

-Original Message-
From: David Collie (itndac) 
Sent: 15 April 2004 14:38
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF and Virtual Directories.

point your 404 handler at a custom CF template that processes the

-Original Message-
From: Che Vilnonis
Sent: 15 April 2004 14:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF and Virtual Directories.

I have 100 different clients that I would like to send printed marketing
material to. What I would like to do is 'personalize' the printed piece
for them. The printed piece would send them to a link on my website such

and so on...

First, none of these custom directories will exist. Second, is there
someway to allow CF to 'see' these directories and then determine what
directory was typed? FTR, this website is on a shared web server that I
have no control of. Do I need to do something on the shared webserver?

Che Vilnonis
Application Developer
Advertising Systems Incorporated
8470C Remington Avenue
Pennsauken, NJ 08110
p: 856.488.2211
f: 856.488.1990
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RE: CF and Virtual Directories.

2004-04-15 Thread d.a.collie
point your 404 handler at a custom CF template that processes the

-Original Message-
From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 April 2004 14:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF and Virtual Directories.

I have 100 different clients that I would like to send printed marketing
material to. What I would like to do is 'personalize' the printed piece
for them. The printed piece would send them to a link on my website such

and so on...

First, none of these custom directories will exist. Second, is there
someway to allow CF to 'see' these directories and then determine what
directory was typed? FTR, this website is on a shared web server that I
have no control of. Do I need to do something on the shared webserver?

Che Vilnonis
Application Developer
Advertising Systems Incorporated
8470C Remington Avenue
Pennsauken, NJ 08110
p: 856.488.2211
f: 856.488.1990
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RE: code...

2004-03-15 Thread d.a.collie
>> I once saw some code that could be used in a 
>> to automatically 'populate' the Subject line of an email.

1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&body=AnythingYouWant

>> Work in all browsers?

2. Pretty sure it doesn't work for all of them but can't remember which
off the top of my head

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RE: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?)

2004-03-05 Thread d.a.collie
>> That's plain horrible.
Yip :-)

>> The system will get blamed for not working, but in fact it is a
browser issue that you have instigated.
Soz, should have qualified that a bit better... I said

' Already started converting all our people to using it...'

What I should have said is... 

'Already started 'converting' ITS folk that have admin access to their
machines to using it'

>> Also all people on your intranet should be using the same 'build' not
being allowed to install what they want (web developers should have
admin rights to their machine only.)
That's the way it works in here

I hear what your saying about our Intranet being IE only and getting
people to use the 'new fangled browser', but I am prepared as a web
developer to suffer both IE and Firefox when developing any new apps to
try and make sure that the reliance on IE is phased out gradually of
course I test in IE as well but the quirks of IE should be well avoided
for any new apps in my opinion.


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RE: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?)

2004-03-05 Thread d.a.collie
>> eloquently stated erik.  I couldn't agree more.  why fight the
tide...its wasted effort.

I don't think it is wasted, people listen to us as IT professionals :-)
and when people ask about a browser, I direct them to Mozilla Firefox
these days.

Already started converting all our people to using it, even through our
Intranet is meant to support IE, I just point em to the
UserAgentSwitcher extension and tell them to set it to IE6

Soz, my tuppence worth... have a good weekend everybody

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RE: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?

2004-03-04 Thread d.a.collie

Look at the extensions as well... especially the web dev one..  superb

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RE: select boxes and javascript

2004-03-02 Thread d.a.collie
>> I'm trying to work out how to trigger my _javascript_ within a select

Don't use cfselect myself, but here is the html version I would use


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RE: How do I get ...

2004-03-02 Thread d.a.collie
>> How do I single out the record with the latest start time (time field

>> in MySQL)?

select *
from table a
where a.time = (select max(b.time) from table b)

note that this query may return more than one row if the timestamps are
the same...

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RE: PDF opened with CFContent Crashes browser

2004-03-02 Thread d.a.collie
>> I am wondering if anyone has any ideas.  I am opening some PDF files 
>> with CFContent using the following code:  
>> VALUE="inline; filename=#VARIABLES.file_name#"> 

>> Everything works fine on the machines I've tried in my
>> office, however at least 3 machines in their office
>> crash not when the PDF opens, but rather when they go
>> to close it.  A.  and they use 4 or 5. 
>> I don't know if that matters though.

We had a load of problems with the Fast Web View Setting in the
Preferences of Acrobat 4 (maybe 5 as well) which _prevented_ the PDF
from being opened in the browser.

Just chipping in tuppence :-)

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