Re: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

2002-08-30 Thread Sean A Corfield

On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 03:13 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For reasons that elude me, some people devote great energy to evangelizing
 Fusebox. When you ask them, it almost always turns out that they have 
 actually used anything else. Fusebox is about brainwashing developers, 
 advancing a particular brand of religion and so I recommend that people
 evaluating Fusebox ignore developers who have not actually *use* it.

Couldn't resist rewording that! No offense at my gentle teasing I hope.

As I have said repeatedly, I am not anti-Fusebox per se, but it does tend 
to live in its own little bubble and it takes words, concepts and phrases 
from the much larger world of IT and misuses them in a way that causes 
confusion. As ColdFusion moves into more mainstream programming and OO, 
this confusion will be particularly detrimental.

On the subject of dsp files vs layout files, yes, I can see it is a 
powerful piece of machinery but I feel that it is more a clever 
contrivance made possible by the 'black box' inside the Fusebox core files 
than an intuitive, well-architected programming style. OTOH, I would 
expect that most people who use it are really only doing fairly 
straightforward header and footer additions with it.

Note what I actually said:
 No, Fusebox recommends you do it and provides a well-defined way for you
 to do it. Fusebox itself does *not* implement this for you - you have to
 write your code in a very specific manner in order to do this. Fusebox
 again provides a *convention* for it

This was in response to a Fuseboxer claiming that separation of logic and 
display is automatically implemented by Fusebox - it most certainly is not,
  the programmer still has to think about the issue and separate the code 
out themselves.

I also said:
 It's somewhat contrived and, IMO, somewhat unnatural.
 All it's doing is forcing you to partition your code, it isn't creating a
 tiered architecture like MVC for example.

I am not bad-mouthing Fusebox by saying this, merely trying to temper some 
of the wild claims made for it.

My problem is not with Fusebox per se - again, I refer people to the page 
on my site where I discuss Fusebox - but with the wild and sometimes 
inaccurate claims made about it by some of the near-religious Fuseboxers. 
I don't think I have ever, in over twenty years of software engineering, 
met such fervor about a particular style of programming. People claim 
Fusebox saved them like it was Jesus. They jump on anyone who dares 
criticize Fusebox (Heretic! Heretic! Burn the heretic!). For some of 
them, Fusebox is no longer *a* solution, it's *the* solution.

I'm one of life's natural cynics. I don't take anyone's claims at face 
value. As soon as my current project deadline is passed, I plan to rebuild 
my PHP site using Fusebox and write up my experiences. As folks ought to 
be able to figure out from the URLs of several pages, it already uses a 
style that is somewhat similar to Fusebox so I don't expect it to be a 
difficult conversion. The question to answer will be whether I feel the 
end result was worth the effort: the current site has existed in various 
forms for nearly seven years and has been redesigned three or four times 
with minimal content changes each time (originally flat HTML, then frames,
  then flat HTML again, then PHP wrappers). Some of those redesigns were 
tedious but all were fairly straightforward. I know that the PHP version I 
have today allows me to easily change the navigation and look'n'feel. It's 
very simple. We'll have to see what benefits, if any, Fusebox brings to my 
little site.

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Re: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

2002-08-29 Thread S . Isaac Dealey

The official fusebox site is at

 Can anyone direct me to a brief description of what FuseBox is and how
 different is from the guidelines at:

Isaac Dealey
Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
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RE: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

2002-08-29 Thread Jeff D. Chastain


The FuseBox standard is located at  You can find the
FuseBox 'core files' there as well as some information as to what FuseBox
is.  There is also a collection of links to other sites that provide much
more information about FuseBox.   Another resource (which is very useful and
responsive) is to check out the FuseBox discussion list at

I did not study it for details, but what I read of the coding standards link
you mentioned sounds like primarily just good programming practices - i.e.
naming conventions etc.   FuseBox has some of this, but FuseBox is really
more of a design architecture.  There was a mention on the below mentioned
site that separating content from layout is a good idea - FuseBox actually
implements this.   There was also a suggested documentation format mentioned
that should be provided for each template.  FuseBox is a 'generation' ahead
of this by utilizing a documentation standard called fusedocs that are
actually written in XML to allow for later processing.

To sum up, the below link provides a lot of good information in terms of
'best practices'.  FuseBox itself is a program architecture that takes those
'best practices', improves on them, and puts them into work.

-- Jeff

-Original Message-
From: Mitko Gerensky-Greene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 8:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards


Can anyone direct me to a brief description of what FuseBox is and how
different is from the guidelines at:

Thanks in advance,


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

2002-08-29 Thread Jeremy Allen

The coding guidelines are just that, guidelines for code. They are not a
standard or the next best thing, just some general suggestions to keep your
code sane. Naming conventions, some basic hard and fast rules that should be
observed etc. Some of the guidelines are just things to strive for or do in
code for performance reasons or common sense reasons Such as.. Readable code
is more important than optimized code during application development, and
probably well beyond initial development.

You could follow those coding guidelines, more or less, and create something
like Fusebox. That is to say coding standards are a more basic building
block than something like Fusebox which carries the ideas of coding
standards along with, generally, how you are going to be structuring pieces
of something you develop *in* Fusebox.


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Re: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

2002-08-29 Thread Sean A Corfield

On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 07:07 , Jeff D. Chastain wrote:
 I did not study it for details, but what I read of the coding standards 
 you mentioned sounds like primarily just good programming practices - i.e.
 naming conventions etc.

Correct, it is a list of recommended best practices.

 FuseBox has some of this, but FuseBox is really
 more of a design architecture.

It's a framework.

 There was a mention on the below mentioned
 site that separating content from layout is a good idea

Indeed it is.

 FuseBox actually implements this.

No, Fusebox recommends you do it and provides a well-defined way for you 
to do it. Fusebox itself does *not* implement this for you - you have to 
write your code in a very specific manner in order to do this. Fusebox 
again provides a *convention* for it - HTML generation goes in dsp_xxx.cfm 
files or layout files (which, confusingly, are two separate things in 
Fusebox), database queries go in qry_xxx.cfm files, actions (logic) go in 
act_xxx.cfm files. It's somewhat contrived and, IMO, somewhat unnatural. 
All it's doing is forcing you to partition your code, it isn't creating a 
tiered architecture like MVC for example.

 There was also a suggested documentation format mentioned
 that should be provided for each template.  FuseBox is a 'generation' 
 of this by utilizing a documentation standard called fusedocs that are
 actually written in XML to allow for later processing.

Again, it is a very stylized approach, requiring users to learn a specific 
way of documenting code (which is not necessarily a bad thing) and it 
still doesn't help ensure that the documentation actually matches the code.
  I won't argue with the benefit of being able to automatically generate 
documentation from code - which Fusebox effectively lets you do - but this 
is an idea that's been around since the 60's so it's nothing new. 
ColdFusion MX supports this directly by generating Javadoc-style output 
from the code itself which means that the documentation can *never* get 
out of sync with the code, unlike Fusedocs.

 To sum up, the below link provides a lot of good information in terms of
 'best practices'.  FuseBox itself is a program architecture that takes 
 'best practices', improves on them, and puts them into work.

Fusebox is a framework, not an architecture, and whether it improves on 
various best practices is a point of much contention.

See also:

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

2002-08-29 Thread Jeremy Allen

Might I jump on this post and add a little? Don't mind if I do.

With the CF and Java worlds now closely coupled I think it becomes
critically important to begin using the proper terminology for what things
are in the software development world. Honestly web developers/programmers
are not exempt from using proper terminology in the first place.

I am not naming anyone for doing this, but an architecture, a framework, and
a methodology all have well understood meanings in software development. You
really can't just use these terms interchangeably. Maybe I am just beating a
dead horse here, but I still see grossly misapplied, misleading terminology
bantered about on various CF lists rather often.

I an not a language nazi or a perfectionist. I really hate when people will
accuse other programmers of being an academic simply because that person
strives to do things correctly, not even perfectly, just correct. No, I'm
not your 3rd grade grammar teacher who will correct you every time you
misuse a term.

Just based on context, honestly, you can't always tell what something really
means. If you dig and look deeper you usually can gain enough contextual
information and concrete data to determine what something is. However, for
improved communication with the other development communities proper
terminology from the start is important. Without communication there can be
no transfer of knowledge.

Here is how terms get improperly spread throughout a community or group of

Someone might slightly misuse a term once. And someone else seeing the term
slightly misused might take that term in its context and try to determine
its meaning. Next that person who tried to figure out what the word meant
begins misusing the term due to an incomplete understanding of the term to
begin with. Pretty soon you have several levels of indirection that lead to
people using terms in a completely new way that does not match with how most
of the software industry uses the term. It is just all around bad soup.

Some common sense logic applied to trying to join some new group or
community and become an accepted member: You have to learn that groups rules
and etiquette before you can interact in a manner that will be viewed as
completely acceptable by that group. And you have to interact with a new
group to really become known and accepted within that group.

I know these kind of things seem trivial, and nearly academic, points. When
it comes right down to it a lot of trivial and academic points can add up to
have a serious impact on things the every day web developer will face from
day to day. Anyhow, I will stop off my soapbox now.


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Re: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

2002-08-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There's actually an excellent reason for distinguishing between display
files and layout files. Layout files are applied AFTER the display files.
These act like a skin. In fact, skins (called layouts in FB3) can be
nested. Say that we have a site with a directory structure like this:

  -- Admin
 --  Users

The fuseaction might create a generic form. Then the directories,
Users, Admin, and MyApp, all can apply a skin in Chinese doll fashion:
Users wraps the login form; Admin wraps that and then MyApp wraps that.
This can be turned on/off for individual layers. In addition, because the
layout presentation is applied after the content is generated, the layout
chosen can be determined based on what occurs in the content. This provides
a great deal of power and allows presentation to be quite separate from

For reasons that elude me, some people devote great energy to bad-mouthing
Fusebox. When you ask them, it almost always turns out that they have never
actually used Fusebox. Fusebox is about empowering developers, not about
advancing a particular brand of religion and so I recommend that people
evaluating Fusebox talk to developers who actually *use* it. 

Original Message:
From: Sean A Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:00:45 -0700
Subject: Re: FuseBox vs Macromedia Programming Standards

On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 07:07 , Jeff D. Chastain wrote:
 I did not study it for details, but what I read of the coding standards 
 you mentioned sounds like primarily just good programming practices - i.e.
 naming conventions etc.

Correct, it is a list of recommended best practices.

 FuseBox has some of this, but FuseBox is really
 more of a design architecture.

It's a framework.

 There was a mention on the below mentioned
 site that separating content from layout is a good idea

Indeed it is.

 FuseBox actually implements this.

No, Fusebox recommends you do it and provides a well-defined way for you 
to do it. Fusebox itself does *not* implement this for you - you have to 
write your code in a very specific manner in order to do this. Fusebox 
again provides a *convention* for it - HTML generation goes in dsp_xxx.cfm 
files or layout files (which, confusingly, are two separate things in 
Fusebox), database queries go in qry_xxx.cfm files, actions (logic) go in 
act_xxx.cfm files. It's somewhat contrived and, IMO, somewhat unnatural. 
All it's doing is forcing you to partition your code, it isn't creating a 
tiered architecture like MVC for example.

 There was also a suggested documentation format mentioned
 that should be provided for each template.  FuseBox is a 'generation' 
 of this by utilizing a documentation standard called fusedocs that are
 actually written in XML to allow for later processing.

Again, it is a very stylized approach, requiring users to learn a specific 
way of documenting code (which is not necessarily a bad thing) and it 
still doesn't help ensure that the documentation actually matches the code.
  I won't argue with the benefit of being able to automatically generate 
documentation from code - which Fusebox effectively lets you do - but this 
is an idea that's been around since the 60's so it's nothing new. 
ColdFusion MX supports this directly by generating Javadoc-style output 
from the code itself which means that the documentation can *never* get 
out of sync with the code, unlike Fusedocs.

 To sum up, the below link provides a lot of good information in terms of
 'best practices'.  FuseBox itself is a program architecture that takes 
 'best practices', improves on them, and puts them into work.

Fusebox is a framework, not an architecture, and whether it improves on 
various best practices is a point of much contention.

See also:

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.