Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-12-19 Thread Xing Li

This is a pretty old post but given its importance as related to client
variables I want to revist this.

I have a system setup where two cf machines are tied together via dns
round-robin and share the same database for client storage. As the number of
simultaneous users increasesd, the number of users overstepping/intruding
into other's client memory space have increased to such as a point that I
had to store the IP of the client user as part of the client init and verify
the user ip with the client var each time as not to assume the cfid/cftoken
on the client browser do actually belong to them. I have not personally
reproduced on my machines but given the hundreds of reports this is not a
coincidence. Other than the round-robin setup there are nothing special
about the way the client vars are stored in the database.

Although this problem has been seen more from IE 5 users, it is not
exclusively IE. Netscape and IE 5.5 users have also reported this problem.
Not sure if SP2 has addressed this problem but I hope somebody here has clue
as why this is so. Again, this only surfaces as traffic increases.

I have asked users to manually remove all their cookies stored on their
browser to make sure it's not the browser's fault. It didn't work. I thought
mabye the cfapplication setdomain option was at fault but none of the
combinations resolved the issues. The weird thing is that once you overstep
into another person's memory space, you will ALWAYS overstep into that
particular person's client vars in the future. This is not a you assume a
random person's identity every time. CF's client management system somehow
remembers you AND someone that you shouldn't be associated with. I have no
clue why this is so.

In fact, this problem is a bit related to an thread way back when where
someone had a perculiar SQL error with CF trying to create duplicate CDATA
entries. Forgot who was the original poster but that person had trouble with
client states with IE 5 browsers. At first I really didn't believe it could
happen to me, has and I'm clueless. The only solution I have, thus
far, is to manually verify an additional bit of information (IP adderss) for
each client accessed page.


p.s. Maybe CF 5 should let us modify the client
creation/deletion/verification SQL scripts? It's no secret the generic
statements they use and I don't see a reason why they shouldn't make them

- Original Message -
From: "paul smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

 The problem (if there is one) is that the next (or last, I don't know
 which) value of CFID is kept in the Registry.  Two machines that don't
 to one another means both machines *could* come up with the same
 CFID.  Even if possible, it must be very unlikely (ordinarily).

 OTOH, if you start out with 2 machines, each with a new install of CF,
 BOTH start out with CFID=1 at the same time ;-)

 In addition, in one cookie-less app I've developed, I see that CFAS
 increments the Register-based current value of CFID with each page
 request.  So while my app might have CFID=56321 with each page request in
 one instance of the app, if I start another instance of the app it might
 have CFID=56402 (with the app not accessed by anyone in the interim).

 best,  paul

 At 11:59 AM 11/19/00 -0500, you wrote:
 I presume if it's in the registry or a database, it's not going to assign
 a pair to anyone that is already existing. Therefore, I don't see how two
 people could end up with the same pair.

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Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-12-19 Thread paul smith


Since I was storing client variables in a database anyway, for this but 
mainly other reasons I went to a scheme where I create CFI/CFT pairs 
(analogous to CFID/CFTOKEN pairs) using my own algorithm.  Since CFI is 
incremented by 1 in a single table for each new user no matter how many 
machines are in the server farm, it's not possible to have duplicate CFIs.

While I understand how machines in a farm could have the same CFID (because 
CFAS in each machine generates CFID independently), I'm still surprised it 
turned out to be such a problem.

best,  paul

At 06:49 PM 12/19/00 -0800, you wrote:
This is a pretty old post but given its importance as related to client
variables I want to revist this.

I have a system setup where two cf machines are tied together via dns
round-robin and share the same database for client storage. As the number of
simultaneous users increasesd, the number of users overstepping/intruding
into other's client memory space have increased to such as a point that I
had to store the IP of the client user as part of the client init and verify
the user ip with the client var each time as not to assume the cfid/cftoken
on the client browser do actually belong to them. I have not personally
reproduced on my machines but given the hundreds of reports this is not a
coincidence. Other than the round-robin setup there are nothing special
about the way the client vars are stored in the database.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-11-20 Thread paul smith


I assume you mean URL string not query string, and the answer is Yes.

I'm not using cookies and am instead passing CFID/CFTOKEN in the URL as 

Modified Fusebox-style-wise, app_globals.cfm uses CD.38230 to assign 38230 
to url.cfid and uses CN.80270945 to assign 80270945 to url.cftoken

This automatically maintains state because each user has unique URLs.

(This has the interesting side effect that spiders will see different URLs 
on each visit.  I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.)

best,  paul

At 05:46 AM 11/20/00 -0500, you wrote:
In addition, in one cookie-less app I've developed, I see that CFAS 
increments the Register-based current value of CFID with each page 
request.  So while my app might have CFID=56321 with each page request in 
one instance of the app, if I start another instance of the app it might 
have CFID=56402 (with the app not accessed by anyone in the interim).

Are you passing cfid and cftoken in a query string? Either with or without 
cookies, if there is no cfid and cftoken to check for, CF is going to 
create a new cfid for each page request because it's going to think it's a 
new client every time.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-11-19 Thread Bud

On 11/18/00, pan penned:
If clientP is using App_1 on ServerA and
 clientQ is using App_1 on ServerB,
how likely is it, if at all, that the entries
in CDATA/CGLOBAL are conflated?

I believe that you won't end up with the same cfid/cftoken pair under 
the same application name. If the user is using cookies and goes from 
one site to another, on the same or different machines, even if he 
goes to a site using the same application name, his cookies shouldn't 
be read because the domain names are different. If he's not using 
cookies, unless you had a variable in a link pointing from one domain 
to another domain using the same application name, and some way to 
pick that variable up on the second domain, he should be read as a 
brand new user and assigned a new cfid/cftoken.

That's simply my hypothesis. It shouldn't really work any different 
than if you had a separate client var database for each machine.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-11-19 Thread paul smith

At 05:17 AM 11/19/00 -0500, you wrote:
On 11/18/00, pan penned:
 If clientP is using App_1 on ServerA and
  clientQ is using App_1 on ServerB,
 how likely is it, if at all, that the entries
 in CDATA/CGLOBAL are conflated?

I believe that you won't end up with the same cfid/cftoken pair under
the same application name.

I don't believe they'll get the same cfid/cftoken pair either, but I don't 
see what prevents them from getting the same cfid.

What happens with cftoken then I don't know.

But though unlikely, I don't yet see how it's impossible to get the same 
cfid/cftoken pair.

best,  paul

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-11-19 Thread paul smith

The problem (if there is one) is that the next (or last, I don't know 
which) value of CFID is kept in the Registry.  Two machines that don't talk 
to one another means both machines *could* come up with the same 
CFID.  Even if possible, it must be very unlikely (ordinarily).

OTOH, if you start out with 2 machines, each with a new install of CF, they 
BOTH start out with CFID=1 at the same time ;-)

In addition, in one cookie-less app I've developed, I see that CFAS 
increments the Register-based current value of CFID with each page 
request.  So while my app might have CFID=56321 with each page request in 
one instance of the app, if I start another instance of the app it might 
have CFID=56402 (with the app not accessed by anyone in the interim).

best,  paul

At 11:59 AM 11/19/00 -0500, you wrote:
I presume if it's in the registry or a database, it's not going to assign 
a pair to anyone that is already existing. Therefore, I don't see how two 
people could end up with the same pair.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-11-18 Thread pan

In a non-clustered network of machines, each machine
having CFAS running, that uses a single dsn for client var
storage - are CFIDs uniquely assigned for the storage db,
or is each CFAS assigning CFIDs independently of each

In both CDATA and CGLOBAL the field cfid actually
stores the cfid-cftoken values as xx-.

Is there any guarantee, in the above described
network, that each cfid in CDATA and CGLOBAL
actually points back to the originating server?

Is it possible for serverA to have created the same
cfid-cftoken pair as serverB and thus any entries
in the shared clientVar storage db might not uniquely
refer to different clients on the serveral servers?

CDATA is indexed on multiple columns (cfid,app), but
CGLOBALS has two indices ((cfid),(lvist)).

If clientP is using App_1 on ServerA and 
clientQ is using App_1 on ServerB,
how likely is it, if at all, that the entries
in CDATA/CGLOBAL are conflated?

I'm thinking they could be commingled. 
The CFID element seems to be a simply incremented
value each CFAS generates as need. The CFTOKEN
is not a simply incremented value - don't know how they
are generated - this may resolve the potential problem,
but I don't see how the different CFASs could inform
each other which CFTOKENs have been assigned.



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: clientVar storage/multiple CFAS/single storage db

2000-11-18 Thread paul smith

Looks like they're assigning CFIDs independently.
I believe CFAS keeps track of the last CFID in the

best,  paul

At 01:19 PM 11/18/00 -0800, you wrote:
In a non-clustered network of machines, each machine
having CFAS running, that uses a single dsn for client var
storage - are CFIDs uniquely assigned for the storage db,
or is each CFAS assigning CFIDs independently of each

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at
