RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Barney Boisvert
It would have to do the search more than twice, it woudl have to do every
possible case combination of either the string or the RE.  I suspect that
internally it just does a LOWER or UPPER on both the RE and the string.
  -Original Message-
  From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 8:15 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

  Wouldn't it be "faster" to use a Lower() on the string rather than

  I thought that doing a NoCase does the search twice, so on long strings,
  it could be slower...

  Just a thought

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Pascal Peters
\b only on cfmx.
As I said before, the array created will give you the number of subexpressions (2: the entire regexp and the subexpr (beg)) of the first match. In cf you need a loop. Try putting 3 beg's in your string.


	-Oorspronkelijk bericht- 
	Van: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Verzonden: vr 17/10/2003 17:01 
	Aan: CF-Talk 
	Onderwerp: RE: number of occurrences in a string.
	I'm not a regex guru, but what about using the \b boundry:
	This seems to work well. In a UDF you would just return the arrayLen of
	Does this seem right to others?

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Raymond Camden
I always assumed it said, match A or a, not search twice. I guess it
depends on what is happening at the lowest level. I've never seen any
recommendations in the past to not use findNoCase or reFindNocase (or

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Philip Arnold
Wouldn't it be "faster" to use a Lower() on the string rather than

I thought that doing a NoCase does the search twice, so on long strings,
it could be slower...

Just a thought

-Original Message-
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 11:02 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

I'm not a regex guru, but what about using the \b boundry:

This seems to work well. In a UDF you would just return the arrayLen of

Does this seem right to others?


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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Raymond Camden
Nope, I stand corrected, you still need to loop. But \b may be better
than [^a-z]+.

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Raymond Camden
I'm not a regex guru, but what about using the \b boundry:

This seems to work well. In a UDF you would just return the arrayLen of

Does this seem right to others?

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Pascal Peters
the for loop isn't right:

1. if it doesn't find a match, it continues looping
2. if there is a match, start will become greater than the string length
3. the word is not escaped for special chars in regexp
4. when the new start position is set, it isn't set to the right place (should be +Len(word)+2, but this isn't a problem, it is just not efficient).

Look at the code I posted, I think it will be more efficient. Maybe the 4th attribute of REFindNoCase can be dropped and the length to add can be calculated from the original word before escaping.

	-Oorspronkelijk bericht- 
	Van: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Verzonden: vr 17/10/2003 15:52 
	Aan: CF-Talk 
	Onderwerp: RE: number of occurrences in a string.
	What didn't look right about the function? It's working here.

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Raymond Camden
What didn't look right about the function? It's working here.

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Pascal Peters
I was doing _javascript_ when I posted this. Obviously the first element in the array has index 1 in CF. So replace [0] by [1] in my code.

	-Oorspronkelijk bericht- 
	Van: Pascal Peters 
	Verzonden: vr 17/10/2003 15:08 
	Aan: CF-Talk 
	Onderwerp: RE: number of occurrences in a string.
	The function doesn't look correct. This should work (I modified it, but didn't test)
	function WordInstance(word,string){
	var i = 0;
	var start = 1;
	var exit = false;
	var tmp = "";
	var special_char_list  = "\,+,*,?,.,[,],^,$,(,),{,},|,-";
	var esc_special_char_list  = "\\,\+,\*,\?,\.,\[,\],\^,\$,\(,\),\{,\},\|,\-";
	word = ReplaceList(word, special_char_list, esc_special_char_list);
	string = " " & string & " ";
	while(NOT exit){
	  if(tmp.pos[0] gt 0){
	   exit = true;
	return i;

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Pascal Peters
The function doesn't look correct. This should work (I modified it, but didn't test)
function WordInstance(word,string){
 var i = 0;
 var start = 1;
 var exit = false;
 var tmp = "";
 var special_char_list  = "\,+,*,?,.,[,],^,$,(,),{,},|,-";
 var esc_special_char_list  = "\\,\+,\*,\?,\.,\[,\],\^,\$,\(,\),\{,\},\|,\-";

 word = ReplaceList(word, special_char_list, esc_special_char_list);
 string = " " & string & " ";
 while(NOT exit){
  if(tmp.pos[0] gt 0){
   exit = true;
 return i;


	-Oorspronkelijk bericht- 
	Van: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Verzonden: vr 17/10/2003 13:42 
	Aan: CF-Talk 
	Onderwerp: RE: number of occurrences in a string.
	Does anybody have answer for this .When I use cflib function wordinstance()
	sometimes CPU usage will max out ,it reaches its max to 100%.  It takes a
	good amount of time to open the page. This is the only function which give
	me correct results. My concern is when the site will generate good traffic
	it will choke the server. I am not sure why. Any help or suggestions are

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Tim Blair
> What you are returning here is the number if subexpressions of
> the first matching word (will always be 2), NOT the wordcount. 

Damn, yes, you're right.  I was thinking perl regex.  Sorry!

$word = "the";
$string = "q giw fieo the nigeow the woeifnw io fmewo the miwo";
@wordarray = $string =~ /[^[:alpha:]]($word)[^[:alpha:]]/g;
print scalar(@wordarray) . "\n";



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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Pascal Peters
What you are returning here is the number if subexpressions of the first matching word (will always be 2), NOT the wordcount. To count the number of words, you NEED to loop. Also, you will need to escape the word for regular expressions (escape chars like \$^([ and so on). Finally, you probably want to do a REFindNoCase.

Look at CountIt ( on, but use REFindNoCase instead of FindNoCase with the regexp in the code. There is an escape function for RegExp on cflib too.


	-Oorspronkelijk bericht- 
	Van: Tim Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Verzonden: vr 17/10/2003 13:59 
	Aan: CF-Talk 
	Onderwerp: RE: number of occurrences in a string.
	Try this (watch the wrap):
	hint="Counts the number of occurences of a given word in a given
	refind("[^[:alpha:]](#arguments.word#)[^[:alpha:]]", arguments.line, 1,

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Tim Blair
> Will this work in CF5.0 ?

*Now* he says...  No, it's MX only.  But I _think_ this should do it
(and work on MX too):

function wordcount(word, line) {
    var wordarray = refind("[^[:alpha:]](#word#)[^[:alpha:]]", line, 1,
    if (NOT wordarray.len[1]) { return 0; }
    return arraylen(wordarray.len);

No promises on it working though - only MX here so can't test it.


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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Ketan Patel
Any suggestion for CF5.0 instead of CFMX.

Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
"It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 

  -Original Message-
  From: Tim Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 8:00 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

  > I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in
  > string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word
  > search in a string.

  Try this (watch the wrap):

  hint="Counts the number of occurences of a given word in a given
  refind("[^[:alpha:]](#arguments.word#)[^[:alpha:]]", arguments.line, 1,



  Visit our new website at and
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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Tim Blair
> Try this (watch the wrap):

Oops, replace the output="yes" with output="no" in the cffunction
header.  Also note that this is a case sensitive search - if you want
case insensitive change the refind(...) to refindnocase(...).


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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Tim Blair
> I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in
> string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word
> search in a string.

Try this (watch the wrap):

hint="Counts the number of occurences of a given word in a given
refind("[^[:alpha:]](#arguments.word#)[^[:alpha:]]", arguments.line, 1,




Visit our new website at and
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Tim Blair
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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-17 Thread Ketan Patel
Does anybody have answer for this .When I use cflib function wordinstance()
sometimes CPU usage will max out ,it reaches its max to 100%.  It takes a
good amount of time to open the page. This is the only function which give
me correct results. My concern is when the site will generate good traffic
it will choke the server. I am not sure why. Any help or suggestions are

Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
"It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 

  -Original Message-
  From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:21 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: number of occurrences in a string.

  Hi All,
  I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in a
  string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word to
  search in a string.

  Ketan Patel
  G3 Technology Group, LLC
  Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
  (410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
  "It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Bryan F. Hogan
That's funny, I almost bought Ray the barbie that was previosly listed.
  -Original Message-
  From: Robyn Follen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:08 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

  Heh... looked at this and thought... Wow!  This guy wants all the same
  that I want!

  I suppose that since it WAS my list, it makes a little sense.  Looks like
  this is the link to yours:

  7519-1760600> ?

  Pretty short!


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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Raymond Camden
This is getting odd, but I noticed the same thing. I went to a blog,
noticed the guy had his wish list, and when I clicked on it, I saw mine
as well. Is there something special about Amazon wish lists?

Sorry for the OT crap folks, I'll try to make up for it with a good blog
post later today. :)

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Robyn Follen
Heh... looked at this and thought... Wow!  This guy wants all the same stuff
that I want!  

I suppose that since it WAS my list, it makes a little sense.  Looks like
this is the link to yours:

7519-1760600> ?

Pretty short!


-Original Message-
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

Ahem - without sounding like a total and complete greedy pig, my wish
list is here:

Feel free to send on over the 500 dollar IPod. (Sorry, can't help

Also I should point out Rob Brooks-Bilson, author of Programming CFMX,
is also a big part of the site.

(And no one is going to make a crack about how long it takes me to
approve UDFs? You folks are too nice.)


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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Raymond Camden
Ahem - without sounding like a total and complete greedy pig, my wish
list is here:

Feel free to send on over the 500 dollar IPod. (Sorry, can't help

Also I should point out Rob Brooks-Bilson, author of Programming CFMX,
is also a big part of the site.

(And no one is going to make a crack about how long it takes me to
approve UDFs? You folks are too nice.)

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Re: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Charlie Griefer
heh...i was just gonna say, "yeah, cflib is great...too bad the owner doesn't have a wish list at so we could repay him in some way" :)

(but...just went looking...where *is* your link to the wish list?)


  - Original Message - 
  From: Raymond Camden 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:34 AM
  Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

  Would now be a good time to point out the official
  wish list???

  -Raymond, who realizes he is WAY behind on the queue.

  > Check out the following function. Someone on another was 
  > trying to do this yesterday. CFLib.Org has to be one of the 
  > best sites for cool tools. :)
    -Original Message-
    From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:21 PM
    To: CF-Talk
    Subject: number of occurrences in a string.

    Hi All,
    I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in
    string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word
    search in a string.

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Bryan F. Hogan
It couldn't hurt! :)
  -Original Message-
  From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:35 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

  Would now be a good time to point out the official
  wish list???

  -Raymond, who realizes he is WAY behind on the queue.

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Ketan Patel
The cflib function wordinstance() is that sometimes CPU usage will max out ,
it reaches its max to 100%. I am not sure why. Any help or suggestions are
Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
"It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 

  -Original Message-
  From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:26 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: number of occurrences in a string.

  This should do what you want

  -Original Message-
  From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:21 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: number of occurrences in a string.

  Hi All,
  I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in a
  string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word to
  search in a string.

  Ketan Patel
  G3 Technology Group, LLC
  Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
  (410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
  "It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 


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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Raymond Camden
Would now be a good time to point out the official
wish list???

-Raymond, who realizes he is WAY behind on the queue.

> Check out the following function. Someone on another was 
> trying to do this yesterday. CFLib.Org has to be one of the 
> best sites for cool tools. :)
  -Original Message-
  From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:21 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: number of occurrences in a string.

  Hi All,
  I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in
  string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word
  search in a string.

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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Philip Arnold

This should do what you want

-Original Message-
From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: number of occurrences in a string.

Hi All,
I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in a
string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word to
search in a string.

Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
"It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 


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RE: number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Bryan F. Hogan
Check out the following function. Someone on another was trying to do this
yesterday. CFLib.Org has to be one of the best sites for cool tools. :)
  -Original Message-
  From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:21 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: number of occurrences in a string.

  Hi All,
  I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in a
  string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word to
  search in a string.

  Ketan Patel
  G3 Technology Group, LLC
  Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
  (410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
  "It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 

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number of occurrences in a string.

2003-10-16 Thread Ketan Patel
Hi All,
I am looking for which returns the number of occurrences of a word in a
string. It should return the word occurrence count when I pass a word to
search in a string.

Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
"It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell." 

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