[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-05 Thread Kevin Atkinson
When I first read the slashdot article "Lawrence Lessig Answers Your
Questions" (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/12/21/155221) I
cried, which is really saying something as I do not cry often.  And
since them I have been having a wide variety of fixed emotions.  But I
think it settled down to being scared.  Part of my fear can best be
described by the following article "The Coming Storm" by Bruce Bell
The other part of my fear is the fact that very few people understand
what the existence of the Internet really means, and even fewer people
see the upcoming battle.  I know I didn't fully grasp what is going on
until I read the Lawrence Lessig responses.  We have a fundamental
paradigm shift on our hands and hardly any one sees it.  Hardly anyone
sees that in with the existence of the Internet it is going to
imposable to control the flow of information, period.  The only way
to stop this flow of information is to ban people all together from
the Internet.  Any sort of censorship and copy protection is going to
be defeated, plain and simple.  What is even scarier is that if
Richard Stallman article "The Right to Read"
(http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html) was worded slightly
differently I have a felling many people will not see the problem
with the picture he is painting.  However, what really is upsetting me
lately is that I have absolutely know idea how to get the typical
person to understand the magnitude of what is going on.  I truly
fell that the upcoming issues over the free flow of information are
major, very major.  Even bigger than the terrorist attack on the U.S.
However, hardly any one is even aware of it, and I don't know how to
make them aware.

So, my point of posting this is to hopefully open up some discussion on
what is really going to happen and to address the key problem that has
really gotten me down lately:

  How the hell do you get the average person to understand the full
  magnitude of what the Internet means?  And how do you explain how
  the DMCA is just downright wrong, and how if the various media
  originations (such as the RIAA, the MPAA) had there way we would be
  living in a world exactly as Richard Stallman explains.  Or even
  how to get them to understand that the picture Richard Stallman is
  painting is just wrong in more ways than once.

I have never been so serious about anything in my life and would
really like some input here.  I have felt certain ways against other
issues in the past but all of them are extremely minor compared to

Also, if you know of better ways places to post this please let me


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[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-05 Thread kre...@juno.com

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 23:11:12 -0500 (EST) Kevin Atkinson
> When I first read the slashdot article "Lawrence Lessig Answers Your
> Questions" (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/12/21/155221) I

I have no net connection, at least not till pay day, so I can't see this
or any other internet article unless someone sends them directly to me or
posts them on this list.

I don't cry very often either, but when I do, it is usualy because
something has made my mind unstable.  I suffer from depression, and I am
emmotionaly handicaped.  Pressure doesn't sit too well with me, my
emotions go crazy.

> cried, which is really saying something as I do not cry often.  And
> since them I have been having a wide variety of fixed emotions.  But 
> I
> think it settled down to being scared.  Part of my fear can best be
> described by the following article "The Coming Storm" by Bruce Bell
> (http://eon.law.harvard.edu/openlaw/DVD/articles/comingstorm.html).
> The other part of my fear is the fact that very few people 
> understand
> what the existence of the Internet really means, and even fewer 
> people
> see the upcoming battle.  I know I didn't fully grasp what is going 

Very few people understand anything about computers or the internet,
hence the danger for children on computers.  We need to educate people
about computers, the internet, and the good and the bad that exist in the
Cyber-World.  We also need to educate people on the dangers of censorship
and the degredation and destruction of our fundamental freedoms here in
the US, and elsewhere in the so-called Free world.

> on
> until I read the Lawrence Lessig responses.  We have a fundamental
> paradigm shift on our hands and hardly any one sees it.  Hardly 
> anyone
> sees that in with the existence of the Internet it is going to
> imposable to control the flow of information, period.  The only way
> to stop this flow of information is to ban people all together from
> the Internet.  Any sort of censorship and copy protection is going 
> to
> be defeated, plain and simple.  What is even scarier is that if

Not only WILL they be defeated, they SHOULD be defeated.  Censorship of
any kind has always been the greatest weapon of tyrants and dictators and
corrupt governments.  We MUST NOT ALLOW ANY government or organization of
of the power of Censorship.  As for Copy Protection, it is so wrong it is
rediculous.  If they had had their way we would not have VCR or any other
Audio/Video recording technology.  Imagine haveing to miss your favorite
TV shows or movies because you were not allowed by law to record them?

They think that copying is automaticaly an illegal practice, but it
isn't.  We should have the right to create copies of our own things for
our own personal use.  What we do with those copies cannot be decided by
the Music or Software industries.

> Richard Stallman article "The Right to Read"
> (http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html) was worded 
> slightly
> differently I have a felling many people will not see the problem
> with the picture he is painting.  However, what really is upsetting 
> me
> lately is that I have absolutely know idea how to get the typical
> person to understand the magnitude of what is going on.  I truly
> fell that the upcoming issues over the free flow of information are
> major, very major.  Even bigger than the terrorist attack on the 
> U.S.
> However, hardly any one is even aware of it, and I don't know how 
> to
> make them aware.

I agree.  I think that the terrorists are actualy winning, because our
reaction to these attacks has been to destroy the very freedoms we are
supposedly fighting to protect.  I'm even beginning to wonder whether or
not certain individuals in our government KNEW of this attack before it
occured and were just waiting to grab at the chance to take away our
freedoms.  But then, I'm probably just being paranoid.  Don't mind me. :)

> So, my point of posting this is to hopefully open up some discussion 
> on
> what is really going to happen and to address the key problem that 
> has
> really gotten me down lately:
>   How the hell do you get the average person to understand the full
>   magnitude of what the Internet means?  And how do you explain how
>   the DMCA is just downright wrong, and how if the various media
>   originations (such as the RIAA, the MPAA) had there way we would 
> be
>   living in a world exactly as Richard Stallman explains.  Or even
>   how to get them to understand that the picture Richard Stallman 
> is
>   painting is just wrong in more ways than once.

I wish I could help, I'm just as clueless.  I'm not very good at
convincing the average person to agree with me.  I'm just not that good
at understanding others.

> I have never been so serious about anything in my life and would
> really like some input here.  I have felt certain ways against 
> other
> issues in the past but all of them are extremely minor compared to
> this.
> Also, if you kno

[freenet-chat] deep philosophical question

2002-01-05 Thread kre...@juno.com

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 16:26:48 +1300 David McNab 
> IMO, there should be laws passed that all unsolicited promotional
> material have the string 'SPAM:' at the start of the subject field, 
> to
> allow easy filtering.

MSN does this, I'm sure of it, but only for messages that come from
places they have already identified as SPAMers.  I agree that ALL SPAMers
should be required by law to put SPAM at the beginning of every subject
line, or get a special kind of MIME code that MUST be embeded so that
unwanted messages can be filtered out, not just by the Email Client a
user happens to be useing, but by the email SERVER run by the ISP.

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[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-05 Thread Josh
>  I'm even beginning to wonder whether or
> not certain individuals in our government
> KNEW of this attack before it
> occured and were just waiting to grab at the
> chance to take away our freedoms.

Do you really think our government would allow people to be killed, just so
they can pass legislation?

The government can't hide conspiracies. They are horrible at keeping
secrets. That's why I never bought into the idea there's a UFO at area 51,
simply because the government couldn't keep a secret for that long. They are
too incompetent.

I think that people often assume conspiracy when in fact there is
incompetence. This comes from being inside many bureaucracies, including
some government agencies. To summarize: They have their thumbs up their ass.
They are so incompetent they couldn't orchestrate a conspiracy even if they
were ordered to do so, let alone do their normal jobs. As a general rule, if
you're a looser you want to work for the government because they will hire
you and not fire you. Whereas a normal corporation won't hire you in the
first place, or if they do they will soon figure out that you're incompetent
and will fire you.

Seriously, I worry that this government is too stupid and does nothing, far
more often than I worry about them doing other things.

I think the real issue here is why didn't we prevent this? Why was a plane
able to actually crash into the pentagon? Don't they have an air defense?
Why didn't they see it coming and evacuate the building? I see it as a perl
harbor situation where our people were sitting on their ass (remember, radar
told them we had incoming planes).

I didn't think much of John Ashcroft, but when he denied the feds the
ability to use the handgun purchase database (whatever its called) for the
war on terrorism, I decided that he's not that bad of a guy. But my opinion
might change.

 -Original Message-
From:   chat-admin at freenetproject.org [mailto:chat-ad...@freenetproject.org]
On Behalf Of krepta at juno.com
Sent:   Saturday, January 05, 2002 8:42 PM
To: chat at freenetproject.org
Subject:Re: [freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 23:11:12 -0500 (EST) Kevin Atkinson
> When I first read the slashdot article "Lawrence Lessig Answers Your
> Questions" (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/12/21/155221) I

I have no net connection, at least not till pay day, so I can't see this
or any other internet article unless someone sends them directly to me or
posts them on this list.

I don't cry very often either, but when I do, it is usualy because
something has made my mind unstable.  I suffer from depression, and I am
emmotionaly handicaped.  Pressure doesn't sit too well with me, my
emotions go crazy.

> cried, which is really saying something as I do not cry often.  And
> since them I have been having a wide variety of fixed emotions.  But
> I
> think it settled down to being scared.  Part of my fear can best be
> described by the following article "The Coming Storm" by Bruce Bell
> (http://eon.law.harvard.edu/openlaw/DVD/articles/comingstorm.html).
> The other part of my fear is the fact that very few people
> understand
> what the existence of the Internet really means, and even fewer
> people
> see the upcoming battle.  I know I didn't fully grasp what is going

Very few people understand anything about computers or the internet,
hence the danger for children on computers.  We need to educate people
about computers, the internet, and the good and the bad that exist in the
Cyber-World.  We also need to educate people on the dangers of censorship
and the degredation and destruction of our fundamental freedoms here in
the US, and elsewhere in the so-called Free world.

> on
> until I read the Lawrence Lessig responses.  We have a fundamental
> paradigm shift on our hands and hardly any one sees it.  Hardly
> anyone
> sees that in with the existence of the Internet it is going to
> imposable to control the flow of information, period.  The only way
> to stop this flow of information is to ban people all together from
> the Internet.  Any sort of censorship and copy protection is going
> to
> be defeated, plain and simple.  What is even scarier is that if

Not only WILL they be defeated, they SHOULD be defeated.  Censorship of
any kind has always been the greatest weapon of tyrants and dictators and
corrupt governments.  We MUST NOT ALLOW ANY government or organization of
of the power of Censorship.  As for Copy Protection, it is so wrong it is
rediculous.  If they had had their way we would not have VCR or any other
Audio/Video recording technology.  Imagine haveing to miss your favorite
TV shows or movies because you were not allowed by law to record them?

They think that copying is automaticaly an illegal practice, but it
isn't.  We should have the right to create copies of our own things for
our own personal use.  What we do with those copies cannot be decided by
the Music or Software industries.

> Richard Stal

[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-05 Thread Josh
>  How the hell do you get the average person
> to understand the full magnitude of what the Internet means?

The problem is that the internet means different things to different people.
Just like a highway means different things to different people. Some see a
highway as a way ruin a perfectly good small town. Others see it as an
opportunity to expand that town. For you it means a change in freedom of
speech issues, but for others it means different things. It all depends on
what your priorities are. When the printing press was invented, I bet people
had similar philosophies as you do, except that democracy (aka the real
meaning of new world order - don't answer to the kings) was probably #1 on
their list, with freedom of speech being next. I think the printing press
will go down in history as having a far greater impact on the world than the

To answer your question, I think you have 2 things here: your means and your
ends. Your ends are political, and your means are technical (the internet).
So you have to explain to people what your end goal is first (freedom of
speech), then explain how the internet helps you accomplish it. I bet that
will give you more success in getting your message thru.

For me, the internet meant more billable hours, which lead to the ability to
buy my own home, because the demand for my skills skyrocketed. It meant that
I could take my girlfriend to Europe for a nice vacation. It also meant an
easier way to buy and sell things (ebay), and a better alternative to BBS's
when needing tech support to get my job done. It meant that more
non-computer folks use email.

After installing, maintaining, and upgrading internet infrastructure 40
hours a week, I never got into the online scene (until I quit that job)
because I didn't want to mess with computers after already doing so all day.
So for me, NOT enjoying the internet like many other technical people did
meant that computers had become a profession, and no longer a hobby. It was
a weird feeling when I recognized that.

Now that I'm working on my own project full time, computers are finally a
hobby again But I'm not getting enough work done on my project... ahhh,
so much to read!  (http://citeseer.nj.nec.com)

 -Original Message-
From:   chat-admin at freenetproject.org [mailto:chat-ad...@freenetproject.org]
On Behalf Of Kevin Atkinson
Sent:   Saturday, January 05, 2002 8:11 PM
To: chat at freenetproject.org
Subject:[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

When I first read the slashdot article "Lawrence Lessig Answers Your
Questions" (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/12/21/155221) I
cried, which is really saying something as I do not cry often.  And
since them I have been having a wide variety of fixed emotions.  But I
think it settled down to being scared.  Part of my fear can best be
described by the following article "The Coming Storm" by Bruce Bell
The other part of my fear is the fact that very few people understand
what the existence of the Internet really means, and even fewer people
see the upcoming battle.  I know I didn't fully grasp what is going on
until I read the Lawrence Lessig responses.  We have a fundamental
paradigm shift on our hands and hardly any one sees it.  Hardly anyone
sees that in with the existence of the Internet it is going to
imposable to control the flow of information, period.  The only way
to stop this flow of information is to ban people all together from
the Internet.  Any sort of censorship and copy protection is going to
be defeated, plain and simple.  What is even scarier is that if
Richard Stallman article "The Right to Read"
(http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html) was worded slightly
differently I have a felling many people will not see the problem
with the picture he is painting.  However, what really is upsetting me
lately is that I have absolutely know idea how to get the typical
person to understand the magnitude of what is going on.  I truly
fell that the upcoming issues over the free flow of information are
major, very major.  Even bigger than the terrorist attack on the U.S.
However, hardly any one is even aware of it, and I don't know how to
make them aware.

So, my point of posting this is to hopefully open up some discussion on
what is really going to happen and to address the key problem that has
really gotten me down lately:

  How the hell do you get the average person to understand the full
  magnitude of what the Internet means?  And how do you explain how
  the DMCA is just downright wrong, and how if the various media
  originations (such as the RIAA, the MPAA) had there way we would be
  living in a world exactly as Richard Stallman explains.  Or even
  how to get them to understand that the picture Richard Stallman is
  painting is just wrong in more ways than once.

I have never been so serious about anything in my life and would
really like some input here.  I