Re: [freenet-chat] Freedom of speech

2002-05-31 Thread Mr. Smith

AOL is well known for their censorship practices so I
doubt that's going to be breaking news for anybody. 
In short, however, it is their message board and they
are well within their rights to do whatever the hell
they want with it.

Friends don't let friends use AOL.

--- Stephen Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Freedom of speech?
 I recently posted a message on the AOL messageboard
 I suddenly became the victim of brutal censorship.
 I want everyone to know about AOL. 
 The correspondence between me/them will be
 forthcoming if you desire.
 Stephen Bennett

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[freenet-chat] self description

2002-01-15 Thread Mr. Smith
--- krepta at wrote:
> Tell me, guys, be honest.  Knowing all that you know
> about me, if you
> were employers, would you hire me?  Say the job is
> an office or
> secretarial job.  Forget the heavy lifting stuff,
> that isn't even in the
> picture.  Concentrate now.  Would you hire me?

Get a job that you can do from home/hospital by
telecommuting.  Learn programming and you're halfway
there.  Alternatively, write fiction for a living,
become the next Stephen King (not that we need another

The alternative, of course, is to sit around feeling
sorry for yourself and doing nothing...

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[freenet-chat] self description

2002-01-14 Thread Mr. Smith
--- krepta at wrote:
> I can't do that, that would be dishonest.  Even if I
> didn't tell them, my
> work would be affected very badly by my condition
> and they would
> eventualy find out and fire me.  I don't want to be
> a dishonest person,
> at least not when it affects other people.

Employers are not (legally) allowed to discriminate
based on disability, provided that disability does not
preclude doing a job in the first place.  If you were
applying for a job doing heavy lifting construction,
then the fact that you have bad knees would be a valid
reason for not hiring you, or firing you.

Assuming that you are applying for jobs you actually
feel you are capable of performing, there is no
logical reason to include that information in an
interview.  Even if it does affect your job
performance, provided you are still able to perform
within acceptable parameters it is really none of
their business.  If you feel compelled to honesty,
don't lie, but there is nothing in a job interview
that requires you to paint a negative picture of
yourself by disclosing your every shortcoming.

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[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-07 Thread Mr. Smith
I think you have a part in the next lord of the rings

--- Mark J Roberts  wrote:

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Re: [freenet-chat] Interesting post on /.

2001-09-17 Thread Mr. Smith

--- Stefan Reich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Question: would you be willing
 to trade your personal privacy for maybe some
 further measure of security
 from terrorists? Would you grant the people running
 Carnivore greater rights
 into your life in order to perhaps prevent more
 events like this? Is the
 encryption export ban such a bad thing when stacked
 against 50,000 people's

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.  Just as gun
control usually only helps keep guns away from honest
citizens, encryption control would only allow the
government to monitor people who use standard
encryption packages.

You'd have to be a pretty stupid terrorist to use an
encryption protocol that you knew the government had a
back door to.  When there are so many that don't have
a back door available from your nearest encryption
textbook, why use one that has a gaping hole in it.

As somebody else pointed out, it's not even necessary
to use encryption, when you can hide messages in
pre-arranged code words.

So to summarize, allowing the government to tap into
my communications will only catch terrorists without
any brains while significantly reducing my ability to
have privacy from the government.

Now if the hypothetical government monitoring could
actually help catch terrorists then I'd be in more of
a moral quandry.  While the famous saying He who
trades freedom for safety deserved neither comes to
mind, lack of privacy isn't necessarily lack of
freedom.  I would probably still object just on the
principle (I don't believe the government has any
business poking into my business), I don't really want
terrorists to be able to kill 5000 people in a fell swoop.

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Re: [freenet-chat] p2p = child-endangerment

2001-07-31 Thread Mr. Smith

--- Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lobbyist: Hello, Senator.  I'd like to talk about
 Senator: You mean people who copy music and movies
 without paying for
 Lobbyist: Yes, that's right.  We can't prosecute
 these people because
 of loopholes in the copyright laws.  So we'd like
 you to pass some more
 laws that protect our business interests.
 Senator: But what about free speech?
 Lobbyist: May I remind you that the media companies
 constitute XX% of
 this country's gross national product, as well as
 YY% of our exports?
 And did you forget about all the help we gave you in
 your last campaign?
 Senator: Well gosh, that's right.

My statement wasn't geared at their intent, more at
the physical restrictions that would cause any
interference to be impractical.  Short of outlawing
encryption, there is no way to eliminate peer to peer
file sharing.  As much as our politicians sell out to
the entertainment industry, there's no way something
like that would come to pass without being challenged
immediately and successfully by half the lawyers in
the nation.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Re: p2p = child-endangerment

2001-07-31 Thread Mr. Smith

 Check your premises. *Why* is it a problem for kids
 to have access to
 porn? How do you know our society wouldn't be better
 off if everybody grew
 up watching porn instead of horror movies? Why do
 assume parents should
 protect their children from sex?

I frequently wonder about this myself.  Even given our
sometimes puritanical roots, it seems self-evident
that sex is a fairly major factor of our existence. 
Given that children are basically sponges that absorb
information at rates that make most adults seem
shamefully slow, I fail to see how obsfucation and
misinformation will really help them to prepare for
what will inevitably be a significant part of their

At least I'll get to raise my kids not to be such
censor prone prudes.

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Re: [freenet-chat] for the record

2001-07-30 Thread Mr. Smith

--- Tavin Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 03:35:37PM -0700, Josh
 Borg ramblings deleted 
 You need professional help.

Nah, he'd be right at home at any Trek con :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] p2p = child-endangerment

2001-07-30 Thread Mr. Smith

--- Jeremy G Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And that's the whole point of the report Mr.
 Largent and I are
  releasing today. He also said that in comparison,
 the debate
  over the V-Chip is trivial.

There are still v-chip debates?  Sheesh, great to see
my tax dollars at work.

I wonder what congress thinks it has a hope in hell of
accomplishing against P2P porn, file sharing, etc. 
Silly luddites.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Free Dmitry Sklyarov!

2001-07-22 Thread Mr. Smith

--- Roger Hayter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It may not be popular to say so, but I am sure that
 oppression, torture and murder of anyone who opposes
 its political,
 military and economic hegemony is unlikely to be
 stopped except by the
 united military force of the  peoples of the world.
 This may take some
 time to arrange.

Believe it or not, some americans aren't too crazy
about the way our government throws it's weight around
(esp, the current administration).  Those americans
who have lived in other countries and read the real
news, instead of the highly filtered versions that
make it to the american papers realize that our
country often acts like a spoiled bully trying to get
it's way at the expense of others.

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Re: [freenet-chat] sex

2001-06-07 Thread Mr. Smith

--- Madonna  Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I like to fuckyou.

So does the government...Hey!  you're not a fed are you?

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