[Chicken-users] Easyffi

2009-05-31 Thread bill

Hi again,

I'm still trying to get back into run m ode with Xubuntu and now I'm 
finding a problem with easyffi.
I use gtk+ in my user interface and access it through easyffi.This 
is an old program that's worked for a long time - including in 
Chicken-4.0.0 on Gentoo.   It compiles fine, but now I get the following 
runtime error:

Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse

   Call history:


The offending lines are only in the c code - I don't  use 
'foreign-parse' anywhere  in the  scheme  code.

Any ideas on what could be wrong?   I rather like the Xubuntu 
distribution and would hate to go back to Gentoo.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Easyffi question

2008-12-22 Thread William Ramsay

Hi again,

Can anyone explain to me how I convert a string to a null terminated 
c-pointer that points to a list of strings.

For example  the c function I need to use looks like:

foo (char **str, int cnt, c-struct result)

In other words I'm passing a list of cnt strings into the function to 
get back a structure that contains the strings.   The problem is with 
the first parameter.In most cases I will pass only one string, but 
the function still expects it to be a list of strings - in this case a 
list of one string.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Easyffi question

2008-12-22 Thread John Cowan
Jim Ursetto scripsit:

 The `sx` egg does something similar -- transforming a list of strings
 into a null-terminated array of C strings.  I derived a quick example
 from it and attached the code.

BTW, there is a bug in this code: if it's passed an improper list, it
goes off into hyperspace.  It's never a good idea to test for () as
a list terminator in either C or Scheme: you should use something like

(define (end? x)
((pair? x) #f)
((eq? x '()) #t)
(else (error A proper list should not end with x

(This is based on the Common Lisp predicate ENDP.)

But you, Wormtongue, you have done what you could for your true master.  Some
reward you have earned at least.  Yet Saruman is apt to overlook his bargains.
I should advise you to go quickly and remind him, lest he forget your faithful
service.  --Gandalf John Cowan co...@ccil.org

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi usage

2008-07-09 Thread felix winkelmann
On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 1:46 PM, William Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also, the first example at http://chicken.wiki.br/easyffi#usage seems
 not very good:

  1) Both math.h and csi have defined sin function, one can't verify
 that he'd call sin from which.

  2) It defined #define my_pi 3.14 first, but the call (print (sin 3.14))
 doesn't use my_pi at all.  So i doubt the following clam that it'll
 generated this equivalent code:

   (define-foreign-variable my_pi float my_pi)

Thanks, William. I'll fix the examples.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] easyffi usage

2008-07-08 Thread William Xu

I'm learning how to use the easyffi.egg.  With the following code: 

double my_pi;

double my_pi = 3.14;

(print (sin my_pi))

Built with `csc -X easyffi foo.scm',  when I try to run it, i got: 

| Error: (sin) bad argument type - not a number: #procedure (my_pi . g12)

What's the problem here? 

Also, the first example at http://chicken.wiki.br/easyffi#usage seems
not very good: 

  1) Both math.h and csi have defined sin function, one can't verify
 that he'd call sin from which.  

  2) It defined #define my_pi 3.14 first, but the call (print (sin 3.14))
 doesn't use my_pi at all.  So i doubt the following clam that it'll
 generated this equivalent code:

   (define-foreign-variable my_pi float my_pi)



You can fool all the people all of the time if the advertising is right
and the budget is big enough.
-- Joseph E. Levine

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi usage

2008-07-08 Thread Thomas Chust

William Xu wrote:

double my_pi;


double my_pi = 3.14;

(print (sin my_pi))



if I'm not mistaken, easyffi generates parameter style procedures to 
acces global C variables, probably because it is impossible in CHICKEN 
to create magic Scheme variables that map directly to C variables.

Therefore the correct way to use my_pi in your example would be

  (print (sin (my_pi)))

As my_pi isn't declared constant you could also modify its value using a 
call like

  (my_pi 3.1415)


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi missing foreign-parse

2007-05-08 Thread felix winkelmann

On 4/30/07, John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We are lost, lost.  No name, no business, no Precious, nothing.  Only empty.
Only hungry: yes, we are hungry.  A few little fishes, nassty bony little
fishes, for a poor creature, and they say death.  So wise they are; so just,
so very just.  --Gollum[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://ccil.org/~cowan

Oh boy, I feel like that sometimes...


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] easyffi missing foreign-parse

2007-04-30 Thread Mark Carter
Hi, I'm a n00b to scheme, and I thought I'd check out Chicken. I tried to get 
the readline egg installed, which is dependent on easyffi. I installed the 
easyffi egg, but if I type
I get the response
Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse
All the other easyffi procedures seem to exist, as evidenced by the following 

#;3 register-ffi-macro
#;4 check-c-syntax
#;5 foreign-parse
Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse
#;5 Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse

So, what gives?

Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/ ___
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyFFI and GTK

2007-04-11 Thread Kon Lovett

On Apr 7, 2007, at 7:11 AM, William Ramsay wrote:


I'm trying to create a menu with Gtk.Everything seems to be  
working fine, but I can't seem to figure out how to use menu-append.

My code looks like this:

(define create-menu-item
 (lambda (menu text cmd image)
 ((item #f))
 (if image
 ((source (sprintf icons/~A.png image)))
 (set! item (gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label (sutils-get- 
text text)))

 (gtk_image_menu_item_set_image item source))
   (set! item (gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label(sutils-get- 
text text
 (if (not (= cmd NO_ACTION))(g_signal_connect  
window button_press_event #$cmd #f))

 (foreign-code gtk_menu_append(menu, item);)

The problem is the foreign-code bit. There isn't any automatic  
connection between user defined Scheme variables  C variables. Not  
sure what menu  item are but guessing they would be passed as  
pointers so:

((foreign-lambda void gtk_menu_append pointer pointer) menu item)


-- I'm fairly new to Scheme, so forgive my code if it doesn't meet  
expectations --

Anyway, when I compile this it tells me menu and item are not  
declared.What is the secret for getting this to work?

Thanks in advance. I think Chicken is the greatest  and   
easyFFI is  beyond  praise. You guys have done a  fantastic   
job  in creating the perfect computing system!

Bill Ramsay

Chicken-users mailing list

Best Wishes,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi virtual=0 methods

2007-03-15 Thread felix winkelmann

On 3/12/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Specifically, the problematic line is:

  ScmStkFrames( unsigned int nFrames, unsigned int nChannels, bool
interleaved ) : StkFrames(nFrames, nChannels, interleaved) {}

And the reported error is:

Error: during expansion of (foreign-parse ...) - unexpected tokens: ((op
:) (id StkFrames) open-paren (id nFrames) comma (id nChannels)
comma (id interleaved) close-paren (scope))

I have added a fix to easyffi, which should be updated in a couple hours.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi virtual=0 methods

2007-03-13 Thread felix winkelmann

On 3/12/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Ah, yes. I can reproduce it. Thanks, I'll fix this.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi virtual=0 methods

2007-03-12 Thread felix winkelmann

On 3/12/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was thinking a bit more about this and concluded that it wouldn't be
possible to derive from an abstract C++ class in tinyclos anyway
(because of the impossibility of constructing an instance of that class
from anywhere but a subclass C++ constructor). So I decided to subclass
the problematic class from C++ providing default dummy implementations
for the abstract methods. Now I must call the (non-default) constructor
of the subclass and I'm having trouble with the easyffi parser for the
syntax: ctor(...) : base-ctor(..) {}. One thing I can do to solve this
is to put the definition inside a # # block and the declaration inside
a #? # block (instead of putting the definition once in-between #!
#). But in any case, the easyffi documentation in
http://galinha.ucpel.tche.br:8080//easyffi#foreign-include-path states
that the grammar supports calling base constructors:

CONSTRUCTOR = [___callback | ___safe] [explicit] ID ( ARGTYPE

Specifically, the problematic line is:

  ScmStkFrames( unsigned int nFrames, unsigned int nChannels, bool
interleaved ) : StkFrames(nFrames, nChannels, interleaved) {}

And the reported error is:

Error: during expansion of (foreign-parse ...) - unexpected tokens: ((op
:) (id StkFrames) open-paren (id nFrames) comma (id nChannels)
comma (id interleaved) close-paren (scope))

This works for me:

class ScmStkFrames {
ScmStkFrames( unsigned int nFrames, unsigned int nChannels, bool
interleaved ) : StkFrames(nFrames, nChannels, interleaved) {}

Can you provide a complete example?


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] easyffi virtual=0 methods

2007-03-11 Thread Carlos Pita
Hi all,

suppose I have a C++ class FM with some pure/abstract/virtual=0 (you
choose) methods that I want to expose to chicken via easyffi. This class
has a constructor, to be used by its concrete subclasses (and I'm not
the owner of the code, so avoiding ctors in abstract classes is a nono).
The trouble is that even if I mark the class as ___abstract, easyffi is
trying to instantiate it someway, so I get an error report from the g++
compiler, something like:

/site/install/stk-4.2.1/include/FM.h:36: note:   because the following
virtual functions are pure within ‘FM’:
/site/install/stk-4.2.1/include/Instrmnt.h:27: note:virtual void
Instrmnt::noteOn(StkFloat, StkFloat)
/site/install/stk-4.2.1/include/FM.h:88: note:  virtual StkFloat
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 1: g++ fmscm.cpp -o
fmscm.o -c -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
-fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized
-I /data1/install/chicken-2.518/include/

I could comment out the ctor and then things go fine, but I lose the
chance to invoke this ctor from tinyclos concrete subclasses... don't I?

Can you help me?

Thank you in advance.

Pregunt�. Respond�. Descubr�. 
Todo lo que quer�as saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
est� en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
�Probalo ya! 

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi virtual=0 methods

2007-03-11 Thread Carlos Pita
I was thinking a bit more about this and concluded that it wouldn't be
possible to derive from an abstract C++ class in tinyclos anyway
(because of the impossibility of constructing an instance of that class
from anywhere but a subclass C++ constructor). So I decided to subclass
the problematic class from C++ providing default dummy implementations
for the abstract methods. Now I must call the (non-default) constructor
of the subclass and I'm having trouble with the easyffi parser for the
syntax: ctor(...) : base-ctor(..) {}. One thing I can do to solve this
is to put the definition inside a # # block and the declaration inside
a #? # block (instead of putting the definition once in-between #!
#). But in any case, the easyffi documentation in
http://galinha.ucpel.tche.br:8080//easyffi#foreign-include-path states
that the grammar supports calling base constructors:

CONSTRUCTOR = [___callback | ___safe] [explicit] ID ( ARGTYPE

Specifically, the problematic line is:

  ScmStkFrames( unsigned int nFrames, unsigned int nChannels, bool
interleaved ) : StkFrames(nFrames, nChannels, interleaved) {}

And the reported error is:

Error: during expansion of (foreign-parse ...) - unexpected tokens: ((op
:) (id StkFrames) open-paren (id nFrames) comma (id nChannels)
comma (id interleaved) close-paren (scope))


On Sun, 2007-03-11 at 17:11 -0300, Carlos Pita wrote:
 Hi all,
 suppose I have a C++ class FM with some pure/abstract/virtual=0 (you
 choose) methods that I want to expose to chicken via easyffi. This class
 has a constructor, to be used by its concrete subclasses (and I'm not
 the owner of the code, so avoiding ctors in abstract classes is a nono).
 The trouble is that even if I mark the class as ___abstract, easyffi is
 trying to instantiate it someway, so I get an error report from the g++
 compiler, something like:
 /site/install/stk-4.2.1/include/FM.h:36: note:   because the following
 virtual functions are pure within ‘FM’:
 /site/install/stk-4.2.1/include/Instrmnt.h:27: note:virtual void
 Instrmnt::noteOn(StkFloat, StkFloat)
 /site/install/stk-4.2.1/include/FM.h:88: note:  virtual StkFloat
 *** Shell command terminated with exit status 1: g++ fmscm.cpp -o
 fmscm.o -c -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized
 -I /data1/install/chicken-2.518/include/
 I could comment out the ctor and then things go fine, but I lose the
 chance to invoke this ctor from tinyclos concrete subclasses... don't I?
 Can you help me?
 Thank you in advance.
 Pregunt. Respond. Descubr. 
 Todo lo que queras saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
 est en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
 Probalo ya! 
 Chicken-users mailing list

Pregunt�. Respond�. Descubr�. 
Todo lo que quer�as saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
est� en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
�Probalo ya! 

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] easyffi default arguments

2007-03-11 Thread Carlos Pita

continuing with the easyffi saga :) I would like to hear your
suggestions about the best way to get c++ default args. One alternative
would be to rename the original method using ___declare(rename...)
directive, and then define a tinyclos method with an #!optional clause
that just delegates to the renamed method. I think it would be better to
directly invoke the underlying foreign-lambda to avoid the
generic-generic-foreign-lambda invocation chain which would incur into
possibly expensive method resolution twice. But I don't know how to
reference this hipotetical foreign-lambda (maybe an stub with a criptic
name that keeps no resemblance to the original one). Btw, is there any
way to inspect the macroexpanded ffi-level output of the # # sections
so I can tweak with more confidence? 


Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi default arguments

2007-03-11 Thread felix winkelmann

On 3/12/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


continuing with the easyffi saga :) I would like to hear your
suggestions about the best way to get c++ default args. One alternative
would be to rename the original method using ___declare(rename...)
directive, and then define a tinyclos method with an #!optional clause
that just delegates to the renamed method. I think it would be better to
directly invoke the underlying foreign-lambda to avoid the
generic-generic-foreign-lambda invocation chain which would incur into
possibly expensive method resolution twice. But I don't know how to
reference this hipotetical foreign-lambda (maybe an stub with a criptic
name that keeps no resemblance to the original one). Btw, is there any
way to inspect the macroexpanded ffi-level output of the # # sections
so I can tweak with more confidence?

Compile with -debug F to see the generated code.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi include path

2007-03-05 Thread Carlos Pita
 I have added a macro (foreign-include-path) to easyffi. The new version
 (1.5) should be available now.

Thank you Felix! How should I get this patched version? I have tried doing a 
chicken-setup from svn repo but the macro isn't included. Indeed, the version 
of easyffi in the repo is still 1.4. Am I missing something?
Btw, what is the recommended way to do bulk-bindings now: easyffi or swig?


 Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
 Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
 está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
 Probalo ya! ___
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi include path

2007-03-05 Thread felix winkelmann

On 3/6/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have added a macro (foreign-include-path) to easyffi. The new version
 (1.5) should be available now.

Thank you Felix! How should I get this patched version? I have tried doing a
chicken-setup from svn repo but the macro isn't included. Indeed, the
version of easyffi in the repo is still 1.4. Am I missing something?

It's available by downloading via chicken-setup. I'll commit the new
version in a few minutes.

Btw, what is the recommended way to do bulk-bindings now: easyffi or swig?

SWIG is much more powerful, but for simple interfaces, easyffi might be
easier to use. It really depends on what you are more familiar with.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] easyffi include path

2007-03-04 Thread Carlos Pita
Hi all,

what is the include path that easyffi parser uses, if any? When just
declaring #includes (between # #) everything goes fine, if I pass the
right -I option to the csc compiler. But when parse/declare is asked
(between #! #), so that easyffi has to effectively include the file to
parse it, I get a can not open include file error. For example:


  int incr(int x);

  #include bar.h

 cd /X
 csc -X easyffi test.scm -I /X/foo
  = Error: during expansion of (foreign-parse ...) - can not open include 
file: bar.h

Best regards,

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi include path

2007-03-04 Thread felix winkelmann

On 3/4/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

what is the include path that easyffi parser uses, if any? When just
declaring #includes (between # #) everything goes fine, if I pass the
right -I option to the csc compiler. But when parse/declare is asked
(between #! #), so that easyffi has to effectively include the file to
parse it, I get a can not open include file error. For example:

Yes, when easyffi was integrated into the base chicken, there was
a command line option.

I have added a macro (foreign-include-path) to easyffi. The new version
(1.5) should be available now.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi and gtk

2007-01-29 Thread felix winkelmann

On 1/29/07, Tony Sidaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to do basic stuff with easyffi and gtk. Just some basic
sanity checks.

A very simple program that instantiates a toplevel window and terminates.

This is indeed a bug in easyffi (a new version is available in a few minutes).

But note that your example will not work. You will just slurp in huge
amounts of definitions (many of which will not be parsable by easyffi)
and generating gobs of code. Easyffi is not strong enough to do that
sort of bulk wrapping. For such things, you should look into SWIG,
for example (http://www.swig.org). Easyffi can handle straight C and C++,
when it is clean and simple and has relatively obvious semantics. For more
advanced things, one has to massage the input anyway.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] easyffi and gtk

2007-01-28 Thread Tony Sidaway

I'm trying to do basic stuff with easyffi and gtk. Just some basic
sanity checks.

A very simple program that instantiates a toplevel window and terminates.

$ cat window.c
#include gtk/gtk.h
(gtk_window_new GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)

$  csc  -v -X easyffi window.scm -C `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`
`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`
/usr/local/bin/chicken window.scm -output-file window.c -quiet -extend easyffi
gcc window.c -o window.o -c -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -Os
-fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized
-fomit-frame-pointer -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES  -I /usr/local/include
-I/usr/local/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0
-I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0
-I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
rm window.c
gcc window.o -lchicken -o window  -L/usr/local/lib
-Wl,-R/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0
-latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lm -lpangocairo-1.0 -lfontconfig -lXext
-lXrender -lXinerama -lXi -lXrandr -lXcursor -lXfixes -lpango-1.0
-lcairo -lX11 -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -ldl -lglib-2.0  -ldl -lm
rm window.o

Run it:

$ ./window
Error: unbound variable: g_type_init

   Call history:

   window.scm: 4g_type_init--

Hmm, what am I doing wrong, here?

Chicken-users mailing list