[cia-drugs] Our Own Nuremberg Trials

2006-12-25 Thread norgesen
Our Own Nuremberg Trials

In 2007, the 'reality show' of the American rule of law, for the world to see.

by Nat Hentoff
December 17th, 2006 9:27 PM

The new secretary of defense, Robert Gates, warden of the worst of the worst 
in Guantánamo.
photo: www.defenselink.mil/

During the mutual-admiration hearing before the Senate Committee on Armed 
Services—which led to the unanimous confirmation of former CIA chief Robert 
Gates to be Donald Rumsfeld's successor—no senator asked Gates if he approves 
of the Pentagon's extreme . . . emergency insistence on a $125 million 
appropriation to construct a permanent compound for a war-crimes court at 
Guantánamo. There, in 2007, war-crimes trials will be held for dozens of 
Guantánamo detainees. The facilities will accommodate simultaneous 
Unlike the Nuremberg war-crimes trials of the Nazis, there will be no 
government officials in the dock, but rather—as detailed in my last 
column—prisoners against whom the United States has itself committed war crimes 
under the Geneva Conventions and our own War Crimes act. These crimes include 
their conditions of confinement and a total lack of the due process that the 
Supreme Court ordered in Rasul v. Bush (2004) and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2006). 

Each of the defendants will have already been designated as an enemy 
combatant by previous administrative Combatant Status Review Tribunals at 
Guantánamo. At these sham hearings they were presumed guilty before any of the 
evidence against them (which they were not permitted to see) was aired. That 
means the presumption of guilt will continue at the war-crimes trials. 

The world will watch the total transmogrification of America's much 
self-praised rule of law. There are objections to this rush for funds to 
house the American Nuremberg trials. On December 3, Republican congressman 
James Walsh, chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Quality 
of Life and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies—which is in charge of 
military construction projects—refused to authorize the Pentagon's national 
security appropriation. 

Walsh is angry at the absence of any public debate on this expenditure and, he 
cogently adds, The issue of the tribunals is very controversial. For them to 
move this fast makes me wonder why. 

Congressman Walsh will no longer chair that crucial committee in January. But 
in view of the Democratic congressional leadership's enveloping embrace of the 
new defense secretary, Robert Gates, will lawmakers prevent him from going 
ahead with the compound at Guantánamo? And if the Democrats hold up the 
appropriation, will Gates proceed with the trials in more cramped quarters? (On 
December 10, the Pentagon suddenly postponed its proposal—leaving it to be 
decided by the next Congress.) 

Our rampant lawlessness during the past four years at Guantánamo has long been 
controversial in the international press and among human rights groups. But 
the extent and depth of our abuse of these prisoners—resulting in a number of 
desperation suicides—have been illuminated with damning clarity in a series of 
reports by New Jersey's Seton Hall University School of Law, the most recent of 
which, No-Hearing Hearings, I reported on last week. 

The Seton Hall revelations have reached beyond the metropolitan press to, for 
example, the Anniston Star in Alabama. A December 1 editorial, The Gitmo 
Games, quotes from the Seton Hall findings, and concludes: 

The military is holding something less than a kangaroo court that results in 
putting people away—without charging them with any specific wrongdoing—for an 
indefinite period of time . . . History will be very unkind to the rulers who 
constructed this very unjust, un-American system.  

Those un-American rulers, of course, include George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John 
Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales, a coven of lawyers at the Defense Department and 
the White House, and Donald Rumsfeld. Will Robert Gates take his place among 

The Anniston Star's indictment-editorial ends: [History] also will be unkind 
to people who tolerated [this un-American system.] That means us. 

A Seton Hall Law School report from February 8, which I did not cite last week, 
by professor Mark Denbeaux and Joshua Denbeaux and law students at this 
exemplary school, presents the case against the United States in anticipation 
of the war-crimes trials at Guantánamo next year. A Profile of 517 Detainees 
Through Analysis of Department of Defense Data provides a window into the 
Government's detaining only those the President has called 'the worst of the 
worst.'  You can now determine for yourself how dangerous the great majority 
of the defendants are in the forthcoming American Nuremberg trials: 

Only 8 percent of the detainees were characterized as al Qaeda fighters. Of 
the remaining detainees, 40 percent have no definitive connection with al Qaeda 
at all and 18 percent have no definitive affiliation with either al 

[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Correction

2006-12-25 Thread Matthew McDaniel
Dear Friends:
  A correction. Ms. Wongsa is in Prison in Singapore.
  We hope that her case is publicized and that she is released soon.
  We also hope that someone arrests the brokers in Hatyai who appear to be 
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: 

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[cia-drugs] eTakeover of Humanity

2006-12-25 Thread norgesen
From: Vicky Davis 

Smart Borders, Smart Highways, Smart ID's, Verichip, NAIS Animal Tracking, 
National database for Medical Records, Total Information Awareness, National 
Human Resources Management System (integrated school  workforce development 
systems - probably eventually connected to state birth records systems), GPS 
tracking your movements, Equifax - financial transactions, on and on.  

CSPP Broadband Vision

As with the advent of the railroads, the creation of our interstate highway 
system, and the roll out of universal electrical service, the Computer systems 
Policy Project (CSPP) believes the promise of the Networked World--where 
everything and everyone is connected at all times through computer and 
communications technology--will engender one of the greatest paradigm shifts of 
the 21st Century. 


At the time this one was written, Lou Gerstner (CEO and Chairman of IBM) was 
the CEO of the Computer Systems Policy Project.   Gerstner is now the CEO of 
the Carlyle Group.  

Living in the Networked World

What is the networked world?  

The Networked World--where everyone and everything is connected at all 
times--is the future.



Make no mistake about this in their version of the world, you (your 
children) are just number- and entity in a database to be tracked, monitored 
and controlled.  It will include measurements of your life's productivity - and 
if you don't produce more than you use, you will be flagged for 'retirement'. 



Vicky Davis 

I am only one, but I am one. 
I cannot do everything, but I can do something. 
And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that 
I can do. 
What I can do, I should do. 
And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do  ~~ Edward Everett Hale

[cia-drugs] Bush is About to Wish He Was Not Such a Crook

2006-12-25 Thread Bugs
Each and every one reading this should write,call or see a Congressman and 
Senator ,DEMAND that this happens,
I have already,you should too.
Also pass to as many as you know..

- Original Message - 
From: NT 

Bush is About to Wish He Was Not Such a Crook
I predict that in the next 6 months one of three things is going to happen, One 
Bush is going to resign and like a world class coward, flee to Paraguay. Two he 
is going to tell Congress to stick it when they start subpoenaing his ass, and 
they will be forced to impeach him, but he will be a no show, because he fled 
to Paraguay. Or my last prediction is that Dick Cheney will ask him to go 
hunting, to save his own ass.

U.S.News  World Report
  Evidence continues to mount that the new Democratic majority plans to 
investigate the war, energy policy, and other Bush policies, as key committees 
have begun hiring lawyer-investigators whose job will be to probe the 
  In the House, for example, the Appropriations Committee under Rep. John 
Murtha's direction is hiring investigators who will be charged with looking 
into the administration's war policies and spending in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  Also, Rep. Henry Waxman, the incoming chairman of the House Government Reform 
Committee who's been dogging the vice president's energy task force, is also 
hiring lawyers. 
  A Democratic leadership official said that the planned hearings and 
investigations into the war and other issues the lawyer-investigators are being 
hired to look into will be very focused. 
  In the Senate, officials said similar hirings were underway in a speeded up 
effort to have people in place for the start of the new Congress, especially 
the planned early January hearings into the war and military spending that are 
set to begin January 8. 


The Americans have all the watches - the Taliban has all the time.


2006-12-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Sunday, December 24, 2006

I've been so taken with Argentina that I found a bookstore that sells English 
language books above and beyond cheap airplane ride novels. Ateneo on Florida 
is the place (places; there are a couple of 'em)-- and I found a thoroughly 
engaging volume by one of Argentina's most popular contemporary writers, Felipe 
Pigna. Although I was searching for a book on Argentine history that would give 
me more information about the very substantial Argentine cooperation with the 
Nazis during World War II and/or about the Chaco War-- I still can't figure out 
how impoverished little Paraguay somehow thought it was prudent to 
simultaneously take on Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay (and maybe Bolivia) and 
then kept fighting until it had lost 80% of its male population-- but I found 
something completely different. The book I'm halfway through is called The 
Myths of Argentine History and, basically, it seeks to show the roots of 
Argentine current events in the earliest incarnations ofthe nation.

I came across a quote from Juan De Solorzano Pereyra (1647) which rings pretty 
universal in terms of both time and space:

  The corrupt are greater and more insolent sinners than thieves, as these 
steal in fear, while the former do it openly and securely. The thief fears the 
law's whip, while they want to turn their deeds, no matter how noxious, into 
the pillars of the law. The thief might cower under the threats of the law and 
refrain from doing what is forbidden; but corrupt rulers shape the laws to 
whatever illicit advantages their malice and cowardice might lead them to.

[cia-drugs] viedo: Secret Rulers of the World

2006-12-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Secret Rulers of the World 
Episodes 45 
Channel 4 
Aired: April 2001 

Secret Rulers of the World was a five part series of documentary films written, 
directed by and featuring British journalist Jon Ronson.  Both the series and 
book detail Ronson's encounters following theorists and activists residing on 
the fringes of the political, religious, and sociological spectrum. 

Episode 4 of 5-Bohemian Grove-In The Satanic Shadowy Elite? 
Jon Ronson follows theorist and radio host Alex Jones as he attempts to 
infiltrate the annual gathering of dignitaries and business leaders (reportedly 
including George Bush and Henry Kissenger) at Bohemian Grove, California. 
Whilst Jones implements a series of dramatic covert plans to access the camp, 
Ronson strolls in unimpeded. The film includes footage of attendees dressed in 
robes and burning an effigy at the foot of a giant stone owl. Jones believes 
that the ceremony is related to occult secret societies. 

Episode 5 of 5-The Bilderberg Group 
Ronson teams up with reporter James P. Tucker, Jr., who has been investigating 
the Bilderberg Group, an annual invitation-only conference, for over thirty 
years. According to Tucker, around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of 
influence in business, academic, or political circles, meet annually in secret. 
The duo encounter unwelcoming suited security men and a car chase. 

Technical Specs For Episode 5 of 5 
Total Size: 136.21 MB 
Total Streams: 2 Stream(s) 
Length: 00:46:57 

Video Bitrate: 244 KB/s 
Video Codec: Windows Media Video V9 
Resolution: 320 x 240 
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 
Framerate: 29.97 FPS (84422 Frames) 
Quality Factor: 0.106 B/px 

Audio Bitrate: 161 KB/s (VBR) 
Audio Codec: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) 
Channels: 2 Ch @ Sampling Rate: 44100 Hz

[cia-drugs] Thai central bank admits currency control error

2006-12-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Thai central bank admits currency control error
Posted: 25 December 2006 1333 hrs 

BANGKOK: The Bank of Thailand said on Monday it has underestimated the impact 
of its draconian currency controls on the stock market, which is reeling from 
last week's record losses. 

We anticipated a certain impact for the (stock) market. But we didn't expect 
it to be this much, central bank governor Tarisa Watanagase said in an 
interview with the English-daily Bangkok Post published on Monday. 

The Thai stock market nosedived 15 percent, the biggest one-day drop by value 
in the 31-year history of the bourse, on Tuesday due to panic selling over the 
currency rules imposed to curb the Thai baht's rise. 

Facing the stock losses amounting to a staggering 23 billion dollars on the 
day, Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula backtracked on the capital 
measures, which only took effect on Tuesday, in an embarrassing policy U-turn. 

The lesson that we have learned is that market panics occur more than we 
thought, that the herd mentality of investors is strong, said Tarisa, the 
first woman to head the central bank. 

We will need to consider investor psychology more, said the governor, who 
took the helm of the Bank of Thailand in October after Pridiyathorn left the 
top job to join the military-backed government as finance minister. - AFP/so 

[cia-drugs] Chomsky: It Doesn't Matter Even If There Was a Conspiracy about 9/11

2006-12-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Rosalee Grable [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2006 11:15 AM
Subject: [political-research] Chomsky: It Doesn't Matter Even If There Was a 
Conspiracy about 9/11

Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 13:46:54 -0800 From: Jeffrey Blankfort

I don't usually send videos to my list but this short clip of Noam
Chomsky being interviewed re 9-11 is very revealing in which he says,
referring to what critics of the official narrative allege, what does
it matter even if it was true, it wouldn't be significant? He then
refers back to the assassination of JFK in which he still insists that
the assassin was Oswald, with the nonsensical comment that people get
killed all the time. Add to this his routine dismissal of the role of
the Jewish lobby in shaping US Middle East policy and it is easy to
understand why he is known as the Chief Gatekeeper. Will he debate
anyone on these issues? Of course not. He prefers opponents like Alan
Dershowitz who is guaranteed not to raise any important issues that
Chomsky cannot counter. In this 4 minute clip, he speaks about
coincidences that can't be explained but it would be nice if he would
explain how it was that the 8000 page Patriot Act was already written,
printed, and ready to be sent to Congress immediately after 9-11 when,
before the event, there would have been no chance of its passage.
Another coincidence?


[cia-drugs] Brief History of the 20th Century

2006-12-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Brief History of the 20th Century
B20643 / Mon, 25 Dec 2006 00:56:19 / Government
World War One (the Great War) 1907-1920

By 1907 the U.K has laid clam to her empire and settled with Russia and France. 
The U.K had a powerful navy unmatched by any other. With over sea matters 
handled, the lands at home fall under the prying eyes of the monarchs of 
Europe. Austria-Hungry negotiate for land in Serbia, Russia laying clam to the 
Balkans despite her humiliating defeat at the hands of Japan; France is thirsty 
for revenge due to her loss of Alsace-Lorraine to the Germans. Tensions began 
to swelter with each great power wanting more land at the expense of lesser 
developed nations.
A system was put in place with the goal of preventing a war caused by 
Imperialism. The Triple Alliance composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and 
Italy, stood opposed to the Triple Entente composed of Britain, France, and 
Russia. With each country ready to act if the other was invaded. If this was 
the seed of World War one the root would be the assassination of Archduke Franz 
Ferdinand, the nephew of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary and heir to 
the Austrian throne by a Serbian revolutionary. This enacted Austria-Hungry to 
demand certain conditions from Serbia. When all were not meet Austria-Hungry 
invaded Serbia with the backing of Germany on July 28, 1914. Italy hesitant to 
show support despite the Triple Alliance due to Austria-Hungary's out right 
goal of acquiring new lands. Russia begins to mobilize its forces against 
German contradiction. With no positive answer Germany declares war on august 
1st. On the third of August, the Germans declare war on France. The U.K then 
declares war on Germany, the next day the World will enter a new age. 
Imperialism once again; like in all of history, the wealthy fought over land 
and used the masses to fight horrific wars in the names of colonialism, later 
to become free markets.

Neither sides expected a drawn out war nor did they issue the amount of lives 
it would cost. World War one was the first modern war. It was the last war that 
used cavalry as a fighting force and the first to use aircraft, long distance 
projectiles and was fought inefficiently and with disregarded for human life.
The war was divided into two fronts the west and the east. The western front 
ran from the Belgian coast to the Swiss boarder. Both sides fought in trenches, 
a trench is a long zing zaged hole in the ground. Most attempts at advancement 
were cut down by machine gun fire. Little land was gained on either front. The 
USA declared war on Germany on the 6th of April, 1917 .Russia resigned from the 
war due to the czar losing power in 1917. Finally, Germany unable to keep its 
citizens feed due to blockades and losses at the front; did she accept defeat 
at Versailles. Only then did the U.K end German starvation.

The Germans were forced to give up most of her colonies and pay reparations for 
the war. This caused inflation and poverty for most of its people. The people 
often transported money in wheel barrels due to the worthlessness of the mark. 
The lone dollar was worth 4 trillion marks. The Ottoman Empire was divided into 
modern day Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Kuwait to name a few. In the end the war was 
pointless. Many died for no good reason and people will suffer until the end of 
the seconded World War. Both sides' worst off then when the war began, the 
people of Europe rebuild their lives only to be torn apart 20 years later.

1917 to 1929

The Czar of Russia lost power to Lenin and Trotsky in a communist revolt on 
Nov. 6, 1917. After the death of Lenin in 1924, Joseph Stalin rose to power and 
drove Trotsky out of the government by 1927. In 1919 Benito Mussolini formed 
his first military group that would eventually become the Fascist party in 
1922. In 1919, China protested the failure of the Versailles conference to 
return the former German concession of Shantung; that instead went to Japan, 
and then the creation of the Chinese Communist Party. The German workers party 
was created in 1919, later to become the Nazis in 1920. Later that year the 
League of Nations had its first meeting. The U.S didn't join but played an 
important role in its creation.

Also in 1920 The Treaty of Sevres on August 10; Britain and France divided the 
former Ottoman Empire into new mandates; Syria, Transjordan, Iraq, Lebanon and 
Palestine. The Ottoman Empire was replaced by the new Republic of Turkey on 
October, 29 1923. The U.S followed a policy of Isolationism. Which they traded 
with Europe but stayed out of their affairs. That didn't mean the U.S didn't 
get involved economically and aid wise, they also lowered the interest on war 
debt and lowered the money to be played by Germany. By the end of the 20's 
Japan invaded Manchuria with out sanctions from the League of Nations and the 
world when into a great depression. 

[cia-drugs] War Profits Trump the Rule of Law

2006-12-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

War Profits Trump the Rule of Law
By Chris Floyd
t r u t h o u t | UK Correspondent
Friday 22 December 2006

I. The Wings of the Dove

Slush funds, oil sheiks, prostitutes, Swiss banks, kickbacks, blackmail, 
bagmen, arms deals, war plans, climbdowns, big lies and Dick Cheney - it's a 
scandal that has it all, corruption and cowardice at the highest levels, a 
festering canker at the very heart of world politics, where the War on Terror 
meets the slaughter in Iraq. Yet chances are you've never heard about it - even 
though it happened just a few days ago. The fog of war profiteering, it seems, 
is just as thick as the fog of war.

But here's how the deal went down. On December 14, the UK attorney general, 
Lord Goldsmith (Pete Goldsmith as was, before his longtime crony Tony Blair 
raised him to the peerage), peremptorily shut down a two-year investigation by 
the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) into a massive corruption case involving 
Britain's biggest military contractor and members of the Saudi royal family. 
SFO bulldogs had just forced their way into the holy of holies of the great 
global back room - Swiss bank accounts - when Pete pulled the plug. Continuing 
with the investigation, said His Lordship, would not be in the national 

It certainly wasn't in the interest of BAE Systems, the British arms 
merchant that has become one of the top 10 US military firms as well, through 
its voracious acquisitions during the profitable War on Terror - including some 
juicy hook-ups with the Carlyle Group, the former corporate crib of George H.W. 
Bush and George W. Bush and still current home of the family fixer, James 
Baker. BAE director Phillip Carroll is also quite at home in the White House 
inner circle: a former chairman of Shell Oil, he was tapped by George II to be 
the first Senior Adviser to the Iraqi Ministry of Oil in those heady Mission 
Accomplished days of 2003. BAE has allegedly managed to disappear 
approximately $2 billion in shavings from one of the largest and 
longest-running arms deals in history - the UK-Saudi warplane program known as 
al-Yamanah (Arabic for The Dove). Al-Yamanah has been flying for 18 years 
now, with periodic augmentations, pumping almost $80 billion into BAE's 
coffers, with negotiations for $12 billion in additional planes now nearing 
completion. SFO investigators had followed the missing money from the deal into 
a network of Swiss bank accounts and the usual Enronian web of offshore front 

Nor was continuing the investigation in the interest of the Saudi royals, 
whose princely principals in the arms deal were embarrassed by allegations that 
a BAE-administered slush fund had supplied the fiercely ascetic fundamentalists 
with wine, women and song - not to mention lush apartments, ritzy holidays, 
cold hard cash, Jags, Ferraris and at least one gold-plated Rolls-Royce, as The 
Times reported. One scam - uncovered by the Guardian in a batch of accidentally 
released government documents - involved inflating the price of the warplanes 
by 32 percent. The rakeoff was then presumably siphoned into BAE's secret 
accounts, with some of it kicking back to the Saudi royals and their retainers.

The Saudis were said to be incensed by the continuing revelations spinning 
out of the investigation, which had begun in 2004 after the Guardian first got 
wind of the alleged slush fund. Last month, with talks on the new $12 billion 
extension in the final stages, the Saudis lowered the boom, threatening to 
ashcan al-Yamanah and buy their warplanes from - gasp! - the French instead. 
For a week or two, the Blair government played chicken with the Saudis, hoping 
the threat was just a hardball bluff for better terms (or maybe bigger slush).

Then came a curious intervention. Last month, Dick Cheney traveled to 
Riyadh for talks with Saudi King Abdullah. There he beseeched the king to step 
in and help pull America's fat out of the wildfire of Iraq by using Saudi 
influence on Iraq's volatile Sunni minority, the Scotland Sunday Herald 
reported. It's also thought that Cheney asked the Saudis to stump up more cash 
to replace some of the billions of dollars in missing reconstruction money 
that White House cronies and local operators have somehow misplaced into 
their own pockets during the war.

It is widely believed in top UK political circles that among the many 
considerations the Saudis asked for in return for the possibility of helping 
out in Iraq was the application of White House pressure on Tony Blair to quash 
the BAE investigation. The king apparently put this more in the form of a 
demand than a request: senior sources in the Blair government told the Observer 
that the Saudis threatened to stop sharing its extensive intelligence on 
terrorism and kick all British intelligence and military personnel out of the 
kingdom if Blair didn't kill the probe.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Italian Linked to Litvinenko Held in Arms Dealing Probe

2006-12-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: December 25, 2006 4:14:22 PM PST
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Italian Linked to Litvinenko Held in Arms  
Dealing Probe


Italian Linked to Litvinenko Held in Arms Dealing Probe
By Phil Stewart

ROME — Mario Scaramella, the Italian contact of the dead ex-Russian
spy Alexander Litvinenko, flew home for Christmas on Sunday but was
arrested in connection with an investigation into arms trafficking, a
judicial source said.

The source said Scaramella was arrested at Naples airport as he
arrived on a flight from London, where he was hospitalized this month
for treatment for suspected radiation poisoning.

He was one of the last people to have met with Litvinenko, who died
last month of radiation poisoning.

Scaramella, an Italian KGB expert who was a consultant to a
parliamentary commission that investigated spying in Europe during the
Cold War, was arrested in connection with an investigation into arms
trafficking and violating state secrets.

Scaramella, whose family lives in the Naples area, was later driven to
the Regina Coeli jail in central Rome.

Scaramella met Litvinenko at a London sushi bar on Nov. 1, the day the
former Russian spy fell ill.

Both Russian and British authorities have started murder
investigations into Litvinenko's death from poisoning by a lethal dose
of polonium-210.

The attention surrounding Scaramella has thrown the spotlight onto
Italian judicial investigations that involve him, including one into
arms trafficking.

In a telephone interview with Reuters earlier this month, Scaramella
said: I need to come back to Italy as soon as I can and to clarify
with authorities, he said.

Litvinenko, in a statement released after his death on Nov. 23,
accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of masterminding his  

The Kremlin has denied involvement in the case, which has sparked
conspiracy theories, revived memories of Cold War spying and strained
relations between Russia and Britain.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] A Lethal Web of Spooks, Oligarchs and Spin

2006-12-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: December 25, 2006 4:19:41 PM PST
Subject: [SPY NEWS] A Lethal Web of Spooks, Oligarchs and Spin

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 / Updated Moscow Time  

A Lethal Web of Spooks, Oligarchs and Spin
By Catherine Belton
Staff Writer
Vasily Djachkov / Reuters
Lugovoi, left, and Berezovsky posing for a picture in the North  
Caucasus winter holiday resort of Dombay in 1998.

Editor's note: This is the second of two articles.

When former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko agreed to give two  
little-known British academics an interview this year, they  
couldn't quite believe their luck.

But the tales told by the emigre, who had once worked in the heart  
of the Federal Security Service's organized crime division, were  
often as wild as they were detailed.

We thought a lot of it was too extreme, said one of the  
interviewers, James Heartfield, a researcher at London's University  
of Westminster. He was always offering us inside information on  
things that were bizarre. His frame of reference was all based on  
characters out of the Cold War.

Now, however, the agent who worked for tycoon Boris Berezovsky will  
be remembered as the victim of one of the most bizarre Cold War- 
style conspiracies of modern history. Litvinenko's poisoning last  
month in London by polonium-210, the rare radioactive isotope that  
ravaged his body and left a trail of radioactivity across London,  
Hamburg and Moscow, could signal a major new chapter in a battle  
for power between rival factions of the Russian elite.

As the drama has unfolded, players long thought to be retired from  
Cold War-style spy games have re-entered a fray that is severely  
shaking President Vladimir Putin's standing in the West and could  
end up changing the course of his presidency. Together with the  
former KGB agents coming out of the woodwork is a tangled  
netherworld of information peddlers, spin doctors, organized crime  
networks and oligarchs that emerged in the chaos of the Soviet  
Union's collapse.

Blanket coverage in the Western media of Litvinenko's deathbed  
accusation that Putin was responsible for his murder has stoked  
anti-Russian sentiment in the West. Tension was already flaring up  
this year over Western concerns that Putin was stamping out  
democracy and using the country's energy might to blackmail neighbors.

For many in Moscow, Litvinenko's death looks like an elaborately  
orchestrated rebellion by those out-of-favor Western-oriented  
oligarchs who made vast fortunes out of the Soviet collapse, but  
are now either in exile or in jail, their Russian assets seized by  
Putin's government. For some, that group is led by Boris  
Berezovsky, who has styled himself as Putin's nemesis, publicly  
vowing to bring down his regime by force.

Berezovsky has denied any involvement in Litvinenko's death.

Others in the West, however, say Litvinenko's death is revenge  
against an ally of Berezovsky's. The people who carried this out  
this are seeking revenge from those who helped cause the collapse  
of the Soviet Union, said Oleg Kalugin, a former head of KGB  
foreign counterintelligence whose defection to the United States in  
the early 1990s led Putin to brand him a traitor.

A third theory is that Litvinenko, working recently as a freelance  
information peddler and slightly lost in London since his Moscow  
heyday, had stumbled into a tangle of conflicting criminal  
interests, crossing other powerful oligarchs as he traded  
information that could have harmed enormous business interests.

John Stillwell / APP
A man walking past the Itsu sushi restaurant in Piccadilly, London,  
where Litvinenko met with Scaramella on Nov. 1.

One associate of Litvinenko's, Yury Shvets, a former KGB Washington  
station chief who defected to the United States in the early 1990s,  
claims he knows the name of the man who ordered the killing. He  
said Litvinenko had made a key mistake when he shared the contents  
of an incriminating dossier on a senior Kremlin official as he  
rushed to earn more cash. He was trying to sell information to  
everyone, Shvets said by telephone this week.
A business partner of Shvets', Karon von Gerhke-Thompson, believes  
Litvinenko got caught up in a web of double agents and crime that  
cost him his life. Investigators working on the case say they have  
never seen so much money being transferred in the intelligence  
business, she said.

No matter who was behind it -- rogue oligarchs, either seeking to  
tarnish Putin's image or silence Litvinenko, or resurgent secret  
services now operating with or without Putin's blessing -- the end  
result is that Putin is facing one of the biggest challenges of his  

For now, the Western media seems to be pinning the blame on him.

Putin today is at a