[cia-drugs] Re: Is the Bush Administration Compiling an Enemies List of Americans with the Assistance of the Telecom Companies?

2008-06-03 Thread muckblit
A well known constitutional law professor and Korean war veteran found
that he is on the HSA political no-fly list. All he had to do was
prove that it is highly likely he is only on the political, not the
security-based, no fly list. Anyone who participates in social
protests, or criticizes the admin i.e. AG Gonzales as the prof had
done, would be allowed on the plane.

A DC-area neighbor and friend told me that HSA ia databasing
homeowners with interest-only loans as security risks. Such an
information service is often done by contractors, such as Richard
Armitage Checkpoint databasing of black people to deny the vote in the
2000 presidential election in Florida. The interest-only loan is
keeping people from certain jobs, that's all for now.

Look at the takedown of the NY governor as soon as he voiced the
intention to separate mortgage-backed and non-mortgage-backed security
business of two bond insurers. Where did the documentation come from?
Perhaps it was a national security matter in the sense of Milton
Friedman's oligarchy-police-military welfare state, or military
keynesianism, or corporate welfare, or public-private partnership, or
fascism, or Eisenhower's military industrial state, various euphemisms
for looting under cover of Friedmanesque propaganda.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis

 Monday, June 2, 2008
   Is the Bush Administration Compiling an Enemies List of Americans
   with the Assistance of the Telecom Companies?
  ... Investigative journalist Christopher Ketcham believes that a 
 'highly classified program with sinister implications' may lie at the 
 heart of Bush administration's refusal to back-down on telecom
 Through an as yet-undisclosed 'black program,' the administration
may be 
 'compiling a secret enemies list of citizens who could face detention 
 under martial law.' ... 


[cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

2008-06-03 Thread Rachel
Ok, maybe that's what the list of names is everyone is mentioning, if
so they are all connected in with my dad's murder. 
Here's part of the email I received so you can understand why I'm
checking out this book-

~~~beginning of email~~~
I just finished reading Daniel Hopsicker's book on Barry Seal, Barry
and The Boys. The book has a whole chapter on The Company. (The
Company was a nation-wide drug and arms import/export network made up
of military and intelligence assets/Mafia/corrupt law
enforcement---all the same Octopus characters involved that you and I
know and love). 
ANYWAYin that section of Hopsicker's book, he mentions something I
have never before read or seen anywhere else in connection with
Alvarez and your father's murder. Hopsicker states that Robert Booth
Nichols mentioned in an INSLAW-related report (perhaps an affidavit,
or court testimony, he doesn't say) that an NSA colonel made a special
trip out to Cabazon to specifically halt the FBI's investigation of
the murders in order to keep the Wackenhut venture secret. 
~~~end of email~~~

Rachel aka desertfae
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, linminor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger.  I think your
 friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
 index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.

[cia-drugs] +17 U.S. Floating Prisons- 'Black Sites' on Water?

2008-06-03 Thread New World OrderLies
US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships  · Report says 17 
boats used 
· MPs seek details of UK role
· Europe attacks 42-day plan
   Duncan Campbell and Richard Norton-Taylor   
   The Guardian,   
   Monday June 2 2008   
   Article history

   An amphibious assault vehicle leaves the USS Peleliu, 
  which was used to detain prisoners, according to the 
  human rights group Reprieve. Photograph: Zack Baddor/AP

  The United States is operating floating prisons to house those 
  arrested in its war on terror, according to human rights lawyers, 
  who claim there has been an attempt to conceal 
  the numbers and whereabouts of detainees.
  Details of ships where detainees have been held and sites 
  allegedly being used in countries across the world 
  have been compiled as the debate over detention 
  without trial intensifies on both sides of the Atlantic. 
  The US government was yesterday urged to list 
  the names and whereabouts of all those detained.
  Information about the operation of prison ships has emerged 
  through a number of sources, including statements from the 
  US military, the Council of Europe and related 
  parliamentary bodies, and the testimonies of prisoners. 
  The analysis, due to be published this year by the human rights 
  organisation Reprieve, also claims there have been more than 
  200 new cases of rendition since 2006, when President 
  George Bush declared that the practice had stopped. 
  It is the use of ships to detain prisoners, however, that is raising 
  fresh concern and demands for inquiries in Britain and the US.
  According to research carried out by Reprieve, the US may 
  have used as many as 17 ships as floating prisons since 2001. 
  Detainees are interrogated aboard the vessels and then 
  rendered to other, often undisclosed, locations, it is claimed.
  Ships that are understood to have held prisoners include the 
  USS Bataan and USS Peleliu. A further 15 ships 
  are suspected of having operated around the British territory of 
  Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, which has been used 
  as a military base by the UK and the Americans.
  Reprieve will raise particular concerns over the activities of the 
  USS Ashland and the time it spent off Somalia in early 2007 
  conducting maritime security operations in an effort 
  to capture al-Qaida terrorists.
  At this time many people were abducted by Somali, Kenyan 
  and Ethiopian forces in a systematic operation involving 
  regular interrogations by individuals believed to be members 
  of the FBI and CIA. 
  Ultimately more than 100 individuals were disappeared 
  to prisons in locations including Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, 
  Djibouti and Guantánamo Bay.
  Reprieve believes prisoners may have also been held for interrogation 
  on the USS Ashland and other ships in the Gulf of Aden during this time. 
  The Reprieve study includes the account of a prisoner released 
  from Guantánamo Bay, who described a fellow inmate's story 
  of detention on an amphibious assault ship. 
  One of my fellow prisoners in Guantánamo was at sea on an 
  American ship with about 50 others before coming to Guantánamo
   ... he was in the cage next to me. 
  He told me that there were about 50 other people on the ship. 
  They were all closed off in the bottom of the ship. 
  The prisoner commented to me that it was like something you see on TV. 
  The people held on the ship were beaten even more severely 
  than in Guantánamo.
  Clive Stafford Smith, Reprieve's legal director, said: 
  They choose ships to try to keep their misconduct 
  as far as possible from the prying eyes of the media and lawyers. 
  We will eventually reunite these ghost prisoners with their legal rights.
  By its own admission, the US government is currently detaining 
  at least 26,000 people without trial in secret prisons, and information 
  suggests up to 80,000 have been 'through the system' since 2001. 
  The US government must show a commitment to rights 
  and basic humanity by immediately revealing 
  who these people are, where they are, 
  and what has been done to them.
  Andrew Tyrie, the Conservative MP who chairs the all-party 
  parliamentary group on extraordinary rendition, called for the US 
  and UK governments to come clean over the holding of detainees.
  Little by little, the truth is coming out on extraordinary rendition. 
  The rest will come, in time. Better for governments to be candid now,
   rather than later. Greater transparency will provide increased 
  confidence that President Bush's departure from justice 
  and the rule of law in the aftermath of September 11 
  is being reversed, and can help to win back the confidence 
  of moderate Muslim communities, whose 

[cia-drugs] +Abu Ghraib Concealed as much as Revealed, Covered up the Larger Truth

2008-06-03 Thread New World OrderLies
Seen, unseen  For filmmaker Errol Morris, the Abu Ghraib photos   concealed 
as much as they revealed,   and helped cover up the larger truth.  By Jody 
Sunday, June 01, 2008 
  Last summer, documentary filmmaker Errol Morris began writing 
  Zoom, a blog about photography for The New York Times. 
  In his blog, Morris examines how photographs, 
  of both the still and moving variety,
   attract false beliefs — as fly-paper attracts flies. 
  We're often fooled by photographs, Morris has written, 
  because photography can make us
   think we know more than we really know. 
  The themes that Morris explores in Zoom 
  — that it is necessary to understand what a photograph 
  doesn't show us to understand what it does 
  — are at the heart of his latest film, 
  Standard Operating Procedure, which opens Friday in Austin. 
  Like The Thin Blue Line, Morris' superlative 
  1988 documentary that helped overturn the wrongful conviction 
  of Randall Adams for the murder of a Dallas police officer, 
  Standard Operating Procedure is an investigative work. 
  It seeks to determine whether the abuses of Iraqi prisoners 
  at Abu Ghraib were merely the work of a few bad apples, 
  as the military and the Bush administration publicly maintained, 
  or the result of policies sanctioned and encouraged 
  by civilian and military leaders. 
  For two years, Morris interviewed soldiers, interrogators 
  and investigators, and examined letters, depositions, memos, 
  and military and government reports to find the larger truth 
  behind the infamous photos of abuse at Abu Ghraib. 
  As he writes in his director's statement for the film, 
  The story of Abu Ghraib
   is still shrouded in moral ambiguity,
   but it is clear what happened there. 
  And what happened, Morris says, is that the seven military police 
  soldiers convicted of abuses at Abu Ghraib 
  — Staff Sgt. Ivan Frederick, Sgt. Javal Davis, 
  Cpl. Charles Graner, Spc. Sabrina Harman, 
  Spc. Megan Ambuhl, Spc. Jeremy Sivits and Pfc. Lynndie England 
  — were doing what they thought their superiors wanted done. 
  Their job was to soften up prisoners for interrogation. 
  Morris doesn't exonerate these soldiers, 
  but he gives their actions context. 
  What do the Abu Ghraib photographs tell us? 
  What do they not tell us? Morris has said that they serve 
  as both exposé and cover-up. That is, the photographs 
  limited the very scandal they helped uncover. 
  While they offer a nightmarish look at something that had 
  gone seriously wrong inside Iraq, something deeply at odds 
  with our ideas of justice, they also misled us into thinking 
  that what we saw was all there was. 
  A few of the more disturbing photographs — some of which 
  were staged for the camera — appear to document 
  an abuse far worse than it physically was. 
  Their power, Morris says, comes not from what they detail 
  but from what they suggest. One such photo is the iconic image 
  of the Iraqi whom the soldiers nicknamed Gilligan, 
  who stands hooded on a cardboard box 
  with his arms outstretched under a makeshift poncho 
  while wires dangle from his fingers
   (he was told that he would be electrocuted if he fell from the box). 
  Gilligan's ordeal with the wires lasted 10, maybe 15 minutes 
  and was relatively tame by Abu Ghraib standards. 
  He later became one of the soldiers' favorite prisoners after he, 
  like most Abu Ghraib detainees, was cleared 
  of any involvement in insurgent attacks. 
  He was just a funny, funny guy, 
  Harman told Morris. 
  Other photographs, meanwhile, distract from a deeper, 
  more serious crime. The same night the Gilligan pictures 
  were taken, Harman and Graner photographed themselves 
  — smiling, thumbs up — next to the bruised body 
  of Manadel al-Jamadi, a suspected insurgent 
  whose death during a CIA interrogation session 
  would later be classified a homicide by military investigators. 
  Harman's commanding officer had told her that al-Jamadi 
  had died of a heart attack, and she took a later set of photos 
  to document the lie. But the photographs of Graner and Harman, 
  especially the picture of Harman, are better known, and they 
  almost force al-Jamadi, and thus the circumstances of his death, 
  from the scene. 
  In investigating Abu Ghraib, Morris collected more material 
  than one movie can possibly hold. An excellent companion book, 
  also titled Standard Operating Procedure and written 
  by New Yorker staff writer Philip Gourevitch, uses the information 
  that Morris gathered to further explore the story of Abu Ghraib. 
  There was no excuse for Abu Ghraib, Gourevitch writes, 
  and there was nothing to show for it either, 
  no great score of useful intelligence, 
  no ends to justify the means. 
  Nobody has 

Re: [cia-drugs] Is the Bush Administration Compiling an Enemies List of Americans with the Assistance of the Telecom Companies?

2008-06-03 Thread Mary Hartman
That'll be me...see y'all in the hoozgow

- Original Message 
From: Vigilius Haufniensis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2008 7:28:30 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Is the Bush Administration Compiling an Enemies List of 
Americans with the Assistance of the Telecom Companies?

http://aconstantine blacklist. blogspot. com/2008/ 06/is-bush- administration- 
compiling. html

Monday, June 2, 2008
Is the Bush Administration Compiling an Enemies List of Americans with the 
Assistance of the Telecom Companies? 
 ... Investigative journalist Christopher Ketcham believes that a 'highly 
classified program with sinister implications' may lie at the heart of Bush 
administration' s refusal to back-down on telecom immunity. Through an as 
yet-undisclosed 'black program,' the administration may be 'compiling a secret 
enemies list of citizens who could face detention under martial law.' ... 

See: http://constantinei nstitute. blogspot.. com/2008/ 06/is-bush- 
administration- compiling. html


Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

2008-06-03 Thread desertfae
Do you have the 2001 edition or the 2006 edition?---BeginMessage---
The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger.  I think your
friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
 Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
 triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
 Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
 going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered. 
 I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
 surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
 people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
 Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
 investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
 point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
 phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
 my windows. 
 I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
 people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
 book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
 sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
 into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
 book from anyone that has read it in this group. 
 Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
 running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
 Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
 weapon research etc were going on there.. not to mention that Osama
 was also a reg visitor at the time.
 I guess thats my intro and my questions so far. 
 Rachel aka desertfae

---End Message---

[cia-drugs] Packers Herron fights off home invaders

2008-06-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Reader's comment: "Sounds eerily like what Sean Taylor had faced."
Thats EXACTLY what popped into my mind... Of course Herron hadn't been
disarmed by a judge...VMANN


TUESDAY, June 3, 2008, 12:29 p.m.
By Linda Spice

Packers Herron fights off home invaders

Bay Packers running back Noah Herron fought off intruders during a
burglary to his Village of Howard home, striking one with a bed post
that he unscrewed from his bed last weekend.

"Noah Herron used
necessary, reasonable and justifiable force in protecting his life and
property. Herron, the victim in this random home invasion, is
cooperating with law enforcement and we ask that you respect his
privacy during this traumatic time," said Brown County Sheriff Dennis

The intruder was injured during the May 30th burglary
and a second offender was apprehended outside the home by Brown County
Sheriff's deputies, according to information released by the Brown
County Sheriff's Department today. Herron was not hurt during the

Herron reported to police about 11:19 p.m. that he
heard glass breaking in the lower level of his home and indicated that
an unknown number of intruders were inside the residence.

property and a vehicle were recovered in the vicinity of Herron's
residence. The property is believed to be stolen that same evening from
a residence near Herron's.

Neither suspect has been officially
charged. One is still hospitalized and another is being held at the
Brown County Jail on unrelated warrants and a probation hold. The
investigation is ongoing and the two suspects are being questioned in
numerous burglaries and home invasions throughout Brown County,
authorities reported today.

Herron, who is 5 feet 11 inches tall
and weighs 218 pounds, is a four-year veteran from Northwestern. Herron
was primarly used as a running back and kick returns. 

Sounds eerily like what Sean Taylor had faced. 

Glad Herron's alright...

Re: [cia-drugs] Packers Herron fights off home invaders

2008-06-03 Thread Mary Hartman
Yet another reason to cheer for the Packers.

- Original Message From: Vigilius Haufniensis [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.comCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 3:12:25 PMSubject: [cia-drugs] Packers Herron fights off home invadersReader's comment: "Sounds eerily like what Sean Taylor had faced." Thats EXACTLY what popped into my mind... Of course Herron hadn't been disarmed by a judge...VMANNhttp://timesfour.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/938109321/m/6071096603TUESDAY, June 3, 2008, 12:29 p.m.By Linda SpicePackers Herron fights off home invadersGreen Bay Packers running back Noah Herron fought off intruders during a burglary to his Village of Howard home,
 striking one with a bed post that he unscrewed from his bed last weekend."Noah Herron used necessary, reasonable and justifiable force in protecting his life and property. Herron, the victim in this random home invasion, is cooperating with law enforcement and we ask that you respect his privacy during this traumatic time," said Brown County Sheriff Dennis Kocken. The intruder was injured during the May 30th burglary and a second offender was apprehended outside the home by Brown County Sheriff's deputies, according to information released by the Brown County Sheriff's Department today. Herron was not hurt during the invasion.Herron reported to police about 11:19 p.m. that he heard glass breaking in the lower level of his home and indicated that an unknown number of intruders were inside the residence.Stolen property and a vehicle were recovered in the vicinity of Herron's residence. The property is believed to be stolen
 that same evening from a residence near Herron's.Neither suspect has been officially charged. One is still hospitalized and another is being held at the Brown County Jail on unrelated warrants and a probation hold. The investigation is ongoing and the two suspects are being questioned in numerous burglaries and home invasions throughout Brown County, authorities reported today.Herron, who is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 218 pounds, is a four-year veteran from Northwestern. Herron was primarly used as a running back and kick returns. Sounds eerily like what Sean Taylor had faced. Glad Herron's alright... 


Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

2008-06-03 Thread Mary Hartman
Just ordered a copy, which is due to arrive tomorrow.  Is there different info 
in the 06 version?

- Original Message 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 11:59:43 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

Do you have the 2001 edition or the 2006 edition?__.._,_.___ 
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-Inline Message Follows-

The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger. I think your
friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Inslaw

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com, Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
 Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
 triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
 Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
 going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered. 
 I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
 surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
 people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
 Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
 investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
 point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
 phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
 my windows. 
 I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
 people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
 book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
 sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
 into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
 book from anyone that has read it in this group. 
 Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
 running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
 Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
 weapon research etc were going on there.. not to mention that Osama
 was also a reg visitor at the time.
 I guess thats my intro and my questions so far. 
 Rachel aka desertfae
 www.desertfae. com

The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger. I think your
friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Inslaw

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps..com, Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
 Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
 triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
 Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
 going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered. 
 I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
 surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
 people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
 Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
 investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
 point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
 phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
 my windows. 
 I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
 people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
 book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
 sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
 into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
 book from anyone that has read it in this group. 
 Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
 running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
 Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
 weapon research etc were going on there.. not to 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

2008-06-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
for awhile dan was prohibited from including one of the chapters.  
chapter 36, iirc.  I ordered a copy when it first came out so mine 
included the chapter.  dunno what else might be updated.

Mary Hartman wrote:
Just ordered a copy, which is due to arrive tomorrow.  Is there 
different info in the 06 version?

- Original Message 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 11:59:43 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

Do you have the 2001 edition or the 2006 edition?

-Inline Message Follows-

The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger. I think your
friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Inslaw 

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com 
mailto:cia-drugs%40yahoogroups.com, Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
 Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
 triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
 Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
 going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered.
 I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
 surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
 people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
 Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
 investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
 point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
 phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
 my windows.
 I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
 people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
 book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
 sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
 into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
 book from anyone that has read it in this group.
 Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
 running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
 Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
 weapon research etc were going on there.. not to mention that Osama
 was also a reg visitor at the time.
 I guess thats my intro and my questions so far.
 Rachel aka desertfae
 www.desertfae. com

The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger. I think your
friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Inslaw 

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com 
mailto:cia-drugs%40yahoogroups.com, Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
 Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
 triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
 Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
 going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered.
 I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
 surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
 people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
 Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
 investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
 point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
 phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
 my windows.
 I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
 people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
 book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
 sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
 into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
 book from anyone that has read it in this group.
 Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
 running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
 Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
 weapon research etc were going on there.. not to mention that Osama
 was also a reg visitor at the time.
 I guess thats my intro and my questions so far.
 Rachel aka desertfae
 www.desertfae. com


RE: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

2008-06-03 Thread desertfae
I believe that the 2006 version is updated from what the person that
initially sent me the email regarding this said. 
I basically emailed them back and told them what was said here in the group
and they said they could point to the page that said it and quote it for
me.. so I asked for the ISBN number of the book to make sure it was the
correct book and thats when he discovered there was an older version and a
newer version. 
Myself, I haven't seen the book yet.. I just heard about it for the first
time the day I joined here when I was at amazon and say a review from
someone in this group.. which is how I ended up here lol
I'll be ordering it as well as soon as I have a free second to actually do
that between investigating, working, and running a home business lol.. 
Rachel aka desertfae


From: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mary Hartman
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 2:49 PM
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

Just ordered a copy, which is due to arrive tomorrow.  Is there different
info in the 06 version? 

- Original Message 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 11:59:43 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Barry and The Boys?

Do you have the 2001 edition or the 2006 edition?

-Inline Message Follows-

The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger. I think your
friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Inslaw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inslaw 

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com mailto:cia-drugs%40yahoogroups.com ,
Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
 Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
 triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
 Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
 going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered. 
 I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
 surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
 people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
 Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
 investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
 point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
 phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
 my windows. 
 I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
 people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
 book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
 sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
 into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
 book from anyone that has read it in this group. 
 Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
 running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
 Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
 weapon research etc were going on there.. not to mention that Osama
 was also a reg visitor at the time.
 I guess thats my intro and my questions so far. 
 Rachel aka desertfae
 www.desertfae. com

The index does not list a Fred Alvarez or Ralph Boger. I think your
friend must have the wrong book. Robert Booth Nichols is not in the
index either. Casolara is just mentioned briefly on one page.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Inslaw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inslaw 

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com mailto:cia-drugs%40yahoogroups.com ,
Rachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
 Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
 triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
 Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
 going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered. 
 I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
 surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
 people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
 Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
 investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
 point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
 phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
 my windows. 
 I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
 people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
 book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
 sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
 into their murder. I'd