[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] 'Lebanese working for Mossad' may have played role in Mughniyeh hit

2008-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 4, 2008 3:24:41 AM PST
Subject: [SPY NEWS] 'Lebanese working for Mossad' may have played role  
in Mughniyeh hit


'Lebanese working for Mossad' may have played role in Mughniyeh hit

04/11/2008 7:53:00 AM

The alleged leader of a Mossad spy network arrested by Lebanese
authorities monitored the Kfar Sousa neighborhood in Damascus a few
months before senior Hizbullah military commander Imad Mughniyeh was
assassinated by a car bomb last February, according to a report
published by As-Safir newspaper on Monday.
As-Safir identified the spy leader as Ali Jarrah. It said the other
suspect arrested was his brother, Youssef.
The daily said investigations into Ali Jarrah indicated that Israel's
Mossad intelligence service had tasked him with carrying out
surveillance in Kfar Sousa a few months before Mughniyeh's  

Did Jarrah know why the survey was conducted? Or was he ordered to
just monitor the area? the newspaper asked. And did he play a role
in the summer 2006 war?
The Lebanese Army announced over the weekend that it had arrested two
people in the Bekaa Valley linked to an Israeli espionage network.
A senior Palestinian official in the Bekaa told As-Safir that Ali
Jarrah has, since quitting Fatah al-Intifada and joining Ahmed
Jibril's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General
Command, obtained a special military pass that allowed him to cross
the Syrian-Lebanese border without being searched by authorities.
The Palestinian source added that Jarrah had moved freely in Damascus
and frequently visited the homes of Palestinian officials and
Palestinian centers.
During the 34-day war in July and August of 2006, Jarrah was seen with
a video camera moving at some sensitive areas that included relief
centers known to be connected to parties supporting Hizbullah,
As-Safir reported. Was he pinpointing security targets at the Bekaa?
the daily asked.
According to the newspaper, investigators working on the case are
attempting to determine whether a video camera fixed inside his
four-wheel drive was connected via satellite to his controllers in
Israel - as a GPS navigational system in his vehicle reportedly was.
As-Safir also asked whether the breaking up of the network would
ultimately lead to the uncovering of other spy rings in the country.
Security sources connected to the investigation told the pan-Arab
daily Al-Hayat that details could not be released because the
investigation was sensitive and confidential.
The sources stressed that the suspect had confessed to working for the
Mossad, that he has monitored certain political party centers and the
movements of certain party leaders for Israel.
They said that Jarrah, who is in his 50s, was previously detained in
Damascus by elements of Syrian State Security, and accused with being
a member of Fatah-Intifada, a group officially labeled as terrorist
by Syrian authorities.
In Syria, Jarrah was questioned for days concerning his relationship
to Al-Qaeda-inspired Fatah al-Islam leader Shaker al-Abssi, who is
wanted in Lebanon for his role in the 2007 fighting at the Nahr
al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp.
Sources added that Jarrah was subject to intensive interrogation by
Syrian authorities in Damascus that went beyond his connection to
Abssi and Fatah al-Intifada members. They said that Syrian authorities
later released him.
According to the Al-Hayat sources, Jarrah later returned to his
hometown of Al-Marj in the western Bekaa and continued with his normal
life up to his disappearance a month ago while on his way from the
Bekaa to Beirut.
Sources in his hometown refused to comment to Al-Hayat on news that a
certain political party had placed Jarrah under intense watch and
later detained him under suspicion of spying for Israel. Meanwhile,
Jarrah's family sought the help of Lebanese police to locate him,
according to the daily.
Sources following up on the investigation told Al-Hayat that the
political party that had arrested Jarrah soon delivered him to
Lebanese Army Intelligence.
Residents of al-Marj told As-Safir on Saturday that late in October an
army unit raided Jarrah's home, confiscated his four-wheel-drive and
arrested his brother. Residents said the army also searched his
uncle's home without taking further action. - The Daily Star, with

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,
comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Leader of the Mossad ring, related to 9/11 bomber

2008-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 4, 2008 3:18:24 AM PST
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Leader of the Mossad ring, related to 9/11 bomber

Leader of the Mossad ring, related to 9/11 bomber
Newspaper Al-Rai revealed that the leader of the Israeli-spy cell  
arrested in Lebanon, already imprisoned by Syria 15 days before his  
arrest in Lebanon 3 months ago.

The newspaper added that that his arrest was joint cooperation between  
the Syrian and Lebanese intelligence services.

Lebanese newspaper Daily Star says that the leader of the spy ring Ali  
Al-Jarrah is related to the Lebanese 9/11 suicide operationZiad Al- 

Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker'
'Lebanon is an open theater for espionage'
By Andrew Wander
Daily Star staff
Monday, November 03, 2008

 Listen to the Article -

Powered by

BEIRUT: Two men arrested for running an Israeli spy ring in the Bekaa  
Valley are relatives of a suicide hijacker who piloted a plane in the  
September 11, 2001, attacks, a security source told The Daily Star on  
Sunday. The Lebanese Army announced on Saturday that it had arrested  
two people suspected of involvement with a spy network that gathered  
information for Israel's intelligence services.

The army said that the men had been arrested on Friday, but the source  
said that they were actually captured two weeks ago and the discovery  
of the arrests by the media prompted the army to announce their capture.

The army said the men had admitted gathering information on political  
party offices and monitoring the movements of party figures for the  

The statement added that the men had been found with communications  
devices and other sophisticated equipment, which they used to gather  
information and transmit it to Mossad agents.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source said the men are  
relatives of Ziad Jarrah, the Lebanese who helped commandeer  United  
Airlines Flight 93 before it crashed into a Pennsylvania field on  
September 11, 2001, killing everyone on board. Jarrah's family is from  
the town of Al-Marej in the Bekaa Valley, where the arrests took place.

The Jarrah family have repeatedly denied that Ziad was part of the  
September 11 plot, claiming he was instead a innocent passenger on the  
plane, but an official investigation concluded that he was a senior  
member of the hijacking team who had undergone flight training in  
order to carry out the attacks.

Residents of Al-Marej told  As-Safir newspaper that the men were  
arrested when security forces raided a home in the town and seized  
equipment from a car. The newspaper said investigators had found  
documents which prove that the men had been in contact with Israeli  
intelligence agents. Investigators said that the men had passed  
information about the location of Lebanese and Syrian army outposts to  
the Israelis.

One of the two men arrested, identified only by his initials A.D.J.,  
is believed to have been the head of the spy ring. Security sources  
told The Daily Star that the man was a member of the Palestinian  
militant group Fatah al-Intifadah, which is known to be active along  
the Syrian border.

The other man who was arrested is said to be a relative of A.D.J.  
and was allegedly involved in conducting reconnaissance work for  
Mossad in the Bekaa Valley.

Investigators said that the spy ring had been active in the area since  
the late 1980s.

Retired General Elias Hanna told The Daily Star that Lebanon provided  
the perfect environment for spies to operate. Lebanon is an open  
theater for espionage and counter-espionage, he said. It has all the  
elements that are needed in international and regional conflict.

But he said that if the group had been operating since the 1980s it  
would be surprising. That's 20 years, he said. That's a long period  
of time.

The timing of the arrests was also surprising, he said, given that  
senior officials in the Lebanese Army had recently been replaced,  
disrupting the continuity needed for counter-espionage operations.

You have to work on these cases for a long period of time. It  
requires information and long periods of monitoring, Hanna said.

The previous period was chaotic in Lebanon, so I don't know how the  
arrests happened, he added.

He said the group were probably trying to gather information about  
Hizbullah, but would not have been able to infiltrate the group.  
Hizbullah is an intelligence-proof entity, he said. It operates  
with a very high level of secrecy. If you cannot get inside it, you  
study its environment. This is what we are seeing.

Investigators say the men were tasked with monitoring the movements of  
senior political figures in the Bekaa region, which lies on the main  
route between Beirut and 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Mercenary Firm Offers to 'Detain Troublemakers' on Election Day

2008-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 4, 2008 3:13:31 AM PST
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Mercenary Firm Offers to 'Detain Troublemakers' on  
Election Day


Mercenary Firm Offers to 'Detain Troublemakers' on Election Day


By Nathan Hodge November 03, 2008 | 11:39:00 AM
 CIA-linked private military contractor Evergreen Defense  Security  
Services offered to post sentries at Oregon election offices on  
Tuesday, detaining troublemakers and making sure voters do not get  
out of control.

In an e-mail to local election supervisors, obtained by the  
McMinnville, Oregon News Register, Evergreen president Tom Wiggins  
said he recognized the potential conflict that could occur on  
November 4th. Never has there been a more heated battle in the race  
for president.

The company, he said, 'proposes to post sentries at each voting center  
on November 4th to assure that disputes amongst citizens do not get  
out of control. All guards will be unarmed, but capable of stopping  
any violence that may occur and detaining troublemakers until law  
enforcement arrives.'

Evergreen's website describes its security arm as having nearly five  
decades of experience working with the U.S. Armed Forces, the  
Department of Defense, the Department of Interior, the United Nations,  
NASA, and the U.S. Air Mobility Command. Many of our contracts include  
highly sensitive work-scope, and take place in locations ranging from  
the deserts of the Middle East to the jungles of South America to the  
highest peaks of Mt. McKinley in Alaska.

According to the News Register, Evergreen exudes the gung-ho  
patriotism that is associated with the company founder, a political  
conservative who enjoys close ties with the federal government and  

No kidding. Back in the late '80s, the company acknowledged one  
agreement under which his companies provide occasional jobs and cover  
to foreign nationals the CIA wants taken out of other countries or  
brought into the United States. More recently, Evergreen's parent  
company flew Bill O'Reilly into Kuwait in 2006, according to  

But rest easy: The Oregonian reports that the company struck out with  
its sales pitch.

UPDATE: As several commenters have pointed out, Evergreen's offer is  
particularly weird, since the state does its voting by mail. Voters  
get ballots sent to them, and can then return them to county election  
offices by 8pm on Tuesday. Perhaps that's where Evergreen was looking  
to keep the peace.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Espionage puts a lock on your data

2008-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 4, 2008 3:34:17 AM PST
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Espionage puts a lock on your data

Monday 3rd November 2008
Espionage puts a lock on your data
12:03PM, Monday 3rd November 2008

OS X's built-in File Vault technology is a powerful option for anyone
who wants to protect their entire home folder, but until now there has
been no one-stop alternative for Mac users who just want to encrypt
specific folders.

Espionage, a new application from Tao Effects, promises to change that.

The software can encrypt individual folders using the same encryption
methods that File Vault employs: AES-128 bit or AES-256 bit encryption
that meets the standards of the US National Security Agency for
protecting classified information.

To access the encrypted data, simply double-click the folder and enter
the password.

Espionage's developers stress that its approach differs significantly
from other encryption applications that rely on disk images to protect

Disk images have many limitations. While they allow you to securely
protect data, they are difficult to use, and can't be used to
seamlessly protect application data on an individual

basis, that is, until now, said Tao Effects founder Greg Slepak.

Some applications have tried to make disk images easier to use by
referring to them as `vaults' and giving you a `one-click' method for
creating them. But the problem with this approach is that you still
have to use a separate application to manage the vault, and you can't
use it to protect important application data (like email).

The software also has the ability to grant other applications access
to encrypted data, but the process of encryption does have some
drawbacks. Backup applications such as Apple's Time Machine and
Spotlight need to be able to access files on a regular basis. So by
default Espionage will automatically allow those applications to
access - but not read - encrypted data. The user can then add
applications to this whitelist, or specifically deny access if required.

So Time Machine, for example, will be able to backup the encrypted
data, but Spotlight will not be able to index its content, only the
name of the encrypted folder. Naturally, this ensures that anyone who
gets hold of the encrypted content, will not be able to use Spotlight
to expose its contents.

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,
comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
reliable sources, but also a lot of possible misinformation
collected and posted to Spy News for OSI purposes - it should be
a serious reason (particularly to journalists and web publishers)
to think twice before using it for their story writing, further
publishing or forwarding throughout Cyberspace.

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For more information go to:

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Mario Profaca
e-mail: mario.profaca[at]zg.t-com.hr
SPY NEWS owner  editor
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[cia-drugs] McCain/Palin/Nuclear War May Win Unless You Vote For Obama

2008-11-04 Thread Mark S Bilk
Please get out and vote for Obama no matter which state you live in.
Otherwise McCain and Palin may win because of huge Republican vote 

Republicans have already purged hundreds of thousands of voters
from the rolls in critical swing states.  That's how they stole
the election in 2000:


The computerized voting machines have already been rigged and 
are already switching votes from Obama to McCain.  That's how
they stole the election in 2004:


Also, some people lie to pollsters and say they're voting for 
Obama but actually won't because he's black.  So his lead in 
the polls over McCain may not translate to a lead in votes.

McCain has promised to start more wars if he wins:


This will include attacking Iran, which is next on the Neocons'
list.  But Putin of Russia (along with most of the world) has 
finally had enough of the U.S. invading other countries and 
murdering millions of people, and has promised to defend Iran 
from attacks by the U.S. or Israel.  The U.S. has already 
attacked Russia using the puppet government of Georgia, and 
the Neocons have threatened further attacks.  

Both of these wars will easily go nuclear, especially if the 
U.S. does a nuclear first strike, which is now official U.S. 

McCain knows only one solution for any problem -- war.  It's the 
only thing he's had experience with.  He has no moral scruples.
He was one of the infamous Keating Five involved with the huge 
Savings and Loan swindle:


McCain pulled a prank that started the terrible fire on the 
aircraft carrier Forrestal that killed 134 men and injured 161:


McCain dumped his first wife after she was disfigured in an 
automobile accident.  He remarried and beats his second wife:


McCain has cancer.  If he's elected, and dies in office, Sarah 
Palin will become President.  She is a religious fundamentalist 
who believes -- in spite of a huge amount of scientific evidence 
-- that the Earth is only 6,000 years old:


In a widely-circulated interview, Matt Damon said of Palin, 
`I need to know if she really think that dinosaurs were here 4000 
years ago. I want to know that, I really do. Because she's gonna 
have the nuclear codes.'

Her religion requires her to believe that if she starts a nuclear 
war in the Middle East -- Armageddon -- then she and her friends 
will ascend to heaven and be with Jesus.

Because of the Electoral College and non-parliamentary U.S. system,
the only way to prevent McCain/Palin from being elected is to vote
for Obama.  

Obama has promised explicitly to restore habeas corpus, stop the 
Iraq war and bring the troops home in 2009, close Guantanamo, 
set up a health plan, for everyone who doesn't have one, equal to 
the one provided for members of congress, talk with Ahmadinejad, 
and not attack Iran.  

Please, vote for Obama!

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Vote Flipping in NINE States, Turning Votes for Obama into Votes for McCain

2008-11-04 Thread Vicki Lawana Trusselli
Voter Flippin happened to me at Randalls on Ben White and Manchaca in 
Austin, Texas. I caught it and made sure I had Obama on the vote 
button. I have reported it to many people. It is a shame that in 
AMerica that the Republicans have become so one sided and want a one 
party state. I have analyzed it and say racism and facism. They 
rhyme. Vicki 

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Robert Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Begin forwarded message:
  Date: November 3, 2008 9:25:05 AM PST
  Subject: Vote Flipping in NINE States, Turning Votes for Obama 
  Votes for McCain
  Vote Flipping  Vote Fraud In 9 States, Stealing Votes From Obama
  Vote flipping and vote fraud has been documented by voters in 9  
  different states with early voting. The overwhelming number of  
  reports of vote flipping have come from voters trying to vote 
  Barack Obama.
  Could this actually be happening in America in 2008?
  With only two days until the election, Barack Obama appears to be 
  lock to win the election.
  Electoral-vote.com has Obama with 364 electoral votes and McCain  
  with only 171. But massive, widespread vote flipping and vote 
  could still steal this election from Barack Obama.
  Vote flipping in the 2008 election was first reported in West  
  The Charleston Gazette is reporting that at least three early 
  in West Virginia are testifying that they tried to vote for 
  Obama, but the electronic voting machine switched their votes to  
  John McCain.
  West Virginia voter Virginia Matheney stated this about her 
  to vote for Barack Obama: When I touched the screen for Barack  
  Obama, the check mark moved from his box to the box indicating a  
  vote for John McCain.
  What 81 year old Calvin Thomas told the Gazette is even more  
  troubling: When I pushed Obama, it jumped to McCain. When I 
  down to governor's office and punched [Gov. Joe] Manchin, it went 
  the other dude. When I went to Karen Facemyer [the incumbent  
  Republican state senator], I pushed the Democrat, but it jumped  
  Rather than fade away, reports of vote flipping in West Virginia  
  became more prevalent.
  Now voters in SIX West Virginia counties are reporting vote 
  Voters in Jackson, Putnam, Berkeley, Ohio, Monongalia and 
  counties, all using ESS iVotronic voting machines, are 
  that when they voted for one candididate the machine selected a  
  different one.
  West Virginia is not alone. Daily Kos is reporting that hundreds 
  votes for Obama in North Carolina are not being counted because 
  confusion over the ballot.
  Vote flipping has also been reported in Davidson County, 
  The following is the testimony of one voter:
  A poll worker directed me to a touch screen voting machine   
  instructedme how t o use it. I touched Obama for president   
  nothing lit up. I touched 2 or 3 more times  still nothing lit 
  I called the poll worker back over to tell him I was having a  
  problem. He said I just needed to touch it more lightly. I tried 
  2 or 3 more times more lightly with the poll worker watching  
  nothing lit up. The poll worker then touched it for me twice —  
  nothing lit up. The third time he touched the Obama button, the  
  Cynthia McKinney space lit up! The McKinney button was located 
  rows below the Obama button. The poll worker just kind of 
  and cancelled the vote. He hit the Obama button again  it 
  lit up. I continued on to cast the rest of my votes. After  
  completing the process  reviewing my votes, I went to the VOTE  
  page, hit the VOTE button  nothing happened. Again after 
  tries, I called the poll worker over  he finally got the machine 
  register my votes. Hurray — I voted! — or did I? I left the 
  place feeling uncertain.
  Even Oprah Winfrey is reporting that the electronic voting 
  did not record her vote for Obama on the first try:
  When I voted yesterday electronically, the first vote that you 
  for on the ballot is the presidential candidate. It was my first  
  time doing electronic, so I didn't mark the X strong enough, or 
  held down too long. Because then when I went back to check it, 
  had not recorded my presidential vote.
  These are not isolated incidents. Reports of rampant vote 
  are now appearing from all over the nation:
  There are also new reports out of Texas and Missouri that vote  
  flipping is taking place on ESS iVotronic Touchscreens.
  MarketWatch is reporting that vote flipping 

[cia-drugs] Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in Australia

2008-11-04 Thread smartnews
Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in  Australia  
Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in Australia - Speaker:  
Michael Salter, University of New South Wales - The Crime and Justice Research  
(CJR) Network - This paper will outline the preliminary findings of a doctoral  
research project on adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in 
Australia.  The project is designed to document the activities of organised 
groups of 
sexual  abusers through the life histories of adult survivors.  The paper will 
draw  on life history interviews with adult survivors of organised abuse to 
explore  the questions: What are the ways in which the sexual abuse of children 
can be  organised or coordinated by multiple perpetrators? What happens to 
victimised  children in organised contexts? What are the risk factors for 
organised abuse?  What are the social factors that enable, or compound, the 
exploitation of  children? The paper will also provide a reflection on the 
complexities of  providing a cogent criminological account of organised, and 
otherwise complex,  child sexual abuse. 

**Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel.  Check out Today's Hot 
5 Travel Deals! 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Marijuana initiatives win in Michigan and Massachusetts!

2008-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marijuana Policy Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 4, 2008 6:56:55 PM PST
Subject: Marijuana initiatives win in Michigan and Massachusetts!
Reply-To: Marijuana Policy Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marijuana Policy Project Alert  November 4, 2008

Dear Kris Millegan:

Huge news — we did it.

Today, voters in Michigan and Massachusetts passed MPP's landmark  
ballot initiatives to change marijuana policy in their states.

Of the 13 marijuana policy statewide initiative victories in the  
history of the country, we just scored the second and third most  
important. (The first was California's medical marijuana law in 1996.)

MPP's Massachusetts initiative was the first time in history that a  
decriminalization initiative appeared on any statewide ballot, and  
voters passed it by what appears to be an overwhelming majority. The  
measure removes all criminal penalties for possessing an ounce or less  
of marijuana — replacing it with a $100 fine, which can be paid  
through the mail without lawyers or court appearances, just like a  
speeding ticket.

And Michigan voters passed MPP's medical marijuana initiative, making  
Michigan the first Midwestern state to permit medical marijuana use by  
seriously ill patients (and the 13th in the U.S.). Michigan now  
becomes the second largest medical marijuana state in the country  
(second only to California). And as a result of tonight's victory,  
almost one quarter of the nation now resides in states with medical  
marijuana laws.

Despite formidable opposition (including lies and dirty tricks from  
our opponents), common sense won — in large part because of thousands  
of MPP supporters who donated as generously as they could to both  
campaign committees.

The majority of these donors don't even live in Michigan or  
Massachusetts but donated because this is what the movement for  
changing marijuana laws is all about — a partnership between people  
across the country, giving whatever they can afford in order to push  
change forward. The people of Michigan and Massachusetts owe a debt of  
gratitude to thousands of people in the other 48 states and  
Washington, D.C., who donated money for victories that they won't  
personally see in their own states. And this is exactly how it works:  
In the upcoming two-year cycle, we're going to be choosing a new slate  
of states, and we'll all pitch in nationwide to pass those too ...  
which includes passing bills through state legislatures too.

I'll have more on our upcoming plans for you soon. But for now, please  
join me in celebrating two incredible victories.


Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

Donor Profile: Kris Millegan

Thank you for supporting MPP's efforts to end marijuana prohibition.  
According to our records, you have never made a financial donation to  
MPP. Would you please joinMPP today?

(If you have contributed financially, please contact us here so we can  
correct our records.)

If you make a one-time donation of $10 today, your ranking for this  
year would move from the bottom to 5,928.

Support the Marijuana Policy Project
Raised in '08
Goal in '08

MPP will be able to tackle all of the projects in our 2008 strategic  
plan if you and other allies help us meet this challenge.

We are required by federal law to tell you that any donations you make  
to MPP may be used for political purposes, such as supporting or  
opposing candidates for federal office.

View this message in your browser | Forward this message | Change your  
e-mail preferences

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Vote Flipping in NINE States, Turning Votes for Obama into Votes for McCain

2008-11-04 Thread muckblit
Greg Palast is reporting that in Colorado, Republican Secretaries of
State have quietly purged one in six names from their voter rolls.
What do you think are the odds that most of those purged voters are
Democrats?...Palast is also reporting that more then 2.7 million newly
registered voters have had their registrations rejected under new
procedures signed into law by President Bush.

My CIA drug refugee's teacher checked several days before the
election, and sure enough her name had been removed from the Virginia
registration database due to slander. She disproved the slander of her
non-residency with documents, but could not get her registration
re-instated. That arbitrary defiance exposed dictatorship.

Some people only voted for president. This election, those only voting
for president were more likely to vote for Obama than McCain. All
Virginia voters were asked if they were voting on everything or only
for president. If only for president, they were given a different card
which set up only the presidential vote. Presumably everyone who voted
for Democrat Mark Warner for US Senator also voted for Barack Obama
for president, and then some only voted for Obama for president and
not for Warner or for any other office. How then did Warner end up
with 20% more votes than Obama? Maybe everyone who took that card to
only vote for president had their vote deleted.

How else than by dictat could primitive diesel cost more than
gasoline? How else than by dictat could a falsely unregistered voter,
after showing documentation of entitlement to register, be refused
re-instatement to registration, except by dictat? How else but by
dictat could voters choosing Obama and Warner be counted, but
additional voters only voting for Obama not be counted as well, so
that instead of Obama receiving more votes than Warner as expected,
Warner received more votes than Obama as if votes for Obama alone had
been deleted because of that different setup card?

Ultimately Virginia went for Obama, but only because the lesson of
2000 and 2004 was that if you want to win, you have to beat election
fraud by an absolute landslide. I submit that votes for Virginia for
Obama should have been as much as 10% more than for (Obama and)
Warner, yet were 20% less instead. Anomaly!

A vast number of Obama signs were stolen from very public locations as
well as private property, including two from people's yards where I live.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Robert Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Begin forwarded message:
  Date: November 3, 2008 9:25:05 AM PST
  Subject: Vote Flipping in NINE States, Turning Votes for Obama into  
  Votes for McCain
  Vote Flipping  Vote Fraud In 9 States, Stealing Votes From Obama
  Vote flipping and vote fraud has been documented by voters in 9  
  different states with early voting. The overwhelming number of  
  reports of vote flipping have come from voters trying to vote for  
  Barack Obama.
  Could this actually be happening in America in 2008?
  With only two days until the election, Barack Obama appears to be a  
  lock to win the election.
  Electoral-vote.com has Obama with 364 electoral votes and McCain  
  with only 171. But massive, widespread vote flipping and vote fraud  
  could still steal this election from Barack Obama.
  Vote flipping in the 2008 election was first reported in West  
  The Charleston Gazette is reporting that at least three early voters  
  in West Virginia are testifying that they tried to vote for Barack  
  Obama, but the electronic voting machine switched their votes to  
  John McCain.
  West Virginia voter Virginia Matheney stated this about her attempt  
  to vote for Barack Obama: When I touched the screen for Barack  
  Obama, the check mark moved from his box to the box indicating a  
  vote for John McCain.
  What 81 year old Calvin Thomas told the Gazette is even more  
  troubling: When I pushed Obama, it jumped to McCain. When I went  
  down to governor's office and punched [Gov. Joe] Manchin, it went to  
  the other dude. When I went to Karen Facemyer [the incumbent  
  Republican state senator], I pushed the Democrat, but it jumped  
  Rather than fade away, reports of vote flipping in West Virginia  
  became more prevalent.
  Now voters in SIX West Virginia counties are reporting vote flipping.
  Voters in Jackson, Putnam, Berkeley, Ohio, Monongalia and Greenbrier  
  counties, all using ESS iVotronic voting machines, are reporting  
  that when they voted for one candididate the machine selected a  
  different one.
  West Virginia is not alone. Daily Kos is reporting that hundreds of  
  votes for Obama in North Carolina are not 

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Leader of the Mossad ring, related to 9/11 bomber

2008-11-04 Thread muckblit
Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source said the men are
relatives of Ziad Jarrah, the Lebanese who helped commandeer  United
Airlines Flight 93 before it crashed into a Pennsylvania field on
September 11, 2001, killing everyone on board. Jarrah's family is from
the town of Al-Marej in the Bekaa Valley, where the arrests took
place...The Jarrah family have repeatedly denied that Ziad was part of
the September 11 plot, claiming he was instead a innocent passenger on
the plane, but an official investigation concluded that he was a
senior member of the hijacking team who had undergone flight training
in order to carry out the attacks...Residents of Al-Marej told 
As-Safir newspaper that the men were arrested when security forces
raided a home in the town and seized equipment from a car. The
newspaper said investigators had found documents which prove that the
men had been in contact with Israeli intelligence agents.
Investigators said that the men had passed information about the
location of Lebanese and Syrian army outposts to the Israelis...
One of the two men arrested, identified only by his initials A.D.J.,
is believed to have been the head of the spy ring. Security sources
told The Daily Star that the man was a member of the Palestinian
militant group Fatah al-Intifadah, which is known to be active along
the Syrian border...The other man who was arrested is said to be a
relative of A.D.J. and was allegedly involved in conducting
reconnaissance work for Mossad in the Bekaa Valley.

Was Ziad Jarrah in Florida when lead 911 hijacker Mohamed Atta was
(apparently) copiloting Lebanese-Syrian heroin flights for CIA? Did
Ziad Jarrah or these two connected to Syrian CIA heroin and arms asset
Monzer Al Kasser, who planted a Bush-Gehlen Swiss timer inside its
Palestinian bomb on Pan Am 103 at Frankfurt? What was the timing of
these 911-related arrests and Monzer Al Kasser's arrest last summer?


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: November 4, 2008 3:18:24 AM PST
 Subject: [SPY NEWS] Leader of the Mossad ring, related to 9/11 bomber

 Leader of the Mossad ring, related to 9/11 bomber
 Newspaper Al-Rai revealed that the leader of the Israeli-spy cell  
 arrested in Lebanon, already imprisoned by Syria 15 days before his  
 arrest in Lebanon 3 months ago.
 The newspaper added that that his arrest was joint cooperation between  
 the Syrian and Lebanese intelligence services.
 Lebanese newspaper Daily Star says that the leader of the spy ring Ali  
 Al-Jarrah is related to the Lebanese 9/11 suicide operationZiad Al- 
 Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker'
 'Lebanon is an open theater for espionage'
 By Andrew Wander
 Daily Star staff
 Monday, November 03, 2008
   Listen to the Article -
 Powered by
 BEIRUT: Two men arrested for running an Israeli spy ring in the Bekaa  
 Valley are relatives of a suicide hijacker who piloted a plane in the  
 September 11, 2001, attacks, a security source told The Daily Star on  
 Sunday. The Lebanese Army announced on Saturday that it had arrested  
 two people suspected of involvement with a spy network that gathered  
 information for Israel's intelligence services.
 The army said that the men had been arrested on Friday, but the source  
 said that they were actually captured two weeks ago and the discovery  
 of the arrests by the media prompted the army to announce their capture.
 The army said the men had admitted gathering information on political  
 party offices and monitoring the movements of party figures for the  
 The statement added that the men had been found with communications  
 devices and other sophisticated equipment, which they used to gather  
 information and transmit it to Mossad agents.
 Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source said the men are  
 relatives of Ziad Jarrah, the Lebanese who helped commandeer  United  
 Airlines Flight 93 before it crashed into a Pennsylvania field on  
 September 11, 2001, killing everyone on board. Jarrah's family is from  
 the town of Al-Marej in the Bekaa Valley, where the arrests took place.
 The Jarrah family have repeatedly denied that Ziad was part of the  
 September 11 plot, claiming he was instead a innocent passenger on the  
 plane, but an official investigation concluded that he was a senior  
 member of the hijacking team who had undergone flight training in  
 order to carry out the attacks.
 Residents of Al-Marej told  As-Safir newspaper that the men were  
 arrested when security forces raided a home in the town and seized  
 equipment from a car. The newspaper said investigators had found  
 documents which prove that the men had been in contact with Israeli  

[cia-drugs] Burma troops attack Karen

2008-11-04 Thread muckblit
Burmese junta also pressuring urban pro-democracy activists in junta's
continuing defiance of legitimate political process.


250 Karen villagers have been forcibly displaced and three others have
been killed along with a Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)
soldier, following attacks by the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army
(DKBA) and the Burma Army in Dooplaya District, Southern Karen State.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) says this violence comes only one
month before UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon is due to visit the
country for discussions over the political crisis.

According to Free Burma Rangers, the DKBA and Burma Army began
targeting villagers at the beginning of October in a bid to control
the population and gain access to coal, zinc mines, rubber and teak trees.