[cia-drugs] clergy abuse Ireland, KKK/murder, advocacy and saving lives

2008-11-12 Thread smartnews

clergy abuse Ireland, KKK/murder, advocacy and saving  lives  
Priests abused up to 400 children in Dublin diocese by John Cooney 11/8/08  
Shocking new figures show that 400 children have been identified as possible  
victims of sex abuse by priests in the Dublin Archdiocese -- proportionately  
even higher then the catalogue of horrors found by a Government investigation  
into the Diocese of Ferns. And settlement claims paid to victims suspected of  
being abused by 152 priests over the last 68 years has soared to more than   
12m. "It is most likely that this is not a final figure," Archbishop Diarmuid  
Martin conceded yesterday, when he disclosed the revised figures showing the  
horrendous scale of clerical paedophilia in the archdiocese since 1940. The  
Ferns probe identified more then 100 allegations of child sex abuse between 
1962  and 2002 against 21 priests. 
Okla. woman killed after La. KKK rite identified 11/12/08 New Orleans (AP)  - 
Authorities have identified an Oklahoma woman fatally shot in Louisiana after 
 a Ku Klux Klan initiation. The St. Tammany Parish Coroner's office said  
Wednesday that the woman was 43-year-old  Cynthia C. Lynch of Tulsa.  Sheriff 
Jack Strain says Lynch had been recruited over the Internet to come to  
Louisiana, join a Klan faction, then return to Oklahoma to sign up more 
members.  But 
authorities say she asked to be taken back to town from the ritual site in a  
rural area. Strain says a fight followed and Lynch was shot Sunday. One person  
has been booked on a second-degree murder charge. Seven others face charges  
related to covering up the shooting. 
Advocacy and Saving Lives - Neil Brick’s Presentation at Indiana  University, 
Professor Pepinsky’s classes - November 11, 2008

**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & 

[cia-drugs] I STRONGLY Suggest You Stop Now, And Watch This video

2008-11-12 Thread incoming.yahoo.verizon.net

This may be the most important video you will ever see!!
I pray to God that this does not occur, but you need to prepare.



I am sending this to everyone on my email list, which is quite a few people.
Please don?t email me with questions.  I know about as much about this
situation as is presented in the video so I will have no additional
information for you.  Just watch the video, do some google research on the
topic and decide what, if anything, you plan to do about it.  I am giving
you this information after having just received it myself so I?ve done all
that I could to alert you to these circumstances as quickly as possible.
Whether or not you should do anything about it is obviously up to you.

Joseph R. Banister

[cia-drugs] Billboard Inserts Audio Voices into Your Head

2008-11-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Billboard Inserts Audio Voices into Your Head 
December 13, 2007

A new billboard on Prince Street in Soho-that's in Manhattan-uses a directional 
sound system from Holosonic to broadcast a message directly into your head for 
only you to hear. It's being used, of course, for advertising.

It's an ad for "Paranormal State," a ghost-themed series premiering on A&E this 
week. The billboard uses technology manufactured by Holosonic that transmits an 
"audio spotlight" from a rooftop speaker so that the sound is contained within 
your cranium. The technology, ideal for museums and libraries or environments 
that require a quiet atmosphere for isolated audio slideshows, has rarely been 
used on such a scale before. For random passersby and residents who have to 
walk unwittingly through the area where the voice will penetrate their inner 
peace, it's another story.

The speaker isn't in the billboard itself but on a nearby roof. This is a 
horrible idea in general, of course-the last thing I need is more voices in my 
head, especially ones telling me to shop-but I have to admit I kind of want to 
try it once to see how well it works.

http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2007/12/13/billboard-inserts-au.html <>

[cia-drugs] AIG Execs Hold Another Luxury Retreat

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson

From: a_cascadian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 12, 2008 2:24:49 PM PST
Subject: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] AIG Execs Hold Another Luxury  


From DemocracyNow.org

AIG Execs Hold Another Luxury Retreat

And executives at the government-rescued insurance giant AIG have been  
caught holding
another secretive gathering at a luxury resort. Using hidden cameras,  
local ABC News
reporters filmed AIG execs poolside at the Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak  
Resort in Phoenix,
Arizona. AIG has admitted to asking the hotel to ensure there were no  
AIG signs and to
instruct staff not to mention its presence. It's at least the second  
known resort getaway for
AIG brass since their government rescue. In September, company  
executives held a week-
long, nearly half-a-million-dollar retreat at a luxury resort just  
days after receiving an initial
$85 billion in taxpayer money. On Monday, the Bush administration said  
it would give AIG an
additional $40 billion, bringing its taxpayer tab to $150 billion so  


Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Unseen 911 Footage Finally Being Released By FBI DOJ

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson

From: Doctor  Plum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 11, 2008 11:29:56 PM PST
To: Doctor Plum Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [doctorplum] Unseen 9/11 Footage Finally Being Released By  


Still no footage of flight 77's impact at the Pentagon

The FBI and the Department of Justice have released ten new videos  
relating to the events of 9/11, three years after a freedom of  
information act request for the footage was submitted.

The newly released videos show footage of the attack on the twin  
towers in New York on September 11th 2001.


Some of the videos were originally seized by the FBI in the hours  
after the attacks had taken place, others were handed to 9/11  
investigators or discovered throughout the course of the investigation.

The videos were secured by FOIA attorney Scott Hodes, under  
instruction from his client Mr Scott Bingham.

Bingham has uploaded some of the footage to youtube and has set about  
writing blogs on the videos at http://www.penttbom.com.

Bingham writes:

"This is the first bulk release of videos from the PENTTBOM  
investigative file. More will come later. How much later? I don't  
know. But we requested 64 of 84 items on the 'menu' and we now have 10  
new items."

Bingham was previously successful in securing the release of CCTV  
footage from the Pentagon, Citgo gas station, and Double Tree hotel,  
which he documented on his website www.Flight77.info. However, none of  
these videos provided clear footage of the impact of flight 77 into  
the Pentagon.

Although it was Bingham's FOIA lawsuit that forced the release of the  
only known footage from the Pentagon and the surrounding area on 9/11,  
government watchdog group Judicial Watch took the credit and released  
it to the mainstream media networks.

During the course of Bingham's FOIA request, he discovered that the  
FBI was withholding at least another 84 surveillance tapes pertaining  
to the attacks, and subsequently requested the release of all the  
withheld footage.

The original context of the request for the footage and the  
revelations garnered from the FBI suggested that the remaining tapes  
were specifically related to the attack on the Pentagon. However, the  
bulk of the ten newly released videos show the impact of the second  
plane into the World Trade Center from various new angles. Some of the  
videos seem to be old footage that has been previously released, and  
one video even contains a full ABC News episode called 'The  
Survivors', a documentary about the burn victims of 9/11 that was  
presumably made weeks or months after the events.

It appears that the FBI still maintains that they have no more footage  
of the Pentagon attack, despite the fact that the area is littered  
with buildings and roads that have their own surveillance systems, in  
addition to that of the pentagon itself.

Perhaps the most interesting newly released video is footage shot by a  
couple in a hotel adjacent to the WTC. Much like the previously  
released "What we saw: Bob and Bri" video which surfaced two years  
ago, this video is cut just as the second plane hits. However the  
audio is left intact and a large swoosh followed by two loud thuds can  
be heard. Bingham, who says he plans to upload more from this video,  
also says the video is cut as the towers collapse. The reason for the  
cuts is not explained.

Footage from the newly released videos appears below:

[cia-drugs] GOP used "War" to "invoke" Great Depression Era as routine, pay-offs, robbery

2008-11-12 Thread genocideeuropean
What are news agencies talking about? Why does the news sound like
itfs post WWII? The Great Depression?

Q. Is it the Great Depression?

A. No, itfs most likely worse & safer than the Great Depression in
the 21st Century where a deflated Market could support price & stock
market corrections that would provide for the 3rd World Countries.

Q. Why are we talking about gBailoutsh & Constitutional
Government gStimulush?
A. The film, gOceanfs Elevenh, was a famous rat-pack
story linked to modern day criminal plans to sustain use of HAARP, Elf,
H.E.M.P. & manipulate Heads of State & News Agencies as though in a 24/7
Bank Robbery scenario.  (The use of the words, gBailouth &
gStimulush might be the result of Hindi & Gay Community
Narcotics Terrorists use of News Agencies to bribe Stalkers & Terrorists
to do things for them or their gcauseh.  Those words are words
Narcotics Terrorists & Business people use, they are not words the
Federal Government should use in regulating (disciplining) Businesses &
managing Communities.  The Bush WH has been Out of Control & helpless in
the Business Community like a runaway train in a race to the bottom.)

eKidnapping, obvious idiotic Terroristic Threatening & neglect is the

A. Whatfs wrong with Bad Big Businesses going Bankrupt?
Q. The News Agencies following a screen play of the War Era gGreat
Depressionh which would defeat the modern notion of Managed
Businesses which cooperate within their own industry to provide for the
Jobless as Japan had done in the 1990fs.

The Wag-the-Dog Syndrome

If youfre a Journalist, if you aspire to influence the News
Headlines, the Future of Western Civilization, if you have grand ideas
which donft appear in the mainstream in delineated & exact
articulation of your thoughts & ideas & you believe everything you read
is about yourself or about what youfre gabouth, or you
expect everything to be about yourself, you might be suffering from the
Wag-the-Dog Syndrome.

The Wag the Dog Campaign was of an Clandestine Narcotics Terrorist
Campaign which anticipated an Apocalyptic Event to promote Dog-Eat-Dog,
Crime, Neglect in the Community & Municipalities caused by Big Spenders,
an Economic Bubble supported with Narcotics Delusion & Extreme Racism.

African Americans didnft try to make an issue of Race in the 2008
elections.  To date, therefs no issue of non Africans in the
Legislature while there it is an issue from the Aryan Press.

Journalists appear to be trying to present the War (Racial or
Nationalist) Angle on the news when covering Financial Businesses,
Politics & Socialization or gStyleh while the High End
(Narcotics supported Industry) isnft supported by the Economy & is
in fact less than 15% of the market.

If you follow the money you see the manifestation of Clandestine Racist
Narcotics Terrorist Plans of Western Countries which have tried & failed
many times & many ways to manifest in Communities of Well Rounded
International Citizens of the World.

This is the 21st Century. The strategy used by GOP DNC Racist Disciples
of the Narcotics Terrorist Pagan gCookiesh high on Narcotics
24/7 would have worked only if there were no such thing as the internet
& cell phones in Africa, a fact omitted in the Narcotics Terrorist
Community of the Skull & Bones, Living Dead (Film, gM.I.3),
Klu Klux Klan, Scientologists, Mormons & Evangelists.

Q. What plan are the Narcotics Terrorists following?
A. The Old Guard, New Gays & Hindi Narcotics Terrorist are following the
exact opposite linear plan of Japanfs 1950 World Peace Plan as
though doing the exact opposite would logically produce Victory.

Instead of Cures of All Disease of Earth with support of Native
Indigenous of all Lands, Narcotics Terroristfs plans are for Super
Novas (Popular Science, 2008) & Extinction of Life OF Earth which would
make expensive any Natural Life of Earth are the only plans being
programmed with any use of any eSystem & Neural Network.

Q. What do you believe the World is seeing of Western Civilization while
working on World Peace without Westerners?

A. Good question.  Todayfs Youth need Grassroots, gWalk the
Talk,h Accessible Leadership instead of Super Stars, Celebrities,
Pop Stars & Fads.  The United States finally has a Leader in the White
House who knows how to get things done.  Therefs no time to waste.
We can provide for World Peace Now.

There are 2 more years of the Partnership & Commitment formed to provide
for World Peace.  Pledge your support here

Childhood Without War encourages all who participated in the expression
of Racial Prejudice to examine the origin of their prejudice & choose to
live where those Racially Prejudice people exist without breaking the

Narcotics Terrorist who are extremely delusional deranged lunatics

[cia-drugs] Secret Plan For IMF World Dictatorship

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson

From: "GeorgiaAnn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 12, 2008 7:57:22 AM PST
Subject: [ctrl] Secret Plan For IMF World Dictatorship

Secret Plan For IMF World Dictatorship  Webster Tarpley, Nov 12, 2008
This is a confidential strategy paper for the November 15 G-20 summit  
in Washington DC. This is not a new Bretton Woods in any sense, but  
rather a British-steered attempt to impose the dictatorship of the  
International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the entire planet, wiping out all  
hope of economic recovery, the modernization of the developing  
countries, and national sovereignty at the same time.

Under this plan, the IMF would dictate the economic policies of all  
states. The IMF orthodoxy is austerity, sacrifice, deregulation,  
privatization, union busting, wage reductions, free trade, the race to  
the bottom, and prohibitions on advanced technologies. These policies  
would strangle humanity.

The Brazil-Russia-India-China bloc is reportedly objecting to putting  
so much power into the hands of the IMF, which is dominated by the US  
and the British, with Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Treasury  
Secretary Paulson of Goldman Sachs laying down the party line.

The new Chinese economic measures are the opposite of the bankers’  
bailouts imposed so far in the wealthier countries. The Chinese will  
spend $585 billion on infrastructure, transportation, housing, and  
food production, with special attention to railroads, airports, and  
roads. The Chinese package is in the spirit of the Franklin D.  
Roosevelt New Deal, and it will maintain forward progress for China.  
The US $700 billion bailout and the UK and EU versions are a futile  
attempt to prop up the $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble. Sensible  
economic policy starts with wiping out the derivatives cancer.

The interest of humanity can only be served by preventing the  
Washington conference from carrying out the plan outlined below. If  
Russia, China, and the developing countries can mount an effective  
opposition, the world will divide into two blocs - a pro-derivatives,  
anti-production Malthusian-monetarist bloc, which will tend to fall  
behind because of its own policies; and, on the other hand, an anti- 
derivatives, pro-production bloc of nations seeking modern technology,  
and the full fruits of scienitific and economic progress. Persons of  
good will in all nations are encouraged to mobilize to make sure that  
their own country joins the pro-production, anti-derivatives bloc.
Preparations the for economic summit in Washington on November 15 are  
well advanced. Here are the five points which are currently on the  
agenda to be adopted by the invited heads of state. The overall  
philosophy is to continue globalization by reinforcing free trade and  
by creating a world economic government under the IMF.

The IMF Program Reads As Follows:

1) require the credit rating agencies to be registered and monitored  
and submit to rules of governance;

2) halt the principle of a convergence of accounting standards and re- 
examine the application of the fair market value rule in the financial  
field, so as to improve its coherence with the rules of prudence and  

3) to resolve that no market segment, territory, or financial  
institution shall escape from a proportionate and adequate regulation,  
or at the least, surveillance;

4) set up a code of conduct to avoid excessive risk-taking in the  
financial industry, including in the area of compensation. Supervisors  
will have to follow this code in evaluating the risk profiles of  
financial institutions;

5) to entrust to the IMF the primary responsibility, along with the  
FSF (Financial Stability Forum - Basel), to recommend the necessary  
measures to restore confidence and stability.

The IMF must be equipped with the essential resources and suitable  
instruments to support countries in difficulty, and to exert its role  
of macroeconomic surveillance to the fullest.

Do you know what Sharia (Islamic) Law is?  Obama does..."Change" one  
step at a time?
*Islamic Law, known as "Shariah": primary source of persecution for  
Christians in Muslim States
*American Thinker: Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies  
- in each of the lengthy supporting article (or articles), a Biblical  
view on these infractions of moral law (or sometimes civil law or  
personal injuries) is presented. One of the reasons we all sense that  
these Islamic punishments are harsh and excessive is that Christianity  
has also filled the globe.
Revelation 17:17: "For God has put it into their hearts [final 10  
kings of verse 13] to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony  
in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast ..."

[Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
If you haven't yet checked us out, you could be missing some good info

[cia-drugs] ammo and firearms supplier are telling the same story

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson

From: "Deon M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 12, 2008 1:43:59 AM PST
Subject: [ctrl] ammo and firearms supplier are telling the same story

Subject: Buy Now/Celente Predicts Depression & Revolution on Fox
Date: 11/11/2008  6:12:32 AM

Every ammo and firearms supplier are telling the same story.  www.Ammoman.com 
, my preferred supplier, has suspended sales for the first time ever.   
They simply cannot keep up with demand. Below is a story from www.survivalblog.com 
 of one's experience in Memphis attempting to "stock up".  If you  
have not purchased what you need, by all means attempt to do so now.   
Once Obamination is inaugurated you will see gun bans that will make  
Clinton's pale in comparison.  I predict that you will not see the  
return of our ability to purchase firearms adequate for self-defense.   
I don't usually make predictions, but we live in a different country  
now.  We are going to experience some serious changes.  Watch the  
video below of the latest predictions from Gerald Celente, who is  
quoted by Fox News saying "his predictions most always come true."

Some might blow this off and continue to live as though life will  
always go on as normal.  I ask, "what if he's right?"  You buy  
insurance for "what ifs."  Why not purchase real insurance in food,  
medical supplies, and weapons.  Would it not be better to have them  
and not need them than to need them and not have them? And, by all  
means, get out of debt.  I cannot comprehend the lack of one not being  
able to see that our nation is in the midst of economic collapse, and  
still somehow believes that this government (the one that caused the  
problem to begin with) will somehow be their saviour.  As our nation  
continues its downfall, you will see our Rights (or what's left of  
them) continue to disappear.  The Lord even gave animals enough common  
sense to store away food but yet we continue to depend on this corrupt  
system to provide for our needs. Go figure.


I've seen similar goings on here in Memphis. General threat of mob  
violence on the night of the 4th and after, if "The One" lost the  
election, so I went to pick up some extra buckshot and I figured a  
couple extra boxes of .45 while I was at it. First went to Sportsman's  
Warehouse, but they were out of just about everything in the major  
pistol calibers except the exotic and high-dollar loads. The mountain  
of 9mm ball they'd laid in planning to put on sale this weekend was  
reduced to less than a mole hill.
They were also pretty much out of buckshot, too. Bare in mind that  
this is an outdoor sporting goods "big box" and not a gun store per  
se. I left there empty-handed and headed over to Guns & Ammo, my usual  
stop for same. I knew something was really up when a guy coming out as  
I went in had two black Glock cases and a blue SIG box in his arms and  
his son was carrying a double-arm-full of handgun ammo boxes. Once I  
got inside the store, it looked like Christmas Eve in there; people  
lined up three deep at the counter, which is about 50 feet long. All  
six employees were going like mad trying to keep up with the sales. I  
got the last half-dozen boxes of Hornady TAP buckshot and a few boxes  
of Winchester Ranger .40 and high-tailed it. Looks like everybody's a  
bit worried, and with good reason. "May you live in interesting  
times," indeed. - Booth

Fox Business: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 11/10/08
From Daily Paul:
I was shocked that Fox would air such a segment.
They mentioned that before 2012:
1. America will be the first undeveloped country
2. Revolution, food shortages, riots, marches
3. Food instead of gifts for Christmas
Seriously, I was shocked. The segment lasted for more than 6 minutes.  
He said things like parents shouldn't send their kids to get business  
degrees or psychology degrees and send them to community colleges to  
learn a real skill. He kept implying that food will become the most  
important thing for us. He said the retail industry will die off  
completely but local markets will thrive.
The host even introduced him as a guy who's "predictions always come  

Gerald Celente's website:

ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing  
propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   
These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half- 
truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by  
different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the  
spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts,  
and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives  
no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

There are two list running, [EMA

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Americans Believe Obama Will Turn the Economy Around

2008-11-12 Thread EB
Very, very  good
  - Original Message - 
  From: RoadsEnd 
  To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 12:52 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Americans Believe Obama Will Turn the 
Economy Around

  Begin forwarded message:

  From: "GeorgiaAnn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: November 12, 2008 7:47:49 AM PST
  Subject: [ctrl] Americans Believe Obama Will Turn the Economy Around

  Americans Believe Obama Will Turn the Economy Around  Kurt Nimmo Infowars Nov 
12, 2008
  Question: how can the banker’s president turn the economy around?

  Answer: he can’t and he is under specific orders not to turn it around.

  But don’t tell the American people.

  Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup combined gave 
the Barack Obama campaign over three million dollars, according to 
OpenSecrets.org. UBS and the private-equity firms Blackstone Group and the 
Carlyle Group sweetened the pot with hundreds of thousands more (see Obama Top 
Fundraiser on Wall Street).

  Do you think they gave all this money because they are liberals with a soft 
spot and want an African-American as president? Hardly. For the bankers and the 
financial elite, it would not matter if Barack Obama had green skin with yellow 
polka dots and he babbled about aliens making midnight visitations in 
levitating tea cups.

  Goldman Sachs and company gave all that money — and they gave a likewise 
amount to McCain — to make sure their man made it to the Oval Office. Now that 
he is there they can commence with the plan.

  Here’s the plan… destroy the American economy by way of an engineered 
economic depression, reduce the population to groveling serfdom, and buy up all 
the goodies for pennies on the dollar. As Congressman Charles A. Lindberg Sr. 
predicted after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, henceforth depressions 
will be scientifically created. “Using a central bank to create alternate 
periods of inflation and deflation, and thus whipsawing the public for vast 
profits, had been worked out by the international bankers to an exact science,” 
writes Gary Allen.

  To think that the scientifically engineered Crash of 1929 was an accident or 
the result of stupidity defies all logic. The international bankers who 
promoted the inflationary policies and pushed the propaganda which pumped up 
the stock market represented too many generations of accumulated expertise to 
have blundered into “the great depression.”

  “World events do not occur by accident: They are made to happen, whether it 
is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and 
managed by those who hold the purse strings,” said insider Denis Healey.

  As the Great Depression version 1.0 was intentionally created, so will be 
version 2.0, the greater depression. Not only do the international bankers and 
their minions in the government want to create a situation where the bankers 
can easily consolidate all wealth, they also want to impose a high-tech control 
system on the masses.

  As Aldous Huxley once noted, the masses must learn to accept their slavery as 
liberation. It’s a process well underway thanks to the corporate media.

  According to our leaders, the only way out of this “crisis” is to create a 
new global financial architecture while never mentioning the fact that whole 
mess was contrived by fractional reserve banking, intentionally pumping up 
various debt bubbles, and allowing the Federal Reserve to inflate the money 

  You’d think people would smell something rotten when the supposed maestro of 
the “bailout” is a former Goldman Sachs crony. You’d think they’d scream bloody 
murder when the “bailout” — upward estimated in the trillions, not billions — 
gets diverted into the pockets of the bankers and there is nothing left over to 
break up the financial glacier. During the Great Depression version 1.0, the 
bankers held off on credit and loans too.

  As evidence that Huxley’s observation is working like a charm, consider a 
recent AP poll. “An Associated Press-GfK poll shows that when it comes to the 
economy, most people are voicing the hope Barack Obama made a touchstone of his 
presidential campaign. Seven in 10 people in the survey are voicing confidence 
that the president-elect will be able to turn the stalling economy around when 
he takes office in January. Nearly all Democrats and even four in 10 
Republicans say so. Almost as many people also think Obama will be able to push 
his overall agenda through as well.”

  Obama will indeed “push his overall agenda through.” But it is not his 
agenda. It’s the bankers agenda and it has nothing to do with turning the 
economy around. It has to do with turning the United States into a third world 


  Do you know what Sharia (Islamic) Law is?  Obama does..."Change" one step at 
a time?

[cia-drugs] Peter Dale Scott's 5-star review of new 9/11 book

2008-11-12 Thread RoadsEnd

5.0 out of 5 stars A new dimension to the 9/11 mystery, November 10,  
By  Peter D. Scott - See all my reviews
By focusing on the E-4B Doomsday seen over the White House on 9/11,at  
about the time of the attack on the Pentagon, Mark Gaffney discusses  
important new evidence, not previously revealed, of government  
foreknowledge of events on that day . How was the plane in the air  
after a National Ground Stop? Why did the E-4B not save lives by  
warning people at the Pentagon of the visible incoming plane? Why was  
it, in a prohibited area, not shot down by White House defenses? Here  
are many new issues for Cheney and the plane's passengers to explain.  
Everyone trying to get to the bottom of 9/11 should read this book,  
and add their voices to the demand that the new Administration launch  
a new and genuine investigation.


[cia-drugs] Game developers targeted for AGI herding at Stanford AIIDE Conference

2008-11-12 Thread norgesen
Game developers targeted for AGI herding at Stanford AIIDE Conference.
“AIIDE is the definitive point of interaction between entertainment software 
developers interested in AI and academic and industrial AI researchers. 
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 
(AAAI)“, note in their own words, “the conference is targeted at both the 
research and commercial communities, promoting AI research and practice in the 
context of interactive digital entertainment systems with an emphasis on 
commercial computer and video games.”

And I thought multiplayer games with live humans was were we ended up, AI bots 
being a thing of the past or for the weary not having broadband Net 
connections. But some of what was presented was ways to use various types of 
narrow AI to better automate development processes, while games with 
non-player-characters still persist in adventure type forms. In my final years 
of gaming a few years ago only live human opponents in RTS & ultraviolent 
action games was any fun, but I guess some aren’t giving up on that while the 
gaming industry is set to not only help incrementalize us into full immersion 
neural interface gaming but to also help tackle the strong AI “problem” (as AGI 
proponents always call it).

Gamasutra had a relevant point here:

But Rabin put forth his own challenge for the future: Despite all this, why is 
AI still allowed to suck? Because, in his view, sharp AI is just not required 
for many games, and game designers frequently don’t get what AI can do. That 
was his challenge for this AIIDE -– to show others the potential, and 
necessity, of game AI, to find the problems that designers are trying to 
tackle, and solve them.

And Strong AI was certainly a theme:

Rabin talked about the challenges that future development is facing: costs are 
rising, risk is greater. CPU power is improving, but we haven’t found a strong 
AI use for it.

In any case, I really wanted to just do a quick post to underscore Stanford’s 
role in all of the AGI type talk found in my work. That institution is a key 
fountainhead right in lockstep with DARPA and Google, but I rarely get the time 
write much about it. Stanford pops up on my radar almost as much as the sorts 
like Google, DARPA, NASA and so on. So for those who find interest in this line 
of my work around here you’ll start noticing Stanford just the same if you 
havent been already.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

  a.. *Google funding Artificial General Intelligence research via Novamente. 
  b.. AI IDE 08 
  c.. AIIDE 08 Post-mortem 
  d.. CFP: Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital 

[cia-drugs] FDA Set to Approve Genetically Engineered Animals

2008-11-12 Thread norgesen
FDA Set to Approve Genetically Engineered Animals 

by: Susan Thixton
November 11, 2008

 Genetically Engineered grains have been in existence for several years, amidst 
many concerns from various organizations and individuals. Now, the FDA is set 
to approve Genetically Engineered Animals to be introduced into the food chain.

Ever since the beginning of Genetically Engineered grains, controversy has 
surrounded their safety. The Sierra Club initiated a national petition against 
Monsanto's genetically engineered wheat. 

The Organic Consumers organization is equally against genetically engineered 
grains stating "Campaign activists are also demanding that corporations and 
governments heed the concerns of consumers, North and South, and remove 
genetically engineered corn and other foods and crops from the market, unless 
they can be proven to be safe for human health and the environment. Recently 
hundreds of US consumers have reported allergic reactions to the FDA after 
eating Kraft and other brand name products likely containing genetically 
engineered corn." http://www.organicconsumers.org/corn/index.cfm

The Organic Consumers website also brings into light a potential cover-up by 
Monsanto not noticed by the FDA. A German court ordered Monsanto to make public 
a controversial 90 day study on rats that reported the animals fed genetically 
modified (GM) corn developed "allergies (increased basophils), in response to 
infections, toxins and various diseases including cancer (increased lymphocytes 
and white blood cells), and in the presence of anemia (decreased reticulocyte 
count) and blood pressure problems (decreased kidney weights). There were also 
increased blood sugar levels, kidney inflammation, liver and kidney lesions, 
and other changes."

Now, the FDA is set to approve genetically engineered animals into the human 
food chain. From the FDA website: "Genetic engineering generally refers to the 
use of recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques to introduce new characteristics or 
traits into an organism. When scientists splice together pieces of DNA and 
introduce a spliced DNA segment into an organism to give the organism new 
properties, it's called rDNA technology. The spliced piece of DNA is called the 
rDNA construct. A GE animal is one that contains an rDNA construct intended to 
give the animal new characteristics or traits."

The FDA plans to classify GE animals as a 'drug' until food products from these 
animals are recognized as safe. Currently the FDA website is accepting input 
from organizations and individuals on GE animals. To learn more and post your 
comments: http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2008/NEW01887.html

The FDA tells consumers: "GE animals currently being developed can be divided 
into six broad classes based on the intended purpose of the genetic 
modification: (1) to enhance food quality or agronomic traits (e.g., pigs with 
less environmentally deleterious wastes, faster growing fish); (2) to improve 
animal health (e.g., disease resistance); (3) to produce products intended for 
human therapeutic use (e.g., pharmaceutical products or tissues for 
transplantation; these GE animals are sometimes referred to as "biopharm" 
animals); (4) to enrich or enhance the animals' interactions with humans (e.g., 
hypo-allergenic pets); (5) to develop animal models for human diseases (e.g., 
pigs as models for cardiovascular diseases); and (6) to produce industrial or 
consumer products (e.g., fibers for multiple uses)." 

The same FDA document acknowledges the risks involved with GE animals. "A 
primary goal during the investigational phase of development of the GE animal 
is to ensure that edible products from the GE animals do not enter the food or 
feed supply without prior FDA authorization. Edible products include, but are 
not limited to milk, honey, eggs, muscle tissue, as well as other tissues such 
as liver, kidney, skin, and fat. We encourage you to provide a disposition plan 
for all classes of investigational animals and animal products. We recommend 
that all surplus investigational animals and their biological products be 
disposed of by incineration, burial, or composting, and that appropriate 
records be kept of animal identification and disposition. In some special 
cases, alternative disposition may be appropriate provided that our safety 
concerns are met (see Section III.C). 21 CFR 511.1 (b)(5)."

GE animals have probably already entered the food supply; the pet food supply. 
Please notice the wording of the following sentence quoted above 'We recommend 
that all surplus investigational animals and their biological products be 
disposed of by incineration, burial, or composting, and that appropriate 
records be kept of animal identification and disposition.' The words 'We 
recommend' should make pet owners very

[cia-drugs] The Voice Oil Industry Insiders are Heeding

2008-11-12 Thread RoadsEnd
http://www.prweb.com/releases/JamesNorman/Oil/prweb1605014.htmThe Voice Oil Industry Insiders are HeedingLongtime journalist and author James Norman is speaking to groups across North America and is available for interviews to talk about the dynamics of global oil pricing as it relates to US National Policy.(Vocus/PRWEB ) November 12, 2008 -- Veteran journalist James Norman has created a buzz in the oil patch with his keynote addresses at recent oil industry gatherings in Midland, Houston, and Calgary. Industry insiders whose fortunes are tied to the dynamics of oil prices have been very attentive to, and appreciative of, this provocative and revelatory view of market dynamics. His book, The Oil Card: Global Economic Warfare in the 21st Century, has become required reading for those who truly need to understand how our markets and our geopolitical world really work.James Norman, author and journalist You can't really understand the dynamics of global oil pricing without a keen appreciation for US national security policy This thorough-going and unusual analysis of historical oil price movements lays out in powerful detail the mechanics by which the US and its allies drove down crude prices in the 1980s in a stunningly successful and bloodless effort to bankrupt the former Soviet Union. It then goes on to look at how a reversal of those tactics appears to have been at work from 1998 to mid-2008 to wage similar economic warfare against the fast-rising People's Republic of China.Though it went to the printer just before oil prices peaked in July 2008 at almost $150/bbl, amid forecasts of oil hitting $200 or even $300/bbl, the book presciently warned crude could tumble again if Russia were to become belligerent or re-align with China. That indeed came to pass in August 2008 with Russia's invasion of Georgia, and subsequent moves by the Kremlin to mend fences with BeijingWith oil back down to around $60/bbl, Norman's basic premise has been vindicated. Namely: that macro-level oil pricing lately has had relatively little to do with the "fundamentals" of oil supply and demand.There is ample crude available globally despite much-hyped fears of shortages, now requiring draconian cutbacks by OPEC to prevent a free-fall in pricing. Rather, as repeatedly noted by ExxonMobil CEO Lee Raymond in Congressional hearings, oil prices have been largely a function of geopolitics."You can't really understand the dynamics of global oil pricing without a keen appreciation for US national security policy," Norman states.This will remain true regardless of the outcome of the recent US presidential election.Oil Card Book: Jim Norman has a long and distinguished career as a journalist covering the oil industry and corporate America, including 10 years at BusinessWeek and five years at Forbes magazine.Until retiring in 2007, he spent 10 years as a senior writer in New York for McGraw-Hill's respected daily oil industry newsletter, Platts Oilgram News. At Platts he was noted for his detailed and "prophetic" warnings as early as 1998 that the UN Oil-For-Food program was ripe for money laundering by the Saddam Hussein regime, which became a damning indictment of UN officials in the "Volcker Report" of the UN Independent Inquiry Committee.His detailed critique of Enron accounting and governance in August 2001 helped trigger a few days later the SEC investigation which led to the collapse of Enron's market value and creditworthiness when that probe was disclosed.The Oil Card applies this same methodical reporting and analysis to cut through the fog and cant of conventional wisdom about oil economics. Though packed with a wealth of detail, I think you will find the book quite readable and accessible to any non oil-industry readers who seriously seek to understand the murky macro forces driving world markets and events.As noted on the back cover by former top-rated Bear Stearns oil analyst Frederick Leuffer: "This book is a must-read for consumers and investors alike. After reading The Oil Card, you will never feel the same about 'free' markets again. Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down."For interviews, a review copy, or more information, contact:Kris Millegan800.556.2012 • 541.744.0090 • publicity @ trineday.netwww.theoilcard.comwww.trineday.com###Post Comment:Trackback URL: http://www.prweb.com/pingpr.php/SW5zZS1Mb3ZlLUZhbHUtTWFnbi1UaGlyLVNpbmctWmVybw==james norman price of oil us national security us national policy united states national security world wide gas prices gas prices reason for high gas prices reason for raising gas costs raising oil pricesBookmark -  Del.icio.us | Digg | Furl It | Spurl | RawSugar | Simpy | Shadows | Blink It | My Web=

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Americans Believe Obama Will Turn the Economy Around

2008-11-12 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "GeorgiaAnn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 12, 2008 7:47:49 AM PST
Subject: [ctrl] Americans Believe Obama Will Turn the Economy Around

Americans Believe Obama Will Turn the Economy Around  Kurt Nimmo  
Infowars Nov 12, 2008

Question: how can the banker’s president turn the economy around?

Answer: he can’t and he is under specific orders not to turn it around.

But don’t tell the American people.

Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup combined  
gave the Barack Obama campaign over three million dollars, according  
to OpenSecrets.org. UBS and the private-equity firms Blackstone Group  
and the Carlyle Group sweetened the pot with hundreds of thousands  
more (see Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street).

Do you think they gave all this money because they are liberals with a  
soft spot and want an African-American as president? Hardly. For the  
bankers and the financial elite, it would not matter if Barack Obama  
had green skin with yellow polka dots and he babbled about aliens  
making midnight visitations in levitating tea cups.

Goldman Sachs and company gave all that money — and they gave a  
likewise amount to McCain — to make sure their man made it to the Oval  
Office. Now that he is there they can commence with the plan.

Here’s the plan… destroy the American economy by way of an engineered  
economic depression, reduce the population to groveling serfdom, and  
buy up all the goodies for pennies on the dollar. As Congressman  
Charles A. Lindberg Sr. predicted after the passage of the Federal  
Reserve Act, henceforth depressions will be scientifically created.  
“Using a central bank to create alternate periods of inflation and  
deflation, and thus whipsawing the public for vast profits, had been  
worked out by the international bankers to an exact science,” writes  
Gary Allen.

To think that the scientifically engineered Crash of 1929 was an  
accident or the result of stupidity defies all logic. The  
international bankers who promoted the inflationary policies and  
pushed the propaganda which pumped up the stock market represented too  
many generations of accumulated expertise to have blundered into “the  
great depression.”

“World events do not occur by accident: They are made to happen,  
whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them  
are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings,” said  
insider Denis Healey.

As the Great Depression version 1.0 was intentionally created, so will  
be version 2.0, the greater depression. Not only do the international  
bankers and their minions in the government want to create a situation  
where the bankers can easily consolidate all wealth, they also want to  
impose a high-tech control system on the masses.

As Aldous Huxley once noted, the masses must learn to accept their  
slavery as liberation. It’s a process well underway thanks to the  
corporate media.

According to our leaders, the only way out of this “crisis” is to  
create a new global financial architecture while never mentioning the  
fact that whole mess was contrived by fractional reserve banking,  
intentionally pumping up various debt bubbles, and allowing the  
Federal Reserve to inflate the money supply.

You’d think people would smell something rotten when the supposed  
maestro of the “bailout” is a former Goldman Sachs crony. You’d think  
they’d scream bloody murder when the “bailout” — upward estimated in  
the trillions, not billions — gets diverted into the pockets of the  
bankers and there is nothing left over to break up the financial  
glacier. During the Great Depression version 1.0, the bankers held off  
on credit and loans too.

As evidence that Huxley’s observation is working like a charm,  
consider a recent AP poll. “An Associated Press-GfK poll shows that  
when it comes to the economy, most people are voicing the hope Barack  
Obama made a touchstone of his presidential campaign. Seven in 10  
people in the survey are voicing confidence that the president-elect  
will be able to turn the stalling economy around when he takes office  
in January. Nearly all Democrats and even four in 10 Republicans say  
so. Almost as many people also think Obama will be able to push his  
overall agenda through as well.”

Obama will indeed “push his overall agenda through.” But it is not his  
agenda. It’s the bankers agenda and it has nothing to do with turning  
the economy around. It has to do with turning the United States into a  
third world cesspool.

Do you know what Sharia (Islamic) Law is?  Obama does..."Change" one  
step at a time?
*Islamic Law, known as "Shariah": primary source of persecution for  
Christians in Muslim States
*American Thinker: Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies  
- in each of the lengthy supporting article (or articles), a Biblical  
view on these infractions of moral law (or some