[cia-drugs] AE for 9/11 Truth Press Conference - video

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse

video : 

AE for 9/11 Truth Press Conference Feb 19 - 72 minutes 

[cia-drugs] Angry Voters || A rising brew of discontent?

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse

A rising brew of discontent 

Borrowing from the iconic protest of 1763, the Tea Party movement is 
gathering steam across the U.S. 

By David Barstow, Edmonton JournalFebruary 21, 2010 

Obama and many of his predecessors (including George W. Bush) have 
deliberately undermined the Constitution and free enterprise for the benefit 
of a shadowy international network of wealthy elites 



Angry Voters 
B.Moyers video: 
Will angry voters toss out the incumbents this fall? 

[cia-drugs] A lethal business model targets Middle America

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse


A lethal business model targets Middle America Sugar cane farmers from a tiny 
Mexican county use savvy marketing and low prices to push black-tar heroin in 
the United States. 


[cia-drugs] A lethal business model targets Middle America

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse


A lethal business model targets Middle America Sugar cane farmers from a tiny 
Mexican county use savvy marketing and low prices to push black-tar heroin in 
the United States. 


[cia-drugs] FW: Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 9 [10 Attachments]

2010-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:47:39 -0800
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 9
   PART 9
   By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
   February 22, 2010
   [Note: In my Note at the beginning of Part 8 in this series, I asked
 if Al Qaeda mastermind Ali Mohammed only wanted limited damage in his
 planned attacks. And I referred to CIA operative Robert Baer's quote about
 9/11 being a triumph for the intelligence community, not a failure.
 Relevant to this, remember we are told Osama bin Laden is sickly man on a
 dialysis machine hiding in a mountain cave in northwest Pakistan. But also
 remember that in an interview with Gen. Mike Hayden (head of the National
 Security Agency at the time) on CBS's 60 Minutes II (February 13, 2001),
 seven months before 9/11, Gen. Hayden revealed that Osama bin Laden has at
 his disposal the wealth of a $3 trillion-a-year telecommunications industry
 that he can rely on.. He has better technology available to him [than does
 the NSA]. One of the investors in the Iridium global satellite system is
 the Saudi Binladen Group, and US News  World Report (November 8, 1999)
 reported that the Pentagon planned increasingly to use private satellite
 companies like Iridium for much of its communications. Think about all of
 the above.]
   At the end of Part 8, I mentioned how the Gehlen Organization (GO) and
 Die Spinne helped Nazi SS officers, including Dr. Josef Mengele, escape to
 Latin America after World War II. Therefore, at this point, it would be
 instructive to examine exactly how the network worked in facilitating
 someone like Mengele to escape. In Mengele (1986) by Gerald Posner and John
 Ware, they noted that Mengele was actually in an American prison camp for
 two months at the end of WWII. The authors wrote: Although there is no
 evidence of collusion between the American authorities and Mengele, the fact
 remains that this notorious war criminal was held for two months and never
 identified as the 'principal war criminal' on the 'wanted' list. Perhaps
 Posner and Ware should have checked the relation between Gehlen and Allen
   At the American prison camp, a Dr. Fritz Ulmann (also a prisoner) whom
 the Americans had assigned to the prison staff of the main camp
 administrative office, where release papers were processed, provided
 Mengele with release papers. Once out of prison, Ulmann's brother-in-law,
 though not a Nazi, secreted Mengele on a farm in Bavaria. In 1949, former SS
 contacts in Gunzburg helped Mengele escape Germany, along with a small
 suitcase filled with scientific specimens from his Auschwitz experiments
 (perhaps with identical twins research).
   A friend named Kurt acquired an International Red Cross passport for
 Mengele. Posner and Ware wrote: The International Red Cross file on Josef
 Mengele was shrouded in secrecy for forty years after the war. Remember,
 the Red Cross has been used as cover for U.S. government operations, as in
 American Red Cross representative Raymond Robins literally forcing Lenin to
 dismiss Assistant Commissar for Foreign Affairs Ivan Zalkind.
   Mengele was to leave Genoa on the North King ship which was to depart
 for Argentina on May 25, 1949, but he was arrested on May 22 for not having
 a proper Italian exit visa. After three weeks, he was released and the North
 King was still at the dock (how many ships have you heard of that are three
 weeks behind their departure date?). He embarked for Buenos Aires in
 mid-July 1949. After ten years in Argentina, he settled in Paraguay by May
   Posner and Ware noted the lack of effective cooperation by the West
 German police and Interpol in pursuing Mengele. One should remember at this
 point that former SS officer Paul Dickopf and other Nazis were active in the
 West German Federal Police (BKA, German Federal Criminal Police Office,
 formed in 1951) for some time after WWII, and Dickopf became head of
 Interpol from 1968-1972. Posner and Ware wrote: Certainly for most of the
 1960s and much of the 1970s, the West German government led everyone to
 believe that Mengele was likely to be in Paraguay. However, the truth was
 that by late October 1960, Mengele had left Paraguay for Brazil where he
 would live until his death on February 7, 1979 near Sao Paulo.
   In Part 4 of this series, I referred to Mengele and the twins of
 Candido Godoi, Brazil in the early 1960s. About six months after I wrote
 that, National Geographic News on November 25, 2009 published 'Nazi Twins'
 a Myth: Mengele Not Behind Brazil Boom? about a National Geographic
 documentary aired November 29. The article and documentary indicated a high
 rate of twinning existed in Candido Godoi long before Mengele arrived, that
 most of the 

[cia-drugs] FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | Judicial Watch [8 Attachments]

2010-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 19:26:34 -0800
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | Judicial Watch
 Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption
   a.. View
   b.. Discussion
 Last Updated: Mon, 02/22/2010 - 11:57am
 A major U.S. city long known as a hotbed of pay-to-play politics infested
 with clout and patronage has seen nearly 150 employees, politicians and
 contractors get convicted of corruption in the last five decades.
 Chicago has long been distinguished for its pandemic of public corruption,
 but actual cumulative figures have never been offered like this. The
 astounding information is featured in a lengthy report published by one of
 Illinois's biggest public universities.
 Cook County, the nation's second largest, has been a dark pool of political
 corruption for more than a century, according to the informative study
 conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago, the city's largest
 public college. The report offers a detailed history of corruption in the
 Windy City beginning in 1869 when county commissioners were imprisoned for
 rigging a contract to paint City Hall.
 It's downhill from there, with a plethora of political scandals that include
 31 Chicago alderman convicted of crimes in the last 36 years and more than
 140 convicted since 1970. The scams involve bribes, payoffs, padded
 contracts, ghost employees and whole sale subversion of the judicial system,
 according to the report.
 Elected officials at the highest levels of city, county and state
 government-including prominent judges-were the perpetrators and they worked
 in various government locales, including the assessor's office, the county
 sheriff, treasurer and the President's Office of Employment and Training.
 The last to fall was renowned political bully Isaac Carothers, who just a
 few weeks ago pleaded guilty to federal bribery and tax charges.
 In the last few years alone several dozen officials have been convicted and
 more than 30 indicted for taking bribes, shaking down companies for
 political contributions and rigging hiring. Among the convictions were
 fraud, violating court orders against using politics as a basis for hiring
 city workers and the disappearance of 840 truckloads of asphalt earmarked
 for city jobs.
 A few months ago the city's largest newspaper revealed that Chicago aldermen
 keep a secret, taxpayer-funded pot of cash (about $1.3 million) to pay
 family members, campaign workers and political allies for a variety of
 questionable jobs. The covert account has been utilized for decades by
 Chicago lawmakers but has escaped public scrutiny because it's kept under
 Judicial Watch has extensively investigated Chicago corruption, most
 recently the conflicted ties of top White House officials to the city,
 including Barack and Michelle Obama as well as top administration officials
 like Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual and Senior Advisor David Axelrod. In
 November Judicial Watch sued Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's office to obtain
 records related to the president's failed bid to bring the Olympics to the
 Bookmark/Search this post with: (What's this?)
   a.. Chicago corruption
   a.. Judicial Watch Blog's blog
   b.. Discussion page (1 comments)
   c.. Add new comment

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] VOA-TIA Attacking Internet With Energy Soaking Weapons

2010-02-23 Thread muckblit
Not Tesla. 90% of US electricity goes into military, weapons, and
Sophocles info-jamming hired-archicalism(CIA motto:You shall know the
truth(diverted into cesspool)and the truth(diversion) shall make you
free(rich, gainfully employed, triple-dipped, fringed, perked, and
gainfully retired early)).

Sophocles' motto: Being against people is good. (hired-archicalist
pro-pagan-da empire)

Socrates: Being for people is good (democracy)

Plato: Being for people is good, but being against people is BETTER
(founding fathers, John Kerry's better managed terminator capitalism
2004, Obama's pre-inaugural assassination hedging bailouts for T-Rex and
2010 no public option healthcare, fiscal liberalism, media and
entertainment archtypes, democracy-by-invasion, prison plantation, Jim
Nanny Crow!!!)

It is very easy to cost non-conforming web sites serious a-tax:

Super rich Americans radicalized and  decided to plot Sophist a-tax
against the country:
RiverGlass: CLG's Biggest Fan
http://www.legitgov.org/riverglass_clg_fan_220210.html  By  Lori
Price, www.legitgov.org http://www.legitgov.org/  22 Feb 2010 Who is 
RiverGlass? And, why does this Nosey Parker gobble 160+ MB of CLG 
bandwidth all  day long? The busy little bandwidth bee that is the
RiverGlass scanner.  'The end result is  an analytics  solution
specifically geared toward fusion centers and other government 
intelligence agencies, enabling them to gain and maintain a complete 
intelligence picture, 24/7.' From the logs, here are a few examples  of
its  seemingly insatiable appetite for all things CLG.
Breaking News and Commentary from  Citizens For Legitimate  Government
22 Feb 2010 http://www.legitgov.org http://www.legitgov.org/  All
links are here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news

[cia-drugs] Re: Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-23 Thread muckblit
Yes, WP 20100222 A4 really a tiny item and then three well-placed
distractions about Afghanistan to chaff all the US civilian casualty
stores and McChrystal going to Karzai and apologizing for those
horrendous war crimes.

It was the right time to tell us about an Afghan boy molestation cult.
That's in the north, so let's not look south where the ethnic cleansing
campaign is going to be very hard on our boys and theirs, and it's gay,
too, since a real man would have common sense, especially after hearing
Aaron Russo explain what Rockefeller said to him about fake wars that
cannot be won or lost.

It was also the right time to tell us Karzai and other top Afghan
officials are buying multi-million dollar Dubai homes and condos, and
who their anonymizer agent is, and interview all of them for us.

Then since Petraeus encapsulated and made old news the higher US
casualties prediction, then today it was not necessary to dwell on the
prospect of higher US casualties today as we are now learning that over
the next 18 months there will be a village to village ethnic cleansing
campaign,Marjah is just the beginning. Then Karzai and friends can be
dusted off the US embassy roof and choppered to Dubai. I want to know
about Ymelda Marcos' shoes. Are the Karzai bobbleheads out yet?

Today, Cheney tucked away in hospital with chest pains. During
Republican convention he was really meeting with Georgian Soros men,
promising weapons and aid for causing more trouble in S Ossetia, so we
don't know where he is now really. If he has chest pains maybe he's not

US  blitz kills 33, injures several Afghan  civilians
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119201sectionid=351020403  22
Feb 2010 Fresh  air strikes  by the United States have killed at least
33 civilians and injured  several  others in southern Afghanistan, the
Afghan interior ministry says.  Afghan  authorities announced that the
fatalities included four women and a  child.  US-led forces said that
they fired by mistake on a group of vehicles  that  carried women and

French missile kills 2 in  Afghanistan
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119203sectionid=351020403  22
Feb 2010 At least two  Afghan  civilians, including one child, have been
killed in a French missile  strike in  the northeastern of the war weary
country. Local Afghan officials said  that six  civilians were also
wounded in the attack that occurred in Dolat Khel in  Kapisa  province
on Monday. Witnesses told Press TV the French missile hit a car  that 
was carrying local traders.

Food and water runs out for Marjah  civilians
(FEMA New Orleans to seize land for developers, 20,000 troops to 5000
remaining residents, and Haiti terminator capitalist invasion to occupy
oilgold deja vu, Faluja white phos and attack ambulances and hospital)

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Do you have a date for Gen. Petraeus' firewall?  There has been a
 firescreen, filtered news.  It would be telling if related to current
 northern actions.
 And source?
 Tried Wash Post, but can't navigate.
 Trying to separate 'normal' screen from 'other'.  You indicate this is
 'other' but when is question.
 Thank you,

[cia-drugs] Re: Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-23 Thread muckblit
WashPost 20100222 A4

Afghanistan War

Petraeus Predicts heavy casualties

Predicting that the level of U.S. casualties in the fight to win control
of the southern Afghan town of Marja will be tough to bear, Army Gen.
David H. Petraeus said Sunday that the assault is just the beginning of
a 12-to-18 month campaign to wipe out[see same day story on wiping out
villages OK legally speaking for a US president if he feels like it]
havens['kill the water' as they said or 200,000 dead indians can't be
wrong as I say, in Central America a permutation of Phoenix backward to
Colby's Suharto Indonesia and Kissinger and Clinton's Timor kill the
water a three phase three decade wider program than Phoenix] for the
Taliban and other[!] islamist militants. These types of efforts are
hard, and they're hard all the time[a curious and meaningful phrase],
Petraeus said. I don't use words like optimist or pessimist. I use
realist[Kissinger-Scowcroft realist school preventing China pipelines
across Pak? Gates; 'more war less
nation-buildingdevelopment?']...['...' indicating reporter heard
more]We're in Afghanistan to ensure[ensure, Enfamil, not insure since
it's a lie] it cannot once again be a sanctuary for the kinds of attacks
that were carried out on 9/11. The flow of 30,000 new troops that
President Obama recently ordered to the region is starting to produce
output[blood of civilians we hear], wit the Marja operation the
initial salvo in the overall campaign, the head of the U.S. Central
Command said on NBC's Meet the Press. -McClatchy Tribune

So it's NBC via MTrib. Oh. 


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit muckb...@... wrote:
Re: Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan
Yes, WP 20100222 A4 really a tiny item and then three well-placed 
distractions about Afghanistan to chaff all the US civilian casualty 
stores and McChrystal going to Karzai and apologizing for those 
horrendous war crimes.

It was the right time to tell us about an  Afghan boy molestation cult.
That's in the north, so let's not look  south where the ethnic cleansing
campaign is going to be very hard on  our boys and theirs, and it's gay,
too, since a real man would have  common sense, especially after hearing
Aaron Russo explain what  Rockefeller said to him about fake wars that
cannot be won or lost.

It  was also the right time to tell us Karzai and other top Afghan 
officials are buying multi-million dollar Dubai homes and condos, and 
who their anonymizer agent is, and interview all of them for us.

Then  since Petraeus encapsulated and made old news the higher US
casualties  prediction, then today it was not necessary to dwell on the
prospect of  higher US casualties today as we are now learning that over
the next 18  months there will be a village to village ethnic cleansing 
campaign,Marjah is just the beginning. Then Karzai and friends can be 
dusted off the US embassy roof and choppered to Dubai. I want to know 
about Ymelda Marcos' shoes. Are the Karzai bobbleheads out yet?

Today,  Cheney tucked away in hospital with chest pains. During
Republican  convention he was really meeting with Georgian Soros men,
promising  weapons and aid for causing more trouble in S Ossetia, so we
don't know  where he is now really. If he has chest pains maybe he's not

US blitz  kills 33, injures several Afghan civilians
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119201sectionid=351020403  22
Feb 2010 Fresh air strikes by the United States have killed at least 33
civilians and  injured several others in southern Afghanistan, the
Afghan interior  ministry says. Afghan authorities announced that the
fatalities included  four women and a child. US-led forces said that
they fired by mistake  on a group of vehicles that carried women and

French missile kills 2 in Afghanistan
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119203sectionid=351020403  22
Feb 2010 At least two Afghan civilians, including one child, have been
killed in a French  missile strike in the northeastern of the war weary
country. Local  Afghan officials said that six civilians were also
wounded in the attack  that occurred in Dolat Khel in Kapisa province on
Monday. Witnesses told Press TV the French missile  hit a car that was
carrying local traders.

Food and water runs out for Marjah civilians
(FEMA  New Orleans to seize land for developers, 20,000 troops to 5000 
remaining residents, and Haiti terminator capitalist invasion to occupy 
oilgold deja vu, Faluja white phos and attack ambulances and  hospital)

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Do you have a date for Gen. Petraeus' firewall? There  has been a
 firescreen, filtered news. It would be  telling if related to current
 northern actions.
 And  source?
 Tried Wash Post, but can't navigate.
 Trying to  separate 'normal' screen from 'other'. You indicate this is

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | Judicial Watch

2010-02-23 Thread Mary Hartman
Operation Gambat was one of the more recent FBI investigations into Chicago 
corruption.  Minnesota is every bit as bad, infected with the Chicago mob since 
the days of Meyer Lansky.  Unlike Chicago; however, we cut deals and 
established something called the O'Connor System and set up a cozy 
relationship with organized crime.  During the smoke and mirrors investigation 
into the BEARCAT Hollow front operating outside of Rochester I uncovered a 
transnational money laundering operation.  I took the information to the FBI 
and was SA David Price (RO-retired) said he knew about the OC here but the 
city, county, state, federal and local officials with Mayo and IBM cut a deal 
in the late 60's so OC can operate here with impunity as long as they don't 
whack anyone within city limits.  I thought he was joking, but it appears he 
was not.  We have never had a corruption probe of public officials in this 
state, and when Representative Dan Severson suggested
 cleaning out our corrupt judiciary he was wished good luck - the system here 
is too corrupt to fix.  

In the case I handed to the FBI, the case the FBI couldn't make; a county 
attorney admitted to taking a bribe, and the court record reflects a District 
Court Judge willfully breaking the law and allowing the fleecing of 
Minnesotan's in order to continue cash flow to an operation that was KNOWN to 
be criminal.  When civil rights of the residents of Racine were violated the 
FBI yawned.  When innocent citizens were charged with crimes they didn't commit 
the FBI looked dumb-founded.  Data-mining, destruction of evidence, withholding 
of evidence, fabrication of evidenceall proven and well documented were 
ignored.  Matters were taken to Federal District Court Justice Ann Montgomery, 
the same judge who sat for the smoke and mirrors trial of Ken and Nancy Kraft, 
and the same judge who dismissed the charges against one Craig Perry lest his 
trial reveal the putrid mess that is Mower County court/law enforcement.  Judge 
Montgomery dismissed the civil
 rights claims, an act called, bewildering given the mountains of fact based 
evidence you have to support the allegations. (Martin Carlson, MN AG's 
office)  When her dismissal was appealed, the court file (according to the 
clerk in St. Louis) disappeared from the record.   After 7 months there was no 
word and so the clerk was notified and said, This is all really bizarre.  I've 
never seen anything like this before.  I'll check into it and see what is 
planned.  She never could find anyone to answer her questions but said the 
file was for some reason, being pulled.  The average amount of time for an 
Appeal in St. Louis Federal Court is 5 months.  12 months and 10 days after the 
Appeal was filed, a decision arrived at my home and at the home of another 
victim of our corrupt government, Clyde Boone.  This date just so happened to 
coincide with my birthday.  There was no discussion, and only a reference to 
another case.  We looked the case up
 and realized that the individuals in Minnesota's Justice system, the same 
who pulled the file from scrutiny by the District Court, had mailed this from 
Fergus Falls, MN with a citation that said we were A pain in the ass.  

Tim Pawlenty, current Governor of MN, wants to be President.  He has asked 
super-lobbyist and past head of the National Endowment for Democracy, Vin 
Weber, to help with his campaign.  (See Phillip Agee's articles on NED and it's 
funding of coups with CIA/USAID.)   The corruption in Minnesota, long protected 
by the FBI, has allowed infiltration by the CIA and other forces and they 
want to follow in the Chicago way and take this dog and pony show to 


--- On Tue, 2/23/10, Kris Millegan roads...@aol.com wrote:

From: Kris Millegan roads...@aol.com
Subject: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | 
Judicial Watch [8 Attachments]
To: c...@listserv.aol.com c...@listserv.aol.com, c...@yahoogroups.com 
c...@yahoogroups.com, cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 5:00 PM



[Attachment(s) from Kris Millegan included below]


-- Forwarded Message

 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone. com

 Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 19:26:34 -0800

 To: Sardar recon1968bravo@ yahoo.com

 Subject: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | Judicial Watch



 Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption

   a.. View

   b.. Discussion

 Last Updated: Mon, 02/22/2010 - 11:57am

 A major U.S. city long known as a hotbed of pay-to-play politics infested

 with clout and patronage has seen nearly 150 employees, politicians and

 contractors get convicted of corruption in the last five decades.


 Chicago has long been distinguished for its pandemic of public corruption,

 but actual cumulative figures have never been offered like this. The

 astounding information is featured in a lengthy 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-23 Thread michael1
Thank you so much, Muckbit.
Thought so but thought better check.

 Yes, WP 20100222 A4 really a tiny item and then three well-placed
 distractions about Afghanistan to chaff all the US civilian casualty
 stores and McChrystal going to Karzai and apologizing for those
 horrendous war crimes.

 It was the right time to tell us about an Afghan boy molestation cult.
 That's in the north, so let's not look south where the ethnic cleansing
 campaign is going to be very hard on our boys and theirs, and it's gay,
 too, since a real man would have common sense, especially after hearing
 Aaron Russo explain what Rockefeller said to him about fake wars that
 cannot be won or lost.

 It was also the right time to tell us Karzai and other top Afghan
 officials are buying multi-million dollar Dubai homes and condos, and
 who their anonymizer agent is, and interview all of them for us.

 Then since Petraeus encapsulated and made old news the higher US
 casualties prediction, then today it was not necessary to dwell on the
 prospect of higher US casualties today as we are now learning that over
 the next 18 months there will be a village to village ethnic cleansing
 campaign,Marjah is just the beginning. Then Karzai and friends can be
 dusted off the US embassy roof and choppered to Dubai. I want to know
 about Ymelda Marcos' shoes. Are the Karzai bobbleheads out yet?

 Today, Cheney tucked away in hospital with chest pains. During
 Republican convention he was really meeting with Georgian Soros men,
 promising weapons and aid for causing more trouble in S Ossetia, so we
 don't know where he is now really. If he has chest pains maybe he's not

 US  blitz kills 33, injures several Afghan  civilians
 http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119201sectionid=351020403  22
 Feb 2010 Fresh  air strikes  by the United States have killed at least
 33 civilians and injured  several  others in southern Afghanistan, the
 Afghan interior ministry says.  Afghan  authorities announced that the
 fatalities included four women and a  child.  US-led forces said that
 they fired by mistake on a group of vehicles  that  carried women and

 French missile kills 2 in  Afghanistan
 http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119203sectionid=351020403  22
 Feb 2010 At least two  Afghan  civilians, including one child, have been
 killed in a French missile  strike in  the northeastern of the war weary
 country. Local Afghan officials said  that six  civilians were also
 wounded in the attack that occurred in Dolat Khel in  Kapisa  province
 on Monday. Witnesses told Press TV the French missile hit a car  that
 was carrying local traders.

 Food and water runs out for Marjah  civilians
 (FEMA New Orleans to seize land for developers, 20,000 troops to 5000
 remaining residents, and Haiti terminator capitalist invasion to occupy
 oilgold deja vu, Faluja white phos and attack ambulances and hospital)

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Do you have a date for Gen. Petraeus' firewall?  There has been a
 firescreen, filtered news.  It would be telling if related to current
 northern actions.
 And source?
 Tried Wash Post, but can't navigate.
 Trying to separate 'normal' screen from 'other'.  You indicate this is
 'other' but when is question.
 Thank you,

[cia-drugs] Righteous Hegemon Promises To Kill Again

2010-02-23 Thread muckblit

Report: Bush Lawyer Said President Could Order  Civilians to Be
19 Feb  2010 The  chief author of the Bush administration's torture
memo told Justice  Department  investigators that the president's
war-making authority was so broad  that he had  the constitutional power
to order a village to be massacred, according  to a  report released
Friday night by the Office of Professional  Responsibility.  Pressed on
his views in an interview with OPR investigators, former  Justice 
lawyer John Yoo was asked: What about ordering a village of  resistants
to be  massacred? ... Is that a power that the president could
legally--  Yeah,  Yoo replied, according to a partial transcript
included in the report.  Although, let me say this: So, certainly, that
would fall within the  commander-in-chief's power over tactical
decisions. To order a  village of  civilians to be [exterminated]?
the OPR investigator asked again.  Sure, said Yoo.


U.S. plans for possible delay in Iraq  withdrawal
22202933.html  23 Feb 2010 The U.S.  military has  prepared contingency
plans to delay the planned withdrawal of all combat  forces  in Iraq,
citing the prospects for political instability and increased  violence 
as Iraqis hold national 'elections' next month. Under a deadline set by 
President Obama, all combat forces are slated to withdraw from Iraq by 
the end  of August, and there remains heavy political pressure in
Washington and  Baghdad  to stick to that schedule. But Army Gen. Ray
Odierno, the top U.S.  commander in  Iraq, said Monday that he had
briefed officials in Washington in the  past week  about possible
contingency plans

Iran grounds plane with Rigi holding US-issued  passport
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119318sectionid=351020101  23
Feb 2010 Iran's security  officers  grounded the plane carrying the
ringleader of Jundullah terrorist group  Abdolmalek Rigi in one of
Iran's southern ports, informed sources say.  As  initial reports
indicated that Iran's most wanted man was captured on a  flight 
en-route to Kyrgyzstan from Dubai, a source talking to Press TV on 
condition of  anonymity confirmed that Rigi and one of his deputies were
captured  after their  plane was brought down by security forces in an
airport in the Iranian  Persian  Gulf city of Bandar Abbas. Iran's
intelligence minister says the leader of Jundallah terrorist group was
at a US base  in  Afghanistan 24 hours before his capture, in possession
of a  US-issued, forged Afghan passport.

Hamas to EU: Put Israel on terrorism  list
n-terrorism-list  [Add the US, too.] 22  Feb 2010  Hamas asked the
European Union to include Israel on a list of countries  that  support
terrorism. We urge the EU to include the Zionist entity on the  list of
countries that support terrorism, as it represents a threat to 
international  peace, Hamas said in a statement released Monday. Hamas
has accused  Israel of  being responsible for last month's assassination
of a Hamas commander,  Mahmoud  al-Mabhouh, in a Dubai hotel.

Rachel Corrie's family bring civil suit over  human shield's death in
Gaza http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/23/corrie-death-law-case
--Parents  want case  to highlight events that led to American
activist's death under Israeli  army  bulldozer 23 Feb 2010 The family
of the  American  activist Rachel Corrie, who was killed by an Israeli
army bulldozer in  Gaza  seven years ago, is to bring a civil suit over
her death against the  Israeli  defence ministry. The case, which begins
on 10 March in Haifa, northern  Israel,  is seen by her parents as an
opportunity to put on public record the  events that  led to their
daughter's death in March 2003.

Nato air strike kills 27 civilians in  Afghanistan
-air-strike-kills-27-civilians-in-Afghanistan.html  --A Nato air strike
has  killed at  least 27 civilians including women and a child who were
travelling in a  convoy  of minibuses. 22 Feb 2010 The botched  attack
on  Sunday was the third 'mistaken' strike in a week and threatened to 
further  strain relations between the Nato powers and President Hamid
Karzai's  administration. General Stanley McChrystal, the senior
coalition  commander in  Afghanistan, personally apologised to the
president hours after the  deaths, but  the Afghan cabinet on Monday
condemned the attack as unjustifiable.  Nato had  mistaken the convoy
in Uruzgan province as carrying militants towards a  base.

At least seven civilians killed in Helmand  blast
elmand-blast-1907707.html  23 Feb 2010 A  

[cia-drugs] Re: FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | Judicial Watch

2010-02-23 Thread muckblit
Minnesota has a blatantly un-US-constitutional anti-American censorship
law that I sure would daze and mystify readers.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@...
Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | 
Judicial Watch [8 Attachments]
Operation Gambat was one of the more  recent FBI investigations into
Chicago corruption.  Minnesota is every  bit as bad, infected with the
Chicago mob since the days of Meyer  Lansky.  Unlike Chicago; however,
we cut deals and established something  called the O'Connor System and
set up a cozy relationship with  organized crime.  During the smoke and
mirrors investigation into the  BEARCAT Hollow front operating outside
of Rochester I uncovered a  transnational money laundering operation.  I
took the information to the  FBI and was SA David Price (RO-retired)
said he knew about the OC here  but the city, county, state, federal and
local officials with Mayo and  IBM cut a deal in the late 60's so OC can
operate here with impunity as  long as they don't whack anyone within
city limits.  I thought he was  joking, but it appears he was not.  We
have never had a corruption probe of public officials in this state, and
when Representative Dan Severson suggested cleaning out our corrupt 
judiciary he was wished good luck - the system here is too corrupt to 

In the case I handed to the FBI, the case the FBI couldn't  make; a
county attorney admitted to taking a bribe, and the court  record
reflects a District Court Judge willfully breaking the law and  allowing
the fleecing of Minnesotan's in order to continue cash flow to  an
operation that was KNOWN to be criminal.  When civil rights of the 
residents of Racine were violated the FBI yawned.  When innocent 
citizens were charged with crimes they didn't commit the FBI looked 
dumb-founded.  Data-mining, destruction of evidence, withholding of 
evidence, fabrication of evidenceall proven and well documented were
ignored.  Matters were taken to Federal District Court Justice Ann 
Montgomery, the same judge who sat for the smoke and mirrors trial of
Ken and Nancy Kraft, and the same judge  who dismissed the charges
against one Craig Perry lest his trial reveal  the putrid mess that is
Mower County court/law enforcement.  Judge  Montgomery dismissed the
civil rights claims, an act called,  bewildering given the mountains of
fact based evidence you have to  support the allegations. (Martin
Carlson, MN AG's office)  When her  dismissal was appealed, the court
file (according to the clerk in St.  Louis) disappeared from the record.
After 7 months there was no word  and so the clerk was notified and
said, This is all really bizarre.   I've never seen anything like this
before.  I'll check into it and see  what is planned.  She never could
find anyone to answer her questions  but said the file was for some
reason, being pulled.  The average  amount of time for an Appeal in
St. Louis Federal Court is 5 months.  12  months and 10 days after the
Appeal was filed, a decision arrived at my home and at the  home of
another victim of our corrupt government, Clyde Boone.  This  date just
so happened to coincide with my birthday.  There was no  discussion, and
only a reference to another case.  We looked the case up  and realized
that the individuals in Minnesota's Justice system, the  same who
pulled the file from scrutiny by the District Court, had mailed  this
from Fergus Falls, MN with a citation that said we were A pain in  the

Tim Pawlenty, current Governor of MN, wants to be  President.  He has
asked super-lobbyist and past head of the National  Endowment for
Democracy, Vin Weber, to help with his campaign.  (See  Phillip Agee's
articles on NED and it's funding of coups with  CIA/USAID.)   The
corruption in Minnesota, long protected by the FBI,  has allowed
infiltration by the CIA and other forces and they want to  follow in
the Chicago way and take this dog and pony show to Washington.


---  On Tue, 2/23/10, Kris Millegan roads...@...  wrote:

From:  Kris Millegan roads...@...
Subject: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago  Is a Dark Pool Of Political
Corruption | Judicial Watch [8  Attachments]
To: c...@... c...@..., c...@yahoogroups.com 
c...@yahoogroups.com, cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010,  5:00 PM

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.  com
 Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 19:26:34 -0800
 To: Sardar recon1968bravo@  yahoo.com
 Subject: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption |  Judicial

 Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption
 a.. View
 b.. Discussion
 Last Updated: Mon, 02/22/2010 - 11:57am
 A major U.S. city long known as a hotbed of pay-to-play politics 
 with clout and patronage has seen nearly 150 employees, politicians 
 contractors get convicted of 

[cia-drugs] World Annihilation

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse

World Annihilation 


[cia-drugs] ANTI - TANK DOGS !

2010-02-23 Thread Akif / Chulo / El Ecologista / The Green Wrangler
Anti-tank dogs, also known as dog bombs or dog mines, were hungry dogs with
explosives harnessed to their backs and trained to seek food under tanks and
armoured vehicles.

By doing so, a detonator (usually a small wooden lever) would go off, triggering
the explosives and damaging or destroying the military vehicle.

The dogs were employed by the Soviet Union during World War II for use against
German tanks. The dogs were kept without food for a few days, then trained to
find food under a tank.

The dogs quickly learned that once released from their pens, food could be found
under tracked vehicles. Once trained, the dogs were fitted with an explosive
charge and set loose into a field of oncoming German tanks and other tracked

When the dog went underneath the tank—where there was less armour—the charge
would detonate and damage the enemy vehicle.

According to Soviet sources, the anti-tank dogs were successful at disabling a
reported three hundred German tanks. They were enough of a problem to the Nazi
advance that the Germans were compelled to take measures against them.

An armoured vehicle's top-mounted machine gun proved ineffective due to the
relatively small size of the dogs and the fact that they were low to the ground,
fast, and hard to spot. Orders were dispatched that commanded every German
soldier to shoot any dogs on sight. Eventually the Germans began using
tank-mounted flame-throwers to ward off the dogs. They were much more successful
at dissuading the attacks, but some dogs would not stop.

In 1942, one use of the anti-tank dogs went seriously awry when a large
contingent ran amok, endangering everyone in the battle and forcing the retreat
of an entire Soviet division.

Soon afterward the anti-tank dogs were withdrawn from service. Training of
anti-tank dogs continued until at least June 1996.

[cia-drugs] Declassified archives document ties between CIA and Nazis

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse

Declassified archives document ties between CIA and Nazis 
By Andre Damon 
July 28, 2006 

Re: [cia-drugs] ANTI - TANK DOGS !

2010-02-23 Thread michael1
Thank you, Akif et al.
Re: standard war dog:  You are looking for 1 year old Doberman or German
Shepard VERY well loved.  So if either of those breeds, well loved and
need to sell the Army will give serious look and good price. Some basic
training, not much.  Goes through basic-- most cut there.  Then we are
talking about many months of training.  Serious training.  If told to keep
quiet one bark would give your position and kill you.  Often there is a
need to warn noiselessly.  Not always. They must be able to hide, and hide
well quickly on command.  And of course attack.  Though big difference
between Dobies and Shepards is that a Dobie will go to sure death and a
Shepard will not…. Still fairly equal in the long run.  Just matter of
Mercenary buddy pinned down in Nicaragua.  They spent nearly ½ hour just
watching their war dog’s ears.., (a dobie).  Then crawled to escape toward
the area that the ears never pointed.  Dobie took homemade C-4 landmine
and lost leg.  Friend kept him, many years with a 3 legged dobie.  But the
first point was the most important.  They must have been VERY loved that
first year.  If you are in the business of killing and not being killed
then love is the key.

 Anti-tank dogs, also known as dog bombs or dog mines, were hungry dogs
 explosives harnessed to their backs and trained to seek food under tanks
 armoured vehicles.

 By doing so, a detonator (usually a small wooden lever) would go off,
 the explosives and damaging or destroying the military vehicle.

 The dogs were employed by the Soviet Union during World War II for use
 German tanks. The dogs were kept without food for a few days, then trained
 find food under a tank.

 The dogs quickly learned that once released from their pens, food could be
 under tracked vehicles. Once trained, the dogs were fitted with an
 charge and set loose into a field of oncoming German tanks and other

 When the dog went underneath the tank—where there was less armour—the
 would detonate and damage the enemy vehicle.

 According to Soviet sources, the anti-tank dogs were successful at
 disabling a
 reported three hundred German tanks. They were enough of a problem to the
 advance that the Germans were compelled to take measures against them.

 An armoured vehicle's top-mounted machine gun proved ineffective due to
 relatively small size of the dogs and the fact that they were low to the
 fast, and hard to spot. Orders were dispatched that commanded every German
 soldier to shoot any dogs on sight. Eventually the Germans began using
 tank-mounted flame-throwers to ward off the dogs. They were much more
 at dissuading the attacks, but some dogs would not stop.

 In 1942, one use of the anti-tank dogs went seriously awry when a large
 contingent ran amok, endangering everyone in the battle and forcing the
 of an entire Soviet division.

 Soon afterward the anti-tank dogs were withdrawn from service. Training of
 anti-tank dogs continued until at least June 1996.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | Judicial Watch

2010-02-23 Thread michael1
I filed a RICO suit in fed court where one of the defendants was a top
U.S. Attorney General in another district, (and state).  He was the head
of Criminal Division.  Amazing the case stayed in court that long. 
Remember visiting US DOJ office E.Dis Vir and having the entire office,
perhaps 30 people all looking at me while pretending they were not. 
Spilling coffee.  Papers unnoticed flying out of the Xerox..., etc.

Years pass.

I am more blase about it.  Things get tied up in the process.  What goes
round returns bound.

 Minnesota has a blatantly un-US-constitutional anti-American censorship
 law that I sure would daze and mystify readers.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@...
 Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption |
 Judicial Watch [8 Attachments]
 Operation Gambat was one of the more  recent FBI investigations into
 Chicago corruption.  Minnesota is every  bit as bad, infected with the
 Chicago mob since the days of Meyer  Lansky.  Unlike Chicago; however,
 we cut deals and established something  called the O'Connor System and
 set up a cozy relationship with  organized crime.  During the smoke and
 mirrors investigation into the  BEARCAT Hollow front operating outside
 of Rochester I uncovered a  transnational money laundering operation.  I
 took the information to the  FBI and was SA David Price (RO-retired)
 said he knew about the OC here  but the city, county, state, federal and
 local officials with Mayo and  IBM cut a deal in the late 60's so OC can
 operate here with impunity as  long as they don't whack anyone within
 city limits.  I thought he was  joking, but it appears he was not.  We
 have never had a corruption probe of public officials in this state, and
 when Representative Dan Severson suggested cleaning out our corrupt
 judiciary he was wished good luck - the system here is too corrupt to

 In the case I handed to the FBI, the case the FBI couldn't  make; a
 county attorney admitted to taking a bribe, and the court  record
 reflects a District Court Judge willfully breaking the law and  allowing
 the fleecing of Minnesotan's in order to continue cash flow to  an
 operation that was KNOWN to be criminal.  When civil rights of the
 residents of Racine were violated the FBI yawned.  When innocent
 citizens were charged with crimes they didn't commit the FBI looked
 dumb-founded.  Data-mining, destruction of evidence, withholding of
 evidence, fabrication of evidenceall proven and well documented were
 ignored.  Matters were taken to Federal District Court Justice Ann
 Montgomery, the same judge who sat for the smoke and mirrors trial of
 Ken and Nancy Kraft, and the same judge  who dismissed the charges
 against one Craig Perry lest his trial reveal  the putrid mess that is
 Mower County court/law enforcement.  Judge  Montgomery dismissed the
 civil rights claims, an act called,  bewildering given the mountains of
 fact based evidence you have to  support the allegations. (Martin
 Carlson, MN AG's office)  When her  dismissal was appealed, the court
 file (according to the clerk in St.  Louis) disappeared from the record.
 After 7 months there was no word  and so the clerk was notified and
 said, This is all really bizarre.   I've never seen anything like this
 before.  I'll check into it and see  what is planned.  She never could
 find anyone to answer her questions  but said the file was for some
 reason, being pulled.  The average  amount of time for an Appeal in
 St. Louis Federal Court is 5 months.  12  months and 10 days after the
 Appeal was filed, a decision arrived at my home and at the  home of
 another victim of our corrupt government, Clyde Boone.  This  date just
 so happened to coincide with my birthday.  There was no  discussion, and
 only a reference to another case.  We looked the case up  and realized
 that the individuals in Minnesota's Justice system, the  same who
 pulled the file from scrutiny by the District Court, had mailed  this
 from Fergus Falls, MN with a citation that said we were A pain in  the

 Tim Pawlenty, current Governor of MN, wants to be  President.  He has
 asked super-lobbyist and past head of the National  Endowment for
 Democracy, Vin Weber, to help with his campaign.  (See  Phillip Agee's
 articles on NED and it's funding of coups with  CIA/USAID.)   The
 corruption in Minnesota, long protected by the FBI,  has allowed
 infiltration by the CIA and other forces and they want to  follow in
 the Chicago way and take this dog and pony show to Washington.


 ---  On Tue, 2/23/10, Kris Millegan roads...@...  wrote:

 From:  Kris Millegan roads...@...
 Subject: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago  Is a Dark Pool Of Political
 Corruption | Judicial Watch [8  Attachments]
 To: c...@... c...@..., c...@yahoogroups.com
 c...@yahoogroups.com, cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010,  5:00 PM

 -- Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] The Dark Side of the Special Relationship with The Dark Side ;-)

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse

Declassified archives document ties between CIA and Nazis 
By Andre Damon 
July 28, 2006 

The Transfer Agreement: 
The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine 


The Dark Side of the Special Relationship 

33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, 

'System of Control' / Base Camp Israel | 'Model Of The Future' 
SEPT. 11, 1922 / 'Zionism' - 'vehicle' / 'Israel' - 'base camp' 

C-SPAN CALLER John from Franklin, New York 


The Dark Side of Skullduggery Sleuthing as 'Primary Alternative' to The Bright 
Shiny Transparent Sunny Accountability WE otherwise supposedly seek 

aka: Will The Cover-Up Ever Cease? ;-) 

[cia-drugs] Positions Available Preventing Iran-China Pipelines

2010-02-23 Thread muckblit
A few good men are needed to prevent pipelines for oil and gas from Iran
from reaching China. Two such pipelines would either go all the way or
from the coast of Pakistan to China.

You should really consider this opportunity because US unemployment is
at 18% and climbing.

This is a great way to earn US citizenship, or prevent your US
citizenship being taken away and you being shot as a terrorist. Please
consider taking a job with banal hegemon! See the inside of a thirty
foot wall protecting you from local pizza and beer where SAS or
Blackwater might bomb you to bloody banal hegemon's bully image.



CounterPunch http://www.counterpunch.org/
/ By Paul Craig Roberts
Will Obama Exploit the Unemployed as Recruits for a  Ramped Up War in

The jobless rate is a depression-level 18  percent. Americans might sign
up to kill abroad rather than be homeless  and hungry at home.
February 11, 2009
Is there intelligent life in Washington, D.C.?  Not a  speck of it.

The U.S. economy is imploding, and President Barack  Obama is being led
by his government of neoconservatives and Israeli  agents into a
quagmire in Afghanistan that will bring the U.S. into  confrontation
with Russia, and possibly China, America's largest  creditor.

The January payroll job figures reveal that last month,  20,000
Americans lost their jobs every day.

In addition,  December's job losses were revised up by 53,000 from
524,000 to 577,000.  The revision brings the two-month job loss to
1,175,000. If this keeps  up, Obama's promised 3 million new jobs will
be wiped out by job losses.

Statistician  John Williams (shadowstats.com
http://www.shadowstats.com/ ) reports that this huge number is an 
understatement. Williams notes that built-in biases in seasonal 
adjustment factors caused a 118,000 understatement of January job 
losses, bringing the actual January job loss total to 716,000 jobs.

The  payroll survey counts the number of jobs, not the number of
employed,  because some people have more than one job. The Household
Survey counts  the number of people who have jobs, and it shows that
832,000 people  lost their jobs in January and 806,000 in December, for
a two-month  count of Americans who lost jobs at 1,638,000.

The unemployment  rate reported in the U.S. media is a fabrication.
Williams reports that  in changes since 1980, particularly in the
Clinton era,

  'Discouraged workers' -- those who had given up looking for a job 
because there were no jobs to be had -- were redefined so as to be 
counted only if they had been 'discouraged' for less than a year. This 
time qualification defined away the bulk of the discouraged workers.  
Adding them back into the total unemployed, actual unemployment, 
[according to the unemployment rate methodology used in 1980] rose to 18
percent in January, from 17.5 percent in December.

In  other words, without all the manipulations of the data, the U.S. 
unemployment rate is already at depression levels.

How could it be  otherwise, given the enormous job losses from jobs sent
overseas? It is  impossible for a country to create jobs when its
corporations are  moving production for the American consumer market
offshore. When they  move the production offshore, they shift U.S. gross
domestic product to  other countries. The U.S. trade deficit over the
past decade has reduced  U.S. GDP by $1.5 trillion dollars. That is a
lot of jobs.

I have  been reporting for years that university graduates have had to
take jobs  as waitresses and bartenders. As over-indebted consumers lose
their  jobs, they will visit restaurants and bars less frequently. 
Consequently, those with university degrees will not even have jobs 
waiting on tables and mixing drinks.

U.S. policymakers have  ignored the fact that consumer demand in the
21st century has been  driven, not by increases in real income, but by
increased consumer  indebtedness. This fact makes it pointless to try to
stimulate the  economy by bailing out banks so that they can lend more
to consumers.  The American consumers have no more capacity to borrow.

With the  decline in the values of their principal assets -- their homes
-- with  the destruction of half of their pension assets, and with
joblessness  facing them, Americans cannot and will not spend.

Why bail out GM  and Citibank when the firms are moving as many
operations offshore as  they possibly can?

Much of U.S. infrastructure is in poor shape  and needs renewing.
However, infrastructure jobs do not produce goods  and services that can
be sold abroad.

The massive commitment to  infrastructure does nothing to help the U.S.
reduce its huge trade  deficit, the financing of which is becoming a
major problem. Moreover,  when the infrastructure projects are
completed, so are the jobs.

At  best, assuming Latino immigrants do not 

Re: [cia-drugs] Positions Available Preventing Iran-China Pipelines

2010-02-23 Thread homepulse
thanks Bob. 

Tarpley on U.S. / China 'relations' 
February 20, 2010 (hour 1) 


- Original Message - 
From: muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:33:27 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: [cia-drugs] Positions Available Preventing Iran-China Pipelines 

A few good men are needed to prevent pipelines for oil and gas from Iran from 
reaching China. Two such pipelines would either go all the way or from the 
coast of Pakistan to China. 

You should really consider this opportunity because US unemployment is at 18% 
and climbing. 

This is a great way to earn US citizenship, or prevent your US citizenship 
being taken away and you being shot as a terrorist. Please consider taking a 
job with banal hegemon! See the inside of a thirty foot wall protecting you 
from local pizza and beer where SAS or Blackwater might bomb you to bloody 
banal hegemon's bully image. 



CounterPunch / By Paul Craig Roberts 
Will Obama Exploit the Unemployed as Recruits for a Ramped Up War in 

The jobless rate is a depression-level 18 percent. Americans might sign up to 
kill abroad rather than be homeless and hungry at home. 

February 11, 2009 

Is there intelligent life in Washington, D.C.? Not a speck of it. 

The U.S. economy is imploding, and President Barack Obama is being led by his 
government of neoconservatives and Israeli agents into a quagmire in 
Afghanistan that will bring the U.S. into confrontation with Russia, and 
possibly China, America's largest creditor. 

The January payroll job figures reveal that last month, 20,000 Americans lost 
their jobs every day. 

In addition, December's job losses were revised up by 53,000 from 524,000 to 
577,000. The revision brings the two-month job loss to 1,175,000. If this keeps 
up, Obama's promised 3 million new jobs will be wiped out by job losses. 

Statistician John Williams ( shadowstats.com ) reports that this huge number is 
an understatement. Williams notes that built-in biases in seasonal adjustment 
factors caused a 118,000 understatement of January job losses, bringing the 
actual January job loss total to 716,000 jobs. 

The payroll survey counts the number of jobs, not the number of employed, 
because some people have more than one job. The Household Survey counts the 
number of people who have jobs, and it shows that 832,000 people lost their 
jobs in January and 806,000 in December, for a two-month count of Americans who 
lost jobs at 1,638,000. 

The unemployment rate reported in the U.S. media is a fabrication. Williams 
reports that in changes since 1980, particularly in the Clinton era, 

 'Discouraged workers' -- those who had given up looking for a job because 
there were no jobs to be had -- were redefined so as to be counted only if they 
had been 'discouraged' for less than a year. This time qualification defined 
away the bulk of the discouraged workers. Adding them back into the total 
unemployed, actual unemployment, [according to the unemployment rate 
methodology used in 1980] rose to 18 percent in January, from 17.5 percent in 

In other words, without all the manipulations of the data, the U.S. 
unemployment rate is already at depression levels. 

How could it be otherwise, given the enormous job losses from jobs sent 
overseas? It is impossible for a country to create jobs when its corporations 
are moving production for the American consumer market offshore. When they move 
the production offshore, they shift U.S. gross domestic product to other 
countries. The U.S. trade deficit over the past decade has reduced U.S. GDP by 
$1.5 trillion dollars. That is a lot of jobs. 

I have been reporting for years that university graduates have had to take jobs 
as waitresses and bartenders. As over-indebted consumers lose their jobs, they 
will visit restaurants and bars less frequently. Consequently, those with 
university degrees will not even have jobs waiting on tables and mixing drinks. 

U.S. policymakers have ignored the fact that consumer demand in the 21st 
century has been driven, not by increases in real income, but by increased 
consumer indebtedness. This fact makes it pointless to try to stimulate the 
economy by bailing out banks so that they can lend more to consumers. The 
American consumers have no more capacity to borrow. 

With the decline in the values of their principal assets -- their homes -- with 
the destruction of half of their pension assets, and with joblessness facing 
them, Americans cannot and will not spend. 

Why bail out GM and Citibank when the firms are moving as many operations 
offshore as they possibly can? 

Much of U.S. infrastructure is in poor shape and needs renewing. However, 
infrastructure jobs