Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Chinese sales of US Treasury bonds--possible interpretation

2010-02-28 Thread Linda Minor
I asked my investment manager, shortly after the bailout, who was buying 
treasuries. He didn't know but told me he knew some of them had negative 
values. Someone was actually buying them for more than they could be 
redeemed for later! But he wasn't aware that they were being marketed to 
Americans. No wonder the Chinese were angry--being forced to buy less 
than worthless paper coming out of the New York Fed. But they felt at 
the time they had no choice because trade agreements required them to 
buy that paper or the U.S. would not buy the worthless plastic crap 
being pumped out of Chinese factories.

Volcker should know firsthand what it's like to get caught in the middle 
of these games after American hostages were seized in Iran in 1980 while 
the Shah was being shipped from one place to another before he succumbed 
to cancer. Whether Obama has decided to listen to Volcker or to Geithner 
and Robert Rubin (whose work at Goldman Sachs two decades ago helped 
with the looting of USSR) is yet to be seen.


On 2/27/2010 8:46 PM, muckblit wrote:

I guess if Obama wants to block the Iran-China pipelines
by war, and talk to Tibet's Dalai Lama, China can play
its part in that script.

China can take some blame off Obama and the financial
hatchetmen for doing a meltdown here like they have
done in many other countries. Those countries might
be able to laugh at us having our turn, or not be in
a position to.


--- In, 
Linda Minor lmi...@... wrote:

 Unsustainable Deficits and Bond Boycotts: Panic at the Fed or Back to
 Financial Normalcy?

 By F. William Engdahl

 URL of this article:

 Global Research, 

 February 24, 2010

 The decision of the US Federal Reserve to raise its key interest rate
 was definitely not a sign of confidence in the US economic recovery 
or a

 signal that Fed policy is slowly returning to normal as claimed. It was
 rather a signal of panic over the weakness in US Government bond
 markets, the heart of the dollar financial system.

 Financial markets have reacted with jubilation, by buying dollars and
 selling Euros, at the decision by the Fed to raise rates for the first
 time since 2006 for its so-called Discount Rate, going from 0.5% to
 0.75%. The Discount Rate is the interest rate charged for banks to
 borrow from the central bank. At the same time the Fed left its more
 important short-term Fed Funds rate unchanged and historically low --
 between 0.0% and 0.25%. In its official statement the Board of 

 said the rate move was intended to push private banks back into the
 private inter-bank borrowing market and away from reliance on Federal
 Reserve subsidized money which had been provided since the financial
 crisis began in August 2007.

 The decision, in plain words, was framed so as to give the impression
 of a return to business as usual. At the same time, financial players
 like George Soros continue to speak openly about the fundamental
 weakness of the Euro. This has the effect of taking speculative 
 away from fundamentally worse economic and financial fundamentals 

 the dollar zone at the expense of the Euro. The reality is that the
 dollar world is anything but returning to normal.

 *Unsustainable deficits*

 The conservative President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, 

 Hoenig recently warned in a little-reported speech that if the size of
 the Federal Budget deficit is not dramatically and urgently reduced,
 public debt will soon look like that of Italy or Greece, exceeding 100%
 of GDP. In a recent speech Hoenig noted, The fiscal projections for the
 United States are so stunning that, one way or another, reform will
 occur. Fiscal policy is on an unsustainable course. The US government
 must make adjustments in its spending and tax programs. It is that
 simple. If pre-emptive corrective action is not taken regarding the
 fiscal outlook, then the United States risks precipitating its own
 next crisis.

 Translated into laymens language, that means savage cuts in Government
 spending at a time when

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Chinese sales of US Treasury bonds--possible interpretation

2010-02-27 Thread Linda Minor
 10% of their reserves in gold. The German Bundesbank holds 
some 3,400 tons of gold, the second largest after the US Federal 
Reserve. To even get to that 10% level, China would have to buy more 
than $200 billion worth - about two years' global mine output.

Silver is not a significant part of most countries' reserves, but China 
is historically an exception, since in Imperial times before 1900 it was 
on a silver standard rather a gold standard, and so retained substantial 
silver reserves. One aim of the 1840s British Opium Wars against 
China was to drain the Chinese state of its entire silver currency 
reserves to the advantage of the British gold standard.

In 2001 and 2002 China was a major seller of silver, selling a total of 
100 million ounces at its then-price of less than $5 an ounce. Since 
then, it has stopped selling silver. Last September 2009, the Chinese 
government passed a decree encouraging Chinese savers to buy silver, 
explaining that buying silver was a good deal since the gold/silver 
price ratio at 70-to-1 was historically very high, offering them 
convenient small-value ingots with which to buy it, and prohibiting the 
export of silver from China.

This was almost certainly a move designed to dampen stock-market 
speculation and reduce money supply growth, since bank deposits 
converted into silver would effectively be sterilized. What's more, if 
the long-awaited Chinese banking crisis ever developed, the effect on 
the long-suffering Chinese public would be mitigated if people held 
substantial wealth in the form of readily negotiable silver ingots.

It's likely that China is now a very large buyer of silver, possibly 
even more than gold. Thus, a selloff in People's Bank of China holdings 
of US Treasuries could be offset by purchases of gold for its own 
account and of silver to supply to the Chinese public.

/*F. William Engdahl*, author of Gods of Money: Wall Street and the 
Death of the American Century./

On 2/26/2010 10:50 PM, muckblit wrote:

With rampant false flags and suicide bombings in Afg-Pak now, and US 
and Britain
sending in tens of thousands of troops, starting ethnic cleansing 
under cover of those
false flags but afg-pak people know and will defend, all to 
destabilize and probably
Tarpley is right about destabilizing hindering those two Iran-China 
pipelines. So,

understandable if China puts a cap on neocon insanity at some level.

*'The gunmen drive in mainly four-wheel vehicles and quickly disappear 
from the crime scene.' Silencer guns kill 67 in one day in Baghdad* 
By Anwar Jumaa 23 Feb 2010 Last Sunday 67 corpses were brought to 
Baghdad morgue all shot with silencer guns, medical sources said. The 
sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said silencer guns have 
instilled fear and terror in Baghdad and most of the victims were 
civil servants, former Baathists and army officers. The latest 
[Blackwater] victim has been a university professor who was shot dead 
on Monday as he drove home. The sources named the victim as Dr. Thamer 
Kamel, head of the human rights section at the Ministry of Higher 
Education and Scientific research.

*Taliban strike at heart of Kabul, killing at least 16 
--Indians believed to be targets, but Italian secret service officer 
and French film producer also dead* 17 Feb 2010 With suicide bombs, 
grenades and gunfire, insurgents struck at the heart of Kabul 
yesterday, killing at least 16 people in co-ordinated attacks that the 
Afghan President said were targeted at Indians, but which also claimed 
the life of a senior member of the Italian secret service and a French 
film producer. The targets of the two-hour explosion of violence 
included two guesthouses used by foreigners and Kabul's first shopping 
Severin Blanchet, a French documentary filmmaker who was training 
young Afghans, died Friday during an attack by insurgents in a hotel 
for foreigners in Kabul where he was staying. He was 66.


--- In, Linda Minor lmi...@... wrote:

 Concerns grow over China's sale of US bonds

 Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2010-02-24 21:39. Section: Daily 

 By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
 The Telegraph, London
 Wednesday, February 24, 2010

 Evidence is mounting that Chinese sales of US Treasury bonds over 

 months are intended as a warning shot to Washington over escalating
 pol itical disputes rather than being part

[cia-drugs] Afghanistan's thriving opium trade

2010-02-26 Thread Linda Minor
Officials puzzle over millions of dollars leaving Afghanistan by plane 
for Dubai

By Andrew Higgins
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, February 25, 2010; A10

KABUL -- A blizzard of bank notes is flying out of Afghanistan -- often 
in full view of customs officers at the Kabul airport -- as part of a 
cash exodus that is confounding U.S. officials and raising concerns 
about the money's origin.

The cash, estimated to total well over $1 billion a year, flows mostly 
to the Persian Gulf emirate of Dubai, where many wealthy Afghans now 
park their families and funds, according to U.S. and Afghan officials. 
So long as departing cash is declared at the airport here, its transfer 
is legal.

But at a time when the United States and its allies are spending 
billions of dollars to prop up the fragile government of President Hamid 
Karzai, the volume of the outflow has stirred concerns that funds have 
been diverted from aid. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, for 
its part, is trying to figure out whether some of the money comes from 
Afghanistan's thriving opium trade. And officials in neighboring 
Pakistan think that at least some of the cash leaving Kabul has been 
smuggled overland from Pakistan.

All this money magically appears from nowhere, said a U.S. official 
who monitors Afghanistan's growing role as a hub for cash transfers to 
Dubai, which has six flights a day to and from Kabul.

Meanwhile, the United States is stepping up efforts to stop money flow 
in the other direction -- into Afghanistan and Pakistan in support of 
al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Senior Treasury Department officials visited 
Kabul this month to discuss the cash flows and other issues relating to 
this country's infant, often chaotic financial sector.

Tracking Afghan exchanges has long been made difficult by the widespread 
use of traditional money-moving outfits, known as hawalas, which keep 
few records. The Afghan central bank, supported by U.S. Treasury 
advisers, is trying to get a grip on them by licensing their operations.

In the meantime, the money continues to flow. Cash declaration forms 
filed at Kabul International Airport and reviewed by The Washington Post 
show that Afghan passengers took more than $180 million to Dubai during 
a two-month period starting in July. If that rate held for the entire 
year, the amount of cash that left Afghanistan in 2009 would have far 
exceeded the country's annual tax and other domestic revenue of about 
$875 million.

The declaration forms highlight the prominent and often opaque role 
played by hawalas. Asked to identify the source of funds in forms 
issued by the Afghan central bank, cash couriers frequently put down the 
name of the same Kabul hawala, an outfit called New Ansari Exchange.

Early last month, Afghan police and intelligence officers raided New 
Ansari's office in Kabul's bazaar district, carting away documents and 
computers, said Afghan bankers familiar with the operation. U.S. 
officials declined to comment on what prompted the raid. New Ansari 
Exchange, which is affiliated with a licensed Afghan bank, closed for a 
day or so but was soon up and running again.

The total volume of departing cash is almost certainly much higher than 
the declared amount. A Chinese man, for instance, was arrested recently 
at the Kabul airport carrying 800,000 undeclared euros (about $1.1 million).

Cash also can be moved easily through a VIP section at the airport, from 
which Afghan officials generally leave without being searched. American 
officials said that they have repeatedly raised the issue of special 
treatment for VIPs at the Kabul airport with the Afghan government but 
that they have made no headway.

One U.S. official said he had been told by a senior Dubai police officer 
that an Afghan diplomat flew into the emirate's airport last year with 
more than $2 million worth of euros in undeclared cash. The Afghan 
consul general in Dubai, Haji Rashoudin Mohammadi, said in a telephone 
interview that he was not aware of any such incident.

The high volume of cash passing through Kabul's airport first came to 
light last summer when British company Global Strategies Group, which 
has an airport security contract, started filing reports on the money 
transfers at the request of Afghanistan's National Directorate of 
Security, the domestic intelligence agency. The country's notoriously 
corrupt police force, however, complained about this arrangement, and 
Global stopped its reporting in September, according to someone familiar 
with the matter.

Afghan bankers interviewed in Kabul said that much of the money that 
does get declared belongs to traders who want to buy goods in Dubai but 
want to avoid the fees, delays and paperwork that result from 
conventional wire transfers.

The cash flown out of Kabul includes a wide range of foreign currencies. 
Most is in U.S. 

[cia-drugs] Goldman Sachs's dealings with the Greek government

2010-02-26 Thread Linda Minor

Feb. 25, 2010, 10:09 a.m. EST · Recommend (1) · Post:
Bernanke probing Goldman's dealings with Greece

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke 
revealed Thursday that the central bank is looking into Goldman Sachs 
Group Inc.'s dealings with the Greek government. We are looking into a 
number of questions of Goldman Sachs' derivative arrangements with 
Greece, Bernanke said in testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. 
The European Union has demanded that the Greek government provide 
details of how it used currency swaps and other instruments. The New 
York Times reported that Greece in 2001 had borrowed billions, with the 
aid of Goldman Sachs /quotes/comstock/13*!gs/quotes/nls/gs (GS 156.36, 
-0.08, -0.05%) in a deal hidden from public view because it was treated 
as a currency trade rather than a loan. Bernanke also said the Fed was 
looking into trading of credit default swaps that allow financial firms 
and investors to bet that Greece will default on its debt. Bernanke said 
this trading was counter-productive and under review by the Fed and 
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

[cia-drugs] Chinese sales of US Treasury bonds--possible interpretation

2010-02-26 Thread Linda Minor

 Concerns grow over China's sale of US bonds

Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2010-02-24 21:39. Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Telegraph, London
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Evidence is mounting that Chinese sales of US Treasury bonds over recent 
months are intended as a warning shot to Washington over escalating 
political disputes rather than being part of a routine portfolio shift 
as thought at first.

A front-page story in the state's China Information News said the record 
$34 billion sale of US bonds in December was a commendable move. The 
article was republished by the National Bureau of Statistics, giving it 
a stronger imprimatur.

It follows a piece last week in China Daily, the Politburo's voice, 
citing an official from the Chinese Academy of Sciences praising the 
move to slash holdings of US debt. This was published on the same day 
that US President Barack Obama received the Dalai Lama at the White 
House, defying protests from Beijing.

There are ongoing spats between the US and China on so many fronts so 
you have to assume that this is some sort of implicit threat, said Neil 
Mellor, a currency expert at the Bank of New York Mellon, who cautioned 
that it can be hard to read the complex signals from China.

We still think China will have to continue buying US Treasuries by the 
bucket load. Where else can they invest in a liquid market? The euro has 
become a tarnished currency, he said.

China's power is growing so fast that it now feels confident enough to 
raise the stakes on a string of festering conflicts with the US. It has 
threatened to impose sanctions on any US firm that takes part in a $6.4 
billion arms deal for Taiwan agreed by the White House. This is a 
tougher response that on any previous occasion and raises the _spectre 
of a trade war over Boeing, the key supplier_.

Chinese leaders are deploying their reserves to try to pressure the US 
to stop haranguing China about its currency and trade policies, and to 
back off from interference in its domestic issues, said professor Eswar 
Prasad, former head of the IMF's China division.

Stephen Jen from BlueGold Capital said Chine is probably moving out of 
bonds from many countries as it prepares for a likely 5 percent 
revaluation of its currency in coming weeks. Other assets might prove 
better protection against an immediate loss on holdings

Use of China's $2.4 trillion reserves to challenge US foreign policy is 
fraught with problems, not least because any damage to America will 
recoils immediately against China -- which depends on the US market for 
its mercantilist growth strategy. _Beijing cannot stop accumulating 
dollars unless it is willing to let the yuan ride, eroding the margins 
of its export industry. _Some reserves can be parked in gold or even 
copper, but liquid commodity markets are not big enough to absorb the 
scale of Chinese surpluses.

China and America are locked together by fate. Any petulant action by 
either side involves a degree of mutual assured destruction. But 
sometimes in politics -- as in life -- emotion flies out of control.

[cia-drugs] BREAKING Real News: Hillary's Bush Connection

2007-10-20 Thread Linda Minor


A Real News Exclusive
Hillary Clinton's Bush Connection**

NEW YORK, Oct. 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Real News Project 
reports exclusively today that the engineer of George W. Bush's rescue 
from financial disaster---a man who would propel Bush on the path to 
elective office---has quietly moved into Hillary Clinton's inner circle 
of key financial backers. The engineer is longtime GOP backer Alan 
Quasha. His mysterious Harken Energy drew intense scrutiny from 
investigators and the media in the early 90's and again during Bush's 
first term because of its dubious financial practices and board members 
connected to the corrupt Bank of Credit and Commerce International 
(BCCI). Along with a business partner, Quasha has been forging new links 
with Clinton and her associates for several years. Among other things, 
they have raised substantial sums for her, and in 2005 they discreetly 
hired Clinton confidant and longtime Democratic Party money man Terry 
McAuliffe, providing him with a lucrative temporary perch until the 
Clinton campaign formally launched with McAuliffe as its chairman.

That Hillary Clinton's campaign is involved with this particular cast 
of characters should give people pause, says John Moscow, a former 
Manhattan prosecutor. In the late 1980s and early '90s, Moscow led the 
investigation of the BCCI global financial empire---which included 
Harken board members among its prominent shareholders. Too many of the 
same names from earlier troubling circumstances suggests a lack of 
control over who she is dealing with, says Moscow, or a policy of 
dealing with anyone who can pay.

In the wake of revelations that Clinton accepted large sums of money 
from convicted swindler Norman Hsu, her involvement with Quasha and his 
associates is likely to raise new concerns over major sources of money 
for her presidential bid.

The full article, published in conjunction with /The Nation /magazine, 
can be found at , the website of The Real News 
Project, an independent source for ground-breaking investigative 
reporting. The article's co-author, Russ Baker, founder of the Real News 
Project, is at work on a book about George W. Bush's rise to power and 
the forces behind it.

CONTACT: Real News Project, +1-212-477-2234, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [cia-drugs] BREAKING Real News: Hillary's Bush Connection

2007-10-20 Thread Linda Minor
Russ Baker is not connected to The Nation.  He happens to be a friend of 
mine.  He is a free-lance writer, not employed by The Nation.  Possibly 
his colleague has some connection, but that has nothing to do with the 
facts contained in the article.

Arlene Johnson wrote:

Good heads up Linda, but The Nation is headed by a CFR member. This is 
true, but one needs to be cautious of the articles out of that rag.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Linda Minor
Sent: Oct 20, 2007 4:06 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] BREAKING Real News: Hillary's Bush Connection


A Real News Exclusive
Hillary ClintonâEUR^(TM)s Bush Connection* *

NEW YORK, Oct. 19 /PRNewswire- USNewswire/ -- The Real News
Project reports exclusively today that the engineer of George W.
BushâEUR^(TM)s rescue from financial disasterâEURa man who would
propel Bush on the path to elective officeâEURhas quietly moved
into Hillary ClintonâEUR^(TM)s inner circle of key financial
backers. The engineer is longtime GOP backer Alan Quasha. His
mysterious Harken Energy drew intense scrutiny from investigators
and the media in the early 90âEUR^(TM)s and again during
BushâEUR^(TM)s first term because of its dubious financial
practices and board members connected to the corrupt Bank of
Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Along with a business
partner, Quasha has been forging new links with Clinton and her
associates for several years. Among other things, they have raised
substantial sums for her, and in 2005 they discreetly hired
Clinton confidant and longtime Democratic Party money man Terry
McAuliffe, providing him with a lucrative temporary perch until
the Clinton campaign formally launched with McAuliffe as its

âEURoeThat Hillary ClintonâEUR^(TM)s campaign is involved with
this particular cast of characters should give people pause,âEUR?
says John Moscow, a former Manhattan prosecutor. In the late 1980s
and early âEUR^(TM)90s, Moscow led the investigation of the BCCI
global financial empireâEURwhich included Harken board members
among its prominent shareholders. âEURoeToo many of the same names
from earlier troubling circumstances suggests a lack of control
over who she is dealing with,âEUR? says Moscow, âEURoeor a policy
of dealing with anyone who can pay.âEUR?

In the wake of revelations that Clinton accepted large sums of
money from convicted swindler Norman Hsu, her involvement with
Quasha and his associates is likely to raise new concerns over
major sources of money for her presidential bid.

The full article, published in conjunction with /The Nation
/magazine, can be found at http://www.realnews .org , the website of The Real News Project,
an independent source for ground-breaking investigative reporting.
The articleâEUR^(TM)s co-author, Russ Baker, founder of the Real
News Project, is at work on a book about George W. BushâEUR^(TM)s
rise to power and the forces behind it.

CONTACT: Real News Project, +1-212-477-2234, [EMAIL PROTECTED] org


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.15.3/1081 - Release Date: 10/19/2007 5:41 PM

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: More Lies?

2007-10-02 Thread Linda Minor
I had to laugh when I read this exchange. 

   Sean: Do you realize that there is a major lack of specificity and
   facts in your statements on this subject? I suggest you research and
   master these areas first before trying to comment on them in any
   kind of authoritative way. 

   VMANN: soon as i get a $100,000.00 grant from the ford foundation,
   ill get right on that.

Try as I might, I found no malicious personal attack in VMANN's post; 
only in Sean's inference. Methinks he doth protest too much.

My second laugh bordered on a guffaw over this bit:

   Why should I engage in a discussion *on my own list *with someone
   who is circulating malicious lies about me?

What's Sean doing here--writing  a defense for Kris?  Who appeared 
first on whose list?

And third is this:

   Sean: Perhaps you haven't noticed: you are the only remaining member
   from the former cia-drugs community who is still loyal to Millegan
   and Dodds, and who hasn't deserted their group.  What broke
   cia-drugs was Millegan's paranoid and false accusations against at
   least five members of the list.

Ahem.  I still lurk off and on when there's an interesting post, I 
follow up with my own research.  I don't have time to waste on pedants 
and know-it-alls. If the shoe fits... In my humble opinion, it's folks 
like Sean who invade someone else's list and try to change the dynamic.  
I have to wonder why.  Makes no sense to me.  If it's uncomfortable for 
you to try to argue with imbeciles like us, what's keeping you here?  
Goodbye already.

Linda Minor, my real name

*From:* Sean McBride mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*To:* Vigilius Haufniensis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 02, 2007 8:30 AM
*Subject:* More Lies?

Are you accusing me of receiving a $100,000 grant from the Ford
Foundation?  If you are, you are mindlessly repeating lies that
are originating from Kris Millegan and Bob Dodds.  I have
received money from no one to pursue my own research -- I am
completely independent.  And it is insulting in the extreme for
you to suggest otherwise.

Why should I engage in a discussion on my own list with someone
who is circulating malicious lies about me?

Perhaps you haven't noticed: you are the only remaining member
from the former cia-drugs community who is still loyal to
Millegan and Dodds, and who hasn't deserted their group.  What
broke cia-drugs was Millegan's paranoid and false accusations
against at least five members of the list.  You are one of the
few people on the list who hasn't been able to figure out what's
going on.

If you want me to post this, rewrite it with the malicious
personal attack removed, and I will answer your points about the

*/Yahoo! Groups Notification political-research-
accept-ZtYjXX0uU XdzA9qyDQYbR3A@ yahoogroups. com
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:


A message has been sent to the political-research group from

thehatefulnerd@ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The message summary:
FROM: thehatefulnerd@ 
DATE: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 01:19:44 -0500 
SUBJECT: Re: [political-research ] An Unanswered Question to
Vigilius Haufniensis 

Do you realize that there is a major lack of specificity and
facts in your statements on this subject? I suggest you 
research and master these areas first before trying to 
comment on them in any kind of authoritative way. 

VMANN: soon as i get a $100,000.00 grant from the ford 
foundation, ill get right on that. in the meantime, i think 
you've been arguing my case very well. 

I once posted an article pointing to a Rothschild connection

To: political-research@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 01:19:44 -0500
From: Vigilius Haufniensis thehatefulnerd@
Subject: Re: [political-research ] An Unanswered Question to
Vigilius Haufniensis

Do you realize that there is a major lack of specificity and
facts in your statements on this subject?  I suggest you
research and master these areas first before trying to
comment on them in any kind of authoritative way.
VMANN:  soon as i get a $100,000.00 grant from the ford

foundation, ill get right on that.  in the meantime, i think
you've been arguing my case very well.

I once posted an article pointing to a Rothschild connection
to Mikhail Khodorkovsky -- but MK is only one billionaire out
of hundreds on the planet.
In addition to the Simon Schama book I just mentioned, you
should also read Niall Ferguson's two fairly recent major
volumes on the Rothschilds:
 Niall Ferguson

[cia-drugs] How money, politics and American government work

2007-08-25 Thread Linda Minor

Scoop News in New Zealand is serializing the ebook written by Catherine
Austin Fitts, a former member of the CIA-Drugs list. 
This is an important story about how money, politics and American
government work. "Creating jobs" and "new business" are merely
euphemisms used by venture capitalists and investment bankers who work
with members of their own family, and with financially networked
families, to finance political careers of people who will assure the
success of stock manipulations leading to large profits for the network
that supports them and their inherited stock portfolios. By
understanding how people make money work in Wall Street and how the
stock exchange ties families together throughout history, one can begin
to sort out conspiracy theories from what Catherine calls "the real
Linda Minor

Part I appears here:
The entire book can be read, beginning here:

Dillon Read And The Aristocracy Of Stock Profits
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 6:22 pm
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts' 
Mapping the Real Deal

A Serialised Story - Part 1 of 20 (publishing
August/September 2007)
 Dillon Read  Co.
And the Aristocracy of Stock Profits 
Catherine Austin Fitts
 PART 1  -
 Why I
This Story, Introduction
Graphic   Contents

(Bookmark this page and return to find links
to new chapters as they are published.)

 Why I Wrote This Story

I made
the decision to write Dillon, Read  Co. Inc. and the
Aristocracy of Stock Profits in the middle of a vegetable
garden in Montana during the summer of 2005. I had come to
Montana to develop a venture capital model to support a
healthier, fresher local food supply. If we want clean
water, fresh food, sustainable infrastructure, and healthy
communities, we are going to have to finance and govern
these resources ourselves. We cannot invest in the stocks
and bonds of large corporations, banks and governments that
are harming our food, water, environment and all living
things and then expect these resources to be available when
we need them.
Surviving and thriving as a free people
depends on creating and transacting with currencies and
investments other than those printed and manipulated by Wall
Street and Washington to the eventual end of our rights and
What I found in Montana, however, was what I have
found in communities all across America. We are so
financially entangled in the federal government and large
corporations and banks that we cannot see our complicity in
everything we say we abhor. Our social networks are so
interwoven with the institutional leadership  government
officials, bankers, lawyers, professors, foundation heads,
corporate executives, investors, fellow alumni  that we
dare not hold our own families, friends, colleagues and
neighbors accountable for our very real financial and
operational complicity. While we hate "the system," we keep
honoring and supporting the people and institutions that are
implementing the system when we interact and transact with
them in our day-to-day lives. Enjoying the financial
benefits and other perks that come from that intimate
support ensures our continued complicity and contribution to
fueling that which we say we hate.
Standing among the
beautiful vegetables and flowers that Montana summer day, I
was facing the futility of trying to craft investment
solutions without some basic consensus about the economic
tapeworm that is killing us and all living things  while
we blindly feed the worm. In a world of economic warfare, we
have to see the strategy behind each play in the game. We
have to see the economic tapeworm and how it works
parasitically in our lives. A tapeworm injects chemicals
into a host that causes the host to crave what is good for
the tapeworm. In America, we despair over our deterioration,
but we crave the next injection of chemicals from the
With this in mind, I decided to write Dillon
Read  Co Inc. and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits as a
case study designed to help illuminate the deeper system. It
details the story of two teams with two competing visions
for America. The first was a vision shared by my old firm on
Wall Street  Dillon Read  and the Clinton
Administration with the full support of a bipartisan
Congress. In this vision, America's aristocracy makes money
by ensnaring our youth in a pincer movement of drugs and
prisons and wins middle class support for these policies
through a steady and growing stream of government funding
and contracts for War on Drugs activities at federal, state
and local levels. This consensus is made all the more
powerful by the gush of growing debt and derivatives used to
bubble the housing and mortgage markets, manipulate the
stock and precious metals markets and finance trillions
missing from the US government in the largest pump and dump
in history  the pump and dump of the entire Ameri

[cia-drugs] [Fwd: BREAKING Real News -- CIA and Bush Sr.]

2007-01-09 Thread Linda Minor


A Real News Exclusive
CIA Role in Bush Sr. Oil Company Revealed

By Russ Baker and Jonathan Z. Larsen | The Real News Project

January 8, 2007

NEW YORK--Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former 
president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a 1950's 
collaboration with a covert CIA officer.

Bush has long denied allegations that he had connections to the 
intelligence community prior to 1976, when he became Central 
Intelligence Agency director under President Gerald Ford. At the time, 
he described his appointment as a 'real shocker.'

But the freshly uncovered memos contend that Bush maintained a close 
personal and business relationship for decades with a CIA staff employee 
who, according to those CIA documents, was instrumental in the 
establishment of Bush's oil venture, Zapata, in the early 1950s


*The full report can be seen at **,_** the website of The Real News Project, an 
independent source for ground-breaking investigative reporting. *

*The authors of the report -- Russ Baker, founder of the Real News 
Project, and Jonathan Z. Larsen, Real News editorial board member -- are 
at work on a book about George W. Bush and the Bush clan, due out later 
this year. They may be reached at: russ [at] *


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[cia-drugs] Re:Ted Gunderson: A Treatise of Lies, Deception, Murder, Treason, Drug Dealing and Theft

2007-01-05 Thread Linda Minor,4,01.htm

The above url contains the whole scenario,
followed by:


NEWSMAKINGNEWS.COM http://www.newsmakingnews.colm

JUNE 16, 2003

By Virginia Lee McCullough

Here  it is all over again.  Another brilliant researcher and writer 
lost  to the forces that only come out into the daylight from under 
their rocks to destroy the open sharing of information by destroying the 
man or woman sharing it.  Although I had never met Brian Downing Quig, 
we communicated  over the past years on a variety of subjects of mutual 

I tried to think of a proper way to honor such a bright man.  It 
occurred to me that this is the fifth journalist I have known that has 
been lost to the New World Order since 1991.  These accidents do  not 
occur in a vacuum; they are made to happen to silence the free speech in 
what used to be a free country.  Little people with small minds are used 
by intelligence operatives to eliminate troublesome people who would 
speak the truth.  These people infiltrate a journalist, work diligently 
to separate him from his normal support group and pursue them until he 
or she is destroyed.  I am getting very tired of writing memorial pages 
to brilliant people eliminated by grunts paid for by black op operations.

So in honor of Brian Downing Quig I am posting the scenario I 
experienced, that I backed away from.  If Quig had recognized these 
small people have a large agenda, he might still be alive.  

A woman named _Barbara Hartwell_ (  was first 
introduced to me March 1, 2000 through an email from John Quinn who 
posted to the web, at that time,  as NewsHawk Inc. (Click.,quig,6,23,03.htm#Click.%201)   Quinn 
had been doing good work on the Columbine shootings and  the crash of 
Air Alaska Flight 261.  So it puzzled me as to why he would forward me, 
what in essence, was a diatribe against two men by someone I have never 
heard of named Barbara Hartwell.   I thought that perhaps he knew I was 
an advocate of women and children.  I sent her an a email complimenting 
her writing.

That same day (3-19-00) she forwarded me Barbara Hartwell's Security 
Letter clearly _aligning herself with  former FBI agent Ted Gunderson 
and the notorious Chip Tatum._   She stated that she is a survivor of 
CIA MKULTRA and the Phoenix Program and was in the process of writing a 
book to be entitled /Hardwired, The True Story of a CIA Black Ops 
Survivor.  /She said she had documentation and eye witness testimony./   
/And, of course, Ms. Hartwell was destitute and soliciting for 
contributions to her Legal Defense and Research Fund so that she could 
continue to try to expose the evil government operations which she had 
managed to survive because Ted Gunderson had rescued her just in the 
nick of time.  Some of the donated funds were to be used to publish the 
/Gunderson/Hartwell Intelligence Report /and to  produce a series of 
video tapes she would call /The Hartwell Files./

She staked her bona fides on Ted Gunderson who for 27 years had an 
exemplary career with the FBI.  She repeatedly cried poor mouth for not 
only herself but also for her animals.  She said that every time she had 
almost finished her work that spooks and goons would hack into her 
computer and bring down her web site thereby destroying her files and 
making her start all over again.  Finally her survival letter 
concluded with many patriotic quotes and a few religious quotes.  And, 
of course, she  ended with God bless you and God bless America.

March 19, 2000 also found her News Bulletin dated 1-24-00 in my in box 
and that revealed she had alliances with _Kurt Billings_  
(, _Mike Ruppert _(  and the 
previously  mentioned John Quinn.  Hartwell and all three of her 
correspondents had experienced a hellish day as some evil high tech 
genius tried to take down their web sites implying that it was  
secretive insider information that was so valuable that the government 
had assigned half its employees to sabotage only their web sites.

The third email  was received 3-19-2000, but created 2-11-00,  and 
_Hartwell's wrath was directed at  Walter Bowart_ 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) .  She accused Bowart of defrauding Hartwell of 
$100.00 that she had sent him a year ago for membership in  the /Freedom 
of Thought Foundation /and a copy of /Operation Mind Control.  /Hartwell 
demanded her money back and threatened to file a lawsuit against Bowart 
and she urged others to join her in a class action suit.

The amount and intensity of Hartwell's emails to this writer left me 
uneasy.  Usually when a source contacts a writer, they are interested in 
a specific subject 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Ted Gunderson: A Treatise of Lies

2006-12-24 Thread Linda Minor
One obvious lie was that Gunderson married LaVey's former wife.  The 
website [] says her name was 
Rachel, whereas Anton LaVey was married twice, once to Carole and once 
to Diane [], with a third companion 
named Blanche.
Biography for
Anton LaVey

Birth name
   Howard Stanton Levee

Anton Szandor LaVey was born April 11, 1930 to Joseph and Augusta 
LaVey. His father was a liquor salesman. They soon moved to the San 
Francisco, California area. The name LaVey came from an immigrant 
ancestor who in passing through Ellis Island was given the name of his 
place of origin, Levey, France.

Known as Tony, he showed early musical talent, and received musical 
training. He was always an outsider. He left home after an incident 
where another youth knifed his face and Tony fought back. He joined 
circuses and carnivals, learned carny jobs and to play the calliope. He 
knew Clyde Beatty and Tim McCoy. He played organ for burlesque, and had 
a short affair with Marilyn Monroe.

He left Los Angeles and returned to San Francisco where he continued as 
an organist and became a police photographer. He married Carole and 
started his Magic Circle meetings. He later left Carole for even more 
beautiful Diane.

There is a tape circulating of an episode of the local TV program The 
Wonderful World of Brother Buzz, narrated by Pat MacCormick, which 
centers on LaVey's lion Togare, but also shows the life of his 
wonderful normal family with wife Diane, and daughters Karla (by first 
wife Carole) and Zeena, as well as many animals, who lived in the soon 
to be famous Black House. At that time Anton was a psychic investigator. 
He and Diane founded the Church of Satan as a partnership in 1966. It 
was the world's first openly acknowledged Satanic Church. Anton was 
spokesman and still remains the very image of Satan and Satanism. High 
Priestess Diane LaVey was equally Satanic but performed the role of good 
wife and church administrator.

Soon followed the first public Satanic wedding, then a first baptism 
(for their daughter Zeena) and first Satanic funeral. This period of 
public rituals, about 1967-70, generated intense worldwide publicity and 
growth in membership. The movie Satanis (1970) allowed Anton to espouse 
many of his views, and shows the church at that time. The LaVey's 
associated with many famous and accomplished people, particularly 
actors, writers and circus people. Among them were Jayne Mansfield, 
Sammy Davis Jr., Kenneth Anger, Forrest J Ackerman, Joseph Cotten, 
Barbara McNair, Elke Sommer, Keenan Wynn, and directors Milo O. Frank 
Jr. and Robert Fuest.

Anton authored several well-known books on Satanism and witchcraft. Most 
of what he's told about himself is true as he saw it through his own 
biases, although he did not tell all. It was NOT a self-created legend 
as charged by critics. As with many '60s celebrities who were private 
people there was a burnout factor. Press distortion, harassment from 
many quarters, including gunshots, vandalism and pestering fans caused 
him to withdraw from most public activities in his last 20 years. Speak 
of the Devil (1995) (V) once again gave him a chance to express his 
views on film. He had a son Xerxes with his _last companion and 
successor to the church leadership, Blanche Barton_. He was able to 
spend some time with his grandson, Zeena's son Stanton LaVey. Many 
fascinating details of his life are still unknown to the public, and 
some points have been argued back and forth by those who do not know.

   There is much to be learned about his activities with Jayne 
Mansfield and Sammy Davis Jr., and the _making of The Devil's Rain 
(1975) with Director Fuest and William Shatner, John Travolta, Tom 
Skerritt, Ernest Borgnine and others_. 
[]  He was a kindly man, who was 
particularly protective of animals and children, but as a human also had 
a dark side. Being physically strong he almost killed once or twice with 
his bare hands. He was philosophically an outlaw and heretic. His 
influence remains great. He was a multi-talented, elitist, private 
person. He held on to much from the past, yet was also ahead of his 
time, a forerunner of among other things heavy-metal, Satanic rock, 
vampire and goth cultures.

norgesen wrote:

That was written by the infamous Stew Webb, himself often accused 
(with good reason) of being disinfo.
So, here again you have two accused disinfo ops/sides accusing each 
other, as happens quite often these days,

creating confusion, dissent and disarray, which I guess is the intent.
Here is a link to the Stew Webb 'piece':
*Stew Webb: 'Ted Gunderson is a bad, bad, /bad/ man'!*

--- In 

[cia-drugs] Tucson military recruiters ran cocaine

2006-12-19 Thread Linda Minor

 Tucson Region


   Tucson military recruiters ran cocaine

Some kept visiting schools for 3 years after FBI caught them on tape
By Carol Ann Alaimo
/ Arizona Daily Star /
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 12.17.2006

A Midtown strip mall that should have housed the best of the best served 
as Corruption Central in Tucson.
Two military recruiting stations sit side-by-side there, one run by the 
Army, the other by the Marines. Between them, a total of seven 
recruiters were on the take, secretly accepting bribes to transport 
cocaine, even as most spent their days visiting local high schools.
They had help from several more recruiters at an Army National Guard 
office, where one recruiter was said to be selling cocaine from the 
trunk of his recruiting vehicle.
Together, these dozen or so recruiters formed the nucleus of one of the 
FBI's biggest public corruption cases, the sting known as *Operation 
Lively Green*, which unfolded in Southern Arizona from 2002-2004 and was 
made public last year.

Many of the drug-running recruiters remained on the job, with continued 
access to local schools, for months --- and often, years --- after FBI 
agents secretly filmed them counting cash next to stacks of cocaine 
bricks, the Arizona Daily Star found in a months-long probe of court 
records and military employment data.
_Some were still recruiting three years after they first were caught on 
camera running drugs in uniform_. Most have pleaded guilty and are to be 
sentenced in March. Some honorably retired from the military.
There is no suggestion in court records that the recruiters were 
providing drugs to students.
What they did between FBI drug runs isn't known because they weren't 
under constant surveillance, the FBI said. For example, in the middle of 
the cocaine sting, one of the recruiters was arrested by another 
law-enforcement agency in an unrelated drug case, accused of 
transporting nearly 200 pounds of marijuana on Interstate 19, court 
records show.
Military recruiting officials say the corruption was not widespread. 
They also say they kept these recruiters on the job because they either 
didn't know they were under investigation, or were told by the FBI to 
leave the suspects alone so as not to jeopardize the sting's outcome.
Some Tucson parents and school officials, contacted by the Star about 
the results of the paper's research, said students should not have been 
left exposed for so long to recruiters known by the FBI to be involved 
in cocaine-running.

I don't like the thought of someone involved with drugs having access 
to my child, and I don't know anything about it and the school doesn't 
know anything about it, said Kathy Janssen, who has a 15-year-old son 
at Tucson High Magnet School, the city's largest high school. High 
school students are very vulnerable.
This isn't the first time the FBI has come under criticism in the Lively 
Green case. Allegations of sexual misconduct by undercover informants 
also have dogged the case and could result in reduced punishment for the 
recruiters and dozens of other defendants.

* *
At a press conference to unveil the case last year, the FBI announced 
that many Lively Green defendants were military members. Agents didn't 
say that recruiters were involved.
A Phoenix-based FBI spokeswoman said the agency can't say much at this 
point about the Lively Green probe because it's still in progress.
Special Agent Deb McCarley did say the FBI generally performs risk 
assessments before deciding to keep suspects who work in public 
positions on the job during undercover probes.
We recognize the range of ethical issues that inherently arise in the 
course of our undercover investigations, McCarley said in an e-mail.
We have sound policies in place to address such dilemmas, she said, 
and this case has been no exception.
Some high schools in Tucson Unified, Flowing Wells Unified and Marana 
Unified school districts, and in Amphitheater Public Schools, were 
visited by one or more of these recruiters on a regular or occasional 
basis, according to military recruiting officials. Schools in other 
districts may have had visits as well, but precise records no longer are 
available in some cases, officials said.
One TUSD Governing Board member was incensed to hear the recruiters 
remained on the job so long.
It's ludicrous to me that the FBI would leave these people in place and 
allow them onto our high school campuses, Judy Burns said.
If they were going to do that, they should have been monitoring them 

Monica Young, who has two children attending TUSD high schools, agreed.
It is appalling that recruiters who were known to be involved in such 
activity were allowed on any school campus, she said.
Legal expert Stephen Saltzburg, who teaches criminal procedure at George 
Washington University, said it's entirely possible that the Tucson 
recruiters were running 

[cia-drugs] Widening Gaps: Evangelical-Republican

2006-12-05 Thread Linda Minor

*The Widening Gaps in the Evangelical-Republican Coalition*
November 30, 2006 21 42  GMT

*By Bart Mongoven*

The Christian Coalition of America announced Nov. 28 that it has asked 
its president-elect, Joel Hunter, to resign. The news came a week after 
Hunter told the coalition's board that he wanted the organization to 
take on a new set of issues, particularly poverty, AIDS and the 
environment. The board reportedly said it did not think the group's 
grassroots membership was ready for such a shift, and that Hunter would 
not be given an opportunity to follow through on these plans.

The story behind Hunter's forced resignation reveals far more than a 
difference of opinion over the organization's future direction. 
Membership in the Christian Coalition has plunged from the millions to 
the thousands, four state chapters have bolted and its budget is a 
fraction of what it used to be. However, while the group no longer 
stands as the political vanguard of the conservative Christian movement, 
its internal disagreements do represent in a nutshell a major problem 
faced by the religious right and, by extension, by the Republican Party 
in the coming two years. At the center of the conflict is the 
recognition that the religious views of evangelical Christians and the 
politics of the American right are diverging after two decades of 

In essence, the overlap between the libertarian Republican point of view 
and that of religious conservatives has dissolved during the past decade 
of Republican control of government. Historically, the religious 
conservatives and secular libertarians justified their advocacy of a 
small federal government for very different reasons. For secular 
libertarians, a small government was the central objective; for the 
religious conservatives, small government was an element of a strategy 
to reduce the power -- or at least slow the growth -- of institutions 
purveying secular values. The growth of government over the past 10 
years has suggested to evangelicals that the strategy does not work. The 
Faith-Based Initiative, for instance, is seen as a small move in a 
positive direction, but one that also has done nothing to displace 
secular federal government activity.

What comes next will be guided by three variables: First, whether 
Christian leaders together find a new path forward that balances 
politics and faith; second, whether the GOP changes its policies and 
approaches to accommodate the evangelicals' new direction; and third, 
whether the Democrats find a way to accommodate at least some of the 
evangelicals' wishes.

*Libertarianism: A Goal or a Tool*

The alliance between the Republican Party and evangelical Christians 
developed over two decades -- and the Christian Coalition was the most 
important player in creating this alliance. The Christian Coalition 
championed the argument that secular forces were degrading the moral 
underpinning of the United States and that the federal government -- 
through, for example, large and expensive welfare programs -- was the 
largest single instigator of the growth of these secular forces.

The Christian Coalition -- and the evangelical right in general -- 
argued that in addition to strengthening powerful secular organizations, 
federal government institutions are inherently hostile to religion. 
Particularly in the earlier years of the coalition, the evangelical 
opposition to the federal judiciary was as focused on countering a 
liberal reading of the Establishment Clause as it was on Roe v. Wade. 
Throughout the Reagan presidency, evangelicals battled judicial 
prohibitions against any government endorsement of religion -- whether 
federal, state or local -- which had come to mean any expression of 
religion in a government context (school Christmas plays, creches at 
city halls, religious groups meeting in schools, etc.). Evangelicals 
became driven by the idea that the federal government was not merely 
secular, but after the Warren Court, it was aggressively secular or even 

In addition, most conservative evangelicals also held that the 
traditional family should be the center of an individual's life, and saw 
a large active federal government as replacing traditional family roles 
in many ways. Evangelicals spoke out against welfare programs -- such as 
the WIC program that in early inceptions penalized unwed mothers for 
marrying -- as threatening to the traditional family structure.

In this context, an alliance with the libertarian wing of the Republican 
Party made perfect sense. Libertarian Republicans come in two major 
factions: ideological libertarians who are simply against large, active 
government, regulation and high taxes; and federalists who oppose a 
large federal government and see the most effective government as one 
that is closest to the people. Most members of the Christian Coalition 
fell into the latter group. They were not opposed to government helping 

Re: [cia-drugs] RFK assassination articles back online in full

2006-12-04 Thread Linda Minor
You may also find it interesting to see what Michael Ruppert said about 
the RFK assassination and investigation.

Robert F. Kennedy's assasasination is tied directly to the CIA, Mike 
Ruppert's life AND the _LAPD officers working for CIA who groomed Mike's 
early career._ Those same people turned up again when Mike caught CIA 
people inside LAPD protecting major traffickers. Here you will see how 
solid the connections are, why Sirhan is innocent and read _an LAPD 
document that will convince you that CIA mind control programs to 
produce both assassins and patsies are real_. See a letter from a BBC 
producer to the L.A. Police Commission President authorizing Mike to 
hand deliver an advance copy of a documentary linking CIA to Bobby's 
assassination. The key eight minutes were cut before the documentary 
aired in the U.S. Don't go here if you want to sleep tonight.


Re: [cia-drugs] RFK assassination articles back online in full

2006-12-04 Thread Linda Minor

Also a list of articles compiled by Preston Peet:


into crime
  by Preston
Peet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - October 18, 2000  

Rampart scandal may be the most serious man-made disaster our city has
ever faced, stated Los Angeles City Councilman Joel Parks in the 'Daily
News of Los Angeles' newspaper (February 16th, 2000). "Think about the
horrors. People killed, framed, imprisoned, beaten by the very people
we've entrusted to protect us from such criminal behavior. The Rampart
scandal has scarred the city, and tarnished the reputations (sic) of an
internationally renowned department." 
Rampart Division has been running berserk from the mid-1990s to today,
with Police Chief Bernard C. Parks already asking that ninety-nine
separate cases against framed suspects be dismissed, with another three
thousand at least that need investigating. Parks wants up to US$9
million from the city to further investigate allegations, and has
estimated damages from civil actions at close to US$125 million. Los
Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti has said that it might
take years to 'unravel' the entire scandal. The reason this scandal
in the news is not because an honest policeman reported rampant
corruption, but because one dirty cop got caught stealing cocaine from
a police evidence locker. 
of Rampart's anti-gang unit CRASH (Community Resources Against
Hoodlums), Officer Rafael Perez has worked out a plea agreement for
five year prison sentence with prosecutors in exchange for his
cooperation. Rafael, initially arrested for stealing eight pounds of
cocaine from LAPD evidence, has outlined such egregious behavior on the
part of himself and fellow CRASH officers that it is almost beyond
belief. His first sale was through a confiscated beeper, and an
accompanying pound of cocaine, which he and his then-partner sold,
passing themselves off as associates of the beeper's owner, an arrested
dealer. When Rafael's new partner in CRASH, Nino Durden, found out
Rafael was stealing coke, he wanted in, immediately. 
has implicated himself and Durden in handcuffing, shooting, paralyzing,
then framing unarmed gang-member Javier Francisco Ovando in 1996.
Ovando was freed after serving three years of his twenty-three year
prison sentence in September of 1999. Rafael, and one other
unidentified officer, have both painted a picture of CRASH officers who
were routinely committing illegal searches, beating suspects, shooting
them, planting drugs on them, lying under oath, then awarding each
other plaques for the shootings, red for wounding the victim, black for
killing them. Twenty officers have already been fired, with hundreds
more under suspicion, merely for being LA cops, in any department. 
Domanik, author of 'To Protect And Serve: LAPD's Century of War in the
City of Dreams', wrote an article for the 'LA Times' newspaper
(February 13th, 2000) in which he draws attention to the political
power of the police in California, and how that has worked to stifle
investigations into the police department itself. "The LAPD's
rank-and-file union, the 'Police Protective League', and the 'Command
Officers Association', both used their influence and political clout to
punish or reward local politicians during election campaigns. They
wanted high-pay, and benefits, but they didn't want DA investigations
and officer indictments. The last thing a DA wanted in the months
leading up to an election was for the chief, the league, or the
officer's association to point at him and say he's anti-cop." DA
Garcetti has ceded the investigation of the LAPD Rampart division to
the LAPD, allowing the police to police themselves, which got them
where they are today. 
could LAPD Rampart have gotten so out of control, especially after the
Rodney King beating in 1991, and the resultant riots? Didn't the
message that people are fed up with police corruption and brutality get





LAPD Chief: Signs That Could Have
Tipped Off Corruption Missed
'Court TV Online' article (February 17th, 2000) offers Chief Parks'
view on the scandal: now it is because of the overworked supervisors
simply missing the signs of his underlings committing horrendous,
psychotic, sadistic offenses against the neighborhoods they were
supposed to be protecting.

Cannabis Culture: Corruption
  Here is a long list of
corruption-related links from the folk at 'Cannabis Culture'.

Just Shoot Him
  An irreverent look at the sickening
shooting of Ovando by former Officer Rafael in LA.

Fourth Inmate To Be Freed In Wake Of
LAPD Corruption
'Court TV Online' article (November 18th, 2000) makes me ask How many
people are going to go free at the end of this scandal, if an end is
ever reached? How will any jury be able to look and listen to any

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Putin: Once A KGB Thug, Always A KGB Thug

2006-11-25 Thread Linda Minor
Peter Levenda's work seems to indicate that there was an organized group 
of wandering bishops sponsored under the auspices of refugee members 
of Eastern Orthodox churches in Russia or other areas under Soviet 
influence.  Some of these groups in the early 1960's were part of the 
network named by the Torbitt Document as the financing arm of the 
assassination of JFK (such as Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, as 
well as Tolstoy Foundation), along with wandering bishops like David 
Ferrie and Jack Martin of New Orleans.  Torbitt also named Protestant 
offshoots (such as American Council of Christian Churches).

See,1,01,1,6,01.htm :
According to the Torbitt Document, J. Edgar Hoover asked his friend 
Carl McIntire to set up the ACCC.
   The American  Council  of   Christian Churches. A.C.C.C.'s West 
Coast representative, E.E. Bradley, was indicted  by  the  New Orleans 
Grand Jury for complicity  in  the assassination. A.C.C.C. launched a 
campaign in 1964, at J.  Edgar Hoover's request, to elect him President 
of the United States.7
   In 1941, J. Edgar Hoover had his good friend and agent, Carl 
McIntire, organized the espionage and intelligence unit under  the 
cover  name  American Council of Christian  Churches  with  the 
headquarters  in New York City. _This group was able  to  take  in many  
innocent  religious  groups who  did  not  know  they  were connected  
with a spy and propaganda agency_. However, Hoover  and McIntire  
through this guise were able to place agents posing  as ministers and 
missionaries throughout the United States and  most Latin American 

Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

 There are a lot more assassinations in the US than people realize. But
 first the US thugocracy tries bribes, then blackmail, then harrassment
 in degrees. By the time they get to murder, many are so depressed
 about being dead-ended in their careers that they may actually be
 committing suicide.

VMANN: what of the satanic cult aspect of all this?
it seems to me that there is a phoenix style assassination program 
on US

soil, under the guise of serial killers, which create the illusion of
random, motiveless crime. j edgar hoover said there is no such 
thing as

a mafia. there is no such thing as organized crime in the united states.
today, people say the same thing about the murder for hire across the
entire country in the form of these satanic cult groups, whose main
functions include narcotics trafficking and leveraging prominent citizens.
vigilius haufniensis

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Putin: Once A KGB Thug, Always A KGB Thug

2006-11-25 Thread Linda Minor

Actually, it's the same shit, according to Levenda.

Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

yeah thanks.  im mainly referring to the MAURY TERRY material on the 
son of sam cult, vis a vis the Process Church of the Final 
Judgement.  and Dave McGowens non-wingtv style ruppert wanking 
material in his book THE POLITICS OF SERIAL MURDER.  and max call's 
HAND OF DEATH, about henry lee lucas.  shit like that.

- Original Message -
*From:* Linda Minor mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Saturday, November 25, 2006 9:05 AM
*Subject:* Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Putin: Once A KGB Thug, Always A
KGB Thug

Peter Levenda's work seems to indicate that there was an organized
group of wandering bishops sponsored under the auspices of
refugee members of Eastern Orthodox churches in Russia or other
areas under Soviet influence.  Some of these groups in the early
1960's were part of the network named by the Torbitt Document as
the financing arm of the assassination of JFK (such as Russian
Orthodox Church Outside Russia, as well as Tolstoy Foundation),
along with wandering bishops like David Ferrie and Jack Martin of
New Orleans.  Torbitt also named Protestant offshoots (such as
American Council of Christian Churches).

See,1,01,1,6,01.htm :
According to the Torbitt Document, J. Edgar Hoover asked his
friend Carl McIntire to set up the ACCC.
The American  Council  of   Christian Churches. A.C.C.C.'s
West Coast representative, E.E. Bradley, was indicted  by  the 
New Orleans Grand Jury for complicity  in  the assassination.

A.C.C.C. launched a campaign in 1964, at J.  Edgar Hoover's
request, to elect him President of the United States.7
In 1941, J. Edgar Hoover had his good friend and agent, Carl
McIntire, organized the espionage and intelligence unit under  the
cover  name  American Council of Christian  Churches  with  the
headquarters  in New York City. _This group was able  to  take  in
many  innocent  religious  groups who  did  not  know  they  were
connected  with a spy and propaganda agency_. However, Hoover  and
McIntire  through this guise were able to place agents posing  as
ministers and missionaries throughout the United States and  most
Latin American countries

Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

 There are a lot more assassinations in the US than people
realize. But
 first the US thugocracy tries bribes, then blackmail, then
 in degrees. By the time they get to murder, many are so depressed
 about being dead-ended in their careers that they may actually be
 committing suicide.

VMANN: what of the satanic cult aspect of all this?
it seems to me that there is a phoenix style assassination
program on US
soil, under the guise of serial killers, which create the
illusion of
random, motiveless crime. j edgar hoover said there is no such
thing as
a mafia. there is no such thing as organized crime in the united
today, people say the same thing about the murder for hire
across the
entire country in the form of these satanic cult groups, whose
functions include narcotics trafficking and leveraging prominent
vigilius haufniensis

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[cia-drugs] Don't blame me. It's THEIR fault

2006-11-04 Thread Linda Minor

Richard Perle: "Huge mistakes were made, and I want to be
very clear on this: They were not made by neoconservatives,
who had
almost no voice in what happened, and certainly almost no voice
in what
happened after the downfall of the regime in Baghdad. I'm getting damn
tired of being described as an architect of the war. I was in favor of
bringing down Saddam. Nobody said, 'Go design the campaign to do that.'
I had no responsibility for that."
Kenneth Adelman: "The problem here is not a selling job. The
problem is a performance job. Rumsfeld has said that the war
never be lost in Iraq, it could only be lost in Washington. I don't
think that's true at all. We're losing in Iraq. I've worked with
[Rumsfeld] three times in my life. I've been to each of his houses, in
Chicago, Taos, Santa Fe, Santo Domingo, and Las Vegas. I'm
very, very
fond of him, but I'm crushed by his performance. Did he change, or were
we wrong in the past? Or is it that he was never really challenged
before? I don't know. He certainly fooled me."
Eliot Cohen, director of the strategic-studies program at the
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
International Studies and member of
the Defense Policy Board: "I wouldn't be surprised if what we end
up drifting toward is some sort of withdrawal on some sort of timetable
and leaving the place in a pretty ghastly mess. I do think it's
to end up encouraging various strands of Islamism, both Shia and Sunni,
and probably will bring de-stabilization of some regimes of a more
traditional kind, which already have their problems. The best news is
that the United States remains a healthy, vibrant, vigorous society. So
in a real pinch, we can still pull ourselves together. Unfortunately,
it will probably take another big hit. And a very different quality of
leadership. Maybe we'll get it."


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2006-11-01 Thread Linda Minor

Real Deal: U.S. History Uncensored - Introduction
Tuesday, 31 October 2006, 3:56 pm
Column: Carolyn Baker

Catherine Austin Fitts' 
Mapping the Real Deal
UNCENSORED: What Your High School Textbook Didnt Tell
Carolyn Baker,

U.S. History
inventor and entrepreneur, Henry Ford, is famous not only
for his astounding success in making the automobile
available to nearly every American family in the 1920s, but
also for his famous quote: History is bunk. Many
historians, offended by Fords abrupt dismissal of the
subject, defensively retort that history is not bunk and set
out to prove their case regarding the relevance and
significance of the study of history. 
The reader may be
surprised to learn that on one level, I agree with Ford. A
few years ago while browsing the titles in the history
section of my local bookstore, my eyes fell upon James
Loewens  Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your
American History Textbook Got Wrong. Instantaneously, I
snatched the book from the shelf and began frantically
shuffling through its pages. Presently, I realized that
Loewen had elucidated the exasperation of countless teachers
of American history, and I could barely wait to get the book
home where I could pore over his words without interruption.
A sociologist by trade, Loewen articulates brilliantly the
effects upon a society when its citizens are ignorant of
their history and shines an almost blinding light on some of
the most sacrosanct American historical legends. 
By and
large, Americans do not consider themselves ignorant of
their history. Yet, most are still under the influence of
grammar-school indoctrination in the discovery of
America by Columbus and the myth of George Washingtons
confession to his father that he, indeed, could not tell a
lie and did, in fact, cut down the cherry tree. Sadly, in
the technologically-obsessed twenty-first century, any
knowledge of history beyond these mythical snippets is
onerous or simply extraneous to
the real world.
[keep reading at url above..]

[cia-drugs] Contractors tell you who THEY love

2006-10-28 Thread Linda Minor
Halliburton Voter Guide

Posted by Evan Derkacz at 11:51 AM
on October 27, 2006.
 Contractors tell you who THEY love...

Via anonymous tipster, comes a voter guide from the Contract
Services Association (CSA) that you won't want to miss! 
The CSA, whose president Christopher Jahn,
was the Chief of Staff for Wyoming Republican Craig Thomas, is an influential
organization of Military (and other) government contractors, with
$40 billion in contracts. Some of the 200 or so
members you'll recognize as major providers of Iraq War personnel and

  Kellogg Brown and Root (a Halliburton subsidiary)
  L-3 Communications
  Lockheed Martin
  Northrop Grumman
  Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc.
  The Shaw Group, Inc.
  Wackenhut Corporation

The CSA also has an illustrious history of lobbying
regulations on human trafficking: "A proposal prohibiting defense
contractor involvement in human trafficking for forced prostitution and
labor was drafted by the Pentagon last summer, but five defense
lobbying groups oppose key provisions..." 
Let's see if you can
spot the pattern in the members of the Senate loved by your friendly
neighborhood military contractor... And special gift for the reader who
creates a spreadsheet from the House
PDF that matches my Senate spreadsheet below...

[cia-drugs] Saddam Hussein's show trial -American puppet theater

2006-10-28 Thread Linda Minor
Posted by Joshua Holland at 2:20
PM on October 27, 2006.

Earlier in the week I wrote about the likely death sentence to be
handed down in Saddam Hussein's show trial just two days
before the
mid-term elections. If you missed it, read it here. 
I wrote that, I didn't know for a fact that most observers expected the
trial to take far longer. But, according to Scott Horton, an adjunct
professor at the Columbia University Law School who has visited Baghdad
several times, that does appear to be the case.
According to the Institute for Public Accuracy, Horton said
observers expected the date would be much later, but it seems to
been moved up. It will be front page news in the papers on Monday --
the day before the election. This is designed to show some progress
Iraq. The American public will see Saddam condemned to death and see it
as a positive thing.
When you look at
polling figures, there have been three significant spike points. One
was the date on which Saddam was captured. The second was the purple
fingers election. The third was Zarqawi being killed. Based on those
three, it's easy to project that they will get a mild bump out of this.
I'd add that these have been short-lived spikes. Longer than two
days, but short-lived. 
 In my experience, everything that comes out of Baghdad is
very carefully prepared for U.S. domestic consumption.  There is a
team of American lawyers working as special legal advisers out of the
U.S. embassy, who drive the tribunal.
They have been involved in preparing the case and overseeing it from
the beginning. The trial, which is shown on TV, has mild entertainment
value for Iraqis, but they refer to it regularly as an American
Tom Englehardt pointed out
in The Nation
that the media haven't even taken note of the timing in their coverage.
This kind of transparent manipulation of something as important as
seeing justice served for the tens of thousands of Iraqis tortured and
killed by Hussein for the sake of the GOP's prospects in the mid-term
elections is simply outrageous. Reporters should be asking hard
questions about it in Washington and in Baghdad -- this should be a
major story. 
It's a perfect opportunity to dig into the revelations contained in
Michael Gordon's Cobra II
about how everything done in the "Battle for Baghdad" was carefully
scripted for U.S. domestic consumption, and in Rajiv
Chandrasekaran's Emerald City about how the
Green Zone is awash in Republican political appointees,
many of whom have no visible qualifications for their posts beyond
party loyalty. If the media were doing their jobs this craven act might
back-fire on the Republicans as it should. 
Can you take a minute and give me a hand? Beneath the fold are some
selected media contacts. A brief, polite
note asking them why they're not covering this issue -- why they're not
asking the appropriate questions -- would be really helpful. Contact
your local media as well. Reference Scott Horton's statement above.
And any members of the press can e-mail me for
Horton's contact info.

NBC, MSNBC, Newsweek: Contact
ABC News: Contact
CNN: Contact
New York Times: Contact
Washington Post: 
National desk. 
Foreign desk.
LA Times: 
desk contact form. 
desk contact form.
Chicago Tribune: 
George de Lama. Deputy
Managing Editor, News. 
Kenneth H. Bredemeier,
Washington Bureau News Editor. 
Hugh Dellios, Foreign Editor.
Washington Bureau.
Associated Press.
Here are 570 more
press contacts collected by timroff at DailyKos.


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[cia-drugs] Ellsberg: Hastert got suitcases of Al Qaeda heroin cash

2006-10-23 Thread Linda Minor

Saturday, October 21, 2006
 Ellsberg: Hastert got suitcases of Al Qaeda
heroin cash, should be in jail 
Over at DU, Randy mentioned
' untranscribed interview between Ellsberg and Kris Welch of KPFA from
Sept. '05'' - I actually hadn't heard it before (dammit!) - so I found it,
and it is no longer 'untranscribed' (at least the Sibel related bits.)

Ellsberg said that Dennis Hastert received suitcases of cash at his
home from Turkish heroin money and that Hastert should be in jail,
along with his friends.

He also says that people in the State
Department, and in nuclear labs, are paid in 'cold cash' for secrets
that are sold on the nuclear black market.

He also says that a
Dem Congress "could be pressed into holding genuine investigations of
the torture, of the corruption, getting rid of Hastert, and starting
impeachment proceedings."

All errors are mine, some snippage, usual disclaimers, etc.


Kris Welch: I know you just met
with Sibel Edmonds - what's the key thing about Sibel Edmonds' case?

Daniel Ellsberg:
For several years, Sibel has been really hoping to get her case into a
court, or into a hearing room in Congress. That's pretty well
impossible with Republicans in charge of hearings - they won't hold
any. She has told her story on a classified basis to several
congressional venues, plus the 911 Commission - none of whom have done
anything with it so far - it's too hot for them, essentially. You get a
pretty good clue as to why the congressional people haven't pressed it
in the article
about her in the current Vanity Fair issue. Sibel is not yet in a
position to tell all, but has been telling more and more.

me suggest two interviews with her that have come out since the VF
article that go a good deal further than VF chose to print. VF did
print ten pages and they got a lot but there was a lot that the
reporter had, David Rose, that didn't get into the article, and a lot
of that is in these two other interviews - both at, Chris Deliso
and Scott
In those interviews she finally reveals more of what she wished that VF
had put out. Namely, if I can summarize it quickly, Al Qaeda, she's
been saying to congress, according to these interviews, is financed 95%
by drug money - drug traffic to which the US government shows a blind
eye, has been ignoring, because it very heavily involves allies and
assets of ours - such as Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan,
Afghanistan - all the 'Stans - in a drug traffic where the opium
originates in Afghanistan, is processed in Turkey, and delivered to
Europe where it furnishes 96% of Europe's heroin, by Albanians, either
in Albania or Kosovo - Albanian Muslims in Kosovo - basically the KLA,
the Kosovo Liberation Army which we backed heavily in that episode at
the end of the century.

It was known at the time that the KLA
consisted largely of drug-dealers, and they still do. They're
dominating the politics, pretty much, of Kosovo right now. Now, all of
these people are, for various reasons, allies, or clients, of the US -
and the fact that they get a large amount of their income from the
heroin trade is something the US just regards as the price of doing
business with them. That means that not only is the heroin coming into
our markets where it furnishes, according to Sibel based on her FBI
experience, some 14% of our heroin - up from 4% before the invasion of

The major effect of that is that terrorist gangs
are taking a cut of this, including Al Qaeda, which essentially taxes
this traffic as it goes through the various lands where each 'band'
pays a percentage as they hand it off. In other words, the US is in
effect, endorsing - well, 'endorsing' is too strong a word -
'permitting', definitely permitting, or 'not acting against,' a heroin
trade - which not only corrupts our cities and our city politics, AND
our congress, as Sibel makes very specific - but is financing the
terrorist organization that constitutes a genuine threat to us. And
this seems to be a fact that is accepted by our top leaders, according
to Sibel, for various geopolitical reasons, and for corrupt reasons as
well. Sometimes things are simpler than they might appear - and they
involve envelopes of cash. Sibel says that suitcases of cash have been
delivered to the Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, at his home,
near Chicago, from Turkish sources, knowing that a lot of that is drug

Now these are pretty inflammatory allegations, let's say,
and it's note-worthy that they haven't even been picked up by the
mainstream press. The Vanity Fair article made that plain, though not
in as much detail as the interviews - but not one major
newspaper I don't think has picked up her allegations against Hastert
which are very specific, and one would think very important.

Kris Welch: Dennis Hastert's
name is mentioned in 

[cia-drugs] What do Mark Foley and Larry Craig have in common?

2006-10-18 Thread Linda Minor

here to listen to me talk to Ed Schultz about Larry Craig.

the Mark Foley scandal broke earlier this month, increasing attention
has been paid to the hypocrisy of Republican leaders. Every election
year, these party leaders make what many of us see as anti-gay appeals
to religious conservative voters who object to what they disparagingly
call the "homosexual lifestyle." What these party leaders don't tell
these voters is how many of them actually lead secret lives which
include sexual encounters with members of the same sex. Recent stories
in USA
Today, National
Journal, the Los Angeles Times and the New
York Times
have discussed this GOP messaging problem. As readers know, my work is
bipartisan. The recent use of gays by the Republican Party during this
election makes it necessary to focus on the Party and how it
facilitates keeping gay men closeted.

My tactics at blogACTIVE
have taken a new path from those of the past. Reporting on hypocrisy
within the gay community has been going on for years.

My goal with this site and my companion site, Proud Of Who We Are,
is to take that message further. To educate not just gays and lesbians
about these homophobes, but to educate the greater electorate at large.
Because of this, I find myself in the odd position of being one of the
few people who seems to be willing to tell religious conservatives, who
don't approve of people like me, just how many conservative political
leaders are like me.

I have been calling on gay Republican
representatives, senators, and high-level staffers to stand up and be
proud of who they are, to level with voters about the truth, and to let
people decide on their politicians based on truth, honesty and openness.

this message is posted, I have apppeared on the Ed Schultz Show, a
nationally syndicated radio program broadcast in more than 100 cities
and on Sirius Satellite. On the show I have called on Senator Larry
Craig to end his years of hypocrisy by leveling with Idahoans about who
he really is. I am also calling upon several prominent Idaho social
conservative leaders to ask them how they square their anti-gay
positions with their support for this leader.

I have done
extensive research into this case, including trips to the Pacific
Northwest to meet with men who have say they have physical relations
with the Senator. I have also met with a man here in Washington, D.C.,
who says the same -- and that these incidents occurred in the bathrooms
of Union Station. None of these men know each other, or knew that I was
talking to others. They all reported similar personal characteristics
about the Senator, which lead me to believe, beyond any doubt, that
their stories are valid.

Larry Craig being mentioned as possibly
connected to Congressional scandals is nothing new. Check out these
video clips from 1982 when he preemptively denied his involvement in a
Congressional sex and drug scandal. (I love what he says about
unmarried people back then and how often do politicians issue
preemptive denials based on rumors?)

Two clips--Sex, Drugs and Congressional Pages.
1. Steven R. Valentine, book by a former Page
2. Roger Mudd report in 1981 about Larry Craig and Congressional
personnel drug delivery network.

Craig has consistently relied on the support of Idaho's "values
voters," but he has not been honest with them about his own conduct.
Conservatives and liberals are both standing up and recognizing the
hypocrisy of elected officials like Senator Larry Craig. The time for
treating Americans one way and behaving in another is over.

By: Michael Rogers

[cia-drugs] Bill Moyers on PBS -- The Net @ Risk: Big, Bigger, Biggest Media

2006-10-18 Thread Linda Minor

Backgrounder: Big and Bigger Media
Media ownership rules are
again a topic of debate on Capitol Hill, as the rules come up for a
review and Republican Kevin Martin undergoes hearings to reconfirm him
as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Senator Barbara
Boxer grilled Martin about an FCC study on local media ownership, which
found local reporting decreased markedly after the Telecommunications
Act of 1996. In 1984, the number of companies owning controlling
interests in America's media was 50  today that number is six. Critics
of media consolidation say it has led to fewer and fewer voices being
heard  and a marked decrease in local news coverage. Some media
watchers are worried that the much touted "free for all" of the
Internet will go the same way. Proponents of "net neutrality" worry
that the cable and telecom companies providing the bulk of Internet
connectivity will use new fee structures, which may favor some content
providers over others. Phone and cable companies have a near monopoly
over Internet service. More precisely, it's a 'duopoly' - which means
that in more than 90 percent of American homes in the U.S [more]
Class Is in Session...
In 1941, the federal government regulated the ownership of media
outlets to ensure a broad spectrum of opinion. The Local Radio
Ownership Rule, National TV Ownership Rule stated that a broadcaster
cannot own television stations that reach more than 35% of the nation's
homes. Many other regulations followed as the American media landscape
changed. In the 1980s the climate changed in the U.S. -- fewer federal
regulations became the order of the day under President Reagan. (View
a timeline of media regulation.)

Then came the Telecommunications Act of 1996, signed into law by
President Clinton. It is generally regarded as the most important
legislation regulating media ownership in over a decade. The radio
industry experienced unprecedented consolidation after the 40-station
ownership cap was lifted. Clear Channel Communications now owns 1200
stations, in all 50 states, reaching, according to their Web site, more
than 110 million listeners every week. Viacom's Infinity radio network
holds more than 180 radio stations in 41 markets. Its holdings are
concentrated in the 50 largest radio markets in the United States. In
1999, Infinity owned and operated six of the nation's Top 10 radio
Then in 2003 ownership limits came up for review again -- media
companies wanted ownership rules relaxed further. Among the proposed
changes: allowing greater cross-ownership in media markets (newspapers
and broadcast stations, radio and television stations) and caps on
television and radio stations ownership raised in large markets. In
addition, the FCC proposed that a single entity could own television
stations reaching up to 45 percent of the national viewership, an
increase from 35 percent. 

In 2003, Barry Diller, the man who created Fox Broadcasting and ran ABC
Entertainment, Paramount, Vivendi Universal, spoke out against the rule
changes to an industry group - and to Bill Moyers. (Diller is currently
chairman and CEO of USA Interactive, itself an empire of informational
services from the Home Shopping Network to Ticketmaster.)

What about the fairness doctrine?

Critics of consolidation fear that the fewer the owners the fewer the
voices on the airwaves. Several recent cases -- among them Sinclair
Broadcasting's decision not black out names and faces in an episode of
NIGHTLINE which listed the names of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq - have
media watchers saying conglomerates have too much power over the
message heard.

The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, called for
stations to offer "equal opportunity" to all legally qualified
political candidates running for office. In 1949, the FCC adopted the
"fairness doctrine," a policy that viewed station licensees as "public
trustees" and, as such, responsible for addressing controversial issues
of public importance. The key requirement was that stations allowed
opportunity for discussion of contrasting points of view on these

By the 1980s, many stations saw the FCC rules as an
unnecessary burden. Some journalists considered the fairness doctrine a
violation of the First Amendment rights of free speech and free press;
they felt reporters should be able to make their own decisions about
balancing stories. In order to avoid the requirement of presenting
contrasting viewpoints, some journalists chose not to cover certain
controversial issues at all. In addition, the political climate of the
Reagan administration favored deregulation. When the fairness doctrine
came before the courts in 1987, they decided that since Congress did
not mandate the doctrine, it did not have to be enforced. 

(You can also see how the major news stations prioritize the news by
visiting the Tyndall Report. Andrew Tyndall has watched the major

[cia-drugs] Soldiers in 'guns for coke' scandal--Sunday Times - Britain

2006-09-24 Thread Linda Minor,,2087-2372277,00.html



 The Sunday Times - Britain











  The Sunday Times
  September 24, 2006


Soldiers in 'guns for coke' scandal
David Leppard






soldiers have been caught smuggling stolen guns out of Iraq and
allegedly exchanging them for cocaine and cash on the black market.
Security officials confirmed this weekend that soldiers from the
3rd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment are at the centre of a criminal
inquiry by the Royal Military Police (RMP) into a guns for cocaine
alleged involvement with organised crime is a fresh blow to the British
Army after a week in which a corporal from the Duke of Lancasters
Regiment admitted he had committed a war crime against an Iraqi
Although drug use is increasing in the armed forces, this is
the first time military police have evidence that stolen weapons are
being sold to pay for them. 
One of the first soldiers from the Yorkshire Regiment to have
been arrested is alleged to have bought drugs by trading handguns,
including Glock pistols, smuggled from Iraq to Germany on at least six
A security source said some of the weapons had been exchanged
for about 50 grams of cocaine with a street value of 2,500. The drugs
were sold to other British soldiers serving in Iraq. 
The source said it was unclear whether the weapons were army issue
or seized from Iraqi insurgent groups. 
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) fears the soldiers may have been
doing business with members of organised crime syndicates in Germany.
The battalion has a base near Fallingbostel, north of Hanover. 
One security official said: Who did the guns go to? And what
purpose did they want guns for? Did they take them back to the UK and
sell them on? Are they in the hands of Yardies? The case is being
overseen by the Army Prosecuting Authority and falls under the
jurisdiction of a court martial. The battalion completed a tour of duty
in southern Iraq last year and is now based in Warminster, Wiltshire. 
As Iraq slides further into chaos, the country has become
awash with illicit weapons, many provided to the Iraqi police by
America and Britain. 
The army is suffering an epidemic of drug abuse. Earlier this
year The Sunday Times revealed how the army regiment involved in the
first Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal was awash with drugs as the soldiers
went to war. 
One former fusilier claimed that 75 men from his company, some
60% of its strength, regularly took cocaine, ecstasy or marijuana.
Theres guys who have to have two or three lines of coke before they
can operate, he said. 
According to a parliamentary answer, 1,020 army personnel
tested positive for drugs last year, including 520 cases using class A
drugs  a 50% rise in the past five years. 
The MoD confirmed the RMP inquiry but declined to comment further.

[cia-drugs] Missing Keynes

2006-07-10 Thread Linda Minor

Missing Keynes

By: Chris Sanders
Date: 10-07-2006

If you don’t know what a Peaker is, you should. In fact you should
treat yourself to an Italian holiday and attend the fifth annual
conference next week of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil in
Pisa, where SRA’s Chris Sanders will be speaking along with Colin
Campbell. In the meantime, don’t worry about Peak Oil. The European
Commission is on the case. Well, sort of. And most reassuringly,
Goldman Sachs says not to worry, all it takes is your money. Read on….

Follow this link:

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[cia-drugs] SRA: Overview: The Corporation Militant

2006-07-04 Thread Linda Minor
Follow this link:

The Corporation Militant

By: Chris Sanders
Date: 04-07-2006

 War crimes and corporate profits are not an obvious match, but the connections 
are tighter than you think.
Follow this link:

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[cia-drugs] WMR - new feature --news propagandists

2006-07-04 Thread Linda Minor
July 2/3, 2006 -- WMR is going to begin a new feature,
a spotlight on those members of the corporate media and public
relations spin machine, and their mostly GOP/neo-con shill relatives,
especially their spouses.
Our first spotlight is directed at Howard Kurtz, the ostentatious
apologist for the Bush administration in his coverage of the corporate
media for the elitist Washington Post. The following chart
will be expanded and serve as a permanent feature on WMR (additions are
This may go a long way in explaining why the corporate media is so
biased in favor of the Bush regime. This morning, many corpo-media web
sites are featuring the "celebration" ceremony of the conservative
lickspittle candidate in Mexico's presidential election before all the
votes have been counted. We urge our Mexican readers to provide us with
a list of the GOP operatives and Democratic Leadership Council Fifth
Columnists and traitors to the progressive cause who descended upon
your country during the election campaign to engage in vote fraud.
Based on the early reports of fraud throughout Mexico, American
Democrats and progressives should seek judicial restraining orders
barring these Gringo "campaign consultants" from having anything to do
with our own election in November if we can prove their recent illegal
activities across the southern border. If child molesters can be
prevented by court order from getting anywhere near a school or
playground, the same should hold true for those who engage in electoral
fraud working at polling place or campaign headquarters.


  Job title of spouse/relative

  Howard Kurtz, Washington Post
  Sheri Annis (wife)
  Pres. Fourth Estate Strategies, GOP
campaign consultant, 2002 spokesperson for Arnold Schwarzenegger, media
consultant for various anti-immigration California propositions,
including Prop. 227, which eliminated various California bi-lingual
education programs. Has written for the neo-con National Review.

  Campbell Brown, NBC News
  Dan Senor (husband)
  Former Coalition Provisional Authority chief spokesman,
contributor to Fox News, former intern for American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC), senior associate of The Carlyle Group.
director US-Israel Business Exchange (USIBEX), 

  Wendy Senor Singer (sister-in-law)
  Head of AIPAC office in Jerusalem.

  Saul Singer (brother-in-law)
  Opinion editor of Jerusalem Post.

  Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, Karl Rove
adviser, formerly with The New Republic.
  Barbara Ledeen (wife)
  Staffer, Senate Republican Conference.

  Simone Ledeen (daughter)
  Former Iraq Coalition Provisional Authrity adviser to
occupation Iraqi Ministry of Finance for northern Iraqi affairs

  Brit Hume, Managing Editor, Fox News, Washington
  Kim Schiller Hume (wife)
  Fox News Washington Bureau Chief, Vice President Fox News.

  Carl Cameron, Fox News
  Pauline Cameron (wife)
  Campaigned for George W. Bush's 2000 election.

  John Ellis, Fox News
  George W. Bush (cousin)
  In charge of 2000 election projections for Fox News.

  Tucker Carlson, MSNBC
  Richard Carlson (father)
  Vice Chairman of neo-con Foundation for the Defense of
Democracies (FDD), member Scooter Libby Legal Defense Fund Trust

  Danielle Pletka, American Enterprise Institute
  Stephen Rademaker (husband)
  Then-Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control John
Bolton's deputy. 

  Veronique Rodman, American Enterprise Institute
  Peter Rodman (husband)
  Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security
Affairs. Former senior editor of National Review and signatory of the
Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Although PNAC recently
closed its doors, its core members are connected to successor neo-con
elements, including FDD and the Committee on the Present Danger.

  Bob Schieffer, CBS News
  Tom Schieffer (brother)
  U.S. Ambassador to Japan, former U.S. Ambassador to
Australia, G. W. Bush's Manager of Texas Rangers.

  Anne Applebaum, Washington Post
  Radek Sikorski (husband)
  Defense Minister of Poland, former Fellow, American
Enterprise Institute

  Jim VandeHei, Washington Post
  Autumn Hanna (wife)
  Former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay.

  Andrea Mitchell, NBC News
  Alan Greenspan (husband)
  Former Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank


July 3, 2006 -- WMR has learned of another massive data
theft that was initially reported in February of this year. Providence
Health Homes Services of Portland, Oregon reported the theft of data
tapes and disks that contained the names, 

[cia-drugs] Bolton still works for James A. Baker III

2006-06-15 Thread Linda Minor
olton perspired heavily.
  Michael Carmichael became a professional
affairs consultant, author and broadcaster in 1968.He worked in five
American presidential campaigns for progressive candidates from RFK to
Clinton.In 2003, he founded The Planetary Movement, a nonprofit public
affairs organization based in the United Kingdom. He has appeared as a
public affairs expert on the BBC's Today, Hardtalk, and PM, as well as
numerous appearances on ITN, NPR and European broadcasts examining
politics and culture. He can be reached through his website: 
  Bolton rejects grand bargain with Iran
  Woman accuses Bolton of harassment
  Bolton Delay Offensive to
Jewish Community, Says JINSA
  Israel's UN ambassador slams Qatar, praises
U.S. envoy Bolton
Israel's UN ambassador slams Qatar, praises U.S. envoy Bolton 
  Larry Flynt: Bush UN nominee won't answer
questions about troubled marriage

  John R. Bolton
  Who Is John Bolton?
  John Bolton  Profile 
  Rice's Iran Gambit
  John Bolton - officialssay



See SRA's 'A Government Cult' by Linda Minor


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[cia-drugs] Rumsfeld Colbert-ed by CIA man (video)

2006-05-05 Thread Linda Minor

Posted by Evan Derkacz at 2:09 PM
on May 4, 2006.

It's contagious.




CIA vet Ray McGovern, whose articles
frequently appear on AlterNet, stood up today and asked Rumsfeld
why he
lied to the American people about WMD. From John Amato, who has the
Rumsfeld: appears that there were not weapons of mass
destruction there.
McGovern: You said you knew where they were.
Rumsfeld: I did not. I said I knew where suspect sites were
McGovern: You said you knew where they were. Tikrit,
Baghdad, northeast, south, west of there. Those are your words.
Rumsfeld: My words-my words were that-no-no, wait a minute--wait a
minute. Let him stay one second. Just a second 
did McGovern screw the pooch on this one. What
Rummy actually said was:
"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad
and east, west, south and north somewhat."
See the wording? The
way it's all out of order and inexact? Unfortunately, much as he was
thrown off his game and forced to lie to cover his earlier lie and then
lie again when it came to al Qaeda/Saddam connections, Rumsfeld gets to
play the part of the elder statesman to the sheep-like audience who boo
and want McGovern kicked out. 
No no, Rummy says, keep him in
here. The following questioner, unfortunately cut off at the end of the
video, couldn't have been more advantageous, all but urinating on
McGovern and fellating the Secretary. Rummy called out in Atlanta!
(Crooks  Liars)

Ray McGovern,who was in the
CIA for
twenty seven years asked him why he lied about the run-up to the Iraq
war. Rumsfeld then proceeded to lie to McGovern to cover up his earlier
statements about WMD's being in Iraq. He also tries to use the troops
in his defense, a terrible strategy, but not uncommon unfortunately.
Notice, at the end of the clip, Ray gets vilified for askingRumsfeld
some pointed questions. We can't have that, no-no-no
  reader DoverBcomes through:
  MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, weapons of mass
destruction. Key goal of the military campaign is finding those weapons
of mass destruction. None have been found yet. There was a raid on the
Answar Al-Islam Camp up in the north last night. A lot of people
expected to find ricin there. None was found. How big of a problem is
that? And is it curious to you that given how much control U.S. and
coalition forces now have in the country, they haven't found any
weapons of mass destruction?
SEC. RUMSFELD: Not at all. If you
think -- let me take that, both pieces -- the
area in the south and the
west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial. It
happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were
dispersed. We know where they are.
They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and
north somewhat. 
  THIS Week
  Update: Here's
the transcriptof
the clip... (h/t Marcus)

[cia-drugs] trashing Stephen Colbert

2006-05-04 Thread Linda Minor

This Colbert issue reminds me of what Phil Graham, husband of
Katharine Graham of the Washington Post said about the media
shortly before he was locked up in a mental hospital and committed

  As Carol Felsenthal
relates in her book, as his depressive moods increased, Phil had become
sick of
sapless Unitarianism and was increasingly drawn to Catholicism to
bring some
shape and rootedness to his lifereal religion.[i]
father had not been happy about his sons marriage to Katherine Meyer. He distrusted Wall Street and Jews.
  At the end of his life, Phil was coming
around to his fathers way of thinking.
  While working to settle a strike involving the International
Typographical Union against the publishers in April 1963, Phil told
the union
leader, Bertram Powers that a publisher could do anything he wanted to
do and
it wouldnt be reported. I can go out
to Times Square right now and shit, he said, and you wouldnt read a
about it in any paper.[ii] Felsenthal emphasized how true that statement
turned out to be the day after Grahams brilliant tirade in Phoenix,
when he
was physically restrained and transported by Presidential jet to the
  It was
almost as if he wanted to prove his point, his self-hatred feeding the
he felt for his colleagues. He had
undoubtedly chosen to have his ugly breakdown practically in their laps. With the exception of Sarah McClendon at
small Texas news service, no one in the country printed a word of it.[iii]

Felsenthal, p. 214.
Felsenthal, p. 212, quoting from an
interview with Powers.
Felsenthal, p. 217.

Greg Mitchell, Editor  Publisher
The same media that's trashing Stephen Colbert gave a pass to Bush's jokes about missing WMDs in Iraq two years earlier.

'The president makes decisions, he's the decider. The press
secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the
press type those decisions down.'


Robert Parry,
Intelligence Czar John Negroponte splashes cold water on the
neocons who are hot to attack Iran.


PEEK -- Juan Cole writes: 'We are not going to let you have
a war on Iran... So sit down and shut up.'

--New in Multimedia:

Against the Grain
On this episode of Against the Grain, a look at how spending
money on healthcare does not create a healthy society, and
the relationship between wealth and health.

*** New in THE MIX:
Maria Luisa Tucker asks, why do more Americans trust the government
than the media?

Onnesha Roychoudhuri on how Enron is still wreaking havoc:

*** The Latest From THE ECHO CHAMBER:
Deanna Zandt on how the American dream has become a nightmare for
most middle and lower class Americans

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[cia-drugs] free multi-database access during April

2006-04-16 Thread Linda Minor

Declassified Documents Reference System

  Published by Thomson Gale

On July 4, 1967, the Freedom of
Information Act was signed into law to assure public access to federal
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After 1974, as thousands of previously classified United States
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Documents Reference System
has become a major and highly respected source of information about
United States post-World War II domestic policy and international
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contains over 78,000 documents, constituting more than 450,000 pages of
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enables users to examine documents originating from a wealth of United
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   Cabinet meeting minutes
   National Security Council policy statements
   CIA intelligence studies
   Presidential conferences
   State Department political analyses
   Joint Chiefs papers

Covering major international events from the Cold War to the Vietnam
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Documents included in Declassified Documents Reference System
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--Reference Reviews (May 2001)

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[cia-drugs] Dictatorship is the danger.

2006-03-13 Thread Linda Minor
Title: Dictatorship is the danger, Reagan-appointed supreme court
justice voices her fears over attacks on US democracy

Dictatorship is the danger, Reagan-appointed supreme court
justice voices her fears over attacks on US de
The Heron's Latest Catch,,1729350,00.html

March 13, 2006
is the danger, Reagan-appointed supreme court justice voices her fears
over attacks on US democracy
Jonathan Raban
Monday March 13, 2006
The Guardian

Linking the words "America" and "dictatorship" is a daily staple of
leftwing blogs, which thrive on the idea that Bush administration
policies since 9/11 are taking the country ever closer to totalitarian
rule. Liberal fears that democracy is endangered by Republicans in
Congress are so widespread, so endemic to the jittery political climate
in the US, that they hardly bear repeating. It'll surprise no one to
learn that another voice was added to the chorus last Thursday, warning
that recent attacks on the American judiciary were putting the
democratic fabric in jeopardy and were the first steps down the
treacherous path to dictatorship. What is surprisingmore than that,
electrifyingis that the voice belonged to Sandra Day O'Connor, who
retired a few weeks ago from the supreme court. O'Connor is a
Republican and a Reagan nominee. Regarded as the "swing vote" on the
court, she swung the presidential election to George Bush in 2000.

Equally surprising is that O'Connor's speech to an audience of lawyers
at Georgetown University was attended by just one reporter, the
diligent legal correspondent for National Public Radio, Nina Totenberg.
No transcript or recording of the speech has been made available, so we
have only Totenberg's notes to go on. Butassuming they are
accuratethe notes are political dynamite.

O'Connor's voice was "dripping with sarcasm", according to Totenberg,
as she "took aim at former House GOP [Republican] leader Tom DeLay. She
didn't name him, but she quoted his attacks on the courts at a meeting
of the conservative Christian group Justice Sunday last year when DeLay
took out after the courts for rulings on abortions, prayer and the
Terri Schiavo case.

"It gets worse, she said, noting that death threats against judges are
increasing. It doesn't help, she said, when a high-profile senator
suggests there may be a connection between violence against judges and
decisions that the senator disagrees with."

Then she spoke the D-word. "I, said O'Connor, am against judicial
reforms driven by nakedly partisan reasoning. Pointing to the
experiences of developing countries and former communist countries
where interference with an independent judiciary has allowed
dictatorship to flourish, O'Connor said we must be ever-vigilant
against those who would strong-arm the judiciary into adopting their
preferred policies. It takes a lot of degeneration before a country
falls into dictatorship, she said, but we should avoid these ends by
avoiding these beginnings."

Delivered by someone who was, until recently, one of the nine guardians
of the US constitution, these are spine-chilling opinions, and you
might have thought they'd have been all over the papers the next day.
Not so. I happened to catch Totenberg's NPR report last Friday, and
have been following up references to it. A cable TV talkshow and a
handful of blogs have mentioned Totenberg's piece: otherwise there's
been a disquieting silence, as if the former justice had laid an
unsavoury egg and had best be politely ignored.

Why did O'Connor choose such a closed forum to air her thoughts? Why
was Totenberg the only reporter present? The possibility that America
is sliding toward dictatorship or an unprecedented form of corporate
oligarchy ought to be a matter of world concern. And if O'Connor
believes what she is reported to have said, surely she owes it to the
world to make public the prepared text of her remarks, which so far
have the dubious character of the scores of unverifiable leaks that
have passed for news in the compulsively secretive world of the Bush
administration. It's unsurprising that, say, Colin Powell chooses to
leak rather than speak out, but when a supreme court justice prefers to
whisper her fears to a coterie audience, it's hard to avoid the
inference that the whisper itself speaks volumes about the imperilled
democracy it purports to describe.

Death threats to judges figured importantly in O'Connor's speech, with
good reason. Last year, an Illinois federal judge found her husband and
mother murdered, and a Georgia state judge was shot dead in his
courtroom. Within days, Senator John Cornyn of Texas mused: "I wonder
whether there may be some connection between the perception in some
quarters, on some occasions, where judges are making political
decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and
builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in
violence." DeLay, speaking of the judges 

[cia-drugs] Re: Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a SYPTOM of a COV ER UP -

2006-02-03 Thread Linda Minor

I have to disagree. Abramoff is much more than a
sniffle. The reason for any attempts at covering up the scandal is
that it could disclose how the entire political structure of American
government has operated for decades. The Abramoff machine has been so
blatant in following a long-hidden model of financial operations that
closer scrutiny can reveal and end the procedure, if prosecutors and
legislators are really forced to follow up on what they find.

For example, Abramoff was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey, but moved
to Beverly Hills CA, in 1968-69. His father worked for Alfred S.
Bloomingdale--Diners' Club--the first card designed to launder mob
money into an alternative banking system. This was the money skimmed
from Las Vegas casinos, poured into Paradise Island, and later Atlantic
City--where Jack's uncle still lived and engaged in real estate
development and sales in partnership with Abramoff's father. 

Bloomingdale owned Ronald Reagan, and it was through that connection
that Jack got his job with the College Republicans and started his
owning consulting business. It was also through his dad's Hollywood
connections that he and his brother were able to produce his flop 1989
propaganda movie, "Red Scorpion." 

So we don't need to look around Abramoff, but behind him. Abramoff and
what he represents are much bigger than Bush himself. Bush is the
sniffle. Abramoff is the money that looks to make more money. Bush is
the front. Abramoff tells us who he is fronting for.


--- In, judson witham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 judson witham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006
06:09:56 -0800 (PST)
 From: judson witham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a
SYPTOM of a COV ER UP - not the main disease

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[cia-drugs] Earmarks, the currency of corruption

2006-01-27 Thread Linda Minor

K Street's New Ways Spawn More Pork
As Barriers With Lawmakers Fall, 'Earmarks' Grow

By Jonathan Weisman and Charles R. Babcock
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, January 27, 2006; Page A01
explosion of special interest funding engineered in part by lawmakers
with close ties to lobbyists is drawing increased scrutiny as Congress
moves to address concern about corruption that already has led to the
conviction of a Republican House member and former GOP lobbyist Jack
At issue is a symbiotic relationship between lawmakers
well positioned to slip special-interest projects into legislation, and
wealthy lobbying groups that raise large sums of campaign funds or
provide trips and other benefits to those lawmakers.

In the latest example of these backstage dealings, Rep. John T.
Doolittle (R-Calif.) told The Washington Post that he helped steer
defense funding, totaling $37 million, to a California company,
officials and lobbyists helped raise at least $85,000 for Doolittle and
his leadership political action committee from 2002 to 2005.
Wilkes, a director of the company, PerfectWave Technologies LLC,
and a
major contributor to House Republican leaders, was identified as
"Coconspirator No. 1" in criminal charges brought against Rep.
"Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.) late last year. Cunningham pleaded
in November and resigned from Congress after admitting he conspired to
take $2.4 million in bribes in return for using his office to help
Wilkes and another defense contractor, in part by placing earmarks
defense appropriations bills.
Doolittle said in a statement this
week that as one of three California Republicans on the House
Appropriations Committee, he frequently supports "well deserving
projects throughout the state." The statement added that his support of
PerfectWave Technology "was no exception and based completely on the
project's merits and the written support of the military."
link between special interests and members of Congress has grown so
tight that nearly a dozen House and Senate members who control federal
spending have retained lobbying veterans to raise campaign funds for
them, and those lobbyists have secured lucrative favors in spending
These relationships have coincided with the rapid growth
in the volume of home-state pork-barrel
projects, commonly called
earmarks, that have swelled appropriations bills in
recent years,
according to congressional experts and watchdog groups.
"It's the currency of corruption,"
Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said of appropriations earmarks.
the Republicans took control of Congress in 1994, the number of
home-district earmarks jumped from 4,155 valued at about $29 billion in
1994 to 14,211 worth nearly $53 billion 10 years later, according to
the Congressional Research Service.
Once a backwater for boutique
lobbying shops, the House and Senate Appropriations committees are
fueling a lobbying boom in Washington. The hunt for earmarks has become
so consuming that lawmakers are neglecting other duties, said Scott
Lilly, who recently retired as chief Democratic aide on the House
Appropriations Committee. Last year, the committee received 10,000
requests for home-district projects on one spending bill alone -- 25.4
projects per lawmaker, said committee spokesman John Scofield.
"It has become an obsession of the Congress," Lilly said. "That's
all they do."
Congress has provided large pots of money to federal, state and
agencies, such as housing authorities and transportation departments,
which then funded specific programs based on merit and local need. The
Appropriations committees funded specific projects only when they had
been vetted and approved by authorizing committees, such as the Armed
Services Committee.

But increasingly, lawmakers have gone around
authorizers and agency officials to finance pet projects in their home
districts. House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) secured $207
million for the "Prairie Parkway" through Kane and Kendall counties in
Illinois in last year's major highway law, although the Illinois
Department of Transportation is only two years into a five-year study
of the project and has not yet determined whether a highway is needed
or whether improvements to existing roads would suffice.
The hunt
for earmarks on Capitol Hill and on K Street has opened up new
for lobbyists and lawmakers to come together. Seven
members of the
House Appropriations Committee -- Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.),
Ernest J. Istook Jr. (R-Okla.), Kay Granger (R-Tex.), Dennis Rehberg
(R-Mont.), John E. Sweeney (R-N.Y.), Rosa L. DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Ed
Pastor (D-Ariz.) -- have political action committees headed by
registered lobbyists or former registered lobbyists with business
before the committee, according to the Center for Public Integrity and

[cia-drugs] [Fwd: Abramoff charity's claims disputed]

2005-12-15 Thread Linda Minor
Groups listed as beneficiaries of more than $330,000 in gifts say
they never got them
 By Chuck Lindell
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Athletic Foundation, a charity run by disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff
now at the center of an influence-peddling investigation on Capitol
Hill, told the IRS it gave away more than $330,000 in grants in
2002 to four other charities that say they never received the money. 
The largest grant the foundation listed in its 2002 tax filing was
for $300,000 to P'TACH of New York, a nonprofit that helps Jewish
children with learning disabilities. 


  Return of Private Foundation 990
  Return of Organization exempt from Income Tax 990


"We've never received a $300,000 gift, not in our 28 years," a
surprised Rabbi Burton Jaffa, P'TACH's national director, told
Austin American-States- man. "It would have been gone by now. I guess I
would have been able to pay some teachers on time." 
Federal investigators have not contacted P'TACH about the grant,
Jaffa said. Representatives of three other nonprofits that
supposedly received Capital
Athletic money also said they have not been contacted. 
The grant-reporting discrepancy raises further questions about
Abramoff's use of the foundation's finances as he built one of the most
successful and well-connected lobbying practices in Washington.
Abramoff's dealings already have led to the indictment of a Bush
administration official, a subpoena for a GOP committee chairman and
investigations by the Justice Department, Internal Revenue Service and
U.S. Senate. 
The discrepancy also follows e-mails
between Abramoff and members of
his lobbying team that say then-House Republican Leader Tom DeLay of
Sugar Land wanted to raise money through Capital Athletic for an
unspecified purpose. In one of those e-mails, Abramoff
announced a
$200,000 fundraising goal. 
DeLay does not recall making such a request, his lawyer, Richard
Cullen, said Wednesday. Capital Athletic's tax return does not
whether Abramoff reached his $200,000 goal. 
But around the time Capital Athletic's tax form was filed in fall
2003, listing the $300,000 donation P'TACH says it didn't get, a
DeLay-created charity called Celebrations for Children was begun
$300,000 in seed money. 
Celebrations for Children was a short-lived effort to raise money
for children's charities by providing donors with special access to
DeLay, plus yacht trips and other enticements, during the 2004
Republican National Convention in New York. Watchdog groups protested,
claiming the fundraiser violated a new ban on accumulating unlimited
"soft" money, and DeLay dropped it in May 2004. 
E-mails and documents released so far in the ongoing investigations
do not detail where Capital Athletic's elusive $300,000 went, or if it
was money raised at DeLay's behest in possible violation of federal
 Abramoff, who knows the answers, is not talking. 
Abramoff spokesman Andrew Blum declined to comment on whether
Capital Athletic donated to Celebrations for Children. Blum also
refused to discuss the missing grants. 
"No comment on your entire set of questions," he said. DeLay lawyer
Cullen, asked Wednesday afternoon if Capital Athletic gave $300,000 to
Celebrations for Children, said he could not reply, noting there was
not enough time to track that information down. 
The ultimate answers may be important for DeLay. Federal law
prohibits members of Congress from requesting "anything of value" from
anyone seeking official action from the House or doing business with
the House. Lobbyists in particular should not be solicited, according
to an ethics committee memo explaining the House Ethics Manual. 
An exchange of e-mails in the summer of 2002 between Abramoff
lobbying partner Tony Rudy, DeLay's former chief of staff,
that the men were not shy about using DeLay's name to solicit money for
Capital Athletic, particularly from Indian tribe clients that had
proven lucrative to Abramoff's lobbying practice. 
Capital Athletic's financial records also show that the foundation
spent money on political endeavors unrelated to the foundation's stated
mission of promoting sportsmanship. 
In June 2002, Abramoff told Rudy in an e-mail that DeLay wanted
Capital Athletic to raise some money for him, and Abramoff suggested
hitting up one of the six casino-operating Indian tribes that enriched
Abramoff and a partner with $82 million in lobbying fees. 
"I recommend we hit everyone who cares about
Tom's requests. I have
another few to hit still, " Abramoff wrote. "I think that, if we can do
$200K, that would be good." 
Abramoff suggested that Rudy contact the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of
Michigan, saying, "it'll look better coming from you as a former DeLay
(chief of staff). We'z gonna make a bundle here." 
Rudy, however, made a mistake, passing off the task of 

[cia-drugs] House Backs McCain on Detainees, Defying Bush

2005-12-15 Thread Linda Minor

House Backs McCain on Detainees, Defying Bush
Published: December 15, 2005

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 - In an unusual bipartisan rebuke to
the Bush administration, the House on Wednesday overwhelmingly endorsed
Senator John McCain's measure to
bar cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners in American custody
anywhere in the world. 
Although the vote was
nonbinding, it put the Republican-controlled House on record in support
of Mr. McCain's provision for the first time, at the very moment when
the senator, a Republican, is at a crucial stage of tense negotiations
with the White House, which strongly opposes his measure.
vote also likely represents the lone opportunity that House members
will have to express their sentiments on Mr. McCain's legislation. The
Senate approved the measure in October, 90 to 9, as part of a military
spending bill. But until Wednesday, the House Republican leadership had
sought to avoid a direct vote on the measure to avoid embarrassing the
White House. 
The vote was on a motion to instruct House
negotiators, who had just been appointed to work out differences
between the House and Senate spending bills, to accept the Senate
position on the McCain amendment. 
The House bill, providing
$453 billion for military programs, has no provision like Mr. McCain's,
but if the negotiators follow these instructions to the letter, the
final bill passed by Congress will.
The House vote was 308 to 122, with 107 Republicans lining up along
with almost every Democrat behind Representative John P. Murtha,
the Pennsylvania Democrat who sponsored Mr. McCain's language and who
has become anathema to the administration on any legislative measure
related to Iraq since his call last month to withdraw American troops
from Iraq in six months. 
"Torture does not help us win the
hearts and minds of the people it's used against," Mr. Murtha said on
the House floor. "Congress is obligated to speak out." 
the tumultuous three-hour debate that Mr. Murtha's Iraq-related measure
provoked last month, this measure met with just 10 minutes of
statements to a nearly empty House chamber. 
Mr. Murtha, a
former Marine colonel who is the senior Democrat on the House
Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, said Mr. McCain's legislation was
essential to standardizing American interrogation methods and sending a
clear signal to the world that the United States condemned the abusive
treatment of detainees. 
"If we allow torture in any form," Mr. Murtha said, "we abandon our
C. W. Bill Young of Florida, head of the House Appropriations Defense
Subcommittee, was one of 121 Republicans who voted against Mr. McCain's
language. One Democrat, Jim Marshall of Georgia, voted against it; 200
Democrats and one independent supported it. 
Mr. Young was quick
to point out that he was in no way endorsing torture as an
interrogation technique, but said he opposed the measure because it
wrongly bestowed the full protections of the Constitution to terrorists
and tied the hands of Congressional negotiators. 
Republican who voted against the measure, Representative Todd Tiahrt of
Kansas, said he opposed it because he said laws already barred torture
and abusive treatment. 
"It's absolutely unnecessary," said Mr. Tiahrt, who is on the House
Intelligence Committee. 
was unclear what effects the vote would have on the negotiations
between Mr. McCain and President Bush's national security adviser,
Stephen J. Hadley, and on the Congressional negotiators for
the two
military bills now in conference committee. A spokeswoman for the
Arizona senator, Eileen McMenamin, said Wednesday night that he had no
comment on the vote. 
"I don't think it will have any effect on the negotiations," Mr.
Young said. 
Murtha said the vote bolstered his previous assertions that the
military spending bill would include Mr. McCain's provision after the
conference committee completed its work. 
"It's going to be in there, period," Mr. Murtha said after the vote.

in the day, Senator Ted Stevens, the Alaska Republican who is the
senior member of the Appropriations Committee, echoed Mr. Murtha's
prediction, telling reporters that Mr. McCain "wants it in there, and I
think it will stay in there." 
The negotiations over provision
intensified on Wednesday. Early in the morning, Mr. McCain met in his
office with Mr. Hadley. When asked whether the two had narrowed their
differences, Mr. McCain told reporters: "We're still talking. We'll get
this resolved one way or another. We have the votes." 
McCain also attended the weekly Senate Republican policy lunch on
Wednesday, but senators who attended the private gathering said that
Mr. McCain did not address his colleagues and that the subject of his
amendment did not come up.
After the lunch, however, Mr. McCain
was mobbed by reporters seeking 

[cia-drugs] Ledeen using James Jesus Angleton (JJA) as foil?

2005-12-15 Thread Linda Minor

Michael Ledeen's "Wilderness of Mirrors"

by emptywheel
Summary: In this post, I look at a series of columns Michael
Ledeen has written using former Counterintelligence chief James Jesus
Angleton (JJA) as a literary foil. In the earliest of these JJA
columns, Ledeen basically uses the character of the noted paranoid JJA
as an excuse to formulate his own baseless conspiracy theories. But of
late, Ledeen has been using the device to excuse intelligence breaches
he--or his very close allies--have been involved in. In this new
formulation, Ledeen seems to be alluding to JJA as a way to boast of
his own conspiracies to those in the know, while setting up straw man
arguments to otherwise deny the conspiracy.

Michael Ledeen is regularly haunted by a crazy old ghost. Not just
any ghost. He's visited by the longtime head of US Counterintelligence,
James Jesus
(JJA), conjured up through an old ouija board he bought in New Orleans.
Or at least that's what Ledeen contrives in a series of columns.
He first used this device, I think, to give himself cover for
exploiting current events to make great paranoid claims. Want to turn
the Chandra
murder into a case of international espionage? Conjure JJA to tell you
that Gary Condit was a double agent--blackmailed into trading
intelligence in exchange for silence about his multiple affairs. When
Levy threatened to expose her affair, she threatened to ruin the double
agent arrangement. Want to use the DC
Sniper case
to drum up fear about Islamic terrorists? Have JJA explain to you that
Mohammed's attacks were done at the behest of an Islamic terrorist
group who was actually probing US defenses. Want to exploit the anthrax
in your attempts to launch a war against Iraq? Make JJA explain how,
contrary to all the evidence, the attacks were obviously a plot of

You see, by the end of his life, JJA was absolutely fricking nuts.
He had spent his life hunting double agents--heck, he even was a close
friend of Kim Philby. And by the end, he had been seeing double for so
long he had by most accounts become certifiably paranoid. By
JJA, Ledeen allows himself to posit all manner of wacky plots without
damaging his (in some crowds, anyway) considerable credibility.
But Ledeen's use of the JJA device has changed in recent years, in
ways that I think merit some attention.

Ledeen's use of JJA to issue denials for others

Sometime in 2004, Ledeen begins to use the
JJA device to project
blame onto the CIA and others (Richard Armitage is a favorite
scapegoat) for failures of the Bush Administration. So Ledeen channels
JJA to excuse
the Bush Administration
for failing to predict 9/11. The August 6 PDB? Just one isolated,
"vague" piece of intelligence. And Richard Clarke's mountain of
evidence? A better justification of a hard line against Iran than
evidence that Bush ignored 9/11. 
This use of the JJA device is more complex than its earlier use to
build grand conspiracy theories. Ledeen is still using JJA to make
claims that are not defensible, similar to the way he used JJA to make
totally unsubstantiated conspiracy claims. But he's now making
logically inconsistent claims, so he can rage against ignored
intelligence without acknowledging that Bush ignored it.

  JJA: Right. So all the Dems and their pals
the press are busily looking at this one PDB as if everyone should have
seen that 9/11 was coming. Such nonsense. They don't know the first
thing about intelligence.
  it wasn't some vague statement like the ones in the PDB, "bin
is determined to attack inside the United States," and "al Qaeda is
thinking about using airplanes," and so on.
  ML: Yes, it looked like one of those CYA
things, where CIA is passing on information from other intelligence
services (funny how nobody's remarked on that, huh? It's not as if we
had this stuff firsthand.) just in case something happens, so they can
say "we told you."
  JJA: Remember that Bush had asked about
possible domestic attacks, so they gave him some bits and pieces. But
that document does not say "we know an attack has been planned." 

JJA claim that these are unspecific threats, rather than having to make
such a ridiculous claim himself. But after dismissing the ability of
intelligence to draw conclusions from such information, Ledeen has JJA
suggest that we should be using the same evidence to attack Iran. What
is at once inconclusive intelligence is, through the magic of JJA, also
a casus belli.

  JJA: Sure it is. But the point I'm making
that we didn't have enough information to justify a serious, specific
warning. We were generally concerned, but we didn't have enough to act
on. So we kept on looking. That's the way life is, most of the time.
  ML: Right. But what about Clarke's book?
  JJA: The dynamite stuff in Clarke's book
to do with Iran. He says, for example, on page 284, 

[cia-drugs] the country's equestrian class

2005-12-07 Thread Linda Minor
Title: Notebook [Extracts]

 Original Message 

Notebook [Extracts]
Herons Latest Catch
8, 2005
Lewis H. Lapham
December 2005(pp. 10-11)
further acquaintance with the modus operandi of the Bush
Administration, I've come to think that the attributions of a competent
criminal intelligence miss the point. They give credit where no credit
is due, and they fail to account for both the increasingly evident
childishness of American culture and the corollary attitudes of
entitlement that over the last thirty years have infected ever larger
sectors of the country's equestrian class. President Bush and his
friends bear comparison not to Jesse James or Commodore Vanderbilt but
to a clique of spoiled trust-fund kids. Certain of their superiority by
virtue of their wealth (whether derived from corporate salary, family
inheritance, or a sweetheart real estate investment), they fit the
profile of wised-up teenagers who don't want to hear it from anybody
telling them what to do-which shoes to wear, how to behave in a dance
club, when to speak to the caddie o r the French ambassador, why it
might not be a good idea to wreck the Social Security system, redirect
the flow of the Missouri River, or invade Iraq. Smug in their cynicism,
proud of their selfishness, pre-Copernican in the sense that they know
it is the sun that revolves around them, not they who revolve around
the sun, fortune's children interpret corrections as insult, amendments
as impertinence old news, uncool. The attitude shows plainly in nearly
every _expression_ that wanders across the President's schoolboy face-the
sly smirk, the cute smile, the petulant frown. At home on the range
with his chainsaw in Crawford, Texas, he looks to be making a guest
appearance for Paris Hilton on The Simple Life; at a White
House podium threatening Arab terrorists or standing tall in his
opposition to universal health insurance, he strikes the pose of a rich
boy anarchist wishing to frighten the faculty at Yale. Three years ago
on Earth Day the news photographs showed the President setting off into
the forest with an axe over his shoulder, glancing back at the camera
with a hint of malicious mischief, as if to say, "You liberal media
guys think that the environment is sacred? Let me show you how we deal
with trees." . . .

"government" as a synonym for "adult," and what we have now in Washington is the sovereignty of the state
in the careless and resentful grasp of teenage anarchists. The
historical precedents are legion, among them the reign of the
adolescent Roman Emperor Nero; more often than not the story doesn't
lead to a happy or romantic ending, but maybe I'm unduly pessimistic,
and possibly what we have before us is the dawn of a new and golden
age. If so, at least some of the credit is deserved by all the good
people in the fashion, news, banking, and entertainment industries who
have made America
great. If Vice President
Cheney and his business associates don't know how to think or read,
they owe their peace of mind to an educational system that teaches by
television clip and film montage; if President Bush and his companions
in arms delight in all things shallow, derivative, and dumb, they take
their sense of ease and comfort from the assurances of a consumer
market and a popular culture that place a high value on those
qualities. Who can say that the President doesn't embody the American
dream come true?

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[cia-drugs] open invitation to bribery

2005-12-03 Thread Linda Minor

Corrupt Intentions
What Cunningham's misdeeds illustrate about
conservative Washington.
By Michael Kinsley
Posted Friday, Dec. 2, 2005, at 7:08 AM ET



  Caught in the cookie jar


used to be said that the moral arc of a Washington career could be
divided into four parts: idealism, pragmatism, ambition, and
corruption. You arrive with a passion for a cause, determined to
challenge the system. Then you learn to work for your cause within the
system. Then rising in the system becomes your cause. Then finally you
exploit the systemyour connections in it, and your understanding of
itfor personal profit. 
And it remains true, sort of, but
faster. Even the appalling Jack Abramoff had ideals at one point.
he took a shortcut straight to corruption. On the other hand,
you can
now trace the traditional moral arc in the life of
conservative-dominated Washington itself, which began with Ronald
Reagan's inauguration and marks its 25th anniversary in
January. Reagan and company arrived to tear down the government and
make Washington irrelevant. Now the airport and a giant warehouse of
bureaucrats are named after him. 
By the 20th
anniversary of their arrival, when an intellectually corrupt Supreme
Court ruling gave them complete control of the government at last, the
conservatives had lost any stomach for tearing down the government.
George W. Bush's "compassionate conservatism" was more like an apology
than an ideology. Meanwhile Tom DeLaythe real boss in Congressopenly
warned K Street that unless all the choice lobbying jobs went to
Republicans, lobbyists could not expect to have any influence with the
Republican Congress. This warning would be meaningless, of course,
unless the opposite was also true: If you hire Republican lobbyists,
you and they will have influence over Congress. And darned if DeLay
didn't turn out to be exactly right about this!

No prominent Republican upbraided DeLay for his open invitation to
bribery. And bribery is what it is: not just campaign contributions,
but the promise of personal enrichment for politicians and political
aides who play ball for a few years before cashing in.
When Rep.
Randy "Duke" Cunningham pleaded guilty this week to accepting a comic
cornucopia of baubles, plus some cash, from defense contractors, the
vast right-wing conspiracy acted with impressive speed and forcefulness
to expel one of its most doggedly loyal loudmouths and pack him off to
a long jail term. Even President Bush, who possesses the admirable
quality of an affable capacity for understanding and forgiveness on the
personal level, seized an unnecessary opportunity to wish the
blackguard ill. There was no talk of "sadness"the usual formula for
expressing sympathy without excusing guilt.
This astringent
response would be more impressive if the basic facts about Cunningham's
corruption hadn't been widely known for months. The San Diego
reported last June that a company seeking business from the Pentagon
had bought Cunningham's southern California house from him, held it
unoccupied briefly, and sold itin the hottest real estate market in
human historyfor a $700,000 loss. You didn't need to know that Duke's
haul included two antique commodes to smell the stench. Yet all the
Republican voices now saying that Cunningham deserves his punishment
were silent until he clearly and unavoidably was going to get it.
medieval scholastics counting the angels on the head of a pin, Justice
Department lawyers are struggling with the question of when favors to
and from a member of Congress or a congressional aide take on the
metaphysical quality of a corrupt bribe. The brazenness of the
DeLay-Abramoff circle has caused prosecutors to look past traditional
distinctions, such as that between campaign contributions and cash or
other favors to a politician personally. Or the distinction between
doing what a lobbyist wants after he has taken you to Scotland to play
golf, and promising to do what he wants before he takes you to Scotland
to play golf. 
These distinctions don't really touch on
corrupt here, which is simply the ability of money to give some people
more influence than others over the course of a democracy where,
civically if not economically, we are all supposed to be equal. So,
where do you draw the line between harmless favors and corrupt bribery?
not an easy question, if you're talking about sending people to prison.
But it's a very easy question if you're just talking: The answer is
that it's all corrupt bribery. People and companies hire lobbyists
because it works. Lobbyists get the big bucks because their efforts
earn or save clients even bigger bucks in their dealings with the
government. Members of Congress are among the world's greatest
bargains: What are a couple of commodes compared with $163 million of
Pentagon contracts?
Perhaps conceding more than he intended, former 

[cia-drugs] Lincoln Group's tailored intelligence services for government clients

2005-12-02 Thread Linda Minor


  US: The Hazy Story of the Lincoln
  It's tough to follow the history of
Group, a contractor that won a $100 million contract with the Special
Operations Command to assist with psychological operations.
  byJason Vest,Government
  November 30th, 2005
  It's tough to follow
the history of Lincoln Group, a contractor that won a $100
contract with the Special Operations Command to assist with
psychological operations. The common denominator to the firm's history
is Christian Bailey, listed on its Web site as executive vice
president, capital markets. After graduating from Oxford University in
England in the 1990s, Bailey moved to the San Francisco area around
1998, and in 1999, founded Express Action, an e-commerce
company he
apparently later sold. In the Nov. 15, 2002, issue of HedgeWorld
Daily News,
Bailey was identified as the founder and chairman of a New York-based
hedge fund called Lincoln Asset Management. On March 1, 2003, the Alternative
Investment News
reported that Lincoln Asset Management had an initial $100
million in
commitments to underwrite a leveraged buyout fund to acquire defense
and intelligence companies. 
  In 2003, the Lincoln Alliance
Corp. (a subsidiary of Lincoln Asset Management) made its debut,
presenting itself primarily as a purveyor of what it called "tailored
intelligence services" for "government clients faced with critical
intelligence challenges," and as an Iraq business development
Its Web site listed no officers, principals or partners, but described
operations as focused on an ambitious mix of political campaign
intelligence and commercial real estate. With one office in Baghdad
more projected, Lincoln would act as a clearinghouse for U.S.
foreign companies doing business in Iraq, providing "the information,
research and contacts necessary to develop and grow businesses" in the
post-Saddam era. 
  During this time, Lincoln appears to have
maintained a business address at 1130 17th St. NW in Washington,
shared phone and fax numbers with Omnicept, a firm located at
the time
at 1432 T St. NW. Omnicept described itself as an "advanced
technology and systems design firm" and "analytic and intelligence
firm" comprising "experts whose experience encompasses military
intelligence, education and academia, big business, money managers,
political activists, law enforcement, entrepreneurs, artists, and
  Paige Craig was listed at the same phone numbers as
Omnicept's September 2003 point of contact for Internet solicitations
for interns. He also represented Lincoln as vice president at the Iraq
Coalition Provisional Authority's Nov. 19, 2003, Industry Day in
Crystal City, Va. According to phone records, the T Street
address was
a residence with listings for Bailey and Craig.
  In late 2003
or early 2004, however, the Lincoln Alliance Corp. became Iraqex,
in a Sept. 27, 2004, Agence France Press news story, was referred to as
"a U.S. firm involved in a range of activities from manufacturing
construction materials to providing logistics for U.S. forces." In
October 2004, it apparently added communications to its repertoire,
scoring a $6 million contract from the Multi-National Corps-Iraq
(formerly known as Combined Joint Task Force-7, which had
control of all troops in Iraq) to design and execute an "aggressive
advertising and public relations campaign that will accurately inform
the Iraqi people of the coalition's goals and gain their support," as
the contract's August 2004 request for proposal put it. 
  O'Dwyer's PR Services Report,
an influential public relations trade publication, struck a somewhat
skeptical tone in its coverage of the tender. MNC-I's contract officer
refused to disclose the five other bidders. Bailey said "more
information would be forthcoming" about Iraqex and its efforts. Little
came, save a November 2004 brief in the trade publication, PR Week,
that reported, "Iraqex has a policy of not speaking to the press
regarding its work, but has hired 5W PR as its mouthpiece," and quoted
5W PR's chief as saying of Iraqex, "We have more experience working in
Iraq than any other firm or organization anywhere in the world."
at the December 2004 Destination Baghdad Expo in Iraq, Iraqex listed
itself as Iraq-based, but provided only its Washington telephone and
address. Then, in March 2005, it changed its name yet again, to
Group, a communications and PR firm "providing insight and
influence in
challenging and hostile environments." And on June 11, along with
SYColeman and Science Applications International Corp., Lincoln
got its JPSE contract.
  While the group's current Web site
does list noteworthy examples of successful endeavors apparently part
of its MNC-I work, some find it curious that a firm set up by two

[cia-drugs] ORIGINS OF NSA

2005-11-30 Thread Linda Minor

The evolution of the U.S. signals intelligence capability from
Pearl Harbor to the establishment of the National Security Agency
in 1952 is the subject of a newly declassified NSA history volume.
The internal history traces "the struggle between centralized and
decentralized control of SIGINT, interservice and interagency
rivalries, budget problems, tactical versus national strategic
requirements, the difficulties of mechanization of processes, and
the rise of a strong bureaucracy."
The document was originally produced in classified form in 1990
under the title "The Origins of NSA" (which is also the title of
an unclassified NSA public affairs brochure).
The declassified version, published by the NSA Center for
Cryptologic History earlier this year in hard copy only, is now
entitled "The Quest for Cryptologic Centralization and the
Establishment of NSA: 1940-1952."
A scanned copy of the 129 page volume is available here in a large
6.6 MB PDF file:

A hardcopy original may be obtained while supplies last by sending
a request with mailing address to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Complete archives at

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[cia-drugs] Judith Miller's other source--Dr. David Kelly, deceased

2005-11-18 Thread Linda Minor


  5 September 2003Printer-friendly versionEmail a friend

  Kelly's connections
David Kelly was the peace-lover described by some in the anti-war
movement, what was he doing hanging around with the New York Times'
Judith Miller?


by Brendan O'Neill


his suicide in July 2003, Ministry of Defence scientist David Kelly has
been adopted by some in the media and anti-war lobby as a 'good man'
who was keen to 'raise questions about the nature of the war in Iraq'

writer John Pilger claims the 'heroic' Kelly was 'the antithesis of
those [in government], who have shown themselves to be the agents of a
dangerous, rampant foreign power' (2). If this is true, why does
appear to have been a close acquaintance of Judith Miller of the New York Times
  - the most vitriolic pro-war journalist, whose shrill
articles about
Saddam and his WMD have recently become the subject of ridicule?

after Kelly's death, it emerged that his final email was to Miller.
This is the one in which he referred to 'many dark actors playing
games', words that Miller first quoted in an article for the NYT
and which quickly spread around the world. The submission of Kelly's
emails as evidence to the Hutton Inquiry this week reveals the rest of
his message to Miller, in which he refers to her as 'Judy' and says
'Thanks for your support. I appreciate your friendship at this time'

evidence also shows that Kelly's email was in response to one sent
Miller, in which she asked Kelly how it went at the Foreign Affairs
Committee where he gave evidence days before committing suicide. 'I
heard from another member of your fan club that things went well for
you', wrote Miller. 'Hope it's true, J.' (4)

was Miller a member of Kelly's 'fan club'? Miller is one of the most
arch pro-war journalists; she has published numerous articles for the NYT
over the past two years claiming that Saddam was developing chemical,
biological and nuclear weapons. For some of these reports, Miller
appears to have relied on highly dubious sources. In May 2003, it was
revealed that one of her anonymous Iraqi sources, who she admits
'provided most of the frontpage exclusives on WMD' (5), was none other
than Ahmad Chalabi - the Washington stooge who heads the CIA-backed
Iraqi National Congress, and who has lived in the West for the past 45
years before returning to postwar Iraq in April 2003.

another report in April, as US forces continued to hunt for WMD, Miller
claimed to have found more than a 'smoking gun'; she had discovered the
'silver bullet', an Iraqi scientist who claimed that Saddam destroyed
his WMD just before the war started, but also buried some 'precursor
materials' from which illegal weapons could once again be constructed



Kelly and Miller's
'friendship'/'fan club' seems to go back a number of years


Miller said she was barred from naming the precursor material, or from
visiting the scientist's home, or from speaking to him - though she was
allowed to, in the words of one Miller critic, 'view the baseball
cap-clad scientist from a distance as he points at spots in the sand
where he says precursor compounds are buried' (7). In later reports,
Miller switched from calling this mysterious man on the horizon a
'scientist' to a 'military intelligence officer' (8).

the aftermath of the war, and in the absence of WMD, many on the
American left have ridiculed Miller's journalism. Jack Shafer of the
online publication Slate
refers to her 'wretched reporting', writing: 'If reporters who live by
their sources were obliged to die by their sources, Judith Miller would
be stinking up her family tomb right now.' (9) One of Miller's many
sources appears to have been David Kelly.

from other comments made at the Hutton Inquiry, Kelly and Miller's
'friendship'/'fan club' goes back a number of years. On 21 August 2003
Nick Rufford of The Sunday Times,
who knew Kelly well, was asked by the Hutton Inquiry 'if Dr Kelly spoke
to other journalists'. Rufford replied: 'I saw his name in other
newspaper articles, particularly in the New York Times. His name
was in a book called Germs,
written or co-authored by somebody called Judith Miller.' (10)

The Ultimate Weapon was written by Miller and two other NYT
journalists, Stephen Engelberg and William Broad, and published in
October 2001. It is a shrill, scaremongering
book on the alleged
proliferation of chemical and biological 

[cia-drugs] C.I.A. Hunts Iraq Tie to Soviet Smallpox By JUDITH MILLER

2005-11-18 Thread Linda Minor

New York Times, December 3, 2002. 

C.I.A. Hunts Iraq Tie to
Soviet Smallpox

The C.I.A. is investigating an
informant's accusation that Iraq obtained a particularly virulent
strain of smallpox from a Russian scientist who worked in a smallpox
lab in Moscow during Soviet times, senior American officials and
foreign scientists say. 
The officials said several
American scientists were told in August that Iraq might have obtained
the mysterious strain from Nelja N. Maltseva, a virologist who
worked for more than 30 years at the Research Institute for Viral
Preparations in Moscow before her death two years ago. 
The information came to the
American government from an informant whose identity has not been
disclosed. The C.I.A. considered the information reliable enough that
President Bush was briefed about its implications. The attempt to
verify the information is continuing.
Dr. Maltseva is known to
have visited Iraq on several occasions. Intelligence officials are
trying to determine whether, as the informant told them, she traveled
there as recently as 1990, officials said. The institute where she
worked housed what Russia said was its entire national collection of
120 strains of smallpox, and some experts fear that she may have
provided the Iraqis with a version that could be resistant to vaccines
and could be more easily transmitted as a biological weapon.
The possibility that Iraq
possesses this strain is one of several factors that has complicated
Mr. Bush's decision, expected this week, about how many Americans
should be vaccinated against smallpox, a disease that was officially
eradicated in 1980.
The White House is expected to
announce that despite the risk of vaccine-induced illness and death, it
will authorize vaccinating those most at risk in the event of a
smallpox outbreak  500,000 members of the military who could be
assigned to the Middle East for a war with Iraq and 500,000 civilian
medical workers.
More broadly, the Russian
government's refusal to share smallpox and other lethal germ strains
for study by the United States, or to answer questions about the fate
of such strains, has reinforced American concerns about whether Russia
has abandoned what was once the world's most ambitious covert germ
weapons program. 
A year ago in Crawford, Tex.,
Mr. Bush and Russia's president, Vladimir V. Putin, issued a statement
vowing to enhance cooperation against biological terrorism. But after
an initial round of visits and a flurry of optimism, American officials
said Russia had resisted repeated American requests for information
about the Russian smallpox strains and help in the investigation into
anthrax attacks in the United States in October 2001. 
"There is information we would
like the Russians to share as a partner of ours," William Winkenwerder
Jr., assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, said in an
interview. "Because if there are strains that present a unique problem
with respect to vaccines and treatment, it is in the interests of all
freedom-loving people to have as much information as possible." 
Cooperation on biological
terrorism was not discussed at the meeting last week between Mr. Bush
and Mr. Putin in St. Petersburg, American officials said, mainly
because administration officials are not certain just how willing Mr.
Putin is to enhance cooperation in this delicate area. They wonder if
he is not doing more because of the military's hostility to sharing the
"The record so far suggests he
is either unable or unwilling to push the military on this front," an
administration official said. "We think it may be a little of both, but
we're not really sure at this point or what to do about it."
Administration officials said
the C.I.A. was still trying to determine whether Dr. Maltseva
traveled to Iraq in 1990, and whether she shared a sample of what
might be a particularly virulent smallpox strain with Iraqi scientists.
World Health Organization
records in Geneva and interviews with scientists who worked with her
confirmed that Dr. Maltseva visited Iraq at least twice, in 1972
and 1973, as part of the global campaign to eradicate smallpox.
Formerly secret Soviet records
also show that in 1971, she was part of a covert mission to Aralsk,
a port city in what was then the Soviet republic of Kazakhstan,
north of the Aral Sea, to help stop an epidemic of smallpox. The Soviet
Union did not report that outbreak to world health officials, as
required by regulations.

June, experts from the Monterey Institute of International Studies,
drawing on those Kazakh records and interviews with survivors,
published a report saying the epidemic was a result of open-air tests
of a particularly virulent smallpox strain on Vozrozhdeniye Island in
the Aral Sea.
The island, known as
Renaissance Island in English, is between Kazakhstan and another
Central Asian country, Uzbekistan. 


2005-11-17 Thread Linda Minor

 a brilliant analysis of the
deception of war

by Greg
Hallett and the Spymaster.


The authors' wake up each morning quite surprised they are still
The Spymaster has worked in a background of undeclared hostilities over
many years. He has gone undercover amongst Nazis, Communists, Marxists
and some of the most vicious gangs of criminals in New Zealand. Several
times other people have been killed in his place in cases of mistaken
identity. The Spymaster has been arrested more times than he can
remember and by more outfits than he can remember. He has been on both
sides of enforcement operations. He has an in-depth knowledge of
offenders in New Zealand and is often sought out by people in high
places. Former Prime Minister Rob Muldoon once said of him, "If St
Peter ever made a mistake and let you into heaven, there'd be a
fistfight in five minutes".
Greg Hallett trained in various psychological models in parallel with
his architecture degree and training. He travelled widely behind the
Iron Curtain during the Cold War, hitchhiking on planes, making bunks
out of airmail bags, to party and report between cities. His contacts
in Eastern Europe led to deep penetration of the Soviet State, how it
functioned and how it was to colonise the West. It was these
qualifications that led him to buy buildings in Moscow immediately
after the Berlin Wall fell. This led to interviews with the KGB and
their revelations about the planned sex-communism and deconstruction of
Westerners. What they had planned for the West happened in the West.
Equally all modern history can be dated back to 1945. What Hitler
planned for the world happened to the world over the next sixty years.
When Hallett teamed up with the Spymaster they found they had many of
the insights and historical answers to many of the controversies of
Europe from WWII to the Cold War and the present . . . not completely
disregarding aspects of the future. 
In listening to each other's stories they noticed a lot of common
ground and have attempted to lay this bare for you. 
  "Take of it what you will. We don't expect
you to reject sixty years of official history overnight, but we do
expect you to view it with new-found suspicion."
"Any serious attempt at the truth creates controversy and we expect
  Hitler was a British Agent 
  to be considered as the most expedient
option of creating war."
The Spymaster says that he will often go on operations and end up in
entirely the wrong place with the wrong people at the wrong time, but
always much wiser. Through such coincidences, history is often more
explicable to the ordinary man than a lot of complicated analysis. We
found "filling-in-the-gaps analysis" to be a primary cause of
ill-informed history. As such, Hallett and the Spymaster have teamed up
to give you this riveting insight into how the enemies of war are
created and how enemies work together to prolong and expand wars.
This authoritative and unique insider's look at Hitler outlines his
missing year, his British psychological training and financial support,
his British-linked minders, and the British sabotage of the Hitler
assassination attempts. It outlines in great detail, Operation WINNIE
THE POOH, Hitler's escape out of Berlin on 2 May 1945, who he flew
with, what planes he caught, their serial numbers, where he flew to,
who greeted him, where he spent the remainder of his life and what he
eventually died of. 
WWII has passed its 60-year suppression rule.
Despite this, information coming out about WWII is still controlled as
it reflects on how the current wars are carried out.
File theft is such common practise it is a forerunner to any elevation.
Two Intelligence agencies have regularly stolen Hitler was a British Agent and "it has been read at the highest levels" during
the final phases of writing. As quickly as it was written it was stolen
and in August 2005 word got back that they would let it out. This came
with further inside information and at least one historical act. 
The question remains . . .
  did the theft of Hitler was a
British Agent in disk form on 11 May 2005 
  cause the Tavistock Square bombing on 7 July 2005?
  Living Libraries
Adolf Hitler  The Incestuous Catholic Jew
Adolf Hitler in Britain
Hitler's Sexuality
Hitler's Psychiatric Condition
Hitler's Deconstruction
Body Doubles
Hess and Hess Fly to Britain 
James Bond
Pearl Harbor
Anthony Blunt
Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII
Operation JAMES BOND 
Lost Leaders
Churchill, Hitler and Stalin Work Together
Perfect bound, 467 pages. Includes photographs, appendices, 

[cia-drugs] [Fwd: Federici at CSPAN 3 live now]

2005-11-17 Thread Linda Minor

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[cia-drugs] Woodward admission raises questions in leak case

2005-11-17 Thread Linda Minor,0,903942.story?coll=ny-nation-big-pix
Woodward admission raises
questions in leak case

November 16, 2005, 9:51 PM EST
WASHINGTON -- A Bush administration official's belated admission in
recent weeks that he told the Washington Post's Bob Woodward in
mid-June 2003 about covert CIA officer Valerie Plame raises new
questions in the special counsel's two-year-old leak investigation.

That admission ends two years of secrecy between source and reporter,
and in the process raises concerns about Woodward's role as a
journalist, the special counsel's probe and the perjury indictment of
former aide I. Lewis Libby, as well as the White House's cooperation in
the investigation.

Attorneys for Libby called the revelation a "bombshell" for Special
Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's case against their client, but attorneys
familiar with the probe said it might not be enough to get Libby off.

Yesterday began with Woodward's statement in the Washington Post that
he had testified under oath about an unnamed official telling
him in
June 2003 about Plame. And it ended with Woodward apologizing to the
Post's top editor, Leonard Downie, for not telling him about it for two

"I apologized because I should have told him much sooner," Woodward
told the Post. "I hunkered down. I'm in the habit of keeping secrets. I
didn't want anything out there that was going to get me subpoenaed."

Until now, Woodward had not been connected to the investigation into
the leak of Plame's identity, which her husband, Joseph Wilson, has
said was a White House attempt to undercut his criticism of its pre-war
Iraq intelligence on weapons of mass destruction.

But Woodward said in a statement published yesterday that he had
testified in a lawyer's office about parts of interviews with three
current or former Bush officials that related to the outing of Plame.

He said Fitzgerald contacted him Nov. 3, after one of the officials
notified Fitzgerald about telling Woodward that "Wilson's wife worked
for the CIA" as an analyst on weapons of mass destruction.

The timing of that interview, mid-June 2003, would make the unnamed
official the first to tell a reporter about Plame, not Libby, the vice
president's former chief of staff.

Ted Wells, one of Libby's attorneys, said Woodward's disclosure
undercut Fitzgerald's five-count indictment charging Libby with lying
when he said he learned about Plame from reporters, rather than the
CIA, State Department and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Wells said the disclosure shows Fitzgerald's statement at his Oct. 28
news conference that Libby was the first official to tell a reporter
about Plame "was totally inaccurate."

Fitzgerald said Libby was the "first known" official to do it, however.

Wells added that Woodward said in two interviews in June 2003 that
Libby did not mention Plame, undermining Fitzgerald's case that Libby
sought to discredit Wilson.

Floyd Abrams, who represents The New York Times in the leak case, said,
"I don't think it seems to have much effect on the core of the charge
against Mr. Libby."

The identity of the official who spoke with Woodward is unknown.
the official's decision to come forward in recent weeks raises the
issue of whether other officials have withheld information and whether
the White House is aware of them.

The White House declined to comment. In October 2003, President George
W. Bush pledged cooperation with the investigation, and investigators
requested and subpoenaed all records of contacts with reporters.

 Cloak News Toronto - UPDATED
posted OCT.29/05 

 Cloak News Toronto - UPDATED
   Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald under National
Security guidelines sealed two Grand Jury Indictments. Tom Heneghan
(special Cloak guest) who has been on the forefront releasing
first news on the work of the Grand Juries, has learned that RICHARD
PERLE and PAUL WOLFOWITZ have been indicted (under seal) for violations
of the  Espionage Act and for misuse of classified information.

V.P. CHENEY  named as unindicted
co-conspirator. White House National Security Advisor STEVE HADLEY has flipped.   Stay with  Cloak News and  stay ahead of the Mass Media parade. More to come in
the Member's Archives if we are not shut down by the Bush White
House Internet Police. (W.H.I.P.)
Might Be The 

Other 22 Sealed Felons?

Deputy National Security Advisor (2001-2005); National
Security Advisor (2005-Present)
After Karl Rove spoke to Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper about
Joseph Wilson (according to Cooper, this was the first time he learned
of Plames identity), Rove wrote Hadley an email. The July
11, 2003
email said: Matt Cooper called to give me a heads-up that hes got a
welfare reform 

[cia-drugs] Abramoff--See Jack’s Back Door

2005-11-17 Thread Linda Minor

Jack’s Back Door

November 15, 2005 
Linda Minor
special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald proceeds with his hush-hush
investigation of Scooter Libby, a high-level official with front-door
entry into executive decision-making channels, another equally
fascinating inquiry is drawing to a close within the Senate’s Committee
on Indian Affairs, chaired by Senator John McCain. On November 2, the
Committee completed its last of four scheduled hearings into lobbying
activities engaged in by Jack Abramoff and Michael Scanlon on behalf of
an assortment of Indian tribes. A key witness, Italia Federici, is now
the fuse which may ignite the next scandal involving yet another Bush
Administration cabinet member—Secretary Gale Norton of the Department
of Interior. 
More »

Complete archives at

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[cia-drugs] Group Trains Air Force Cadets to Proselytize

2005-11-12 Thread Linda Minor

By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 12, 2005; Page A06

private missionary group has assigned a pair of full-time Christian
ministers to the U.S. Air Force Academy, where they are training cadets
to evangelize among their peers, according to a confidential letter to
The letter makes clear that the
organized evangelization effort has continued this year despite an
outcry over alleged proselytizing at the academy that has prompted a
Pentagon investigation, congressional hearings, a civil lawsuit and new
Air Force guidelines on religion.
"Praise God that we have been allowed access by the Academy
into the cadet areas to minister among the cadets. We have recently
been given an unused classroom to meet with cadets at any time during
the day," the husband-and-wife team of Darren and Gina Lindblom
said in
the Oct. 11 letter to their donors.

allegations of religious intolerance at the academy, the Air Force
issued interim guidelines in late August that caution senior officers
against discussing their faith with subordinates. But the guidelines do
not limit "voluntary, peer to peer discussions," and they do not say
whether Air Force officials can provide office space or other
assistance to professional missionaries who train cadets to evangelize
among their peers.
The Lindbloms' letter was made
public by Michael L. "Mikey" Weinstein, a 1977 Air Force Academy
alumnus who was a White House lawyer in the Reagan administration. He
has filed a federal lawsuit accusing the Air Force of violating the
First Amendment's establishment clause by fostering evangelical
Christianity over all faiths.
Weinstein, who has
been joined in the suit by four recent graduates of the academy, said
that some other religious groups are allowed onto the academy's campus,
but only during certain hours and under close supervision by Air Force
"The only group that gets 24/7
unrestricted access to cadets is this fundamentalist, born-again
Christian group," Weinstein charged.
The Lindbloms
are not chaplains hired by the military. They are private,
ministers assigned to the Air Force Academy by the Navigators,
Colorado-based group whose motto is: "To know Christ and to make
known." It began in 1933 as a ministry to sailors and now has
missionaries in 104 countries, according to its Web site.
by telephone at their home in Colorado Springs, the Lindbloms declined
to comment on their letter or their missionary work.
Libby, senior vice president and chief operating officer of the
Navigators, said the Lindbloms were assigned to the academy earlier
this year, replacing a previous young couple. He said the Navigators
have placed full-time staff members at the academy for more than a
decade. "We're there as a spiritual resource to cadets," he said.
"We've had a very good experience there."
Libby also
said that the Navigators are following the Air Force guidelines, which
have been criticized as infringing religious freedom by more than 70
members of Congress and several Christian lobbying groups, including
Focus on the Family and the Christian Coalition. "Those are the
guidelines, and we honor them," Libby said.
In their
letter, the Lindbloms referred several times to the guidelines and to
Weinstein's lawsuit, saying that "we are vitally aware we are in the
front lines of a spiritual battle."

They included photos of the Navigator
Cadet Ministry Team, a group of cadets who "have shown an interest
receiving training and development to have a personal ministry among
their peers at the Academy," the letter said.

pray for unprecedented wisdom for Gina and me as we coach these cadets
to live among the lost, sharing the Gospel in the midst of this current
climate. We must be so careful. Yet we do not wish to squelch the
passion of men like Daniel," a cadet who has vowed to "impact the lives
of 200 men with the Gospel" before he graduates, Darren Lindblom wrote.
In a postscript, they said, "We respectfully request that you
not share this letter publicly. Due to the lawsuit recently filed, the
contents of this letter are confidential."
spokesman for the Air Force Academy said the Navigators are one of 19
outside religious groups -- including Buddhist, Jewish, Catholic and
Mormon organizations -- that hold voluntary meetings on Mondays from
6:30 to 8 p.m. in a program known as SPIRE, for Special Program in
Religious Education.
The groups are invited on
campus at the request of cadets, and each is assigned a room, but only
for that 90-minute period once a week, said the spokesman, John Van
Winkle. "They can't just use the room whenever they want. That would be
a violation of the memorandum of agreement they 

[cia-drugs] How Barry Goldwater became the College Republicans' golden boy

2005-11-11 Thread Linda Minor

From: Kris Millegan
Subject: [CTRL] [11] Loud and Clear
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 1:33 PM

-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Loud and Clear
Lake Headly and William Hoffman1990
Henry Holt and Company
115 W. 18th St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 0-8050-1138-2
272 pps  out-of-print/one edition


" A Matter of Jurisdiction''

All of my discovery papers went to the defense lawyers. If Dunlap and
won release, it would come through the judicial system, with the
pulling the necessary strings. I viewed my function as similar to a hod
carrier's, bringing bricks to the mason who builds a case. Without the
the hod carrier has only a pile of bricks.

"Mr. Savoy," I said, visiting his office on January 12, 1979, "have you
had a
chance to look at the material I sent over?"

"Not all of it," Savoy said, "but enough to make me think you're on to
something. Unfortunately, until the Arizona Supreme Court rules on our
appeal, we can't move with this information. We're forbidden from
newly discovered evidence prior to a ruling on our pending motions. As
know, an appeal in the supreme court stays all other proceedings. I
you, often it seems unfair, and maybe it is, but that's how the system

"Do you have any idea when the supreme court will rule?"

"No way we can predict that, or hurry it along. Our chances for a
are slim to none, I'm afraid. You should keep digging, learn everything
can for the appeal, which we'll base on points not covered during the
Your press conference helped a lot."

"Maybe. But none of the reporters seemed fired up by what they heard."

"Lake, rest assured, members of the supreme court read the story in the
Progress. And it could have an impact. Like everyone else, they're
by the media."

I gave Savoy my impressions of the Funk-Emprise-Bolles battle that
began in
1969, spilled into the 1972 Pepper Committee hearings, had hardly
when the Republic pulled Bolles off the story in 1973, and then could
flared again shortly before the bombing with Bradley Funk finding out
ex-wife had talked to the reporter about preparations for her incendiary

A dozen times I'd read Funk's hearing testimony, full of bullet-dodging
ramblings and excessive preoccupation with Bolles and "the conspiracy."
in 1976, shortly before the bombing, up popped Funk's recurring
Perhaps this time Funk feared the reporter had honed his expository pen
scalpelsharp-not to peel away layers covering a questionable business
arrangement but to publicly eviscerate Funk's personal secrets. If Funk
that Bolles nosed around his ex-wife's lawsuit, what must have gone on
in his

Betty Funk Richardson told Detective Marcus Aurelius about Bolles
showing up
at a child support hearing: "He just sat there and glared at Brad, and
I love
him for it. I think Don's been kicked around and around and made to look
ridiculous for years. And finally when they couldn't shake him, they
tried to
destroy him. I hope Don becomes a Jesus Christ ... and you all rally
the poor guy and recognize what he's been fighting alone."

Attorney General Robert Corbin, who took over the Bolles case in 1978
Bruce Babbitt became governor, twice described Bradley Funk as a
suspect" in the murder. Whatever that means, the Phoenix police
Funk for less than one minute, suggesting they get together later with
racetrack magnate "to talk." But that talk never took place.

Why not? I asked Savoy. What kind of police investigation was this?

I'd never accepted the alleged motive for the murder, that Kemper
ordered the hit because a newspaper story cost him a post on the racing
commission. But since that first night reading the discovery, I'd
Marley had lost his bid for the position before the Bolles article.
The weak
motive had turned into no motive.

I felt discouraged and shackled with the defense apparently unable to
use the
new information. Dammit, I fumed to myself, Robison and Dunlap should
be out
on bail, awaiting a new trial.

But sitting there in Savoy's office, I couldn't even be sure they would
retried. Prosecutors had gone to great lengths to convict them on the
flimsiest evidencesimply Adamson's testimonyand it was
clear that the only "solution" to the case the powers that be wanted
was the
one they had now. I wondered what else they feared would be found, and
assured Savoy as I left his office that I'd continue to look.

"Absolutely," he said. "As a private investigator you're not hampered
by a
state bar or canon of ethics that restricts lawyers from dealing with
press during a pending criminal action. Stay with it. You're filling our
quiver with arrows for a new trial after the appeal is denied."

On January 20 I sat opposite Max Dunlap in the drab little room at
State Prison 

[cia-drugs] Chasing Dirty Money: The Fight Against Money Laundering

2005-11-01 Thread Linda Minor

 Chasing Dirty Money: The Fight Against Money Laundering

by Peter
Reuter and
M. Truman


November 2004 248 pp. ISBN paper
0-88132-370-5 $23.95
developed to reduce drug trafficking, national and international
efforts to reduce money laundering have broadened over the years to
address other crimes, and most recently, terrorism. These efforts now
constitute a formidable regime applied to financial institutions and
transactions throughout much of the world. Yet few assessments of
either the achievements or consequences of this regime have been made.
Reuter and Truman (1) explore what is know about the scale and
characteristics of money laundering, (2) describe the current
antimoney laundering regime, (3) develop a framework for assessing the
effectiveness of the regime, and (4) use that framework to assess how
well the current system works and make proposals for its improvement.


1. Chasing Dirty Money
2. How Much Money is Laundered?
3. Money Laundering: Methods and Markets
4. The Anti-Money Laundering Regime
5. Combating Predicate Crimes Involved in Money Laundering
6. Protecting Financial System Integrity
7. Combating Global "Public Bads"
8. Improving the Global AML Regime

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[cia-drugs] New Tribes Mission, based in Sanford, Fla

2005-10-14 Thread Linda Minor

By IAN JAMES Associated Press Writer
The Associated

President Hugo Chavez gives land titles to Karina indigenous from
Anzoategui state at a ceremony in Barranco Yopal in Venezuela's Apure
state, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2005, on Columbus Day, known in Venezuela as
Indigenous Resistance Day. (AP Photo/Leslie Mazoch)

BARRANCO YOPAL, VenezuelaOct 12, 2005 Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez ordered a U.S.-based Christian missionary group
working with indigenous tribes to leave the country Wednesday, accusing
the organization of "imperialist infiltration" and links to the CIA.

Chavez said missionaries of the New Tribes Mission, based in
Sanford, Fla., were no longer welcome during a ceremony in a remote
Indian village where he presented property titles to several indigenous

"The New Tribes are leaving Venezuela. This is an irreversible
decision that I have made," Chavez said. "We don't want the New Tribes
here. Enough colonialism!"

Bomb Sunni Arab Office in Iraq
Ends Search for Quake Survivors
King's Delicate Balancing Act

He accused the missionaries of building luxurious camps next to
Indian villages and circumventing Venezuelan customs authorities as
they freely flew in and out on private planes.

The group is involved in "true imperialist infiltration, the CIA,
they take away sensitive, strategic information," Chavez said, without
elaborating. "And on top of that, exploiting the Indians."

"We don't want to abuse them, we're simply going to give them a
period of time (to) pack up their things because they are leaving,"
Chavez said to applause from hundreds of Indians who sat under tents in
Barranco Yopal, a remote village on Venezuela's southern plains.

Nita Zelenak, a New Tribes representative reached by phone,
to comment on Venezuela's decision or say how many missionaries are
working in the country.

The New Tribes Mission specializes in evangelism among indigenous
groups in the world's remotest places. The organization says it has
3,200 workers and operations in 17 nations across Latin America,
Southeast Asia and West Africa.

During the ceremony, Chavez granted 15 property titles for more than
1.65 million acres to the Cuiba, Yuaruro, Warao and Karina tribes. The
documents recognize collective ownership of ancestral lands by
communities with some 3,000 people.

"Previously, the indigenous people of Venezuela were removed from
our lands. This is historic. It is a joyful day," said Librado
Moraleda, a 52-year-old Warao from a remote village in the Orinoco
River Delta.

Moraleda received a land title and government pledges of $27,000 to
build homes and plant cassava and plantains.

Chavez says he is leading a "revolution" for the poor and that
defending the rights of Venezuelan's 300,000 indigenous people is a

Insurgents Attack Sunni Party Office
Efforts Wind Down in Pakistan
King's Delicate Balancing Act

But poverty remains severe in many Indian communities, and some said
they need more help beyond land titles.

"We want the government to help us with hunger, with credit," said
Yuaruro Indian Pedro Mendez, 26. He said his community had asked for an
electrical generator and loans to help plant more crops.
Copyright 2005The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or

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[cia-drugs] Feds looking into link between sweatshop donor and DeLay

2005-10-05 Thread Linda Minor


WedOct5,2005 4:18
BREAKING: Blunt Money Laundering; DeLay, Successor Swapped Donations
   Send Email


BREAKING: Blunt Money Laundering;
DeLay, Successor Swapped Donations 

By JOHN SOLOMON and SHARON THEIMER, Associated Press Writers 19
minutes ago 
Tom DeLay deliberately raised more money than he needed to throw
parties at the 2000 presidential convention, then diverted some of the
excess to longtime ally Roy Blunt through a series of donations that
benefited both men's causes.
When the financial carousel stopped, DeLay's private charity, the
consulting firm that employed DeLay's wife and the Missouri campaign
Blunt's son all ended up with money, according to campaign
reviewed by The Associated Press.
Jack Abramoff, a Washington lobbyist recently charged in an ongoing
federal corruption and fraud investigation, and Jim Ellis, the DeLay
fundraiser indicted with his boss last week in Texas, also came into
the picture.
The complicated transactions are drawing scrutiny in legal and
political circles after a grand jury indicted DeLay on charges of
violating Texas law with a scheme to launder illegal corporate
donations to state candidates.
The government's former chief election enforcement lawyer said the
Blunt and DeLay transactions are similar to the Texas case and raise
questions that should be investigated regarding whether donors were
deceived or the true destination of their money was concealed.
"These people clearly like using middlemen for their transactions,"
said Lawrence Noble. "It seems to be a pattern with DeLay funneling
money to different groups, at least to obscure, if not cover, the
original source," said Noble, who was the Federal Election
chief lawyer for 13 years, including in 2000 when the transactions
None of the hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations DeLay
collected for the 2000 convention were ever disclosed to federal
regulators because the type of group DeLay used wasn't governed by
federal law at the time.
DeLay has temporarily stepped aside as majority leader after being
indicted by a Texas prosecutor. Blunt  who had been majority whip, the
No. 3 Republican in the House  has taken over much of that role in
DeLay's absence.
Spokesmen for the two Republican leaders say they disclosed what was
required by law at the time and believe all their transactions were
legal, though donors might not always have know where their money was
"It illustrates what others have said, that money gets transferred
all the time. This was disclosed to the extent required to be disclosed
by applicable law, said Don McGahn, a lawyer for DeLay. "It
just shows
that donors don't control funds once they're given."
Blunt and DeLay planned all along to raise more money than was
needed for the convention parties and then route some of that to other
causes, such as supporting state candidates, said longtime Blunt aide
Gregg Hartley.
"We put together a budget for what we thought we would raise and
spend on the convention and whatever was left over we were going to use
to support candidates," said Hartley, Blunt's former chief of staff who
answered AP's questions on behalf of Blunt.
Hartley said he saw no similarity to the Texas case. The fact that
DeLay's charity, Christine DeLay's consulting firm and Blunt's son were
beneficiaries was a coincidence, Hartley said.
Much of the money  including one donation to Blunt from an
client accused of running a "sweatshop" garment factory in the Northern
Mariana Islands  changed hands in the spring of 2000, a period of keen
interest to federal prosecutors.
During that same time, Abramoff arranged for DeLay to use a concert
skybox for donors and to take a golfing trip to Scotland and England
that was partly underwritten by some of the lobbyist's clients.
Prosecutors are investigating whether the source of some of the money
was disguised, and whether some of DeLay's expenses were originally put
on the lobbyist's credit card in violation of House rules.
Both DeLay and Blunt and their aides also met with Abramoff's
lobbying team several times in 2000 and 2001 on the Marianas issues,
according to law firm billing records obtained by AP under an open
records request. DeLay was instrumental in blocking legislation opposed
by some of Abramoff's clients.
Noble said investigators should examine whether the pattern of
disguising the original source of money might have been an effort to
hide the leaders' simultaneous financial and legislative dealings with
Abramoff and his clients.
"You see Abramoff involved and see the meetings that were held and
one gets the sense Abramoff is helping this along in order to get
access and push his clients' interest," he said. "And at the same time,
you see Delay and Blunt trying to hide the root of their funding. 
"All of 

[cia-drugs] [Fwd: UPDATE: C-SPAN to air Congressional Briefings on 9/11]

2005-08-30 Thread Linda Minor

 Original Message 


  Mon, 29 Aug 2005 16:59:10 -0400



Good news!
Spread the word! Tape, duplicate and circulate!

The two-part, nine-hour Congressional briefing I lobbied for and 9/11
CitizensWatch co-founder John Judge helped to organize with Rep.
Cynthia McKinney concering remaining issues about 9/11 and the
Commission's report and recommendation will now air on the main C-SPAN
channel at the same times and dates, not on C-SPAN2, which means it
will reach a wider audience. That channel is already airing a repeat of
the recent series of forums by the 9/11 Public Discourse Project (PDP),
a non-profit group created by members and staff of the 9/11 Commission
to push for implementation of their recommendations. These various PDP
panels will also air nightly at 8:00 pm, so those following them will
then see an alternative view of the historical framework and flawed
conclusions and recommendations of the official version. Hope you can
watch or tape the two-part series on August 31 and September 2. Details

*C-SPAN to broadcast the entirety of the McKinney congressional
Briefing on 9/11*

Event / Events related to 9-11

*Date:* Aug 14, 2005 - 08:06 PM Representative Cynthia McKinney
organized a day-long briefing on July 22 to address the 9/11
Commission's Final Report one year later. The event included leading
victims' family members, former government and intelligence workers,
academics and authors speaking on the flaws and weaknesses of the 9/11
Commission's investigation, assumptions, omissions, conclusions and
recommendations. It was filmed in entirety by C-SPAN.

C-SPAN has now set some times and dates for airing the event.

August 31

They will air on C-SPAN from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm on Wednesday, August

And on Friday, September 2 from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am. It is broken into
two parts as described below:

Part I


September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 1

U.S. House of Representatives, McKinney, C. (D-GA)

Washington, District of Columbia (United States)

ID: 187857 - 07/22/2005 - 3:30 - No Sale

Daugherty, Rebecca, Director, Freedom of Info. Service Center

Smith, Wayne, Member, Center for International Policy

Gage, Kit, National Coordinator, National Coalition to Protect
Policical Freedom

Kleinberg, Mindy, Relative

Judge, John, Co-Founder, 9/11 CitizensWatch

McKinney, Cynthia, U.S. Representative, D, Georgia (State)

Families of victims, former intelligence officials, and authors speak
at a

day-long forum on the September 11 Commission Report, focusing on the

methodology of the investigation, recommendations made by the

commission, causes of the attacks, and government responses to the

Part II


September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 2

U.S. House of Representatives, McKinney, C. (D-GA)

Washington, District of Columbia (United States)

ID: 187857 - 2 - 07/22/2005 - 5:00 - No Sale

McKinney, Cynthia, U.S. Representative, D, Georgia (State)

Families of victims, former intelligence officials, and authors speak
at a day-long forum on the September 11 Commission Report, focusing on
the methodology of the investigation, recommendations made by the
commission, causes of the attacks, and government responses to the

The 9-11 Public Discourse Project forums will be aired around our
events on the following days on C-SPAN on the following days:

CIA and FBI Reform on August 24 at 8 pm

Congressional Intelligence Reform on August 24 at 10:10 pm

Challenges Facing the DNI on August 25 at 8 pm

Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction on August 26 at 8 pm

Homeland Security on August 26 at 10:05 pm

Civil Liberties on August 29 at 8 pm

Foreign Policy on August 30 at 8 pm [NOTE: CitizensWatch co-founder
confronts Hamilton]

Winning the Struggle of Ideas September 1 at 9:30 am and 8:00 pm on

For full details on these see: and click the "TV
Schedules" link at the top right of the lead page, just above the
flashing ad for C-SPAN pod-casting.

Complete archives at

Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 




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[cia-drugs] David Sassoon, Sons Co

2005-08-25 Thread Linda Minor

Silas Aaron
Hardoon (1851-1931): Business, Politics and Philanthropy in
Republican Shanghai, 1911-1931
by Chiara Betta
University of
Indianapolis, Athens (UIA)
Condensed from the original paper by Chiara Betta, who holds
the copyright
Hardoon and Trade
Diaspora of Baghdadi Jews
Salih Harun or Saleh
Haron, then Anglicised as Silas Aaron Hardoon, was born to a poor Jewish
family in the city of Baghdad in 1851. Five years later the
Hardoons left the ailing Ottoman empire and, like other Jews of the
Baghdad area, searched for fortune in Bombay. Once they arrived
in the city they found protection under the wing of the local
Baghdadian Jewish trading community that was headed by David
Sassoon, a merchant-prince, renowned philanthropist and the scion
of Baghdads most eminent Jewish family. Hardoon attended a charitable
school funded by Sassoon and, as an adolescent, he joined the firm D.
Sassoon  Co., which supervised a large commercial empire. In
1868, after his employers had noticed his remarkable business acumen,
he was sent to Hong Kong to gain experience of the Chinese market.
However, six years later he was, for some unknown reason, suddenly
dismissed. Penniless, he took a third-class deck passage to Shanghai
where the tiny local community of Baghdadi Jews helped him to secure a
badly paid job as rent collector and godown watchman at the local
branch of David Sassoon, Sons  Co.
Most importantly,
Baghdadi Jewish communities of Shanghai and Hong Kong represented
individual nodes of the trade diaspora of Baghdadi Jews which extended
from London to Shanghai and operated under the aegis of the British
Empire. As a result of their ancillary position to the British,
Baghdadi Jews who lived outside the Ottoman empire underwent a notable
process of Anglicisation after the middle of the nineteenth century.
They discarded their traditional dress, adopted English tastes and
manners and lived a culturally hybrid lifestyle in westernised domestic
spaces. Hardoon himself wore Western dress, spoke English, though with
a thick Arabic accent, drank whiskey and took on the British passion
for gardening.
From Rags to Riches
From the first moment
Hardoon moved to Shanghai, he could foresee the exceptional development
of the citys foreign settlements, areas administered by foreign
municipal councils, which blossomed into a westernised metropolis by
the beginning of the twentieth century. Thanks to his commercial
shrewdness he quickly rose among the local ranks of D Sassoon, Sons
 Co and secured exceptionally profitable real estate deals on
behalf of his employers. At the same time he also invested his own
savings in land and constantly acquired pieces of property which
yielded him good rents for re-investments in other lots.
By 1882 Hardoon switched his interest to the cotton
market. He left D Sassoon, Sons  Co and established a cotton
brokerage, a venture that failed within a short time. In 1886 he then
resumed his career as real estate developer at E D Sassoon  Co,
which had been established by David Sassoons second son Elias
David in 1867. In less than a decade Hardoon, who was in charge of
real estate investments and also of opium dealings, was
appointed partner and was in effect one of the firms most valuable
assets. His entrance in Shanghais commercial elite was then marked by
his appearance in 1893 as a member of the Shanghai club,
Shanghais leading British club.
Whilst working for E D
Sassoon  Co Hardoon continued to invest all his savings in
real estate in the International Settlement. Since he
constantly lacked liquid capital he raised cash for real estate
investments by mortgaging his properties and also by dealing in opium,
a legal commodity between 1858 and 1918. Thus in Chinese Shanghai
Hardoon was known as a dealer of tu, a word that meant both
land and opium. By 1911, when he finally left E D Sassoon  Co, he
owned large land assets in the Central and Western districts of the
International Settlement and was in the process of acquiring properties
on Nanking Road, which became Shanghais most fashionable commercial
thoroughfare within a few years. As a result, prices of properties
along the road skyrocketed prompting Hardoon to become by one of
Shanghais wealthiest men.
Going Native
At the beginning of the
Republican period Hardoon was not only Shanghais main real estate
tycoon but also the only prominent foreign merchant who had established
close and intimate ties with the Chinese socio-cultural milieu. Since
his arrival in Shanghai Hardoon had, in fact, undergone a notable and
gradual process of cross-cultural adaptation in the Chinese environment
and, as a result, had absorbed Chinese patterns of behaviour and had
adopted an increasingly Chinese lifestyle.
The main force behind
Hardoons increasingly close relationship with Chinese society was his
wife Luo Jialing (Liza Roos) (1864-1941), a Buddhist Eurasian 
possibly of Jewish origin (see note below) - who completely 

[cia-drugs] Pushing Nuclear Armageddon

2005-08-22 Thread Linda Minor

'Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon
This article appears in the August 26, 2005 issue
of Executive Intelligence Review.

'Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear
by Jeffrey

in late 1980, then-Col. Paul E. Vallely, the Commander of the 7th
Psychological Operations Group, United States Army Reserve, Presidio of
San Francisco, Ca., co-authored a discussion paper, which received wide
and controversial attention within the U.S. military, particularly
within the Special Operations community. The paper was titled "From
PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory," and it presented a
Nietzschean scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against
friend and enemy populations alike, and even against the American
"MindWar" paper was provoked by an article by Lt. Col. John Alexander,
which appeared in the December 1980 edition of Military Review,
advocating the introduction of ESP (extra-sensory perception),
"tele-pathetic behavior modification," para-psychology, psychokinesis
("mind over matter"), remote viewing, out of body experiences, and
other New Age and occult practices into U.S. military intelligence.
Alexander's paper was titled "The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up,
But the
subsequent paper co-authored by Vallely went way beyond ESP and the
other paranormal techniques advocated by Alexander: "Strategic
must begin the moment war is considered to be inevitable," the document
stated. "It must seek out the attention of the enemy nation through
every available medium, and it must strike at the nation's potential
soldiers before they put on their uniforms. It is in their
homes and their communities that they are most vulnerable to
"To this
end," Vallely and co-author continued, "MindWar must be strategic in
emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing,
supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to
friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globeneither through
primitive 'battlefield' leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through
the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronicsbut through
media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to
reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media are,
of course the electronic mediatelevision and radio.
State of
the art developments in satellite communication, video recording
techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make
possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have
been inconceivable just a few years ago. Like the sword Excalibur
Arthur's magical sworded.], we have but to reach out and seize this
tool; and it can transform the world for us if we have the courage and
the integrity to enhance civilization with it. If we do not accept
Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures
with our morality. If they can then desire moralities unsatisfactory to
us, we have no choice but to fight them on a more brutish level.
must target all
participants to be effective. It must not only weaken the enemy; it
must strengthen the United States. It strengthens the United States by
denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining
emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest in a
specific war."
nothing to the imagination, the document concluded by emphasizing that
MindWar should employ subliminal brainwashing technologies, and
that directly attack the targetted population's central nervous system
and brain functioning: "There are some purely natural conditions under
which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar
should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric
electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency
waves," the paper concluded.
"MindWar" paper was disturbing, for reasons beyond its fascistic and
occultist content. For one thing, Colonel Vallely's co-author was a
PSYOP Research  Analysis Team Leader named Maj. Michael A.
Five years before the circulation of the MindWar paper, Special Forces
Reserve officer Aquino had founded the Temple of Set, a Satanic
organization which was the successor to Anton Szandor LeVay's Church of
Satan. Aquino would soon be grabbing headlines, which persisted
throughout the 1980s, as a leading suspect in a nationwide Satanic
pedophile ring, that particularly targetted daycare centers on such
military bases as Fort Bragg and the Presidio (see article, p.21).
Vallely and Aquino's MindWar scheme is remarkably similar to the
Information Awareness (TIA) program launched by the Donald Rumsfeld
Pentagon, under the direction of Irangate figure Adm. John
Ostensibly, the Total Information Awareness global propaganda and
mega-data-mining plan was scrapped after a series of negative news

[cia-drugs] Data Mining and Able Danger

2005-08-13 Thread Linda Minor

More on Data Mining and Able Danger

[Jon Holdaway, Wednesday
August 10, 2005 at 3:42am EST]


Let me add a couple of comments to your post.

1. Information Sharing and US Persons.

The critical part of your first quote block below is:

Under American law, United States citizens and green-card holders may
not be singled out in intelligence-collection operations by the
military or intelligence agencies. That protection does not extend to
visa holders, but Mr. Weldon and the former intelligence official said
it might have reinforced a sense of discomfort common before Sept. 11
about sharing intelligence information with a law enforcement agency.

This is just flat-out wrong. First, the "law" cited is Executive
Order 12333, which defines the Intelligence Community and its authority
to conduct operations. The most important provision of EO 12333 is its
rules for when the IC can collect information on "US Persons." This is
a specific definition and applies to a) US citizens, b) Permanent
Resident Aliens (green-card holders), c) un-incorporated organizations
composed by a majority of a) or b), or d) US corporations not owned by
a foreign government.

The general rule for EO 12333 is basically, "thou shalt not collect
information (that is, spy on) US Persons, except . . ." The "except"
portion is critical. There are 13 exceptions under which an
intelligence agency can collect information on US Persons. These
include for personnel security investigations, for administrative
purposes, when the subject gives consent to collect. The two most
important categories are for Foreign Intelligence purposes (that is,
collecting information on US Persons who are agents of a foreign power)
and for Counterintelligence purposes. The Counterintelligence
also includes collection for counternarcotics and international
counterterrorism purposes. It also allows for collection of not
individuals reasonably believed to be engaged in international
terrorism activities, but also collection of information on people
with individuals reasonably believed to engaged in international
terrorism activities (for the purpose of determining the relationship 
if no significant relationship, then the info is destroyed).

All of this falls under the rubric of "intelligence oversight", which
is a well-ingrained program within the military intelligence community
ensuring that collection (especially HUMINT) activities did not retain
information on US Persons without authority.

So when someone says that the military couldn't share information
because of rules against collection of US Person information, that is
not an accurate statement. Even if Mohammed Atta was a Permanent
Resident Alien, the Intelligence Community was free to spy on him,
collect the information, database it, and use it in intelligence
reporting community-wide. The excuse doesn't make sense logically,
either: How could Able Danger have conducted intelligence collection,
using Army intelligence resources at LIWA have built the briefing to
begin with? Once the information has been properly collected, it can be
shared (theoretically). The reason the information was not forwarded
probably had more to do with the infamous "wall" created by Justice
Department's misreading of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,
fixed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Appeals and the
Patriot Act.

2. Datamining.

When one talks of datamining, they need to be clear on what exactly
they mean. All datamining is is a set of tools used to dip into
databases which can sort through the data and provide the answer to the
query. Think of Westlaw or Lexis/Nexis on speed. The
controversy in TIA
was created over the types of databases they were going to search.
DARPA was talking about applying the analytical toolkits to
business databases such as credit cards, hotel bookings, rental cars,
etc. Even then, there were rules in place (using EO 12333 as the
foundation) to ensure that the databases were not being queried without
a legitimate purpose.

However, TIA was killed in a spate of misinformation. Before its death,
these toolkits were already being used and improved by the Information
Dominance Center at Fort Belvoir, VA. The significant difference
between TIA's goals and the IDC's actual practice is that IDC is only
analyzing databases of Intel Community information already collected.

Here's how IDC (at this discussion level) works: if Army intelligence
has a reasonable belief that I am either engaging in or supporting
international terrorist activities (or had a relationship with those
engaged in the same) based on information that I had attended a mosque
with a known terrorist and/or had made pro-terrorist statements, the
first thing Army intel is going to do is to "tip" its own databases and
see what has already been collected on me. Low and behold, they find a
report written about a Gitmo 

[cia-drugs] Laura Rozen, Curt Weldon's Deep Throat

2005-08-12 Thread Linda Minor
Curt Weldon's Deep Throat
The Pennsylvania Republicans freelance spying
has once again brought a discredited arms dealer's fabrications to the
 By Laura
Web Exclusive: 06.10.05 
 Print Friendly | Email Article

 Countdown to Terror,
Representative Curt Weldon's sensationalistic new book about his
personal struggle to combat the Iranian terrorism threat despite the
alleged resistance of the CIA, is based entirely on the Pennsylvania
Republican's freelance communications with a secret source he
code-named "Ali." Much of Weldon's book, which will be released next
week by Regnery Publishing, consists of reproduced pages of comically
overwrought "intelligence" memos faxed from the Iranian migrs Paris
location to Weldons office between 2003 and 2004. 
Dear Curt, reads one memo excerpt from Ali
published by Weldon. An attack against an atomic plant by a plane, the
name mentioned, but not clear it begins with SEA  [Seattle?].
Another reads: Dear Curt:  I confirm again a terrorist attack within
the United States is planned before the American elections." 
But in an exclusive interview with The
American Prospect, Weldon's "Ali" -- who was identified in an April
by me and Jeet Heer as Fereidoun Mahdavi, a frail, elderly former
minister of commerce in the shahs government and a longtime business
associate of Iran-Contra arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar -- said he
was stunned and perplexed to learn that Weldon had used his information
to write a book, emphasizing that Weldon never even told him about the
Mahdavi also said that the bulk of the
information that he had provided to Weldon was originally sourced from
none other than Ghorbanifar, the subject of a rare CIA burn notice
after the agency found him to be a "fabricator" more than two decades
ago during the Iran-Contra affair.

Many information that I have given to Weldon
coming from Ghorbanifar, said Mahdavi, who was reached in Paris by
telephone on June 6. Because Ghorbanifar used me, in fact, to pass
that stuff because I know he has problems in Washington.

The former minister continued: I am
in Tehran. How can I call Tehran? But Ghorbanifar is something else. He
has all the contacts within Iran. Nobody has so many information and
contacts that he has. Now if he is using that information through me to
try to buy power indirectly, that is his business. I do it because I
have known him for many years.

Several Iranian exile associates of the pair
have told the Prospect
that Mahdavi, living in reduced circumstances and caring for his
cancer-stricken wife, is in fact financially dependent on Ghorbanifar.
They have been involved in various businesses together, from petroleum
shipping to arms dealing to (more recently) intelligence peddling,
since both washed up in Paris after the Iranian revolution in 1979.

Although Mahdavi expresses understanding of
motives of his old pal and business partner Ghorbanifar, he says he is
utterly baffled by Weldons decision to use his information as the
foundation of a book that the congressman never once mentioned to him. 
I assume that if [Weldon] wanted to publish a
book, I assure you I would have heard it, Mahdavi said initially, in
disbelief that Weldon would publish the book without even a phone call.
I am just surprised that you tell me he has a book coming out  .

Hours later, after receiving a fax with a Congressional
Quarterly article about Weldons forthcoming book and the book description, Mahdavi spoke again in shock and anger.

Someone is using me for their purposes,
raged. How is it possible that something like that book comes out
the people who publish it dont inform me? Dont you think thats
strange? What I cannot understand is, if you had not called me and told
me there is a book coming out from Weldon, I would have never known
about it. You informed me. But this is now, I am sure, there is a
between all these [U.S. government] organizations, and they are using
this issue and using me.

Among those who agree is the former senior CIA
official who met with Mahdavi in response to Weldons pressure on the
agency to accept the Mahdavi/Ghorbanifar information. The tale of "Ali"
suggests that the agency is assiduously seeking to weed out another
fabricator like Ghorbanifar (or Iraqi fabulist Ahmad Chalabi) from
corrupting U.S. intelligence information on Iran.

Bill Murray, a former CIA station chief in
met with me on June 9 at a northern Virginia shopping mall to talk
about Weldon's assault on the agency. Still doing contract work for the
CIA since his recent retirement, Murray chose to speak up about the
agencys role in vetting and determining Alis information to be
fabrications -- migr babble" -- because Weldon has publicly savaged
the CIA in his book. By speaking with reporters, Murray believes he
could be risking his contract work, but hes outraged over what he

[cia-drugs] TREASONGATE: The Controlling Law part 1

2005-08-09 Thread Linda Minor

It's interesting that the Bush leakers are using
the same defenses brought up in a case a few years ago in which they
prosecuted persons for leaking information intended to hurt them. Now
that the shoe is on the other foot, they think the courts will reverse
the interpretation of the law, I assume.

Thursday, July 28, 2005
 TREASONGATE: The Controlling Law - Big Trouble
For The White House Staff. 

controlling law for Treasongate has been greatly ignored by the main
stream media and the blogosphere. This article seeks to clarify the
controlling law.

To determine the controlling law,
all one needs
to do is read the non-disclosure agreement Karl Rove and all of
members of the Bush administration with security clearance signed which
included the following statement: 

have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of classified
information by me may constitute a violation, or violations, of
States criminal laws, including the provisions of Sections 641, 793,
794, 798, 952 and 1924, Title 18, United States Code, the
provisions of
Section 783(b), Title 50, United States Code, and the
provisions of the
Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982." 

for a breach of the non-disclosure agreement are provided for by
Executive Order, but those sanctions are ancillary to the United States
Code provisions cited in the paragraph above which stand alone.

notice that the Title 18 United States Code statutes are separate
statutes that precede the first mention of the "Intelligence Identities
Protection Act". The complicated "Intelligence Identities Protection
Act" of 1982 which has been exclusively discussed by the media is not
controlling. Rove and company may be guilty of violating that act, but
prior United States Code statutory law and Federal case law,
specifically 18 USC 793 as interpreted by United States v.
(and related cases) has been breached and should lead to convictions
under the facts known to the public at large. 18 USC 793 provides for a
maximum of ten years in prison to those convicted under this statute.

of the law and precedent regarding 18 USC 793 indicates that the facts
known to the public in the Plame case may be sufficient to guarantee
convictions because the statute does not require that the
leaked be "classified". Certainly, the information leaked in the
case was classified as "SECRET" in a State Department memo circulated
from and to White House staff, but that classification is not necessary
for convictions under sections of Title 18 statutes.

18 USC 793
does not require that officials responsible for disclosing information
about Valerie Plame had to know she was "covert" or under cover.
Discussed in great detail below, the statute only requires that the
information leaked be related to the national defense
and that the individual responsible for disclosing that information
have a reasonable belief that the information could be
used to the detriment of the USA. Ths legal test is much easier to meet
than the test put forth in the Intelligence Identities Protection Act.

the highest courts in the USA that have studied this issue already
address the defensive arguments forwarded in Treasongate. And it is
clear that arguments which might stand a chance in a defense to the
Intelligence Identities Protection Act, will fail as a defense to
charges brought under 18 USC 793, 794 and 641.

[If 18 USC
794 has also been breached, that statute provides a maximum sentence of
the death penalty for those convicted "in a time of war". Analysis of
18 USC 794 and 18 U.S.C. @ 641 will be the subject of a future article
by this author. The focus of this study will center upon 18 USC 793(d),
which is the statute most likely to return convictions in the Plame
matter. Sections 794 and 641 may also have been violated, but those
issues are slightly more difficult to prove. Please note that
in 2002, the Bush administration used 18 U.S.C. @ 641 to convict
Jonathan Randel for leaking to the media non-classified
about Drug Enforcement Administration files.] 

has been reported in various publications that a State Department memo
was circulated among members of The White House staff indicating that
the paragraph containing Valerie Plame's name was marked with an "[S]"
meaning the information in that paragraph was classified as "Secret". EXECUTIVE
ORDER 13292, signed by President Bush on March 25, 2003
explains the various levels of classified information:

"2) "Secret" shall be
applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure
of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the
national security that the original classification authority is able to
identify or describe. "

classified State Department memorandum central to the federal leak
investigation contained information about CIA officer Valerie 

[cia-drugs] Why Did Attorney General Ashcroft Remove Himself?

2005-08-09 Thread Linda Minor

John Dean was on this story 18 months ago.

Why Did Attorney General Ashcroft
Remove Himself From The Valerie Plame Wilson Leak Investigation? 
Signs that a Key Witness May Have Come Forward

Tuesday, Jan. 06, 2004

 Recently, Attorney General John Ashcroft removed himself from the
investigation into who leaked the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie
Plame Wilson. Since the announcement, there has been considerable
speculation as to why this occurred, and what it means. 
think the move suggests the inquiry will be scuttled -- and Ashcroft is
ducking out early to avoid the heat. But that seems unlikely. The new
head of the investigation, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, is a high profile,
well-respected U.S. Attorney, who runs one of the more important
offices in the country, Chicago's. Fitzgerald is also a close
friend of
Deputy Attorney General James Comey, who announced his appointment.
seems unlikely that Fitzgerald was brought in merely to kill the case. 
believe that Ashcroft's decision to remove himself suggests that the
investigation must be focusing on people politically close to Ashcroft,
and that Ashcroft thus pulled out because he knew he would be
criticized whatever he did. That is certainly possible. 
as I will explain, I have a slightly different take on what has
occurred and why. Here is what the latest positioning of
the tea leaves
tells me. 

The Recent Progress of the Plame Investigation

 All signs indicate that the Plame leak investigation has been
gaining steam.
As readers may recall, it was in a July 14 column that journalist
Robert Novak revealed that Valerie Plame Wilson was a CIA covert agent.
As I discussed in a prior column, the leak is potentially a
felony, and could violate several laws.
 According to The Washington Post,
on December 23, minority leader Thomas Daschle, and the ranking
Democrat of the Armed Services Committee, Carl Levin, sent Ashcroft a
letter. The letter demanded a status report on the Plame investigation,
and urged the appointment of a special counsel. So Democrats have kept
the heat on, but that does not strike me as the probable reason for
Ashcroft's decision. 
 On December 26, the Post
reported that the investigation was, in fact, gaining momentum, and the
Justice Department had added a fourth prosecutor "specializing in
counterintelligence" (which I translate as meaning he had all the
security clearances needed to work on a case like this). It also
reported that "FBI agents have told people they have interviewed that
they may be asked to testify before a grand jury." Empanelling a grand
jury empowers prosecutors both to serve subpoenas, and to gather
testimony under oath.
 On December 30, Deputy Attorney General
Comey held a press conference to announce that Ashcroft had removed
himself from the investigation. Comey said that the investigation would
instead be headed by Fitzgerald. Of note to me, was Comey's comment
that "this has come together really in the last week" -- meaning,
apparently, the week of December 22-26 -- the Christmas holiday week
during which the FBI raised the prospect of a grand jury. 
Comey explained, given Fitzgerald's U.S. Attorney status -- which will
be continuing concurrent with his "special counsel" status -- there
will be no interruption in the investigation. Comey noted that if
Fitzgerald "needs to issue a subpoena involving the media, for example,
or if he wants to grant immunity to somebody," he will not have to
obtain approval of the Justice Department. (The reference to the media
certainly hints at subpoenaing Novak's phone records, or calling him
before the grand jury -- again suggesting progress in the inquiry.)
On January 2, NBC News reported that the FBI was focusing on the
House as the probable source of the leak. It also reported that the FBI
had asked White House staffers "to sign a form releasing reporters from
any promises of confidentiality they may have made to their sources."
Not only does none of this activity indicate an investigation that
being scuttled, but it clearly implies something noteworthy has
happened in the investigation. 

The New Phase Of the Investigation

Not wanting to hype the situation, all Comey said was that Ashcroft
withdrew because, in an "abundance of caution," he "believed that his
recusal was appropriate based on the totality of the circumstances and
the facts and evidence developed at this stage of the investigation."
He added later in the press conference that the "recusal is not one of
actual conflict of interest that arises normally when someone has a
financial interest or something. The issue that he was concerned about
was one of appearance."
 What facts would raise a serious
questions of the appearance of a conflict of interest here? I'd
that the investigation is focusing on at least one target whom Ashcroft
knows more than casually, or works with regularly. 

[cia-drugs] Chicago Grand Jury

2005-08-02 Thread Linda Minor

Cloak and Dagger 
  1:53 EDT August 2ND





 "I hope they go after the 
'fictitious Presidency' as well!"
says Cloak and Dagger
 A Chicago
grand jury has indicted the President and Vice-President of the United
States along with multiple high officials in the Bush administration!
father, Bush Senior, Saved Him From a Murder Rap But Can He Save Him
Against a Treason Rap.  

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[cia-drugs] Tom Heneghen report on July 17

2005-08-02 Thread Linda Minor

This show aired before the disclosure about the
actual indictments reported by Flocco.
Tom Heneghen reports to Cloak
 Dagger Internet Radio
(late of 50,000-watt blowtorch CFMJ-AM) that a trusted "source close to
the Fitzgerald investigation" says the independent prosecutor is
looking into former CIA Director George Tenet's role in pre-9/11 put
options placed on American Airlines.

Previous editions of Cloak
 Dagger reported that the special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald
has taken his investigation beyond who named Valerie Plame as a CIA
agent into who frauded up claims that Saddam Hussien was seeking
yellowcake uranium and, ultimately, the 9/11 scam. 

CD correspondent Tom Heneghen reported on the July 17 show
that Fitzgerald is looking into insider trading on airline stocks
before 9/11. Heneghen reports that over the three trading days before
9/11 on the Chicago Board of Options 4,516 put options (bets the price
would tank) were placed on American Airlines stock vs only 748 call
options (bets the price would go up).

According to CD,
Fitzgerald is investigating Tenet's role in connection to Buzzy
Krongard, a former No. 3 at the CIA, and that man's relation to the
2,157 airline options placed through Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter,
located on 22 floors of the WTC.

Texas money laundering operation involving Hunts
V.K. Durham trust
Beverly Enterprises and Stephens, Inc.--45 nursing home
associates--Mena, Ark.
bogus gold cert.
Brady Bond fraud
Wachovia Bank
assassinations--William Doonesbury and  ?
offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood
financial and operational terrorist fraud
leaker to Judith Miller
Bolton cables and intercepts with Uzbekistan
hedge fund in London involving two "suicides" in NY
James Warren at Chicago Trib is obstructing justice
Chicago Mercantile
Roger Morris, NSC--Air Force One signal of Bush and Cheney talking
about Valerie Plame
Leo Wanta letter to Dick Cheney about Philippine money --linked to
Wachovia Bank
Marc Rich
Russian Mafiya
Arrest of "E.P" in London, money laundered through Denmark
If Bush fires Patrick Fitzgerald, it will set P.F. free to talk.
white-skinned Moslems in Texas
Arrests in London are the same as what went on in NY after 9/11 to shut
up people who knew too much
Subway bombs were underneath the trains and could not have been planted
by the youths they arrested.
Private company, mock drill, piggy-backed with actual bombing.
P-2 and Calipari, who was assassinated in Iraq.
Niger's embassy broken into and papers stolen
Bush is desperate to fire Fitz., but can't. Indictments will open up
the whole money laundering network.
Throughout the tape, there has been no mention of any sources for the
information--where any leaks are coming from other than documents
submitted by Tom Heneghen.


A Rose Law Firm Deal, Revisited
The Wall Street Journal PAGE A20 - - - 03/15/1994
Jonathan Roos
(Copyright (c) 1994, Dow Jones  Co., Inc.)
The following is reprinted with permission
from the Des Moines Register of June 13, 1993. A related editorial
appears nearby {see related editorial: "Review  Outlook
(Editorial): Who Was Webster Hubbell? -- I" -- WSJ March 15,
When Hillary Rodham Clinton complained in a
recent speech about profiteering in the health care industry, she
could have found a ready example in the role one of her former
Arkansas law partners played in an Iowa nursing-homes deal that made
millions for the deal makers.
William H. Kennedy III, a partner in the Rose
Law Firm of Little Rock and now associate counsel to President
Clinton, shepherded the deal for Beverly Enterprises, a giant
nursing-home company that paired up with a Texas banker to sell its
Iowa and Arkansas nursing homes.
Forty-one Iowa homes were acquired four years
ago by a nonprofit corporation, now known as Care Initiatives, that
was effectively controlled by the banker, Bruce Whitehead. The deal
was financed by $86 million in tax-exempt revenue bonds.
Whitehead and the bond underwriters took
up-front profits exceeding $15 million.
Beverly, which needed cash to reduce its
crippling debt, made about $10 million.
"Kennedy was involved in the whole thing,
period. He was the point man for Beverly," says Frank Pechacek, a
Council Bluffs lawyer who investigated the deal for county assessors.
The assessors were contesting Care Initiatives' claim to property tax
exemptions for its nursing homes in about 30 counties.
Kennedy could not be reached for
Other Rose Law Firm partners who now work in
the Clinton administration may have been involved, too. Webster
Hubbell, who holds the No. 3 slot in the Justice Department {Mr.
Hubbell resigned yesterday}, listed Beverly Enterprises among his 26
Rose Law Firm clients.
Vincent Foster Jr., deputy counsel to the
president, represented Stephens Inc., a Little Rock

[cia-drugs] Daniel Schorr: Rove leak is about a casus belli.

2005-07-16 Thread Linda Minor

finally getting around to what I wrote last month in "A Government

CommentaryDaniel Schorr

from the July 15, 2005 edition 





leak is just part of larger scandal

By Daniel Schorr

Let me remind you that the underlying issue
in the Karl Rove
controversy is not a leak, but a war and how America was misled into
that war.



In 2002 President Bush, having decided to invade Iraq, was casting
about for a casus belli. The
weapons of mass destruction theme was not yielding very much until a
dubious Italian intelligence report, based partly on forged documents
(it later turned out), provided reason to speculate that Iraq might be
trying to buy so-called yellowcake uranium from the African country of
Niger. It did not seem to matter that the CIA advised that the Italian
information was "fragmentary and lacked detail."
Prodded by Vice President Dick Cheney and in the hope of getting
more conclusive information, the CIA sent Joseph Wilson, an old Africa
hand, to Niger to investigate. Mr. Wilson spent eight days talking to
everyone in Niger possibly involved and came back to report no sign of
an Iraqi bid for uranium and, anyway, Niger's uranium was committed to
other countries for many years to come.
No news is bad news for an administration gearing up for war.
Ignoring Wilson's report, Cheney talked on TV about Iraq's nuclear
potential. And the president himself, in his 2003 State of the Union
address no less, pronounced: "The British government has learned that
Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from
Wilson declined to maintain a discreet silence. He told various
people that the president was at least mistaken, at most telling an
untruth. Finally Wilson directly challenged the administration with a
July 6, 2003 New York Times op-ed headlined, "What I didn't find in
Africa," and making clear his belief that the president deliberately
manipulated intelligence in order to justify an invasion.
One can imagine the fury in the White House. We now know from the
e-mail traffic of Time's correspondent Matt Cooper that five days after
the op-ed appeared, he advised his bureau chief of a supersecret
conversation with Karl Rove who alerted him to the fact that Wilson's
wife worked for the CIA and may have recommended him for the Niger
assignment. Three days later, Bob Novak's column appeared giving
Wilson's wife's name, Valerie Plame, and the fact she was an undercover
CIA officer. Mr. Novak has yet to say, in public, whether Mr. Rove was
his source. Enough is known to surmise that the leaks of Rove, or
others deputized by him, amounted to retaliation against someone who
had the temerity to challenge the president of the United States when
he was striving to find some plausible reason for invading Iraq.
The role of Rove and associates added up to a small incident in a
very large scandal - the effort to delude America into thinking it
faced a threat dire enough to justify a war.
 Daniel Schorr is the senior news analyst at National Public

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