[cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-23 Thread muckblit
Sukarno was talking about a Pac Rim development bank to compete
with IMF/WB. He was pushed out by CIA/Suharto, and JFK got
whacked in part for a willingness to let Sukarno release West
Papua/NewGuinea which would have wasted Freeport-McMoran's
bribes there for a gold mine and they didn't want to pay bribes to
a new government so they joined in the JFK swarm(CIA,Permindex,
mob, etc).

I have Les Coleman's Trail of the Octopus, and also William Chasey's
book--he went to Libya. CIA definitely bombed the plane using
Monzer Al Kasser
187828/view?picmode=mode=tnorder=ordinalstart=1count=20dir=asc ,
(above, arrested in 2008) in order to kill Gannon and McKee.

Benazir Bhutto was assassinated to subvert democracy and assert a
Ngo Dinh Diem type of weak surrogate and then as in the US the
right retreated, in Pakistan I believe the right has retreated into
the off-the-map zones in order to use extremists to destabilize and
make both a sanctuary and job for intel and military. Similarly the
US military is being entangled in a wider war like JFK Vietnam to
prevent peace and democracy and Obama's Change or rather his
followers' notion of change. War and the well-timed real estate
bubble's collapse prevented a real healthcare bill from having the
funding it needs, for instance, as the war and bailouts hold us to
the right, to Obama's and the Democrats' discredit in the US and
the US attacking Pakistan helps the Pak right. The whole thing
gets rather obvious where the CIA drone pilots operate from
Pakistan, and US troops leave the poppies alone in Afghanistan.


USMC guards 911-liberated poppies

New York Times, March 20, 2010  U.S. Turns a Blind Eye to Opium  in
Afghan Town  By ROD NORDLAND
KABUL, Afghanistan — The effort to win over Afghans on former
iban/index.html?inline=nyt-org   turf in Marja has put American and
th_atlantic_treaty_organization/index.html?inline=nyt-org  commanders
in the unusual position of arguing  against opium
dex.html?inline=nyt-classifier   eradication, pitting them against some
Afghan officials who are pushing  to destroy the harvest.

From Gen. Stanley  A. McChrystal
mcchrystal/index.html?inline=nyt-per  on down, the military's
position is clear: U.S.  forces no longer eradicate, as one
NATO official put it. Opium is the  main livelihood of 60 to 70 percent
of the farmers in Marja, which was  seized from Taliban rebels in a
major offensive last month. American Marines
marine_corps/index.html?inline=nyt-org   occupying the area are under
orders to leave the farmers' fields alone.

Marja is a special case right now, said Cmdr. Jeffrey Eggers,
a member  of the general's Strategic Advisory Group, his top
advisory body. We  don't trample the livelihood of those
we're trying to win over.

United  Nations
ted_nations/index.html?inline=nyt-org  drug officials agree with the
Americans, though they  acknowledge the conundrum. Pictures of NATO and
other allied soldiers   walking next to the opium fields won't
go well with domestic audiences,  but the approach of postponing
eradicating in this particular case is a  sensible one, said
Jean-Luc Lemahieu, who is in charge of the United Nations Office on
Drugs  and Crime
http://www.unodc.org/afghanistan/index.html?ref=menutop  here.

Afghan officials, however, are divided. Though some support the American
position, others, citing a constitutional ban on opium cultivation, 
want to plow the fields under before the harvest, which has already 
begun in parts of Helmand Province.

How can we allow the world to see lawful forces in charge of Marja
next  to fields full of opium, which one way or another will be
harvested and  turned into a poison that kills people all over the
world? said Zulmai  Afzali, the spokesman for the Afghan Ministry
of Counternarcotics.

The Taliban are the ones who profit from opium, so you are letting
your  enemy get financed by this so he can turn around and kill you
back, he  added, referring to how the Taliban squeeze farmers for
money to run  their operations.

The argument may strike some as a jarring 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-22 Thread michael1
Thank you, Karma.
Islam was provided with what is acknowledged as the greatest military
invention that the world has ever come up with.  They used it wisely.

Gaddafi has really learned the ropes.  He came close to being whacked.  At
that level there are some rules for assassination.  Basically “You
assassinate ‘them’ not ‘us’ at our level.”  In the past I found that
upsetting.  If assassinations were allowed to go to leaders every leader
would be a target.  Now this can only be done under certain conditions.

Gaddafi sent a strong message with where he put his ceremonial tent when
he spoke in the UN.  (Hard to explain.)   This was in conjunction with
Russia’s Arctic Sea statement.  The loud screams that continue over Iran
sound, and are, more and more in desperation.

I always check the remarks on news sites after a story when possible.  On
some they can be ordered into the ‘most recommended’.  You should have
seen the reaction to drug killings in Mexico.  Both the US and Mexican
governments are blamed and most just said that the only choice is to
legalize all of it.  Most every reply, (about 2/3rds), used ‘Prohibition’
in the first sentence.

You might think I am popping around but trying to get to the spread of
attitude change.
When I wrote the ‘Aqaba is in Dallas’ piece here I should have prefaced it
with more basic ‘island nations’ vs. ‘land nations’ or ‘allies’ vs. ‘axis’
info.   ‘Axis’ is an old term that was popularized by Bonito Mussolini. 
It is a line from Murmansk on top of Russia to Cape Town, South Africa. 
This is the land axis that has been pummeled by the sea traders for the
last 5 to 6 hundred years.  They do have the resources.  What was talked
about in Pakistan was worrisome because it made such sense.  You can whack
those who are problems under certain conditions.  But you can’t alter
(Trades were made.  When is the last time you were in a US motel not run
by Pakistanies?)  (I started Bhutto’s daughter’s book but never finished

This is what is again emerging.  And it is for real:
It keeps snapping back to the man with the hammer.  The greatest military
invention of all time is the stirrup.  I’m better at poetry:

I With Kubla Khan Did Beat

I with Kubla Khan did beat
White war hoof on the victim street.
And shared with every victor seat
The splendor of the foe’s retreat.

T’was I who fought so close to you,
Who stayed the charge – Fu Tut Manchu.
Who with Czar-son – Petrofski Skevar
Had boasted multitudes of scar.
And with the Shah-son – Balbul Amir
Had charged the steppes with bow and spear.
Who with Tartar and Cossack and Hindu and Turk
Under stirrup and pack did your dirtiest work.

More, I from Kubla Khan had fled
White war hoofs that had turned to red.
And with retreating bleeding dread
Had stood beside my master – dead.

Did you think of me as your bearer of Mars?
As with head in the saddle you looked at the stars?
While you slept so close to earth,
This I heard from Heaven’s mirth:

“Far above his lover’s wail
Earth’s poet god beyond the pale,
Dreams sea-cousins in fighting ships
Whose right hand stands upon the sea,
And leaves his left, with our hoof on ground:
Land nations as a fort surround,
To war by war each beat to pound.”

But this I heard alone in clouds
As sleep you lay in dreamy shrouds.
As sleep you lay on saddle earth
Whose picket line of sentry worth,
Of steaming nostrils, silvered girth,
Has framed the stars that gave you birth.
And who rode through all your wars?
Who cavalries Calvary’s troubled sores?
And so destined to your course
Has breathed so noble as I, your horse?

 nice thread. just wanted to add a bit of buried history here. in 1974,
 pakistan's zulfikar ali bhutto convened an islamic summit in
 islamabad. co-chaired with gaddafi. attended by all leaders of islamic
 nations, from saudi royalty to uganda's idi amin.

  gaddafi's and bhutto's proposal was simple and brilliant. the islamic
 world at the time held a population of 800 million and controlled vast
 resources. united they could form a third major power in a world carved
 up by the west and the soviets.

  three years later bhutto was toppled and five years later he was hanged.
 not long after, gaddafi had sanctions imposed on his country over the
 lockerbie affair and he survived a bombing raid.

[cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-21 Thread muckblit
Beautiful poem. I should not give too much away.
I have a shangaan ringtone. I felt the horse liniment
last summer, and things happened like visions before
the campfire. I know people with those names, too.
Maybe the Mao Mao were homeless squatters, the
victims of false flag ops. Maesai and pygmies have
recently been evicted, some to concentration camps,
and now the US citizens are beginning to experience
that 1920's 1930's Dust Bowl Grapes of Wrath here.
Matthew McDaniel rides his horse OR to NYC to
protest land stealing by a US-backed monarch in
Thailand. Have Sri Lankan fishermen won back
their beach villages since the hurricane(see Naomi
Klein on US wrong side there again). Bush New
Orleans. Jessica Lynch was well treated in Iraq.
Israeli apartheid and Leb Hezbollah won that Alamo.
US aggression in Somalia caused taxation by piracy.
Pat Robertson and Ibrahim Bah; blood diamonds.

Every African nation where they have succeeded at
democracy, truth and reconciliation with or without
justice process, development, also is working against
misogyny and rape. Women's issues and enfranchisement
are moving forward in Africa, and one reason the USG
had to hang Lockerbie Pan Am 103 on Libya's Gadafi
was because Libya had equality for women and ended
exim nationalization while the US still had exim and
banking nationalized without land reform completed
yet in El Salvador or glasnost perestroika. Now we
are still backing misogyny, dictators, warlords, and
would no doubt back monarchs if Afghanistan and
Iraq had not both refused US transparent attempts
to prolong British monarchy as in Jordan and Saudi.

It should have been obvious in Liberia in 2004 that
though cannibals, the indigenous side was the only
right side due to only fighting for enfranchisement
and an end to Afro-American imitation of southern
US plantation model and a caste system. We back
monarchs and dictators and secretly raise up the
misogynist political islamists and practice cocaine
colonialism and monocropping and a host of other
evil and stupid losers. There is no way to win
with any of that, except in the old British sense of
making an empire wheeze on a little longer. Old
Pat Robertson bought blood diamonds from RUF
army child hand hackers to oppose abortion as
wedge issue collapsing into empire as Bushwa

Either we stop giving US bees patent medicine or
they die off. Then we wouldl take down trade barriers
to foreign food with melamine and pesticides and
whatever Blackwater  wants to feed us at whatever
price the hidden Enron partners want to charge us
from Dubai. FEMA pointed guns at hungry and
thirsty people in New Orleans. There was no free
gas for airboats. Burning oil and a photo op for
Bush was all the dimwit losers had.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-21 Thread michael1
Thanks, you made many good points.
It is fairly well, (about completely), acknowledged in Africa that you
cannot plop down and form of democracy.  There are no long-standing
institutions to base it upon.  Military dictatorships work best to start. 
Moscow trained long-standing Sudan head, Omar al-Bashir, wrote a good
piece on this but can’t find it on the Internet.

South Africa is an example of pushing democracy too quickly: not good at all.

Islam works best to start.  They have prevailed in running backward
societies for a long time.  Within a short time the situation becomes very

When Gaddafi stood up at the UN and said that the Security Council is
corrupt, (head of the secret non-use of nuke pact), he got a standing
ovation.  This was spun another way in Western news.  The sudden crisis in
Nigeria is because we are loosing inner control.  That is why Gaddafi made
his ‘odd’ statement to the effect that Nigeria had better either work
together or break up.  Nigeria, in some respects, has been the most
dynamic holding those three strong tribes together.

What is developing now is that it is working together to become one large
political and banking block.  A real force.  Thanks.

 Beautiful poem. I should not give too much away.
 I have a shangaan ringtone. I felt the horse liniment
 last summer, and things happened like visions before
 the campfire. I know people with those names, too.
 Maybe the Mao Mao were homeless squatters, the
 victims of false flag ops. Maesai and pygmies have
 recently been evicted, some to concentration camps,
 and now the US citizens are beginning to experience
 that 1920's 1930's Dust Bowl Grapes of Wrath here.
 Matthew McDaniel rides his horse OR to NYC to
 protest land stealing by a US-backed monarch in
 Thailand. Have Sri Lankan fishermen won back
 their beach villages since the hurricane(see Naomi
 Klein on US wrong side there again). Bush New
 Orleans. Jessica Lynch was well treated in Iraq.
 Israeli apartheid and Leb Hezbollah won that Alamo.
 US aggression in Somalia caused taxation by piracy.
 Pat Robertson and Ibrahim Bah; blood diamonds.

 Every African nation where they have succeeded at
 democracy, truth and reconciliation with or without
 justice process, development, also is working against
 misogyny and rape. Women's issues and enfranchisement
 are moving forward in Africa, and one reason the USG
 had to hang Lockerbie Pan Am 103 on Libya's Gadafi
 was because Libya had equality for women and ended
 exim nationalization while the US still had exim and
 banking nationalized without land reform completed
 yet in El Salvador or glasnost perestroika. Now we
 are still backing misogyny, dictators, warlords, and
 would no doubt back monarchs if Afghanistan and
 Iraq had not both refused US transparent attempts
 to prolong British monarchy as in Jordan and Saudi.

 It should have been obvious in Liberia in 2004 that
 though cannibals, the indigenous side was the only
 right side due to only fighting for enfranchisement
 and an end to Afro-American imitation of southern
 US plantation model and a caste system. We back
 monarchs and dictators and secretly raise up the
 misogynist political islamists and practice cocaine
 colonialism and monocropping and a host of other
 evil and stupid losers. There is no way to win
 with any of that, except in the old British sense of
 making an empire wheeze on a little longer. Old
 Pat Robertson bought blood diamonds from RUF
 army child hand hackers to oppose abortion as
 wedge issue collapsing into empire as Bushwa

 Either we stop giving US bees patent medicine or
 they die off. Then we wouldl take down trade barriers
 to foreign food with melamine and pesticides and
 whatever Blackwater  wants to feed us at whatever
 price the hidden Enron partners want to charge us
 from Dubai. FEMA pointed guns at hungry and
 thirsty people in New Orleans. There was no free
 gas for airboats. Burning oil and a photo op for
 Bush was all the dimwit losers had.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

[cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread muckblit
The level of political, intellectual discourse by the common people
in Latin America and Africa leaves us behind. They are not afraid
of the old CIA puppet dictators. No African nation wants AFRICOM.
People mob farm foreclosure auctions in Latin America and either
shut them down or buy the farmer's land cheap for him. Then it
surprised me to hear that the same paradigm was practiced here
during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression.

I thought we were still being beat up by importing smart people
from India and Pakistan. Paks have taken Brighton Beach from
the Russians. Why do we need broadband if we can just let all
the B-1B foreigners replace us at a third the cost? Can't we all
just be morons? Being middle class has so many obligations,
including an orderly thought process so as not to spam the


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Many in the US might be so shocked at level of inside control that
 think unstoppable.  The real solution will come from the outside.  The
 Third World.  To many this is hard to believe.  This is why I posted
 the opera in Mexico.

 Another sign all over the net is the expensive decision to get
 to as many citizens as possible in the US and in the UK.  Why?

 Because we are falling more and more behind in invention.  Less and
 percent of patents and on and on.

 So the broadband decision shows the level of desperation.


Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread homepulse
hear hear! 
albeit experience has demonstrated you not reciprocating communication / direct 
That is of course your prerogative, and I love ya just the same, 
but such seems to go counter to your below expressed position? 
My Friend ;-) 

- Original Message - 
From: muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 11:11:22 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south 

The level of political, intellectual discourse by the common people 
in Latin America and Africa leaves us behind. They are not afraid 
of the old CIA puppet dictators. No African nation wants AFRICOM. 
People mob farm foreclosure auctions in Latin America and either 
shut them down or buy the farmer's land cheap for him. Then it 
surprised me to hear that the same paradigm was practiced here 
during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression. 

I thought we were still being beat up by importing smart people 
from India and Pakistan. Paks have taken Brighton Beach from 
the Russians. Why do we need broadband if we can just let all 
the B-1B foreigners replace us at a third the cost? Can't we all 
just be morons? Being middle class has so many obligations, 
including an orderly thought process so as not to spam the 


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote: 
 Many in the US might be so shocked at level of inside control that 
 think unstoppable. The real solution will come from the outside. The 
 Third World. To many this is hard to believe. This is why I posted 
 the opera in Mexico. 
 Another sign all over the net is the expensive decision to get 
 to as many citizens as possible in the US and in the UK. Why? 
 Because we are falling more and more behind in invention. Less and 
 percent of patents and on and on. 
 So the broadband decision shows the level of desperation. 


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Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 

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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread michael1
We are all on same page.  AFRICOM important.  Did I post the letter I
wrote to General Ward of AFRICOM?  I think I did.
From looks of Chad and Sudan and even strangness in Nigeria I think Africa
is doing their own Peace of Westphalia but keeping it inside.  Anything
they do out in open becomes a target.
And I certainly support Turkey.  I don't know what Sweden is doing, have
friends there and they too are embarrassed.
France and England just as responsible for Armenia. Armenia teaches you
not to trust a jump country.  Keeping enemies close does not mean
betraying them while in their lap, lol.
 hear hear!
 albeit experience has demonstrated you not reciprocating communication /
 direct question.
 That is of course your prerogative, and I love ya just the same,
 but such seems to go counter to your below expressed position?
 My Friend ;-)

 - Original Message -
 From: muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 11:11:22 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

 The level of political, intellectual discourse by the common people
 in Latin America and Africa leaves us behind. They are not afraid
 of the old CIA puppet dictators. No African nation wants AFRICOM.
 People mob farm foreclosure auctions in Latin America and either
 shut them down or buy the farmer's land cheap for him. Then it
 surprised me to hear that the same paradigm was practiced here
 during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression.

 I thought we were still being beat up by importing smart people
 from India and Pakistan. Paks have taken Brighton Beach from
 the Russians. Why do we need broadband if we can just let all
 the B-1B foreigners replace us at a third the cost? Can't we all
 just be morons? Being middle class has so many obligations,
 including an orderly thought process so as not to spam the


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Many in the US might be so shocked at level of inside control that
 think unstoppable. The real solution will come from the outside. The
 Third World. To many this is hard to believe. This is why I posted
 the opera in Mexico.

 Another sign all over the net is the expensive decision to get
 to as many citizens as possible in the US and in the UK. Why?

 Because we are falling more and more behind in invention. Less and
 percent of patents and on and on.

 So the broadband decision shows the level of desperation.



 Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/

 Please let us stay on topic and be civil.

 Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread muckblit
 typhimurium ST313 which CIA has
developed at Ft Detrick and Walter Reed Army Medical Center
and then released in Africa and Arkansas(Russell Welch) and
US Congress(Daschle and Leahy) and Minnesota(H1N1) will
emerge more than ever from Minnesota as 911-Saudi-CIA
converts Mayo Clinic to produce more CIA emerging diseases.
Whether emerging in offices of US Senators Daschle and
Leahy, or office of Arkansas state police, or in remote African
villages, new bioweapons will be emerging diseases thanks to
your tax dollars, true, but above all, thanks to your innocence.
FBI agents retorted,everybody does it, but we're the good guys,
in defense of using Franklin-Boystown-Presidio-Finders-Lindbergh
babies to make pedo blackmail videos. Need help with your left
hand emerging genmod diseases, maybe the right hand can
help you?

Similarly, the Africans can read Oliver North's diary and simply
call it cocaine colonialism. The Russians did not do that much
with LSD, STP, DMT, PCP, mescaline, psilocybin, and everybody
is not making pedo blackmail videos using the Lindbergh baby.
If the US did give you an vaccination for Ebola, it would still be laced
with enough aluminum and mercury slow your students down in
school. If the US weakened the immunity of your bees by loaning
you money to buy US ag chemicals, bee diseases would not be
cured by poisoning any surviving bees with antibiotics in order
to get you to lower your trade barriers. Thabo Mbeki may have
eternally discredited himself by convincing Nelson Mandela to
burden the victims of apartheid with the costs of apartheid,
including apartheid pensions, but Mbeki was right to question
whether feeding pillcakes to the thin man will fatten him or
kill him. Always look in the mouth of grinning wooden gift horse
on wheels. Dental amalgam? Thimerosol and aluminum in any
vaccine for biowar emerging from U Minn or Mayo or Walter
Reed? Timeout, will dead bees sting Illuminati before the US
corpse hits the ground, or will he just clatter like Bones when
he hits? Clue: the Israelis have two years to disappoint the
four powers Brzezhinski said are no substitute for Palestinians.
Hint: two years, what takes Viguerie and the Newtist Colony
two years? Bees dying. Nouveau Bushwa Change. Electronic
voting? Even send-plantation-model-back-to-Africa can still
be found in a petri dish marked Liberia at the CIA-Saudi
Mayo Bioweapons Clinic. What could that warlord be thinking,
after 2004? Maybe he is addicted to waterboarding. Some
people don't know what to do with themselves, CENQUAL
gunnies say. Maybe old warlords don't always just fade away.
They can become tragicomic waterboard surfers for a few
dollars more. Or FBI pedo blackmail video pimps. Or, how
about cocaine colonialist pirates closer to home? Might be
a pension in that.

Two years, and slowly maybe Athenians will figure out that's
really Geronimo's skull on their tee shirts and tats. Nihilism
now, but what then, Mr. Blue? Atta and Goss from the same
town, Vigeurie and Petruskie from the same town, and the
same week that we discover al-CIA-duh has always used
the al-CIA-duh website, Gitmo guys get laptops. Yet, George
Lakoff may still be wondering why the ultra-rich might
wish to own two plastic action figures. Seeing oneself from
afar may be predicted on prior art. Abstraction as basis for
organization may just coiff the whole Samson dude.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 We are all on same page.  AFRICOM important.  Did I post the letter I
 wrote to General Ward of AFRICOM?  I think I did.
 From looks of Chad and Sudan and even strangness in Nigeria I think
 is doing their own Peace of Westphalia but keeping it inside. 
 they do out in open becomes a target.
 And I certainly support Turkey.  I don't know what Sweden is doing,
 friends there and they too are embarrassed.
 France and England just as responsible for Armenia. Armenia teaches
 not to trust a jump country.  Keeping enemies close does not mean
 betraying them while in their lap, lol.

  From: muckblit muckb...@...
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 11:11:22 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south
  The level of political, intellectual discourse by the common people
  in Latin America and Africa leaves us behind. They are not afraid
  of the old CIA puppet dictators. No African nation wants AFRICOM.
  People mob farm foreclosure auctions in Latin America and either
  shut them down or buy the farmer's land cheap for him. Then it
  surprised me to hear that the same paradigm was practiced here
  during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression.
  I thought we were still being beat up by importing smart people
  from India and Pakistan. Paks have taken Brighton Beach from
  the Russians. Why do we need broadband if we can just let all
  the B-1B foreigners replace us at a third the cost? Can't we all
  just be morons? Being middle class has so many obligations

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread michael1
(Note: less than two weeks after I sent this Kenya exploded.)

General William E. Ward
Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller
Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates

Dear Ambassador Yates, General Ward and Admiral Moeller,

Permission to speak frankly as you three are in deep doo doo.

You learned nothing from Lebanon?  The militia was part of a female social
organization the power of which surprised both the CIA and Mossad.  The
greater war for Africa looms.  First we had the stupidity of Admiral
Timothy J. Keating with his almost ‘nuke terrorist’ exercise in
Charleston, S.C.   I posted letter to him on Internet prior (over 14,000
readers first week) and the exercise that would have ‘given too much away’
called off.  See http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/webnukeletter.htm

But you go into deeper shit.   “Coastal” meetings have taken place that
starts the process of Africa working together as “…one country…”.   It
will: but not in that fashion.  That is the ‘outside’.   As Mao understood
prior to his ‘long march’ the interior is far more important.  You
continue to ‘play sides against each other’.  It did not work in ‘many
groups / religions’ Lebanon and it will not work in Africa.  Africa will
collect from the ‘inside’.  It will not be ‘ordered’.  No, (at least
visible), ‘central command’. Who will you be fighting then?  Terrorists?

Are a group of guys who shoot soldiers in the back when there is no
declared war terrorists?  Of course they are.  It happened.  They met
later in a barn frightened that the ‘government’ would come after them and
hang them for treason.  But a rider pulls up and informs them that a
revolution is afoot.  Ethan Allen names his group the Green Mountain Boys
and continues.

You did right when you set up a ‘CIA’ listening post in Gulu (Christian
Science Monitor).  But you didn’t listen.   You wish to prosecute Joseph
Kony.  He was caught between the old Black Jewish sects of Ethiopia,
Christians and Muslims.  The Lords Revolution Army was: “One God, Ten
Commandments or we shoot you.”  Seems nonsensical until you realize that
it is a common denominator that you dare not go past.  So even if UN
captures and hangs him after peace declared, so what?  It was not that
specific philosophy but the general concept that spread to Lebanon.  As it
will now spread (from inside out) in Africa.  That seed is sown: the
ground fertile.

Admiral Moeller,
You learned nothing from General Van Riper?  First you ‘overlook’ the
sinking of the H.M.S Sheffield because ‘only other navies (secretly our
‘friends’)’ could do such.  And you held that view even after ‘surprise
Soviet naval maneuvers’ of 1984.  Missiles better than that French missile
can now be hid in the sand on the seabed.  Woods Hole Oceanagraphic
‘Hydrods’ can only detect metal to 3 meters.  You even used ‘platoons’ of
dolphins off the Gunsten Hall.  But you had to keep bringing in animal
trainers because of ‘dolphin boredom’.  You sent down divers over every
point you saw a trawler stop in the Golf.  Think that is enough?  Attack
on Cole and whatever was in Aqaba was inept compared to what is coming. 
John Lehman made a big point about loosing surface ships as “…sometimes
necessary…” citing Midway.  How many do you think you could afford to
loose in this day and age, sir?  You nixed the Land Attack DD 21 in favor
of “Littorals’.  All four are out of San Diego because of Malacca.  Before
you tried to protect that 1200 miles of shoreline with rubber boats and
fifty caliber.  Think this is better?  You can bury effective missiles in
the sand with launchers made from nothing but liquid vinyl and sawdust. 
About anything else you would need can be picked up at Toys-R-Us.  Those
Littorals are now only targets.

General Ward,
Sir, there is one thing you will never do here.  You will never be able to
‘define the battlefield’.   A non-military for intel?  More shades of
Rummy, sir?
What is being shown as ‘prime target’?  If Algeria example, it will be the
Of course.  See ‘play’ at link above.

Ambassador Yates,
Ahmadinejad states recently that he is holding another unspecified card
re: nukes.  What do you imagine this is?  See also play at link above.

Hedley Donovan was the best at naval intelligence in WW II.  (Song from
South Pacific, ‘Happy Talk’ was tribute.) Once in Hawaii he had only a
short time to locate Jap fleet.  He puts out simple directive to spies on
every island.  They had to go down to the local bar and report the talk as
either ‘happy’ or ‘serious’, nothing in-between.  With just this he
located fleet at Leyte Gulf.  In the same sense if you want to see what is
‘connecting’ in Africa watch for those ‘army’ Toyota pick-ups that have
the most females with the soldiers (as Lebanon).  But that won’t even do. 
They will think of this also.

I see just what you are doing.  What I think about your present
relationship with Kenya is unprintable.

Perhaps some poetry will express this better.  Poetry follows.

With all respect,