Thank you, Karma.
Islam was provided with what is acknowledged as the greatest military
invention that the world has ever come up with.  They used it wisely.

Gaddafi has really learned the ropes.  He came close to being whacked.  At
that level there are some rules for assassination.  Basically “You
assassinate ‘them’ not ‘us’ at our level.”  In the past I found that
upsetting.  If assassinations were allowed to go to leaders every leader
would be a target.  Now this can only be done under certain conditions.

Gaddafi sent a strong message with where he put his ceremonial tent when
he spoke in the UN.  (Hard to explain.)   This was in conjunction with
Russia’s Arctic Sea statement.  The loud screams that continue over Iran
sound, and are, more and more in desperation.

I always check the remarks on news sites after a story when possible.  On
some they can be ordered into the ‘most recommended’.  You should have
seen the reaction to drug killings in Mexico.  Both the US and Mexican
governments are blamed and most just said that the only choice is to
legalize all of it.  Most every reply, (about 2/3rds), used ‘Prohibition’
in the first sentence.

You might think I am popping around but trying to get to the spread of
attitude change.
When I wrote the ‘Aqaba is in Dallas’ piece here I should have prefaced it
with more basic ‘island nations’ vs. ‘land nations’ or ‘allies’ vs. ‘axis’
info.   ‘Axis’ is an old term that was popularized by Bonito Mussolini. 
It is a line from Murmansk on top of Russia to Cape Town, South Africa. 
This is the land axis that has been pummeled by the sea traders for the
last 5 to 6 hundred years.  They do have the resources.  What was talked
about in Pakistan was worrisome because it made such sense.  You can whack
those who are problems under certain conditions.  But you can’t alter
(Trades were made.  When is the last time you were in a US motel not run
by Pakistanies?)  (I started Bhutto’s daughter’s book but never finished

This is what is again emerging.  And it is for real:
It keeps snapping back to the man with the hammer.  The greatest military
invention of all time is the stirrup.  I’m better at poetry:

I With Kubla Khan Did Beat

I with Kubla Khan did beat
White war hoof on the victim street.
And shared with every victor seat
The splendor of the foe’s retreat.

T’was I who fought so close to you,
Who stayed the charge – Fu Tut Manchu.
Who with Czar-son – Petrofski Skevar
Had boasted multitudes of scar.
And with the Shah-son – Balbul Amir
Had charged the steppes with bow and spear.
Who with Tartar and Cossack and Hindu and Turk
Under stirrup and pack did your dirtiest work.

More, I from Kubla Khan had fled
White war hoofs that had turned to red.
And with retreating bleeding dread
Had stood beside my master – dead.

Did you think of me as your bearer of Mars?
As with head in the saddle you looked at the stars?
While you slept so close to earth,
This I heard from Heaven’s mirth:

“Far above his lover’s wail
Earth’s poet god beyond the pale,
Dreams sea-cousins in fighting ships
Whose right hand stands upon the sea,
And leaves his left, with our hoof on ground:
Land nations as a fort surround,
To war by war each beat to pound.”

But this I heard alone in clouds
As sleep you lay in dreamy shrouds.
As sleep you lay on saddle earth
Whose picket line of sentry worth,
Of steaming nostrils, silvered girth,
Has framed the stars that gave you birth.
And who rode through all your wars?
Who cavalries Calvary’s troubled sores?
And so destined to your course
Has breathed so noble as I, your horse?

>     nice thread. just wanted to add a bit of buried history here. in 1974,
> pakistan's zulfikar ali bhutto convened an islamic summit in
> islamabad. co-chaired with gaddafi. attended by all leaders of islamic
> nations, from saudi royalty to uganda's idi amin.
>  gaddafi's and bhutto's proposal was simple and brilliant. the islamic
> world at the time held a population of 800 million and controlled vast
> resources. united they could form a third major power in a world carved
> up by the west and the soviets.
>  three years later bhutto was toppled and five years later he was hanged.
> not long after, gaddafi had sanctions imposed on his country over the
> lockerbie affair and he survived a bombing raid.

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