Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
 vonny vitawati vonv2...@... wrote:
 soalnya  klo aku mulai  ngomong suka
 panjang banget ... sementara nonton
 dulu aja ... tp apapun juga itu ...
 kita semua  pasti mengutuk aksi pemboman
 yang menelan korban orang2 yang tak
 berdosa tul khan ..? . dan jujur aku
 suka gaya ibu Mustikawati ..:-) 

Terima kasih, terima kasih, terima kasih...  Sebenarnya yang menyukai 
tulisan saya ini banyak banget bahkan mereka yang me-maki2 paling rajin 
membacanya.  Tentu saya sendiri maha tahu dimana kelebihan tulisan saya ini 
karena yang menulisnya saya sendiri bukan orang lain.

Lain lagi ceritanya mereka yang gaya menulisnya selalu menuntut adanya 
referensi, karena mereka enggak tahu apa artinya referensi, mereka cuma 
ikut2an gaya mahasiswa saja apabila professornya nanya referensi kalo bikin 
skripsi sehingga dianggapnya referensi ini ciri2 gaya ilmiah.

Padahal Referensi itu artinya cuma jiplak, kalo ada professor tanya kamu 
darimana kamu ambil referensinya, sama saja dia berkata dengan kata2 lain yang 
artinya sama yaitu: Darimana tulisan ini kamu menjiplaknya.

Kebanyakan yang sok jago ngomongin referensi itu adalah mereka yang tak pernah 
kuliah, atau mereka yang kuliah tidak pernah tamat, atau mereka yang kuliah dan 
tamat tapi cuma dari jurusan sosial budaya atau agama.  Lain lagi kalo dari 
jurusan exacta, mereka jarang ngomongin referensi, biasanya yang ditanyain 
adalah mana analysanya?.

Naaah disinilah rahasianya kenapa tulisan saya sangat menarik dibaca semua 
orang, karena isinya bukan referensi, karena isinya bukan jiplakan, melainkan 
sebuah hasil analysis dari data2 yang terkumpul atau dari informasi berita yang 
masuk ke koran2.  Meskipun sebuah laporan atau tulisan ini mencantumkan banyak 
referensi, tetap bisa ketahuan kalo isi beritanya bohong tetapi bukan 
referensinya yang bohong, bisa jadi referensi nya benar tetapi tidak mampu 
menganalisanya mengakibatkan salah pengertiannya.

Mereka yang cuma diracuni dogma agama atau keimanan agama terutama Islam, 
kemampuan analysisnya boleh dikatakan zero karena dogma pada hakekatnya merusak 
kemampuan analysis seseorang.  Kemampuan analysis seseorang selalu didasari 
pada kemampuan menampung data tanpa dipengaruhi kepercayaan karena apabila 
seseorang menerima atau mendapatkan data dengan dipengaruhi kepercayaannya, 
otomatis cata yang diterimanya itu se-olah2 memenuhi kriteria yang dipercayanya 
sehingga bukan datanya yang dianalysis melainkan kepercayaannya itu yang 
dianalisanya agar bisa sama dengan data yang diterimanya.

Demikianlah sekedar memahami bagaimana para pembaca lebih menyukai berita2 dari 
hasil analysis seorang ahli katimbang seorang ahli tafsir kepercayaan.

Islam itu agama yang pemahamannya diharuskan melalui tafsir2nya yaitu Hadist.  
Jadi agama Islam terkelompok kedalam agama tafsir !!!

Ingat, per definisi arti tafsir itu secara sederhana disamakan dengan 
tebak2an.  Jadi kalo anda main tebak2an, pasti tebakan2nya itu tidak akan saja, 
jarang yang sama, kalopun sama bukan artinya benar tapi artinya bisa jadi sama2 

Kenapa Islam harus ditafsir, maka alasan ilmiahnya adalah karena datanya bukan 
dari data2 yang dikumpulkan melainkan data yang didrop dari sumber yang tidak 
ada misalnya sumebernya Wahyu Allah, dan untuk mendefinisikan Wahyu dan 
Allah nya itu sendiri memerlukan waktu tiga bulan sebelum berhasil 
menerangkan arti tafsir2nya ini.  Demikianlah, Islam jadinya harus ditafsir 
karena tidak bisa dianalisa, karena menganalisa data beda daripada menafsirkan 

Bedanya, dalam analisa, datanya itu kita kumpulkan dari kejadian2 yang nyata 
yang kita olah untuk bisa dianalisa.

Lain lagi dengan agama atau wahyu, karena datanya bukan dari kejadian2 yang 
nyata melainkan dari kepercayaan yang berupa angan2 seperti mimpi, wahyu, dll, 
maka data tsb tidak mungkin dianalisa melainkan cuma bisa ditafsir 

Naaah.  sedikit saja saya komentari pujian anda sekedar menyatakan rasa 
terima kasih atas kesediaannya untuk membaca tulisan saya ini.  Dan sekali 
lagi, semua tulisan saya bukan tebak2an seperti halnya Hadist dan Quran, tapi 
sebuah analysis dari semua kejadian2 yang benar2 terjadi bukan merupakan 
kepercayaan yang tidak terjadi.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

 --- On Sat, 7/18/09, wahyu oke.. b703_...@... wrote:
 From: wahyu oke.. b703_...@...
 Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
 Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 4:40 PM
   neng vonvon nih suka ketawa mulu deh...:-)
 From: vonny vitawati vonv2...@yahoo. com
 To: cik...@yahoogroups. com
 Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:14:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
   hehehee  :-)
 --- On Sat, 7/18/09, Hafsah Salim muskitawati@ wrote:
 From: Hafsah Salim muskitawati@
 Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???

CiKEAS Nurhasbi Berhasil Diidentifikasi Sebagai Bomb Bunuh Diri !!!

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
Nurhasbi Berhasil Diidentifikasi Sebagai Bomb Bunuh Diri !!!
Mayat yang ditemukan sebagai pelaku bomb bunuh diri itu akhirnya berhasil di 
identifikasikan sebagai bernama Nurhasbi alias Nur Sahid.

Ternyata Nurhasbi ini adalah alumni pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki, seperti juga 
kasus Amrozy, keluarga Nurhasbi menyangkal dan semuanya tidak percaya bahwa 
Nurhasbi bergabung dengan komplotan terrorist dibawah pimpinan Noor M top.

Yaaa  meskipun disangkal, tetapi kalo sidik jarinya sudah menerangkan 
dirinya sendiri tentunya sangkalan begini selain sia2 akan membuat keseluruhan 
keluarga jadi makin terlibat.  Maksudnya terlibat kesukaran akibat membohongi 
aparat hukum.

Apalagi, pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki ini sudah terkenal didunia terrorisme 
Internasional yang alumni2nya memang berhasil menjadi terrorist jihad 
Internasional yang ngebom hingga ke Thailand, Filipina, Malaysia dan juga 

Kita doakan semoga akibat berbohong ini keluarganya bisa diciduk semuanya 
karena terlibat dalam melindungi terorist ini.  Padahal mana enak kalo sampai 
ditahan dengan tuduhan terrorist, tentu dipenjara dan dalam penjara tidak perlu 
ada penegakkan HAM.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik jackraung
kalo pelakunya orang islam, yang di bom itu bukan JW marriot, atau Ritz 
Carlton, tapi Genting Highland di Malaysia atau Vegas di USA yang jelas-jelas 
pusat Judi dan Prostitusi Dunia, yang jelas-jeals melanggar akidah mereka yang 
muslim. lagian, kenapa menuduh islam? seolah-olah anda adalah orang yang maha 


 yang jelas--- In, vonny vitawati vonv2...@... wrote:

 soalnya  klo aku mulai  ngomong suka panjang banget ... sementara nonton dulu 
 aja ... tp apapun juga itu ...  kita semua  pasti mengutuk aksi pemboman yang 
 menelan korban orang2 yang tak berdosa tul khan ..? . dan jujur aku suka gaya 
 ibu Mustikawati ..:-) 
 --- On Sat, 7/18/09, wahyu oke.. b703_...@... wrote:
 From: wahyu oke.. b703_...@...
 Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
 Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 4:40 PM
   neng vonvon nih suka ketawa mulu deh...:-)
 From: vonny vitawati vonv2...@yahoo. com
 To: cik...@yahoogroups. com
 Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:14:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
   hehehee  :-)
 --- On Sat, 7/18/09, Hafsah Salim muskitawati@ wrote:
 From: Hafsah Salim muskitawati@
 Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
 To: cik...@yahoogroups. com
 Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 3:40 AM
ag moz am021n@ wrote:
  hey hafsah anda lebih kejam dari
  peneror bom itu anda begitu
  mendiskreditkan islam jangan-
  jangan anda memang orang yang
  ingin memcah belah bangsa ini
  yang sangat rawan dengan konflik
  astas dasar sara
 Mana bisa tulisan saya lebih kejam dari terror bom yang bisa anda saksikan 
 sendiri di hotel Mariot di Kuningan itu ???  Darah berceceran itu bukan 
 karena tulisan saya tapi karena kewajiban tegaknya syariah Islam itu sendiri.
 Nama pelakunya khan sudah disebutkan oleh kepala polisi dan namanya itu 
 bukanlah nama saya.  Jadi bukan saya yang mendiskreditkan Islam itu tapi 
 kepala Polisi yang juga beragama Islam itulah yang mendiskreditkannya.
 Yang saya tulis itu bukanlah kejam atau kekejaman melainkan cuma laporannya 
 Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.
  hati-hati anda 
  --- Pada Kam, 16/7/09, Hafsah Salim muskitawati@ ... menulis:
  Dari: Hafsah Salim muskitawati@ ...
  Judul: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
  Kepada: cik...@yahoogroups. com
  Tanggal: Kamis, 16 Juli, 2009, 9:25 PM
  Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
  Syariah Islam itu penuh kekerasan, penuh ketidak adilan, penuh dengan 
  pengkhianatan2, oleh karena itu dari zaman dulu setiap caliph selalu 
  mengalami pembunuhan karena akibat dari kekerasan, ketidak adilan, dan 
  pengkhianatan2 yang berlangsung ini hanya mewariskan dendam2 turun temurun 
  hingga saat ini dendam antara sesama nya seperti Syiah dan Sunny tidak akan 
  pernah luntur.
  Dendam mendendam ini bukan hanya berlangsung antara Syiah dan sunni, tetapi 
  juga dengan banyak sekte2 Islam lainnya yang bahkan sudah ada yang punah 
  akibat kalah dalam adu kebiadaban ini.
  Dizaman sekarang, seorang caliph atau seorang raja, hanya bisa berhasil 
  menegakkan Syariah Islam apabila ada backing kekuatan dari luar. Contohnya, 
  Syariah Islam sudah lama rontok di Arab Saudia kalo tidak dibackingi 
  Amerika. Dengan kekuatan senjata Amerika itulah Caliph Saudi Arabia ini 
  mampu menegakkan Syariah Islam versinya sendiri yang disebutnya Wahabi.
  Bukan cuma Saudi Arabia saja, tetapi juga Iran, Kuwait, Yaman, Bahrain dan 
  banyak lagi negara2 Syariah yang kesemuanya memiliki backing masing2. Kalo 
  saja kita bertumpu kepada ajaran Islam masing2nya, maka Syariah Islam itu 
  cuma satu, atau cuma boleh satu dan yang lainnya ditumpas. Tetapi dizaman 
  sekarang kita bisa menyaksikan Syariah Islam yang banyak versinya karena 
  para backingnya itu sendiri cuma membackingi tegaknya bukan membackingi 
  untuk menghancurkan yang lainnya. Dengan kata2 lain, para backing itu 
  sebenarnya juga saling bekerja sama untuk mendulang untung masing2 tanpa 
  mengganggu satu kepada yang lainnya.
  Demikianlah jawaban yang tepat untuk memahami siapa yang meledakkan bomb2 
  baru2 ini di kuningan. Mereka semuanya adalah para pendukung Syariah Islam 
  yang satu aliran dengan MUI, dan mereka memang punya backingnya dan 
  backingnya ini tentu harus punya kekuatan. Para backing ini juga punya 
  agenda tawar menawar yang pada saatnya bisa jadi para pelaku pemboman ini 
  akhirnya dikorbankan dan sambil melatih pelaku2 baru.
  Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.
Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. 

Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik am021n
Bukan anda yang melakukan pengeboman tapi anda sungguh memprovokasi...tulisan 
anda bukan sebuah laporan berdasarkan fakta tapi fitnah yang anda bungkus 
dengan untaian kata yang sangat berbahaya...
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

-Original Message-
From: Hafsah Salim

Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 09:19:32 
Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???

 vonny vitawati vonv2...@... wrote:
 soalnya  klo aku mulai  ngomong suka
 panjang banget ... sementara nonton
 dulu aja ... tp apapun juga itu ...
 kita semua  pasti mengutuk aksi pemboman
 yang menelan korban orang2 yang tak
 berdosa tul khan ..? . dan jujur aku
 suka gaya ibu Mustikawati ..:-) 

Terima kasih, terima kasih, terima kasih...  Sebenarnya yang menyukai 
tulisan saya ini banyak banget bahkan mereka yang me-maki2 paling rajin 
membacanya.  Tentu saya sendiri maha tahu dimana kelebihan tulisan saya ini 
karena yang menulisnya saya sendiri bukan orang lain.

Lain lagi ceritanya mereka yang gaya menulisnya selalu menuntut adanya 
referensi, karena mereka enggak tahu apa artinya referensi, mereka cuma 
ikut2an gaya mahasiswa saja apabila professornya nanya referensi kalo bikin 
skripsi sehingga dianggapnya referensi ini ciri2 gaya ilmiah.

Padahal Referensi itu artinya cuma jiplak, kalo ada professor tanya kamu 
darimana kamu ambil referensinya, sama saja dia berkata dengan kata2 lain yang 
artinya sama yaitu: Darimana tulisan ini kamu menjiplaknya.

Kebanyakan yang sok jago ngomongin referensi itu adalah mereka yang tak pernah 
kuliah, atau mereka yang kuliah tidak pernah tamat, atau mereka yang kuliah dan 
tamat tapi cuma dari jurusan sosial budaya atau agama.  Lain lagi kalo dari 
jurusan exacta, mereka jarang ngomongin referensi, biasanya yang ditanyain 
adalah mana analysanya?.

Naaah disinilah rahasianya kenapa tulisan saya sangat menarik dibaca semua 
orang, karena isinya bukan referensi, karena isinya bukan jiplakan, melainkan 
sebuah hasil analysis dari data2 yang terkumpul atau dari informasi berita yang 
masuk ke koran2.  Meskipun sebuah laporan atau tulisan ini mencantumkan banyak 
referensi, tetap bisa ketahuan kalo isi beritanya bohong tetapi bukan 
referensinya yang bohong, bisa jadi referensi nya benar tetapi tidak mampu 
menganalisanya mengakibatkan salah pengertiannya.

Mereka yang cuma diracuni dogma agama atau keimanan agama terutama Islam, 
kemampuan analysisnya boleh dikatakan zero karena dogma pada hakekatnya merusak 
kemampuan analysis seseorang.  Kemampuan analysis seseorang selalu didasari 
pada kemampuan menampung data tanpa dipengaruhi kepercayaan karena apabila 
seseorang menerima atau mendapatkan data dengan dipengaruhi kepercayaannya, 
otomatis cata yang diterimanya itu se-olah2 memenuhi kriteria yang dipercayanya 
sehingga bukan datanya yang dianalysis melainkan kepercayaannya itu yang 
dianalisanya agar bisa sama dengan data yang diterimanya.

Demikianlah sekedar memahami bagaimana para pembaca lebih menyukai berita2 dari 
hasil analysis seorang ahli katimbang seorang ahli tafsir kepercayaan.

Islam itu agama yang pemahamannya diharuskan melalui tafsir2nya yaitu Hadist.  
Jadi agama Islam terkelompok kedalam agama tafsir !!!

Ingat, per definisi arti tafsir itu secara sederhana disamakan dengan 
tebak2an.  Jadi kalo anda main tebak2an, pasti tebakan2nya itu tidak akan saja, 
jarang yang sama, kalopun sama bukan artinya benar tapi artinya bisa jadi sama2 

Kenapa Islam harus ditafsir, maka alasan ilmiahnya adalah karena datanya bukan 
dari data2 yang dikumpulkan melainkan data yang didrop dari sumber yang tidak 
ada misalnya sumebernya Wahyu Allah, dan untuk mendefinisikan Wahyu dan 
Allah nya itu sendiri memerlukan waktu tiga bulan sebelum berhasil 
menerangkan arti tafsir2nya ini.  Demikianlah, Islam jadinya harus ditafsir 
karena tidak bisa dianalisa, karena menganalisa data beda daripada menafsirkan 

Bedanya, dalam analisa, datanya itu kita kumpulkan dari kejadian2 yang nyata 
yang kita olah untuk bisa dianalisa.

Lain lagi dengan agama atau wahyu, karena datanya bukan dari kejadian2 yang 
nyata melainkan dari kepercayaan yang berupa angan2 seperti mimpi, wahyu, dll, 
maka data tsb tidak mungkin dianalisa melainkan cuma bisa ditafsir 

Naaah.  sedikit saja saya komentari pujian anda sekedar menyatakan rasa 
terima kasih atas kesediaannya untuk membaca tulisan saya ini.  Dan sekali 
lagi, semua tulisan saya bukan tebak2an seperti halnya Hadist dan Quran, tapi 
sebuah analysis dari semua kejadian2 yang benar2 terjadi bukan merupakan 
kepercayaan yang tidak terjadi.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

 --- On Sat, 7/18/09, wahyu oke.. b703_...@... wrote:
 From: wahyu oke.. b703_...@...
 Subject: Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???
 Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 4:40 PM
   neng vonvon nih suka 

Re: CiKEAS Re: Ny Mustikawati yang sesungguhnya

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik am021n
Hey hafsah salim...
Anda tidak membela semua agama seperti yang anda katakan  Dari awal saya 
membaca tulisan anda bahwa anda bagian dari gerombalan orang yang dicurigai 
kehadirannya...saya sepakat dengan agenda menegakan ham tapi yanh anda lakukan 
justru melanggar hak orang lain dengan rangkaian fitnah
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

-Original Message-
From: Hafsah Salim

Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 09:32:37 
Subject: CiKEAS Re: Ny Mustikawati yang sesungguhnya

 gusti_le...@... wrote:
 Tulisan2 yang emosional dr Nyonya
 Mustikawati ini, semakin terkuat
 siapa dia sebenarnya. Lama kelamaan
 akan ketahuan jg belangnya, keberpihakannya
 dan apa misinya. Kami menunggu komentar2
 terbaru dari Ny Mustika. Tks

Lh  masalah keberpihakan saya sih tak perlu di-tebak2, apa gunanya 
di-tebak2 kalo sudah saya terang2an menjelaskannya ???

Saya adalah penegak HAM, yang meskipun beragama Islam tetapi melakoni 
kepercayaan agama hanya sebagai warisan budaya masa lalu, bukan melakoni 
sebagai ajaran yang bisa membedakan mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk, dan 
juga bukan sebagai ajaran yang membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang salah.

Beragama Islam bagi saya adalah kewajiban sosial dalam mengharmoniskan 
komunikasi antar individu atau antar personal yang sama sekali tidak 
mem-beda2kan seseorang dari agama yang dianutnya melainkan menghargai perbedaan 
personalitynya (kepribadiannya) bukan menghargai agamanya.  Tujuan beragama 
bagi saya bukan untuk mengadili perbuatan seseorang ataupun membandingkan 
kebajikan seseorang dengan orang lainnya, juga bukan untuk menjatuhkan hukuman 
kepada mereka yang dianggap melanggarnya.  Hal inilah yang tidak disadari 
kebanyakan umat beragama, yang dalam mempraktekkan kepercayaannya mereka sangat 
rajin mengkritik orang lain terutama yang beda agamanya dengan mereka.  Bahkan 
agama Islam bukan cuma menghakimi dan mengkritik umat lainnya, bahkan juga 
menghukum mereka yang tidak percaya agama Islam atau dianggapnya melanggar 
agama Islam.  Inilah yang menjadikan Islam sebagai ajaran agama yang maha 
biadab yang membenarkan umatnya untuk melakukan terorist2 jihad dalam mengejar 
pahala yang dijanjikan kepercayaannya itu.

Jadi, sikap saya adalah mendorong semua orang untuk memahami, mengembangkan, 
dan mempraktekkan penegakkan HAM dalam kehidupan beragamanya.  Saya membela 
semua agama, saya membela mereka yang didholimi, saya membela mereka yang 
selalu dijadikan korban, saya membela minoritas yang ditekan, dan saya seorang 
yang berjiwa terbuka dan menerima kritik2 tanpa perlu menyalahkan pribadi orang 

Berpendapat itu artinya mengeluarkan pendapat dalam mengomentari sesuatu atau 
kejadian, jadi dalam berpendapat itu bukanlah mencaci maki pribadi seseorang, 
atau meng-olok2 nama seseorang, yang demikian itu tidak ada kerjaan cuma buang2 
waktu dan tidak pernah disukai oleh para pembaca dan hal inilah perlu diketahui 
oleh mereka yang mau berpendapat di semua milist manapun juga.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

Re: Bls: CiKEAS Siapa Pelaku Terror Pemboman Ini ???

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
 jackraung jackra...@... wrote:
 kalo pelakunya orang islam, yang di
 bom itu bukan JW marriot, atau Ritz
 Carlton, tapi Genting Highland di
 Malaysia atau Vegas di USA yang
 jelas-jelas pusat Judi dan Prostitusi
 Dunia, yang jelas-jeals melanggar
 akidah mereka yang muslim. lagian,
 kenapa menuduh islam? seolah-olah
 anda adalah orang yang maha tau?

Yang menjarah harta benda umat Ahmadiah khan umat Islam, juga yang membakari 
mesjid2 Ahmadiah juga umat Islam.  Yang memperkosa massal amoy2 juga Islam.  
Amrozy juga Islam membom Hindu.  Lalu kenapa harus ke Vegas kalo JW-Marriott 
itu adanya di Jakarta.

Saya ingin mengubah citra Islam dengan mengubah ayat2 biadab dalam Quran 
seperti ayat2 dibawah ini sebagai contohnya karena masih banyak sekali ayat2 
seperti ini:

Al Anfaal, 8:55: Sesungguhnya binatang (makhluk) yang paling buruk di sisi 
Allah ialah orang-orang yang kafir, karena mereka tidak beriman.

ayat 8:12. ketika Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada para malaikat: Sesungguhnya Aku 
bersama kamu, maka teguhkan (pendirian) orang2 yang telah beriman. Kelak akan 
Aku jatuhkan rasa ketakutan ke dalam hati orang-orang kafir, maka penggallah 
kepala mereka dan pancunglah tiap-tiap ujung jari mereka.

9:29. Perangilah orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan
tidak (pula) kepada hari kemudian, dan mereka tidak mengharamkan apa
yang diharamkan oleh Allah dan RasulNya dan tidak beragama dengan
agama yang benar (agama Allah), (yaitu orang-orang) yang diberikan
Al-Kitab kepada mereka, sampai mereka membayar jizyah[638] dengan
patuh sedang mereka dalam keadaan tunduk. 

9:14. Perangilah mereka, niscaya Allah akan menghancurkan mereka dengan 
(perantaraan) tangan-tanganmu dan Allah akan menghinakan mereka dan menolong 
kamu terhadap mereka, serta melegakan hati orang-orang yang beriman. 

Ayat2 diatas inilah yang mewajibkan umat Islam melakukan kebiadaban2 seperti 
pemboman JW-Marriott karena tidak ada orang lain yang punya dorongan untuk 
melakukan hal2 seperti ini selain umat Islam.

Lalu kenapa hal ini harus dibantah???  Sia2 lah kalo cuma membantahnya, 
seharusnya sebagai umat Islam kita malah harus mengubahnya bukan membantah atau 

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

CiKEAS Where have all the big fish gone?

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday 19 July 2009 (26 Rajab 1430)

  Where have all the big fish gone?
  Iman Kurdi | Arab News 

  The only time I ever think about fish is when I say to myself: I should 
eat more fish. I have never wondered how fish feel, or whether there are 
enough fish to go round, or how they are caught and certainly have never felt 
any sympathy for fish. Whereas I cannot eat a lamb if I have seen it alive - 
hypocrisy I know - I feel no such qualms about a fish. It is after all a fish. 
But despite being thoroughly uninterested in fish until the moment it lands on 
my plate, preferably drenched in lemon juice and flavored with herbs, I have 
found fish issues encroaching on my consciousness.

  First, there were the jellyfish. Again, for years I swam in the sea, 
happily oblivious to the existence of the creatures. And then I got stung! 
Believe me it hurts. It burns, it stings and it lasts. The Mediterranean has 
swarms of them. There have been days when beaches are full and the sea is 
empty, people standing at the shore looking at the sea with longing. I counted 
eight jellyfish in one square meter of sea the other day. Where do they come 
from? To see one every now and then was once normal, but to see them in such 
dense clusters is a recent phenomenon. 

  Then I came across several restaurants proudly announcing on their menus 
that they no longer serve tuna. Some no longer serve it in the form of a tuna 
and cucumber sandwich which, though one of my favorites, is no great loss. But 
when I came across sushi bars that have stopped serving tuna, I was seriously 
concerned. Sushi without tuna! What is the world coming to?

  It seems the two are linked. On one end of the chain, you have the 
blue-fin tuna and at the other end those nasty jellyfish. Blue-fin tuna are in 
danger of extinction. The World Wildlife Fund for Nature predicts that unless 
action is taken now, blue-fin tuna will be wiped out in the Mediterranean by 

  The blue-fin is the biggest of the tunas, and the most expensive. It is a 
predator, or as I see it a vacuum cleaner for smaller fish and jellyfish. 
Dramatic falls in blue-fin tuna stocks equal dramatic increases in smaller fish 
and jellyfish. The balance has fundamentally changed. 

  But it's not just blue-fin tuna. Stocks - of almost every fish I can name 
and a good many others I can't - have been decimated. The first to go were the 
big fish. Just consider this: the stock of large fish in the seas and oceans of 
our planet is now 10 percent of what it was 150 years ago! That's a massive 90 
percent decline. Back then, fishing was done by fishermen going out in their 
boats and coming back with a local catch that they sold right there in the 
harbor on their return. But fishing is no longer that romantic ideal. Fishing 
is now a multibillion dollar international industry just like everything else 
we eat. 

  That industrial fishing and industrial scale fish farms have resulted in 
over-fishing should not come as a surprise to anyone. That blue-fin tuna, the 
most expensive fish in the world, should be over-fished is not in the least 
surprising either. But the scale of it is. Could it really be that blue-fin 
tuna could be extinct in my lifetime? If nothing is done yes, but the campaign 
to ban the sale of blue-fin tuna is gaining momentum. Both France and the UK 
are now supporting Monaco's move to have blue-fin tuna listed as an endangered 
species; if they gain enough support, the ban could be in place by next summer. 

  But that's at the governmental level. As a consumer, I have the power to 
choose what I eat. Maybe I should make a concerted effort to eat fish from 
sustainable stocks. So no blue-fin tuna then. Does that mean no tuna at all? 
Apparently not, yellow-fin and skipjack tuna are OK so long as they are net 
caught or line caught and dolphin friendly. Trawling through the listings of 
fish to eat and fish not to eat, I found myself increasingly confused. It's not 
just what kind of fish but how it was caught and where. 

  And then my doctor added mercury levels to the mix. He gave me the good 
old advice that I should eat more fish, and oily fish in particular, adding as 
an aside that I should avoid fish with high mercury levels. Which fish is that 
I said? Here's a rule of thumb, he replied, avoid the big fish and choose the 
smaller fish. 

  Standing at the fishmongers it was all too complicated. Surely buying 
food should not be so difficult. In the end I decided to take the old-fashioned 
route. So I asked the fishmonger which fish he recommended? Which is the 
freshest and the tastiest? And I followed his advice.

CiKEAS Capres Yang Pernah Kalah Tak Boleh Dicalonkan Lagi !!!

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
Capres Yang Pernah Kalah Tak Boleh Dicalonkan Lagi !!!
Sebenarnya tidak ada ketentuan bahwa seorang capres yang pernah kalah dalam 
sebuah pemilu tidak boleh dicalonkan lagi, tetapi di Amerika karena penentuan 
seorang capres itu berasal dari pemilihan dalam partai masing2, maka hampir 
dipastikan capres yang kalah itu tidak akan dipasang lagi karena memberi 
kesempatan pemimpin2 yang lain yang belum pernah menjadi capres.  Hal ini 
terkait tentunya dari pilihan anggauta2 partai itu sendiri, apalagi biaya 
mengusung seorang capres juga tidaklah murah sehingga sekali gagal maka partai 
itu harus menanggung semua biaya kegagalan itu yang begitu besar.

Namun, Amerika memang sudah memiliki pengalaman yang ratusan tahun, seharusnya 
partai2 politik di Indonesia mempelajari pengalaman negara lain seperti Amerika 

Kenyataannya, apa yang dilakukan PDIP ini memang boleh dikatakan tolol dan 
ceroboh karena memaksakan mengusung Megawati sama halnya memaksakan kekalahan.  
Padahal para pemimpin di PDIP tidak semuanya bisa dianggap bodoh, terbukti 
lebih banyak pemimpin dalam PDIP yang tidak setuju pencalonan kembali Megawati, 
dan karena pendapat mereka tidak didengarkan akibat dominasi kekuasaan Megawati 
sebagai ketua partainya, maka hampir semua pemimpin senior di PDIP rame2 
mengundurkan diri dan pindah kepartai lainnya yang mengusung pencalonan SBY.

Jelas, akibat pukulan yang hebat ini, kemungkinan PDIP shock berat yang 
menyebabkan partai ini bukan saja tidak mencalonkan lagi tetapi malah jadi 
bubar disebabkan pertikaian menghebat didalam tubuh partai akibat kegagalan ini.

Memang memalukan, saat2 akhir PDIP terpaksa harus berkoalisi dengan Gerindra 
dan celakanya, pihak Gerindra dan hampir semua anggauta PDIP justru mendesak 
agar capresnya ini adalah Prabowo dari Gerindra karena pasarannya lebih tinggi 
dari Megawati.  Tetapi karena kedudukan Megawati yang dominan sebagai ketua, 
dia bisa berkeras menolak penggeseran dirinya.  Akhirnya Prabowo cuma jadi 
cawapres, dan hasilnya Megawati kalah mutlak untuk ketiga kalinya.

Kesimpulannya, untuk 2014 meskipun PDIP mencari capres lainnya tetap akan 
kesulitan untuk memenangkan pemilu yad akibat pertikaian yang parah didalam 
partai yang disebabkan kekalahan baru2 ini.  Kalopun ada rencana untuk 
mengusung Puan yang adalah puteri Megawati tentunya hanya mengulangi pertikaian 
yang sama.  Keluarga Megawati tidak bisa digunakan lagi untuk menggantikan 
simbol bapaknya.  Tetapi sebagai ketua PDIP, tetap saja Megawati bisa 
memaksakan pencalonan puterinya ini, namun perpecahan makin hebat yang 
memastikan partai ini akan bubar sendirinya dan pindah ke Gerindra untuk 
mendukung Prabowo dalam periode 2014.

Kalopun nantinya Prabowo akan menggandeng Puan sebagai cawapres-nya, maka 
kemungkinan menangnyapun akan menjadi menurun drastis karena mayoritas 
masyarakat pemilih di Indonesia sekarang ini sangat membenci praktek2 kolusi, 
kronisasi, maupun nepotisme dimana satu keluarga turun temurun mewariskan 
jabatan seperti halnya kerajaan.  Kalo Prabowo sebagai pewaris kerajaan Suharto 
kemudian bergandengan dengan pewaris kerajaan Sukarno, maka mereka berdua 
kiranya cuma diludahin masyarakat RI bukan mendukungnya.

Dengan kebebasan berpendapat dan kebebasan berita yang lebih terbuka, maka 
pengaruh masyarakat pemilih akan berkembang lebih cerdas dengan lebih cepat dan 
hal ini akan menutup kemungkinan2 praktek KKN bisa bertahan apalagi berkembang.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

CiKEAS Jakarta bomb investigators point to terror group JI

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Suicide bombs kill 9 in Jakarta hotels - Jul-17
Indonesia rising - Jul-09
The clues are still being pieced together but they're pointing in that 
direction, he said. Once we've identified the bombers' bodies we'll be able 
to reach a clear conclusion.

JI is considered Al-Qaeda's main south-east Asian affiliate. It was thought to 
have been severely crippled following the arrest and prosecution of several 
hundred militants and the absence of major attacks since 2005.

The seven other fatalities include three Australians and a New Zealander. They 
were attending a regular executive networking breakfast at the Marriott hotel 
within metres of where the bomb was detonated.

Speculation is mounting the Marriott suicide bomber was Nur Hasbi, who was in 
the same school class as Asmar Latin Sani, the suicide bomber in the 2003 
attack on the Jakarta Marriott and is known to have been in Mr Noordin's inner 
circle since 2005.

Sidney Jones, a JI expert with the International Crisis Group think-tank, said: 
If it's Nur Hasbi then that would clinch that this is the Noordin network. 
It's very hard to look beyond Noordin now.

Mr Noordin is believed to have been a central JI figure for years. The school 
Mr Nur Hasbi and Mr Asmar attended was the Ngruki Islamic boarding school run 
by Abu Bakar Bashir, JI's co-founder and, until a few years ago, its spiritual 

Concern, meanwhile, grew over Mr Yudhoyono's reaction to the bombings. On 
Friday he made an emotional speech in which he implicated his opponents in the 
attacks and warned of a campaign to destabilise the nation.

He cited as evidence photos of masked men shooting at a target covered in a 
picture of his face that were seized from the house of a recently arrested 

Ms Jones, however, is confident that the photos were taken in 2004. Yes it was 
a new arrest but not new photos, she said. 

Politicians and diplomats are saying Mr Yudhoyono's judgment must be questioned 
in the wake of the speech. 

Fuad Bawazier, a key aide to Jusuf Kalla, the vice-president, during Mr Kalla's 
failed attempt to win this month's presidential election, said the president 
should not have made such comments. 

It didn't create calm, rather it was accusatory speculation all over the 
place, he said after visiting a hospital where some of the 53 injured in the 
bombings are being treated.

Some diplomats said the speech revealed a new, worrying, side to Mr Yudhoyono's 
character. We always knew he was thin-skinned but this shows he's highly 
emotional and maybe unreliable in a crisis, one said. If I were a foreign 
investor I'd be more worried about the speech than the bombings.

Mr Yudhoyono's aides have tried to downplay the speech. They have insisted the 
usually calm president is on top of the investigation but are also saying there 
is mounting evidence of escalating illegal activities to trigger unrest.

CiKEAS Jakarta bomb investigators point to terror group JI (RALAT)

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Jakarta bomb investigators point to terror group JI
By John Aglionby in Jakarta 

Published: July 19 2009 13:43 | Last updated: July 19 2009 16:32

Indonesian police expressed increasing confidence on Sunday that regional 
Islamist terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah carried out last week's double 
suicide bombing in two Jakarta luxury hotels as concerns mounted about 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's crisis management in the wake of the 

National police spokesman Inspector General Nanan Soekarna said investigators 
were now almost certain militants operating under Noordin Top, JI's military 
commander, perpetrated Friday's near-simultaneous bombings of the JW Marriott 
and Ritz-Carlton hotels that killed nine people.

Audio slideshow: John Aglionby on whether the bombings will hit investment - 
Home-grown terrorists prime Jakarta suspects - Jul-17
Hotel explosions weigh on Indonesia stocks - Jul-17
Suicide bombs kill 9 in Jakarta hotels - Jul-17
Indonesia rising - Jul-09
The clues are still being pieced together but they're pointing in that 
direction, he said. Once we've identified the bombers' bodies we'll be able 
to reach a clear conclusion.

JI is considered Al-Qaeda's main south-east Asian affiliate. It was thought to 
have been severely crippled following the arrest and prosecution of several 
hundred militants and the absence of major attacks since 2005.

The seven other fatalities include three Australians and a New Zealander. They 
were attending a regular executive networking breakfast at the Marriott hotel 
within metres of where the bomb was detonated.

Speculation is mounting the Marriott suicide bomber was Nur Hasbi, who was in 
the same school class as Asmar Latin Sani, the suicide bomber in the 2003 
attack on the Jakarta Marriott and is known to have been in Mr Noordin's inner 
circle since 2005.

Sidney Jones, a JI expert with the International Crisis Group think-tank, said: 
If it's Nur Hasbi then that would clinch that this is the Noordin network. 
It's very hard to look beyond Noordin now.

Mr Noordin is believed to have been a central JI figure for years. The school 
Mr Nur Hasbi and Mr Asmar attended was the Ngruki Islamic boarding school run 
by Abu Bakar Bashir, JI's co-founder and, until a few years ago, its spiritual 

Concern, meanwhile, grew over Mr Yudhoyono's reaction to the bombings. On 
Friday he made an emotional speech in which he implicated his opponents in the 
attacks and warned of a campaign to destabilise the nation.

He cited as evidence photos of masked men shooting at a target covered in a 
picture of his face that were seized from the house of a recently arrested 

Ms Jones, however, is confident that the photos were taken in 2004. Yes it was 
a new arrest but not new photos, she said. 

Politicians and diplomats are saying Mr Yudhoyono's judgment must be questioned 
in the wake of the speech. 

Fuad Bawazier, a key aide to Jusuf Kalla, the vice-president, during Mr Kalla's 
failed attempt to win this month's presidential election, said the president 
should not have made such comments. 

It didn't create calm, rather it was accusatory speculation all over the 
place, he said after visiting a hospital where some of the 53 injured in the 
bombings are being treated.

Some diplomats said the speech revealed a new, worrying, side to Mr Yudhoyono's 
character. We always knew he was thin-skinned but this shows he's highly 
emotional and maybe unreliable in a crisis, one said. If I were a foreign 
investor I'd be more worried about the speech than the bombings.

Mr Yudhoyono's aides have tried to downplay the speech. They have insisted the 
usually calm president is on top of the investigation but are also saying there 
is mounting evidence of escalating illegal activities to trigger unrest.

CiKEAS Pakistan not under threat from India: Musharraf

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Pakistan not under threat from India: Musharraf 

Friday, 17 Jul, 2009 | 09:55 PM PST | 

ISLAMABAD: The greatest threats to Pakistan come from the Taliban, al-Qaida and 
home grown extremists and not from India, former Pakistani president and army 
chief Pervez Musharraf told an Indian television news channel.

The United States would like the Pakistan army to be less preoccupied by any 
potential threat from India and concentrate on destroying the Taliban and al 
Qaeda forces ranging across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

'Obviously at this moment there is no war scenario and there are no threats at 
this moment,' Musharraf said of India during an interview with CNN-IBN that was 
recorded on Wednesday in London and will be aired on Saturday.

Kashmir is at the core of a decades-old dispute between Pakistan and India and 
the cause of two of their three wars since their independence from British rule 
in 1947.

Both became nuclear armed states in 1998, and having gone to the brink of a 
fourth war in 2002, they embarked on a peace process two years later.

'I don't think India is posing any offensive move or offensive attitude,' he 
said, according to a transcript of the interview given to Reuters.

Musharraf said threat perceptions shifted according to circumstances, citing 
the tensions that ballooned after last November's attack on the Indian city of 
Mumbai by Islamist militants from Pakistan.

Musharraf resigned last August in the face of an impending impeachment motion. 
He left Pakistan over a month ago.

He told CNN-IBN that his government had been close to settling several 
territorial disputes with India in 2007, but his own domestic political 
difficulties stopped the two sides from sealing any agreement.

India called for a pause in a five-year-old peace process following the Mumbai 

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani 
agreed in Egypt this week that there should be a resumption of dialogue, but 
Singh said the peace process would not be resumed until Pakistan brings the 
Mumbai culprits to account

CiKEAS Jakarta attacks may be linked to Bali bombers: official

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

  Jakarta attacks may be linked to Bali bombers: official  
  Published: July 19, 2009, 10:56
  Jakarta: The bombings at the Jakarta JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels 
that killed nine people, including two suspected attackers, are probably linked 
with the mastermind of the 2002 Bali blasts, an Indonesian official said. 

  The attacks two days ago bear the hallmark of tactics and explosive 
devices used by Malaysian terrorist Noordin Mohammad Top, said Ansyaad Mbai, 
who coordinates Indonesian counter-terrorism efforts. Police identified one of 
the bombers, and determined that both were members of Jemaah Islamiyah, which 
the government blames for the Bali attacks, Agence France-Presse reported 
Sunday, citing national police spokesman Nanan Soekarna. 

  President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono kept the nation of 227 million people 
free of attacks for four years by capturing militants and giving tuition aid 
for the children of reformed terrorists. Top, a former member of a group linked 
to Al Qaida, was probably looking for the right moment to strike, such as the 
presidential election and a planned trip by the Manchester United Football 
Club, said Mbai. 

  They wanted to send a strong message to show that their capability and 
spirit remains strong, Mbai, who isn't directly involved in the 
investigations, said yesterday in an interview in Jakarta. Using the 
Manchester United event, they wanted to attract international attention. 

  The British soccer team scrapped its first trip to Indonesia because of 
the attacks, which came nine days after the presidential elections. Yudhoyono, 
a 59-year-old former general, was re-elected with 62 percent of the votes, 
according to the latest tally by the election commission. 

  Investigators are trying to determine which group sent the two suicide 
bombers to the hotels, where they stayed as guests before making the attacks, 
Indonesian Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri told reporters July 17. 

CiKEAS School where Muslim kids are happy to sing Hindu hymns

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

School where Muslim kids are happy to sing Hindu hymns

Padma Shastri, Hindustan Times
Indore, July 20, 2009
First Published: 00:31 IST(20/7/2009)
Last Updated: 00:57 IST(20/7/2009)

Sanskrit verses are part of the daily prayer for Mantasha Khan (class IX), 
Inayat Ali (class VIII), Jofisha Khan (class IV) and 30 other Muslim students 
who study at the Shaishvika Vidyalaya, a high school with 269 students run by 
the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). 

It's not just the Medha Suktam (a Vedic hymn recited to strengthen the 
intellect) that they recite with perfect diction but they also chant the 
Gayatri mantra, Surya mantra and shlokas (hymns)  from the Bhagvad Gita with 
equal ease, besides the Ramcharitmanas and the Hanumanchalisa.

Afsha Sultana Khokhar who passed from the school three years ago, excelled in 
recitation of Sanskrit hymns, including Ganesh Atharvashirsha (recited to 
invoke Lord Ganesh) and won prizes, the school's Sanskrit teacher Jagrati 
Shrivastava recalled.

And their parents never objected. One of the parents -Shakil Khan -has been 
encouraging his community members to send their children to this school, 
founded in 1975. And the results are encouraging. In 1996, it had four Muslim 
students. This year, out of 50 students who got admission, 25 were from 
minority community.

None from our community has problems sending children to the RSS school. They 
are gaining knowledge. The school fee is reasonable (Rs 400 a month). And 
teachers impart good values. Students there are cultured, remarked ex-student 
and cloth merchant Lal Ali, 38, whose sons Fashil and Kamran study in the 
Another ex-student and award-winning painter Riyazuddin Patel says, My 
ideology has matured after studying there. What I learned is discipline, which 
is akin to the RSS.

Not that city's other RSS-run schools don't have minority students but 
Shaishvika Vidyalaya has the most. The management didn't face any problems from 
parents even though the school is surrounded by Muslim-dominant localities.

Parents are very cooperative. We're an educational institution and don't 
promote communalism, said school principal Aparna Modak. 

It was only when girls were asked to put on bindis that Muslim parents 
requested they do so only during school hours. But then we dropped the 
regulation, said Modak, proud of the students the school has produced. 

CiKEAS Ngruki Islamic school denies Jakarta bomber is its alumnus

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Ngruki Islamic school denies Jakarta bomber is its alumnus 
The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Sun, 07/19/2009 4:47 PM  |  National 

Vice Dean of the Ngruki Islamic boarding school Muhammad Sholeh Ibrahim denied 
on Sunday that Nur Hasbi or Nurdin Azin, one of two bombers at the JW Marriot 
and Ritz-Carlton hotels, graduated from the school.

We never had him as a student, he said as quoted by

He called on Indonesian Moslem Movement chairman Abdurrahman Assegaf to 
withdraw his statement and apologize to the school.

Otherwise, we will take a necessary legal action, he said.

However, Sydney Jones, director of the International Crisis Group earlier also 
said Nur Hasbi was a friend of Asmar Latin Sani, a suicide bomber in the first 
Marriot bombing in 2003.

They both graduated from the Ngruki Islamic boarding school in Solo, Central 
Java, in 1995, she said.

CiKEAS Reimagining the state ideology Pancasila?

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Reimagining the state ideology Pancasila?
Michael O'Shannassy ,  Yogyakarta   |  Sat, 07/18/2009 1:54 PM  |  

Recently, Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta hosted the 2nd International 
Yale Indonesia Forum, the title of which was Pancasila's Contemporary Appeal: 
Re-Legitimizing Indonesia's Founding Ethos. 

The central questions of this conference implied that the degree to which 
Pancasila remained relevant in contemporary Indonesia largely hinged upon its 
continuing ability to counter the effects of potentially centrifugal forces, 
such as religion and ethnicity. 

However, is this enough? Can such an instrumental relationship suffice in order 
for Pancasila to assume its place as one of the primary foundations of what it 
means to be an Indonesian? 

In short, what is, or rather, what can be the relationship between Pancasila 
and national identity in contemporary Indonesia? 

The goal of any government or regime is to render itself the primary source of 
authority, ideally legitimate, within its borders. It is in this respect that a 
genuinely felt sense of national identity becomes significant in so much as it 
is able to act as a source of legitimacy; reflected, for example, in the notion 
of a government existing and acting for the people. 

The problem in many post-colonial states is that who and what exactly are the 
people remains relatively amorphous, especially in the presence of multiple 
ethnicities and/or religions. Such states have generally lacked a coherent, 
inclusive myth to supply a metaphysical basis for the state. 

However, as the history of independent Indonesia demonstrates, Pancasila has 
been able to act as just one such inclusive myth, providing a common footing 
from which to weave together the many diverse and disparate elements that 
constitute Indonesia. 

It is as an articulation of Bhineka Tunggal Ika, arguably the most elemental 
and long-standing expression of Indonesian national unity, that Pancasila 
continues to enjoy widespread consensus from almost all sections of Indonesian 

However, this broad societal acceptance of Pancasila as something quite 
essential in determining what it means to be Indonesian is altogether 
different than agreeing on how exactly to interpret this fundamental concept. 
This is especially evident after the fall of the New Order regime in 1998 with 
the emergence of a far more uncertain terrain upon which to negotiate the 
relationship between Pancasila and Indonesian national identity. 

What we see then in the era Reformasi is a proliferation of competing 
discourses on national identity of which most, but not all, were 

In fact, one can discern a number of distinct derivations of the overarching 
discourse which posits an explicit link between Pancasila and Indonesian 
national identity. 

In the first instance, there are the Secular Nationalists who are 
uncomfortable with Pancasila's tight association with the oppressive excesses 
of the former New Order regime and yet regard Pancasila as a useful means of 
combating the influence of political Islam. 

In order to do so, this broad group either relies on emphasizing the first sila 
of Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa or, if they are unwilling to explicitly employ the 
language of Pancasila, they may instead refer to the values contained within 
Pancasila in terms of human rights, universal equality, etc. 

Confronting the Secular Nationalists are two broad groups, both of which also 
broadly identify with Pancasila. On the one side are Pancasila Islamists who 
view themselves as both Muslims and Indonesian nationalists and have little 
trouble interpreting each of the as expressions of values that exist within 

On the other side are Pancasila Nationalists who look to a more original 
version of Pancasila before it became polluted by political interests. At its 
core, this latter group seeks to place equal emphasis on all five silas in 
order to restore Pancasila as part of the jiwa of Indonesia, as Pancasila 

At an even more fundamental level, there are discourses present in Indonesia 
that question the very relevance of Pancasila as a manifestation of Bhinneka 
Tunggal Ika. Campaigns for an Islamic state are representative of this. 

Intriguingly, there are also some who assert that Pancasila has become so 
corrupted by political interests that Indonesians need to be brave enough to 
risk replacing Pancasila with an alternative ideology, one that better 
functions as a legitimate articulation of unity in diversity. 

What this chaos of competing discourses demonstrates is that there is still a 
real need for ideological debate on the relationship between Pancasila and 

With so many discourses vying for dominance such a dialogue is essential. As in 
the early years of independent Indonesia this is the time to explore, once 

CiKEAS Ahmadinejad criticized over vice president choice

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Ahmadinejad criticized over vice president choice
Sunday, July 19, 2009
TEHRAN - The Associated Press

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, already at the center of a post-election crisis, 
came under criticism from his own hard-line supporters Sunday for appointing a 
first vice president who once caused an outcry by saying Iranians were friends 
of Israelis.

Ahmadinejad has been under siege by opposition supporters who claim he stole 
last month's election from pro-reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. The latest 
criticism was a reminder that while hard-liners have supported Ahmadinejad in 
the election dispute, they often criticized him before the vote, especially 
over his handling of Iran's economy.

The disagreements among hard-liners had been set aside since the June 12 
election as they faced hundreds of thousands of Mousavi supporters who 
protested in the streets over what they said was massive vote fraud.

Authorities have cracked down violently and have arrested hundreds. They 
detained 40 on Friday after police clashed with thousands of protesters in the 
biggest opposition show of strength in weeks, the semiofficial Fars news agency 
reported Sunday. Some of those arrested were eventually released, it said.

The clashes followed a sermon by one of Iran's most powerful clerics, former 
President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who criticized the government's response to 
the election dispute.

Also Friday, Ahmadinejad appointed Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, his son's 
father-in-law, as his first vice president. Mashai angered hard-liners in 2008 
when he said Iranians were friends of all people in the world - even Israelis.

Mashai was serving as vice president in charge of tourism and cultural heritage 
at the time. Iran has 12 vice presidents, but the first vice president is the 
most important because he leads Cabinet meetings in the absence of the 

Hossein Shariatmadari, an aide to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and 
editor of hard-line Kayhan newspaper, said Sunday that Mashai's appointment 
caused a wave of surprise mixed with regret and concern among Ahmadinejad 

Many of the closest individuals to the president strongly oppose the 
appointment, he added.

Most hard-liners consider Israel to be Iran's archenemy, and Ahmadinejad 
himself has repeatedly called for the Jewish state's destruction.

Khamenei, who has supported Ahmadinejad in the election dispute, called 
Mashai's comments about Israelis illogical shortly after he said them but 
urged critics to abandon their call for the president to fire his relative.

Mashai also angered many of Iran's top clerics in 2007 when he attended a 
ceremony in Turkey where women performed a traditional dance. Conservative 
interpretations of Islam prohibit women from dancing.

He ran into trouble again in 2008 when he hosted a ceremony in Tehran in which 
several women played tambourines while another one carried the Quran to a 
podium to recite verses from the Muslim holy book. Hard-liners viewed the 
festive mood as disrespectful to the Quran.

Ali Motahari, a prominent hard-line lawmaker, said lawmakers should summon 
Ahmadinejad to parliament to express opposition to Mashai. Others said they 
planned to appeal to Khamenei to reverse the appointment. The supreme leader 
has final say over all state matters.

The criticism was a change of focus for hard-liners, who have spent the last 
few weeks lambasting Mousavi and his supporters for challenging the 
presidential election. On Saturday, hard-liners accused Rafsanjani of defying 
Khamenei by using his sermon to encourage opposition supporters to continue 
their protests.

Rafsanjani, speaking publicly for the first time since the election, denounced 
the government's violent crackdown against protesters and demanded the release 
of those detained. Instead of suppression, he said the government should work 
to address the concerns Iranians have over the legitimacy of the vote.

The sermon was a direct challenge to Khamenei and his hard-line supporters, who 
have said the election was fair and have called on opposition supporters to 
drop their claims of vote fraud.

The protest movement and the split it has caused within the highest reaches of 
Iran's clerical hierarchy have presented Khamenei with the country's greatest 
challenge since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

CiKEAS Powerful Iranian cleric says country in crisis

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Regional News
Powerful Iranian cleric says country in crisis
Published Date: July 19, 2009 

TEHRAN: In a sign of endurance for Iran's protest movement, demonstrators 
clashed with police Friday as one of the nation's most powerful clerics 
challenged the supreme leader during Muslim prayers, saying the country was in 
crisis in the wake of a disputed election. The turnout of tens of thousands of 
worshippers for former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani's sermon at Tehran 
University and the battles with police outside represented the biggest 
opposition show of strength in weeks.

Protesters faced fierce government suppression and hundreds were arrested 
following the June 12 presidential election. Outside the university, protests 
grew from several hundred people before the sermon to thousands afterward as 
worshippers joined in, chanting death to the dictator, a reference to 
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Protesters were confronted by riot police and a menacing line of pro-government 
Basiji militiamen on motorcycles, who charged with batons. Plainclothes Basijis 
fired volleys of tear gas, and young protesters with green bandanas over their 
faces kicked the canisters across the pavement. Some set a bonfire in the 
street and waved their hands in victory signs. Dozens were arrested and taken 
away in trucks, witnesses said.

Protests, which flared following the election, had been stifled in recent 
weeks. The sometimes tearful sermon by Rafsanjani could be a significant boost 
to the movement's staying power. It was an open challenge to Supreme Leader 
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, aired live on nationwide radio from one of the 
country's most potent political stages.

By openly showing the divisions in the leadership, it punched a hole in efforts 
by Khamenei and hard-line clerics to end the controversy over Ahmadinejad's 
re-election. Worshippers chanted azadi, azadi, Persian for freedom, during 
Rafsanjani's sermon, his first since the election. Opposition leader Mir 
Hossein Mousavi, who claims to have won the election, sat among the 
worshippers, attending the country's main prayer service for the first time 
since the turmoil began.

Many of those gathered wore headbands or wristbands in his campaign color 
green, or had green prayer rugs, crowding the former soccer field where prayers 
are held and spilling into nearby streets. Rafsanjani denounced the government 
crackdown on protests and called for the release of the hundreds detained. He 
reprimanded the clerical leadership for not listening to people's complaints 
over the election, which was declared a victory for Ahmadinejad despite 
opposition accusations of fraud.

There is a large portion of the wise people who say they have doubts (about the 
election). We need to take action to remove this doubt, he said. The trust 
that brought the people to vote in such large numbers is not there anymore. We 
need to return this trust. Rafsanjani avoided directly mentioning Khamenei or 
outright calling the vote fraudulent. He couched his sermon in calls for unity 
in support of Iran's Islamic Republic, but it was clear he blamed the 
leadership for the loss of unity.

Tears welled in the cleric's eyes as he spoke of how Islam's Prophet Muhammad 
respected the rights of his people. He said the founder of Iran's Islamic 
Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, would always say that if the system is 
not backed by the people, nothing would stand. For Iranians listening across 
the country, the weekly Friday sermon in Tehran is the voice of the leadership 
and a symbol of its backing by God.

After hundreds of thousands joined protests against the election results in the 
days following the vote, the supreme leader used the podium to declare 
Ahmadinejad's victory valid and order a stop to unrest. The crackdown was 
launched soon after. In the weeks that followed, hard-line clerics have used 
the sermon to depict the protesters as tools of foreign enemies and tell 
worshippers to follow Khamenei.

Rafsanjani's sermon signaled the broader public that the dispute was internal 
and even Iran's ruling clerics are split. He directly referred to the 
divisions, saying the revered topmost theologians of Shia Islam, who have 
millions of followers, were not happy with the government. Rafsanjani heads two 
powerful clerical bodies that oversee the government and parliament, the 
Expediency Council and the Experts Council. He is a bitter rival of Ahmadinejad 
and is considered Mousavi's top supporter within Iran's
clerical leadership.

A mercurial and savvy politician, Rafsanjani positioned himself as a leader 
emerging to resolve the unrest, saying he hoped his words would be a start to 
help us pass safely through a problem that can unfortunately be called a 
crisis. He specifically criticized his top rivals within the clerical 
leadership _ the Guardians Council, a body dominated by hard-liners. The 

CiKEAS High blood sugar may increase Alzheimer's disease risk

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

  High blood sugar may increase Alzheimer's disease risk 
  Sunday July 19, 2009 (0055 PST)




  ISLAMABAD: People with high blood sugar levels may increase the risk of 
developing Alzheimer's disease, said researchers from the Karolinska Institute, 
Stockholm, Sweden. 
  The researchers presented the findings of the study at the 10th 
International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders in Madrid 

  The study, included 1,173 people aged 75 and older for 9 years, found 
that the risk of developing dementia was highest in people with pre-diabetes 
who had high blood pressure as well. The condition with high blood sugar levels 
that is not yet in the established diabetes range is called pre-diabetes. 
Researchers said that people with higher than normal blood sugar levels could 
be at an increased risk for developing Alzheimer's disease at a later stage. 

  Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia among older 
people. It is estimated that up to 4 million Americans suffer from dementia. It 
usually starts after 60 years of age and the risk increases as people age. 

  People afflicted with Alzheimer's disease may have trouble remembering 
recent events, activities, or the names of familiar people or things. The 
disease develops gradually and a person might live for 8 to 10 years after 
initial diagnosis, but can stretch up to 20 years. 

CiKEAS New warning issued as digger dies

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

New warning issued as digger dies
Tom Allard, Jakarta and Brendan Nicholson
July 20, 2009 

AUSTRALIANS have been warned that more terrorist attacks could be launched in 
Indonesia in the wake of Friday's deadly hotel bombings in Jakarta that killed 
nine people and injured more than 50.

The Federal Government has also linked the bombings in Indonesia to the ongoing 
fight against terrorism in Afghanistan, where the 11th Australian soldier was 
killed on Saturday.

Indonesian police last night said Jemaah Islamiah - which was responsible for 
the 2002 Bali bombing - committed the atrocities.

We confirm that the attackers are from Jemaah Islamiah because there are 
similarities in the bombs used, national police spokesman Nanan Soekarna said.

In Afghanistan, Private Benjamin Ranaudo, 22, was killed by a bomb or mine as 
his unit surrounded a walled compound in the Baluchi Valley of southern 
Afghanistan while searching for insurgents.

A second Australian soldier was seriously wounded and was to be flown to a 
military hospital in Germany. Three Afghan civilians, including an 
eight-year-old boy, were also hurt and are being treated in Afghanistan.

Private Ranaudo, who had been in Afghanistan for only four weeks, was described 
as a dedicated professional soldier.

He died ensuring that terrorist groups do not have Afghanistan as a base from 
which they can plan and mount attacks, said the chief of the Defence Force, 
Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd warned that victory in Afghanistan was necessary to 
stop the country becoming a terrorist stronghold.

Mr Rudd offered his condolences to Private Ranaudo's family, but made it clear 
the Government remained committed to the war.

In the light of these terrible events in Afghanistan yesterday, it's important 
for us all to remember here in Australia that Afghanistan has been a training 
ground for terrorists worldwide, a training ground also for terrorists in 
South-East Asia, reminding us of the reasons that we are in that field of 
combat and reaffirming our resolve to remain committed to that cause, Mr Rudd 

In a weekend interview, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates warned that US-led 
forces in Afghanistan must start to show progress within the next year, or face 
the likely loss of public support.

After the Iraq experience, nobody is prepared to have a long slog where it is 
not apparent we are making headway, Mr Gates said. The troops are tired, the 
American people are pretty tired.

Lowy Institute defence analyst Hugh White warned against connecting progress in 
Afghanistan with the broader fight against international terrorists, saying he 
did not believe the situation in Afghanistan made much difference to terrorism 
in Indonesia or elsewhere.

The investigation into Friday's bombings in Jakarta is yet to result in 
arrests. The man many suspect of being the mastermind, fugitive Malaysian-born 
terrorist Noordin Mohammed Top, remains at large.

The Department of Foreign Affairs has issued a new travel advisory, warning 
that there is a possibility of further terrorist attacks in Jakarta and 
elsewhere in Indonesia, including Bali.

The language was new, although the overall level of the advice - reconsider 
your need to travel - is at the level established since the 2002 bombings in 
Bali. It is the second-highest level of alert, below the blanket warning of do 
not travel.

Three Australians died in Friday's attacks: Craig Senger, Nathan Verity and 
Garth McEvoy.

Indonesian investigators were yet to identify definitely either of the suicide 
bombers, national police spokesman Nanan Soekarna told The Age. Investigators 
were trying to reconstruct the pair's features from their severed heads to 
establish their identity.

There was speculation that Nur Hasbi, also known as Nur Sahid, would be 
revealed as one of the bombers. His father was visited at his Central Java 
village by investigators, who may have taken a DNA sample to match with the 
bomber's badly mutilated corpse.

Meanwhile, a laptop believed to have belonged to one of the bombers was found 
in a room at the Ritz-Carlton. Jakarta Police's Chryshnanda Dwi Laksana said 
the laptop contained information and codes believed to have been used by the 

A room in the Marriott hotel that was the control centre of the operation was 
booked under the name Nurdin Aziz. Terrorism analyst Sidney Jones said she 
suspected the man was Nur Hasbi, a member of a terror group led by Noordin Top.

Australian Federal Police will assist their Indonesian colleagues in 
deciphering the codes, as well as provide high-tech equipment to give greater 
clarity to CCTV footage that could help identify the killers.

Australian security forces, along with the Malaysian and Singaporean 
governments, are assisting the Indonesians in an intensified manhunt for 
Noordin, who has

CiKEAS Princess facing Saudi death penalty given secret UK asylum

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Princess facing Saudi death penalty given secret UK asylum

Woman feared she would be stoned after giving birth to illegitimate child in 

By Robert Verkaik, Home Affairs Editor

Monday, 20 July 2009

A Saudi Arabian princess who had an illegitimate child with a British man has 
secretly been granted asylum in this country after she claimed she would face 
the death penalty if she were forced to return home. The young woman, who has 
been granted anonymity by the courts, won her claim for refugee status after 
telling a judge that her adulterous affair made her liable to death by stoning.

Her case is one of a small number of claims for asylum brought by citizens of 
Saudi Arabia which are not openly acknowledged by either government. British 
diplomats believe that to do so would in effect be to highlight the persecution 
of women in Saudi Arabia, which would be viewed as open criticism of the House 
of Saud and lead to embarrassing publicity for both governments.

The woman, who comes from a very wealthy Saudi family, says she met her English 
boyfriend - who is not a Muslim - during a visit to London. They struck up a 

She became pregnant the following year and worried that her elderly husband - a 
member of the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia - had become suspicious of her 
behaviour, she persuaded him to let her visit the UK again to give birth in 
secret. She feared for her life if she returned to Saudi Arabia.

She persuaded the court that if she returned to the Gulf state she and her 
child would be subject to capital punishment under Sharia law - specifically 
flogging and stoning to death. She was also worried about the possibility of an 
honour killing.

Since she fled Saudi Arabia, her family and her husband's family have broken 
off contact with her.

The woman has been granted permanent leave to remain in the UK after the 
Immigration and Asylum tribunal allowed her appeal.

The Home Office yesterday declined to discuss the case. A spokesman for the 
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in London said that he would call back but 
subsequently became unavailable.

Relations between the UK and Saudi Arabia have been strained in recent years 
and were brought to a head in 2006 when Tony Blair intervened to end a Serious 
Fraud Office (SFO) inquiry into alleged kickbacks paid in a multibillion 
military aircraft deal between the two states.

The Saudi royal family was deeply concerned about the idea that the 
investigators might try o open up their Swiss bank accounts, it was alleged at 
the time.

This led the Saudis to threaten to restrict the sharing of intelligence 
relating to terror activity if the prosecution went ahead. They also threatened 
to pull out of other highly-lucrative arms deals.

Last year, the House of Lords ruled that the SFO's decision to drop the 
corruption investigation into the £43bn Saudi arms deal with BAE Systems was 

In a hard-hitting ruling, two High Court judges described the SFO's decision as 
an outrage. 

One of them, Lord Justice Moses, said the SFO and the Government had given into 
blatant threats that Saudi intelligence co-operation would end unless the 
probe into corruption was halted. 

No one, whether within this country or outside, is entitled to interfere with 
the course of our justice, he said. It is the failure of government and the 
defendant to bear that essential principle in mind that justifies the 
intervention of this court.

The Middle East state has been shrouded in controversy over oppressive policies 
against women and homosexuals. Secrecy surrounds much of the Saudi legal 
system, but in a recent report on the use of the death penalty in the kingdom, 
the human rights group Amnesty International highlighted its extensive use 
against men and women.

Adulterers face public stonings and floggings and, in the most serious cases, 
beheadings and hangings.

The high numbers of executions in Saudi Arabia in 2007 continued into 2008. 
There were at least 102 executions of men and women last year - at an average 
rate of two every week. Amnesty is aware of at least 136 individuals currently 
awaiting execution. 

Last week, Saudi Arabia's religious police were blamed for the death of two 
sisters who were murdered in what was deemed an honour killing by their 
brother, after the sisters were arrested for allegedly mixing with men to whom 
they were not related. 

The Society for Defending Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia said that the 
religious police had arrested the two sisters, aged 19 and 21, thus putting 
their lives in danger.

Their brother shot them dead in front of their father when they left a women's 
shelter in Riyadh on 5 July, according to Saudi news reports.

In 2007, in a case that shocked Saudis, a woman from Qatif was sentenced to 200 
lashes and six months in prison after being 

CiKEAS Polisi Akui, Teror Bom di Mana-mana...

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny,20090720-188000,id.html

Polisi Akui, Teror Bom di Mana-mana...

Senin, 20 Juli 2009 | 06:47 WIB

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta --Juru Bicara Markas Besar Kepolisian RI Inspektur 
Jenderal Nanan Sukarna mengakui setelah peledakan Hotel JW Marriott dan Ritz 
Carlton jakarta, ancaman bom terjadi di sejumlah tempat. Ia minta pemberitaan 
media massa tentang ancaman bom tidak menimbulkan ketakutan pada masyarakat. 
Ancaman bom memang muncul (di mana-mana), kata Nanan kepada Tempo kemarin.

Sehari setelah ledakan bom di kawasan bisnis Mega Kuningan Jumat pekan lalu 
itu, sedikitnya terjadi tiga ancaman pengeboman. Dua ancaman bom terjadi di 
Jakarta, yaitu di Hotel Four Season dan Blok M Square. Sedangkan ancaman ketiga 
terjadi Hotel Best Western Asean Medan. 

Nanan menegaskan, bahwa ancaman tersebut harus diwaspadai. Kami selalu waspada 
dan telah meningkatkan keamanan sejak beberapa hari lalu. Peningkatan 
pengamanan ini bukan hanya setelah ada ancaman bom, ujarnya.

Polisi, menurut Nanan, juga selalu menanggapi dan menangani setiap ancaman yang 
terjadi dengan serius. Setiap ancaman selaku kami tangani dan tindaklanjuti 
untuk menemukan kebenarannya. Namun, kata dia, seringkali ancaman itu berasal 
dari orang iseng. Atau ancaman yang ditujukan untuk iseng saja, ujar Nanan. 

Karena itu Nanan minta agar media bijak dalam memberitakan ancaman-ancaman 
seperti itu. Tolong jangan malah membuat masyarakat ketakutan, ini bisa 
membuat senang para peneror, kata Nanan. Lagipula apa bedanya kita dengan 
peneror kalau berita yang disampaikan malah menimbulkan ketakutan atau teror 


CiKEAS Marriott II

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Marriott II 
Minggu, 19 Juli 2009 | 01:09 WIB

a.. Putu Setia 

Bom yang diledakkan teroris di Indonesia tampaknya berseri. Kita mengenal Bom 
Bali I, yang menewaskan 202 korban dan ratusan luka parah pada 12 Oktober 2002. 
Korbannya kebanyakan orang asing, namun dampaknya pada 3 juta penduduk Bali 
yang langsung terpuruk perekonomiannya. Pada saat orang Bali berbenah, bom 
kembali meledak pada 1 Oktober 2005. Orang menyebutnya--meski saya tak 
suka--Bom Bali II. 

Hotel JW Marriott sudah dihantam bom pada 5 Agustus 2003, yang menewaskan 11 
orang. Setelah enam tahun berlalu dan orang melupakannya--termasuk mungkin 
petugas keamanan hotel--Jumat lalu kembali hotel itu diporak-porandakan bom. 
Bom Marriott jilid kedua? Sungguh saya tak suka penomoran ini. 

Ini titik hitam sejarah Indonesia. Begitulah Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 
mengomentari ledakan bom ini dengan lebih cepat. Semua penduduk negeri saya 
kira sependapat, ulah teroris itu merupakan titik hitam kelewat hitam untuk 
bangsa yang sedang sukses melaksanakan pemilihan umum dengan damai. Semua 
elemen bangsa, entah politikus atau pemimpin agama, apalagi penggemar sepak 
bola, pasti mengutuk keras ulah teroris yang berani mati tapi takut hidup 
itu, yang meledakkan bom bunuh diri. Cuma, pasti banyak yang 
menyayangkan--dengan segala hormat, termasuk saya--kenapa Presiden SBY 
bertindak lebih cepat tapi tidak lebih baik? 

SBY berpidato terlalu banyak untuk sebuah duka yang menyayat. Disayangkan lagi, 
kelebihan kata yang banyak itu justru dikait-kaitkannya ledakan Bom Marriott II 
dengan pemilihan presiden. Seolah-olah bom ini ada tautannya dengan 
kalah-menang dalam pemilihan presiden. Begitu usai pernyataan itu, saya 
langsung mengirim pesan pendek kepada tokoh-tokoh masyarakat Bali dan menulis 
pesan di Facebook. Intinya, saya minta masyarakat tidak termakan provokasi, 
jaga persatuan, kendalikan diri, berdoa agar air tak makin keruh. 

Yang saya bayangkan, orang-orang yang kena sindir Presiden SBY akan bereaksi, 
dan air pun makin keruh. Pengalaman buruk seperti ini terlalu banyak di Bali. 
Ketika Megawati Soekarnoputri kalah oleh Abdurrahman Wahid pada pemilihan 
presiden dalam Sidang Umum Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, orang Bali mengamuk. 
Kompleks perkantoran mewah Kabupaten Badung dibakar jadi arang seutuhnya, belum 
lagi puluhan bangunan di berbagai kota ludes dibakar massa. Korban akibat 
kepicikan politik semacam ini sudah menjadi umum di masa lalu, bahkan tragedi 
1965 yang menewaskan ratusan ribu orang Bali itu jadi monumen titik kelewat 

Puji syukur, Tuhan. Megawati ternyata tenang dalam kasus Bom Marriott II ini. 
Jusuf Kalla lebih tenang lagi, bahkan sempat tersenyum sedikit ketika 
menyebutkan, Ah, tak ada itu, jadi dikira Mega dan saya yang melakukan 
(pengeboman) itu. Yang sungguh menggembirakan adalah Prabowo Subianto; tak mau 
menanggapi pernyataan SBY, mengutuk pelaku peledakan bom itu, dan siap bekerja 
sama memerangi teroris. Saya kagum terhadap ketiga tokoh ini. Pada saat orang 
panik, mereka bikin tenang. 

Teroris harus diperangi dengan bersatunya seluruh elemen bangsa. Ini bukan 
masalah agama, tak ada agama mengajarkan kedurjanaan. Namun, perang terhadap 
teroris juga tak bisa dilakukan dengan panik, apalagi takut. Lebih-lebih lagi 
melemparkan dugaan kepada orang atau kelompok tertentu tanpa diselidiki lebih 
jauh kebenarannya. Teroris harus dihadapi sebagai musuh bersama. Mereka tentu 
tertawa kalau kita saling mencurigai. Bom Marriott, seperti halnya bom Bali, 
harus kita sudahi sampai bilangan dua. Polisi harus lebih sigap, lupakan dulu 
menangkap cicak.

CiKEAS Opposition grows to appointment of new first VP

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

July 19, 2009 

Opposition grows to appointment of new first VP
Tehran Times Political Desk

QOM -- The appointment of Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaii as the new first vice 
president has caused concern among loyalists of the Islamic Revolution, a 
member of the Presiding Board of the Qom Seminary Teachers Society said on 

In the current situation, when the country needs unity more than ever before, 
Rahim-Mashai's appointment was not appropriate, Hojatoleslam Seyyed Mohammad 
Qaravi told the Mehr News Agency correspondent in Qom. 

Qaravi made the remarks after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued a decree 
appointing the director of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts 
Organization as the new first vice president on Saturday. 

In his appointment decree, Ahmadinejad described Rahim-Mashaii as a pious, 
honest, and self-made man. 

In 2008, Rahim-Mashaii said, Iran is a friend of the Israeli people in stark 
contrast to Iran's stance on the Zionist regime, and Supreme Leader of the 
Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei criticized him for his 

Majlis Energy Committee Chairman Hamid-Reza Katouzian has also criticized 
Ahmadinejad for his hasty selection of Rahim-Mashaii for the post of first vice 

Such appointments are usually made after the inauguration and authorization 
ceremonies, and it would have been better if this practice was also followed 
this time, he told the Mehr News Agency on Saturday. 

Katouzian said many religious figures and MPs are not pleased with some of his 
remarks and actions. Even the Supreme Leader made comments about Rahim-Mashaii 
and the president should have heeded these comments, he added. 

Despite all these sensitive points, Mr. Rahim-Mashaii did not even apologize, 
but quite the contrary, insisted on his views, he pointed out. 

Katouzian said the decision to make the appointment did not take the views of 
the people and the Supreme Leader into consideration. 

I think Mr. Ahmadinejad made a mistake in this appointment, and I am of the 
opinion that this choice will have some repercussions, he added. 

Mr. Ahmadinejad has always showed (us) that he is 100 percent heedless in 
situations that are very sensitive, Katouzian stated 

CiKEAS Polri: Tewas delapan orang, termasuk kedua pelaku pengeboman

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny
Harian Komentar
18 Juli 2009

  Polri: Tewas delapan orang, termasuk kedua pelaku pengeboman 
  Pelaku Sempat Ngopi Sebelum Ledakkan Bom

Ledakan bom di Hotel Ritz Carlton dan JW Marriot sekitar pukul 07.40 WIB Jumat 
(17/07) kemarin, merupakan aksi bom bunuh diri yang dilakukan dua orang. 
Menariknya, salah satu pelaku pengeboman yang teridentifikasi berini-sial AN 
alias Azis Nurdin, sempat ngopi sejenak di kamar Hotel JW Marriott nomor 1808, 
sebelum akhir-nya meledakkan diri dengan bom yang dipaket dalam tas laptop. 

Pasalnya, berdasarkan pen-jelasan sumber penyidik, ditemukan secangkir kopi 
yang belum terlalu dingin di kamar 1808, lantai 18 Hotel JW Marriott. Selain 
itu, dite-mukan juga bahan peledak di kamar tersebut. Namun disebutkan, bom 
tersebut berdaya low explosive. 
Ada dugaan, pelaku urung menggunakan bom tersebut dan kemudian mendapatkan 
suplai bom dari luar hotel yang memiliki daya ledak besar. Mereka membawa 
(bom) dari luar sudah jadi, ujar Kadiv Hu-mas Mabes Polri Irjen Polisi Nanan 
Soekarna di depan Hotel JW Marriott, Jakarta, Jumat (17/07).
Nanan menuturkan, pelaku berpura-pura membawa lap-top. Ia menduga petugas 
ke-amanan dikelabui saat laptop tersebut berhasil terdeteksi. Pas bunyi tit.. 
Ditanya oleh petugas, laptop ya? Lalu di-jawab iya, jelasnya.

Ketika ditanya soal barang bukti yang ditemukan di kamar pelaku, Nanan enggan 
menjelaskan lebih jauh. Ia hanya menegaskan, tidak ada dokumen Jamaah Islamiyah 
di kamar tersebut. Itu juga bukan persembunyian, itu hanya posko sementara, 

Menurut informasi, Nurdin Azis telah menempati kamar 1808 tersebut selama 
seming-gu. Di kamar itu dijadikan posko sejak tanggal 15 Juli. Seharusnya dia 
check out, kata Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Bambang Hendarso Danuri (BHD) dalam 
jumpa pers. Polisi juga memastikan bahwa jumlah korban tewas akibat ledakan bom 
di Hotel JW Marriott dan Ritz Carlton berjumlah delapan Orang. Termasuk dua di 
antaranya pelaku bom bunuh diri.
Sebagian besar korban di Hotel Marriott, kata Kapolri. Namun polisi sendiri 
belum bisa memastikan apakah pe-laku bom bunuh diri di Hotel Ritz Carlton dan 
JW Marriott warga negara Indonesia atau warga asing. Polisi masih melakukan 
penyelidikan. Apakah dia WNA (warga negara asing) atau dari negara mana akan 
dijelaskan besok, kata Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Bambang Hendarso Danuri. 

Saat ini polisi masih melaku-kan olah tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) dan 
data-data dari dua pelaku sedang dise-lidiki. Kita identifikasi setelah tim 
disaster victim identi-fication (DVI), tutupnya. Yang pasti, pelaku menyamar 
menjadi tamu hotel. Iya betul (menyamar sebagai tamu), kata Kapolda Metro 
Jaya Irjen Polisi Wahyono. 
Wahyono juga mengatakan ada kesamaan unsur bom yang meledak di tempat keja-dian 
perkara dan kamar. Di dalam kamar ditemukan mur, kata dia. Namun bom aktif 
yang ditemukan di lantai 18, Hotel JW Marriott, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. 
Setelah dijinakkan dan diurai, bom itu jenisnya low explosive .
Setelah dilakukan olah TKP, ditemukan bom dan dapat dijinakkan. Diurai 
unsurnya black powder, jenisnya low exsplosive, kata Wahyono. 
Dikatakan dia, bom meledak di depan JW Marriott sekitar pukul 07.47 WIB. 
Disusul 07.57 WIB, di Ritz Carlton, tepatnya di Restauran Airlang-ga. 
Kemudian, kita lakukan evakuasi korban. Total korban 61 orang. Dengan 
perincian tujuh meninggal dunia di lokasi kejadian. Satu orang mening-gal di 
rumah sakit dan 53 lain-nya dirawat di rumah sakit, ujar Wahyono. 

Berikut identitas enam kor-ban yang tewas akibat penge-boman tersebut. Mereka 
adalah Timothy D Mackay (61) asal Selandia Baru, Natan Verity (39) asal 
Australia, Garth McEvoy (40) asal Australia, Arnold asal Singapura, Dar-manto 
asal Indonesia dan seorang wanita yang belum teridentifikasi. Sementara dua 
lainnya, adalah kedua pelaku bom bunuh diri. Salah satunya bernama Azis Nurdin 
namun rekannya yang satu masih misterius, karena kondisi tu-buhnya 

CiKEAS Bom Teroris, Jangan Tebar Curiga!

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik sunny

  Minggu, 19 Juli 2009 
Bom Teroris, Jangan Tebar Curiga! 

  H. Bambang Eka Wijaya

  PENGAMAT teroris Asia Tenggara, Sidney Jones, memastikan di Metro TV 
(18-7), serangan bom ke Hotel J.W. Marriott dan Ritz Carlton Jumat dilakukan 
teroris terkait jaringan Noordin M. Top, bukan elemen lain! Jadi bukan terkait 
pemilu yang masih diproses! ujar Umar. Penegasan Jones layak disimak, agar di 
antara sesama kita tak saling mencurigai, apalagi saling menuduh, hingga akibat 
teroris masyarakat kita malah jadi terpecah belah! Padahal, yang dihadapi 
adalah teroris sebagai musuh bersama seluruh bangsa!

  Kalau ada yang terpancing dan menebar curiga, prasangka buruk di antara 
sesama warga bangsa, justru membuat usaha teroris untuk menciptakan kekeruhan, 
kekacauan, dan perpecahan dalam masyarakat Indonesia mencapai sasaran! timpal 
Amir. Juga mengait-ngaitkan serangan bom teroris itu dengan temuan intelijen 
terkait pemilu, karena yang terjadi justru akibat intel terobsesi pada ancaman 
terhadap pemilu, dan terbenam dalam paranoid obsesi tersebut, malah kebobolan 
serangan teroris!

  Artinya, jangan pula masyarakat bangsa diseret ke dalam obsesi kalangan 
intelijen! Karena, ditarik dalam sejarah pemilu di Indonesia, obsesi itu jelas 
sangat berlebihan! tegas Umar. Lebih baik kita kembali ke realitas, 
masyarakat bangsa Indonesia semakin matang berdemokrasi, obsesi-obsesi 
sebaliknya cuma menyesatkan! Seandai nanti ada demo menolak hasil penghitungan 
KPU, misalnya dengan alasan DPT yang kacau, itu pun masih bagian dari 
demokrasi, karena kekacauan DPT juga kenyataan! Apalagi di sisi lain, sudah ada 
tokoh seperti Gus Dur yang secara terbuka menolak hasil pemilu!

  Maka itu, kita hadapi terorisme sebagai musuh bersama--common 
enemy--masyarakat bangsa! timpal Amir. Intel-intel silakan merekam dan 
menganalisis ancaman dalam masyarakat, tapi alangkah baiknya jika setiap 
ancaman itu dibandingkan dengan realitas, sejauh mana perkembangan masyarakat 
kita dalam hal-hal tertentu--sejauh mana pula anomalinya, kalau ada! Tapi 
jelas, dalam masyarakat yang makin gandrung kedewasaan berdemokrasi sekarang, 
terlalu berlebihan diprediksi akan menempuh jalan revolusi untuk mencapai 
tujuan kekuasaan!

  Pokoknya, daripada neko-neko dengan paranoid kekuasaan hingga mencurigai 
tanpa alasan rakyat sendiri sebagai ancaman serius bagi keamanan nasional, 
lebih baik kalangan intel berkonsentrasi memusatkan perhatian untuk melacak 
jejak para teroris yang masih menjadi ancaman nyata itu! tegas Umar. 
Sangatlah ironis, jika intelnya lebih sibuk menguntit gerak-gerik rakyat yang 
lantas disimpulkan sebagai ancaman terhadap keamanan nasional, sedang para 
teroris malah dibiarkan leluasa menyiapkan serangan! ***