CiKEAS Kelompok Teroris Jaringan Al Qaeda Muncul di Aceh!

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny

  Selasa, 9 Maret 2010 
Kelompok Teroris Jaringan Al Qaeda Muncul di Aceh! 

  H. Bambang Eka Wijaya

  KELOMPOK teroris yang tak ada kaitan dengan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) 
muncul di Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, tepatnya di sekitar kaki Gunung Seulawah 
meliputi Kabupaten Aceh Besar dan Pidie! ujar Umar. Tak ada kaitan dengan GAM 
itu dipastikan Kapolri Bambang Hendarso Danuri, Kepala Desk Teroris Polhukam 
Ansyad Mbai, dan mantan humas GAM Sofyan Dawood!

  Kepastian itu penting agar masyarakat tak salah paham! sambut Amir. 
Dari 19 teroris yang tertangkap--tiga di antaranya tewas tertembak- di lokasi 
pengepungan maupun di sekitar Jakarta, bukan warga setempat! Empat orang 
ditangkap di Padang Tiji, Pidie, dua asal Karawang dan lainnya asal Bau Bau dan 
Jakarta! (Kompas, [8-3-2010])

  Hal penting berikutnya, pernyataan pengamat ahli terorisme, kelompok 
yang muncul di Aceh itu Jemaah Islamiyah, jaringan yang dikendalikan langsung 
Al Qaeda! tegas Umar. Jadi jaringan teroris internasional! Menurut para 
pengamat, kelompok ini jauh lebih berbahaya dari Noordin M. Top yang bermain 
solo! Terutama, kata Ansyad Mbai, operasinya dekat jalur pelayaran 
internasional Selat Malaka! (Metro TV, [8-3-2010])

  Rasa simpati kita sampaikan kepada warga Aceh, yang belum lama menikmati 
perdamaian, kini daerahnya dikacau lagi oleh orang-orang dari luar daerahnya! 
timpal Amir. Dua warga tewas kena peluru nyasar saat kontak senjata mengepung 
lokasi teroris itu pekan lalu! Dari senjata yang disita polisi juga diketahui, 
kelompok teroris itu menggunakan persenjataan canggih, M-16 dan AK-47. Dengan 
persenjataan secanggih itu, warga sipil yang paling terancam selain peluru 
nyasar, juga balas dendam kelompok teroris yang dengan mudah menuduh warga 
membantu polisi!

  Karena itu, kecermatan polisi dalam menjalankan tugas amat diharapkan 
dengan pengutamaan fungsinya mengayomi warga! tegas Umar. Tak bisa disamakan 
dengan semasa penumpasan GAM, warga dicurigai bahkan diintimidasi dengan 
sangkaan bekerja sama dengan GAM! Kali ini yang dihadapi kelompok teroris dari 
luar Aceh, jadi intimidasi serupa harus dihindarkan! Sebaliknya, warga Aceh 
harus dipandang sebagai korban yang terancam dari pengacauan teroris!

  Selain itu, karena yang dihadapi jaringan teroris internasional, Densus 
88 dan satuan polisi lainnya yang bertugas menumpas diharapkan bisa bekerja 
efektif agar kelompok ini tak sampai lolos dan menyebar ke daerah lain! timpal 
Amir. Jika sampai lolos dan menyebar, negeri kita bisa jadi seperti Pakistan 
yang diobok-obok jaringan Al Qaeda, peledakan bom terjadi nyaris setiap hari 
mengorbankan banyak warga sipil! n

 Cetak Berita bening.gifburas.jpgcetak.gif

CiKEAS Presiden SBY Terima Penghargaan dari Australia

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny
 Refleksi :  Koq menadah tangan?

Presiden SBY Terima Penghargaan dari Australia
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010, 10:43 WIB
Abror Rizky/Rumgapres
Presiden SBY
CANBERRA -- Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Selasa siang waktu setempat, 
menerima penganugerahan tanda kehormatan Honorary Companion of the Order of 
Australia yang diberikan Gubernur Jenderal Persemakmuran Australia Quentin 
Bryce AC. Pemberian penghargaan itu dilakukan di kediaman resmi Gubernur 
Jenderal di Goverment House Canberra, dalam rangkaian kunjungan kehormatan 
kenegaraan Presiden Yudhoyono di Australia selama tiga hari.

Penghargaan terhadap Presiden Yudhoyono diberikan atas jasanya memperkuat 
hubungan Australia-Indonesia dan meningkatkan demokrasi dan pembangunan di 
Indonesia. Presiden Yudhoyono dianggap telah berhasil memperdalam dan 
memperluas hubungan dengan Australia di berbagai bidang seperti ekonomi, 
budaya, pendidikan antiterorisme dan hubungan antarumat.

Presiden Yudhoyono juga telah bekerja sama baik dengan Australia dalam 
stabilitas kawasan dan kemakmuran dalam pertemuan puncak Asia Timur dan APEC, 
serta telah sukses meningkatkan peran aktif Indonesia dalam isu-isu global 
seperti di G-20. Dalam beberapa kejadian seperti serangan teroris di Indonesia 
dan bencana alam di Australia dan Indonesia, Presiden telah bertindak cepat dan 
penuh kemanusiaan dalam menyiapkan kepemimpinan yang dibutuhkan kedua negara 
untuk bekerja sama yang saling menguntungkan.

Presiden Yudhoyono juga telah memimpin hubungan kedua negara dalam memperkuat 
demokrasi di Indonesia dan menjaga reformasi ekonomi yang telah mendorong 
keuntungan bagi bangsa Indonesia dan kawasan Asia Tenggara.
Usai pengalungan medali penghargaan itu, Presiden mengatakan bahwa penghargaan 
ini merupakan kehormatan bagi dirinya dan berharap bisa memperkuat hubungan 
kedua negara dan kedua masyarakat ke depan.

Dalam kunjungan kenegaraan selama tiga hari ini, Presiden yang didampingi Ibu 
Ani Yudhoyono dijadwalkan melakukan pertemuan bilateral dengan PM Kevin Rudd, 
Rabu (10/3), sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke Sydney dan Papua Nugini.
Ikut dalam rombongan Presiden, Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa, Menko Polhukam 
Djoko Suyanto, Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Mendag Mari Pangestu, Meneg LH Gusti 
Muhammad Hatta, Menkum HAM Patrialis Akbar, Menhut Zulkifli Hassan, Mentan 
Suswono dan Meneg Pora Andi Malarangeng. 

Turut hadir Kepala BKPM Gita Wirjawan, Dirut Bank Mandiri, Ketua Hipmi Erwin 
Aksa, Gubernur Papua Barnabas Suebu, Gubernur Bali I Made Mangku Pastika dan 
sejumlah gubernur Kawasan Timur Indonesia lainnya.


Description: Binary data

CiKEAS Pemeriksaan Boediono dan Sri Mulyani dalam Kasus Century Pimpinan KPK Terbelah

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny


Pemeriksaan Boediono dan Sri Mulyani dalam Kasus Century Pimpinan KPK Terbelah

[JAKARTA] Harapan sebagian kalangan agar Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) 
segera memeriksa Wapres Boediono dan Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati dalam skandal 
bailout Bank Century senilai Rp 6,7 triliun, tampaknya belum dapat segera 
terwujud. Pasalnya, sikap lima pimpinan KPK terhadap hal itu terbelah.

Sumber SP di KPK, Senin (8/3) mengungkapkan, masih terjadi perdebatan alot di 
jajaran pimpinan KPK mengenai perlunya Boediono dan Sri Mulyani segera 
diperiksa, masing-masing dalam kapasitasnya sebagai mantan Gubernur Bank 
Indonesia (BI) dan mantan Ketua Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (KSSK).

Dua pimpinan KPK, menurut sumber itu, bersikukuh KPK belum perlu memanggil 
kedua pejabat tinggi di pemerintahan tersebut. Sebaliknya, dua pimpinan lainnya 
tidak mempersoalkan jika memang harus diperiksa, serta satu pimpinan bersikap 
KPK tampaknya akan membidik terlebih dahulu beberapa pejabat BI yang diduga 
kuat terlibat dan bertanggung jawab dalam kasus Century, ungkap sumber itu.

Dia menambahkan, alasan dua pimpinan KPK yang merasa belum perlu memanggil 
Boediono dan Sri Mulyani karena lembaga itu masih mencari bukti-bukti lain 
untuk lebih menguatkan sangkaan yang akan dilayangkan kepada dua pejabat itu. 
Karena di KPK tidak ada kamus menghentikan kasus. Sehingga, KPK harus yakin 
benar memiliki cukup bukti untuk memeriksa. Apalagi kasus ini sarat muatan 
politis, jelasnya,

Terkait hal itu, Wakil Ketua KPK bidang pencegahan, Haryono Umar menolak 
berkomentar soal hasil gelar perkara skandal Century yang dilakukan Senin. 
Kita (pimpinan KPK) telah sepakat yang bicara soal gelar perkara Century dari 
bidang penindakan, ujarnya saat dihubungi Selasa (9/3) pagi. Saat hal yang 
sama ditanyakan ke Wakil Ketua KPK bidang penindakan Bibit Samad Riyanto 
menolak menjelaskan terperinci mengenai gelar perkara. Penyelidikan masih 
harus dilanjutkan, ujarnya melalui pesan singkat.

Secara terpisah, Juru Bicara KPK Johan Budi menjelaskan, sangat terbuka 
kemungkinan lembaganya memanggil Boediono dan Sri Mulyani untuk diperiksa. 
Siapa pun yang dianggap dibutuhkan keterangannya, bisa dipanggil KPK, 
Dijelaskan, setelah menggelar serangkaian gelar perkara, KPK belum menyimpulkan 
adanya tindak pidana korupsi dalam skandal Century. Gelar perkara dimaksud 
berupa pemaparan data dan informasi yang telah dikumpulkan tim penyelidik 
kepada pimpinan KPK, untuk diambil kesimpulan mengenai posisi hukum kasus 

Dia menambahkan, lembaga antikorupsi ini masih terus mencari dua alat bukti 
yang cukup untuk meningkatkan dari penyelidikan menjadi penyidikan. Data dan 
informasi yang ada di KPK sangat banyak baik dari hasil pemeriksaan KPK maupun 
dari lembaga lain, seperti, BPK, PPATK, dan Pansus Hak Angket, jelasnya. Johan 
mengakui adanya dugaan penyimpangan dalam pemberian Fasilitas Pendanaan Jangka 
Pendek (FPJP) oleh BI ke Bank Century. Namun, untuk menaikkan status 
penyelidikan kasus Century ke tahap penyidikan, hal itu belum memungkinkan, 
karena KPK belum memiliki dua alat bukti yang cukup.

Segera Menyimpulkan
Menyikapi perkembangan penanganan skandal Century oleh KPK, Wakil Koordinator 
Badan Pekerja Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Emerson Yuntho, dan Sekretaris 
Umum Masyarakat Transparansi Internasional Indonesia (MTII) Teten Masduki 
menilainya sangat lamban. Keduanya curiga KPK tidak steril dari kepentingan 
politik, sehingga terkesan tidak serius.
Sepanjang data dan dokumen telah mencukupi, tidak ada alasan bagi KPK untuk 
tidak menaikkan status hukum penyelidikan kasus Century. Publik menunggu 
keputusan KPK, kata Emerson. Hal senada dikatakan Teten. Dia mendesak KPK 
se-gera menyimpulkan status pengusutan dari hasil gelar perkara penyelidikan, 
agar tidak menimbulkan tanda tanya dan keraguan masyarakat.

Menurutnya, KPK bisa memakai strategi seperti pada saat mengusut kasus aliran 
dana Yayasan Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (YPPI) ke DPR, dan kasus dugaan 
suap dalam pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior BI dengan status Agus Condro. 
Proses penyidikannya bisa sambil berjalan dan dibuktikan di pengadilan. 
Sehingga terkuak siapa aktor utama dalam kasus ini, jelasnya.

Tolak Barter Kasus
Sementara itu, sejumlah pimpinan parpol dan fraksi di DPR yang menganggap 
kebijakan bailout Century bermasalah, menegaskan menolak tawaran barter dengan 
kasus hukum yang menimpa para politisi dari parpol yang bersangkutan. Sekjen 
Partai Golkar Idrus Marham mengemukakan, partainya tidak tertarik dengan isu 
atau upaya tukar guling kasus oleh siapa pun terkait pengusutan kasus Century. 
Menurutnya, Golkar tetap pada sikap politiknya yaitu membawa kasus Century 
diproses secara hukum dan dilakukan secara transparan. Bunuh diri kalau 
melakukan itu. Semua masyarakat sudah tahu kasus Century itu. Jadi mau tukar 
guling apa lagi, 

CiKEAS Tumpak Minta Segera Diganti

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Peraturan silih berganti dan diganti agar koruptor bisa terus bebas 
beraksi tanpa konsekwesi dijerat hukum?

Tumpak Minta Segera Diganti

dok sp
Tumpak H Panggabean

[JAKARTA] Pelaksana tugas (Plt) Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Tumpak 
Hatorangan Panggabean mengaku telah mengirimkan surat kepada Presiden Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) agar menerbitkan keputusan presiden (keppres) tentang 
pemberhentian dirinya.Ya. Surat meminta kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono (SBY) agar menerbitkan keppres pemberhentian saya selaku 
pimpinan/ketua sementara KPK sebagai tindak lanjut dari ditolaknya Perppu Nomor 
4/ 2009, katanya kepada SP di Jakarta, Senin (8/2).

Namun, Tumpak membantah bahwa surat tersebut sebagai surat pengunduran diri. 
Mantan Sekretaris Jaksa Agung Muda Pidana Khusus (Jampidsus) Kejaksaan Agung 
itu juga perlu meluruskan bahwa pengangkatan dirinya sebagai Plt Ketua KPK 
bukan berdasarkan Perppu tentang Perubahan UU Nomor 30/2002 tentang KPK. 
Pengangkatan itu berdasarkan Keppres. Apa yang diberitakan atau diperdebatkan 
banyak keliru. Tidak ada Perppu tentang Plt, yang ada Perppu tentang Perubahan 
atas UU Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang KPK. Jadi, pengangkatan saya bukan pakai 
Perppu, tetapi dengan Keppres, imbuhnya. Atas permohonan Tumpak tersebut, SBY 
sampai kini belum memberikan jawaban.

Seperti diketahui, dalam rapat paripurna DPR, pekan lalu, Perppu Nomor 4/2009 
resmi ditolak. Tujuh dari sembilan fraksi di DPR menyatakan menolak Perppu itu. 
DPR pun meminta Presiden SBY untuk segera mengajukan RUU Pencabutan Perppu 
Nomor 4/2009.
Setelah itu disetujui, presiden kemudian menerbitkan keppres untuk membentuk 
panitia seleksi (pansel) pemilihan Ketua KPK yang baru. Pansel selanjutnya 
memilih calon untuk menjalani uji kelayakan dan kepatutan di Komisi III DPR. 
Sebelumnya, Tumpak dengan legawa menyatakan siap mundur dari KPK apabila DPR 
menolak penerbitan Perppu Nomor 4/2009. Namun, sebelum ada pencabutan Perppu 
tersebut, dia akan menjalankan tugas seperti biasa.

Tidak Dilibatkan
Wakil Koordinator Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Emerson Yuntho berpendapat, 
KPK sebaiknya tidak melibatkan lagi Tumpak dalam semua pengambilan kebijakan, 
terlebih dalam penyelidikan kasus Bank Century. Sebab, dikhawatirkan, 
keikutsertaan Tumpak dalam pengambilan keputusan akan menjadi titik lemah KPK 
yang potensial dipersoalkan pada kemudian hari. 

Kemarin, Presiden SBY menyetujui percepatan pansel Ketua KPK. Presiden SBY 
menghormati keputusan DPR terkait Perppu tentang Pimpinan KPK. Saya tadi 
mengusulkan supaya kita segera membentuk pansel. Presiden memberikan 
persetujuan. Biar lima orang, kata Menteri Hukum dan HAM (Menkumham) Patrialis 
Akbar di Istana Kepresidenan, kemarin. Presiden SBY, tuturnya, baru mendapatkan 
laporan lisan mengenai sikap DPR soal Perppu Pimpinan KPK. [M-

CiKEAS Tifatul: Parpol Koalisi Cooling Down Dulu

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Tepat sekali,  harus cooling down agar membeku dan membatu  supaya 
lupa dan tidak ada yang membuang-buang waktu untuk berbicara tentang Bank 

  Senin, 8 Maret 2010 
Tifatul: Parpol Koalisi Cooling Down Dulu 

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Menteri Komunikasi dan Infromatika (Menkominfo) 
Tifatul Sembiring mengimbau parpol koalisi untuk bersikap menahan diri (cooling 
down) dan istirahat sejenak dari perdebatan panjang terkait masalah Bank 
Century. Tifatul berharap agar semua pihak tidak emosional dalam mengeluarkan 
pernyataan terkait Century.

  Jadi teman-teman koalisi juga kami serukan untuk cooling down dulu, 
berpikir tenang dan tidak emosional, karena kita butuh statement-statement 
publik yang menyejukkan, ujar Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring dalam rilis 
Kominfo, Senin (8-3).

  Tifatul juga mengharapkan parpol koalisi untuk segera berkonsolidasi agar 
mampu menata sikap maupun pernyataan masing-masing. Jangan sampai pernyataan 
yang diungkapkan secara emosional justru menimbulkan pertikaian baru.

  Kita butuh komunikasi dan konsolidasi yang lebih baik dan tertata ke 
depan. Harus segera dilakukan sekarang, jangan ditunda-tunda sampai sudah ada 
masalah, lalu muncul pertengkaran baru, jelasnya.

  Sementara itu, terkait hasil paripurna Century. Tifatul berpendapat, saat 
ini waktunya lembaga penegak hukum yang bekerja. 

  Legislatif sudah merampungkan tugasnya, sekarang bola di yudikatif, jadi 
eksekutif dan legislatif tidak ikut campur dulu, sama-sama menghormati ranah 
masing-masing, tuturnya.

  Menurut dia, pernyataan-pernyataan di luar pihak penegak hukum hanya akan 
menimbulkan persepsi yang multitafsir. Dan dikhawatirkan persepsi tersebut akan 
memunculkan nuansa yang cenderung provokatif dan memanaskan suasana.

  Oleh sebab itu biarlah tafsir hukum yang bekerja. Sebab jika tafsir 
politik bisa bermacam-macam, tiap orang bisa beda, tandasnya.

  Imbauan ini senada dengan harapan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) 
yang disampaikan oleh Sekjen PD Amir Syamsuddin. Sebelumnya Amir mengatakan, 
Presiden SBY dan PD sedang menyiapkan keputusan besar sebagai langkah awal 
evaluasi koalisi dan sebagai pimpinan koalisi SBY meminta parpol peserta 
koalisi untuk lebih tenang.

  Sesuai pesan Pak SBY, kita partai koalisi sebaiknya cooling down. Mari 
kita hindari komentar yang menimbulkan kemarahan dan sakit hati, ujar Amir. 


Description: Binary data

CiKEAS Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono cool on Kevin Rudd's Asia plan

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Lumayan juga didapat oleh-oleh  sebanyak $ 215 juta untuk membantu 
30 juta rakyat miskin. Mudah-mudahan  $ 215  juta ini tidak ditelan rayap rezim 
seperti kasus BC dan si miskin tetap miskin seperti sediakala.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono cool on Kevin Rudd's Asia plan 
Mark Dodd 
From: The Australian 
March 10, 2010 12:00AM 

PRESIDENT Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has told Kevin Rudd that Indonesia is 
unlikely to support his push for a new Asia-Pacific community as Jakarta sees 
the existing ASEAN bloc as its priority. 

The Prime Minister discussed the community plan when he telephoned Dr Yudhoyono 
in Jakarta on Sunday night.

Dr Yudhoyono told Mr Rudd the community was an intriguing idea to explore but 
said Jakarta's foreign policy priority lay instead in strengthening the 
Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Dr Yudhoyono arrived in Canberra yesterday at the start of a three-day official 
visit and will today become the first Indonesian leader to address a joint 
session of parliament.

Dr Yudhoyono's visit is expected to include official discussions on improved 
co-operation between Canberra and Jakarta in tackling people-smuggling. Dr 
Yudhoyono is expected to give an undertaking to criminalise the trade but he 
will also raise concerns about the fate of dozens of Indonesian crewmen 
arrested by Border Protection Command for their alleged involvement in the 
illicit trade.

Mr Rudd will appeal to Dr Yudhoyono for clemency for three Australian drug 
traffickers on death row.

Dr Yudhoyono told Mr Rudd that while he did not rule out support for an APC, 
the question should be handled by foreign ministers Stephen Smith and Marty 
Natalegawa, Jakarta-based diplomatic sources told The Australian yesterday.

Australia is not a member of the 10-nation ASEAN group of regional nations but 
it is one of 27 other countries in the associated ASEAN Regional Forum, a 
mechanism for dialogue.

It is understood a formal communique is being drafted, which will state: Both 
countries see value in continuing discussions initiated by Australia on how 
institutional architecture should evolve over time, including the Asia-Pacific 
(community) concept.

It's clear while Indonesia's priority is ASEAN, Yudhoyono is interested in 
this concept (APC), but that may well be to save Rudd face, said the source 
who asked not to be named.

ASEAN countries had been cool on the Rudd initiative and Jakarta was unwilling 
to risk a rift with its ASEAN partners, he added.

The initiative unveiled in June 2008 by Mr Rudd envisages a pan-regional 
mandate among countries as diverse as the US, China, Japan, India and 
Indonesia to be in place by 2020. It would serve as a buffer against future 
challenges to security, and economic or political difficulties, he told a 
conference in Singapore.

But interest has been mixed, with ASEAN nations - especially Singapore - wary 
of any moves to dilute the group's collective clout. That message has been 
communicated to Jakarta.

The Prime Minister's office declined to comment on the telephone conversation 
between the two leaders.

But Mr Rudd told federal parliament yesterday the Indonesian visit marked a 
high-water level in relations.

We're working together to tackle challenges like people-smuggling, 
trans-national crime and people-trafficking, he said.

We're also close partners in the fight against terrorism and in that 
connection . . . Dr Yudhoyono was today awarded an honorary Order of Australia 
in recognition of the work he performed on behalf of Indonesia in response to 
the Bali bombings of 2002.

Mr Rudd's breezy assessment contrasts with a report just released by the Lowy 
Institute think tank, which warned that Indonesia-Australian relations were in 
a deep rut and called for a major revamp of them.

Government-to-government ties have been strengthening but relations are 
focused around a mostly negative set of security-related issues, the institute 

Business-to-business links were underdone and public perceptions were poor, it 

That is a view shared by long-time Indonesia watcher, John McBeth, the 
Jakarta-based correspondent for The Straits Times newspaper.

Indonesians see the Australian partnership as very valuable to them - there is 
no question about that, McBeth said.

But you have to break down some of the old bogies that continue to haunt the 
relationship and in my opinion Balibo coloured the Australian media's thinking 
about Indonesia forever; East Timor in 1999 merely reinforced that.

The killing of five Australian-based newsmen at Balibo in 1975 re-emerged in 
force yesterday as Greens leader Bob Brown and South Australian Independent 
senator Nick Xenophon backed a call by Shirley Shackleton, the widow of one of 
the Balibo Five, for her husband Greg's Indonesian killers to be brought to 

Senator Brown 

CiKEAS Indonesian ties strong enough to stand straight talk on Papua

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesian ties strong enough to stand straight talk on Papua 
March 10, 2010 

RELATIONS between Australia and Indonesia are the strongest they have ever 
been, from intercepting people smugglers to mapping Indonesia's forests to take 
advantage of future carbon offset markets and the cash bonanza they may bring.

Despite this friendship, it is a safe bet that Indonesian President Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono will not address the running sore of human rights and 
development in the resource-rich provinces of Papua and West Papua when he 
addresses the Australian Parliament today, nor will Prime Minister Kevin Rudd 
raise it in response.

The two provinces were created in 2001 from Irian Jaya, out of what most 
Australians think of as West Papua. Together, they have the largest budget 
revenue of any provinces in Indonesia but the greatest levels of poverty. Both 
are part of Indonesia following a flawed United Nations referendum in 1969, but 
human rights violations continue along with calls for dialogue between the 
government and indigenous Melanesian groups.

In 2006, a jittery Howard government crafted a treaty to reassure the 
Indonesian government that neither country would support activities that 
constituted a threat to the stability of the other country.

Fears were that Australian public sympathy for the plight of the people of West 
Papua would grow into another groundswell of support for Papuan independence, 
similar to that of East Timor. Before the ink was even dry on the treaty, the 
assurance was tested by the arrival of 43 West Papuan asylum seekers who were 
found to be refugees.

In James Cameron's movie Avatar, a machiavellian foreign mining company employs 
an outside military force to suppress the feisty indigenous people, whose 
ancestral land the company exploits for valuable minerals. The script could 
have been inspired by the giant US mining company Freeport McMoran's Grasberg 
mine in Papua, and its backing by the Indonesian army and police to suppress 
local protest.

Grasberg is the third-largest copper and gold mine in the world and is a 40 per 
cent joint venture with the Australian-listed mining giant Rio Tinto. In 
January, unidentified gunmen shot at two buses carrying mine employees. It was 
the latest in a series of armed attacks on vehicles and protests against the 
mine, and followed the killing in December by the Indonesian army of Kelly 
Kwalik, who led a militant wing of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) and had 
campaigned against the presence of Freeport.

In April last year, police opened fire using live ammunition and rubber bullets 
on demonstrators calling for a boycott of elections in protest against human 
rights violations in Nabire, Papua. At least seven people were injured, 
including a 10-year-old boy who was shot as he returned home from school.

Religious affiliation is a flashpoint in some towns, too. The influx of Muslim 
migrants from other parts of Indonesia has raised fears among some Christian 
Papuans about cultural domination by non-Papuans and ''Islamisation''.

Despite these deep-seated problems, the provinces are not colonies of Jakarta. 
Indigenous governors, directly elected by the populace, lead Papua and West 
Papua. Under Jakarta's 2001 decentralisation laws, and a stalled Autonomy Act, 
the two provincial governments' powers have increased.

Since 2001, Papua's revenues have increased five-fold (in real terms), 
according to the World Bank, and overall revenues are expected to double by 
2020. Since 2002, the World Bank estimates poverty has declined from 46 to 37 
per cent.

However, Papua and West Papua remain Indonesia's poorest regions and Australia 
could do much more to help. It could profitably draw on its extensive 
experience in assisting Indonesia with the rebuilding of the province of Aceh, 
ravaged by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and a 30-year separatist war.

Rudd could be offering to improve the quality of education for Papuan children, 
help the provincial governments deliver better services, help community 
members, including women, to participate in decision-making and democratic 
processes, and help ensure resource revenues are distributed more equitably.

If economic development does not benefit the poorest, protests and reactive 
official violence will spread. In the face of this, Australia maintaining a 
safe diplomatic silence will be neither justified nor sustainable.

Rudd could do no better with Yudhoyono than start with the ALP's Indonesia 

This calls for a dialogue that ''will give expression to the Australian 
people's fundamental concern with human rights and democratic freedoms. Labor 
strongly supports the full implementation of the Special Autonomy Act of 2001 
for West Papua''.

Some observers in both countries have clumsily claimed that raising human 

CiKEAS Comments of the article : Women with non-Saudi dads not first choice in job market

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Women with non-Saudi dads not first choice in job market
  a.. 12 Comments
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Mar 9, 2010 13:25 

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Really sad to see this kind of Behavior . 
Islam teaches us not to discriminate but we see lots of discrimination not only 
related to above article subject but in all other matters too. 

May Allah guide us all Ameen. 
Mohammad Nasser

Mar 9, 2010 13:27 

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I think the Government of Saudi Arabia is not fair to equality of being who you 
are. I am 20 years working in the Kingdom, half of my life spending here and 
hoping that the Government of Saudi Arabia will give me a chance to be a 
Filipino Saudi Citizen but I am sad because of the Sharia Law, well all I can 
say is luck of the system regulation and paranoid of the Government of Saudi 
Arabia is the reason why they treated unfair to those who born as Saudi. 
Aliya Al-Quraishi

Mar 9, 2010 13:28 

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Itâ€Ts saddening to know that my kids are going to suffer the same way as these 
kids born to Saudi mothers and non-Saudi fathers are suffering. I expected a 
great future for my kids! Right now, my kids are too young to understand all 
this but I pray from God that by the time they reach to the age of 18, these 
rules would have changed and my daughters would be able to get the Saudi 
nationality as easily as my son! ( I can only pray for this that the rules 
would changed by then ). I donâ€Tt want my kids to suffer just because they are 
born to a non-Saudi father. And guess what? My kids have never traveled to 
their father's country as the entire family of his lives here. Nor they speak 
my husbandâ€Ts language! And if someone asks them where they are from, they say 
that they are Saudi, and I only pray in my heart that someday Insahlla they 
will be citizens of this holy land! They deserve a better chance! And I have 
hopes that soon all this would change and the Saudi government will accept them 
with open arms. Inshalla! I believe in â€o the best is yet to come” and I am 
spending my life only praying for the better future for my kids! Lets all hope 
that this will all change very soon, inshalla! 

Mar 9, 2010 13:43 

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She should apply for Bahraini citizenship. Also how can she travel to Egypt if 
she does'nt have their nationality? 

Mar 9, 2010 13:47 

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these things in rest of the world are called racism. 

Sara Al-Shaikh

Mar 9, 2010 13:47 

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Another sad story ! Every time I read or hear a story like this, it makes me 
sad. Men and women have equal rights in Islam. What difference does it make if 
someone's mother was Saudi or father. The fact that someone was born to a Saudi 
should be enough to grant him/her the citizenship regardless of gender. 

Mar 9, 2010 14:04 

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have any of these ladies tried applying at international companies in Saudi? 
N. Ahmad

Mar 9, 2010 14:17 

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I dont have more bad words for local system. They called Europeon are biased 
people but I will say they are 100 times better than you, because they support 
every Christians wether they are from any part of europe/us. You says Islam 
teaches us this that this but in practical zero. 

Mar 9, 2010 14:18 

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The more I read the Saudi newspapers the more I am get confused about the Saudi 
claims. Being the custodians of the holyland and the birth place of Islam, the 
Saudis have more responsibilities to set good examples for the rest of the 
Muslim world. The Saudi males/decision-makers are still living in the 
pre-Islamic period when females were buried alive just because they were 
females. This kind of discrimination is not found even in non-Muslim societies. 
Did anyone ever thought for a while that this kind of unfair rules can destroy 

Mar 9, 2010 14:18 

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what nationality she has? im confuse and angry 
ahsan hashmi

Mar 9, 2010 15:33 

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saudi arabia instead of having so many resources and blessings, lives in stone 

Mar 9, 2010 15:34 

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I was born in dis country and spent my whole life to seve dis country. I don't 
no y they have such stupid laws. Because they are rich. Think one day oil runs 
out from your country. Every single foreigner will leave dis country and by the 
way saudi's r not running this country. This country run by minds of 
foreigners. I love dis country but i hate these laws and these are not shariah 
laws There are two kinds of rights. One v called Huqoob al ibad and others are 
Huqooq al Nas. I can't c any Huqooq al nas in dis country i swear down. You 
know when gulf war started. every single muslim who's living in the kingdom 
helped saudia and its people but i don't y saudi's don't respect other people's 
feelings and they treat them like animals especially maids and street cleaners. 

CiKEAS Goodbye Saudi Arabia

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau sesama Arab, sama agama, hanya suami beda kewarganeraannya 
bisa mengalami problem rumit, bagaimana lagi wong Indonesia?

Goodbye Saudi Arabia

Published: Mar 7, 2010 20:57 Updated: Mar 7, 2010 20:57 

The decision to leave my country came after I knocked on many doors of the 
Saudi bureaucracy, hoping in vain to obtain the God-given right to live with my 
Arab-Canadian husband in the country of my birth. 

Instead of a residency permit, I was called names and degraded. Why? Because I, 
a Saudi, had chosen to marry a non-Saudi.

Not only was I humiliated, I was also approached for bribes of up to SR40,000 
(about $10,600) by people claiming to know how to manipulate the system. My 
husband was kicked out of Saudi Arabia twice because his temporary status had 
lapsed. At one point in this ridiculous process, an immigration official lost 
my husband's Canadian passport.

It was at the end of this long, fruitless and humiliating journey that I 
realized giving up and moving to Canada was the best decision to make.

Living constantly in distress because my country refuses to grant my beloved 
husband legal status is infuriating.

I tied the knot in June 2008, but only after a year of frustration in order to 
obtain the Interior Ministry's permission.

At one point in that process my father-my legal guardian-escorted me to the 
ministry to obtain legal recognition of my marriage. At the marriage license 
office, I interrogated the woman behind the desk. 

I see many women applying to get married to non-Saudis. Is the number 
increasing? I asked. Why is it so difficult to get the permit?

There are at least six or seven women applying every day, she answered. The 
country wants to protect you and grants you your rights.

I refrained from scoffing at her reply.

I have an 11-year-old son from my Saudi ex-husband, I said sharply. I can't 
see my son whenever I want to.

She paused for a minute and her look softened.

You're a reporter. You've got to write about the situation of women, she 
said, almost pleading.

She then told me her story: That she too was planning to marry a non-Saudi, but 
that she had been told she would have to resign in order to get the permit.

I don't want to lose my job, she said. At the same time, he's a really good 
man and I'm afraid of losing him.

This goes against everything I have learned about Islam. I am no scholar, but 
as I understand it, for a Muslim woman to marry, the requirements are: The 
consent of both parties, for the groom to be a Muslim, dowry to be paid by the 
groom to his bride, witnesses and a public announcement.

I don't see anywhere in these rules a nationality test for marriage. It is not 
written in Saudi law, either. But the reality on the ground is that the 
bureaucracy throws up roadblocks for Saudi women who want to marry an outsider. 

I was taught in school that in Islam an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab or 
vice versa, just as a white person is not superior to a black person or vice 
versa. What matters are piety, moral standing and the content of one's 
character and soul. Islam teaches us that these are the only requirements for 

Why is my husband denied residency? Is it because I am a woman?

This most certainly is the case.

If a Saudi man desires to marry a non-Saudi or two (or three or four) he is 
automatically issued a residency visa with the marriage certificate. Not only 
that, but after a few years and a couple of children, the non-Saudi wife is 
granted Saudi nationality. Their children are also Saudi by birth whether they 
are born in Saudi Arabia or on Mars.

The same does not apply to a Saudi woman.

In addition to the unwritten bureaucratic hurdles, a Saudi woman married to a 
non-Saudi does not have inheritance rights and her children are not considered 

While I am writing this, my husband is filling out the application to sponsor 
me as a permanent resident in Canada. He downloaded the applications from the 
Internet, gathered the required documents and followed simple, printed 
instructions. The request could be accepted or it could be rejected, but the 
process is simple, straightforward and easy to comprehend. Nobody asks for 
bribes, and Canadian officials aren't offended by the fact that a Canadian 
wants to marry a non-Canadian.

So while I say goodbye to Saudi Arabia and hello to Canada, I would also like 
to express my hope that the situation will improve for Saudi women in their own 

© 2010 Arab News

CiKEAS Giatkan usaha cari istilah ilmiah

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Giatkan usaha cari istilah ilmiah

  Muhyiddin Yassin menunjukkan tiga naskah buku Mabbim selepas melancarkan 
buku tersebut sempena majlis perasmian Sidang ke-49 Majlis Bahasa Brunei 
Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia di DBP, semalam. Turut kelihatan (dari kiri) 
Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz (Malaysia), Dayang Aminah Momin (Brunei), Dr Sugiyono 
(Indonesia) dan Juffri Supaat (Singapura).


KUALA LUMPUR 9 Mac - Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin meminta Majlis Bahasa Brunei 
Darussalam-Indonesia- Malaysia (Mabbim) menggiatkan usaha mengembangkan 
istilah-istilah ilmiah khususnya dalam bidang sains dan teknologi dalam Bahasa 

Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, langkah itu perlu bagi membolehkan masyarakat 
di rantau ini dapat mengungkapkan makna dan konsep baru pelbagai disiplin ilmu 
secara tepat dalam Bahasa Melayu.

''Oleh itu, sudah tiba masanya Mabbim memberikan tumpuan kepada usaha pembinaan 
istilah, terutamanya melalui penghasilan karya-karya ilmiah. 

''Dengan cara ini ia bukan sahaja dapat mengembangkan istilah bahasa Melayu 
dengan lebih rancak, malah ia juga akan berkembang sebagai bahasa ilmu yang 
maju,,'' katanya ketika berucap merasmikan Sidang ke-49 Mabbim di Menara Dewan 
Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir pada majlis itu Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pelajaran, Tan Sri Dr. 
Zulkurnain Awang; Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd. Dom; 
Pengerusi Pengelola DBP, Datuk Johan Jaafar dan Ketua Perwakilan Malaysia, 
Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz.

Dalam pada itu Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Pelajaran berkata, bagi meningkatkan 
usaha pengembangan istilah, penghasilan karya bahasa Melayu dan bahasa 
Indonesia perlu dipergiatkan lagi melalui penerbitan secara bersama oleh semua 
negara anggota Mabbim.

''Misalnya, hasil penyelidikan institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi di 
ketiga-tiga negara terutamanya dalam bidang sains dan teknologi boleh 
diterbitkan secara bersama untuk meningkatkan kebolehpasaran karya.

''Dengan demikian, kita bukan sahaja dapat berkongsi penemuan baru dalam 
pelbagai disiplin ilmu, tetapi juga memperkaya perpustakaan ilmu dalam bahasa 
Melayu dan bahasa Indonesia,'' katanya.

Selain istilah, Muhyiddin turut menyarankan agar pemasaran buku antara 
negara-negara anggota Mabbim dipermudahkan supaya buku berbahasa Melayu dan 
Indonesia dapat menembusi pasaran yang lebih luas.

''Pada masa ini industri buku yang berbahasa Melayu atau Indonesia masih jauh 
ketinggalan jika dibandingkan dengan penerbitan dalam bahasa Inggeris.

''Oleh itu saya yakin melalui cara ini, industri buku bahasa Melayu dan 
Indonesia dapat berkembang dengan lebih rancak lagi, sekali gus meningkatkan 
penggunaan bahasa ini, katanya.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan Timbalan Perdana Menteri memberitahu, bahasa 
Melayu merupakan bahasa kelima paling ramai penuturnya iaitu menjangkau 280 
juta penduduk seluruh dunia.

CiKEAS Ul-Qadri: Terrorists are Enemies of Islam

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Ul-Qadri: Terrorists are Enemies of Islam

By Mohammed Al Shafey

London, Asharq Al-Awsat-Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri is the Pakistani Islamic 
scholar who recently made headlines with the publication of his 600-page fatwa 
prohibiting suicide bombing. Ul-Qadri is one of Pakistan's most prominent 
clerics, and he believes that his fatwa represents a complete theological 
rebuttal of every argument used by Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. 
In his fatwa, Dr. ul-Qadri asserts that terrorists do not go to heaven but 
instead are bound for hell, and he utilizes Quranic references, hadith, and 
scholarly interpretations to reinforce his opinion. Dr. ul-Qadri told Asharq 
Al-Awsat that he hopes his fatwa will have an affect on the ground and prevent 
Muslim youth from becoming brainwashed by terrorist ideology. 

Ul-Qadri is the founder of the Minhaj-ul-Qur'an International [MQI] which has 
branches in more than 90 countries around the world and which works to promote 
peace and harmony between communities. Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri is also the founder 
of the Minhaj Welfare Foundation and the Minhaj International University. Dr. 
ul-Qadri has published a vast number of Islamic scholarly texts, and he is well 
known for being a promoter of inter-faith dialogue and a strong critic of Al 
Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. 

The following is the text of the interview: 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Have you previously issued any fatwas against terrorism? 

[Ul-Qadri] I have written 1000 books, 400 books have already been published 
about one dozen of those books I have written on this particular subject. The 
first book that I wrote was on this subject and that was in 1995 and it was 
from the standpoint of human rights. In the first question in the discussion 
[section] of this book which was published in February 1995, I wrote that the 
killing of Muslims and non-Muslims in terrorist operations is totally 
prohibited, and then I quoted about 200 pages on this particular subject. This 
was in 1995, and soon after 9-11 I wrote this book on human rights; it is 
called Muqaddima as-Sira and is on the pattern of Muqaddima Ibn Khaldun and I 
included all of these discussions in this book which is made up of two volumes. 
I then wrote my second book which was published in 2004 and called Human Rights 
in Islam. Two thirds of this book is on this particular subject, but it was not 
in the form of fatwa it was just a research book about human rights and 
non-Muslims rights and property rights [in Islam]. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Is there a particular reason behind the timing of your 
issuance of this fatwa prohibiting suicide operations? 

[Ul-Qadri] The reason that I issued a fatwa at this particular time is because 
terrorism has become stronger in Pakistan over the past year, and they have 
begun slaughtering people like sacrificial animals. Some eye-witnesses have 
even said that they have unearthed the bodies of people that were killed and 
hung from trees for days.this was done in Sawat [in Pakistan] where many people 
were slaughtered. They then started targeting mosques on Friday, and this 
happened in Karachi, not to mention the Army Mosque in Islamabad, and also 
[mosques in] Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Kohat, and many other places. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What do you think about the call for dialogue with the 
Taliban in order to calm the situation and restore security and stability to 
the country? 

[Ul-Qadri] When such [terrorist] activities began targeting the people praying, 
first many ulema and scholars and some political leaders went for a dialogue 
with them [the terrorists] in Sawat.the Pakistani government went for dialogue, 
but the process stalled, because they [the terrorists] did not act on the basis 
that they were in a condition of dialogue. Therefore they returned to attacking 
mosques and schools, and everything was closed, and the same killing resumed. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Why are religious scholars in Pakistan hesitant about 
condemning terrorism or terrorist groups? 

[Ul-Qadri] I saw many scholars silent on this subject, and they were merely 
demanding that this military operation be stopped. They were not ready to 
condemn the terrorists for their terrorist activity. Secondly, if they were 
asked why they refused to condemn the terrorists, they would try to drag the 
subject to other issues; they were not interested in addressing this. 

Some ulema condemned the acts of terrorists, but these were merely 
condemnations, they were decisions of one of two pages along with the 
signatures of hundreds of ulema, but they did not contain any evidence or 
[citation of] authorities on which grounds this condemnation should be based. 
There no Quranic or hadith references to convince the brainwashed youth. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are the political scholars in Pakistan afraid of violence 
from Al Qaeda or the Taliban? Could this be a factor in their reluctance 

CiKEAS Yemen: A Talk with Al-Qaeda Expert Abdul-Ilah Haydar

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Yemen: A Talk with Al-Qaeda Expert Abdul-Ilah Haydar

By Abdulsattar Hatitah

Sanaa, Asharq Al-Awsat- Abdul-Ilah Haydar, a Yemen-based terrorism expert, 
talks to Asharq al Awsat about his visits to territories where Al-Qaeda 
elements and its sympathizers are present. Haydar also revealed details about 
his meetings with a number of the terrorist organization's leaders, including 
Abu-Basir, who is the Emir of the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), his 
deputy Al-Shihri, and the commander of the military wing Abu-Hurayrah, in 
addition to meeting with the other man wanted by the United States of America, 
Anwar al-Awlaki. 

The Fallowing is the full text of the interview: 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] You've met with Al-Qaeda sympathizers, but what about members 
or leaders? 

[Haydar] You can meet Al-Qaeda elements on the strip of area that extends 
between Marib to the center of Aden...yes, I met with [Al-Qaeda] elements and 
leaders. Some were Saudi youths. If you now go to Abyan for example you can 
meet Al-Qaeda elements because they are present in that area, especially Marib, 
Shabwah, and Al-Jawf. They are obvious to the people and the people know they 
are Al-Qaeda Organization elements. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you have the names of the leaders you met? 

[Haydar] Some of the leaders I met were the Emir of the organization Abu-Basir, 
Deputy (of the organization's emir) Saeed al-Shihri, and Abu-Hurayrah who is in 
charge of the military. The latter I met twice, first in Sanaa when he was 
coordinating the meeting (with the press) and the second time when I met with 
the emir and he was present. 

There are some titles and people without names, some were Saudi and some 
probably not Arab [judging] by their features, and with whom we did not have 
any conversation, and (Emir) Abu-Basir did not mention their names, nicknames, 
or titles. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] When was the last time you met these leaders? 

[Haydar] It was only one meeting in January 2009. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Where was this meeting exactly? 

[Haydar] I do not know where it was because they arranged it. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What does the Emir of the Organization Al-Wuhayshi want? 

[Haydar] They (Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) have three parallel aims: a 
local aim; a regional aim; and a global aim. The local aim is to establish an 
Islamic emirate in any location that they can control and rule the people using 
the Islamic Shariaa according to what Abu-Basir said. The second aim - after 
establishing an Islamic emirate - is to prepare an army of 12,000 fighters in 
order to bring victory to those who are weak on earth, as they said, including 
liberating Palestine. In order to pass through these areas, they will destroy 
and disband the regimes that are already present in the region and they are 
depending on the many disturbances in the region. 

As for the regional aim (as they say) it is to chase the polytheists out of the 
Arabia Peninsula. They are carrying the banner (remove the Jews and Christians 
from the Arabian Peninsula) which means that this is a regional strategic aim 
first to remove the western forces and the US and western intelligence and 
military presence. 

As for the global aim, after forming an emirate in Yemen, and an emirate in 
Iraq, an emirate in Somalia, an emirate in Afghanistan, an emirate in Pakistan, 
and many other regions then what they call the comprehensive Islamic system 
will be established, the system of Islamic caliphate based on the prophet's 

These are the three goals they are working toward and this is why you find them 
repeated constantly in their rhetoric published in the periodic Sada al-Malahim 
magazine and in the speeches of their emir. This even came during the last 
speech of the second-in-command Saeed al-Shihri, who was speaking very 
carefully and focusing on these three directions, and therefore he spoke about 
the Jihadist Youth Movement in Somalia and that they will be united to 
accomplish this project. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] These three leaders in the Al-Qaeda Organization 
(Al-Wuhayshi, Al-Shihri, and Abu-Hurayrah) surely have a way of moving around. 
Did you notice some form of mobility such as a house or a car...or do they 
simply live in caves as some of us imagine? 

[Haydar] No it was a normal house, as though it was in a city, and they moved 
in a number of cars. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] And as for the supporters... were they there? 

[Huydar] There were a number of masked youths and men. I was not taken to see 
the emir in one go, I moved from one group to another and then another until I 
finally met Abu-Basir. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Were these groups armed? 

[Haydar] They were all armed and masked. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What kind of weapons? 

[Haydar] I did not notice the kind of weapon because I was covered (the face 
was covered). However, when we stopped only on the way, I saw there was a 

CiKEAS Giatkan usaha cari istilah ilmiah

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau Malayasia bikin istilah ilmiah kemudian NKRI jiplak, apakah 

Giatkan usaha cari istilah ilmiah

  Muhyiddin Yassin menunjukkan tiga naskah buku Mabbim selepas melancarkan 
buku tersebut sempena majlis perasmian Sidang ke-49 Majlis Bahasa Brunei 
Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia di DBP, semalam. Turut kelihatan (dari kiri) 
Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz (Malaysia), Dayang Aminah Momin (Brunei), Dr Sugiyono 
(Indonesia) dan Juffri Supaat (Singapura).


KUALA LUMPUR 9 Mac - Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin meminta Majlis Bahasa Brunei 
Darussalam-Indonesia- Malaysia (Mabbim) menggiatkan usaha mengembangkan 
istilah-istilah ilmiah khususnya dalam bidang sains dan teknologi dalam Bahasa 

Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, langkah itu perlu bagi membolehkan masyarakat 
di rantau ini dapat mengungkapkan makna dan konsep baru pelbagai disiplin ilmu 
secara tepat dalam Bahasa Melayu.

''Oleh itu, sudah tiba masanya Mabbim memberikan tumpuan kepada usaha pembinaan 
istilah, terutamanya melalui penghasilan karya-karya ilmiah. 

''Dengan cara ini ia bukan sahaja dapat mengembangkan istilah bahasa Melayu 
dengan lebih rancak, malah ia juga akan berkembang sebagai bahasa ilmu yang 
maju,,'' katanya ketika berucap merasmikan Sidang ke-49 Mabbim di Menara Dewan 
Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir pada majlis itu Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pelajaran, Tan Sri Dr. 
Zulkurnain Awang; Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd. Dom; 
Pengerusi Pengelola DBP, Datuk Johan Jaafar dan Ketua Perwakilan Malaysia, 
Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz.

Dalam pada itu Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Pelajaran berkata, bagi meningkatkan 
usaha pengembangan istilah, penghasilan karya bahasa Melayu dan bahasa 
Indonesia perlu dipergiatkan lagi melalui penerbitan secara bersama oleh semua 
negara anggota Mabbim.

''Misalnya, hasil penyelidikan institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi di 
ketiga-tiga negara terutamanya dalam bidang sains dan teknologi boleh 
diterbitkan secara bersama untuk meningkatkan kebolehpasaran karya.

''Dengan demikian, kita bukan sahaja dapat berkongsi penemuan baru dalam 
pelbagai disiplin ilmu, tetapi juga memperkaya perpustakaan ilmu dalam bahasa 
Melayu dan bahasa Indonesia,'' katanya.

Selain istilah, Muhyiddin turut menyarankan agar pemasaran buku antara 
negara-negara anggota Mabbim dipermudahkan supaya buku berbahasa Melayu dan 
Indonesia dapat menembusi pasaran yang lebih luas.

''Pada masa ini industri buku yang berbahasa Melayu atau Indonesia masih jauh 
ketinggalan jika dibandingkan dengan penerbitan dalam bahasa Inggeris.

''Oleh itu saya yakin melalui cara ini, industri buku bahasa Melayu dan 
Indonesia dapat berkembang dengan lebih rancak lagi, sekali gus meningkatkan 
penggunaan bahasa ini, katanya.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan Timbalan Perdana Menteri memberitahu, bahasa 
Melayu merupakan bahasa kelima paling ramai penuturnya iaitu menjangkau 280 
juta penduduk seluruh dunia.

CiKEAS Kuwait women face host of challenges, problems

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Kuwait women face host of challenges, problems
Published Date: March 09, 2010 
By Rawan Khalid, Staff Writer 

KUWAIT: As the world marked the 100th International Women's Day, Kuwait's First 
Women's Forum was held yesterday under the patronage of the Speaker of the 
Kuwaiti Parliament, Jassem Al-Khorafi. Kuwaiti women are faced with problems 
and challenges, Al-Khorafi said. Their political activity must serve as an 
effective tool in addressing the issues affecting women as well as society as a 
whole. He noted that women's contribution to society is a testament to the 
honorable role they play in developing and s
erving society. This involves a grave responsibility, he stressed. Their 
contribution must remain within the restraints and norms of Kuwaiti society and 

Al-Khorafi pointed out that, as important as it is, recognizing women is more 
important than their mere appointment to leading positions in the Cabinet or 
Parliament. On empowering women, Al-Khorafi said that women and women's 
groups in our civil community must pay attention to the tools of social and 
economic empowerment.

They should also work on providing social security to those groups of Kuwaiti 
women who need it the most, he added, and address all forms of discrimination 
against women in the state's legislative and administrative structure. A 
woman's role in preserving the fabric of Kuwaiti society and family should be 
strengthened. These, the Speaker stressed, are the greatest challenges facing 
women at this stage, in my view.

Minister of Information and Oil, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Sabah said, Women represent 
half of this society if not more; she is my mother, my sister and my daughter. 
Wherever you go she is there. I was the first minister to vote for women's 
rights and I believe they deserve as much support as possible. They need to be 
an active part of our daily lives because, after all, they are everything in 
our life.

Dr Masuoma Al-Mubarak, President of the Women and Family Affairs Committee, and 
MP in the National Assembly (NA) said, International Women's Day should be 
celebrated openly. I wish there were demonstrations and something more than 
just a forum. For the first time in Parliament we are studying a draft 
demanding that current laws regarding women be more equal and offer more 
opportunities for women in legislation.

We held this forum to discuss issues regarding women as civil workers, women in 
public housing, social security laws and family laws. All the laws we have 
implemented at this time. Al-Mubarak added. Our task at this point of time is 
to go through these laws and amend them in order to have more gender equality 
in these laws. We want to implement the United Nation's slogan; 'equality in 
rights, equality in opportunity' and this means progress for all. This is what 
we are looking for. It is not a war again
st men, it is the logical and legal demands necessary to improve the status of 
women. Al-Mubarak concluded.
MP Dr Aseel Al-Awadhi added that this is the first forum organized by the 
Women Committee and we are working on changing some legislation that does not 
treat men and women's civil rights equally.

Dr Rola Dashti, also an MP said that the Parliament's women committee hosted 
the event in order to highlight issues facing women today. The women's 
committee will propose laws to empower women and encourage them to be more 
active in society, she added.

We have a lot of experienced and qualified women and we want to see them get 
leading positions, decision making positions, she said. The challenges that a 
woman faces in the work place is a topic of importance to us, she stressed, and 
we are working on providing women more rights in the workplace. She pointed out 
that the housing issue and the rights of Kuwaiti women married to non-Kuwaitis 
is also a very important issue to the committee.

We acknowledge the challenges that women face here, Dashti continued. The 
fight is continuous. We are going to move the process forward to ensure that 
women get full partnership in the development of society and make sure she is 
treated like a real citizen.

The Speaker of the House is extremely supportive of our cause and is advancing 
it. We thank him, and I thank the Kuwaiti men and women for electing four women 
to parliament to ensure their part of society, Dashti concluded. I think it's 
a great idea to commemorate and reflect on the advances that women have made, 
particularly in political sphere and the economic sphere, said Deborah Jones, 
American Ambassador to Kuwait. I believe that every day is women's day because 
women play such an integral and im
portant role in our society. When we don't include women as full members of 
society we don't grow as much as we can.

I am impressed by the courage of individuals, both men and women, who advance 
these causes, Jones continued. I've never seen a weak women 

Re: CiKEAS Nasionalisme Kita Terkikis

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik gusti_lesek
Orang Papua bilang, budaya kita sudah terkikis abis dengan masuknya budaya 
Indonesia yg memaksa kita makan nasi dan memakai baju. 
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-Original Message-
From: sunny
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 00:16:38 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;Invalid address
Subject: CiKEAS Nasionalisme Kita Terkikis

[ Senin, 08 Maret 2010 ] 

Nasionalisme Kita Terkikis 

NEGARA kita sudah 64 tahun merdeka. Namun, bayang-bayang negara Barat masih 
mengiringi langkah bangsa ini. Westernisasi kian mewabah di Indonesia. Segala 
sesuatu yang berbau lokal sering dikatakan jadul alias jaman dulu. 

Banyak masyarakat Indonesia -khususnya yang berkantong tebal- yang lebih senang 
menghabiskan waktu berbelanja ke luar negeri. Padahal, barang yang dicari itu 
ada di Indonesia. 

Contoh lainnya, berpakaian. Budaya sopan dalam berbusana kini mulai terkikis. 
Saat ini, masyarakat Indonesia lebih suka meniru model-model busana Barat yang 
terkesan kurang sopan. 

Karena itu, pemerintah hendaknya mengimbau warga Indonesia untuk menanamkan 
kembali nasionalisme sejak dini. Ajarkan nasionalisme di segala aspek 
kehidupan, baik keluarga, lembaga pendidikan, maupun lingkungan. Tujuannya, 
agar kelak anak-anak kita bisa menjunjung tinggi martabat negara kita tercinta. 

Rohmi Ummu Fitriyah, Jln KH Wahab Hasbullah, Tambakbaras, Jombang 

CiKEAS Cacatan-Catatan Berkesan

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik abe setiawan

Kata 'Tidak Mungkin'

Kata 'tidak mungkin' adalah kata yang terkesan 'besar' yang seringkali 
dilontarkan oleh manusia kerdil yang berusaha mencari jalan termudah daripada 
mencari kekuatan dalam dirinya untuk berubah.

Kata 'tidak mungkin' bukanlah fakta. Ia hanyalah pendapat.

Kata 'tidak mungkin' bukanlah sebuah deklarasi tetapi suatu tantangan yang 

Kata 'tidak mungkin' adalah sesuatu yang potensial.

Kata 'tidak mungkin' hanyalah berlaku sementara.

Kata 'tidak mungkin' bukanlah apa-apa

Catatan John C. Maxwell


Jika saat pertama Anda belum sukses, maka kegagalanlah yang Anda raih.
Kegagalan adalah suatu sikap, sebelum berubah menjadi suatu hasil.
Jika Anda tidak mampu menangani kegagalan, Anda tidak mampu menangani 
Orang menanggapi kegagalan sebagai suatu hal yang personal karena mereka juga 
menanggapi kesuksesan secara personal.
Kesuksesan adalah proses melewati kegagalan demi kegagalan tanpa kehilangan 
semangat antusias.
Kegagalan bisa merupakan batu pijakan atau batu sandungan.
Kegagalan melahirkan inovasi bukannya kekalahan.
Tidak ada kegagalan yang ada hanyalah umpan balik.
Ujilah dengan cepat, gagallah cepat, dan perbaikilah dengan cepat.
Kegagalan adalah biaya dari sebuah kemajuan.
Belajarlah untuk menertawakan diri Anda-setiap orang juga melakukannya.
Kegagalan adalah sebuah kesempatan untuk memulai sekali lagi dengan lebih 
Saya mencoba dan gagal: saya mencoba lagi dan akhirnya berhasil.

Catatan Adam Spears


Jika Anda merasa lebih unggul dibandingkan orang lain, berhati-hatilah.

Karena pada saat Anda lengah, itulah saat mereka akan mengungguli Anda.
Jadi janganlah Anda lengah.

Janganlah Anda berpikir untuk berhenti. Anda telah melangkah sejauh ini.

Tetap tegakkanlah kepala Anda, dan teruslah berusaha, Anda pasti akan 

Hanya ketika Anda berpikir bahwa telah selesai, dan Anda mengatakan kepada diri 
sendiri bahwa Anda tidak mampu melangkah lebih jauh lagi, inilah saatnya Anda 
harus menatap diri sendiri, dan katakan, Ayo bangkit, Ayo bangkit!

Janganlah pernah menyerah, Anda lebih baik dari yang Anda pikirkan. 
Jadi, janganlah Anda pernah menyerah.

Dan, ketika mereka mengatakan 'Anda telah gagal', katakanlah, 'Tidak akan'.

Teruslah berusaha, karena inilah satu mil terakhir yang harus Anda selesaikan.

Ketika Anda berpikir Anda tidak mampu lagi melangkah lebih jauh, hal inilah 
yang membuat semua perbedaan di dalam diri Anda.

Jadi, janganlah Anda menyerah.
Janganlah Anda berani berpikir untuk menyerah.

Ketika saya tahu bahwa Anda memiliki banyak hal yang mampu Anda berikan, 
janganlah Anda menyerah.
Sekali lagi, janganlah Anda menyerah.

Catatan Christian D. Larsen


Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk menjadi begitu tegar sehingga tak ada yang 
mengganggu ketentraman dirimu.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk membicarakan kesehatan yang baik, kebahagiaan dan 
kesejahteraan kepada setiap orang yang kau jumpai.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk membuat semua temanmu merasa hidupnya penting dan 
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk melihat yang terbaik dari segala hal dan 
bersikaplah optimis.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk berpikir yang terbaik, bekerja yang terbaik dan 
berharaplah hanya yang terbaik.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk selalu antusias terhadap kesuksesan orang lain 
seperti kesuksesanmu sendiri.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk melupakan kesalahan-kesalahan masa lalu dan 
kejarlah kesuksesan yang lebih besar pada masa mendatang.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk selalu ceria dan berikan senyuman kepada setiap 
orang yang kau temui.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk meluangkan waktu sebanyak mungkin untuk kemajuan 
dirimu sendiri sampai Anda tidak mempunyai waktu untuk mengkritik orang lain.
Berjanjilah pada dirimu untuk menjadi lebih besar daripada kekhawatiran dan 
terlalu mulia bagi kemarahan, terlalu kuat bagi ketakutan, dan terlalu bahagia 
untuk mengizinkan keberadaan dari masalah.

Catatan Dena Di Iaconi


Yakinlah pada diri Anda, dan ingatlah bahwa segala hal dapat digapai.

Yakinlah pada setiap hal yang membuat Anda percaya diri.

Yakinlah pada setiap hal yang membuat Anda bahagia.

Yakinlah pada mimpi yang ingin Anda wujudkan, dan berikanlah semua kemungkinan 
untuk menggapainya.

Hidup tidak menjadikan apa-apa, juga tidak menghindarkan apa pun yang akan 
terjadi dalam hidup Anda.

Anda harus mencari apa yang Anda inginkan, dan berusaha mengejarnya.

Hidup tidak akan menjamin apa yang akan Anda miliki.

Hidup hanya memberi Anda waktu untuk membuat pilihan dan mengambil resiko, dan 
menemukan sendiri rahasia-rahasia hidup ini.

Jika Anda bertekad untuk memanfaatkan kesempatan yang diberikan, dan 
menggunakan seluruh kemampuan yang Anda miliki, Anda akan terus-menerus mengisi 
hidup Anda, dengan waktu-waktu yang tak terlupakan.

Tidak seorang pun tahu misteri dan arti kehidupan, namun bagi mereka yang 