Re: [CinCVS] RE: Cinelerra digest, Vol 1 #1879 - 10 msgs

2007-08-27 Thread Bradley A. Hare

Herman Robak wrote:

 Seems like a fair summary.  Do you think it's an unreasonable position?

--Herman Robak

I should clarify the last point.  Any professional editing suite is going to
have to maintain compatibility with tape based editing techniques - there
are too many people out there trained to think that way.  I would go as far 
a to call that compatibility a minimum functionality for something calling

itself a video editor.  There are other ways of doing things though.  The
design of Cinellera is probably appropriate for it's time.  When Cinelerra
was designed you could hardly call anything other than tape
"well established".  Unfortunately time and expectations have moved on,
and that is what you are seeing in these comments.

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] RE: Cinelerra digest, Vol 1 #1879 - 10 msgs

2007-08-27 Thread Bradley A. Hare


This paradigm of editing the tracks and the timeline, not the clips
themselves, feels natural to people who are accustomed to editing with
tape, because tape works the same way (you edit the tape, not the things
on the tape).

Linear editing is going fast, if it's not already gone.

I also
don't think it'll change even *with* a complete rewrite, because changing
it would require drastic redesign, and would not provide any benefits that
developers consider important.
If you are developing for yourself fine - otherwise what's important is 
what the

customer ("user" in newspeak) wants.  At least that's the way it used to be.
I 've no idea what the sales are for Adobe and Apple, but I would guess
that 10^6 to 1E^7  is a good range for the order of magnitude.  Now why 
do you suppose they spent all that time and money putting those features in 
there ???

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] libcinelerra3

2007-08-26 Thread Bradley A. Hare

Jason van Gumster wrote:

I regularly use Cinelerra on one of three machines: an eight-year-old
box with an Athlon XP 2500+, a laptop with a hyperthreaded 3GHz P4, and
another laptop with a dual core Turion64. 
Interesting thanks - I would have bet on heavier hardware.  Can't 
imagine that

Althon gives you much of a frame rate though ?

Graham's post is right on target.  I like to think of Cinelerra as more
idiosyncratic than outright buggy.  There are a number of things that
it does very well... and there are some things that require you to do a
bit of dancing to get it to work right.  But once you muscle your way
through that, there are quite a few possibilities open to you.

For my own work, I agree. I can always bulldoze through and make it work,
that is why I'm still attracted to this thing.  I'm just not sure that I 
can, or should,

expect that from others.

Just read this, and totally agree - could not have said it better:


Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] libcinelerra3

2007-08-25 Thread Bradley A. Hare

Jason van Gumster wrote:

I can't be the only one who's done successful complex editing in
Cinelerra.  I do fair amount of of work, professionally and
independently, and while I'll admit Cinelerra isn't perfect, it
certainly does the job for me on the projects I choose to use it on.

Could you describe these in a little more detail, e.g. source formats
project size, hardware config etc. ??  Some people seem to have better
luck than others with Cinelerra, knowing why would probably be
helpful for everyone - regardless of their current opinion.  

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] libcinelerra3

2007-08-25 Thread Bradley A. Hare

Mark Carter wrote:

I've taken to hacking away a bit at the code - and alas I broke my 
version. One thing that leaps out is all those case statements, esp. 
wrt colour models. I may be being too niaive, but I'd really like to 
see some kind of method of getting a grip on that. I looked at the 
flip plugin, and again, we see loads of switching based on the colour 
model. I wondered if there was a way of unifying the models. And I 
know we've been down this road before, and my views have been 
dismissed, but things like OpenGL don't help. They just pile 
complexity on top of complexity. The plugins even get in on the act. 
It's just too complicated. I really do wonder if the code base is 4 
times larger than it really needs to be.

Color space is a problem, but it should go with the format, e.g. if the 
timeline is HDV 720P30 then you're in ITU-R 709 land
(I think).  Ideally a good OO design would take out the internal switch 
statements.   One way or the
other you will always have to deal with passing around some knowledge of 
the underlying data format.
Also, a unified format might force unnecessary de-compression - edit - 
re-compress cycles.
Highly compressed formats like mpeg2 suffer badly when subjected to 
re-compression (the artifacts

are bad enough to begin with).

I would not discount OpenGl too much, but I agree that there are 
problems with it .  The Blender people
made good use of it to achieve cross platform portability (the gui is 
all OpenGL).  My beef with it is the
wide variation in compatibility between various video cards.  Blender is 
a great video driver tester.

The alternatives, in X, are also less than satisfactory right now.

And what people really want is a predictable and robust workflow, even 
if it is (a little) round the houses: use ffmpeg to convert to DV, 
work your magic with Cinelerra, and then convert back to another 
format ready to upload to YouTube  or whatever.
The old unix model - simple tools that do one thing really well.  Always 
a good way to design, whether the

tools are separate, or under the umbrella of a larger application.

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] libcinelerra3

2007-08-25 Thread Bradley A. Hare

Valentina Messeri wrote:'re simply talking about your experience, do'you really 
think, talking about "educational purposes" that propietary tools 
worth the while?
I could understand "profesional purpose", cause people got so used to 
their propietary tools and they, obviously, think work has to be done, 
first of all..

I am interested in video editing software of (or approaching)
professional quality that can be used for high school classes
in media and the arts.  Current political trends have
greatly limited funding for these activities in the United States.  This
is a good example of an "unmet need" waiting for an open source solution.

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] libcinelerra3

2007-08-25 Thread Bradley A. Hare

Mark Carter wrote:

HV is undoubtedly a better programmer than me. I think he wrote it in 
a way that made sense for him. He wrote most of the code, so he pretty 
much knows the score of what's going on in it. But what works for him 
may not work for everybody else.
Certainly there is a lot of credit due here.  Very few people can even 
begin to steer 100k+ lines
of code single handed, especially with a day job.  That is also probably 
part of the problem here - at
some point the thing just gets to be too much.  This is a big project 
that cannot succeed without


The success of Linux is always a good model.  Linus Torvalds is a genius 
level programmer, but he was also

smart enough to accept help.  Lots of help.

And I think we have to ask this question (I've asked it before): "who 
is the more prolific code writer, HV or CV?" An answer to that 
question will tell you whether we should depart from HV's codebase or not.

As regards re-design, I think it might be too heroic.
It would be heroic - and perhaps a disaster for a single programmer.  
The existing code has 10+
man years in it - that should serve as a guide to the scope of the 
project.   My own
guess would be 3 - 5 people, 1 - 2 years to get to an alpha version, 

from scratch.

That assumes everyone is not only skilled, but dedicated to the project.

I would not attempt a project of this size without knowing in advance 
that the resources
are available.  It can be done, but it is a daunting task.  That 
probably explains
why there are so few editing options available, and why the successes 
have been
so limited. 

I would like people to answer to the following questions:
* who writes more code for Cinelerra, HV, or the folks that contribute 
to the CV?

* in user terms, what needs to change?

I would place the stability and extensibility of the core as the number 
one priority.
Working minimal functionality that can be maintained.  I might be 
wrong, others
seem to have been more successful at this than I have, but I just can't 
see trying
to edit even a simple half hour program with Cinelerra.   Looking at the 
code, it

is not clear that fixes would require anything less than major surgery.

As for the GUI, that is not something that should be a problem if 
everything else works.  Blender
is a good example, the GUI is weird, but the damn thing works - it's so 
good it  almost
compels you to learn it.  (however you should be able to change the GUI 
if you don't

like it, or need to do a port).

Minimal functionality means three point editing, with basic transitions, 
of the most
popular formats raw, DV and HDV (each of these has a specification 
although HDV
is hard to get).  You want  a time line that gives you the ability to 
edit in a particular
format (to minimize the need to re-encode).  Source materials should be 
rendered to
the timeline format.  Rendering does not have to be real-time (nice 
feature though), 
The output should be able to display HD formats at full framerate on 
commonly available 
hardware .The existing code is probably a good guide to what a core 
would be - source
management, timeline (edl), render engine, output.  I could write an  
actual  specification
if anyone is interested. but the above should suffice to give the 
general idea.

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] libcinelerra3

2007-08-25 Thread Bradley A. Hare
I've been lurking here for a while, but this thread has been too much to 
I would very much like to find an open source solution for video editing 

could be used locally for educational purposes, but right now I can't
recommend Cinelerra as I have never been able to get it working well enough
on my own machines.  In it's present state I'm afraid that it would be
an exercise in frustration that would totally defeat the purpose.
For now Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Express seats make a lot more
sense.  They work flawlessly, even on 5 year old g4 (~500 MHz) machines.
The cost for both hardware and software in prohibitive though.

I will have to admit that I have not looked at some of the work that
has been announced recently.  It makes me think that I must  be
doing something wrong, but I've been playing with the source
for a while now.  It compiles, it runs, but it is slow, crashes
in almost every session and the render formats are somewhat

Some observations on the discussions so far:

End Market

Is this thing a professional video editor or is it something
for home use.  There is a very big difference in scope
between the two, both for the programmer and for the
end user.  What are you trying to achieve.

Scripts and Libraries

I would worry about the architecture of the thing first.  Right
now the code extremely tangled with many opportunities for 
non-deterministic behavior.  I assume that's why everyone is arguing

about a re-write.  My own opinion is that a re-design is
needed first.  

Decouple all the bits and you can write a functional
editing core while everyone else is still arguing about
scripts and GUI's.

Given the need for highly optimized/parallel code, I would
classify the core as a non-trivial task. 

As an example (someone could verify this), I went into the existing
decoder for mpeg2 and commented out the DCT routines to see if the mmx
routines made any difference,  I got about a 5% reduction
in frame rate - with no transform mmx or otherwise.  Further
experiments made the same way lead me to believe
that most of the playback overhead is outside of
the actual decoding.  Tracing the flow through the decoder
was itself a "non-trivial" task.


Fine if it's the only alternative, but the interpolation yields a soft 

Interlace, 24P et al.

The choice of a particular format is really a creative decision.
The common wisdom says interlace for video and sports,
progressive (esp. 24P) for storytelling.  Ultimately the medium is
a tool through which a individual vision is realized.
There is no right answer.  A  creative person
can work well in any medium, no matter how
limited,  but it can be a  pain (that also applies
to programming).  

Right now we are locally doing 60i, 720, 24 and 30P. and
1080i.  After spending some time with real progressive
formats (not post or in-camera processed) I personally
would like to see interlacing die a horrible death, but
as I noted above, that is only one person's opinion.
I do agree that interlaced formats are likely to
win in the consumer space.  1080 is a bigger

Format and feature specifications should follow
the identification of the end market.  Who's
gonna use this ??? What camera's are they
likely to use.  What are they shooting.
What are they going to do to the footage.
What's the distribution format, etc etc.

That's probably too much already, but I would love to
see a successful project here.  There really is no
other alternative on Linux.  I do appreciate the
efforts of the community here to try and fix
up the existing codebase, but it really appears
to be too hard.  The upstream compatibility
requirement is too restrictive, and even
without that you are fighting the design.

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] about starting over...

2006-08-03 Thread Bradley A. Hare

Hermann Vosseler wrote:

I don'tconsider it right to invent a new "killer feature" every half year and I don't like 
cinelerra fighting a competitive war against other video editing products, because 
I want it to stay what it is: a working tool for advanced users, enabling 
almost unlimited editing possibilities if you know what you want and how to achieve it.

I hope you were not deriving that from what I said about competitive
analysis.  I guess I should have been less cryptic about what I was
getting at.

The craft of editing has been around for about 100 years now, video
editing for about 30-40 years (if you go back to the razor blade days).
The expectations for what an editor should do are well established and
are reflected in the feature sets of "competing" products.

As I said before, I believe that Cinelerra has everything needed, it 
just needs to be reliable.

If we are talking about "advanced" vs "beginning" users there already
is a project out there (Kino) which would fulfill the needs of beginners
(as a sort of open source iMovie).  As for Cinellera, it certainly
has not been promoted as a beginners editor.  A quick look at the
Heroine website would make you think that Cinellera was giving
Avid a run for the money.

I agree with you completely - Cinelerra needs working, not
"Killer" features.  Whether or not this can be done with
out some redesign of the architecture is a valid question.
That is a hard thing to hear, especially if you've spent
more than a few nights and weekends trying to patch this
thing up.  It would also mean a complete separation from
Heroine Virtual.

At some point you have to ask two questions: what am I
trying to achieve, and how close am I to getting there.
I do not think that a civilized debate on
those two points would do this project any harm.

I should have said several thank your's to the people
maintaining CinCVS and this list.  I do not think my interest in
this project would have lasted very long if these resources
were not available.  After reading this list I realized that
there were people out there who could get it to compile, and
there were people out there actually using it.  That left
me with few excuses for not getting my own copy working.

I still can't play an m2t clip (720p) without crashes, but
maybe if I stop whining and get back to gdb I'll figure it

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] about starting over...

2006-07-31 Thread Bradley A. Hare

We'll, I'm new around here, but I have been taking a deep
dive through the code via gdb and Cscope.  I also know
a little bit about editing and have spent more that a
few hours with Final Cut Pro and Premier.

My own impression of Cinellera is that it is getting
there, but it is not something I can recommend to
others (in particular the creative types who are
wizards at editing, but have little tolerance for
anything that fails to live up to their expectations).
It is simply too unstable and the feature
set is too uneven.  Between bugs and features I
would place stability in the number one position.

A full non-linear editing suite will not be either
intuitive or easy to use for someone new to the subject.
I have tutored complete newbies in Final Cut and Premier
and the comments I have heard are quite similar to those
I hear about Cinellera.  I am therefore not inclined
to criticize the interface.  If you know what you want
to do, it is relatively easy to figure out how to do it
in Cinelerra.  The current feature set is sufficient to
get real work done.  If you want to claim that Cinelerra
is a fully featured and competitive editing suite, well,
there's a little more left to be done.

For anyone interested in the UI design, I
would recommend looking at tutorials for the competing
products to get an idea of possible the variations in workflow.
Look up one and three point editing.  A tutorial for Final
Cut can be found here:

Should look familiar.

I have traced through the code, and quite frankly it scares me.
Billions and billions of threads - not quite a recipe for
determinism.  My impression right now is that the giu is
probably usable as is, but the core needs to be rewritten.
I am particularly interested in native DV and and HDV workflow,
so I have been looking at the design from that perspective
(that should explain my previous comment about a rewrite).
I know that those with more experience in the codebase will
probably take issue with such simplistic statements.  I hope
to have more tangible suggestions later as my understanding
of the problem improves.

Regards to All,

Brad Hare

Cinelerra mailing list