Mark Carter wrote:

HV is undoubtedly a better programmer than me. I think he wrote it in a way that made sense for him. He wrote most of the code, so he pretty much knows the score of what's going on in it. But what works for him may not work for everybody else.
Certainly there is a lot of credit due here. Very few people can even begin to steer 100k+ lines of code single handed, especially with a day job. That is also probably part of the problem here - at some point the thing just gets to be too much. This is a big project that cannot succeed without

The success of Linux is always a good model. Linus Torvalds is a genius level programmer, but he was also
smart enough to accept help.  Lots of help.

And I think we have to ask this question (I've asked it before): "who is the more prolific code writer, HV or CV?" An answer to that question will tell you whether we should depart from HV's codebase or not.

As regards re-design, I think it might be too heroic.
It would be heroic - and perhaps a disaster for a single programmer. The existing code has 10+ man years in it - that should serve as a guide to the scope of the project. My own guess would be 3 - 5 people, 1 - 2 years to get to an alpha version, starting
from scratch.

That assumes everyone is not only skilled, but dedicated to the project.

I would not attempt a project of this size without knowing in advance that the resources are available. It can be done, but it is a daunting task. That probably explains why there are so few editing options available, and why the successes have been so limited.

I would like people to answer to the following questions:
* who writes more code for Cinelerra, HV, or the folks that contribute to the CV?
* in user terms, what needs to change?

I would place the stability and extensibility of the core as the number one priority. Working minimal functionality that can be maintained. I might be wrong, others seem to have been more successful at this than I have, but I just can't see trying to edit even a simple half hour program with Cinelerra. Looking at the code, it
is not clear that fixes would require anything less than major surgery.

As for the GUI, that is not something that should be a problem if everything else works. Blender is a good example, the GUI is weird, but the damn thing works - it's so good it almost compels you to learn it. (however you should be able to change the GUI if you don't
like it, or need to do a port).

Minimal functionality means three point editing, with basic transitions, of the most popular formats raw, DV and HDV (each of these has a specification although HDV is hard to get). You want a time line that gives you the ability to edit in a particular format (to minimize the need to re-encode). Source materials should be rendered to the timeline format. Rendering does not have to be real-time (nice feature though), The output should be able to display HD formats at full framerate on commonly available hardware .The existing code is probably a good guide to what a core would be - source management, timeline (edl), render engine, output. I could write an actual specification if anyone is interested. but the above should suffice to give the general idea.

Brad Hare

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