Re: [CinCV] Broken Links

2014-03-03 Thread Rebecca .
Yeah - just realised that the links to the main repo (and commands in the main 
body of the text) are broken for the same reasons:


So I went through and found the following as a quick pass - 


"Get Involved" under the Menu section on the left side of the page doesn't work 
at all.  It looks like the CV wiki is broken/gone.  


The Gitweb page link here is broken -


"Bugtracker" under Development appears to link to the News section.  


A couple of links to the Manual on this page -


The clips under the Titler Compositing Demo here -
Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Broken Links

2014-03-03 Thread Rebecca .
Regarding broken links - 


Firstly yes that was the IRC log that I was referring to, though it's worth 
noting that while the link now works, it leads to a different page than it used 
to, and it's historical logs from 2008 and before rather than the current IRC 
log.  I have no idea if IRC is even still being logged?  


Secondly, the repos I'm referring to are here:


It's just a simple problem of the links to Einar and SimAV's repos still 
pointing to a "" rather than a "" address.  


Thanks!  :)
Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Donation to the Server

2014-03-02 Thread Rebecca .
Hey all, 

Per request for donation to server and notification to ML, I donated 30 Euros 
(technically I sent 31 because I wanted to cover any fees PayPal levied.)

Thanks again for everyone's work on this project.  

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Broken Links

2014-03-01 Thread Rebecca .
Hey all, 

Per request to report broken links, a few things I noticed on the site - 

1) IRC log no longer works.  

2) links to the repos (official, Einar's etc).  

Also testing mailing list still working, per request from Ceteh on IRC. 

*crosses fingers*
Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Transferring

2013-04-29 Thread Rebecca
Christian - I understand completely and certainly don't want to put anyone in a 
difficult position, I just wish I could contribute something more technically 
useful.  If there is a solution to this at any point, where money can be raised 
transparently towards future costs, however large or small they may be, please 
do let me know as I definitely want to continue supporting the project.  I'm 
certainly not looking for tax breaks or worrying about where profit is going.  
Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Transferring

2013-04-28 Thread Rebecca
I don't have the technical expertise or any of the skills needed for 
administrative tasks, etc., but I was unaware there were financial difficulties 
with regard to maintaining the server.  I am not in a particularly good 
financial situation but this program and its maintenance is important to me, 
and I would be happy to contribute at least a small amount monthly to its 
continued existence.  How much money do we need to be raising, say, on a 
monthly, or annual basis?  Could this be done via Paypal?  Perhaps a donate 
button on the main page?  
Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Webcomic Trailer made with Cinelerra

2013-02-27 Thread Rebecca

Hey dudes, 

Recently I was given the opportunity to make an official trailer for Will 
Brooker's new webcomic - My So Called Secret Identity - and, obviously, I made 
it on Cinelerra (with basic image editing done in GIMP).  

Anyway, for the curious - - it's embedded on 
the main page.  

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Testing release of the Blue Banana color grading/correction filter for CinCV (MGV-AV Linux)

2013-01-12 Thread Rebecca

Monty - brilliant, thank you, the new version works perfectly.  

To the person asking for pointers on how to use Blue Banana, I'm not a 
professional, so excuse the basic level of my explanation, but the reason I was 
thrilled to see it is that now I can do much more delicate colour work.  You 
can now affect the colouration/saturation/hue, etc., of only certain parts of 
the shot.  The top segments determine which parts of the shot will be affected 
- so for instance if you choose to focus those sliders around "light blues" you 
will only be working with the light blue areas of your shot.  Checking the 
"show mask" checkbox (top right) will show you what areas you have selected.  

The other segments of the plugin then allow you to manipulate those sections, 
much like the other colour work you can do in Cinelerra, but with more delicacy 
- experiment with the various sliders and you will see what I mean.  
Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Testing release of the Blue Banana color grading/correction filter for CinCV (MGV-AV Linux)

2013-01-10 Thread Rebecca

Wow, thanks Monty, this is aces - the only glitch I've encountered so far is 
when I check Mask Selected Areas (top right), it crashes.  Either Cinelerra 
freezes for about ten seconds before shutting down, or it shuts down 
immediately.  I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and I believe I have Cinelerra installed 
from the ppa rather than source this time.  Sorry for being unsure - I've done 
both in the past and can't remember which I'm using right now.  If it's 
relevant and there's a way to check, please let me know.  

Thanks again, Monty, for your stellar work in updating this fantastic 
Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] 5.1 audio

2011-11-28 Thread Rebecca

I have also had the issue of struggling to render 5.1 audio from Cinelerra and 
have it come out in the correct channels.  I'm sorry to say that I don't have a 
solution (being decidedly an end user and not particularly confident in 
understanding what's going wrong), so if anyone else has an actual solution 
rather than this rather convoluted workaround, please let me know.  However, I 
do have a workaround.  

Basically I render each audio stream separately as a mono channel .wav file (to 
do this, make sure you temporarily change your project settings so that there 
is only a single audio track, then ensure only the appropriate audio channel is 
set to play before rendering the audio).  

I then use sox to create a mutlichannel .wav file.  Use the following command 
(with appropriate filename substitutions) for order for this to occur correctly 
(the order you put the audio tracks in matters - it needs to be left, right, 
centre, LFE, surround left, surround right):  

sox -M left.wav right.wav centre.wav lowfrequencyevents.wav surroundleft.wav 
surroundright.wav 51wavfile.wav
You now have a 5.1 .wav file, and my personal preference is to then convert 
this to a 5.1 .ac3 file using aften.  I find the following command does the 

aften -b 448 -dsur 2 -acmod 7 -lfe 1 51wavfile.wav finalaudio.ac3
I can then mux the .ac3 with a rendered .m2v file in mplex or drop straight 
into a program like DVDStyler as the audio track.  

As I said, it's a very long workaround and if anyone has a solution that is 
faster, I would also be grateful to hear it, but without another solution, this 
does at least work.  :)


[CinCV] 5.1 audio

2011-11-28 Thread Rebecca

I have also had the issue of struggling to render 5.1 audio from Cinelerra and 
have it come out in the correct channels.  I'm sorry to say that I don't have a 
solution (being decidedly an end user and not particularly confident in 
understanding what's going wrong), so if anyone else has an actual solution 
rather than this rather convoluted workaround, please let me know.  However, I 
do have a workaround.  

Basically I render each audio stream separately as a mono channel .wav file (to 
do this, make sure you temporarily change your project settings so that there 
is only a single audio track, then ensure only the appropriate audio channel is 
set to play before rendering the audio).  

I then use sox to create 

Re: [CinCV] cinelerra 4,2 and cv 2,1,5

2011-07-21 Thread Rebecca

Speaking from the perspective of an end user, and someone who is sadly in no 
position to contribute to any kind of coding, the major thing that HV offers 
that CV doesn't is nested sequences - i.e. the ability to import another .xml 
cinelerra project file into a new project as a clip and treat it as such.  So 
you can build complex masks, etc., in one project file and not have to make a 
choice between either rendering the complex sequence and losing quality before 
importing into a larger file, or having to build the sequence within a much 
larger project (which brings more issues of program stability, and the 
challenge of not accidentally unsynching tracks, etc.)  
It's a really sweet feature that is pretty much my #1 request for CV.  Here are 
the other things I can recall HV offers that CV doesn't that I guess would be 
goals to include in a merge:  
HV does also have a few nice new effects, such as a lens effect and a couple of 
others I forget off the top of my head.  It has bezier curves for histograms on 
the timeline (fade/pan/zoom).  It has a ruler tool in the compositor just to 
check lengths against each other.  
There's a bug in CV where when you use masks, everything interpolates between 
keyframes except transparency/feathering, which just changes at the keyframe.  
(I've filed a bug report on this for completeness, though obviously I know 
there's not a lot of bug fixing going on right now).  HV does not have this 
I'm sure I'm missing something big, but those are most of the differences in 
terms of improvements available in HV.  
Insofar as what CV offers that HV doesn't, well, firstly I like the pipe 
rendering option for .m2v stuff which HV doesn't have.  In general I prefer 
CV's interface, defaults and rendering options (stuff such as the pipe, and the 
way CV defaults to applying an effect to a single clip rather than the entire 
track, and defaults to rendering the whole project rather than using the 
playhead as a starting point for the render).  Partly this is just familiarity, 
but yeah, I like how CV feels to use more than HV.  
In terms of features, as I've said, I like the additional rendering options 
available in CV (at least the working ones) and I also REALLY like and 
frequently make use of the Reroute effect which is only available in CV.  It's 
not an HV effect and HV has nothing similar.  I think you'd have to spoof it 
using nested sequences which would be a real pain.  
Hopefully that will help breakdown what at least this end user sees as the 
major differences between the versions if a merge is being considered?  I'd 
certainly REALLY like a merge for th reasons stated above.  
I'm unsure if it would be in any way feasible given the people involved, but I 
would absolutely be interested in donating to a kickstarter project or 
something like that designed to fund a developer for a week to get this done.   

Re: [CinCV] Ubuntu and cinelerra 4.2

2011-07-21 Thread Rebecca

Yes, if you have any other version of Cinelerra installed (including cv) I 
don't believe you can use the Debian .deb to install 4.2.  If you want both, 
running from the folder as previously detailed would be better, though 
obviously as said, that option crashes when using the titler.   

RE: [CinCV] Ubuntu and cinelerra 4.2

2011-07-20 Thread Rebecca

You can also install Cinelerra 4.2 on Ubuntu from the .debs someone made for 

I wrote it up here - though I was doing it on Maverick and/or Lucid, and 
haven't tried it on Natty and it seems that there are some potential issues 
that others had on Natty and/or in loading mkv files (which I don't work with 
so can't comment on).

Re: [CinCV] vdevicebuz.C:48:28: fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No > such file or directory

2011-05-02 Thread Rebecca

Hi guys - just to report my experience - 

I used the patch in the linked bug report and managed to compile Cinelerra 
2.1.5 with no issues on Ubuntu 11.04, in a virtual box on Ubuntu 10.04.  I 
haven't tried extensively editing anything with it but I got no compilation 
errors and it starts up fine.  

I know that originally Nicola Ferralis was still having some issues even with 
these patches applied, though I can't remember what they were precisely.  But I 
figured it'd be useful to report that her patch is working for me.  I see that 
Einar reported this already from the IRC log but thought it would be good to 
throw this email out with the rest of the details for record keeping.  

If anyone has any questions about anything please let me know, but I'm really 
not very familiar with even compiling things let alone patching (used the 
instructions from raffa's website to compile as I have done for the past year 
or so, and this is the first patch I've ever applied, actually!) so you may 
have to ask in small, simple word.  ;)  

Thanks for all the work on Cinelerra, guys!  Now I can consider upgrading to 
11.04.  :)


[CinCV] Re: What needs doing, and how do we do it? (was: cinelerra fork)

2011-01-29 Thread Rebecca

Hi again everyone.  First of all apologies for the html in my last post which 
doesn't seem to have translated well onto the mailing list.  Am attempting to 
write in plain text now.  :)  

Secondly thanks for the responses.  I'm very excited by a lot of the ideas 
being thrown around and that most people seem to be on the same wavelength re: 
a small visual makeover and then seeing what substantive issues can be 
addressed without requiring a major ground-up overhaul, since that's the job of 

It's interesting to see all the focus on transitions.  Speaking as an end user, 
I generally deal okay with the way they interact with effects as long as I 
remember to use multiple tracks when I have an effect I want to affect only one 
of the clips.  But yes, it is annoying when the effect is applied to the 
transition as well.  It's not a problem with something like a dissolve, but 
it's definitely an issue when it comes to stuff like shapewipes and you don't 
want the shapewipe to be blurred, just the clip.  Sometimes this is solvable by 
track order and transitioning across two tracks and ensuring that the higher 
track is the one without the effect, but it's not useful if you need the effect 
applied to both clips (or even two different effects).  The only solution to 
that is to render the clip in isolation then reimport, which is very much less 
than ideal.  

The same problem exists in the HV version, but there I can get around it with 
nested sequences, though obviously that's a convoluted solution that is again 
less than ideal.  

Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm glad to see this being discussed and I'll 
be reading with interest even though it's not likely I'll have a huge amount to 
contribute, but please let me know if there is anything I *can* do, even if 
I've been quiet for a while, and I'd be very willing to help do so.  

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] What needs doing, and how do we do it? (was: cinelerra fork)

2011-01-28 Thread Rebecca

Hi everyone, 
I follow this mailing list roughly over on the archives and was 
extremely excited to see discussion of further development and decided to join 
the list in order to give my thoughts.  The first issue is that I am not a 
developer – in fact I’m a relative Linux newbie and don’t even have that much 
experience with simple tasks such as compiling from source.  So I’m keenly 
aware that we have a lot of non-developers with a lot of ideas for the few 
developers still active here – I don’t want to come across as demanding or 
unhelpful, but I figured, if I don’t share my thoughts now I will lose the 
chance to do so.  I am an amateur video-editor and hobbyist, and would be happy 
to help with any testing, documentation or tutorial work that would need to be 
done.  I have a postgrad degree in Creative Writing but little practical 
experience with technical writing of the sort needed for documentation, just to 
be up front about that.  While I’m sure they’re not the best or most concise, I 
do have a number of Cinelerra CV tutorials up on YouTube (with a few more 
planned) on my channel – cybridproductions, if anyone is curious.  They 
currently focus on achieving effects or transitions for which there is no 
single default effect in Cinelerra.  
To move on to my thoughts.  I am very pleased to see continuing development on 
Cinelerra because while I support Lumiera in principle, it’s a very long way 
from anything usable and I feel the problem with Linux at the moment in terms 
of video editing is that there are numerous viable, impressive options for 
beginners and middle-level home movie editing but Cinelerra stands alone as a 
workable prosumer level editing suite.  It’s the only solution, for instance, 
that I’ve found that will import 5.1 audio and allow editing of each stream.  
Lumiera is a long way from release and if Cinelerra falls into disrepair, or 
even if it still has active development but on a greatly reduced level, it 
risks being perceived as obsolete or unsupported.  This would be a great shame 
as it is an absolutely fantastic program, despite having some quirks and a 
conventionally unattractive interface.  
In terms of things I think Cinelerra needs to improve on – 
I don’t actually think this is a really big deal.  Sure a more attractive 
interface would be a bonus, but honestly I think a reskin on the level of what 
Cinecutie did is adequate.  
I come down firmly on the side of not transitioning between tracks by default – 
I like the way transitions are displayed now.  It would be nice if they could 
be “dragged” to increase or decrease length rather than right-clicking and 
manually assigning a length, but I do not feel this is a critical issue or 
something in desperate need of being addressed.  
I do think that some more transitions could be added.  It’s possible to achieve 
some 3D transitions through use of the perspective effects, but it might be 
nice to have a few simple 3D transitions pre-made, as it were?  
Also other simple transitions that come as standard in other NLEs but must be 
“created” in Cinelerra such as the dissolves that include an increase in 
brightness, such as those often used for “flashback” effects, blurring 
transitions, etc.  
These aren’t critical either as they can be achieved through alternate means, 
but including them would certainly help many novice users and save others time. 
2D Effects
Again, there are many effects for which Cinelerra has no preset effect which 
can be achieved through use of multiple effects, and perhaps this is something 
to look at, but I’d rather concentrate on effects not available at all or only 
available through very complex workarounds.  Shaky camera, an adjustable, 
keyframeable aged-film effect, are two that spring immediately to mind, and are 
also two that are not easily achievable by layering two effects, etc.  A “dream 
glow” effect might also be useful as the only way I know of to achieve that 
currently is layered tracks and overlay modes with a blur effect added on.   I 
also like the lens effect available in 4.2.  
That said, I do think that Cinelerra has strong representation in the 2D 
effects department already.  
3D Effects
Here is something I’d like to see.  I want to be careful of suggesting that 
Cinelerra attempt to become a fully fledged effects compositor like the (sadly 
closed) RamenFX project, and I also understand that often “magic wand” style 
effects are considered something that is more often used for home movie 
projects rather than more professional ones.  However, I have seen some 
interesting stuff in recent development for OpenShot where they’re using 
Blender, I believe, to add some nice looking stuff.  In particular, I think a 
lensflare effect would be absolutely awesome to have.  3D titles would be nice 
However, it obviously goes without saying that I have no idea about the code, 
and it may well be th