Re: what's wrong with CCIE today? [7:13151]

2001-07-20 Thread Doug Hammond

Hmm, maybe the fault lies in companies that only hire people who have a
specific set of certifications  to manage their networks. I, and for that
matter several other non-CCIEs I know, could easily have handled your
problem. I'm betting that you never even got the chance to see us, as the
insistence on having a CCIE never let us get past the recruiter, HR
department, or whoever made the hiring decision. I have met a lot of CCIEs
that don't understand the first thing about supporting a production network.
In fact, having a CCIE does not guarantee anything to anyone about anything
other than you have passed the CCIE lab.

If, in fact, your network has mutiple OSPF areas with a non-broadcast
Frame-relay WAN, redistribuition of RIP, EIGRP into damn near everything,
BGP confederations for three routers, and no static routes ever, the CCIEs
would be emminently qualified to support your network. A CCIE number does
not guarantee the ability to isolate and correct non-cisco issues, or the
ability to clearly articulate a thought to a non-techie person. For that
matter, the same can be said for hiring someone on the basis of having a 4.0
GPA, or being class president, or being a friend of your uncle Larry. When
looking for someone to support your network you really need to sit down and
discuss what that means and having an open mind as to the ability of the
person sitting across from you to do the job. Of course, that is a lot
harder than calling a recruiter and saying I need a CCIE to manage my

- just doing a little not getting through HR venting!

Sean Young  wrote in message
 What's wrong with CCIEs today?  I know that I am making a general
 assumptions; however,this is the second time that it has happend to the
 company that I work for.  We have several tacacs servers that use to
 authenticate users.  These tacacs servers are running on a combination of
 Linux and Solaris platforms.  While I was away at the Networker
 Conference, one of our tacacs servers (solaris) die due to hardware
 failure and the amazingly the tacacs process on the Linux die.  Because
 of this, everyone has to login to the routers and switches via local
 account.  We hire these CCIEs to maintain the network while I am away for
 a few weeks.  None of these CCIEs have any background with tacacs servers
 running on Unix platforms.  As to our problems, the simple to do is just
 to restart the tacacs process byfirst:  killall tac_plus and second
 /usr/sbin/tac_plus -C /etc/tacacs/tac_plus.cfg but these CCIEs guys
 have absolutely no clues.  Furthermore, they don't even know how to use
 editing in Unix (i.e vi or emacs) and ended up screwing up my tacacs
 configuration files.  We have a few employees that need tacacs account
 but these CCIEs guys have no clues how to addnew users to a configuration
 file which if anyone has done tacacs on the unix platform know that you
 just modify the configuration file tac_plus.conf and restart tacacs
 process.   These CCIE guys say that they come from a windows environment
 so they don't have too much with Unix platforms.  I also notice that a
 lot of CCIEs these days lack the Unix skills that are required for the
 Service Providers environment.  Most don't even know how to tunnel
 X-application through Secure Shell (SSH).  I still remember those days
 when Cisco Engineers are very well verse in both unix and routers
 skills.  I long for those days again. Comments anyone?


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Re: Olicom switch [7:5815]

2001-05-24 Thread Doug Hammond

Thanks Brad. That worked.  For those like me that happen to fall into this
problem, here's how to recover. On the Olicom is two reset buttons. The top
one can be used to reset the switch. Press hard and keep it pressed for a
few seconds, after which a menu will appear to allow you to download
software via the serial cable. It is very slow but it can be done!  Switch
is now up and running 4.1(3) code!

Brad Ellis  wrote in message
 Try a later version of code.  4.1(3) should work.  We have been loading
 version of code on the Olicom's we've been selling.

 -Brad Ellis
 Cisco gear:  wrote in message
  Hello All -
  I just downloaded the Cat 3920 code 3.0(7) to an Olicom 8600. Now it
  me a message which says:
  FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Unknown System Board ID
  It was my understanding (based on what I heard here) that this switch is
  3920 compatible. Anyone know a) how to break in/recover from this mess
  and/or b) what is a good image to use for the box?
  Im totally hosed, so any help is appreciated!
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Re: anybody ever connected 2600 AUX ports back2back? [7:5844]

2001-05-24 Thread Doug Hammond

Some thoughts -
Try putting in this command on your async interface: async default routing
Also what type of cable are you using? I've always used the cisco black
And try to hard-code the rxspeed and txspeed. I never trust auto-select.
Why are you using async65? Wouldn't it be async1?

NRF  wrote in message
 Well, now I've just tried back2back aux between a 2610 and a 2514.  It
 doesn't work, exact same errors as before.

 NRF  wrote in message
  So I'm trying to connect the AUX ports of 2 2610's back to back.  I am
  following a known procedure on CCO where you can connect 2500's AUX
  back to back.
  So I follow exactly what they do.  But it doesn't work.  Maybe the
  is that 2600's don't do back2back aux ports (the CCO example was for
  2500's).  But that doesn't make much sense, because why not?  Anyway,
  anybody ever gotten AUX 2600's (or any router for that matter) to
  back to back?
  For example, here is the Async config on one of the 2610's.
  interface Async65
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   encapsulation ppp
   async dynamic routing
   async mode dedicated
  Here is the aux line config:
  ine aux 0
   modem InOut
   transport input all
   speed 38400
   flowcontrol hardware
  So I believe that everything is good, it's exactly like the CCO config.
  Yet, the async interface just keeps bouncing up and down.  For example:
  1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
  1d19h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async65, changed state to up
  1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
  Here's what happens when I debug async packet
  r1#debug async packet
  Async packet I/O debugging is on
  1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
  1d19h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async65, changed state to up
  1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
  1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
  1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
  1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
  1d19h: APPP65: Input packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
  1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
  Here's what happens when I debug async framing
  r1#debug async framing
  Async interface framing debugging is on
  1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
  1d19h: Async65: Reset PPP framing on TTY65
  1d19h: Async65: Setup PPP framing on TTY65
  1d19h: As65 PPP: Processed packet cached during autoselect
  1d19h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async65, changed state to up
  1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
  1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
  1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
  1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
  1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
  1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
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Re: Password Reset on PIX? [7:3627]

2001-05-08 Thread Doug Hammond

Is it just telnet? Can you use the console port? If not, you need to call
the TAC and have them send you a utility which will reset a PIX password. No
other way to do it that I know.

Moahzam Durrani  wrote in message
 Something went wrong with our Pix last nigt.. We have 2 , and it didnt
 over to the secondary we got it them working by doing a reset . however I
 cannot  telnet or log into the PIX. ?any ideas
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Re: OT- Another cool thing about Cisco (Re: Cisco fire staff) [7:2418]

2001-04-28 Thread Doug Hammond

I absolutely have to agree. There are ways to lay people off that is
dignified and respectful.  Then there's the way NEC BNS did it! Last week, I
was in my boss's office talking about something completely unrelated when he
says Oh, by the way and hands me a lay-off notice. An hour later I'm
history. NO f* idea in the world it was gonna happen. Yeah, I'm
realy full of warm and fuzzy feelings now. Sure the economy sucks, I can
understand that. But, as my daddy always said, It's the measure of a man
how he acts like when he's down. Anybody can be a good guy when times are
good!. You know what, he was right.

Now back to my rack. The best revenge is success.

xc  wrote in message
 This is an addendum to a previous post.  Somebody asked about for opinions
 about Cisco's announced layoffs of 8500 people.

 I responded that every tech company is going through hell right now, but
 Cisco had the forethought and compassion to offer 6 months severance (2
 months automatic, an additional 4 if you sign their severance agreement),
 which stands in stark contrast to certain other companies who not only
 no severance, but declared bankruptcy while still owing backpay and
 to employees (the Web consulting company Marchfirst immediately comes to
 mind - the bankruptcy judge of that case has even declared that employees
 who are owed backpay/expenses have to get in line behind the major
 creditors, so you know those employeers are going to get nothing).  Then
 there are stories of people getting severance checks that bounced,
 laying off people in violation of the Federal WARN labor laws,  companies
 giving job offers and then trying to retroactively withdraw the offer
 the offer was accepted (presumably the candidate had turned down other
 competing offers to take the offer which is now being withdrawn),  etc.

 If you're going to have to lay off people, offering 6 months severance
 to be a more-than-compassionate way to do it.  Several other posters
 about similar deals offered by Nortel and other companies when they laid
 people off.  So it's pretty clear that some companies have positioned
 themselves as 'the good guys' (as opposed to other companies who have
 clearly shown themselves to be the 'bad guys'), so that they will be the
 employer-of-choice when the economy picks up again.  These companies have
 tried to preserve goodwill among the networking community so that they
 have little problem in hiring again.

 While I am not trying to downplay the pain that those  laid-off Cisco or
 Nortel employees must be feeling,  on the other hand, they could have been
 working for one of those www.fuc* employers like Marchfirst.

  Well, to build up even more goodwil, recently, it was announced that John
 Chambers is cutting his salary to $1.  The chairman (forgot his name) is
 also cutting his salary to $1.  The management stated that since so much
 cost-cutting was going on at Cisco, management should share in the pain.

 I don't begrudge company execs getting rich when times are good, but it is
 so refreshing to see execs sharing in the bad times.  A world of
 from the usual M.O., where execs slash thousands of jobs and still reap
 their millions.  As stated in fuc*edcompanyL These guys seem to have
 out that you don't have to be an as*hole to make money. Bravo. About
 time someone got a clue

 Now some of you may be thinking that the $1 salary  is just a Cisco
 publicity stunt.  Sure, maybe so.
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Re: Switching Black Book by Sean Odom and Hanson Nottingham

2000-12-10 Thread Doug Hammond

I have to agree Priscilla, I personally have never met Carl Hagan, but he
was very cordial when my Switching book came out earlier this year. He liked
the way the book was written and provided some really welcome feedback for
me. One of my greatest fears when the book was written was that it was going
to lay a brick and be the object of scorn. Comments from people like Carl
really helped to drive those thoughts away.

BTW - Carl,  I was not involved as an author on this book - although I did
provide material for some sections of it.  At the risk of someone (from an
anonymous e-mail account) publicly berating me, I have looked at Sean's and
Hanson's book and it looks like a quality book with a lot of value for net
nuts like me. Maybe we could move the group's focus to the technical merits
of it.

As an aside, writing a book and working full-time is not a task for the
squeamish. I have been to the CCIE lab (close - no cigar) and I have
authored a book. I would much rather study for the lab than write another
book. Does that tell you something?

"Priscilla Oppenheimer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I can't see any reason to apply a cynical explanation for someone's
 admiration for an author's work. The admiration and good reviews may very
 well not be based on friendship, as Stupid Idiot is assuming. They may be
 based on professional respect. Even if they are friends, maybe they are
 friends because they admire each other's intelligence and communication


 At 06:39 PM 12/10/00, Andy Walden wrote:

 I appreciate you reply. It caused me to take a closer look into your
 comments and I came across this from Carl Hagan in May2000.
 "Obviously,  you have never met Sean Odom or heard him speak.  He is
 probably one of the most knowledgable Cisco consultants ever to grace our
 presence. You know why he doesn't keep up with this group?  Because
 everyone has comments like this.  It keeps the people who this group
 use the most from keeping up with the list.  If we all paid more
 to the technical problems we have and the learning we need, we would have
 people like Sean Odom and Todd Lammle keeping up with the group.  Who has
 time for the Soap Opera that this group list is providing?"
 It does sound like this Carl guy has an unnatural fascination with this
 Sean guy.
 Just fueling the fire...
 On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Stupid Idiot wrote:
   Holy crap Robin, that has to be the most blatant plug,
   from a friend of an author, that I've ever seen!  It's
   morons like you that make Amazon reviews worthless.
   How much did the authors have to pay you for you to
   litter this list with your "stunning" review?
   Just an FYI for the group.  I got the Switching Black
   Book from Sean Odom and Doug Hammond.  I cannot
   believe what it has!  I know Sean Odom is known for
   putting out books that are well written and takes the
   time to place more than the needed technical
   information.  What I thought I was getting was a atep
   by step guide on just Catalyst switches and the
   configurations.  What I got?  Catalyst switches, ATM
   LightStream Switches and WAN switch configurations as
   well.  Holy cow Batman! Where was this book when I
   needed it months ago???  This is a gold mine.  I
   don't think there is any other books like it out on
   the market yet.  It is a good resource to have.
   Carl Hagan


 Priscilla Oppenheimer

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Re: CCIE Lab Preparation - Part 2

2000-12-10 Thread Doug Hammond

I know that story. Since I've been three times, without success, my company
has decided not to pay for any more trips. Good planning on their part,
after living and breathing the CCIE for the last year, I'm not going to drop
it. I have to admit it is a highly motivating factor in wanting to pass.
Somehow, I don't think what I have in mind is what they have in mind though
grin  Good luck!

""Craig Johnson"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
01c06323$b94313c0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:01c06323$b94313c0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Thanks Chuck.  I'm sitting in a Days Inn in San Jose right now, waiting to
 take my lab on December 13th. Unfortunately, I've made this journey alone,
 as my company gives no support, financial or otherwise.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Chuck Larrieu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Cisco Mail List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "CCIE_Lab Groupstudy List"
 Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 10:51 AM
 Subject: CCIE Lab Preparation - Part 2

  I have put together a few thoughts about motivation and preparation. I
  currently using this method for my CCIE Lab preparation. I have used the
  techniques successfully for my lower level certifications, and in
  other parts of my life. I have shared this advice privately with some of
  you. I am now making it available publicly to all who might be looking
  that intangible extra that will help you achieve your goals.
  Please do me this favor, everyone. I am offering something that is a
  distillation of several motivational programs I have gone through. The
  advice I offer may be something you can use. It may seem flaky, or of no
  value. Please do not make this a topic of public conversation. It's hard
  enough coming public with my thoughts. I am climbing Mount Everest. I
  many of you on the same trail. I want us all to succeed. It will be a
  more fun for me, there at the top, if there are a number of my respected
  Groupstudy community there with me.
  See you there.
  I am Locutus, a CCIE Lab Proctor. Xx_Brain_dumps_xX are futile. Your
  it has been is over ( if you hope to pass ) From this time forward, you
  study US!
  ( apologies to the folks at Star Trek TNG )
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Re: Great book for BCMSN

2000-08-19 Thread Doug Hammond

Thanks for the comments. I appreciate it! That was a particulary diffucult
chapter to do, We waited until the very end since Cisco was announcing a
switch a week (or maybe it just seemed like that).

"Jeff Walzer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I recently bought the Exam Prep book for Cisco Switching by Sean Odom and
 Doug Hammond and so far it appears to be a very informative book. They
 really provide great information regarding each Cisco switch. So far a
 good read.


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