Re: [Clamav-users] 0.96 compile warnings on FreeBSD 7.1

2010-04-18 Thread Török Edwin

On 04/18/2010 12:14 AM, jef moskot wrote:

On Sat, 17 Apr 2010, Török Edwin wrote:

Is g++ the same version too (i.e. does g++ -v shows 4.2.1 too?).

Yep, same deal:

# g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]

For the record, no checks failed, although some were skipped:

make check-TESTS
PASS: check_clamav
All 7 tests passed
(5 tests were not run)

This is OK, it only skipped the valgrind tests (it does that by default).

Best regards,
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Re: [Clamav-users] EOL

2010-04-18 Thread Simon Hobson

Jim Preston wrote:

Over here, if I step out into traffic and get hit it is my fault.

But suppose you walk out across a crossing where the WALK is lit 
(green man over here) and the traffic has a red light - but someone 
screams through ignoring the red light and gets you ?

That is a better analogy. The **expectation** of any sane admin isn't 
that some random project will push out random updates deliberately 
designed to stop his working system from working.

And you can cut the crap about well you should have configured your 
system to not stop when ClamAV stopped - that's rubbish because it's 
already been made perfectly clear right at the start of one of these 
threads that the project team consider any configuration that doesn't 
break if ClamAV isn't working right to be broken.

Yes, it would have been nice to be in a position to have done a 
distro upgrade (with all the testing required) before now, but some 
of us haven't been able to for a variety of reasons. That does not 
give ANYONE (other than my management or users) the right to set out 
to punish me (and my users) for it - because that is what is 
happened, and some of you seem proud of that.

Yes, it would be better if I was running more up to date software - 
but I made a decision based on certain constraints and assumptions. 
One of those assumptions was that some third party would take it upon 
themselves to deliberately stop it working. Many people will now be 
wondering how safe it is to trust this project (and FOSS in general) 
- trust can take a lifetime to build up, and a moment to destroy.

Like I said, I can think of several ways it could have been handled 
without any significant effort (certainly less that has been expended 
on dealing with the backlash) and without significant (or with one 
option, any) inconvenience to people running up to date versions. The 
way it's been done, and especially the way it's been defended, makes 
certain people come across as very arrogant people who need to be 
careful they don't hurt themselves - it's long way down off a high 

Simon Hobson

Visit for books by acclaimed
author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
Christmas stocking fillers. Some available as e-books.
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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-18 Thread Simon Hobson

Dan wrote:

Yes, some updates can be problematic.  But in this case, surely, 
there were updates during the year that worked just fine.  In most 
cases, tho, I'm thinking the people complaining slacked off 
completely - unlike you, they didn't even bother to test the 

And cf todays thread (LibClamAV Error: Can't load), which can be 
summararised as  :

It was working fine
You broke it for me
I've installed an update to try and fix it and now it's even more broke

The only difference had the user done the update last week would be - 
he had a working system, he upgraded it, it's now broken and he has 
downtime as a direct result of the upgrade.

Those two lines look fairly clear to me.  Essentially they're 
telling you to get moving, get the update onto your to-be-done list.

OK, so it suggests an upgrade would be a good idea. I've yet to see 
any explanation of where in that message (or the page referenced) it 
sets a deadline, where it says anything will die, and that this will 
be a deliberate act of sabotage.

Yea, I agree, the Clam team probably could have done things better. 
But would more announcements or warnings have really made a 
difference?  Why would the people, that regularly ignore the 
Freshclam warnings, pay attention?

Actually, I believe at least some of those complaining here would 
have done. **HAD I KNOWN** about this killer update, then I would 
have applied pressure on management to give me the resources to roll 
out the new build I have - that's all I'm waiting on in order to be 
running completely up to date versions of everything - and because 
it's more than one server, in future I'll be able to update (one at a 
time) with less risk.

OTOH, I wonder how many of these upset admins have taken even 
partial responsibility - by admitting to their bosses that they 
failed to apply any updates to a critical piece of software, for 
over a YEAR?

I have - that probably surprises you. Can't speak for anyone else.

Dan wrote:

They do not have any right to deliberately mess with a running system...

Please explain this right that makes thy system so sacrosanct. 
I've never heard of that.

May I suggest that you'd change your tune if your house was ransacked 
and the burglar defended his action on the basis that he'd kept a key 
from before you bought the house and he's left a note (somewhere you 
probably wouldn't see it) telling you to upgrade your locks or else ?

My servers are my property (or that of those I manage them for). No 
third party has the right (legal or moral) to interfere with that 
unless there is a contractual agreement that they can do so - and 
then only in ways allowed by that arrangement.
In this case, there's an implicit agreement between admins/operators 
and the ClamAV team that allows the ClamAV team to apply AV signature 
updates - this being implicit by the admin running Freshclam. In no 
way can pushing a poison pill designed to stop the service be 
considered a normal AV signature update.

The Clam team had one and only one responsible choice:  to remove 
the aged product from service before it became a road hazard, er a 
liability around their necks.

No, that is NOT their responsibility, nor their right.

Not only that, it's inconsistent with the attitude expressed here 
towards people running old software.

Contrast :
1) No-one should be running old software, they deserve all they've got.
2) We can't allow people to run old software, our only option is to 
kill it to protect people from themselves.

OK, lets suppose that a car manufacturer finds out that one of their 
old models, of which there are many still in use, has a defect that 
could potentially expose the user to a higher risk of something. In 
this country, and in the US I believe, there is a system for a recall 
if it's serious enough - or the manufacturer can put adverts in 
appropriate places to warn the user.

Have you ever heard of the manufacturer deciding that the only 
responsible way is to go round with a fleet of lorries (trucks), lift 
the old vehicles off the owners drives without even ringing the 
doorbell, and take them off to the crusher ?

They have a right, and a responsibility to try and make as many 
owners/users aware of the risks - but it is still the owner/users 
decision on whether that risk is acceptable TO THEM.

They were even nice enough to give months of warnings.

The efficacy of such is subject to a certain amount of debate.

Simon Hobson

Visit for books by acclaimed
author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
Christmas stocking fillers. Some available as e-books.
Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-18 Thread Stephen Gran
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 09:50:09AM +0100, Simon Hobson said:
 Dan wrote:
 Yes, some updates can be problematic.  But in this case, surely,
 there were updates during the year that worked just fine.  In most
 cases, tho, I'm thinking the people complaining slacked off
 completely - unlike you, they didn't even bother to test the
 And cf todays thread (LibClamAV Error: Can't load), which can be
 summararised as  : It was working fine You broke it for me

You seem to be massively missing the point.  In a short while, there
will be signatures in the database that will have the same effect for
older versions of clamd, because they will trigger the same bug.  Which
way would you prefer clamd to die - with a helpful error message, or
with a hex string that makes no sense to you?  That was the only choice.

Despite the drain on their resources these older versions are, despite
the fact that older versions were hampering their ability to write new
signatures, they still chose the option to make it fail with a helpful
message after a long lead time instead of ignoring the issue and letting
it die with an incomprehensible error message.  Would you have preferred
them to just let this happen without a clear indication of the problem?
|  Stephen Gran  | Your object is to save the world, while |
| | still leading a pleasant life.  |
| | |
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Re: [Clamav-users] EOL

2010-04-18 Thread Giampaolo Tomassoni
 In response to your example, that was a DOS attack and is illegal.
 Microsoft updates have causes systems including servers to fail and
 crash, should you be petitioning to have Microsoft prosecuted under
 this law?

It happens.

Anyway, the fact is that you keep comparing two different thing. The fact
that an *occasional* old system in bad shape breaks because of an update is
not the same as an update meant to break old systems.

Microsoft of course knows that every and each update they ship is
potentially going to break some old bix, but I believe they are putting
every feasible effort in keeping numbers low. This is not only because of
people possibly filing a law suit against them, but because every system
broken by an update is a very bad return in terms of corporate image.

As I already said, when 95, 98, me and 2k went at EOL, Microsoft didn't send
an update meant to stop them. It could mean a big class action against
Microsoft. Worse, it would surely mean a huge loss of faith in the Microsoft
platforms by users. Not even to mention how competitors would have ride it.

This kind of loss of image is something the clamav project now shall expect
(and probably deserve). Which is not my main concern, by the way: the thing
I really dislike is that the open-source community as a whole will get
somehow damaged by this sole clamav action.

And please keep in mind that the EOL problem could easily and inexpensively
be circumvented. No excuse, then.

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[Clamav-users] Empy queue

2010-04-18 Thread _beb_
Hi everyone,
I didn't know about the update, and it has been such a mess.
It's okay, now. Emails in/out going.
The thing is: what about the thousands of emails still in the 
/var/spool/qscan/working/new and /var/spool/qscan/tmp directories?
Is there a way to reinject all of them as new emails?


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[Clamav-users] Thanks for the weekend entertainment

2010-04-18 Thread Cody Konior
I don't want to stay quiet anymore though :)

I see people posting as systems administrators who are acting more like 
consultants in disguise. Fairly consistently they're the ones saying they've 
been wronged, being abusive, threatening physical harm, and appear to have no 
love or passion for their job past how much liability they've accumulated by 
taking on (paid) agreements that they weren't able to service, and how quickly 
they can deflect the blame somewhere else. 

I don't know Simon, though I can't help but see his attitude and comments as a 
reflection of some other consultants / systems administrators whom I intensely 
dislike. If it's any consolation though, some of the other posters have been 
worse, to the point of being almost comical.

As someone who has worked with about a hundred business owners, I've never 
encountered a crisis situation I could not defuse by explaining what happened 
and getting to work on fixing it, sometimes with and sometimes without payment. 
I do it because I love the work and I love the businesses I work for and they 
know it. Everything is great. And I can see a lot of people here have 
likeminded work ethics and you are the ones supporting ClamAV. I applaud you.

Giampaolo, you're one of us. You may have a dissenting opinion, but otherwise 
you're level headed and logical and seem to have some passion for your job. So, 
you're cool in my book.

Anyway I don't think any of the complainers are going to be donating to the 
ClamAV project any time soon. And I don't think end-users should necessarily 
feel the need to donate. But for those consultants who are successfully making 
money off of open source products, might I suggest you consider making some 
donations back to the software developers whose work you rely on?

Cheers everyone. This will all blow over soon.


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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-18 Thread Simon Hobson

Stephen Gran wrote:

You seem to be massively missing the point.  In a short while, there
will be signatures in the database that will have the same effect for
older versions of clamd, because they will trigger the same bug.  Which
way would you prefer clamd to die - with a helpful error message, or
with a hex string that makes no sense to you?  That was the only choice.

So you haven't actually been reading these threads then. It 
absolutely was **NOT** the only choice, it was the one choice of 
several that they took. I can think of **at least two** alternatives 
- one would have required minimal effort (probably less than has been 
expended in defending the decision) and zero inconvenience for those 
who run all the latest updates.

So it IS NOT TRUE that there were no other options. It IS NOT TRUE 
that the only choice was this or have it die n a few weeks with a 
cryptic error message.

As has already been said - it's done, it's not going to get undone, 
trust has been severely damaged. But most of all, this constant it 
was the only way, anyone affected was a complete imbecile who should 
be allowed near a computer attitude really makes you sound like a 
bunch of people most of us wouldn't want to be associated with. It 
most certainly doesn't make you sound like the professional 
sysadmnins that you claim to be.

I think you've got to go to one of a number of churches, or an Apple 
event, to hear such this is the one true way message defended any 
louder !

There really doesn't seem any point in debating this any more. It's 
been proven time and time again that the most fervent religous 
believers won't be for hearing any criticism of their one true way - 
and that is exactly what these threads have sounded like for those of 
us outside the church.

You may be nice people - but I speak as I find. The above is how I find.

Simon Hobson

Visit for books by acclaimed
author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
Christmas stocking fillers. Some available as e-books.
Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm;ThankYou

2010-04-18 Thread Si St
OK. That clearyfied most of it.

I had to uninstall from YaST both clamav and database in order to manage an 
update with none-RC. The rpm-update from console would only receive a newer RC 
(from 18 to 19) and not the appearently newer none-RC clamav.
And a console rpm-erase would not properly work. Could be my own insufficient 
howto. Maybe some trick with the /sbin/SuSEconfig(?). I did not run that. Or 
maybe a conflict somewhere.

After having uninstalled and reinstalled the old outdated clamav from the 
SLED_10_SP3 DVD, I easily could update from the last none-RC 
clamav27...rpm that wouldnt go in the first place.

 - Original Message -
 From: aCaB
 To: ClamAV users ML
 Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm
 Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 00:46:12 +0200
 Si St wrote:
  Whats the difference between:
 The RC is a release canditate package. It was issued before the final
 0.96 release (the non-RC package).
  I am thinking of the RC specification of the package.
  Which one should I choose for my SLED_10_SP3?
 There you go
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Re: [Clamav-users] Empy queue

2010-04-18 Thread Rob MacGregor
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 10:59, _beb_ wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I didn't know about the update, and it has been such a mess.
 It's okay, now. Emails in/out going.
 The thing is: what about the thousands of emails still in the 
 /var/spool/qscan/working/new and /var/spool/qscan/tmp directories?
 Is there a way to reinject all of them as new emails?

It sounds like the answer would be specific to QMail, it's probably
best to check it's documentation/lists.

 Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
  Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
doesn't become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-18 Thread Stephan von Krawczynski
On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 10:37:19 +0100
Stephen Gran wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 09:50:09AM +0100, Simon Hobson said:
  Dan wrote:
  Yes, some updates can be problematic.  But in this case, surely,
  there were updates during the year that worked just fine.  In most
  cases, tho, I'm thinking the people complaining slacked off
  completely - unlike you, they didn't even bother to test the
  And cf todays thread (LibClamAV Error: Can't load), which can be
  summararised as  : It was working fine You broke it for me
 You seem to be massively missing the point.  In a short while, there
 will be signatures in the database that will have the same effect for
 older versions of clamd, because they will trigger the same bug.  Which
 way would you prefer clamd to die - with a helpful error message, or
 with a hex string that makes no sense to you?  That was the only choice.

I am sorry to intervene your discussion at this point but this argument is
more or less saying that the clamav authors are incompetent in finding a way
to design a signature database that knows versioning, meaning different
versions of clamd can use it with differing or equal number of available
signatures. Did you really mean that?
If this was not your intention then you should just accept what it probably
really was: unnecessarily playing god in their very own playground, giving a
damn about others point of view. You may either call this fundamentalistic,
we know the sole truth and that's why _all_ others have to obey.
You can find this kind of thinking in a lot of commercial software companies,
but really seldomly in community driven projects. The reason for this is
pretty simple, the real strength of a community is its immanent broad variety
of thoughts expressed by the participants. If you deny that it means you have
not accepted the community model as a whole.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Thanks for the weekend entertainment

2010-04-18 Thread Giampaolo Tomassoni
 Giampaolo, you're one of us. You may have a dissenting opinion, but
 otherwise you're level headed and logical and seem to have some passion
 for your job. So, you're cool in my book.

Thank you, Cody, for your good words: I needed some... :)


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Re: [Clamav-users] EOL

2010-04-18 Thread Christopher X. Candreva
On Sun, 18 Apr 2010, Simon Hobson wrote:

 And you can cut the crap about well you should have configured your 
 system to not stop when ClamAV stopped - that's rubbish because it's 
 already been made perfectly clear right at the start of one of these 
 threads that the project team consider any configuration that doesn't 
 break if ClamAV isn't working right to be broken.

As the originator of those comments, you have misquoted me. 

The project team consider any CLAMD configuration -- not any MAIL 
configuration -- that doesn't break CLAMD if ClamAV isn't working right to 
be broken.

Because of this, it has been recomended, repeatedly, for years, that mail 
systems be configured to deliver mail unfiltered if the milter fails.

Chris Candreva  -- -- (914) 948-3162
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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Re: [Clamav-users] error in make

2010-04-18 Thread neidorff
Thanks.  That did help.  Now I'm getting a problem starting the daemon.  The
error that I am getting is:

[r...@neidorff ~]# /etc/init.d/clamd start
Starting Clam AV daemon: ERROR: Missing argument for option at line 33
ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
I've checked the clamd.conf file. It looks fine.  permissions are 644.  I've
tried owner as root, clamav and qscand. No change. I've put some echo
statements in /etc/init.d/clamd to verify that it is running and where the
error is coming from.  Here are the relavent lines:

start() {
# Find user to run as
CLAMUSER=`grep ^User /etc/clamd.conf | cut -d ' ' -f2`
if [ -z $CLAMUSER ] ; then
# Lets start up
echo -n $Starting Clam AV daemon: 
LANG= daemon --user $CLAMUSER /usr/local/sbin/clamd
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]  touch /var/lock/subsys/clamd
return $RETVAL
Line 33 is return $RETVAL.
Can anyone please help me get my clamav working again?
On 4/17/10, Török Edwin wrote:

 On 04/17/2010 06:14 PM, neidorff wrote:

 On 4/17/10,  wrote:

 On 4/17/10, Török  wrote:

  On 04/17/2010 05:12 PM, neidorff wrote:

  Help, please.

 My system is old--Fedora Core 3--but it has been working as a mail
 (qmail from and upgraded from qmailrocks) for years without trouble.
 the position of having to install new clamav.  Followed the
 instructions--uninstalled old clamav.  Now building new.  (upgraded
 as needed, already)
 configure went fine.
 I got the  output below
 cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option

 Did you specify --enable-llvm to configure?
 If not it should have automatically disabled it on such an old compiler.

 Try rerunning configure with --disable-llvm, and see if make works then.

 Many thanks.  That fixed the problem.  I have run configure, make and
 (#)make install without issue.

 AckI skoke too soon.  The clamd daemon is not running.  When I try to
 manually start it, it complains about:
 Starting Clam AV daemon: /usr/local/sbin/clamd: error while loading shared
 libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or

 Run ldconfig, that'll create the appropriate symlinks.

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Re: [Clamav-users] EOL

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:

In response to your example, that was a DOS attack and is illegal.
Microsoft updates have causes systems including servers to fail and
crash, should you be petitioning to have Microsoft prosecuted under
this law?

It happens.

Anyway, the fact is that you keep comparing two different thing. The fact
that an *occasional* old system in bad shape breaks because of an update is
not the same as an update meant to break old systems.

And please keep in mind that the EOL problem could easily and inexpensively
be circumvented. No excuse, then.

Good Morning Giampaolo,

We are never going to agree so .. I have moved on.
I sincerely hope your's and your colleagues systems are back to running 
and that they continue to do so for a long time.

Best, Jim
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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm;ThankYou

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

Si St wrote:

OK. That clearyfied most of it.

I had to uninstall from YaST both clamav and database in order to manage an 
update with none-RC. The rpm-update from console would only receive a newer RC 
(from 18 to 19) and not the appearently newer none-RC clamav.
And a console rpm-erase would not properly work. Could be my own insufficient 
howto. Maybe some trick with the /sbin/SuSEconfig(?). I did not run that. Or 
maybe a conflict somewhere.

After having uninstalled and reinstalled the old outdated clamav from the SLED_10_SP3 
DVD, I easily could update from the last none-RC clamav27...rpm that 
wouldnt go in the first place.
Just as a note, the rpm program has a force option that should have over 
ridden the mistaken fact that it thought the RC was the newer version.
If YaST just would not download the latest rpm, then you have to 
manually download it and run it from the command line with the force option.

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Re: [Clamav-users] error in make

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

neidorff wrote:

Thanks.  That did help.  Now I'm getting a problem starting the daemon.  The
error that I am getting is:

[r...@neidorff ~]# /etc/init.d/clamd start
Starting Clam AV daemon: ERROR: Missing argument for option at line 33
ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
I've checked the clamd.conf file. It looks fine.  permissions are 644.  I've
tried owner as root, clamav and qscand. No change. I've put some echo
statements in /etc/init.d/clamd to verify that it is running and where the
error is coming from.  Here are the relavent lines:

start() {
# Find user to run as
CLAMUSER=`grep ^User /etc/clamd.conf | cut -d ' ' -f2`
if [ -z $CLAMUSER ] ; then
# Lets start up
echo -n $Starting Clam AV daemon: 
LANG= daemon --user $CLAMUSER /usr/local/sbin/clamd
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]  touch /var/lock/subsys/clamd
return $RETVAL
Line 33 is return $RETVAL.
Can anyone please help me get my clamav working again?
That error is not in the init script, it is being generated from the 
clamd.conf file and is not a permission issue but a failure to parse the 
file. The error is that it does not understand the option on line 33 of  

What do you have on this line? In the default clamd.conf (new one 
distributed with 0.96) it is:

# Default: no

which is not a problem. Check your clamd.conf and if you can't see what 
is wrong, paste the contents (or partial contents) and I will see if I 
can determine what it does not like.


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Re: [Clamav-users] error in make

2010-04-18 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Apr 18, 2010, at 7:14 AM, neidorff wrote:
 Thanks.  That did help.  Now I'm getting a problem starting the daemon.  The
 error that I am getting is:
 [r...@neidorff ~]# /etc/init.d/clamd start
 Starting Clam AV daemon: ERROR: Missing argument for option at line 33
 ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
 I've checked the clamd.conf file. It looks fine.

The problem isn't in your /etc/init.d/clamd startup script, although that seems 
to believe clamd.conf should be under /etc rather than /usr/local/etc (and they 
should agree).  Instead do something like:

  emacs +33 /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf check on the specific line.

My guess is that it is something like LogTime which should be LogTime yes 


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Re: [Clamav-users] error in make

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Apr 18, 2010, at 7:14 AM, neidorff wrote:

Thanks.  That did help.  Now I'm getting a problem starting the daemon.  The
error that I am getting is:

[r...@neidorff ~]# /etc/init.d/clamd start
Starting Clam AV daemon: ERROR: Missing argument for option at line 33
ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
I've checked the clamd.conf file. It looks fine.

The problem isn't in your /etc/init.d/clamd startup script, although that seems 
to believe clamd.conf should be under /etc rather than /usr/local/etc (and they 
should agree).  Instead do something like:

  emacs +33 /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf check on the specific line.

My guess is that it is something like LogTime which should be LogTime yes 


Yes, the default (if you have been upgrading for a long-time or maybe 
from the distro rpms???) used to be /etc/clamd.conf. It could also be... 
he has it symlinked to the one in the usr directory which is what I did 
rather than change the init script..

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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm; ThankYou Jim Preston

2010-04-18 Thread Si St
I am aware of the force-option in rpm, but I did not want to use it before as a 
last resort. I also usually download manually the new clamav packages and 
install them from console, and it usually works fine except in the case of this 
RC without the force-argument. But that is over now as I stick to the 
recommended version by Acab:

 - Original Message -
 From: Jim Preston
 To: ClamAV users ML
 Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm;ThankYou
 Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 08:03:52 -0700
 Si St wrote:
  OK. That clearyfied most of it.
  I had to uninstall from YaST both clamav and database in order to 
  manage an update with none-RC. The rpm-update from console would 
  only receive a newer RC (from 18 to 19) and not the appearently 
  newer none-RC clamav.
  And a console rpm-erase would not properly work. Could be my own 
  insufficient howto. Maybe some trick with the 
  /sbin/SuSEconfig(?). I did not run that. Or maybe a conflict 
  After having uninstalled and reinstalled the old outdated clamav 
  from the SLED_10_SP3 DVD, I easily could update from the last 
  none-RC clamav27...rpm that wouldnt go in the first place.
 Just as a note, the rpm program has a force option that should have 
 over ridden the mistaken fact that it thought the RC was the newer 
 If YaST just would not download the latest rpm, then you have to 
 manually download it and run it from the command line with the 
 force option.
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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm; ThankYou Jim Preston

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

Si St wrote:

I am aware of the force-option in rpm, but I did not want to use it before as a 
last resort. I also usually download manually the new clamav packages and 
install them from console, and it usually works fine except in the case of this 
RC without the force-argument. But that is over now as I stick to the 
recommended version by Acab:
Thanks, I was just giving additional information. I agree, and I too 
only use force ONLY when all else fails. This usually only when the 
upgrade is not to my liking / needs and I need to force it to use an 
older version.. or over ride deps.

Thanks, Jim
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[Clamav-users] The news keeps getting better

2010-04-18 Thread lists

 Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDVSA-2010:082

 Package : clamav
 Date: April 18, 2010
 Affected: 2008.0, Corporate 4.0, Enterprise Server 5.0

 Problem Description:

 Multiple vulnerabilities has been found and corrected in clamav:
 ClamAV before 0.96 does not properly handle the (1) CAB and (2) 7z file
 formats, which allows remote attackers to bypass virus detection via
 a crafted archive that is compatible with standard archive utilities
 The qtm_decompress function in libclamav/mspack.c in ClamAV before
 0.96 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory
 corruption and application crash) via a crafted CAB archive that uses
 the Quantum (aka .Q) compression format.  NOTE: some of these details
 are obtained from third party information (CVE-2010-1311).
 Packages for 2008.0 are provided for Corporate Desktop 2008.0 customers
 This update provides clamav 0.96, which is not vulnerable to these


 Updated Packages:

 Mandriva Linux 2008.0:

 Mandriva Linux 2008.0/X86_64:

 Corporate 4.0:

 Corporate 4.0/X86_64:

 Mandriva Enterprise Server 5:

 Mandriva Enterprise Server 5/X86_64:

[Clamav-users] Lots of pread fail warnings during scanning

2010-04-18 Thread Hauke Duden

Hello all,

I just compiled and installed a fresh version of clamav (0.96) from  
source on an Ubuntu box (8.10).

Compiling and installing went well. I also ran the unit tests and they  
all passed. But I then did a full scan of the machine and got lots and  
lots of warnings like this:

LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked for  
4096 bytes, got 5
LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked for  
4096 bytes, got 2
LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked for  
4096 bytes, got 11


I have searched the archives and the web, but I only found one old  
forum post where someone had this problem (and no answers).

I still use the old config files from a previous clamav 0.94  
installation (which was fully removed). Could this have something to  
do with it?

Does anyone have any pointers for me as to what might be wrong?

Best regards,

Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] error in make

2010-04-18 Thread neidorff
On 4/18/10, Jim Preston wrote:

 Chuck Swiger wrote:

 On Apr 18, 2010, at 7:14 AM, neidorff wrote:

 Thanks.  That did help.  Now I'm getting a problem starting the daemon.
 error that I am getting is:

 [r...@neidorff ~]# /etc/init.d/clamd start
 Starting Clam AV daemon: ERROR: Missing argument for option at line 33
 ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
 I've checked the clamd.conf file. It looks fine.

 The problem isn't in your /etc/init.d/clamd startup script, although that
 seems to believe clamd.conf should be under /etc rather than /usr/local/etc
 (and they should agree).  Instead do something like:

  emacs +33 /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf check on the specific line.

 My guess is that it is something like LogTime which should be LogTime
 yes nowadays.


Many thanks for all the help.  I fixed the path issues.  Also, I found the
new syntax for clamd.conf in the man page, corrected the file, removed some
deprecated stuff, replaced the old version of freshclam (which didn't get
upgraded with the install of 0.96) and now the system is working happily.
Mark (after 3 days without the server working, I am very releived!!!)
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Re: [Clamav-users] Lots of pread fail warnings during scanning

2010-04-18 Thread Török Edwin
On 2010-04-18 22:39, Hauke Duden wrote:
 Hello all,
 I just compiled and installed a fresh version of clamav (0.96) from
 source on an Ubuntu box (8.10).
 Compiling and installing went well. I also ran the unit tests and they
 all passed. But I then did a full scan of the machine and got lots and
 lots of warnings like this:
 LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked for
 4096 bytes, got 5
 LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked for
 4096 bytes, got 2
 LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked for
 4096 bytes, got 11

This could mean that:
 - there was an I/O error
 - fmap.c thinks your file is bigger than it really is
 - pread got interrupted by a signal, and fmap.c didn't resume the read

Either way ClamAV didn't read all that it should from the file.

Can you find the file that triggers these warnings? (if you use clamscan
-rvi, it'll print the filename before scanning it, so you can easily
associate warning message with file).

Please open a bug at, and attach the file.

Best regards,
Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] The news keeps getting better

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

On Apr 18, 2010, at 10:56 AM, lists wrote:


Mandriva Linux Security Advisory  

Package : clamav
Date: April 18, 2010
Affected: 2008.0, Corporate 4.0, Enterprise Server 5.0

Problem Description:

Multiple vulnerabilities has been found and corrected in clamav:

ClamAV before 0.96 does not properly handle the (1) CAB and (2) 7z  

formats, which allows remote attackers to bypass virus detection via
a crafted archive that is compatible with standard archive utilities

The qtm_decompress function in libclamav/mspack.c in ClamAV before
0.96 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory
corruption and application crash) via a crafted CAB archive that uses
the Quantum (aka .Q) compression format.  NOTE: some of these details
are obtained from third party information (CVE-2010-1311).

Packages for 2008.0 are provided for Corporate Desktop 2008.0  

This update provides clamav 0.96, which is not vulnerable to these


Updated Packages:

Mandriva Linux 2008.0:

Mandriva Linux 2008.0/X86_64:

Corporate 4.0:

Corporate 4.0/X86_64:

Mandriva Enterprise Server 5:

Mandriva Enterprise Server 5/X86_64:

Re: [Clamav-users] error in make

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

On Apr 18, 2010, at 12:46 PM, neidorff wrote:

On 4/18/10, Jim Preston wrote:

Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Apr 18, 2010, at 7:14 AM, neidorff wrote:

Thanks.  That did help.  Now I'm getting a problem starting the  

error that I am getting is:

[r...@neidorff ~]# /etc/init.d/clamd start
Starting Clam AV daemon: ERROR: Missing argument for option at  
line 33

ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
I've checked the clamd.conf file. It looks fine.

The problem isn't in your /etc/init.d/clamd startup script,  
although that
seems to believe clamd.conf should be under /etc rather than /usr/ 

(and they should agree).  Instead do something like:

emacs +33 /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf check on the specific line.

My guess is that it is something like LogTime which should be  

yes nowadays.


Many thanks for all the help.  I fixed the path issues.  Also, I  
found the
new syntax for clamd.conf in the man page, corrected the file,  
removed some
deprecated stuff, replaced the old version of freshclam (which  
didn't get
upgraded with the install of 0.96) and now the system is working  

Mark (after 3 days without the server working, I am very releived!!!)

Glad you got it going.

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Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2010-04-18 Thread Spiro Harvey
 Shame you haven't talked to to others - like havp for example - before
 doing this.

The announcement to EOL the old releases was made at the start of
october last year. If people using clam as an integral part of their
software don't read announcements, what fault is that of the clam

They had 6 months to sort it out.

Spiro Harvey  Knossos Networks Ltd

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2010-04-18 Thread Spiro Harvey
 1) If it aint broke, don't fix it. It works, has worked reliably for 
 several years, and was working fine yesterday. It's uptime is 

And now it's broken. So you have to fix it. Life on the edge is scary
for some sysadmins, eh?

 currently 405 days, and then the last downtime was to physically move 
 the server.

So for 405 days you've done no kernel patches? Awesome. I bet that
server's a bunch of remote exploits waiting to happen (if they haven't

Using massive uptimes to prove how cool your server is actually just
shows that you're not doing the right maintenance.

 2) If it aint broke - don't fix it. There's no way I'd attempt a 
 major upgrade in-place when it's a live server used 24*7. For various 
 internal reasons (which I'm sure you can guess) I don't have the 
 resources to do anything but an in-place upgrade if I want to upgrade.

Well if they don't want patches on it, and they're not prepared to give
you money to have a backup server to do upgrades on, then it can't be
as critical as they're telling you.

 3) I can accept that software will go out of support - but I never 
 expected a Miscrosoft-esque remote shutdown.

You should have expected it 6 months ago when the announcement was made.

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2010-04-18 Thread Dennis Peterson

On 4/18/10 1:27 PM, Spiro Harvey wrote:

Shame you haven't talked to to others - like havp for example - before
doing this.

The announcement to EOL the old releases was made at the start of
october last year. If people using clam as an integral part of their
software don't read announcements, what fault is that of the clam

They had 6 months to sort it out.

The people that had problems probably download signatures straight into the 
signature directory that clamd uses. I drop mine into a holding directory where 
I can test them first. Yes, I know that is all built into freshclam, but I'd 
rather know ahead of time if a sig is going to be harmful. I use the exact same 
process for checking SaneSecurity and other third-party signatures. I didn't 
need it this time because I'd upgraded long ago, but it's not a bad process.

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Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2010-04-18 Thread Ken Campney


They've simmered down, I don't need the issue stirred up again

Spiro Harvey wrote:

Shame you haven't talked to to others - like havp for example - before
doing this.

The announcement to EOL the old releases was made at the start of
october last year. If people using clam as an integral part of their
software don't read announcements, what fault is that of the clam

They had 6 months to sort it out.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Big problem (Malformed database) after update to 0.96

2010-04-18 Thread Sim

 # /usr/sbin/clamd
 LibClamAV Error: cli_cvdload: Corrupted CVD header
 LibClamAV Error: Can't load /usr/local/share/clamav/daily.cvd:
 Malformed database
 ERROR: Malformed database
 Closing the main socket.

 Did you get this resolved? Sending this off-list on purpose as it would just
 be noise on the list since it is just a clarification request.

 Thanks, Jim


Solved ... Here the details:

Thanks to Török Edwin, aCaB and the ClamAV Team!

Upgrading zlib to 1.2.4 I've solved the problem,


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Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

On Apr 18, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Ken Campney wrote:


They've simmered down, I don't need the issue stirred up again

Spiro Harvey wrote:
Shame you haven't talked to to others - like havp for example -  

doing this.

The announcement to EOL the old releases was made at the start of
october last year. If people using clam as an integral part of their
software don't read announcements, what fault is that of the clam

They had 6 months to sort it out.


And you run the risk of being called the most arrogant and ignorant  
person on the Internet... Oh my

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Re: [Clamav-users] Lots of pread fail warnings during scanning

2010-04-18 Thread Hauke Duden

On 18 Apr 2010, at 21:47, Török Edwin wrote:

On 2010-04-18 22:39, Hauke Duden wrote:
Compiling and installing went well. I also ran the unit tests and  
all passed. But I then did a full scan of the machine and got lots  

lots of warnings like this:

LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked  

4096 bytes, got 5
LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked  

4096 bytes, got 2
LibClamAV Warning: pread fail: page 0 pages 1 map-offset 0 - asked  

4096 bytes, got 11

Can you find the file that triggers these warnings? (if you use  

-rvi, it'll print the filename before scanning it, so you can easily
associate warning message with file).

I did what you asked me to do and it seems that the problem is not in  
clamav. The files in question are marked as having a size of 4096, but  
when I open them I only get a few bytes of data. The strange thing is  
that they are all in /sys. Some in /sys/module, some in /sys/kernel  
and some in /sys/hypervisor.

Have you encountered anything like this before? Are these special  
files that should not be scanned? If so, what directories should I  

Best regards,


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Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2010-04-18 Thread Ken Campney
yup, that's me, though in all honesty the comment was supposed to read 
They've simmered down, I don't think the issue needs stirring up again

Proof reading is a wonderful thing when not practiced in moderation :\

And you run the risk of being called the most arrogant and ignorant 
person on the Internet... Oh my

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Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2010-04-18 Thread Jim Preston

On Apr 18, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Ken Campney wrote:

yup, that's me, though in all honesty the comment was supposed to  
read They've simmered down, I don't think the issue needs stirring  
up again

Proof reading is a wonderful thing when not practiced in moderation :\

And you run the risk of being called the most arrogant and  
ignorant person on the Internet... Oh my

No, I was referring to personal attacks against me and my  
contributions to the fray Fri and Sat


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Re: [Clamav-users] Lots of pread fail warnings during scanning

2010-04-18 Thread Chris Meadors

On 4/18/2010 5:16 PM, Hauke Duden wrote:

I did what you asked me to do and it seems that the problem is not in
clamav. The files in question are marked as having a size of 4096, but
when I open them I only get a few bytes of data. The strange thing is
that they are all in /sys. Some in /sys/module, some in /sys/kernel and
some in /sys/hypervisor.

Have you encountered anything like this before? Are these special files
that should not be scanned? If so, what directories should I exclude?

I was guessing that was going to be the case when I saw your mail.  Yes, 
exclude:  /dev /proc and /sys

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Re: [Clamav-users] Lots of pread fail warnings during scanning

2010-04-18 Thread Dennis Peterson

On 4/18/10 3:11 PM, Hauke Duden wrote:

OK. Sorry for the confusion.

Shouldn't this be in the FAQ (or was I just too blind to find it?)? I'd
hate to think that I am the only one making this mistake.

ClamAV is an antivirus tool. It is reasonable to expect it will be used on file 
systems where there is a reasonable expectation of finding a virus. The file 
systems you scanned are pseudo file systems created at each boot up, and there 
is no possibility of finding a virus there, hence no reason to look.

Those file systems need to be well understood by the admin as it is possible to 
create a lot of problems for the system if they are misused.

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Re: [Clamav-users] EOL

2010-04-18 Thread Simon Hobson

Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

  And you can cut the crap about well you should have configured your

 system to not stop when ClamAV stopped - that's rubbish because it's
 already been made perfectly clear right at the start of one of these
 threads that the project team consider any configuration that doesn't

  break if ClamAV isn't working right to be broken.

As the originator of those comments, you have misquoted me.

The project team consider any CLAMD configuration -- not any MAIL
configuration -- that doesn't break CLAMD if ClamAV isn't working right to
be broken.

Because of this, it has been recomended, repeatedly, for years, that mail
systems be configured to deliver mail unfiltered if the milter fails.

Ah, now that is being very disingenious again - and it's logically 
inconsistent with the stated position.

What you are saying is that ClamAV should NOT work if there is a 
problem because to not work would expose people to having their mail 
not checked when they expect it to be. But they also recommend 
configuring your system so that if ClamAV doesn't work, it will pass 
the mail unfiltered.

So ClamAV as a package won't silently 'not work' for the safety of 
users - and this has been the justification for their approach to 
this issue. But at the very same time they are recommending a setup 
which will silently not scan mail if there's a problem with ClamAV.

Interesting logic there guys.

Simon Hobson

Visit for books by acclaimed
author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
Christmas stocking fillers. Some available as e-books.
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Re: [Clamav-users] Thanks for the weekend entertainment

2010-04-18 Thread Simon Hobson

Cody Konior wrote:

I don't know Simon, though I can't help but see his attitude and 
comments as a reflection of some other consultants / systems 
administrators whom I intensely dislike.

Then I think you have got the wrong impression of what I do and how I do it.

If it's any consolation though, some of the other posters have been 
worse, to the point of being almost comical.

Some people really don't help their own cause.

Giampaolo, you're one of us. You may have a dissenting opinion

That's interesting. The impression I have is that he has similar 
opinions to me.
I believe I am also one of you, but without the religious zeal some 
people have exhibited in these threads. I too try and provide value 
to my clients (I'm not a consultant BTW, I'm a technical specialist 
in a small IT services  hosting company though I guess the line is a 
bit blurred), I do it because I like it (mostly, and I certainly 
aren't in my current post for the money), and I try to do things with 
professional ethical standards (and I've had disagreements with 
managers over the years when their lack of ethics has conflicted with 

And I do actually contribute to a number of FOSS projects - not in 
cash, but in things like answering users (frequently FAQ) queries on 
mailing lists and so on. And of course, taking every opportunity to 
demonstrate that it can be an alternative option.

Simon Hobson

Visit for books by acclaimed
author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
Christmas stocking fillers. Some available as e-books.
Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Lots of pread fail warnings during scanning

2010-04-18 Thread Hauke Duden

On 19 Apr 2010, at 00:22, Dennis Peterson wrote:

On 4/18/10 3:11 PM, Hauke Duden wrote:

OK. Sorry for the confusion.

Shouldn't this be in the FAQ (or was I just too blind to find it?)?  

hate to think that I am the only one making this mistake.

ClamAV is an antivirus tool. It is reasonable to expect it will be  
used on file systems where there is a reasonable expectation of  
finding a virus. The file systems you scanned are pseudo file  
systems created at each boot up, and there is no possibility of  
finding a virus there, hence no reason to look.

Those file systems need to be well understood by the admin as it is  
possible to create a lot of problems for the system if they are  

Well, ok, you can say You should have known that.. But no one knows  
everything they should know.

I am a little surprised that you are opposed to adding this to the  
FAQ. Am I really the only one who had that problem? To me it just  
seems like a common stumbling block. The reasoning was that every  
exclusion creates a new hole for a virus to hide in. And adding it to  
the FAQ will not only make the problem easier to solve for users, but  
it will also decrease the support work on the mailing list.

Best regards,

Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] EOL

2010-04-18 Thread Spiro Harvey
 So ClamAV as a package won't silently 'not work' for the safety of 
 users - and this has been the justification for their approach to 
 this issue. But at the very same time they are recommending a setup 
 which will silently not scan mail if there's a problem with ClamAV.

I guess it depends on the definition of silent and which point of
view is pertinent.

Just 30 minutes ago I was battling one of our clam installs. Being a
higher usage (outgoing only) server, the upgrade from 0.95.x to 0.96
just happened after I was happy that everything was working well on the

Long story short, the active clamav-milter.conf was pointing to the
wrong directory for the socket (but it was similar enough I didn't
notice on first (or fourth) glance).

Sendmail couldn't connect to clamd thru the milter. Everything else
worked fine, mail kept flowing, spamassassin went about its business,
but nothing was clammed for 20 minutes. 

So from the remote point of view, mail kept flowing, and the errors
were silent.

The log files, of course, were not silent. 

Description: PGP signature
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[Clamav-users] /tmp/ directory filling up

2010-04-18 Thread Jeroen Ticheler
Dear people,
I have seen a couple of threads related to a version upgrade of clamav. I was 
running clamav v0.94 and suddenly experienced a harddisk that started filling 
up with clamav folders with names like /tmp/clamav-63f56fc3114e9716 . This 
caused my mail server (and websites) to stop working. Very frustrating... I 
have upgraded the version to v0.95.3 . Unfortunately the problem still remains. 
What can I do? My Debian is v5.0.4.
Kind regards,
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Re: [Clamav-users] The news keeps getting better

2010-04-18 Thread aCaB
lists wrote:
  Multiple vulnerabilities has been found and corrected in clamav:

just a bit of generic (i.e. not specific to the above) background about
such evasion advisories.

How it works aka how to get fame and glory with no effort (nor skills):
1. Pick up and pack it up with the chosen archive type
2. Fuzz it into several thousand different files
3. Run N unpacking utilities and M AV toolkits against the above fileset
4. Find any tool in N succeeding against a sample for which at least one
AV in M fails
5. Get yourself a 1337 name and post your 3v4510n!!1 advisory
6. Wait for mitre to pick it up and assign a CVE id to it (don't worry
no matter how crappy or inaccurate your description is, they surely will)

Now this sounds quite severe, doesn't it?
Since an antivirus is a security tool, if we can bypass it then we have
a security bug.
And that's quite correct.

However (and that's what most people don't realise), is an archive
handler bypass sufficient to bypass the AV as a whole? Fortunately no.
ClamAV (but I'm sure this is the case with every other AV on the planet)
uses archive and runtime packers handlers as mere helpers. They simply
make it easier and more efficient to write signatures. But nothing stops
us from publishing signatures against the raw archive. In fact, that's
exactly what we do against archive formats and runtime packers that we
don't currently handle.

So, what's the practical impact of evasion sploits? In most cases, close
to zero.
How many malicious samples have we seen that actively exploit archive
evasion? Zero.
What happens if, in the future, we'll see malware exploiting them? We'll
simply catch them with a signature (or bytecode) based on the raw
archive file.
What happens when we receive such advisories? We file comments to the
reporter and, in the next stable version, we improve the code to handle
more bastardized samples. We then notify the reporter which in no case
have ever bothered to integrate our comments.

Oh and one final note about the accuracy:
  ClamAV before 0.96 does not properly handle the (1) CAB and (2) 7z file
  formats, which allows remote attackers to bypass virus detection via

It's quite funny to hear that the 7z handler is vulnerable in versions
0.96 because it was, in fact, introduced in 0.96... :)


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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-18 Thread Eric Rostetter

Quoting Giampaolo Tomassoni

In 6 months there were many clamav updates. I would have put the

Signature updates, yes, but not code updates.  To make any changes,
you need code updates, not signature updates.

But then, we've about beat this horse to death...

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!
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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-18 Thread Eric Rostetter

Quoting Stephan von Krawczynski

And really, the whole idea of eol'ing GPL software is really violating the
moral ground. And that is what makes people upset.

Almost every GPL software does a EOL system.  Unless you mean EOL via kill-bit
then this statement doesn't make sense...  EOL is a normal part of software
life-cycle, as has been as long as I've been in the business (which has been
about 30 years now).

Anyway, this is hopefully my last post on this thread...  Been way too
much already...  I think everything which could possibly need to be said
has been said by now.


Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!
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