Re: [Clamav-users] Resources for integrating with spamassassin+amavisd

2010-05-03 Thread Chris Meadors
On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 05:53 -0700, Jim Preston wrote:
> Dennis Peterson wrote:
> >
> > Rsync is able to transfer only the differences between two files 
> > provided a version of the file being transferred exists on the source 
> > and the destination. In addition, rsync will not transfer anything if 
> > it determines there are no changes between the two files. 
> Is this true for binary files as well? or just text files?

Rsync treats all files as binary.  When finding changes it splits a file
into blocks, computes a checksum for each block and performs a
comparison between the sending and receiving side.  Then it only sends
the blocks which have changed.

When dealing with a text file which has been appended to, like a log,
all the initial blocks are the same.  But if the file is sorted, it's
possible only a few additional lines will disrupt most every block by
changing the start offsets through out the entire file.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Yet more clubbing of deceased equine.

2010-04-23 Thread Chris Meadors

On 4/23/2010 8:02 PM, Chris Knight wrote:

1) Release a new version that pulls updates from a new hostname.
2) Wait a couple of weeks, or even six months
3) Shut down old servers,
4. Orphan *all* previous versions, including the still heavily used, and 
valid, 0.95s which were released before the hostname change, not just 
the buggy 0.94 and older.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Clubbing a deceased equine

2010-04-21 Thread Chris Meadors
On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 21:19 +0100, Steve Basford wrote:

> I did see an interesting idea on the devel mailing list from David "I 
> have a feature suggestion: Incorporate the version number in your
> DNS TXT records and download URLs. Your download mirrors can use 
> symlinks in most cases (when versions are completely compatible) and
> you can easily stop older machines from attempting to download by 
> stopping updates on the TXT record. "
> Source:
> Would this idea help minimise any future issues like this?

It was pointed out even before that suggestion was made that 0.95 and
later have a versioning system inside the signature DB which allows clam
to selectively load only parts of the DB.  New incompatible signature
types can be created and 0.95 can be told to ignore them.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Lots of "pread fail" warnings during scanning

2010-04-18 Thread Chris Meadors

On 4/18/2010 5:16 PM, Hauke Duden wrote:

I did what you asked me to do and it seems that the problem is not in
clamav. The files in question are marked as having a size of 4096, but
when I open them I only get a few bytes of data. The strange thing is
that they are all in /sys. Some in /sys/module, some in /sys/kernel and
some in /sys/hypervisor.

Have you encountered anything like this before? Are these special files
that should not be scanned? If so, what directories should I exclude?

I was guessing that was going to be the case when I saw your mail.  Yes, 
exclude:  /dev /proc and /sys

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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-16 Thread Chris Meadors

On 4/16/2010 7:08 PM, Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:

This is not a matter of missing upgrades. This is a matter of


breaking running systems.

Exactly.  They proactively broke the scanner so people would know why
broke, rather than letting it die with nothing more than an obscure
malformatted hexstring error.

Wasn't it better to simply let these system go the way they were used to?

What's the difference from the clamav standpoint?

The ClamAV developers want to continue on with things they way they are 
used to.  They don't want to overhaul their update system just so they 
can continue to support a version of the software which is rapidly 
becoming less usable.

You proposed that the change the way that 0.96 updates.  Fine, that 
could have been done.  But what about 0.95? Which is arguably the most 
deployed version at this moment.  It was first released on 2009-03-23, 
and the last update was made 2009-10-28.  It properly handles 
incremental updates of large signatures, and will continue to need new 
signatures for a while longer.  0.96 was just released on 2010-03-31.

There's no way to stop updates for 0.94 and below, while still providing 
updates for the heavily used 0.95, even if changes were made for 0.96.

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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-16 Thread Chris Meadors
On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 22:30 +0200, Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:

> So ClamAV should obey to the rules governing the open-software community.
> One is that everybody is free to run it own copy of the software, in
> whichever shape he/she likes it.

You can use ClamAV how ever you like.  You just can't use the new
signatures with versions older than 0.95.  If you load a new signature
into an older version it will crash.

So if you want to use an older one, you can:  1. fix it so it doesn't
crash when fed a new format signature.  2. Stop updating signatures.  3.
Download the new signatures and remove the new style ones before
installing them.

None of those options will happen automatically.  Anyone who has been
content to ignore the update requirements and continues to download new
signatures will be faced with a crashing clamd.  The ClamAV team just
chose to make it crash with a meaningful message.

> This is not a matter of missing upgrades. This is a matter of proactively
> breaking running systems.

Exactly.  They proactively broke the scanner so people would know why it
broke, rather than letting it die with nothing more than an obscure
malformatted hexstring error.


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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-16 Thread Chris Meadors
On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 16:00 -0400, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

> Older versions of clamd were going to crash on signatures that newer 
> versions would accept, and the devs have been prevented for at least 6 
> months from using that type of signature. They have posted since then for 
> people to upgrade.
> When they did was publish this type of signature (has to do with length, 
> greater than about 900bytes), where the signature itself is an error 
> message, so when the program dumped the signature the error would be 
> displayed.
> That's all, not a kill switch as such, but using a known bug to deliver a 
> message, rather than have it just bomb out with a hex dump when they tried 
> to use a larger signature.


Again, one of the first messages today showed exactly that.  The error
message which it dies with is:

cli_hex2str(): Malformed hexstring: This ClamAV version has reached End
of Life! Please upgrade to version 0.95 or later. For more information
see and

As you can see there isn't a "kill switch", but a bug in the parser 0.94
which doesn't handle the type of signature which they plan to use in the
future.  0.95 just ignores this new signature, as it will do with the
actual malware signatures which will be coming soon.


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Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-16 Thread Chris Meadors
On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 12:14 -0400, Bowie Bailey wrote:

> Obviously this is not a retroactive solution, but now that they know
> this may be necessary, something can be changed so that it can be dealt
> with more smoothly in the future.

It already has been.  0.95 recognizes signatures which can tell
freshclam to not update anymore.  So if in the future a new type of
signature is added that is completely incompatible with 0.95 or later
freshclam will no integrate any further updates into the DB.

What is also being missed is that anyone running 0.94 has been placing
an undue load on the update servers.  Has prevented the maintainers from
releasing more effective signatures for the 0.96 users.  If these
advanced signatures were to be released without a kill signature it
would have made clamav choke anyway.  This kill was an explicit method
of what would happen if the new features were enabled.  Instead of a
random death loading what looks like a normal signature, a message was
delivered spelling out what needs to be done.

I've seen commercial AV scanners go into non-functioning mode when an
incompatible signature was released.  Of course having a GUI meant that
I was told to download the new update.  Clamav on a server has no GUI,
it method of informing the user is it's log file.  Anyone running 0.94
has been warned for over two years that they're out of date.  Today that
warning became a requirement.


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Re: [Clamav-users] automated response

2008-07-27 Thread Chris Meadors
Christopher Checca wrote:
> I will be out of the office until 08-04-2008.   
> Christopher Checca
> Packard Transport, Inc.
> 24021 South Municipal Dr
> PO Box 380
> Channahon, IL.  60410
> 815 467 9260
> 815 467 6939 Fax

Wonder if he's gone on holiday?

401 Otoole Dr
Minooka, IL 60447

Looks like a nice house...

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Re: [Clamav-users] Re: OT: Download script

2006-04-25 Thread Chris Meadors
On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 16:29 -0400, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Apr 2006, G.W. Haywood wrote:
> > > If you know a gunzip option that will NOT delete the compresed file,
> > > that would be the prefered method.
> > 
> > cat file.gz | gunzip > file
> That's not a gunzip option -- that's (almost) exactly what I'm doing in the 
> program that I'm looking for an alternative for.

And as you stated the gunzip option "-c" that preserves the original .gz
file, does not restore the timestamp of the uncompressed file.  What you
want doesn't seem to be able to be done with a single command.  I'd say
the only option is to copy the .gz file while preserving its timestamp
then uncompress and move the backup copy back into place.


RE: [Clamav-users] Linux virus found in the /.journal file

2005-03-29 Thread Chris Meadors
On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 10:08 -0500, Cormack, Ken wrote:

> What filesystem "type" are you using, that the .journal file is visible, in
> the first place?
> I'm assuming you're using the EXT3 filesystem type?  If so, those
> filesystems, IF properly mounted with proper /etc/fstab entries, should
> render the journal invisible to clam (and any other command that operates on
> "files").
> A proper EXT3-appropriate fstab entry should look like this:
>   LABEL=your_label/mount_pointext3defaults1 2
> If the filesystem is properly mounted as an EXT3 fs type, then doing a "ls
> -al .journal" SHOULD yield a "no such file or directory" error.
> Only when an EXT3 filesystem is IMPROPERLY mounted as an EXT2 filesystem,
> would the journal be visible at all.

If an ext2 fs is converted to an ext3 while it is mounted the .journal
inode cannot be properly hidden.  This actually goes for any mounted
ext2 fs, but the ext3 driver will hide the inode on next mount.  The
problem comes up with the / mount point because it is mounted read only
at boot, and thus is just remounted rw.  So the driver has no chance to
hide the inode.

One way to fix this is to boot from a CD image and then mount straight
out the ext3 file system under the root provided on the boot CD.



[Clamav-users] PGP Signature for Diego d'Ambra

2005-03-01 Thread Chris Meadors
I notice that Diego d'Ambra sometimes posts to the virus update list.
He signs his posts with PGP, but I can't find his public key anywhere.
It is not listed on the team page ( )
like most of the other developers, and it is also not on any of the key
servers I have tried.


Re: [Clamav-users] Exploit.W32.MS05-002 False Positives

2005-02-09 Thread Chris Meadors
On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 11:51 -0500, jef moskot wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Maxim Britov wrote:
> > > > P900\Beyonce Knowles - Crazy In Love (2).wav: Exploit.W32.MS05-002 FOUND
> > I don't know, but size is ~50-100KB.
> If they're tiny files, are you sure they're actually wavs?
> Maybe someone downloaded these things and instead of funky beats, they're
> full of Greek soldiers?

WAV files don't just have to be PCM audio.  I've seen (from the I Love
Bees site) MPEG Audio Layer-III data inside a WAV RIFF wrapper.  Since
these files were triggering the malformed RIFF scanner, this could very
well be the case.



Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV should not try to detect phishing and other social engineering attacks

2004-11-15 Thread Chris Meadors
On Mon, 2004-11-15 at 12:12 -0500, Bart Silverstrim wrote:

> If it's a bunch of flashy graphics telling you to visit a website for 
> fantastic deals on hiding money from third world countries while 
> getting fantastic mortgage rates on your pen1s enlargement ointment, 
> it's for a spam filter.
> If it only does harm if you follow a link and then consciously give 
> your account information, be it ebay or bank or paypal, to a third 
> party site, it's for the spam filter.
> howzat? :-)

How about an e-mail that contains a link that takes one to a webpage
that exploits the web browser to install a program that will intercept
the account information the next time the actual site is visited?


Re: [Clamav-users] MyDoom.M Starting to get through

2004-09-03 Thread Chris Meadors
On Fri, 2004-09-03 at 11:47 +0200, Scott Ryan wrote:
> Maybe you want to read the mail i sent again.
> I use clamdscan not clamscan
> # man clamdscan

Then do you have the "ScanMail" option set in the clamav.conf file set?


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Re: [Clamav-users] Idea for more timely virusdb updates

2004-08-09 Thread Chris Meadors
On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 16:55 -0400, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> This thread on Trojan.JS.RunMe had me thinking: Hourly virus updates is 
> better than any of the commercial virus scanners, but obviously still has 
> issues, especially  since a bunch of us obviously submitted updates that had 
> already been entered.  I gather from these posts that the virusdb's actually 
> have some form of version number.
> Suppose there was a DNS entry, say (or 
>, etc), that returned simply a text record with 
> the current DB version in it. Then, it would be possible to check the 
> version with a relatively cheap single UDP packet, rather than a full http 
> check, and people could check for DB updates more often than once an hour 
> without taxing the distribution system.
> If nothing else, if this TXT record existing we could hack together some 
> shell script to check it and run freshclam as needed.

Then all users would sworm to download the new sig, as soon as that
serial number incrimented, flooding the download server with update

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Re: [Clamav-users] Compression/archive methods

2004-08-02 Thread Chris Meadors
On Mon, 2004-08-02 at 21:00 +0100, Matt wrote:
> Hello all,
>  This isn't a specific Clam question, but what are the main type of
> archive/compression methods used on virii, when being sent as email
> attachments? Does it tend to be just zip/rar as a rule, or are there more
> variations?

I believe there were some .tar.gz archives thrown in for good measure
too.  WinZip opens them just like .zip files, so it was a viable vector.


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Re: [Clamav-users] upgrade

2004-07-27 Thread Chris Meadors
On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 21:17 +0100, Antony Stone wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 July 2004 6:54 pm, Jona Tallieu wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Just upgraded to 0.75 on OSX 10.3.
> >
> > When checking CLAMAV version to be sure the upgrade was ok I get:
> >
> > mail:/usr/local/bin root# ./clamscan --version
> > clamscan / ClamAV version 0.75
> >
> > But when I forgot the ./, I get this:
> >
> > mail:/usr/local/bin root# clamscan --version
> > clamscan / ClamAV version 0.70
> >
> > Is this normal (difference in version)?
> No - it means you have two versions installed in different places on your 
> system (which is not good).
> Try "locate clamscan" or "find / -name clamscan" to see where the older 
> version is, if you're not sure about where to remove it from.

Even better, "which clamscan" will tell you which clamscan program will
run if you just type it without being pathed out.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Virus found, not detected by Clamav, can't submit (claimed already recognised but is not)

2004-07-27 Thread Chris Meadors
On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 14:06 -0400, Jim Maul wrote:

> Am I the only one here whos existing installation is catching MyDoom.M?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] clamav]# grep -i mydoom /var/log/clamav/clamd.log
> Tue Jul 27 13:32:23 2004 ->
> /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/external.elih.org109094954247931544/
> Worm.Mydoom.M FOUND
> Tue Jul 27 13:32:23 2004 ->
> /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/external.elih.org109094954247931544/orig-external.elih.org109094954247931544:
> Worm.Mydoom.M FOUND
> Tue Jul 27 13:35:54 2004 ->
> /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/external.elih.org109094975447931691/
> Worm.Mydoom.M FOUND
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] clamav]# clamscan -V
> clamscan / ClamAV version 0.74
> Or am i missing something?

grep Mydoom\.M clamd.log | wc -l

That's since midnight today.  So mine seems to be working.  I'm using
Exiscan for Exim.  I upgraded to 0.75 yesterday thinking I must have
been missing something, but looking at the logs from 0.72 it was also
catching it.

I dunno.  But you aren't the only one catching it.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Virus found in virgin RHES 3 installation?

2004-05-07 Thread Chris Meadors
On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 13:36 -0400, Ken Morley wrote:
> I've just installed RedHat Enterprise ES V3 and patched to the latest
> revision.  I then installed ClamAV 0.70, ran freshclam and did a clamdscan
> against the entire drive.
> I was surprised when clamdscan reported:
> //proc/kcore: Trojan.MiniCommander.dr FOUND
> What's the possibility that the server is really infected?  It's been up
> just about two days, behind an commercial grade ICSA-certified firewall with
> only outbound access to the internet.
> Does anyone else have a RHES V3 box that they can try?
> I wonder if the infected file ships with the RH distribution???
> Any suggestions are appreciated.

First don't scan /proc.  There are lots of files there that shouldn't be
read unless you have a specific reason to.  I would put kcore at the top
of that list.  That is the core kernel memory.  So it is very unlikely
that a Windows trojan is installed in that file.  It just happened that
the random pattern of bits in the core at that time triggered a false


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Re: [Clamav-users] Spam/Virus stats using mrtg

2004-04-02 Thread Chris Meadors
On Fri, 2004-04-02 at 14:33 -0500, John Madden wrote:

> > #!/bin/sh
> > VIRCOUNT=`grep -c FOUND /wherever/is/your/clamd.log`
> I blend in a little perl to print per-virus totals sorted by name:
> grep VIRUS /var/log/messages | perl -e 'while(<>){ $_ =~ /VIRUS:(.*)\)/;
> $v = $1; $hash{$v}++;} foreach $x (sort(keys(%hash))){ print "$x:
> $hash{$x} \n";}'
> (Note that this is taken from syslog while using amavisd, not clamd's log.)

Here is one for the clamd.log in just shell, Perl would probably handle
this a bit better, and not have to run through the file for every virus
name, but this works for me:

for VIRUS in $(grep FOUND clamd.log | cut -d ':' -f 4 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort | 
uniq); do
echo -n "$VIRUS: "
grep -c "$VIRUS" clamd.log


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Re: [Clamav-users] RE: memory leak?

2004-03-25 Thread Chris Meadors
On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 08:56 +, Trog wrote:

> Well, you appear to be the only one seeing a leak. We (the devs) do
> check for memory leaks quite frequently, and so are pretty sure there
> are no big leaks.

Does that include the RAR scanner?  I have yet to enable it because of
the comments in the .conf file.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Virus ID

2004-03-23 Thread Chris Meadors
On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 09:41 -0500, Bart Silverstrim wrote:

> Silly question time...
> While I suppose the questions about the standard naming sequences may 
> help, I would propose one other idea (along with asking for help with 
> my question :-)
> First: I see a hit in my logfiles for Exploit.HTML.Bagle.Gen-4-eml; is 
> this the variant I've read about where if a user on Windows *previews* 
> a mail message (no attachment), they can get infected?

That would be the one.

> Second: is there a database for clamav with descriptions of the 
> viruses?  I wondered if some kind of user-supplemented database could 
> be used online, and *there* have the aliases, rather than bulk up the 
> antivirus database with aliases and pseudonyms.  If you see a virus 
> hit, you could refer to the online site and check for AKA's of the 
> virus name (as well as information of what the viruses are capable of). 
>   Just an idea...

I've considered suggesting just such an idea myself.  Most AV vendors do
have information about the viruses listed in their databases (what it
does, what it infects, how to prevent and how to clean if possible).
Along with current outbreak info.  While that would be a big task for
the core developers, I'm sure there'd be a few people in the Clam
community who could submit this information.  A Wiki type interface
would be perfect for this.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Postmaster bounces and such.

2004-03-21 Thread Chris Meadors
On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 17:40, Damian Menscher wrote:

> There are three cases to consider:
> 1 - virus from infected machine
> 2 - virus relayed through another server
> 3 - false positive
> Everyone agrees we don't want to generate a notification for case 1.
> Everyone agrees we *do* want to generate a notification for case 3.
> The *only* way to pull this off, is to *reject* viruses.  Yes, this
> allows for a few false notifications (case 2) but those are fairly rare.

...and are not your problem.  You just closed the SMTP session with an
error.  If the relaying host generates a bounce to the wrong person, it
is their problem.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Freshclam died

2004-03-16 Thread Chris Meadors
Steven P. Donegan wrote:

Hmmm, I just do a freshclam from chron rather than let it run as a 
daemon - as a new user (I just downloaded, installed, integrated with my 
anti-spam/anti-virus proxy - home built, today). Is doing this in any 
way a negative thing?
I don't think it hurts, and from the reports of freshclam dying, it 
might be better for now.  Just make sure you don't have your cron job 
running on the hour.  Too many people do that, and it really loads up 
the servers.  Pick a random number for the minutes after the hour.

I do run my freshclam with --daemon, and have it set to do 13 checks a 
day.  So it gets started at a random time when the server boots, and 
since 13 doesn't go into 24 evenly, it always checks on a different 
minute mark.  I guess eventually I'll hit the hour and then it will take 
over 6000 more updates to hit on the hour again.  :)

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[Clamav-users] Encrypted RAR Signature

2004-03-16 Thread Chris Meadors

> Submission: 2005
> Sender: Fisher
> Submitted virus name: Unknown Virus
> Virus name: Worm.Bagle.Gen-rarpwd
> Notes: Signature added through daily.cvd version 187 to 
> Notes: detect password protected RAR files.
> Added: No 

Is this signature in effect for all scans, or only those with the
"ArchiveDetectEncrypted" option set?


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Re: [Clamav-users] network scanning questions

2004-03-09 Thread Chris Meadors
On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 18:41, Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 17:51:52 -0500 (EST)
> Charles Sprickman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Interesting; do you have any info on "ICAP"?  Will the old network

International Center for Alcohol Policies?  Now what exactly will the
new version of ClamAV be doing?  :)



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Re: [Clamav-users] TCP on Clam Milter

2004-03-07 Thread Chris Meadors
Seve Ho wrote:

I am trying to use Clamav-milter with sendmail. I found it cannot clean 
up it socket file(.sock) opened after killing the milter process.(I use 
kill -9  to kill the process, is there other prosper way to stop the 
milter?)  And this make me have to remove the .sock file first  before 
restarting. That is not convenient. So i want to ask if this possible to 
run milter on a TCP port but not on socket?
Don't use `kill -9`.  Just a `kill` would have done, and probably 
cleaned up the socket.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Password-protected .zip file viruses

2004-03-03 Thread Chris Meadors
Paul Boven wrote:

How about only trying every word in the mail-body as a key to try, 
instead of brute-forcing? The virus(-writer) cannot afford to fudge the 
password in the mail-body: One would hope that the subset of users that 
is clever enough to reconstruct the password, yet stupid enough to use 
that to open it, is small enough to make the virus unviable.
Good point.  That should take less than a second.  My 700 MHz machine 
can try every word in an unabridged English dictionary in about 15 seconds.

Though there could be HTML bodies with the password.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Password-protected .zip file viruses

2004-03-02 Thread Chris Meadors
Jesper Juhl wrote:

What I'm thinking is; Would it be feasible to add an option to attempt to
brute-force-crack the passwords on zip files when scanning them?
Yes, it would slow down scanning immensely, and there's *no* way it should
ever be a default option, but zip file passwords are /resonably/ simple to
crack, so it is doable (although it takes time)...
I could whip some code together for this if it has any interrest at all...
I don't think it can be in reasonable time.  My 700 MHz machine takes 
about 15 minutes to crack a .zip when I have a 1k of known plain text. 
To brute force it takes about a day to run through all valid passwords 
up to 6 characters.  I think ZIP supports around 64 different characters 
in the password.  So it would take around two months to do the complete 
7 character set, 8 characters just gets stupid.

15 minutes up to the heat death of the universe isn't something that can 
be done during an SMTP transaction.  That would make the feature only 
useful for local scans.

So maybe you don't want to try brute forcing, just known plain text 
attacks.  Well that is still 15 minutes for every plain text you want to 
try.  That means you have to have 1k of every virus you want to stored 
somewhere.  Also that is for 1k of plain text, to crack a .zip you only 
need 16 bytes.  But the time required to crack goes up very quickly when 
the plain text shrinks.  At 16 bytes it is almost as long as a brute force.

Cracking .zips is only really useful when you have one that contains 
multiple files, and you have a complete copy of one of the files, and 
just need to recover the rest.

I'm not going to say, don't do the work, if you think it could be 
useful.  But go time your cracking code again, and see if you think it 
is something that can reasonably be done for thousands of files a day.

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