Free Windows compilers

2005-11-07 Thread Jeff White

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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 33944] - 'X-AspNet-Version' Header Should Be Sent for Compatibility With Visual Studio

2005-04-08 Thread Jeff White
From: "Jeff White" 

New in Net 1.1
ASP.NET Side-By-Side (IIS uses this setting)
I meant to say Visual Studio 2003
uses this to decide what version of
the .NET Framework to use too.

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 33944] - 'X-AspNet-Version' Header Should Be Sent for Compatibility With Visual Studio

2005-04-08 Thread Jeff White

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-04-08
19:20 ---
(In reply to comment #4)
It appears that you are right - that the ASP.NET module with .NET
1.1 does
set 'X-AspNet-Version'.  I suspect from my early tests that .NET
1.0 did not.
We can still handle this, but should ensure that X-AspNet-Version
does not merge headers, but instead overwrites the value.  Some,
like Cookie,
must merge.  Many other headers should not.
What I can't understand is what is responsible for sending the
header. With NO
modifications to the httpd.conf or to the module itself the
'X-AspNet-Version' header is being sent under Apache on my machine
when handling
Asp.Net pages.
As I stated initially this was not the case before.
So what I'm trying to get across is this may not be a bug or feature
at all or if it is it is only present under certain circumstances
which I can't
figure out a cause of.
So to lay out my experience up to this point:
1. ASP.Net on Apache works just like Asp.Net on IIS except VS.Net
thinks that
projects opened on Apache server are ASP 1.0.
2. Realize the only difference in responses is 'X-AspNet-Version'
header is
missing from Apache response.
3. Modify httpd.conf to send 'X-AspNet-Version: 1.1.4322'
4. VS works as it should.
5. File this bug
6. Check headers later and notice 'X-AspNet-Version:
7. Remove statement in httpd.conf.
8. Header is sent but WITHOUT duplicate version numbers
9. Everything still works fine with no modifications
New in Net 1.1
ASP.NET Side-By-Side (IIS uses this setting)
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName>findstr /i /s "x-aspnet"
c:\windows\ machine.config
enableVersionHeader="[true|false]" - outputs X-AspNet-Version header
with each request
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName>findstr /i /s "enableVersionHeader"
c:\windows\ machine.config
enableVersionHeader="[true|false]" - outputs X-AspNet-Version header
with each request

Re: Silly Question

2005-02-12 Thread Jeff White
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." 

FYI post
You should consider converting 
your .asp pages to .aspx (which
is not entirely trivial but not that 
difficult either) 
Good advice
since ASP support 
is going to slowly dwindle to 
nothingness, even in IIS.

May be not in our lifetimes  :)

A unified HTTP pipeline for native
and managed applications alike. 
You'll be able to use forms-based 
authentication for classic ASP pages.

A First Look at IIS 7.0
What happen to correcting 
the Protocol comments?


New Log Parser 2.2 has Http usage

2005-01-26 Thread Jeff White
Seems the new Log Parser 2.2
will get info off web pages as
well as off logs (or any text).
Let's try Log Parser 2.2 with
Apache's ASP.NET info web
All the below demos are one
long line or saved to a file and
called like:
LogParser.exe -options file:name.whatever
or in a command line prompt type:
LogParser.exe "SELECT * FROM the.log" -options
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName>LogParser.exe "SELECT Text FROM WHERE Text LIKE '%ASP.NET%' " -i:TEXTLINE
mod_aspdotnet is an ASP.NET host interface to Microsoft's ASP.NET
It is implemented with an Apache.Web.dll assembly that provides
ASP.NET with
Please use cli-users to discuss how to deploy your
Elements processed: 211
Elements output:3
Execution time: 0.55 seconds
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName>LogParser.exe "SELECT Text,
Elements processed: 722
Elements output:1
Execution time: 0.52 seconds
Log Parser 2.2 has improved
NCSA actions, a new COM
(add your own actions) interface,
charting, and lots more.
An Apache NCSA example:
The below was saved to
a file named GetAspx.sql
EXTRACT_PREFIX(Request, 0, ' ') AS Verb,
EXTRACT_SUFFIX(Request, 0, ' ') AS HttpVersion,
SUBSTR(Request , INDEX_OF(Request, '/'),
SUB(STRLEN(Request), ADD( ADD(1,STRLEN(Verb)),
TO_STRING(DateTime, 'MMM dd ') as Date,
TO_STRING(DateTime, 'hh:mm:ss') as Time,
INTO myList.txt
FROM access.log
WHERE Request
LIKE '%aspx%'
Then in a command prompt window type:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\>LogParser.exe
file:GetAspx.sql -i:NCSA -o:NAT -rtp:5
Elements processed: 1361
Elements output:881
Execution time: 0.08 seconds
Then in a command prompt window type:
C:\Documents and Settings\Username>type myList.txt | more
Verb HttpVersion Url DateTime StatusCode
 --- --- ---  --
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:07:30 200
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:08:40 500
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:09:59 500
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:14:45 500
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:14:59 200
Verb HttpVersion Url DateTime StatusCode
 --- --- ---  --
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:15:03 200
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:16:00 500
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:20:13 500
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:21:24 500
GET  HTTP/1.1/TestNet/Test1.aspx Nov 04 2004 17:21:57 500
And so on
To see Log Parser 2.2 chart examples:

Create custom-formatted HTML reports:
And produce a chart formatted as desired:

ScriptCenter Tools: Log Parser 2.2 Examples

Log parser is a powerful, versatile
tool that provides universal query
access to text-based data such as
log files, XML files and CSV files,
as well as key data sources on the
Windows operating system such as
the Event Log, the Registry, the file
system, and Active Directory.
Most software is designed to
accomplish a limited numer of
specific tasks. Log Parser is
different... the number of ways
it can be used is limited only
by the needs and imagination of
the user. The world is your
database with Log Parser.

Download details: Log Parser 2.2

Re: Win98 unsupported

2005-01-08 Thread Jeff White

I believe the best way to
keep only "hosting allowed"
Windows systems is to start
using the newer and current
Windows objects like these
Windows Installer 3.0

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 2000 Service Pack 3,
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4,
Windows Server 2003,
Windows XP,
Windows XP Service Pack 1
Windows XP Service Pack 2
contains Windows Installer 3.0

Windows Installer 3.0 Redistributable
And maybe it's time to look
into learning Windows Installer
3.0 patch files too!

It can apply patches in a constant
order regardless of the order that the
patches are provided to the system.
Patches installed with Windows
Installer version 3.0 can be uninstalled
in any order to leave the state of the
product the same as if the patch was
never installed. Patching using Windows
Installer version 3.0 only updates files
affected by the patch and can be significantly
faster than earlier installer versions.

Maybe even using Windows Scripting,
another current Windows object, that
is also installed on these newer hosting
systems, could be used for all these
install, changes, (and etc.) type ways!
Windows Installer Scripting Examples
And two free ways to learn
Windows Installer usage
An old but great VB Installer
book that can easily be changed
into Windows Scripting VBScript
Learn two current Windows
objects at once - Windows
Scripting and Windows
Installer actions!
Free Windows Installer Book
WiX is a toolset for building Windows
installation packages from XML source
Also great to use with Windows
Scripting actions!
So start using the newer current
Windows objects and the current
mod_aspdotnet users will also
start to learn Windows Scripting
And maybe even get ready to use
MSH scripting. When all the .NET
Framework classes will be available
for scripting!
MSH Microsoft's next-generation

My first reaction? MSH rocks.
System administration on Windows,
and ultimately everywhere, will be
forever changed for the better.
At its core, MSH is an object pipeline.
Unix, of course, invented the pipelining
concept. But in Unix-like systems -
including Linux and OS X - the data
that's passed from one command to the
next is weakly structured ASCII text.
When you've got smart, self-describing
objects flowing through that pipeline,
it's a whole new ball game.

Introduction to MSH
and Windows Installer 3.0 patch
files. Plus using these newer
current Windows objects, Windows
itself, blocks out the other Windows
systems, not mod_aspdotnet!

Re: svn commit: r123867 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.h

2005-01-08 Thread Jeff White

 Handle GetProtocol correctly
(and consistant with ASP.NET conventions.)
A very, very good idea!   :)
virtual String* GetProtocol(void)

When overridden in a derived
class, returns the HTTP protocol

.NET Framework Class Library
HttpWorkerRequest.GetProtocol Method
-// TODO: HTTPS when appropriate
+// Fixes in httpd-2.1-dev
+const char __nogc *method = ap_http_scheme(rr);
+const char __nogc *method = ap_http_method(rr);
Seems to me, that some other developers
are the ones who cannot make up their
minds, as to just what "all this" really
means.   :)
+String *scheme(method);
Really confusing me now, and
using only three words.  :)
+// For some silly reason, the ASP.NET team thought that
+// are upper case entities;
I disagree with your reading of
most of the .NET documentation.
Protocol when used in most tech
papers today, is usually always
upper cased.

In information technology,
a protocol (pronounced PROH-tuh-cahl,
from the Greek protocollon,
which was a leaf of paper
glued to a manuscript volume,
describing its contents) is
the special set of rules that
end points in a telecommunication
connection use when they communicate.

Notice in the above link
that the usage for all
"named" protocols
is always upper cased.
Also see the
Protocol Directory
Index of WAN, LAN, and
ATM Protocols

+scheme = scheme->ToUpper(nullCulture);
#ifdef _DEBUG
-LogRequestError(L"GetProtocol: returns HTTP",
+String *schemeMsg = String::Concat(L"GetProtocol:
returns ", scheme);
+LogRequestError(schemeMsg, APLOG_DEBUG, 0);
-return new String(L"HTTP");
+return scheme;

A string containing the
scheme of the specified URI.

.NET Framework Class Library
Uri.Scheme Property
Now please try the sample
included with the above
link (about URI/Scheme)
but use all uppercase chars.
For example:
change to
new Uri("HTTP://www
What do you get back?
Notice the below:

Provides an object representation
of a uniform resource identifier
(URI) and easy access to the parts
of the URI.
To put the URI in canonical form,
the Uri constructor performs the
following steps.
Converts the URI scheme to lower case.
Converts the host name to lower case.

.NET Framework Class Library
Uri Class
I believe your source code comment

+// For some silly reason, the ASP.NET team thought that
+// are upper case entities;

should be removed.
If you disagree with me, please
provide some sort of "other"
information (.NET docs, links,
and etc.) with your reply.

Do you like the CLI standards?

2005-01-08 Thread Jeff White
January 6, 2005

I am a member of ECMA, an
international standards body,
where I am chair of the
committee responsible for
standardizing the CLI
(Common Language Infrastructure)
and C#.
So here is my initial question
to ponder:
What is your feeling about the
standardization of the CLI
within ECMA and ISO?
What are your thoughts here?
Is standardization a good thing?
Bad thing? Doesn't matter?
We are currently in the midst of
developing edition 3 of the CLI
specification and hopefully should
be complete soon.

Joel Marcey

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 32998] New: - Error in communication between Apache and Tomcat through AJP

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff White

We are using Apache version 2.0.46 
This Apache is too old.
with Tomcat version 4.1.29. 

Apache hangs on irregular intervals 
and it needs to be restarted.

Here are the errors visible in Apache 
error logs:-

[Thu Dec 16 13:14:38 2004] [error] workerEnv.processCallbacks() 
Close this bug message.
They are all Java 
errors anyway!

Tell him to send this 
to a Tomcat list!


Re: Win98 unsupported

2005-01-05 Thread Jeff White
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr."
details the remaining issue which 
makes Win98 support apparently
impossible at this moment.  Does 
anyone care to research before
we roll out another release (and 
prevent installation from ever
occuring on 98?)

Why would there be any Windows 
support for old Windows systems 
to host ASP.NET?

Remember, loading the CLR 
and hosting ASP.NET 
are two different objects
within the Windows systems!


Cross Platform

2004-12-18 Thread Jeff White

.NET is finding its feet in the Windows desktop and server world 
along with some nice inroads into the land of Smart Devices, but 
less attention has been given to other .NET implementations such
as Mono, Portable.NET and Rotor.

Cross-Platform development is something many of us have grappled
with over the years. While most major platforms support most 
popular languages there are always issues with availability of
libraries and the pain of getting the UI to look and act the same
on all platforms without looking 90's retro.

We'd like to see if Cross-Platform .NET can solve some of this
pain (or just allow a wider field of developer to experience it)
so we've launched a new section dedicated to Cross-Platform .NET
Development at
As an incentive we've got 3 copies of "Cross-Platform .NET 
Development" to giveaway to the top 3 articles posted between now 
and January 30. Cross platform development articles can be code, 
components or just tips on how to avoid pain when developing .NET 
apps on multiple platforms. Good luck!


Re: Compiling with VC++ 8 (Express beta)

2004-12-13 Thread Jeff White
From: "Tonko Juricic" 

Subject: Compiling with VC++ 8 (Express beta)

Isn't the loading of the CLR 
"different" for _any_ .NET 
version over 1.1?

been replaced with

And aren't there many, many 
hosting options available for 
the .NET 1.2 (and up) 

Plus aren't there major different
"plain C++ programming styles" 
changes for version 8 (and so on)?

No matter what the answers are,
feel free to branch the .NET 1.1 
mod_aspdotnet source code 
and carry on.   ;)


Re: More dirty tricks (VC 8 and Framework 2.0.40607)

2004-12-13 Thread Jeff White
From: "Tonko Juricic"
public class CSWorkerRequest :
I said a long time ago,
for .NET 1.1 just load
the CLR then load all
assemblies from there...

Seen the first

2004-12-12 Thread Jeff White
I have just seen the first 
mod_aspdotnet post on 
Microsoft's newsgroups:

Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet
Subject: ASP.NET with Apache
Date: 11 Dec 2004 03:28:19 -0800
Hi all!
I just got to work on apache, with mod_aspdotnet :))
.NET 1.1 works directly without any serious problem.
.NET 2.0.40903 (october preview):
1."C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.40903" must be added into
apache's path, otherwise apache can't find aspnet_isapi.dll
2.The "Src" attribute in @Page and @Control may cause a weird
compilation error ("type  defined in an assembly that is not
referenced"). However compiled code-behind works well.

You might as well let all know now?

Re: Finally works! (was: CLR wants all APR types)

2004-12-11 Thread Jeff White
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." 

Tonko Juricic wrote:

Huh? I think I am as confused as is C++ 2003 compiler,
trying to explain this to myself!
I'm confused...
Isn't .NET the ASP.NET 
2.0 .NET Framework's beta?

And compiling the above with 
the 2003 compiler?


Re: Is cli users list fixed?

2004-12-05 Thread Jeff White

Test of cli-users list options...
Test to see if 
reply to cli-users list
has been added.

Test to see if 
reply's subject line has [EMAIL PROTECTED]
has been added.

Test to see if 
list's footer "how to get off this list"
has been added.


Cli users list troubles

2004-12-03 Thread Jeff White
Seems the CLI-Users list
has no reply to for the list...
Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And compare users 

Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Also the users list has no [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in the subject line like the [EMAIL PROTECTED]  has
Lots easier for the users...
Also there is no footer telling how
to get off the cli-users list like there
is for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list
Lots easier for the users...

Re: Other ways

2004-11-30 Thread Jeff White

From: "William A. Rowe, Jr."

If the security was enabled
Such as...
The fact that a normal application security model won't let us...
Define your normal security model then
to allow the .NET managed space to instance System.Web.Hosting,
You mean calling CreateApplicationHost?
In an already running .NET process?
Yes and drive the ApplicationHost from the .NET process...
Are you saying you cannot get any .NET 
C# process, stand alone or inside Apache
or both, to load and call the member method
and then use the returned object, to provide 
ASP.NET functions?


Re: Other ways

2004-11-30 Thread Jeff White
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr."
Let me point out one amusing aspect. 
Notice: I do not follow the below statements.
If the security was enabled
Such as...
to allow the .NET managed space 
to instance System.Web.Hosting,
You mean calling HttpWorkerRequest?
You mean calling CreateApplicationHost?
You mean calling HttpContext?
In an already running .NET process?
then yes, you could implement ASP.NET 
as a pure .NET solution :)
ASP.NET is in and running in .NET already

You mean calling HttpWorkerRequest?
You mean calling CreateApplicationHost?
You mean calling HttpContext?
In an already running .NET process?
I'm confused...
Please provide a few lines maybe in 
outline form or flow chart style that 
demos what you are saying

Or perhaps, a short none Apache based 


Use Http.sys and ASP.NET but not IIS

2004-11-28 Thread Jeff White

Seen the newer demos about running
ASP.NET without IIS and using Http.sys
for the request and response actions?

Since the release of Windows Server
2003 and Windows XP SP2, there has
been a new HTTP protocol stack available
called http.sys. With http.sys and some new
managed classes in the .NET Framework 2.0
(especially HttpListener), you can easily build
a Web server right into your applications without
requiring IIS on the machine.
ASP.NET was specifically designed to avoid
dependencies on IIS.
I've covered the basics for hosting the
ASP.NET HTTP pipeline in a process
of your choice.

Service Station:
Run ASMX Without IIS

Other ways

2004-11-28 Thread Jeff White
I had prepared a review of the
mod_aspdotnet source code,
but was afraid all would call it
negative comments.   :)
I was told before this is mod_aspdotnet
not mod_NetUsage but are they really 

Should there or could there be: CPP files ways
(requiring Visual Studio .NET CPP 
for source code adjustments) CPP that loads an assembly only
(allowing C# or VB.NET or any of 
the 50+ languages for source code 
adjustments) CPP that test 
"who knows what later"

There would be three compiled CPP zipped 
files available (or two or five?).

Is this doable?
This would allow for those who only
use the free available tools (no Visual
Studio .NET CPP needed with assemblies 
but I'm told for the CPP way, Visual Studio .NET
CPP is required due to Apache designs). 

Plus using assemblies allows for using 
AppDomainSetup for the other AppDomains 
and other such .NET extra calls (Yes CPP 
can add this too but requires Visual Studio

A CPP file is needed to load the CLR,
but after that can it all be done in .NET,
and still keep Apache's pools, and etc. 
for the larger sites or maybe a different 
mod_aspdotnet version for smaller sites?

Any thoughts?

Re: svn commit: r106658 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp

2004-11-26 Thread Jeff White

Author: wrowe
Date: Fri Nov 26 12:15:49 2004
New Revision: 106658
 Close an xxx: note - convert our uri / physical path from utf-8 to
 unicode before passing as BSTR's to CreateHost.
 Since questions have been raised; 'how many times do we map the
 same vhost to an asp application directory?' record all successes
 LogLevel Debug.
 Also fix some awkward wording in failure messages.
You keep adding to the CPP file,
where as between turkey activities
yesterday, and my mod_aspdotnet
source code files reviews, I think,
maybe less and less should be done
in the CPP file (not counting the Apache
tracking/pools actions) and more moved
over into the .NET world.
I also did something thinking, on asking
the free tool users for help.
For example, a NAnt build would have
compiled, tested and  run your latests
changes. And then the NAnt build would
have put out a zip file, for others to download
and use right away, at the same time or just
after putting it all into svn for you!
An interesting book:
OpenSource .NET Development
Programming with NAnt, NUnit, NDoc and more
By Brain Nantz
Somewhere out there, a NAnt user or
some WiX user or ASP.NET behind
the scenes user might jump on using
their "new tool" to write mod_aspdotnet's
usage version of this same free tool
they use!
Just gotta let'em know!

Re: httpmodule bug

2004-11-24 Thread Jeff White
By the way using old RC1 MSI
Will look at HttpApplication state settings
between turkey cooking and eating - seems
something "touchs" them? (?)
Go relax Bill
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: httpmodule bug

From: "Yussef Alkhamrichi"
Hope someone out there puts together a custom HttpModule and tries 
this out, I will continue to search if I can find this bug (sadly 
there isn't a way to hack into the config file loading of .NET).

I tried a simple Hello HttpModule and on
first try:
Server Error in '/TestHttpModules' Application.
The module 'HelloWorldModule' is already in the
application and cannot be added again
Tried remove in web.config
Line 2:  
Line 3:  
Line 4:
Line 5:  
Parser Error Message: There is no 'HelloWorldModule' module in the 
application to remove.

Tried blocking out the "whole name" this time...

System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
Adding a clear works



Moving clear to bottom


runs with no error but not httpmodules output either!
Seems mod_aspdotnet needs a clear first
as you said!

Re: httpmodule bug

2004-11-24 Thread Jeff White
From: "Yussef Alkhamrichi"
Hope someone out there puts together a custom HttpModule and tries 
this out, I will continue to search if I can find this bug (sadly 
there isn't a way to hack into the config file loading of .NET).

I tried a simple Hello HttpModule and on
first try:
Server Error in '/TestHttpModules' Application.
The module 'HelloWorldModule' is already in the
application and cannot be added again
Tried remove in web.config
Line 2:  
Line 3:  
Line 4:
Line 5:  
Parser Error Message: There is no 'HelloWorldModule' module in the 
application to remove.

Tried blocking out the "whole name" this time...

System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
Adding a clear works



Moving clear to bottom


runs with no error but not httpmodules output either!
Seems mod_aspdotnet needs a clear first
as you said!


2004-11-22 Thread Jeff White

This will *NOT* work on an end-user's
machine without the .Net SDK.  Those
tools [regasm/gacutil] aren't installed
with the retail .Net-redist install.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v1.1\Bin
I have only
02/20/2003  07:09 PM81,920 gacutil.exe
File version:   1.1.4322.573
But in
I have
10/08/2003  01:30 PM81,920 gacutil.exe
File version:   1.1.4318.0
02/21/2003  06:25 AM28,672 RegAsm.exe
File version:   1.1.4322.573
Sure they are only in the SDK,
what do others have?
Any one have a non development
computer available to check?

Re: Short or long variable names?

2004-11-22 Thread Jeff White
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." 

let me get ahold of my life first 
I see you doing so much, what life?
More later

Re: Doc bug on cli page

2004-11-22 Thread Jeff White
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr."
At 10:27 AM 11/21/2004, Jeff White wrote:
On page
Anonymous SVN access (via http) is available.
% svn co 

Notice space after trunk.
There is no such page  as mod_aspdotnet.
The svn co command takes 2 arguments; path-to-repos local-dir
Thanks, but really I was just
suggesting that if a user read
this page and copied the http
string without svn

Re: Short or long variable names?

2004-11-22 Thread Jeff White
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." 

One (extreme) hassle is leaving the 
httpd code legible to httpd'ers
and leaving .NET code legible to .NET'ers.

I had chosen the conventions of using 
'traditional' variable names for httpd datum, 
and 'wordy' variable names for the internals of

In Apache.Web all data is visible
In Apache even the short rr and rv really 
do mean something but what?

It wasn't a nice practice to start and  now
one can see why.
In mod_aspdotnet and all assemblies
one should use reader readable variables. 

Much easier for the old "httpd'ers" to read 
mod_aspdotnet with descriptive variables, 
than for .NET user usage to say what

Mod_aspdotnet  and the assemblies are 
only written once, but read over and over 

There are quite a few cases where the variable name (e.g. static 
'conf' structure in the mod_aspdotnet.cpp source) is horrid and
needs to be cleaned up.

I'm almost thinking, native_xx for variable names from apache
and apr - would that improve legibility?
I'm not sure one needs native_ but
definitely not rr, rv, abc, and so on
Parameter name = rv
Parameter name = loglevel
By the way is there an .NET enum
for loglevel?

Re: svn commit: r106106 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/aspnet.conf

2004-11-22 Thread Jeff White
Author: wrowe
Date: Sun Nov 21 11:15:27 2004
New Revision: 106106
 Clarify the aspnet.conf section, add copious notes, and insert the
 X-Hosted-By header 
Are changes like these rolled nightly
into a newer version, so there are 
constantly newer zips, exes and msi 
files avaliable?


Build ways

2004-11-22 Thread Jeff White
Have any of you "workers" (those with
live and test servers/machines) looked
at starting to use build systems for
Soon Microsoft is going to MSBuild
an XML file build system for developers,
and MSBuild is out now but for .NET 2 
and so on but

NAnt (an open source .NET XML build)
NAnt is out now (for .NET 1.0/1.1/beta2 and Mono) 
and allows XML builds of C/C++ (6,7,8) and .NET 
assemblies, and MSI install and much more

Shouldn't mod_aspdotnet start using
NAnt and be ready this time (to use
MSBuild or NAnt and perhaps since 
it's XML based both) instead of playing 
catch up later?

Using NAnt the build can search folders,
call exe, Windows Scripting, call .NET 
written input routines and look like an 
GUI build system or stay command line.

Perhaps these newer build ways can help 
on the build of Apache.Web and it's usage 
of the other libs find the libs, copy/move
them and use them here and then send them 
back to where they belong   :)


Missing on page cli

2004-11-21 Thread Jeff White
On page
There is no archive for the
cli users list.

Doc bug on dist page

2004-11-21 Thread Jeff White
On page
Last line shows up with no link.
We have an >
introduction to help you get started using this module.

Doc bug on cli page

2004-11-21 Thread Jeff White
On page
Anonymous SVN access (via http) is available.
% svn co 

Notice space after trunk.
There is no such page  as mod_aspdotnet.

Short or long variable names?

2004-11-18 Thread Jeff White
When looking at Apache.Web 
member's parameters:

Parameter name = rr
Here rr I assume means 

which I assume means request_record 
(but just because of the type defined:

But for others:
Parameter name = rv
What does rv mean?
ReturnValue, RequiredValue,
RequestedValue, RemovableVolume,
RottenVersion, RequiredValidation?
So should _all_ Apache.Web 
variables be longer than "rr"?

So the user can obtain from .NET 
what they mean like the below?

Parameter name = msg
Message I assume, 
perhaps should be longer

Parameter name = loglevel
Some sort of Apache (or .NET)
log file level or value, I assume...
At least, these two above examples 
give a user a chance to try to use 
them, but rr and rv?


Add mod to server name

2004-11-18 Thread Jeff White
In mod_aspdotnet should there be
an add to the server name action,
(like Perl and PHP)?
If so then in mod_aspdotnet there is 
in the function - static void register_hooks(...)

this call:

so add in static int asp_net_post_config(...)
 // Add one time only
 // Get .NET version
 version=current .NET version
 // ap_add_version_component(p, ".NET1/1");
 // Add .Net to the server's name.
 ap_add_version_component(p, ".NETversion");

 and then so on...
 return OK;
Or if Apache can use many
ap_hook_post_config(...) calls,
try a separate function.


Doc bug?

2004-11-18 Thread Jeff White
Under the sub title 

Like all Apache Software Foundation projects,
flood is licensed under The Apache License.

Should flood be mod_aspdotnet?

Windows XP SP2 Loopback

2004-09-18 Thread Jeff White
As I posted a while ago in the
users list, Windows XP SP2
loopback has problems
Try the below:

This update helps resolve an issue
on computers running Windows XP
Service Pack 2. Programs that connect
to IP addresses in the loopback address
range may not work as expected

Update for Windows XP Service Pack 2 (KB884020)

Re: A simple .NET assembly loader for Apache

2004-08-10 Thread Jeff White

From: "William A. Rowe, Jr."

Before starting remember
one says apples
the other says pears 
but it's all fruit!  :)

> That's the goal of the Common Language 
> Interface 

By the way, does the CLI include:

(and any (?) .NET 2.0 goodies)

> subproject, yup :)


Why not first with a simple "hello world"
Apache2 .NET module by using (MC++)
Managed Extensions?

More on this latter...

> Subgoal one, behind releasing the 
> first mod_aspdotnet module,

So nothing will (can) be done until 
"mod_aspdotnet" is first released?

Which is when?

And the reasons why mod_aspdotnet 
must be first?

> Subgoal one, behind releasing the first 
> mod_aspdotnet module, is to separate 
> the COM instantiation from the rest of the 
> System.Web support. 

I do not follow, please explain.

> This will allow folk to plug other CLR 
> environments into our framework. 

I am lost again, 

"other CLR environments"?

"into our framework"?

Please provide a simple worded
example of these

> Then, begin declaring Apache.Web 
> classes that get right to the heart of 
> the httpd server to write Apache modules
> in any preferred language.

Please provide a simple worded
example of these "right to the heart"

Also will there not be Apache.Admin
"type" classes or even Apache.Dev
"type" classes or Apache.Basic.Mod
"type" classes?

Allowing "any type" of assemblies to be
loaded will increase the above classes
chances of development
(free SDK compilers)

By releasing a simple .NET assembly 
loader, this would allow the learning of the 
.NET classes, as well as learning "hosting"

No need to have all, get out a .NET C++ that
does full COM first, but perhaps that and MC++. 

Try a simple MC++ "Hello World" module.

For example: 

Try adjusting the Ryan Bloom's "Example 
Module", a text Hello World module, on pages 
169-174 in his book, Apache Server 2.0.

But adjust the text output for "Hello World" 
into a complete HTML file by using .NET's 
StringBuilder (to write the html code). Then 
compile the module as  a MC++ file

Move the module to the test sever, adjust the
server's conf file and run the browser. What

After this perhaps release a simple assembly 
loader and away the users will go.

> It sounds like everyone is on the same page.

Everyone  ;)

I've only seen you here!  :)


A simple .NET assembly loader for Apache

2004-08-09 Thread Jeff White

If the fully compiled Apache2 Windows 
MSI release version included a fully 
compiled C++ .NET "assembly loader" 
module (even if only in the experimental 
folder), then many other developers 
would be able to start "a playin' and a 
learnin'" the .NET Framework classes 
and the .NET Framework's many config 
files (for Apache web server usage) by 
writing these Apache .NET Framework 
assemblies via the free .NET Framework 
SDK compilers or with the many other third
party .NET enabled compilers.

Most of these assemblies could be written
in the computer language that the user knows
best or the user could learn a "new" language,
if the user wishes to do so.

Also these Apache .NET assemblies could 
"host" ASP.NET themselves (or not) or could
just be used with the many .NET Framework 
classes (to do what ever these Apache users 
want or need).


Free Visual C++ compiler (2003 version)

2004-08-09 Thread Jeff White

For Windows .NET Framework 1.1
and Windows Win32 usage:

Any one ran _any_ compile tests for
usage in Apache Windows Win32

July 2004

The Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
includes the core tools developers need
to compile and link C++-based applications
for Windows and the .NET Common Language


The Visual C++ Toolkit 2003, version 1.01
(released July 6, 2004) supplants version 1.0
(released April 16, 2004). Version 1.01 updates
the included Visual C++ compiler to exactly
match the compiler that ships with Visual Studio
.NET 2003 (build 13.10.3077). In the initial 1.0
Toolkit release, the build numbers of the compilers
differed slightly. Version 1.01 of the Toolkit also
corrects some minor grammatical issues in the
sample whitepapers and in the command prompt

The Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 Home Page

Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 Download

Yes .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 can be
used inside Apache Windows when loaded
via a C++ Apache Windows module that
loads .NET assemblies.


Free Visual C++ compiler (2005 version)

2004-08-09 Thread Jeff White

For Windows .NET Framework 2.0
Beta and Windows Win32 usage:

Any one ran _any_ "beta" systems compile
tests for usage in Apache Windows Win32

Building Win32 Applications
Using Visual C++ 2005 Express

Yes .NET Framework 2.0 can be used
inside Apache Windows when loaded
via a C++ Apache Windows module that
loads .NET assemblies.

.NET Framework 2.0 Beta 1

.NET Framework 2.0 SDK Beta 1


Name CLI or CLR or ?

2004-08-06 Thread Jeff White

From: "William A. Rowe, Jr."

Can one start "posting" .NET related 
messages here yet or is this list just 
for messages concerning Apache's 
" okayin' " of this ASP.NET project? 

> The following bullets need to be 
> validated for mod_aspdotnet:
> either to the cli-dev 
> (should that have been clr-dev?)

Perhaps, just dotNetDev
this should cover all the
ASF and .NET topics.
