------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-04-08
19:20 -------
(In reply to comment #4)
It appears that you are right - that the ASP.NET module with .NET
1.1 does
set 'X-AspNet-Version'.  I suspect from my early tests that .NET
1.0 did not.

We can still handle this, but should ensure that X-AspNet-Version
does not merge headers, but instead overwrites the value.  Some,
like Cookie,
must merge.  Many other headers should not.

What I can't understand is what is responsible for sending the header. With NO modifications to the httpd.conf or to the asp.net module itself the 'X-AspNet-Version' header is being sent under Apache on my machine when handling Asp.Net pages.

As I stated initially this was not the case before.

So what I'm trying to get across is this may not be a bug or feature
at all or if it is it is only present under certain circumstances
which I can't
figure out a cause of.

So to lay out my experience up to this point:

1. ASP.Net on Apache works just like Asp.Net on IIS except VS.Net
thinks that
projects opened on Apache server are ASP 1.0.

2. Realize the only difference in responses is 'X-AspNet-Version'
header is
missing from Apache response.

3. Modify httpd.conf to send 'X-AspNet-Version: 1.1.4322'

4. VS works as it should.

5. File this bug

6. Check headers later and notice 'X-AspNet-Version:

7. Remove statement in httpd.conf.

8. Header is sent but WITHOUT duplicate version numbers

9. Everything still works fine with no modifications

New in Net 1.1 ASP.NET Side-By-Side (IIS uses this setting)

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName>findstr /i /s "x-aspnet"
c:\windows\microsoft.net machine.config

enableVersionHeader="[true|false]" - outputs X-AspNet-Version header
with each request

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName>findstr /i /s "enableVersionHeader"
c:\windows\microsoft.net machine.config

enableVersionHeader="[true|false]" - outputs X-AspNet-Version header
with each request


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