Re: Parsing namespaced XML with

2016-08-21 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
2016-08-20 21:43 GMT+02:00 Matching Socks :

> Could the same effect be obtained without the global state of namespace
> mappings?  Do all uses of in an app, even fully
> encapsulated uses, have to agree about the keyword for any given well-known
> XML namespace URI?

Currently, that is the case. The motivation is to ensure value-equality for
parse trees within an application.
Do you have a compelling use case for passing the namespace mapping into
the parse call?

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-21 Thread Alex Miller
The documentation now includes the spec, which would explicilly mention the 
symbol, so this would not be tacitly hidden as you suggest. David is already 
working on porting these specs to ClojureScript so that issue is one we will 
imminently face.

So again I will state: while the current spec does not support the symbol 
version we are in an investigatory period and things may change before release.

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Add :examples option to s/fdef for documentation and testing?

2016-08-21 Thread Peter Marklund
Did you consider having examples (input-output mappings) be part of the 
spec for a function, i.e. add an :examples option to the fdef macro in 
addition to :the current args, :ret, and :fn options? There is nothing 
really like examples for learning and has been immensely 
useful for this reason. I figured that especially for functions with simple 
input-output mappings of primitive data having a few such representative 
mappings be part of the spec and the doc string would be natural. Those 
examples could of course also drive tests.

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Re: taking my clojure game to a higher level

2016-08-21 Thread adrian . medina
I think you just need a project to motivate you to go deeper into the 
language. Take on a project that you've been wanting to work on for some 
time and write it in Clojure.

On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 11:59:42 PM UTC-4, chia kang ren wrote:
> I started programming with Racket 2 years ago and i decided i want to use 
> a Lisp with more libraries at my disposal. So i have made some headway into 
> Clojure and am familiar with core functions like map, reduce, filter, loop, 
> for, doseq, some, every?, apply. I make use of macros like ->, ->>, .. 
>  sometimes. I'm somewhat familiar with destructuring and the clojure data 
> structures.
> I have never seen the need to learn transients, macros, protocols, 
> transducers, multimethods, have struggled with string and file I/O 
> operations on the rare occasions i need to use them. I have a vague idea of 
> things like "parallelism", "concurrency", probably because the applications 
> i build never have had a need of such things. I have a vague idea of how 
> expensive calls to this or that function would be.
> Most of my explorations have been with Clojurescript using Om or solving 
> puzzles, so i have been limited to mostly small scripts, or projects that 
> never go beyond a few files.
> I would like to step up my game. I like working in Clojure enough and i 
> think i have had enough of scripts, i want to write Clojure *programs.* I 
> want to understand how to make the most of this language, and I would 
> appreciate very much anecdotes/guidance from the community on how to do so 

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Re: Parsing namespaced XML with

2016-08-21 Thread Matching Socks
Apps are cobbled together from sub-systems and libraries.  Some of those 
may use, either to share their products with their client 
or for their internal purposes.  As soon as two libraries on Clojars differ 
in their namespace-URI to keyword-namespace mapping, has the ship sunk?  

Nonetheless, value equality might sometimes be useful.  How to achieve it?  

There is already a globally distinct, agreed, and unambiguous way to refer 
to each well-known XML namespace URI.  It is the URI itself.  If the 
keyword-namespace must have the same properties, it ought to follow from 
the URI, not be left to the discretion of individual consumers.  

Could there be a well-known translation from namespace-URI to 
keyword-namespace and back?  These keyword namespaces would be cumbersome 
(as they must include the whole URI and also avoid colliding with the 
namespace of any other namespaced keywords anywhere), but consumers could 
alias them conveniently without impacting value comparisons:

(->> '
 (alias 'xhtml))

To account for the whole space of URIs, without violating the Clojure or 
EDN keyword namespace spec or compromising reverse translation back to the 
URI, you might have to go further.  For example, combine a legible symbol 
name computed with some loss (as an assertion) and a Base-64 encoding...

 (alias 'pom))

A well-known formula for namespace keywords representing XML namespaces 
could replace the ad-hoc mutable map and satisfy your dual aims that applications might use keywords for convenience while also 
maintaining strict value equality of the XML data structures all the way to 
the horizon.  (The data structure would use such keywords for all element 

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-21 Thread Brian Marick
As an update. I’ve fixed the `ns` oopsie in Suchwow (one file), and the 
coincident `ns` oopsie in Midje (one file). But this happens when running 
Midje’s self-tests against Clojure 1.9alpha11:

> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Call to 
> clojure.core/fn did not conform to spec:
> In: [0] val: clojure.core.unify/var-unify fails spec: 
> :clojure.core.specs/arg-list at: [:args :bs :arity-1 :args] predicate: vector?
> In: [0] val: clojure.core.unify/var-unify fails spec: 
> :clojure.core.specs/args+body at: [:args :bs :arity-n] predicate: (cat :args 
> :clojure.core.specs/arg-list :prepost (? map?) :body (* any?))
> :clojure.spec/args  (clojure.core.unify/var-unify [varp v expr binds] 
> (clojure.core/if-let [vb__10124__auto__ (binds v)] 
> (clojure.core.unify/garner-unifiers varp vb__10124__auto__ expr binds) 
> (clojure.core/if-let [vexpr__10125__auto__ (clojure.core/and (varp expr) 
> (binds expr))] (clojure.core.unify/garner-unifiers varp v 
> vexpr__10125__auto__ binds) (if (clojure.core.unify/occurs? varp v expr 
> binds) (throw (java.lang.IllegalStateException. (clojure.core/str "Cycle 
> found in the path " expr))) (clojure.core.unify/bind-phase binds v expr)
> , compiling:(clojure/core/unify.clj:82:18)

I suspect the problem is that Midje uses an old version of clojure.core.unify 
(0.5.2). I use that old version because a later versions (like the current 
0.5.7) failed in my use case for no reason I could quickly understand. So I 
decided to just stick with the older, working version because forced upgrades 
make kittens suffer. And I am a kitten. And also: by semver, why should a 
satisfied user of 0.5.2 care about 0.5.7?

(Note: I don’t know whether clojure.core.unify 0.5.7 is conformant to whatever 
spec is breaking.)

So upgrading Midje to Clojure 1.0alpha11 is not turning out as simple as might 
be hoped. 

I know that, pace Casablanca[*], the problems of a guy trying to provide an 
alternative to clojure.test don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy 
world. But I offer this datapoint for consideration.


Rick: But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going, you can't follow. What 
I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but 
it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't 
amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. 
[Ilsa lowers her head and begins to cry]
Rick: Now, now... 
[Rick gently places his hand under her chin and raises it so their eyes meet]
Rick: Here's looking at you kid. 

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-21 Thread lvh
FYI, while I disagree with your conclusion (I think we should go fix libraries 
instead), I ran into the same issue just now for roughly the same reason, 
except the thing that pulled in an old version of core.unify was core.typed, 
which pulls in 0.5.3 through core.contracts.

> On Aug 21, 2016, at 5:24 PM, Brian Marick  wrote:
> As an update. I’ve fixed the `ns` oopsie in Suchwow (one file), and the 
> coincident `ns` oopsie in Midje (one file). But this happens when running 
> Midje’s self-tests against Clojure 1.9alpha11:
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Call to 
>> clojure.core/fn did not conform to spec:
>> In: [0] val: clojure.core.unify/var-unify fails spec: 
>> :clojure.core.specs/arg-list at: [:args :bs :arity-1 :args] predicate: 
>> vector?
>> In: [0] val: clojure.core.unify/var-unify fails spec: 
>> :clojure.core.specs/args+body at: [:args :bs :arity-n] predicate: (cat :args 
>> :clojure.core.specs/arg-list :prepost (? map?) :body (* any?))
>> :clojure.spec/args  (clojure.core.unify/var-unify [varp v expr binds] 
>> (clojure.core/if-let [vb__10124__auto__ (binds v)] 
>> (clojure.core.unify/garner-unifiers varp vb__10124__auto__ expr binds) 
>> (clojure.core/if-let [vexpr__10125__auto__ (clojure.core/and (varp expr) 
>> (binds expr))] (clojure.core.unify/garner-unifiers varp v 
>> vexpr__10125__auto__ binds) (if (clojure.core.unify/occurs? varp v expr 
>> binds) (throw (java.lang.IllegalStateException. (clojure.core/str "Cycle 
>> found in the path " expr))) (clojure.core.unify/bind-phase binds v expr)
>> , compiling:(clojure/core/unify.clj:82:18)
> I suspect the problem is that Midje uses an old version of clojure.core.unify 
> (0.5.2). I use that old version because a later versions (like the current 
> 0.5.7) failed in my use case for no reason I could quickly understand. So I 
> decided to just stick with the older, working version because forced upgrades 
> make kittens suffer. And I am a kitten. And also: by semver, why should a 
> satisfied user of 0.5.2 care about 0.5.7?
> (Note: I don’t know whether clojure.core.unify 0.5.7 is conformant to 
> whatever spec is breaking.)
> So upgrading Midje to Clojure 1.0alpha11 is not turning out as simple as 
> might be hoped. 
> I know that, pace Casablanca[*], the problems of a guy trying to provide an 
> alternative to clojure.test don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy 
> world. But I offer this datapoint for consideration.
> [*] 
> Rick: But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going, you can't follow. What 
> I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, 
> but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people 
> don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll 
> understand that. 
> [Ilsa lowers her head and begins to cry]
> Rick: Now, now... 
> [Rick gently places his hand under her chin and raises it so their eyes meet]
> Rick: Here's looking at you kid. 
> -- 
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Re: taking my clojure game to a higher level

2016-08-21 Thread Mark Engelberg
Sounds like you are ready for this book:

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-21 Thread Alex Miller

On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 5:25:03 PM UTC-5, Brian Marick wrote:
> As an update. I’ve fixed the `ns` oopsie in Suchwow (one file), and the 
> coincident `ns` oopsie in Midje (one file). But this happens when running 
> Midje’s self-tests against Clojure 1.9alpha11: 
> > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Call to 
> clojure.core/fn did not conform to spec: 
> > In: [0] val: clojure.core.unify/var-unify fails spec: 
> :clojure.core.specs/arg-list at: [:args :bs :arity-1 :args] predicate: 
> vector? 
> > In: [0] val: clojure.core.unify/var-unify fails spec: 
> :clojure.core.specs/args+body at: [:args :bs :arity-n] predicate: (cat 
> :args :clojure.core.specs/arg-list :prepost (? map?) :body (* any?)) 
> > :clojure.spec/args  (clojure.core.unify/var-unify [varp v expr binds] 
> (clojure.core/if-let [vb__10124__auto__ (binds v)] 
> (clojure.core.unify/garner-unifiers varp vb__10124__auto__ expr binds) 
> (clojure.core/if-let [vexpr__10125__auto__ (clojure.core/and (varp expr) 
> (binds expr))] (clojure.core.unify/garner-unifiers varp v 
> vexpr__10125__auto__ binds) (if (clojure.core.unify/occurs? varp v expr 
> binds) (throw (java.lang.IllegalStateException. (clojure.core/str "Cycle 
> found in the path " expr))) (clojure.core.unify/bind-phase binds v 
> expr) 
> > , compiling:(clojure/core/unify.clj:82:18) 
> I suspect the problem is that Midje uses an old version of 
> clojure.core.unify (0.5.2). I use that old version because a later versions 
> (like the current 0.5.7) failed in my use case for no reason I could 
> quickly understand. 

Hard to help without more info.

> So I decided to just stick with the older, working version because forced 
> upgrades make kittens suffer. And I am a kitten. And also: by semver

I don't know that core.unify follows semver. I don't know that it doesn't, 
but that seems like an assumption.

> , why should a satisfied user of 0.5.2 care about 0.5.7? 

There is a change log:

> (Note: I don’t know whether clojure.core.unify 0.5.7 is conformant to 
> whatever spec is breaking.) 

It is. I released core.unify 0.5.7 about a month ago to fix the spec issue 
mentioned above.

> So upgrading Midje to Clojure 1.0alpha11 is not turning out as simple as 
> might be hoped. 
> I know that, pace Casablanca[*], the problems of a guy trying to provide 
> an alternative to clojure.test don’t amount to a hill of beans in this 
> crazy world. But I offer this datapoint for 
> consideration. 
> [*] 
> Rick: But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going, you can't follow. 
> What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being 
> noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little 
> people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll 
> understand that. 
> [Ilsa lowers her head and begins to cry] 
> Rick: Now, now... 
> [Rick gently places his hand under her chin and raises it so their eyes 
> meet] 
> Rick: Here's looking at you kid. 

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-21 Thread Alex Miller
On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 5:28:57 PM UTC-5, lvh ‌ wrote:
> FYI, while I disagree with your conclusion (I think we should go fix 
> libraries instead), I ran into the same issue just now for roughly the same 
> reason, except the thing that pulled in an old version of core.unify was 
> core.typed, which pulls in 0.5.3 through core.contracts. 

BTW, core.contracts was also updated to 0.0.6 last week to use the latest 

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Re: Add :examples option to s/fdef for documentation and testing?

2016-08-21 Thread Alex Miller
Hi Peter, thanks for the idea, but I don't expect that we'll add this.

On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 8:26:24 AM UTC-5, Peter Marklund wrote:
> Did you consider having examples (input-output mappings) be part of the 
> spec for a function, i.e. add an :examples option to the fdef macro in 
> addition to :the current args, :ret, and :fn options? There is nothing 
> really like examples for learning and has been immensely 
> useful for this reason. I figured that especially for functions with simple 
> input-output mappings of primitive data having a few such representative 
> mappings be part of the spec and the doc string would be natural. Those 
> examples could of course also drive tests.

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Re: taking my clojure game to a higher level

2016-08-21 Thread chia kang ren
I have gotten a copy of the book and am starting to work through it - 
thanks. I have found a very good resource as 
well for more in-depth learning

On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 7:24:39 PM UTC-4, puzzler wrote:
> Sounds like you are ready for this book:

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Re: taking my clojure game to a higher level

2016-08-21 Thread chia kang ren
You are right - right now the apps that a junior dev like me are just 
simple stuff like webapps, which i have tried before with Clojure (but 
learning about webapps, Clojure and the libraries out there all at the same 
time made me abandon my efforts after 2 months). I am thinking i should 
look read the source code of Luminus and see where that takes me.

On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 11:32:08 AM UTC-4, 
> I think you just need a project to motivate you to go deeper into the 
> language. Take on a project that you've been wanting to work on for some 
> time and write it in Clojure.
> On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 11:59:42 PM UTC-4, chia kang ren wrote:
>> I started programming with Racket 2 years ago and i decided i want to use 
>> a Lisp with more libraries at my disposal. So i have made some headway into 
>> Clojure and am familiar with core functions like map, reduce, filter, loop, 
>> for, doseq, some, every?, apply. I make use of macros like ->, ->>, .. 
>>  sometimes. I'm somewhat familiar with destructuring and the clojure data 
>> structures.
>> I have never seen the need to learn transients, macros, protocols, 
>> transducers, multimethods, have struggled with string and file I/O 
>> operations on the rare occasions i need to use them. I have a vague idea of 
>> things like "parallelism", "concurrency", probably because the applications 
>> i build never have had a need of such things. I have a vague idea of how 
>> expensive calls to this or that function would be.
>> Most of my explorations have been with Clojurescript using Om or solving 
>> puzzles, so i have been limited to mostly small scripts, or projects that 
>> never go beyond a few files.
>> I would like to step up my game. I like working in Clojure enough and i 
>> think i have had enough of scripts, i want to write Clojure *programs.* I 
>> want to understand how to make the most of this language, and I would 
>> appreciate very much anecdotes/guidance from the community on how to do so 

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