Re: Parinfer on iOS

2016-08-22 Thread Wei Hsu
On the topic of Parinfer, what's the best Parinfer mode for Emacs right now?

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 3:52:33 PM UTC-7, Wes Morgan wrote:
> If anyone else would like to edit Clojure on iOS with parinfer (or is just 
> interested in expanding the number of places where Clojure can comfortably 
> occur), please vote for my feature request on Textastic (an otherwise very 
> nice iOS text editor with Clojure syntax highlighting): 
> The author is waiting to see how many votes it gets to decide if it's 
> worth implementing or not.

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Re: Generate a million file from a template

2016-08-22 Thread Abhinav Gogna
Thanks Guys! Hitesh you were right about rand-nth. I switched to rand-int, 
which is much faster.

I found a way. It may not be the most optimal way but I can get about 5 
files in 2-3 secs. 

I am using cheshire to parse json and pjson to write it back. 

(ns jsonworker.core
  (:require [cheshire.core :refer [parse-stream] ]
[pjson.core :refer [read-str write-str get-charset]]))

(defn parse-json
  (parse-stream ( file-loc)))

(def json-template (parse-json "resources/test_1918203.json"))

(def fol-location "/Users/json/json_output")

(defn update-ref [json-string id]
  (assoc-in json-string ["basicInformation" "myId"] id))

(defn gen-files [folder-loc text id]
  (spit (str folder-loc "/test_"  id ".json") (write-str text)))

(defn run-me [x] 
  (dotimes [_ x]
(let [iid (rand-int 1e9)]
  (gen-files fol-location (update-ref json-template iid) iid

(defn run-in-parallel
"run-in-parallel runs 500 different threads.
you can give each thread number of files you want to generate
Eg: run-in-parallel 100 will generate 500*100 = 5 files"
  (dotimes [_ 500]
  (.start (Thread. (run-me y))

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 3:10:05 PM UTC-4, hitesh wrote:
> This looks like it's doing too much work to simply generate a random 
> integer.  Are you sure you want to build a lazy list of 999,000 integers 
> and randomly select into it for every invocation?  The garbage collector 
> will be working overtime.
> (defn update-individual [json-string]
>   (assoc-in json-string ["someInfo" "moreInfo"]
> (rand-nth  (range 1000 100
> This should get you a random number in the range without as much effort.
> (+ 1000 (rand-int 999000))
> On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 1:51:11 PM UTC-4, Abhinav Gogna wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to generate lot of files using futures but it hasn't sped up 
>> the process that hoped for. Here is the code I am using. Can someone point 
>> what I am doing wrong?
>> (ns jsonworker.core
>>   (:require [cheshire.core :refer :all ]))
>> (defn parse-json
>>   [file-loc]
>>   (parse-stream ( file-loc)))
>> (def json-template (atom (parse-json "resources/individual_1918203.json"
>> )))
>> (def fol-location "/Users/json/json_output")
>> (defn update-individual [json-string]
>>   (assoc-in json-string ["someInfo" "moreInfo"]
>> (rand-nth  (range 1000 100
>> (defn gen-files [folder-loc text]
>>   (spit (str folder-loc "/newfile_" (rand-int 1e7)) text))
>> (defn run-me [x]
>>   (future  
>> (dotimes [_ x]
>>   (swap! json-template update-individual)
>>   (gen-files fol-location @json-template
>> Thanks!

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Alex Miller

Sorry, I missed this one in the thread somehow. This happens to be a case 
where you have *both* defn and destructuring specs in play, so it has even 
greater potential for confusion in generic errors. 

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 11:23:33 AM UTC-5, Leon Grapenthin wrote:
> I welcome the strict checking over backwards compatibility for broken 
> syntax. E. g. allowing things like symbols in the ns decl would require 
> supporting that as a feature in future updates, analyzer code, other hosts 
> etc. The Clojure devs should not have to worry things with so little use.
> Still the error messages are simply far from good enough and that is what 
> appears to me as the main problem OP has. If the compiler had pointed him 
> to two fixes he could have done in a minute then he had not complained and 
> instead felt more happy with his new compiler. 
> Here is my story when I loaded a large codebase today with 1.9-alpha11:

I'm going to reformat this a little (and formatting is certainly a thing 
that could change - since there are user values in here it's easy for the 
spacing to not be the best)...

Call to clojure.core/defn did not conform to spec:

You mentioned you knew exactly the location and the above gives you the 
form that is failing to match, so you've narrowed it down to a particular 
form in a particular file.

In: [1 0]
val: ({:keys [money/major money/minor money/currency], :or #:money{major 0, 
minor 0, currency :EUR}})

here's the actual value that is failing - so this does include the part 
that's wrong (:or map with non-symbol keys)

fails spec:  :clojure.core.specs/arg-list 

here we name another spec - you can use this to (doc 
:clojure.core.specs/arg-list) to get more info (and so on). There will be 
probably be some kind of a way to do this in a "deep" way at some point.

at: [:args :bs :arity-1 :args]

the path through the specs - can be combined with the spec name above and 
the spec for defn to give you a lot more info - this is the kind of thing 
that a sideband tool in an IDE could do amazing things with.

predicate: (cat :args (* :clojure.core.specs/binding-form) :varargs (? (cat 
:amp #{(quote &)} :form :clojure.core.specs/binding-form))), 

the predicate that is actually failing in the spec, probably not 
particularly helpful given the complexity (and recursiveness) of the 
destructuring specs

Extra input 

this is the part of cat that I think could be made more explicit - could be 
saying here that the value it had (above) was expected to match the next 
part of the cat (binding-form). So that could say the equivalent of 
"Expected binding-form but had non-matching value ..." and could even find 
what parts of that value matched and maybe which didn't (the :or keys) such 
that you'd have a more precise description. There is some more stuff Rich 
and I have worked on around "hybrid maps" which is the case here with map 
destructuring - it's particularly challenging to get a good error out of 
that at the moment, but there's more that can be done.

In: [1 0] 
val: {:keys [money/major money/minor money/currency], :or #:money{major 0, 
minor 0, currency :EUR}} 
fails spec:  :clojure.core.specs/arg-list 
at: [:args :bs :arity-n :bodies :args]
predicate: vector?  

This whole block is another (non-applicable) alternative that spec tried 
out (the multi-arity case). We know that's not what we were trying to do, 
but it's reported anyways. This is where fan-out kicks in and you can get a 
lot of noise that's not applicable. I think there's probably enough 
information to either be better about saying which case we thought you were 
matching or to hide some of them, etc.

:clojure.spec/args (format-money [{:keys
   [money/major money/minor money/currency], :or #:money{major 0,
   minor 0, currency :EUR}}] (str major "," (if (zero? minor) "-"
   minor) " €"))

And this is just reporting the actual passed args to the macro - I think 
this is confusing because it doesn't look like the call (because it's 
missing the macro name). As I said prior, I think this particular part of 
macro error reporting can do better as it knows more about what's going on 
- this should really be tied back up to the macro name at the top.


> I know where the problem is immediately  because I looked at above error 
> and quickly jumped to the code that didn't work. Then I guessed it right 
> because I know what has been changed from Alex Release notes and because I 
> had recently inquired on this board about :or destructoring and probably 
> because I am a long time Clojure user. The problem is that :or in map 
> destructuring with namespaced keywords was not officially supported before 
> 1.9 (but sadly worked exactly opposite to how it is supported now)

> Compare that the more common story of someone who has not followed every 
> newspiece lately and just wants to upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9 - How could he 
> tell whats wrong from above error message? Following above error message by 

Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Colin Fleming
> The big syntax macro cases like ns or let are way past the "average" spec.
> ... I don't think it's fair to judge the general performance of spec's
> errors on just those use cases.

It might be true that these macros are larger than usual, but they're also
the cases that everyone will encounter all the time, particularly new users
trying to figure out the language syntax.

On 23 August 2016 at 12:55, Alex Miller  wrote:

> On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 7:43:53 PM UTC-5, Colin Fleming wrote:
>> I agree that the ability to get a machine-readable parse failure is very
>> important for tooling. However I feel very strongly that the error messages
>> that are printed by default on macro validation failures should be easily
>> understandable, and the current ones are not. If we completely punt to
>> tooling for this, firstly users will receive different (and different
>> quality) error messages depending on the tool they're using, and anyone
>> using plain vanilla Clojure will not get good errors at all.
> I largely agree..
> --
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Re: [ANN] data.avl 0.0.14 – BUGFIX to splits, faster map/set reductions

2016-08-22 Thread Alex Miller
Nice work! Esp on the reduce stuff - great to see that. Any reason you 
didn't go the IReduce path in Clojure too instead of CollReduce? Generally, 
I'd say that's preferred when you control the data structure.

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 7:43:51 PM UTC-5, Michał Marczyk wrote:
> Hi,
> I am pleased to announce the 0.0.14 release of data.avl, a Clojure
> Contrib library providing highly performant drop-in replacements for
> Clojure(Script)'s built-in sorted maps and sets that support O(log n)
> nth, rank-of, first-class submaps/subsets (like subseq, but preserving
> collection type; fully independent from the original for GC purposes)
> and splits by key and index.
>   [org.clojure/data.avl "0.0.14"]
> org.clojure
> data.avl
> 0.0.14
>   org.clojure:data.avl:0.0.14
> Changes in this release:
>  1.
> Fixed a bug in split-key that caused incorrect rank and size
> information to be stored in some collections resulting from splits
> using a key absent from the input collection. See the ticket for a
> more detailed post mortem and links to fixing commits.
> Many thanks to Darrick Wiebe for the report and test.check
> properties that exposed broken split-key return values!
>  2.
> data.avl maps and sets now implement CollReduce (in Clojure) /
> IReduce (in ClojureScript), leading to significantly improved
> reduce performance on data.avl inputs. See end of this email for
> some Criterium benchmarks.
> Many thanks to Francis Avila for providing the patch!
>  3. Seqs over data.avl collections can now be = to j.u.Lists.
>  4. data.avl collections now have their own print-dup implementations
> that correctly round-trip in Clojure.
>  5. Public Vars in the namespace now carry :added
> metadata.
> Cheers,
> Michał
> Reduce benchmarks:
> ==
> Before patch:
> -
> user> (let [m1 (apply sorted-map (range 1))
> m2 (apply avl/sorted-map (range 1))]
> (assert (= (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
>  0
>  m1)
>(reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
>  0
>  m2)))
> (c/quick-bench
>   (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
> 0
> m1))
> (c/quick-bench
>   (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
> 0
> m2)))
> Evaluation count : 120 in 6 samples of 20 calls.
>  Execution time mean : 663.862017 µs
> Execution time std-deviation : 9.483652 µs
>Execution time lower quantile : 654.277800 µs ( 2.5%)
>Execution time upper quantile : 677.885431 µs (97.5%)
>Overhead used : 21.423458 ns
> Evaluation count : 468 in 6 samples of 78 calls.
>  Execution time mean : 1.295972 ms
> Execution time std-deviation : 74.233890 µs
>Execution time lower quantile : 1.255853 ms ( 2.5%)
>Execution time upper quantile : 1.420871 ms (97.5%)
>Overhead used : 21.423458 ns
> Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
> low-severe 1 (16.6667 %)
>  Variance from outliers : 14.4619 % Variance is moderately inflated by 
> outliers
> nil
> After patch:
> ;;; Clojure 1.9-alpha10
> user> (let [m1 (apply sorted-map (range 1))
> m2 (apply avl/sorted-map (range 1))]
> (assert (= (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
>  0
>  m1)
>(reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
>  0
>  m2)))
> (c/quick-bench
>   (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
> 0
> m1))
> (c/quick-bench
>   (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
> 0
> m2)))
> Evaluation count : 882 in 6 samples of 147 calls.
>  Execution time mean : 687.923681 µs
> Execution time std-deviation : 17.527428 µs
>Execution time lower quantile : 669.270395 µs ( 2.5%)
>Execution time upper quantile : 710.828484 µs (97.5%)
>Overhead used : 2.633678 ns
> Evaluation count : 2940 in 6 samples of 490 calls.
>  Execution time mean : 207.386184 µs
> Execution time std-deviation : 7.420049 µs
>Execution time lower quantile : 202.829682 µs ( 2.5%)
>Execution time upper quantile : 219.880774 µs (97.5%)
>Overhead used : 2.633678 ns
> Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
> low-severe 1 (16.6667 %)
>  Variance from outliers : 13.8889 % Variance is moderately inflated by 
> outliers
> nil
> ;;; Clojure 1.5.1
> user> (let [m1 (apply sorted-map (range 1))
> m2 (apply avl/sorted-map (range 1))]

Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Alex Miller

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 7:43:53 PM UTC-5, Colin Fleming wrote:
> I agree that the ability to get a machine-readable parse failure is very 
> important for tooling. However I feel very strongly that the error messages 
> that are printed by default on macro validation failures should be easily 
> understandable, and the current ones are not. If we completely punt to 
> tooling for this, firstly users will receive different (and different 
> quality) error messages depending on the tool they're using, and anyone 
> using plain vanilla Clojure will not get good errors at all.

I largely agree.. 

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Alex Miller

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 6:45:16 PM UTC-5, Oliver George wrote:
> I'm interested to see any discussion regarding this point.  No doubt 
> translating spec data into more friendly formats has been discussed.
> Getting the data right is clojure's problem.  That's the concrete 
> foundation and building blocks required for tooling.  Seems like Rich has 
> done spectacularly there.
> Potentially it's up to tooling to do more with that data.  I'd love to 
> hear Bruce (figwheel), Collin's (cursive) and Bozhidar (cider) opinions 
> about that.  

Bruce has done some stuff with custom explain error reporting around cljs 
config (I think?) that was interesting. And I know of others that have 
built things too. I think those are cool and there are likely to be good 
places where they're useful, particularly in graphical editor environments 
where there are opportunities to do special stuff. But the intention is 
that the default messages should be useful without plugging something else 

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Alex Miller
I've already mentioned most of this above, but I'll try again. In short, 
I'd say yes (that's why we are still in alphas), but in adherence with the 
general goals we have of capturing and returning comprehensive data about 
the error and building those error messages generically.

- Getting the error data (specifically the explain-data output) to be both 
sufficient and generically useful is the first priority. I think at this 
point that's pretty close and unlikely to change significantly. This is the 
key data that can be used to drive everything else. form/describe are also 
tools leveraged by explain-data and there are a bunch of (known) problems 
still in those areas that will be cleaned up.
- The explain error message strings are currently pretty good on simpler 
specs. The big syntax macro cases like ns or let are way past the "average" 
spec. They are difficult in several dimensions - fan-out, recursion, large 
input forms, etc. All of those make creating generic error messages a lot 
harder so I don't think it's fair to judge the general performance of 
spec's errors on just those use cases. There are some general known problem 
areas where there are things that can be done. I talked about some of those 
in relation to s/cat in prior post, but there are others as well.
- It's unlikely that we will add any kind of "custom error strings" - the 
focus will be on automatic message generation.
- There are issues orthogonal to spec around compiler error reporting and 
stack trace display that can and should be improved.
- You've complained in other channels about the "learning to read" error 
messages part and I think you've taken it entirely the wrong way or maybe I 
just disagree. There are benefits from reporting errors in a generic, 
consistent way. That way may mean acquiring familiarity with something new, 
just like learning any programming language. I'm not disagreeing that the 
messages we're looking at are harder to understand than a hand-written 
custom error message for a particular specific situation, but we have 
bigger goals of automatically producing good errors for a large class of 
specs.  Keep in mind that while we're focusing here on one or two specific 
problems, these specs also are detecting a large number of other errors and 
generically producing error messages for all of them, while simultaneously 
being available to conform/destructure the input in ways that can 
potentially improve the implementations too.

All of this post is of course just my thoughts from someone in the room but 
not making the final decisions, so everything here is subject to being 
over-ruled tomorrow. :)

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:11:27 PM UTC-5, Brian Marick wrote:
> On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Leon Grapenthin  
> wrote:
> Still the error messages are simply far from good enough and that is what 
> appears to me as the main problem OP has. 
> This is important. Will the new, stricter error messages be improved 
> before 1.9 is finalized? 

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[ANN] data.avl 0.0.14 – BUGFIX to splits, faster map/set reductions

2016-08-22 Thread Michał Marczyk

I am pleased to announce the 0.0.14 release of data.avl, a Clojure
Contrib library providing highly performant drop-in replacements for
Clojure(Script)'s built-in sorted maps and sets that support O(log n)
nth, rank-of, first-class submaps/subsets (like subseq, but preserving
collection type; fully independent from the original for GC purposes)
and splits by key and index.

  [org.clojure/data.avl "0.0.14"]



Changes in this release:


Fixed a bug in split-key that caused incorrect rank and size
information to be stored in some collections resulting from splits
using a key absent from the input collection. See the ticket for a
more detailed post mortem and links to fixing commits.

Many thanks to Darrick Wiebe for the report and test.check
properties that exposed broken split-key return values!


data.avl maps and sets now implement CollReduce (in Clojure) /
IReduce (in ClojureScript), leading to significantly improved
reduce performance on data.avl inputs. See end of this email for
some Criterium benchmarks.

Many thanks to Francis Avila for providing the patch!

 3. Seqs over data.avl collections can now be = to j.u.Lists.

 4. data.avl collections now have their own print-dup implementations
that correctly round-trip in Clojure.

 5. Public Vars in the namespace now carry :added


Reduce benchmarks:

Before patch:

user> (let [m1 (apply sorted-map (range 1))
m2 (apply avl/sorted-map (range 1))]
(assert (= (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
   (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
  (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
  (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
Evaluation count : 120 in 6 samples of 20 calls.
 Execution time mean : 663.862017 µs
Execution time std-deviation : 9.483652 µs
   Execution time lower quantile : 654.277800 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 677.885431 µs (97.5%)
   Overhead used : 21.423458 ns
Evaluation count : 468 in 6 samples of 78 calls.
 Execution time mean : 1.295972 ms
Execution time std-deviation : 74.233890 µs
   Execution time lower quantile : 1.255853 ms ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 1.420871 ms (97.5%)
   Overhead used : 21.423458 ns

Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
low-severe 1 (16.6667 %)
 Variance from outliers : 14.4619 % Variance is moderately inflated by

After patch:

;;; Clojure 1.9-alpha10

user> (let [m1 (apply sorted-map (range 1))
m2 (apply avl/sorted-map (range 1))]
(assert (= (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
   (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
  (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
  (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
Evaluation count : 882 in 6 samples of 147 calls.
 Execution time mean : 687.923681 µs
Execution time std-deviation : 17.527428 µs
   Execution time lower quantile : 669.270395 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 710.828484 µs (97.5%)
   Overhead used : 2.633678 ns
Evaluation count : 2940 in 6 samples of 490 calls.
 Execution time mean : 207.386184 µs
Execution time std-deviation : 7.420049 µs
   Execution time lower quantile : 202.829682 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 219.880774 µs (97.5%)
   Overhead used : 2.633678 ns

Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
low-severe 1 (16.6667 %)
 Variance from outliers : 13.8889 % Variance is moderately inflated by

;;; Clojure 1.5.1

user> (let [m1 (apply sorted-map (range 1))
m2 (apply avl/sorted-map (range 1))]
(assert (= (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
   (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
  (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
  (reduce (fn [out kv] (+ out (key kv) (val kv)))
Evaluation count : 990 in 6 samples of 165 calls.
 Execution time me

Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Colin Fleming
I agree that the ability to get a machine-readable parse failure is very
important for tooling. However I feel very strongly that the error messages
that are printed by default on macro validation failures should be easily
understandable, and the current ones are not. If we completely punt to
tooling for this, firstly users will receive different (and different
quality) error messages depending on the tool they're using, and anyone
using plain vanilla Clojure will not get good errors at all.

On 23 August 2016 at 11:45, Oliver George  wrote:

> I'm interested to see any discussion regarding this point.  No doubt
> translating spec data into more friendly formats has been discussed.
> Getting the data right is clojure's problem.  That's the concrete
> foundation and building blocks required for tooling.  Seems like Rich has
> done spectacularly there.
> Potentially it's up to tooling to do more with that data.  I'd love to
> hear Bruce (figwheel), Collin's (cursive) and Bozhidar (cider) opinions
> about that.
> On Tuesday, 23 August 2016 08:11:27 UTC+10, Brian Marick wrote:
>> On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Leon Grapenthin 
>> wrote:
>> Still the error messages are simply far from good enough and that is what
>> appears to me as the main problem OP has.
>> This is important. Will the new, stricter error messages be improved
>> before 1.9 is finalized?
>> --
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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Oliver George

I'm interested to see any discussion regarding this point.  No doubt 
translating spec data into more friendly formats has been discussed.

Getting the data right is clojure's problem.  That's the concrete 
foundation and building blocks required for tooling.  Seems like Rich has 
done spectacularly there.

Potentially it's up to tooling to do more with that data.  I'd love to hear 
Bruce (figwheel), Collin's (cursive) and Bozhidar (cider) opinions about 

On Tuesday, 23 August 2016 08:11:27 UTC+10, Brian Marick wrote:
> On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Leon Grapenthin  > wrote:
> Still the error messages are simply far from good enough and that is what 
> appears to me as the main problem OP has. 
> This is important. Will the new, stricter error messages be improved 
> before 1.9 is finalized? 

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Parinfer on iOS

2016-08-22 Thread Wes Morgan
If anyone else would like to edit Clojure on iOS with parinfer (or is just 
interested in expanding the number of places where Clojure can comfortably 
occur), please vote for my feature request on Textastic (an otherwise very nice 
iOS text editor with Clojure syntax highlighting):

The author is waiting to see how many votes it gets to decide if it's worth 
implementing or not.

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Brian Marick

> On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Leon Grapenthin  
> wrote:
> Still the error messages are simply far from good enough and that is what 
> appears to me as the main problem OP has. 

This is important. Will the new, stricter error messages be improved before 1.9 
is finalized? 

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Re: Parsing namespaced XML with

2016-08-22 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
I've been thinking this over. I'm starting feel that you are right in that
the arbitrary, global mapping could cause more problems, than it would
solve. Even if we could get by with a maintained registry, it would still
be a burden to maintain and to use. Also, there is the open question of
code expecting qnames, when suddenly, somebody declares a new xmlns mapping.

There is the possibility to canonicalize by cramming the xmlns uri into a
readable kw-ns and that would still neatly reuse clojure's ns-alias
facility. What I don't like about the approach is, that it would make even
pretty-printed xml parse-trees quite unreadable. While
:xmlns.dav/multistatus vs :xmlns.REFWOgo=/multistatus might not look as
horrifying, consider :xmlns.aHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMTk5OS94aHRtbAo=/p for
an xhtml paragraph.

Maybe it's time to give up on universal value equality of parsed xml and
instead make the keyword - mapping a la carte, with a parser / emitter flag.
Technically, universal value equality is already challenged by the qname /
keyword dichotomy and given that we want to retain using ::alias/keywords
there is a decision to be made on whether to make qname the canonical
representation and embrace the multitude of keyword mappings or whether to
eliminate qnames and take the readability hit for canonicalizing the
keyword representation. Do you see any alternative?

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Re: Generate a million file from a template

2016-08-22 Thread hitesh
This looks like it's doing too much work to simply generate a random 
integer.  Are you sure you want to build a lazy list of 999,000 integers 
and randomly select into it for every invocation?  The garbage collector 
will be working overtime.

(defn update-individual [json-string]
  (assoc-in json-string ["someInfo" "moreInfo"]
(rand-nth  (range 1000 100

This should get you a random number in the range without as much effort.

(+ 1000 (rand-int 999000))

On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 1:51:11 PM UTC-4, Abhinav Gogna wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to generate lot of files using futures but it hasn't sped up 
> the process that hoped for. Here is the code I am using. Can someone point 
> what I am doing wrong?
> (ns jsonworker.core
>   (:require [cheshire.core :refer :all ]))
> (defn parse-json
>   [file-loc]
>   (parse-stream ( file-loc)))
> (def json-template (atom (parse-json "resources/individual_1918203.json"
> )))
> (def fol-location "/Users/json/json_output")
> (defn update-individual [json-string]
>   (assoc-in json-string ["someInfo" "moreInfo"]
> (rand-nth  (range 1000 100
> (defn gen-files [folder-loc text]
>   (spit (str folder-loc "/newfile_" (rand-int 1e7)) text))
> (defn run-me [x]
>   (future  
> (dotimes [_ x]
>   (swap! json-template update-individual)
>   (gen-files fol-location @json-template
> Thanks!

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Leon Grapenthin
I welcome the strict checking over backwards compatibility for broken 
syntax. E. g. allowing things like symbols in the ns decl would require 
supporting that as a feature in future updates, analyzer code, other hosts 
etc. The Clojure devs should not have to worry things with so little use.

Still the error messages are simply far from good enough and that is what 
appears to me as the main problem OP has. If the compiler had pointed him 
to two fixes he could have done in a minute then he had not complained and 
instead felt more happy with his new compiler. 

Here is my story when I loaded a large codebase today with 1.9-alpha11:

Call to clojure.core/defn did not conform to spec: In: [1 0] val:
   ({:keys [money/major money/minor money/currency], :or #:money{major
   0, minor 0, currency :EUR}}) fails spec:
   :clojure.core.specs/arg-list at: [:args :bs :arity-1 :args]
   predicate: (cat :args (* :clojure.core.specs/binding-form) :varargs
   (? (cat :amp #{(quote &)} :form
   :clojure.core.specs/binding-form))), Extra input In: [1 0] val:
   {:keys [money/major money/minor money/currency], :or #:money{major
   0, minor 0, currency :EUR}} fails spec:
   :clojure.core.specs/arg-list at: [:args :bs :arity-n :bodies :args]
   predicate: vector?  :clojure.spec/args (format-money [{:keys
   [money/major money/minor money/currency], :or #:money{major 0,
   minor 0, currency :EUR}}] (str major "," (if (zero? minor) "-"
   minor) " €"))

I know where the problem is immediately  because I looked at above error 
and quickly jumped to the code that didn't work. Then I guessed it right 
because I know what has been changed from Alex Release notes and because I 
had recently inquired on this board about :or destructoring and probably 
because I am a long time Clojure user. The problem is that :or in map 
destructuring with namespaced keywords was not officially supported before 
1.9 (but sadly worked exactly opposite to how it is supported now)

Compare that the more common story of someone who has not followed every 
newspiece lately and just wants to upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9 - How could he 
tell whats wrong from above error message? Following above error message by 
looking up specs and following index paths like [1 0] is a manual process 
that costs and feels like debugging a difficultly hidden bug. The 
time/utility distance to a hand written macro assert like "Keys in :or 
destructoring must be unqualified symbols" currently does not justify the 
use of specs for such things. It's by far worse than the NPE Stacktraces 
popping up from nowhere that one learns to value and utilize after a month 
or so in Clojure. 

It seems that improving the error messages we can calculate from specs data 
is something that more people should think about and improve for 1.9. I'd 
be willing to invest time if needed / input is welcome. Alternatively a way 
to integrate custom error messages into specs directly could also be 
(But I still don't really see how above spec tells me that I shouldn't use 
qualified symbols in :or destructoring - do you?)

On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:08:57 PM UTC+2, Alex Miller wrote:
> I've added library related fixes related to core specs to an info page at:
> On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 8:24:20 PM UTC-5, Alex Miller wrote:
>> On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 5:28:57 PM UTC-5, lvh ‌ wrote:
>>> FYI, while I disagree with your conclusion (I think we should go fix 
>>> libraries instead), I ran into the same issue just now for roughly the same 
>>> reason, except the thing that pulled in an old version of core.unify was 
>>> core.typed, which pulls in 0.5.3 through core.contracts. 
>> BTW, core.contracts was also updated to 0.0.6 last week to use the latest 
>> core.unify.

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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Alex Miller
I've added library related fixes related to core specs to an info page at:

On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 8:24:20 PM UTC-5, Alex Miller wrote:
> On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 5:28:57 PM UTC-5, lvh ‌ wrote:
>> FYI, while I disagree with your conclusion (I think we should go fix 
>> libraries instead), I ran into the same issue just now for roughly the same 
>> reason, except the thing that pulled in an old version of core.unify was 
>> core.typed, which pulls in 0.5.3 through core.contracts. 
> BTW, core.contracts was also updated to 0.0.6 last week to use the latest 
> core.unify.

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[ANN] Shrubbery 0.4.0, a stubbing, spying, and mocking library for Clojure protocols

2016-08-22 Thread Brian Guthrie
Clojure protocols are a great way to encapsulate operations with side
effects, but suffer from a lack of general test tooling. Shrubbery provides
a small set of basic building blocks for working with them.

New in this release:

– A throws function, which returns an object suitable for use with the
stub function
that throws the named exception when invoked, as so:

(defprotocol SomeProtocol
  (explode [t]))

(let [astub (shrubbery/stub SomeProtocol
  {:explode (shrubbery/throws RuntimeException "bang")})]
  (explode astub)) ;; throws RuntimeException "bang"

What Shrubbery provides:

 * stub, which accepts a variable list of protocols and a optional hashmap
of simple value implementations and returns an object that reifies all
given protocols;
 * spy, which accepts an object with at least one protocol implementation
and returns a new implementation that tracks the number of times each of
its members were called;
 * mock, which wraps a stub in a spy, allowing callers to supply basic
function implementations and assert against those calls; and
 * calls/received?, which in conjunction with the Matcher protocol provide
a way to query spies and assert against their state.

Shrubbery is test-framework-agnostic, avoids altering runtime state to the
degree possible, and uses no macros. It supports Clojure versions 1.5-1.8;
I haven't yet tested with 1.9. It should work nicely with automated
refactoring operations like rename-function.

[com.gearswithingears/shrubbery "0.4.0"]



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Re: Two suggestions re: core.spec, `ns`, and clojure 1.9alpha11

2016-08-22 Thread Luc
That emacs joke gets my week started with some abdominal pain 😂😂
I support strictness 😬
Luc P.

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