Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-04-01 Thread Vincent Foley

No change.  I think made a small script that spends a large amount of
time in java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt too:

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
 (dotimes [_ 1]
   (let [#^ints arr (int-array 200)]
 (dotimes [i 200]
   (aset-int arr i i)

So maybe I should try to see what I can do about other functions.

On Mar 31, 11:04 pm, David Nolen wrote:
  15.1%     0  +  1711    java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
 Is definitely pointing at the aset-int as being the time gobbler, I think
 the expression in the macro should be this

 (aset-int (ints arr#) i# (int (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn)

 to be extra safe.

 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:

  I tried it just now; it made no difference.  Nevertheless, thank you
  for you help and time!

  On Mar 31, 9:38 pm, David Nolen wrote:
   Did you try
   (int (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get


   Your macro should like this:

   (defmacro make-reader
     [get-fn mask-fn]
     `(fn [#^ByteBuffer buf# len#]
        (if (= len# 1)
          (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn)))
          (let [#^[I arr# (int-array len#)]
            (dotimes [i# len#]
              (aset-int arr# i# (int (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn))

   On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:

I tried surrounding the call to the (. buf# (get)) method and putting
the coercion directly inside the mask8 and mask16 functions.  Neither
worked.  I want to mention at this point that I have *warn-on-
reflection* set to true for the little script that uses the library
and it doesn't report any call to methods that it can't resolve.

Here's the complete -Xprof output, if it helps.

Flat profile of 176.10 secs (11351 total ticks): main

 Interpreted + native   Method
 4.5%   511  +     0    java.lang.Integer.hashCode
 1.4%   160  +     0    java.lang.Integer.intValue
 0.8%    91  +     0    starcraft.replay.unpack
 0.7%    80  +     0    clojure.lang.Numbers.int_array
 0.2%    25  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentVector.pushTail
 0.1%    15  +     2    java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1
 0.1%    16  +     0
 0.1%     4  +    11    clojure.core__init.load
 0.1%    10  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentVector.cons
 0.1%     8  +     0    starcraft.replay.actions$fn__71.invoke
 0.1%     8  +     0
 0.1%     0  +     7    java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
 0.1%     7  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
 0.1%     7  +     0    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
 0.1%     7  +     0    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
 0.1%     7  +     0    starcraft.replay.unpack
 0.1%     7  +     0    starcraft.replay.parse
 0.1%     6  +     0    clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
 0.1%     6  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
 0.1%     6  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
 0.0%     0  +     5    java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray
 0.0%     0  +     5    java.lang.Class.forName0
 0.0%     0  +     5
 0.0%     5  +     0    java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.init
 0.0%     5  +     0    java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange
 10.9%  1157  +    76    Total interpreted (including elided)

    Compiled + native   Method
 10.4%  1183  +     1    starcraft.replay.parse$fn__23$fn__49.invoke
 10.0%  1123  +    17    starcraft.replay.unpack
 9.2%  1043  +     0    clojure.core$next__3096.invoke
 8.9%  1014  +     0    starcraft.replay.parse
 5.5%   626  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
 4.3%   474  +    17    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
 4.1%   464  +     7    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
 2.9%   333  +     0
 2.5%   288  +     0    clojure.lang.RT.seq
 2.4%   269  +     0    clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
 2.2%   249  +     0
 1.8%   202  +     0    clojure.core$seq__3112.invoke
 1.6%   174  +     3    clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo
 1.3%   140  +     2    clojure.lang.APersistentMap.cons
 1.2%   130  +     1    clojure.core$spread__3225.invoke
 1.1%   127  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap.valAt
 0.8%    93  +     0    clojure.core$reduce__3304.invoke
 0.6%    66  +     2    starcraft.replay.unpack
 0.6%    63  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.valAt
 0.1%    13  +     1    clojure.core$conj__3100.invoke

Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread Vincent Foley

For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of my
original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+ files down
to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an improvement,
especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You can see
it here:

And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof shows
that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the way I
type hint my array in make-reader?



On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:

 For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make an
 application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more or
 less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse 1000
 files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than an
 order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available with
 the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.  I
 copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.  I
 have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at this

 I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var *that*
 expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something fundamentally
 wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal performance?

 Thank you,


 P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu Ibex.  My
 machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.
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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
Did you try using aset-int instead of aset?

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of my
 original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+ files down
 to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an improvement,
 especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You can see
 it here:

 And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof shows
 that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
 java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the way I
 type hint my array in make-reader?



 On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:
  For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make an
  application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more or
  less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse 1000
  files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than an
  order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available with
  the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.  I
  copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.  I
  have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at this
  I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var *that*
  expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something fundamentally
  wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal performance?
  Thank you,
  P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu Ibex.  My
  machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread Vincent Foley

No, but in my defense I did not know such a function existed :)  I'll
give it a whirl and report back!

On Mar 31, 9:57 am, David Nolen wrote:
 Did you try using aset-int instead of aset?

 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Vincent Foley wrote:

  For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of my
  original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+ files down
  to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an improvement,
  especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You can see
  it here:

  And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof shows
  that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
  java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the way I
  type hint my array in make-reader?



  On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:

   For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make an
   application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more or
   less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse 1000
   files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than an
   order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available with
   the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.  I
   copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.  I
   have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at this

   I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var *that*
   expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something fundamentally
   wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal performance?

   Thank you,


   P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu Ibex.  My
   machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.

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Clojure group.
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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread Aaron Cohen

I'm sorry if I missed you mentioning it, but have you tried running
your code with (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) in effect?

-- Aaron

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread Aaron Cohen

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Aaron Cohen wrote:
 I'm sorry if I missed you mentioning it, but have you tried running
 your code with (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) in effect?

Ugh, I should have looked at your code before I sent that.  There it
is on line 1. ;)

-- Aaron

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
Thanks to cl-format:

 [buf__2572__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
 (if (= len__2573__auto__ 1)
 (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)))
 (let [arr__2574__auto__ (int-array len__2573__auto__)]
   [i__2575__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
  (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)

This is the expansion for (make-reader get mask8), where were you attempting
putting the int coercion to to the mask-fn?


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 I tried using aset-int and I tried using int to coerce the result of
 mask-fn, the input argument to mask-fn and few other things, but none
 of that seems to make a difference so far.  Mind you, this is an
 aspect of Clojure that I find a little confusing, so I'm just putting
 int calls here and there and looking at what happens.

 On Mar 31, 10:46 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
  Did you try to coerce the result of (~mask-fn ...) with int?
  (or use aset-int as suggested by David)
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:
   No, but in my defense I did not know such a function existed :)  I'll
   give it a whirl and report back!
   On Mar 31, 9:57 am, David Nolen wrote:
Did you try using aset-int instead of aset?
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Vincent Foley
 For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of my
 original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+ files
 to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an improvement,
 especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You can
 it here:
 And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof shows
 that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
 java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the way
 type hint my array in make-reader?
 On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:
  For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make
  application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more
  less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse
  files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than
  order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available
  the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.
  copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.
  have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at
  I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var *that*
  expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something
  wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal
  Thank you,
  P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu Ibex.
  machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Clojure group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread Vincent Foley

I tried surrounding the call to the (. buf# (get)) method and putting
the coercion directly inside the mask8 and mask16 functions.  Neither
worked.  I want to mention at this point that I have *warn-on-
reflection* set to true for the little script that uses the library
and it doesn't report any call to methods that it can't resolve.

Here's the complete -Xprof output, if it helps.

Flat profile of 176.10 secs (11351 total ticks): main

  Interpreted + native   Method
  4.5%   511  + 0java.lang.Integer.hashCode
  1.4%   160  + 0java.lang.Integer.intValue
  0.8%91  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.7%80  + 0clojure.lang.Numbers.int_array
  0.2%25  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.pushTail
  0.1%15  + 2java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1
  0.1%16  + 0
  0.1% 4  +11clojure.core__init.load
  0.1%10  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.cons
  0.1% 8  + 0starcraft.replay.actions$fn__71.invoke
  0.1% 8  + 0
  0.1% 0  + 7java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
  0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
  0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
  0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
  0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
  0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray
  0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.Class.forName0
  0.0% 0  +
  0.0% 5  + 0java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.init
  0.0% 5  + 0java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange
 10.9%  1157  +76Total interpreted (including elided)

 Compiled + native   Method
 10.4%  1183  + 1starcraft.replay.parse$fn__23$fn__49.invoke
 10.0%  1123  +17starcraft.replay.unpack
  9.2%  1043  + 0clojure.core$next__3096.invoke
  8.9%  1014  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
  5.5%   626  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  4.3%   474  +17clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  4.1%   464  + 7clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  2.9%   333  +
  2.5%   288  + 0clojure.lang.RT.seq
  2.4%   269  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
  2.2%   249  + 0
  1.8%   202  + 0clojure.core$seq__3112.invoke
  1.6%   174  + 3clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo
  1.3%   140  + 2clojure.lang.APersistentMap.cons
  1.2%   130  + 1clojure.core$spread__3225.invoke
  1.1%   127  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap.valAt
  0.8%93  + 0clojure.core$reduce__3304.invoke
  0.6%66  + 2starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.6%63  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.valAt
  0.1%13  + 1clojure.core$conj__3100.invoke
  0.1% 9  + 0clojure.lang.APersistentMap.invoke
  0.1% 3  + 6starcraft.replay.parse
  0.1% 8  + 0clojure.core$nthnext__4405.invoke
  0.1% 0  +
  0.0% 0  + 5clojure.lang.APersistentVector.assoc
 72.3%  8126  +76Total compiled (including elided)

 Stub + native   Method
 15.1% 0  +  1711java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
  1.2% 0  +   135java.lang.System.arraycopy
  0.3% 0  +31java.lang.reflect.Array.set
  0.1% 0
  0.1% 0  +13java.lang.reflect.Array.get
  0.1% 0  + 7java.lang.Object.getClass
  0.0% 0  + 1java.lang.Thread.currentThread
 16.9% 0  +  1913Total stub

  Thread-local ticks:
  0.0% 1 Class loader
  0.0% 2 Unknown: no last frame

Flat profile of 0.01 secs (1 total ticks): DestroyJavaVM

  Thread-local ticks:
100.0% 1 Blocked (of total)

Global summary of 176.12 seconds:
100.0% 11603 Received ticks
  2.1%   246 Received GC ticks
  4.3%   495 Compilation
  0.0% 2 Other VM operations
  0.0% 1 Class loader
  0.0% 2 Unknown code
176.257 secs

On Mar 31, 8:57 pm, David Nolen wrote:
 Thanks to cl-format:

  [buf__2572__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
  (if (= len__2573__auto__ 1)
      (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)))
      (let [arr__2574__auto__ (int-array 

Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
Did you try
(int (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get


Your macro should like this:

(defmacro make-reader
  [get-fn mask-fn]
  `(fn [#^ByteBuffer buf# len#]
 (if (= len# 1)
   (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn)))
   (let [#^[I arr# (int-array len#)]
 (dotimes [i# len#]
   (aset-int arr# i# (int (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn))

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 I tried surrounding the call to the (. buf# (get)) method and putting
 the coercion directly inside the mask8 and mask16 functions.  Neither
 worked.  I want to mention at this point that I have *warn-on-
 reflection* set to true for the little script that uses the library
 and it doesn't report any call to methods that it can't resolve.

 Here's the complete -Xprof output, if it helps.

 Flat profile of 176.10 secs (11351 total ticks): main

  Interpreted + native   Method
  4.5%   511  + 0java.lang.Integer.hashCode
  1.4%   160  + 0java.lang.Integer.intValue
  0.8%91  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.7%80  + 0clojure.lang.Numbers.int_array
  0.2%25  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.pushTail
  0.1%15  + 2java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1
  0.1%16  + 0
  0.1% 4  +11clojure.core__init.load
  0.1%10  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.cons
  0.1% 8  + 0starcraft.replay.actions$fn__71.invoke
  0.1% 8  + 0
  0.1% 0  + 7java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
  0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
  0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
  0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
  0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
  0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray
  0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.Class.forName0
  0.0% 0  +
  0.0% 5  + 0java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.init
  0.0% 5  + 0java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange
  10.9%  1157  +76Total interpreted (including elided)

 Compiled + native   Method
  10.4%  1183  + 1starcraft.replay.parse$fn__23$fn__49.invoke
  10.0%  1123  +17starcraft.replay.unpack
  9.2%  1043  + 0clojure.core$next__3096.invoke
  8.9%  1014  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
  5.5%   626  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  4.3%   474  +17clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  4.1%   464  + 7clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  2.9%   333  +
  2.5%   288  + 0clojure.lang.RT.seq
  2.4%   269  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
  2.2%   249  + 0
  1.8%   202  + 0clojure.core$seq__3112.invoke
  1.6%   174  + 3clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo
  1.3%   140  + 2clojure.lang.APersistentMap.cons
  1.2%   130  + 1clojure.core$spread__3225.invoke
  1.1%   127  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap.valAt
  0.8%93  + 0clojure.core$reduce__3304.invoke
  0.6%66  + 2starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.6%63  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.valAt
  0.1%13  + 1clojure.core$conj__3100.invoke
  0.1% 9  + 0clojure.lang.APersistentMap.invoke
  0.1% 3  + 6starcraft.replay.parse
  0.1% 8  + 0clojure.core$nthnext__4405.invoke
  0.1% 0  +
  0.0% 0  + 5clojure.lang.APersistentVector.assoc
  72.3%  8126  +76Total compiled (including elided)

 Stub + native   Method
  15.1% 0  +  1711java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
  1.2% 0  +   135java.lang.System.arraycopy
  0.3% 0  +31java.lang.reflect.Array.set
  0.1% 0
  0.1% 0  +13java.lang.reflect.Array.get
  0.1% 0  + 7java.lang.Object.getClass
  0.0% 0  + 1java.lang.Thread.currentThread
  16.9% 0  +  1913Total stub

  Thread-local ticks:
  0.0% 1 Class loader
  0.0% 2 Unknown: no last frame

 Flat profile of 0.01 secs (1 total ticks): DestroyJavaVM

  Thread-local ticks:
 100.0% 1 Blocked (of total)

 Global summary of 176.12 seconds:
 100.0% 11603 Received 

Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
 15.1% 0  +  1711java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
Is definitely pointing at the aset-int as being the time gobbler, I think
the expression in the macro should be this

(aset-int (ints arr#) i# (int (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn)

to be extra safe.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 I tried it just now; it made no difference.  Nevertheless, thank you
 for you help and time!

 On Mar 31, 9:38 pm, David Nolen wrote:
  Did you try
  (int (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get
  Your macro should like this:
  (defmacro make-reader
[get-fn mask-fn]
`(fn [#^ByteBuffer buf# len#]
   (if (= len# 1)
 (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn)))
 (let [#^[I arr# (int-array len#)]
   (dotimes [i# len#]
 (aset-int arr# i# (int (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn))
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:
   I tried surrounding the call to the (. buf# (get)) method and putting
   the coercion directly inside the mask8 and mask16 functions.  Neither
   worked.  I want to mention at this point that I have *warn-on-
   reflection* set to true for the little script that uses the library
   and it doesn't report any call to methods that it can't resolve.
   Here's the complete -Xprof output, if it helps.
   Flat profile of 176.10 secs (11351 total ticks): main
Interpreted + native   Method
4.5%   511  + 0java.lang.Integer.hashCode
1.4%   160  + 0java.lang.Integer.intValue
0.8%91  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
0.7%80  + 0clojure.lang.Numbers.int_array
0.2%25  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.pushTail
0.1%15  + 2java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1
0.1%16  + 0
0.1% 4  +11clojure.core__init.load
0.1%10  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.cons
0.1% 8  + 0starcraft.replay.actions$fn__71.invoke
0.1% 8  + 0
0.1% 0  + 7java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray
0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.Class.forName0
0.0% 0  +
0.0% 5  + 0java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.init
0.0% 5  + 0java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange
10.9%  1157  +76Total interpreted (including elided)
   Compiled + native   Method
10.4%  1183  + 1starcraft.replay.parse$fn__23$fn__49.invoke
10.0%  1123  +17starcraft.replay.unpack
9.2%  1043  + 0clojure.core$next__3096.invoke
8.9%  1014  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
5.5%   626  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
4.3%   474  +17clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
4.1%   464  + 7clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
2.9%   333  +
2.5%   288  + 0clojure.lang.RT.seq
2.4%   269  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
2.2%   249  + 0
1.8%   202  + 0clojure.core$seq__3112.invoke
1.6%   174  + 3clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo
1.3%   140  + 2clojure.lang.APersistentMap.cons
1.2%   130  + 1clojure.core$spread__3225.invoke
1.1%   127  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap.valAt
0.8%93  + 0clojure.core$reduce__3304.invoke
0.6%66  + 2starcraft.replay.unpack
0.6%63  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.valAt
0.1%13  + 1clojure.core$conj__3100.invoke
0.1% 9  + 0clojure.lang.APersistentMap.invoke
0.1% 3  + 6starcraft.replay.parse
0.1% 8  + 0clojure.core$nthnext__4405.invoke
0.1% 0  +
0.0% 0  + 5clojure.lang.APersistentVector.assoc
72.3%  8126  +76Total compiled (including elided)
   Stub + native   Method
15.1% 0  +  1711

Bit-syntax (Was: Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.)

2009-03-24 Thread Kyle Schaffrick

On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:41:07 -0700
Mark Engelberg wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Vincent Foley
  More generally, is it possible that I'm just doing this whole thing
  wrong?  That using vectors to represent binary fields and records
  in a declarative is just a bad idea and that I should try and
  explore lower- level alternatives?
 This reminds me... I would LOVE to see in Clojure something like
 Erlang's bit-packing/destructuring syntax for working with bit
 manipulation in a high-level way.

I'm actually casually hacking on something like this right now, as I
want to attempt to port a radar processing code I wrote into Clojure.
(It's currently implemented in modern C++ with a functional-ish style)

The WSR-88D file format is *extremely* bizarre and convoluted and
requires a lot of bit-fiddling. Half or more of the current code is
dedicated to converting this format into something sane. I actually hate
that part of my C++ implementation the most because it's all
hand-written unpacking and endianness-fixing of byte arrays which seems
impossible to clean up any further.

-So- .. What I actually have so far is a macro that lets you basically
write Erlang bit-syntax in S-exps and it will expand into a vector that
you can use as the binding list of a let form. The IP header unpacking
example in Erlang's documentation looks something like this:

  (let (bits dgram 
 [ip-ver 4] [hdr-len 4] svc-type [tot-len 16]
 [id 16] [flags 3] [frag-off 13]
 ttl proto [hdr-cksum 16]
 [src-ip 32] [dst-ip 32] [rest-dgram :binary])

Not shown: floats, signedness, and endianness (defaults are all the same
as Erlang).

It's okay, but it looks unnatural and I don't really like doing it
that way very much. The source and destination names are backwards
(dgram is being destructured into ip-ver, hdr-len and so on), and the
syntax hijacks the whole let form, because I don't think you can write a
macro that automatically splices into its parent form.

So I had been thinking of composing an email about what the likelihood
of seeing extensibility API for destructuring would be. The idea being
that the UI for the bit-syntax library would allow for this custom
destructuring to be pervasive, look a little more conventional, and let
you mix it with regular binding forms (instead of having to use an
explicit let that is completely hijacked by the bit-syntax).

You could of course write something that would unpack bits into a
vector, and then destructure the vector on the left-hand side, but that
separates the names which will be bound (on the left) from their field
specifiers (passed to the macro on the right). I found this difficult to
read when the specifier list gets large, so I implemented it this way so
the bound names are next to their specifications (just like Erlang's).

Details: the macro expands into a bunch of sequential let bindings that
progressively tease apart the blob using some helper functions. I
haven't actually implemented the functions that do this teasing yet
because that requires me to go digging in Java API docs to see what they
provide for dealing with bit-bashing, and I haven't had the inclination
to do that just yet :)

So, is there any chance of extensible destructuring? What would such an
API look like? I have thought about it a lot, but the minutiae of doing
this generally enough to be useful, but simple enough to be
implementable are probably beyond my grasp.


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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-23 Thread Vincent Foley

Using the new versions of null-string and read-field-aux that you gave
me, in my real application, the execution time went from 160 seconds
to 150 seconds.  As for using macros, I wrote one for the example
program, but I realized that it wouldn't work in my application,
because I sometimes use (apply parse-buffer buf field-vector).

Thanks for the assistance,


On Mar 22, 4:33 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:
 How would I do that?  Make a macro that expands into a map literal
 with the appropriate calls to .get, .getShort and .getInt?

 On Mar 22, 4:20 pm, Christophe Grand wrote:

  Vincent Foley a écrit : The code is available at this 
   (look at the hu.becliza.andras.bwhf.control.[BinRepParser,
   BinReplayUnpacker] files)

   It is definitely not as dynamic, which helps quite a lot, but I wanted
   to have something high level and declarative.

  If you want to go high-level and declarative you can certainly implement
  this as a macro which will compile your declaration into fast static code.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-23 Thread Christophe Grand

Hi Vincent!

Vincent Foley a écrit :
 Using the new versions of null-string and read-field-aux that you gave
 me, in my real application, the execution time went from 160 seconds
 to 150 seconds.  As for using macros, I wrote one for the example
 program, but I realized that it wouldn't work in my application,
 because I sometimes use (apply parse-buffer buf field-vector).

I looked at your program, you can use macros there too.

Given compile-fields a function that outputs the code of a closure 
taking a ByteBuffer as only argument then you can rewrite action as a 
macro like this:

(defmacro action
  [name  v-forms]
  {:name name
   :fields (compile-fields v-forms)}) and replace (apply parse-buffer 
buf fields) with (fields buf).

Do you think it's feasible?

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-23 Thread Vincent Foley

I can try that.

More generally, is it possible that I'm just doing this whole thing
wrong?  That using vectors to represent binary fields and records in a
declarative is just a bad idea and that I should try and explore lower-
level alternatives?


On Mar 23, 3:35 pm, Christophe Grand wrote:
 Hi Vincent!

 Vincent Foley a écrit :

  Using the new versions of null-string and read-field-aux that you gave
  me, in my real application, the execution time went from 160 seconds
  to 150 seconds.  As for using macros, I wrote one for the example
  program, but I realized that it wouldn't work in my application,
  because I sometimes use (apply parse-buffer buf field-vector).

 I looked at your program, you can use macros there too.

 Given compile-fields a function that outputs the code of a closure
 taking a ByteBuffer as only argument then you can rewrite action as a
 macro like this:

 (defmacro action
   [name  v-forms]
   {:name name
    :fields (compile-fields v-forms)}) and replace (apply parse-buffer
 buf fields) with (fields buf).

 Do you think it's feasible?

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-23 Thread Mark Engelberg

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:
 More generally, is it possible that I'm just doing this whole thing
 wrong?  That using vectors to represent binary fields and records in a
 declarative is just a bad idea and that I should try and explore lower-
 level alternatives?

This reminds me... I would LOVE to see in Clojure something like
Erlang's bit-packing/destructuring syntax for working with bit
manipulation in a high-level way.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-22 Thread Vincent Foley

How would I do that?  Make a macro that expands into a map literal
with the appropriate calls to .get, .getShort and .getInt?

On Mar 22, 4:20 pm, Christophe Grand wrote:
 Vincent Foley a écrit : The code is available at this 
  (look at the hu.becliza.andras.bwhf.control.[BinRepParser,
  BinReplayUnpacker] files)

  It is definitely not as dynamic, which helps quite a lot, but I wanted
  to have something high level and declarative.

 If you want to go high-level and declarative you can certainly implement
 this as a macro which will compile your declaration into fast static code.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-21 Thread Christophe Grand


Is the java code online somewhere to compare? (Since your code is an 
interpreter for byte-fields specs there's a lot of stuff going to read a 
single byte, I wonder if the java code you're benchmarking against is 
that dynamic)

Right now, null-string and read-field-aux are the most time consuming 

Creating a cons for each byte read is too much overhead, I rewrote 
null-string like this (yes it's lower level):
(defn null-string
  Read a nul-terminated string. Stop at \\0 or at length n
  whichever comes first.
  [#^ByteBuffer buf n]
  (let [arr #^[B (make-array Byte/TYPE n)
sb (StringBuilder.)]
(.get buf arr)
(areduce arr i append true
  (when append
(let [b (aget arr i)]
  (when-not (zero? (int b))
(.append sb (char b

Concerning read-field-aux I rewrote it like that:
(def read-field-aux
  (let [getters {Byte get-byte
 Short get-short
 Integer get-integer}]
(fn [#^ByteBuffer buf n type]
  (let [f (getters type)]
(if (== (int n) 1)
  (f buf)
  (let [arr (make-array Object n)]
(dotimes [i n]
  (aset arr i (f buf)))
(vec arr)))

closing over getters (rather than rebuilding it inside the closure) 
yielded nearly as much as going lower level.

With these two changes, it's the dispatch fn that now dominates.

Vincent Foley a écrit :

 I have posted memory and cpu profiling figures.

 On Mar 20, 6:56 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
 Hello Vincent,

 Vincent Foley a écrit :

 For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make an
 application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more or
 less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse 1000
 files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than an
 order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available with
 the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.  I
 copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.  I
 have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at this
 On my box nearly one half of the total time is sepent in the building of
 arr (and by looking at your profiling data a good chunk of these traces
 are related to this map call).
 Better to get it out of the loop.

 (let [arr (into-array Byte/TYPE (map byte [7 ; 1 Byte
3 0 97 0 98 0 99 ; 3 Shorts
0 0 100 100 ; 1 Integer
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
 ; 10 String
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 10 ignored
   buf (ByteBuffer/wrap arr)]
 (dotimes [_ 1]
   (.position buf 0)
   (run buf

 Can you give the profile results for this code?


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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-21 Thread Christophe Grand

Christophe Grand a écrit :
 With these two changes, it's the dispatch fn that now dominates.

Correction: it's the dispatching, not the computation of the dispatch 
value that dominates.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-20 Thread Christophe Grand

Hello Vincent,

Vincent Foley a écrit :

 For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make an
 application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more or
 less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse 1000
 files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than an
 order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available with
 the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.  I
 copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.  I
 have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at this

On my box nearly one half of the total time is sepent in the building of 
arr (and by looking at your profiling data a good chunk of these traces 
are related to this map call).
Better to get it out of the loop.

(let [arr (into-array Byte/TYPE (map byte [7 ; 1 Byte
   3 0 97 0 98 0 99 ; 3 Shorts
   0 0 100 100 ; 1 Integer
   65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 
; 10 String
   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 10 ignored
  buf (ByteBuffer/wrap arr)]
(dotimes [_ 1]
  (.position buf 0)
  (run buf

Can you give the profile results for this code?


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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-20 Thread Vincent Foley


I have posted memory and cpu profiling figures.

On Mar 20, 6:56 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
 Hello Vincent,

 Vincent Foley a écrit :


  For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make an
  application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more or
  less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse 1000
  files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than an
  order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available with
  the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.  I
  copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.  I
  have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at this

 On my box nearly one half of the total time is sepent in the building of
 arr (and by looking at your profiling data a good chunk of these traces
 are related to this map call).
 Better to get it out of the loop.

 (let [arr (into-array Byte/TYPE (map byte [7 ; 1 Byte
                                            3 0 97 0 98 0 99 ; 3 Shorts
                                            0 0 100 100 ; 1 Integer
                                            65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
 ; 10 String
                                            0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 10 ignored
       buf (ByteBuffer/wrap arr)]
     (dotimes [_ 1]
       (.position buf 0)
       (run buf

 Can you give the profile results for this code?


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