Re: [CMake] An observation about CTest

2010-06-25 Thread Alok Govil

Hi all,

I tend to agree to this observation in general about CMake too.  I had to do a 
lot of reading and experimentation to make it do what I wanted, even though at 
the end of the day, the resulting CMakeList.txt file is very simple.

I do understand why this is so.  As can be seen by the type of requests on this 
list and your responses to them, Cmake is supporting a LOT of different types 
of projects and needs.

So while it won't be possible to reduce the number of commands and variables, 
it would help to have better documentation -- with examples for each
 command and variable, examples for "typical" stuff people need, etc.  I had to 
struggle even to do simple things like specifying custom compiler and linker 
flags for Visual Studio and GCC.

Thanks and best regards - Alok

> Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 16:59:56 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [CMake] An observation about CTest
> Hi guys,
> First off, I'd like to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who's helped me 
> figure out how to use CTest in the past few weeks.  I'm very grateful to you 
> and to those who develop CTest.
> I'd like to offer one piece of constructive criticism about ctest.  If found 
> learning how to use it to be very difficult, in part because controlling 
> ctest involves setting a lot of variables whose purposes aren't clearly 
> documented.  But the bigger concern I have is that it's not clear which of 
> those variables are meant to be used by people like me, and which are meant 
> to be treated as implementation details that may change from one release to 
> the next of CTest.  This makes it hard for me (and perhaps others) to control 
> ctest, because I don't want to rely on a variable or behavior that's 
> considered "internal" and likely to change in the next release.
> I guess what I'm arguing for is a clearer delineation of CTest's public 
> interface vs. its internal implementation details, so that users like me 
> don't accidentally cross that line.
> Thanks again,
> Christian
> P.S. My final solution was to set the "BUILDNAME" cmake variable on a cmake 
> command-line, and later on to just run "ctest -D NightlyStart ... -D 
> NightlySubmit".  Works like a charm.
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Re: [CMake] Better BlueGene/P and cross-compile support for CMake

2010-06-25 Thread Todd Gamblin
Some small additions to the path information I posted below:

I believe the original GNU/POSIX runtime libraries for the compute nodes are 
located here:


So you'll need this directory in your prefixes to detect things like libpthread 
(which you ned for MPI on BG/P).  BG/P also has added support for python apps 
to execute on the compute nodes, and the IBM driver ships with a python 
installation.  For whatever reason, they install the CNK python runtime 
libraries it in under this prefix:


That will need to be in your paths for python development.  I'm unsure if 
anyone's done much in CMake involving cross-compiling python builds, and I'm 
pretty unfamiliar with how CMake deals with python projects.  I'm assuming the 
python support in CMake knows how to search lib/python directories, 
but I'm not sure if there is more that would needs to be done to get python 
working seamlessly.


On Jun 25, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Todd Gamblin wrote:

> This makes sense, but it's actually slightly more complicated for BG/P.  I 
> just got off the phone with our lead BG sysadmin (Adam Bertsch) about this, 
> and here's what I got about the layout of that directory:
> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor 
>   This is the root of the BG system software release ("driver" in 
> IBM-speak), and it
>   contains files for the frontends, the I/O nodes, and the compute nodes. 
>  We probably
>   don't want to make this the system root for the backend, because it 
> would allow other
>   types of binaries into the build.
> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/mcp-
>   This is the root of the I/O node system image.  This is the 32-bit PPC 
>   linux (pretty sure it's SuSE too) that runs on the I/O nodes (IONs) of 
> BG/P.  I do tools 
>   development, and it's possible to run daemons like TotalView on the 
> IONs, so I might
>   at some point try to make a platform/toolchain file for this, but not 
> in the near future, if 
>   at all.  This shouldn't go in the plain BG/P toolchain file.
>   FYI -- the version number here is the linux kernel version, which 
> *could* change, but
>   typically IBM doesn't upgrade the BG ION kernels during a particular BG 
> product's 
>   lifetime, or at least they haven't yet, for L or P.
> Now, for the Compute Nodes (CNs).  Adam essentially said that there *is* no 
> formal documentation about where you should look to find CN system libraries. 
>  However, there are the MPI compiler scripts in 
> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/bin.  These were written by Argonne and are now 
> included with the BG driver distribution, and they have to link against all 
> the BG system libraries.  I ran all the compilers with -show, and unioned all 
> the args I was getting with that command.  This narrows it down to a few 
> directories:
>   /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/default/lib
>   /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/sys/lib
>   /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI
> That's it.  Those are really the only backend directories that contain 
> libraries used by apps.  The CN Kernel (CNK) OS is minimal, so this makes 
> sense, and if you look in those directories, they contain MPI libs and 
> various lower-level comm APIs like DCMF, which BG uses.  Now, there are also 
> directories for the particular toolchains, and I'm not sure you care about 
> these, because the BG compilers already link against the libraries in these 
> directories.  For GNU, the backend compiler runtime libs are in:
>   /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/gnu-linux
> And for XL compilers, the runtime libraries seem to be in:
>   /opt/ibmcmp//bg//bglib

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Re: [CMake] Better BlueGene/P and cross-compile support for CMake

2010-06-25 Thread Todd Gamblin
On Jun 23, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

>> 3a. First, using this setup, FindMPI fails because the last library it
>> needs is in /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI, not 
>> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI/lib.  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH seems to
>> assume that its elements are just above a lib directory, but that's not how
>> things are structured on BG/P (you can blame IBM).  So, if I just use the
>> root path for searching, find_library fails for libs in runtime/SPI.
> I guess you need a special Platform/BlueGeneP.cmake file, which not simply 
> includes UnixPaths.cmake, but sets some special directories.
> Please add a bug report for this on http://* too.

Ok, I've created a bug report for this here:

Looking at the other bugs, I feel like I may have set the severity a little 
high, so feel free to reduce.

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Re: [CMake] Eliminating spurious dependencies

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Hertling
On 06/26/2010 01:09 AM, Tom Birch wrote:
> I'm using add_excecutable to generate a .s file which I then parse to 
> generate a header file. This all works fine and all the dependencies seem to 
> be working, but it gets built every time, even if nothing has changed.
> I have a function to generate the asm file:
> function (make_asm_file source dest defs flags)
> set_source_files_properties(
>   ${source}
>   COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${${defs}}"
>   COMPILE_FLAGS "${${flags}} -S"
>   )
> add_executable (
>   ${dest}
>   ${source}
>   )
> set_target_properties(
>   ${dest}
>   OUTPUT_NAME ${dest}
>   RULE_LAUNCH_LINK "sh build_tools/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} 
>  --"
>   )
> endfunction(make_asm_file)
> and I invoke that, and then add a custom command to convert the .s into a .h 
> like this:
> make_asm_file(${input_c} ${output_s} c_defs c_flags)
> add_custom_command (
>   OUTPUT ${header_path}
>   COMMAND ./make_header ${header_path} ${dest}
>   DEPENDS ${output_s}
>   )
> and then I use set_source_file_properties(OBJECT_DEPENDS) to make the sources 
> depend on this generated header.
> Every time I get type make (even on incremental builds) I get
> [  0%] Built target genassym.c.s
> but I only see the custom command on a build when the header hasn't 
> previously been generated, i.e.
> [  1%] Generating assym.h
> So my question is, what is it about this invocation of add_excecutable that 
> makes it always run? Shouldn't EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL get rid of that?

Are you really sure that the targets in question get rebuilt each time
you run make? The message "Built target ..." appears if the target is
found to be up to date regardless if it has been rebuilt afore or not
whereas the "Generating ..." message for custom commands appears only
if the command's output is actually regenerated. So, could you check
with "make VERBOSE=1" for lines like "Building ...", "Compiling ..."
or "Linking ..."? These are the ones indicating the expensive

BTW, setting COMPILE_FLAGS "-S" as a source file property is somewhat
risky: If you ever need the concerned files for a usual compilation
they will be just translated to assembler code at that time, too,
making the subsequent link operation fail. Perhaps, you should
prefer to impose the "-S" as a COMPILE_FLAGS target property.


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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Hertling
On 06/25/2010 04:11 PM, Janosch Peters wrote:
> On 2010-06-25 15:45:37 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>> On 06/25/2010 03:17 PM, Janosch Peters wrote:
>>> On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>>> What's that? Leet speak?
>> No, these are the first seven and sufficiently unambiguous digits of
>> the SHA-1 sum of the commit in CMake's Git repository that removes
>> the framework related lines from FindPythonLibs.cmake
> Ok. But the python dilemma still remains:
> 1. FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs might still produce inconsistent 
> results (e.g. libs and interpreter of different python versions)
> 2. AFAIK you cannot specify a specific python version you which to 
> include/link
> I think someone on the list suggested to merge both modules into one, 
> which would help making the results consistent. Is this (or any other 
> solution) on your todo list?

Not on mine - I don't feel sufficiently experienced w.r.t. python, but
when thinking about a combined FindPython.cmake, remind the following:

, note #11766

Therefore, my thoughts about a FindPython.cmake are:

1) FindPython.cmake uses FIND_PACKAGE()'s COMPONENTS option and
   respects a specified version.
2) There're at least the components "interpreter" and "libraries",
   and possibly more for modules.
3) Requesting no components at all means requesting "interpreter"
   and "libraries".
4) Requesting "interpreter" and "libraries" means requesting the
   libraries accompanying the requested interpreter.
5) Requesting solely "libraries" means looking for the libraries
   without referring to an interpreter.

One of the first apparent problems is how to learn the version when
none is specified explicitly since it is necessary to look for the
libraries. My suggestion is to provide a variable PYTHON_NATIVE to
indicate an interpreter's executability, so the latter can be used
to figure out the whole library stuff. Otherwise, one could try to
extract the version from the interpreter's name, or try to find an
unambiguous library directory. In summary, this may be roughly
pseudo-coded as:

IF(Python_FIND_COMPONENTS is empty)
SET(Python_FIND_COMPONENTS "interpreter" "libraries")

IF(Python_FIND_COMPONENTS contains "interpreter")
# Search an interpreter and respect Python_FIND_VERSION et al.

IF(Python_FIND_COMPONENTS contains "libraries")
IF(Python_FIND_COMPONENTS contains "interpreter")
# User requested interpreter and libraries, so the latters must
# belong to the former; one may be guided by the already found
# interpreter, but think whether and when you execute it:
# Run the interpreter to locate the associated libraries.
# Search libraries of the requested version.
# Try to extract the version from the interpreter's name,
# e.g. "python2.6", or as a last resort, try to find a
# single and, thus, unambiguous library directory.
# User requested solely the libraries, so don't rely on an
# interpreter being available; search the libraries as
# usual and respect Python_FIND_VERSION et al.

So, the user could issue, e.g.,


to get a consistent native interpreter/libraries combination, or

FIND_PACKAGE(Python 2.6 COMPONENTS interpreter libraries)

to get a consistent 2.6 interpreter/libraries combination, or

FIND_PACKAGE(Python 2.6 COMPONENTS interpreter)
FIND_PACKAGE(Python 2.6 COMPONENTS libraries)

to get a certain 2.6 interpreter and certain 2.6 libraries, or

FIND_PACKAGE(Python 2.5 COMPONENTS interpreter)
FIND_PACKAGE(Python 2.4 COMPONENTS libraries)

to get the 2.5 interpreter and the 2.4 libraries.

Anyway, one should not take it too lightly; IMO, writing a fully
featured, reliable and consistent FindPython.cmake is rather a
nontrivial task.


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[CMake] Eliminating spurious dependencies

2010-06-25 Thread Tom Birch
I'm using add_excecutable to generate a .s file which I then parse to generate 
a header file. This all works fine and all the dependencies seem to be working, 
but it gets built every time, even if nothing has changed.

I have a function to generate the asm file:

function (make_asm_file source dest defs flags)
COMPILE_FLAGS "${${flags}} -S"
add_executable (

and I invoke that, and then add a custom command to convert the .s into a .h 
like this:

make_asm_file(${input_c} ${output_s} c_defs c_flags)

add_custom_command (
OUTPUT ${header_path}
COMMAND ./make_header ${header_path} ${dest}
DEPENDS ${output_s}

and then I use set_source_file_properties(OBJECT_DEPENDS) to make the sources 
depend on this generated header.

Every time I get type make (even on incremental builds) I get

[  0%] Built target genassym.c.s

but I only see the custom command on a build when the header hasn't previously 
been generated, i.e.

[  1%] Generating assym.h

So my question is, what is it about this invocation of add_excecutable that 
makes it always run? Shouldn't EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL get rid of that?

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Re: [CMake] Better BlueGene/P and cross-compile support for CMake

2010-06-25 Thread Todd Gamblin
On Jun 25, 2010, at 12:06 PM, Brad King wrote:

> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> On Wednesday 23 June 2010, Todd Gamblin wrote:
>>> 3a. First, using this setup, FindMPI fails because the last library it
>>> needs is in /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI, not 
>>> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI/lib.  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH seems to
>>> assume that its elements are just above a lib directory, but that's not how
>>> things are structured on BG/P (you can blame IBM).  So, if I just use the
>>> root path for searching, find_library fails for libs in runtime/SPI.
>> I guess you need a special Platform/BlueGeneP.cmake file, which not simply 
>> includes UnixPaths.cmake, but sets some special directories.
>> Please add a bug report for this on http://* too.
> Good idea.  There is a distinction to understand here:
> (1) CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is meant for cross-compiling and should
> appear only in toolchain files. It re-roots all search paths.
> Usually the goal is to find libraries only from the target
> platform SDK (and not the host), which is why we suggest using
> Typically CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH should be set to the *top* of the
> SDK tree, such as "/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor" in your case.

This makes sense, but it's actually slightly more complicated for BG/P.  I just 
got off the phone with our lead BG sysadmin (Adam Bertsch) about this, and 
here's what I got about the layout of that directory:

This is the root of the BG system software release ("driver" in 
IBM-speak), and it
contains files for the frontends, the I/O nodes, and the compute nodes. 
 We probably
don't want to make this the system root for the backend, because it 
would allow other
types of binaries into the build.

This is the root of the I/O node system image.  This is the 32-bit PPC 
linux (pretty sure it's SuSE too) that runs on the I/O nodes (IONs) of 
BG/P.  I do tools 
development, and it's possible to run daemons like TotalView on the 
IONs, so I might
at some point try to make a platform/toolchain file for this, but not 
in the near future, if 
at all.  This shouldn't go in the plain BG/P toolchain file.

FYI -- the version number here is the linux kernel version, which 
*could* change, but
typically IBM doesn't upgrade the BG ION kernels during a particular BG 
lifetime, or at least they haven't yet, for L or P.

Now, for the Compute Nodes (CNs).  Adam essentially said that there *is* no 
formal documentation about where you should look to find CN system libraries.  
However, there are the MPI compiler scripts in 
/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/bin.  These were written by Argonne and are now 
included with the BG driver distribution, and they have to link against all the 
BG system libraries.  I ran all the compilers with -show, and unioned all the 
args I was getting with that command.  This narrows it down to a few 


That's it.  Those are really the only backend directories that contain 
libraries used by apps.  The CN Kernel (CNK) OS is minimal, so this makes 
sense, and if you look in those directories, they contain MPI libs and various 
lower-level comm APIs like DCMF, which BG uses.  Now, there are also 
directories for the particular toolchains, and I'm not sure you care about 
these, because the BG compilers already link against the libraries in these 
directories.  For GNU, the backend compiler runtime libs are in:


And for XL compilers, the runtime libraries seem to be in:


I believe that these things are already put either in the runtime path by the 
compiler (or they're somewhere in the CNK runtime load path), so I don't think 
they belong in a toolchain file.

> similar variables are meant for controlling the search *within*
> the target platform SDK to find different types of files.  See
> help for find_library, find_program, and find_path for specific
> details.  This is where the "/lib" assumption occurs:
> - find_library looks in /lib
> - find_library looks in CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH, but the
>   Modules/Platform/UnixPaths.cmake file sets this variable
>   with "/lib" at the end of most of its paths.

Ok, given all that I've said above, there is still a small problem.  The BG CNK 
system libraries are rooted in /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/, but /lib and /lib64 
under that prefix are FRONT END libraries.  This means that you really 
shouldn't look in those two directories.  /lib64 you don't need to worry about, 
since the BG backend is 32-bit.  and /lib you *probably* don't need to w

Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Janosch Peters

On 2010-06-25 18:36:06 +0200, Michael Wild said:
AFAIK all directories you give gcc with the "-I" option will be 
searched _before_ the standard include paths or C_INCLUDE_PATH. So I 
think you do have control over what is included. But I know almost 
nohting about all the compiling/linking stuff, so I might be wrong.

The problem is the line


which resolves to /path/to/Python.framework/Headers/Python.h. No way to 
specify the version, only the framework location using the -F flag.

Okay. But as Mark Moll pointed out, we could just ignore the -F flag 
and use plain Unix include/library paths. 

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Re: [CMake] FindMPI for BlueGene/P

2010-06-25 Thread James Amundson

On 06/25/2010 01:40 PM, Brad King wrote:

James Amundson wrote:

This bug is a favorite of mine. It has been reported on the mailing list
before. It is also in the bug tracker:

In each case a patch has been given to solve the problem. Nothing has
happened, however.

The fix is now in 'next'.  See the other bug entry discussed elsewhere
in this thread:


Parsing has been fixed for all flags now, not just -l:;a=log;h=d84cbd0f

Even better.

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Re: [CMake] Issue w/ relative library paths between targets in CMake 2.8 / Visual Studio 9 2008

2010-06-25 Thread David Cole
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Ed Loper  wrote:

> On 6/10/2010 2:34 PM, Ed Loper wrote:
>> I have a CMake project that works fine with CMake 2.6, but when I build
>> Visual Studio output with CMake 2.8, it doesn't seem to get the target
>> library linking information quite right. [...]
> I managed to track down the cause of this problem.  It can be reproduced
> with the following minimal CMakeLists.txt file:
>  ADD_EXECUTABLE (Bar bar.c)
> The cause of the trouble is that the "Foo" target is getting re-used as
> both a library and an external-ms-project.  But with this ordering, we don't
> get any warnings or errors; just a broken vcproj file.  If the
> INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT command is moved to before the
> TARGET_LINK_LIBRARY command, then we do get a (somewhat) helpful error
> message saying you can't link to UTILITY targets.
> (In the case of the cmakefiles I was working with, the call to
> INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT was in a totally different subdirectory from the
> ADD_LIBRARY declaration, and the name conflict was unintentional.)
> It looks to me like cmake already complains if you try to overload names
> for some types of targets -- e.g., if I use both ADD_LIBRARY and
> ADD_EXECUTABLE with the same target name, I get an error.  I think it would
> be a good idea to extend this to all target types.  In particular, it would
> have been very helpful if I got an error when INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT was
> called, since it's attempting to create a new target with the same name as
> an existing target.
I agree wholeheartedly. Thanks for the easy-to-repro case. Would you mind
logging a bug in the bug tracker for this?

Name collisions between any two CMake targets should definitely not be
allowed (i.e. -- be a configure error) within a single CMake binary tree...

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Re: [CMake] Better BlueGene/P and cross-compile support for CMake

2010-06-25 Thread Brad King
Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 June 2010, Todd Gamblin wrote:
>> 3a. First, using this setup, FindMPI fails because the last library it
>> needs is in /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI, not 
>> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI/lib.  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH seems to
>> assume that its elements are just above a lib directory, but that's not how
>> things are structured on BG/P (you can blame IBM).  So, if I just use the
>> root path for searching, find_library fails for libs in runtime/SPI.
> I guess you need a special Platform/BlueGeneP.cmake file, which not simply 
> includes UnixPaths.cmake, but sets some special directories.
> Please add a bug report for this on too.

Good idea.  There is a distinction to understand here:

(1) CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is meant for cross-compiling and should
appear only in toolchain files. It re-roots all search paths.
Usually the goal is to find libraries only from the target
platform SDK (and not the host), which is why we suggest using


Typically CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH should be set to the *top* of the
SDK tree, such as "/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor" in your case.

similar variables are meant for controlling the search *within*
the target platform SDK to find different types of files.  See
help for find_library, find_program, and find_path for specific
details.  This is where the "/lib" assumption occurs:

 - find_library looks in /lib
 - find_library looks in CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH, but the
   Modules/Platform/UnixPaths.cmake file sets this variable
   with "/lib" at the end of most of its paths.

What Alex suggests is to create a Modules/Platform/BlueGeneP.cmake
file that defines CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH to something like


and other paths relative to CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH entries.  This
tells CMake how to find libraries within the target platform SDK.

IIRC, you can try this out by setting CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH
directly in your toolchain file, but I do not remember for sure
if it works there.

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Re: [CMake] Custom object files for intermediate build products

2010-06-25 Thread Tom Birch

On Jun 24, 2010, at 2:40 AM, Michael Hertling wrote:

> On 06/24/2010 08:29 AM, Tom Birch wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to invoke the C compiler in cmake as would happen with an 
>> add_excecutable command, but I don't want to generate an object file. 
>> Basically I have a script which generates a c file, I want to compile that 
>> file in the environment I've set up, while passing the -S flag. I then want 
>> to run that .s file through another script to generate a header which will 
>> then be a dependency of my main executable. Doing the scripts is easy with 
>> add_custom_target, and I'm sure I could write all the magic to generate the 
>> full compile command line myself, but isn't there some elegant way to 
>> generate the a single compiler invocation that doesn't result in a dylib or 
>> a binary, that works in a similar way to add_excecutable?
> If you are using a Makefile generator I could offer this approach:
> Place the following file "cps" as executable in CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR:
> #!/bin/sh
> d=$1; shift
> while [ "$1" != "--" ]; do
>cp $1 $d/$(basename $1 .o).s; shift
> done
> Now, look at the following CMakeLists.txt:
> FILE(WRITE f1.c "void f1(void){}\n")
> FILE(WRITE f2.c "void f2(void){}\n")
> FILE(WRITE f3.c "void f3(void){}\n")
> ADD_EXECUTABLE(f f1.c f2.c f3.c)
> )
> This uses the above-mentioned "cps" as a launch script for linking the
> target "f", but "cps" just copies the object files - delimited by "--"
> - to the directory specified as the first argument, and of course, the
> objects are in fact the assembler code files generated from the sources
> by the "-S" flag which is imposed on the same target. Effectively, this
> means you have a target producing ".s" files instead of an executable,
> and everything else should be business as usual.

Yep, that was exactly what I needed, thanks!


> 'hope that helps.
> Regards,
> Michael
> P.S.: The source file property GENERATED is useful in this context.
> ___
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Re: [CMake] Issue w/ relative library paths between targets in CMake 2.8 / Visual Studio 9 2008

2010-06-25 Thread Ed Loper

On 6/10/2010 2:34 PM, Ed Loper wrote:

I have a CMake project that works fine with CMake 2.6, but when I build
Visual Studio output with CMake 2.8, it doesn't seem to get the target
library linking information quite right. [...]

I managed to track down the cause of this problem.  It can be reproduced 
with the following minimal CMakeLists.txt file:

  ADD_EXECUTABLE (Bar bar.c)

The cause of the trouble is that the "Foo" target is getting re-used as 
both a library and an external-ms-project.  But with this ordering, we 
don't get any warnings or errors; just a broken vcproj file.  If the 
INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT command is moved to before the 
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARY command, then we do get a (somewhat) helpful error 
message saying you can't link to UTILITY targets.

(In the case of the cmakefiles I was working with, the call to 
INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT was in a totally different subdirectory from 
the ADD_LIBRARY declaration, and the name conflict was unintentional.)

It looks to me like cmake already complains if you try to overload names 
for some types of targets -- e.g., if I use both ADD_LIBRARY and 
ADD_EXECUTABLE with the same target name, I get an error.  I think it 
would be a good idea to extend this to all target types.  In particular, 
it would have been very helpful if I got an error when 
INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT was called, since it's attempting to create a 
new target with the same name as an existing target.


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Re: [CMake] Mixed Fortran and C++ projects in Visual Studio with Intel Fortran Compiler

2010-06-25 Thread Brad King
Brad King wrote:
> Can you modify the project file through the IDE by hand to chose the
> linker you want?


To be more clear, if it is possible to modify the project in the IDE
by hand to change the linker, then we can teach CMake to generate the
project file accordingly.  If it is not possible to do by hand then
I do not think CMake can do it either.

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Re: [CMake] FindMPI for BlueGene/P (was: Better BlueGene/P and cross-compile support for CMake)

2010-06-25 Thread Brad King
James Amundson wrote:
> This bug is a favorite of mine. It has been reported on the mailing list
> before. It is also in the bug tracker:
> In each case a patch has been given to solve the problem. Nothing has
> happened, however.

The fix is now in 'next'.  See the other bug entry discussed elsewhere
in this thread:

Parsing has been fixed for all flags now, not just -l:;a=log;h=d84cbd0f

The reason nothing happened in response to the original bug report is
that we have no active module maintainer for FindMPI:

The currently listed maintainer, Doug Gregor, has changed jobs and no
longer maintains the module.

If anyone wishes to volunteer to take over the role of module maintainer
for FindMPI, please let me know!

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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Wild

On 25. Jun, 2010, at 17:14 , Janosch Peters wrote:

> On 2010-06-25 16:58:47 +0200, Michael Wild said:
>> However, I think it's really difficult to guarantee consistency. If the code 
>> to be compiled contains stuff like the following
>> #ifdef __APPLE__
>> #include 
>> #else
>> #include 
>> #endif
>> the compiler will compile against the latest framework installation it finds 
>> on the search path (probably /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework), 
>> but for linking whatever CMake (or the user by modifying the cache) chooses 
>> to pick will be used, be that the framework installation or some 
>> library-installation (Fink, MacPorts, /usr/lib, user-installed, ...).
> AFAIK all directories you give gcc with the "-I" option will be searched 
> _before_ the standard include paths or C_INCLUDE_PATH. So I think you do have 
> control over what is included. But I know almost nohting about all the 
> compiling/linking stuff, so I might be wrong.

The problem is the line


which resolves to /path/to/Python.framework/Headers/Python.h. No way to specify 
the version, only the framework location using the -F flag.


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Re: [CMake] [vtk-developers] ctest and ctest -D Experimental give different results with VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS ON

2010-06-25 Thread David Cole
Yes, this is how it's supposed to work.

The leaks are intentionally only detected as "test failures" when running a

Now that I'm saying this, though, I can't remember what the good reason was
behind that intent. :-)


On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Nicolas Rannou <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I experienced a strange behaviour using ctest and I was wondering if it is
> a bug or the normal behaviour.
> 1) Build VTK with VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS to ON
> 2) Create a vtk leak  in the test.
> 3) Run ctest on my machine, it tells me the test passed (doesn't catch vtk
> leaks).
> $ ctest -R 3d
> Test project /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2
>Start  2: imageview3dTest
> 1/6 Test  #2: imageview3dTest ..   Passed0.76 sec
>Start  3: vtkviewimage3dtest
> 2/6 Test  #3: vtkviewimage3dtest ...   Passed0.33 sec
>Start 31: qgoimageview3dTest
> 3/6 Test #31: qgoimageview3dTest ...   Passed2.66 sec
>Start 37: qgotabimageview3dTest
> 4/6 Test #37: qgotabimageview3dTest    Passed2.47 sec
>Start 38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest
> 5/6 Test #38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest ..   Passed3.80 sec
>Start 50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2
> 6/6 Test #50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2 .   Passed3.66 sec
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 6
> Total Test time (real) =  13.70 sec
> 4) Run ctest -D Experimental to submit the test on the dashboard, it says
> the test is failing and reports the vtk leaks if you check on the dashboard.
> (
> $ ctest -D Experimental -R 3d
>   Site: starfish.megason-lab.hms
>   Build name: OSX-10.5-gcc4.0.1
> Create new tag: 20100625-1503 - Experimental
> Configure project
>   Each . represents 1024 bytes of output
>. Size of output: 0K
> Build project
>   Each symbol represents 1024 bytes of output.
>   '!' represents an error and '*' a warning.
>.*. Size of output: 6K
>   0 Compiler errors
>   1 Compiler warnings
> Test project /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2
>Start  2: imageview3dTest
> 1/6 Test  #2: imageview3dTest ..   Passed0.85 sec
>Start  3: vtkviewimage3dtest
> 2/6 Test  #3: vtkviewimage3dtest ...   Passed0.29 sec
>Start 31: qgoimageview3dTest
> 3/6 Test #31: qgoimageview3dTest ...***Failed2.60 sec
>Start 37: qgotabimageview3dTest
> 4/6 Test #37: qgotabimageview3dTest    Passed2.08 sec
>Start 38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest
> 5/6 Test #38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest ..   Passed3.27 sec
>Start 50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2
> 6/6 Test #50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2 .***Failed3.21 sec
> 67% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 6
> Total Test time (real) =  12.32 sec
> The following tests FAILED:
> 31 - qgoimageview3dTest (Failed)
> 50 - qgotabimageview3dwtTest2 (Failed)
> Performing coverage
>  Cannot find any coverage files. Ignoring Coverage request.
> Submit files (using http)
>   Using HTTP submit method
>   Drop site:
>   Uploaded: /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2/Testing/20100625-1503/Build.xml
>   Uploaded:
> /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2/Testing/20100625-1503/Configure.xml
>   Uploaded: /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2/Testing/20100625-1503/Test.xml
>   Submission successful
> Errors while running CTest
> Is it how it is supposed to work?
> Thanks,
> ___
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Re: [CMake] Mixed Fortran and C++ projects in Visual Studio with Intel Fortran Compiler

2010-06-25 Thread Brad King
Andreas Mohr wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 08:23:06AM -0400, wrote:
>> So is there any way in cmake to enforce Visual Studio to use link.exe 
>> instead of xilink.exe?
> grep -i LINK /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Platform/*|less
> yields a ton of link-related CMake variables during platform setup,
> thus something like CMAKE_LINKER should hopefully still be tweakable
> post-platform-setup and do the right thing.

Those are used by the Makefile generators.  Once the VS project file
is generated the IDE does its own thing.


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Re: [CMake] Mixed Fortran and C++ projects in Visual Studio with Intel Fortran Compiler

2010-06-25 Thread Brad King
Marcus Sindermann wrote:
> Now we want to use update 65 of the Fortran compiler. This update
> enforces Visual Studio to use the Intel Fortran xilink for linking
> Fortran projects.

CMake just generates the .vfproj file and then VS is responsible for
the actual build.  If the Fortran plugin is choosing to use xilink
I do not know if there is much CMake can do about it.

Can you modify the project file through the IDE by hand to chose the
linker you want?

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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Moll

On Jun 25, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Janosch Peters wrote:

> On 2010-06-25 16:32:38 +0200, Mark Moll said:
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Janosch Peters wrote:
>>> Ok. But the python dilemma still remains:
>>> 1. FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs might still produce inconsistent 
>>> results (e.g. libs and interpreter of different python versions)
>>> 2. AFAIK you cannot specify a specific python version you which to 
>>> include/link
>>> I think someone on the list suggested to merge both modules into one, which 
>>> would help making the results consistent. Is this (or any other solution) 
>>> on your todo list?
>> I suggested the merge, and proposed to add a function to check for the 
>> existence of python modules:
>> On my OS X machine, the headers and libs for different python versions also 
>> exist in the more common UNIX places (/usr/include/python2.x, 
>> /usr/lib/libpython2.x.dylib, /usr/lib/python2.x/config/libpython2.x.a, and 
>> corresponding MacPorts locations).
>> I don’t know of any way you can specify a specific version of a framework, 
>> so (at least for python) it seems easier to drop framework support 
>> altogether and just use the UNIX paths.
> I thought "-framework 'path/to/the/framework/you/want/to/use'" would work, 
> but I havent tested it. Anyway, your find_package script looks very 
> promising. I'll give it a try. What do you mean by UNIX-biased? Does it work 
> only on Unix/Linux/OS X?

Right. No attempt is made to use OS X-only frameworks or have it work correctly 
on Windows.


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[CMake] ctest and ctest -D Experimental give different results with VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS ON

2010-06-25 Thread Nicolas Rannou


I experienced a strange behaviour using ctest and I was wondering if  
it is a bug or the normal behaviour.

1) Build VTK with VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS to ON
2) Create a vtk leak  in the test.
3) Run ctest on my machine, it tells me the test passed (doesn't catch  
vtk leaks).

$ ctest -R 3d

Test project /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2
Start  2: imageview3dTest
1/6 Test  #2: imageview3dTest ..   Passed0.76 sec
Start  3: vtkviewimage3dtest
2/6 Test  #3: vtkviewimage3dtest ...   Passed0.33 sec
Start 31: qgoimageview3dTest
3/6 Test #31: qgoimageview3dTest ...   Passed2.66 sec
Start 37: qgotabimageview3dTest
4/6 Test #37: qgotabimageview3dTest    Passed2.47 sec
Start 38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest
5/6 Test #38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest ..   Passed3.80 sec
Start 50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2
6/6 Test #50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2 .   Passed3.66 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 6

Total Test time (real) =  13.70 sec

4) Run ctest -D Experimental to submit the test on the dashboard, it  
says the test is failing and reports the vtk leaks if you check on the  
dashboard. (

$ ctest -D Experimental -R 3d

   Site: starfish.megason-lab.hms
   Build name: OSX-10.5-gcc4.0.1
Create new tag: 20100625-1503 - Experimental
Configure project
   Each . represents 1024 bytes of output
. Size of output: 0K
Build project
   Each symbol represents 1024 bytes of output.
   '!' represents an error and '*' a warning.
.*. Size of output: 6K
   0 Compiler errors
   1 Compiler warnings
Test project /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2
Start  2: imageview3dTest
1/6 Test  #2: imageview3dTest ..   Passed0.85 sec
Start  3: vtkviewimage3dtest
2/6 Test  #3: vtkviewimage3dtest ...   Passed0.29 sec
Start 31: qgoimageview3dTest
3/6 Test #31: qgoimageview3dTest ...***Failed2.60 sec
Start 37: qgotabimageview3dTest
4/6 Test #37: qgotabimageview3dTest    Passed2.08 sec
Start 38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest
5/6 Test #38: qgotabimageview3dwtTest ..   Passed3.27 sec
Start 50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2
6/6 Test #50: qgotabimageview3dwtTest2 .***Failed3.21 sec

67% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 6

Total Test time (real) =  12.32 sec

The following tests FAILED:
 31 - qgoimageview3dTest (Failed)
 50 - qgotabimageview3dwtTest2 (Failed)
Performing coverage
 Cannot find any coverage files. Ignoring Coverage request.
Submit files (using http)
   Using HTTP submit method
   Drop site:
   Uploaded: /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2/Testing/20100625-1503/ 
   Uploaded: /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2/Testing/20100625-1503/ 
   Uploaded: /Users/nr52/workspace/gofigure2/Testing/20100625-1503/ 

   Submission successful
Errors while running CTest

Is it how it is supposed to work?



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Re: [CMake] Mixed Fortran and C++ projects in Visual Studio with Intel Fortran Compiler

2010-06-25 Thread Andreas Mohr
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 08:23:06AM -0400, wrote:
> So is there any way in cmake to enforce Visual Studio to use link.exe instead 
> of xilink.exe?

grep -i LINK /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Platform/*|less

yields a ton of link-related CMake variables during platform setup,
thus something like CMAKE_LINKER should hopefully still be tweakable
post-platform-setup and do the right thing.

For linker flags, perhaps
would be useful (but since you primarily want to change the linker binary
perhaps you won't need these).

OTOH your issue might be the split between Fortran and C++ components,
in which case even CMAKE_LINKER might fail to help in all cases
(in that case perhaps there's a target-specific property to set
which defines the linker to use for the target).


Andreas Mohr
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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Janosch Peters

On 2010-06-25 16:58:47 +0200, Michael Wild said:
However, I think it's really difficult to guarantee consistency. If the 
code to be compiled contains stuff like the following

#ifdef __APPLE__

the compiler will compile against the latest framework installation it 
finds on the search path (probably 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework), but for linking whatever 
CMake (or the user by modifying the cache) chooses to pick will be 
used, be that the framework installation or some library-installation 
(Fink, MacPorts, /usr/lib, user-installed, ...).

AFAIK all directories you give gcc with the "-I" option will be 
searched _before_ the standard include paths or C_INCLUDE_PATH. So I 
think you do have control over what is included. But I know almost 
nohting about all the compiling/linking stuff, so I might be wrong.


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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Janosch Peters

On 2010-06-25 16:32:38 +0200, Mark Moll said:

On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Janosch Peters wrote:

Ok. But the python dilemma still remains:

1. FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs might still produce inconsistent 
results (e.g. libs and interpreter of different python versions)

2. AFAIK you cannot specify a specific python version you which to include/link

I think someone on the list suggested to merge both modules into one, 
which would help making the results consistent. Is this (or any other 
solution) on your todo list?

I suggested the merge, and proposed to add a function to check for the 
existence of python modules:

On my OS X machine, the headers and libs for different python versions 
also exist in the more common UNIX places (/usr/include/python2.x, 
/usr/lib/libpython2.x.dylib, /usr/lib/python2.x/config/libpython2.x.a, 
and corresponding MacPorts locations).

I don’t know of any way you can specify a specific version of a 
framework, so (at least for python) it seems easier to drop framework 
support altogether and just use the UNIX paths.

I thought "-framework 'path/to/the/framework/you/want/to/use'" would 
work, but I havent tested it. Anyway, your find_package script looks 
very promising. I'll give it a try. What do you mean by UNIX-biased? 
Does it work only on Unix/Linux/OS X?

Would be great if that script would be considered for one of the next releases.


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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Wild

On 25. Jun, 2010, at 16:32 , Mark Moll wrote:

> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Janosch Peters wrote:
>> On 2010-06-25 15:45:37 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>>> On 06/25/2010 03:17 PM, Janosch Peters wrote:
 On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
> 8d87d12
 What's that? Leet speak?
>>> No, these are the first seven and sufficiently unambiguous digits of
>>> the SHA-1 sum of the commit in CMake's Git repository that removes
>>> the framework related lines from FindPythonLibs.cmake
>> Ok. But the python dilemma still remains:
>> 1. FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs might still produce inconsistent 
>> results (e.g. libs and interpreter of different python versions)
>> 2. AFAIK you cannot specify a specific python version you which to 
>> include/link
>> I think someone on the list suggested to merge both modules into one, which 
>> would help making the results consistent. Is this (or any other solution) on 
>> your todo list?
> I suggested the merge, and proposed to add a function to check for the 
> existence of python modules:
> On my OS X machine, the headers and libs for different python versions also 
> exist in the more common UNIX places (/usr/include/python2.x, 
> /usr/lib/libpython2.x.dylib, /usr/lib/python2.x/config/libpython2.x.a, and 
> corresponding MacPorts locations). I don’t know of any way you can specify a 
> specific version of a framework, so (at least for python) it seems easier to 
> drop framework support altogether and just use the UNIX paths.
> -- 
> Mark

To chime in...

For one, the libraries in /usr/lib are symlinked to the framework:

$ readlink /usr/lib/libpython2.6.dylib

However, I think it's really difficult to guarantee consistency. If the code to 
be compiled contains stuff like the following

#ifdef __APPLE__

the compiler will compile against the latest framework installation it finds on 
the search path (probably /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework), but for 
linking whatever CMake (or the user by modifying the cache) chooses to pick 
will be used, be that the framework installation or some library-installation 
(Fink, MacPorts, /usr/lib, user-installed, ...).

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Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread Johny Jose
Thanks for the suggestions, but i already went down these paths. The problem is 
my logs in xml format on an average go above 100 MB of output, with 
gen-suppressions i get 300MB output files and the suppressions file generated 
out of these is again way too big for my liking.
If only valgrind had more features in terms of expressing suppression rules 
like some sort of pattern matcher which would suppress all errors except the 
matching ones it would have been easier, because the errors i want to look at 
match a contain a particular pattern. Right now the only workaround is manually 
parsing the xml log file and selecting the errors i want to see. I used to have 
problems viewing these results too on CDash because of the huge file sizes. 
Using a generated suppression files even if i optimized it with wildcards is 
not feasible since i have no way of knowing which errors i don't need but i do 
know which errors i do need. It would be a really great feature to add to 


-Original Message-
From: on behalf of Bill Hoffman
Sent: Fri 6/25/2010 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing
On 6/25/2010 7:47 AM, David Cole wrote:
> I can't really think of a better way to tackle the problem...
> But I will make this one observation:
> If these underlying frameworks you depend on produce *thousands* of
> valgrind errors, do you really want to be depending on them?
> (Serious question, not trying to be flippant... It would make me very
> nervous to depend on a framework that has more than a handful of
> valgrind issues: and each issue would have to be something that I was
> convinced did not have a high likelihood of occurring in real world
> usage scenarios.)

So, lots of things that you have to use like libX11 have tons and tons 
of valgrind stuff in them.   Some are not real, some are, but you still 
have to use those libraries as they are. What you do is create a 
valgrind suppression file.  What I usally do is run valgrind with 
--gen-suppressions=all.  This makes valgrind spit out the exact text to 
put in the suppression file.  This output will show up on the dashboard. 
  You use that to create a suppression file that you pass to valgrind.

Then you set this in the cache:

CTEst will then use that as a suppression file.  You keep adding to the 
suppression file until you have it like you want.  Many times it is the 
same thing over and over, so a few suppressions go a long way.

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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Moll

On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Janosch Peters wrote:

> On 2010-06-25 15:45:37 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>> On 06/25/2010 03:17 PM, Janosch Peters wrote:
>>> On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>>> What's that? Leet speak?
>> No, these are the first seven and sufficiently unambiguous digits of
>> the SHA-1 sum of the commit in CMake's Git repository that removes
>> the framework related lines from FindPythonLibs.cmake
> Ok. But the python dilemma still remains:
> 1. FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs might still produce inconsistent 
> results (e.g. libs and interpreter of different python versions)
> 2. AFAIK you cannot specify a specific python version you which to 
> include/link
> I think someone on the list suggested to merge both modules into one, which 
> would help making the results consistent. Is this (or any other solution) on 
> your todo list?

I suggested the merge, and proposed to add a function to check for the 
existence of python modules:

On my OS X machine, the headers and libs for different python versions also 
exist in the more common UNIX places (/usr/include/python2.x, 
/usr/lib/libpython2.x.dylib, /usr/lib/python2.x/config/libpython2.x.a, and 
corresponding MacPorts locations). I don’t know of any way you can specify a 
specific version of a framework, so (at least for python) it seems easier to 
drop framework support altogether and just use the UNIX paths.


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Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread Bill Hoffman

On 6/25/2010 10:16 AM, David Cole wrote:

For the cmake valgrind dashboard, we use the script seen here:

If you look at it, you will see that we list a bunch of tools that
produce valgrind output that we are not interested in having show up on
the CMake dashboard.

(For example, /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/c++ are in the list...)

Then, we pass that to valgrind with the
--trace-children-skip=${valgrind_skip} command line flag.

Here's the catch: that's a custom build of valgrind that we have on that
machine that understands this flag. I think Bill Hoffman developed the
patch for that behavior and tried to submit it up to valgrind upstream,
but there was much discussion and no action, if I recall correctly.

The patch has been accepted and is in valgrind.  It is a slight 
different format but does the same thing.  So, an SVN valgrind will have 
the new flag.The other thing to note is that this stops all 
processing after that.  So, for example since make will call cmake, we 
allow make to be valgrind processed, and just add the suppression stuff 
I mentioned in my other email.

Maybe Bill could chime in, or you could take up the question on
valgrind's mailing list?

No need to go on the valgrind list, should be there now.  I have not 
tested and really do need to upgrade our valgrind to try the official 
version of this feature...

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Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread Bill Hoffman

On 6/25/2010 7:47 AM, David Cole wrote:

I can't really think of a better way to tackle the problem...

But I will make this one observation:
If these underlying frameworks you depend on produce *thousands* of
valgrind errors, do you really want to be depending on them?

(Serious question, not trying to be flippant... It would make me very
nervous to depend on a framework that has more than a handful of
valgrind issues: and each issue would have to be something that I was
convinced did not have a high likelihood of occurring in real world
usage scenarios.)

So, lots of things that you have to use like libX11 have tons and tons 
of valgrind stuff in them.   Some are not real, some are, but you still 
have to use those libraries as they are. What you do is create a 
valgrind suppression file.  What I usally do is run valgrind with 
--gen-suppressions=all.  This makes valgrind spit out the exact text to 
put in the suppression file.  This output will show up on the dashboard. 
 You use that to create a suppression file that you pass to valgrind.

Then you set this in the cache:

CTEst will then use that as a suppression file.  You keep adding to the 
suppression file until you have it like you want.  Many times it is the 
same thing over and over, so a few suppressions go a long way.

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Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread David Cole
For the cmake valgrind dashboard, we use the script seen here:

If you look at it, you will see that we list a bunch of tools that produce
valgrind output that we are not interested in having show up on the CMake

(For example, /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/c++ are in the list...)

Then, we pass that to valgrind with the
--trace-children-skip=${valgrind_skip} command line flag.

Here's the catch: that's a custom build of valgrind that we have on that
machine that understands this flag. I think Bill Hoffman developed the patch
for that behavior and tried to submit it up to valgrind upstream, but there
was much discussion and no action, if I recall correctly.

Maybe Bill could chime in, or you could take up the question on valgrind's
mailing list?


On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Johny Jose  wrote:
> The frameworks in question are a necessary evil, we cannot do without
them, time and habit will not allow us to work with anything else i guess.
Well i guess i will have to try it out and see what comes of it, will let u
know how successful it is.
> Regards,
> Johny
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcel Loose []
> Sent: Fri 6/25/2010 2:30 PM
> To:
> Cc: Johny Jose;
> Subject: Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing
> Well, I sort of ran into exactly the same problem that Johny describes.
> I devoted two mails on this issue to the CMake list --
> -- but got no
> response on either of them.
> In my case 'bash' is producing quite some noise; wouldn't want to call
> 'bash' flaky, though. But even if that weren't the case: you don't want
> to memory check your framework every time you run a test, only the
> program under test.
> There must be a better way to solve this, right?
> Best regards,
> Marcel Loose.
> On Fri, 2010-06-25 at 07:47 -0400, David Cole wrote:
> > I can't really think of a better way to tackle the problem...
> >
> >
> > But I will make this one observation:
> > If these underlying frameworks you depend on produce *thousands* of
> > valgrind errors, do you really want to be depending on them?
> >
> >
> > (Serious question, not trying to be flippant... It would make me very
> > nervous to depend on a framework that has more than a handful of
> > valgrind issues: and each issue would have to be something that I was
> > convinced did not have a high likelihood of occurring in real world
> > usage scenarios.)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Just my opinion,
> > David
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:18 AM, Johny Jose 
> > wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I am using valgrind to debug a framework which depends on
> > several other underlying frameworks to function properly. As a
> > result my memory checking turns up thousands of errors. I only
> > want to see errors that arise from my framework. This is
> > figured can be done by simply looking for a few regular
> > expressions in the stack trace. Right now i am planning on
> > creating a custom perl script which i will use as the
> > memchecker instead of valgrind and send its output to CDash.
> > Suppression files don't seem feasible as they don't have any
> > sort of RegEx support and i have too many errors to list in a
> > file creating ridiculously large logs and suppression files. I
> > was wondering is there any better way to tackle this problem ?
> >
> > Regards
> > Johny
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
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> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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> >
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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Janosch Peters

On 2010-06-25 15:45:37 +0200, Michael Hertling said:

On 06/25/2010 03:17 PM, Janosch Peters wrote:

On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:


What's that? Leet speak?

No, these are the first seven and sufficiently unambiguous digits of
the SHA-1 sum of the commit in CMake's Git repository that removes
the framework related lines from FindPythonLibs.cmake

Ok. But the python dilemma still remains:

1. FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs might still produce inconsistent 
results (e.g. libs and interpreter of different python versions)

2. AFAIK you cannot specify a specific python version you which to include/link

I think someone on the list suggested to merge both modules into one, 
which would help making the results consistent. Is this (or any other 
solution) on your todo list?


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[CMake] find_file and following links on windows

2010-06-25 Thread John Cary

I have created a simple CMakeLists.txt file:

FIND_FILE(tmp_h tmp.h PATHS /cygwin/home/cary/tmp/tmp1)
MESSAGE("tmp_h = ${tmp_h}"

and inside of tmp1 I have put the file tmp.h.

This works fine.  The output contains

tmp_h = /cygwin/home/cary/tmp/tmp1/tmp.h

Then I create a lnk and rename it

In tmp:

mkshortcut tmp1
mv tmp1.lnk tmp2.lnk

and try

FIND_FILE(tmp_h tmp.h PATHS /cygwin/home/cary/tmp/tmp2)
MESSAGE("tmp_h = ${tmp_h}"

and it fails.

tmp_h = tmp_h-NOTFOUND

Is this expected behavior?  Am I doing something wrong?

ThxJohn Cary
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Re: [CMake] CMake Xcode SCC

2010-06-25 Thread Simon Drouin
Same for all project configurations like environment variables and others...
I'm also looking for a solution to that problem. I guess the solution would
be to make these settings available as CMake variables that are remembered
by the CMake cache. So far I haven't found a way to do that, if it is


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 11:03 PM, Glenn Hughes wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using Xcode 3.2.2 and Perforce for my Source Code Control.
> Whenever I rebuild the Xcode project with cmake, Xcode loses its
> connection to the source code server and I have to reset it manually.
> Does anyone have a solution for this?
> Thanks in advance
> Glenn
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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread David Cole
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:42 AM, David Cole  wrote:

> I would have thought it was a git commit hash... but I cannot find it at:
> Perhaps it's in another git repo?
Oops.  Thanks Michael, for pointing us to;a=commit;h=8d87d12

Apparently, I don't know how to use the gitweb "search" feature correctly.
Searching on "commit" searches the text of the commit... not for its

> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Janosch Peters  wrote:
>> On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>>  8d87d12
>> What's that? Leet speak?
>> --
>> Janosch
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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Hertling
On 06/25/2010 03:42 PM, David Cole wrote:
> I would have thought it was a git commit hash... but I cannot find it at:
> Perhaps it's in another git repo?

No, it's in your first-order repository:

git clone git://
cd cmake
git show 8d87d12



> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Janosch Peters  wrote:
>> On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>>  8d87d12
>> What's that? Leet speak?
>> --
>> Janosch
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Re: [CMake] customize cpack windows installer

2010-06-25 Thread Eric Noulard
2010/6/25 Bo Thorsen :
> Den 23-06-2010 23:39, Alexandre Gramfort skrev:
>> I'm deploying a cmake project on windows and I have a few questions
>> concerning the
>> installer generated by cpack using NSIS
>> - is it possible to remove the mention "create desktop icon" since the
>> installer contains only command line tools?
>> - is it possible to provide an installer that works even if the user
>> does not have admin rights?
>> - is it possible to add to the folder in the start menu a link that
>> points to the web site of the project?
> Hi Alexandre,
> I recently started using CPack for the MariaDB installer, and it's been a
> kind-of bumpy ride so far.
> First of all, it's incredibly easy to build a simple installer with CPack
> and NSIS. But as soon as you step beyond the glorified zip file structure,
> it starts getting really hairy.
> I can't answer any of your questions, because I haven't tried to do those
> things. But I can tell you what I do when I try to find solutions to
> problems:
> 1) Search the net
> 2) Ask questions on the mailing list. One question per mail only! This looks
> like it gives the best answers, when answers are given.
> 3) Read the file ...\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\ to
> try and figure out what happens and what you can or can't do.

Many questions about CPack + NSIS have been raised on teh ML,
many answers have been givent too. But it may be sparsy because some
"looking familiar" questions are being asked again.

May be some if not all CPack + NSIS users may start to improve the Wiki
with their CPack + NSIS experience?

Basic CPack may be put here

NSIS Specifics may be put there:

Or may be we should start a "One page per generator"?

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Hertling
On 06/25/2010 03:17 PM, Janosch Peters wrote:
> On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>> 8d87d12
> What's that? Leet speak?

No, these are the first seven and sufficiently unambiguous digits of
the SHA-1 sum of the commit in CMake's Git repository that removes
the framework related lines from FindPythonLibs.cmake, e.g. see:

Regards ;-)

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Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread Johny Jose
The frameworks in question are a necessary evil, we cannot do without them, 
time and habit will not allow us to work with anything else i guess. Well i 
guess i will have to try it out and see what comes of it, will let u know how 
successful it is. 


-Original Message-
From: Marcel Loose []
Sent: Fri 6/25/2010 2:30 PM
Cc: Johny Jose;
Subject: Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing
Well, I sort of ran into exactly the same problem that Johny describes.
I devoted two mails on this issue to the CMake list -- -- but got no
response on either of them.

In my case 'bash' is producing quite some noise; wouldn't want to call
'bash' flaky, though. But even if that weren't the case: you don't want
to memory check your framework every time you run a test, only the
program under test.

There must be a better way to solve this, right? 

Best regards,
Marcel Loose.

On Fri, 2010-06-25 at 07:47 -0400, David Cole wrote:
> I can't really think of a better way to tackle the problem...
> But I will make this one observation:
> If these underlying frameworks you depend on produce *thousands* of
> valgrind errors, do you really want to be depending on them?
> (Serious question, not trying to be flippant... It would make me very
> nervous to depend on a framework that has more than a handful of
> valgrind issues: and each issue would have to be something that I was
> convinced did not have a high likelihood of occurring in real world
> usage scenarios.)
> Just my opinion,
> David
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:18 AM, Johny Jose 
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am using valgrind to debug a framework which depends on
> several other underlying frameworks to function properly. As a
> result my memory checking turns up thousands of errors. I only
> want to see errors that arise from my framework. This is
> figured can be done by simply looking for a few regular
> expressions in the stack trace. Right now i am planning on
> creating a custom perl script which i will use as the
> memchecker instead of valgrind and send its output to CDash.
> Suppression files don't seem feasible as they don't have any
> sort of RegEx support and i have too many errors to list in a
> file creating ridiculously large logs and suppression files. I
> was wondering is there any better way to tackle this problem ?
> Regards
> Johny
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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread David Cole
I would have thought it was a git commit hash... but I cannot find it at:;a=summary

Perhaps it's in another git repo?

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Janosch Peters  wrote:

> On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:
>  8d87d12
> What's that? Leet speak?
> --
> Janosch
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Re: [CMake] Various problems deploying a python module

2010-06-25 Thread Janosch Peters

On 2010-06-21 07:01:36 +0200, Michael Hertling said:


What's that? Leet speak?


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Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread Marcel Loose
Well, I sort of ran into exactly the same problem that Johny describes.
I devoted two mails on this issue to the CMake list -- -- but got no
response on either of them.

In my case 'bash' is producing quite some noise; wouldn't want to call
'bash' flaky, though. But even if that weren't the case: you don't want
to memory check your framework every time you run a test, only the
program under test.

There must be a better way to solve this, right? 

Best regards,
Marcel Loose.

On Fri, 2010-06-25 at 07:47 -0400, David Cole wrote:
> I can't really think of a better way to tackle the problem...
> But I will make this one observation:
> If these underlying frameworks you depend on produce *thousands* of
> valgrind errors, do you really want to be depending on them?
> (Serious question, not trying to be flippant... It would make me very
> nervous to depend on a framework that has more than a handful of
> valgrind issues: and each issue would have to be something that I was
> convinced did not have a high likelihood of occurring in real world
> usage scenarios.)
> Just my opinion,
> David
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:18 AM, Johny Jose 
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am using valgrind to debug a framework which depends on
> several other underlying frameworks to function properly. As a
> result my memory checking turns up thousands of errors. I only
> want to see errors that arise from my framework. This is
> figured can be done by simply looking for a few regular
> expressions in the stack trace. Right now i am planning on
> creating a custom perl script which i will use as the
> memchecker instead of valgrind and send its output to CDash.
> Suppression files don't seem feasible as they don't have any
> sort of RegEx support and i have too many errors to list in a
> file creating ridiculously large logs and suppression files. I
> was wondering is there any better way to tackle this problem ?
> Regards
> Johny
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Re: [CMake] Build rule for specific file extension

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Wild

On 25. Jun, 2010, at 13:26 , Mathias Lafeldt wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a way to tell CMake how to "compile" files based on their
> extension?
> For example, here's a make rule to build an object file from a *.lst file:
> %.o : %.lst
>echo "#include \"irx_imports.h\"" > build-imports.c
>cat $< >> build-imports.c
>$(IOP_CC) $(IOP_CFLAGS) build-imports.c -o $@
>-rm -f build-imports.c
> How can I convert this to CMake? I considered using add_custom_target,
> but I don't know how to apply it to all files with the same extension.
> -Mathias

No, there is no way to do this. Regrettable as it is, I also think that there 
are probably pretty good reasons for not providing such a facility. The usual 
thing to do is to write a function which loops over all the input files, 
creates a custom command for each of the files and then returns the list of the 
products in a variable. E.g.

find_program(FOO_EXECUTABLE foo)
function(preprocess_foo out_var)
  foreach(in_f ${ARGN})
set(out_f "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${out_f}")
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${out_f}
  COMMAND ${FOO_EXECUTABLE} -o ${out_f} ${in_f}
  DEPENDS ${in_f}
  COMMENT "Creating preprocessed foo file ${out_f}"
list(APPEND result ${out_f})
  set(${out_var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE)

add_executable(bar ${prep_files})



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Re: [CMake] Data dir

2010-06-25 Thread Bo Thorsen
Just to follow my own advice and give the answer to the question I sent 

The basic problem is this: Can you add a file to the installer that 
isn't uninstalled?

Answer: No, this is impossible. Anything short of patching the CMake 
sourcecode is going to fail. Not even copying the NSIS template to the 
local directory and modify it is going to work.

The workaround I use now installs my datafiles to a clean directory, 
which isn't used by MariaDB on runtime. It then checks if there are 
already database files in the target dir. If they are there, it gives a 
messagebox saying it's reusing the database files. If no files are there 
(or at least not the one file I check), the clean files are copied into 

On uninstall, I just put up a messagebox saying the database files are 
not deleted. I plan to investigate if it's possible to add pages to the 
uninstaller and ask the user if he/she wants to delete the files or not. 
But in the meantime this isn't an unreasonable workaround.

To do this, I have removed my data component, so the clean database 
files are now in the unspecified group, which means the user can't avoid 
them. And then I added these lines to my CMakeLists.txt:

# Handle the database files
FILE(GLOB datafiles "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/win/data/mysql/*")
INSTALL(FILES ${datafiles} DESTINATION data/clean/mysql)
INSTALL(FILES win/data/maria_log.0001 win/data/maria_log_control 
DESTINATION data/clean)

INSTALL(DIRECTORY win/data/test DESTINATION data/clean)
  IfFileExists '$INSTDIRdatamysqldb.frm' 0 CopyDatabaseFiles
MessageBox MB_OK 'There are already database files present in the 
data directory. Clean database files are not written to the directory'

GoTo EndCopyDatabaseFiles
CopyFiles '$INSTDIRdataclean*' '$INSTDIRdata'
  MessageBox MB_OK 'This will not delete the database files in 

Another solution I'm considering is to write a CMake patch that can do 
this in a prettier way, but that's going to be a while from now, if ever.


Den 09-06-2010 14:48, Bo Thorsen skrev:

Den 09-06-2010 14:25, Yegor Yefremov skrev:

I am working on a CPack/NSIS based installer for MariaDB. The early
parts were really easy to do, but now it becomes more complicated.

First problem: I have a set of files with the bootstrap MySQL/MariaDB
database files. Some users might not want to install these, if they are
installing to a set of database files that are already there.

Have you already looked at this article:

Yes, I already implemented this, and it works very well. However, I
think it's too little. I guess I'm not really certain how the installer
should actually work, which is one of the reasons I'm fishing for an

It think anything less than a page where the user has to answer this
manually will be too subtle for the data dir. I'm happy with this on
stuff like installing header files for installation.

The reason I'm worried is if a user had a previous installation with the
datafiles in there, and installs in the same directory, it might be easy
to overwrite the files.

I think a separate page with three options to choose from

- install new files
- use existing files in the installation directory
- use data files in a separate location

Or something like this. If someone already did something this advanced
with CPack, it would be great to hear about it. I suspect that I'll have
to work directly in the nsis module file to implement this.

Anyway, components doesn't answer the uninstall problem.

Bo Thorsen.
Monty Program AB.

Bo Thorsen.
Monty Program AB.


MariaDB: MySQL replacement
Community developed. Feature enhanced. Backward compatible.
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Re: [CMake] customize cpack windows installer

2010-06-25 Thread Bo Thorsen

Den 23-06-2010 23:39, Alexandre Gramfort skrev:

I'm deploying a cmake project on windows and I have a few questions
concerning the
installer generated by cpack using NSIS

- is it possible to remove the mention "create desktop icon" since the
installer contains only command line tools?

- is it possible to provide an installer that works even if the user
does not have admin rights?

- is it possible to add to the folder in the start menu a link that
points to the web site of the project?

Hi Alexandre,

I recently started using CPack for the MariaDB installer, and it's been 
a kind-of bumpy ride so far.

First of all, it's incredibly easy to build a simple installer with 
CPack and NSIS. But as soon as you step beyond the glorified zip file 
structure, it starts getting really hairy.

I can't answer any of your questions, because I haven't tried to do 
those things. But I can tell you what I do when I try to find solutions 
to problems:

1) Search the net
2) Ask questions on the mailing list. One question per mail only! This 
looks like it gives the best answers, when answers are given.
3) Read the file ...\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\ 
to try and figure out what happens and what you can or can't do.

Be aware that NSIS is actually in some ways quite limited in what it can 
do. And the CPack template doesn't always provide the freedom I'd like 
to have. For example, just adding new functions or macros seem difficult 
(i might be wrong about this, though).

An alternative to NSIS is to use CPack with the WiX patch. This can 
pretty much do everything you'd expect an installer system to do. But it 
means depending on an external CMake patch plus you have to write a very 
complicated .xsl file for it to do anything useful.

Another thing: If you find the answers to your questions, please answer 
your own mail here on the list. Google results from answers on this list 
is certainly one of the more useful resources on the net.

Bo Thorsen.
Monty Program AB.


MariaDB: MySQL replacement
Community developed. Feature enhanced. Backward compatible.
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Re: [CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread David Cole
I can't really think of a better way to tackle the problem...

But I will make this one observation:
If these underlying frameworks you depend on produce *thousands* of valgrind
errors, do you really want to be depending on them?

(Serious question, not trying to be flippant... It would make me very
nervous to depend on a framework that has more than a handful of valgrind
issues: and each issue would have to be something that I was convinced did
not have a high likelihood of occurring in real world usage scenarios.)

Just my opinion,

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:18 AM, Johny Jose  wrote:

>  Dear all,
> I am using valgrind to debug a framework which depends on several other
> underlying frameworks to function properly. As a result my memory checking
> turns up thousands of errors. I only want to see errors that arise from my
> framework. This is figured can be done by simply looking for a few regular
> expressions in the stack trace. Right now i am planning on creating a custom
> perl script which i will use as the memchecker instead of valgrind and send
> its output to CDash. Suppression files don't seem feasible as they don't
> have any sort of RegEx support and i have too many errors to list in a file
> creating ridiculously large logs and suppression files. I was wondering is
> there any better way to tackle this problem ?
> Regards
> Johny
> ___
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[CMake] Build rule for specific file extension

2010-06-25 Thread Mathias Lafeldt

is there a way to tell CMake how to "compile" files based on their

For example, here's a make rule to build an object file from a *.lst file:

%.o : %.lst
echo "#include \"irx_imports.h\"" > build-imports.c
cat $< >> build-imports.c
$(IOP_CC) $(IOP_CFLAGS) build-imports.c -o $@
-rm -f build-imports.c

How can I convert this to CMake? I considered using add_custom_target,
but I don't know how to apply it to all files with the same extension.

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[CMake] Custom memory checking result processing

2010-06-25 Thread Johny Jose
Dear all,

I am using valgrind to debug a framework which depends on several other 
underlying frameworks to function properly. As a result my memory checking 
turns up thousands of errors. I only want to see errors that arise from my 
framework. This is figured can be done by simply looking for a few regular 
expressions in the stack trace. Right now i am planning on creating a custom 
perl script which i will use as the memchecker instead of valgrind and send its 
output to CDash. Suppression files don't seem feasible as they don't have any 
sort of RegEx support and i have too many errors to list in a file creating 
ridiculously large logs and suppression files. I was wondering is there any 
better way to tackle this problem ? 

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[CMake] Mixed Fortran and C++ projects in Visual Studio with Intel Fortran Compiler

2010-06-25 Thread Marcus Sindermann


We have a problem on Windows with Visual Studio projects and the Intel Fortran 
11.1 compiler.
We have a project the contains Fortran sources and links a static C++ library. So in Visual Studio this project is a Fortran project. With update 38 
of the Fortran compiler this was working without any problems because the normal Visual Studio linker (link.exe) was used.
Now we want to use update 65 of the Fortran compiler. This update enforces Visual Studio to use the Intel Fortran xilink for linking Fortran projects. 
But with this linker it isn't possible to link the static C++ library to the Fortran project.

It would be possible to change the library structure, so that the Fortran 
project only contains the Fortran sources. But we try do avoid this.
We also tried to set the LINKER_LANGUAGE target property to C++, but this 
doesn't change anything. Still the same Visual Studio projects are generated.

So is there any way in cmake to enforce Visual Studio to use link.exe instead 
of xilink.exe?

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Re: [CMake] Better BlueGene/P and cross-compile support for CMake

2010-06-25 Thread Marcel Loose
Hi Alex,

On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 22:52 +0200, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Thursday 24 June 2010, Marcel Loose wrote:
> > Oops! Forgot to CC to the list.
> >
> >
> > Hi Tod,
> >
> > I'll try to answer some of your questions below inline (I've snipped
> > parts of your mail). We're also using a BlueGeneP, but not for so
> > packages/executables as you probably do.
> >
> > On Wed, 2010-06-23 at 01:02 -0700, Todd Gamblin wrote:
> > > Hi,
> >
> > -- 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8<
> >
> > > I was able to build with either if I just manually specified the
> > >
> > > compilers and linker like this:
> > > > env CC=gcc C++=g++ LD=ld ./bootstrap --prefix=${CMAKE_HOME}
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > env CC=xlc C++=xlC LD=xlC ./bootstrap --prefix=${CMAKE_HOME}
> >
> > That is probably the safest way to do it, anyways. You then have
> > control over which compiler is used to build your stuff.
> >
> > > But It would've been nice if I didn't have to do all that.  Is PPC
> > > Linux not used many other places anymore?  I guess this is a
> > > sles10/ppc64 environment, so maybe that is throwing the script
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 2. The FindMPI module's library search breaks because the the
> > > cross-compiler name on BlueGene/P contains -l. Specifically, the
> > >
> > > compute node compilers on BlueGene/P are named like this:
> > > > powerpc-bgp-linux-g++
> > >
> > > And the FindMPI module claims that it can't find the '-inux-g++'
> > > library, or something similar.  I was able to fix this by
> > > FindMPI's search to look for -l only when it's followed by a
> > >  This is a little worrisome because I think that is a standard gnu
> > > naming convention, so other platforms with compilers named
> > > are going to have the same bug.
> >
> > That is a known bug. I've filed it in the bug tracker
> > I've also uploaded a patch
> > (take the second one), that fixes that problem.
> In the bug report you say "This patch is NOT heavily tested!"
> Is this still true ?
> Alex

By heavily tested, I meant tested by several people on multiple
platforms. It works for me. I think the patch is pretty straightforward
and harmless, but I've been bitten before in the past by supposedly
harmless trivial patches that did have side-effects on some (obscure?)
system. Maybe, my wording was too cautious.

Best regards,
Marcel Loose.

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