[CMake] Project not built when I specify exclude_from_default_build in CMake

2019-10-30 Thread Haferburg, Andreas
Hi there

I build an executable A. I have set up another target A_remote that uses a 
custom launcher for remote debugging with Visual Studio. What I'm trying to 
achieve is that before the A_remote target is run, another target is run that 
deploys files to the remote computer. So I add a custom target run_deploy that 
runs a batch file, and make A_remote depend on it. As run_deploy also copies 
image files which aren't part of the VS solution, I want it to always run 
before launching A_remote.

However, when I build the entire solution, I don't want VS to build anything 
related to remote debugging, which is why I use EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD. But 
when I do that, and build A_remote, VS tells me

1>-- Skipped Build: Project: run_deploy, Configuration: Debug x64 --
1>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration

Here's a sample CMakeLists.txt.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11.0 FATAL_ERROR)
file(WRITE main.cpp "int main(){return 0;}\n")
file(WRITE deploy.bat "echo Deploying!\n")
add_executable(A main.cpp)
add_executable(A_remote main.cpp)
add_custom_target(run_deploy "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deploy.bat")
set_target_properties(run_deploy PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD 1)
add_dependencies(A_remote run_deploy)

The documentation 
says "Exclude target from Build Solution." This might have been the intention, 
but the way it is implemented seems to do more than that.

Anyways, how can I achieve that run_deploy is always built when I build 
A_remote, but not when I build the solution or ALL_BUILD? Is that even 
possible? Is there a workaround?


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Re: [CMake] CMake link order

2019-10-18 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hey all,

I face a similar problem when constructing a correct (and predictable)
link order for Linux and Cygwin. It would be of great help, if there is
some documentation.

In particular, I would raise two question
    1) when does the link order change?
    2) when does a clean up happen and in which way?

I did also some experiments on linux with cmake 3.13.4 and ended up with
the appended (nearly) minimal example. The example consists of:

 * two "fake"-libraries A and B, whose paths are stored in two
   variables libA and libB respectively. (they serve just for
   demonstration, no real linking is required)
 * two interface libraries interfaceA and interfaceB. Each links to the
   corresponding fake library.
 * two imported libraries impA and impB, each has the location to the
   corresponding fake library.

Now I construct some combinations:

1. An interface library interfaceA_B_vA, which links against the
   interface libraries "interfaceA interfaceB ${libA}" and an
   executable, which links only against interfaceA_B_vA. For that
   executable, I get the link order "B A"
2. Suppose one tries to correct that and link explicitly against with
   the variable. Such an executable which links as "${libA}
   interfaceA_B_vA". In that case, I got the link order "A A B". So we
   have a changed order compared to the previous experiment.
3. If I use the imported libraries instead of the variables from
   experiment 1, I get the link order A B A, as expected.

From these experiments, I got the impression, that

1. linking through variables remains a nightmare. That is nothing new.
2. interface libraries might change their order
3. imported libraries lead to a more stable link order?

I hope somebody could shed some light in this behavior.

Best regards,

Am 18.10.19 um 18:24 schrieb Fred Baksik:

On Fri, Oct 18, 2019, at 11:55 AM, Fred Baksik wrote:

In target_link_libraries it states that "The library dependency graph
is normally acyclic (a DAG)".  I recall from my own experience that
the DAG is not always created the same way when generating the
project.  It has to do with the way with this part of CMake is
implemented (C++ containers and that sort of thing) so while all the
inputs are the same the order is Not the same so it produces a
different DAG which changed the ordering of the components build
order which also altered the link order.

For the GHS Generator to ensure that the exact same project files are
output we sorted the components by name into a vector first (instead
of just using a set) before supplying it to this algorithm.  Then the
results were always the same.

Sorry, I wanted to clarify this a bit.  The DAG is correct. For
example lets say A depends on B and C and then C on D.  This DAG
always comes out the same.  But when you try to extract the dependents
of A it sometimes returns something that will give you B then C or C
then B when accessing them in a linear order. So there were
differences if you inspected these items with the debugger.

When I ran across these kinds of things with the GHS Generator we sort
things in lexicographical order to produce the same results every time.

Best regards,

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

file(WRITE "simpleProg.cc" "int main() { return 0; }")
set(libA "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/A.a")
file(WRITE "${libA}" "i am not a library")

set(libB "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/B.a")
file(WRITE "${libB}" "i am not a library")

add_library(impA IMPORTED STATIC)
set_target_properties(impA PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${libA})

add_library(impB IMPORTED STATIC)
set_target_properties(impB PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${libB})

add_library(interfaceA INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(interfaceA INTERFACE ${libA})

add_library(interfaceB INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(interfaceB INTERFACE ${libB})
#target_link_libraries(interfaceA INTERFACE ${libB})

add_library(interface_A_B_vA INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(interface_A_B_vA INTERFACE interfaceA interfaceB ${libA})

add_executable(linkInterface_A_B_vA simpleProg.cc)
target_link_libraries(linkInterface_A_B_vA interface_A_B_vA)

add_executable(linkvA_IABAVA simpleProg.cc)
target_link_libraries(linkvA_IABAVA ${libA} interface_A_B_vA)

add_library(interface_impA_impB_vA INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(interface_impA_impB_vA INTERFACE impA impB ${libA})

add_executable(linkInterface_impA_impB_vA simpleProg.cc)
target_link_libraries(linkInterface_impA_impB_vA interface_impA_impB_vA)

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Re: [CMake] How to specify Redhat Developer Toolset compiler?

2019-06-20 Thread Andreas Naumann

You could set the environment variables CXX and CC such that they point
to your toolset compiler

Am 20.06.19 um 17:39 schrieb David Aldrich:

My Centos 7.6 machine has CMake 3.13.5 and g++ 4.8.5 installed:

$ /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ --version
x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)

I have a very simple CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5 FATAL_ERROR)
project(hello_world LANGUAGES CXX)

add_executable(hello_world "")


I also have Redhat Developer Toolset 7 installed which I can enable in
my bash shell:

$ scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
$ which g++
$ g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 7.3.1 20180303 (Red Hat 7.3.1-5)

How can I get CMake to use the later version of g++ instead of 4.8.5?


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Re: [CMake] How can I automatically optionally build a submodule?

2019-03-27 Thread Andreas Naumann

For me, this sounds more like foo is an independent thing and not a

In this case, I think about two solutions:
    1) Use a macro/function "check_yada", which sets a variable
"yada_usable". If you extract this logic in an extra .cmake file, you
can reuse it in your yada CMakelists.txt
    2) Use foo as an external project. But thats looks like a major
change in the project structure.

Am 27.03.19 um 20:05 schrieb Steve Keller:

"Albrecht Schlosser"  wrote:

If you want yadda to be optional then don't use REQUIRED.

if (yadda_FOUND)
message(STATUS "found yadda, building bar ...")

# add your code to build bar here

endif ()

This should do what you want - unless I misunderstood your question.

This will roughly do what I want, but I think it does not correctly
express things.  For the sub-project, yadda is not optional, and if I
call cmake in that sub-project's directory, it should fail.

What I think would be appropriate would be a command
add_subdirectory_optional(...) or add_subdirectory_and_ignore_errors(...)
or something similar.



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Re: [CMake] Correct Boost version found, linked against wrong one

2019-03-12 Thread Andreas Naumann
orrect files, i.e., 1.66?

Or is the "DSO missing from command line" another problem? All I found about 
that is that boost_system should be added, but that's already the case.

cmake version is 3.5.2

Can you run make with VERBOSE=1 and give as the output please?

To me it looks like, that cmake discards the library directory and links 
with -lboost_filesystem instead of the fullpath. This happened in my 
environment whenever the environment variable LIBRARY_DIR contains the 
boost library directory.

Nevertheless, you should unset LIBRARY_DIR with cmake. Otherwise, the 
compiler gcc will treat the folders in this variable as system folders.




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Re: [CMake] Question about functions

2019-02-18 Thread Andreas Naumann

Am 18.02.19 um 20:43 schrieb workbe...@gmx.at:

Hi everyone,

i have a function like:

FUNCTION(checksyste_64Bit arg1)


        SET(${arg1} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE)


but when i call it with an INTERNAL variable i've set before with



the ${SYSTE_64BIT} variable stays the same, i thought when i use 
PARENT_SCOPE on a variable i can change it's value from inside the 
function ?

best regards!

You should call your function without dollar and braces around the 
variable, i.e.



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Re: [CMake] fixup-bundle usability

2019-02-18 Thread Andreas Naumann
Thank you very much for your explaination. At the moment, I link only to 
boost and some in-house libraries. When experimenting with CMake and 
reading the docs, I got the same impression as you described. And I 
hoped to miss something obvious.

When I understand you correctly, one have to set the directories from 
hand. Furthermore there are additional variables (in case of VTK), which 
contain the library directories. But modern CMake works with targets and 
properties and let the dependencies propagate.

To test the idea a little bit, I startet with the following function

function(setBundle targetName dest)
  install(TARGETS ${targetName} DESTINATION ${dest})

  get_target_property(targtDeps ${targetName} LINK_LIBRARIES)
  set(depDirs )
  foreach(t IN LISTS targtDeps)
    #disable the INTERFACE target due to error later.
    if(TARGET ${t} AND NOT ("${t}" STREQUAL "Boost::disable_autolinking"))
      get_target_property(isImported ${t} IMPORTED)
        get_target_property(depFile ${t} IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG)
          get_filename_component(cdepDir ${depFile} DIRECTORY)
          list(APPEND depDirs ${cdepDir})
  install(CODE "include(BundleUtilities)
\"\" \"${depDirs}\")")


It is far away from optimal and has some drawbacks, especially the 
detection of interface libraries and the location of the imported target 
should be more fail proof.

How can I ask for feature requests on gitlab? I found the issue tracker, 
but nothing in regard for a feature or improvement.


Am 18.02.19 um 15:56 schrieb Francis Giraldeau:
You are right, the fixup bundle is difficult to use. Here are some 
undocumented tips:

Put the install(CODE) with the fixup_bundle() call in a CMakeLists.txt 
in its own directory. In your main CMakeLists.txt file, add this 
directory with add_subdirectory() last. This install(CODE) will run 
after all the other install directive, otherwise the fixup_bundle() 
might run before other targets are installed.

The main thing is to build the library path variable. Yes, this 
information can be recovered from the target itself, but 
fixup_bundle() won't gather that info for you. Here is an example with 


If you are using VTK, there is already a variable:

You might as well run windeployqt (and similar tool for other 
platforms) inside install(CODE) script if you have a Qt app, such that 
the styles and the plugins and other stuff gets copied.


Workaround wrong tool detection using MinGW on Windows:
install(CODE "\
And there is the escaping... You have to escape quotes inside
the script. Escape the '$' sign if you want to refer to the
variable at install time. Remember that you don't have access
to configure-time variables at install time. Unescaped '$' prefix
will be replaced by its value at configure time, somewhat like
a macro or a template.

To see the generated script, look into ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} with
the directory name corresponding to the CMakeLists.txt containing
the install(CODE). Example:
-> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/bundle/cmake_install.cmake
You can check the generated script, its very
handy when things go wrong.
Also, it is easier to put all libraries and binaries in their
own directory. I have this near the begining of my project's
If you have some library that you don't want in your bundle,
you might want to disable install for it, for instance,
google test:
I'm using "ntldd.exe -R" on Windows to check the dependencies manually
(its very much like ldd on Linux). It is much more handy than
dependency walker.
Fixup_bundle is not magical either. The library dependencies must be
known beforehand. It means that if you do some dlopen() tricks at
runtime, fixup_bundle() cannot know that and you will have to install
these libraries manually yourself. One notable example of this is
Intel MKL using the Single Dynamic Library (mkl_rt). Using this
library entry point simp

Re: [CMake] Question about set

2019-02-18 Thread Andreas Naumann


I would introduce a list with the allowed values and introduce a macro 
"checked_set", which tests the setting or aborts.


Am 18.02.19 um 15:06 schrieb workbe...@gmx.at:

Hi everyone,

i've looked the web but found no result. I need a string variable that 
allows only certain values, like bool variables only allow true/false 
my string should be either "A" or "B" ...

best regards!


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Re: [CMake] Static libraries depending on libraries: only on headers/options/defines

2019-02-16 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hi Paul,

I understand the relationship between libraries as strict, such that you 
always build all dependent libraries before.
In your use case I thought about splitting the libraries in the actual 
target and the interface one.

For example, you could create an interface library foo_interface
add_library(foo_interface INTERFACE )
set the properties and then link foo and bar to this interface library 
using target_link_libraries.

But be aware, that now every executable, which links against bar must 
manually link against foo. If your project is large, this seems not 
really desirable. But I think you could also split the library bar in 
two bar_withoutFoo and bar. The library bar_withoutFoo would link 
against foo_interface and compile the sources, whereas bar is an 
interface library which depends on bar_withoutFoo and foo.
The developer could than build bar completely independent from foo and 
you could transport the transitive dependencies to the executable.

I don't know if this doubled structure using pure interfaces libraries 
and the actual libraries is maintainable.

Hope that helps a bit,

Am 16.02.19 um 20:20 schrieb Paul Smith:

Hi all;

I'm working on modernizing our large complex CMake environment.  It
builds a number of different binaries from an even larger number of
static libraries, and these libraries depend on each other as well, in
that they need to include headers and, sometimes, -D options etc.

I've used straightforward target_link_libraries() to declare the
relationship between these libraries; for example:

   add_library(foo STATIC ...)
   target_include_directories(foo PUBLIC ...)
   target_compile_definitions(foo PUBLIC ...)
   target_compile_options(foo PUBLIC ...)

   add_library(bar STATIC ...)
   target_link_libraries(bar PUBLIC foo)

   add_executable(one ...)
   target_link_libraries(one PRIVATE bar)

This works, in that everything builds properly but it has a side-effect
we want to avoid.  Because the source tree is large many developers
have a habit of testing compilation of subsets of the code using
something like:

   make -jX bar

and expect it to just build the static library bar.  Because it's a
static library you don't need to actually build "foo" until link time.
But we do need all the include directories, compile definitions, and
compile options to be inherited from "foo" into "bar".

However with the above formulation, building "bar" also forces the
compilation of "foo", which we don't need or want.

I've played around with the different values of PUBLIC, PRIVATE, and
INTERFACE but there doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to say,
"take the interface values for includes, definitions, and options, but
don't depend on the generated target".

I can write a function to do this myself but this seems like the most
common way someone would want to treat static libraries referencing
other static libraries, so I wondered if I was missing something that would 
allow this in a simpler way.



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[CMake] fixup-bundle usability

2019-02-16 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear CMakers,

recently I tried to bundle an application in Windows. From the 
documentation [1] I see that I should provide the directories to the 
non-system libraries.

But these information should be already in the properties of the 
targets, arent they? Is there any extension in cmake, that provides 
these paths?

How do other users handle dependencies to external dlls?

[1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/module/BundleUtilities.html



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Re: [CMake] How is ARGN passed to a macro

2018-11-21 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hey Torsten,

Am 21.11.18 um 13:15 schrieb Torsten Robitzki:

I’ve stumbled over following behavior and now I’m searching for the rules, that 
explains that behavior:


 message("in macro check_argn ARGN: ${ARGN}")

   foreach(item IN LISTS ARGN)
 message("ARG: ${item}")
   message("ARGN: ${ARGN}")

   function(f1 a)
 message("in function ARGN: ${ARGN}")

   f1(1 2)

This will yield the following output:

   $ cmake -P ./test.cmake
   in function ARGN:
   in macro check_argn ARGN:
   in function ARGN: 2
   in macro check_argn ARGN:
   ARG: 2

I would expect ARGN to behave exactly the same in the macro, as in the 
function, but apparently there is a difference. Can someone of you explain that 
to me?

I think the behavior is explained in [1] and [2]. In particular the 
second section of [2] states that the parameter " [...] such as ARGN are 
not variables in the usual CMake sense. They are string replacements 
[...]".  And the example at the end of [2] seems to match your test 

Hope that helps a bit,

[1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/function.html

[2] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/macro.html

TIA and kind regards,



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[CMake] Bundling Qt5 with CMake on Linux

2018-10-08 Thread Andreas Pakulat

I'm currently trying to find a good approach to bundling Qt5 with my
application on Linux using CMake (and CPack to create tar.gz). It
appears this topic isn't covered very well - or I'm using the wrong
search keywords.

What I have right now is copying the different plugins that are needed
by the application into the install directory, then run fixup_bundle
over the executable passing the Qt library directory and the plugins
in the install location. In addition to that a qt.conf is written. Now
this has a few problems:

- BundleUtilities decides to put the qt libraries into the bin/ folder
where the executable is, that requires a more complicated qt.conf
since the location of plugins and libraries relative to one another is
not the same as in the Qt installation directory
- BundleUtilities decides to strip rpath and runpath from the copied
libraries, this is a major problem since the Qt libraries depend on
icu-libraries which are not found anymore without the runpath they
have originally ($ORIGIN)

It appears both of these are not configurable which makes me wonder if
anybody here is using BundleUtilities at all on Linux for bundling
Qt5. If not, what are you using instead?

I could live with the libraries in the bin/ folder instead of the lib/
folder but the second point is a problem.

I shortly looked at the linuxdeployqt project
(https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt) but that only helps when
wanting to ship an AppImage or AppDir, but since I'm looking at
creating a package from a couple of binaries all using Qt that's not
an option either.


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Re: [CMake] Moving static library to separate project

2018-09-26 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear Chris,

you have several ways to cope with that.
First, you should write a MyLogConfig.cmake-File [2], which imports your 
static library as import library [1] and sets the include path. The same 
file also defines the dependency on pthread via target_link_library.
Your project with the executable then uses find_package(MyLog ) to 
insert the library into the project.

The second way uses the install(Export ...) directive to create export 
files. These files contain the transitivie dependencies and the include 
paths at once. In this case, your executable project has to use the 
export-File via find_file / input.

Hope that helps a little bit,

[1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.5/command/add_library.html
[2] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-packages.7.html

Am 25.09.2018 um 23:58 schrieb Christopher E Robison:
I've got a situation I've searched for answers on, and though I've 
found similar questions, I've found no generally-applicable answers, 
or at least ones I can use. Apologies in advance for a beginner-level 

I have a group of applications that all use some common functionality 
I've located in a static library (for logging in this case). we'll 
call it libmylog here. Libmylog is pretty simple, but at some point I 
wanted to solve some thread safety situations, so I included some 
synchronization features that now require me to link with pthreads. 
Easy enough, "target_link_libraries(mylog pthread)" takes care of it.

I've recently begun developing a separate application which doesn't 
belong in the same tree, and so I've put it in its own new project. 
I've decided I'd like this new application to use libmylog as well, 
and so now I've moved mylog into its own separate project too. I've 
added install directives and the library (libmylog.a) and its header 
file end up in the correct spots in /usr/local when I do a "make 
install". Looks good so far.

The problem is when I compile any of my executables, the link fails 
with undefined reference errors since after removing libmylog from the 
same build tree every application I've written that uses it must now 
link with libpthread as well. This is an odd thing to have to specify 
for small utilities that don't have threads and shouldn't need to care 
about them. I look at libmylog.a with nm and all the references to 
pthreads symbols are undefined.

More critically, it seems that since the build process for libmylog 
doesn't generate an executable, the "target_link_libraries(mylog 
pthread) line is now _silently ignored_.

What is the Right Way of dealing with this in CMake? I'd like a way to 
tell the linker to force the inclusion of the relevant code in the 
static library, but if there's a more canonical approach I'd 
appreciate the advice. (For example, do I need to [learn how to] 
create a CMake "package" for my libmylog installation -- would this 
help propagate the -lpthread requirement to the build for the 



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Re: [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake

2018-07-27 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear space & and the rest of the cmake world :)

i just googled for "modern cmake" and came up with at least two 
interesting talks from cppcon and boostcon:

Their slides can be found at

I just slipped through them, but they look like the right way. Another 
nice summary is at 

Wish you a nice weekend,

Am 27.07.2018 um 01:54 schrieb Space:

Dear Cmake world,

I am wanting to learn how to use Cmake correctly and I would like to
implement Modern Cmake (the latest version and techniques).

Currently I have a project that was intended for use on windows machine but
I want to run/develop it on Mac and am also interested to make it overall
cross platform. On Mac I'll use Visual Studio Code and Xcode (preferably

Here is a link to the GitHub for the current project of interest:

Dependencies are:
 openGL (gl_core_4_4.c/h)

I have visited the cmake.org site and looked at the tutorials, they teach
old cmake 2.8 but shouldn't there be material that teaches the Modern way.

I know about the documentation that has made an effort to show some of the
modern practices but to a person, new to cmake, my brain just shuts down to
the reference styled documents, and yes, but thats what the documentation
is; a reference list.

I then found the webinars, but much disappoint, they are dated back to March
2012 ( a great effort for its time but left me confused; not modern).

We are now end of July 2018. It would be great to see a webinar completely
refreshed, which is directed at the complete beginner and makes an effort to
teach Modern Cmake in todays world. It would also be nice to understand how
to bridge the gap between old 2.8 cmake and the latest cmake. For example:
Making proper use of find_package etc...

I hope this is an interesting topic to be reviewed,



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Re: [CMake] conditions and included subprojects

2018-06-11 Thread Andreas Naumann

I think, I missunderstood some parts. In particular, why should the user have to change the CMakeLists.txt? He/she can set the value at the commandline or in the cmake-gui and your CMakelist sees the value of your option and can react to that. 

Gesendet: Montag, 11. Juni 2018 um 10:55 Uhr
Von: "Cornelis Bockemühl" 
An: "Andreas Naumann" , cmake@cmake.org
Betreff: Re: [CMake] conditions and included subprojects

Thanks for your proposals!


Actually my problem is basically that I want to keep up with some minimum good practice, but I am seeing myself throwing it over board constantly if I do not find a logical solution after one or two hours of struggling...


Your second option is close to what I am currently implementing - basically just hard-code the option into the sub-project and let the user adapt the CMakeLists.txt before starting cmake. A bit "brute force", not nice, certainly not "good practice" - but works!


However, what I imagine is rather like this - from a user perspective:


- if the user goes into the main project with cmake-gui, he will see THAT_OPTION with a default value and of course the option to change it. In this case, the sub-project should be built without further bothering the user with options - just take it from the main project. The point is that the option will have an effect for both the main and the sub project, but it has to be the same in both.


- if the user goes directly into the sub project with cmake-gui, he should also see THAT_OPTION, but now it would come from the CMakeLists.txt of the sub project. Again with a default value and the option to change it.


My guess is that I would need an additional "flag" variable that tells the sub project whether it is now being built within the main project or standalone. Again not so nice, but besides the "brute force solution" (hardcoded) the only one that I can see to do it more nicely...





Am Montag, den 11.06.2018, 10:44 +0200 schrieb Andreas Naumann:

Dear Cornelis,


your description looks to me like having a three valued option: ON, OFF, UNDEFINED. But an option in cmake language has only two values: ON or OFF. 

To solve your problem with the connection between your sub-project and the main project, you should forget about the main project and concentrate on the sub project only. Than, you have two possibilities:

    1) Keep the three state variable "THAT_OPTION". Set it to undefined at the very beginning and check later with if(DEFINED THAT_OPTION)  With this variant, you can handle the "I forgot to set it"-case. But your user will not see it as an option in the cmake gui. Your main project will set it, as desired.

    2) Use an initial value for the option. Now, it is always defined, there is no need to check for the source. It is the responsibility of the user to set the option appropriately.


I think, the second version is the easiest way.





Gesendet: Montag, 11. Juni 2018 um 10:20 Uhr
Von: "Cornelis Bockemühl" 
An: cmake@cmake.org
Betreff: [CMake] conditions and included subprojects

Dear CMake users,


Maybe my question is trivial for most, but still I do not find an answer on my own!


If you have a project and some sub-project (or module or whatever the jargon is) that are both managed with CMake, they should be in separate directories (directory trees), and each of them have a CMakeLists.txt in the root directory, where the sub-project is "included" into the main project with an ADD_DIRECTORY() etc. So far so clear.


But then I learned that it is good practice to ensure that the sub-project would also be "buildable" with cmake separately. My problem is about how to pass options from the main to the sub project in such a way that this is working properly, i.e.:


- if the sub project is part of the main project it would simply take over the option from the main project level

- but if the sub project is being built standalone, the option is not defined and should be set e.g. in cmake-gui


If I write now in the sub project





this will be true if THAT_OPTION was set to ON in the main project. So far so good. But the _expression_ is now so "clever" that it cannot distinguish between THAT_OPTION being set to OFF in the main project, or THAT_OPTION not being defined at all - like in a standalone build!


One way would be to have an additional option or variable BUILDING_MAINPROJECT which is set to ON or TRUE in the main project and can be checked. However, I have so far not seen any CMakeLists.txt with such a code, so ... what are the experts doing in such a case?


Thanks and regards,


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Re: [CMake] conditions and included subprojects

2018-06-11 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear Cornelis,


your description looks to me like having a three valued option: ON, OFF, UNDEFINED. But an option in cmake language has only two values: ON or OFF. 

To solve your problem with the connection between your sub-project and the main project, you should forget about the main project and concentrate on the sub project only. Than, you have two possibilities:

    1) Keep the three state variable "THAT_OPTION". Set it to undefined at the very beginning and check later with if(DEFINED THAT_OPTION)  With this variant, you can handle the "I forgot to set it"-case. But your user will not see it as an option in the cmake gui. Your main project will set it, as desired.

    2) Use an initial value for the option. Now, it is always defined, there is no need to check for the source. It is the responsibility of the user to set the option appropriately.


I think, the second version is the easiest way.





Gesendet: Montag, 11. Juni 2018 um 10:20 Uhr
Von: "Cornelis Bockemühl" 
An: cmake@cmake.org
Betreff: [CMake] conditions and included subprojects

Dear CMake users,


Maybe my question is trivial for most, but still I do not find an answer on my own!


If you have a project and some sub-project (or module or whatever the jargon is) that are both managed with CMake, they should be in separate directories (directory trees), and each of them have a CMakeLists.txt in the root directory, where the sub-project is "included" into the main project with an ADD_DIRECTORY() etc. So far so clear.


But then I learned that it is good practice to ensure that the sub-project would also be "buildable" with cmake separately. My problem is about how to pass options from the main to the sub project in such a way that this is working properly, i.e.:


- if the sub project is part of the main project it would simply take over the option from the main project level

- but if the sub project is being built standalone, the option is not defined and should be set e.g. in cmake-gui


If I write now in the sub project





this will be true if THAT_OPTION was set to ON in the main project. So far so good. But the _expression_ is now so "clever" that it cannot distinguish between THAT_OPTION being set to OFF in the main project, or THAT_OPTION not being defined at all - like in a standalone build!


One way would be to have an additional option or variable BUILDING_MAINPROJECT which is set to ON or TRUE in the main project and can be checked. However, I have so far not seen any CMakeLists.txt with such a code, so ... what are the experts doing in such a case?


Thanks and regards,


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Re: [CMake] problem with CMake not including library's path (with pkg-config)

2018-05-24 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear Francesco,

I use the pkg-config module with IPopt and had the same problem. 
According to the documentation, the library paths are in 
_LIBRARY_DIRS. In your case, you should find the paths in the 
variable AGG_LIBRARY_DIRS or all flags in the variable  AGG_LDFLAGS .

Am 24.05.2018 um 18:48 schrieb Francesco Abbate:

Hi all,

I stumbled in a problem with CMake. Everything is working fine except
that, for two libraries that I locate with pkg-config, cmake does not
include during linking the library's path (-L) which is given by

Here an extract of the CMakeLists.txt:


pkg_search_module(AGG REQUIRED libagg)


target_link_libraries(libcanvas ${AGG_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(libcanvas PUBLIC

When I run pkg-config everything is correct:

pkg-config --libs libagg

-Lc:/fra/local_msys64/lib -lagg -lm

One can notice that pkg-config provides a non-standard path for the library.

By inspecting CMakeCache.txt I found a trace of the library's path.
See below an extract:


but in the Ninja build file the library's path is not given (below an extract):

# Link the executable tests\test-window.exe

build tests/test-window.exe: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__test-window tests/CMakeFiles
/test-window.dir/test-window.cpp.obj | win32/liblibcanvaswin32.a src/liblibcanva
s.a || src/liblibcanvas.a win32/liblibcanvaswin32.a
   LINK_LIBRARIES = win32/liblibcanvaswin32.a src/liblibcanvas.a -lagg
-lm -lfreetype -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lshell32
-lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32

So the behavior of CMake looks wrong to me. Pkg-config is giving
explicitly a non-standard library path but CMake just decided to not
include it in the linker options.

To finish let me report that I'am using CMake 3.11.1 on a Windows
system using MSYS2.

I can also mention that a similar Meson build just works fine but this
is only to make you, CMake guys, jealous.

Ok, just kidding :-)

Thank you in advance for any help.

Kind regards


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Re: [CMake] CMake on Raspberry Pi

2018-05-20 Thread Andreas Mohr

On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 08:35:31PM -0400, cmake-requ...@cmake.org wrote:
> Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 08:11:13 +0800
> From: Shawn G <shawn0...@gmail.com>

>  Hi there, im having some troubles installing CMake on raspberry pi 3
> running raspbian stretch.
> I keep getting this error message when i run the command "sudo apt-get
> install build-essential cmake pkg-config"
> The error message:
> " Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> Package CMake is not available, but is referred to by another package.
> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
> is only available from another source
> E: Package 'cmake' has no installation candidate "

# apt-cache policy cmake
  Installed: 3.7.2-1
  Candidate: 3.7.2-1
  Version table:
 *** 3.7.2-1 500
500 http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian stretch/main armhf Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

(possibly your /etc/apt/sources* setup does not have
working/updated info for stretch/main repo?)


Andreas Mohr

Das "S" in "IoT" steht für "Security"
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Re: [CMake] CMake does not find module, though it's in MODULE_PATH

2018-05-07 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear Florian,


please note, that CMake expects the variable CMAKE_MODULE_PATH not as an environment variable, but as a CMake variable. So, you could do something like


before calling find_package(Eigen3)


But there are other ways, according to stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12249140/find-package-eigen3-for-cmake .





Gesendet: Montag, 07. Mai 2018 um 11:28 Uhr
Von: "Florian Lindner" <mailingli...@xgm.de>
An: "cmake@cmake.org" <cmake@cmake.org>
Betreff: [CMake] CMake does not find module, though it's in MODULE_PATH


my CMake 3.6.2 complains about not finding FindEigen3.cmake

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:62 (find_package):
By not providing "FindEigen3.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Eigen3", but
CMake did not find one.

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Eigen3" with any
of the following names:


Add the installation prefix of "Eigen3" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"Eigen3_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Eigen3"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been

However, it's clearly there in ls $CMAKE_MODULE_PATH/FindEigen3.cmake

I try to use it like find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)

What else could be wrong there?



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Re: [CMake] FindMPI & policy CMP0004

2018-03-12 Thread Andreas Naumann
Thank you for the hint, and I run in a similiar problem. Building from 
scratch solved the issue.

Sorry for the noise.

Am 11.03.2018 um 23:07 schrieb Craig Scott:
This could be a case of needing to clear out an old CMake cache. That 
problem you mentioned was supposed to have been fixed already. You can 
find the updated discussion of the Mantis issue you linked to in 
gitlab here 
<https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/11881> where someone 
else had a situation that sounds similar to yours.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 7:16 AM, Andreas Naumann 
<andreas-naum...@gmx.net <mailto:andreas-naum...@gmx.net>> wrote:

Dear all,

recently, I got a problem with FindMPI on our HPC systems. With
cmake 3.10.2, I get an error about policy CMP0004. And I cannot
set it to OLD anymore. Is this intended?

Exactly the same error, together with a patch, is described in the
bugtracker https://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=11881

I cannot reproduce the error easiliy. On my home system, it works.
But on the hpc system, mpicc -showme:link returns
-L/lib -lmpi -ldl -lm -lnuma -Wl,--export-dynamic -lrt
-lnsl -lutil -lm -ldl

so, we have exactly one -Wl, part and libraries
otherwise. It looks to me, that the patch from the bugtracker
should avoid the problem.
Can somebody confirm this finding?

The problem gets even worse with newercmake versions. With cmake
3.9, I can set policy cmp0004 to OLD, so FindMPI remains usable.
With newer cmake versions, ie. 3.10.2,  the policy setting seems
to get deprecated. So, the user won't get any way to use newer
cmake with such a bug.

What is the preferred way to resolve such an issue, when the
policy setting is not allowed anymore?


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Craig Scott
Melbourne, Australia


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[CMake] FindMPI & policy CMP0004

2018-03-11 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear all,

recently, I got a problem with FindMPI on our HPC systems. With cmake 
3.10.2, I get an error about policy CMP0004. And I cannot set it to OLD 
anymore. Is this intended?

Exactly the same error, together with a patch, is described in the 
bugtracker https://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=11881

I cannot reproduce the error easiliy. On my home system, it works. But 
on the hpc system, mpicc -showme:link returns
-L/lib -lmpi -ldl -lm -lnuma -Wl,--export-dynamic -lrt -lnsl 
-lutil -lm -ldl

so, we have exactly one -Wl, part and libraries otherwise. It 
looks to me, that the patch from the bugtracker should avoid the problem.

Can somebody confirm this finding?

The problem gets even worse with newercmake versions. With cmake 3.9, I 
can set policy cmp0004 to OLD, so FindMPI remains usable. With newer 
cmake versions, ie. 3.10.2,  the policy setting seems to get deprecated. 
So, the user won't get any way to use newer cmake with such a bug.

What is the preferred way to resolve such an issue, when the policy 
setting is not allowed anymore?


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Re: [CMake] RPATH for pkg-config

2018-01-03 Thread Andreas Naumann

What about using a FindPETSC-Module? Some hints are


Am 03.01.2018 um 21:35 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:

On 2018 M01 3, Wed 10:08:09 CET Franck Houssen wrote:


How to ask cmake to add a library path (coming from pc file) to rpath ?

I checked this https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_RPATH_handling, but still not
working. Can somebody help ?

more main.cpp


int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
PetscInitialize(, , NULL, "");
return 0;

more CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)

find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) # Get pkg_check_modules.
pkg_check_modules(PETSc REQUIRED PETSc)

add_executable(main main.cpp)

target_include_directories(main PUBLIC ${MPI_CXX_INCLUDE_PATH})
target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES})

target_include_directories(main PUBLIC ${PETSc_INCLUDE_DIRS})
foreach(lib ${PETSc_LDFLAGS})
target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC ${lib})

How does each ${lib} look like ?
Is it "-lpetsc" or does it have the full path to the libraries ?
You should use the full path to the libraries, otherwise cmake doesn't know
where they are and the RPATH computation will not work.

foreach(dir ${PETSc_LIBRARY_DIRS})
link_directories(main PUBLIC ${dir}) # Not sure: is this needed ?

no, link_directories() in general should not be used.

# use, i.e. don't skip the full RPATH for the build tree
# when building, don't use the install RPATH already
# (but later on when installing)

If the automatic computation fails, you could add the petsc lib dir here as



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[CMake] cmake-server, path length for pipe

2017-12-29 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hey cmakers,

I use visual studio code with the extension "vscode-cmake-tools" [1]. 
This extension uses the cmake-server functionality,

Recently, I have encountered the strange error message
[cmake-server] CMake Error: Internal Error with 
/release/.cmserver.18775: EADDRINUSE

where the length of longPath is 101 characters. The same error is also 
discussed in the issue 197 in [2].

After that, I did two small tests using the cmake server. Starting from 
the longPath above, I tried

cmake -E server --experimental --pipe=`pwd`/release/foo
cmake -E server --experimental --pipe=./release/foo

The first test led to the error, whereas the second one worked.

Is there a path length restriction for the cmake server?

And there is an error in the cmake-server manpage. The pipe argument is 
"--pipe= " instead of "--pipe "

I used cmake version 3.9.5.


[1] https://github.com/vector-of-bool/vscode-cmake-tools/
[2] https://github.com/vector-of-bool/vscode-cmake-tools/issues/197

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Re: [CMake] absolute library path, sorry for the question

2017-12-23 Thread Andreas Naumann
your problem is hard to analyse. If you have a "minimal" example, which 
shows this behavior, we could test it. In your last mail, you wrote 
about building and installing libtiff using your own libjpeg. But than 
you write about a later build. So something must happen in the "later 

Interesting enough, you said, that with newer systems, you do not have 
this problem. Do these old systems use a different cmake version?

Seasons Greetings,
Am 22.12.2017 um 17:42 schrieb Mario Emmenlauer:

Can anyone help to force cmake use absolute paths?

On 13.12.2017 11:45, Mario Emmenlauer wrote:

Thank you for your reply!! Your explanation is very helpful for writing
my own CMakeLists.txt. But in my case, I use the standard CMakeLists.txt
that comes with the libraries. For example libtiff, turbojpeg, thrift,
and many others...

As an example, I build libtiff in the following way:
 cmake ../$TIFFVERSION \
 -Wno-dev \
 -G"Unix Makefiles" \
 -Djpeg="ON" \
 make VERBOSE="1" && make install

In the build log, I can see that cmake detects the jpeg library to be
'$THIRDPARTYTARGETDIR/lib/libjpeg.so'. However, in the later build, the
Makefile links with '-ljpeg' instead of '$THIRDPARTYTARGETDIR/lib/libjpeg.so'.
And this in turn will make 'ld' use '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so'
instead of my thirdparty libjpeg.

So at some point between FindJPEG.cmake and the final Makefile, cmake
changed the JPEG_LIBRARIES variable from absolute to relative. And I can
not understand why or when this happens. The documentation also does not
help me, because it explains that this should happen 'if the full path is
not know or if the full path is one of the system library dirs' (see
https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2015-September/061462.html). In my case,
I override to use jpeg with a known, existing path that is not a system

All the best,


On 13.12.2017 11:12, Bo Zhou wrote:


CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH usually is used for the shared module which might want to have 
the customized distributed path such as within the application. According
personal experience on POSIX systems (Linux, UNIX, OSX), always enable 
CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH for the all local shared dependencies, and to the final 
(if needed) put shared libraries into the lib folder of distribution.

According your description, I'm not sure how did you pick up your library into 
the application from CMake, usually we have to make sure the CMake always 
the libraries from 3rd-party directory not system or another places. In our 
system, it has a variable THIRDPARTY_DIR for command FIND_PATH() to locate the
folder which contains the all built libraries, then use HINTS and NAMES in the 
command FIND_PATH() and FIND_LIBRARY() to locate the correct paths for the
pre-built libraries, so the linking should be okay.

If everything has no error, but just the application always picks up the 
system's library not the 3rd-party libraries we prepared, one solution would add
another loader script for the application, from the loader script it appends 
the local lib folder to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, then launch the actual application
executable file. A lot of commercial application on Linux solve the similar 
issue by this way.

Wish my reply is helpful.

Thank you very much.

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 6:06 PM, Mario Emmenlauer <ma...@emmenlauer.de 
<mailto:ma...@emmenlauer.de>> wrote:

 Dear cmake users,

 I have found good documentation on the cmake wiki about RPATH and
 its different variables, and also on the mailing lists. But somehow
 it still does not add up for me. Can you please help?

 I use cmake 3.9.5 on different platforms, CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 14.04
 amongst others. I build many standard libraries (like tiff and jpeg)
 into my own thirdparty directory, and set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to find
 them there. On newer Linux and Windows, cmake uses always the absolute
 path to those libraries, and everything works fine. But on older Linux
 like Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 6 it does not. cmake will first find the
 library in the correct absolute thirdparty directory, and I can confirm
 this by printing the 'XXX_LIBRARIES' variable in the find script. But
 later the Makefile will link with '-lxxx' instead of the full path.
 This makes 'ld' use the system library instead!

 I completely fail to understand at what point cmake changes XXX_LIBRARIES
 from an absolute path to

Re: [CMake] Please update the documentation for execute_process

2017-08-25 Thread Andreas Naumann

Am 25.08.2017 um 16:12 schrieb Jeffrey Walton:

Below is a typical case for us
(https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt). If
it looks pretty shitty, it probably is. That's the best we have been
able to come up with based on the documentation.

Below is the example code. We don't know whether it should be:

set(SHELL_CMD sh)
set(SHELL_ARGS -c)
set(GREP_CMD egrep)
set(GREP_ARGS -i -c)

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} ${SHELL_ARGS}
"${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"


COMMAND "${SHELL_CMD}", "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}", "-dumpmachine", "2>&1"


COMMAND "${SHELL_CMD}" "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" "-dumpmachine" "2>&1"


set(SHELL_CMD sh)
set(GREP_CMD egrep)

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "-c" "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}
"-dumpmachine" "2>&1"
COMMAND ${GREP_CMD} ${GREP_ARGS} "-i" "-c" "amd64"

And we certainly don't know what to do with "2>&1" because there is no example.

The documentation states
"If OUTPUT_VARIABLE or ERROR_VARIABLE are given the variable named will 
be set with the contents of the standard output and standard error pipes 
respectively. If the same variable is named for both pipes their output 
will be merged in the order produced

so I would suspect to use something like

execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}"
"-dumpmachine" OUTPUT_VARIABLE output_dump ERROR_VARIABLE output_dump)

and then use a
if( output_dump MATCHES "amd64" )



Does that work?



set(SHELL_CMD sh -c)
set(GREP_CMD egrep -i -c)

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"
COMMAND ${GREP_CMD} "x86_64"

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

# http://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/issues/466
execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"
COMMAND ${GREP_CMD} "mingw32"

# http://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/issues/466
execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"
COMMAND ${GREP_CMD} "w64-mingw32"

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

# http://stackoverflow.com/q/12515462/608639
execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

execute_process(COMMAND ${SHELL_CMD} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine 2>&1"

# Fixup?

# MinGW32
set(CRYPTOPP_I386 "1")
# OpenBSD and MinGW64
set(CRYPTOPP_AMD64 "1")
# arm7l is another 32-bit hard float machine. RPI-3 is arm7l on 64-bit hardware


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Re: [CMake] /path/to/libpng.so automatic conversion to -lpng ?

2017-07-12 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear Rene,

cmake instrospects your compiler and asks for system directories. Only 
these system directories will be removed and the corresponding libraries 
will be linked by -l<...>. So, you should check your compiler and the 
environment. I had several problems years ago with the environment 
variable LIBRARY_PATH, which leads to such a behavior.

Am 12.07.2017 um 13:38 schrieb René J.V. Bertin:


I have a target_link_libraries command that uses ${PNG_LIBRARIES} and thus 
*should* add something like `/path/to/libpng.so /path/to/libz.so` to the linker 
command. Instead, I am getting a linker command line that has `-lpng -lz`, 
which fails for me because the `/path/to` in question isn't on the standard 
library search path.

Is there a cmake feature that does this automatic conversion, and if so how can 
I turn it off?



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Re: [cmake-developers] Response files with IAR compiler on windows

2017-05-22 Thread Andreas Weis

Thanks, Daniel. I opened a pull request for the issue.

Best regards,

On 5/22/2017 9:10 AM, Daniel Pfeifer wrote:

Hi Andreas,

could you please make a pull request on Gitlab?
See here for the preferred way for contributions: 

Cheers, Daniel

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 11:52 PM, Andreas Weis 
<der_ghul...@ghulbus-inc.de <mailto:der_ghul...@ghulbus-inc.de>> wrote:


We are using the IAR toolchain for cross-compiling parts of our
builds and encountered a problem when we recently enabled response
files for our Windows builds. It seems that the syntax used for the
response file flags on the IAR compilers is wrong, we needed to
insert a space after the '-f' to make it work.

I attached a patch that fixes the problem in our environment.

We are building with the 'Unix Makefiles' generator from a Cygwin
shell in Windows. Can someone confirm that this is a proper fix for
our issues and whether it would make sense to have the patch merged
into the CMake trunk?

Thanks & best regards,


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[cmake-developers] Response files with IAR compiler on windows

2017-05-21 Thread Andreas Weis


We are using the IAR toolchain for cross-compiling parts of our builds 
and encountered a problem when we recently enabled response files for 
our Windows builds. It seems that the syntax used for the response file 
flags on the IAR compilers is wrong, we needed to insert a space after 
the '-f' to make it work.

I attached a patch that fixes the problem in our environment.

We are building with the 'Unix Makefiles' generator from a Cygwin shell 
in Windows. Can someone confirm that this is a proper fix for our issues 
and whether it would make sense to have the patch merged into the CMake 

Thanks & best regards,
Index: share/cmake-3.8/Modules/Compiler/IAR-C.cmake
--- share/cmake-3.8/Modules/Compiler/IAR-C.cmake(revision 15921)
+++ share/cmake-3.8/Modules/Compiler/IAR-C.cmake(working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  --preprocess=cnl ")
  -lAH  -o .dummy")
 set(CMAKE_DEPFILE_FLAGS_C "--dependencies=ns ")
 # The toolchains for ARM and AVR are quite different:
Index: share/cmake-3.8/Modules/Compiler/IAR-CXX.cmake
--- share/cmake-3.8/Modules/Compiler/IAR-CXX.cmake  (revision 15921)
+++ share/cmake-3.8/Modules/Compiler/IAR-CXX.cmake  (working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   --preprocess=cnl ")
   -lAH  -o .dummy")
 set(CMAKE_DEPFILE_FLAGS_CXX "--dependencies=ns ")

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Re: [CMake] Cross project include/link pathing?

2017-02-10 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear Chris,

your description looks like the perfect example for ExternalProject_add. 
Than, every library would be a project. Inside each library, it looks 
for its dependency using find_package() and exports 
the dependency chain.

Your CMakeLists.txt of the application than has two possibilities:
a) simply assume, that the library is installed in a (known) 
location -> use find_package as described above and proceed as is.
b) build the library as an external project. In this case, your 
application has to be an external project with dependency to the 
external project of the library.

Hope that helps you and describes at least the idea,


Am 09.02.2017 um 22:26 schrieb Chris Johnson:

We've been using CMake for a couple of years for C++ application
building.  We effectively set up our CMake project structure once, and
mostly only change it to add new source files, etc.

Currently, all C++ source is checked out of our SVN repository into one
large tree.  This tree actually contains multiple applications.  Many,
but not all, depend on libraries which are also in this same source tree
checkout.  Executables are statically linked to the libraries.

Our source tree has grown to the point where this arrangement really
does not make sense, and is quite far from best practices.  We want to
move to a more project-oriented structure, where there will be multiple
projects, but where the libraries are still shared.

How do I go about this?

In particular, how do I structure each project to find the common,
shared (but statically linked) libraries?  I would assume that each
library itself or the collection of libraries would be a project, with a
top-level CMakeLists.txt file.

Note that each project could be installed in its own unique location in
its deployed VM or container, so placing the libraries into, say,
hard-coded /usr/local/lib is not a feasible solution for us.

Pictorially (use fixed width font for best results):

Current single source tree layout

|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- application_1/
|   `-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- application_2/
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |-- util_1/
|   |   `-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |-- util_2/
|   |   `-- CMakeLists.txt
|   `-- util_3/
|   `-- CMakeLists.txt
`-- lib/
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- lib_1/
|   `-- CMakeLists.txt
`-- lib_2/
`-- CMakeLists.txt

Desired project-oriented layout

[Application 1 Project]
`-- CMakeLists.txt

[Application 2 Project]
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- util_1/
|   `-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- util_2/
|   `-- CMakeLists.txt
`-- util_3/
`-- CMakeLists.txt

[Libraries Project]
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- lib_1/
|   `-- CMakeLists.txt
`-- lib_2/
`-- CMakeLists.txt

Presently, all of the applications know where to find the library header
files, because they are all in the same tree.  When we run "cmake ." at
the root of the source checkout, CMake knows where everything is, and
correctly provides the include paths to C++ compiler.

Similarly, at link time, CMake has automatically determined where the
compiled static libraries are, and our CMakeLists.txt files only need
mention them by name.  CMake has been brilliant at making this kind of
stuff simple.

But how do I make CMake generate the correct include and link paths when
"cmake ." is run on some individual project's source code, when those
paths will be outside the current tree, i.e. elsewhere?



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Re: [CMake] Platform-independent config package

2017-01-10 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear Ghis,

the easiest long-term fix would be an own glmConfig.cmake file.
The command write_basic_package_version_file uses a template with those 
pointer checks. The glm-developers could simply copy the template to 
their source directory, remove the unneeded lines and run the 
configure_file command themself on the changed template.

The short solution for debian would be a patch file,which just 
uncomments the last 5 lines.


Am 10.01.2017 um 19:52 schrieb Ghislain Vaillant:

Dear all,

I am currently hit by an issue with the CMake detection of a 
header-only library [1]. The library is built on a 64-bit machine and 
packaged for all other architectures supported by Debian.

However, CMake detection fails on 32-bit platforms with the following 

Any attempt to call `find_package(glm REQUIRED)` produces the following

Could not find a configuration file for package "glm" that is
compatible with requested version "".

The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:

/usr/lib/cmake/glm/glmConfig.cmake, version: 0.9.8 (64bit)

How can this be effectively solved? Can the bit-ness detection be 
dropped somehow? It should not be needed for a header-only target.


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=850277


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Re: [CMake] Find Vulkan on 32 bit builds

2017-01-08 Thread Andreas Naumann

Am 08.01.2017 um 07:22 schrieb Saad Khattak:


When I run "find_package(VULKAN)" in a CMakeLists for a Visual Studio 
2015 32-bit project, the ${Vulkan_LIBRARY} and ${Vulkan_LIBRARIES} 
variables both point to the "Bin" folder for the Vulkan installation 
instead of the "Bin32" folder.

I looked at the FindVulkan.cmake module and even put MESSAGE(STATUS 
...) on the "elseif(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4)" to see if I made a 
mistake setting up. The message does indeed print confirming that my 
pointer size is 4 and thus the current toolchain selected is 32 bit.

What's perplexing is that when I do a MESSAGE(STATUS 
${Vulkan_LIBRARY}) the path is:

D:/VulkanSDK/ <>

instead of


It makes no sense. Line 47 of FindVulkan.cmake has Bin32. Why is CMake 
ignoring 32?

You should think the other way around: Why should cmake look in a 
special directory, when it finds a library with an appropriate name 
before this one?
This decision should be in the corresponding FindVulkan.cmake, i.e. the 
corresponding find_library call should be constrained to 
${VULKAN_DIR}/Bin32 in the 32bit case.


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Re: [CMake] target_link_libraries is using relative path of library

2017-01-08 Thread Andreas Naumann


on Linux cmake treats system directorys specially, i.e. those libraries 
are linked without any path.
Furthermore there are environment variables, whose content is added to 
the set of system directories.
I do not work on Windows, but your problem looks like a smiliar problem. 
Does some of the environment variables (except path) contain your 

Hope that helps,

Am 08.01.2017 um 04:01 schrieb Saad Khattak:


This is a very strange behavior I am encountering. I am using CMake 
3.7.1 with Visual Studio 2015. I have the following as part of a 
CMakeLists file:

find_library(glfw_LIB_D  glfw3_d ${glfw_LIBRARIES})
find_library(glfw_LIBglfw3   ${glfw_LIBRARIES})

When I do "message(STATUS ${glfw_LIB_D})" I get the full absolute 
path. However, when I add an executable that depends on the library:

add_executable(vk_test  src/vulkan_test.cpp  )
target_link_libraries(vk_test ${glfw_LIB_D})

CMake puts the relative path when I look at my project's project 


I also tried the following:


And it's still a relative path. Because of this issue, my project will 
not compile as Visual Studio is looking for the library in the 
incorrect folder.

I even set the following, thinking that somehow relative paths got set:


I still got the same relative path. What is going on?


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Re: [CMake] CMake 3.7.1 gui fails to launch

2017-01-06 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 6:41 PM,  <da...@daryllee.com> wrote:
> As it turns out, no, I can't use Qt5.  In fact, I'd love to hear from anyone
> who actually has.  I find this in Modules/FindQt.make:

That module is specifically only for applications wanting to support
Qt3 and Qt4 at the same time.

> ===
>   if (Qt_FIND_VERSION MATCHES "^([34])(\\.[0-9]+.*)?$")
>   else ()
> message(FATAL_ERROR "FindQt was called with invalid version
> '${Qt_FIND_VERSION}'. Only Qt major versions 3 or 4 are supported. If you do
> not need to support both Qt3 and Qt4 in your source consider calling
> find_package(Qt3) or find_package(Qt4) instead of find_package(Qt)
> instead.")
>   endif ()
> endif ()
> ===
> So I re-installed Qt4, rebuilt CMake (./bootstrap --qt-gui, make, sudo make
> install) and still got the same runtime failure.

Well, Qt5 isn't found through a find-module but rather through the
module-mode (or whatever it was called). Qt5 ships with cmake-specific
files that allow cmake to find it as long as its installed in a common
prefix (like /usr) or the installation directory is specified via
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. I suspect if you look at the CMakeLists.txt file
you'll see some logic to lookup Qt5 with something like
find_package(Qt5 MODULES QtCore QtGui QtWidgets) and a fallback for
finding with FindQt4 like find_package(Qt4 MODULES QtCore QtGui
QtWidgets). I don't think you'll find usage of the FindQt module in
the cmake sources as the code likely won't build with Qt3.


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Re: [CMake] CMake 3.7.1 gui fails to launch

2017-01-06 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 4:41 PM,  <da...@daryllee.com> wrote:
> CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (kitware.com/cmake).
> daryl@eve-ldb:~/cmake/cmake-3.7.1$ cmake-gui
> cmake-gui: symbol lookup error: cmake-gui: undefined symbol:
> _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii
> ==
> That looks like a Qt linkage error.  Any suggestions on resolving this?

Right, in particular it means that cmake-gui uses that symbol but none
of the libraries loaded into the executable have it. I'd start with
checking what ldd says is being loaded for your cmake-gui executable.
Maybe there's another Qt installation in LD_LIBRARY_PATH that is being
used for running cmake-gui even though its been built against the Qt
in /usr/. The other common cause could be the inverse of that, its
trying to run against your system Qt but the build process has picked
up a Qt from elsewhere compiled with different flags that change the
symbols name.


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[cmake-developers] Native C# support in CMake

2016-09-12 Thread Andreas Roth


i was wondering if you plan to support C# as language.  Currently we are 
using a custom tailored set of command lines for building but it becomes 
more and more difficult when complexer requirements surface.


Andreas Roth
Development Engineer
FAST Protect GmbH
Siemensstrasse 16/1
88048 Friedrichshafen

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2016-07-10 Thread Andreas Mohr

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 12:00:02PM -0400, cmake-requ...@cmake.org wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 05:04:35 +
> From: Dvir Yitzchaki <dvir.yitzch...@ceva-dsp.com>
> To: "'cmake@cmake.org'" <cmake@cmake.org>
> Subject: [CMake] CMAKE_C++_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY missing
> Message-ID:
>   <71350f7ed6ebb54aa2d182b26086a1b60114ac5...@ilmail1.corp.local>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hi.
> I use cmake 3.3.1 on Red-Hat 5 and 6.
> When I generate a project I get the following error:
> CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not 
> be built correctly.
> Missing variable is:
> However, after the error the generation succeeds and I can build the project 
> successfully.
> The same project is generated without errors on Windows 7 with Visual Studio 
> generators and other projects are also generated without errors on the same 
> Linux machine.
> Does anyone knows the source of that error?

Rimshot idea:

Quite possibly someone did a
project(foo C C++)
rather than using the (IIRC - no docs here ATM) correct CXX.


Andreas Mohr

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Re: [CMake] Modifying the FindBoost.cmake module

2016-06-27 Thread Andreas Naumann


if you would use the FindBoost.cmake module from cmake itself, you could 
set the environment variable BOOST_ROOT to the second path.


Am 28.06.2016 um 01:21 schrieb Sambeet Panigrahi:

I  am using Cmake to build Orocos RTT. There is a FindBoost.cmake 
module available in the config directory which the project uses.Now I 
have got two boost installations one in


The second installation is the one I want to use .However The 
find_package command always goes on to find the first installation. 
There is a section in the file

in which I have tried to set the second installation's address, but it 
always points to the first.I have also tried to set the second 
installation from environment but somehow it always detects the first 

What can I do to include the second installation in my project?



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Re: [CMake] subversion

2016-06-27 Thread Andreas Naumann
The discussion is interesting and ends with the question, whether the 
macro "Subversion_IS_WC" is usable. As I understand the other arguments are

*leave the FATAL_ERROR as default for backwards compatibility
*the suggested patch hides the error message if error_quite is set .
*calling svn info twice is felt to be a waste, if the result is 
desired anyway.

So, I would suggest to extend Erik Johanssons patch from 
http://www.mail-archive.com/cmake@cmake.org/msg26817.html by storingto  
the error message and svn error code in an extra variable.
Than, we have the ability to ignore errors due to "wrong" working 
directories and to analyze the error, if the user is interested in the 
In my opinion, a hard fail is annoying, because the user is not able to 
recover from the error.


Am 27.06.2016 um 12:57 schrieb Marcel Loose:

See also https://cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=10200

Marcel Loose.

On 27/06/16 09:23, Andreas Naumann wrote:
Thanks for the 6 year old hint. But obviously, the patch is not in 
any recent cmake version.
Therefore, I could use it in my own project and ship my own 
FindSubversion.cmake.. which is quite ugly.

*Gesendet:* Montag, 27. Juni 2016 um 03:11 Uhr
*Von:* Nagger <nag...@gmx.de>
*An:* cmake@cmake.org
*Betreff:* Re: [CMake] subversion
Am 24.06.2016 um 19:48 schrieb Andreas Naumann:

> At the moment, I check, if my directory is a working copy and if it is
> not, the version variable is not defined. In my oppinion, it would be
> better, if the macro from the subversion module would simply define a
> variable "is_working_directory" instead of failing hard.

See https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2010-January/034862.html


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Re: [CMake] subversion

2016-06-27 Thread Andreas Naumann

Thanks for the 6 year old hint. But obviously, the patch is not in any recent cmake version.

Therefore, I could use it in my own project and ship my own FindSubversion.cmake.. which is quite ugly.


Gesendet: Montag, 27. Juni 2016 um 03:11 Uhr
Von: Nagger <nag...@gmx.de>
An: cmake@cmake.org
Betreff: Re: [CMake] subversion

Am 24.06.2016 um 19:48 schrieb Andreas Naumann:

> At the moment, I check, if my directory is a working copy and if it is
> not, the version variable is not defined. In my oppinion, it would be
> better, if the macro from the subversion module would simply define a
> variable "is_working_directory" instead of failing hard.

See https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2010-January/034862.html


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[CMake] subversion

2016-06-24 Thread Andreas Naumann

Dear cmake users,

I have a question if, and how, you use the Subversion module of cmake.
The module provides the macro Subversion_WC_INFO, which extracts 
information of a working copy. I use this information, to generate a sub 
minor revision number of my project.
If I checkout my project using svn, it works. But if I export it, the 
modules failes with a fatal error.
At the moment, I check, if my directory is a working copy and if it is 
not, the version variable is not defined. In my oppinion, it would be 
better, if the macro from the subversion module would simply define a 
variable "is_working_directory" instead of failing hard.

What do you think about this idea? How do you use the subversion module?
The patch would be easy, and I would send one to the developer mailing 
list, if desired.


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Re: [cmake-developers] Imported Locations in FindBoost.cmake

2016-06-19 Thread Andreas Weis

On 6/19/2016 9:17 PM, Mike Gelfand wrote:
> The suggested way to deal with this seems to be to use
> MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_ target properties, but I suppose it should
> only (?) be used when imported target (or target it's being linked to)
> has non-standard configurations, which isn't so in this case.

Alternatively, maybe it makes sense for FindBoost to simply set all
configurations explicitly?
By iterating over CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES (or inspecting
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for single-config generators) and using the global
property DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS to determine whether a given configuration
needs the debug or the release binaries.

I'm still unsure what to make of the current
fallback-to-first-configuration behavior. I did not find this mentioned
anywhere in the docs, so I guess it's not a behavior one should rely upon?
I was wondering whether it would make sense to properly define what
CMake does in such a case. In particular since, as you mentioned,
package configuration files might already rely on some assumptions there.

Best regards,

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[cmake-developers] Imported Locations in FindBoost.cmake

2016-06-19 Thread Andreas Weis
Hi there,

I ran into a small issue with the new imported target interface of

Just like the old variable-based interface, the script only detects
Debug and Release configurations of installed Boost binaries.

In the old interface, the debug binaries where used only for debug
builds (care of the debug keyword in the classic target_link_libraries
function), while the release binaries were used for all other
configurations (optimized keyword).

It seems that with the new interface, this was inverted. On MSVC for
instance, the RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel configurations use the debug
binaries of Boost. This is not desirable and can even break those
configurations on MSVC due to inconsistent use of the debug runtime and
STL debug iterators.

After fiddling around with the issue, I found that reversing the order
in which the IMPORTED_LOCATION_* fields on the imported target are being
set resolves the issue. It seems that the first configuration that's
added here will be used as a default for the not explicitly added

I attached a small patch to demonstrate what I mean, but I am unsure if
this is a proper fix for the issue.

Thanks and regards,
From c201749b494c5aa44d7cc6c9139d8c71db849cf2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Weis <git...@ghulbus-inc.de>
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 12:44:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Switched order of adding locations to imported target

FindBoost only detects Debug and Release configurations; All other
configurations will fall back to whichever IMPORTED_LOCATION_ was
added *first*. This change makes sure that that is the Release
configuration. Adding Debug first is likely to cause conflicts on MSVC,
where the Debug runtime is not to be used for RelWithDebInfo and
MinSizeRel builds.
 Modules/FindBoost.cmake | 14 +++---
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Modules/FindBoost.cmake b/Modules/FindBoost.cmake
index 6bf6401..2560459 100644
--- a/Modules/FindBoost.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindBoost.cmake
@@ -1734,13 +1734,6 @@ if(Boost_FOUND)
-  set_target_properties(Boost::${COMPONENT} PROPERTIES
@@ -1748,6 +1741,13 @@ if(Boost_FOUND)
+  set_target_properties(Boost::${COMPONENT} PROPERTIES
   foreach(dep ${_Boost_${UPPERCOMPONENT}_DEPENDENCIES})


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Re: [CMake] Freetype on linux systems in non-standard directories

2016-06-07 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hey Kristian,

as the documentation 
at line 21 states, FREETYPE_DIR is an environment variable.

So, if you change your line
set(FREETYPE_DIR "/home/kristian/Documents/freetype/freetype")
set(ENV{FREETYPE_DIR} "/home/kristian/Documents/freetype/freetype")
I would assume, your script will work.


Am 07.06.2016 um 22:47 schrieb Kristian:

Hey guys,

I wanted to try something out with CMake and latest version of 
freetype (2.6.3). So I downloaded freetype, compiled it with the commands

> ./configure --prefix=/home/kristian/Documents/freetype/freetype
> make
> make install

After that, I created a small C++-file and a CMakeLists.txt. The 
C++-file depends on freetype, so my CMakeLists.txt looks like this:


> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
> project(freetype_ex)
> set(FREETYPE_DIR "/home/kristian/Documents/freetype/freetype")
> find_package(Freetype)
> set(SOURCES main.cpp)
> include_directories(${FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
> add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES})
> target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${FREETYPE_LIBRARIES})


But when calling cmake, I am getting this error:

> -- Could NOT find Freetype (missing: FREETYPE_LIBRARY 
> CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but 
they are set to NOTFOUND.
> Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in 
the CMake files:

> linked by target "freetype_ex" in directory 

> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
> See also 


This sort of error seems for me to be a bug, because I would assume, 
that when I set the variable FREETYPE_DIR, then CMake would also look 
at this dir.

I looked at the FindFreetype.cmake file 
and my first assumption is, that it would help, to add something like 
${FREETYPE_DIR} the the find_path calls.

What do you think of this? Another idea is, to add another variable 


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Re: [cmake-developers] Review request: FindTBB module

2016-03-31 Thread Andreas Schuh
Hi all,

I also came across these FindTBB modules while in need for one. As the more 
recent one from the OGRE project did not support MSVS 2015 yet, and also does 
not create import targets for a more convenient and “modern” CMake use of the 
TBB library targets, I wrote my own module.

- Makes use of COMPONENTS argument of find_package to look for the different 
TBB libraries.
- Adds IMPORTED library targets with IMPORTED_* and INTERFACE_* properties set 
- Considers TBB_ROOT as user hint and bases library search on root derived from 
TBB_INCLUDE_DIR otherwise.
- Uses PATH_SUFFIXES instead of full search paths as done by OGRE FindTBB 
module to take advantage of CMake’s default search paths.
- Checks TBB_VERSION against VERSION argument of find_package using 

This module is part of my CMake BASIS project which, among other things, 
consists of custom CMake functions and modules which attempt to standardise and 
reduce the CMake code needed by most projects (in research). These CMake BASIS 
Modules can be found on GitHub: 

Would be great if someone could review the FindTBB module at


and provide some feedback about what needs to be modified before it can be 
added to the official CMake Modules.


> On 12 Mar 2015, at 00:04, Klaim - Joël Lamotte <mjkl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ​Hi,
> did you manage to improve over the DaxToolkit FindTBB module?
> Thanks for your time.
> -- 
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Re: [CMake] Cmake cannot locate header file that exists on my system

2016-03-19 Thread Andreas Naumann
You have to add the directory /usr/include/trilinos to the c++ include 
directories. The fastest workaround would be, to add the directory to 
the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS using ccmake or cmake-gui.
The better solution is to look for any hint regarding trilinos in the 
CMakeLists.txt of dakota and check, why the corresponding include 
directory is not added.



Am 17.03.2016 um 14:32 schrieb Chris Coutinho:

I’m attempting to install Dakota 6.3.0 using cmake 3.5.0 on a 64-bit 
Linux box from source (to link python and MATLAB), and Dakota is 
having trouble finding some dependencies. I’ve been able to install 
and use Dakota successfully on my previous machine (64-bit, OpenSUSE 
13.2, cmake 3.3.0) without any problems. Now that I upgraded to the 
more recent version of OpenSUSE (Opensuse Leap 42.1) and cmake 
(3.5.0), I’m not able to get past this error.

I am using cmake to build the source and create a makefile. 
Configuring cmake is fine; however, when running ‘make’ I get an error 
at around 5% of compiling:

/[ 5%] Building CXX object 
/In file included from 
fatal error: Teuchos_SerialDenseMatrix.hpp: No such file or directory/

/#include "Teuchos_SerialDenseMatrix.hpp"/
/compilation terminated./

I looked for the missing file ‘Teuchos_SerialDenseMatrix.hpp’, and see 
that I have two copies on my computer from installing trilinos 11.4.3 
through the package manager. One is located under 
‘/usr/include/trilinos’, and the other is located 
‘/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/include/trilinos’. I’m not sure why I have 
two copies…

I added both of those directories to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in ~/.bashrc, but 
the error keeps coming up that Dakota isn’t able to find the file. Can 
anyone help me with this installation issue?

Kind regards,

*Chris Coutinho,* EIT

R Engineer

REDstack, B.V.

Pieter Zeemanstraat 6

8606 JR Sneek, The Netherlands

work: +31 6  5785

mobile: +31 6 1689 0287


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[cmake-developers] Fwd: [CMake 0016022]: GenerateExportHeader DEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED define conflicts

2016-03-19 Thread Andreas Schuh

regarding this issue report, I’ve just attached a patch 
<https://cmake.org/Bug/file_download.php?file_id=5646=bug> for the current 
HEAD of the master branch that fixes the issue. Please have a look and it would 
be great if somebody could apply it. It currently causes problems in particular 
for projects using VTK, which may need this patch to be applied as well, given 
that it ships its own copy of the GenerateExportHeader module.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mantis Bug Tracker <man...@public.kitware.com>
> Subject: [cmake-developers] [CMake 0016022]: GenerateExportHeader 
> DEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED define conflicts
> Date: 16 March 2016 at 21:28:00 GMT
> To: cmake-developers@cmake.org
> The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
> == 
> https://cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=16022 
> ====== 
> Reported By:Andreas Schuh
> Assigned To:
> == 
> Project:CMake
> Issue ID:   16022
> Category:   Modules
> Reproducibility:always
> Severity:   minor
> Priority:   normal
> Status: new
> == 
> Date Submitted: 2016-03-16 17:27 EDT
> Last Modified:  2016-03-16 17:28 EDT
> == 
> Summary:GenerateExportHeader DEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED define
> conflicts
> Description: 
> The header file generated by generate_export_header adds a
> macro which is used to decide whether or not to define the respective macro 
> with
> the desired library prefix and base name. But this macro has the same name for
> all libraries and is not undefined when it is no longer needed. In my project,
> this for example created a conflict with the VTK library which uses such
> generated header file which must of course be included in the public header
> files.
> To solve this conflict, I am using now (temporarily) a custom
> exportheader.cmake.in template file by changing the
> _GENERATE_EXPORT_HEADER_MODULE_DIR path to a directory in my project after
> including the GenerateExportHeader module. Find the modified template file
> attached.
> There is certainly a better fix for this bug.
> == 
> Issue History 
> Date ModifiedUsername   FieldChange   
> == 
> 2016-03-16 17:27 Andreas Schuh  New Issue
> 2016-03-16 17:28 Andreas Schuh  File Added: exportheader.cmake.in 
> ==
> -- 
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Re: [CMake] Compile shared library and call it's functions

2016-03-07 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 9:29 PM, Ivan <i...@sleepyiora.pw> wrote:

> Hello!
> Here is my CMakeLists.txt:
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
> project(untitled19)
> set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
> set(LIBRARY_SRC library.cpp)
> add_library(libra SHARED ${LIBRARY_SRC})
> set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
> add_executable(untitled19 ${SOURCE_FILES})
> target_link_libraries(untitled19 libra)
> This works and both library and executable are compiled. Unfortunately 
> library seems to be linked into the executable: ‘nm’ command shows that the 
> executable itself exports needed functions!
I do not think your interpreting the nm output correctly, but its hard to
say without seeing it ;)

Note that nm will show the functions exported by the library in the output
for the executable, because the executable uses those functions. It will
also indicate however that these functions are not defined inside the
executable in the corresponding column with an upper-case U. When you run
nm on the library itself you will notice that the same symbols have a
different type in the corresponding column. In addition you can verify that
the executable actually links against the library using the otool
commandline tool: otool -L executable.


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Re: [CMake] globs case sensitivity depends on platform

2016-01-28 Thread Andreas Pakulat
Hi Jan,

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 2:35 PM,  Jan Hegewald <jan.hegew...@awi.de>

> Hi Nils,
> > On 28.01.2016, at 13:39, Nils Gladitz <nilsglad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > You might already be aware but CMake discourages using GLOB for source
> files
> yes, I read the docs before posting (:
> Avoiding glob would be a workaround to my problem. But anyway I think that
> glob is broken if it produces different results on different platforms.

I can't find any docs on cmake.org about what a globbing-expression is
exactly, but the docs for file(glob) at least don't say anything about this
function producing the same results on different platforms. In fact I'd be
surprised if the behavior of the file(glob) function is different than
using the same wildcards with ls/dir on a terminal.

The only bug that I can see from your description is that the behavior is
inconsistent with different types of FS on OSX, that is definetly not
matching above mentioned expectation.

Anyway, the right place to report bugs/problems is


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Re: [CMake] globs case sensitivity depends on platform

2016-01-28 Thread Andreas Pakulat
Hi Jan,

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 4:52 PM,  Jan Hegewald <jan.hegew...@awi.de>

> Hi Andreas,
> > On 28.01.2016, at 16:43, Andreas Pakulat <ap...@gmx.de> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jan,
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 2:35 PM,  Jan Hegewald <jan.hegew...@awi.de>
> wrote:
> > Hi Nils,
> >
> > > On 28.01.2016, at 13:39, Nils Gladitz <nilsglad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > You might already be aware but CMake discourages using GLOB for source
> files
> >
> > yes, I read the docs before posting (:
> > Avoiding glob would be a workaround to my problem. But anyway I think
> that glob is broken if it produces different results on different platforms.
> >
> > I can't find any docs on cmake.org about what a globbing-expression is
> exactly, but the docs for file(glob) at least don't say anything about this
> function producing the same results on different platforms. In fact I'd be
> surprised if the behavior of the file(glob) function is different than
> using the same wildcards with ls/dir on a terminal.
> the cmake glob is different from the results of a terminal ls

On the Mac apparently (based on your first mail)

> The only bug that I can see from your description is that the behavior is
> inconsistent with different types of FS on OSX, that is definetly not
> matching above mentioned expectation.
> Maybe I was unclear about this, but cmake glob ignores the case regardless
> of the FS being case sensitive or not.

Now that contradicts your initial mail, you said there that on OSX you get
F* and f* files for a case-insensitive filesystem, but on Linux you get
only F*. But you also said that a case-sensitive filesystem on OSX still
gives you F* and f* files, which in my eyes is a bug in the implementation.

I also just checked the CMake sources quickly and it seems that the
glob-support is completely 'inhouse', meaning it does not call out to
platform-specific functions (I guess that would explain the discrepancy on

So I guess asking for the same behavior across platforms is just as
reasonable (given the logics are fully under CMake's control) as asking for
it to reflect what a ls/dir would do on the corresponding platform.

I think a bugreport is the correct next step, even if it merely leads to a
clarification of the behavior in the documentation.


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Re: [cmake-developers] [PATCH] Get the PYTHON_SITELIB directory in FindPythonLibs

2015-12-17 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Thursday 17 December 2015 11:12:13 Brad King wrote:
> On 12/16/2015 05:04 AM, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> > similar to what I implemented in FindPerlLibs.cmake some years ago, I've
> > added PYTHON_SITELIB to FindPythonLibs. With PYTHON_SITELIB you have the
> > location where to install the python modules you built with cmake.
> > 
> > Example:
> > 
> > find_package(PythonInterp)
> > find_package(PythonLibs)
> > 
> > python_add_module(my_py my_py.c)
> > install(TARGETS my_py DESTINATION
> One of the goals of FindPythonLibs is to work when cross-compiling such
> that one cannot run the interpreter natively.  That is one reason we
> don't just ask the interpreter where to get the libraries.  There has
> been some discussion about doing such lookups conditionally when we
> can run the interpreter but also having a fallback.

If you look at the code, my changes to the code are inside an already existing


So if you don't call find_package(PythonInterp) before 
find_package(PythonLibs) it will not get the PATH information for 

The behavior of the module doesn't not change with this addition!

As it seems you did not look with enough context at the patch you can view the 
changes with more context (40 lines) here:



-- andreas

Andreas Schneider   GPG-ID: CC014E3D

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Re: [CMake] Fwd: Re: cmake needs 2 runs to find boost

2015-11-09 Thread Andreas Naumann
Did boost change the naming convention? The documentation says, it 
should be named with vc. And therefore, cmake cannot find 
the library... Even the boost header files rely on the names in Visual 
studio. So, I would assume, your boost installation to be broken?


Am 09.11.2015 um 11:36 schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:
I'm actually hitting a similar problem -- I know I've got boost_system 
installed in


I run cmake like this:

cmake ..\krita -G"Visual Studio 14 Win64" -DBoost_DEBUG=ON 
-DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev2\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev2\i\lib 

And the output is that boost_system isn't found, because it's looking 
for vc140, instead of vc, it seems:

-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:515 ] 


-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:517 ] 
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:519 ] 
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:521 ] 
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:523 ] 
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:525 ] 
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:577 ] Declared as 
CMake or Environmental Variables:
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:579 ] BOOST_ROOT = 
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:581 ] 
BOOST_INCLUDEDIR = c:\dev2\i\include
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:583 ] 
BOOST_LIBRARYDIR = c:\dev2\i\lib
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:585 ] 


-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:654 ] Include 
debugging info:
-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:656 ] 

-- [ C:/Program Files 
(x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.1/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:658 ] 










Re: [CMake] getting the rpath right on osx

2015-11-02 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Boudewijn Rempt <b...@valdyas.org> wrote:

> I checked the manual and the blog post about rpath on osx, but I'm still
> confused, and still not getting it right...
> I build and installed Qt 5.6 alpha like this:
> ./configure -prefix /Users/boudewijnrempt/kf5/i
> Then I made a small test project, consisting of nothing but a main that
> links to QtCore.
> If I build that with qmake, with this .pro file:
> QT   += core
> QT   -= gui
> TARGET = rpathqmake
> CONFIG   += console
> CONFIG   -= app_bundle
> TEMPLATE = app
> SOURCES += main.cpp
> The r-path is set:
> Boudewijns-Mac-mini:test boudewijnrempt$ otool -L rpathqmake
> rpathqmake:
> @rpath/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version
> 5.6.0, current version 5.6.0)
> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
> (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
> (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 275.0.0)
> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version
> 120.0.0)
> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current
> version 1213.0.0)
> Boudewijns-Mac-mini:test boudewijnrempt$ otool -L rpathqmake | grep -i
> rpath
> rpathqmake:
> @rpath/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version
> 5.6.0, current version 5.6.0

Thats not the rpath in your executable, thats just the install name of the
QtCore library. And the install name indicates that you need to set an
rpath in your executable that points to the installation directory of Qt.
In order to see the rpath entries of your executable you'll need to check
for the LC_RPATH command in the output of this:

otool -l rpathqmake

It will show the absolute path to the Qt installation on your system.

> If I try a minimal cmakelists.txt, the rpath isn't set, I tried with and
> without all those RPATH related lines,
> they don't seem to make a difference. I'm using cmake 3.3.2.
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
> cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW)
> add_executable(rpathcmake main.cpp)
> target_link_libraries(rpathcmake Qt5::Core)
> install(TARGETS rpathcmake DESTINATION /Users/boudewijnrempt/kf5/i/bin)
> Only adding something like this makes it work:
> set_target_properties(rpathcmake PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH
> "/Users/boudewijnrempt/kf5/i/lib")

I guess thats where your Qt is installed to? Then yes, that is exactly what
you want since thats where Qt is and the Qt libraries require an rpath to
be set to be found since 5.5 on OSX. You just don't want to hardcode this,
but rather calculate it off of the path of the QtCore library. Or even
better would be if the Qt5 cmake modules would provide some provision to
add the necessary linker commandline argument to inject the rpath during
linking into the executable. Thats how qmake makes things 'work out of the
box', it knows Qt has been built with the rpath-flag (default since 5.5)
and then adds something like -Wl,-rpath, to the linker
commandline of the generated Makefile.

I think the idea of using @rpath as install name of the Qt libraries is
geared towards the usecase of shipping Qt within the application bundle of
the application. In that case all you need is set the rpath
@executable_path/../Frameworks or so in the executable and thus the
app-bundle is relocatable. In order to get that with CMake you'll likely
need to use the BundleUtilities, though its been so long since I used those
I don't know if they can handle this scenario out of the box.


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Re: [CMake] getting the rpath right on osx

2015-11-02 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Boudewijn Rempt <b...@valdyas.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Nov 2015, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> I think the idea of using @rpath as install name of the Qt libraries is
>> geared towards the usecase
>> of shipping Qt within the application bundle of the application. In that
>> case all you need is set
>> the rpath @executable_path/../Frameworks or so in the executable and thus
>> the app-bundle is
>> relocatable. In order to get that with CMake you'll likely need to use
>> the BundleUtilities, though
>> its been so long since I used those I don't know if they can handle this
>> scenario out of the box.
> Yes, that's what I'm trying to do -- well, I'm trying to do two
> things. One is setup a build environment where kde apps like desktoptojson
> can run, the other is creating a bundle, preferably using the same
> Qt. I got quite far by manually fixing up the applications built as part
> of kcoreaddons

That would be fixed in kcoreaddons by extending the linker flags to include
the mentioned -Wl,-rpath,. There's no provisioning for this
inside CMake afaik since its hard for it to guess what the intention is. My
understanding (not a OSX expert yet here) is also that having the install
name of a framework on OSX be something like @rpath is quite unusual. Thats
usually something that users are 'patching' when they bundle their
application via install_name_tool. And thats what CMake supports doing via
the BundleUtilities module.

> and then manually patching up the executable inside the
> bundle to have the @executable_path/../Frameworks rpath added. But I'm
> still not sure why with a really simple example things don't work out
> of the box: I guess I had better build Qt with -norpath.

See above, I think the way the Qt frameworks are setup when using -rpath is
simply not expected/anticipated so far by CMake (or the people maintaining
the qt5 cmake modules inside Qt).

However I never tried to use BundleUtilities with such a framework, maybe
they do manage to 'fixup' things for that as well. For a Qt4-based project
I'm using INSTALL_QT4_EXECUTABLE which eventually forwards to fixup_bundle
from BundleUtilities, so may be worth a try to avoid the manual steps.

Even a Qt built with -norpath would require doing some 'manual' things to
get a all-in-one app bundle for the application (or use of
BundleUtilities), to copy things around and adjust the install and link
names in all the frameworks and executables to be related and thus make the
application relocatable.


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Re: [CMake] getting the rpath right on osx

2015-11-02 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 4:26 PM, Clinton Stimpson <clin...@elemtech.com>

> On Monday, November 02, 2015 04:08:55 PM Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Boudewijn Rempt <b...@valdyas.org>
> wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2 Nov 2015, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > >
> > > I think the idea of using @rpath as install name of the Qt libraries is
> > >
> > >> geared towards the usecase
> > >> of shipping Qt within the application bundle of the application. In
> that
> > >> case all you need is set
> > >> the rpath @executable_path/../Frameworks or so in the executable and
> thus
> > >> the app-bundle is
> > >> relocatable. In order to get that with CMake you'll likely need to use
> > >> the BundleUtilities, though
> > >> its been so long since I used those I don't know if they can handle
> this
> > >> scenario out of the box.
> > >
> > > Yes, that's what I'm trying to do -- well, I'm trying to do two
> > > things. One is setup a build environment where kde apps like
> desktoptojson
> > > can run, the other is creating a bundle, preferably using the same
> > > Qt. I got quite far by manually fixing up the applications built as
> part
> > > of kcoreaddons
> >
> > That would be fixed in kcoreaddons by extending the linker flags to
> include
> > the mentioned -Wl,-rpath,. There's no provisioning for this
> > inside CMake afaik since its hard for it to guess what the intention is.
> CMake does automatically handle this.  If a library being linked has @rpath
> for its install ID, then CMake will insert the linker flag.  This takes
> care of
> the build time rpath.  And works for any library in target_link_libraries()
> where CMake knows its full path.  A -L/-l approach does not work, but that
> is
> usually done for system libraries, in which case we normally don't care
> about
> rpaths.
> This kind of thing isn't handled automatically at install time, and
> requires
> the INSTALL_RPATH property to be set.

Thanks for correcting me - didn't see your first mail until now either. It
seems I'm really out of touch with CMake these days :)

So I guess KDE frameworks that generate development-tools lack the
INSTALL_RPATH - at least that would explain the necessity to manually patch
them. A relative path like you mentioned should work as long as Qt is
installed in the same prefix as those tools - which is likely the common

An end-user application then can either decide to be installed in the same
way or it wants an app-bundle, then it could use an INSTALL_RPATH like
@executable/../Frameworks and bunlde the Qt frameworks inside that


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Re: [CMake] CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and exact control of compiler options

2015-10-12 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:39 AM, René J. V. <rjvber...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using cmake in conjunction with a packaging/distribution system that
> aims to
> control the compiler and linker flags, a priori via the usual environment
> variables. (We're talking about MacPorts.)
> Using one of the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE presets, the value of those env.
> variables
> appears at most to be added in front of the preset options, which means
> user
> options can be overridden. That may be intended behaviour, but not ideal
> for my
> use case.
> Working with Debian and Ubuntu systems, I deduced that using a
> non-pre-defined
> BUILD_TYPE make cmake use the values of CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS etc, through
> instance).
> Experimenting with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MacPorts in the toplevel control file
> (cmake PortGroup), that appeared indeed to work, but I appear to have been
> mistaken. Adding -DCMAKE_C*_FLAGS_MACPORTS definitions has no effect, nor
> has
> setting CMAKE_C*_FLAGS from the CMake command line.
> Which leads me to the following questions:
> - Is it indeed possible to get CMake to take all compiler and linker flags
> from
> the environment, and if so, how?

- If not, what is the best/official way to get exact control over the
> compiler
> and linker options used?

No this is not possible in general. A CMakeLists.txt file can always just
set their own compiler/linker flags.

However if I understand you correctly (in what kind of flags you want to
change), then this could be doable with a toolchain file. These are usually
used to teach CMake specialities about compilers/linkers that it does not
support itself and behave sufficiently different from one it does know.
That is for example gcc builds for doing cross-compilation to some
specialized hardware may not work with certain flags CMake uses by default
for gcc builds.

The toolchain files are just cmake scripts, you can see some examples in
the Modules/Platform directory of your cmake install. They set certain
special variables that CMake will read out again when creating
compiler/linker commandlines. The variables are explained in the
documentation of CMake IIRC.

> - Out of curiosity, what's special about the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debian build
> type?

There's no such build type in CMake, see the Compilers and Tools section
here: https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Useful_Variables#Various_Options that
details the built-in types in CMake.


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Re: [cmake-developers] Allow ALIAS of IMPORTED targets

2015-09-18 Thread Andreas Schuh

Being able to alias imported targets would be a great feature. Just an
addition to the exports discussion, I also don't think it is necessary.
Besides the EXPORT_NAME property I was not aware of either, I would instead
expect to see an

  add_library (old_name ALIAS new_name)

in the ProjectConfig.cmake(.in) file after importing the new_name library
target. This would make it more clear that it is just an alias for the
actual new exported/imported target. Also no need to maintain copies of
identical imported target properties. I would find this more appealing than
exporting the same target twice but with different name. I would think this
was just done before because of the missing ability to alias an imported

On 15 Sep 2015 21:36, "Tamás Kenéz" <tamas.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you, I was not aware of the EXPORT_NAME target property.
> Tamas
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Stephen Kelly <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Tamás Kenéz wrote:
>> >> For example, if an ALIAS can be IMPORTED, does it makes sense that it
>> can
>> > be
>> >> exported with export() and install(EXPORT)?
>> >
>> > Yes: couple of months ago I was adding install(EXPORT) to an existing
>> > CMakeList. The name of the library target which I had to export was not
>> > correct as export target name but I was not able change the library
>> target
>> > name because of backward compatibility. Being able to export an alias
>> > would have helped.
>> I still think exporting should be a follow up to allowing IMPORTED ALIAS.
>> Just too keep the branch and discussion as short as possible.
>> Nevertheless, I think you wouldn't need ALIAS targets for your use-case.
>> They are more than you need. You don't need the aliases anywhere except
>> for
>> exporting. So, we could design something which allows you to export
>> aliases,
>> but be completely separate from ALIAS targets.
>> For example,
>>  add_library(foo ${foo_SRCS})
>>  set_target_property(foo EXPORT_NAMES foo foo_old_name)
>>  ...
>>  install(EXPORT ...)
>> resulting in a generated file containing
>>  add_library(foo IMPORTED)
>>  ...
>>  add_library(foo_old_name IMPORTED)
>>  ...
>> where each of the generated targets get the same target properties.
>> Note that there is already an EXPORT_NAME target property
>>  http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.3/prop_tgt/EXPORT_NAME.html
>> but it is not a list, so the task would probably be to deprecate that one
>> and add EXPORT_NAMES.
>> I filed
>>  http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=15745
>> Thanks,
>> Steve.
>> --
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> --
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Re: [cmake-developers] Python extension to FindProtobuf

2015-09-15 Thread Andreas Bergmeier
Sorry, found a stashed change, that I missed. With that it works.

-Original Message-
From: Brad King [mailto:brad.k...@kitware.com]
Sent: Montag, 14. September 2015 16:12
To: Andreas Bergmeier
Cc: Rolf Eike Beer; cmake-developers@cmake.org
Subject: Re: [cmake-developers] Python extension to FindProtobuf

On 09/14/2015 03:42 AM, Andreas Bergmeier wrote:
> I now added documentation, removed ARGS and GENERATED property.

Thanks.  Applied with minor wording tweaks:

 FindProtobuf: Add protobuf_generate_python function


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Re: [cmake-developers] Python extension to FindProtobuf

2015-09-14 Thread Andreas Bergmeier
I now added documentation, removed ARGS and GENERATED property.

-Original Message-
From: Brad King [mailto:brad.k...@kitware.com]
Sent: Freitag, 11. September 2015 20:33
To: Andreas Bergmeier
Cc: Rolf Eike Beer; cmake-developers@cmake.org
Subject: Re: [cmake-developers] Python extension to FindProtobuf

On 09/11/2015 11:11 AM, Andreas Bergmeier wrote:
> Here is the commit.

Thanks.  Please revise the patch to also update the documentation of the module 
to mention the new API.

> +add_custom_command(
> +  ARGS --python_out  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
> + ${_protobuf_include_path} ${ABS_FIL}

The ARGS option can be dropped.  It is silently ignored anyway.
The arguments after it will be collected by COMMAND already.

> +  COMMENT "Running Python protocol buffer compiler on ${FIL}"
> +  endforeach()
> +
> +  set_source_files_properties(${${SRCS}} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE)

We do not need to explicitly set the GENERATED property.  That convention has 
been outdated for years.  The add_custom_command call automatically sets this 
on the OUTPUT.


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[cmake-developers] Python extension to FindProtobuf

2015-09-11 Thread Andreas Bergmeier
Since beneath generating cpp and h files we often also want python bindings to 
be generated, I would like to have the following extension to FindProtobuf 
This adds protobuf_generate_python function.

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Re: [cmake-developers] Python extension to FindProtobuf

2015-09-11 Thread Andreas Bergmeier
Blindly trusting Outlook D was a bad idea ;)
Here is the commit.

(Sorry the footer is company policy)

-Original Message-
From: cmake-developers [mailto:cmake-developers-boun...@cmake.org] On Behalf Of 
Rolf Eike Beer
Sent: Freitag, 11. September 2015 17:07
To: cmake-developers@cmake.org
Subject: Re: [cmake-developers] Python extension to FindProtobuf

Am Freitag, 11. September 2015, 14:44:21 schrieb Andreas Bergmeier:
> Since beneath generating cpp and h files we often also want python
> bindings to be generated, I would like to have the following extension
> to FindProtobuf added.
 This adds protobuf_generate_python function.

Forgot to add patch?

> und/oder
[…] Argh!


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Description: commit-2c9f168

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Re: [CMake] CMake + MPI

2015-09-08 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hi Nico,

I just use find_package(MPI REQUIRED) and use the given 

Recent mpi wrappers should support support interspection.


Am 08.09.2015 um 13:01 schrieb Nico Schlömer:

Hi everyone,

When it comes to compiling and linking, the MPI world is quite a mess. 
Sometimes, vendors make you link and include certain 
libraries/directories, sometimes you are supposed to simply use a 
compiler wrapper, often both.

What's the recommended way of dealing with MPI in CMake? Do you 
`find_package(MPI REQUIRED)` and set LINK_LIBRARIES and INCLUDE_DIRS? 
Do you select a compiler wrapper from within the CMake file? From outside?



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Re: [CMake] Prefix header for Makefiles

2015-08-26 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Jakob van Bethlehem 
jsvanbethle...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hej Andrew,

 CMake does never scan source files (as far as I know), as it is not a
 compiler. From your question it almost seem you are making this assumption,
 so I just wanted to make sure to mention at least this.

Thats wrong, CMake has to parse the source files you add to a target to be
able to determine its dependencies (recursively) so it can generate
makefile rules that ensure that if one of the (indirectly) included headers
changes the source file is recompiled. You can see this in cmDependsC.cxx
in the CMake sources for C (and possibly C++) source files.

It of course does not parse the C/C++ code, it merely finds lines that
start with #include or #import and figures out the absolute path of the
mentioned header file based on the targets include directories.

Of course you can help CMake here by specifying all headers in the
add_executable/add_library call, but that easily ends up being a
maintenance nightmare for files outside of your actual project (system
headers, third-party libraries etc.).


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Re: [CMake] CMake Error at build/modules/add_boost.cmake:156 (message):

2015-08-13 Thread Andreas Naumann

at the first sight, it seems to me an error in their build system.
But the error message is surrounded by an if-clause. Your error message 
does not show any error or output, so I assume, there was no error with 
bootstrap, but the (executable? file?) b2 was not found.
To test it, you could print the result of the find_program call in their 
file add_boost.cmake just after the line 154.

Good luck,

Am 13.08.2015 um 20:19 schrieb Sonya Blade:

Dear All,

I'm attempting to build the open license manager from that location 
As can be seen, there is not much info what needs to be done to 
configure and compile it, I'm not even sure that

it is been configured to work with GCC 4.7.1 and Code Blocks.

Anyway if attempt to run the configuration with CMake-GUI then I 
receive the following error,
AFAIU this library requires the boost library and Cmake-GUI downloads 
the boost automatically
but at th middle of configuration throws the following error how am I 
supposed further procedd on that?

CMake Error at build/modules/add_boost.cmake:156 (message):
Failed running ./bootstrap.sh;--with-toolset=gcc:

Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:73 (add_boost)



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[CMake] Packaging debug symbol files on Windows

2015-07-27 Thread Andreas Pakulat

I'm trying to generate a zip file (on Windows) for a shared library
including the generated debug symbols in pdb files with CPack.
Unfortunately CPack does not seem to pick up the pdb files all by itself
and after cross-reading the cpack docs in the cmake wiki I didn't see any
switch to enable such behavior.

Did somebody already do this and if so how?


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Re: [CMake] Packaging debug symbol files on Windows

2015-07-27 Thread Andreas Pakulat
Hi Nils,

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 3:12 PM, Nils Gladitz nilsglad...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 07/27/2015 02:25 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:


 I'm trying to generate a zip file (on Windows) for a shared library
 including the generated debug symbols in pdb files with CPack.
 Unfortunately CPack does not seem to pick up the pdb files all by itself
 and after cross-reading the cpack docs in the cmake wiki I didn't see
 any switch to enable such behavior.

 Did somebody already do this and if so how?

 What gets installed is decided by install() commands in your project
 rather than by CPack.

 You can use the $TARGET_PDB_FILE:tgt [1] generator expression to install
 pdb files.

 e.g. install(FILES $TARGET_PDB_FILE:my_target DESTINATION bin)

Ah, interesting. I would've thought that an install() would automatically
include the pdb files, after all those are usually useful after the build
process and the builddir is often gone once a library is being used.

I've meanwhile also noticed that the default compiler flags that CMake uses
include the debug information in the dll itself (dll size is doubled), so
for now don't even have to have the separate pdb files packaged anymore (in
this case the pdb info is small enough to just keep in the dll).

Thanks for the pointer.


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Re: [CMake] Packaging debug symbol files on Windows

2015-07-27 Thread Andreas Pakulat
Hi Nils,

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Nils Gladitz nilsglad...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 07/27/2015 03:46 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:

 I've meanwhile also noticed that the default compiler flags that CMake
 uses include the debug information in the dll itself (dll size is
 doubled), so for now don't even have to have the separate pdb files
 packaged anymore (in this case the pdb info is small enough to just keep
 in the dll).

 I am not entirely sure what you mean but CMake's default flags for the
 Visual Studio compiler when building Debug or RelWithDebInfo use /Zi
 (debug information in external pdb) rather than /Z7 (embedded debug
 information; no pdb is generated).

 Maybe your project replaces the default flags?

No Z7 or Zi anywhere in the CMake files and the generated makefiles include
/Zi. So I don't know why the dll's would be bigger and generate proper
backtrace information when analyzing a dump file but so it is and thats
fine with me for now.


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Re: [CMake] Where do all the extra clang flags come from in Xcode?

2015-05-18 Thread Andreas Pakulat
Hi Paul,

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Paul Smith p...@mad-scientist.net wrote:

 On Mon, 2015-05-18 at 12:32 +0200, Ruslan Baratov via CMake wrote:
  This table tells you what attribute you need to set to disable/enable
  specific warning.

 I see, so these are CMake attributes?  That wasn't clear to me.  I
 thought they were attributes of Xcode.

 I guess my basic question is, why are all these extra flags to disable
 and enable various warnings set in the Xcode generator?  I expected it
 would work like the makefile generator, where if you don't set any flags
 in CMakeLists.txt then you don't get any warnings enabled (or explicitly
 disabled).  It surprises me that when I take the same CMakeLists.txt
 file and use a Makefile generator and an Xcode generator, I get very
 different compile lines.

If you look at the foo.xcodeproj contents of a very simple CMake project
(hello-world style) you'll notice just 1 file and there are not a lot of -W
words inside that file either. I see 3 warnings being added by CMake when
generating this file.

That suggests anything else is added by Xcode itself because thats what its
default settings are. Xcode (and xcodebuild) has a lot more logics builtin
that make. Make is essentially just a dependency-tracking and execution
tool and thus cannot make any assumptions about what is being executed when
a target is to be 'made'. It cannot add any compile flags that the
make-developers deem useful, since the action executed for a target may not
be a compile run at all. Xcode on the other hand with its more structured
project file has a very clear idea of what is a compile action and what is
not and apparently the Apple devs think a certain set of flags are useful
for everybody and hence are added to all compiler invocations.

You'll also notice this when creating a new project inside xcode and then
examine and run it outside, i.e. grep for -W flags in the generated files.
There are  literally none, but still xcodebuild shows tons of -W flags
added to the compiler invocation.

 And secondarily, is there any way to get the Xcode generator to work
 like the Makefile generator, where only the warning flags I explicitly
 defined in my CMakeLists.txt file are added to the compile/link lines
 and no others?

Given the above, your only options are: propose a patch to cmake (or find
someone to do this for you) that enhances the xcode generator to disable
all flags that are not explicitly enabled so its closer to the makefile
generator. This is however quite a lot of effort upfront and in maintenance
since each new xcode version (even just bugfix versions) may need changes
to the list.

The alternative to that is that you blacklist via the mentioned attributes
the warnings you don't want to have enabled, each and every one of them


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Re: [CMake] Check whether C++ headers are self-sufficient

2015-03-14 Thread Andreas Naumann
Why do you want to use one library per header? I think, it would be 
sufficient to have one cc-file per header and one library per folder. 
The library would simply contain all files.

Why do you worry about large build directories?


Am 14.03.2015 um 13:19 schrieb Christoph Grüninger:

Dear CMakers,
I want to have all my C++ headers self-sufficient (self-contained),
i.e., a header can be included without additional includes. This is not
only handy but also part of Google's C++ styleguide [2].

It would be great to have a make target (let's call it headercheck),
that can check for this, by compiling a simple test.cc file for each
   #include config.h
   #include current_header.h
   #include current_header.h

Additionally it would be great to have such a target for every folder
(checking all headers recursively) and every header that is explicitly
passed as an argument.

We tried this with CMake: We generate a test.cc file per header and
create a library for every cc file. The problem is, that we get hundreds
of additional targets, we generate a lot of folders and files which can
increase our build directory size by an order of magnitude and it does
not work properly on a per file or per directory basis.

What do you think, is there a good way to have such a target headercheck
with CMake? Or would it be better to include it as a CTest? Or better as
an external (bash) script as proposed in [1]?

If it can be done in a good way with CMake, would it be of interest to
include it as a feature in CMake? Or as an external project similar to




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Re: [CMake] Unexpected use of ld on Windows

2015-02-11 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Arjen Markus arjen.mar...@deltares.nl


 I am trying to build the Fortran interface to NetCDF4 on Windows, using
 the Intel Fortran compiler and Nmake Makefiles as the generator (see

 I had some trouble getting the first part to build, but that is solved
 (small issues with the code). The second part, which is supposed to build a
 C library that can be called from Fortran, presents a more serious problem:
 for some reason CMake picks parts of another toolchain to build this:

 The Makefile contains these lines to compile the sources:
 cd D:\netcdf\netcdf-build-fortran\libsrc
 C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\VC\bin\amd64\cl.exe  @
  /nologo $(C_FLAGS) $(C_DEFINES)
 /FdD:\netcdf\netcdf-build-fortran\libsrc\ncfortran.pdb -c

 But to build the library it contains:

 libsrc\ncfortran.dll: d:\netcdf\netcdf-build\liblib\netcdf.lib
 libsrc\ncfortran.dll: libsrc\CMakeFiles\ncfortran.dir\objects1.rsp
 @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --red
 --bold Linking C shared library ncfortran.dll
 cd D:\netcdf\netcdf-build-fortran\libsrc
 d:\CMake2.8.10.2\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_dll
 C:\PROGRA~2\HASKEL~1\201320~1.0\mingw\bin\ld.exe /nologo
 @CMakeFiles\ncfortran.dir\objects1.rsp @
  /out:ncfortran.dll /implib:ncfortran.lib
 /pdb:D:\netcdf\netcdf-build-fortran\libsrc\ncfortran.pdb /dll /version:0.0
 /STACK:1000 /INCREMENTAL:YES /machine:x64  /debug
 d:\netcdf\netcdf-build\liblib\netcdf.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
 winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib

 As you can see, it has picked up a linker (ld.exe) belonging to a
 completely different compiler/package for this step.

 I have no idea where this is coming from and how to fix this. Does anyone
 have any suggestions?

Seeing the path to that ld.exe I'm reminded of a problem a colleague
recently had. He has Haskell installed on his system and either haskell
itself or some haskell library came with mingw and his PATH ended up
including the bin dir of that mingw installation. Even if that entry is
after the VS compiler CMake apparently chooses to pick up the mingw
toolchain (or parts of it), so one has to make sure that there's no MinGW
compiler or linker or other part of the toolchain in any of the directories
in PATH. At least thats how he resolved the issue.


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Re: [CMake] Tweak CMake project to include non-buildable files in the CodeBlocks project file

2015-01-12 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Dario Oliveri oliveridari...@gmail.com

 It is very simple for each of the files you want to include in the build
 (I use txt example so that you know it can work for arbitrary types):

 set_source_files_properties( comment.txt PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY true)
 then you can include that file in the build to let it shows up in the IDE

 #example when adding a static library (works the same also for executables)
 add_library( ${arg1} STATIC
 ${sourcefiles}   #files you need to REALLY BUILD
 comment.txt#this file would be added, but not builded

Ah, that works. Its a little ugly in the CMake files but I guess I can live
with that. Ideally I was hoping to simply have a 'complete' list including
actual sources and sources for other platforms and hand that to a special
function - without passing the source-for-other-platform to the actual
target. Oh well, I have to stop dreaming :)


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Re: [CMake] Tweak CMake project to include non-buildable files in the CodeBlocks project file

2015-01-12 Thread Andreas Pakulat
Hi Nils,

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Nils Gladitz nilsglad...@gmail.com

 On 01/12/2015 11:40 AM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:

 Ah, that works. Its a little ugly in the CMake files but I guess I can
 live with that. Ideally I was hoping to simply have a 'complete' list
 including actual sources and sources for other platforms and hand that
 to a special function - without passing the source-for-other-platform to
 the actual target. Oh well, I have to stop dreaming :)

 You can also use add_custom_target(my_new_target SOURCES src1.cpp

 That will list the given sources in the IDE without adding build semantics
 to them.

 Since this lists the sources as part of a new target rather than an
 existing target this will be visually distinct from the other approach in
 some IDEs but should afaik make no difference in QtCreator.

Thanks for that idea, having a dedicated target wouldn't be so bad even if
its visible. With a bit of restructuring of the cmakelists.txt this may
actually make the file quite a bit more 'declarative' and less convoluted.


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[CMake] Tweak CMake project to include non-buildable files in the CodeBlocks project file

2015-01-11 Thread Andreas Pakulat

I'm using QtCreator with CMake and have several files that are included in
targets depending on the platform on which I build.

Files that are not enabled on the current platform will not be included by
CMake in the CodeBlocks file which in turn is used by QtCreator.

Since QtCreator only picks up files listed in the CodeBlocks project file
for its project view I cannot easily open certain files using QtCreator.

I'm wondering wether CMake has a mechanism that would make these files show
up in the CodeBlocks project file without them being actually compiled by
the project build (I'm using Ninja for that part)? I was thinking of
something similar to what can be used to create groups etc. for VS projects.


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Re: [CMake] Problems with CMP0037

2014-11-02 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hi Alan,

with cmake I can confirm this behavior at least for Makefile 
generator on Linux, see the attached small CMakeLists.txt. But what 
would be a better behavior? Changing the target name would change the 
output at end. So the user would have to figure out, what changed why. 
At this point, I would prefer the current behavior, because cmake does 
at least with the Makefile generator, the same thing as the user writes.

So the warning is  appropriate.


Am 02.11.2014 18:30, schrieb Alan W. Irwin:

Eike said:

Because you can't create files or directories with that name, you
would end up getting one directory tests and a file/directory 
win32_test*. And
creating both with one API call isn't possible, so this may work if 
there is a directory tests before because of some other reason, but 
it will not reliably work.

Hi Eike:

I just want to confirm something about your answer.  The OP
was getting complaints about a _target_ with a slash in the name. At
the CMake level there is a huge distinction between targets and files.

Are you saying that at least for some generators a target eventually
ends up as a filename (e.g., at the configured Makefile level) with
exactly the same name as the target so a slash propagates to that 
filename?  I

agree if that were the case, it could cause issues on Unix platforms
if the directory portion of the filename was not independently
created first.

If this is actually the case, I am somewhat surprised that CMake
exposes such implementation details at the CMake level. For example,
it should be possible to use a unique hash of target names when
creating the corresponding configured filename such that the filename
does not include any characters such as / that have special meaning
at the file level on some platforms.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and 

University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

Linux-powered Science

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
file(WRITE main.c int main() { return 0; })
add_executable(testDir/TestExe main.c)

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Re: [CMake] TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES with full path libraries

2014-09-18 Thread Andreas Naumann

Am 17.09.2014 22:00, schrieb Alexander Neundorf:

On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 14:50:40 Volker Pilipp wrote:

I suppose it is the line

yes, cmake checks $LIBRARY_PATH and uses -l for the libraries located in these
I stumbled about that behaviour last year or so, I guess it's a feature.


It less a feature of cmake, much more a feature of gcc. It interprets 
every directory in LIBRARY_PATH as system directory and reports this to 
cmake, so it assumes, that those directories are system directories.


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Re: [CMake] Incorrect object file name on cmake compilation

2014-09-11 Thread Andreas Mohr

 Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:49:23 +
 From: Ravi Raman ravi.ra...@xoriant.com

 Thanks Petr for your reply. By incorrect I meant instead of the conventional 
 main.obj, we get main.cpp.obj.
 I understood what you are saying. We have found a solution for this in our 
 cmake code.

Good, so you've found a solution - to which, umm, I dare ask... problem 
exactly? :)

 We have explicitly set the /Fo compiler flag for main.cpp. With that it 
 creates main.obj for main.cpp and also main.res for main.rc

Why does this need some manual effort (and of manually adding a very specific 
compiler flag syntax, in fact!)
when it ideally/normally/usually shouldn't,
one would want to ask.
Perhaps this issue is indicative of an asymmetric/incomplete mechanism or 
in CMake or this specific CMake environment, which one might want to discover 
and fix,
in order to have the need for any manual tweaking (in all sufficiently standard 
avoided in all future deployments...


Andreas Mohr

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Re: [CMake] Incorrect object file name on cmake compilation

2014-09-11 Thread Andreas Mohr
On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 08:25:27AM +, Ravi Raman wrote:
Actually, in our project, the names of the object files matter because
these object files go as an input to a object file comparison tool that
compares object file names. So, there are 2 sets of object files, one
coming from cmake build and one from Visual Studio build.
The set coming from cmake build was having this object file naming with
extension .cpp.obj.
That was the reason for looking into this issue.

Ah, so that means we're talking about this issue having come up
due to expectations about object naming being somewhat usual
(as opposed to CMake-configured naming), of an *external tool*,
rather than
due to uneasiness/issues detected within the CMake workflow itself.

So, that means:
- CMake handling likely *is* consistent (at least in regard to this aspect)
- the external tool does not like it :)
- a manual specific compiler flag setting was configured
  to fall back to previously usual object naming

So, my thoughts on this are that it would be best to have the external tool
offer an option to support custom object file naming patterns,
since naming of internally generated object files
may easily differ in various build systems.

Manually adding a very specific /Fo option *can* be done, but:
- this manual tweak might then cause incompatibilities with internal CMake 
  (quite possibly there are CMake configuration variables/mechanisms
   to generically switch this naming pattern though)
- it's extremely compiler-specific (read: not environment-generic)

So, I would recommend going the improve external tool support route instead
(or resort to figuring out CMake config mechanisms to generically
switch object naming).

Andreas Mohr

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[CMake] Merge VS: Use full path to sources to allow deeper trees with VS = 10 fix to release

2014-09-01 Thread Andreas . Metz
Hi CMakers,

I was running into a  using to long path issue with CMake.

Here some short notes about my setup:

OS: Windows 7
Dev: MS Visual Studio 10
CMake: 2.8.12 (tested it also with 3.0.1)

In our project (it is based on the CIAO/TAO framework) some files will be 
generated automatically through an IDL compiler. Through that process the 
root of the project will be based on those generated files.
Additional source files, placed in a complete other folder, will be 
referenced through relative paths to the project folder.

The project itself consists of several subfolders and the length of the 
paths can go up to 100 letters (which should still be ok for CMake and 
Visual Studio) but through adding some file into another folder, the 
relative path description can grow up to more then 250 letters:
(e.g. c:\path\to\current\dir\..\..\..\relative\path\to\source.c)
As the project is already quite big, and the concept on how we store our 
files is not a thing we can change quite easily, I was looking if it is 
possible that CMake will generate always absolute paths.
By default, CMake was not able to generate absolute paths, also the 
CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHES flag had no effect on my project.

After some investigations I found out, that a solution was already 
submitted by the CMake dev team through the following change:


But it seems, that it did not make it into the release branches.
My question is now, is there any reason why that fix, besides serval other 
changes to the cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx did not made it into 
a new CMake release?

After I found out, that a solution is already available I downloaded the 
nightly build binaries form the 1st of september and voila it worked.
In addition CMake will print out a warning, that informs me that we have a 
path that is too long.

Thats why I wanna ask you guys here, how I should proceed. Should I add a 
bug although a solution already exists?

Kind regards,

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Re: [CMake] CFLAGS disables link directories?

2014-08-28 Thread Andreas Naumann

Hello Alexander,
  your problem is not a problem of CFlags, it is much more a problem
  of the compiler and what you are setting with --sysroot=/sysroot.
  Here you tell the compiler, that it should treat /sysroot as
  system library directory, so that cmake removes it from the link
  line, because it is part of the system. The same applies with gcc
  for the environment variable LIBRARY_DIR.
  I hope, that helps you.
  Am 28.08.2014 18:21, schrieb Alexander Shashkevych:

  Hi all,

I did't found info how cmake internally handles CFLAGS environment
variable, but I know that cmake picks it up from environment and seems this
removes link directories from linking flags added by link_directories()

For example. I'm using custom sysroot, to build my app and I run cmake with
following command:

   export CFLAGS="--sysroot=/sysroot/"
   cmake ..

My cmake file is:

   # GStreamer_LIBRARY_DIRS is set by pkg_check_modules()

   get_directory_property(LINK_DIRS LINK_DIRECTORIES)
   message("LINK_DIRS: ${LINK_DIRS}")

   add_executable(myapp main.c)
   target_link_libraries(myapp ${GStreamer_LIBRARIES})

When CFLAGS isn't specified, then file src/CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/link.txt
contains -L/sysroot/usr/lib and -Wl,-rpath,/sysroot/usr/lib flags as
expected, but when I add CFLAGS to environment, then -L and -Wl,-rpath are
disappearing from linker options.

Could someone to confirm, is this expected behavior?

PS: Regardless of CFLAGS specified in command line or not, message() always
prints: LINK_DIRS: /sysroot/usr/lib, so internally cmake sets this property.






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Re: [CMake] make target export file follow symlinks (or something better?)

2014-08-23 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Nico Schlömer nico.schloe...@gmail.com

 Hi all,

 I'm linking my shared library against
 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhdf5.so - libhdf5.so.7.0.0
 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhdf5.so.7 - libhdf5.so.7.0.0
 resulting in the dynamic dependency
 $ ldd mylib.so.1.0.0  | grep hdf5
 libhdf5.so.7 = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhdf5.so.7 (0x7f50179e2000)
 The export file `mylibTargets.cmake` however lists
 set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES
   INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhdf5.so
 (without the so-version). This is not good since this symlink might
 not be present when I configure a project against mylib. And it
 doesn't have to be either:

Actually it does have to be there (or rather it will be there).

  All I need is
 `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhdf5.so.7` as specified by `ldd`.

No, what you also need are the headers of that library, i.e. the
'development' part of the library installation. Since those development
parts are usually mutually exclusively installable between different
versions there's going to be only 1 installed. So the .so symlink will be
there and hence the linking will work. If the symlink links to a different
so-version the linker will abort when trying to link against mylib.

The only exception would be if your mylib does not expose any of the API
that hdf5 provides and a user of mylib does not need to know or care that
you're using hdf5. In that case you should drop that library from your
public link interface. That'll automatically drop the imported target in
the export file, as the linker does not need to know what mylib links
against when linking an app against mylib. (at least for shared libraries).


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[CMake] How to replace get_target_property(LOCATION)?

2014-04-04 Thread Andreas Schneider

with cmake 2.8.12 get_target_property(LOCATION) isn't allowed anymore. I find 
the documentation for CMP0026 really confusing. Maybe someone can tell me what 
the way is how to do it.

I have:


add_library(nss_wrapper SHARED nss_wrapper.c)

get_target_property(NWRAP_LOCATION nss_wrapper LOCATION)



So how do I get and set the location of the library with cmake 2.8.12 now?


-- andreas

Andreas Schneider   GPG-ID: CC014E3D


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Re: [CMake] Mac bundled application with multiple executables.

2014-02-09 Thread Andreas Pakulat
Hi Bill,

On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Bill Somerville b...@classdesign.comwrote:


 noob here so firstly thanks for the great build tools!

 I'm struggling with shoehorning a Win32/Linux Qt GUI application into
 CMake for those targets and for OS-X.

 At the moment the Mac build is manually transformed into an OS-X app
 bundle. I am making some progress getting it to install (and package, for
 deployment) directly into a bundle format. Using MACOSX_BUNDLE on the main
 GUI executable target plus the required CMake variable declarations.

 What I am stuck with is how to include another executable in the app
 bundle. It is a console type program that is spawned from the GUI to do
 some background work. Although it can be run standalone from the console,
 its purpose is to be run by the GUI program. Therefore it belongs in the

 What incantation do I need to give CMake to get this executable into the
 bundle installation. It is built as a target by the same CMake script as
 the GUI executable.

This is how CMake itself is shipped on MacOSX (the bundle starts the qt gui
and contains the console gui as well as the various cli tools like cmake,
ctest etc. So you may want to look into CMake's own buildsystem files for
that, IIRC the cmake buildsystem wasn't that hard to understand and follow.


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Re: [CMake] How to read and compile dynamically-generated list of cpp files

2014-02-03 Thread Andreas Mohr

On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 12:00:02PM -0500, cmake-requ...@cmake.org wrote:
 Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 16:44:28 +
 From: gimmeamilk gimmeamilk gimmeamilkb...@googlemail.com

 Hi all,
 I have a custom tool that processes a given list of IDL files and
 produces a number of .cpp and .h files as output. I want to add those
 files to the list of things to compile in my CMakeLists, and also
 model the dependencies those files have on the IDL. To keep things
 simple, I will state that any change to any of the IDL files should
 trigger a regeneration of all cpp/h.
 I have a custom command that takes care of running the generator tool
 and listing all the IDL files as dependencies.
 My issue is getting the subsequent list of cpp/h files into cmake at
 build-time. It is not possible to infer from the name of the IDL files
 what cpp files will be generated. My generator tool will, however,
 output the list of generated files to a text file.
 So my question is: how do I instruct cmake to read from this text
 file and add the contents as extra source and header files to be
 compiled, also bearing in mind that the said text file only exists
 during a certain point of the build?

Judging from my (in?)sufficient amounts of CMake experience,
I'd say that's not possible, since we'd be talking build-time (IOW,
generator-type-specific) injection of dependencies into the generated
build system. But then CMake does have some amounts of interesting
features, so I might end up staying corrected
(the only feasible mechanism might be to configure the IDL user side
as an ExternalProject, to have its configure-time activity -
and thus its analysis of the generated text file -
happen during build-time execution of the main project).

I've been spending quite some time integrating (M?)IDL support into my
vcproj2cmake converter, so I know that several IDL compilers have
options for specifying specific files (IID header, proxy header, etc.).
And I'd expect such a capability to be required anyway,
since it's *fixed source files* content which thus has no choice
but to #include *specifically-named* files,
thus the build process would *have to* be able to custom-name
such output file names.
Plus, I can report that on .vc[x]proj files there are
rather liberal possibilities for custom-named patterns
of IDL-related output filenames.
So I'm mildly astonished that one would have a setup where this is NOT
the case.

BTW, it might be very worthwhile to provide an actual CMake LANGUAGE
configuration for your IDL compiler mechanism, for pretty automatic
specification of IDL files etc.
(but perhaps it's wise to choose a language identifier
other than a plain IDL, since CMake might choose
to provide generic IDL support on its own eventually).

HTH (got milk?),

Andreas Mohr

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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-27 Thread Andreas Schuh

On Jan 24, 2014, at 12:49 PM, Stephen Kelly steve...@gmail.com wrote:

 Roger Leigh wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:40:54AM +0100, Stephen Kelly wrote:
 Andreas Schuh wrote:
 On a side note, just today a co-worker asked me why the compiler cannot
 find the header files when they were provided as additional arguments
 to the add_executable command. Indeed this was a reasonable assumption,
 I think. Why the need for an additional include_directories when I
 already specified where the header files are located ? This is not
 something BASIS is taking care of yet either, but would certainly be
 one of the things I would consider adding.
 This is the kind of concrete feedback *about cmake* that I'm looking for
 in this discussion. It's self contained, refers to existing cmake
 functionality, it's easy to imagine the 'user story' and what the user
 code would look like etc.
 I don't have any comment about the viability of adding such functionality
 to cmake add_* commands though.
 I'm not sure this can ever be viable because it makes assumptions that are
 guaranteed to break for different use cases.
 If I add a header, cmake can have no knowledge of how the sources use the
 header.  Is it an absolute or relative include?  Does the relative include
 also include a path?

That sounds all viable to me for having the separate mechanisms. But does CMake 
not already parse the C++ module files in order to determine the dependencies 
on header files ? I was in the believe that you do not actually need to specify 
the header files when calling add_executable because it would find out which 
are included by each specified .cpp file and add the appropriate file 
dependencies. If so, it would actually be able to determine the correct paths 
to add to the include search path. But I also see one problem left here. That 
for some projects the location of header files can differ between source/build 
tree and installation. I still would assume that in most cases the correct 
relative path can be deduced from the build configuration and dependency 
analysis of .cpp modules.

See also 

 I think the general sentiment that having add_executable remove a
 include_directories statement is a good one.  I'm just unconvinced that
 this is doable in practice.
 My thoughts exactly.
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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-27 Thread Andreas Schuh

On Jan 24, 2014, at 10:49 AM, Stephen Kelly steve...@gmail.com wrote:

 There seems to be some mailing list problems going on (maybe Andrew didn't 
 subscribe before posting... :/ Always subscribe to a mailing list before 
 posting...), and my reply was rejected.

I had one rejected post because I was yet subscribed with “googlemail.com” 
instead of the new “gmail.com” domain which is only since a few years legally 
allowed to be used by Google in Germany now. Updated my subscription then.

 Breaking threading to respond.
 On 01/23/2014 07:32 PM, Andrew Hundt wrote:
 Allow me to rephrase, could you send a link or other reference such as a 
 summary posted on a mailing list where I can learn about the KDE situation 
 and how it was resolved? Essentially, I would appreciate any additional 
 information you could give me that would help me apply your experience to my 
 own project.
 However, I suspect the reasons, design, purpose, and goal of 
 kde4_add_executable and basis_add_executable may have been significantly 
 different but I would like to learn more.
 Yes, I expect so too, actually.

I actually don’t think so. The main difference is likely that KDE is a C++ only 
project with some JavaScript for the Qt-based UIs. The purpose of 
basis_add_executable and basis_add_library is to be able to cope with just any 
programming language supported by BASIS. In particular MATLAB was of interest 
at the time of its development. This is unlikely a functionality that will ever 
make it into CMake’s add_executable or add_library commands and therefore the 
need for these custom BASIS functions.

 I don't think there's a good entry point for this.
 tracks some of the changes.
 and other commits removed reasons for kde4_add_library to exist.
 How does one browse to these sphinx docs from the cmake website? I've 
 never come across them before and I generally use the main cmake docs.
 When there is a new release from the master branch, the sphinx docs will 
 show up there.
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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-23 Thread Andreas Schuh
Find one minor correction to my previous post below.

On Jan 23, 2014, at 1:11 PM, Andreas Schuh andreas.schuh...@gmail.com wrote:

 For example, in case of Python, you can “wrap” the script and have it act as 
 both Windows NT Script and Python script by adding the following line at the 
 @setlocal enableextensions  /path/to/required/python/version -x %~f0 %* 
  goto :EOF
 % Any Python code goes below this line
 Python will ignore the first line. In case of Perl, however, you need to do a 
 bit more:
 @goto = START_OF_BATCH” ;
 @goto = ();
 % Any Perl code goes in between these lines
 @“/path/to/required/perl -w -S %~f0 %*
 As this modified Perl script is no longer valid Perl 

Actually the neat thing about this added code is that it is both, valid Perl 
and valid Windows NT Script syntax. It is thus mostly about wrapping scripts 
automatically as well as replacing the path to the found interpreter executable.


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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-23 Thread Andreas Schuh

On Jan 23, 2014, at 9:40 AM, Stephen Kelly steve...@gmail.com wrote:

 Andreas Schuh wrote:
 How often have you seen CMake code as the following
 add_executable(foo foo.cpp)
 I see executables with a single source file only in dummy test code, and 
 even then 
 add_executable(foo main.cpp)
 is more common.

I presume that’s because you mostly worked on larger, mainly C++ or other 
compiled language, based projects. At least in research software you will find 
these quite frequently, where there are dozens of executables implemented in 
single .cpp modules. These may just link to libraries which are build from a 
multiple .cpp modules (that is why obviously add_library would not support such 
short notation), but yet, the executable itself does (and IMHO should) only 
consist of a single .cpp module which defines the entry point (main). If you 
name all these main.cpp, you are not giving away what binary file this .cpp 
module relates to and further have to have them all in different 
subdirectories… Isn’t it nicer to have them all in one directory with 
meaningful names ? I believe program logic should go into libraries so it could 
be reused by other executables or packages if there need be.

 The basis_add_executable supports this use case as well, but additionally
 the shorter notation (not counting the basis_ prefix ;) )
 Yes, that's what I was referring to. I see why you have it. I'm not 
 convinced it should be upstreamed.

I guess most people can live with defining a CMake macro for it if they want to.

 is intended to bridge both, make the use of
 globbing expressions convenient and safe at the same time.
 I would like to see investigation into what can be done upstream to benefit 
 cmake users who do not use BASIS.
 Another example: You have code for adding scripts as executables. What
 are the generic (non-BASIS related) use cases for that?
 You can define dependencies among them or to modules written in the same
 scripting language. 
 Can you say why this is useful? 
 Is it only useful in cases where the buildsystem creates a 
 particular/modified script from an input, such as by replacing @VAR@? 
 You can have find_package calls to find installed
 modules and declare that your script depends on them.
 Why is this useful? If my script depends on something external I require the 
 find_package. Can you be more specific on what BASIS does in addition here?
 An installation rule
 for the script may ensure that the modules get installed as well. 
 I can imagine that defining, say, a python library as such for packaging and 
 installation purposes could be generically useful, but I'm not sure that 
 that is what you are saying. I'm trying to find descriptions of things in 
 BASIS that should be in cmake, that show gaps in cmake functionality etc.

Think of script modules the same way you think about shared libraries in case 
of binary code. If you have multiple versions of a library installed, you have 
to specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or presumably better set the RPATH of the 
executable properly. Most scripting languages have something similar as the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and it is possible to adjust the search path within the script. 
To automatically generate code that does the latter to avoid the problem of 
having to set the module search path right, especially considering users not 
familiar enough with these concepts and in cases where this is not trivial due 
to different scripts requiring different versions of a module and thus a change 
of the environment, you need the information about which modules a particular 
script depends on along with the imported locations of the used modules. This 
you can get with CMake via the import targets and the dependency graph among 
scripts and modules.

Not sure if you would like such functionality in a tool such as CMake, but for 
the purposes of BASIS it worked out well. At the top of each executable script, 
BASIS inserts the appropriate code to prepend the default “RPATH” of the 
scripts to the search path. Relative paths where appropriate to maintain 
relocate-abilitiy as much as possible, absolute paths otherwise. Yet, if an 
installation would be relocated, using the other means of setting the 
environment variables can possibly fix any potentially broken search paths. But 
that is also what you get with the RPATH of binary executables. Installations 
are generally not meant to be moved around. The higher priority is ensuring 
that scripts use the right version of the modules they were “linked” to.

 wrapping scripts in Windows Command files to mimic the she-bang directive
 of Unix, calling such script becomes just as convenient as it is on Unix
 from the command line without having to specify the interpreter executable
 I'm not familiar with Windows, but this comment doesn't seem to relate to 

Maybe not to CMake, but whatever is taking care

Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-23 Thread Andreas Schuh

On Jan 23, 2014, at 1:11 PM, Andreas Schuh andreas.schuh...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Jan 23, 2014, at 9:40 AM, Stephen Kelly steve...@gmail.com wrote:
 Another example: You have code for adding scripts as executables. What
 are the generic (non-BASIS related) use cases for that?
 You can define dependencies among them or to modules written in the same
 scripting language. 
 Can you say why this is useful? 

Let me give just one more example, if you could define that a script depends on 
another executable target (e.g., build from C++), when I rebuild only the 
script, the other executable will be recompiled and linked if it has changed 
since the last build as well. This is not possible at the moment without custom 
build commands/targets, but often (Shell) scripts are indeed calling other 
executables of your package. Then if you just want to test the changes made to 
the script, you can simply run “make myscript” and all dependencies will be 
updated as well.-- 

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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-23 Thread Andreas Schuh

On Jan 23, 2014, at 4:17 PM, Stephen Kelly steve...@gmail.com wrote:

 Andreas Schuh wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2014, at 1:11 PM, Andreas Schuh
 andreas.schuh...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2014, at 9:40 AM, Stephen Kelly
 steve...@gmail.com wrote:
 Another example: You have code for adding scripts as executables. What
 are the generic (non-BASIS related) use cases for that?
 You can define dependencies among them or to modules written in the
 same scripting language.
 Can you say why this is useful?
 Let me give just one more example, if you could define that a script
 depends on another executable target (e.g., build from C++), when I
 rebuild only the script, the other executable will be recompiled and
 linked if it has changed since the last build as well. This is not
 possible at the moment without custom build commands/targets, but often
 (Shell) scripts are indeed calling other executables of your package. Then
 if you just want to test the changes made to the script, you can simply
 run “make myscript” and all dependencies will be updated as well.
 This looks like something that might be worth supporting better, but I can't 
 imagine how the cmake code would look or work.

With the current CMake commands, you could actually do the following:

add_executable(myutil main.cpp)
add_custom_target(myscript SOURCES myscript.sh)
add_dependencies(myscript myutil)

My goal with BASIS was, however, to reduce the number of different commands 
needed as in

add_dependencies(myscript myutil)

and to establish an understanding of scripts to be just another kind of 
executables and modules being just another kind of shared library.

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[CMake] custom command with non-zero exit code?

2014-01-23 Thread Andreas Pakulat

I have a custom command to copy over some javascript files from the source
to the build tree and along with that run them through a javascript lint
tool. The main point of the lint is to catch syntax errors and the like
early on.

Unfortunately the lint tool also reports all kinds of warnings it detects
and if there's any warning will generate a non-zero exit code. This
behaviour is not configurable in any way.

This creates a problem since the commands for add_custom_command seem to be
required to generate a 0 exit code, understandably. My current solution to
that is a cmake script that uses execute_process along with message(
FATAL_ERROR ) if the exit code indicates actual errors in the javascript
files. This is then called from add_custom_command.

I'm wondering if anybody has come across such a situation and wether I'm
maybe overlooking a more lightweight/easier to understand/simpler solution
to the issue?


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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-22 Thread Andreas Schuh
Hi Steve and all,
On Jan 23, 2014, at 12:47 AM, Andrew Hundt athu...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Stephen Kelly steve...@gmail.com wrote:
 Andrew Hundt wrote:
  CMake BASIS is a set of utilities and standards created with the goal of
  making CMake projects and libraries very easy to create, share, and reuse.
 There seems to be several years of development behind this already. Is it
 newly public, or newly publicized? I've never heard of it before.
 The about page and the 3.0 release on github explains the history reasonably 
 well. Previously it was public but not publicized. For the v3.0 release we 
 moved it to github, redesigned and rewrote much of the documentation, added 
 custom project templates, and made everything else configurable. For example 
 we needed take out previously hard coded items such as University of 
 Pennsylvania logo (I'm at Carnegie Mellon).

I’ve been developing BASIS mainly to establish some software development and 
distribution practices in the research lab I was working and to reduce the 
repetition of CMake code across (the various small) projects. It has been 
public, but I mainly used within this lab. Since then, however, I changed 
position and took the project with me with the hope to make it more generally 
useful and to offer it as a resource for various CMake and other auxiliary 

The main goal of BASIS was to set a certain “standard” for project organization 
and everything related to it for researchers who are not very familiar with 
common practices and especially not with the many possibilities and features of 
the whole CMake suite. Further we wanted to unify the look and feel of research 
software developed by individuals and yet distributed as open source by one 
lab, namely SBIA at Penn. It has been thus far only used by myself to repackage 
the research software that was developed at this lab while I was employed 
there. But it clearly has potential to be extended and used also by more 
experienced developers.

  Website: http://opensource.andreasschuh.com/cmake-basis/index.html
  GitHub: https://github.com/schuhschuh/cmake-basis/
 The repo is surprisingly large (67 mb) for something like this. I consider
 such large files in a git repo to be bad practice. This is just the first
 thing I noticed...
 Commit: [...]
 Hmm, I hadn't noticed the size before. There are a few powerpoint 
 presentations and a PDF manual that probably contribute to the size, there 
 are also a couple of small external libraries that are directly committed 
 into the tree. The zip version of the release is 2.7 MB which is not quite as 
 bad. I'm not well versed with the guts of git but are there any good ways to 
 do some cleanup?

My bad. The PowerPoint presentations were only on an internal Wiki server at 
the beginning, but having them within the repo which is supposed to document a 
standard (rather than being software alone) seemed to be the right place. Of 
course I would prefer now a different format than PowerPoint slides to create 
this kind of documentation. The PDF manual can be created from the reST source 
files and I was considering removing it again from version control for that 
very reason.

  Also, if any CMake developers are interested in bringing any of this
  functionality upstream into CMake itself we would also love to hear from
 I read some of the docs and some of the code (TargetTools.cmake). My
 understanding my not be complete or correct.
 1) BASIS seems to be doing lots of things. Can you identify what parts of
 BASIS or what concepts are most valuable/most useful/most missing from CMake
 etc? I think you could know better than we can.
 I would suggest many of the items from the BASIS CMake modules, specifically 
 the section labeled BASIS Modules.
 Some of the specific useful items include:
 basis_add_doc() - built in support of documentation tools
 Additional support for other languages, such as MATLAB and Python
 Automated packaging and installation of libraries
 Support for doxygen documentation of CMake Code
 I'm sure there is more but those are some of the most obvious items that I 
 can think of off the top of my head.
 For example, do you consider
 to be good user interface for creating a target called 'myexe', and
 something that CMake should do?
 It seems like it would be pretty straightforward and easy to use. I've seen 
 that functionality implemented independently on more than one occasion.

How often have you seen CMake code as the following

add_executable(foo foo.cpp)


The basis_add_executable supports this use case as well, but additionally the 
shorter notation (not counting the basis_ prefix ;) )


 Should CMake automatically create
 installation rules for it?
 I think this would be excellent if there was a reasonable default, plus more 
 advanced configuration for when it is 

[CMake] [BUG] [INFRASTRUCTURE] Wiki editing broken?

2014-01-13 Thread Andreas Mohr

I just tried to edit
after a seemingly successfully legitimate login,
and all I got was:

Internal error

Detected bug in an extension! Hook ReCaptcha::confirmEdit failed to return a 
value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.


#0 /mounts/raid/projects/KitwareWeb/PublicWiki/includes/EditPage.php(802): 
wfRunHooks('EditFilter', Array)
#1 /mounts/raid/projects/KitwareWeb/PublicWiki/includes/EditPage.php(2552): 
EditPage-internalAttemptSave(false, false)
#2 /mounts/raid/projects/KitwareWeb/PublicWiki/includes/EditPage.php(389): 
#3 /mounts/raid/projects/KitwareWeb/PublicWiki/includes/EditPage.php(271): 
#4 /mounts/raid/projects/KitwareWeb/PublicWiki/includes/Wiki.php(553): 
#5 /mounts/raid/projects/KitwareWeb/PublicWiki/includes/Wiki.php(70): 
MediaWiki-performAction(Object(OutputPage), Object(Article), Object(Title), 
Object(User), Object(WebRequest))
#6 /mounts/raid/projects/KitwareWeb/PublicWiki/index.php(117): 
MediaWiki-performRequestForTitle(Object(Title), Object(Article), 
Object(OutputPage), Object(User), Object(WebRequest))
#7 {main}

and my changes have been verified to NOT have been saved.

There also was the hint
Note: This page has been locked so that only registered users can edit it. The 
latest log entry is provided below for reference:

16:51, 16 May 2011 WikiSysop (Talk | contribs) protected CMake 
[edit=autoconfirmed] (indefinite) [move=autoconfirmed] (indefinite) ‎ (hist)

on that page, but a valid-logon user ought to have no issues with that right?

Logout and re-login didn't manage to rectify it either.

Tested editing on aptosid live, Iceweasel 10.0.12 (whoops).



Andreas Mohr

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Re: [CMake] boostrap error - borked cmConfigure.h [v2.8.12.1]

2014-01-10 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Szilárd Páll pszil...@kth.se wrote:

 Found a workaround:
 $ find /tmp/cmake- -type f | xargs dos2unix

 This must be a bug, should I file a report?

Did you use the .zip file of the CMake sources? That one is intended to be
used for Windows and hence contains Windows lineendings. Thus its not
surprising that you have to convert that to unix first, not all *nix tools
can handle windows lineendings.

Alternatively you can use the *.tar.* download of the CMake sources.


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Re: [CMake] boostrap error - borked cmConfigure.h [v2.8.12.1]

2014-01-10 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Szilárd Páll pszil...@kth.se wrote:

 Indeed, I did (accidentally) download the .zip package. I was rather
 annoyed that the bootstrap script did not have executable permission
 set, but it did not ring a bell... Thanks guys!

 Just for curiosity:
 - what *nix tool does not support CR+LF?

As your error shows they got transported literally from an end of line into
a c++ header. Which part in the build process would need to be fixed I
don't know, I'd start searching where the cmake-2.8 value is supposed to
come from and who generates the numbers.

 - the cross-platform codes I work on use LF newlines but build without
 problem on Windows (msvc, intel, gcc). Why does CMake need two
 separate packages with different newlines?

The problem is not so much the compilers (though there could be older
versions which choke on just lf), but some editors still require crlf for
line breaks (try opening a unix-file with Windows' notepad).


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[CMake] Provide 64bit Linux binaries

2014-01-08 Thread Andreas Pakulat

I know this has been raised in the past, but I don't think the arguments
for not providing the binaries are strong enough to warrant the hassle a
cmake user has to go through to run the 32bit binaries on a 64bit Linux

I think requiring users to figure out how to install 32bit compat libraries
and keeping a copy of at least libc on the machine for no other purpose
than running cmake does not really fit the intention of providing binaries
in the first place. As far as I understand the idea was to make it easier
for people who cannot upgrade a package-manager-provided CMake (for
whatever reason) to use a newer CMake. Requiring those people to build from
source does not really make it easy and not all distributions install 32bit
compat libraries out of the box (let alone older machines which have no
such compat libs at all)

So can we please get 64bit Linux binaries for the next CMake release?


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Re: [CMake] Provide 64bit Linux binaries

2014-01-08 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Magnus Therning mag...@therning.orgwrote:

 On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 01:56:22PM +0100, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
  I know this has been raised in the past, but I don't think the
  arguments for not providing the binaries are strong enough to
  warrant the hassle a cmake user has to go through to run the 32bit
  binaries on a 64bit Linux distribution.
  I think requiring users to figure out how to install 32bit compat
  libraries and keeping a copy of at least libc on the machine for no
  other purpose than running cmake does not really fit the intention
  of providing binaries in the first place. As far as I understand the
  idea was to make it easier for people who cannot upgrade a
  package-manager-provided CMake (for whatever reason) to use a newer
  CMake. Requiring those people to build from source does not really
  make it easy and not all distributions install 32bit compat
  libraries out of the box (let alone older machines which have no
  such compat libs at all)
  So can we please get 64bit Linux binaries for the next CMake

 What 64-bit Linux distribution, that doesn't package CMake, do you

I did not say there is no CMake package, the point I'm trying to make is
that if someone wants or needs a newer CMake release than his Distro
provides this is not as easy as it should be for a 64Bit Linux system (that
does not yet have 32bit compat libs installed).


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Re: [CMake] Cannot set CMP0022 to OLD

2013-12-14 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Stephen Kelly steve...@gmail.com wrote:

 Andreas Pakulat wrote:

  Anyway, I've now stripped it down as much as I can (without diving into
  the wilderness of FindKDE4Internal) and also added the observations I've
  made while stripping it. So its definetly somewhat related to the magics
  that the KDE4 module does.

 It's related to the scope of the policy and the context of the macro, which
 is a bit counterintuitive.

 Your options are:

 Set the policy in KDE4Internal.cmake, like the rest of the policies.

 Apply a patch equivalent to:

  diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
  index b93f190..134181c 100644
  --- a/CMakeLists.txt
  +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
  @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
   cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 OLD)
   find_package(KDE4 4.7.0 REQUIRED)
  +include(KDE4Macros NO_POLICY_SCOPE)

Thanks for taking the time to analyze this and enlighten me about the
options. I'll see what the KDevelop team prefers.


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[CMake] Cannot set CMP0022 to OLD

2013-12-12 Thread Andreas Pakulat

I've been quite annoyed by the warnings from CMP0022 in a project I use (
http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdevplatform.git) and wanted to set the policy
to OLD to hide the warnings (porting the code is not an option as that
would require to enforce CMake 2.8.11 which is too new for this project).

Unfortunately no matter where I put either a cmake_policy(VERSION 2.8.6) or
even cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 OLD) I still get the warnings all the time.

I'm using CMake here and was wondering wether anybody else run
into this already? I've tried to come up with a small example, but can't
seem to get it to trigger the CMP warning at all.


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Re: [CMake] Proper behaviour and use of CMAKE_INSTALL_* variables

2013-12-09 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Mojca Miklavec 
mojca.miklavec.li...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear list members,

 I often like or need to install two versions of the same software.
 Ideally the software should put its files by default to

 and in order to be able to install multiple versions side-by-side I
 would like to be able to specify something like
 to end up with
 instead of default paths.

Do you have any reasons that speak against using separate prefixes for each
version of that software? In particular since such a setup will make your
life harder when you want to use the installed software in some cmake-based
project. In that case you'd have to manually specify include-dir and
lib-dir when configuring the project since many find-modules simply expect
a 'standard' unix-like layout below the prefix under which they should
search for a given software. So they don't look into include/version or
lib/version so you'd need to specify that manually. Compared with the
ease of just specifying CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the installation directory for
the version you want thats a lot more effort each time you setup a build


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Re: [CMake] TARGET property LOCATION

2013-11-27 Thread Andreas Mohr

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:00:10PM -0500, cmake-requ...@cmake.org wrote:
 Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:13:16 +0100
 From: Marcel Loose lo...@astron.nl
 Subject: [CMake] TARGET property LOCATION

 Hi all,
 According to the CMake documentation, the TARGET property LOCATION for a
 non-imported target is provided for compatibility with CMake 2.4 and
 below. My question is: are there any plans to deprecate this property? I
 want to know, because AFAIK, the only way to determine the full path to
 a built target is to use this property.

Yeah, a very good question. Especially since for somewhat older
(I assume that these already were a bit newer than the LOCATION deprecation 
event though!)
CMake versions I have a need for the following conditional code
(or similar to it - not 100% sure whether LOCATION is the only way to handle 

# CMake add_test() has a plain signature and additionally a NAME/COMMAND 
# in newer versions.
# Since I somehow managed to completely miss this,
# I filed a CMake bug report (#12589).
# Let's thus use the newer signature whenever it's supported.
set(cmake_add_test_command_signature_supported_ false)
set(cmake_version_add_test_command_signature_not_supported_last 2.7.0) # 
FIXME which version?
if(${cmake_version_add_test_supports_command_signature_check} VERSION_GREATER 
  set(cmake_add_test_command_signature_supported_ true)

  function(_ctest_add_test_sanitized _target)
set(testname_ ${_target})
set(testexe_ ${_target})
add_test(NAME ${testname_} COMMAND ${testexe_})
  endfunction(_ctest_add_test_sanitized _target)
  function(_ctest_add_test_sanitized _target)
set(testname_ ${_target})
# Work around incapable add_test(), by using a property which
# is said to be deprecated... (*** SIGH ***).
get_property(test_location_ TARGET ${_target} PROPERTY LOCATION)
set(testexe_ ${test_location_})
add_test(${testname_} ${testexe_})
  endfunction(_ctest_add_test_sanitized _target)

 Best regards,
 Marcel Loose.

Andreas Mohr

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2013-11-14 Thread Andreas Pakulat

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Lars Lars laasu...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Using CMake 2.8.10 on Windows 7.

 We have a working project that finds QT liket this:

 Now we would like to update Qt library, so changed it to:

 This however fails because FindQt4.cmake execute qmake -query
 QT_INSTALL_LIBS which returns the path where the Qt library was built. We
 however store Qt in another location in our development setup. How can is
 solved this issue without rebuilding the Qt library in the same path as the
 development setup?

Your Qt won't work from that place as it is either. Qt is not relocatable,
the path to the install location is hardcoded into the tools. If you build
a Qt project with qmake it'll also generate compiler commands that point to
the non-existing install location.

You can make the Qt installation relocatable by adding a qt.conf file and
qmake will pick this up as well, see the Qt docs for more information:

What is the rational behind querying qmake for the the location of the

Because qmake knows best where the libs are. There are various ways of
customizing the structure and the structure can be different across


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