[CMLHope] Daniel

2011-02-09 Thread dgschulz
I have been a member of this group for 16 years. It has always been a rule to 
keep the subject on our health issues. You better get this guy Daniel off the 
He is very misinformed - probably gets his info from Fox News and Limbaugh. I 
will certainly unsubscribe if the site continues with this nonsense. 
Big D 

A support group of http://cmlhope.com

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[CMLHope] Re: 3 new messages in 2 topics - digest

2007-12-26 Thread dgschulz
Ain't Finished Yet:
Beautifully said. You should frame this. I have figured out the mystery of life 
and you stated it precisely. I'll have 14 years under my belt next August (7 
years on IFN and 7 years on Gleevec). It has been a journey, and I intend on 
continuing it. It's all about managing the side-effects and not giving in to 
it. Get mad at this thing and kick it in the butt! Keep on truckin' y'all.

-- Original message -- 
From: CMLHope group [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Today's topics: 
 * MERRY CHRISTMAS  HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ! ! - 1 messages, 1 author 
 * Chat Reminder - Tuesday 9:00 PM Eastern - 2 messages, 2 authors 
 == 1 of 1 == 
 Date: Tues, Dec 25 2007 5:14 am 
 From: IAintFinishedYet 
 We are strong. We have made through another year. We have learned a lot in 
 this last year. But life will throw you curve balls. It is a part of life's 
 learning process to help you identify and measure your personal evolution 
 the way. No matter what experience you may encounter, remember that you 
 have a choice about the way in which you choose to respond to it. If you 
 angry, that is your choice. If you lash out, that is your choice. If you 
 yourself to become hurt or offended, that is your choice. And if you take the 
 experience in stride and continue to press forward? You guessed it - that 
 is your choice. 
 It is through these choices that your life will take its shape. Each time you 
 make a choice, you automatically accept the consequences, both positive and 
 negative that comes with that choice. If you are happy with the direction 
 your life is moving in, continue to press on at a pace that will continue to 
 move you forward, but also allows you to see  adapt to the road ahead. If 
 are unhappy with your course, know that you are in the driver's seat and that 
 you can choose to slow down, accelerate, put on the brakes or change course 
 any time you choose to do so. 
 Life is a journey, not a destination. The moment you arrive' will be the 
 moment in which you discover that there is somewhere else yet to go. To lose 
 control over your journey is to lose yourself. If you get lost along the way, 
 don't be afraid, ashamed, embarrassed or too prideful to pull over and ask 
 help. Remember: there is always a road map that will lead you to where it is 
 that you are trying to go. 
 Hoping to get to a destination blindly is simply that - hoping blindly. 
 However, charting a course and putting provisions in place almost always 
 a completely different kind of journey. Both are choices. The question is: 
 path are you currently choosing? No matter the road, I wish you safe travels 
 along the way. Chart your course, prepare for your journey, and ALWAYS follow 
 the signs. 
 May you find peace This Christmas  blessings along your way of your New Year 
 TOPIC: Chat Reminder - Tuesday 9:00 PM Eastern 
 == 1 of 2 == 
 Date: Tues, Dec 25 2007 3:43 pm 
 From: Zavie miller 
 Chat Reminder - Tuesday 9:00 PM Eastern 
 Photo: Back yard this week. 
 == 2 of 2 == 
 Date: Tues, Dec 25 2007 6:51 pm 
 From: Tony Lanoue 
 I see all that snow and I'm so jealous Merry Christmas Tony. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Zavie miller 
 To: ; 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 6:43 PM 
 Subject: [CMLHope] Chat Reminder - Tuesday 9:00 PM Eastern 
  Chat Reminder - Tuesday 9:00 PM Eastern 
  Photo: Back yard this week. 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 To post to this group, send email to CMLHope@googlegroups.com or visit 
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 To change the way 

[CMLHope] Re: 4 new messages in 2 topics - digest

2007-10-23 Thread dgschulz
Millie  Judy:
Thanks for your replies. I have been on 37.5mg/day of triamterene for the water 
retention. I see my Onc.
in three weeks. He may decide to boost the triamterene or switch diuretics. I 
have found that stress at work tightens up the stomach and prevents easy 
urination even though I only work 6-7 hours per day. I also keep the stomach 
retention down by watching the salt intake and not overeating. Please let me 
know what your Docs say. Peace.

-- Original message -- 
From: CMLHope group [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Today's topics: 
 * Superb Powerpoint Shows : You will like these - 1 messages, 1 author 
 * Water Retention - 3 messages, 3 authors 
 TOPIC: Superb Powerpoint Shows : You will like these 
 == 1 of 1 == 
 Date: Mon, Oct 22 2007 4:57 am 
 From: Ankur Kothari 
 - How do you know as your organisation is 
 learning ow-as-your-organisation-is.html 
 - How Do You 
 Know tml 
 - How Do You Feel 
 Now w.html 
 - How do I use powerpoint to 
 teach erpoint-to-teach.html 
 - How did this 
 happen ppen.html 
 - How could 
 - How Big Is Wal 
 Mart rt.html 
 - how are 
 - House of 
 Golf l 
 - Hotels particuliers pour voyager 
 autrement culiers-pour-voyager.html 
 - Hot 
 - Hot 
 Dreaming html 
 - Hot 
 Baloons ml 
 - Horse 
 - Horrible 
 Dolls tml 
 - Horoscope 
 test ml 
 - hope 
 eternal tml 
 - Hop Step 
 Jump l 
 - Hong Kong 
 airport ort.html 
 - Honey 
 - Hommage 
 Senna ml 
 - Hommage 
 Villeret ret.html 
 - Hommage Princess Diana 
 2007 diana-2007.html 
 - Hommage Picasso chanson Andrea 
 Bocceli o-chanson-andrea-bocceli.html 
 - Hommage Irene 
 Nolin lin.html 
 - Hommage au bien aime 
 Jesus aime-jesus.html 
 - Hommage a l etre supreme 
 02 eme-02.html 
 - Hommage a Joe 
 Dassin sin.html 
 - Hommage a Jacques Martin fait 
 le tin-fait-le.html 
 - Hommage a Gregory Lemarchal 30 Avril 
 2007 emarchal-30-avril-2007.html 
 - Hommage a Gregory Le Petit 
 Ange e-petit-ange.html 
 - hommage a Grace 
 Kelly lly.html 
 - Hommage a avarotti 
 claude i-claude.html 
 - Hommage Monet par Jenny 
 2007 -jenny-2007.html 
 - Home For A 
 - Home 
 Decoration tion.html 
 - Home computer security and privacy 
 02 ity-and-privacy-02.html 
 - Home computer security and privacy 
 01 ity-and-privacy-01.html 
 - Hombourg 
 Montmartre ntmartre.html 
 Holocaust ml 
 - Hollywood Actress after extreme 
 dieting ess-after-extreme-dieting.html 
 Hollywood ml 
 - Holidays 
 Safety .html 
 Exercise to live forever 
 Indian cricket!!! 
 MaKe MoNeY OnLiNe  GeT RicH http://getrichonlinefast.blogspot.com/ 
 How to win and influence People http://winpeople.blogspot.com/ 
 Powerpoint Show 
 Healthy foods!!! 
 See who is complaining? Aussie gets back from brave 
 Indians. http://thewarofwordscalledrasicm.blogspot.com/ 
 World news you would hate to 
 TOPIC: Water Retention 
 == 1 of 3 == 
 Date: Mon, Oct 22 2007 11:06 am 
 From: Dave 
 Hi Group: 
 I am closing in on my 7th year on Gleevec and have had severe edema 
 since January. I had one gallon of fluid removed after suffering for 
 two months not knowing the cause. The Docs did not think there was 
 anything abnormal. After I insisted on a CAT scan, the water retention 
 was obvious. My Onc changed me from 600mg/day to 400mg. I still have 
 edema in the stomach, but not as bad. I take Tiamterene as a diuretic. 
 Anyone else run into this? Peace. 
 == 2 of 3 == 
 Date: Mon, Oct 22 2007 2:34 pm 
 From: C.M. Houtz 
 Hi Dave I've been on Gleevec about the same amount of time and from time to 
 time experience a lot of water retention. My doctor changed me to Sprycel, 
 but had to many side effects, so after being off of it was put back on a 
 couple of weeks ago. Right now I have such swelling in my legs, feet, 
 stomach and probably other places, but mostly I 

[CMLHope] Re: 1 new message in 1 topic - digest

2007-04-16 Thread dgschulz
Well said. As a Vietnam veteran, I understand the folly of our government 
fabricating an excuse to wage war. How can out leaders be so unconcerned about 
the welfare our our citizens? Billions spent and wasted lives in Iraq instead 
of helping the people! Common sense always trumps religious beliefs for me. 
It's funny that us CMLers and others suffering from cancer and disease along 
with our love-ones are the ones who want more $ put into research. I am for a 
reasonable attempt to study stem cells, which includes funding. Peace.
Dave (CML 1994)

-- Original message -- 
From: CMLHope group [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Today's topics: 
 * New York Times Endorses Stem Cell Research Bill - 1 messages, 1 author 
 TOPIC: New York Times Endorses Stem Cell Research Bill 
 == 1 of 1 == 
 Date: Sun, Apr 15 2007 1:46 pm 
 From: Carl Davies 
 Hi, Suzieq: 
 Given that governments waste (in my humble opinion) billions of dollars 
 on silly and oftentimes destructive research, I believe you and I would agree 
 that more should be spent on medical research. 
 Since I believe that embryonic stem cell research is a promising area of 
 inquiry that could eventually save millions of lives, if properly funded, I 
 support it from a medical and scientific point of view. 
 If you are opposed to this promising research on religious grounds then 
 I cannot argue the matter with you, because that is a matter of faith, not 
 science. And there are many prominent religious leaders and theologians who 
 support the life-giving potential of stem cell research. Their opinions are 
 hard to find on the internet. 
 However, if you really want to learn more about the potential benefits 
 of this research, I suggest you peruse the websites of the many great 
 hospitals that are keeping our fellow CML'ers alive. Insititutions like Dana 
 Farber, MD Anderson, OHSU, and Sloan Kettering where I am treated. Their 
 website is www.mskcc.org. 
 Or you can just Google the topic and find what the experts are saying. 
 Hope this helps. 
 Best Wishes to You and Yours, 
 Suzieq wrote: 
 Mr. Davies: 
 Could you tell me just what they've proven that using embryonic stem 
 cells have helped medically? The only good I've read has had to do 
 with using adult stem cells of which I applaud. 
 I guess I fit into that catagory of the minority of his party this 
 editorial talks about. I am against using mine  my husbands' hard 
 earned tax dollars to fund anything having to do with destroying 
 embryos while government seeks to cut funding for cancer  leukemia 
 research as well as other health related illnesses. 
 Keep Looking Up, 
 On Apr 13, 12:10 pm, Carl Davies wrote: 
  April 13, 2007 
  New York Times Editorial 
  Loosening the Stem Cell Binds The Senate easily approved a bill this week 
 would free embryonic stem cell research from the worst shackles imposed by 
 Bush administration. The House passed its version earlier. A substantial 
 majority of Americans tell pollsters they support embryonic stem cell 
 Yet one man, President Bush, and a minority of his party, the religious and 
 social conservatives, are once again trying to impose their moral code on the 
 rest of the nation and stand in the way of scientific progress. 
  Mr. Bush is threatening a veto, and neither house had enough votes for the 
 bills on initial passage to override him. Concerned voters will need to 
 up the pressure on recalcitrant Republicans to help stop the president from 
 killing the second enlightened stem cell bill in less than a year. 
  Under the president's current policy, federal funds can be used to support 
 research on only some 20 stem cell lines that have limited scientific value. 
 Many of the lines are deteriorating or contaminated, and the group as a whole 
 lacks the diversity needed to conduct a wide range of studies. There is no 
 that progress is being hampered. The director of the National Institutes of 
 Health, who had initially been a good soldier in trying to live within the 
 president's policy, told the Senate last month that American science would be 
 better served if the nation let researchers have access to more stem cell 
  The restrictions on federal financing have led to absurdly complicated and 
 costly maneuvers. Scientists are forced to buy extra equipment and laboratory 
 space with private money to perform off-limits research while using equipment 

[CMLHope] Re: 11 new messages in 6 topics - digest

2006-08-02 Thread dgschulz
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A support group of http://cmlhope.com

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Allyson  Kay
I had to weigh in on your messages. I am 5 1/2 years on Gleevec and am grateful to still be here, but struggle with all the side-effects like everyone else. Over those years the Gleevec has eaten away the outside (epidermis) layer of skin. That is why I am always freezing anddraw blood every time I bump something. The same goes for being in the sun without sunscreen - burn. I also desperately want to rid myself of looking pale as a dead man. I am now trying a new moisturizer and tanner. It seems to be working on my face and legs. I forget the name (Gleevec related loss of memory). Try it.

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Today's topics:

* white skin/Allyson - 3 messages, 3 authors
* white skin - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Chat Reminder - This Evening - 9:00 PM - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cytotoxic effects of histone deacetylase inhibitor FK228 (depsipeptide, 
formally named FR901228) in combination with conventional anti-leukemia/
lymphoma agents against human leukemia/lymphoma cell lines. - 1 messages, 1 
* City of Hope making strides in understanding the cause of leukemia - 1 
messages, 1 author
* heart murmur - 2 messages, 2 authors

TOPIC: white skin/Allyson

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 1 2006 8:17 am 
From: Terry Dailey  

Allyson and Katy,

I am half irish and half American Indian and I also am pale, though I do tan
very easy. I am not sure how everyone else feels, but if I am out in the hot
sun for very long it starts to feel like I am in a mircowave..lol. It was a
running joke for a while in my family that you could watch me and I would
become pale then back to normal color right before you eyes.  I also have
black hair so that does not help either. Along with dark circles under my
Now I do avoid being out in the sun simply because I can't handle the heat
at all. I do need to disclose I am into sort of the goth look so for me
being pale is not a problem..rotfl. I have been told not to be out in the
sun for long periods which suits me just fine. I would check with your
doctor Allyson, but I do know their are rub on cremes that will give you a
tan without being in the sun. My lady use to get what they call mystic
tan. It is a booth at a tanning salon here in our area that gives you a
spray on tan. It is kind of funny because when we have been out together we
have had commits that we look like a barbie doll and a vampire..hehe.  That
is sort of ironic and me with my dark humor can't help but laugh because I
actually love vampire movies and I end up with a blood disorder..rotl.
Anyway Allyson, check with your doctor first but that rub on or spray on
stuff might help without you having to be in the sun.



  Dear Allyson,
  I have never heard that it is bad to get in the sun while taking
 gleevec just that it makes you more susceptible to burning so you have to be
 careful. I have attached a pic of me (hope it comes thru and you can see it)
 which goes to prove you can take gleevec and *still *get a tan!
 p.s... if the pic 

[CMLHope] Subscribe

2006-03-20 Thread dgschulz

I have a new e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. I think I have to subscribe, since my post did not go through. Can you help? Thanks.
Dave Schulz
  A support group of http://cmlhope.com
  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CMLHope group.
  To post to this group, send email to CMLHope@googlegroups.com
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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