[cobirds] Around Lakewood

2010-04-14 Thread Dave Cameron
A pair of Avocets at Kountze Lake (Bel Mar Park)
Also 1 Belted Kingfisher, Lesser Scaup, 1 pr Ring-Billed, and tons of
Shovelers, Gadwall, Mallards, etc.

Still some Common Mergansers on Smith Res, and 1 White Pelican

1 Wood Duck, and a nesting pair of Redheads, Sanctuary Park.

Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] Crossbill Update, Grandview Cemetery on 4/14

2010-04-14 Thread Dave Leatherman
Upon arrival at the southeast corner of Grandview Cemetery this morning at just 
before 7am, no nestlings were visible in the nest.  The parents did not come in 
until 7:43 (late).  They acted distressed.  They did not go into the nest.  I 
saw a fox squirrel in the nest right at 8:00.  I saw the parent crossbills in 
the vicinity of the nest at least 4 other times today, always acting very 
strangely, just calling and flying around from here to there, never going into 
the nest tree or any other place a nestling might be.  The female did more 
calling than I 've heard her do since beginning to incubate in mid-March.  I 
once the crossbill pair fly with another similar-looking bird and got my hopes 
up it was a fledgling.  It was a male Red Crossbill.  I think this nesting 
attempt came one or two days short of being successful and my conclusion is 
that squirrels got the young late yesterday afternoon or night, or early this 
morning.  After seeing the squirrel in the nest, I walked around under the tree 
and looked for any evidence of what might have happened.  When I got back over 
to the corner where my scope and camera were, a squirrel had eaten my breakfast 
muffin, adding insult to injury.

I will continue to go over there for a few days, just to see what the adults 
do, and, of course, I will post the results.  There is a remote chance they 
might try again.  The cemetery irrigation system was reactivated today for the 
summer, so puddles of water would be available daily.

Bummer, but that's life in a cemetery, or jungle, or anywhere, for that matter. 
 On the bright side, for the first time this spring, one of the baby Great 
Horned Owls was visible next to the mother and seemed very curious about the 
sounds an overhead starling was making.  

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins  

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[cobirds] Red Rocks raptors today

2010-04-14 Thread Glenn Rodriguez
From the upper south parking lot at Red rocks, the Prairie Falcon  
had caught a small bird and was plucking the feathers (grey colored)   
while perched on the very top of the large rock.  After eating it, it  
went back to a under hanging ledge and closed it's eyes for awhile.   
The Kestrels were copulating below where the Prairie falcon was  
eating.  There was a third kestrel flying around.  Turkey Vultures  
flew by, and Canyon Wrens were singing.  Nice warm afternoon.

Glenn Rodriguez
Denver, CO
April 14, 2010

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[cobirds] Pueblo birds 4/14

2010-04-14 Thread Brandon K. Percival

I saw some interesting things around Pueblo today.  
Sorry to those of you who think I've been posting too much lately, there are 
tour groups in the state right now, and most come through Pueblo, and want to 
look for things, so I'm trying to let people know what is around, incase they 
want to look for them.
A singing White-winged Dove in Pueblo City Park, near the concrete path that 
goes down to the Arkansas River.
A singing Eastern Phoebe, a Black Phoebe, and a male Wilson's Warbler along the 
Arkansas River, east of Pueblo Blvd., and west of the footbridge that goes over 
the river.  I was on the North side of the River when I found these birds.
A singing House Wren at west of the Pueblo Nature Center and another one at the 
Osprey Picnic Area in Rock Canyon.
Three White-faced Ibis, a Greater Yellowlegs, American Avocets, and Franklin's 
Gull at North Picnic Loop Road at Pueblo Reservoir.  This location on Monday 
evening had two Snowy Egrets that Margie Joy found.
Eight Long-billed Curlews, several Greater Yellowlegs, another White-faced 
Ibis, and two Blue-winged Teal were at SWA boat ramp on the NW Side of Pueblo 

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO


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[cobirds] Birding By Ear Program - 4-17-2010

2010-04-14 Thread Alison Kondler
Creative Ways to Learn Bird Sounds with Alison Kondler

Saturday April 17th at Roxborough State Park (Visitor Center) -  8am –
12:00pm - No Fee - Call 303-973-3959 for reservations. Space is
Limited. CO State Parks / Day Fee required.

One of the more difficult aspects of birding is learning their sounds.
Luckily you don't have to rely on just your auditory memory to “tune-
in” to the songs and calls of birds. This 4 hour program will teach
you how to hear with your eyes. Fun techniques including, ways to
observe the bird, visual clues, diagnostic sounds, creative mnemonics,
comparative ideas and personalizing your interpretation. This class
will start indoors with a fantastic presentation, then go outside to
listen and observe the birds on an easy walk. Novice to expert birders
welcome! Bring binoculars, water and snacks.

Sign up quick, it's filling up fast. Hope to see you there!

Alison Kondler
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] April 2010 D.F.O. Fieldtrips -- Join Us! #3

2010-04-14 Thread CorvidColo
Denver Field Ornithologists 
April 2010 Field Trips

Saturday, April 17 Barr Lake State Park 
Leader: Bob Andrews, 303-249-5220.   Parks Pass needed.   Meet at 0730 at 
Nature Center.   From Denver take East I-76 to Bromley Lane, exit 22.   Go 
east to Piccadilly Road, turn south for about 2 miles to Park Entrance.   Bob 
co-authored, with Bob Righter, Birds of Colorado.   We‘re glad to have him 
in our leader lineup!   Lunch optional. May bird into the afternoon. 

Sunday, April 18   Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch 
Leader: Tim Smart, 303-439-9627.   Meet at 0800.   Exit I-70 at Morrison.   
Go south to first parking lot on left after freeway entrance.   Scopes 
would be helpful!   Steep uphill walk to ridge.   Length of trip will depend on 
weather and number of migrants moving. Tim has had over 20 years of hawk 
watch counting in many places across the country, so we‘ll be in good hands!

Saturday, April 24 The Arsenal 
Leader: David Rhoades, 303-424-8633.  Must register with leader for meeting 
time and place.   Half-day trip limited to 9 people.   David will give 
directions to Arsenal.   He is up-to-date on the changing birding scene out 

Sunday, April 25   McCabe Meadows Park (formerly Parker 
Regional Park) 
Leader: Steve Kennedy, 303-815-9738.   Meet at 0730 for 1⁄2 day trip.   
>From Main Street intersection in Parker, take Highway 83 south for 1.2 miles.  
Turn right on Indian Pipe Lane to the parking lot on the right (the park is 
on the west side of the road). Wear your walking shoes – we'll go rain or 
shine.   We may look into Triple C Ranch's marsh and pond.   Surprises could 
be in store of us! 

Thursday, April 29 Chico Basin - $10 entrance fee per person 
Leader: Chuck Thornton-Kolbe 303-777-7588.   Meet at 0530 (!!) at Park 'n 
Ride at Yale Avenue, just west of I-25 (right turn at Yale then immediate 
right again into parking lot; Go to end and look for binoculars attached to 
people).   Carpooling for this long, all-day jaunt is a must.   Bring 
provisions and dress for weather changes at this migrant trap on the plains 
that can 
be full of avian wonders. 

Other Bird Happenings: 
Castlewood Canyon State Park, south of Franktown, is again holding its "
Welcome Back Turkey Vultures!" celebration.   Call 303-688-5242 for information 
or check their web site, http://parks.state.co.us/Parks/ 
The DFO board is requesting more volunteers to support the field trip 
scheduling task. Call Chuck Thornton-Kolbe at 303-777-7588 if you can help with 
the phone calling. 

Scheduled by Patty Echelmeyer 303-233-4947 and compiled by Cris Cook.

Don't forget to renew your Colorado State Parks Pass and Habitat 
Stamp for 2010.   The Habitat Stamp is no longer required for birders
in Colorado.  However, the money does go toward protecting wildlife 
habitat in the state, and having the Stamp includes coverage from 
the Colorado Search and Rescue Fund.

Submitted byChris A. Blakeslee - DFO Board Member
Centennial, Colorado

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[cobirds] Severance Lake-directions

2010-04-14 Thread Mike Freiberg
To all,

I am posting this because I have been getting emails and calls about the 
whereabouts of this lake. I may have used the wrong name for it. The lake is 
just east of Severance (near Windsor). As you drive through the heart of 
Severance going east there will be a curve in the road and a number of water 
holes on either side. The lake I am referring to is the farthest west of those 
holes and it literally is right on the road. You can't miss the birds. You will 
need to pull off on the north side of the road and there is just barely enough 
room to get off, but it is possible.

An for all you spelling critics...the lake is chock-full of birds. Sorry for 
the spelling error!

Mike Freiberg
Nikon Birding Market Specialist
1225 W. Prospect Rd #J101
Fort Collins, CO 80526

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[cobirds] Eastern Phoebe, Larimer

2010-04-14 Thread Elaine Coley

Hi All,
This morning had an Eastern Phoebe singing and exploring the south side of the diversion dam on the Big Thompson River (a bit NW of Marker 2).  This is the same area we had the Black Phoebe and hybrid.  Cole, maybe this is the one you saw south of Cattail Pond.
Elaine Coley, Loveland  

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[cobirds] Support the Tropicbirds!

2010-04-14 Thread Marcel Such
Posted with permission from the COBirds moderator.

Hi All,

On April 24th, I will be joining forces with four other young birders from
across the country to compete in the Great Texas Birding Classic (GTBC).
Together we are the "Tropicbirds," the American Birding Association's (ABA)
GTBC team. We will be doing a Big Day in which we will count as many bird
species as possible within a 24-hour period. That's right, 24-hours of
non-stop birding fun with no sleep! This year we are doing the Upper Texas
Coast, birding such legendary places as High Island, Sabine Woods, Galveston
Island, and Anahuac. All entry fees support bird conservation and awareness.
Additionally, this is the main fundraising event for the ABA's education and
young birder programs, so I greatly encourage you to make a tax-deductible
pledge. If you are willing and able to make a substantial pledge, that is
great, BUT lots of small five or ten dollar donations are equally or dare I
say even more powerful!

The ABA's youth programs have helped myself and many other young birders
hone their note taking, illustration, photographic, and writing skills
through the ABA Young Birder of the Year competition. ABA camps for young
birders bring kids together to bird and learn along side some of the best
birding mentors in the country. And last, but certainly not least, the ABA's
publications, such as *Birding, Winging-It,* *North American Birds*, and
other brochures, help broadcast and educate the general public about birds,
birding, conservation, and other vital environmental subjects.   The future
of birding and bird conservation depends on today's youth to carry the torch
forward!  I'd love to see a swell of support from across my home state of
Colorado and beyond!  To make a pledge or to find out more, go to this


Be sure to select the Great Texas Birding Classic. Those of you who want to
do a $$/species pledge, rather than a fixed pledge, will receive an invoice
by mail after the event telling you how many species were tallied on the Big
Day and what you owe based on your pledge. FYI, we are expecting to find
about 150 species.  If you make your pledge online, please put a note in the
comment section that says "through Marcel Such" and send me a quick
e-mail, so that I can keep track of who's donating on behalf of my
fundraising efforts. I thank you in advance for your consideration.

Our team this year is:
Andy Johnson, Age 17, Ann Arbor, MI
Neil Gilbert, Age 17, Orange, CA
Marcel Such, Age 14, Lyons, CO
Spencer Hardy, Age 15, Norwich, VT
Harold Eyster, Age 15, Chelsea, MI

Go Tropicbirds!

Thank you,
Marcel Such

Marcel Such
NW of Lyons, CO

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[cobirds] Burrowing Owl, Weld

2010-04-14 Thread Marcia Maeda

Jackie Boss and I struck out finding burrowing owls yesterday at the WCR 51/CO 
14 intersection, but on WCR 86 just west of 51, one burrowing owl eyed us for 
the 10 minutes we watched it. There are 2 sets of prairie dog holes that are 
close to each other but seem distinct; the owl was in the further west colony.

In the strong wind, horned larks were blown like bits of paper across the road 
in front of us.

Marcia Maeda
N of Windsor, E of Timnath

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[cobirds] Grebes at Union Res - Boulder Co

2010-04-14 Thread j.d. birchmeier
When I returned to Union Reservoir yesterday, both Western and Clarks's grebes 
were in attendance and the numbers were up to 30-40.  Love is in the air - I 
watched two Westerns do their mating dance across the water.  Pelicans, Coots, 
Shovelers were also present - pelicans up to about 30 also, although there were 
many out in the middle to add to that number

J.D. (Birch) Birchmeier
Longmont, CO


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[cobirds] Weld Co.- Severance

2010-04-14 Thread Mike Freiberg
To all,

Went out to scope around Severance Lake yesterday and it was chalk full of 
birds. The list of relative numbers are below:

Commen Merganser- 8
Western Grebe- 1
Ruddy Duck- 15
Common Goldeneye- 10
American Wigeon- 250
Cinnamon Teal- 4
Lesser Scaup- 35
Greater Scaup- There were 2-4 birds that looked good, but I would only say 
possible. They were at the back of the lake and couldn't see everything I 
Redhead- 4
Eared Grebe- 2
PB Grebe- 4
Bufflehead- 50
California Gull- 2
Bonaparte's Gull- 1
Northern Shoveler- 25
Some Double-crested Cormorants, American-White Pelicans, and lots of Mallards 
as well.

Also, there were a ton of Franklin's Gulls at Weld Co. roads 23 & 80 along with 
California and Ring-billed Gulls!

Good Birding,
Mike Freiberg
Nikon Birding Market Specialist
1225 W. Prospect Rd #J101
Fort Collins, CO 80526

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[cobirds] Boulder County Birds

2010-04-14 Thread David Waltman
I just had a male Broad-tailed Hummingbird at my feeders. That ties with 
4/14/2003 for my earliest return date. 
On 4/12, I had three Swainson's Hawks in the county at Nelson Road near Airport 
Road. Two Says Phoebes on 4/9 at 63rd and Plateau Road. On 4/8, I was very 
lucky to find a Barn Owl perched in the morning sun at Lagerman Reservoir. 
Photo at the link below. Don't bother asking about the Barn Owl specifics. Not 
that I wouldn't tell you. That owl just happened to land in that tree briefly 
as I drove by, and that was it. 
David Waltman 

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[cobirds] Weld County Yellow-rumped

2010-04-14 Thread Norma Erickson

Yesterday and today. First warbler of the year in the yard. 
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Myrtle's race.
Singing its way throuth the trees. 
Norma Erickson
Weld County
North of Greeley

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[cobirds] Larimer Co/Fort Collins

2010-04-14 Thread Rob Sparks
This am while riding my bike to work, to my delight I heard/saw a
bright male Audubon's Warbler singing.  There was also a single Barn
Swallow singing while perched on a telephone wire.  These birds were
seen at Lee Martinez Park.

Good Day!
Rob Sparks
Old Town Fort Collins

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