[cobirds] Huerfano County: Harris's Sparrow, Pinyon Jays, Black-chinned Hummingbirds

2011-05-07 Thread Polly Neldner
The Harris's Sparrow and 20+ Pinyon Jays are coming to our feeders. Indigo
Buntings, Bullock's Orioles, Black-chinned and Broad-tailed Hummingbirds are

Polly Wren Neldner
La Veta
Huerfano County

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[cobirds] More Weld County Whimbrels, Upland Sandpiper, etc.

2011-05-07 Thread William Schmoker
Folks- I had a nice day out looking for avian photo subjects today.  Adding to 
this spring's amazing Whimbrel counts, I saw 24 of these majestic shorebirds at 
Monfort Marsh (WCR 59 about a mile south of HWY 36 & the giant feedlot 
elevator.)  Shorebirding at other Beebe Draw / Lower Latham / Loloff Res was OK 
but nothing to write home about.  Interestingly, my parents Jim & Karen had ca. 
70 Whimbrels last Thursday at Loloff.   What's going on this spring with 

Also surprising was an Upland Sandpiper north of Crow Valley.  I began on the 
regular birding route through Murphy's Pasture (WCR 96 going west from WCR 77) 
but continued going west on this road when the tour turned north.  I was 
cruising through the recently burned area north of the road looking for 
Mountain Plovers (found one) when I came across the Uppie in the short, green 
post-burn grass down in a swale.  First time I've had an Uppie on the Pawnee.  

I also watched a McCown's Longspur chased in an unusual way by a Peregrine.  I 
didn't see the initial attack but a flock of longspurs I had been photographing 
skedaddled and I soon noticed the falcon above in a hard powered flight.  
Somehow the Peregrine had gotten beneath  a  McCown's Longspur and the two were 
in a climbing battle.  When the Peregrine closed the gap the McCown's would 
hink or jink and the climbing race would begin again- I suppose the longspur 
knew the futility of trying to outfly the falcon back down to the ground.  They 
got pretty high and I lost track of the little bird but the Peregrine suddenly 
changed flight modes, heading north in a more relaxed fashion.  I suspect it 
grabbed the longspur but can't be certain- too high to tell.

Looking at my falcon pics from today, I think this was an "Arctic" (tundrius) 
subspecies bird, based on the quite thin malars.  This would also explain the 
late migration date if it is heading for somewhere still in the grips of ice & 
snow (according to Brian Wheeler, most nest north of 60° and some as far as 74° 
north latitude on Banks Island.)  Last week I photographed a presumed local 
"American" (anatum) Peregrine hunting along Boulder Creek and the contrast in 
malar width between the two birds is pronounced.

Enjoy- Bill Schmoker, Longmont
   • Bill Schmoker •

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[cobirds] Weld/Windsor Winged Wonders

2011-05-07 Thread Rudi Nuissl
I did a long drive around northern Weld County with a stop off at
Windsor on the way home.  Not much luck in finding Curlews, but saw
plenty of the normal prairie birds:  Western Medowlark,  Horned Lark,
Lark Bunting, Vesper Sparrow, and Chipping Sparrows galore.  Did find
one Clay-colored Sparrow and one Loggerhead Shrike (with a lizard in
it's beak!), both along Weld CR-49 in the vicinity of CR-100.

At Windsor Lake I found the usual suspects:  Western Grebe, Clark's
Grebe, Double-Crested Cormorant, American White Pelican and American
Coot.  I also found Eared Grebe, Bonaparte's Gull (fully hooded),
Great Blue Heron and Pied-billed Grebe.  Several other gulls were
flying around but, as far as I could tell, all were Ring-billeds.  I
did not find any Kittiwakes.  There was, however, one Forster's Tern
dive-bombing for fish.

Some photos are out on my flickr page with more to follow.

Rudi Nuissl
Broomfield, CO

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[cobirds] RFI: Blue-winged Warbler

2011-05-07 Thread Jessi Oberbeck
Did anyone see it today? Id like to try for it tomorrow!

Jessi Oberbeck
Westminter, co

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[cobirds] Harris Sparrow - Fountain Creek Reg Park

2011-05-07 Thread KENNETH PALS

Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County yielded few good birds today.  It 
was not particularly birdy for a May 7th day.  Normally we see Yellow Warblers, 
Bullock's Oriole and many other migratory species here on May 1 so to me it 
seems that spring migration is at least a week later than "normal."  We did see 
our first of spring Yellow Warbler.  There were only a few Yellow-rumped 
Warblers and only one Orange-crowned Warbler.  Our best bird for the day was 
the Harris's Sparrow that remains after spending a whole winter near the nature 
center.  It is now taking on its breeding plumage. Other birds seen by the 
Birding for Beginners class included American Avocet, Black-throated 
Hummingbird, Hermit Thrush, Chipping Sparrow, and Great-tailed Grackle.
Later in the afternoon, I met Jeannie Mitchel and Aaron Shipe who had photos of 
a molting Summer Tanager observed near the Duckwood Road Trailhead in the park.
Fountain Creek's Spring Bird Count is next Saturday from 7 - 11 a.m.  I hope 
the "floodgates" open for us as it seems most of the great birds are being 
observed elsewhere in Colorado.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs
El Paso County

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[cobirds] Greenlee Preserve, May 7th

2011-05-07 Thread Ted Floyd

Hello, Birders.
Hannah and I poked around Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County, earlier today, 
Saturday, May 7th. In the southwest corner of the preserve, we saw and heard a 
are desirous of an instructive, advanced ID lesson, listen to the flight calls 
of the three birds. They're all there, right together, and their thin, buzzy 
flight calls present endless delight for the student of soundalike flight 
calls. Meanwhile, it's interesting how utterly different their "chip notes" are.
Yesterday afternoon, Friday, May 6th, at the preserve, by the way, Andrew and I 
saw the interesting sight of an Osprey clutching a fish being constantly 
kleptoparasitized by an adult Bald Eagle being continually harassed by the same 
four American Crows, it would seem, who mercilessly harassed a Peregrine Falcon 
on April 25th. Sorry for the syntax, but it does get the point across.
Ted Floyd 
Editor, Birding 
Blog: http://tinyurl.com/4n6qswt 
Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/2ejzlzv 
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/2wkvwxs

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[cobirds] Say's Phoebe building nest, BT Hummer, Jeffco

2011-05-07 Thread Kayleen A Niyo
A busy day in my yard while I was in Boulder!  My Say's Phoebe that has been
checking 2 nesting ledges for nearly a month spent today building a nest in
one of them!  She is using grasses, angora and wool yarn that I never used
for a project, and wool that I have provided for her, as well as other stuff
she is bringing in!


Also finally had my FOY Broad-tailed Hummingbird at the feeder.  It was a
female.  Wonder if it is the same one that nested 3 houses from me last



Kayleen A. Niyo, Ph.D.
Niyo Scientific Communications
Kay Niyo Photography

5651 Garnet Street
Golden, CO 80403
Phone: (303) 679-6646
Fax: (866) 849-8013 


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[cobirds] FW: Tricolored Heron/Green Heron - Chatfield SP - Dougco and Red Rocks Park -Jeffco

2011-05-07 Thread Ira Sanders


I apologize if you get this twice.  I'm having some problems with my email.



Today Tammy and I birded Chatfield on the Douglas side and Red Rocks Park
and had:


Tricolored Heron (at the same spot as previously described.  Just before
noon it flew in from the direction of the dam and into the willows.)

Green Heron (From the new Heron overlook shelter, walk north on the bike
path until you see the 1st double bat house on your left.  It was in the
pond below the bat house.)


Other than 2 Yellow Warblers at the Plum Creek delta, we only found YR
Warblers almost everywhere.

GT Towhee 

Lark Sparrow


Apparently we were at Red Rocks after Mark Chavez.   We did have an Indigo
Bunting with the Lazuli's.


Ira Sanders

Golden, CO

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[cobirds] SE Colorado -- Bent County

2011-05-07 Thread Brandon K. Percival
Mark Peterson and I were the people who saw Worm-eating Warbler at Tempel Grove 
I'm NE Bent County this morning.  We also saw an Ovenbird and a White-throated 
Sparrow.  An afternoon birding party found different goodies here, so stuff is 
moving around.

Good birding,
Brandon Percival
Currently in Lamar where it is 90 degrees

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[cobirds] RMBO Banding at Chico Basin Ranch, El Paso Co.

2011-05-07 Thread Nancy Gobris

Banding totals at Chico Basin Ranch for the end of the week  (May 6-7) were:  
26 on Friday and 36 on Saturday.  Species and numbers for each day included:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet – 1
American Robin - 1
Orange-crowned Warbler – 3
Audubon’s Warbler - 9
Myrtle Warbler – 3
Unidentified Yellow-rumped Warbler – 1
MacGillivray’s Warbler - 1
Spotted Towhee – 1
Chipping Sparrow - 2
Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow – 2
Gray-headed Junco – 1
Pink-sided Junco - 1

House Wren - 2
American Robin – 1 Return from 2009
Swainson’s Thrush – 1
Hermit Thrush – 3
Brown Thrasher – 1
Orange-crowned Warbler – 9
Yellow Warbler - 1
Audubon’s Warbler - 1
Myrtle Warbler – 2
MacGillivray’s Warbler - 1
Spotted Towhee - 3
Chipping Sparrow – 8
Lark Sparrow – 1 Return from 2009
Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow – 1
Lincoln’s  Sparrow  - 2
Pine Siskin – 1
Total for the first 2 weeks of banding is 286 individuals of 29 species.  The 
Blue-winged Warbler banded on Wednesday was still at the station on Saturday.
Nancy Gobris
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Chico Basin Ranch Banding Station, El Paso Co.  

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[cobirds] Tricolored Heron/Green Heron - Chatfield SP - Dougco and Red Rocks Park -Jeffco

2011-05-07 Thread Ira Sanders

Today Tammy and I birded Chatfield on the Douglas side and Red Rocks Park
and had:


Tricolored Heron (at the same spot as previously described.  Just before
noon it flew in from the direction of the dam and into the willows.)

Green Heron (From the new Heron overlook shelter, walk north on the bike
path until you see the 1st double bat house on your left.  It was in the
pond below the bat house.)


Other than 2 Yellow Warblers at the Plum Creek delta, we only found YR
Warblers almost everywhere.

GT Towhee 

Lark Sparrow


Apparently we were at Red Rocks after Mark Chavez.   We did have an Indigo
Bunting with the Lazuli's.


Ira Sanders

Golden, CO

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[cobirds] Red Rocks Feeders--Jeffco

2011-05-07 Thread markchavez
This am I visited the Red Rocks feeders before the weekend crowds arrived.I 
did see the White-throated Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, and Curve-billed 
Thrasher.  The Golden-crowned Sparrow was a no show.  The following birds were 
seen from the feeder area in a little over a hour.

White-throated Sparrow(1)
Harris's Sparrow
Curve-billed Thrasher
Lazuli Bunting (many)
Green-tailed Towhee(2)
White-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Bullock's Oriole(hummingbird feeder)
Downy Woodpecker
Western Scrub Jay
Canyon Wren
White-breasted Nuthatch
Spotted Towhee
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
House Finch
Dark-eyed Junco (gray-headed)
Violet-green Swallow
White-throated Swift
Brown-headed Cowbird

Mark Chavez
Lakewood-Green Mtn

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[cobirds] migration in the yard

2011-05-07 Thread Norma Erickson
My yard is slow but over the last four days some interesting birds.
Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Chipping Sparrows
White-crowned Sparrows
Yellow-rumped Warblers Myrtles and Audubons males
Orange-crowned Sparrow
Blackpoll Warbler
Worm-eating Warbler   new specie for my yard.
Harris' Sparrow   been here all winter
Black-Headed Grosbeak
Norma Ericksn
North of Greeley
Weld County

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[cobirds] Red Rocks Feeders - Jeffco

2011-05-07 Thread mike

Put some seed out early this morning and watched for about 45 minutes.

FOS male Black-headed Grosbeak and female Lazuli Bunting - yesterday's  
Lazuli Buntings were all males.

Green-tailed Towhee and good numbers of male Lazuli Buntings.
Saw one White-throated Sparrow and 3 Gambel's White-crowned Sparrows -  
yesterday morning there were at least 6 adult Gambel's White-crowned  

Birds not present this morning but very evident yesterday morning:
Curve-billed Thrasher
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
Slate-colored Fox Sparrow.

Have our winter visitors moved on???  Usually the winter visitors make  
an appearance during the first 20 minutes.

Mike Henwood
Jefferson County

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[cobirds] B&W Warbler, Boulder Co

2011-05-07 Thread PETER GENT


This morning just before 10am I saw a female Black and White Warbler 
at Twin Lakes, which is northeast of Boulder.  It was on the south 
end between the lakes by the footbridge and concrete culvert.

At Cottonwood Marsh, the Semipalmated Plover, Western Sandpiper and 
Baird's Sandpipers remain.  Alex Cruise alerted me to a Sora in the 
cattails just west of the parking lot, and Marsh Wrens a little 
further west,

Cheers,  Peter Gent.

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2011-05-07 Thread mfreiberg
In addition to the sightings in SE Colorado today this is what I had:   
  Two buttes SWA had a group of 8 Bullock's Orioles, Lazuli bunting and Blue 
Grosbeak. Cottonwood canyon had 8 Mississippi kites as flyovers last night and 
one still in the canyon this morningthere was also a female Rose-breasted 
Grosbeak, lots of Rufous-crowned Sparrows Ash-throated Flycatchers, and 
Bewick's Wrens! Cheers, mike freiberg!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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[cobirds] Re: Marbled Godwit/Pierce

2011-05-07 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Make that 70+ Whimbrels--thinking too fast saw godwits other day. Gary

On May 7, 11:48 am, "The \"Nunn Guy\"" 
> Crom Lake hosting 70+ Marbled Godwits.  Also, Nunn has a Turkey
> Vulture "roost" population ONE last night. Pix below.
> Thanks
> Gary Lefko, Nunnhttp://coloradobirder.ning.com/

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[cobirds] White Ranch Jeffco, Leyden Creek

2011-05-07 Thread TAMMY CAMPBELL
Birded White Ranch lower entrance to foot bridge from 6:30-8:30 with Jaime 
Harvey this morning.  This entrance is west of Highway 93 at 56th Ave.
Loggerhead Shrike
Brown Thrasher
Tail pumping empid
Lazuli Bunting
Yellow-rumped, Orange-crowned, Yellow & Wilson's
Chipping, Lark and Song sparrows
Spotted Towhee
House Wren...

Friday evening I did a quick hike along Leyden Creek, from 80th and Quaker to 
Leyden Lake, in northwest Arvada.
5 Blue-gray gnatcatchers and not much else

Nice to get out again after spending a year finishing my basement.

Have fun
Curt Campbell

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[cobirds] Marbled Godwit/Pierce

2011-05-07 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Crom Lake hosting 70+ Marbled Godwits.  Also, Nunn has a Turkey
Vulture "roost" population ONE last night. Pix below.

Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] SE Colo Highlights

2011-05-07 Thread Steve
Random highlight from this morning in SE Colorado:
Two Buttes: Male Blackburnian Warbler, Black-and-White Warbler,
Blackpoll Warbler, Indigo Bunting

Fairnont Cemetary: Black-throated Gray Warbler

Lamar Community College: Ruby-throated Hummingbird along the creek.

Temple Grove: Worm-eating Warbler

Generally, numbers are down but there was turnover last night.

Good birding,
Steve Stachowiak
Highlands Ranch, CO

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[cobirds] Backyard Sparrows / Denver

2011-05-07 Thread Dave Cameron
I've got a White-crowned and a first-of-yard Chipping Sparrow in the
back yard right now.

Also saw a Vesper in Highlands Ranch yesterday morning, in the
vicinity of Highlands Ranch Parkway and Broadway.

On a side note, I've always wondered why raptors so rarely retaliate
against birds that harass them.  So it was satisfying to see a Red-
tail (same spot as the Vesper) drop from the sky to try and nail the
Raven that had been chasing it across the field.  It missed, and the
Raven squawked off in protest, but did not return to visit the hawk

Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] Bird Banding Video - Jefferson County

2011-05-07 Thread Andy Spellman
In this ~8 min. video, Meredith McBurney explains the purpose and techniques
used in the bird banding effort put forth by her and others of the Rocky
Mountain Bird Observatory.  For those of us on the walk-the-wetlands bird
walk last Sunday, we were treated to not only Meredith's expert detailed
process description, but also an elusive species as you will see if you
watch the video.  What a great first look at bird banding for all the
youngsters in the group!  Thanks Meredith!

For more information, visit http://www.rmbo.org/v2/web/


Andy Spellman
Parker, CO

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