[cobirds] Colorado RBA, Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012-01-08 Thread Joyce Takamine
 Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date:  January 8, 2012
e-mail:  r...@cfobirds.org
phone:  303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, January 8, 2012 sponsored
by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If
you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on
this species in this report)

TRUMPETER SWAN (Boulder,Delta, *Larimer)
TUNDRA SWAN (*Boulder, Larimer)
Long-tailed Duck (*Denver, Larimer)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Adams)
Red-necked Grebe (Boulder)
MEW GULL (Larimer)
Thayer's Gull  (Boulder, *Broomfield, *Jefferson, *Larimer,  Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Boulder, *Broomfield, Larimer, Pueblo)
Glaucous Gull (*Broomfield, Douglas/Jefferson, Pueblo)
White-winged Dove (Mesa)
Greater Roadrunner (Pueblo)
SNOWY OWL (*Adams)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Weld)
Winter Wren (Pueblo)
Northern Mockingbird (Weld)
PINE WARBLER (Jefferson)
Fox Sparrow (Jefferson)
Swamp Sparrow (Mesa)
White-throated Sparrow (El Paso)
Harris's Sparrow (El Paso, Jefferson)
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW (Boulder, *Jefferson)
Lapland Longspur (Douglas/Jefferson, Logan)
Snow Bunting (Pueblo)
Rusty Blackbird (Pueblo)
Black Rosy-Finch (*Montrose)
Common Redpoll (Logan)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can be
found on the Colorado County Birding Website:

Adams County:
--A m  f Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Gilberts on the Platte River
approx. 2 blocks So. of the parking area at 78th St. and Steele on January
4.  Gilberts refound the pair of Barrow's Goldeneyes on January 6.
-  A SNOWY OWL  was found by  Peter Plage on the Barr Lake CBC on January
2.   Directions:  Take Bromley Lane (152nd) east from I-76 and go 2 miles
past Piccadilly to Harvest Road.  Turn right and go south to 144th.
On January 6, Goff and others found the dark SNOWY OWL behind the house at
14141 Harvest Road.  On January 7, Jack reported a pure white SNOWY OWL at
14141 Harvest Road.
--An ad SNOWY OWL was reported by Vallieres near DIA on January 5.  From
E-470, take 96th east until it curves north, go another .3 to .5 mile
further north and look at the snowy field to the NW.

Arapahoe County:
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Hudak at Centennial Park, on
the ice shelf, on January 3.  On January 5, Hudak refound the Lesser
Black-backed Gull.

Boulder County:
--On the  Boulder CBC on December 18, Severs reported GOLDEN-CROWNED
SPARROW.  Directions for the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW:  park in Teller Farms
North Parking Lot on Valmont west of 95th St.  The bird feeds along the
east end of the juniper stand which is on the south side of the parking
lot. On January 5, Bolton refound the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at Teller
Farms parking lot.
 --3  1-st cyc Thayer's Gull were reported by Floyd at Valmont Reservoir on
January 2.
--2 Lesser  Black-backed Gulls were reported by Floyd at Valmont Reservoir,
on the far east side on January 2.
--A  TRUMPTER SWAN was seen by Floyd at Leggett Reservoir, scoped, at a
distance, on the west side of Leggett Reservoir, on January 2.
--A 1-st year Red-necked Grebe was reported by Robert Spencer at the
Valmont Power Plant complex on January 2.
--A TUNDRA SWAN was reported by Kaempfer at Valmont Reservoir on January 7.

Broomfield County:
--1 ad. Glaucous Gull, and 1 ad. Lesser Black-backed Gull, were reported by
Boswell, at Siena Pond, which is at Sheridan Parkway  Lowell Blvd. on
January 4.  On January 5, Filby reported an imm Glaucous Gull at Siena Pond.
On January 7, Mlodinow reported 2 Thayer's Gulls (1 ad, 1 juv), 2 Glaucous
(1 ad, 1 imm), 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull (nearly adult).
--1 ad. Glaucous Gull was reported by Boswell, at the the pond at Lowell 
Indian Peaks Parkway, on January 4.
--On January 7 at the Anthem Ponds, Gent reported 2 1-st cyc Glaucous
Gulls, 1 nearly ad Lesser Black-backed Gull and 1 imm Thayer's Gull.  On
January 7, Mlodinow reported 7 Thayer's Gulls (2 ad, 4 juv, 1 2-nd cyc), 2
Glaucous Gulls (both 1-st winter) at Anthem Ranch Pond.

Delta County:
--A TRUMPETER SWAN was reported by  Garrison at Confluence Park on January

Denver County:
--A female type Long-Tailed Duck was reported by Wuerthele at Duck Lake in
City Park on November 22 and was relocated by Kaempfer on January 7.

El Paso County:
--A Harris Sparrow was reported by Teuton at the feeders at Fountain Creek
Regional Park on January 3.

Jefferson County:
--Spencer reported that a Fox Sparrow was seen at the Red Rocks Trading
Post on January 4.
--Henwood reported seeing the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW on January 7 at Red
Rocks Trading Post.

[cobirds] Rosy-Finches in Huerfano County

2012-01-08 Thread Beverly
The Rosies are here, the Rosies are here!!!  We got less than 2 of
snow, I'd think...but it was enough to bring several hundred Rosy-
Finches into my yard.  I've spread seed...perhaps they'll stay.  I'm
not sure we'll get more snow today, but Wednesday  Thursday we do
expect some.  Maybe they'll stay a full week...

As always, all three species visit...about 10% are Black.  You can see
all the birds here (this month, so far) on my blog (below)

Anyone is welcome to visit...I'm in La Veta (2.5 hrs south of Denver)
E-mail me:  goldilou...@yahoo.com

Beverly Jensen
La Veta, Huerfano County

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[cobirds] Harris Sparrow, VA Rail, Ross' Goose, Fountain Regional Park, El Paso County

2012-01-08 Thread R Taylor
Harris' Sparrow.  Visited Fountain Regional Park for the express purpose of
finding Harris' Sparrow ... life bird for me.  After about 45 minutes at
the Nature Center, he finally came to the feeder on the north side of the
center.  Always on the ground, he spent nearly 10 minutes scratching and
feeding.  Great sight. Male adult with winter plumage, but super black
dickie.  The volunteers at the nature center say he is also a regular to
the area near the air conditioners on the south side.  Closed Sunday, so
bring your own seed.

Virginia Rail.  We took the nature trail south of the center.  It curves
back to the north after a few hundred feet and the makes an east-west
crossing over a narrow creek along a bridge with no railings. On the south
east side of that bridge about 10 feet from it, a Virginia Rail sat in the
full sun for 10 minutes preening. Best look I have ever had of this rail.

Ross' Goose.  Continue north along the nature trail about 0.3 mile and
cross the spillway.  The next lake to the north is Rice pond.  There,
intermixed with 200 Canada Geese was a single Ross' Goose ... blazing white
against the others.

Lots of the usual other species. Other birders in the area got a look at a
Bald Eagle in flight, but we did not see it

Rick Taylor
Colorado Springs
El Paso County

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[cobirds] WCR 124 Pond-area/Weld

2012-01-08 Thread The Nunn Guy
Not much up here today ...

Rough-legged Hawk - 5
Great Horned Owl - 4
Townsend's Solitaire - 1
Lapland Longspur - 5
Northern Harrier - 2
American Kestrel - 1

Active oil rigs north of pond 41 ... :-(

Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Harris's Sparrow, Loveland, Larimer

2012-01-08 Thread Connie Kogler
I've had 1 or more Harris's Sparrows here since I first reported them. I am 
enjoying this special guest.
Connie Kogler

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[cobirds] RFI - Valmont Trip

2012-01-08 Thread Gary Ackert
I have not seen any publicity for this trip this year. Did I miss it?

Gary Ackert

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[cobirds] Re: RFI - Valmont Trip

2012-01-08 Thread Lonny Frye
It is on for February 4th at noon. Please see Ted Floyd's recent post
here about it or go to the Boulder Bird Club website and look at the
calendar and newsletter for more information.

Lonny Frye

On Jan 8, 1:17 pm, Gary Ackert gack...@aol.com wrote:
 I have not seen any publicity for this trip this year. Did I miss it?

 Gary Ackert

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[cobirds] Golden-crowned Sparrow - Red Rocks - Jeffco

2012-01-08 Thread mike
The Golden-crowned Sparrow was very cooperative this morning for the  
DFO Field Trip appearing several times.  Our group also was able to  
see the Prairie Falcon harass a Red-tailed Hawk perched on top of one  
of the large rock formations (Ship Rock).  Later on the group had good  
looks at the perched Prairie Falcon.We also had good looks at a  
Western Red-tail and were able to compare the Eastern and Western sub- 
species.  The group finished up observing at close range a Dipper  
feeding along Bear Creek in the Morrison Town Park.

Arrived early (as did Joey Kellner) with seed hoping that a flock of  
Rosy-Finches would put in an appearance, but no luck with the Rosy's.

Mike Henwood
Jefferson County

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[cobirds] Grandview Cemetery on 8Jan

2012-01-08 Thread Dave Leatherman
Today some Black-capped Chickadees showed me the first EASTERN SCREECH-OWL I've 
seen at Grandview Cemetery, Fort Collins (Larimer) since 1989.   It was 
sleeping in a broken place along a main stem of a Silver Maple north of the 
entrance.  I can't tell you how happy I was to see this bird, since they took 
such a hit from West Nile Virus.  If the wind can leave the flaws in this tree 
alone, perhaps the owl will persist.

Red-breasted Nuthatches showed me a female prairie race Merlin in a big 
cottonwood in the southeast corner near the pumphouse.  

Also of interest today, I heard a Downy Woodpecker doing territorial drumming 
and was surprised to see it was a female.  But I guess that is common behavior 
for both sexes.  

No crossbills of any kind, a few Pine Siskins, no redpolls, no Yellow-bellied 

Total of 22 species.  

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] El Paso county --- 3 species of Longspur

2012-01-08 Thread Mark Peterson

I did a quick jaunt out to some grasslands just east of Colorado Springs on 
Tamlin Road.  Tamlin turns from pavement to dirt and just beyond this point I 
had a flock of 10-15 birds.  I thought at first it was just Horned Larks but I 
got out and heard both LAPLAND and CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPURs.  While watching 
them fly around I picked out a MCCOWN'S LONGSPUR.  I never saw the Lapland but 
at least one of the Chesnut-collared was a male as it had an almost entirely 
black underside.  The black was certainly not pure black but I was surprised at 
how much black it was showing.  I am not sure how many of each species were 
there as I only detected one of each but suspect there were multiple 
Chestnut-collared.  There are wet spots as you go east on this road so the 
birds may come into the water on occasion.  If they are not flying around they 
will be very difficult to find as it is private land on both sides of the road.

To get to Tamlin road:  From I25 head east on Woodmen to Marksheffel Road and 
turn right (south).  Go about 2.1 miles to Huber Road/Stetson Hills Road and 
turn left (east).  It will T with Tamlin and turn left onto Tamlin and go 
until the dirt road and start looking from there.

Mark Peterson
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Snowy Owls at Barr Lake

2012-01-08 Thread Meredith
Mid-morning today, if you stood on 138th Ave, maybe 100 yards west of
Harvest Road (not far from where Joe Roller might have placed his pop
bottle, had we needed to look for it, which we didn't) you could see both
snowy owls by simply turning 180 degrees.  The likely adult was south and
the young one was north.  A beautiful morning to view these lovely birds,
and visit with other bird-lovers!


Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory




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[cobirds] Barrow's Goldeneyes etc, Carbondale, Garfield Cty

2012-01-08 Thread Dick Filby
Hi all


Spent a few hours birding this morning, Sunday, with Tom McConnell around
the Glenwood Springs area in the aftermath of yesterday's snowstorm.
Massive variation in snowfall, with none along Hwy82 on SE side of Glenwood,
but up to 8inches in town and along I70..


Best birds were 

10 Barrow's Goldeneyes (2 adult males) at Coryell Ranch Carbondale (this
afternoon, after I left Tom and headed home- sorry Tom!)

Northern Shrike - near Rifle


Only raptors - 3 Bald Eagles, a few Red-tails and American Kestrels, mainly
along the I70/Colorado River corridor.


Good birding all

Dick Filby

Carbondale, CO





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