[cobirds] Harris's Sparrow - El Paso County

2012-04-22 Thread Kenneth Pals
I am assuming that the same Harris's Sparrow that has been seen at Fountain 
Creek Nature Center most of this winter is still at the center.  We saw one on 
Saturday at the south feeders; now near adult breeding plumage.  We also saw 
the Green Heron reported in an earlier posting at Rice's Pond in Fountain Creek 
REgional Park.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] BlackWhite Warbler - El Paso County

2011-05-23 Thread KENNETH PALS

I spent this morning birding with Tim deBoer from the Netherlands at Fountain 
Creek Creek Regional Park.  The park was not very birdy today. We did see a f 
Black-and-white Warbler and also at least two Northern Waterthrush at the small 
pond in the Hanson Nature Park section of the park.  We also stopped at the 
small stock/irrigation pond east of Link Road on Squirrel Creek Road.  Just 
west of the pond in an irrigated pasture was at least 360 White-faced Ibises.  
We scope them all, but failed to find any glossy ibis.
Stopped briefly at Big Johnson.  Birds of note here included Common Loon and 
Black-necked Stilt.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs  

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[cobirds] Chestnut-sided Warbler - El Paso County

2011-05-20 Thread KENNETH PALS

While prepping this morning for tomorrow's El Paso County's Bear Creek Regional 
Park Spring Bird Count, Brad Tyler and I observed a male Chestnut-sided Warbler 
in front of Bear Creek Nature Center.  Other highlights for the park this 
morning included Yellow-breasted Chat, Northern Mockingbird, Virginia's Warbler 
 MacGillivray's Warbler.  I also had a report from Steve Getty today that he 
had a Yellow-throated Vireo in his yard this morning.  He lives about a block 
south of Bear Creek Park.
Interested and able birders are invited to assist with Bear Creek's spring bird 
count.  Meet at Bear Creek Nature Center, Saturday, May 21 at 7:00 a.m.  We'll 
bird till 10:30 or so.  A $5 donation to the center for bird seed is 
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Tennessee WA, Black-throated Blue WA N Parula - El Paso County

2011-05-17 Thread KENNETH PALS

I spent another couple of early morning hours today at the small pond at the 
south end of Fountain Creek Regional Park.  Once again a bunch of warblers and 
other birds.  Mel Goff met me there and also Robert Craven.  We saw 10 warbler 
species today including Tennessee, Northern Parula, Northern Waterthrush, 
Virginia's, Orange-crowned, Wilson's, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Common 
Yellowthroat warblers at this small pond west of the Hanson Nature Park parking 
lot.  Also many Chipping, Brewer's and Lincoln's sparrows.  The Eastern 
Wood-Pewee was not found this morning, replaced by several Western Wood-Pewees 
in the area. Yesterday there were a few empids.  Today I did not see any.
Further north in the park along the irrigation ditch east of the waterfall area 
and west of the nature center, we refound the male Black-throated Blue Warbler 
that was seen on Saturday.
Great birding!
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Eastern Wood-Pewee - El Paso County refound today

2011-05-16 Thread KENNETH PALS

The Eastern Wood-Pewee found by Bill Maynard yesterday was refound this morning 
at the south end of Fountain Creek Regional Park in El Paso County.  Park at 
the Hanson Nature Park trail access, head west across the creek bridge and 
follow the regional trail west and south to the 2nd small pond.  It was 
actively foraging at the south end of the pond this morning from 6:30 till at 
least 8:30 a.m.  Brandon Percival and Cara Caragher also met up with me there.  
Brandon took more photos.  Other birds of interest this morning that were not 
seen on Saturday's  spring count included Orchard Oriole and Ruby-crowned 
Kinglet.  The above mentioned pond was by far the most active of three places 
that I birded in the park today with Yellow-rumped, Wilson's, Virginia's, 
Common Yellowthroat, Orange-crowned, and Northern Waterthrush warblers.  Also 
Brewer's, Clay-colored and Lincoln's Sparrows and Empid sp., Black-headed 
Grosbeak, BT Hummingbird and others.
Good birding,

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[cobirds] Eastern Wood-Pewee - El Paso County refound today

2011-05-16 Thread KENNETH PALS

The Eastern Wood-Pewee found by Bill Maynard yesterday was refound this morning 
at the south end of Fountain Creek Regional Park in El Paso County.  Park at 
the Hanson Nature Park trail access, head west across the creek bridge and 
follow the regional trail west and south to the 2nd small pond.  It was 
actively foraging at the south end of the pond this morning from 6:30 till at 
least 8:30 a.m.  Brandon Percival and Cara Caragher also met up with me there.  
Brandon took more photos.  Other birds of interest this morning that were not 
seen on Saturday's  spring count included Orchard Oriole and Ruby-crowned 
Kinglet.  The above mentioned pond was by far the most active of three places 
that I birded in the park today with Yellow-rumped, Wilson's, Virginia's, 
Common Yellowthroat, Orange-crowned, and Northern Waterthrush warblers.  Also 
Brewer's, Clay-colored and Lincoln's Sparrows and Empid sp., Black-headed 
Grosbeak, BT Hummingbird and others.
Good birding,

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[cobirds] Fountain Creek Reg. Park Spring Bird Count, El Paso County

2011-05-14 Thread KENNETH PALS

Fellow Birders,
Thirty-two people participated in the 21st annual Fountain Creek Regional Park 
Spring Bird Count that occured today.  Most of the birding took place between 
the hours of 7:30 and 10:30 a.m., but several other birds were added later in 
the day while many of the participants chased great birds found earlier by 
other groups.  All birds reported except one were seen by more than one 
participant.  Ninety-nine species were seen, but I have not yet totaled the 
gross number of individual birds.  My hunch is that the numbers are lower than 
normal.  If anyone is in the park over the next three days, I'd be interested 
in any new week of birds.
Following is a list of best birds and possibly some FOS birds for this park:
White Pelican - 2
Snowy Egret - 2
Green Heron - 1
Virginia Rail - 2
Sora - 1
American Avocet - 2
Solitary Sandpiper 
Spotted Sandpiper
Wilson's Phalarope
Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1
Cassin's Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Warbling Vireo - 1
All six swallow species
Mountain Chickadee
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Swainson's Thrush
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird - 1
Brown Thrasher - 1
American Pipit
Orange-crowned Warbler - few
Yellow Warbler - quite a few
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male, many observers, near the gazebo east of 
the waterfall/headgate to the irrigation ditch
Yellow-rumped Warbler - many, but not lots
Black-throated Gray Warbler - 1 male, many observers, in the woods at the 
northeast side of Cottonwood Meadows where a house use to be.
Bay-breasted Warbler - 1 male, seen by all 4 members of Bob Goycoolea's team, 
but not refound later
Northern Waterthrush - a couple
Green-tailed Towhee - 
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1
Black-headed Grosbeak
Lazuli Bunting
Great-tailed Grackle - 2
Pine Siskin
Good birding.  It sure made up for last week Saturday when I only picked up 
about 40 species.  Of course, more eyes and ears help.  Feel free to respond if 
you have any questions regarding specific locations of where birds were seen.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Monument Valley Park - Colorado Springs

2011-05-10 Thread KENNETH PALS

This morning I led a group of Friends of Monument Valley Park on a bird walk 
through the north end of the park that parallels Monument Creek.  I suspect 
that this park is under birded.  Very few migrants were seen today.  Best birds 
included a Black-chinned Hummingbird, nesting Cooper's Hawk and Spotted 
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Harris Sparrow - Fountain Creek Reg Park

2011-05-07 Thread KENNETH PALS

Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County yielded few good birds today.  It 
was not particularly birdy for a May 7th day.  Normally we see Yellow Warblers, 
Bullock's Oriole and many other migratory species here on May 1 so to me it 
seems that spring migration is at least a week later than normal.  We did see 
our first of spring Yellow Warbler.  There were only a few Yellow-rumped 
Warblers and only one Orange-crowned Warbler.  Our best bird for the day was 
the Harris's Sparrow that remains after spending a whole winter near the nature 
center.  It is now taking on its breeding plumage. Other birds seen by the 
Birding for Beginners class included American Avocet, Black-throated 
Hummingbird, Hermit Thrush, Chipping Sparrow, and Great-tailed Grackle.
Later in the afternoon, I met Jeannie Mitchel and Aaron Shipe who had photos of 
a molting Summer Tanager observed near the Duckwood Road Trailhead in the park.
Fountain Creek's Spring Bird Count is next Saturday from 7 - 11 a.m.  I hope 
the floodgates open for us as it seems most of the great birds are being 
observed elsewhere in Colorado.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs
El Paso County

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[cobirds] Palm Warbler - El Paso County

2011-05-03 Thread KENNETH PALS

Sonderman Park in Colorado Springs had a few good birds this morning.  A 
smattering of Yellow-rumped Warblers, one Orange-crowned Warbler, one Palm 
Warbler near the Beidleman Environmental Center and south of the first bridge, 
and several Swainson's Thrushes, among the other expected residents.
Ken Pals  

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[cobirds] Harris's Sparrow-El Paso County

2011-04-14 Thread KENNETH PALS

Today, I saw one first year Harris's Sparrow at Fountain Creek Regional Park  
Nature Center near the south nature center bird feeders.  This is probably 
still one of the two Harris's Sparrows that have spent most of the winter here.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs  

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[cobirds] Fountain Creek Reg Park - El Paso County

2011-03-21 Thread KENNETH PALS

I made a quick run at Fountain Creek Regional Park this morning and saw the 
usual species for March.  Highlights included one very ruddy-looking, 
white-throated Winter Wren and one female Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler just 
north of the South Rice's Pond Gazebo.  There were also two first winter 
Harris's Sparrows foraging at the nature center feeders.  The wren responded to 
Winter Wren vocalizations on my ipod, but not to Pacific Wren leading me to 
call this bird Winter Wren.  I did not take any photos of the bird. 
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs  

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[cobirds] Pine Warbler - Harris Sparrow, El Paso County

2011-01-23 Thread KENNETH PALS

This is a day late, but the Pine Warbler and Harris's Sparrow continues to be 
seen at Fountain Creek Regional Park in El Paso County.  The warbler was 
observed by me and many others again yesterday (Jan. 22) between the trail mile 
marker 18 and the sewage treatment box with the yellow rails.  The Harris's 
Sparrow is hanging out by Fountain Creek Nature Center primarily near the south 
side feeders.  I was not able to locate any Winter Wrens yesterday.
Yesterday, I led a Hawk ID Field Trip for Fountain Creek Nature Center and had 
an incredible stop at Big Johnson Reservoir where we located:
2 adult Bald Eagles
1 juv. Bald Eagle
an estimated 4 Ferruginous Hawks
an estimated 7 Red-tailed Hawks
1 Prairie Falcon
I have never seen this many raptors at Big J at one time.
We also observed American Kestrel, Rough-legged Hawk and Golden Eagle during 
the trip.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs  

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[cobirds] Pine Warbler Winter Wren remain at Fountani Creek Reg Park

2010-12-18 Thread KENNETH PALS

Bob Bonestroo and I saw the Pine Warbler and Winter Wren again this afternoon 
at Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County, a little north of Trail Mile 
Marker 18 near the yellow pipe fence / sewage treatment box.
Ken Pals  

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[cobirds] Rusty Blackbirds still at Clear Spring Ranch, El Paso County

2010-12-07 Thread KENNETH PALS

I refound the Rusty Blackbirds at Clear Spring Ranch this afternoon between 
2:30 and 3:30 p.m. They were first reported by Cici Lee on Sunday and John 
Drummond on Monday.  They were in the same general location.  I first found 
them on the east side of Fountain Creek roughly 50 yards south of the big death 
cottonwood tree that lies on the east creek bed.  The 3 birds (2 female and 1 
male) then flew to right in front of me on the west side of the creek and then 
they flew north of the sandbar willows, but still feeding on the mud bars near 
the flowing water.  
To get there, take I-25 south of Colorado Springs about 15 miles to Exit 123.  
Follow the road east to the Clear Spring Ranch parking lot and then hike east 
to the creek.
Ken Pals  

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[cobirds] Fountain Creek Reg. Park Fall Bird Count Highlights, El Paso County

2010-09-12 Thread KENNETH PALS

Yesterday, Fountain Creek Nature Center hosted 19th annual fall bird count for 
Fountain Creek Regional Park with 33 people participating in five teams.  We 
had roughly 77 species for the day which was down from the high eighties of the 
past two years. 
We had a new species added to the park list with a flyby flock of 27 Pinyon 
Birds by groups included:
Canada Goose, Wood Duck, Mallard, Blue-winged Teal, N Shoveler
Pied-billed Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Green Heron, Great Blue Heron, BC Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
N Harrier, Red-tailed Hawk, Am. Kestrel
Wild Turkey
Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper
Rock Pigeon, Euro. Collared-Dove, Mourning Dove
Great Horned Owl
Black-chinned  Broad-tailed Hummingbirds
Belted Kingfisher
Downy Woodpecker, Hairy WP, Northern Flicker
Olive-sided Flycatcher, W Wood-Pewee, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Say's Phoebe, 
Western Kingbird
Plumbeous Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Western-Scrub-Jay, Pinyon Jay, Blue Jay, BB MAgpie, AM. Crow
Barn Swallow
BC Chickadee
WB Nuthatch
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Euro Starling
Orange-crowned, Yellow, Townsend's, MacGillivray's Warblers, N Waterthrush, 
Common Yellowthroat  Yellow-breasted Chat.
Western Tanager
Spotted Towhee, Chipping, Brewers, Vesper, Lark, Song  Lincoln's Sparrows
Blue Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting
Red-winged, Yellow-headed  Brewer's Blackbirds, Common Grackle, Western 
Meadowlark and BH Cowbird
House Finch, Pine Siskin, Lesser and American Goldfinch
House Sparrow.
If you happened to bird in the park during the week of (Wednesday, Sept. 8 
through Tuesday, Sept. 14, I'd be happy to hear of your report.  There were a 
few should see species that we missed on count day that I'd like to add to 
the week of list. And of course, I'd like to hear about any rarities as species 
seem to move in and out almost every day.
Good Birding,
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Fall Bird Count this Saturday at Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County

2010-09-05 Thread KENNETH PALS

All available beginning to advanced birders are invited to participate in 
Fountain Creek Regional Park's annual Fall Bird Count this coming Saturday, 
September 11, from 7:30 - 11:00 a.m.  We'll rendezvous at Fountain Creek Nature 
Center at 7:30, break in to smaller teams and bird the park.  Sixty to eighty 
bird species are expected in this park that now boasts over 290 bird species 
sightings. Confirmation of your attendance is appreciated by either responding 
to this e-mail or calling Fountain Creek Nature Center at 719-520-6745. A $5 
donation for the birds (bird seed) is appreciated.
Good Birding!
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs. 

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[cobirds] Manitou Lake - Trout Creek Highlights

2010-05-22 Thread KENNETH PALS


Manitou Lake north of Woodland Park was not particularly birding today.  It was 
very warm and windy. Highlights for the group I led included one Ash-throated 
Flycatcher, one Red-naped Sapsucker, one singing Gray Catbird, one Green-tailed 
Towhee, one Evening Grosbeak and two singing American Dippers. The only 
warblers we could find were Yellow and Yellow-rumped.  There were only two 
Western Bluebirds. The best birding was at and below the dam along Trout Creek. 
Thirty-nine species total.

Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Highlights of Bear Creek Reg. Park , El Paso County - Blue-winged Warbler

2010-05-15 Thread KENNETH PALS



Bear Creek Nature Center hosted is mostly annual Spring Bird Count this 
morning.  Birding wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either.  We had 68 species 
for the morning.  


By far the best bird seen by Rise Foster-Bruder, Neil Basdekas and Paula 
Megorden was a male Blue-winged Warbler along the Creekbottom Trail the goes 
upstream from the nature center.  They found the bird around 7:30 a.m.  Several 
of us were unsuccessful in trying to refind the bird between 10:45 and 12:30.


The stables around Penrose Stadium had over two hundred Chipping Sparrows, 40 
or more Lark Sparrows, 12 Clay-colored Sparrows, a few White-crowned Sparrows 
and two Lark Buntings.  The buntings were a surprise for us.


Other good birds included Cassin's and Plumbeous Vireos, Orange-crowned 
Warblers, Virginia Warblers, and several dozen Yellow-rumped Warblers; 
Green-tailed Towhee, Cordilleran Flycatcher and other Empids; Swainson's and 
Hermit Thrush; Broad-winged Hawk,Northern Goshawk and finally two seemingly 
late Dark-eyed Juncos.


Good Birding!

Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Hooded Warbler, American Redstart at Fountian Creek Park, El Paso County

2010-05-14 Thread KENNETH PALS



I birded from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. today at Fountain CreeK Regional Park near the 
nature center.  The woods were full of birds especially just south of the 
nature center, south of nature center pond, along warbler alley and then also 
in the woods north of the nature center along the fence line that runs east 
from the dock for the little pond.  


There were at least a hundred yellow-rumps, but the best was a male American 
Redstart, a male Hooded Warbler and a Northern Waterthrush.  The Redstart was 
near the hairpin curve in the trail in elms and willows.  The Northern 
Waterthrush was in the cattail area below the nature center pond and the Hooded 
Warbler was along the irrigation ditch near the only American Elm on the east 
side of the ditch in a clump of Golden Currants near the water's edge.  I was 
able to relocate the birds a second time after walking west along Woodpecker 
Alley near Fountain Creek (the area below the diversion dam).  


There were also many other good birds: Hermit Thrush, Swainson's Thrush, Dusky 
Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, Cassin's Kingbird, Common Yellowthroat, 
Orange-crowned Warbler, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Western Wood-Pewee, another 
Empid. sp., Say's Phoebe, Plumbeous Vireo, Chihuahuan Raven, Gray Catbird, 
Clay-colored Sparrow, Lincoln's Sparrow.


I also went to the south end of the park and found a female American Redstart 
by the ponds, before I was called home to share my vehicle.  I could have 
stayed at the park all afternoon.


In these two hours of birding I saw 55 species.  I hope it is as birdy tomorrow 
morning for the Bear Creek Park count.



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[cobirds] Invite to Bear Creek Regional Park Bird Count, Colo. Springs

2010-05-13 Thread KENNETH PALS



Bear Creek Nature Center is hosting it's annual Spring Bird Count this 
Saturday, May 15 from 7 - 10:30 a.m.  Bird enthusiasts of all ages and 
abilities are invited to participate in this citizen science project counting 
species and populations of birds in this El Paso County Park.  Reservations are 
requested so we can plan on how we are going to split the teams as well as a 
$5.00 donation for the birds (bird seed).  


You may RSVP by either calling Bear Creek Nature Center at 719-520-6387 or 
returning an email to me.




Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Highlights of Fountain Creek Reg. Park Count, El Paso County

2010-05-08 Thread KENNETH PALS

CO Birders,


Twenty one birders in five teams searched Fountain Creek Regional Park in El 
Paso County this morning and found 88 species. Highlights for the day include:


White-faced Ibis - 70 fly over


Wilson's Phalrope

Gray Flycatcher

Black Phoebe

Western Kingbird

Eastern Kingbird

Plumbeous Vireo

Rock Wren

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Gray Catbird

Brown Thrasher

Orange-crowned Warbler

Virginia's Warbler

Northern Parula

Yellow Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Wilson's Warbler

Westen Tanager

Green-tailed Towhee

Lark Sparrow

Lincoln's Sparrow

Black-headed Grosbeak

Lazuli Bunting

Great-tailed Grackle

Bullock's Oriole

Lesser Goldfinch


I'd be interested in your sightings if you happen to bird in the park during 
the next three days.  Thanks.


At my home feeders this afternoon I had Rose-breasted, Black-headed and Evening 


Ken Pals

Colorado Springs near Garden of the Gods


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[cobirds] Fountain Creek Regional Park Birds 5/7

2010-05-07 Thread KENNETH PALS



I spent a few hours at Fountain Creek Regional Park this afternoon to prep for 
the Spring Bird Count.  Sheltered areas of the park were quite birdie with the 
following birds seen:


Yellow Warbler - 6

Yellow-rumped Warbler - 50+

Wilson's Warbler - 1

Orange-crowned Warbler - 1

Virginia's Warbler - 1 male and 1 female

McGillivray's Warbler - 1

Cassin's Vireo - 1

Warbling Vireo - 1

Western Tanager - 3

Bullock's Oriole - 2

Eastern Kingbird - 1

Broad-tailed Hummingbird - 1

Black-chinned Hummingbird - 1

Swainson's Thrush - 2


Ken Pals

Colorado Springs


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[cobirds] Fountain Creek Reg. Park Spring Bird Count Saturday, El Paso County

2010-05-04 Thread KENNETH PALS

Interested and able birds are invited to attend the annual Spring Bird Count at 
Fountain Creek Regional Park this Saturday, May 8, from 7:00 - 11:00 a.m.  
We'll meet at Fountain Creek Nature Center, 320 Pepper Grass Lane, Fountain, CO 
80817 and then split into teams.  Last year we broke triple digits in the 
number of species seen.  Will it be that great this year?  I hope so and with 
your help it is possible.  The cost is free, but a $5.00 donation is requested 
to help the nature center buy bird seed.  Reservations are appreciated and that 
can be done by calling Fountain Creek Nature Center at 719-520-6745 or by 
replying to this email.
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs
PS: Bear Creek Regional Parks Spring Bird Count is the following Saturday, May 
15.  The time for that is 7:00 - 10:30 a.m.  Make reservations at 719-520-6387 
or by replying to this email.

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[cobirds] Birds at Fountain Creek Park, El Paso County

2010-04-24 Thread KENNETH PALS


Despite the wind, our Birding for Beginners 101 group had a nice assortment of 
birds (55) today at Fountain Creek Regional Park.  


What caught my eye most was the number of hawks that were slowly migrating into 
the strong north headwind. I surmise that the wind provided lift and they still 
could almost effortlessly continue with their migration.  We saw Osprey, 
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Broad-winged Hawk, and Peregrine Falcon moving north.


In the sheltered areas of the riparian woodlands, there were many Yellow-rumped 
Warblers.  I saw somewhere between 50 - 70 warblers - all YRWA, but it made us 
hopeful that we would find some other warbler species and of birds to soon come.


Other good birds included Double-crested Cormorant, Snowy Egret, Black-crowed 
Night-heron.  The Yellow-crowned Night-heron could not be relocated. We had a 
good variety of dabbling ducks including all three teal species.  At the nature 
center pond north bridge we saw a Sora.  Also saw Franklin's Gull, two Wilson's 
Snipe, a Great Horned Owl with two owlets, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Say's 
Phoebe, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Chipping Sparrows, and still a few straggling 
winter White-crowned Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos.


Based on past records at Fountain Creek Park, migratory passerine birds should 
really start showing up this coming week - April 30 on through the third week 
of May.


Good birding,

Ken Pals

Colorado Springs



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[cobirds] Winter Bird Count Tally, Fountain Creek Park, El Paso Couonty

2010-01-11 Thread KENNETH PALS



We still have a day and a half left for count week for the Fountain Creek 
Regional Park Winter Bird Count in El Paso County.  In case anyone birds there 
today or tomorrow, I like to hear if you have any additional birds.  Birds that 
we often see, but did not for this count include Ring-necked Duck and other 
divers, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Great Horned Owl, Marsh Wren, American Pipit and 
House Sparrow.


We had at least 53 species along with some unidentified gulls. The day could 
not have be better weather wise, The sky was clear, starting temperature at 22 
degrees ending at 40 degrees F. Little wind with a rising barometer.  Thirty 
birders birded in five teams from roughly 9:00 - 10:45 a.m.


Following are the best birds observed among the many usual common winter 

Common Goldeneye-1 (Area 3)

Golden Eagle - 1 (Area 4)

Bald Eagle - 1(Area 3)

Virginia Rail - 2 (Area 3)

Wilson's Snipe - 1 (Area 2/3)

Herring Gull - 1 (Area 1)

Winter Wren - 1 (Area 2/3)

Golden-crowned Kinglet - 1 (Area 3)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 (Area 3)


Good birding,

Ken Pals

Colorado Springs



[cobirds] Winter Wren at Fountain Creek Park, El Paso County

2010-01-09 Thread KENNETH PALS



A Winter Wren, reported by Bill Maynard about a week ago, was observed by 
several people today at Fountain Creek Regional Park south of Colorado Springs. 
 Aaron Driscoll was the first to see the wren on the north side of the gazebo 
at North Rice's Pond.  A few minutes later he connected with me, and we refound 
the bird in the same location.  Leslie Holzman and Rise Foster-Bruder also had 
brief glimpses of the bird.  


I found the bird again at around 3:30 p.m. with Kaye Lafreniere.  I had a great 
look at the bird this time and we heard it's call several times.  It was found 
in what is known by some as area 2 in the park, near the Trail Marker #18 first 
in the dead Crack Willow tree on the east side of the regional trail, it flew 
across the trail to another willow and dead branches, then proceeded to the 
sewage treatment outflow area.


Thanks, Bill, for your tips on finding this new county bird for all of us. 


Ken Pals

Colorado Springs


[cobirds] Fountain Creek Regional Park Winter Bird Count Sat. Jan 9

2010-01-01 Thread KENNETH PALS


Beginning to advanced birders are invited to El Paso County Park's Fountain 
Creek Nature Center next Saturday, January 9 from 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. to observe 
and record the numbers and species of birds in Fountain Creek Regional Park.  A 
$5 donation or bird seed donation to the nature center is requested.  
Registration is requested by calling Fountain Creek Nature Center at 
719-520-6745 or by replying to this e-mail.


Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Bald Eagles, El Paso County

2009-12-05 Thread KENNETH PALS


Aaron Driscoll asked me to post that he saw three Bald Eagles at Big Johnson 
Reservoir yesterday.  Three was more than he had ever seen before at Big J.

Ken Pals

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Prothonotary Warbler at Fountain Creek Reg. Park, El Paso County

2009-09-19 Thread KENNETH PALS



At around 11:45 a.m. this morning, my Birding 202 group observed a bright 
Prothonotary Warbler in the tangles/shrubs on the west side of the second small 
pond at the south end (Area 7) of Fountain Creek Regional Park. Park at the 
Hanson Nature Park parking lot off of Highway 85 and Lyckman Drive, walk west 
on the regional trail across the bridge that crosses Fountain Creek and head 
west and south to the second small pond.


At the same location we also saw Common Yellowthroat, Wilson's and 
Orange-crowned Warblers.  About ten of us saw the bird. Bright yellow head, 
throat, breast  belly, bluish-gray wings with no wingbars, and white undertail 


We also birded at the Bluestem Prairie Open Space / Big Johnson Reservoir 
today.  Best birds for us were a Long-billed Dowitcher and Wilson's Phalarope.


Ken Pals

Colorado Springs
Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] California Quail at Fountain Creek Nature Center

2009-07-29 Thread KENNETH PALS



This e-mail is to confirm that there has been sightings of a pair of California 
Quail (not Gambel's Quail) in Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County over 
the past month and photos taken.  The Colorado Division of Wildlife is aware of 
the pair that was likely dumped here by someone or escaped from a game farm and 
is checking into the situation.


It is disappointing that people consider parks as dumping grounds for Red-eared 
Sliders, Zebra Finches, cats, dogs, rabbits, the list goes on.  A tremendous 
amount of time, money and energy is spend on alien and invasive plant and 
animal species on both public and private lands. I call it the Alien Dilemma. 
On a small scale in the park, I have observed changes over the last 15-20 
years: Leopard frogs have succumbed to Bullfrogs, Red-eared Sliders have 
displaced Western Painted Turtles.  What next?


Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Manitou Lake - Trout Creek, Teller County

2009-05-16 Thread KENNETH PALS



The El Paso County Park's Birding for Beginners group birded at the Manitou 
Lake Recreation Area north of Woodland Park this morning and saw several good 
birds including Black-and-white Warbler, McGillivray's Warbler, Lincoln Sparrow 
and Green-tailed Towhee.  We also heard at least two Wilson's Snipe but did not 
see them.


Today at my feeder in west Colorado Springs, I had a male Rose-breasted 


Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Scarlet Tanager misreported yesteray

2009-05-10 Thread KENNETH PALS


After posting our preliminary sightings for the Fountain Creek Regional Park 
Spring Bird Count yesterday, I must apologize for the report of the Scarlet 
Tanager.  It was mismarked on the list and I was not able to follow up with the 
area team leader until today.  

Regrets, but still great birding!

Ken Pals

El Paso County 

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[cobirds] Fountain Creek Park Big Johnson Birding, El Paso County

2009-04-25 Thread KENNETH PALS



I birded with my Birding for Beginners class at the north end of Fountain Creek 
Regional Park, Big Johnson Reservoir and along Goldfield Drive below the BJ 
dam.  We saw and heard 65 birds on a rather cold, breezy and occasionally 
drizzly morning.  Beginners are usually fair weather birders and these new 
birders learned some new lessons on outdoor dress (we too often assume people 
know better in Colorado to dress in layers and be prepared for anything) and 
that lousy weather often provides some great birding.  While we didn't see 
anything out of the ordinary, nearly all the birds were extraordinary for these 
beginners.  It is wonderful to encourage this joy and excitement of birding.


Best birds at Fountain Creek Park included a pair of American Kestrels, 1 
Great-Horned Owl, 8 Yellow-rumped Warblers (all Audubon's), 1 Snowy Egret, 5 
Black-crowned Night-Herons with plumes extended, Say's Phoebe.


Birding at Big Johnson was much more tolerable than last week.  Hundreds of 
Western Grebes are present (John  Dan Maynard reported a Clark's Grebe that we 
were not able to relocate), also Horned and Eared Grebes.  Also Willet, 
American Avocet, Wilson's Phalarope, 1 Red-breasted Merganser, Common Loon, 
Franklin's, Bonaparte's and California Gulls and the usual waterfowl.  Also 1 
Western Kingbird, Say's Phoebe and all six swallows.  I am sure we might have 
found other birds but did not bird the eastern or northern side of the 
reservoir as we ran out of time.


Below the dam in the irrigated hayfield on Fountain Valley School property we 
observed 12 Willets, 6 or more Great-tailed Grackles, observed one American 
White Pelican fly over within 50 feet of us, followed by a skein of about 40 
Pelicans flying over Big Johnson to the east.  To top off the morning, a flock 
of 15 White-faced Ibis landing in the hayfield.


Great birding for everyone,

Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Ramah SWA Birds - El Paso County

2009-04-21 Thread KENNETH PALS


Bob Bonestroo and I birded between Falcon and Ramah State Wildlife Area this 
morning and saw 40 species.  


The is a very nice wetland just east of the Falcon Safeway that had among 
others a Great Egret and 3 Great-tailed Grackles. The Falcon area Meadow Lake 
Ranch Heron Rookery was active with nearly 50 Great Blue Herons present this 


Another nice birding location is along Fairplay Road  Big Sandy Creek just 
north of Sweet Road, 4 or so miles nw of Calhan.  A very small rookery was 
located here last year, but no activity this year.  The land is private, but 
there can be good birding just walking along Fairplay Road. 


Scott Shaum's earlier posting for Ramah Reservoir was better than ours.  There 
are some nice mud flats, but the water is still very low and no water was 
running into the reservoir despite the latest snow and rain.  We did see 1 
Marbled Godwit, 8 Greater Yellowlegs, 4 Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Willet and an 
assortment of puddle ducks - all three teal, Say's Phoebe, Tree Swallows,  
Vesper Sparrows.


Good birding everyone.

Ken Pals

Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Saturday Birding El Paso County

2009-04-18 Thread KENNETH PALS

After postponing my Saturday Birding for Beginners field trip on Friday evening 
due to the storm, I couldn't help this morning but still venture out to see 
what we might have found.
Despite the winds, Fountain Creek Regional Park had some good birds this 
morning.  Bob Goycoolia, Kara Lewantowitz, Dan and I randomly rendezvoused at 
the site where Bill Maynard saw the Winter Wren a few days ago.  We could not 
find the wren, but saw nearly 50 species including 1 Horned Grebe, 2 Snowy 
Egrets, 4 Black-crowned Night-herons, a pair of copulating American Kestrels, 
30 Franklin's Gulls, 4 Say's Phoebe, 1 Loggerhead Shrike, a few Northern 
Rough-winged and Barn Swallows, 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 8 - 10 Western and 
Mountain Bluebirds, about 10 Yellow-rumped Warblers (both Audubon's and Myrtle) 
and 4 Yellow-headed Blackbirds. 
After Fountain Creek I drove over to Big Johnson Reservoir.  It was incredibly 
windy there with three foot waves and whitecaps.  My best bird from the car was 
a Clark's Grebe that was tucked in the cove at the south end of the dam, 
otherwise the usual waterfowl, Horned and Eared Grebes, Franklin's and 
California Gulls, Barn Swallows.  There were many birds at the far north side 
of the reservoir, but chose not to endure the bighting wind and sleet. 
Ken Pals

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