[cobirds] Chestnut-sided Warbler - Mesa County

2017-11-11 Thread Mike Henwood
We had first winter *Chestnut-sided Warbler* (2) at Fruita State park this
afternoon.  I found the birds around noon and Mark & Denise Vollmar were
able to relocate them and get a photo to confirm the ID.

The two birds were seen about 0.2 miles south of the Boat Launch area in
Fruita State Park where the service road intersects with the trail around
the lake.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Least Sandpipers - Mesa County

2018-01-17 Thread Mike Henwood
This morning Eileen Cunningham, Kevin Pape, Dave Price and I birded
Horsethief Canyon SWA.  At the same location that Hank Schoch found the
Least Sandpipers on Jan. 3, 2018, we saw a flock of American Pipits (25) on
a gravel bar.  As we watched the pipits through our scopes we soon
discovered 4 *Least Sandpipers* (small sandpipers with yellowish legs) as
well as 4 Killdeer on the same gravel bar.  On another gravel bar not far
away we discovered some Wilson's Snipe feeding along the edge of the gravel
bar --
4 to start with, then 6, 8, no 9.wait, there were 14 snipe in all.  We
counted them several times to make sure.

Later on in the morning at the west end of the property we found a first
year brown Northern Shrike.   Personally I haven't seen many brown first
year birds, normally the ones I see are gray first winter birds.

Location for Least Sandpipers:
>From the parking lot entrance at Horsethief Canyon SWA, go west along the
main road to the next road going north (small corrals
where you turn right or north).  Go to the parking lot at the end of this
road.  From the parking lot, walk north to the Colorado River and check the
gravel bars in this area.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Prothonotary Warbler - Mesa County

2018-09-23 Thread Mike Henwood
What a surprise!  This morning while enjoying a cup of coffee and a freshly
baked scone on the back patio, I had a *Prothonotary Warbler* pass through
the yard.  I heard a chip and saw a flash of bright yellow, so thinking I
had a Wilson's Warbler in the back yard, I started studying the mulberry
bush.  To my surprise, it turned out to be a Prothonotary Warbler.  I had
several good looks at the bird from 10-12 yards away as it fed in the lower
level of the large mulberry bush.

Much larger than a Wilson's Warbler with a bright golden yellow head and
body, plain face with distinct dark eye and large pointed dark bill, olive
green back, unmarked bluish wings, white under tail coverts contrasting
sharply with yellow body.  Very sharp contrast with yellow head, olive
green back and bluish wings leads me to believe it was a male.

The Prothonotary Warbler fed for a few minutes in the mulberry bush before
taking flight to the east and our neighbor's yard.  There is a drainage
with a small stream and thick underbrush with some trees less than 100
yards from where I saw the Prothonotary Warbler.  I searched the area, but
was unable to find the Prothonotary.  Did turn up a Western Tanager and
some Yellow-rumped Warblers in the wash.

What a treat!

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Low Numbers - Annual Ovenbird Count - Jefferson County

2016-06-06 Thread Mike Henwood
Hi All,

Each year since 2008, along with friends I have conducted the Annual
Ovenbird Count in Willow Springs Open Space (WSOS), which is private open
space restricted to Willow Springs residents.
The area is just south of Hwy 285 and Mount Lindo along the foothills in
Jefferson County and adjoins Ken Caryl Open Space to the south and
Jefferson County Open Space to the west.  We walk the same pre-determined
route each morning starting at 6 AM and record the singing Ovenbirds along
the route.  We do a different route each day, and each route is
approximately a 5 mile round trip. The trip is conducted sometime during
the last few days of May or the first few days of June.

This year Audrey Boag and Rob Raker helped me both days (June 1 & 2), while
Chuck Aid, Bob Andrews, and Michael Kiessig joined us on June 2.  Our
results of 14 singing Ovenbirds over the two days were the lowest I have
ever recorded since starting the count.  Here are the results over the
2008 - 20 singing Ovenbirds
2009 - 22
2010 - 23
2011 - 19
2012 - 24
2013 - 32   June 2 & 3
2014 - 33   May 29 & 30
2015 - 28   May 28 & 29
2016 - 14   June 1 & 2

Curious what David Suddjian finds in Ken Caryl Open Space and the folks
down in the Colorado Springs area find in their surveys near the Air Force
Academy this year.

Mike Henwood
Formerly Willow Springs resident, Jefferson County
now living in Grand Junction, Mesa County

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[cobirds] Red Crossbills - Mesa County

2016-06-23 Thread Mike Henwood
Kathleen McGinley and I spent this morning around Fruita Reservoir #1 in
the Grand Mesa National Forest on Pinyon Mesa south of Glade Park in Mesa
County.  Highlights included:
Singing Fox Sparrow and 100+ Red Crossbills.

The Red Crossbills (Lodgepole Pine or Type 5) included both adult male &
females plus a good number of recent fledglings.  It appeared that the
youngsters were doing most of the work on the cones (Engelmann Spruce),
while the adults acted as sentinels.  The flock called incessantly and I
was able to get a decent recording with my i-Phone, which is included in my
e-Bird report.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Dead Burrowing Owl - Glade Park - Mesa County

2016-07-06 Thread Mike Henwood
Found a Burrowing Owl that had just been hit by a car on the morning of
July 5 east of the Glade Park store in Mesa County.  Now have the owl in my

Need some help with what to do with the dead bird --
   Denver Museum of Natural History???
   Division of Wildlife???

Any help in getting the bird to an appropriate source is welcome.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Poorwill Behavior - Montrose County

2016-07-16 Thread Mike Henwood
Yesterday my son and I hiked down into Roubideau Canyon on the Old Transfer
Bike Trail #251 off the Transfer Road out of Montrose.  We saw a Common
Poorwill, which are ground nesters, just ahead of us on the ground as we
descended down a long sloping portion of the trail. The female was
quivering, wings fluttering, and for a moment had me believing the she was
really hurt and we were going to pick her up. But as we approached to less
than 5 yards, the bird fluttered pitifully just a few yards away. It did
this several times, putting on quite a show feigning injury.  Then it
started to fly moth like a little further ahead of us on the trail.  After
several of these forays and about 75 yards from the original spot, the
female poorwill took flight down below the trail and circled back to the
original location with no trouble flying.  Wish I had the foresight to have
my son follow the poorwill down the trail while I stayed at the original
spot - may have been able to locate the nest.

Knew the bird was a Common Poorwill as it showed a large head, white
throat, and speckled gray and brown body with no distinct pattern while
sitting on the ground.  When the bird fluttered and flew a short distance,
the gray front of the wing with brown primary and secondary feathers was
quite obvious.   A male poorwill has noticeable white corners on the tail,
while this bird (and females in general) have buffier tail tips that are
not near as obvious.  Anyway, I'm nominating this bird for an "Academy
Award" for the best female actress of the year - Killdeers are a distant

We were descending down a long trail that had been an old road at one
time.  Elevation was about 8,000 feet.  The upper side of the trail was
woodland pinyon/juniper, while the habitat below the trail was Mountain
Shrub with serviceberry, mountain mahogany, and some scrub oak.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County
hiking in Montrose County

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[cobirds] Gunnison Sage Grouse & Three-toed Woodpeckers - Mesa County

2016-07-21 Thread Mike Henwood
This morning Bob Moston, David Price and myself spent the morning around
Fruita Reservoir #1 on Pinyon Mesa south of the Glade Park Store.  On the
way up, we rounded a corner, and there she was - a female *Gunnison Sage
Grouse* on the left hand side of the road.  We stopped and watched her from
about 15 yards away - long tail, black belly and flanks, and feathering to
the base of the toes.  She would put one foot in front of the other, take
two or three steps, stop...wait, then take another couple of very
deliberate steps, stop...wait, then repeat the pattern.  It took her
between 5 and 10 minutes to cross the forest road.  Once she reached the
other side and entered the sagebrush, she was just as deliberate and very
well camouflaged.  We watched her from inside the car for about 15
minutes.  The location was on South 16 1/2 Rd past the intersection with JS
Road and about a mile below the National Forest Boundary.  In addition to
the sagebrush habitat with grasses, there was a moist meadow less than 100
yards away.

Lots of Woodpeckers in and around Fruita Reservoir #1.  Highlight was
seeing two *Three-toed Woodpeckers* at close range feeding by pecking,
rather than scaling & flaking.  We had great looks at about 15 yards -
could even see the feet of the woodpeckers.  Also had Downy & Hairy
Woodpeckers, Red-naped and Williamson's Sapsuckers, plus the numerous

Also saw 45-50 Brewer's Blackbirds perched together in a couple of scrub
oak trees.  Never seen that many together outside of feed lots, pastures
etc in winter.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Common Tern & Red-breasted Merganser - Mesa County

2016-09-26 Thread Mike Henwood
On Sept. 24 a Common Tern was seen flying over and around Highline Lake
State Park.
Was an adult nonbreeding bird.  Obvious black patch behind eye with all
gray wings and some black on primaries.  Rare spring & fall migrant on WS.

Today along the Colorado River at the Grand Junction Wildlife Area a group
of us saw a male Red-breasted Merganser.  Uncommon spring and fall migrant
that normally does not show up until  late October.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Sandhill Cranes - 3000 - Delta County

2017-01-12 Thread Mike Henwood
Yesterday evening  6 of us hardy souls braved the weather and went to Delta
to see the wintering Sandhill Cranes gathering in the evening.  We
estimated about 3000 (give or take a few) Sandhill Cranes in the corn
fields just east of the Hamilton Tract - Escalante State Wildlife Area.  It
is a spectacular sight to see them flying in from various directions and
landing in the fields - 20 birds, then 4 more, 12 over there, here come
about 40, 8 more over there..they just keep coming.  They gather in the
fields the last hour or so before dark, then go to the river just before
dark to stand in shallow water and on sandbars to spend the night.

Back in the 90's we might see a hundred in the area, but now there are
thousands spending the winter.  They use the Escalante SWA as a home base.
During the day they feed in the agricultural fields ranging up the
Uncompahgre River to the Olathe/Montrose area, up the North Fork of the
Gunnison towards Hotchkiss, and in irrigated farm land all across Delta
County, and down to the Grand Valley to feed in irrigated lands in Mesa
County.  Late in the afternoon they return to the fields around the
Escalante SWA near Delta, then spend the night standing in the Gunnison
River. Most of the river where they spend the night borders private
property and is not accessible, but seeing them fly into the fields the
last hour before sunset is a spectacular sight.

Directions:  Heading to Delta from GJ on Hwy 50, take County Road G50 on
the very outskirts of Delta. As soon as you pass the Escalante SWA -
Hamilton Tract on your right, you will start seeing Sandhill Cranes in the
corn fields.  You can see the cranes from the road, but since G50 is a busy
Road without much of a shoulder, I would go to 1250 Road, turn left and
park along the edge of 1250 Road.  You can then walk a short distance back
across G50 Road to watch the cranes.  It is all private land, so don't
cross the fences.  View the cranes from the edge of the road behind the

If you are coming from the town of Delta, take West 5th Street out of town
past the Delta Sales Yard.  It becomes G Road once you get out of town.
After several miles take G 50 Road to the right and follow it down to the
bridge and across the river.  Shortly after you will start seeing the
cranes on your left.

Would plan on arriving around 4 or 4:30 PM.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County


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[cobirds] Gray Catbird - Mesa County

2017-01-12 Thread Mike Henwood
This afternoon Eileen Cunningham and Kathleen McGinley observed a Gray
Catbird on the Riverfront Trail on the east side of the Colorado River near
the short little street High Country Court.  Access to High Country Court
would be off the Riverside Parkway north of Colorado Hwy 340 (also know as

Reporting for Eileen & Kathleen.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Early Sage Thrasher - Mesa County

2017-03-02 Thread Mike Henwood
Eileen Cunningham, Kathleen McGinley and I were able to find the Sage
Thrasher first seen by Eileen C. on Feb. 20, 2017.  We found the bird in
the same location as it was seen on Feb. 20  This is an early date, most
early migrants arrive in mid-March.  I believe the earliest date is 25 Feb.

The location is on Mesa County 21 Road north of the canal and about halfway
to the gas plant.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Solitary Sandpiper - Mesa County

2017-08-14 Thread Mike Henwood
The *Solitary Sandpiper (cinnamomea) *continues at the Grand Junction
Wildlife Area (GJWA) in Grand Junction.  Carol Ortenzio took some photos
this morning while we were observing the bird. The beige spots (rather than
white spots) on the upperwing are evident in some of the photos.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Solitary Sandpipers - Mesa County

2017-08-15 Thread Mike Henwood
Eileen Cunningham and I observed *Solitary Sandpipers **cinnamomea *at two
different locations this morning.  We saw one juvenile at the Fruita State
Park and an adult & juvenile at Horsethief SWA.  Yesterday Carol Ortenzio
and I had a juvenile *Solitary Sandpiper **cinnamomea *at Grand Junction
Wildlife Area and Mark & Denise reported seeing 3 Solitary Sandpipers along
the Blue Heron section of the Colorado River State Park.  That makes 4
different locations in two days, so this must be the window for the western

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Northern Waterthrush & Nashville Warbler - Mesa County

2017-08-29 Thread Mike Henwood
Hello Fellow Birders,

This morning I walked the river trail at Horsethief Canyon SWA near Fruita. 
 I found a *Northern Waterthrush* in the exact same location as last year. 
 Also saw a *Nashville Warbler *in a mixed flock of warblers (mostly 
Wilson's) and vireos.  Despite the warm and above average temperatures, I 
did not see a flycatcher or a hummingbird (somewhat of a surprise to me).

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa county

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[cobirds] Clay-colored Sparrows - Mesa County

2017-09-05 Thread Mike Henwood
Fellow Birders,

The Grand Junction Wildlife Area (GJWA) has a number of food plots and each
fall we have large numbers (think 100) of Chipping Sparrows in September
and October.  This morning I was able to find both an adult and
juvenile *Clay-colored
Sparrows *among the large number of Chipping Sparrows using the field under
the power line corridor.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Cassin's Vireo - Highline Lake SP - Mesa county

2017-09-27 Thread Mike Henwood
This afternoon Eileen Cunningham, David Price and myself ran into a mixed
flock at Highland Lake State Park that included a *Cassin's Vireo, *a late
Warbling Vireo, Mountain Chickadees, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Wilson's and
Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warblers.  The location was on the west side near
the entrance to the Mack Mesa side.  Had great looks at most of the birds.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Tundra Swan - Jerry Creeek Res. - Mesa

2015-01-02 Thread Mike Henwood
Four of us birded the Jerry Creek Reservoir SWA on Jan. 1 as part of the
Mesa CBC.  While walking in to the reservoirs we saw a flock of 20+
Chukars. The Tundra Swan (probably the same on we saw in Nov. at the nearby
small pond off Hwy 330) was in a small patch of open water on the small

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Black Merlin - Mesa County

2015-01-12 Thread Mike Henwood
Thought this might be of interest regarding merlins in Mesa County.

On 1-8-15 I observed a Pacific (Black) Merlin at the Orchard Mesa Wildlife
Area (OMWA).  I had seen it previously on 12-28, but didn't get a real good

Also this fall on 1-24-14, I  saw a Boreal (Taiga) subspecies at the Grand
Junction Wildlife Area  (GJWA) as well as the more common Prairie

Both the GJWA (Gunnison River) and OMWA (Colorado River) are located in
bottomland along a river.  In addition to seeing the Prairie at GJWA area,
they also have been observed in other areas such as town, farm land. and
desert areas here in Mesa County.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Lincoln's & White-throated Sparrows - Mesa County

2015-01-16 Thread Mike Henwood
This morning Katey Buster, Kathleen McGinley and myself birded the Grand
Junction Wildlife Area (GJWA).  Among the hundreds of sparrows we looked
at, we had one overwintering LINCOLN'S SPARROW and 3 WHITE-THROATED
SPARROWS (all white-striped adults).  What a treat to look through your
binocs and see two White-throated feeding side by side on the ground.

Mike Henwood

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[cobirds] Glden-crowned Sp. & WW Junco - Red Rocks _ Jeffco

2015-01-25 Thread Mike Henwood
Arrived at the Red Rocks Trading Post feeders about 7 this morning & threw
out some seed.  The Golden-crowned Sparrow appeared right away along with a
classic White-winged Junco.

Mark Chavez arrived about half hour later and put out more see.  The
Golden-crowned put in another appearance before I left  around 7:45.

Mike Henwood
Grand junction
visiting the Eastern Slope this weekend.

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[cobirds] Rosy-Finches at Powderhorn - Mesa County

2015-02-25 Thread Mike Henwood
This evening five of us were driving into Powderhorn Ski Area in Mesa
County and observed a large flock (around 150) of Rosy-Finches feeding
along the side of the road.  The flock consisted mostly of Gray-crowned,
but we estimated there were at least 15 Black, 15 Brown-capped, and at
least 10 Hepburn's.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] White Gyrfalcon - Mesa County

2015-03-12 Thread Mike Henwood
Eileen Cunningham and myself observed a White Gyrfalcon Tuesday evening,
March 10, on Pinyon Mesa.  We were south of the Glade Park Store just below
the intersection of S 16.5 & JS Road (end of winter maintenance and as far
as you can drive).  The Gyrfalcon glided just below the contour of the
ridge going from south to north.  We were able to watch it for quite a
distance and it did not flap its wings as it glided to the north.
Gyrfalcons are known to be diurnal migrants, and we observed it about 5:50

The bird was large (a tad smaller than the Common Raven when viewed
together) with a robust chest, and was pure white except for the sharply
contrasting dark (black) wingtips (reminded one of an American White

A group of us looked for the Gyrfalcon in the same area last night, March
11, without success.  Strongly suspect it was migrating north.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] CFO June Uncompahgre Plateau Field Trips

2015-03-25 Thread Mike Henwood
Upcoming June CFO field Trips to the Uncompahgre Plateau

June 12-14  Weekend Birding Trip - This will be a trip for hard core
birders in good physical condition.  We will use the Columbine Pass CG as a
base, hike various trails in the daytime, then go owling in the evening.
Target species will include Dusky Grouse, Northern Saw-whet and Flammulated
Owls, Common Poorwill, Lewis's Woodpecker, Purple Martin, Grace's Warbler,
and Slate-colored Fox Sparrow.  The trip will be limited to 10 participants
and only CFO members are eligible.

June 20  Divide Road Driving Field Trip - We will drive the Divide Road
over the Uncompahgre Plateau from Grand Junction to Delta stopping at
various locations along the way to bird.  Target species will include Dusky
Grouse, Lewis's Woodpecker, Purple Martin, Grace's Warbler, Orange-crowned
& MacGillivrays's Warblers, and Slate-colored Fox Sparrow.  The trip will
be limited to 15 participants and only CFO members are eligible.

Details on How to Register for these trips will be announced in the Spring
Issue of *COLORADO BIRDS (due out in early April). *

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Ovenbird Annual Count - WSOS - Jeffco

2015-05-30 Thread Mike Henwood
On May 28 & 29, 2015, along with Michael Kiessig, Robert Raker, & Chuck
Aid, I conducted the Annual Ovenbird Count in Willow Springs Open Space
(WSOS), which is private open space restricted to Willow Springs
residents.  I have conducted this count annually in the last few days of
May or the first few days of June since 2008.  We walk the same
 pre-determined route each morning between 6 and 11 am. and record the
singing Ovenbirds along the route.  We have pre-determined points where we
stop and listen for 5 minutes.  We do a different route each day.

As has been noted by David Suddjian in his Post on 7-12-14 regarding
Ovenbirds at the Ken Caryl Ranch Open Space (also private and restricted to
residents), and my article on Ovenbirds at Willow Springs in the Oct.,
2009, CFO Journal, Ovenbirds in the area from Hwy 285 to Deer Creek Canyon
area along the Front Range are fairly common in the appropriate habitat.
They are found at elevations ranging from 6500- 7400 feet along drainages
that flow east from the first main ridge of the Front Range. Some years the
drainages are dry by June, but this year they are running full. Good thick
understory seems to be the prime component of the habitat,  Forests on
north facing slopes are mixed conifer with some combination of Douglas-fir,
Ponderosa Pine, and aspen, while south facing slopes are typically
Ponderosa Pine woodlands with Gambel Oak understory.

This year our numbers were down with 28 singing Ovenbirds recorded compared
to 33 last year.  Records for previous years:
2008 - 2011  23 singing Ovenbirds were the high recorded.
2012 - 24 singing Ovenbirds
2013 - 32
2014 - 33
2015 - 28 singing Ovenbirds.

Other notes:
Michael Kiessig has 3 singing Ovenbirds on his property (off S. Deer Creek
Road) this year, the same as last year.

We cleaned out some nest boxes in a meadow above Weaver Gulch Thursday on
our way out, and Friday there were 3 Tree Swallows flying around in the
area investigating the boxes.

Mike Henwood
Willow Springs (3 miles south of Red Rocks)
Jefferson County
presently residing in Grand Junction, Mesa county

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[cobirds] Hudsonian Godwits - Mesa County

2015-10-05 Thread Mike Henwood
This morning Kathleen McGinley and I cancelled our Beginner's Birding class
because of the steady downpour.  We thought the heavy rain might turn
something uncommon up at one of the ponds in the area.

At the Redlands Parkway Ponds, we found a flock of 16 Hudsonian Godwits.
We watched the birds fly around the pond several times, land once briefly,
then take off again before settling down on some mud flats for about 30
minutes.  Even though it was raining steadily, we had good looks by setting
up the scope underneath the back door of our SUV.

In flight the birds showed very dark pointed wings with a narrow white
stripe, white rump, and black tail.  They all flew together in unison
taking off and landing together.  While feeding on the mudflats, the birds
showed plain gray upper parts. pale eyebrow, and a slightly upturned bill.
No doubt as far as the ID.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] No Hudsonian Godwits - Mesa County

2015-10-18 Thread Mike Henwood
Kathleen McGinley and I have changed our call of the Hudsonian Godwits
reported in Mesa County on Oct. 5.  We were birding in steady rain, and
when the birds landed it seemed like the bills were definitely upturned.
However, as we have reviewed blown up photos, shorebird guides, and our
notes, the correct ID should be Long-billed Dowitchers.  With egg on my

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Juvenile Solitary Sandpiper - Mesa County

2015-10-20 Thread Mike Henwood
On Oct. 19 Kathleen McGinley and I found the juvenile Solitary Sandpiper at
the Grand Junction Wildlife Area (GJWA).  We had great looks through a
scope at 40 yards, and the overall brown tones and buffy spotting on the
upper parts was quite evident (as opposed to the colder, darker tones and
white spotting on the eastern subspecies *solitairia)*.  This bird is the
western subspecies *cinnamomea *as identified by Tony Leukering from a
photo taken by JoAnn Potter Riggle on 30 Sep 2015.

I first saw the bird on 23 Sep 2015, and identified it as a juvenile
Solitary Sandpiper.  This juvenile bird has been seen a number of times by
various birders in the last month, but certainly not on every trip to the
GJWA.  The latest fall date reported in Western Colorado is 4 Oct.

Looked for the bird today with no luck, but did see the Black Phoebe fly
catching from the brush pile in the pond.  Didn't see the Black Phoebe

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Lewis's Woodpeckers - Mesa County

2015-10-29 Thread Mike Henwood
Yesterday a group of us birded Escalante Canyon.  In the area known as
Escalante Forks in the upper end of the canyon, we observed 12 Lewis's
Woodpeckers in narrow leaf cottonwood riparian areas along the North Fork
of Escalante Creek and the main fork of Escalante Canyon, a relatively
small area (less than a mile).

We also saw one Lewis's Woodpecker lower down in the canyon (total of 13
for the day),  as well as a flock of 9 Chukars and 16 Desert Bighorn Sheep.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Juvenile Solitary Sandpiper - Mesa County

2015-11-01 Thread Mike Henwood
The juvenile western version of the Solitary Sandpiper (*cinnammomea)* is
still present at the Grand Junction Wildlife Area in Mesa County as of this

Very late date for this species!

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa county

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[cobirds] Red-breasted Sapsucker - Mesa County

2015-11-21 Thread Mike Henwood
A group of us finished up the Grand Valley Audubon Society Waterfowl Field
Trip by doing some birding in the campground at Highline Lake State Park.
Our reward was great looks at  a male RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER (most gone by
mid-October). Other birds nearby included Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Brown
Creepers, and many juncos.  We also were able to get a brief look at a
Western Screech Owl peeking out of a box and a Great Horned Owl roosting in
the pine trees.

Earlier in the day we had a Black Phoebe and a Say's Phoebe interacting on
the banks of one of the Redlands Parkway Ponds.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Red-naped Sapsucker - Mes County

2015-11-22 Thread Mike Henwood
The heading on my post (late last night) should be Red-naped Sapsucker, not

A group of us finished up the Grand Valley Audubon Society Waterfowl Field
Trip by doing some birding in the campground at Highline Lake State Park.
Our reward was great looks at  a male RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER (most gone by
mid-October). Other birds nearby included Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Brown
Creepers, and many juncos.  We also were able to get a brief look at a
Western Screech Owl peeking out of a box and a Great Horned Owl roosting in
the pine trees.

Earlier in the day we had a Black Phoebe and a Say's Phoebe interacting on
the banks of one of the Redlands Parkway Ponds.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Trumpeter/Tundra Swans - Mesa County

2015-11-27 Thread Mike Henwood
There are two large juvenile swans present at the Whitewater Ponds on Hwy
141.  Most folks that have seen them in the past couple of days are leaning
toward Trumpeter Swans, but too far away today for a definite ID for me.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Tundra Swans - Mesa County

2015-11-28 Thread Mike Henwood
Good morning All,

Yesterday I reported 2 possible juvenile Trumpeter Swans at the Whitewater
Ponds on HWY 141 in Mesa County.  Thanks to some comments from Steve
Mlodinow, I feel confident now that the birds are juvenile TUNDRA SWANS.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Trumpeter Swans - Highline Lake SP - Mesa

2015-11-28 Thread Mike Henwood
Hello All,

This afternoon a number of local birders checked out the swans that had
been reported at Highline Lake SP (been there about a week).  Supposedly
there had been 8 swans earlier in the week. We had good looks at 5 adult

Also had several large flocks of Sandhill Cranes fly over (estimate 250 or
more) plus a Golden and Bald Eagle.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Sora - Mogeson Ponds - Mesa County

2015-12-01 Thread Mike Henwood
Just after noon today I watched a *SORA *walk around on the ice of a frozen
pond for about 15 minutes.  Here is a description of what I saw:

Mogeson Ponds (on Hwy 330 to Collbran less than 1/2 mile from intersection
with Hwy 65 to Grand Mesa).

Watched a *SORA* walk around on the ice of a frozen pond for about 15
minutes.  Had the best look I have ever had of a Sora (usually brief on the
edge of a marsh).  The white spectacled back, gray eyebrow &  gray side of
face and neck, short bill, and clear buffy undertail coverts were all very
evident.  The most striking feature was the greenish legs with such *large*
feet for such a small bird.  The Sora walked around on the ice placing one
foot directly in front of the other (rails leave a single line of tracks),
pecking at something on the surface of the ice ice or just below the
surface.  Not sure what the bird was picking up, but rails are
opportunistic omnivores eating a wide variety of invertebrates and plant
matter as well as small vertebrates and carrion. Finally the Sora walked
back to the edge of the pond and slipped between the cattails disappearing
like a puff of smoke.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Black Phoebe - Mesa County

2015-12-03 Thread Mike Henwood
Late yesterday morning (Dec. 2) Eileen Cunningham and I paid a visit to the
Redlands Parkway Ponds.  Highlights included 16 Canvasbacks, and relocating
both the Say's Phoebe and Black Phoebe seen in the same location on Nov. 21.

The *BLACK PHOEBE *was perched on a branch just above the edge of the pond.
It would fly down, land on the ice, pick up an insect???, then return to
it's perch.  Other times it would just hover above the ice, pick up
something without landing, then return to it's perch on the bank.

Quite fascinating to watch it feed in the cold and using the ice.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Mesa County Rarities - Dec. 4

2015-12-05 Thread Mike Henwood
On Friday, Dec. 4, Carol Ortenzio, Eileen Cunningham and I birded some
hotspots in Mesa County.

Redlands Parkway Ponds -  *Black Phoebe, *Say's Phoebe, Mountain Bluebird
and Ruby-crowned Kinglet were all hanging out around the larger pond.  The
Black Phoebe was taking bugs off the water, while the others were finding
insects in the foliage above and around the pond on the ground and in the
rabbitbrush.  The smaller alkali pond had 26 Canvasbacks (16 male).  Seems
like a high count for Mesa County.

Marsh on private land west of Mack - *Sora (2), *Virginia Rail (3),
Wilson's Snipe (1), Marsh Wren (2).  Adjacent to the marsh In a small grove
of trees which included several large willow trees with leaves still intact
we counted 11 Ruby-crowned Kinglets. They were gleaning something among the
willow leaves.  I don't remember ever seeing that many together in one
location. Number of other birds in same location (Downy Woodpecker, Song
Sparrows & juncos, Am. Goldfinch).

Highline Lake SP - *10 Trumpeter Swans ( 9 adult & 1 juvenile).  *Also had
a female Prairie Falcon, Golden Eagle, and 2 adult Bald  Eagles.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Lincoln's Sparrow - Mesa County

2015-12-08 Thread Mike Henwood
The Lincoln's Sparrow continues to be seen (saw it today) at the Grand
Junction Wildlife Area in Grand Junction.  Hope it stays for the Christmas

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Hermit Thrush - Palisade - Mesa County

2015-12-12 Thread Mike Henwood
Eilleen Cunningham and I had good looks at a Hermit Thrush in a Russian
Olive thicket at the Tillman Bishop SWA on East Orchard Mesa across the
Colorado River from the Riverside Park in Palisade.  Although a common
breeder, they are not often seen in the winter on the West Slope.

Also, Kathleen McGinley reports that the Black Phoebe is still at the
Redlands Parkway Ponds in Grand Junction as of Th., Dec. 10.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Trumpeter Swans - Mesa County

2016-01-12 Thread Mike Henwood
This morning Kathleen McGinley and I walked into Jerry Reservoirs.  There
is a limited amount of open water at Jerry Reservoir #1, and there
were 5 *Trumpeter
Swans *among the few ducks.  Also saw a Bald Eagle and a Golden Eagle.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] White-winged Juncos near Molina, Mesa County

2016-01-12 Thread Mike Henwood
This afternoon Kathleen McGinley and I spotted a *White-winged Junco *along
the side of the road at 52706 KE Road near the town of Molina.  The
White-winged Junco was larger than either the Pink-sided Junco or  Song
Sparrows near him, was pale gray with extensive white in the tail, and had
two white wing bars.

I believe this is one of very few records in Western Colorado and maybe the
first record in Mesa County.  I have never seen a White-winged Junco in
western Colorado before today.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Sagebrush Sparrow Field Trip - April - Mesa County

2016-02-03 Thread Mike Henwood
Hi All,

I will be leading a CFO Sagebrush Sparrow/Sage Thrasher trip in Mesa County
in April.  Should be some good photo ops - birds will be perched on shrubs
singing.  Here are the details:

*Sagebrush Sparrow/Sage Thrasher Field Trip*

When:  April 16 and 17 (two separate trips)
Where:  Fruita west to the state line and back to Highline Lake SP
Time:  Meet at 8 am at Fruita Rest Stop off I-70.  Finish about 2 pm.
 1. Listen & observe Sagebush Sparrows and Sage Thrashers singing
on territory.
  2. Explore marsh for rails, snipe & marsh wren.
  3. Finish at Highline Lake SP  Raptors/migrating shorebirds
Bring: *WATER/LUNCH. *Binocs & scope.  Dress in layers.

Limit group size to 10 participants (3 cars).  Folks must be CFO members.

Register with Mike Henwood at * mhawk...@gmail.com .*

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Barrow's Goldeneye - Mesa County

2016-02-12 Thread Mike Henwood
Yesterday (2-11-16) Ron Lambeth and I birded the Grand Junction Wildlife
Area.  Along the Colorado River we had 3 *Barrow's Goldeneye* (2m, 1f)
mixed in with a group of Common Goldeneye.

There was a Wilson's Snipe feeding in the muck in the pond area with 2

Had brief glimpses of a *Lincoln's Sparrow *and a White-throated Sparrow.

Western Screech Owls in two of the boxes.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Book: Birds of Western Colorado Plateau.....

2016-03-12 Thread Mike Henwood
The Grand Valley Audubon Society, Grand Junction, CO has available copies
of *Birds of Western Colorado Plateau and Mesa County.*  This 214 page
 publication was written by Robert Righter, Rich Levad, Coen Dexter and Kim
Potter with Illustrations by Don Radovich.  Originally published in 2004 by
the Grand Valley Audubon Society, the book holds accurate and valuable
information for birders interested in the habitat and seasonal occurance of
western Colorado birds.

*Birds of Western Colorado Plateau and Mesa County* will be a great
companion book to the soon to be released Breeding Bird Atlas II.  The book
can be reviewed on line by searching for the title.

The book is available for $10 plus $5 shipping/handling.  If you are
interested in a copy please contact Juanita Moston at 970 242-9443 or at
bobandjuanitam...@gmail.com.   Checks made payable to Grand Valley Audubon
Society.  Please allow at least a week for shipping.

Folks purchasing a book at one of the monthly GVAS meetings (March 21 &
April 18) can avoid the shipping/handling charge.

A Personal Note:
Coen Dexter, Rich Levad, and Kim Potter, the three most knowledgeable
birders I have known on Western Slope birds are the primary authors.  The
book is an excellent reference source and a terrific value at $10.  Coen
still maintains a record list with new updates annually and is an
invaluable source of information to WS birders. Many thanks to Bob Righter
for coordinating and making this book a reality and to Don Radovich for the
wonderful illustrations.


Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Red-throated Loon - Highline Lake SP - Mesa County

2016-03-19 Thread Mike Henwood
Definitely a Red-throated Loon at Highline Lake SP (probably a young bird
as there was no white speckling on back). Had good look today with Dave &
Diane Trappett with sun at our back and loon swimming in calm water next to
flotilla of Western Grebes. Yesterday was windy with lots of waves and not
as good viewing.

Some field marks:
About the same size as Western Grebes close by. Thin, pale upturned bill
with dark forehead and head peaked in rear. Moslty white face and neck with
gray hind neck and darker (black?) body (no white speckling on back). Faint
light gray spot on side of neck and darker spot on throat in good light.
Some white showing on sides while swimming

Thanks to Brandon Percival, David Suddjian, Mark Peterson, Coen Dexter, Nic
Korte and others who weighed in on the ID with pictures taken in the waves
and wind.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Black Phoebe in Escalante Canyon - Delta County

2016-03-21 Thread Mike Henwood
Took a drive up Escalante Canyon yesterday afternoon and evening.

Saw A Black Phoebe along the creek as well as a Chukar.

Had a pair of Western Screech Owls dueting after dark and Great Horned Owls

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Red-throated & Common Loons - Mesa County

2016-03-30 Thread Mike Henwood
This afternoon 4 of us spent about 2 hours birding Highline Lake SP and had
over 30 species.
Highlights  included:

*Red-throated Loon *swimming close to two *Common Loons.*
Flock of 16 *Snow Goose *with one "Blue goose" among the flock.
Pair of *Red-breasted Mergansers.*
*Bald Eagles *engaging in courtship behavior including locking talons.
*Bald Eagle *pirating a fish from an *Osprey.*
*Peregrine Falcon*

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Escalante Canyon eBird Hotspots - Delta, Mesa & Montrose Counties

2016-04-02 Thread Mike Henwood
Hello All,

After Tony Leukering's post on March 18 re: eBird Checklist Distance, Joe
Roller and I reorganized the Escalante Canyon HOTSPOTS.  From Hwy 50, the
Escalante Canyon Road runs about 20 miles to the Escalante forks area and
upper end of the canyon, goes through several habitat changes, and through
3 counties - Delta, Mesa, and Montrose.  Here are the new HOTSPOTS - you
may want to review them before birding Escalante Canyon since much of the
birding requires using offline checklists.

*Escalante Canyon Road--Hwy 50 to RR tracks Delta County
 *New  *HOTSPOT.*
*Escalante Canyon--Gunnison River to Cap Smith Cabin Delta County
 *New name for same *HOTSPOT *as we have now, and where most of
our checklists come from.

*Escalante Canyon--Cap Smith Cabin to Potholes Area   Delta County
*New *HOTSPOT *These 3 replace *Escalante Canyon--Cap
Smith to Escalante Forks*
*Escalante Canyon--Potholes Area to Mesa County Road Sign  Montrose County,
 *New *HOTSPOT  *
*Escalante Canyon--Escalante Forks Area  Mesa County

*Escalante Canyon--Brushy Ridge Road west to forest boundary Mesa County


Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Golden-crowned Sparrow - Mesa County

2016-04-10 Thread Mike Henwood
Mark Peterson found the *Golden-crowned Sparrow* on Sat. morning (4-9-16)
that had been reported in Snooks Bottom, which is just across the river
from the Fruita Section of the James M. Robb - Colorado State Park.
Yesterday evening after the CFO Board meeting held in Fruita, a number of
the Board Members, with Mark's help, were able to get good looks of the
Golden-crowned Sparrow.  The first year Golden-crowned Sparrow was
associating with a group of White-crowned Sparrows.  It is a little larger
than the White-crowned Sparrows with a little different profile.  The lemon
patch on the forehead is distinctive, but not the first thing you notice.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Long-billed Curlews - Mesa County

2016-04-10 Thread Mike Henwood
A number of CFO Board Members found two *Long-billed Curlews *on the
Brewster Ridge Road west of Mack on Saturday morning before the CFO Board
Meeting.  The curlews were calling as well as providing good looks.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Sanderling - Highline Lake SP - Mesa County

2016-04-30 Thread Mike Henwood
This morning I had a Sanderling at Mack Mesa Reservoir feeding along the
shoreline with 13 American Avocets and 2 Willet's.  There was also a flock
of 20 Eared Grebes in the middle of Mack Mesa Reservoir, which is located
in Highline Lake SP.

I believe the Sanderling to be an adult female.  The only rufous I could
see was a hint along the primaries near the tail - everything else was
black, gray and pure white.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Indigo Bunting - BCLP - Jeffco

2013-08-20 Thread Mike Henwood
Yesterday evening Rob Raker & I located a family of Indigo Buntings in Bear 
Creek Lake Park (BCLP).  We saw the male and four youngsters. We did not see 
the female, but Rob had observed the female feeding a fledgling in previous 
days in the same location. The location was along Bear Creek just below the 
Soda Lakes Road across the street from the Conoco station @ C470 & Morrison 
Road. This is the 3rd location in BCLP we have found Indigo Buntings breeding 
this summer.
Mike Henwood
Grand Junction & Morrison
Presently in Morrison

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[cobirds] Golden-crowned Sparrow- Red Rocks-Jeffco

2013-11-05 Thread Mike Henwood
Hi All,
Stopped by the feeders at the Red Rocks Trading Post around noon & threw out 
some seed. Felt just like home as the Golden-crowned Sparrow popped into view 
briefly and the House Finch with the white dollop on her crown came into feed.
Mike Henwood 
Grand Junction Mesa Co
Presently visiting the "Queen City of the Plains"

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[cobirds] Golden-crowned Sparrow @ Red Rocks -Jeffco

2013-11-17 Thread Mike Henwood
The golden-crowned Sparrow was at Red Rocks feeders this morning. Also had a 
Prairie Falcon perched on the tall snag to the south of the Trading Post.
Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa county
Stopped on my way home

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[cobirds] Black-legged Kittiwake - Highline Lake-Mesa Co

2013-11-20 Thread Mike Henwood
Bird still at Highline Lake and also seen once at Mack Mesa Res. adjacent to 
Highline Lake
Mike Henwood

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[cobirds] Indigo Buntings-Morrison-Jeffco

2014-07-20 Thread Mike Henwood
Between 6 and 6:30 this morning I had several singing Indigo Buntings just
east of Morrison on the Soda Lakes Road.  We have observed breeding Indigo
Buntings the past several years in this location.

Directions:  From C470 & Morrison Road, go west toward the town of
Morrison.  Soda Lakes Road is on the south side of the road just opposite
the Conoco Station.  Take the Soda Lakes Road a short distance to a small
turnout on the right (parking lot).  From here I like to walk south along
the road a short ways before crossing the fence so I can observe the
riparian area below from above.  The Indigo Buntings can be found between
the Soda Lakes Road and C470 on the south side of Bear Creek.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction, Mesa County
visiting Denver area over weekend

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[cobirds] Cassin's Vireo & Nashville Warbler, Mesa County

2014-09-08 Thread Mike Henwood
I birded the Grand Junction SWA near the confluence of the Colorado and
Gunnison rivers this morning.  Highlights included one (possibly 2)
Cassin's Vireo and a Nashville Warbler.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] White-throated Sparrow & Merlin - GJWA - Mesa County

2014-10-28 Thread Mike Henwood
Had a good morning of birding at the Grand Junction Wildlife Area (GJWA),
which is near the confluence of the Colorado and Gunnison Rivers in Grand

Lots of sparrows including an adult White-striped White-throated Sparrow, 6
Lincoln's Sparrows, about 20 Chipping Sparrows(down in numbers from several
days ago), plus numerous Gambel's White-crowned Sparrows, Song Sparrows,
and Dark-eyed Juncos (mostly Pink-sided & Oregon).  Spotted Towhees (8)
made the 7th sparrow species.

Also had a Merlin hunting from a perch and on the wing.  Observed a young
Cooper's Hawk carrying a junco in his talons.

Also observed an unusual Red-tailed Hawk which I think is a dark morph
Western Red-tailed.  Saw the bird circling and the body was uniform black
with a light rufous red tail.
Looked like a Harlan's Hawk with a red tail, so I'm not positive of the ID.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] White-winged Scoters - Fruita - Mesa County

2014-11-05 Thread Mike Henwood
Guided a couple of birders (Robert Ruvolo & Gerry Sager) around Mesa County

Colorado River State Park - Fruita Section
2  female White-winged Scoters

Highline Lake State Park - Loma
Common Loon - 1
Clark's Grebe - 1
Red-breasted Merganser - 1 female
Canvasback - 1
Merlin - 1

Grand Junction Wildlife Area
Hooded Mergansers - 14
Merlin - 1

Near the east entrance of the Colorado National Monument we also found both
a Canyon Wren and a Rock Wren.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Correction Surf Scoters - Fruita

2014-11-08 Thread Mike Henwood
Hi All,

The scoters reported at Colorado River State Park in Fruita on Wed., Nov.
5, turned out to be 2 Surf Scoters.  Folks went out the next day and saw
the Surf Scoters up close and took good photos.

We only saw them on the far shore and they never came close.

Sorry for the mistaken ID

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction, Meas County
presently in Hastings, NE

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[cobirds] Costa's Hummingbird

2014-11-16 Thread Mike Henwood
Costa's hummingbird still at 2217 Tuscany Ave. in Grand Junction as of
10:45 A.M. this morning.
Twanna Cooksey has a wonderful feeder setup in her back yard with various
types of feeders and heated bird baths. Lots to look at while you wait. She
indicated the Costa's hummer appears early in the morning between 7 and
8:30, then as the sun comes up and things warm up, the bird appears less
frequently (probably is able to catch insects as the weather has been warm
enough during the day here in GJ).  As indicated earlier by others, the
best place to observe is under the patio back against the wall near the
back door.

Mike Henwood

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[cobirds] Rusty Blackbird & Sora - Highline Lake - Mesa County

2014-11-20 Thread Mike Henwood
Nic Korte and I spent the day scouting for The Thanksgiving Waterfowl trip
this Saturday.  We had one of those memorable birding experiences that one
never forgets this afternoon.

We were driving from Highline Lake on the east side (where the offices &
campground are located) to the west side and Mack Mesa area on R Road.  As
we crossed the little stream below the dam I slowed the car down and we
looked at the ducks in the stream.  Nic said "There's our Green-winged Teal
(we didn't have one for the day)" as a flock of Mallards and 4 Green-wings
took flight.  "Wait a minute, there's a snipe."  "What's that blackbird on
the ground just above the snipe.  In the next 30 minutes we witnessed the
following in that one little muddy area next to the stream with our binocs
and then our scopes.
Wilson's Snipe
Virginia Rail (2)
Marsh Wren
Song Sparrow (several)

The Rusty soon left the mud flat and flew upstream into dense cover.  The
Wilson's Snipe stayed in the same location feeding the entire time, while
the 2 Virginia Rails, Sora, and Marsh Wren would dart out from the heavy
cover to feed on the mud flat briefly, then dart back to cover before
emerging again.  Several times all the birds could be seen at the same
time. We watched this action for about 30 minutes from 3:30 to 4.

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Tundra Swan & Barrow's Goldeneye - Mesa County

2014-12-02 Thread Mike Henwood
Yesterday Nic Korte and I birded from Jerry Creek Reservoir SWA to Vega
Lake SP as part of the annual Barrow's Goldeneye Count.  At a small pond on
the south side of CO Hwy 330 a mile or so  beyond the entrance to Jerry
Creek SWA, we observed an adult Tundra Swan and 5 Barrow's Goldeneye - 2
male and 3 female.

The location of the ponds is 5101-5115 CO HWY 330, Molina, Mesa County.
There is a large pullout on the north side of the road where one can park.
Birds are easily spooked on the pond, which is on the south side of the

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Costa' Hummingbird - GJ - Mesa County

2014-12-11 Thread Mike Henwood
The Costa's Hummingbird continues at 2217 Tuscany Drive in Grand junction,
Mesa County.

A number of birders saw the bird yesterday afternoon at a small social
gathering, and both Twanna Cooksey (owner of house) and Carol Ortenzio saw
the bird today.

Mike Henwood
Grand junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] GJ CBC Highlights - Mesa County

2014-12-15 Thread Mike Henwood
Some highlights from the GVAS CBC in Grand Junction,

Costa's Hummingbird -1   Seen at 2217 Tuscany Drive.

Black Phoebe - 3   two seen by our group and 1 by another group.

Our group at the Grand Junction Wildlife Area also had the following in
addition to two Black Phoebe's.
Orange-crowned Warbler - 2
White-throated Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow - 3, and maybe more among 100's of sparrows .

Mike Henwood
Grand Junction
Mesa county

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[cobirds] Sora - Bear Creek Greenbelt - Jefferson County

2014-12-21 Thread Mike Henwood
While participating in the CBC, Art Hudak and I had a Sora respond to a
tape in the Bear Creek Greenbelt between Kipling and Estes St.  This swampy
area never seems to freeze and also produced a Virginia's Rail.

Mike Henwood
presently visiting Denver area
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Golden-crowned Sparrow at Red Rocks - Jeffco

2014-12-21 Thread Mike Henwood
Arrived early and spread some seed at Red Rocks Trading Post.  Just before
7 a.m. the juncos started appearing.  In the short site I was there the
Golden-crowned Sparrow and adult White-throated Sparrow appeared, along
with 4 Song Sparrows, 3 Spotted Towhees, Black-capped and Mountain
Chickadees, and all the junco subspecies except White-winged in the 40 or
so juncos.

Mike Henwood
visiting Denver area
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Yellow-billed Loon - Chatfield SP

2014-12-22 Thread Mike Henwood
I was able to observe the Yellow-billed Loon swimming north of the Marina
this morning about 9:30.

Mike Henwood
visiting from the Western Slope
Grand Junction
Mesa County

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[cobirds] Dipper Behavior - BCLP - Jefferson County

2009-06-01 Thread mike henwood

Fellow Birders:

Rob Raker and I enjoyed watching 4 Dipper young leave the nest today.   
The nest is inside one of the support beams with a rectangular opening  
below the footbridge west of Skunk Hollow.  Rob had some pictures he  
took yesterday and it looked like there might be 4 young.  When we  
arrived around 7:30 a.m., the adults were flying up to the nest from  
the rocks on the bank and feeding the young.  I walked out on the  
fallen tree to the middle of the creek where I could see the nest  
inside the support beam, and when an adult flew up to the nest I saw  
at least 3 mouths open wide.  As we watched we noticed the adults  
would fly into the beam with food, but would exit with the bug still  
in their beak, fly down to the rocks below and call to the young.  It  
seemed like they were coaxing the young to follow them.  After  
watching this for some time, we then walked to the bridge so Rob could  
shoot some photos from a different angle.  As we were standing on the  
bridge, I noticed two young dippers twisting and bobbing in the water  
as they were carried downstream (my first thought was I was seeing  
phalaropes before I had time for a better look).  The two young exited  
about 50 yards downstream.  The youngsters could go under the water  
and also could fly a short ways - across the creek was as far as we  
saw the young fly.  We saw the adults feed the youngsters - the  
youngsters would be sitting on a rock or on a tree branch and open  
their mouths wide when the adult landed next to them.  One of the  
adults then starting entering the nest as before, but she brought out  
fecal sacs (6 - 8), sticks, and pieces of grass as if she were  
cleaning house.  Sometimes she would come just to the edge of the beam  
and drop the grass or sticks, other times she would fly down to the  
rocks, drop the material and wash her bill in the creek.  We watched  
this behavior for probably 30 minutes trying to figure out what she  
was doing.  When she flew down the creek, I went out on the log and  
looked into the beam.  The integrity of the nest seemed intact and I  
couldn't see any young.  Rob and I then started looking along the  
shores of the creek to see if we could find more than the 2 young  
dippers.  We were able to locate 4 young ones after a great deal of  
searching.  Our take on the situation:
All 4 young exited the nest at the same time and jumped into the  
water below - we only saw the last two.
Both adults helped in feeding the young, but one of the adults  
also spent time cleaning out the nest.
Will the pairs of Dippers use the nest again and raise a 2nd  
brood?  The next couple of weeks should provide the answer.

All in all, an exciting morning.  The young dippers spent a lot of  
time sitting motionless (or in one spot dipping up and down),
but did make their way downstream.  They would sometimes fly a short  
distance, other times walk in the water along the edge of the creek.   
They made a distinctive noise  when the adults arrived with food.

Mike Henwood
Bear Creek Lake Park (BCLP) - Jefferson County

Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa:

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[cobirds] Ovenbirds - Jefferson County

2009-06-01 Thread mike henwood

The Ovenbirds have returned to Willow Springs Open Space (WSOS) in  
good numbers this year.  I did my Ovenbird Count using my regular  
route on May 28 and counted 21 singing ovenbirds.  The DFO field trip  
I led on Sat. into WSOS counted 12 ovenbirds and the field trip on  
Sunday (cooler weather) tallied 18 singing ovenbirds.  The field trips  
did not cover as much area as my regular route encompasses.

Mike Henwood

Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa:

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[cobirds] Indigo Buntings - BCLP - Jefferson County

2009-06-21 Thread mike henwood

Sat. morning I found a pair of Indigo Buntings plus a male Indigo x  
Lazuli cross in Bear Creek Lake Park (BCLP). The birds were seen in  
the area  east of Muskrat Meadows Picnic Area along the path on the  
north side if the creek.  The "seep area" along the road just east and  
north of Muskrat Meadows is also a good spot to locate them.

Mike Henwood
BCLP - Jefferson County

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Blue-winged Warbler-Jeffco

2014-05-28 Thread 'Mike Henwood' via Colorado Birds
Tina Jones, my wife Janet & I saw & heard the Blue-winged Warbler in the same 
location just after 7:00 p.m.
Mike Henwood
Visiting Lakewood,
now in Grand Junction

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