How do I bind custom view properties to an NSCollectionViewItem?

2010-01-03 Thread Rick Mann
In the example for NSCollectionView, they show binding text labels to the 
collection view item's represented object's properties. This is fine and makes 

But my item view contains a custom view that needs access to the represented 
object in the NSCollectionViewItem. Since my custom view can't be bound within 
IB, I need to bind it programmatically. But I can't find the right place to do 
this. I tried doing it in awakeFromNib, with an outlet in my custom view to the 
NSCollectionViewItem, but it's sometimes nil (Currently I have data for two 
items, and the first time awakeFromNib is called, the item outlet is set, and 
the second time, it's not; not sure why).

When does IB actually set the bindings specified in the nib? When can I add 
bind: calls and have access to both my view instance and the 



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Re: NSBezierPath linewidth not correct

2010-01-03 Thread Heinrich Giesen

On 03.01.2010, at 00:45, Rob Keniger wrote:

It will probably be easier to create an NSAffineTransform and  
translate the whole context by 0.5px, so all drawing is offset  
without you needing to fiddle with individual values.

Just a hint:
NSBezierPath has a method which allows to use NSAffineTransform for  
this even outside a rendering/drawing process:

Description of transformUsingAffineTransform, a method of NSBezierPath:

Transforms all points in the receiver using the specified transform.

- (void)transformUsingAffineTransform:(NSAffineTransform *)aTransform


NSBezierPath *bPath = // create a path
// construct the complete path
NSAffineTransform *transform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
// move all coordinates to the center of the pixels
[transform translateXBy: 0.5 yBy: 0.5 ];
[bPath transformUsingAffineTransform:transform];
// bPath is now ready for drawing

Heinrich Giesen


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Re: Custom NSFormatter classes

2010-01-03 Thread Patrick Mau
Hallo Henri

Your assumption about how formatters should work are correct. To provide a 
useful answer
I have setup a mini project here, because I have stumbled over a detail I did 
not now:

I took your approach and implemted a minimal datasource and a "Foo" object.
This is not a great example, but here's what II did not know:

When you wire up the formatter to the text field cell in IB,
"setFormatter" is called on the TextFieldCell, which in turn will
call your formatting code withe the cell's title:

[Switching to process 7123]
2010-01-03 12:39:47.790 Formatter[7123:a0f] NSCFString Cell Title
2010-01-03 12:39:47.810 Formatter[7123:a0f] Foo 
2010-01-03 12:39:47.811 Formatter[7123:a0f] Foo 
2010-01-03 12:39:47.811 Formatter[7123:a0f] Foo 

Therefore you have too prepare to receive at least one object, which is not 

Interestingly, I could not find that little detail in the documentation.

If you want to return an instance Foo from your datasource, it is much more 
convenient to write
your own NSCell subclass, because you can control editing and formatting much 
You can even use an attached formatter that you setup in IB, passing it a 
property of Foo.

All the best,

On Jan 3, 2010, at 1:47 , Henri Häkkinen wrote:

> Hello.
> I have an array of custom Foo objects which I would need to display in an 
> NSTableView object. I implement the data source delegate like this:
> - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView {
>   return [arrayOfFoos count];
> }
> - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView 
> objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger) row {
>   return [arrayOfFoos objectAtIndex:row];
> }
> Then I have NSFormatter subclass FooFormatter which takes in a Foo object and 
> converts it to a string. This formatter object is attached to the formatter 
> property of the TextFieldCell class in the NSTableView's table column. The 
> FooFormatter is like this:
> @implementation FooFormatter
> - (NSString *)stringForObjectValue:(id)anObject {
>   if ([anObject isKindOfClass:[Foo class]] == NO) {
>   [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Wrong 
> object"];
>   }
>   Foo *foo = (Foo *)anObject;
>   NSString *string;
>   // ... convert foo into string ...
>   return string;
> }
> @end
> I am assuming here that the object returned by the data source 
> objectValueForTableColumn: is passed to the formatter's stringForObjectValue: 
> before it is displayed in the text field cell -- this seems not to be the 
> case. I would like to keep formatting of Foo objects separate from the data 
> source (if possible) since I intend to implement multiple different 
> FooFormatter derived classes suited for different situations.
> The Cocoa docs seem to be a little low on details on how these NSFormatter 
> objects are supposed to work. Can anybody give me any insight? Would be 
> appreciated. Thanks.
> ___
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Re: How do I bind custom view properties to an NSCollectionViewItem?

2010-01-03 Thread Markus Spoettl

On Jan 3, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Rick Mann wrote:

> In the example for NSCollectionView, they show binding text labels to the 
> collection view item's represented object's properties. This is fine and 
> makes sense.
> But my item view contains a custom view that needs access to the represented 
> object in the NSCollectionViewItem. Since my custom view can't be bound 
> within IB, I need to bind it programmatically. But I can't find the right 
> place to do this. I tried doing it in awakeFromNib, with an outlet in my 
> custom view to the NSCollectionViewItem, but it's sometimes nil (Currently I 
> have data for two items, and the first time awakeFromNib is called, the item 
> outlet is set, and the second time, it's not; not sure why).
> When does IB actually set the bindings specified in the nib? When can I add 
> bind: calls and have access to both my view instance and the 
> NSCollectionViewItem?

What you could do is sub-class the NSCollectionViewItem your collection view is 
using (you will set the NSCollectionViewItem's class in IB) and implement 
-setRepresentedObject: which is called the at the time it is created and 
assigned its corresponding object. 

There you can access the view and represented object and do whatever you like 
with it.

- (void)setRepresentedObject:(id)object
[super setRepresentedObject:object];

MyView *myView = (MyView *)[self view];
// bind view properties to object here

An alternative would be sub-classing the NSCollectionView and implementing 
-newItemForRepresentedObject: where you too can get access to the ItemView and 
view for the object.

Markus Spoettl

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Re: Drawing on top of QTCaptureView

2010-01-03 Thread Bengt Nilsson
Hi again,

1 jan 2010 kl. 13.13 skrev Mike Abdullah:

> QTCaptureView is almost certainly internally using something along the lines 
> of OpenGL internally to draw onscreen with acceptable performance. This means 
> you can't draw on top of it with standard Cocoa drawing techniques. The 
> options:
> A) Use an overlay window

I tried it starting from the "Movie Overlay" sample code and it might work. 
However, copying this solution directly from the sample code adds a haze over 
my video.
How can I avoid this?

> B) Implement the -view:willDisplayImage: delegate method and return a new 
> image that will draw with the crosshairs

This would require that I go from a CIImage to a NSImage, draw into it,  and 
back again to CIImage. True?
Will it affect fps performance?

> C) Place the capture view in a layer-backed view hierarchy and add an overlay 
> view – I don't know if QTCaptureView supports being layer-backed, or if an 
> overlay view will then work.

> D) Switch to QTCaptureLayer. Add an overlay layer for the crosshairs.

I really did try to google for sample code on QTCaptureLayer, but I found none. 
Any links on this would be appreciated.

> On 31 Dec 2009, at 16:14, Bengt Nilsson wrote:
>> I need to draw a cross-hair on top of a QTCaptureView with a video preview 
>> from a USB camera.
>> For this app, I am starting from the sample project QTRecorder.
>> I create the cross-hair line in the Interface Builder.
>> Problem is that the video is always on top, overwriting the cross-hair lines.
>> Is there a way to let the cross-hair lines be drawn in front of the video, 
>> by some property setting in IB for the lines?
>> I tried different settings, like "move to front", defining "parent", etc., 
>> but nothing seems to help.
>> Or do they need to be drawn programatically?
>> BN
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Re: NS_INLINE and obj = nil;?

2010-01-03 Thread Greg Parker
On Jan 2, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Alexander Spohr wrote:
> I put a , not a ; between the statements. So at least my last example would 
> work - had I just left the last ; out of it:
> #define GDRelease(x) [(x) release], (x) = nil
> expands to:
> if(x)
>   [(x) release], (x) = nil;
> else
>   foo(x);
> But the while(0) looks not as fragile.

The do..while form also prevents errors like this:

if (GDRelease(x))  { ... }
// this is nonsense

if ( do { [(x) release]; (x) = nil; } while (0) ) { ... }
// this expansion is a compile error: good

if ( [(x) release], (x) = nil ) { ... }
// but this expansion compiles successfully: bad

Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler


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Re: Drawing on top of QTCaptureView

2010-01-03 Thread Bengt Nilsson
Hi again,

After reading about layer-backed views in, I enabled it in IB 
and this was the solution.
The cross-hair by two NSBox-es added in IB stayed on while the USB camera 
review was running.
Thanks for all the support.

1 jan 2010 kl. 13.13 skrev Mike Abdullah:

> QTCaptureView is almost certainly internally using something along the lines 
> of OpenGL internally to draw onscreen with acceptable performance. This means 
> you can't draw on top of it with standard Cocoa drawing techniques. The 
> options:
> A) Use an overlay window
> B) Implement the -view:willDisplayImage: delegate method and return a new 
> image that will draw with the crosshairs
> C) Place the capture view in a layer-backed view hierarchy and add an overlay 
> view – I don't know if QTCaptureView supports being layer-backed, or if an 
> overlay view will then work.
> D) Switch to QTCaptureLayer. Add an overlay layer for the crosshairs.
> On 31 Dec 2009, at 16:14, Bengt Nilsson wrote:
>> I need to draw a cross-hair on top of a QTCaptureView with a video preview 
>> from a USB camera.
>> For this app, I am starting from the sample project QTRecorder.
>> I create the cross-hair line in the Interface Builder.
>> Problem is that the video is always on top, overwriting the cross-hair lines.
>> Is there a way to let the cross-hair lines be drawn in front of the video, 
>> by some property setting in IB for the lines?
>> I tried different settings, like "move to front", defining "parent", etc., 
>> but nothing seems to help.
>> Or do they need to be drawn programatically?
>> BN
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Re: NSBezierPath linewidth not correct

2010-01-03 Thread Gustavo Pizano
AHA Interesting.. I was thinking something like that.. but in lower level  
using Quartz directly adn the CGContextRef and the transformations.

I will give it a try ... 

Thanks  :D


On Jan 3, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Heinrich Giesen wrote:

> On 03.01.2010, at 00:45, Rob Keniger wrote:
>> It will probably be easier to create an NSAffineTransform and translate the 
>> whole context by 0.5px, so all drawing is offset without you needing to 
>> fiddle with individual values.
> Just a hint:
> NSBezierPath has a method which allows to use NSAffineTransform for this even 
> outside a rendering/drawing process:
> Description of transformUsingAffineTransform, a method of NSBezierPath:
>> Transforms all points in the receiver using the specified transform.
>> - (void)transformUsingAffineTransform:(NSAffineTransform *)aTransform
> Example:
> NSBezierPath *bPath = // create a path
> // construct the complete path
> NSAffineTransform *transform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
> // move all coordinates to the center of the pixels
> [transform translateXBy: 0.5 yBy: 0.5 ];
> [bPath transformUsingAffineTransform:transform];
> // bPath is now ready for drawing
> -- 
> Heinrich Giesen


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Re: Drawing on top of QTCaptureView

2010-01-03 Thread PCWiz
This probably isn't relevant, but NSBoxes aren't the best way to create 
crosshairs. It would be cleaner to just make a (very) simple NSView subclass 
that draws the 2 lines.

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2010-01-03, at 9:30 AM, Bengt Nilsson wrote:

> Hi again,
> After reading about layer-backed views in 
>, I enabled it in IB 
> and this was the solution.
> The cross-hair by two NSBox-es added in IB stayed on while the USB camera 
> review was running.
> Thanks for all the support.
> 1 jan 2010 kl. 13.13 skrev Mike Abdullah:
>> QTCaptureView is almost certainly internally using something along the lines 
>> of OpenGL internally to draw onscreen with acceptable performance. This 
>> means you can't draw on top of it with standard Cocoa drawing techniques. 
>> The options:
>> A) Use an overlay window
>> B) Implement the -view:willDisplayImage: delegate method and return a new 
>> image that will draw with the crosshairs
>> C) Place the capture view in a layer-backed view hierarchy and add an 
>> overlay view – I don't know if QTCaptureView supports being layer-backed, or 
>> if an overlay view will then work.
>> D) Switch to QTCaptureLayer. Add an overlay layer for the crosshairs.
>> On 31 Dec 2009, at 16:14, Bengt Nilsson wrote:
>>> I need to draw a cross-hair on top of a QTCaptureView with a video preview 
>>> from a USB camera.
>>> For this app, I am starting from the sample project QTRecorder.
>>> I create the cross-hair line in the Interface Builder.
>>> Problem is that the video is always on top, overwriting the cross-hair 
>>> lines.
>>> Is there a way to let the cross-hair lines be drawn in front of the video, 
>>> by some property setting in IB for the lines?
>>> I tried different settings, like "move to front", defining "parent", etc., 
>>> but nothing seems to help.
>>> Or do they need to be drawn programatically?
>>> BN
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Re: Custom NSFormatter classes

2010-01-03 Thread Henri Häkkinen
Hello Patric.

I was able to get the NSFormatter subclass to work properly by ignoring all 
non-Foo objects sent to it. The Cocoa docs are indeed lacking in this respect 
as there is no mentioning that the cell's title will first be sent. To me this 
feels a bit odd anyway since I can think of no reason why should the 
NSFormatter be concerned about it.

Subclassing an NSCell class seemed to me a bit overcomplicated for this task so 
I am going with the NSFormatter. Thanks for the suggestion though.

On Jan 3, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Patrick Mau wrote:

> Hallo Henri
> Your assumption about how formatters should work are correct. To provide a 
> useful answer
> I have setup a mini project here, because I have stumbled over a detail I did 
> not now:
> I took your approach and implemted a minimal datasource and a "Foo" object.
> This is not a great example, but here's what II did not know:
> When you wire up the formatter to the text field cell in IB,
> "setFormatter" is called on the TextFieldCell, which in turn will
> call your formatting code withe the cell's title:
> run
> [Switching to process 7123]
> Running…
> 2010-01-03 12:39:47.790 Formatter[7123:a0f] NSCFString Cell Title
> 2010-01-03 12:39:47.810 Formatter[7123:a0f] Foo 
> 2010-01-03 12:39:47.811 Formatter[7123:a0f] Foo 
> 2010-01-03 12:39:47.811 Formatter[7123:a0f] Foo 
> Therefore you have too prepare to receive at least one object, which is not 
> "Foo".
> Interestingly, I could not find that little detail in the documentation.
> If you want to return an instance Foo from your datasource, it is much more 
> convenient to write
> your own NSCell subclass, because you can control editing and formatting much 
> easier.
> You can even use an attached formatter that you setup in IB, passing it a 
> property of Foo.
> All the best,
> Patrick


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Question about garbage collection

2010-01-03 Thread Michael Abendroth
Hi all,

When I write something like:

while (true) {
   NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"applejuice"];

Will s be garbage collected? If not, how can I make sure it does get
deallocated by garbage collection.

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Re: Question about garbage collection

2010-01-03 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Jan 3, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Michael Abendroth wrote:

> When I write something like:
> while (true) {
>   NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"applejuice"];
> }
> Will s be garbage collected? If not, how can I make sure it does get
> deallocated by garbage collection.

I'm not entirely sure what pattern you are asking about;   repeated 
allocations?  ...writing your own looping construct?

In any case, the rules of collection for the stack are thus:

A thread's stack is conservatively scanned.  That is, every slot that *could* 
hold a pointer is scanned to see if it holds a pointer, regardless of type 
declaration.   Thus, as long as there is a reference to an object on the stack, 
that object will remain uncollected.   If the reference is overwritten (and no 
references exist elsewhere in the heap and the object has not been CFRetain'd), 
the object will be collected.

The stack has to be conservatively scanned because the C ABI makes no guarantee 
about stack layout and the compiler is free to put values wherever it sees fit, 
including overwriting values with other values as a part of optimization (which 
is the same reason why you sometimes can't print local variable's values when 
debugging optimized code).

This can cause an object to live longer than expected.  In practice, this 
rarely happens, though, as run loops zero the stack -- only to the depth needed 
-- on each loop (as does Grand Central).

If you are writing your own looping construct, you can call 
objc_clear_stack(...) to clear the stack at appropriate times, typically when 
the stack is as shallow as possible.   Prior to Snow Leopard, writing your own 
looping construct was relatively rare in Cocoa.  With Snow Leopard's addition 
of Grand Central Dispatch, writing your own looping construct is actively 
discouraged (though, certainly, there are still reasons to do so).



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Setting NSWindow titlebar height

2010-01-03 Thread PCWiz
I have a window that looks like this right now:

I've removed the titlebar buttons and everything, however there is still that 
space at the top where the titlebar usually is. Is there a way to remove that 
space (in other words, a way to set the height of the title bar?). Moving up 
the NSToolbar would work too, is that possible?

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software


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Re: Landscape view drawing as if in portrait mode

2010-01-03 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 23:49:54 -0800 (PST), Ian was here 
>It works fine when I initially attach a view to the view controller, but when
releasing it and attaching a new view, it screws up.

There may be some larger misconception at work here. You should not be
"releasing" a view controller's view and "attaching a new view". One view
controller, one view. Let each view controller manage its view; you manage
the view controllers. For a new view, make a new view controller. Okay, I've
said the same thing several different ways now. :)

Also, it might help to be aware of the discussion we (meaning I) just had
here on the topic of iPhone apps that are autorotated at startup. The
problem here is that loadView / viewDidLoad are too soon to do anything
relating to the interface; you must wait until didRotate... arrives (and the
docs fail to warn of this). m.

matt neuburg, phd =, 
A fool + a tool + an autorelease pool = cool!
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Re: How do I bind custom view properties to an NSCollectionViewItem?

2010-01-03 Thread Rick Mann

On Jan 3, 2010, at 06:32:33, Markus Spoettl wrote:

> On Jan 3, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Rick Mann wrote:
>> In the example for NSCollectionView, they show binding text labels to the 
>> collection view item's represented object's properties. This is fine and 
>> makes sense.
>> But my item view contains a custom view that needs access to the represented 
>> object in the NSCollectionViewItem. Since my custom view can't be bound 
>> within IB, I need to bind it programmatically. But I can't find the right 
>> place to do this. I tried doing it in awakeFromNib, with an outlet in my 
>> custom view to the NSCollectionViewItem, but it's sometimes nil (Currently I 
>> have data for two items, and the first time awakeFromNib is called, the item 
>> outlet is set, and the second time, it's not; not sure why).
>> When does IB actually set the bindings specified in the nib? When can I add 
>> bind: calls and have access to both my view instance and the 
>> NSCollectionViewItem?
> What you could do is sub-class the NSCollectionViewItem your collection view 
> is using (you will set the NSCollectionViewItem's class in IB) and implement 
> -setRepresentedObject: which is called the at the time it is created and 
> assigned its corresponding object. 
> There you can access the view and represented object and do whatever you like 
> with it.
> - (void)setRepresentedObject:(id)object
> {
>[super setRepresentedObject:object];
>MyView *myView = (MyView *)[self view];
>// bind view properties to object here
> }
> An alternative would be sub-classing the NSCollectionView and implementing 
> -newItemForRepresentedObject: where you too can get access to the ItemView 
> and view for the object.

Thanks, Markus, I took the first approach you suggested. I had tried overriding 
setView:, but I realize now why that wouldn't work.

However, it seems that the connections made in the template view in IB are not 
preserved in the copies made by NSCollectionView. This certainly limits the 
convenience of using IB, and I consider it a bug, but I wanted some 
confirmation before writing it up. Is it?




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Re: Setting NSWindow titlebar height

2010-01-03 Thread Alexander Heinz
You could try calling NSWindow's setBorderThickness:forEdge: on  

Don't know if it will work, but that would be where I would start.


On Jan 3, 2010, at 11:41 AM, PCWiz wrote:

I have a window that looks like this right now:

I've removed the titlebar buttons and everything, however there is  
still that space at the top where the titlebar usually is. Is there  
a way to remove that space (in other words, a way to set the height  
of the title bar?). Moving up the NSToolbar would work too, is that  

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software


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Re: Setting NSWindow titlebar height

2010-01-03 Thread PCWiz
I already tried that, but also in the docs it mentions that 
setContentBorderThickness for NSMaxYEdge only works on textured windows (which 
mine isn't)

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2010-01-03, at 1:50 PM, Alexander Heinz wrote:

> You could try calling NSWindow's setBorderThickness:forEdge: on NSMaxYEdge.
> Don't know if it will work, but that would be where I would start.
> HTH,
> Alex
> On Jan 3, 2010, at 11:41 AM, PCWiz wrote:
>> I have a window that looks like this right now:
>> I've removed the titlebar buttons and everything, however there is still 
>> that space at the top where the titlebar usually is. Is there a way to 
>> remove that space (in other words, a way to set the height of the title 
>> bar?). Moving up the NSToolbar would work too, is that possible?
>> Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software
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Re: NS_INLINE and obj = nil;?

2010-01-03 Thread Dave G
2010/1/4 Greg Parker :
> On Jan 2, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Alexander Spohr wrote:
>> I put a , not a ; between the statements. So at least my last example would 
>> work - had I just left the last ; out of it:
>> #define GDRelease(x) [(x) release], (x) = nil
>> expands to:
>> if(x)
>>   [(x) release], (x) = nil;
>> else
>>   foo(x);
>> But the while(0) looks not as fragile.
> The do..while form also prevents errors like this:
>    if (GDRelease(x))  { ... }
>    // this is nonsense
>    if ( do { [(x) release]; (x) = nil; } while (0) ) { ... }
>    // this expansion is a compile error: good
>    if ( [(x) release], (x) = nil ) { ... }
>    // but this expansion compiles successfully: bad

Easily fixed:

#define GDRelease(x) [(x) release], (x) = nil, (void)0

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Re: NS_INLINE and obj = nil;?

2010-01-03 Thread Scott Ribe
> Easily fixed:
> #define GDRelease(x) [(x) release], (x) = nil, (void)0

Not really a good fix; compiler error is preferable to tweaking your macro
to allow compilation of nonsense ;-)

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Why is [NSArray arrayWithObjects:] failing for me?

2010-01-03 Thread Seth Willits
On Jan 2, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Charles Jenkins wrote:

>  NSArray* pnl = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:pa,pb,pc,pd,nil];
>  [parentDocument setPlayerNameList:pnl];
>  [pnl release];


You are over-releasing pnl. The release call is unnecessary because the array 
was not alloc/init'd, made by copy, or had retain called on it within this 

Seth Willits


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Re: Why is [NSArray arrayWithObjects:] failing for me?

2010-01-03 Thread Seth Willits
On Jan 3, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Seth Willits wrote:

>> NSArray* pnl = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:pa,pb,pc,pd,nil];
>> [parentDocument setPlayerNameList:pnl];
>> [pnl release];
> You are over-releasing pnl. The release call is unnecessary because the array 
> was not alloc/init'd, made by copy, or had retain called on it within this 
> method.

And here I am responding to a resolved thread because my Mail window wasn't 
scrolled all the way to the top so I didn't see any replies. Oops. :)

Seth Willits


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Re: Question about garbage collection

2010-01-03 Thread Graham Cox

On 04/01/2010, at 4:59 AM, Michael Abendroth wrote:

> When I write something like:
> while (true) {
>   NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"applejuice"];
> }
> Will s be garbage collected? If not, how can I make sure it does get
> deallocated by garbage collection.

As written, it's academic, as your program will never proceed beyond this 
point, and will eventually crash with an out of memory error.



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2010-01-03 Thread Rick Mann
Is -exposeBinding: only necessary when implementing an IB plug-in? Or is it 
required to make bind: work at all (on a custom object)? I find two slightly 
conflicting statements in the docs about this.



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Carbon Services under Cocoa app?

2010-01-03 Thread Kevin Walzer
I'm trying to transition some well-debugged Carbon code that implements 
services to a Cocoa-based version of my application. Because the code 
works fine under 32-bit Carbon, I'd rather not rework that code in Cocoa 
unless necessary.

What I'm finding is that the Carbon-based code is no-op under Cocoa, 
both in 64- and 32-bit builds of my application. It compiles fine and 
doesn't cause any errors when run, but it simply doesn't do anything.

The code uses functions like this:

OSStatus respondToServicesEvent(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, 
EventRef inEvent,

void *userData) {
  int eventType = GetEventKind(inEvent);
  fprintf(stderr, "got svcs event %d\n",eventType);

  switch (eventType) {
  case kEventServiceGetTypes:
return respondToServiceTypesEvent(inEvent);
  case kEventServiceCopy:
return respondToServiceCopyEvent(inEvent);
  case kEventServicePerform:
return respondToServicePerformEvent(inEvent);
  return noErr;

InstallApplicationEventHandler(respondToServicesEvent, 4,
 carbonServiceEvents, NULL, NULL);

Is there any reason why such code wouldn't work? I have everything set 
up correctly in the info.plist file, so that isn't an issue. And Cocoa 
apps still have to call into the Carbon event loop for things like 
global hotkeys, as far as I can tell.

Advice is appreciated.
Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread gumboots
I have been asked to design a revolving scoreboard for a large Sporting Clays 
event. The plan is to have a MacBook connected to a large flat screen TV in the 
main tent. I will pull the scores from a CSV file (which is updated regularly) 
and sort them into arrays for display. Creating the on screen graphics is 
something I have not done much of with Cocoa. The organizers have asked for a 
full screen display and would like have the top 5 scores at the top of the 
screen and then scroll the rest of the field below these scores.
I could punch this out with HTML and a bit of Javascript, but I thought it 
might be good to do have a play with Quartz.
Can you please tell me how you good people might approach this?

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Re: exposeBinding:

2010-01-03 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jan 3, 2010, at 14:56, Rick Mann wrote:

> Is -exposeBinding: only necessary when implementing an IB plug-in? Or is it 
> required to make bind: work at all (on a custom object)? I find two slightly 
> conflicting statements in the docs about this.

I can't speak definitively, but I believe the answer lies somewhere in the 
middle. You don't actually need to expose bindings to make them work, but if 
you want to have your bindings established automatically during nib loading 
they'll need to be exposed to IB. Whether an IB plug-in is the only way to make 
IB aware of an exposed binding, or whether there's an alternate mechanism (by 
analogy with action methods, where IB can find them by looking at header files, 
but you can still "declare" them explicitly within IB if necessary), I don't 

OTOH I don't think there's any point to defining new bindings at all, unless 
you want to make them generally available to users who are not working at the 
source code level, or unless you going to use them so much that it's worth 
being able to hook them up in IB rather than code. In that case, you'd want the 
plug-in anyway. (For one-off use, ad-hoc coding using KVO is probably 



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Re: Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread Mike Abdullah
Core Animation is the perfect tech for this. Probably by using layer-backed 
table views to display the scores.

On 3 Jan 2010, at 23:07, wrote:

> I have been asked to design a revolving scoreboard for a large Sporting Clays 
> event. The plan is to have a MacBook connected to a large flat screen TV in 
> the main tent. I will pull the scores from a CSV file (which is updated 
> regularly) and sort them into arrays for display. Creating the on screen 
> graphics is something I have not done much of with Cocoa. The organizers have 
> asked for a full screen display and would like have the top 5 scores at the 
> top of the screen and then scroll the rest of the field below these scores.
> I could punch this out with HTML and a bit of Javascript, but I thought it 
> might be good to do have a play with Quartz.
> Can you please tell me how you good people might approach this?
> ___
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Re: Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread PCWiz
This isn't something thats extremely difficult to do. You will need to create 
NSView subclasses for the scores at the top. You can use 
NSAttributedString/NSMutableAttributedString to create styled text, and use 
their drawInRect method to draw the text into the view. It would be a good idea 
to read this:

And more specifically, this:

For the scrolling scores below, you will have to put the scores into an 
NSTableView, or an NSCollectionView (the latter is better if you want to 
customize the display) inside an NSScrollView. As for the automatic scrolling, 
NSScrollView has nothing built in to facilitate this. Most likely you are going 
to have to use an NSTimer that fires every few milliseconds, and uses 
NSScrollView's scrollToPoint: method to scroll gradually until you hit the 

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2010-01-03, at 4:07 PM, wrote:

> I have been asked to design a revolving scoreboard for a large Sporting Clays 
> event. The plan is to have a MacBook connected to a large flat screen TV in 
> the main tent. I will pull the scores from a CSV file (which is updated 
> regularly) and sort them into arrays for display. Creating the on screen 
> graphics is something I have not done much of with Cocoa. The organizers have 
> asked for a full screen display and would like have the top 5 scores at the 
> top of the screen and then scroll the rest of the field below these scores.
> I could punch this out with HTML and a bit of Javascript, but I thought it 
> might be good to do have a play with Quartz.
> Can you please tell me how you good people might approach this?
> ___
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Re: Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 3 Jan 2010, at 15:24, Mike Abdullah wrote:
> Core Animation is the perfect tech for this. Probably by using layer-backed 
> table views to display the scores.

Quartz Composer is also worth looking into if you're after a full-screen 
display with a minimum of coding. The default RSS and Word Of The Day 
screensavers both make use of QC, if you're looking for examples. As an added 
bonus, it uses Javascript internally for the logic that can't be implemented 
with the built-in patches, so it'll be an easy step up for the 

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Re: Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread Scott Anguish
I don’t think using NSScrollView is at all necessary in this case. That’s much 
more of a situation for user interaction.

This sounds more like the case for creating a view subclass that contains a 
view that displays the current score. When the score increases, insert another 
view visually above the other ( so it’d be like 

Main View

New View

then using an animation proxy to move the main view up and the new view up as 

On Jan 3, 2010, at 6:27 PM, PCWiz wrote:

> This isn't something thats extremely difficult to do. You will need to create 
> NSView subclasses for the scores at the top. You can use 
> NSAttributedString/NSMutableAttributedString to create styled text, and use 
> their drawInRect method to draw the text into the view. It would be a good 
> idea to read this:
> And more specifically, this: 
> For the scrolling scores below, you will have to put the scores into an 
> NSTableView, or an NSCollectionView (the latter is better if you want to 
> customize the display) inside an NSScrollView. As for the automatic 
> scrolling, NSScrollView has nothing built in to facilitate this. Most likely 
> you are going to have to use an NSTimer that fires every few milliseconds, 
> and uses NSScrollView's scrollToPoint: method to scroll gradually until you 
> hit the bottom.
> Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software
> On 2010-01-03, at 4:07 PM, wrote:
>> I have been asked to design a revolving scoreboard for a large Sporting 
>> Clays event. The plan is to have a MacBook connected to a large flat screen 
>> TV in the main tent. I will pull the scores from a CSV file (which is 
>> updated regularly) and sort them into arrays for display. Creating the on 
>> screen graphics is something I have not done much of with Cocoa. The 
>> organizers have asked for a full screen display and would like have the top 
>> 5 scores at the top of the screen and then scroll the rest of the field 
>> below these scores.
>> I could punch this out with HTML and a bit of Javascript, but I thought it 
>> might be good to do have a play with Quartz.
>> Can you please tell me how you good people might approach this?
>> ___
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Re: Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread PCWiz
Good point, the view subclass would be easy and clean.

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2010-01-03, at 6:10 PM, Scott Anguish wrote:

> I don’t think using NSScrollView is at all necessary in this case. That’s 
> much more of a situation for user interaction.
> This sounds more like the case for creating a view subclass that contains a 
> view that displays the current score. When the score increases, insert 
> another view visually above the other ( so it’d be like 
> Main View
> New View
> then using an animation proxy to move the main view up and the new view up as 
> well. 
> On Jan 3, 2010, at 6:27 PM, PCWiz wrote:
>> This isn't something thats extremely difficult to do. You will need to 
>> create NSView subclasses for the scores at the top. You can use 
>> NSAttributedString/NSMutableAttributedString to create styled text, and use 
>> their drawInRect method to draw the text into the view. It would be a good 
>> idea to read this:
>> And more specifically, this: 
>> For the scrolling scores below, you will have to put the scores into an 
>> NSTableView, or an NSCollectionView (the latter is better if you want to 
>> customize the display) inside an NSScrollView. As for the automatic 
>> scrolling, NSScrollView has nothing built in to facilitate this. Most likely 
>> you are going to have to use an NSTimer that fires every few milliseconds, 
>> and uses NSScrollView's scrollToPoint: method to scroll gradually until you 
>> hit the bottom.
>> Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software
>> On 2010-01-03, at 4:07 PM, wrote:
>>> I have been asked to design a revolving scoreboard for a large Sporting 
>>> Clays event. The plan is to have a MacBook connected to a large flat screen 
>>> TV in the main tent. I will pull the scores from a CSV file (which is 
>>> updated regularly) and sort them into arrays for display. Creating the on 
>>> screen graphics is something I have not done much of with Cocoa. The 
>>> organizers have asked for a full screen display and would like have the top 
>>> 5 scores at the top of the screen and then scroll the rest of the field 
>>> below these scores.
>>> I could punch this out with HTML and a bit of Javascript, but I thought it 
>>> might be good to do have a play with Quartz.
>>> Can you please tell me how you good people might approach this?
>>> ___
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>>> Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)
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Re: Question about garbage collection

2010-01-03 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Jan 3, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

> On 04/01/2010, at 4:59 AM, Michael Abendroth wrote:
>> When I write something like:
>> while (true) {
>>  NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"applejuice"];
>> }
>> Will s be garbage collected? If not, how can I make sure it does get
>> deallocated by garbage collection.
> As written, it's academic, as your program will never proceed beyond this 
> point, and will eventually crash with an out of memory error.

In Leopard, definitely.

In Snow Leopard, maybe not.  It is a rather contrived test case, but it is much 
more difficult to outrun the collector in Snow Leopard than it was in Leopard.



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Re: Question about garbage collection

2010-01-03 Thread Ben Haller

On 3-Jan-10, at 8:31 PM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

On Jan 3, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 04/01/2010, at 4:59 AM, Michael Abendroth wrote:

When I write something like:

while (true) {
NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"applejuice"];

Will s be garbage collected? If not, how can I make sure it does get
deallocated by garbage collection.

As written, it's academic, as your program will never proceed  
beyond this point, and will eventually crash with an out of memory  

In Leopard, definitely.

In Snow Leopard, maybe not.  It is a rather contrived test case, but  
it is much more difficult to outrun the collector in Snow Leopard  
than it was in Leopard.

 Bill, I for one would like to hear a bit more about this.  What has  
changed in SL?  Why would it ever be possible to outrun the  
collector?  If the limit of memory is being reached, can't it always  
just do an immediate, synchronous collection before the call to +alloc  
returns?  I'd love to have a better understanding of what's going on  
under the hood here...

Ben Haller
Stick Software


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Problem chaining initialization methods

2010-01-03 Thread Mike Chambers
I am having a weird problem when chaining initializers in a class
which extends NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate.

If I call the

-(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
andTitle:(NSString *)title

initializer directly when initializing, then everything works.
However, if I call the :

-(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath

which then calls the default initializer

-(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
andTitle:(NSString *)title

Then the initialization fails. The [super initWithLeftExpressions ...]
call returns nil.

I am guessing I am not understanding something basic around
initialization chaining, but everything I have looked at online seems
to suggest I am doing this correctly.

So, does anyone see anything obviously wrong with how I am chaining
the initializers below?

-(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
NSString *capPath = [keyPath capitalizedString];
if(![self initWithArray:arr forKeyPath:keyPath andTitle: capPath]);
return nil;

return self;

//designated initializer
-(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
andTitle:(NSString *)title
NSMutableArray *expressions = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[arr 
for(NSString *s in arr)
[expressions addObject:[NSExpression 

//this fails if called from -(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr
forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath initializer
self = [super initWithLeftExpressions:[NSArray
arrayWithObjects:[NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:keyPath], nil]

[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSEqualToPredicateOperatorType],

[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSNotEqualToPredicateOperatorType], nil]

return nil;


return self;


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Re: Problem chaining initialization methods

2010-01-03 Thread Dave DeLong
A simple glance over looks like you're missing the assignation to self.

Shouldn't it be if (!(self = [self initWithArray:arr forKeyPath:keyPath 
andTitle:capPath])) { ... ?


On Jan 3, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Mike Chambers wrote:

> So, does anyone see anything obviously wrong with how I am chaining
> the initializers below?
> -(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
> {
>   NSString *capPath = [keyPath capitalizedString];
>   if(![self initWithArray:arr forKeyPath:keyPath andTitle: capPath]);
>   {
>   return nil;
>   }
>   return self;
> }

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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Re: Problem chaining initialization methods

2010-01-03 Thread Rick Genter
On Jan 3, 2010, at 6:36 PM, Mike Chambers wrote:

> -(id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)arr forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
> {
>   NSString *capPath = [keyPath capitalizedString];
>   if(![self initWithArray:arr forKeyPath:keyPath andTitle: capPath]);
>   {
>   return nil;
>   }
>   return self;
> }

There is an extra semicolon at the end of the if() statement. You should be 
getting a warning about return self; not being reachable; the code is currently 
written as:

if (![self initWithArray:arr forKeyPath:keyPath andTitle:capPath])

return nil;

return self;

Rick Genter


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NSScrollView scroller size

2010-01-03 Thread Rainer Standke


is there any way set the scroller size to something less than regular  
in a scroll view? Since I am on Interface Builder 3.1.2, that seems to  
not work any more.

Is there anything I'm missing?



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Re: NSScrollView scroller size

2010-01-03 Thread Seth Willits
On Jan 3, 2010, at 7:46 PM, Rainer Standke wrote:

> is there any way set the scroller size to something less than regular in a 
> scroll view? Since I am on Interface Builder 3.1.2, that seems to not work 
> any more.
> Is there anything I'm missing?

Select the scroller like you would any other view and change its size. Their 
size is not an attribute of the scroll view anymore.

Seth Willits


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Need font anti aliasing techniques

2010-01-03 Thread padmakumar
What are all the ways we can programmatically make anti aliasing 
techniques for texts displayed in NSTextField.



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Return in NSSearchField

2010-01-03 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

 The docs say: " By default, the cell’s action is invoked during typing after a 
short delay." 
And it also "sends the action message when the user presses the Return key".

Both are things I like as they are.

But: I would also like to know, whether the action was send because the user 
did press the Return key or just because a short delay has passed.

How could I get this information?

The reason: When the user hits Return, I want to add the string into a history 
of searched items.

I guess, I could, whenever the action method is sent (or when the observed text 
changes), look at the first item in recentSearches and compare it to the 
previous value. Kind of convoluted - so my hope for a more direct way.


Kind regards,



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iPhone: load cell from XIB slows down tableview?

2010-01-03 Thread John Michael Zorko

Hello, all ...

I'm trying to determine why my tableviews scroll so jerkily on non-3GS devices. 
The datasource only has perhaps 170 records, so I think it may have something 
to do with how i'm instantiating the cells in -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath. 
In other apps i've done, I create the view for the cell programmatically, and 
alloc / init the cell if I can't dequeue it. However, in this app, I have the 
cell's view loaded from a XIB. Is there a better way of defining my cell's view 
with IB that still results in a performant tableview?

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableViewIn 
cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
   static NSString *cellID = @"mycellID";

MyAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication 
sharedApplication] delegate];

LogDailyCell *cell = (LogDailyCell *)[tableViewIn 

   if (nil == cell)
NSArray *nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] 

 owner:self options:nil];
for (id oneObject in nib)
if ([oneObject isKindOfClass:[LogDailyCell class]])
cell = (LogDailyCell *)oneObject;

MyObject *act = nil;

case 0:
act = [appDelegate array1ItemAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.type = 2;
case 1:
act = [appDelegate array2ItemAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.type = 3;
case 2:
act = [appDelegate array3ItemAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.type = 4;
case 3:
act = [appDelegate array4ItemAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.type = 5;
} =;
cell.label1.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", act.anNSString];
cell.field1.text = @"";
cell.field2.text = @"";
cell.ident = indexPath.row;
[cell.deleteButton removeFromSuperview];

   return cell;



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Re: Setting NSWindow titlebar height

2010-01-03 Thread Joar Wingfors

On 3 jan 2010, at 11.41, PCWiz wrote:

> I've removed the titlebar buttons and everything, however there is still that 
> space at the top where the titlebar usually is. Is there a way to remove that 
> space (in other words, a way to set the height of the title bar?).

The only way I know would be to create a window without a titlebar (see 
NSBorderlessWindowMask). Note that you can't (easily) create a window without a 
titlebar in IB, so you will have to do a bit of work in code (there are a 
couple of different approaches, you can probably figure it out).

A big drawback with using a window without a titlebar is that you're now on the 
hook for much more of the standard appearance and behaviour - rounded corners 
and such.

> Moving up the NSToolbar would work too, is that possible?

Not sure if you can use NSToolbar in a window without a titlebar, but perhaps 
you can. (Would be easy to test once you have a window without a titlebar).

j o a r


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NSSearchField and bindings question

2010-01-03 Thread lorenzo7620
I'm going the Zarra book, "Core Data" and I;ve reached the section where an  
NSSearchfield is bound to one of the arrays used in the sample application  
(page 43). As instructed in the book, I configured the NSSearchfield's  
predicate binding as follows:

Controller Key: filterPredicate
Model Key Path: name
Display Name: predicate
Predicate Format: keyPath contains $value

This did not work and the NSTableView (column) which should update itself  
from the NSArrayController does nothing.

I found an example of this sort of thing here:

and found that the binding in the second predicate used for the  
NSSearchfield is configured like this:

Controller Key: filterPredicate
Model Key Path :
Display Name: Last Name
Predicate Format: lastName contains[cd] $value

I configured my predicate binding fashion and it works. So my question is:
Did I miss something in the book, or is the book wrong?

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Re: Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread gumboots
Thanks Guys, that will work really well and its a nice neat solution. Can you 
elaborate on the animation proxy a little bit or rather point me in the right 

On 4/01/2010, at 2:29 PM, PCWiz wrote:

> Good point, the view subclass would be easy and clean.
> Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software
> On 2010-01-03, at 6:10 PM, Scott Anguish wrote:
>> I don’t think using NSScrollView is at all necessary in this case. That’s 
>> much more of a situation for user interaction.
>> This sounds more like the case for creating a view subclass that contains a 
>> view that displays the current score. When the score increases, insert 
>> another view visually above the other ( so it’d be like 
>> Main View
>> New View
>> then using an animation proxy to move the main view up and the new view up 
>> as well. 
>> On Jan 3, 2010, at 6:27 PM, PCWiz wrote:
>>> This isn't something thats extremely difficult to do. You will need to 
>>> create NSView subclasses for the scores at the top. You can use 
>>> NSAttributedString/NSMutableAttributedString to create styled text, and use 
>>> their drawInRect method to draw the text into the view. It would be a good 
>>> idea to read this:
>>> And more specifically, this: 
>>> For the scrolling scores below, you will have to put the scores into an 
>>> NSTableView, or an NSCollectionView (the latter is better if you want to 
>>> customize the display) inside an NSScrollView. As for the automatic 
>>> scrolling, NSScrollView has nothing built in to facilitate this. Most 
>>> likely you are going to have to use an NSTimer that fires every few 
>>> milliseconds, and uses NSScrollView's scrollToPoint: method to scroll 
>>> gradually until you hit the bottom.
>>> Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software
>>> On 2010-01-03, at 4:07 PM, wrote:
 I have been asked to design a revolving scoreboard for a large Sporting 
 Clays event. The plan is to have a MacBook connected to a large flat 
 screen TV in the main tent. I will pull the scores from a CSV file (which 
 is updated regularly) and sort them into arrays for display. Creating the 
 on screen graphics is something I have not done much of with Cocoa. The 
 organizers have asked for a full screen display and would like have the 
 top 5 scores at the top of the screen and then scroll the rest of the 
 field below these scores.
 I could punch this out with HTML and a bit of Javascript, but I thought it 
 might be good to do have a play with Quartz.
 Can you please tell me how you good people might approach this?
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