CGevent and cocoa compatibility

2008-05-02 Thread Ben Lachman
Does anyone know how to get the keycode out of a NX_SYSDEFINED  
CGEvent?  If so, is that keycode the same thing you'd get out of say  
(([event data1]  0x)  16)? I'm trying to support the media  
keys on the Apple aluminum keyboards without having iTunes also get  
the events.



Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software

twitter: @benlachman
mobile: 740.590.0009


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Re: CGevent and cocoa compatibility

2008-05-02 Thread Ben Lachman
Yup, this is true as far as I can tell. I've got the event tap  
installed, the issue is that I'm not able to pull any useful data out  
of NX_SYSDEFINED typed events.  Any thoughts on that?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software

twitter: @benlachman
mobile: 740.590.0009

On May 2, 2008, at 4:34 AM, John Clayton wrote:

Probably means you'll need to use the event taps API and swallow  
the event - which is relatively simple to achieve as long as you  
can install an event tap that isnt a listener only.  I presume  
since you're already talked about CGEvent structures, that this is  
indeed what you are doing - correct me if I'm wrong.

Installing an event tap that modifies the event chain won't require  
special privs (from memory), so long as you don't install it at the  
window server level.

Does this send you in the right direction?

John Clayton

On 2/05/2008, at 8:32 AM, Ben Lachman wrote:

Does anyone know how to get the keycode out of a NX_SYSDEFINED  
CGEvent?  If so, is that keycode the same thing you'd get out of  
say (([event data1]  0x)  16)? I'm trying to support  
the media keys on the Apple aluminum keyboards without having  
iTunes also get the events.


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Implementing fast enumeration

2008-05-02 Thread Ben

Re-sending as this did not seem to get make it to the list.

I have been reading the documentation for implementing the  
NSFastEnumeration protocol and am having some difficulties following it.

For completeness, here is the protocol method:
- (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState  
*)state objects:(id *)stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len;

typedef struct {
unsigned long state;
id *itemsPtr;
unsigned long *mutationsPtr;
unsigned long extra[5]; } NSFastEnumerationState;

I have a C array where the elements within it can be converted into  
multiple objects. Say I have 5 objects. Do I provide them all in one  
go and return the total number? Or just one per call and return the  
number remaining?

Also, should the objects be returned by reference in the stackbuf  
variable, or in the itemsPtr field of the state structure?

Apologies if these are basic questions, but I got decidedly lost  
trying to follow the docs.


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Re: Snazzy open-source slideshow controls

2008-04-29 Thread Ben Kazez
Thanks! It isn't actually customizable enough, but I just used the IK  
image resources to build what I needed.


On Apr 29, 2008, at 9:24 AM, douglas a. welton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Have you taken a look at the IKSlideShow class in ImageKit?  You can  
see it demonstrated in the IKSlideShowDemo sample code.



On Apr 28, 2008, at 5:48 PM, Ben Kazez wrote:

Hi everyone,

An app I'm developing has a full-screen slideshow-like view that  
would benefit greatly from controls like those shown for Finder and  
Mail photo slideshows -- fade in/out on mouse movement, display  
white buttons, partial transparency, etc. (though I only need back/ 
forward/exit buttons). I might well have to write this myself, but  
before I do so, I wanted to see whether anyone had open-source code  
I might use instead. (A Google search didn't turn up anything.)



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Re: Counting instances in Core Data

2008-04-29 Thread Ben Trumbull
   In Tiger that was the best means available, but if you're 
targeting Leopard

 there is a better option available:

  Create your fetch request to fetch all instances of a given entity and
 execute the fetch with countForFetchRequest:error: which will simply return
 the number of instances/rows that match your query.

  Though Steve mentioned off-list that he's targeting Tiger, I had
managed to completely forget about this method - my apologies for the

Well, it's probably best to ask the NSManagedObjectContext 
-respondsToSelector:@selector(countForFetchRequest:error:) and use 
the slow -executeFetchRequest:error: if the result is NO.



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Snazzy open-source slideshow controls

2008-04-28 Thread Ben Kazez

Hi everyone,

An app I'm developing has a full-screen slideshow-like view that would  
benefit greatly from controls like those shown for Finder and Mail  
photo slideshows -- fade in/out on mouse movement, display white  
buttons, partial transparency, etc. (though I only need back/forward/ 
exit buttons). I might well have to write this myself, but before I do  
so, I wanted to see whether anyone had open-source code I might use  
instead. (A Google search didn't turn up anything.)


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NSScrollView/NSScroller drawing glitch on leopard

2008-04-27 Thread Ben Lachman

Hi all.

Recently I noticed that one of the scrollers in my app was drawing a  
bit oddly on launch.  What happens is that the vertical scroller draws  
as if both the horizontal and vertical scrollers were visible (e.g. a  
little empty white box below the down button). However, only the  
vertical scroller is visible (it's the scroller for a table view).   
Once I resize the window, etc. I have no problems with its drawing,  
just on initial launch.  It also doesn't seem to matter what size it  
is on launch as long as it is large enough to not have a horizontal  
scroller.  This only happens on Leopard. How can I get rid of this box?


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re: ManagedObjectContext save issue

2008-04-24 Thread Ben Trumbull


What's the error, what's in it's userInfo dictionary, and if you use:

future-break +[NSError errorWithDomain:code:userInfo:]

in gdb, what's the stack trace from the point that creates the error ?


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Re: setTextContainerInset with different values for left and right

2008-04-18 Thread Ben Lachman
You can subclass the text view and returned an origin point from -  
(NSPoint)textContainerOrigin.  This will give you origin.x 
+inset.width on the left and just inset.width on the right when used  
in conjunction with setTextContainerInset.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 18, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Ferhat Ayaz wrote:


how would I go about setting NSTextView up so its insets are dx1  
from the left and dx2  from the right side?
I guess setTextContainerInset: will set for both left and right the  
same value (dx1 = dx2).


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Re: NSTableView -editColumn:row:withEvent:select: question

2008-04-18 Thread Ben Lachman
Well, you should be able to just override the drawing code, since  
thats really your problem.  Going directly against the docs, while it  
may work fine now, is playing with fire in my opinion.  To get the  
drawing you want, you can just implement  
tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row: in the delegate and  
manually switch selection highlighting on or off depending on whether  
the table column passed to you is the selected table column.  You'll  
probably have to have a couple more cases if you're really trying to  
get close to the standard spreadsheet functionality that lets you  
select the full row/column by clicking on the header.  But this  
should get you started, hopefully.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 18, 2008, at 1:55 PM, John Stiles wrote:

The docs for -editColumn:row:withEvent:select:  ominously claim:
   The row at rowIndex must be selected prior to calling  
editColumn:row:withEvent:select:, or an exception will be raised.

I'm implementing a subclass of NSTableView which behaves a little  
more like an Excel spreadsheet—it maintains a phony selection by  
overloading -mouseDown/Dragged/Up: and coloring cell backgrounds as  
appropriate. It works great. But it means that the table view,  
internally, never actually considers a row to be selected. My  
subclass handles that entirely on its own and leaves the table view  
out of it.

Now I'm getting around to implementing the part where the user can  
edit table cells in place, and since I wanted to follow the rules  
in the docs, I started by implementing it like this:

   [myTableView selectRow:inRow byExtendingSelection:NO];
   [myTableView editColumn:inCol row:inRow withEvent:myEvent  

It worked fine but, of course, the entire row turned blue, ruining  
the spreadsheet illusion.
So just to see what would happen, I tried removing the call to - 
selectRow:: and, lo and behold! No exception. It worked great.  
Looks just like how I want it to look.

Am I getting lucky here? Are the docs just wrong? I don't want to  
do something overtly dangerous, but in practice it does exactly  
what I want... are there any gotchas?

I'm on Leopard FWIW, and don't need to target older OSes.

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Re: Hand style movement inside a NSScrollView

2008-04-18 Thread Ben Lachman

On Apr 18, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 18 Apr '08, at 12:49 PM, Steve Sheets wrote:

However, I also want to implement a Hand style tool. One that  
allows the user to simple click inside the Scroll View and draw  
the graphics around.

I think you just need to have your view's mouseDragged: handler  
method call -scrollPoint: on self. The only tricky bit is figuring  
out what point (in your view's coords) should become the origin of  
its visible bounds.

I tend to like scrollRect:by: for this sort of thing since it takes a  
offset to a rect.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


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Re: Hand style movement inside a NSScrollView

2008-04-18 Thread Ben Lachman

On Apr 19, 2008, at 12:41 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 18 Apr '08, at 8:59 PM, Ben Lachman wrote:

I tend to like scrollRect:by: for this sort of thing since it  
takes a offset to a rect.

But that method just blits pixels around on the screen; it doesn't  
actually change the coordinate system of the view. The scroll view  
will do the blitting for you automatically when you change its  
coordinates via -scrollPoint:.

Looks like I misread Steve's question.  Jens is right of course.  In  
light of rereading the OP correctly though, I think using

[view scrollRectToVisible:NSOffsetRect([view visibleRect], offsetX,  

might work and would make more sense (at least to me) when going back  
to the code in a 6 months.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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re: Chained Migration of Leopard CoreData stores

2008-04-16 Thread Ben Trumbull


let's say I have four versions of my data model:

DataModel4.xcdatamodel (this is the current one)

and three model mapping files which always map from version n to 
version n+1:


Now I load a version 1 data file:

NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber 

NSError *error = nil;
if (![persistentStoreCoordinator 
addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil URL:url 
options:options error:error])


should the data file automatically be migrated to the current version 
4 or do I need a single direct mapping like this:


If you want Core Data to do everything, you'll need 1 mapping model, 
since we don't assume that iterative upgrades will necessarily work.

If you're confident that composing your N+1 mapping models together 
makes sense for your app, you can run N+1 migrations in a row to 
avoid needing an umbrella mapping model.



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re: Core Data for managing subtree?

2008-04-13 Thread Ben Trumbull

At 6:13 PM -0700 4/8/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

However, I would like to use Core Data to manage these items. I figure
I could have my add and remove methods insert and remove objects from
the managed object context as well as the KVO-compliant mutable array,
but when I undo such an action, the change will only be reflected in
the managed object context. I could create an extra entity to act as a
collection for those items and have the add and remove methods
manipulate that object, but I don't see how this collection could then
be KVO-related to its parent node as per mutableArrayValueForKey:.


The easiest way to get array and tree controllers to work with Core 
Data results is to put them into Entity mode.  If you want to bind to 
a to-many relationship keypath, you can bind to their 'contentSet'. 
Core Data to-many relationships respond to mutableSetValueForKey:

If you only want only some of the tree using Core Data objects, you 
could try having an array controller manage the extra entity, and 
wire its content into your tree controller.  You don't need a to-many 
relationship for that.  The array controller in entity mode directly 
observes the NSManagedObjectContext with which it is associated.

If you want to customize things even further, you can observe the 
NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification yourself, and 
update your custom controllers based on the contents of that 
NSNotification.  The array controller in entity mode is basically 
doing this, plus observing some of the managed object properties 
directly with KVO.



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Re: Why should we set ivars to nil in dealloc?

2008-04-13 Thread Ben Trumbull

Seriously, we're arguing about this ?

If you want a total hack, just assign (id) 0x1 to any variable that

... please step away from the tequila.

I have a radical suggestion:

Test your software.

Like crazy talk!!

The detection of this class of bugs is extraordinarily easy to 
automate, so my sympathy is lower than its usual nonexistence.

Here are the environment variables to set:

export NSZombieEnabled=YES
export CFZombieLevel=9
export MallocScribble=1
export MallocPreScribble=1
export MallocGuardEdges=1

You don't have to remember to run with these flags.  Because, of 
course, you have unit tests to at least provide some basic code 

If you don't, you really need to stop and fix that first.  I can't 
say I enjoy it, but begrudgingly, the results and ROI from unit tests 
have been extremely impressive.  Compared to the previous project I 
worked on (no unit tests), we've been able to make much more 
aggressive changes, and innovate faster, on my current project 
entirely due to the unit testing infrastructure.

And then, you find an old mac mini or imac, and set up a cronjob to 
run your unit tests every night.  Once you have nightly unit tests 
set up, running them again with different env flags is effortless.

If you're wondering wtf CFZombieLevel 9 does, check out Most Awesome 
TechNote Ever:

Also, for more paranoia (at 100x slower), you can use (do NOT mix 
with the above):

export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib

Since those two modes behave differently, we run both nightly.

And while we're on this subject, there's another class of bugs that 
nightly testing can really help with: leaks.

There are two easy leak tools to use via scripts.  'leaks' and 
'heap'.  Leaks is a good first pass, which rarely has false 
positives, but very often has false negatives.  Nevertheless, if your 
code can't pass through leaks, you have a pretty big problem.  So 
'heap' fills in the gap to catch the leaks that 'leaks' missed.

To use 'heap' to catch leaks, you'll want to create a black list. 
For example, in Core Data, after each unit test, we grep through the 
heap result to see if there are any NSManaged*, NSEntity*, etc etc. 
We skip over stuff that's hard to sort through, like NSString, but we 
can at least ensure that none of our classes are still present in the 
heap.  That's a pretty thorough leak detection.

This is a bit harder than zombies, because you'll need to white list 
known problems (in other people's code), and for the heap tool create 
a custom black list.  But this is absolutely worth the effort.

Running unit tests through debugging tools (zombies, leaks, etc) 
nightly has been the single highest return on effort debugging 
decisions I've ever seen.

Ever.  Seen.

The second highest was actually writing the unit tests in the first 
place, a necessary prerequisite, but more effort.

Just imagine what you could do mixing this stuff with dtrace ...


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Re: struct problem

2008-04-12 Thread Ben Lachman

On Apr 12, 2008, at 8:03 AM, Dean Ritchie wrote:

On Apr 12, 2008, at 1:37 AM, Hamish Allan wrote:

On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 2:58 AM, Dean Ritchie  

   columnCount = [[LASize cellAtIndex:0] intValue];
   rowCount = [[LASize cellAtIndex:1] intValue];

When I stop right after initializing the NSRect local variable, the
debugger reports miniscule values for the portions of the  
rectangle, like it

got overlaid with integers instead of float values.

Where are columnCount and rowCount declared, and as what types?

They are class variables, type int.

In general the naming convention used in Objective-C is that class  
names start with capitals and variable names start with lower-case  
characters (both use bumpy case which I think you know).  For  
instance NSWindow (class) and aWindow (variable).  However in your  
code you have LASize, which looks a whole lot like NSSize (which  
happens to be a struct).  However you're assigning sender to it which  
is of type id.  This introduces some confusion, since you assumedly  
assign an object variable to something that looks very much like a  
struct type.  This may not be a bug (we don't know what type sender  
or LASize are so it's hard to say), but it leaves the code nearly  
unreadable for the casual observer.  If you want someone to help you  
out, try to post more clear code.  In a more general sense, it's good  
to write code that follows the general naming conventions anyway  
since if you ever have to share your code or go just back and read it  
in a year you'll have less work understanding it.


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Highlight color of a NSTableView row

2008-04-12 Thread Ben Lachman
Sorry, perhaps I should have been a bit more specific.  That  
implementation both overrides highlightColorWithFrame: and  
drawWithFrame:.  As you noticed, the draw with draw bit just just  
draws the text white if the cell is selected.  This is nice for dark  
selection highlight colors and most of Apple's iApps that contain  
table views do it.  To remove that behavior just remove:

NSColor *oldColor = [self textColor];
[self setTextColor:[NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]];
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
[self setTextColor:oldColor];

Which saves the original color, set the color of the text to white,  
draws it and then restores the original color.  Calling super's draw  
method just draws the cell as it would normally given the current  
settings (color, title, etc.).


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 12, 2008, at 1:23 PM, Eric Gorr wrote:

On Apr 11, 2008, at 12:21 AM, Ben Lachman wrote:

I do something like this:

@implementation HilightingTextFieldCell

- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *) 
controlView {	

if( [self isHighlighted] ) {
NSColor *oldColor = [self textColor];
[self setTextColor:[NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]];
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
[self setTextColor:oldColor];
} else {
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView]; 

- (NSColor *)highlightColorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView: 
(NSView *)controlView {

return nil;


So, based on your code, I have written this...

@implementation CustomHighlightTextFieldCell

- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
	NSColor	*evenColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:.9 green:0  
blue:0 alpha:1.0];

if ( [self isHighlighted] ) {
[evenColor set];
NSRectFill( cellFrame );

NSColor *oldColor = [self textColor];
[self setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
[self setTextColor:oldColor];
else {
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView]; 

- (NSColor *)highlightColorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView: 
(NSView *)controlView

return nil;


I just want to draw the entire cell with a background color with  
black text.

For a selected row, what I get is a cell drawn with the background  
color, but white text. I cannot figure out how to get the text  
drawn with a black color.

Will I need to replace:

  [super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];

with my own code to draw the text?

At this point, actually seeing my specific case might be helpful...

I have placed my project at:

The application is a (not entirely complete) calculator for the  
board game Advanced Civilization ( 
game/177 ). What it does is keep track of what civ. cards you have  
purchased throughout the game and keep track of the current cost of  
the cards which you can still purchase. Each row corresponds to one  
of the civ. cards.

What I have written, which only uses highlightSelectionInClipRect  
to control the highlighting, has nearly all of the highlighting I  

1. Row, in groups of three, have either a light blue or white  
background, if the card has not been purchased (rantI _hate_ the  
look of the alternating light blue  white...groups of three is  
_vastly_ superior/rant)

2. If a card has been purchased, it's background is yellow.

3. For #1  #2, the text remains black - my guess as to why this is  
the case is that the process of highlighting a selected row changes  
the text to white and if a row is not selected, it get the black  
text with either the light blue, white or yellow background.

4. When I select a row, it's get the highlight color specified by  
the system preference - the default blue highlight color on my  

5. There is no space between the columns

6. If two cards have been purchased and are in adjacent rows, there  
is no space between the rows, which have been colored yellow.

The only thing I would like to change about how this is working is  
when I select a row of a card which has been purchased, I would  
like to use a darker yellow color.

just a usage be able to purchase a card, first enter  
a number (like 200) into the 'Trade Cards' field, this will cause  
the purchase button to be enabled. Second, select a row, which  
isn't grayed out. Third, press the purchase button.


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Re: Convert NSArray to NSString

2008-04-12 Thread Ben Lachman
I assume you mean selectedRanges, which returns an NSArray of  
ranges.  This array contains NSValue objects that represent ranges of  
selected text, not actually the text that is selected.  To get the  
text that is selected you have to do a bit more work.  First you need  
to the get string of text from the textview.  You can either do this  
using [aTextView string] or extract a string from the textStorage  
object that Michael mentioned. Then, for each NSValue in the array  
you must retrieve an NSRange using rangeValue, and then call  
substringWithRange: on the string you got in the first part.  You can  
do whatever you want with this string--append it to a mutable string  
or just store it--just make sure you retain it if you plan on keeping  
it around since it is an autoreleased object that is returned by  
substringWithRange (ignore this is if you're using GC).

If you just want the full text you can just call [aTextView string].   
selectedRange just returns a single range and so you would only have  
to do the operation described above once, but may not get all the  
text selected if the textview supports multiple selections.  Make  
sure you also check that ranges returns by selectedRange(s) doesn't  
contain the NSNotFound marker as well.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 12, 2008, at 8:49 PM, Michael Vannorsdel wrote:
The textStorage of the NSTextView is actually an  
NSMutableAttributedString subclass so you can treat it as such and  
get the text and attributes from it.

On Apr 12, 2008, at 6:48 PM, Lincoln Green wrote:

 I am trying to store the selected text in an NSTextView in an  
NSString/NSMutableString. I have found the selectedRange method,  
but can't figure out how to turn the NSArray into an NSString. Any  
help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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Re: Tips to deploy applications to multiple Mac OS X versions

2008-04-10 Thread Ben Lachman

On Apr 10, 2008, at 6:19 PM, Chris Suter wrote:
One caveat, though, is that you should probably have a runtime  
check for the minimum OS version you expect so that you don't end  
up with a crash if someone tries to use your nifty Leopard  
features on Tiger. Adding something to main() would probably be  
easiest, either checking against NSAppKitVersionNumber or calling  
Gestalt() to get the OS version.

There's something you can put in the Info.plist that does this for  
free. I forget exactly what it is but I'm sure it's easily found.

LSMinimumSystemVersion is the key.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Highlight color of a NSTableView row

2008-04-10 Thread Ben Lachman

I do something like this:

@implementation HilightingTextFieldCell

- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView {  
if( [self isHighlighted] ) {
NSColor *oldColor = [self textColor];
[self setTextColor:[NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]];
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
[self setTextColor:oldColor];
} else {
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView]; 

- (NSColor *)highlightColorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView  
*)controlView {

return nil;



Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 10, 2008, at 8:47 PM, Eric Gorr wrote:

On Apr 10, 2008, at 8:30 PM, Corbin Dunn wrote:

Playing with this a bit more, it appears that I need to also do:

- (id)_highlightColorForCell:(NSCell *)cell
// we need to override this to return nil
	// or we'll see the default selection rectangle when the app is  

// in any OS before leopard

	// you can also return a color if you simply want to change the  
table's default selection color

  return nil;

Or it will ignore my highlight drawing entirely. It appears this  
is an undocumented API or, at least, I cannot locate it in the  

If a method starts with an underscore, don't even bother looking  
it up in the documentation :) -- not only is it undocumented, but  
it is unsupported and might change in the future.

The proper thing to do:

1. Subclass NSCell, NSTextFieldCell, or whatever other cell you want.
2. Override:

- (NSColor *)highlightColorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView: 
(NSView *)controlView

and return nil.

How would I go about subclassing NSTextFieldCell  NSImageCell and  
then using these cell with my NSTableView?


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Re: Highlight color of a NSTableView row

2008-04-09 Thread Ben Lachman

Look at:

but make sure you read the comments.  John Randolph's comments are  
worth considering.


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 10, 2008, at 12:27 AM, Eric Gorr wrote:
I've got a NSTableView and when I select a row, it is highlighted  
with the color specified in the Appearance System Preference panel.

Is there a way to take control over what color gets used to  
highlight a row when selected?

I need to be able to set the highlight color used based on what row  
in the table is selected.


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Re: Problems with Split Views?

2008-04-07 Thread Ben Einstein
For the most part, anything you want to do with NSSplitView you can do  
with RBSplitView (or others) and vice versa. Where RBSplitView really  
excels is its ease of implementation. Even though NSSplitView in 10.5  
is significantly better, I still find that RBSlitView has the upper  
hand in terms of time-to-deployment. If you need specifics, just  
compare the documentation of RBSplitView and NSSplitView.

I continue to use Rainer's implementation every time I need a split  

Hope that helps,

On Apr 6, 2008, at 10:21 PM, Peter Zegelin wrote:

I am quite new to Cocoa and have been experimenting with split views  
in Interface Builder. It's basically 3 vertical splits with each end  
view also split in half horizontally. It seems to do more or less  
what I want. However looking around for example projects I get the  
impression that the split views are somehow buggy and I'm better off  
using a third party split view such as RBSplitView. Can someone  
explain what sort of problems - if any - I'm likely to encounter  
using the regular split view?

What I need is to have 3 vertical splits with each end view also  
split (horizontally). These end views should not resize as the  
window is resized - just the center view. I know in IB you don't  
seem to be able to prevent a split from resizing when its parent is  
resized (or am I wrong here?) but I presume that wouldn't be a  
problem with some code.



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Re: Custom Buttons - Tutorial/Examples...

2008-04-05 Thread Ben Lachman
This isn't a subject that I've ever seen addressed really thoroughly  
in a tutorial type walk though, its more a journey of gleaning all  
the info you need to create new buttons and controls.  Personally I'd  
call custom control creation the dark art of Cocoa ;-).

For your case though I think looking at setShowsStatesBY: and  
setHighlightsBy: should suffice to solve your problem.  Also make  
sure you look at all the constants that are valid, not just the ones  
the developer docs talk about (NSNoCellMask and siblings).

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 5, 2008, at 6:08 PM, John Joyce wrote:
Does anybody know a tutorial or example on creating custom buttons  
in Cocoa?
I can certainly set an image in IB or programmatically, but how can  
I determine the actual hitmask? Or even set the mouseOver type of  
event for something like a rollover ?
I know I'm talking about stepping on Apple's HIG, but it is  
something I'd like to know how to do without delving into CG or CA  
right now.
I've been toying with it a bit today, and I can certainly set the  
images, but on mouse down, the background changes to the image with  
a darkened state inside of a white rectangle... surely I'm missing  
something stupidly obvious...?

Any tips or links are greatly appreciated!


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Bindings on Contextual Menu Items when to unbind:

2008-04-03 Thread Ben Lachman
I have a few contextual menus that have items that are generated  
dynamically and are bound in code to my model.  I'm not sure if/when  
I should unbind them however.  Is there a good place to do this?  Do  
I even need to?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Propagate changes/insertions in main context

2008-04-03 Thread Ben Lachman
There was quite an extensive conversation about this a couple days  
ago.  Try to check the archives before posting...  
and following

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Apr 3, 2008, at 8:34 AM, malcom malcom wrote:

Dear List,
I'm working with CoreData. I need to insert lots of objects and  
make relationship with these and I've decided to perform this  
operation deteaching a new thread that pool an NSArray where data  
is placed.
This thread make the object and insert it in a second managed  
object context, perform linking operations and save the context.
What's the right way to work with multithread and more than an  
Need I to perform insertion in a second context, then save the  
context itself (the save operation need to be perfomed inside  
thread or in main thread?) and make a  
refreshObject:mergeChanges:YES with the main thread?

Dex Morgan


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Re: test if another app has hung

2008-04-01 Thread Ben Dougall

On 1 Apr, 2008, at 11:49 am, Ron Fleckner wrote:

On 01/04/2008, at 9:28 PM, Ben Dougall wrote:


What's the best way to test if another app has likely hung or not? 
Programmatically of course. I want to be able to kill an often 
hanging app and restart it -- when it's hung that is. (10.3.9+)

Thanks, Ben.

Hi Ben,

This question was exhaustively examined in a thread a few weeks ago.  
Start here:


Excellent, thanks for the pointer.


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Re: NSNoCellMask differences in Leopard vs. Tiger

2008-03-31 Thread Ben Lachman
So it ends up that while NSNoCellMask works on Tiger it really isn't  
the way to do what I was wanting.  NSPushInCellMask does the same  
thing (darken the un-bezeled icon), makes more sense, and works on  
both Tiger and Leopard.  The problem is that the documentation  
doesn't mention NSPushInCellMask unless you look at the state masks  
leading me to believe that it wasn't a supported value for  
setHighlightsBy:.  Anyway, hope this helps someone at some point.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 20, 2008, at 5:50 AM, Ben Lachman wrote:
On Tiger one could set up borderless, momentary light square  
button with an icon and call setHighLightsBy: with NSNoCellMask  
and you'd get a nice darkening on the non-transparent parts when  
the user pressed the button.  However these same buttons on Leopard  
don't change at all during a user's press.  Is there a way to get a  
similar effect on Leopard without using an alternate image (some of  
my buttons already have alternate images)?


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Re: Threads and Core Data, bindings results in view corruption

2008-03-31 Thread Ben Lachman

On Mar 31, 2008, at 2:47 PM, Jeff LaMarche wrote:

On Mar 31, 2008, at 2:36 PM, David wrote:

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Jeff LaMarche  
4) You can, as Ben mentioned, use performSelector:onMainThread: to  
actually have the object inserted on the main thread's context.  
It's a bit of a pain, but threads are always at least a little  

How? Core data says that to use NSManagedObjects between threads  
you need to pass an ID and access it from another context. But you  
don't even get an ID until you perform a save on the original  
context. I'm then back to my original problem where the save  
itself takes too long.

From what I've read so far, my current thinking is that I need to  
give up on Core data. I can easily create my own objects, handle  
my own locking or synchronization. I was thinking to still use  
NSTreeController bound to my objects.

Its a shame because core data sounds so cool. I love the data  
modeling aspects. Nice way to think through the problem even if I  
end up not using it.

Well, I don't know exactly what you're doing in your thread, but  
you could create a method that that took, for example, a dictionary  
as an argument, then when you're ready to insert the object in your  
thread, pass that method the values you need having it fire on the  
main thread and then create the Core Data entity based on the  
passed values and then insert it into the main thread's context.   
If you needed to do further work on that entity, like adding  
relationships to it, then it would get to be trickier, as you'd  
also need to get its managedObjectID back to your thread.

Actually this isn't true.  You can add relationships, etc. without  
having to pass them around since you will be doing a save at some  
point and that will sync everything back to the persistent store.   
Then, once you pass the OID of your newly inserted object back to you  
main thread you can fetch it from the store and the relationships you  
added to it, etc. will be intact.

My worker thread looks something like this (pseudo-code):

Main thread:

[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(workLoop:)  
toTarget:newWorker withObject:self];

Worker thread executes work loop which inserts new managed objects,  
saves them and sends the new oids back to the main thread by calling:

[owner performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addResults:) withObject: 
[newManagedObjectSet valueForKey:@objectID] waitUntilDone:NO];

The worker also notifies its owner (which was passed to detach...)  
just before exit.

This is loosely based on SIWorkerThread by Daniel Vollmer http:// with use of  
performSelectorOnMainThread to pass OIDs back.

You also should try using an SQLite store.  It will be faster than a  
binary store for saving incrementally since it only touches part(s)  
of the file.  However if you are adding lots of objects make sure you  
look at how often you save and if there are ways to decrease that  

Lastly, I kind of wonder if there might be some way to integrate a  
secondary In-Memory store into this setup for use in passing the  
objects created by the worker thread back to the main thread, it  
seems like it might introduce some more complexity but might also be  
worthwhile performance-wise since saving to the SQL store does have a  
certain amount of latency due to how it hits the disk (particularly  
on Tiger).  Any thoughts on this Ben?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Threads and Core Data, bindings results in view corruption

2008-03-31 Thread Ben Trumbull
 request you should file.  There are better ways 
to implement this than locking at the NSManagedObject level.

I have interpreted that to mean that locking the 
managedObjectContext would be sufficient. I hadn't realized that 
bindings would try to obtain locks.

No, it doesn't.  But it needs to obtain locks to honor your locking.

The list archives also have these, which you should read:

It's possible to shuttle pending changes between threads by hand using KVC.

Are you describing in general or specifically with Core Data? Can 
you give more insight on this? Are you saying that I manually track 
changes from core data?

For updates objects, you can just pass a dictionary of deltas between 
threads if you don't want to save.

For inserted objects, you'd need a proxy insert.  But, yes this works 
generally and with Core Data (although not conveniently).

Both KVC and Core Data have methods to make this somewhat less painful.

Manually tracking changes from Core Data is pretty easy.  We post the 
NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification every time you 
call -processPendingChanges.

On Leopard, in the scenarios under which you can save, you can also
use -mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:

But isn't a notification received on the same thread on which it was posted?

Yes, but that's not what the API is for.  It takes the notification 
object, and merges it into the current MOC's state.

You could grab the notification object from the save on your 
background thread, and pass it to the main thread with 
-performSelectorOnMainThread: and this method will merge all the 
changes into the main thread's MOC.

It still requires inserts be saved, but otherwise handles all the 
merging logic efficiently.

Finally, in 4 years no one has filed a bug about this.

File a bug about what?

Everything you don't like.  Documentation, example code, Core Data, 
Bindings, performance, enhancements, feature requests ...

Do you consider the threading behavior in bindings and Core data to be a bug?

This is about what you consider to be suboptimal.


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scrollRangeToVisible from within mouseDown causing crash?

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Lachman
I just added a call to scrollRangeToVisible: that is sometimes called  
from my text view's mouseDown method.  Now, whenever  
scrollRangeToVisible: is called on a range that is not visible, the  
next drawRect of the text view crashes with the exception: ***  
NSLayoutManager, _getGlyphBuffer(): NSZoneMalloc  
failed! (EXC_BAD_ACCESS).  I had assumed that this was just a memory  
management bug on my part, but the fact that I can basically turn the  
crash on or off based on whether I call scrollRangeToVisible has me a  
bit confused.  Anyone know what this could be?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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re: NSPersistentDocument Revert Question

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Trumbull


Each persistent document has its own Core Data stack.  When you close 
one, and reopen it, it has a new NSPersistentStoreCoordinator, 
NSManagedObjectModel, and NSManagedObjectContext.

So any bindings to managed objects or their entity descriptions from 
the old, deallocated persistent document are effectively invalid.



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Re: Core Data and NSOperation

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Trumbull


Each NSOperation is, conceptually, its own thread.  In addition to 
using NSInvocationOperation to easily dispatch a work function to an 
object, you'll also need to follow the multi-threading rules 
described in the Core Data Programming Guide.



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re: Core Data migration

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Trumbull


To sum up:
Relationships to entities from which another entity inherits are not
automatically set up properly.

Unfortunately.  This is a known issue.

Anyone have any experience with this, or know how to handle this
situation? I suppose I could write a whole bunch of custom code to
handle it, but it seems as if the migration system should handle the

I'll trade you a bug report for a work around.


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re: Core Data Client/Server Application

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Trumbull


Core Data doesn't support client server applications.

Some developers have successfully used it on the client for its data 
management (undo, change tracking, notifications, etc) and Cocoa 
Bindings support, with an in-memory store they manage themselves.  A 
few developers have done more sophisticated things with a Core Data 
sqlite store that is effectively a cache of a subset of the server's 

But there's no back end support for MySQL or Postgres besides what 
you do for yourself.



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Re: Core Data faulting and bindings: recursive KVO notifications?

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Trumbull


Well, it might be far from ideal for CD performance, but that doesn't 
mean it's bound poorly.  It is done exactly to do what we need it to 
do, otherwise this binding would have been the first to be targeted 
for rewrite.

Creating a gigantic autoreleased NSArray from valueForKeyPath: and 
simultaneously observing tens of thousands of objects is an awful lot 
of work for little reward.

The user cannot *see* tens of thousands of things.

I really do require the app to be able to show the user the values of 
about 1000 items at once, e.g. for a stack of related items.  If they 
are the same for every item, it is important that that value be

visible to the user.

You want distinct values, not tens of thousands of them.  Too much 
data is unmanageable from a user experience perspective.

Since your data is mostly read only, observing all these values is a 
horrific waste.  Just get the distinct values once, and invalidate 
the cache in the rare case the user edits one of them.

And this is one thing Bindings as it is, cannot do properly:  The 
creation of all observation info (one dictionary for each bound 
property of each item in the selection) when selecting is just too 
much overhead.  Plus you easily encounter the aforementioned stack


You should file a bug report on this.  Also, I still don't see a bug 
report for your earlier problem with KVO  faulting.

Properties should be propagatable to 1000 objects at once for my
users, as they work equally with individual images and up till 1000-
image stacks.

Your 30 monitor must be a lot larger than mine.

I guess this calls for an extra layer of indirection, 
with a real separate entity representing the image stack and 
propagating the changes, without having 1000s of observers-observed

object relationships.

Exactly. Now that's an idea that can scale.


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re: Threads and Core Data, bindings results in view corruption

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Trumbull

David, Jeff, Ben

There are a few issues here.

First, enough pieces of AppKit and Cocoa Bindings are not thread safe 
that, even without Core Data, you just can't do this in this 
particular fashion.

If you want multi-threaded work with the view and controller classes 
in Cocoa, you'll need to perform your background operations, and 
communicate back to the main thread (view  controllers) via the run 
loop.  -performSelectorOnMainThread and its friends in NSThread.h are 
your best bet.

Using a run loop on a background thread and communicating from the 
main thread to it with the new 10.5 -performSelector... methods is 
often conceptually simpler (easier to debug) than many other 
threading patterns.

Sharing a MOC with Cocoa Bindings and a background thread will end in 
tears.  Cocoa Bindings doesn't lock its bound MOC, so you're 
basically SOL.

Even if it did work, though, it'd be a bad idea.  Sharing a MOC means 
a background thread would still at times block the main thread and 
SPOB your app.

These 3 points (can't work, doesn't work, shouldn't work) are why the 
Core Data Programming Guide says don't do this.

This isn't to say what what you intend to accomplish is wrong or 
undesirable. Quite the contrary.  Just that this 'how' is going in 
the wrong direction.

The Core data programming guide says its best to maintain a separate
managedObjectContext per thread. But this appears to require the data to be
written to persistent store to make it work (file). That not reasonable in
my case where I'm adding many objects to an object tree. It takes a
significant amount to time to write it out, negating the benefit of trying
to make the UI seem responsive.

The list archives also have these, which you should read:

It's possible to shuttle pending changes between threads by hand using KVC.

On Tiger, saves are especially expensive as the default behavior was 
to use a more correct/aggressive version of fsync, specifically 
fcntl(...,F_FULLFSYNC).  This is 100-1000x slower than fsync, which 
technically is incorrect on nearly all consumer grade hard drives at 
a hardware level.

On Leopard, we made significant performance optimizations, so the 
user experience can vary greatly between the two OS's.

If you're inserting a large number of new objects, you really should 
just batch the operation together, save, and present the user with 
new objects in the tree view in batches.

On Leopard, in the scenarios under which you can save, you can also 
use -mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:

While AppKit  Bindings makes it impossible to share a MOC with a 
background thread, theoretically all your background threads can 
share a MOC if you lock and unlock them.  Or you could just have 1 
background thread processing asynchronous operations.  That'd be a 
lot easier to debug.

You should also use the Debug libraries and Core Data multi-threaded 

Life's a lot easier when your app halts in gdb as soon as you make a 
mistake.  'thread apply all bt' is your friend.

Finally, in 4 years no one has filed a bug about this.

If one developer has a problem, it's unfortunate.  If three 
developers have a problem, it's an issue.  If two hundred developers 
have a problem, it's a crisis.

Kinda hard to tell the difference if developers can't be bothered to 
speak up in the only way that really matters:

Feature requests, performance problems, and enhancement suggestions 
are all bugs



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Re: Threads and Core Data, bindings results in view corruption

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Trumbull

On Mar 30, 2008, at 7:50 PM, Ben Lachman wrote:

I'm guessing the bugs really should be filed on the documentation  
since one page on performance of a highly complex API like CD is  
nowhere near enough.  My guess is that documentation doesn't get as  
many bugs as it should since it is, at the point of the developer  
filing the bug, no longer a road block and therefore is kind of seen  
(wrongly) as a waste of time since it is just for the greater good  
of the dev community not getting your project done.

There are two sets of bugs you should file.  (1) better documentation  
for the current state of affairs and (2) better support for your work  
pattern in a future version of the framework.

Developers need to file their own bugs.

There are several reasons for that.  First, to be able to check the  
status of an issue and track it over however long it takes to get  
fixed. Second, to be accessible to ADC for follow ups, clarifications  
in case we can't reproduce it, or receiving work arounds for known  
issues.   Especially since once in a while, you might actually get  
back a work around that's better than what you came up with yourself.   
Of course, filing the issue before spending lots of time developing a  
workaround might also save you some effort once in a while.

And so my shadowy masters actually believe real live developers have  
this problem, as opposed to my imaginary friends.  Oddly 20  
developers requested this seems to work better than  we should spend  
lots of time on this because I feel like it

And that just covers the problems we already know about.  There are a  
few more reasons for filing bugs you've worked around ...

Thanks for the feedback it was quite helpful.  Any thoughts or  
tricks to reduce the frequency of saving in worker threads would be  
welcome, but I think I'm now on the right path.

Batching and coalescing are both good ideas, so you're on the right  
track.  Your other alternative is a proxy object for inserts, as I  
describe in one of the list archived messages I referenced earlier.

You could also consider evaluating whether or not requiring Leopard  
makes sense for your customer base.  At some point, there's a  
diminishing return on your effort to address a problem that $130 can  
mitigate.  A compromise is to not perform the same threading on Tiger,  
or not in the same way, and accept a somewhat different user  
experience on older systems.

- Ben


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iPhone Interface builder

2008-03-28 Thread Ben Densmore
Hi everyone,
 I'm new to doing iPhone development and trying to get up to speed on the 
interface builder for iPhone. I see some basic tutorials on doing Cocoa based 
apps but can't seem to find anything on Cocoa touch and the interface builder. 

I know it was just released in Beta 2 but are there any walk through examples 
of creating a Cocoa Touch interface in IB?



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re: Core Data faulting and bindings: recursive KVO notifications?

2008-03-28 Thread Ben Trumbull

The problem I'm having arises when selecting all images at once
(Command+A), if they are fairly large in number (in my store: ~2000).
This takes an enormous time that is definitely  O(n).

Command-A should be instantaneous, even for selections 10x larger. 
The typical performance problems I've seen with array controller 
selections are (1) complex KVO observer actions cascade (2) tripping 
faults unnecessarily (3) using expensive array controller options.

(1) Complex KVO observer actions need to be carefully constrained. 
If they simply grow organically, then it's pretty easy to fall into 
the trap of observers creating side effects that trigger other 
observers that cascade to yet more observers.  This (a) makes your 
code impossible to understand, since no one ever intentionally 
designed their app that way from the beginning, and (b) sucks for 

It's often easier to understand, and much faster, to use 
NSNotificationCenter to defer and coalesce observations for a batch 
operation like operating upon 2000 objects.  One way to achieve this 
with the array controller is to remove all the objects from the 
controller, do your batch operation, and then add them back.

(2) Firing faults unnecessarily is the canonical performance issue 
for Core Data developers.  Our SQL logging 
( 1 1) and our Instruments template can help 
you find this, and identify which entities you're faulting 

If you need that data, it's much (10-100x) better to batch fetch the 
data instead.  This is described in the Core Data Programming Guide 
under Performance.

(3) Auto rearrange content can be very expensive.  It can make the 
notification cascading from (1) worse.  Also, Avoid empty selection  
Preserve selection can force the array controller to fire faults it 
otherwise wouldn't, which is expensive.

Regarding the call into _didChangeValuesForKeys:, the API contract 
for KVO requires Core Data call -willChange/-didChange during 
faulting.  This is pretty undesirable.

This recurses further with all images in the controller selection 
until the whole object graph is in-memory.  It is much slower (1 
minute on a MBP with 2000 elements in the controller set) than loading 
the data in a normal manner, probably because of spread faulting and 
the large stack depth.

If it's actually recursing through the entire graph, then it's 
probably a bug in your observer method.  If it's looping, then it 
could simply be toggling off a few array controller options will 
address the issue.

You should file a bug with, and include the 
entire stack trace.  Without the rest of it, it's hard for me to say 
if this is the expected stack depth or not.  It may be a problem with 
one of your custom observation methods not coexisting happily with 
faulting, but it's a bit hard to tell from this excerpt.



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Re: Core Data faulting and bindings: recursive KVO notifications?

2008-03-28 Thread Ben Trumbull

On Mar 28, 2008, at 7:38 PM, Dennis Lorson wrote:

On 28 Mar 2008, at 20:24, Ben Trumbull wrote:

The problem I'm having arises when selecting all images at once
(Command+A), if they are fairly large in number (in my store:  

This takes an enormous time that is definitely  O(n).

Command-A should be instantaneous, even for selections 10x larger.  
The typical performance problems I've seen with array controller  
selections are (1) complex KVO observer actions cascade (2)  
tripping faults unnecessarily (3) using expensive array controller  

(1) Complex KVO observer actions need to be carefully constrained.  
If they simply grow organically, then it's pretty easy to fall into  
the trap of observers creating side effects that trigger other  
observers that cascade to yet more observers.  This (a) makes your  
code impossible to understand, since no one ever intentionally  
designed their app that way from the beginning, and (b) sucks for  

This seems like an easy mistake indeed.  However, I checked my code  
for this when originally debugging the issue, and while it is  
difficult to eliminate all cases, no custom KVO observer triggers  
other observers as for my subclass implementation -- and if they do,  
they relate to disjunct entity objects that should not trigger others.

You've bound the text fields to the selection poorly.  That's the  
easiest and best fix.  Other workarounds for your edification below.

The good news is that the issue is entirely avoidable by batch  
faulting using the 10.5 [NSFetchRequest  
setReturnsObjectsAsFaults:NO] and executing the fetch on all objects  
in the selection.

Yes.  You can also do something like this to ignore KVO notifications  
around faulting:

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h

@interface SubObject : NSManagedObject {
BOOL _isAccessible;
- (BOOL) isAccessible;

@implementation SubObject
- (void) awakeFromInsert {
[super awakeFromInsert];
_isAccessible = YES;
- (void) awakeFromFetch {
[super awakeFromFetch];
_isAccessible = YES;
- (void) willTurnIntoFault {
[super willTurnIntoFault];
_isAccessible = NO;
- (void) didTurnIntoFault {
[super didTurnIntoFault];
_isAccessible = NO;
- (BOOL) isAccessible {
return _isAccessible;

and elsewhere:

- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject: 
(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context

if ([object isKindOfClass:[SubObject class]]) {
SubObject* mine = (SubObject*)object;
if (![mine isAccessible]) {
// stuff

But still, I have two questions:

- Am I overlooking something obvious?  If it is the correct  
approach, someone else must have experienced this in a larger master- 
detail set, right?

Yes, you should disable Allows Editing Multiple Values Selection  
when you expect selection to include more than a handful of objects.

- While I understand the constraints the CD API imposes, shouldn't  
this be labeled as a bug?  I'm not sure here, if so, I'll file it  
with bugreporter.

You should file a bug and attach your sample app as well.

(2) Firing faults unnecessarily is the canonical performance issue  
for Core Data developers.  Our SQL logging (- 1 - 1) and our Instruments template can  
help you find this, and identify which entities you're faulting  
If you need that data, it's much (10-100x) better to batch fetch  
the data instead.  This is described in the Core Data Programming  
Guide under Performance.

While I'm certain to perform some optimization here, the delay I was  
having was almost fully due to the issue above.
It is indeed very useful, but in my case mostly to avoid the  
critical stack overflow.  I will not be having 100.000+ stores so  
the excessive faulting has still little impact.

Each fault is an I/O.  Do a few batches v.s. 1,000 individual ones is  
much much better.  You can see this in Instruments Core Data template,  
with the Cache Miss instrument.

If it's actually recursing through the entire graph, then it's  
probably a bug in your observer method.  If it's looping, then it  
could simply be toggling off a few array controller options will  
address the issue.

You should file a bug with, and include the  
entire stack trace.  Without the rest of it, it's hard for me to  
say if this is the expected stack depth or not.  It may be a  
problem with one of your custom observation methods not coexisting  
happily with faulting, but it's a bit hard to tell from this excerpt.

As you can verify from the test project, I don't use any custom KVO  
logic.  Still, the crash should occur almost every time, after a  
variable amount of time (seconds range).

Yes, thanks.  Sample projects

NSNoCellMask differences in Leopard vs. Tiger

2008-03-20 Thread Ben Lachman
On Tiger one could set up borderless, momentary light square button  
with an icon and call setHighLightsBy: with NSNoCellMask and you'd  
get a nice darkening on the non-transparent parts when the user  
pressed the button.  However these same buttons on Leopard don't  
change at all during a user's press.  Is there a way to get a similar  
effect on Leopard without using an alternate image (some of my  
buttons already have alternate images)?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: dataCellForTableColumn method

2008-03-19 Thread Ben Lachman
Make sure the field editor isn't getting in the way.  The field  
editors inserts itself into the first responder chain and grabs  
textual input during editing. 


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 19, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Hans Hansen wrote:

Anyone know how best to use multiple NSTextCell subclasses, in a  
table/outline column?

When I use the dataCell... methods in NSTableColumn, NSTableView,  
or NSOutlineView, it works great until I try to edit the cell, at  
which point the cells never receive the edit/select actions. I've  
tried lots of things but can't figure out what's happening, nor a  
better why to do this overall.

In other words:

When I use the dataCellForTableColumn method, my table does display  
the different textcell subclasses returned. But when I send the  
table/outline [self editColumn:1 row:[self selectedRow]  
withEvent:theEvent select:YES] message it seems to get lost -- my  
specified cells don't receive an editWithFrame/selectWithFrame  
action. If I remove this method and only use one cell class in the  
column, it works as expected.

- (NSCell *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView  
dataCellForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item {

if ([item isKindOfClass:[Project class]]) return projectTextCell;
if ([item isKindOfClass:[Action class]]) return actionTextCell;
if ([item isKindOfClass:[Item class]]) return itemTextCell;
if ([item isKindOfClass:[Note class]]) return noteTextCell;

return nil;

The point of this is to breakout my cell designs for efficiency and  
comprehension. But so far it's just making me nuts. ;-).


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re: CoreData code working on Tiger - not on Leopard

2008-03-18 Thread Ben Trumbull


You can get some more information.  Add an @try/@catch block to your 
AppDelegate.m:700 line, and log both the exception and its userInfo 

Also, if you search the archives for my recent post
[ANN] 10.5.2 Core Data debug library available

you can run against a version of Core Data that has assertions 
enabled.  In addition to the multi-threading assertions, it has more 
just plain old assertions.

Most of the problems I've seen like this have been issues with custom 
accessor methods doing things they shouldn't, or fetching within 
-awakeFromFetch:, or some odd edge cases involving delegate calls.

If you build against the 10.4 SDK, and your application still doesn't 
work on Leopard, that's a bug, and you should file it with  If it only fails building against the 10.5 SDK, 
then it could be helpful to review


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NSButtonCell doesn't visually update during trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:

2008-03-17 Thread Ben Lachman
I have a few NSButtonCells that I'm using in a custom view.  I need  
them to track the mouse during clicks and do this by calling NSCell's  
trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:.  This works fine except that  
the button cells never update their graphical state by highlighting  
or whatever.  However if I call performClick: on them the button  
updates as it should.  Is the only solution to this to implement  
mouse tracking at the view instead of at the cell level?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: NSButtonCell doesn't visually update during trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:

2008-03-17 Thread Ben Lachman
So my view is a NSControl subclass and after playing with this some  
it seems you have to do one more thing.  If you're going to have a  
control handle multiple cells (in my case button cells) you have to  
call setCell: for the correct cell in mouseDown: and then let super  
handle the mouse event.  This seems to work much better than trying  
to handle the event yourself.

Does this sound right to you Ken?

In any case I think there should really be more info on how to  
subclass NSControl and NSCell.  The developer docs are really sparse  
on this. I filed a bug asking for a guide on this topic (rdar:// 

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 17, 2008, at 4:25 PM, Ken Ferry wrote:

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 8:49 AM, glenn andreas [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On Mar 17, 2008, at 1:42 AM, Ben Lachman wrote:

I have a few NSButtonCells that I'm using in a custom view.  I need
them to track the mouse during clicks and do this by calling
NSCell's trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:.  This works fine
except that the button cells never update their graphical state by
highlighting or whatever.  However if I call performClick: on them
the button updates as it should.  Is the only solution to this to
implement mouse tracking at the view instead of at the cell level?

 You need to set the control view of the cell to your view and then
 implement the appropriate [update|draw]cell[inside]: methods in your

Or, a bit more specifically, setControlView: will fail to store
anything if the passed view is not an NSControl.  You can use an
NSCell to purely stamp out drawing in an NSView, but more complicated
interaction requires the view to be an NSControl, so that the cell can
message the control in various ways.  It isn't just updateCell:.

Ken Ferry
Cocoa Frameworks

 Basically a cell expects to be inside a control and needs to be
 able to tell that control to draw itself (and thus redraw the cell).
 One would think that the parameters to trackMouse would be  
 to have the cell handle this by itself, but since a control could  
 a background behind the cell, it's really up to the control to  

 how to redraw the cell.


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Re: NSSpeechSynthesizer/UKSpeechSynthesizer speechSynthesizer:didFinishSpeaking: called immediarely [Solved]

2008-03-14 Thread Ben Lachman
I found the problem.  I was having the speech synth speak a tag line  
before the main string and was getting the didFinishSpeaking: call  
back when the tag was cut off by the main string starting to be  
spoken.  Thanks for confirming that it was my own fault. :-)

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 13, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Dave Verwer wrote:

I have been using this callback extensively recently in the way you
describe and have not seen this issue either.

On 3/13/08, Paul Bruneau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:27 AM, Ben Lachman wrote:

According to the NSSpeechSynthesizer docs:

speechSynthesizer:didFinishSpeaking: is invoked when the speaking of
the string ends. The second parameter of this method indicates
whether the text was entirely spoken or was disrupted (as might
happen if the user dismisses a spoken alert).

This make me think that I should get my delegate method called when
the speech stops in the users perception.  However in my code I have
it speak fairly long strings and the didFinishSpeaking: delegate
method gets called back almost immediately.  Is this correct
behavior?   I tried Uli's UKSpeechSynthesizer replacement for
NSSpeechSynthesizer, but it seems to have the same issues.  If this
is the correct behavior, is there a way to figure out when the
speech is actually done form the user's perspective (ie the audio
output actually stops)?   I'm trying to get a slide show type
animation synced with speaking text and if I can't find out when the
speech is done I'm not sure how I'm going to advance the animation
at the correct time.




 I don't see the behavior you are reporting. Aaron's book has a  
 example that uses -didFinishSpeaking to disable a Stop button  
on an

 interface when the current speech completes, and it gets called
 exactly when the speech stops speaking.

 You can download his code and try it:

 Look for the solutions to the exercises link. The example I  
looked at

 is in the 05_HelperObjects folder and is called SpeakLine_D


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Re: File upload with NSURLRequest fails

2008-03-14 Thread Ben Lachman
I do this with a perl script on the back end.  My experience was that  
its was more cajoling the perl script into working that the PHP side,  
but that may be because I'm not much of a perl wizard (maybe only  
level 8 or so :-).  I found it was important to declare a filename if  
you're transferring data like this.

Here is my code:

NSMutableURLRequest *postRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest  
requestWithURL:aURL cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData  

NSString *boundary = @Boundary+AaB03x;

[postRequest setHTTPMethod:@POST];
[postRequest addValue:[aURL] absoluteString]  
[postRequest setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@multipart/form- 
data; boundary=%@, boundary, nil] forHTTPHeaderField:@Content-Type];

NSEnumerator *dictionaryEnumerator = [postDictionary keyEnumerator];
NSString *currentKey = nil;

NSMutableData *multipartData = [NSMutableData data];

while( (currentKey = [dictionaryEnumerator nextObject]) ) {
	[multipartData appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
\n, boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding  

id currentValue = [postDictionary objectForKey:currentKey];

	if( [currentValue isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]  [NSImageRep  
imageRepClassForData:currentValue] != nil ) {
		[multipartData appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@Content- 
Disposition: form-data; name=\[EMAIL PROTECTED]; filename=\image.jp2\\r\n,  
currentKey] dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];

		[multipartData appendData:[@Content-Type: image/jp2\r\n  
		[multipartData appendData:[@Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r 
\n dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];

[multipartData appendData:currentValue];

[multipartData appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
\n, boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding  

[postRequest setHTTPBody:multipartData];

Hope this helps,


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:50 PM, Tom Harrington wrote:

I'm trying to upload a file with the NSURL* API, but on the server end
the PHP code is unable to decode the $_FILES array.  The PHP code
works fine when posted from an HTML form (and from clients on other

Traffic sniffed on the wire looks good as far as I can tell, so what
would be the problem?  The code in question follows.

NSString *urlString = @http://server:8080/php/post.php;;
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSString *requestMethod = @POST;

NSMutableURLRequest *req = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[req setHTTPMethod:requestMethod];

NSString *headerFieldName;
NSString *headerFieldValue;

NSString *boundary = @-1234567890;

headerFieldName = @Content-Type;
headerFieldValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@multipart/form-data;
boundary=%@, boundary];
[req addValue:headerFieldValue forHTTPHeaderField:headerFieldName];

NSString *phone = @7195554321;
NSDate *currentDate = [NSDate date];
	NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]   

[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@MMddHHmmss];
NSString *dateString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:currentDate];

// Will look something like this: form-data; name=file;
headerFieldValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@form-data;
name=\file\; filename=\[EMAIL PROTECTED]@_jpg\, phone, dateString];

NSMutableData *postBody = [NSMutableData data];
// Add boundary
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
// Add form-data with filename
[postBody appendData:[[NSString
stringWithFormat:@Content-Disposition: [EMAIL PROTECTED], headerFieldValue]
// Add content-type
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithString:@Content-Type:
null\r\n\r\n] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
// Add image data
[postBody appendData:imageData];
// Add boundary--
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@[EMAIL PROTECTED],
boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

[req setHTTPBody:postBody];

NSHTTPURLResponse *res = nil;
NSError *err = nil;

NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:req

Re: Can core data save to a remote file?

2008-03-14 Thread Ben Lachman

On Mar 14, 2008, at 2:02 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 1:34 AM, mmalc crawford  

 The canonical description is, it's an object graph management and
 persistence framework.  It is not in and of itself an object store,
 and persistence is only one of its functions -- in some respects the
 less interesting one.

So it manages a graph of objects and stores them.  You can't do the
second part without the first, and how often have you used Core Data
without persistence in mind?

You can in fact persistently store files without managing them as a  
really nifty easy to use, well performing, bindings enabled, undo- 
able object graph.  Its called a filesystem.  But most of us don't  
think they're so nifty anymore*.

Also, it is quite attractive in some cases to use CoreData with only  
an in memory store, which isn't persistent as far as CoreData is  
concerned... and I'm guessing mmalc has some experience with this.


*excepting ZFS, etc.
Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Custom View drawn twice?

2008-03-14 Thread Ben Lachman
I think I finally solved this while chatting with Wil Shipley earlier  
this evening.  Wil mentioned sometimes needing to display from the  
opaque ancestor which is basically what I was trying to do with the  
code Uli questioned.  The way I was doing it was only partially  
successful at best.  Given Wil's hints, I added the following to my  
drawing code and my drawing glitches are no more:

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
static BOOL toggle = YES;

if( toggle ) {
toggle = NO;
[[self opaqueAncestor] display];
} else {
toggle = YES;

Thanks to all those who responded to my original post.  Hopefully  
this will help someone else down the road.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 5, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Ben Lachman wrote:

displayIfNeededIgnoringOpacity goes back up the view hierarchy  
looking for an opaque superview to start drawing with. Doing so was  
causing an infinite drawing loop.  I'm pretty sure this is because  
you're not really supposed to be calling setNeedsDisplay...: and  
displayIfNeeded...: within your drawRect: method.  In any case it  
was a nasty hack to get correct looking functionality and I'm  
actually more interested in figuring out what is causing the double  
drawing than hack a fix on top of it.

On Mar 3, 2008, at 5:38 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote:

Am 29.02.2008 um 20:55 schrieb Ben Lachman:

[self displayIfNeededIgnoringOpacity];

 Is there a particular reason why you're calling this method?  
Won't plain old -displayIfNeeded do the job?


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NSSpeechSynthesizer/UKSpeechSynthesizer speechSynthesizer:didFinishSpeaking: called immediarely

2008-03-13 Thread Ben Lachman

According to the NSSpeechSynthesizer docs:

speechSynthesizer:didFinishSpeaking: is invoked when the speaking of  
the string ends. The second parameter of this method indicates  
whether the text was entirely spoken or was disrupted (as might  
happen if the user dismisses a spoken alert).

This make me think that I should get my delegate method called when  
the speech stops in the users perception.  However in my code I have  
it speak fairly long strings and the didFinishSpeaking: delegate  
method gets called back almost immediately.  Is this correct  
behavior?   I tried Uli's UKSpeechSynthesizer replacement for  
NSSpeechSynthesizer, but it seems to have the same issues.  If this  
is the correct behavior, is there a way to figure out when the speech  
is actually done form the user's perspective (ie the audio output  
actually stops)?   I'm trying to get a slide show type animation  
synced with speaking text and if I can't find out when the speech is  
done I'm not sure how I'm going to advance the animation at the  
correct time.



Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Autorelease question

2008-03-13 Thread Ben Hatfield
If you use convenience methods (as in the else branch) it is autoreleased.
 See here for details:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Daniel Luis dos Santos 


 I have the following code :

if (![fileMgr fileExistsAtPath: indexFilePath]) {
NSMutableDictionary *index = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]
[index setObject: [NSNumber numberWithLong:
[index setObject: [NSNumber numberWithLong:
if (![index writeToFile: indexFilePath atomically: YES]) {
_dirPath = nil;
[index release];
} else {
NSDictionary *index = [NSDictionary
if (nil == [index objectForKey: INDEXKEY_BLOCKSIZE]) {
_dirPath = nil;
} else
_blockSize = [(NSNumber*)[index objectForKey:
if (nil == [index objectForKey: INDEXKEY_BLOCKSPERPAGE]) {
_dirPath = nil;
} else
_blocksPerPage = [(NSNumber*)[index objectForKey:
[index release];

 the [index release] on the second branch gives me the following output
 on the debugger window :

 TestRunnrer(1661) malloc: *** error for object 0x112a50: double free
 *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

 in the enclosing scope I have set up an autorelease pool. What I am
 suspecting is that when I init the dictionary with a file it is
 autoreleased, and then the error when I do the release. I this the
 case ? If so where do I know when some object is created autoreleased
 or not ? In the NSDictionary's reference page there is nothing

 Many thanks

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Ben Hatfield

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[ANN] 10.5.2 Core Data debug library available

2008-03-13 Thread Ben Trumbull


For ADC members, debug libraries for 10.5, and now 10.5.1  10.5.2, 
are available in the Developer Tools section of Downloads as Debug 
and Profile Libraries for Mac OS X 10.5.

There's a tech note about how to use these frameworks with 
DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX.  'man dyld' also works.

Since there are many different debug libraries, one might consider 
renaming the suffix for just the libraries with which you currently 
need to work. (i.e. CoreData_debug - CoreData_threading)

For Core Data developers, the most interesting aspect of this is the 
addition of assertions to enforce Core Data's multi-threading policy. 
You can enable these assertions by setting the user default 3
(in cmd line style)

This works best run in gdb with some additional breakpoints:

future-break handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:
future-break handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:description:
future-break malloc_printf

As a tangent, while not necessarily errors, I find it useful to 
sometimes toggle these:

future-break raise:format:arguments:
future-break objc_exception_throw
future-break +[NSError errorWithDomain:code:userInfo:]



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re: sorting large tables

2008-03-13 Thread Ben Trumbull
Unfortunately, the table is not KVO-compliant so I cannot use 
NSSortDescriptor. And I need to pass the primary and secondary sort 
fields at runtime, so I cannot use sortUsingSelector since it takes 
no parameters.

NSSortDescriptor requires an object be *KVC* compliant.  It does not 
use KVO.  Since KVC does a pretty good job of inferring keys from 
method names, typically one has to actually put some effort into 
breaking KVC compliance.

Now, NSSortDescriptor does cache some of the results from KVC, so I 
suppose if you're doing something pretty whacky like having fake keys 
that return the result of a computation every time (like random or 
a series) you might not get the results you expect.  Of course, 
trying to sort on such a key is probably semantically meaningless, so 
I hereby assert NSSortDescriptor's behavior is still correct ;)

I am using sortArrayUsingFunction: context: to sort a fairly large 
table (100k recs). Judging from the readout of comparisons being made 
the sort appears to be about 80% done when everything comes to a 
halt. No message, no nothing. It just stops.

Run it in gdb, then hit control-C.  What does it look like in top ? 
Is your heap huge ?  Is the machine thrashing (swapping to disk) ?

Also, if it's a stray pointer problem, you could try guard malloc 
(man libgmalloc)

I'd really appreciate suggestions on how to 1) get through this file 
using the function I set up and 2) ideas on alternative approaches 
that will be able to handle much larger files for the future.

Sorting much larger files will require some effort on your part.

First, you'll want to tune your current performance.  Creating 
temporary objects during the comparison function is bad.  If you 
absolutely have to, make sure you use -alloc/init and explicitly 
-release and avoid autorelease objects and objects from convenience 
constructors.  -autorelease just won't fly in a comparison method for 
a 100,000 objects.  This may mean your accessor methods need to be 
changed so they don't impair the comparison method.

You definitely don't want to work with all the data at once.  You 
want to stream through it in a nice batch size, which is large, but 
nothing that will put memory pressure on the overall system. 
Depending on your system and deployment target that could 10MB or 
100MB.  Typically there are diminishing returns as the batch size 
grows, so some empirically testing (binary search style) should 
quickly give you an idea.

One nice thing about sorting, is that this is easy to do: merge sort. 
You can break up the problem as much as you want, and use any handy 
sort function, and then merge the pieces together.

Algorithms for merging are readily available on the net.  Ask google. 
It's about 1 page of code to use qsort_r() and a hand written merge 

Merge sort is trivially parallelizable with NSOperationQueue, so you 
can speed things up more when you're ready to tackle that.  It's 1 
page of code to allocate, build dependencies, and run a fully 
concurrent merge sort this way.



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NSLayoutManager boundingRectForGlyphRange:actualCharacterRange: inconsistent results?

2008-03-12 Thread Ben Lachman
To place markers in my rulerview I'm using NSLayoutManager's  
boundingRectForGlyphRange:actualCharacterRange: to get a rect of a  
chunk of text that I can base my marker location off of.  However  
when I do programatic updates to my text storage and reset markers  
the same function gives me rects that don't always account for some  
newly wrapped lines.  Has anyone run into anything like this?  Or is  
there a better way of getting the location of a range of characters  
than using this method?


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Causing CFLog error messages

2008-03-10 Thread Ben Lachman

On Mar 10, 2008, at 2:49 AM, Ron Fleckner wrote:

On 10/03/2008, at 5:34 PM, Kevin Dixon wrote:

2008-03-10 02:30:08.571 StretchFix[2232] CFLog (0): CFMessagePort:
bootstrap_register(): failed 1103 (0x44f), port = 0x3103, name =

See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.

2008-03-10 02:30:08.572 StretchFix[2232] CFLog (99):
CFMessagePortCreateLocal(): failed to name Mach port

What do these mean, and how might I be causing them? Thanks!

If I remember correctly, this happened to me when I ran my app from  
Xcode but already had the app running.  You know, add some code,  
run the app, correct code, run the app... oops, forgot to quit it  

Specifically it happens most often  when you're running the app in  
the debugger and then launch it without the debugger.  Otherwise  
Xcode catches it and quits the process (either in the debugger or  

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: NSURLDownload and userInfo

2008-03-10 Thread Ben Lachman
Alternatively, if you're managing more than two requests at a time  
you can declare a mutable array of connections and then build a  
dictionary for each connection that includes any info you want you  
delegate to have available.  I have a method that build the  
connection dict for a connection like this:

[self _connectionDictionaryWithConnection:[NSURLConnection  
connectionWithRequest:postRequest delegate:self] ofType:type  
andObject:object  selector:aSelector  context:contextInfo];

which uses this method:

- (NSDictionary *)_connectionDictionaryWithConnection: 
(NSURLConnection *)connection ofType:(NSString *)type andObject:(id) 
object selector:(SEL)aSelector context:(void *)contextInfo {

return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
connection, @connection,
type, @type,
[NSMutableData data], @data,
object, @object,
contextInfo, @context,
NSStringFromSelector(aSelector), @selector,

and then to retrieve it I call:

- (NSDictionary *)_connectionDictionaryForConnection:(NSURLConnection  
*)connection {
	NSArray *matchArray = [connections filteredArrayUsingPredicate: 
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@connection == %@, connection]];

if( [matchArray count]  1 )
NSLog(@multiple connection matches\n);

if( ! isEmpty(matchArray) )
return [matchArray lastObject]; 
return nil;

Perhaps not the most efficient, but work for my 10-15 concurrent  
often changing connections.


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 10, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Clint Shryock wrote:

Do you have two instances of NSURLDownload?
if they are declared in the .h file you could test for equality in the
delegate method.

- (void)downloadDidBegin:(NSURLDownload *)download {
  if(download == myNSURLDownloadA) {
//  something for a
  if(download == myNSURLDownloadB) {
//  something for b

2008/3/9 Trygve Inda [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I am using NSURLDownload and NSURLRequest to download 2 different  
types of
data (A  B)... Both of which are related to the same class so  
they share

delegate methods.

In my delegate, when there is an error or successful completion I  
need to
call one process method for A and a different one for B. To  
enable this,

is there a way to attach some sort of userInfo type (even an int) to
the NSURLDownload or NSURLRequest... Or should I subclass one of  
them to

a variable?


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Re: NSURLDownload and userInfo

2008-03-10 Thread Ben Lachman

On Mar 10, 2008, at 9:52 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 10 Mar '08, at 6:35 PM, Ben Lachman wrote:

Alternatively, if you're managing more than two requests at a time  
you can declare a mutable array of connections and then build a  
dictionary for each connection that includes any info you want you  
delegate to have available.

I think it's cleaner just to declare a class with that info as its  
instance variables, and then use a separate instance of that class  
as the delegate for each connection. That way you're working _with_  
the API instead of around it.


I don't know if I agree with the working with the APIs bit.  I think  
it's obvious that the APIs expect a single delegate to be able to  
handle multiple objects using it concurrently, thus the passing of  
the object that is delegating to the delegate.  Creating 15 delegate  
objects over and over again (in my case every time a user does a  
search, submit, etc.) doesn't seem to be a very clean solution as it  
spreads your networking code out.  You'd basically have to have a  
class that starts your connections and then have another class that  
is the connection's delegate and then possibly have one of those two  
classes, or another one, handle cleaning up or whatever (assuming you  
do something with any data you receive after  
connectionDidFinishLoading:).  I'd rather start connections, handle  
their delegate calls and handle the retrieved data within a single  
class, this is cleaner in my mind.

I also think Jens' general solution ends up being a proponent of lots  
of small, barely there, classes.  While I'm not a proponent of  
monolithic classes I feel like it is all too easy to end up with  
either huge numbers of class files that contain basically no code and  
just make project management harder or files with multiple classes  
per file which also makes project management harder (worse of the  
two, IMO).  Xcode largely makes it quite easy to find the method  
you're looking for so I really don't see the benefit of splitting  
things down to the one/variable class point.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: -[NSMenu popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView:] crashing in __isSystemFont on 10.5.2

2008-03-07 Thread Ben Lachman
EXC_BAD_ACCESS.  But I think I found the issue.  I wasn't retaining  
the font returned by menuFontForSize:.  What threw me off was that  
this never caused a problem in Tiger (perhaps it is a static instance  
that is returned there) but did on Leopard.  No idea of the reason  
for the change though.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 7, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 4:31 PM, Ben Lachman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In my custom view I call [NSMenu popUpContextMenu:contextMenu
 withEvent:theEvent forView:self] during mousDown: in some cases. It
 sometimes crashes during this call in [NSFont __isSystemFont].  The
 menu I'm giving it has multiple sizes of the default menu font in  

 Any ideas why this is happening?  Same code works fine on Tiger.

What's the actual crash?

--Kyle Sluder


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Textview not resizing in Leopard

2008-03-07 Thread Ben Lachman

Ok, last question of the day.

I have a textview (enclosed in the normal scrollview) that resizes  
fine in Tiger but in Leopard is clipped on the bottom.  The text  
container is set to track the textview width and the textview is set  
to be vertically resizable but not horizontally resizable.  Its  
autoresizing mask is set to width and height sizable.  Both the  
scrollview and the clip view appear to have the correct frame/bounds  
while the textview's frame is incorrect.  Anyone run into something  
like this?  I googled a bunch of related terms and came up with  
almost nothing.


Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Re: Custom View drawn twice?

2008-03-05 Thread Ben Lachman
displayIfNeededIgnoringOpacity goes back up the view hierarchy  
looking for an opaque superview to start drawing with. Doing so was  
causing an infinite drawing loop.  I'm pretty sure this is because  
you're not really supposed to be calling setNeedsDisplay...: and  
displayIfNeeded...: within your drawRect: method.  In any case it was  
a nasty hack to get correct looking functionality and I'm actually  
more interested in figuring out what is causing the double drawing  
than hack a fix on top of it.

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Mar 3, 2008, at 5:38 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote:

Am 29.02.2008 um 20:55 schrieb Ben Lachman:

[self displayIfNeededIgnoringOpacity];

 Is there a particular reason why you're calling this method? Won't  
plain old -displayIfNeeded do the job?

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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re: Core Data, SQLite, and Housekeeping

2008-03-05 Thread Ben Trumbull

 ... so that's fine, but SQLite's documentation says of auto_vacuum:

When the auto-vacuum flag is 1 (full), the freelist pages are moved
to the end of the file and the file is truncated to remove the
freelist pages at every commit. Note, however, that auto-vacuum only
truncates the freelist pages from the file. Auto-vacuum does not
defragment the database nor repack individual database pages the way
that the VACUUM command does. In fact, because it moves pages around
within the file, auto-vacuum can actually make fragmentation worse.

  Okay, well that sucks. So now the question is this: does Core Data
implicitly run VACUUM? If so, when? How often? Unfortunately googling
and archive-searching did not produce any obvious answers to this
particular question. My guess is that the answer is, Yes, at every
save, but I'd like to be sure and I'm not familiar enough with SQLite
to know how to test this myself. Any takers?

No, Core Data does not implicitly run a manual vacuum.  Such a vacuum 
recreates the database file from scratch and then (conceptually) 
swaps it for the current database file.  It can be extremely 
expensive for large files or files on network mounts, although for 
most files it's reasonable but slow.

The framework can't really know when it's an acceptable time for your 
app to pause for several to many seconds to do this kind of house 
keeping.  Also, small to medium sized databases with proper indices 
are very fast, and the benefit to a vacuum back to a clean state is 

Running a manual vacuum at every save would be crazy.  Even if you 
were running very large saves for a gigantic import operation, you'd 
rather vacuum at the end of the application specific import.  That 
way you could have multiple threads/processes running the import, and 
the added concurrency would utterly overwhelm any small benefit to 

For larger databases, reducing internal fragmentation can make a 
significant difference, especially on lower end hardware/laptops. 
Laptops typically use much slower drives, and often have less RAM, so 
they pay a heavy penalty for fragmentation.  On modern desktop 
hardware, the kernel does a pretty amazing job so it can be 
challenging to observe this problem.  Even a vanilla config Mac Pro 
is a monster compared to most laptops.

Since the vacuum command recreates the file, it also reduces external 
fragmentation which is usually a more significant problem (i.e. 
fragmentation of the file across the device).

If you have any performance data showing problems with internal db 
fragmentation (i.e. sqlite3 dbname 'vacuum' fixes it, but cp 
doesn't), we'd love to hear about it.



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Re: Core Data, SQLite, and Housekeeping

2008-03-05 Thread Ben Trumbull
If you have any performance data showing problems with internal db 
fragmentation (i.e. sqlite3 dbname 'vacuum' fixes it, but cp 
doesn't), we'd love to hear about it.

  Thanks, Ben, for this informative response. So what you're saying, 
in summary is:

1 - Vacuuming on every save is inefficient to the point of silliness.

Yup.  Kinda defeats the point of having incremental load/saves in a 
transactional persistent store.

2 - For anything but very large databases and/or running on slow 
hardware, the benefits of vacuuming is minimal anyway.

Your mileage may vary as to what exactly constitutes a large 
database, but for smaller databases and faster hardware there is a 
diminishing return.

Certainly, there are cases where vacuuming makes sense.  One might 
perform a manual vacuum after a initial import, especially for a 
large database (i.e. the cost for the vacuum is balanced by many 
future queries) or after a significant operation like upgrading to a 
new version.

  To that, I pose another question: Why, then, does it make such a 
huge difference when I run the vacuum command against Mail's 
database? After just a month of usage, Mail seems sluggish when 
switching between various folders, but once I run the vacuum 
command, it is once again snappy?

Well, many people run Mail constantly so the database is experiencing 
a significant amount of churn over a month, and the envelope index is 
often quite large.  A month of incessant use is a nice chunk of 

You can see I/O performance using the fs_usage command.  If you're 
experiencing a large amount of fragmentation, the response times on 
the I/Os will increase as the drive has to seek more.

You can compare the performance gain from vacuuming the Mail index to 
simply using cp to create a new index file.  If the drive has a nice 
chunk of free space, OSX will try to keep the file's blocks close 
together when creating the copy.

The point at which a manual vacuum pays for the cost of rewriting the 
file depends on a lot of factors.



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Re: Undo and Core Data issue

2008-03-05 Thread Ben Trumbull

At 6:58 PM -0800 3/5/08, Michael Latta wrote:
The calls are on the Will/Did undo/redo notifications not the KVO 
callbacks on object changes.

Ah, okay.  There shouldn't be any need to call -processPendingChanges 
there, unless you're programmatically working with your own undo 

What I am seeing is that my code changes a managed object property, 
I undo, and no change occurs in the managed object.  The property 
affected is a binary attribute (a CATransform3D as bytes).

Does your code changing the property trigger a KVO event (i.e. are 
you missing a call to -willChangeValueForKey:) ?  Do you see 
notifications from the MOC when you initially make the change ?

Are you undoing programmatically or as a user ?

The undo behaves the same as before I added any notification 
processing however.

That suggests the problem lies elsewhere.


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CoreData fed ImageView blank on first run.

2008-03-05 Thread Ben Lachman
I have an NSImageView subclass that displays thumbnails of a CoreData  
attribute via its value binding.  The thumbnail (an NSImage) is  
stored as a transient attribute and updated lazily as needed.  This  
all works and looks great except for the first time the app is  
launched(and sets up a lot of state).  Throughout this run the  
ImageView is blank white.  Debugging leads me to believe that the  
bindings seem to be intact and that the data is correct coming out of  
coredata, however the ImageView never gets a drawRect: call even when  
it's direct superview does.  Anyone run into something like this or  
have any pointers?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software



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Tabless NSTabView IB3 Bug

2008-03-04 Thread Ben Einstein
I'm trying to use a tabless NSTabView in IB3. Before Leopard, you  
could double-click the space towards the top of the view and select  
the tabs, even though there was no visible tab. I also believe there  
was a control in the inspector to specify current tab? Anyway, none of  
these methods work in IB3. So if you create a tabless tab view there's  
no way to change the current tab in interface builder without changing  
to a tabbed type (which offsets sizes and positions). I have a hard  
time believing this has gone unnoticed. Am I missing something?


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Re: Tabless NSTabView IB3 Bug

2008-03-04 Thread Ben Einstein
Yea, I know that. But shouldn't there be a more accessible way? I  
don't use the browser/outline view much and it used to be much easier  
to change between tabs.


On Mar 4, 2008, at 11:10 AM, Benjamin Stiglitz wrote:

I'm trying to use a tabless NSTabView in IB3. Before Leopard, you  
could double-click the space towards the top of the view and select  
the tabs, even though there was no visible tab. I also believe  
there was a control in the inspector to specify current tab?  
Anyway, none of these methods work in IB3. So if you create a  
tabless tab view there's no way to change the current tab in  
interface builder without changing to a tabbed type (which offsets  
sizes and positions). I have a hard time believing this has gone  
unnoticed. Am I missing something?

You can use the nib’s document window’s outline view to switch  
between the tabs.



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Re: Core Data and retain count

2008-03-04 Thread Ben Trumbull


On Mar 2, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Ben Trumbull wrote:

 My question is, why would changing a property value cause another
 property to have its retain count increase?

 No idea.  Why don't you run it in gdb and break on the -retain 
 method and get some stack traces ?
 This works best if the class you're debugging (in this case the 
 value window controller) has a custom retain/release method that you 
 can break on instead of NSObject's etc.  If it doesn't, you can 
 trivially make one by adding a category on it and putting -retain/-

 release/-autorelease methods on it that simply call super.

Good idea.  Here's the stack trace:
#0	0x29aa in -[NSWindowController(MainWindow) retain] at 
#1	0x92dfa378 in -[NSManagedObject(_NSInternalMethods) 

#2  0x92dfa250 in -[NSManagedObject(_NSInternalMethods) _allProperties]
#3	0x92dfa185 in -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalChangeProcessing) 

#4  0x92dfd516 in _PFFastMOCObjectWillChange
#5  0x92dfb4e3 in -[NSManagedObject willChangeValueForKey:]
#6  0x00021a6c in -[Window setOpenAtLaunch:] at Window.m:117

Not sure what to make of it, nor why setting the property openAtLaunch 
increments the retain count for the window controller property.

At a low level, what's going on is that you're dirtying a managed 
object and Core Data is taking a snapshot of the previous state for 
this user event.  The snapshot supports undo, rollback, and the merge 
policies, among other odds and ends.  This snapshot may be pushed 
onto the undo stack, or simply kept around until you -save:, 
-rollback, or -reset the NSManagedObjectContext

At a high level, you've created a retain cycle between the M  V 
layers of the MVC pattern.

After some thought, it seems a bit weird to make the 
NSWindowController an attribute of a managed object.  Technically, 
you could solve this problem by making it an unmodeled property 
(ivar).  However, this is probably a symptom of a larger design issue.



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Re: Custom View drawn twice?

2008-03-02 Thread Ben Lachman
, 470},  
{400, 24}}

18.461 RVApp[25760] BackgroundView: drawRect:
18.473 RVApp[25760] TextView: drawRect:
18.479 RVApp[25760] MagnetClipView: setNeedsDisplayInRect:{{0, 0},  
{160, 200}}

18.479 RVApp[25760] MagnetClipView: drawRect:
18.481 RVApp[25760] MagnetClipView: setsNeedsDisplay:NO
18.481 RVApp[25760] RVImageView: drawRect:
18.489 RVApp[25760] MagnetView: drawRect:
18.490 RVApp[25760] BackgroundView: setsNeedsDisplay:NO
**Top of Run loop**

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Feb 29, 2008, at 5:52 PM, Ken Ferry wrote:

I don't see a problem in your drawRect: code, so it'd be in something
you haven't posted.  Perhaps you could post a sample application?

One possibility is that your -isOpaque method returns YES, so the view
system thinks it doesn't have to redraw your superview before asking
you to draw.

If you're subclassing NSView, you'd have to opt-in to return YES from
-isOpaque, but if you're subclassing a deeper AppKit view class, it
may already be marked as opaque.


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re: Core Data and retain count

2008-03-02 Thread Ben Trumbull

My question is, why would changing a property value cause another
property to have its retain count increase?

No idea.  Why don't you run it in gdb and break on the -retain method  
and get some stack traces ?
This works best if the class you're debugging (in this case the value  
window controller) has a custom retain/release method that you can  
break on instead of NSObject's etc.  If it doesn't, you can trivially  
make one by adding a category on it and putting -retain/-release/- 
autorelease methods on it that simply call super.

So by the time the user wants to delete a managed object from the  
list, the window controller could have a high

value and is never released!

This sounds like a hypothetical concern as opposed to an empirically  
observed leak.  Each retainer is obliged to balance itself out  
eventually.  That's not your problem.  Generally speaking, the retain  
count is an implementation dependent value and not really meaningful  

- Ben


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Re: NSTextField and NSTextAttachment

2008-02-27 Thread Ben Lachman
I'd say the field editor is the problem.  NSCell provides  
setAttributedStringValue: and I assume stores and displays that value  
as well as reacting to clicks when not editing.  Once you begin  
editing the firstResponder is set to the field editor and your  
textfield becomes its delegate, so for all intents and purposes the z- 
order has changed.  So at this point you need to deal with the field  
editor using the delegate methods.  I'd say  
textView:clickedOnCell:inRect:atIndex: and friends looks promising  
(of course you'll need to subclass NSTextField).  your other option  
would be to implement a custom field editor, but I think this would  
probably end up being a lot more work.

Hope this helps,

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software


On Feb 26, 2008, at 11:11 PM, Sean Willson wrote:

i've created a NSTextView and placed one or more NSTextAttachment
within it that wrap controls and i'm able to get the behavior of
clicking the control etc as i want. however when i place the same
NSTextAttachment in a NSTextField via:

[textField setAttributedStringValue:[NSAttributedString

it doesn't behave at all like the NSTextView. well let me extrapolate
 it behaves the same as textview in that if i DON'T click into the
TextField but do click on the control it works fine. if i however
click into the textfield first, the control associated with the
attachment doesn't receive any mouse events after that and it's almost
as if it's not sitting in the same z-order as it is when it's in the
textview. i was wondering if anyone knew what was happening here? is
the FieldEditor getting placed above it when mousedown is performed in
the text field? is there any magic i can do to reorder it so that the
embedded control can get mouse events?


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